#intercontinental title match
miss-kuki-nz · 12 days
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It's your time boo, get that IC title!!
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daminouspurity · 2 years
WWE WrestleMania 39 Intercontinental Championship Gunther vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus WWE 2K23
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cavinginhisfvce · 25 days
Old Habits Die Hard | jey uso x rhea ripley
a jhea story snippet ill never finish i fear..
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This wasn’t supposed to be happening. Jey wasn’t supposed to be mad at her, he wasn’t supposed to be avoiding her, or only interacting with her when the situation called for it.
And yet…all those things were true. They were true because try as hard as she might, Rhea couldn’t seem to fight the itch to do something underhanded, whether it be to win her own matches, or help her almost, but not quite boyfriend win his Intercontinental title match.
She could’ve predicted he’d be a little upset, if for no other reason than he didn’t win said title cleanly. However, in Rhea’s defense, her ‘help’ only served to work in Bron’s favor; Jey still got the pin of his own volition.
Rhea could see in Jey’s eyes when he caught her gaze as the ref raised his arm, that he was upset. It just hadn’t dawned on her just how upset he was.
But, here they were, two weeks down the line, and Jey wouldn’t even say more than two words to her if Damian wasn’t around.
Damian noticed a change in how Jey was acting with Rhea, and when he questioned it, Jey shrugged him off with a small smile, his eyes never leaving Rhea as he spoke,
“She know what’s up.”
His smile didn’t reach his eyes, and Rhea knew then, she’d well and truly fucked up.
She just didn’t know how badly until Sami Zayn came barreling down her hotel door, his lips pursed as he invited himself into the space without hesitation.
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
safe and sound - jeff hardy
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2000s!jeff hardy x fem! reader (requested)
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none i think, fluff, ended up mostly gender neutral except for a few pet names
november 8th 2001:
you were standing ringside as your two best friends, lita and jeff, took on lance storm and ivory in a mixed tag team match. originally, matt was supposed to be out here with lita, but he ended up in an intercontinental championship match instead, leaving her without a tag partner, until jeff stepped up. lita and jeff were both amazing to watch, but it stressed you out just how easily they threw themselves off the top ropes and around the ring. you hadn’t been wrestling as long as they had, and you were still in awe everytime you got to see them in action up close.
jeff jumped over the top rope, taking out lance as lita slammed ivory down in the centre of the ring. the redhead climbed up to the top rope and hit a perfect litasault, pinning ivory to win the match for her and jeff.
jeff, who was still outside the ring next to you hugged you and spun you around, before lita pulled him into the ring for the official to raise their arms as the winners. the three of you heading up the ramp and backstage. the three of you hugged to celebrate the victory, and you and lita went to your shared dressing room so you could get changed.
“you were incredible! you and jeff make a really good team, ya know,” you smiled, as she grabbed an outfit from her suitcase and began getting changed.
“thanks. you guys would make a better team though,” she replied.
“i doubt it. i’m nowhere near as good as you.”
“that’s not true. but even if it was, you and jeff have this… insane chemistry that i don’t have with him. you understand eachother in a way i’ve never seen before,” she said as she finished getting dressed. you and the hardy’s had been friends for years, and while you also considered lita to be your best friend, you and jeff did have a special bond; a closer connection than you’d ever had with anyone.
“maybe. but you guys work great together regardless. i don’t think i could do some of those moves you did tonight.” you knew that you weren’t on the same level as lita, and you were okay with that.
“yeah, but you and jeff are really on the same wavelength. maybe one day it’ll be you two against me and matt. that would be fun,” she laughed, grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave the venue.
“that would be amazing,” you agreed.
“that is, if matt actually showed up,” lita added, still a little upset that he had not been the one in the tag match with her tonight.
“are you guys okay?” you asked, concerned.
“yeah, we’re great. it was a title opportunity for him; i can’t really blame him for taking it.” you nodded in agreement.
you picked up your own bag, following lita out of the dressing room, and heading back to the hotel.
you and lita were watching tv in your hotel room, when she received a call from matt.
“right now? oh- okay,” she laughed. “i’ll meet you downstairs in a minute i just have to get dressed,” she spoke into her cell phone. “yeah i’ll ask them. okay see you soon.” she hung up the phone and stood up off the bed, and you looked at her expectantly.
“matt and i are going out for drinks or to the club…i don’t know he didn’t specify. you’re coming too, and jeff,” she explained, sliding her shoes on and checking her appearance in the mirror.
“lita, you know i hate the club -“
“i said i don’t know if we’re going there, matt just said out. it’ll be fun, pleaseee,” she begged, pouting and tugging at your arm to get you up off the bed.
“okay fine, but only if jeff’s going. i’m not third wheeling with you and matt again,” you laughed, recalling the last time you went out with just the two of them, and you had felt like a buzzkill the whole time.
“fine, go get him. matt left their extra key card here for me, the room numbers on it.” she sighed, grabbing her purse and putting her shoes on. “meet us downstairs in a few minutes.” you nodded, quickly fixing your appearance as you hadn’t been planning on going anywhere, before leaving the room to go find jeff.
you got to his room after a few turns down the hallway, and knocked on the door.
“who is it?” you heard jeff’s voice from in the room.
“hey, it’s me. lita gave me the key card; can i come in?” you called.
“yeah, o’course,” he replied, and you swiped the key, letting yourself in. “what’s up?” he asked, sitting up in his bed as you walked into the room.
“matt and lita want us to go out - i told her i would only go if you do.”
“where are they goin?” he asked, looking uninterested in the idea of going anywhere. he was wearing a black tank top that was tight to his torso, and some black track shorts that you could see as the blanket had gathered around his waist when he sat up.
“i don’t know, lita wasn’t sure. i guess matt didn’t say,” you answered. “they’re waiting in the lobby.”
jeff groaned as he flopped backwards to lay down again, his eyes closed. you laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him and gently shaking his shoulders.
“c’mon, j.”
“do you really wanna go? baby, you hate goin’ out.” you didn’t think much of the pet name, people from the south said it all the time.
“not really, but- hey!” you yelped in surprise as jeff grabbed your wrist, gently pulling you down to lay next to him.
“good, let’s just stay here then,” he said, rightly wrapping his arms your waist, clinging to you like a koala.
“at least let me call lita and tell her we’re not going before she sends out a search party, you laughed. jeff let go of you enough for you to sit up, and you dialled litas cell number.
“hey, i think jeff and i are gonna stay in tonight. i’m sorry lita, next time. yes i know that’s what i say everytime but i promise. i know i say that too. okay, be safe, i’ll see you later.”
you hung up your cell, placing it on the nightstand before you kicked off your shoes and cuddled into bed with jeff. you had been friends for so long, it wasn’t wierd at all, often sharing a bed or falling asleep on the couch together after too many horror movies.
“your match tonight was great, by the way,” you complimented, and jeff smiled.
“thank you, i try to put on a good show. maybe one day we’ll have a tag match together,” he hummed as you laid back down, curling into his chest as he pulled you close again.
“that’s what lita was saying. she thinks we have some magical bond that would make us unstoppable,” you mumbled, your voice muffled because of how you were laying.
“i think she’s right,” jeff replied. “one day i���ll get you in the ring with me and we can prove matt’s theory. he thinks we can read each others minds and that’s why we think the same thing all the time.” you laughed at him, and jeff smiled wide at the sound.
“we’ll see. you scare me sometimes with how much you throw yourself around. and i don’t know about wrestling guys yet,“ you admitted.
“c’mon, you’re better than some of them already,” he said, ignoring your concern for his well being.
“i don’t know,” you mumbled. jeff pushed you back gently so you could look at eachother.
“well i do know. you’re amazing. and i would never let anything bad happen to you,” he promised. “inside the ring or outside of it.”
“i know. i feel safe with you,” you admitted, and jeff smiled.
“darlin, that’s the best thing i’ve ever heard.” you relaxed into him again, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“i don’t want anything to happen to you, either,” you said. you knew jeff was amazing at what he did, but that didn’t make it any less scary when he threw himself off of twenty foot ladders.
“you don’t have to worry about me, i ain’t going anywhere,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
“promise?” you asked, and jeff’s arms tightened around you.
“i promise, babygirl.”
“i love you, jeff,” you sighed happily.
“you mean it?” he asked, and you kissed his cheek.
“of course.” jeff rolled over so you were both laying on your sides, face to face. “you don’t know that already?”
“i just like hearin you say it,” he smiled, and you laughed. “ya know you do this little nose scrunch when you laugh sometimes, it’s really cute.”
“shut up, i do not.”
“you just did it!” he laughed, and you hid your face in his chest. “it’s cute, don’t be embarrassed.”
“too late.”
“you don’t have to be embarrassed around me, hell we’ve seen eachother at our worst and we’re still friends.” jeff was right; you had been through a lot together, and at this point you didn’t think there was anything that could come between you.
“i know,” you sighed. “i don’t think anything will ever change that.”
“good. and i love you too.” you hummed in response, and there was a comfortable silence for a minute.
“we would make a good tag team though,” you admitted, and jeff laughed, and you could feel the vibration in his chest.
“damn right,” he agreed.
“lita said we should have a match against her and matt.”
“oh hell yeah, that’d be so awesome. any excuse to wrestle my brother, and you and lita against eachother would kick ass.”
“you mean she would kick my ass,” you laughed.
“you don’t give yourself enough credit. yeah she’s great but you are too.”
“thanks jeff, i appreciate that.”
“o’course,” he kissed the top of your nose, and you giggled. “you did it again -“
“shut up!” you laughed, punching his chest playfully.
“yeah? you gonna make me?” he asked, and started tickling your ribs, causing you to laugh harder. you wrestled around until you managed to get on top of him, straddling his hips.
“stop - or i start tickling you next.”
“alright alright, truce.” he held his hands up in surrender, and you caught your breath, realizing the position you were in. jeff sat up, holding you in his lap.
“you said nothing could change our friendship right?” he asked softly, his eyes looking into yours.
“yeah, why-“ jeff leaned forward and kissed you softly, his lips barely touching yours before he pulled back. he waited for you to react, nervous that he had ruined everything, until you kissed him back, hands tangling in his messy blue and purple hair. jeff’s hands rested on your hips as he returned the kiss, smiling against your lips, before you separated.
“okay, maybe something could change the friendship slightly; but in a good way,” you smiled, and jeff bumped his forehead against yours softly, before laying back against the pillow, pulling you with him.
“i love you,” he said for the second time that night, perhaps meaning it a little differently now.
“i love you too,” you replied.
“say that again,” he breathed, squeezing you tighter.
“i love you.” jeff smiled as you kissed the underside of his jaw softly, and he turned off the lamp on the bedside table as you tangled your legs together under the blankets. jeff’s hand slid beneath the hem of your shirt slightly, drawing little shapes gently on the skin of your back as you both drifted off to sleep.
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Hey girl can I request a Jey Uso x wrestler reader fic?
(Just imagine that the title match on RAW actually happened at Bad Blood)
Reader is backstage with Jey's family as they all watch his match against Bron Breakker for the Intercontinental Championship
Can you make it emotional too please.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks so much @miss-kuki-nz for requesting this! I hope you enjoy it!
WARNINGS: None. This is just pure FLUFF!
The atmosphere backstage was electric, the palpable tension mingling with the buzzing energy of the crowd echoing through the arena. You could hear the roar of the fans, your heart racing alongside the anticipation of Jey Uso’s monumental match.
Tonight was Bad Blood, where Jey was set to face Bron Breakker for the Intercontinental Championship. It was a night that could change everything for him—his first singles title after years of tag team glory with his brother, Jimmy.
You were surrounded by Jey’s family, each of them holding their breath as they watched the match unfold on the monitor. Jimmy stood to your left, a frown etched on his face, while their father, Rikishi, seemed cool and calm.
The energy shifted as the match began, with Jey taking control, rallying the crowd behind him. You leaned forward, eyes glued to the screen, heart pounding as Jey executed his signature moves with precision.
“Come on, Jey!” you whispered, barely able to contain your excitement. His charisma radiated from the screen, and the way he played to the crowd made you feel alive.
But then, the tide began to turn. You watched as Bron’s brute strength overpowered Jey, slamming him to the mat with bone-crushing force. Your stomach dropped.
“No, no, no…” you murmured, hands instinctively moving to cover your mouth as you winced at the impact. Every time Jey grimaced in pain, it felt like a dagger to your heart.
As the match progressed, Bron’s dominance became evident, and frustration boiled within you. You wanted to reach through the screen and shake Jey, tell him to get up, to fight back. The crowd cheered, and your family erupted with shouts of encouragement, but it felt like a distant echo amidst the chaos.
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, anger simmering at Bron’s showboating antics.
Just when it seemed like Bron had Jey on the ropes, the tide shifted again. Jey seized a fleeting opportunity, kicking Bron’s head and sending him staggering.
A renewed wave of hope washed over you, adrenaline surging through your veins as Jey charged across the ring, launching Bron over the ropes.
The crowd erupted, and you leaped to your feet, fists pumping in the air, sharing a triumphant glance with Jimmy.
“This is it! Let’s go, Jey!” you shouted, your voice mingling with the deafening roar of the fans. You could see the determination flicker back into Jey’s eyes, feeding off the energy of the crowd.
But just as victory seemed close, Bron retaliated, catching Jey off-guard with a brutal punch. Your heart sank as Bron slammed Jey against the announce table over and over.
The anguish in your chest felt heavy, a tight knot of worry. It was a fight for survival now, a back-and-forth that seemed endless, each near-fall tightening your throat in despair.
Finally, in a moment that felt like it spanned a lifetime, Jey found an opening, landing a devastating spear on Bron. The crowd roared, a wave of euphoria crashing over you. You watched as Jey ascended to the top rope, heart racing. This was it—the Uso Splash.
He soared through the air, crashing down onto Bron, and you held your breath.
One… Two… Just as the referee’s hand hovered above the mat for the third count, Bron kicked out.
The air left your lungs, a mixture of disbelief and despair washing over you as the realization sank in. Around you, Jey’s family mirrored your reaction, hands covering their faces, disbelief etched in every expression.
The match continued each moment a pulse of hope and despair until Jey executed an explosive spear through the barricade. The crowd erupted into a frenzy, your cheers mingling with their chants, your heart soaring with every movement.
As the match drew to a close, Jey delivered the Uso Splash once more. You felt a surge of energy radiate from your core.
The ref’s hand hit the mat once, twice, and then for the final time—three! The bell rang, signaling the victory, and the arena erupted.
Jey Uso was the new Intercontinental Champion!
You could hardly process the overwhelming joy and pride swelling in your chest as you turned to Jimmy, embracing him tightly. Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, emotions pouring forth as Jey’s family surrounded you in a whirlwind of celebration.
“Let’s go see him!” Jimmy shouted, pulling you along as you followed the family towards the exit. Excitement bubbled inside you; you needed to congratulate Jey, to tell him how proud you were of him.
As you peered through the curtain, the sight before you was heartwarming. Jey was amidst a sea of fans, their energy radiating as they chanted his name. The sheer joy on his face was infectious.
The moment his eyes lock onto yours, everything else fades away. The noise of the crowd dims, the excitement around you blurs, and it feels like it’s just the two of you in that moment. A brilliant smile spreads across his face, lighting up his features, and for a brief second, all the struggles and pain of the match seem to melt away.
Before you even realize it, you’re moving toward him, your heart racing with a mixture of excitement and emotion. Jey closes the distance between you, his long strides quickening as he approaches. In one swift motion, he pulls you into an embrace, his strong arms wrapping tightly around you. You bury your face in his shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of sweat and adrenaline, mixed with something distinctly Jey.
“Y/N!” he exclaims, his voice muffled against your hair. “I did it! I really did it!”
Tears prick at your eyes as the weight of the moment hits you. You pull back slightly to look at him, taking in the sparkle in his eyes—the victory, the joy, the sheer disbelief that he finally achieved this dream. “I’m so proud of you, Jey,” you say, your voice trembling with emotion. “You worked so hard for this. You deserve every bit of it.”
He shakes his head, a grin still plastered across his face. “Couldn’t have done it without you guys cheering me on,” he replies, his hand finding the back of your head. He holds you close again, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. You can feel the warmth of his body, the steady beat of his heart against your chest, and it grounds you in this whirlwind of emotions.
For a moment, you both linger in this embrace, surrounded by the chaos of his family and the fans outside, but none of that matters. In this bubble, it’s just the two of you—two wrestlers bound by shared passion, dreams, and the undeniable bond you’ve forged through the ups and downs of this crazy life.
When he finally pulls back, he keeps one arm securely around your waist, an anchor amid the excitement. You can see the glint of the championship belt catching the light, a reminder of the battle he fought, but more importantly, the victory he earned. As he turns to greet his family, you can’t help but feel that this moment—the pride, the joy, the love—is just the beginning of something even more special between you two.
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
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On this day in 1993: Razor Ramon defeated Rick Martel to claim the WWF Intercontinental title! Match aired on October 11, 1993.
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
I think the interesting thing about the inevitable judgement day implosion is that it literally could come at any angle and from anybody. It has so many different variables and factors it's fascinating. The obvious ones being Rhea/Dom betrayal or the Finn/Liv/JD betrayal but it totally has more. We all agree Finn is most definitely a main instigator though. There's also a Damian/Dominik angle to consider. I'm assuming he hasn't forgotten those you're just like my dad/ I'm understanding your father better jabs. Finn and JD turning on Dom cause he's probably still Mami's lapdog ( highly unlikely) last night kinda gave it away in an odd kind of way. Liv/Finn/JD turning on everybody else. Shoot they could just hit a grand swerve and have Carlito be the head perpetrator for the hell of it, nobody really suspects him. Damian is obviously branching out to being a baby face, Rhea is so over that she's a baby face; though realistically speaking in the feud she's supposed to be the heel. So we could rule them out.
That leaves Finn, Dom, JD and Carlito. I'm not saying Liv. She made her intentions clear from the jump. Also they set up a way for Finn to get his hands on the World Heavyweight Championship, which he has been eyeing since the jump so nicely by them attacking Sami and Jey leading to them probably getting a shot at the tag titles. They lose the tag titles if Finn/JD/Dom/Carlito turn on Rhea and Damian. Finn attacks Damian, JD and Carlito go after Sami and Jey if they win the tag titles and Dom puts himself into the running for the intercontinental title. The feuds could literally write themselves there. I still think Jey should've been in the running to get the intercontinental title after that fumble at Money in the Bank but whatever.
Dominik's motivations could be for his obvious mistreatment by the other members of the group. He was essentially their plaything at the start and sure he grudgingly earned their respect but certain wounds don't heal and Liv presented him an opportunity when she injured Rhea. When they were looking for Jey last night he obviously was going to follow Liv even though Finn led him to her to set him up. Finn/Liv and Dom could be in cahoots together. Also Rhea had to force him down to the ring last night and threaten him to address a problem he should've handled from the jump if it bothered him so much. Plus I know when someone is bullshiting their way out of something. He gets Rhea to lower her guard cause she was his main antagonist and then he cost her the match. Whether accidentally or on purpose or accidentally but totally on purpose is where the question lies. I still think he's enjoying the best of both worlds until Summer Slam or after Summer Slam.
JD is just following somebody's lead. May just want the Heavyweight title himself as well. He's also a wildcard.
Carlito could be the swerve of the century. The Heavyweight title and him still practically being an outsider in the group certainly helps things on his end. Plus he's wishy washy as well.
Then it all comes down to who's the real leader of the gang. Rhea was the unofficial leader whether they wanted to admit it or not. She got injured and it immediately caused a power strife between the group as we all saw. I'm gonna hate seeing my Chaotic Goth Family implode cause I love them together but this could be fun if done right.
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blowflyfag · 9 days
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Inside Wrestling: Volume 26, 2009
wrestling timeline 
Samoa Joe
Inside Wrestling journeys back in time to examine the career of a superstar who has left a major imprint on the sport
MARCH 17, 1979: The future “Samoa Submission Machine,” Nuufolau Joel Seanoa, is born in Orange County, California.
DECEMBER 18, 1999: After only a few months of formal training, 20-year-old Joe competes in his first professional match for UIWA. 
MARCH 3, 2001: Under a developmental deal with WWF, Joe loses to Essa Rios on the company’s Jakked program.
MARCH 14, 2001: Joe wins first singles championship–the UPW heavyweight title–by defeating Christopher Daniels.
JUNE 14, 2001: Joe and Keiji Sakoda win the first-ever NWA Intercontinental tag team championship in Pro Wrestling ZERO1. 
OCTOBER 5, 2002: Joe returns to the United States and begins wrestling for Ring of Honor. He loses his first official match to Low Ki. 
JANUARY 11, 2003: In the first of what would be many epic battles, Joe defeats “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson.
MARCH 22, 2003: Joe captures the Ring of Honor heavyweight title by defeating Xavier.
NOVEMBER 29, 2003: One-time partners A.J. Styles and Joe square off with the ROH champion getting the best of the “Phenomenal One.”
FEBRUARY 14, 2004: At ROH’s second anniversary show, Joe retains the promotion’s championship by defeating Low KI. Dan Maff, and B.J. Whitmer in a “Fatal Four-Way” match.” 
APRIL 23, 2004: When he can’t defeat Joe in the ring during an ROH event, Homicide attempts to end the big Samoan’s career by hitting the champ with a fireball.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2004: In the final round of the IWA: Mid-South Ted Petty Invitational tournament, Joe and Bryan Danielson fall to A.J. Styles. 
DECEMBER 4, 2004: Joe finishes his trilogy of matches against C.M. Punk as the victor. These bouts would go down in ROH history as some of the best the promotion has ever seen. 
DECEMBER 26, 2004: The longest ROH title reign in the promotion’s history comes to an end as Austin Aries beats Joe to win the gold. 
JANUARY 15, 2005: A bitter Joe receives a chairshot to the head and a DDT for good measure from a visiting Mick Foley during a special appearance for ROH.
APRIL 1, 2005: Joe’s downward slide on the indy circuit continues when he loses a number-one contender’s match to A.J. Styles in Pro Wrestling Guerilla. 
MAY 7, 2005: In a fitting change of pace, Joe captures the ROH Pure title when he defeats Jay Lethal. 
JUNE 11, 2005: Joe is victorious in a fiercely intense and physically destructive match against Necro Butcher in IAW: Mid-South. 
JUNE 19, 2005: Only eight days after his match with Necro Butcher, Joe makes his TNA debut at Slammiversary, defeating Sonjay Dutt.
JULY 8, 2005: A very active Joe chokes out Chris Sabin for fun and defeats Shark Boy and Elix Skipper in a three-way match in his Impact debut. 
JULY 17, 2005: Moving to 2-0 at TNA pay-per-views, Joe handily defeats Chris Sabin. 
AUGUST 12, 2005: In another shot at capturing the ROH title, a surprisingly opportunistic James Gibson defeats Joe, C.M. Punk, and Christopher Daniels. 
AUGUST 27, 2005: Two weeks after failing in his attempt to win the ROH title, Joe drops the Pure championship to Nigel McGuinness.
OCTOBER 1, 2005: In a critically acclaimed match, Joe is defeated by a visiting Kenta Kobashi during an ROH event. 
NOVEMBER 13, 2005: At TNAs Genesis pay-per-view, Joe breaks the code of the X division by attacking Christopher Daniels with a chair. He appears in the months that follow with a towel stained with Daniels’ blood. 
DECEMBER 11, 2005: Joe captures his first X division championship by defeating A.J Styles at TNA’s Turning Point pay-per-view, still carrying the blood-stained towel.
FEBRUARY 12, 2006: In a three-way match with A.J.. Styles and Christopher Daniels, Joe retained the X division championship at TNA’s Against All Odds pay-per-view.
MARCH 22, 2006: In the culmination to their long-running three-way feud, Joe loses the X division title to Christopher Daniels as A.J. Styles looks on in an Ultimate X match at Destination X.
APRIL 22, 2006: Joe takes part in the interpromotional feud between ROH and Combat Zone Wrestling. Joe’s ROH squad is defeated in a six-man match. 
OCTOBER 12, 2006: A no-decision is the result of an unsanctioned ladder match for the NWA World championship between Joe and Christian Cage on Impact. 
JANUARY 14, 2007: After struggling with TNA acquisition Kurt Angle for several weeks, Joe loses to the former Olympian at Final Resolution. 
JANUARY 31, 2007: Joe announces he will no longer work for ROH full-time and embarks on a “Samoa Joe Farewell Tour.”
MARCH 4, 2007: In his final appearance for ROH, Joe defeats long-time nemesis Homicide.
MARCH 11, 2007: Another shot at the NWA World championship proves to be in vain as Joe loses to CHristian Cage at TNA’s Destination X pay-per-view. 
JULY 15, 2007: Joe gains the pinfall at TNA’s Victory Road pay-per-view and becomes TNA World tag team champion while simultaneously holding the X division title as well. 
AUGUST 12, 2007: Putting up his X division and TNA World tag team titles against the TNA World title and IWGP championship, Joe loses to Kurt Angle at TNA’s Hard Justice. 
DECEMBER 2, 2007: When Scott Hall no-shows Turning Point, Joe delivers an intense promo aimed at TNA management and his would-be-partner.
FEBRUARY 14, 2008: An unlikely partnership forms on Impact when Joe teams with Christian Cage and Kevin Nash in an ongoing effort to eliminate Kurt Angle’s Alliance from TNA. 
APRIL 13, 2008: Upon eliminating the Angle Alliance, Joe captures his first TNA World Championship by defeating Kurt Angle at Lockdown in a “Six Sides of Steel” match.
OCTOBER 12, 2008: Sting defeats Joe for the TNA World championship at Bound For Glory IV.
OCTOBER 30, 2008: Along with A.J., Styles, The Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, and Consequences Creed, Joe helps lead the team of the Frontline against the Main Event Mafia.
NOVEMBER 9, 2008: In a grudge match against former mentor Kevin Nash, Joe loses in a controversial finish that sees his opponent use the ropes for leverage.
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msbigredmachine · 6 months
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Wrestlemania 40 starts tonight. Wish I was in the States right now 😭 I had to put in my 2 cents on how the show is going to go down.
This is my opinion and nothing more.
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Becky Lynch for the Women's World Title - I think someone else is dethroning Rhea. She’s way too popular right now too.
Gunther (c) vs. Sami Zayn for the WWE Intercontinental Title - same as above. Someone more formidable is dethroning Gunther.
The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damian Priest) (c) vs. #DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) vs. The Awesome Truth (The Miz and R-Truth) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs. A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory and Grayson Waller) vs. New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate) in a Six-Pack Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE tag Team Titles - apparently the titles are getting split, so there’s that.
Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso - Jimmy has essentially been booked as a joke. He needs this win more than Jey does. Jey will be fine, but for some melodramatic reason I see Jey sacrificing himself for his big brother’s sake.
Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill and Naomi vs. Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai, Asuka, and Kairi Sane) - no brainer. WWE are not letting Jade lose her very first match.
Latino World Order (Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee) vs. Santos Escobar and Dominik Mysterio - Dragon Lee has been replaced by Andrade. The result won’t change because Carlito will turn on Rey for looking him over again.
Roman Reigns and The Rock vs. Cody Rhodes and Seth "Freakin'" Rollins - Why have another standard main event match when Bloodline Rules stipulation has been thrown out there? Also, Rock pins Cody. The storyline has focused much more on them and this heaps more adversity on Cody to win.
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Title - Seth’s done all he can do with his reign. Drew has earned a title win in front of fans. The Bloodline may cost Seth. No comment on that guest hypocrite commentator.
Iyo Sky (c) vs. Bayley for the WWE Women's Title - No brainer. Bayley gets her redemption story. Iyo has been good but her title reign has run its course.
Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens for the WWE United States Title - I honestly couldn’t choose, so I picked KO because I like him the best. The match will be fire though.
LA Knight vs. AJ Styles - I’m not very invested in this match. May the better white man win.
Bobby Lashley, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins vs. The Final Testament (Karrion Kross, Akam, and Rezar) in a Philadelphia Street Fight - I’m DEFINITELY not invested in this match. Get Bobby, Montez and Angelo out of this garbage feud, pronto!
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title - My Tribal Chief has had one of the greatest title reigns and orchestrated one of the most compelling storylines in pro wrestling history. He’s beaten the entire roster. It’s time to move the responsibility of ‘Face of the WWE’ to someone else. I like Cody. Wrestling with a torn pec for 30 mins earned my respect. I think he will do a great job of carrying the company and the matchups will be fresh. It will be Bloodline Rules to make way for all the overbooking that’s going to take place in this match. The Rock will turn on Roman to cost him the title and kick-start their feud for WM41.
Thoughts? Am I thinking too much into all of this, lol. Mania is going to be awesome!
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soulc-hilde · 2 months
01. The Crown
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Pairing: Josh Fatu / Jey Uso x Ezmeralda Bey / Aries
Synopsis: Devoted to her craft and her family, WWE Superstar Ezmeralda has a library of accolades accomplished on her own and by the side of her family like never before. As she leads the Women's Revolution to glory, romance seems to find her at the most unexpected moment... in the ring.
Warning(s): SFW, OC is a black woman, swearing, WWE-canon violence, Non-scripted fights, body shaming, body insecurities, WWE's consistant misogyny is blatant until later chapters, etc.
Cross-posted: Wattpad
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"Howdy, howdy, the name's Ezmeralda Bey a.k.a Aries. I am 1/3 of the tag team, the Three Sins with my twin older brothers – Ezra and Ezekiel, also known as Hubris and Nemesis. My career, unlike the other women of the roster, consists of me breaking down and conflicting havoc amongst both the men and women divisions."
"I've won the Intercontinental title, the tag team titles, the U.S title, the Divas, and even the WWE Championship title. To some, they don't like it because it's either I'm trying too hard to replace Chyna – who was one of my trainers by the way – or it's supposedly impossible for me as a 5'2, nearly 210-pound woman to take down a man. I find it hilarious because well, that's all I did growing up was fighting. Regardless your size, your age, your gender – you piss me off, I'm coming for you. As a matter of fact, all my siblings are like this." 
A split screen appears. On the left was a montage of all the Divas from the past and the present while on the right was a montage of Ezmeralda and her appearance both on and off camera. It made note that the woman fancied a darker, tomboy image rather than dresses and heels.
Her cloud of dark brown curls was always either pulled into a puff, braided, or let loose and constantly switched between matching the theme of her outfit and staying natural. Her makeup appearance was dark consisting of black lip liner and clear gloss combo paired with a smoky eye and exaggerated eyeliner.
When it came to her physical appearance, she was thicker than others as her little pudge happily poked out and thrived. Despite the obvious thickness of skin that surrounded her, she carried a balanced amount of muscle that took the spotlight whenever she flexed or had to toss someone on their head.
Although, she wasn't the most model-esque woman on the roster, she was a living example of destruction and beauty intertwined. And she'd be damned and if someone would try to make her feel insecure.
"I am a member of one of the royal WWE families known as the Woods-Bey family. Our family of wrestlers consists of so many blood relatives and even those who aren't blood, but they were trained by my family and adopted some of our moves. My mother, who hails from this family, is known as Titan and the former frenemy of Chyna whereas my father is known as Lycon." 
"I'm not gonna lie, because of my abilities as well as being in a faction with my brothers, I do get a lot more screen time than the regular Divas. I never had to kiss ass for it to happen or anything, but it's just my family legacy. That's my story, you know? My brothers and I are one of the top faces of the company."
Just days until Wrestlemania and no matter where Ezmeralda was to go, chaos seems to follow as Superstars and Divas race from one location to another while roadies unload equipment for testing and designers correct any mistakes before things get out of order. 
For someone new to the scene, they'd feel lost and overwhelmed, but for the Bey triplets, this was a part of their childhood. Their stomping grounds. 
Meeting with their friends in the hotel's gym, the triplets set out to search for them. As they enter, Jon and Josh instantly meet their eyes and wave them inside. As they step closer to the Fatu twins, a wild pairing of Trinity and Ariane come around the corner. Paying the girls no mind, Ezmeralda takes her turn at greeting the boys. Her and Josh nestled in each other's arms. 
"I'm not the most social person in the world, I'm really big on protecting my peace whereas my brothers do all the talking and so forth. However, if I could count how many of my co-workers are my personal friends, it'd take just about four fingers – and that's not including my brothers."
"The Fatu twins and I go back to their FCW days where my brothers and I were their mentors. Jon is like the extra brother, I didn't need, whereas Josh is a bit complicated."
"How you doin' mama?" Josh asks as the two take a set of treadmills right beside each other. 
Ezmeralda shrugs, "not too bad. I'm a bit nervous for Wrestlemania, the boys and I have been going over our intro and outfits for days now." 
He raises his eyebrows with interest, "ooh, do tell me more." She giggles, shaking her head, "no, sir. It's a surprise, I can't be blowing the surprise out the water and all." 
"Since we headin' your family's way for it, you thinking about inviting them?" 
She clicks her tongue in thought, "I mean, I personally don't try and force them to come unless it's something really pivotal in like the storyline or a title match, but you know them – they hard headed as hell, can't tell them fools nothin'."
He kisses his teeth, gently smacking her on the arm. "Girl, you gone stop talkin' about my mama." 
She pauses, eyes widen in disbelief, "about your who now? Cause I ain't mention not a word about Mama T." 
He side eyes her, "you heard what I said. Mama Kala ain't hard headed nor is she a fool."
"She my mama, not yours." He scoffs, "man, not yet. Just you wait cause when I snatch you up and put a ring on it, she gone be my mama, too. Which makes me her spy." 
Ezmeralda stops the treadmill mid-walk, allowing herself to comically slide backwards. "Her spy!? Ah, gotta blast." 
She jumps off, running around the gym. Josh laughs, chasing her through the gym while Jon and her brothers watch with knowing smiles. 
"Since Josh and I became friends, him and his bad ass older brother have always called my parents Mama Kala and Papa E whereas my brothers and I have called their parents, Mama T and Papa Sol. However, for the past year or two when this tension between Josh and I developed, he's been adding on things like how he's gonna marry me this or I'm his lady and he's my man that or whatever." 
She tries to shrug off the obvious effect his affections had on her.
"I wouldn't mind allowing Mr. Fatu to take me on a lil' date and impress me; however, at the same time, I don't want that interfering with work. Like, I can and will be going head-to-head with him and his brother. Our characters have this rivalry going on where really, it's just this unforeseen chemistry we all have with each other. Besides, I'm not good at being vulnerable and letting myself be open – I've always been that way. Why you think I'm 31 and single?"
"Y'all it's Wrestlemania and it's the Deadliest of 'em all, the Three Sins versus The Shield, let's go baby!" She screams, clapping her hands.
The triplets dress in green and black colored outfits. Ezekiel and Ezra wear their pair of wrestling pants designed with asymmetrical patterns and evergreen colored wrestling shoes. 
Ezmeralda wears a dual-colored glitter bralette with straps wrapping around her torso and a pair of matching two-toned shorts with fishnets and matching kneepads with evergreen custom sneakers. They walk for the Guerilla, prepared for their match against The Shield.
They stay behind the curtain as the first notes of 'Animal I've Become' by Three Days Grace plays as the pre-chorus hits, they walk out as their green pyro goes off as the crowd roars with excitement, self-made posters sailing through the stadium of over 70,000 fans. This was their moment and Ezmeralda's step closer to a Woman's Revolution, creating history like no other. 
The six-man tag match starts off with Ezmeralda and her friend and former protege, Joseph, as the two powerhouses go back and forth, tossing each other around. Minutes pass with a series of tags, pin breakups, and kickouts as all six bodies lay draped from the ring to the apron. 
The crowd went as far as doing a 'This is Awesome' chant as Ezmeralda and Joe kept exchanging spears and Samoan drops. After a while, it was time for the match to end as Jonathan pins Ezekiel while Ezmeralda and Ezra lay wasted ring-side.
"It's Wrestlemania, baby!" Ezmeralda cheers in the palms of her hands.
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void-detective · 7 months
Impending Doom
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((GIF NOT MINE!! Dividers made by cafekitsune))
Authors note: There's no fics for this man so I took it upon myself to do a service. This is my first reader x story 😭 I'm sorry if it's a little awkward!
Warnings: teasing, slightly suggestive(?, and simping
Word count: 1,229
Edited 4/23/24: Part two here!
Summary: With your soft spot for dominant heels in the industry, it only seemed inevitable that he would eventually get to you. Although nervous at first your friend helps encourage you to approach the Intercontinental champion, hopefully it goes well.
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Day 639 of Gunther's Intercontinental Championship run
You always had a soft spot for heel wrestlers, whether it be Miz or someone like Pete Dunne. You always enjoyed loving the bad guys over the good guys when I came to wrestling. So you really shouldn't have been surprised when you ended up liking Gunther, right? No one matched the pure strength and dominance of the when it came to being a force to be wreckin with.
You were seated with Rollins backstage to watch a match between Jey Uso and Gunther for his Intercontinental Championship. You had a hunch on who was probably going to win even if you knew everyone adored the Main Event, Jey Uso. You leaned back in the seat watching Jey finish up his entrance and peered over at Seth who was leaned back holding his own championship close on his lap while watching.
As soon as the lights went out in the area and you heard the first few notes of Symphony No. 9, you were inching closer to the edge of your chair. You ignored the look Seth gave you as you watched Gunther walk out in front of the titantron, lifting his head at the cue of music as the Imperium graphics lit up the screen. With his hands folded behind his back and the gold secured around his waist, Gunther walked down towards the ring.
He stepped up the stairs and made his way to the apron where he wiped his feet back and forth before going under the ropes. Once in the ring, Gunther raised the championship before looking at Jey across the ring with a smirk. He walked across the ring holding the title towards his face and turned to hand it off to the referee with a bit of a scowl.
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Each chop delivered across Jey’s chest sent an echo through the arena and you found yourself sitting at the edge of your seat as Gunther picked him up. With a slam into the middle of the ring, Jey was sent down from the powerbomb before the champion went in and pinned him.
The three count ended as Gunther retained and released a breath you didn't realize you were holding as you relaxed your shoulders. You heard Seth chuckle and looked over your shoulder at him as you raised a brow.
“I never seen you so tense over a match Y/N.” Rollins chuckled in amusement as he leaned forward and raised a brow at you in question. “So it's Gunther now? I guess I'm not surprised.” The architect snorted when you scowled at him and waved at you in a dismissive way.
“Have you ever spoken to the guy?” You leaned back in your seat to look more directly at Seth as you tilted your head curiously. You knew he had previously spoken to Gunther in a promo while injured but that was as much as you saw.
“Outside the ring? Nah, but I heard he's a pretty chill guy behind the scenes though. I'd still be careful though, the rest of the Imperium followed him everywhere.” The champion added with a frown as he propped his leg over the other with the hurt one on top. His face showed mostly amusement and curiosity as he watched you stand up.
“Thanks Seth, I'll be careful.” You nodded in agreement as you patted your friend's shoulder as you moved further backstage. You moved past other superstars as you glanced at the people standing around the hallway.
You kept searching till you recognized the black ring attire of the two main Imperium members, along with the large figure of Gunther. You bit your lip feeling your nerves wrecking up all the sudden as you took a deep breath and approached the stable slowly, trying to appear as friendly as possible.
Ludwig immediately took notice of you and raised a judgemental brow as he moved in front of Gunther along with Giovanni stepping to his side with a stiff looking glare. “Can we..help you lass?” Kaiser questioned with a suspicious tone as he folded his arms behind his back.
“Uh, yeah I was wondering if I could talk to Gunther?” You whispered trying to not sound intimidated considering most of them were a lot taller than you. Your brows furrowed in betrayal of your attempt to appear collected as you curled your fingers in your jacket out of habit. You felt like your heart might as well beat out your chest and you might die on the spot but you tried to retain a calm and confident look.
The pair exchanged a look as Kaiser raised an eyebrow before peering over their shoulder at the leader of Imperium. Gunther was removing the tape from his wrist and only gave you half a glance over his shoulder before simply nodding. The other two members moved aside, giving you accusing looks as you slowed inched past towards the Intercontinental champion.
You swallowed hard and stopped just a few feet from him looking up at him as you smiled folding your hands in front of yourself. Please don't let me look like a nervous wreck. You thought to yourself as the Ring General turned to look at you with an unreadable expression crossing his features.
“How can I help you Y/N?” Gunther frowned as he rubbed his face with a towel so he wasn't sweating as much as he looked back at you, not giving much of an expression like the other two had.
“Oh uh, I just wanted to say I thought you were an amazing heel and that you really deserve to be the longest reigning champ. I really admire your work and I uh..I've been watching a lot of your matches as of late.” You chuckled before feeling your cheeks heat up noticing you basically gushed and rambled to him and looked down at the floor as you fidgeted with the jacket.
God damnit.
Gunther only chuckled in an amused way as he smirked and raised a brow seemingly getting a boost in his ego and both prided being praised so openly. His arms now folded over his chest as he seemed to almost size you up only making you feel smaller.
“Really? I'm not used to getting compliments from female superstars but I appreciate the admiration.” He couldn't hide the pure amusement in his tone as he furrowed his brow leaning down slightly to your height. Maybe he could take advantage of the opportunity just to mess with you, your reactions only fueled his amusement anyway.
“But I'd be careful.” His austrian accent became more noticeable in his low, almost dangerous tone. His eyes glimmering in a condescending and mocking way as he stared you down even at this height now. “Running around getting involved with me might just get you..in trouble.” Gunther muttered and let out a small chuckle at the way your cheeks burned brighter.
Giovanni and Kaiser came into view at either side of Gunther while the General watched you like a predator about to take down prey. The other two men smirked too as they exchanged a knowing glance then looked back at the leader of the stable. The last words of the bigger male wrestler left a shiver up your spine when he spoke again in a low tone.
“I would hate to break something so fragile.”
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crxssjae · 6 months
Proudest Man in the World
Kind-hearted. A champion. The lover of Jey Uso. His life transformed in the best moments, to be proud.
a/n: This is post-WrestleMania 40. Took place after Jey won against Jimmy (imagine they have the best brother vs brother match ever) and Sami won the Intercontinental Championship title against Gunther. If y'all see any errors, 🤫, I make mistakes too.
Also posted on AO3 (here) and Wattpad (here). These belong to my samijey/jeysami short and long stories collection called "All Night."
Other WWE fics and samijey/jeysami fics are posted on my WWE masterlist here.
Word Count: 1,333
Warning(s): 18+ only (minors DNI), NSFW, smut content, explicit language
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The night thickened and intoxicating air arose inside the dim hotel room, along with the sounds of Sami's hushed breathing.
Faint, half-lidded glint with crave, gazed into Jey's eyes, full attention. Legs encircled Jey's waist tight while their bodies pressed together under the blankets. Rush of hotness crawled in, blocking the remains of the cold.
A thousand times until now; Sami is cherished over a win he will never forget.
Intercontinental Championship.
The belt draped over the chair; moonshine illuminated its sparkle like a recognized, rare, rich in gold. If any man hadn't made the task known back in the day, its name would have crumbled. Much gratitude to the former longest reigning champion, Gunther, everyone has seen the title as important written before each vision.
WrestleMania in Philadelphia. Roars and screams of supportive cheers rediscover Sami's mind from ear to ear. Some clouded uncertainty hit Sami like a freight train at first, questioning if he could win the championship. Time went on, receiving encouragement from coworkers— hell— even Gunther himself last week, gave Sami his all through body and soul. He did it.
Jey came into the picture. He never forgets him. Neither his words.
"I gotchu."
"I've got yo' back. Don't be an ass, 'kay?"
"Love you, baby."
His lips curled in a satisfied smile. Peace is what Sami received. He was supposed to satisfy Jey since he won against Jimmy, given a standing ovation. Though instead, Jey mirrored the same emotion both had.
"Whatchu smilin' for?" Jey's voice teased yet cheerful in wonder.
Sami hummed, his arms wrapped around Jey's neck. "Don't know. I guess it's you, always spoiled me till the end."
"S'my job. Y'can't get rid of me dat easily." Jey nuzzled his nose against Sami's beard, eliciting a giggle from Sami. "If someone's datin’ me this long, I can't be gone forever."
"You've told me a thousand times to make me happy."
"Good. And I'll keep sayin' it all day."
Sami hadn't grinned this long. This is good for his sake. Jey's words affected his heart, stronger in support of a boyfriend from the known family bloodline, being fallen in love.
Their gaze locked. An inch of Jey's dick covered in a condom twitched inside Sami's heat, slicked entrance. Fulfilled, melted, lust. Sami's fingers threaded Jey's hair; Jey began strokes of lazy, careful thrusts.
Sami shuddered, nails digging into Jey's tatted back urged himself to be still. He knew he couldn't, he didn't give a damn. Anything Jey does craving more, giving any touch of feeling, swelled to each reaction.
The difference between home and hotel rooms was some short intimate moments; being interrupted by a friend, someone calling their phone, having a quickie before going on a morning routine, or leaving to arrive on the travel schedule. Inside an expensive hotel building in Philadelphia, however, silence stood outside.
No friends or family to check on them. No one knocked. They're alone.
"M'so fuckin' proud of you." Jey buried his face into the crook of Sami's neck, breath tingled his skin, hips bucking. "You— oh fuck— you deserve every inch of this, of me. M'proud y'won all dat effort."
"Mmm, I'm proud of you, too. You deserve—" Sami let out a gasp— "you deserve so much praise a-after you and Jimmy did out there. So perfect, so good, so good, so good—"
Slow trails of kisses showered on Sami's neck. Jey smiled to himself, at the praise he had given to Sami while caring. "Shh, focus on you, not me."
Being penetrated shook Sami's core; his mind became foggy, devoured with sweet hunger. His eyes were heavy, nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. Jey's warmth is too good, too good for Sami to claw his fingers with fresh scratches on the back, erupted a low growl from Jey. Sami admitted he'd apologize for doing so, but Jey didn't mind.
Focus on himself, not him. Sami almost let emotions get the best a few seconds ago. He would hate himself if he broke a sob during sex, it'll be a concern. One time, the emotional part of him poured out in front of Jey before being embraced and comforted. Sami would tell his boyfriend about it later, too.
Loud, passionate wails escaped Sami's mouth; Jey's hips bucked in an instant yet deeper as the bed rocked and squeaked. Sami pecked Jey's shoulder, to the neck, to the jawline of the beard. Husky whispers from Jey reaching ear to ear, sending a shiver down Sami's spine.
He loved this.
Jey lifted his head, glimpsing into Sami's glinted eyes full of allure. "Look at you, goddamn amazin' as hell wit' dat face, baby." He showered quick smooches on his forehead. "Y'deserve everythin'."
"Keep going, Jey, please keep going..." Sami whispered in a needy tone. He does his best to keep eye contact.
Jey gripped Sami's hips and snapped his pace, quickening. Slid in, then out, focused on not breaking the condom. Sami felt Jey's lips graze his ear, hearing the same tone of whisper once more while eyelids fluttered close. A tingle of sensation ignited Sami's stomach; it peaked closer.
"I'm… I'm about to— fuck, fuck, fuck, please, please, Jey—!"
Sami's mouth hung open, letting out a breathless sound; shockwaves rippled through his body as cum ejaculated on the belly and chest. Since Jey wore a condom, sparing the spill, his pulse still lingered inside. Good thing it's a reminder a couple of times protection is needed.
Slumped, boneless, full of bliss, sweat glistening. Both men are relieved. Sami peeked, narrowed his eyes at Jey's hand splayed on his chest while the other steadied the dick to pull out. He observed Jey, unwrapping the filled condom, and tying it before tossing it in the trash can.
"You should've gone to the party without me," Sami murmured after a few seconds of creeping silence between them. Fingers hovered and traced random patterns over Jey's tatted arm, then chest. "You deserve your celebration with them and Jimmy without me."
"N'let you be empty-handed in this room without a present?" Jey questioned with a mock perplexed look. "Naw, I gotta make you, a champ, happy wit' a big ass smile. Dat's our celebration."
All those hours from earlier, a party inside the bar miles away from them was held after Cody won against Roman for the Undisputed Championship. There's a choice for Jey whether or not he's going alongside Jimmy, Kevin, and others— let themselves receive joy with drinks and dances. He ditched at the last minute— for Sami, because he can't let someone be alone with a small amount of gifts, never had a chance to give a deserving one.
Jey is supposed to drink with friends, be joking, dance along, and be rewarded for all the effort he put into the brother versus brother match. However, he didn't bother. He cared about Sami the most; the others understood.
Sami sat up, scooting closer. "Does… does Kev know? Jimmy? Roman?" he asked.
Jey nodded. "They did. They just gave me the look and let me go ahead. But Ludwig wants me to tell you dat yo' Brainbuster," he cleared his throat, rolling his eyes, "is exquisite."
"Sounds like him." Sami chuckled, and pecked Jey's lips, whispering, "Guess I need to pull more tricks up my sleeves and surprise you."
"Like pullin' 'em tricks at the shower?"
"Oh god, no!"
Both couldn't help erupting their laughter ringing across the room, soft kissing and embracing in each other's arms. Everything became soundless again before Jey led Sami to the bathroom, being playful along the way. Two days in a row had been the best, even though the chilliness bothered them sometimes, for their respective WrestleMania matches to be successful. Would be best to be warm rather than complain.
Sami's chances were a fluke before the big stage. Now gripping the known championship in one hand, those chances are greater, transforming and changing the man he is—
A champion with a proud heart.
Thank you for reading!
Tagging: @southerngirl41, @coolpandasblog, *@bbkquartz, @rosiel77, *@katiewayne2020, @afterdarkprincess, *@invictusrey, @wrestlingprincess80, @harmshake, @empressdede
If your username is in bold with an asterisk, it means Tumblr won't let me tag you.
Taglist for samijey/jeysami shippers those who wanted to be tagged for my future fics of samijey-> here
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wrestlezaynia · 6 months
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Synopsis: Sami and Kevin playfully wrestle for the Intercontinental Championship. The stipulation of the match? Whoever makes the other moan first is declared the winner. Who will come out on top?
Warning: Must be 18+ to read under cut.
Sami emerges from the bathroom wearing only the Intercontinental Championship. "So...what do you think?" He asks with a sly grin.
A glint emerges in Kevin's pale blue eyes at the titillating scene before him. A devilish smirk tugging at his lips as he grips Sami's hips, pulling him towards the bed. "Beau." He replies in a hushed whisper.
A gasp spills from Sami's lips as Kevin pulls him near, their eyes locked. "Thank you for your support Kev, it means the world to me." He whispers back, his soft doe eyes filled with adoration. "This is ours."
Kevin shakes his head in response, smiling lovingly as he gently tucks a strand of crimson behind Sami's ear. "No Sami, it's yours, you've earned this." He counters, admiring how good the title looks around his slender waist. "You better watch your back though, because I'm coming for it next." He warns, shoving Sami playfully on his back before pinning his wrists above his head. "One," he proceeds to count, pressing his lips to Sami's. "Two," he continues, kissing him again. "Three. And the neeeeeeew Intercontinental Champion, Kevin Owens!"
Sami giggles in between kisses, feeling himself falling even deeper in love with Kevin, if that was possible. "You're disqualified for kissing interference." Sami rebuttals as the giggling intensifies.
Sami has the most adorable laugh Kevin has ever heard as it fills the otherwise quiet room, echoing off of the paper thin walls. "How about a rematch?" Kevin asks, a noticeable gleam in his eye. "You versus me, one on one, anything goes and I do mean anything." He adds, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Sami smiles fondly at Kevin, the kind of smile reserved exclusively for your soulmate. "I've got a better idea." He responds, his honey eyes twinkling with mischief. "Whoever is able to make the other moan first is declared the winner." A devious grin spreading across his bearded face.
A self-satisfied smirk twists at Kevin's lips, feigning arrogance. When, in reality, he knows this is a fight he isn't going to win. Sami is and always has been his greatest weakness, his Achilles heel. "This is going to be the easiest championship I've ever won!" He quips smugly.
"We'll see about that." Sami counters with a smirk of his own, knowing exactly where to touch to drive Kevin wild. "On the count of three we start kissing." He instructs, eyes drifting to Kevin's lips. "One...two...mpfh." Sami whimpers as Kevin pulls him into a fiery kiss.
Patience has never been Kevin's strong suit, especially when it comes to Sami. The guy doesn't know when to shut up, so he decides to take matters into his own hands. Hands that are gently cradling Sami's face, kissing him soft and deep as a sigh of contentment escapes him.
The kiss catches Sami by surprise, but he gladly welcomes it, kissing Kevin back with fervor as he wraps his arms tightly around his waist.
When their lips are forced to part, they remain close, holding onto one another as they steady their breathing. They press their foreheads together and stare deeply into each other's eyes, contemplating their next move. "You know you're going to lose, right?" Kevin asks, a shit-eating grin spreading across his lips. "You can't resist me." He adds softly, whispering in Sami's ear. "Ce titre est aussi bon que le mien."
Feeling Kevin's hot breath ghosting against his ear sends shivers down Sami's spine as he continues to whisper sweet nothings to him in their native tongue. He doesn't have the fondest clue what he's saying (aside from a few keywords Kevin taught him), but hearing his soft, husky voice speaking to him in French is a major turn-on. "Kev." He murmurs breathlessly, the heat pooling between his legs.
Kevin is forced to bite his bottom lip to stifle any noise from escaping, but Sami is making it so hard, in more ways than one. Temperatures rise when Kevin licks the shell of Sami's ear, smirking as he feels his body tremble beneath him followed by a muffled gasp. "I thought your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world. I was wrong, it's your moans.” Kevin remarks, taking the lobe gently into his mouth.
Sami wants to argue that it wasn't a moan, it was a gasp but the objection dies as soon as Kevin nibbles on his earlobe. He can feel himself coming undone, his body shaking with desire. He can't take this anymore, he's ready to submit. He's ready for Kevin to take him. "Make love to me, Kev." He breathes, his voice barely above a whisper.
Kevin inhales sharply at Sami's breathless plea, his heart beating fast as they make eye contact. "Looks like I won." He smugly boasts.
"No," Sami counters, reaching up to cup Kevin's cheek. "We both did."
A/N: I accidentally deleted the request bestie, but thanks for sending it in! If you have a request, feel free to send a prompt to my inbox. Thank you for reading, as always! 😊
@loki69zowens, @wrestlingdespairings, @domripley, @who-do-you-want-to-be, @sizzlingavenuestrawberry. Tags are broken, RIP. 💀
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
For the pride celebration can I request a Stevie Richards x Victoria x fem!reader in which they celebrate reader's championship victory with cuddles?
Champion snuggles
Pairing: Victoria x Fem reader x Steven Richards
Description: Your partners shower you with love after you become women's champion against Trish Stratus
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"We're proud of you no matter what baby, remember" you giggle as you're pressed in the middle between Stevie and Victoria as they kiss your cheeks before accompanying you to the ring for your match with Trish. This match was big for you not only because it was against Trish who had more experience in the business than you but this was a big title match for the women's championship and your second title match since you were women's intercontinental champion for a year into your career until you lost it to victoria before you got with her and stevie midway through 2003, trish was secretly impressed with how determined you were but just how strong your pure will was to prove yourself to her and everyone else backstage especially your close friends who mentored you over the past two years of your career in the business and always stood by you whenever anyone doubted or put you down even being in a handicapped match against Jacqueline and Molly Holly. Everything seemed to slow down as the last half of the match was neverending and the two of you countered each other back to back until you finally hit a spin kick followed by a spear and pin bursting into tears after the bell rings, stevie and victoria cheered as you ran backstage before being sandwiched between them leading to the three of you sharing glasses of champagne and takeout on the way to your shared hotel room where steven washed you in a bubble bath melting at victoria combing your hair leading to you snuggled between them where the two showered you with sweet endearments along with gentle caresses and soft kisses from saying "We're so proud of you" and "You deserve this so much" to the words that really turned you inside out with butterflies was "We love you pretty girl" the smiles grew bigger as all your hands intertwined while sharing a kiss with victoria wrapped in stevie's arms followed by a delicate kiss with stevie that turned to a series of paused kisses between each other.
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machobusta · 4 months
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After helping Ricky Steamboat retain his Intercontinental Championship in a match against Hercules so he can be the one to take the title from Steamboat, Randy Savage launches an attack on The Dragon. Saturday Night’s Main Event May 2, 1987
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