#Mitsuri Kanroji hcs
mikasa-imadebiscults · 2 months
Could u please do the kny Hashira with s/o who is like, the funniest mf to walk the planet. Like, they know how to hit their humour PERFECTLY and they just makes them laugh so much!!!
(Hey hey, Anon! I really hope I pleased you with the request, it was a little difficult to come up with hcs so I hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day!)
Hashira w/ a Funny S/O
(Characters Included- All the Hashira)
(Warning: Nothing, just fluff and GN! Reader)
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🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥
- Not afraid to laugh at your jokes, he makes it known that he thinks it’s funny. You can hear him laughing from a mile away.
- Sometimes you make him laugh so hard that he slaps his knee or throws his head back.
- Will tell you afterwards that his ribs and cheeks hurt from laughing so much, but he’ll still be smiling.
🌪️Sanemi Shinazugawa🌪️
- When you first made him laugh, he was surprised at first since it was rare for him to laugh, let alone laugh at someone’s joke.
- Though when you keep on making him laugh he gets suspicious. “What are they on about?” He often thinks to himself.
- One time when you made him laugh, he chuckled louder than usual and it caught you off guard so you were just staring at him all starstruck. Then he got embarrassed and turned away from you, telling you to stop staring.
🪨Gyomei Himejima🪨
- He finds your funny personality very endearing.
- Loves to hear any new jokes you come up with and praises you on your talent.
- If you’re having a laughing fit because of your own jokes, he’ll chuckle before smiling at you softly.
- When he found out that you could even make Sanemi and Obanai laugh he was glad that you could make his fellow Hashira happy.
🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋
- She admires how well and quickly you can make others bust out in laughter. It warms her heart.
- Shinobu’s laugh is always low and giggly. You love it. (I love it too)
- It feels weird to her to genuinely smile this much but she doesn’t mind it and learns to grow used to it when she’s with you. (Kanae above approves of you)
🍡Mitsuri Kanroji🍡
- You make her laugh so much that her face gets red. She always tries to cover it too.
- (If you’re a Hashira) She tries so hard not to laugh at one of your little jokes during the Hashira meetings. (Ultimately, she fails but the other Hashira can’t blame her)
- For the love of Mitsuri, please do not make her laugh while she’s eating or drinking something unless you wanna make her choke (and not in a good way)
🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊
- Before meeting you, it was extremely rare to make him laugh. He probably never even laughed since Sabito’s passing. Then he met you and changed everything.
- Whenever he laughs he doesn’t laugh for very long or loud, mainly he chuckles.
- Also fun fact, he doesn’t understand dark humor, he’ll be more concerned than anything.
🔊Uzui Tengen🔊
- He is the type of person who playfully hits your back whenever you make him laugh.
- You also most likely loss roughly 30% of your hearing from his loud laughter.
- Whenever he sees you making Hina, Makio, and Suma laugh he will softly smile at all of his partners having a good time.
🐍Iguro Obanai🐍
- When he first met you he already heard about you from the other Hashira like Rengoku and Uzui. He referred to you as “The Laughing Person” because you make everyone laugh.
- Like Tomioka, he mainly chuckles, but after he’s done laughing and sees you still laughing at yourself he’ll smile to himself.
☁️Muichiro Tokito☁️
- He grows fond of you over time. Before he regained his memories he would think of you as an otter because they say that it represents laughter and joy. (I think it represents that, I looked it up so it might not be correct)
- After he regained his memories, he would be much more expressive when he’s laughing.
- Muichiro always looks forward to your jokes everyday.
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sugoi-writes · 1 year
KNY HCs - A Surprise Kiss! Part 2
Prompt: You give them a kiss unexpectedly; how do they react, when they like you back?
A/N- Next part is here!!! Sorry i struggled to get this part out. This part includes Genya, Nezuko, Obanai, Mitsuri, Gyomei, Tengen, and Muichiro. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part featuring demons (especially Upper Moons and whatnot). Anyways, this was really fun! Please enjoy! 💗💗💗
Content warning: some implied steaminess for some of the Hashira, and spoilers for the newest season (Sword Village). Proceed with caution if you haven't watched/read ahead! 💀💗💀
He has a hard time around people who are typically femme, but it literally wouldn't matter who or what you were: because you're still his type.
The second you get within 5 ft, he's blushing. The second you touch, his veins are gonna burst in his skull. The second that touch becomes a kiss...
Genya.exe has stopped working.
He is absolutely stunned into silence. He makes no move to continue the kiss or move away. But you seem to be able to tell that he didn't mind it. Not ONE bit.
You would take his hand, apologize for being too forward, and probably make yourself scarce around him. You figure this would be best if you really did overwhelm him.
It would take quite a few days, but similar to Sanemi, he confronts you head on. Whether it's grabbing you by your haori, or slamming his arms on either side of your head... Hes got you trapped. Even though his face is still BEET red...
"I-I don't understand yet... wh-why you'd do that to a guy like me... but..." He would hesitate for a moment, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
" But... I'll try... to become a guy worthy of your kiss."
Even if you try and reassure him, or persuade him into thinking he's a million bucks, he will go over the moon to impress you, protect you, etc. He wants to be better than what you want him to be: he wants to be your equal.
And while it certainly takes him a while to loosen up, his kisses are some of the sweetest and most sincere. He would try to hold your face, every time. He would never truly want to let you go of you and your warm cheeks.
"Hmmm...~ Hmm-hmmm-- mmm?"
Nezuko, who is humming and fixing her hair, is surprised when you kiss her. She'd blink a few times, her cheeks glistening with a rosy blush. She still struggles with most words, but smiles warmly to you.
"Th...tha...! Thank... you... Y/...N-san!"
You practically scream with delight. This would be the first time you heard her say your name!!!
Like many humans, Nezuko is very protective of you. But you find that she hovers around you a little more recentky, similar to how she treats Tanjiro. Almost as if you're a guide, interpreter, or just a person she can confide in, she'll often reach out to be near you. Whether it's holding your pinky with hers, tugging on your haori, or even grabbing your hand, she likes to stay in close proximity, especially if she can make physical connection with you somehow.
She sometimes struggles (mentally) with being close to you, especially in fear that her fangs may injure you, but her kisses are short and sincere. Similar to Shinobu, she would kiss you most anywhere but your lips publically... but every once in a while, you're blessed with direct kisses.
"T...thank goodness... Y-You like me too... Y/N-san...!
Eyes narrowed with steely focus, he would be absorbed in his work, or freshly sheathing his sword. You roughly grasp him by the collar, forcing him to finally look your way.
"What is it you're doi--mmphm?!"
When do you finally get him to shut up? ONLY when you're kissing him. Even with a kiss over his bandages, Obanai flushes vividly, pushing you away. He turns away, checking his bandages hastily.
"NEVER surprise me like that!! You're lucky I didn't have a chance to react properly...!" You were about to apologize, when you see his shoulders relax," hah.... the bandages didn't move, after all..." The relief that floods his voice almost makes you want to cry. You were trying not to pity him, knowing he had his reasons to hide his face. But you wish he didn't feel the desire to keep those bandages on... or better yet, the shame he felt when they came off.
You place a hand on his shoulder, making him tense up.
"Obanai... next time I kiss you... if you're okay with it, i... I wouldn't mind it if it were without your bandages on."
That statement alone has him wide eyed, staring at you with disbelief," I... I don't..." For once, his stoic expression and tone is replaced with one of unease and uncertainty.
"I... I don't know if I'm ready for... that..." he would admit quietly," But... I appreciate the sentiment. I truly do."
You'd smile up/down to him, and place a kiss on his cheek instead," Whenever you're ready. I could wait a thousand years, if you'd have me..." Obanai squints at you, bluntly replying," We'd both be dead by then..."
You smile, winking," Then in the next life, maybe?"
Obanai would flush quietly as you'd walk away, reaching up to gently press the spot you last kissed him at,"... I see... maybe so, Y/N-san... Maybe so...."
BLESS you, if you ever do kiss him without his bandages on. Though his scars may have surprised you at first, it doesn't affect how sweet or chaste his kisses are. And once you receive them in earnest, they never stop... 
Oh, and the over protectiveness with you? Multiply it by 20. People aren't allowed to breathe the same air you do unless he allows it. And your missions, from henceforth, are either accompanied with or monitored by himself or Mitsuri. Almost NO exceptions.
"Y/N! Y/N! Look here, look here!!" Surely, Kanroji has something absolutely adorable to show you. You turn to her quickly, pushing your hair back out of your face.
"What is it, Kanroj--"
The both of you turned too quickly, causing your lips to meet in the middle. Immediately, the two of you pull away from the other. Mitsuri whines, bowing her head rapidly.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry!!! I-I didn't mean to!!"
You have to grasp Mitsuri by her shoulders, before she listens to you again," Kanroji-san!!! It's okay, I promise!!! W-We're friends, after all... accidents happen."
Mitsuri's expression changes slightly, her lip quivering," R-Right... friends..."
You go back to your task at hand, not picking up on her disheartened cue. You notice her squirming beside you after a few moments, making you concerned.
"Mitsuri? Are you ok--"
Your lips meet again. This time... on purpose. Mitsuri clasps your cheeks with both hands, planting a fat kiss on your lips, before pulling away.
"Th-There!!! That one wasn't an accident!!! And that's going to be the first of many... I-- I--! Aaaahh, I don't want to just be friends, Y/Nnnnnn!!! Not anymore!!!" Mitsuri basically wails, making you smile sweetly.
You lean over again to kiss her, soothing her mild tantrum if only for a moment," I dont think I want to be 'just friends' either, Mitsuri... so we're partners now. Okay?"
Mitsuri would nod rapidly, mentally swearing herself to you, for protection and for marriage," Deal!!!!"
She's already planning your wedding. She hints at what kind of ceremony she prefers, or flowers she'd like to have in her decore... little does she know, you've already been saving up for something big... maybe her birthday could double as your wedding day?
But for now, that's wishful thinking. For now, you're quite alright with sneaking quick, heated kisses before major missions, and cuddling your tired, full partner after she gorges on her favorite food.
Neither of you mind. But the both of you know that you're actively working towards a future where there's more to your relationship than sweet kisses and embraces.
In a deep, meditative state, Gyomei sat practically motionless as you quietly approached him. Due to this, he hadn't heard you or your sweet giggles are you inched closer. You had always been his number one, secret admirer... and seeing him so content and serene made you want to kiss him. He just looked so beautiful, dangit!
Even with him sat before you, Gyomei was MUCH larger than you... but no matter!
Nimbly, you were able to wiggle closer, admiring the calm breathing of the Stone Pillar. It wasn't until you brushed your lips against his that his eyes instinctively fluttered open. As if from a deep slumber, Gyomei blinks a few times, dazed," Oh... I'm sorry, is this... Y/N?"
You nod and hum, knowing he knew your voice all too well," Guilty as charged~" Gyomei's eyes watered as he heard a genuine, airy laugh leave you, his hands folding neatly into his lap.
"Ahh... so the pining wasn't one sided, after all...," Gyomei sighs, as if relieved. You blink and audibly swallow, your face heating up.
"I-I guess not, Gyomei-san," you reply in surprise, reaching your hand down to brush a stray tear from his cheek. Had you known he had liked you back, you would have kissed him MUCH sooner...
Gyomei smiles brilliantly, tilting his head up as if to look at you,"... if that is the case, my friend... if you don't mind, I'd like you to join me by my side."
You have to calm yourself down as he pats the space beside him. You take him up his request, sitting and scooting closer until your knee bumped his. You feel a large, warm arm wrap around you, pulling you closer until your head was against his chest. Your face burned as Gyomei chuckled.
"...thank you for taking the initiative, Y/N-san. I admire your forwardness. I just wish I could have made that first kiss more..."
"Special?" You finished, Gyomei nodding back quietly.
"W-Well, that's okay-- I already feel like kissing you, on its own, is very special. But..." You sit up, before crawling into his lap. Gyomei would tense up, flushing as a coy grin makes it way to your face.
"I think we can make the next kiss particularly special... if you'll have me."
Gyomei couldnt reply verbally, as the impulse to kiss you tenderly overshadowed the flowery words and praise he wanted to give you.
His kisses were many, and they would be mostly reserved for your cheeks and temples. But most of all, your kisses would be an assured way to make his heart race. Due to his blindness, kisses feel electrifying to him. Making your kisses together all the more special and intimate for him. He loves you to bits, and would never pass up on a chance to engage with you, especially through touches and those sweet, featherlight kisses. Even if others may be close by...~
Little to anyone's surprise, Tengen is a HUGE flirt. It didn't matter if it was a stranger or his bestie Rengoku: he would relentlessly do and say things that would tetter on raunchy or sappy. This, however, was something you were used to. And at times, you'd welcome it.
Tengen, many times, had made jokes about you becoming his fourth spouse. Quote him: "Afterall, who said polygamy had a 4 person limit~?"
You'd normally roll your eyes, and playfully shove him, not knowing what his other spouses thought of you. But after getting to know him more, and even being over to his estate a few times, the jokes felt more... sincere. As if he were wanting to propose more properly.
So finally, after a particularly rough Hashira meeting, Tengen would look at you again, with a serene look in his eyes," ...Y'know, Y/N... if you ever considered settling down more properly, or commitment in general... I think you'd make a really good spouse. The others think so, too." He would grin, nudging you playfully," Theres always room for one more, yknow~ "
And, after a few quiet moments, you hadn't yet replied. No shoving, no tickling, just... a heavy sigh. Tengen starts to worry he offended you... until you pull him down/up for a kiss.
Tengen, being the good man he is, immediately leans into it, eyes closing on their own. When you finally decide to part for air, you're absolutely beaming.
"Well, while I can't accept your 'proposal' without the others consent... I wouldn't mind being courted. Normally, yknow..." Tengen looks practically speechless, as your arms snake around to hang on his neck.
" How about we start slow... maybe dinner at your place, next time we meet? Im sure the 5 of us have a lot to talk about before we take it too far..."
Tengen, surprised that his forwardness may have actually paid off, smiles tenderly. He pulls away from you, only to take one of your hands. He guides it to his lips and kisses you knuckles, running his thumb in circles along your warm skin.
"Suma, Hina, Makio, and I... we'd be honored, Y/N. Let's shoot for next weekend, then."
"Huh...? What did you want to see me about, again?" Mui would probe, following behind you.
"I-I just wanted to go somewhere more private, to tell you something." You'd reply evenly, a steady blush spreading across your face.
"Is that so... lead the way then, Y... ahh, sorry, Y/N-san." You roll your eyes. Surely he hadn't forgotten your name so easily. Maybe he was teasing you?
As you finally get to a more private area, you turn towards him, face heated," Muichiro... I have to say it."
The mist hashira would look to you, eyes widening," Ahh... did I forget something again...? Sorry... I still struggle... even now, i guess," he would admit, making your knitted brows soften.
"N-No... you didn't forget anything... but..." You lean forward, trying to kiss him on the cheek, before he recoils quickly. You blink in surprise, face twisting in regret. Oh shit... so you were rejected huh... You can't muster any words as he looks at you, bewildered.
"...were you trying to kiss me?"
You were flustered, assuming your hunch was correct, but you nod shamefully. Then, Muichiro pulls you in by your wrist, placing a soft kiss to your lips. You gasp, taken by surprise even as Muichiro lets you go.
"...sorry... I feel like I would be able to treasure your kiss better... if I initiated it. I hope that's alright with you."
The both of you are perfectly flush now, but you smile warmly back to him, pulling him in for a hug," Well, if you ever forget... I can always kiss you again?" Muichiro would have an idea, leaning his head on your shoulder," Mmm... I think I'm in need of a reminder."
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alenrainyartsblog · 28 days
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demonslayerunhinged · 1 month
hello! tis me once again.
I was wondering if you had any hc's to how the other hashira would react if sanegiyuu ever became canon (while everyone is still alive 😭😭😭) bc so far the kny fandom has been nothing but angsty and I crave fluff
Hiiiii! I don't have any stashed headcanons, but I'll make one right now just for you.
When Sanemi confessed about the true nature of he and Giyuu's relationship, Obanai was annoyed, but to be honest not all that shocked. Sanemi wasn't slick, he's noticed the longing looks and exchanges between him and Giyuu when they thought no one was looking. But why did it have to be Giyuu?? Sanemi always gave him flack for his love for Mitsuri, but then goes on to date Giyuu, of all people!
"I can't believe that guy." he huffed to himself.
But he noticed how calm Sanemi was lately, the little glimmer of light in his friend's perpetually bloodshot eyes, and on more than one occasion he caught the way Sanemi's eyes softened as he read what Obanai presumed to be one of Giyuu's letters. His friend was in love, he was happy and who was Obanai to take that away from him.
"Oi, Tomioka."
The evening after a brief Hashira meeting at the Master's mansion, he walked up to Giyuu much to the other man's bewilderment. He paused for a few moments, which made Giyuu more uncomfortable than he already was.
Then with a deep, resigned sigh, he fixed his gaze at the Water Hashira.
"Take care of him." he said. "Don't make him upset....or else..." Kaburamaru huffed in agreement at the unspoken threat as Obanai turned away sharply and walked away with Giyuu staring after him.
Obanai, unable to keep the huge news to himself, sent a letter to Mitsuri. The pair had discussed Sanemi and Giyuu's relationship on more than one occasion, and he knew Mitsuri would be thrilled to learn that her suspicions had been right.
It wasn't until he got a letter from Gyomei requesting for a meeting that he realized he had made a huge mistake. He made his way to the gazebo beside the Master's mansion, wondering why the Stone Hashira had wanted a meeting. When he there he saw not only Himejima but Rengoku, Kocho, Tengen, Tokito and Kanroji who had an apologetic smile on her face. His eyes widened in realization.
"Forgive me, Iguro-san!" cried Mitsuri, her face as red as a tomato. "I couldn't help myself!"
Gyomei turned to face Obanai. "We heard the news about Sanemi and Giyuu."
Obanai gulped slightly. Although romantic relationships between corps members wasn't exactly forbidden, he was still unsure about how the others would react.
"What should we do for them?" the Stone Hashira asked.
Obanai's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?" he said, "You're not angry?"
Now it was Gyomei's turn to be confused. "Of course not," he said. "Although I have to admit I was shocked at first"
"As was I!" said Tengen, as he folded his arms, he made his expression into one of exaggerated sorrow. "I can't believe Shinazugawa would court such a plain man!"
"Right!" exclaimed Obanai without thinking. "That's what I said!"
"I'm just shocked that Tomioka-san can feel love or any sort of affection." Muichiro mused half-jokingly.
"Mmm!" agreed Rengoku "I was shocked as well! But I'm happy for them!"
"I'm happy for them too!" squealed Mitsuri.
"We should celebrate!" said Tengen. "With a flashy party!"
"Yes! A party!" said Rengoku, cheerful as always.
"With lots of food!" added Mitsuri.
"Yes, food." said Iguro, happy to agree with anything Mitsuri said.
Shinobu, always the voice of reason, raised her hand in the air. Her soft voice cutting through the excited chatter.
"Umm," she started. "I don't think Tomioka-san and Shinazugawa-san would appreciate any attention brought to this."
"Nonsense!" said Tengen "This is love and love should be celebrated flamboyantly!"
"Agreed!" said Rengoku. "We need to celebrate!"
Even Muichiro nodded his head in agreement. "It's only right."
Shinobu gave up then, it was no use. Everyone was already excited, and a small part of her wanted to see how the pair would react to their colleague's antics.
"We have to make plans now." said Gyomei with a determined expression on his face as he clapped his prayer beads together.
They all agreed and gathered around in a circle as they came up with ideas for the ideal wedding party.
Somewhere on their respective patrols, Giyuu and Sanemi sneezed at the same time.
They both laid on the futon, their bodies flushed and covered in sweat that gleamed slightly in the moonlight. They were spending the night together at Sanemi's house at Giyuu's suggestion to prevent any interruptions from one of Tanjiro's surprise visits.
"Shinazugawa" he said. "Have you noticed the strange way the others have been acting lately?"
Giyuu turned and laid on his side to face Sanemi, who was panting softly with a scarred arm thrown over his damp face.
"Yes." replied Sanemi, his gruff voice was soft with sleep. "I have."
Of course, Sanemi had noticed, and strange was an understatement when it came to the behavior of the other Hashira over the last couple of days. Gyomei, Mitsuri and Muichiro were always smiling conspiratorially as he walked by, Tengen always greeted him with a clap on his back while smiling more broadly than usual. Rengoku just said, "Congratulations!" every time they crossed paths.
Yes, it was hard not to notice.
"Tch." Sanemi clicked his tongue in annoyance as he turned to face Giyuu. His expression slightly apologetic. "I told Obanai not to tell anyone."
"What do we do?"
He sighed and he put his arms around Giyuu. "We'll just have to tell them, properly."
"They're coming! They're coming!" squealed Mitsuri as she rushed to carry the platter of Sakura mochi. "Everyone get ready!"
The Hashira all took their places ready with platters of food and gifts. Sanemi was the first to enter the room followed by Giyuu.
The strength of the voices of all the Hashira was so sudden it had Sanemi almost reaching for his katana out of instinct.
"Congratulations on your marriage!" cried Rengoku and Tengen. Mitsuri threw fistfuls of sakura petals over their heads, while Gyomei played some lovely tunes on his flute, tears of joy streaming down his face.
"Namu Amida Butsu." he said. "Love is always a joy to witness."
Giyuu looked like a startled deer and Sanemi, who had recovered from his initial shock, turned to glare at Obanai who was suddenly very interested in the wall beside him.
"Ah" Giyuu started, "We're not -" His sentence was cut off when a piece of tempura was shoved into his mouth by Rengoku who held a bowl filled to the brim with a neatly arranged stack of tempura.
"Eat! Eat!" he said excitedly, already pushing another piece into Giyuu's mouth. "This is a time to celebrate!"
The other Hashira then got out their gifts and surrounded the couple.
"Open mine first!" cried Mitsuri as she shoved something large wrapped in a Furoshiki cloth into Giyuu's tempura-stuffed face.
"No, open mine first!" cried Tengen.
"I have mine here, too." said Muichiro.
Giyuu looked over at Sanemi whose face was slightly obscured by his bangs, he shoulders shook slightly, and blood vessels popped up on his face. Shinobu feared that Sanemi was about to burst out in a raging fit, but instead he shouted with an intense blush spreading across his face.
Shinobu sighed in relief and smiled at the couple. Maybe this wasn't a bad plan after all.
"What is this?" Sanemi said, as he shook a tiny green silk pouch Tengen had given him, scrutinizing it with suspicion.
"Gingko nuts!" Tengen replied excitedly, "For your flamboyant wedding night, of course!"
Sanemi stared at the Sound Hashira in disbelief, a deep pink flush appearing across his face.
"Are you trying to be funny?" He gritted his teeth, ready to rip Tengen a new one when he heard Giyuu's soft voice behind him.
Sanemi quickly hid the pouch in the breast pocket of his uniform, much to Tengen's amusement, and turned to face Giyuu who stood with a shy smile on his face and his hand outstretched. In his palm was a single ohagi.
"Would you...like to share some ohagi with me?"
Sanemi's features softened at the gesture. He made a show of rolling his eyes, but gave Giyuu a smile as he gently took the ohagi from Giyuu's hand, "Sure" he said.
"He's going to share much more than ohagi with you tonight!" Tengen snickered.
There was a pop sound as Sanemi's blood vessels snapped.
"You!" he roared and lunged at Tengen.
"No, Shinazugawa!" cried Rengoku as he struggled to hold Sanemi back. "Not on your wedding day!"
"We're not married!"
Watching the ruckus that ensued, it brought a smile to Giyuu's lips. He was going to have to tell Tanjiro about this during their training.
I hope this is ok, it's not much and my writing skills are not very good 😖
*Gingko nuts are said to be an aphrodisiac.
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sft-chrry · 1 year
where’s our kid?
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pairings: y. tsugikuni, m. kanroji, s. shinazugawa, k. tanjiro x fem!reader (separately)
contains: reader got burn (yoriichi), baby got sunburned (sanemi)
a/n: i made this at 1 am so if there are mistakes forgive me huhu. i also used a wheel to decide which character should i use lol
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y. tsugikuni
• he was so tired of slaying demons that he didn't hear you say “can you watch over (c/n)?”
• as he went drift to sleep he felt you getting close to him
• he was expecting a “hello my love lets sleep together” but he got a “yoriichi where’s our child?!”
• he got up so quick that his back cracked
• he looked at you and asked why were you asking him and you said that he was supposed to watch over since you were cooking something and (c/n) was not behaving
• you were panicking because you didn’t know what to do
• you’re still cooking and if you went to look for (c/n) your lunch might get burnt so you left that job to yoriichi
• now you're panicking and cooking which is not a great combo for you! so you ended up burning yourself once
• good thing he found his child before you kill him with chopsticks
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m. kanroji
• you two were sleeping together with your child in between the both of you
• when you shifted your body towards mitsuri you knew there was something missing
• so you woke up and saw mitsuri literally next to you
• you really thought you had squished your baby with your body causing you to scream
• and causing mitsuri to scream
• and causing the baby to cry
• you instantly go get to pick your baby which is near mitsuri’s closet leaving a confused mitsuri on your futon
• as you calmed down your child you looked at your partner and she was looking at you confused
• you explained to her that you thought that you squished you baby and that's why you screamed
• you two ended up cuddling
• that's when you both decided that the baby starts sleeping on its designated bed
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s. shinazugawa
• you were grocery shopping and sanemis home with your child
• he was watching (c/n) play with its toys so he just let them do its thing
• then he remembered that he needed to clean his katana because he's a clean freak sometimes
• so he kinda forgot that he had a child to look after
• when you went home you saw sanemi with wet hair so you assumed he took a bath with your child
• but then you didn't saw (c/n) anywhere so you asked your husband “wheres (c/n)?”
• his eyes widened and you knew he didn’t know
• he tried laughing it off and then sanemi ran outside where your child was
• when you catched up to him, you saw your child
• who just got sunburnt
• it was very obvious that it got sunburnt
• so when you tried to pick them up they cried
• you cut some aloe vera since you also have sensitive skin and rubbed it at your child
• when your child drifted to sleep, you began scolding your husband
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k. tanjiro (aged up)
• it was a daddy daughter/son date for the two of them
• of course you were fine with it since your 4 year old child didn’t get to spend time with their father
• so when they got home they saw you sleeping
• they didn’t want to disturb you so they showered quietly and slept next to you
•when you woke up in the middle of the night you saw tanjiro but you didn’t see your child
• you had to say tanjiro 7 times for him to wake up he did not woke up to you saying tanjiro, he woke up because you covered his nose
• he was confused and said that she was besides you
• when you told him that they were not there he got up and looked for them
• it didn’t take long since tanjiro has a keen sense of smell but that didn’t stop him from overthinking that a demon got his child
• when he got back he told you that they were just sleepwalking and went back to sleep
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🍒 sft-chrry 2023
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archangel-004-art · 2 months
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Happy Pride Month
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scentedashes · 7 months
Shinomitsu rant and hcs!<3
(ShinoMitsu haters dni.)
Some nsfw hcs
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I know people mostly ship Giyushino but this is NOT about them, i take them as more of siblings (my OPINION.) Yes yes, i know ObaMitsuri is canon, so? Idrc, i know it is but i love this little gay ship. Like Mitsuri would be the little pansexual and Shinobu is the Tiny short Lesbian, i LOVE them sm their so cute like, i adore shinomitsu fan arts, and stories about them🫶🫶
Top Mitsuri:
Mitsuri would be soft or hard depending on what kind Shinobu likes in that situation, she'd ask Shinobu if she'd want it rough or soft. If she asks for hard she would wear a 6 inch strap that'll be pounding into Shinobu fast and hard, she will leave hickeys all over her neck while Shinobu screams from pleasure, if Shinobu picked soft she'd pick a 3-4 inch strap, she'd go at a medium pace. Her hearing Shinobu's moans and whimpers make her even horny, she would leave hickeys, bites and kisses of her lipstick after that night<3
Top Shinobu:
She would go hard. Mitsuri likes it hard, shed used a 6-7 inch strap, she maybe little compared to Mitsuri but never judged the book by its cover, she would go rough as hell, while Mitsuri whimpers and screams in pleasure. She'd make out with Mitsuri at the same time and leave hickeys all over. While pounding hardly and fast.
Bottom Mitsuri:
She'd like it rough and fast, she doesnt care if it hurts. Even if its been hours having the strap pounding her pussy she wont be tired at all, she'd still be moaning and whimpering. Her hair will be so messy, her eyes filled with tears.
Bottom Shinobu:
It depends on her mood if she wants it rough or soft tonight, if she isnt that tired she would ask it rough, if she was tired she'd ask it soft. When they go rough the strap would have a bulge on her stomach, seeing just how big and where it is. Her little cute whimpers make Mitsuri more turned on and she knows it, she doesnt cover her mouth so she would go more rougher and faster. If she chose soft she loves the medium pace since she was tired from fighting demons and healing people all day. She loves making out while getting pounded by Mitsuri, her moans are even more louder than Mitsuri's moans.
That's all!!<33
(i ran out of ideas so feel free to ask anything)
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sapphickocho · 1 year
Thinking about how Uzui had to watch everyone he cared about die before him. First 3 of his siblings die during there fathers harsh shinobi training, then six he killed himself during a deathmatch where all of them were masked. Then Kyojuro died next, and the rest of the hashira except Sanemi and Giyuu during a battle he couldn't participate and help them in. Then of course Sanemi and Giyuu do die on the same year and four years later Tanjiro, someone he grew closer with also succumbs to death way too young.
Thats why Tengen's line of "Just how many lives do you think ive let slip through my fingers?" hits so hard because his life is just death. Everyone he loves is bound to die and he cant do anything about it.
So I made a little list of hcs on how he copes;
What uzui does at each of his friends graves;
Rengoku; He often has a picnic beside his grave, bringing along his wives and having a feast with all of kyojuros favorite foods, like sweet potatoes and bento boxes. He is the hashiras grave he visits the most and often talks to it and updates him on how life is going.
Shinobu: He brings the flashiest flowers he finds and brings them to her every year because it reminds him of both her and Kanae.
Muichiro: It is hard for him to visits his grave, especially when he sees it adorned with a picture of him and his twin brother when he was younger. But he makes sure to see it every year, and gives him a little gift, like a folded paper crane since he knew he like origami. He feels guilty that he didn't fight in the battle when muichiro, the youngest pillar, did.
Mitsuri: Like everyone else still alive, they visits her grave annually on her birthday and bring mochis to celebrate because it was her favorite food. However when everyone else dies, he makes sure to keep up the tradition with Nezuko.
Iguro Obanai: When he visits his grave he always teases him about how he's doing with Mitsuri in the afterlife. After that he sits down and talks about his snake Kaburamaru and updates him about his daily life.
Gyomei: He prays at his grave. Not that he particularly agrees with it or is religious, he just knows that Gyomei would appreciate it.
Sanemi: He visits both of the Shinazugawa brothers on the same day, since they are both buried next to each other. He tells him that he misses him because he knows Sanemi will be pissed by the sappiness and also because in truth, he does.
Giyuu: He usually sits down and talks for hours to him about how everyone is doing, whats going on and other mindless useless things. he knows that Giyuu doesn't like to talk so just like when he was alive, he can just sit and listen and enjoy the company.
Tanjiro: He always bows to Tanjiro's grave and thanks him, for saving his wives and being a friend for all those years. he tells him about Nezuko and Kanao and tells them that they all miss him very much.
Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru: When they all die before he does, he curses the gods for keeping him alive. He makes sure to have there graves next to his estate and sits next to there graves for hours until sundown. Sometime he even sleeps next to them.
I am not sure his wives dying before him is canon but Ive heard it from multiple people so I will assume so. Either way, Uzui's life is too tragic and I just cant get over it. He can never protect the people he loves the most. That man deserves a break from all the death and hug from all of his wives (+rengoku.) But it seems like Gotouge had different plans.
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n0n-sen-se · 1 year
𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 ❛𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬❜!
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includes ;; mitsuri. gyutaro. kagaya. doma. content ;; bruises. fluff. maybe, obviously, a bit suggestive! a/n ;; ❛love bites❜ are also known as a ❛hickey❜ . i tried to include a mix of characters and reactions, hope y'all adore them as much as i do! ♡
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☆☆☆ # mitsuri kanroji !
getting caught! is her absolute nightmare. she'd be talking casually to shinobu, enjoying her meal when shinobu points out ❛all those little red-marks on your neck❜ with a teasing giggle. mitsuri would be mortified. just stops talking for a second frozen- and when she remembers how the love bites got there she clamps a hand over her mouth and desperately tries to hide them with her white haori. for the next hour she'd be spluttering together excuses while shinobu tries to ice her heated face.
her thoughts! exactly the same as when someone else points them out. she gets embarrassed to the point of feeling faint. . . but once the initial shock wears off and she gets used to them. its impossible to admit to anyone else, but she likes how they look (the tiny ones are adorable) little reminders that she's loved so deeply. she likes to keep them for herself though, and covers them up with makeup when they occur (its a pretty bad cover-up. . . but it works!. . . most times)
☆☆☆ # gyutaro shabana !
getting caught! its actually hard for it to come up in 'conversation'. either nobody notices at first, because of his skin (he picks at it all the time so its not too suspicious) or nobody pays him much attention. when it does, it's daki that points it out: ❛where'd you get those hideous things from?❜. initially, gyutaro doesn't know either until it dawns on him. . . a shaky smile starts pulling at the corners of his mouth, rubbing his neck, lost in thought.
his thoughts! he's got a forearm resting above a mirror, leaning in close to his reflection to study them. i mean, they're just little bruises. no big deal. if anything, he frowns, they're ugly marks you gave him. . . that you gave him. . . ❛heh. hehheh❜ he. . . actually likes the sound of that. and although he usually loathes looking in the mirror; you know what, he actually thinks they're kinda. . . pretty.
☆☆☆ # kagaya ubuyashiki !
getting caught! its an unusual scenario. he's gathered the hashira to meet with him once more, discussing initial plans to have them all separate and patrol different areas when he hears. . . snickering? whispers and giggles folding over themselves and his voice. ❛what's got you all riled up? something important on your minds?❜ all of them will deny anything, telling him not to worry etc. its only when kagaya beckons over a poor kakushi that he learns the truth. the only indication of his reaction is the subtle lift of his brow ❛let's continue discussing the plan shall we?❜
his thoughts! he can't see them, but he feels his skin, pressing gently on the parts that are tender. its a warm revelation, like a gift that just floods his chest with sunlight. he loves them, truly, but it's better to hide them from his children, its a little. . . unsavory. he'll just bundle a white scarf underneath his kimono, draping it high above his neck in hope's he's actually covered them all.
☆☆☆ # doma !
getting caught! i mean come on- he's practically daring someone- anyone to say something about it. leaning in too close to people, bending and flaunting his neck in hopes someone will point it out. it'd be someone like gyokko that finally breaks the ice ❛doma, what are those unique markings on your skin?❜ he'd be all too happy to oblige gyokko (or anyone's) questions. always answering with a coy smirk.
his thoughts! he's obsessed with this display of affection and worships everything about it. he'd wear them with pride, sitting on his thrones with jewels and luxuries, thinking about nothing but the marks on his skin and how he must look to his worshippers (do they think they're as holy as he does?). he'd want more- a lot more. likes to just sit and stare at it sometimes, silently hoping they'd stay their forever. (of course they won't, but he can dream) disappointed when they heal.
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tanukified · 1 year
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They r talking about Shinobu 😳
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Mitsuri Kanroji with a s/o that’s been sent on a mission and has been away for a while
I’m not the best writer, but I try my best!
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• Whenever you have a mission without her
• She’s an anxious mess
• Don’t get her wrong! She thinks you’re a very talented Demon Slayer!
• She just gets more anxious the longer you’re away.
•She fears that you may not ever come back when you’re away for a long time on a mission
• Once you finally return, (About damn time)
•Be prepared to get practically crushed in one of the tightest hugs of your life by none other than Mitsuri Kanroji
• She missed you a lot (In case you couldn’t tell)
• After the hug, be ready to be asked question after question about your well being.
• will ask you if you have any injuries and check you for injuries
• She would take you to Shinobu to check if you have any wounds, just to make sure.
• if you don’t have any injuries she’d be deeply relieved.
• If you do then she will not leave your side the rest of the day.
Ppl who like/reblog 😍😍😍😍
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Can you please do hashira with s/o who defends them when someone speaks ill about them?
(HEYYYY ANON!! This took longer to make than expected but I hope ya enjoy this and have a wonderful day!!)
The Hashira’s S/O Defending them
(Characters Included- All the Hashira)
(Warning: Just fluff and a little swearing)
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🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋
- She finds it really endearing that you defend her. Even though she tells you multiple times that she can fend for herself, she still finds it adorable that you care that much.
- She will definitely tease you a little afterwards, saying stuff like “Thanks for saving me, my knight and shining armor.” (and will giggle her ass off)
🐍Iguro Obanai🐍
- Usually ignores rude people, very rarely will he confront them. So when the both of you were making your way downtown, walkin’ fast, faces passed, and spending time together. You suddenly encountered a person being downright rude. Saying stuff like he needs to take off the mask or else. It took him by surprise when you got in front of him and started yelling at them.
- He quietly thanks you and takes you out to some food to help clear your head. Plus he wants to treat you as a way to express his gratitude.
🍡Mitsuri Kanroji🍡
- It’s not often that someone has a problem with Mitsuri, since she’s always kind, caring, and just a lovable person in general. Although one day someone had an issue with how bubbly she was. They were also nit-picking every single thing she was doing very loudly to one of their friends. Then finally you had enough and told them off.
- Mitsuri stood there in amazement at your bravery to stand up for others. Then she panicked and tried to tell you that it was okay so that you’d stop making a scene.
🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥
- He doesn’t let other people’s hurtful words bother him because he assumes that they just had a bad day or are going through a hard time so he just moves on with his day. When he noticed your demeanor suddenly changed he asked what was wrong. He assures you that it’s no big deal, but when the person keeps on going on and on you just had to say something.
- When you were walking over to them he tried to stop and reassure you that everything was okay. Although even though it didn’t work, he’s still appreciative of your spirit.
🔊Tengen Uzui🔊
- If Uzui encounters someone being disrespectful to him he usually just shoos them off or belittles them, unless the person is being rude to you, Makio, Suma, and Hina. Then he gets a little more riled up.
- If you ever go off on someone he’ll just stand back and watch the show. Afterwards he’ll be like “That’s right, tell ‘em what’s up.” in a joking way.
☁️Muichiro Tokito☁️
- It surprised him at first when you defended him, he had no idea how to react so he just stood there (like this: 🧍🏻)
- Whenever you come back to him he’ll say “Next time don’t waste your time on those scum, just knock them on the head.” His bluntness earned a laugh outta you.
🌪️Sanemi Shinazugawa🌪️
- When he heard someone talking shit, he turned towards their direction and was ready to say something. But he was cut off abruptly by you storming to them and letting them have it. He was shocked but kinda proud at the same time.
- After you’re finished, he says that he can defend himself and that you should save that energy for something else.
🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊
- Usually if someone talks shit about him he’ll just ignore it, he has better things to worry about after all. He was bewildered when he overheard you defending him. You taking the time out of your day to defend him made him feel warm inside.
- He will make some food and give it to you as a thanks for having his back.
🪨Gyomei Himejima🪨
- Was really surprised, he certainly didn’t expect it. He calmly tells you that there will always be people in the world saying ill things about others, and to not get yourself all worked up over that.
- After the minor lecture he’ll pat your head and tell you that he’s very grateful for you defending him.
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kakushigotofanclub · 6 months
Currently imagining Muichiro not taking good care of his hair and it's so full of snarls and tangles he goes "i'm just going to cut it" and Mitsuri says "no no you don't need to cut it, let me help you!" and she takes him home and patiently washes and conditions and brushes it until it's all smooth and beautiful again
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muikyow · 1 year
Mitsuri with a Tsuguko!Reader
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- Warnings: English errors, Reader is Gn (I think).
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- Mitsuri is the type who gets emotional in training, while doing different positions she can start to chatter fast sometimes: "Heyy! [Name]! did you get it right?" ...She can end up explaining too quickly sometimes and you can end up not understanding anything
- She is one of the few Hashiras in which she helps you MORE than necessary, if you can't repeat the same training position she keeps helping you distracting you with sweet words so you don't focus so much on "I can't"
- Is usually very admired when you fight and proud, this girl can end up distracting from the mission you are together.
- Were you hurt? 100% worried asking you if it was something serious, She might end up talking too much about it.
- Sometimes she forgets or sleeps too much and ends up being late in training, she apologizes A LOT, with her eyes watering: "Kyaaa, [Name] sorry!, that was wrong! wasn't it!?" please calm this girl down
- She usually cooks a lot of food, so she always asks you to try it in her free time: "Is it delicious? Did you like it??" - She says as she puts more food in your mouth
– She likes to train outdoors (probably on a mountain) very in the morning, usually because it's a quiet place, she likes to teach different flexible positions like that. She is impressed when you can correctly apply the same flexible positions that she did.
- Don't ask she about something like "how the respiratory system works", she gets confused and nervous trying to explain.
- Her training would probably be adapted to her style, so it will be completely different from another Hashira's training.
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levihanskid · 1 year
asking the hashiras to braid their hair for the first time part 1
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- you're the newest hashira and you try to befriend everyone by asking the hashiras to braid their hair ft: mitsuri, muichiro, kyojuro cw: just (platonic) fluff a/n: hi hi this is my first post hopefully more to come i have so much kny brainrot rn (if you have some requests feel free to tell! i'd love to try make them!)
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"omg sureeee"
she loves it sm you'd hear her giggle and squeal
would ask you if she can braid your hair after
would talk to you all the time, ask you your favorites, pretty much anything to know you more
sometimes she'd get some food first so you guys can snack on them while you're braiding her hair
her hair is very well taken care of. i'm talking no split ends, healthy scalp, silky soft, and smells like flowers
she would share her hair care routine to you ofc
she'd also give you tips and recommendations on good products to buy
would teach you how to do other hairstyles so you could do them to each other next time.
after you hair braiding session you definitely know pretty much her whole life (you're also full from all the food)
you guys are besties now
"i dont have anything to do so ok"
was a bit confused why you asked him
it's because your hair is so long and pretty
i feel like his hair has many tangles bcs he always forgets to comb them
so you would spend like 10-15 minutes trying to detangle them
you definitely had sore arms before even starting the braids
you are very gentle doing it tho
he just lets you do your thing while he spaces out or look up the clouds
"that cloud is shaped like a bunny"
you try to open a conversation by asking him random question like his favorites or how his day went
sometimes when he disassociates he'll completely ignore you so you just hum to yourself to ease the awkwardness
after a while you'd notice him swaying a bit as his breath becomes deeper
guy fell asleep
you just quickly finish braiding his hair and gently lay him down on a pillow or your lap
ofc sir anything for you
i'd like to believe his hair got layers so it's a bit hard to braid with all the fly-aways
he doesn't mind tho
would occasionally startle you by talking all of a sudden after a long silence
asks you questions like you're in a job interview
you'd answer and he'd be like "IS THAT SO?" or "THAT'S GOOD TO HEAR"
he's very open so he'll tell you some things about himself as well
would tell you that his hair is like this because his family loves tempura as a joke
you almost believed it
he'd be very delighted by your work with his hair
he brought you to his favorite restaurant and the food was so good (his treat) you may or may not have burst your eardrums a bit with all the "UMAI"
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sft-chrry · 1 year
their love language
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pairings: k. rengoku, m. kanroji, s. kocho, m. tokito x gn!reader (separately)
a/n: the muichiro one is really short because i have a habit of writing at 12am so sorry about that huhu
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k. rengoku ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ quality time
• ngl i had to actually think about this i rlly wanted to put all
• he loves to spend his time talking to you
• i just like to believe that he has a lot of tea to say at the end of his shift
• he'd be like “did you know that there was a little girl who stole from the food stall?”
• or “i saw a cat jumped off the tree”
• it could be a big thing or a little thing he would say it to you while spending time with him.
• he will probably wake you up because he remembered something he forgot to tell you
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m. kanroji ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ words of affirmation
• she would have a deep shade of red if you praise her
• since something said that a boar/bear would marry her, she has become very insecure about her eating habits, appearance, and strength. if you compliment any of those or say that they're cool, she would melt on the spot
• if you give her her lunch with a note she would keep the notes that you give her in a box
• she would say i love you in the morning and before you two fall asleep
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s. kocho ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ act of service
• when you notice that she has been yawning you would make her a cup of coffee and just stay with her
• you would stock up with her favorite foods
• you would do her meals yourself and not call for aoi to help you
• she would fall in love with you again if you said “ill help you with that”
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m. tokito ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ quality time
• due to his bad short memory loss(?) he wants to spend time with you so that he doesn’t forget you
• when are spending time together you two are either sleeping, making paper origami, or making flower crowns
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🍒 sft-chrry 2023
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