#Mistress Garen
prtector · 9 months
what are taric's thoughts on j4 ? does / did he have much of a relationship with him ?
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this  one  is  pretty  tricky  considering  the  timeline  of  taric’s  transition  from  a  knight  ,  awarded  to  him  ,  even  with  a  non  -  hereditary  title  by  the  sovereign  in  recognition  of  merit  or  service  to  demacia  ,  then  thrusted  into  the  hands  of  a  dauntless  vanguard  with  garen  crownguard  .  given  the  events  of  being  exiled  before  the  previous  king  had  been  murdered  &  jarvan  IV  took  his  place  .
it  would  be  interesting  if  there  was  a  relationship  before  jarvan  became  king  &  namely  during  his  time  as  a  vanguard  .  although  he  wasn’t  affiliated  with  the  force  strictly  meant  to  protect  royalty  ,  i’m  sure  taric  caught  glimpses  of  the  prince  jarvan  ,  but  never  really  went  out  of  his  way  of  speaking  directly  to  .  like  every  demacian  revering  citizen  ,  taric  was  meant  to  respect  those  higher  than  him  .
as  far  as  thoughts  go  ,  if  you  were  to  tell  taric  that  jarvan  had  fallen  in  love  with  a  mistress  of  dragon  descent  &  magical  abilities  ,  he  would  not  be  surprised  .
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lobster-tales · 8 months
Lux's Adventures in Underland
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Rating: Mature CW: Body Horror Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 This work is available here on AO3
Chapter 6: Secrets in the Cellar
Lux dreamed of Garen. He was sitting at a desk, a dying candle illuminating a spread of newspapers. He rubbed his eyes, deepening the dark circles beneath them.
"Where," he muttered. "Where are you, Lux?"
She woke to the shrieking whistle of a distant train. The sky had gone soft blue with dawn. But clouds gathered on the horizon, thick heavy grey clouds that charged towards them slowly, like a great, angry beast.
The train screamed again, back-dropped by the roll of a thunderous track. Lux sat up, looking around. She could see no train, but there was a light in the center of the impending cloud mass. A far-off light, not that of the sun, more like a bright star.
Jinx was sleeping beside her, eyebrows knit. She grunted in her sleep, muttering, "No."
The clouds billowed around the light, flooding the sky. All of Underland was darkening, the rising sun blotted out by grey.
Concerned, Lux gently shook Jinx's shoulder. "Jinx?"
The train whistle again, much louder now. The light pierced through the clouds, the rumble of the thunder-track growing louder, joined by a clanging bell.
"Jinx," and she rustled her again.
"No," said Jinx in her sleep, rolling to face away from Lux. "No, I won't go. I don't want to."
The whistle was so intense that Lux had to cover her ears. A massive sky-train burst from the overcast, thundering straight for them.
"Jinx!" Lux grabbed her shoulders and shook them violently.
Jinx awoke with a start and leapt at Lux, pinning her down on the blankets. The train disappeared above them, the clouds dispersing as if nothing had happened.
Lux sighed in relief. "I'm sorry," she said up at Jinx, whose face was twisted in a snarl. "I had to, you were..."
Realization cleared Jinx's eyes, and she pulled back. Sweat droplets still clung to her forehead. "I told you," she spoke in a soft growl. "I told you I have nightmares. I told you I don't like to sleep!"
"I'm sorry," Lux repeated. "I thought... I thought it might be good for you." Gently, carefully, Lux reached for Jinx's fingers and drew her thumb over her knuckles. "But it's your world, Jinx. If you don't want to sleep, then you don't have to."
A moment passed before Jinx's shoulders relaxed, and she pressed her lips against Lux's forehead. "Our world," she whispered. "My queen."
❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢ ❤︎ ♢
Their unicorns had spent the night grazing in the forest while their mistresses slept in the tree above. Jinx produced another vial that returned them to their normal heights, and the two rode back to the castle in silence.
Something had shifted, cleared in the light of dawn. The day before, or possibly days, had felt so wonderful and joyous, like a dream that could never end. But both the sky-train and her vision of Garen had shaken Lux. Slumber had woken things in her heart, questions and fears that she had buried beneath all that laughter and love.
She had been so certain that Jinx was a creature of magic, a fae queen or some sort of pixie that was simply amusing her with her favorite story. But that theory had started to weaken. Did pixies sleep? Did the fae know of trains?
When they returned to the castle, Jinx told her that she had court with her nobles, hesitating before asking if Lux would like to join.
"I'm alright," said Lux. "I think I'd rather go to the library and read, if it's all the same."
Jinx seemed relieved by this, and kissed her knuckles before they went their separate ways.
Lux searched and scoured the library for anything familiar, any text that would remind her of home. Dickens or Brontë, Austen or even bloody Shakespeare. But the books were all farcical, either pure nonsense or parody.
Resignedly, Lux sank into an armchair with a copy of Bluthering Tights when Viktor the Cat appeared to her, curled up in her lap.
"Having fun yet?" he purred.
"Yes, quite," said Lux, but knew her tone betrayed her with it's sharpness.
He rolled over, baiting her with that fluffy belly, and she gave in all too easily. "I owe you some gratitude. None of us have slept that well in months... Or at all, come to think of it."
Lux sighed. "I rather regret it, now. I would much rather go back to the way it was before."
"How was it before?"
She thought a moment. "Uncomplicated."
"Ah." He stretched out his paws. "Have you considered that it has been complicated this entire time, and that you are only now seeing it?"
Lux knew he was right, deep down. She had kept shoving feelings aside, so glad to finally be seen and heard and freed. But it wasn't freedom, not really. Just pretending she was free.
Guilt began to eat at her. "You're all still trapped here."
"Eh, you've made progress," he said with a little kitty shrug. "How much more you make is up to you."
Again, Lux thought back to the Caterpillar's words.
Secrets trapped in an enchanted cage Locked in a cellar where wine cannot age
Viktor the Cat wrapped around her shoulders when she stood. She made her way towards the kitchen, careful to keep an eye out for Jinx or any of the wandering card soldiers or frog-persons. The kitchen was as they left it, untouched, the heavy closed door the same.
Lux tried the handle, but found it locked. "I need a key," she murmured. "Any ideas, Viktor?"
Ever helpful, he shrugged.
She frowned at his little paw. "You can change shape, can't you?" Without waiting for an answer, Lux pulled him from her shoulder and angled his paw into the opening. He hissed in protest, but reshaped his paw to fit the lock, and it turned with a click.
The door groaned and shuddered as she pulled it open, as if it had not been moved in years, if ever. When Lux was certain no one had seen or heard, she surveyed the opening. A dusty stairwell disappeared into a darkness so thick it seemed as viscous as water.
"Hmm," said Viktor. "No, thank you. Good luck." And with that, he disappeared.
"Scaredy cat," Lux muttered to herself, gathering her courage. She searched the cupboards for a candle and holder, lit it, and began her descent. When her foot first entered the darkness, she felt the air cool, so cool she wished she had brought a coat or shawl.
She pressed on. The only thing she could feel was the chilled air and the solid, dusty stone beneath her bare feet. She could see nothing before her, and in moments, even the light from the door was gone, swallowed by inky black. Her candle's tiny, flickering flame lit nothing more than her own face, though she was still grateful for some source of light.
As she continued, she heard a voice. A man's voice, deep and gruff, half-speaking and half-singing a poem. One of the many nonsense poems, perhaps.
There was a sister named Violet Who kept her siblings well guided For every brawl She'd win them all And they'd always return home unblighted
She picked out a distant candlelight. As Lux drew closer, she saw the back of a hulking silvery figure, faintly glowing. Lux held her breath: what had Jinx said. "There's ghosts down there."
The voice became clearer.
Violet had a sister named Powder And never left home without her Until Powder's wonder Tore their family asunder Then Violet was never allowed her
"E-excuse me," Lux said in a voice that she wished was more confident.
The song stopped. The figure lifted, straightened, and turned. It was a man, a large man with a full beard and full belly, and massive muscled arms. She saw now he had been hunched over a desk, carving what looked to be a chess piece.
His eyes were solid white, unblinking. He seemed to be waiting for her to speak, so she said, "Um... hello."
A rumbling sound echoed in the room around, and for a moment, Lux feared that the cavernous cellar was crumbling. But no, she realized, he was laughing. Deep, from his gut, even though his face was completely still.
"Hello," he answered in that deep voice.
"... Right, well..." It occurred to Lux only then that she had not thought of what she would say. "I... I'm here for a secret. I think. Or secrets, perhaps, the Caterpillar was a bit unclear. Though he also mentioned a cage, but that might be a metaphor, then again the cellar wasn't a metaphor so perhaps..."
She realized he was smiling at her. For a ghost, he had such a warm smile, so warm that she even found herself grinning back, if not a bit apprehensively. After a long moment, he turned back to his work and sang again,
There was a sister named Violet Who kept her siblings well guided For every brawl She'd win them all And they'd always return home unblighted
Violet had a sister named Powder And never left home without her Until Powder's wonder Tore their family asunder Then Violet was never allowed her
He repeated the poem again. Lux waited for more information, but after his second repeat, she asked, "Sir?"
The man continued to sing.
"Sir?" She reached out, but when her fingers met his shoulder, he dissolved into a cloud of sparkles.
The only thing that remained was the desk. Lux saw that it was full of chess pieces, with carvers tools scattered about. Overlooking the work stood a framed painting of a family. She recognized the father as the ghost-man, surrounded by four children, two boys and two girls. One of the boys was lean with spiked hair, while the other was large with round spectacles, and both looked to be about the same age. One of the girls had cropped pink hair and was noticeably older than the other, who had blue hair pulled back.
Lux studied this last child, as the blue hair reminded her so much of Jinx. The art style also seemed familiar, and when she spotted a white owl symbol in the bottom corner, she realized the painting was Ekko's work. She took the frame and examined the back, where words had been scrawled:
Vander Lane, with two sons Mylo and Claggor, and two daughters Violet and Powder
Not Jinx, then, but the girls from the rhyme. The ghost-man's daughters.
The painting created more questions than it answered. Had the ghost-man died here, in the Underland cellar? Where were all his children? Did they even know he had passed?
And then the hideous question that she tried to quell, but it rose back up and sank it's claws in her mind: was Jinx the one who killed him?
A welcome distraction came in the form of scuffed footprints deeper in the tunnel. Lux set the painting back in it's place and squinted into the dark. The blackness had become less suffocating, so much so that Lux could see rows of wine casks beneath the arched cellar roof. The scuffing was joined by thuds against wood, and she saw a faint silvery form between the casks.
Thinking it was Vander Lane the ghost-man, Lux set off towards the figure, calling, "Vander!"
Her voice must have startled the ghost, as she heard a clutter as if he had fallen. She spied a ghostly foot behind one of the casks and ran forward. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir!"
As she approached, she saw that he was on his hands and knees facing away from her. The legs of this ghost were much too thin to belong to Vander, as were the narrow arms and torso. He did not acknowledge her arrival, just remained bent over the cold stone.
"Oh, my," Lux said with a wince. "I really didn't mean to-"
The ghost moved. As he did, her candle flame flickered violently, as if trying to escape the wick. His shoulders remained hunched as he rose to his feet. Lux felt a horrible, cold sense of dread as he stood and turned.
There was a pink bloody stump where his head should have been.
Lux screamed and dropped the candle. She took off between the rows of casks, past the desk, back into the all-consuming darkness. She ran and ran, never looking back to see if the headless man was pursuing her.
Just when she felt the darkness would go on forever, she saw the light from the staircase, and nearly wept with relief as she scrambled up it and into the kitchens, throwing her entire weight against the heavy door to seal it shut. She leaned against it, panting, her mind still catching up, trying to comprehend what it had just seen.
"What have you done?"
Jinx was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, her pink eyes burning. The crown on her brow had grown sharper, it's spires lengthened like knife blades.
"J-Jinx," Lux gasped. "I-"
"What have you done?" she repeated, her face twisting into fury. She stalked towards Lux, fists clenched at her side. "Why did you go down there?"
"I- I was just trying to-"
Jinx's hands slammed the wood on both sides of Lux, pinning her there. Up close, Lux could feel the heat radiating off her, see the contortion of her face shifting and changing into something far more sinister.
"How dare you!" she snarled, and there was an undercurrent to her voice, an echo.
"Jinx, please," Lux said, her eyes wet with tears. "I just want to understand what's going on!"
"Why! Why do you need to understand? Why couldn't you just leave well enough alone and be happy with me!" Jinx leaned in, so close that Lux could feel her breath. Deep in those eyes, past the wrath, something flickered, something close to sorrow. The wood splintered under Jinx's nails, and she tore herself away, her back to Lux as she hunched over a counter.
Lux waited a moment, not even daring to breathe, her back still flush against the door. She finally whispered, "Jinx?"
"Get out."
"... Jinx, I-"
A saucepan clattered against the wood beside Lux's head, narrowly missing her. Bits of the splintered wood grazed her cheek, and even though they were soft, Lux still flinched. "Get OUT!" Jinx screamed, hands scrabbling for more cookware.
Lux ran, ducking beneath the plates and measuring cups that were thrown at her, all exploding against the wall. She didn't care that the shattered pieces were soft, that they couldn't really hurt her, she dodged anyway. Lux ran from the kitchen, down the hall, and stopped in the dead center of other conjoining hallways, unsure where to go, how to escape.
"Lux!" It was Ekko in owl form above her, gliding past. "The stables, this way!"
She followed, tears still streaming from her eyes, clouding her vision. There would be time to cry later: for now, she had to focus.
Ekko shifted back into a man at the aviary doors leading, taking Lux's hand and guiding her to the Gryphon pen.
"Ekko," she choked out: she still hadn't fully caught her breath from running in the cellar, and her lungs burned furiously. "Ekko, I don't understand-"
"Here," he said, and the Gryphon stepped out, chirping at her, talons clicking on the stone. "Get to the tea party."
Screams echoed in the hallways behind them. Lux, realizing she might not see him again, seized the front of Ekko's jacket. "The painting, Vander's family! You drew it?"
His shoulders dropped, guilt etched into his features. "Yes."
"Who is he? Who are the girls, Violet and Powder?"
The screams grew louder.
"There's no time," he said, and grabbed her by the waist, hoisting her onto the Gryphon's back. "To the Hatter," he murmured as he stroked the Gryphon's head.
Lux saw down the hallway, a surge of card soldiers, all folded together in a wave. "Will she be okay?"
"... I hope so." And with that, Ekko brought his hand against the furred rump of the Gryphon, who surged skyward.
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lawofnines · 5 years
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Legend of the Seeker - S2xE19 - (Extinction) ~ Original Air Date: May 1, 2010
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faeiriefire · 3 years
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You have been recruited by the freshly appointed Monsignor of Ytarr to investigate the murder of the late Father Wycroft. A servant girl of the local church has been accused as the prime suspect of Wycroft’s murder as she has been the only eyewitness to step forward. Using her frank vernacular, she proclaims her innocence stating that the church is a house of deceit rather than that of reverence. While trying to keep locals at bay, the Monsignor has tasked you along with several other skilled adventurers to investigate the church and discover the truth behind the slaughter of Father Wycroft.
DISCLAIMER: In no way is The House of the Setting Sun affiliated or attacking any religious institutions. This adventure is a fictional work that may be used in one's own adventure or a standalone event. Thank you for your understanding and please enjoy.
This adventure can be customized to any size or level. The House of the Setting Sun can be used as a small side adventure, a standalone one-shot, or a starting adventure for a new campaign. The characters listed below can be changed to your liking for how you would like to run your session.
Areas of Interest:
Conclave of Union
The Conclave of Union is nestled within the heart of the town of Ytarr. The building is a towering, Greco-Romanesque building adorned with vines of wisteria blooms. A gilded, bronze placard in the shape of liberty scales decorates the frontal frieze. The building acts as the residential courthouse.
Sanctuary of Etheré
The Sanctuary of Etheré resides in the Noble district of Ytarr. The building is a Churrigueresque, multiple story building with ornate buttresses and a high bell tower. Attached to the left side of the church is a well-kept graveyard, in which some of the soil seems oddly... fresh.
The Glorious Cabbage
The Glorious Cabbage resides betwixt the Farmer and Noble district of Ytarr. The Tudor-style building serves as both the town tavern and inn for weary travelers. An aromatic column of smoke from the kitchens provides a homey atmosphere for the locals as well as foreigners. The floorplan of the tavern is vastly open, to the point that visitors can have a small glimpse inside the kitchens. The upstairs has an indoor balcony that overlooks the heart of the tavern; along the posterior wall of the upper floor are oak doors to the rentable apartments. Despite the peaceful atmosphere and appearance, the Glorious Cabbage is a well-known spot for patrons that have a night job as thieves and assassins.
Important Non-Playable Characters:
Monsignor Windsor Alpendusk, Male Half High-Elf
Description: A rather slender man in his early thirties, he is a man of the robe and lives life quite piously. His black hair is peppered with grey streaks on either side of his slicked hair. His eyes are brown and warm, which allude to being awfully innocent.
Personality: Windsor is quite charismatic and caring to all those who grace his presence. He has a bad habit of over-extending himself to help others rather than focusing on his own needs, which makes him prone to exhaustion. The Monsignor is afflicted by bouts of anxiety regarding the well-being and safety of others within Ytarr.
Voice: A bit on the louder side but he is very well-spoken and optimistic despite his anxious episodes.
Monsignor Windsor is the newly appointed priest of the Sanctuary of Etheré. He was the man to hire you and your allies to solve the murder of his predecessor. The Monsignor is one of the few who believe that the servant girl is indeed telling the truth about the church.
Monsignor Windsor Alpendusk is a protagonist. He is not guilty of the crime, though some have gone so far to suspect him.
Father Garen Wycroft, Male Human
Description: Wycroft was a wiry man in his early fifties who frequently would visit different parts of Ytarr in casual robes when not performing a sermon. His hair was a dark grey that was slicked on top. His eyes were blue and beady.
Personality: On the outside, Father Wycroft was rather caring and gentle. However, he has a secretive side in over-indulgence; ranging from alcohol to lewd exploitation. His secrets were well-kept with the Nobles of Ytarr but there was some discussion, months prior to his death, in regards to having Wycroft step down.
Voice: Tired and ragged from belting in his younger years.
Father Wycroft's body had been discovered at the altar of the Sanctuary of Etheré. While he was a wiry man, he was by no means unhealthy or ill. His death was unexpected and foul play has been determined in his demise.
Father Garen Wycroft is an antagonist. He played a part in summoning the Lady of Debauchery to Ytarr after making a seemingly "fair" deal with a demon. The deal? Immortal life and a mistress, of course!
Lottie Whitmight, Female Human
Description: Lottie is a well-shaped woman in her early twenties, she wears a maid's attire as she frequently helps clean the church and its property. Her hair is red and silky, which lays to her mid-back when it is not pulled back into a plait. Her eyes are doll-like and hazel.
Personality: Lottie is very warm and outgoing. She is known for being quite outspoken around Ytarr. She has a bad habit of getting too interested in town gossip as she is overly interested in others. As a town native, she seeks to find some form of entertainment in her "dull, monotonous" life.
Voice: More on the high-pitched side but not crass or annoying. Her voice is almost song-like.
Lottie has been accused of the murder of Father Wycroft. She has come forward as the only eye-witness of his death as she had gone around town in a panic describing, "a foul, terrible evil resides in the crypts of Etheré". The party will have the option to break Lottie out of prison to have her aid you in catching Mara in her true form at night in the crypts.
Lottie Whitmight is a tertiary character. Despite being accused of murder, Lottie is innocent; she did not kill Father Wycroft. Rather, she was the witness of Wycroft aiding Mara in summoning more demons to usurp the Nobles of Ytarr in order for his wish to come true.
Mara Clearhelm
Description: Mara is a slender woman in her late twenties, she dons vibrant robes and antique, wiry jewelry. Her hair is brown and wavy, which caps the tops of her shoulders.
Personality: Mara is shy and reserved on the outside. On the inside, she is quite sadistic and selfish; driven to her own goals of pleasing her own carnal desires. She first came to town 6 months ago and has been the gardener at Etheré. The truth behind her arrival is that Wycroft had made a deal with her as well as lower-ranking demons to aid him in achieving his own goals. She is a master of manipulation and trickery so gaining the trust of others is easy for her.
Voice: Sultry and full. Her voice can be addictive for some.
Mara has been the groundskeeper of Etheré for the past 6 months. She will have rare interactions with the players at first as she comes across as "shy". However, she is reserved in her actions and voice because she is analyzing each person and how she can manipulate you into trusting her.
She will help provide you with many details regarding the moments before Wycroft's death and where he was last seen. But she will provide false information on where he actually died and the circumstances around his death. Only after the party either realizes she is lying or has Lottie's assistance will she show you her true form.
Mara Clearhelm is an antagonist and the main battle in the one-shot. Mara's true form is that of a succubus; she is a Lesser Consort to Asmodeus. Her true title is the Lady of Debauchery, as she tricks others into selling their souls for their "Earthly delights and wishes". She is a manipulative combatant, who will regularly charm healers and disabling damage dealers.
The rewards for defeating Mara will be up to you as a DM. This one-shot can be used as a standalone or could be a Game Zero for the Descent into Avernus or any game involving the Nine Hells.
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finnskeeper · 4 years
Dragonhunters of Eromor - The Players
I have a couple of lazy players who haven’t sent me character names yet, but we grow ever closer to actually playing our first game. Seeing all of the wonderful characters sent in to @criticalrolo  recently inspired me to do a quick write up of each of the characters that will be tromping through my world.
Nyx Dalanyx - Gnome Ranger (Beast Master)
Years after her father was killed saving her from the dragon that destroyed their village, Nyx lives deep in the heart of the Uvalian Wilds with her mother and siblings. A mishap at Feast Day leads to her exile from her clan, forcing her to go looking for her brother, Echo, who left the year before to pursue the life of an adventurer. Her search leads her to Elderfall and the Trials, so she enters hoping for a chance to reunite with her brother and to train in hopes of one day taking down the beast that killed her father.
Chandra - Kalashtar Warlock (Pact of the Old One)
Chandra doesn’t remember much about his early years, except that the time before The Dream was bad and the time after it good. His life now is a bit dull, if safe, in the island port city of Garen’s Well. He doesn’t really have any friends, but that’s alright because he has the Dreamspeaker, who has promised to watch over him. All Chandra has to do is “find the last dragon.” He’s not quite sure what to do once he finds it, but there are dragons everywhere now so it shouldn’t be too difficult a task. Deciding that the best place to start would be joining a Guild, Chandra sets off for Elderfall via boat to enlist in The Trials.
Unnamed Human Fighter (Battle Master)
He is a survivor of Kairndale, a now-ruined city in northwestern Pormadus. Those who did not perish speak of a terrible beast riding on the back of a storm. Not many of the city’s soldiers made it out, but someone had to escort the Regent and his family away from the destruction. He and two of his brothers-in-arms set off with the Volmarks for the nearby city of Elderfall as devastation rained down around them. Once safely within the city walls, he left military service and dedicated himself to wiping out the threats to the land by joining a Guild.
Leucis / “Chance” - Tiefling Cleric (Knowledge Domain)
Chance spent most of his life using his charm and wiles to score extra food for his family and lighten the pockets of the greedy merchants that run the rough and tumble city of Martslock. But all luck runs out eventually. After hustling a young scholar and costing him his apprenticeship, Chance is given a vision by Dovinah, the Mistress of Keys and Secrets and the scholar’s patron goddess. Given the opportunity to atone, Chance sets off on a soul-searching quest that brings him all the way to Elderfall and The Sage’s Temple. After months of study and meditation within the temple, Chance emerges nearly a full-fledged cleric of Dovinah. There’s only one task left to complete: join a Guild and prove himself capable of embarking on the Mistress’ sacred task of uncovering the mysteries of the world.
Sir Evrett Brinsbane - Human Paladin (Oath of Redemption)
Sir Evrett was a boy when the dragons first came. Having survived the initial devastation within the safety of the walls of Valtodir, he grew up with dreams to join the ranks of the sentinels that protect the city. It wasn’t long before that dream became reality, and after a long career of protecting the citizens of Pormadus, he retired a knight of the realm and settled down with his wife and children. It wasn’t until many years later, when his wife’s hair grew silver and his youngest child began a family of their own, that he realized that time had seemingly skipped over him. Even after the passing of his beloved, Evrett appeared not have aged over fifty. Unable to determine the cause of his sudden immortality, he decided to spend his days caring for the citizens of the small town where he lived. But with the continued threat of dragons plaguing the land, the people in Surshire want to move closer to the protection of the city. Needing resources and more political pull, he came out of retirement to join a Guild and once again pit his prowess against the beasts that threaten the land.
Balt Ibn Gerra - Fire Genasi Rogue (The Revived)
Balt was part of a four man crew, the standard number of Fellows sent by the Cabal of Crows whenever patrons have enough coin to hire them. The job was easy enough - sneak into the Regent’s house and steal a few papers. It went well, right up until his Fellows turned on him, cutting him out of the deal in the most brutal way. But even as he lay dying, he knew it wasn’t the end. At the doorstep of death itself, Balt cut a deal with The Harbinger for more time, for the opportunity to enact his revenge in exchange for some future service. Whether surprised by his brashness or impressed with his gall, Kakoa agreed. He woke up in the city jail, bloodied but alive. It didn’t take long for the arbiter to hand down his sentence: 10 years imprisonment or Commutation. Joining a Guild would ensure his freedom, but 20% of his earnings would be forfeited to the city for ten years to pay his debt. Deciding his revenge would be best served outside the jail rather than in it, he agreed and remained in his cell to await the start of the Trials.
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narcisisto-archive · 6 years
modern au sea of thieves night more like
draven: did you really name your pirate ‘garen’? garen: was i not supposed to name him after myself? draven, fake pirate accent: 'COURSE NOT. ME NAME’S RAGNAROCK IRONCOCK, CAPT’N OF THE MOBY DICK, AN’ TH’ WHORE OF TH’ SEVEN SEAS! garen: why? taric, tearing up: you’re so fucking valid
darius: the water’s black taric, screaming: CAPTAIN. LOOK. draven, as the kraken surfaces: AYE IT’S ME MISTRESS HEY BITCH garen: why do you take this so seriously?
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senesharu-blog · 6 years
❛ I believe that nothing happens by chance. ❜
The Shadow of the Wind — accepting.
   Xin Zhao wasn’t quite used to being in a Crownguard’s company, despite their duties to the Lightshield Dynasty. It would be a lie to say he was an expert in entertaining the idea of idle chat, so he remained silent for quite some time. The corner of his mouth curved upwards in the hint of a forming smile, bemusement bubbling in his chest before he forces it down.
       “ If that proved true, then I would not be here. “
   A reminder, if only to prove Garen wrong before much more could be said. Chance was the one thing he believed in, as it ensured his survival and, eventually, his freedom from the forces of Noxus. King Jarvan III had seen him at his worst, and the debt he owed could never be fully repaid, not even with his undying service and loyalty.
       “ Chance is a mistress: she is carried by the winds of the fortunate, those deserving of her embrace, and she is gone just as quickly as she comes. It is difficult to make her stay, and yet sometimes she chooses those she deems worthy. I am lucky to have kept her attention. “
   Once again he falls silent, no longer seeking to say more than he already has; his point was made, and it had now been up to Garen to decide whether or not he would have a change of heart. War was the same, a game of chance, and sometimes it was better to stray from the traditional path than to follow it and hope the decisions hold true.
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thebladesofnoxus · 7 years
ROMANCE HEADCANONS !! →   repost, do not reblog !!
name : Katarina Du Couteau nickname :  The Sinister Blade, Kat gender : Female (cis) romantic orientation : Heterosexual, alterous preferred pet names :  Mistress None relationship status : Single
favorite canon ship : Is Garen/Katarina canon already? favorite non-canon ship : IDK. Lux/Kat or Talon/Kat I suppose. I don’t ship this lady that much.
opinion on true love :  She tells herself that true love is a fantasy, but then she remembers the way her parents used to look at each other and is not so sure any more. opinion on love at first sight : A stupid fairytale. how ‘romantic’ are they? : She is more romantic than she would ever admit or let others know. Katarina likes small details; simple gifts and gestures, small demonstrations of affection. She is not a big fan on grandiloquent or extremely cheesy acts, though.
ideal physical traits : Generally tall and big men, or at least, athletic. Good looking in a rugged way. ideal personality traits : Strong-willed and adaptative. She likes people who are true to themselves. Cunning. Has to tell good jokes. unattractive personality traits : Crybabies and bigheads. ideal date : Surprisingly, something very normal. A good meal, a good promenade, then end up in a bar, have some drinks, maybe start a fight and get in trouble... The usual. Something typical but also exciting. do they have a type?: Warrior type, most definitely. average relationship length : Very short and very informal. Mostly one-night stands that never see her again. preferred non-sexual intimacy : DANCING commitment level :  Very... volatile. One day she might feel very committed just to be completely apathetic on the next, depending on many circumstances.  opinion of public affection : Depends on the moment. She is a lady of a proper status, so there are some things she is not, uh, ‘allowed’ to be seen doing. But she might also go ‘fuck it’ and let the whole Noxus see how she is being all touchy-feely. Probably not gonna happen though, too risky. past relationships? : None with commitment (although there was Garen in the ‘Fall of Demacia’ verse).
tagged by: @luminous-lady tagging: everyone has done this already, I’m afraid.
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luxthecrownguard · 7 years
Write On + Lux's first royal gala
// I based it on her First Gala in general because I found it more fitting for character development. 
Another day in a society bent on building its civilians into functioning members of society despite, unlike most, there were things that set individuals apart and she was one of those. There were many terms that could be used to describe the vile intrusions of the world, in her case it could mean death. The defects as her parents would so kindly state behind her back, certainly not in front of others, but without a doubt to each other; What a bother this all was, the amount of money poured into such nuisances to celebrate unrelatable matters, smile… wave… dance, no room to deny the hands reaching out to consume whatever time they could in her day. Vultures wishing to gain a leg into a household they have no business but it was their way to exert their dominance when they could… Lux… she hated it. Parading around in faulty material that was impractical, masks that carve specific impressions designed to intrigue the opposite party. Politics, tricky and a massacre to society because it was littered with nothing but lies. Today, she would have to just that, participate in the unending dance of socialization, smiling to seem pleasant like nothing were wrong and that nothing bothered her. Learning to deny yourself over others was certainly the worse of it, the ideations behind mingling to please those around you and offer them an unforgettable moment; A groan left her lips along with the remaining air in her chest as she held on to the bed post, nails digging into the carved wood hanging her head and the blonde strands following the movement as they slide off her shoulders. The maid tugged viciously at the threads strung through the corset, “ Is this…r…really necessary….?” Asking in a breathless tone at the rather uncomfortable accessory to her garment. “ It is at your mother’s request that you be fitted with this Ma'Lady,” the woman whispered before fetching the fine garment. There were moments where she cursed the days, recently she'd been given the right to adulthood upon growing a year older... not just any number, 12, the bridge in which desire manifested and the parade for suitors began; Not only was it a normal consistency across the minds of society but being bred for the crown and the military training from the beginning fell right behind it. Of course, everyone was introduced into military induction at some point, family and status definitely played a role at where they started… that she hated, she’d heard rumors of Noxus and their military upbringing. Everyone started at the same place and earned their rank… but it was only a rumor, whether it was true, that was a different story. The top was fashioned to fit a mistress of war, a breastplate made of sturdy fabric and the bottom more of a chaotic feeling with the tulle pushing outward, “ I hate when she insists on dre….” a rather unamused tone had taken full effect only to be cut short by just that figure coming into view, her mother perched inside her door frame. Slender, shorter than average and holding quite the resemblance to the mage... at least that was what most people couldn't refrain from saying. “ Oh, my child,” An enthusiastic beginning to what would end as her dominating a conversation, “ You look like a proper Crownguard. Remember what we wen….” A sigh left her lips, stomping a foot against the ground, barking her distaste for her daughter's stance, “ Luxanna! Stand straight, no slouching you’re not a commoner… I taught you better than that.” At the sound of her raised pitch, the girl more than obeyed immediately correcting her posture. A quick mask developing once more to hide her outburst, there were times where the doubt became apparent that her mother no longer knew who she was beneath a subservient wife. Her mother smiled once more, “ Now, we’ve discussed how this will go…”A few strides to close the distance between them, reaching a slender hand over to pick up delicate gloves designed just for these monotonous occasions. Blue orbs glanced down briefly, reluctantly the girl tugged the worn leather ones off her fingers, they’d become a  comfort zone almost like a cage bolted shut. 
Even though it was only seconds, the moment she discarded her barrier onto her bed, discomfort as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. Louder and louder the beating got in her ears as her blood pumped quicker, air was swept clean from her lungs…. a quick panic was setting in; Swiping the gloves from offering hands and sliding them on a hard swallow followed and a wave of relief. The sight was only brief, having barely caught it that flicker of disgust when her hand had brushed hers. “You are not to take these off for any reason tonight. I would not want anyone to learn of your ….shortcomings, it would be detrimental in more ways than one for your father. Wouldn't want him to suffer due to your incompetence….” Looking to the servant, “ Finish getting her ready and escort her down, a Lady must be early to accept the guests’ arrival. Present till the very end.” With that, a swift exit and the tension in the room dissipated much easier than it came. Gritting her teeth, one hand gripping the other in an attempt to quell the rising ride of anger, “ That… woman….” A huff escaped painted lips, a few calming breaths and that warm sensation that had roamed beneath her skin began to subside. Forcing a small smile onto her lips, turning to the servant, “ Come. I would not want you to get in trouble because of me…” The heels were like a clock tapping against the ground, each step she allowed to grace the floors recorded her existence in the halls; Everything had been pulled out for this simple event… .there were no reasons just a moment to show off, present standing and gain respective connections to others. Stationed next to her brother who was always a saving grace even if his mind didn’t want him to believe the truth, he flashed a comforting smile. Her father was stern, unwavering, having entered the room she didn't even earn a simple glance or even an ounce of acknowledgment. He had become distant, repulsed by her existence since revealing that she had magical inheritance; Excelling in everything it still wasn’t enough to earn a glance in this situation. No eyes peered to view the secrets behind these walls, he just like mother wore a mask in front of guests and continued the parade of nobility as if it was written in some special book distributed among the masses. 
A sigh left her lips earning that famous glare from her mother, quite sure it could curdle milk if she looked at it long enough; People would begin to pour in, flocking for a look inside their home and make reaches, grabs for any strong they could find to gain a leg up. Venturing through the people she’d politely smile, greet them favorably and move on just like a good hostess, proper etiquette.. .all so tiresome. Speeches praising Demacia, the King and welcoming the visitors all so boring but this part she hated most. Dances…Closing her eyes briefly trying to adjust herself, no luck; slipping off to the side she cringed at the uncomfortable feeling of the corset cinching her waist, crushing her chest and giving her a chest where she didn’t have much of one. What a vile invention, a torture device she had deducted from the short time having worn it. Losing herself in the moment a hand was placed on her shoulder causing her to jump slightly, “ Come now Lux… you have to mingle wouldn’t want to make Mother angry.” Relief, if it was anyone he was the most comforting of the lot and definitely the only one who could make her smile in such a horrid situation “ I know I know Garen, I just… can’t breathe with this damned thing….” A groan left her lips as he chuckled. “ You’re a Crownguard. You can do it…” He would encourage pulling her back out to the party and departing as to not bring unwanted eyes. Not to say there weren’t those who took special interest, especially with her recent coming of age, those were the most unwanted to her. The first Sir VonBokern his sleazy mustache curling in certain ways that made his expressions more revolting than they should be. Cringing behind her bright smile she allowed for him to lead her out to the floor, swirling, again and again, wandering hands down her backside and each time she’d reach back and pull the hand back up. His breath encroaching in on her ear trying to whisper sweet nothings, his breath was heavily infused with strong licks of alcohol and the sloppy behavior he presented only supported the assumption. Each second bringing a heightened desire for an interruption. “Luxanna!” Her father’s voice would boom across the crowd pulling her attention immediately. Bidding her current dance partner a farewell, quickly tearing across the room a panic clear in the rushed steps,' Oh god... what have I done.' It was a simple that but it encompassed every bit of what she was feeling, for him to call her? She had to of done something wrong. “ Yes, Father?” She asked, a worried expression and a small shake in her tone. “ This is Andren, he’s the son of Sir VonBokern. It would please me….” There it was, that phrase that got her each time with the need to prove herself to him, “ if you would keep him company.” Whittled down to nothing once his intense glare settled upon her, but part of her couldn't help relishing in the moment. It was times like this that she took much stock in, it was still more recognition than her father gave her on a regular basis. “ Y….y..yes sir… of course, sir..” A sense of shock rising to each word, this was far from what she had expected. The notion to knowing eyes was clearly fake, a ruse to convince the onlookers of a functioning family from one end to the other, her father's hand reached out grasping her shoulder in a loving manner, “ That's my girl...” He cooed. Her heart lurched clear from her chest, unable to deny her desire to receive such praise. A lie she would let herself believe just this once, be fooled... just this once.
The boy said next to nothing, wouldn’t move to dance and was rather in her mind in the likeness of a statue, a far cry from the creep his father was. Fiddling with her gloves, the boy seemed to take notice and reached over taking her hand. No warning was given as he began to remove the cloth, no cause or reason to such unwarranted actions. Fear washed over her features, quickly retracting her hand from his grip, “ No!” She belted clutching her hand to her chest which caused a few glances. 
Andren taken back briefly by the sudden outburst didn't take long to respond roughly gripping her wrist, yanking it forward and sliding the glove off in one swoop; It was almost as if time had halted, laughing viciously at her misfortunes, heart dropped and breath caught in her throat... she had to get it back. A quick movement of her hand as it flew forward hitting him in the chest to create distance and then swiping his feet out from beneath him. Once his back hit the ground, ripping the glove from his hand she put it back on and took off back towards her room. There was no need to check, she could feel her father's eyes burning through her back as she fled the scene. A commotion created from something as simple as a glove was unacceptable and there was no doubt there would be consequences to such actions. Pacing the length of her room it didn't take long for someone to show up, first her mother who immediately began throwing insults, “ You insolent child, how dare you em....” Though it was quickly silenced by the head of the household trudging into the confines of her living space, his hand held up quickly silenced her. “ Father I...” Silenced in almost the same way, Lux shrank back when he held his hand up at her. “Why is it you insist on being so defiant!? I gave you a simple task and you couldn't even do that... There are times when I wish we were at war, then maybe you'd prove yourself useful... even your death would bring honor to this family in that situation,” He sighed, rubbing his temples agitated by the situation, “ There are times where I'm convinced there is not a chance you are my daughter, I like to believe you were switched at birth and my actual flesh and blood resides else where. Stay out of sight, I care not to see you leave this room for the remainder of the night...” What could she respond to that? Watching the couple leave she was frozen in her spot, knees wobbling in pure shock at what had just prospered before her eyes.
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lawofnines · 7 years
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No big deal, just Katrina Law liking one of my tweets!
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cryptidotter · 11 years
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40/100 pictures of Katrina Law
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