#Miss Marjolaine
chariotdun0rd · 11 months
Marjolaine is so underrated I just need to make a random shitpost about her
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She's so cuteeeee she looks adorable in the official art
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morganaseren · 6 months
Snippet Sunday (Arranged Marriage AU)
Tagged by: @blackjackkent
Tagging forward: @illusivesoul, @this-is-something-idk-what, @noeldressari, @chaosroid, and anyone else who wants to participate!
Pairing: Leliana/Niamh Cousland
Rating: Teen
AU: If You'd Cross An Ocean for Me
Note: Honestly, you could consider this scene to be a continuation to this one I posted a while back.
Following dinner, Leliana found that the tent she was meant to share with her new wife had already been pitched up. It was domed in its design, and as expected as one of the leaders of the nomadic coalition, it was larger than many of the others that darted the valley. As La Louve brushed aside the tarp entrance to allow her through, Leliana couldn't help the sudden nervousness that settled over her as she wandered into the darkened space.
With their wedding ceremony and the feast that came afterward, the consummation of their marriage was, of course, to be expected.
Leliana was hardly new to sharing her body with another, whether for romantic intent or to satisfy a carnal curiosity. Despite the abruptness of their arranged marriage, La Louve had so far shown herself to be rather courteous--enough that Leliana wouldn't have been opposed to laying with her.
Still, after Marjolaine, Leliana knew all too well that the persona one presented in public could be so very different when behind the privacy of closed doors...
Before her thoughts could darken upon that memory, her breath hitched when she heard the snapping of fingers behind her. Her startlement had less to do with the sound but the fact that the act itself had instantly lit the candles that were lined in various locations within the tent. It brought a comforting warmth to what had been an unknown space to her.
Leliana could see the clean reed matting placed over the ground, providing a clear separation between the outdoors and one's personal sleeping area. Given how nomadic the Fereldans were, she expected the tent to be rather sparse, which was proven true. Save for a collapsible writing desk and chair along with the bags that held their clothing in the corner, the majority of the space was taken up by the pile of furs that Leliana realized was meant to be their bed.
She found that she had wandered over to it without truly meaning to, and as she reached down to touch a large, silvery pelt, she found that it felt just as soft and luxurious as she had expected. Looking over her shoulder, Leliana found that her wife was still standing at the entryway and hadn't bothered to close the distance between them. From the sheepish expression on the other woman's face, she couldn't help but wonder if La Louve was perhaps just as nervous about the expectations of their marriage as she had been.
Soft lips parted to speak, but before La Louve could voice a single word, a shout--a summon perhaps?--from outside had the woman frowning. In response, La Louve poked her head out of the tent briefly, and Leliana could just barely hear the muffled conversation outside. Before long, her wife flashed a look of apology her way. She didn't understand the words that followed either, but she also didn't miss the way La Louve gestured emphatically toward the bed before she left the tent entirely, her dark cloak sweeping behind her.
All in all, it was... not quite how Leliana expected to end her evening.
With nothing left to do, she began to undress, leaving herself only in her smalls before she tucked herself under the covers of the bedding. She couldn't help her sigh of relief as she sank into the soft furs, grateful for the chance to simply relax after such an eventful day.
An eventful month in general if she were being completely honest.
Exhaustion weighed heavy upon her, but she felt it polite to at least wait for her wife before succumbing to it. However, as the candles around her gradually lowered and dimmed, and with La Louve still nowhere in sight, lethargy settled more quickly into her bones.
A few minutes, Leliana thought to herself, barely suppressing a yawn. She could rest her eyes for a few minutes before continuing her vigil. She curled up more comfortably beneath the covers to take a brief rest, but despite her best intentions, her breathing soon slowed as she transitioned into deeper slumber.
When Leliana next awoke, it was to the sound of gentle clamoring outside the confines of her tent along with the scent of food being cooked. Much closer, however, she could hear the repeated scratching of quill against parchment. Blearily shaking off the lingering dredges of sleep from her mind, Leliana slowly sat up in bed, causing the sound of writing to be stopped.
She recognized her wife's voice immediately. Common was perhaps a coarser language than her native Orlesian, but Leliana had quickly noticed that La Louve and her siblings had a distinct inflection--different from the linguistic standard found in Ferelden--when they spoke. Her wife in particular was rather soft-spoken, and it added a pleasing... lyricality when she uttered the syllables of Leliana's name.
She looked up to see La Louve standing from her desk to deliver two bowls to her: one filled with an arrangement of freshly picked berries while the other held the remnants of the ram they'd had last night but in a stew-like form. Energy for the day ahead, she supposed.
Leliana took the food from her wife gratefully, and if her wife appeared at all discomforted by her current state of undress, the other woman didn't show it, offering only a friendly smile, which she recognized to be genuine.
"Thank you, but did you not eat?"
As expected, her inquiry drew confusion in that gaze even as the smile across from hers remained politely in place. The language barrier was likely going to be a continual test for their marriage, Leliana thought, as she carded a hand tiredly through her hair in an attempt to make it more presentable.
"This," she said, pointing to the bowls atop her lap that were barely half empty. She gestured to La Louve then. "Surely, you need more sustenance than this to get yourself through the morning."
Thankfully, the other woman caught on quickly to what she was trying to ask and responded in kind, saying something in Common as she gestured to the bowls and then back to herself before holding up two fingers.
Two... Leliana's brows furrowed, trying to make sense of what was being conveyed to her. Her second bowl then?
"You already ate?"
La Louve seemed to confirm as much with a nod although it was done hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure if she completely understood the question.
"I see." Leliana huffed out a small laugh at the early morning charades before picking up the spoon in the stew bowl. "Thank you then."
With a relieved smile, her wife wandered back over to her desk to begin working anew on the various missives atop it. With the way the other woman's cloak was so casually draped across the back of her chair, it didn't seem she or the Fereldans were in any rush to leave the area anytime soon. Still, there was likely work to still be done, and she didn't want her new wife and clan to think she was a layabout. As such, she ate her fill before preparing her mind for the rest of the day ahead.
It was on her second week with the Fereldans that Leliana found herself growing increasingly perplexed, but it had little to do with the differing customs.
No, that had long been expected.
Rather, her bemusement came with her wife's continual disappearance from their tent whenever night fell. It wasn't as if her wife was avoiding her, Leliana knew. La Louve was always at her desk when Leliana awoke in the morning, rode at her side when it was time to travel, and joined her for every meal.
Yet, Leliana still went to bed alone.
Frowning as she stared at the empty pile of furred pelts, she finally wandered out of the tent to seek an answer. Of course, she soon realized that trying to find one was quickly turning out to be an exercise in frustration.
She had tried to speak with a group of returning hunters to find the whereabouts of La Louve, but, as always, the language barrier proved to be too much. They were hardly rude as they stood there, struggling to understand what she requested of them. As the wife of one of their leaders, perhaps they were wary of showing anything less than the proper deference to her. Still, after a time, one of them--a mage if the staff over her shoulder was any indication--motioned for Leliana to follow her.
She sound found herself led to one of the campfires dotted around the area. As luck would have it, both of La Louve's siblings were there. The mage shouted a greeting, drawing the attention of the two warriors, who saw Leliana and grinned widely in greeting. Both rose to meet her, but the mage who led her there got to them first.
A rapidfire conversation followed that Leliana had no chance of understanding, and the two leaders' gazes darted to her every few seconds, but from the puzzlement in their own gazes, it didn't seem they were any closer in offering her the answer she desired either. The mage could only offer a smile of apology to her before she quickly left to find the other hunters and help dress and preserve their catch of the evening.
Weary, Leliana was all but prepared to return to her tent at that point, but she tried yet again with a small sigh. "Do you know where La Louve is?"
The two warriors glanced at one another for a long moment before the blonde woman spoke to her.
Of course, the word itself meant nothing to her, so Leliana couldn't help but stare blankly in response.
“Lah… loov?” the woman asked haltingly, trying to form the Orlesian words. She then drew her head back to emit a low pantomime of a wolf’s howl before raising her brows in question at Leliana, who recognized at once what she was trying to tell her.
“Yes! La Louve!" she replied excitedly, relieved at having finally gotten a lead. "Do you know where she is?”
The woman could only grin smugly at her brother, who rolled his eyes before waving her off. “Neev,” she said profoundly before escorting Leliana away.
Leliana tossed the word around her mind for several minutes as La Louve's sister led her through the throng of tents. The way the other woman had said it seemed important however--at least in relation to her wife.
She blinked then.
Was it La Louve's actual name?
Before long, they had gotten past the settlement and were making their way down a grassy incline towards the riverbank. The fires of the camp didn't encroach as far out, but with the twin moons hanging overhead, there was little concern about losing their way in the dark.
Or finding La Louve as it turned out.
The woman in question was sitting at the edge of the water atop a bedroll with a sketchbook in hand, determinedly filling in the details of something or other on the page. Leliana knew she always carried it about when they were traveling. Her wife was apparently quite the artist, one who could often be found documenting the flora and fauna around them when her duties as the clan's emissary weren't needed.
"Neev!" the warrior beside her boomed out humorously, causing that dark head to turn toward them.
Moonlit eyes were surprised to see them there although La Louve seemed less than pleased to see her sibling if her expression was any indication. Although Leliana didn't understand the words being spoken between them, the rapport of sibling banter was as universal a language as anything. She bit her lip to keep from laughing when she saw La Louve's eyes roll so hard in exasperation at her sister's comment that she was almost half-convinced they were going to roll right out of their sockets. Having had her fill of the teasing, La Louve clicked her tongue and summoned the mabari pup that had been laying next to her.
In response, the white-furred puppy rose to his paws and immediately placed himself between the warrior and his mistress, bristling and yapping with infantile fury even though his current foe was several times his size. It was so adorable that Leliana almost couldn't resist cooing at the sight. La Louve's sister laughter was a deep, bellowing sound, but she held her hands up placatingly while backing away from the pup. Still, the little mabari insisted on herding the woman away from the two of them, tail wagging all the while--likely pleased at protecting his favorite human--while barking at the warrior's ankles in a vain attempt to get her to move faster. The sounds of them both soon faded away as they passed the perimeter of the encampment.
"Leliana is... okay?"
Leliana turned to see La Louve looking up at her with concern, but she smiled. "I'm fine, yes. I was just curious as to where you've been all these nights." As expected, all she received in return were dark, furrowed brows as her wife tried to piece together what she was saying with little success. Leliana shook her head, unbothered. "But never mind that. Is Neev your name?”
Ghostly-grey eyes lit up toward the end of her sentence, and Leliana felt she was making progress with communicating with her although perhaps not quite enough to bridge the language together just yet. She glanced down at her wife's sketchbook and found the woman had been drawing a flower of some sort but had also written some notes next to it. As she eyed the writing, she found Orlesian and Common shared a similar alphabet although the latter seemingly lacked any diacritics.
Leliana gathered her cloak more tightly around herself to ward against the night's chill before crouching beside the bedroll, motioning for the sketchbook and charcoal pencil in La Louve’s hands, who gave them away without much protest. In little time at all, Leliana had her own name written on a fresh page, which she showed to her wife.
"Leliana." She pointed to the page emphatically before gesturing to herself. "Leliana," she repeated again, watching as more understanding filled her wife's gaze. With the connection made, she proceeded to write what she assumed to the other woman's name just below her own. "Neev," she stated then, pointing to her writing.
After a brief inspection, Leliana could see her wife was very clearly trying not to laugh at her if the smile threatening to curl at the edge of her lips was any indication. Clearing her throat, La Louve gestured for the sketchbook back. From there, the other woman proceeded to cross out the attempt at her name before writing something else down in a neat, flowing script that she finished with a flourish, which she presented to her.
It was... clearly not spelled as Leliana had expected, and when she looked back up with suspicious eyes, La Louve--no, Niamh--merely smiled.
"Are you just teasing me now?"
Niamh bit her lip, shoulders shaking silently, before writing down another name on the page. “Fergus,” she announced, pointing to her brother in the distance, who Leliana could see was helping another clanmate set up a tent. The spelling was more or less what she had anticipated it would be, but when Niamh pointed to her sister, who was currently wrestling with an absolute beast of a mabari--and was laughing maniacally all the while if her ears were to be believed--the arrangement of letters that had been revealed to her was even more complex than Niamh's own name.
"Now you are teasing me..."
Leliana doubted her wife completely understood what she'd said, but she supposed her expression said enough for the both of them because the laughter that spilled from her wife's lips then were akin to the wind chimes that hung along the stables back at her mother's estate--airy and beautiful in their tinkling sound.
"Alright then, Niamh," she said with some measure of humor once her wife's amusement faded on the breeze. "Why are you sleeping out here--" She tapped at the bedroll the woman was sitting on. "--and not in our tent?" she finished, gesturing toward the Fereldan encampment.
As her wife's gaze following her outstretched arm, Leliana wasn't expecting any answer she would truly comprehend, but the pensiveness she saw settling on Niamh's features had her curious as the woman turned back to her.
"I sleep here to..." A jaw worked itself thoughtfully as she struggled to find the words. "...To give Leliana comfort alone."
Leliana blinked as she turned Niamh's answer about in her head.
If she understood correctly, her wife had taken to sleeping out beneath the stars every night because of her. It wasn't far from her initial assumption. Their marriage was still new, and with them both being of different cultures, perhaps Niamh hadn't wanted to overstep any boundaries Leliana might have had. Rather than inadvertently risk making her uncomfortable, Niamh had stayed away to allow Leliana to acclimate to her new surroundings alone.
It was... very thoughtful, Leliana could admit. Unnecessary but thoughtful all the same.
"Well, if you won't join me in our tent, then may I at least sit here?" she asked, tapping the bedroll repeatedly with her request.
Her wife's gaze turned to Leliana and the bedding several times before her eyes widened in seeming realization. The other woman nodded rapidly with her consent, making room for Leliana, but she scooted herself over so much that Leliana couldn't help but laugh when Niamh nearly ended up on the grass.
"Come here, Silly!" she said, reaching out to steady her wife before she needed to fish her out of the river. She tugged her closer across the bedroll and marveled at the warmth emanating from the mage's body even on such a cool night. She smiled. "There's space enough for both of us, no?"
And that's it for now! I always love writing soft things about these two! If you liked this, please leave me a like or comment, and consider checking out the other AUs I have!
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consistentlyamess · 5 days
Wild Sweetness ⎮ Prologue
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pairing(s): luca x fem!oc MJ
summary: MJ has just settled in after opening back up a bakery in Chicago when some unexpected news
warnings: not much so far, takes place after season 3, 18+ , MDNI, swearing, eventual smut, second chance romance, pining, slowburn, flashbacks in italics, lmk if i missed anything!!
A/N: heeelloo!! this idea has been sloshing around in my head since i watched season 2 and started working on it while waiting for season 3. comments, likes, reblogs are appriciated as always or just come chat at me! And as always 💜💜💜 TY for reading!!!!💜💜💜
Fic Masterlist I Previous Chapter I Next Chapter
‘Well, well, well, look what rhubarb season dragged in!’ 
‘Morning, MJ’ Marcus greeted with a big, bright smile.
‘Please, say, you have some coffee for me!’ 
‘Not even a ‘good morning’, damn, you must really be tired.’ 
‘I’m sorry, I stayed up reading again and drank two glasses of wine, so now I’m tired and also a little hungover because somewhere between re-opening the shop and last night I also became an old lady.’ Marcus laughed and shook his head. 
‘You’re not an old lady, but you do need to get out more.’
‘Weird, I don’t remember asking that coffee with a side of unsolicited advice.’ 
‘Careful, chef, you might not get the coffee either if you keep being a smartass.’ Marcus quipped back with a cheeky smile but also handing her the takeaway cup.
‘Oh, you’re a godsend, my friend.’ She took a sip and sank deeper into her place behind the counter for a second. ‘So, what's the agenda today?’ 
‘You said it: it’s rhubarb season. And we’re changing the menu.’ 
‘Excellent! Let me grab my jacket and we can go! Lucy’s is already on the fresh croissants.’
‘Hi Lucy!’ Marcus bellowed so she can hear him in the back.
‘Morning Brooks!’
‘Still no first name, huh?’ 
‘Told ya’, you gotta earn it!’
‘Be nice Lucy, I’ll be back in the afternoon!’ 
‘Got it, chef!’  
Marcus and Marjolaine (just MJ for him and most) have been doing this routine for almost a year now. With a changing of seasons came the changes of the menus and so they went out looking for inspiration. And that looking always started at the fresh, seasonal ingredients. Rhubarb was one of MJ’s personal favourites and she couldn’t wait to indoctrinate the young pastry chef. Managing a bakery could become a nightmare sometimes but having someone like Marcus, a soothing, calming presence was something she couldn’t have imagined her life without at this point. The first time Marcus wandered into the shop, they were barely open. Chairs were missing and wires were hanging from the walls but MJ set up a little stand outside. First he thought it was a little weird, operating on half-capacity, if that, but while he was drinking his coffee he asked her and it turned out to be quite the trick. 
‘Look, we've been at this for months now, right? Renovating, drilling, sawing, equipment coming in, equipment breaking, equipment coming in again. We tore down a fucking wall for crying out loud!’ She threw her hands, for emphasis and Marcus started to suspect that maybe this flare for the dramatic was some kind of common theme with people who were brave - or crazy, jury’s still out - to open a restaurant. 
‘Tell me about it.’ He said, reminiscing about Fak and Richie screaming at eachother. 
‘Right, and they know nothing about who I am, what we’re gonna do here, we’re just annoying and inconvenient as fuck. So, I thought, let’s just show them! The kitchen is almost up and running, I can also do some of it at home, some french press, some fresh pastry, bamm, nice neighbourhood bakery girl!’
‘Allright, I see you, nice bakery girl! That’s actually pretty fire.’ 
‘Well, why thank you! And while we’re at it, can I ask, where this inquiry is coming from.’ 
‘Oh, shit yeah, sorry! Hi, I’m Marcus, I work at The Bear, just down the block and I’m the pastry chef there.’
‘Sussing out the competition. Clever. Hi, Marcus, I’m Marjolaine. Yes, it’s a french name, no you don’t have to say all of that every single time. Some people call me Margie, some call me Margot, anything goes. And this place here’ she said, gesturing behind her like a circus presenter ‘is going to be the Wild Sweetness, bakery and breakfast place.’ 
‘Wow, that’s a lot of info in one breath chef.’ 
‘You don’t have to call me chef.’
‘I have to call you something, till I figure out my name for you.’ 
‘I just gave you like 4 options.’ 
‘Yeah, I know, but I want something original, welcome you to the hood properly.’ 
‘Yo, boss!’ 
‘One sec Tony! Duty calls Marcus but thanks for the chat, I hope I’ll see you around!’ 
‘Bet! Come check out The Bear sometime!’ 
‘Will do!’ 
And from then on it became a habit. Even after the Wild Sweetness opened properly, Marcus almost always started his day there. It took him about 3 weeks to come up with MJ. ‘The hair and the whole vibe. There’s something very MJ-ish about you. Comic book MJ, not movie MJ.’ 
She took it as a compliment and got to be known around The Bear as just that, MJ from the bakery. 
‘Do you have any ideas yet?’ she asked as they were walking to the market. Well, the first market that is. There was a whole routine now to the whole operation. Start at the Sweetness, since MJ was renting the flat above the bakery, but Marcus insisting that no, you’re absolutely not firing the coffee machine just for this, i’ll grab it on my way, check Frank’s, two streets down, he usually had one or two rare fruits or a new guy bringing homemade jam, so it was always worth a try. Also Frank was a staple of these mornings, in and of himself. Without fail, without a hitch greeting with a gravelly and grouchy ‘You kids are goin’ to be the death of me I swear, who wakes up like this, ass crack of dawn on a Saturday, unbelievable! Now, come on in, I got somethin’ to show you.’ Rough cut man with a thick Chicago accent, who was a real fiend when it came to very niche, hearty jams. After Frank they usually headed for the markets, browsing for hours, trying some things then getting some lunch. 
‘I’m not sure yet. A compote feels too on the nose. Rhubarb and strawberry, while a classic for a reason also feels played out. Something about, like. a deconstructed rhubarb crumble keeps popping up in my head but nothing else.’
‘Ouh, I like the sound of that. Have you talked to Carm about it?’ 
‘Not really, he’s been in a mood lately.’ 
‘Lately? I feel like he’s always in a mood.’ 
‘Yeah, fair enough.’ 
‘What’s been going on? He’s still in over his head?’ 
‘Yeah, I don’t know, I feel like he’s just, I don’t know, like he’s just stuck. He thinks that pushing himself harder is always the answer, you know?’ 
‘Yeah, I know people like that.’ 
‘Yeah, and you just can see that he’s not getting enough sleep, not talking to his people, meanwhile Nat is home with the baby, and I get it, failing is not an option but he just doesn’t need to throw a fit over how tape is cut, you know?’ 
MJ snorted a laugh. ‘Yeah, I get you. And yeah, if being hard on yourself worked, it would”ve worked by now, right?’
‘Fuck, yeah, exactly.’  
This morning in particular has been a little slower, a little quieter than usual. Marcus talking about Syd in a hushed tone while they walked from stand to stand, one she recognized immediately. She wasn’t going to meddle. Not in this anyway, but she felt for the young chef. A crush that was going nowhere. There was something so brave and defiant about the whole thing though. Holding those feelings, stepping back and still trying, still keeping an eye out for when maybe his number gets called. But it was also noticeable how he got a little quieter, a little more soft-spoken since his mother passed. 
‘You guys had that tiramisu on the menu a while back, right?’ MJ asked while looking for some peaches. 
‘Yeah, we did.’ 
‘Well, how about something in that direction? Maybe not mascarpone but something with heavy cream, make it light, little lemony, infuse it with rhubarb, ladyfingers soaked in strawberry liquor, something like that.’
‘Okay, throwing this out like it’s not a big deal. That sounds pretty fire actually.’ 
‘You give me too much credit, it might not work.’ 
‘Maybe, but you always set me on a good path, even if it’s not, like, perfect.’  
‘Allright, now you’re just sucking up.’ MJ said with a small laugh. 
They keep browsing and first she doesn’t even notice that Marcus gets lost in his phone for a minute.
‘Oh, shit!’ he exclaims, so suddenly startles her. 
‘What’s up?’ 
‘Yo, this is so cool! You remember that pastry chef I staged with in Copenhagen?’
‘Luca, right?’ 
‘That’s him! He’s coming to town! He’s taking a sabbatical and he’s coming here, to check out the restaurant and shit, yo, this is so cool, you guys can finally meet!’ 
‘Well, how about that.’ 
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fatale-distraction · 2 months
Canon World State
Decided to compile my main world state for Dragon Age in anticipation of The Veilguard.
This world state is mostly compatible with comics/novels, with the exception of Alistair. I figure events are basically the same, except instead of king, he’s just a Grey Warden. *BIG SHRUG*
Massive post under cut. Feel free to steal this format, I literally just listed all the choices in The Keep and added a few extra things.
EDIT: Added some major companion choices for Inquisition, still missing Blackwall’s resolution. Will update that later.
Edit: Added screenshot of Hawke, some Judgement results from Inquisition; still working on this one.
Halina (Hal) Mahariel
Dalish archer, Ranger spec, she/her, b. 9:09
Status as of 9:54 - Presumed alive, age 45
Recruited All Companions minus Logain
Killed Logain
Returned Sten’s Sword
Zevran alive & well
Wynne alive & well
Leliana alive & well
Dark Ritual completed with Alistair
Killed Flemmeth & acquired grimoire
Prologue -
Fed deserter
Cured Mabari (recruited)
Broken Circle -
Supported Mages
Irving Survived
Did not agree to Cullen’s request
Nature of the Beast -
Brokered Peace
Brought Camden & Gheyna together
Saved the Halla
Returned Deygan to camp
Brought Ironbark to Varathorn
Told Athras about his wife
The Arl of Redcliffe-
Helped Redcliffe Fight
Helped Redcliffe Prepare
Freed Bevin & Paid for sword
Helped Owen’s Daughter Escape
Bella owns tavern
Connor Alive, not possessed
Isolde is alive
Paragon of Her Kind-
Killed Branka and Destroyed Anvil
Dagna left to study
Bhelen rules Orzamar
Said Ruck died, but spared him
Didn’t help Burkel
Helped Zerlinda reconcile with family
Proved Legion of Dead connected to noble house
Completed Rogek’s lyrium deal
Helped Orta join Assembly
Ser Landry alive
Told Bann Sighard about Oswyn
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Helped clear customers out of the Pearl
Handled the Crimson Oars
Completed Slim Couldry’s crime wave
Gave Alfstanna Irminric’s ring
Returned amulet to beggar
Completed Master Ignacio’s assassinations
Sent Marjolaine away (softened Leliana)
Helped Alistair find Goldana (softened Alistair)
The Landsmeet-
Anora rules Ferelden
The Battle of Denerim-
Halina killed the Archdemon
Allowed Architect to live
Nathaniel alive & well
Oghren & Felsi reunited
Keep & Amaranthine protected
Witch Hunt-
Halina did not go through the eluvian
Warden’s Keep-
Didn’t drink concoction
Slayed Avernus
Stone Prisoner-
Shale is alive and well
Matthias & Amalia both alive, neither possessed
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Above: Ashe Hawke and Halina Mahariel
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Ashe Hawke
Mage, Primal & Elemental Spec, she/they, b. 9:11
Status as of 9:54 - Presumed dead, would have been 43
Recruited all companions; friends with all but Sebastian
Slept with Isabela & Fenris
Flirted with Aveline at every chance
Romanced Anders
Friends with Varric
Bethany died leaving Lothering
Carver became a templar
Carver did not die in final battle
Bartrand not killed
Helped Varric discover cause of haunting
Varric did not keep red lyrium idol
Isabela returned the tome to the Qunari
Didn’t give Isabela to Arishok
Fenris alive & well
Spared Fenris’ sister
Helped Merrill fix Eluvian
Gave Merrill Arulin’Holm
Merrill alive & well
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Encouraged Feynriel to train his powers
Supported Mages
Approved of Anders’ actions at Chantry
Anders alive & well
Aveline married Donnic
Aveline stayed with Hawke
Merrill’s clan was not killed
Sebastian became Prince
Didn’t make Tallis angry
Kissed Tallis
Ellanasha (Ellana, El) Lavellan
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Dalish archer, Tempest Spec, she/her, b. 9:17
Status as of 9:54 - Alive and mostly okay, age 37
Recruited all companions; friends with all
Romanced: Solas
Cole - Spirit*
Vivienne - Gave her the Snow Wyvern heart
Josie - Resolved contract peacefully
Solas - stopped him from killing the mages
Varric & Cassandra - reconciled
Dorian - encouraged him to reconcile with his father
The Iron Bull - Saved The Chargers
Sera - pulled pranks with Sera
Cullen - Helped him quit lyrium
Flirted with Cassandra at every chance
- Alexius works for Inquisition mages
- Mayor of Crestwood conscripted to Grey Wardens
- Armed Avvar and sent to Tevinter
- Recruited Bear
Allied as partners with Mages
Left Hawke in the Fade**
Conscripted Grey Wardens
Celene reconciled with Briala***
Destroyed Samson’s armor
Drank from the Well of Sorrows****
Supports Leliana (softened) as Divine Victoria
Disbands the Inquisition in a fit
Vows to convince Solas of this world’s value
*Later wonders if this was the right call, in spite of assurances by Cole that he is happy
**Constantly struggles with this decision. Alistair is technically her family (second cousin once removed by marriage), so there’s no other choice she would ever have made, but it still kills her.
***Ellana regrets this when she learns more about their past, expresses that she would have put Briala in power with Gaspard as a puppet ruler instead.
****Names the dragon Butterpat
Prior to DA:O
In an unknown year, Felassan is awakened after an indeterminate amount of time by the Fade spirit of Fen’Harel in order to prepare him for reawakening. His primary duty is to track down magical artifacts to help Fen’Harel regain his power and to discover what changes have occurred.
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Above: Althera and Miriam Lavellan
In 9:10 Felassan meets Althera, Keeper of Clan Lavellan at the Arlathven. She introduces him to her wife, Miriam and they invite him to travel with Clan Lavellan to learn how they’ve kept a clan full of mages safe for the last several generations. In 9:13, Evelyn is born to Felassan and Althera. In 9:17 Ellana is born to Felassan and Miriam. Fen’harel has become suspicious of Felassan over the last seven years, and although Althera has been using her significant power to protect him, Fel knows he must return eventually. He uses Ellana in an ancient ritual to wipe the Lavellan clan from Fen’Harel’s memory in an effort to protect them, resulting in the loss of her magic. Ellana is the only non-mage in Clan Lavellan in four generations.
In 9:18, Felassan leaves Clan Lavellan. Ellana’s memories of him are limited to a smell, a voice, and a smile. Evelyn remembers and hates him for leaving.
Ellana meets her 2nd cousin once removed, Halina Mahariel and idolizes her. Mahariel is Miriam’s 1st cousin’s daughter.
In 9:24, Althera (40, F) and Miriam Lavellan (35, F) are presumably killed defending their clan from Tevinter slavers. Miriam has just given birth to twins. They leave behind their children Levas, Susan, twins Pallas and Peras, Litha, Seryl, Lethas, Evelyn, Ellana, and twins Aneth and Athim.^ Deshanna Istimaethorial becomes Keeper.
In 9:29, Ellana (age 12) falls extremely ill. Her sister (18) Evelyn travels alone to find a rare herb to cure her sister and is cornered by Darkspawn. She is captured by templars and brought to Kinloch after using magic to defend herself, where she spends several months. An older brother and sister come to rescue her and Cullen helps her escape with her phylactery while the remaining siblings stabilize Ellana. Ellana’s growth is stunted from the months she spent being ill.
After Ellana is captured by the fledgling Inquisition in 9:41, Evelyn, as the First of Clan Lavellan, deposes Deshanna Istimaethorial as Keeper. Once she determines that Ellana is safe, she leads clan Lavellan to Haven. Clan Lavellan stays with the Inquisition until the defeat of Corypheus, at which point they move on and settle near Wycome to form a permanent Dalish township called Lavellanlea. The town becomes a haven for elven slaves fleeing Tevinter, and for elves from alienages all over Thedas who oppose the Agents of Fen’Harel but seek to better the lot of their race.
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Above: Evelyn and Ellana, post Inquisition, prior to Trespasser
In 9:44, Cullen proposes to Evelyn and she accepts. They are married in 9:46.
^Lavellan Siblings listed in order of age.
Althera’s biological children:
Levas (he/him)*
Susan (she/her)
Litha (she/they)**
Evelyn (she/her)***
Miriam’s biological children:
Pallas (he/him) and Peras (he/him)*
Seryl (they/them)**
Aneth (she/her) and Athim (they/them)
* shared father 1
** shared father 2
*** Felassan
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chocochipbiscuit · 9 months
Awooooo tell us about the werewolf AU 👀
So!!! The WIP itself is in messy first draft stage at 24k words, but I already know that it's going to need substantial revisions before it's ready to post!
Nutshell synopsis: Modern AU, Cassandra and her brother live in a small, touristy mountain town. Anthony and Cassandra are attacked by a werewolf; Cassandra lives, Anthony does not. Leliana shows up offering to help...and is not-so-secretly a werewolf herself.
It's a hot mess of longing and horror vibes mingled with romance, and needs a thorough rewrite! I plan to re-outline them and slot in some more scenes (and possibly change the main antagonist to Marjolaine, which...more rewrites) but I am still proud of this one scene!
“Anthony’s death—I found out—I mean, I realized…” Cassandra stammered, then took a deep breath. In. Out. Then another. Leliana’s own hand ached with the way she was gripping Cassandra’s. Finally, Cassandra squared herself. Shoulders down, chin up. Gaze fixed on her uncle’s face, who radiated gentle concern. “I love you. And I hate keeping secrets from you. So I need to tell you about…what I am.” With a soft and infinite patience, he said, “Cassandra….it’s alright. I already know.” “You do?” Both Cassandra and Leliana blinked. He slid out of his seat, the chair legs scraping the floor, and carefully stepped around the table. Both arms around Cassandra’s shoulders, his chin resting on her head as he embraced her. Cassandra blinked rapidly, eyes shimmering as her lower lip trembled. “I love you, Cassandra. You’re not just my niece, but my family. Even without blood, you are the family I would choose. And I will always choose you, dear.” Voice thick, he said, “My only regret is that you felt you had to worry about coming out to me. I can’t say I don’t care that you’re gay, but that’s only because the world can be unkind. But that’s why it’s my responsibility to make it kinder for you.” In the stunned silence that ensued, Cassandra went very still. Leliana had to cover her mouth, biting her lip to keep from laughing as her shoulders quivered. Finally, Cassandra blurted, “I’m not gay!” “Huh?” Uncle V detached from Cassandra, looking at her quizzically. At the same time, Leliana couldn’t help chortling. She slapped the table with one hand, narrowly missing her plate as she howled. “I mean—I do like Leliana, but I meant—I’m a werewolf!”
Uncle Vestalus is trying his best!
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vigilskeep · 2 years
imo I think Leliana’s big issue with her past is that she enjoys the hunt and kill of her targets that she got as a professional bard in Orlais, something that she’s allowed to do again with the HOF in several of these encounters before they get allies, and she associates her enjoyment of that to Marjolaine because she’s the one who taught it to her. That’s what I took from it at least.
Part of the weirdness in its handling too I think might also come from the writers idea that ‘women having this trait is undesirable but heroic or enjoyable in men’ etc etc. Leliana vs Zevran in expectations of guilt et al.
see that’s the part of her characterisation i DO like. i was really critical of her writing during my playthrough after the marjolaine scene but when i got her camp conversation afterwards and she admitted to being bored in the chantry and my warden told her she didn’t have to feel bad about loving what she did, THAT felt like interesting writing and i rescinded my stance a bit. here’s one of the few leliana banters i do really like and where i actually find her past believable:
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that’s good! that’s inner conflict and complexity! “whenever possible” makes me claw at the bars of my cage! where’s this in the rest of her dialogue... i think her camp conversations are usually okay but where it’s really missing for me is in like, her remarks, her reactions to what’s happening and the warden’s choices. it’s like she’s a different character sometimes, they throw away all attempts at the ex-bard characterisation just for a good girl archetype. why don’t we get to see her take joy in the thrill of the hunt more! why don’t we get to call on her to do manipulative persuade checks! i wish she had greyer approval sometimes. also i wish she had more fun in her combat dialogue, that’s something they do really well and engagingly with other characters who similarly enjoy combat whether they want to or not, like sebastian and bethany
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librarycomic · 1 year
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Paul Bunyan: The Invention of an American Legend by Noah Van Scrivner. With art and stories by Marlena Myles, an introduction by Lee Francis IV, a postscript by Deondre Smiles, and a bibliography for further reading. TOON Books, 2023. 9781662665226. 48pp. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781662665226?partnerid=34778&p_bt
This short graphic novel revels in the tall tales about Bunyan while showing their origin as stories created to justify the clearcutting of indigenous lands all over the U.S. by lumber companies. I found Myles's essay about indigenous stories about wood spirits / Little People particularly compelling, and plan to try to track down a few of those. (Email me if you know books I should look for.)
A Little Emotional by Christopher Eliopoulos. Rocky Pond Books, 2023. 9780593616611. https://www.powells.com/book/-9780593616611?partnerid=34778&p_bt
Eliopoulos's comics are fantastic, and so is this picture book about a young boy whose favorite action figure is missing. His emotions are drawn as creatures (that's anger on the cover before it gets ugly and explodes). Eliopoulos turns it all into a nice lesson on sharing (with one's younger siblings even).
Bad Apple by Huw Lewis Jones and Ben Sanders. Thames & Hudson, 2021. 9780500652435. https://www.powells.com/book/-9780500652435?partnerid=34778&p_bt
Apple is "a nasty piece of fruit." It's true, seriously -- he's a total bastard to other foods and flowers and then he goes too far. Sanders's illustrations, and particularly their colors, are wonderful. (There's even a sequel of sorts, Apple Grumble, in which Granny Smith tries to teach Apple some manners.)
A Place for Pauline story by Anouk Mahiout, illustrations by Marjolaine Perreten. Groundwood Books, 2022. 9781773066097. 48pp. https://www.powells.com/book/-9781773066097?partnerid=34778&p_bt
Pauline is the oldest kid in her family and it feels like she's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she finds a hidden, quiet space for herself, but then she gets bored alone and so plans to secretly jump on a boat to France to visit her grandma (also named Pauline). This is another great picture book in comics format, which I believe was originally published as a graphic album for kids in France.
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morganpdf · 1 year
top 5 video games maybe? :D
i will say. i am not much of a gamer (i only started getting into Gaming tm once i met my bf and i am very bad at video game mechanics so these are probably a little goofy)
wagon age oregons (tied with inquisition. not bc inquisition is good but bc i played them out of order [dai, dao, da2] and still haven't finished 2) (but dao got me through a really rough period in my life and i also think its hilarious that you can romance leliana too fast and completely miss out on. the whole. marjolaine situation)
splatoon 2!!!!!!!!!!! that was my special interest for THE longest time and is the reason i met a lot of cool people :^] the fandom was toxic as fuck though LMAO. im not as big of a fan of 3 bc there are a lot of Choices that were made that dont vibe w me specifically but. its fine. its fine
dinkum :^] its goofy and fun to play with my boyfriend even if it's not much. i like the technically post apoc australia animal crossing ripoff. plus i can ride emus (on this same tier is creativerse bc it was fun to play with my boyfriend even though its a huge minecraft ripoff or clone or whatever. i could have so many dumb pets) (i'm also putting pokemon scarvio here bc its a game that i play with my bf and the stories were cute/i like the new pogeys but it was such a fucking mess)
GROUNDED i love grounded. ive played so much grounded. i still havent beat the game (whoops) but i enjoy building in it and running around with my pet weevil (his name is pebble). i like that there are no grasshoppers or crickets bc it would be fucking unplayable for me
and um. normie take probably idk. but i like borderlands 2 bc it was the first fps i ever played and my boyfriend introduced me to it. and i can actually wrap my head around the mechanics of it and not suck major ass at it
i have a lot of feelings abt all of these actually but im trying to keep it mostly short LMAO but. thank you for the ask!
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
My favorite thing about the Origins romances isn't just the romance itself, but also how vindicated I felt when playing DAI and hearing Leliana talk about the Warden. For so long, many in the fandom had such a shitty attitude towards the DAO gang, except for Alistair who was everyone's little woobie (I adore Alistair but that got very old, very fast).
Basically people were saying that Morrigan/Zevran/Leliana were all just using the Warden. That they were faking the whole romance. Leliana's DA2 cameo got people saying that she was merely using the Warden like Marjolaine did her. Zevran's bugged cameo in DA2 had everyone saying that he was also using the Warden. And Morrigan? Well, she was the evil apostate, you see. It got so frustrating!
Then comes Inquisition and we learn that ALL of the Origins romances are not only still with the Warden, they're all still in love with the Warden. And suddenly all the naysayers got quiet. Funny how that works, huh?
I'll be honest, I didn't get into Dragon Age until well after DAI came out so I can't speak to what the fandom was like before that point. But I do adore the mentions of the Origins romances in DAI? Like, that confirmation that even ten years later the Warden and their LI are still very much together (emotionally if not physically) and in love is so good. Leliana, Morrigan and Alistair all talking about how much they love their Warden? Zevran still travelling with his Warden and that's why he doesn't show up even in war table missions if romanced? I love it so much.
(Also Zevran's romance cameo in DA2 if you mod the game to get it working is so damn good. His clear affection for the Warden and how open he is about missing them and wanting to get back to them? Fuck yeah. Also I love him flirting with Hawke and Isabela only to backpedal immediately when Isabela actually suggests sex and Isabela instantly correctly guessing why is so funny to me, it's great.)
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fademirrored · 1 year
gamma timeline world state
Note: I’ve listed how they got along with the companions purely to give an idea of what they’re like. I won’t force any relationships on you.
Temry Mahariel
Alive and well
Rogue; ranger, bard, shadow
Recruited Dog (named him Lethallin)
Picked the lock to Sten’s cage
All companions recruited
All companion quests finished
All companions alive and well
Fought Flemeth for the Grimoire
Loghain executed by Warden
Warden made a baby with Morrigan
Alistair and Anora rule together
Broken Circle:
Mages supported
First Enchanter Irving survived
The Urn of Sacred Ashes:
Not poisoned
The Arl of Redcliffe:
Helped Redcliffe fight
Helped Redcliffe prepare
Freed Bevin, took sword
Helped Owen’s daughter escape
Connor alive, not possessed
Got help from the Circle, Isolde alive
Nature of the Beast:
Brokered peace
Ignored Cammen
Told Athras about his wife
Brought back ironbark
Paragon of Her Kind:
Joined forced against Caridin
Bhelen rules Orzammar
Helped Dagna get to the Circle
Spared Ruck, told Filda he died
Convinced Zerlinda to go to the surface
Helped Orta join Assembly
Told Bann Sighard about Oswyn, got his support
Freed all prisoners in the estate
Gave Alfstanna Irminric’s ring, got her support
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Cleared out the Pearl
Returned amulet to beggar
Helped Alistair find Goldanna, Alistair hardened
Killed Marjolaine, Leliana hardened
The Landsmeet:
Warden executed Loghain
Anora and Alistair rule together
The Battle of Denerim:
Warden killed the Archdemon
Allowed the Architect to live
Keep and Amaranthine protected; Keep fully fortified
Nathaniel alive and well; recruited the second time around
Gave Nathaniel the Howe Bow
Looked for Anders’s phylactery
Oghren and Felsi reunited
Witch Hunt:
Went through the eluvian with Morrigan
Warden’s Keep:
Didn’t drink concoction
Slayed Sophia and allowed Avernus to conduct ethical research
Stone Prisoner:
Matthias and Amalia alive, unpossessed
Madry Hawke
62 % purple, 35 % red, 3 % blue (roughly)
Mage; elemental, blood
Bethany died fleeing Lothering
Carver became a Templar
Carver survived final battle
Friends with Varric
Bartrand still alive
Helped Varric discover cause of haunting
Varric did not keep the red lyrium idol
Recruited Isabela
Isabela returned
Didn’t give Isabela to Arishok
Fenris alive and well
Merrill stayed loyal
Merrill did not destroy eluvian
Clan was not killed
Merrill is alive and well
Approved of Anders’s explosion
Aveline married Donnic
Aveline stayed loyal
Recruited Sebastian
Joined mercenaries
Act 1:
Fought against templars
Fenris killed Kelder
Brought Saemus back home
Ginnis died
Told truth about Ghyslain’s wife
Killed Danzig
Didn’t blackmail Thrask
Idunna killed
Solved mystery of missing miners
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Recommended Keran not be a templar
Defended Ketojan from the Qunari
Didn’t kill Karras
Act 2:
Javaris alive and well
Discovered looter of Hubert’s caravans
Killed Gascard
Feynriel freed and left for Tevinter
Helped Lieutenant Harley
Didn’t side with Petrice
Didn’t side with Varnell against Qunari
Killed Arishok
Act 3:
Rescued Nathaniel
Killed dragon at Bone Pit
Allowed Emile to go free
Offered to help Nuncio
Let Zevran go
Did not reunite Charade and Gamlen
Handed conspirators to Orsino
Gave Keran to the templars
Sided with mages
Sided with Larius
Found Malcolm’s will
-Dorian did not reconcile with father -Friends with Dorian -Dorian stayed with Inquisition -Iron Bull recruited -Iron Bull sacrificed Chargers -Iron Bull is still Hissrad -Blackwall recruited -Blackwall left prison as Grey Warden -Friends with Blackwall -Cassandra discovered book of secrets -Cassandra did not rebuild Seekers -Cole recruited and stayed -Cole more like a human -Friends with Cole -Sera recruited and stayed -Sera killed Harmond at Inquisitor’s urging -Solas freed his friend -Varric tracked the red lyrium source -Friends with Varric -Vivienne recruited -Gave Vivienne a Snowy Wyvern heart
Exploring Thedas:
Reached the inner sanctum
Helped refugees
Investigated the dwarven ruins
Rescued troops from the Avvar
Fairbanks not revealed as noble
Fairbanks defeated the Freeman
Captured Caer Bronach
Closed the lake’s rift
Claimed Griffon Wing Keep
Imshael killed
Captured Suledin Keep
Inquisition forces deployed regularly
Sutherland’s company was formed
Samson was the Inquisitor’s nemesis
Told Cullen not to use lyrium
Leliana’s assassin’s dealt with Du Paraquettes
Leliana steeled
Investigated Samson
Destroyed Samson’s armor
The Wrath of Heaven
Inquisitor does not accept being chosen by Andraste
In Hushed Whispers:
Went to Redcliffe, mages allied
In Your Heart Shall Burn:
Inquisition is declared for order
Here Lies the Abyss:
Grey Wardens exiled
Warden Stroud sacrificed
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
Briala rules through Gaspard
Grand Duchess Florianne dead
What Pride Had Wrought:
Respected temple traditions, allied with the guardians
Inquisitor drank from the Well of Sorrows
Doom Upon All the World:
Supported Leliana as Divine
Judgments At Skyhold:
Mostly a recruiting judging
The Descent:
Saved mines, stopped earthquakes
Done with the Deep Roads forever
Bull betrayed the Inquisitor
Inquisition disbands
Stop Solas at all costs
0 notes
chariotdun0rd · 11 months
Did I make a bot for a character that had less then a minute of screen time? Yes. Yes I did. Did I also make a bot for a professor that nobody likes? Yes. Yes I did
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blightcd · 2 years
world state as a text post if u wanna read my choices and make fun of me
Warden: Neros Surana, alive and well
Romanced Alistair
Recruited Dog
Intimidated Revered Mother for key
Recruited Sten
Recruited Shale
Recruited Zevran
Zevran alive and well
Recruited Oghren
Recruited Wynne
Wynne alive and well
Alistair became king
Killed Leliana after poisoning the urn
Acquired grimoire peacefully
Morrigan had an old god baby with Neros
Fed prisoner guard's lunch
Cured the mabari
Arl of Redcliffe
Helped Redcliffe fight
Helped Redcliffe prepare
Freed Bevin and returned the sword
Helped Owen's daughter escape
Connor alive, not possessed
Isolde sacrificed herself
Bella took tavern ownership
The Urn of Sacred Ashes
Urn poisoned
Nature of the Beast
Brokered peace
Tolld Athras about his wife
Broke Cammen and Gheyna up
Brought Varathorn ironbark
Saved the halla
Returned Deygan
Paragon of Her Kind
Defeated Branka
Dagna left to study
Bhelen rules
Killed Ruck, said he died heroically
Proved Legion of Dead connected to noble house
Sold tome to a fence
Didn't help Burkel create a chantry
Helped Zerlinda reconcile with her family
Didn't complete the lyrium deal
Helped Orta join the Assembly
Broken Circle
Mages supported
First Enchanter Irving survived
Did not agree to Cullen's request
Ser Landry killed
Told Bann Sighard about Oswyn
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Completed Slim Couldry's crime wave
Helped clear customers out of Pearl
Handled the Crimson Oars
Didn't give Alfstanna Irminric's ring
Didn't return amulet to beggar
Warden killed Master Ignacio
Helped Alistair find Goldanna
Did not encounter Marjolaine
The Landsmeet
Alistair rules
The Battle of Denerim
Warden killed Archdemon
Warden's Keep
Gained Power of Blood
Slayed Sophia
Allowed Avernus to continue his research "ethically"
Nathaniel alive and well
Anders recruited
Keep and Amaranthine protected
Oghren and Felsi reunited
Allowed Architect to live
Witch Hunt
Didn't go through the Eluvian
Hero: Gideon Hawke, purple
Romanced Anders
Bethany died escaping Lothering
Bethany did not live to see mage/templar war
Carver became a Grey Warden
Friends with Varric
Helped Varric discover the cause of haunting
Bartrand killed
Varric did not keep red lyrium idol
Recruited Isabela
Isabela returned to Hawke
Didn't give Isabela to Arishok
Fenris alive and well
Merrill stayed with Hawke
Merrill alive and well
Merrill didn't destroy the eluvian
Merrill's clan wasn't killed
Anders alive and well
Approved of Anders' actions at the Chantry
Aveline married Donnic
Aveline stayed with Hawke
Recruited Sebastian
Didn't make Tallis angry
Didn't kiss Tallis
Act 1
Joined smugglers
Fought against templars
Returned cargo to Martin
Kelder killed
Killed Danzig
Returned Saemus to viscount
Ginnis died
Told truth about Ghyslain's wife's death
Solved missing miners mystery
Didn't blackmail Ser Thrask
Idunna killed
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Keran reinstated with templars
Defended Ketojan from the Qunari
Karras killed
Act 2
Killed Gascard
Didn't side with Varnell against the Qunari
Didn't side with Petrice
Discovered looter of Hubert's caravans
Didn't encounter Yevhen
Javaris died
Didn't encounter Lieutenant Harley
Feynriel freed and left for Tevinter
Killed Arishok
Act 3
Hawke offered to help Nuncio
Let Zevran go
Rescued Nathaniel
Handed conspirators to Orsino
Reunited Gamlen and Charade
Allowed Emile to go free
Sided with mages
Let Keran go
Killed dragon at bone pit
Sided with Larius
Found Malcolm's will
Inquisitor and Companions
Inquisitor: Priam Lavellan
Dorian romanced
Dorian recruited
Dorian didn't reconcile with his father
Friends with Dorian
Recruited Blackwall
Friends with Blackwall
Blackwall left prison as Rainier
Iron Bull recruited
Iron Bull saved Chargers
Iron Bull is Tal-Vasoth
Cassandra didn't rebuild the Seekers
Cassandra didn't find book of secrets
Not friends with Cassandra
Sera recruited and stayed
Sera killed Harmond at the Inquisitor's urging
Not friends with Sera
Cole recruited and stayed
Cole more human
Friends with Cole
Solas didn't track down his friend
Not friends with Solas
Varric tracked the red lyrium source
Friends with Varric
Vivienne recruited
Gave Vivienne a snowy wyvern heart
Friends with Vivienne
Exploring Thedas
Didn't reach inner sanctum
Helped refugees
Gained cultists' allegiance
Investigated the dwarven ruins
Rescued troops from the Avvar
Fairbooks not revealed as noble
Fairbanks did not defeated the Freeman
Closed the lake's rift
Captured Caer Bronach
Claimed Griffon Wing Keep
Imshael alive
Captured Suledin Keep
Inquisition forces deployed regularly
Sutherland's company was successful
Jecin and Celeste married for love
Inquisitor contacted Charade
Samson was the Inquisitor's nemesis
Didn't talk to Cullen about Lyrium
Did favors for Du Paraquettes
Leliana inspired
Learned about Samson's armor
Samson's armor unaffected
Didn't investigate Calpernia's past
Didn't encounter Calpernia at Temple of Mythal
The Wrath of Heaven
Inquisitor denies being chosen by Andraste
In Hushed Whispers
Inquisitor went to Redcliffe
Mages Allied
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Celene rules, peace with Gaspard and Briala
Grand Duchess Florianne killed
Empress Celene lived
What Pride had Wrought
Inquisitor drinks from the Well
Respected temple tradition
Allied with Guardians
Judgments at Skyhold
Inquisitor was a recruiting judge
In Your Heart Shall Burn
Declared for Order
Here lies the Abyss
Grey Wardens rebuilt
Stroud left in Fade
Doom upon all the world
Leliana divine
Jaws of Hakkon
Discovered and Met Ameridan
Dragon slain
Hunted down the Nox Morta
Shared the truth of Ameridan
Earned a legend-mark from the Avvar
Saved the mines
Stopped the earthquakes
Bull remained loyal
Preserved Inquisition as peacekeeping force
Stop Solas at all costs
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rei-bo · 5 years
Samhain Magic Festival Judges 
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akilice · 6 years
Hey, an update, that you won’t or read now cuz it’s monday and I have terrible timing lol.
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fumssketches · 7 years
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finnelaine doodles
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vigilskeep · 2 years
imo Leliana’s character becomes infinitely more interesting with her inquisition appearance! i know i originally had a hard time connecting to her character despite her being my first romance, and got really put off by her banters with Morrigan, because that’s almost word-for-word shit i hear irl sometimes, but i think inquisition actually does a good job with her for the most part! i think it focused on things that should have had more focus in origins! her character arc plays with themes of devotion and how betraying yourself and morals for someone else is bad for you, and not just on her softened/inspired routes either! Leliana is a character who, imo, spends a lot of her out of game appearance being manipulated and used by other people (or, hell, depending on how you play it, that can be her origins appearance too), and i like that she can eventually break out of that!
i have played the first like 15 hours of inquisition and i did love her in that!
i just find her writing in dao... confusing? i don’t get what they’re going for. it’s contradictory but not imo in the way that makes her writing feel complex, just jarring. she’s a fighter in leather armour and accused by more than one character of having ragged boyish hair, but one of the very same characters who says that then calls her “powdered, perfumed, you ooze elegance” and literally afraid to ruin her hair (what happened to it being ragged and boyish???), and she’s also the “girly” one who picks fun at morrigan’s clothes and lack of “civilisation”. she takes the role of the innocent prudish judgemental girl in banters, easily offended and easy to tease, as if she’s never both been a killer and idolised one, as if she’s never been a seductress and spy who should be able to control conversation! she’s supposed to be a bard but she’s awkward in flirting, a bad liar and shocked at the idea of writing a song about a tragedy (???). i feel like i’m constantly told she’s a bard but never shown
i also find a lot of her writing underwhelming on a technical level—her remarks during npc dialogue are often very generic and sympathetic in a way that barely even convinces me she cares, which falls so flat compared to the more entertaining characters. and i’ve said this before but i think marjolaine’s writing is incredibly bad as well. there’s such a lack of subtlety that i would dislike for any character but especially for two supposed bards and manipulators. no leliana i do not believe you have been fundamentally influenced by the subtle serpent’s whispers of a woman who cackles and says “oh but leliana you are me” in one of the worst french accents i’ve ever heard. seriously was it so hard to find french people for this game
i don’t know, that reads like a solid block of criticism, it’s not that bad and i do like leliana i just don’t get it. it feels to me like they came up with two separate character concepts and they already had morrigan to be the bad girl love interest so they needed someone to be the contrasting nice girl and they just shoved whatever they had into that role. and i also think her story feels a bit disconnected from the main plot, which is such a waste to me because one of dao’s few big storytelling flaws to me is that it doesn’t explore the past between orlais and ferelden enough for you to understand why loghain and many others feel the way they do. you know, the driving force of half the plot. and they have a culturally orlesian companion! right there! why doesn’t she talk about this more! why isn’t this central to how people react to her! sorry that’s kind of a separate issue but it’s such strong missed potential to me
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