#Misha on meg
squirreljc2 · 4 months
I swear. They must have been putting something in the lube on that set
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spnstillstudies · 5 days
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114/327 (KO-FI♡)
S6E10, “Caged Heat”
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strawlessandbraless · 1 month
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The duality of man
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twinkchester · 11 days
Does anyone else hate the Meg/Castiel ship? Genuinely makes my stomach turn tbh
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annmariethrush · 5 months
Thinking about how in The French Mistake they go really hard into the “Jared had his life together but Jensen doesn’t” bit by including Gen and doing the whole house thing and him having the money for stuff. But I wish we could have exacerbated that and also leaned into the cockles of it all by having them at least mention the Jenmish bachelor pad. Gen is shocked that Jens came home with Jared? Misha is really offended that Jensen didn’t come home that night and asks where he was, prompting a discussion about how “fake me lives with fake Cas??” And some sort of predecessor to “and they were roommates” coming out of someone’s mouth.
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Was reading a headcanon post earlier about Dean and consent while rewatching the kiss scene in Caged Heat and something occurred to me about Dean’s awareness of Cas’s consent to things.
When he sees Meg kiss Cas, we see Dean’s reaction behind them.
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He frowns, glances at Sam, looking annoyed, opens his mouth as though to say something, and then actually makes a move to step towards them-you can see he’s moving forward just after Meg breaks away from Cas.
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Bear in mind the last time Dean saw Cas in any potential sexual/romantic situation, it was the brothel and it was blatantly obvious that Cas wasn’t comfortable.
Then when Cas takes hold of Meg and initiates a kiss himself, we see Dean’s reaction differs. He still looks flustered, mildly annoyed (pointing at the wall to remind them silently of the approaching dogs) and then shrugs. He doesn’t have the same irritated reaction and doesn’t make any move towards them.
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Then when Cas breaks away, Dean looks at him questioningly. Could both be a “What the hell are you doing right now?” questioning look and also a “What did you think?” questioning look.
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It’s only when Cas says “I learnt that from the Pizza Man” that Dean seems to fully stand down from the “ready to move in if anything’s wrong” stance.
On another note, when Dean realises that Cas is fine- it’s pretty interesting to see what his face does.
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There’s a sort of bewildered expression as he looks away from Cas, as though he’s still trying to compute what he’s just seen and his eyes actually widen as he looks down at the end of the shot. In fact, the shot actually focuses on Dean specifically in that moment, not any of the others-it’s Dean’s reaction to the kiss that’s important.
It makes more sense when you remember Dean has never seen Cas acting consensually in any romantic situation before-in fact, I think Jensen mentioned later on (as to why Dean was so surprised by Cas’s love confession) that he wasn’t even sure angels could feel those things. Up until now, Dean’s teasing Cas with flirty remarks has mostly seemed to go over Cas’s head. Even earlier in the episode, when Cas is watching porn, he didn’t seem to properly understand what was going on.
Now, Dean’s suddenly having this realisation that-oh. Cas does get some stuff about sex. Cas does kiss. Oh. That’s a whole new side to Cas. (It actually looks quite similar to the expression he does in Changing Channels when Gabe calls Cas “pretty”. There’s an expression then that’s sort of “Wait-is he?” as though he’s always been somewhat aware of it but this is the first time it’s been acknowledged out loud.)
It allows him to acknowledge Cas in a whole new way he didn’t before. Because previously Cas seemed to totally lack interest in sex, so in many ways, it would have been safe to flirt with him and tease him, because it feels off-limits.
Now, though? He’s seeing Cas make out with someone right there, in front of him. It’s impossible to ignore this whole new side to Cas. So maybe Cas can get Dean’s references and jokes. Maybe Cas does get more of the personal space thing than he lets on. Cas can want at least kissing, and what does that mean?
It, in a way, gives Dean permission to let himself see Cas that way properly-as a being that can want sex-for the very first time. And that seems to simultaneously intrigue him and almost scare him. Because having permission to see Cas in that way lets him acknowledge things that he didn’t have to acknowledge before.
But digressing…
Dean’s annoyance in the scene didn’t just originate from Cas kissing someone-it originated from him not being sure if Cas was OK with what was going on. He’s seen Cas be deeply unsure/uncomfortable in the brothel (which, funny as it was, wasn’t Dean’s best moment overall), doesn’t know how he’s going to react and actually makes a move towards them as though he’s going to try to stop Meg kissing him or make sure Cas is OK.
Once he realises Cas is onboard, he stops moving forward-he actually moves back a little-and even slightly holds his hands up in a shrug. While he still looks uncomfortable and flustered, he’s no longer angry.
Dean wanted to be sure that Cas was all right with what was going on, was prepared to step in if Cas was uncomfortable, and backed off when he realised Cas was OK. Not only is this Dean showing a good awareness of consent, it’s also a nice bit of character development from the brothel episode the previous season, where Cas was pretty uncomfortable and Dean did-as well as he meant it-keep pushing him.
Then, Dean was keen on giving Cas more human experiences. Now, Dean’s more conscious of letting Cas go at his own pace and he’s prepared to step in if others aren’t letting that happen too. As well as Cas becoming more accepting of human behaviour, Dean is also making adjustments for Cas.
And Cas seems aware of this. Check out where he looks when he realises Meg has taken his angel blade:
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He realises it’s gone and must know immediately who’s taken it-but he looks straight at Dean, almost in a way that’s a little annoyed. As though he almost wants to ask Dean why he didn’t intervene to stop Meg taking the blade (not necessarily the kiss).
And he looks at Dean instinctively. Instinctively, he’s come to know that Dean will step in to help him in (particularly human) situations where he’s out of his depth. It’s an instinctive glance before he turns back to glare at Meg.
So it’s not just that Dean’s adjusting for Cas-Cas is aware of that adjustment and it just deepens his attachment to Dean.
And yeah-for the first time in this scene, Dean has to acknowledge that he can think of Cas as not being some off-limits angel-but as someone who could actually want sex and intimacy. Which makes anything he himself may feel more possible and more terrifying.
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kara-winchest3r · 24 days
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Spn animal parallels 🥹
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buffyann23 · 6 days
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Supernatural: S06E10 "Caged Heat"
"I learned that from the pizza man."
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positivexcellence · 9 months
creationentertainment: Photo ops are so much fun at our conventions!
Here’s a peek at some fun ops during The Road So Far… The Road Ahead tour!
We hope to see you at one of the tour stops next year! Locations, details, and tickets are available at CreationEnt.com!
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angel-fruitcake · 2 months
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look i'm a destiel truther but this picture,,,,,
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shedontlovehuhself · 10 months
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My heart.🥹
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
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This exchange is so unnecessarily horny, I love it. The way Dean looks at him before he remembers he can’t think about all the right now.
Dean does indeed need Cas to get dick. I think any sexy feeling are put on the back burner while he’s still honey Cas and they have a mission.
But as soon as they hit Purgatory, Dean is running around desperate and strung out, demanding his Angel.
GIF credit
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
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arcanespillo · 1 year
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“Reading is Fundamental”  
Supernatural S7E21
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 month
Twice now people have tried to insult me by calling me a misha fan (derogatory) which does makes me laugh so it's fine but I just wanted to come out and clarify that I am in fact not a misha fan, I am a castiel fan. I do not give a fuck about any of those bozos in any direction.
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filmesbrazil · 4 months
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