its-the-same-picture · 2 months
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Happy birthday to all those others characters born on may 5
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suw4 · 5 months
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Terushima Yuji from Haikyuu!!
an/tw: that one training camp arc in s2 except johzenji was apart of it too;just for the plot. in need of angst, request some angst kskwkwjsdjj
requested on wattpad
Masterlist | Haikyuu!! Masterlist
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"Oh my," Shirofuku, the reddish brown-haired Fukurodani manager, muttered. Clutching the big empty plate close to her chest. "Look at how he handles that knife," Suzumeda, the second manager added. The managers stood by the counter in the kitchen as they watched Johzenji's male manager sliced up the watermelon. He noticed the two and smiled softly at them, still handling the fruit. "Oh, are the plates ready? I'm finishing up soon. Give me a moment," he gently informed them, to which they nodded. Walking closer to where he stood, observing him.
The other Johzenji manager then walked into the kitchen. Wondering where her second year was. "Oh! [Name]-kun! There you are. I've been looking for you. Wow, where did these watermelons come from?" Misaki pondered. "The parents from Shinzen High gave us a few. They offered to cut them, but I volunteered instead. I didn’t want to trouble them," [Name] replied as he cut the last slice. After that, he asked the Fukurodani girls to plate them nicely. "Hey, [N/n]-kun. Don't you think you're helping us a lot already? You should take a break. We managers, need a break too, y'know?" his senior mumbled warily. Though, he only shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I'm actually trying to get away from the crowd a little,"
"Oh? Is it too much for you?" she tilted her head. The other managers listening in curiosity. "Not particularly. How do I put it?" he trailed off as he helped the girls to put the last piece onto the third plate. "Homesick? I don't know the exact term, but I can't really adjust here," he admitted embarrassingly, clearing his throat as the said symptom was acting up. Facing away from the others to wash his hands and the kitchen tools. "Is that foolish?" he continued. "Nope! It's a valid reason. There were a few players admitting to us about that before, it’s common," Suzumeda assured him, Shirofuku nodding as to agree with her. Chomping down a slice of watermelon. "If you're feeling unwell, you can always rely on us!" she beamed.
[Name] thanked the girls for the reassurance. They grinned and bid a short farewell before going out to the gymnasium to give out the fruits. Misaki then took the last plate and glanced over to the two who had walked out. She then heard the [h/c] haired sighed heavily. "[Name]-kun. Would you like me to call him over to check on you? I'm sure you'll feel better," she peeped closer to the male. Patting his back. "Nah. It's alright. I'll manage," he answered. The other exhaled. "Okay then. Don't overwork yourself!" she warned him before catching up with the other managers.
The three girls announced happily to the volleyball players about the fruits. Cheers erupted amongst the boys. Practice matches came to a stop, and everyone went outside to taste the heavenly juices of the watermelon. Freshly replenishing their thirst and hunger. Yuji then walked up to his manager, taking one slice for himself. "Hana-san. Where's [N/n]?" he asked, curious about the [h/c] head. "Oh. Hm... He's in the kitchen washing the bottles. You should go see him," she told him. This perked the wing spiker. "Why? Is he okay? Is he sick???" he blurted out, worried. Before Misaki could answer, he was already on the way to the kitchen. He wanted to see [Name] right away.
"[N/N]!!!!!!!!!!" Yuji yelled, rushing towards the kitchen area. Slamming the door open and jumping onto the male. Almost losing his balance. Luckily, he was able to react quickly. Dropping the bottles into the sink and caught him. "Yu?? Why are you here? Ow!" The volleyball player slapped a hand on [Name]'s forehead. "Do you feel good?!" he asked, close to yelling. "What?? Yeah, I am. Did Hana-senpai say something to you?" he felt the blond slipping from his grip, so he hopped to adjust the position. Supporting Yuji's weight under his butt. Letting the player sit comfortably on his arms. "Are you sick!?" The blond continued with his questions. [Name] stared at him for a few seconds and laughed. "Calm down, baby. I'm fine. I'm just a little nauseous. But overall, I'm doing okay," he grinned, kissing his boyfriend. Yuji huffed, getting off the [h/c] head while the said male carefully put him down. "What's wrong, huh? Did ya eat something funny?"
"No. I think I'm just homesick," [Name] shrugged. Yuji clicked his tongue and placed his hands onto his hips. "That's because you've been inside for too long!" he exclaimed. Sounding too confident with his statement. He then took his boyfriend's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen, and out of the building. "Wait, I have to do the--"
"Nope! You're coming with me!"
Yuji led his lover to the same hill that Karasuno did their running punishment. He was dragging the male forward. Bouncing about as he was excited being outside with the love of his life. He stopped at the top with [Name] following up behind. The volleyball player took a deep breath of the fresh air. Feeling refresh as ever. "You smell that, babe? Smells like paradise!"
"Smells like an average afternoon to me,"
"Don't be such a killjoy, [N/n]!" the blond groaned, snapping his head towards him. Earning a chuckle from him. Yuji then sat down on the green land. Tugging the other down. [Name] followed suit and sat beside him. Then the cold breeze brushes along their skin. Yuji shivered lightly, causing his boyfriend to glance over. He watched him lean back with his hands in the grass to support his weight. His blond locs flowing gracefully along with the wind. The smile that was plastered on his face made him unconsciously smile. It was honestly goofy.
Sensing the eyes on him, Yuji turn to look at its owner. The smile had turned into a toothy one. Making the [h/c] head smile further. Suddenly, he didn't feel nauseous anymore. "You're so cute, Yu. And annoyingly hot," he complimented. Yuji hummed cheekily. "Of course I am! I am the Terushima Yuji. The one and only,"
"Yeah..." [Name] uttered quietly. His loving gaze still fixated on his boyfriend. The blond raised his brows as he observed the manager's expression. He smirked. "You're so in love with me that you can't help it don't you? You want to kiss me so bad," he teased, sticking out his pierced tongue. [Name] scoffed and smirked. Leaning closer and placing his lips onto the other. It was short and sweet. Nothing more. As he parted from the kiss, he saw the baffled look on Yuji's face--which soon turned into disappointment. "That's it?!" he gaped. [Name] let out a laugh. "What? you can tease me, but I can't tease you, sweetheart?"
"Aw, c'mon, [N/n]!" Yuji whined as he shook his boyfriend. The two began to banter about. Pushing each other and laughing around like they were the only ones in the whole wide world. Once the chaos had finally calm down, Misaki came walking by to inform Yuji that practice has started. The male groaned in annoyance. He wanted to spend more time with his lover. So instead of separating, he forced the boy to watch him play. In that way, he could play at his top performance; he says. Instantly, he stood up and pulled the taller up. Dragging him once more, straight into the gym. Misaki watched them and sighed while shaking her head. "He looks better now... I'm glad," she mumbled to herself. Mentally thanking Johzenji's team captain.
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chibigo-ma · 7 months
Preview of ❝The Little Human Experiment❞ [Legoshi]
Summary: Misaki was just your typical teenage girl living in Japan, but not in the eyes of her society. She's a human in a life where animals live and think like "humans" in our society. She is now brought in as an experiment for her new life outside her facility to see if humans can co-exist with different other species. A certain wolf gets quite attached to our human friend as he is tasked to protect her.
Edit (13.07.2024): Man... after two months of being inactive... AhhCHOO 🫴 WATTPAD STORY LINK | AO3 STORY LINK I can't believe I didn't share a link..............
"Going already?" Mei asked as Misaki grabbed her bag. "Yeah, I have to go over there now to facilitate the choreography for the Light Ceremony," Misaki said as she patted Haru's head. "Get back soon!" Haru waved at her human friend before she left.
Misaki opened her phone to text Shiela that she would go to the clubroom as soon as she walked down the stairs. As she made her way to the clubroom though, she witnessed Juno carrying a sloth to the restroom. "Misaki-senpai!" Juno greeted with a smile as she placed the sloth down. "Ah, hello, Juno. Late for rehearsal?" Misaki asked as they walked to the clubroom together. 
"Yeah, I am. I apologize. Are you late too, Misaki-senpai?" Juno asked as Misaki texted Shiela once again that Juno was with her. "Not really. I come in and out of the clubroom as I have two clubs to deal with," she shared. "Woah, really? You must be very busy then. It's still remarkable as you're still the assistant head," Juno had great admiration for the human as she clung to her.
"Assistant director, but still the same," Misaki corrected as she opened the door. "Sorry, I'm late!" Juno announces her arrival while still holding onto Misaki. Misaki raised an eyebrow as she noticed how tense the room was until they came in the room. The majority of the members went up to the two.
"Come on, Juno! You're supposed to text Sheila-senpai when you're late," Els informed the first-year. "She was carrying a sloth to the restroom, so her hands were occupied. It was very kind of you, Juno," Misaki acknowledges Juno's willingness. "Why, thank you, Misaki-senpai!" Juno was happy with Misaki's compliment. 
"I've also made sure that Shiela got the memo and to not get you in trouble, so no need to worry," Misaki shared as everyone was wow-ed by Misaki's consideration. "But it doesn't excuse me for being late, so I want to clean the training hall after school. Sorry, Louis-senpai," Juno apologized as she bowed. 
"Oh, Legoshi-senpai!" Juno called out to the gray wolf. "I saw the dinosaur in the plaza. It was really pretty. The stage crew is doing their best, so we actors are going to do our best with our dancing practice. We're very inspired!" Juno smiled widely and only had her eyes on him. "...Mm, good, good," Legoshi doesn't seem affected by Juno's comment. 
"Yeah, you guys did great. Seeing as it's also my first time seeing it, I'm proud of each one of you. I'll be sure to take pictures of all of them when they're finished," Misaki smirked and showed that her lock screen was now the T-Rex Statue they painted, making sure she looked everyone in the eye. 
"Aww, Misaki!" Dom looked flattered. "I'm happy it exceeded your expectations!" Kibi smiled as everyone in the creatives team was appreciative of Misaki's honest remark. "Ah, speaking of, Misaki," Shiela walked up to the human and dragged her towards Louis. "We have some sudden news to share with you," she shared as Louis glared at the cheetah due to her comment before. 
"Yes, Sanu suggested that you'll be our main dancer," Louis mentioned and Misaki was shocked. "What!? What do you mean? I'll be at the front?" Misaki covered her mouth with her hand. "One of our dancers won't be available for the festival and you know the dances well. So, they made Juno be back up and you in the center since you know the dance very well," he shared.
"There's only two days left though," she looked worried. "You'll do fine, you the entire dance anyway," Louis was confident. "Did... did Tarok tell you that I'll be revealed too? Is that why you weren't opposed to it?" Misaki asked. 
"Yes, he did tell me. I asked his permission for the dance and he's fine with it. You won't be wearing that get-up anymore," Louis smirked and Misaki sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll do it. I'll text Haru that I have a big role here so they won't have to worry about my whereabouts," Misaki shared as she went to grab her phone to text her. 
"We'll do a quick fitting with you. I'm sure they'll just readjust one of the existing outfits," Louis told her as Misaki was ready to walk away. "I'll let Legoshi know," Louis smirked upon seeing Misaki frozen in place. He chuckled and patted her back and walked away from her to talk to Legoshi. She quickly ran to the changing room and walked out wearing her PE Uniform. 
"Woah, you do have fur in your legs," Juno wondered as she gave a close inspection of Misaki's legs. "They're called Hair for humans. Despite it being short and thin, they make sure they regulate our body temperature and keep dirt away such as my lashes here," Misaki pointed her eyes to let Juno get a closer look. 
"Woah, they're so tiny," Juno giggled. As everyone was talking to Misaki and was excited to see her fully perform on stage, Legoshi kept his eyes only on her. He looked up and down her figure as he felt aroused by her appearance. 
"Stop eye fucking, my sister." Legoshi snapped out of it and shrank away as Louis glared at him. Louis was most annoyed upon seeing Legoshi's wagging tail when Misaki came into the room. "Sister?" Legoshi questioned. "She's like a sister to me, so don't go hurting her," Louis crossed his arms as it would seem that he was finally open for Misaki to be together with Legoshi. 
"So whatever happened before they came in was a misunderstanding on your part," Louis pointed out. "You got the tape measure ready?" Louis asked. 
"Oh, yeah, I do," Legoshi went to pull it out, "Fix your problem first," Louis interrupted and he walked away. "Problem?" Legoshi questioned. He looked down to see a tent in his pants. He panics and quickly runs to the restroom. He could not believe he just had a hard-on. It embarrassed him more to notice his tail wagging faster than ever. He really wants to disappear.
"Where's Legoshi?" Misaki asked after she got away from the questioning members. "He went to the restroom real quick. Dom will be measuring you instead," Louis informed her as he tried hiding his laughter, which Misaki noticed but she didn't question it. She would truly have a heart attack if she knew that she had such an effect on Legoshi.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Sarumi Gakuen K when Fushimi give his first button of his gakuran shirt to Yata when they graduate
It should be second, shouldn’t it? That’s the one for romantic love. Imagine Fushimi and Yata are getting ready to graduate and they’ve of course had the usual relationship ups and downs, they were enemies for a while but now they’re back to being friends. Fushimi hasn’t confessed his real feelings to Yata though, assuming that there’s no way Yata would ever return his feelings after everything Fushimi’s put him through. They’re hanging out in Yata’s dorm a few days before graduation playing video games and Yata’s talking about how cool it is that they’re gonna be graduating soon, Fushimi smirks and says it’s amazing idiot Misaki passed. Yata’s all shut up and then he grumbles that just because Fushimi got into a fancy university. Fushimi shrugs and languidly says he doesn’t really care about university, Yata’s like no no you have to care and become someone even more amazing. Yata’s starting an apprenticeship after high school, it’s not too far from Fushimi’s university though so he hopes they can still see each other. Fushimi is fiddling with the buttons of his uniform as he makes a small noise of agreement, looking dissatisfied. He says he has to go back to his own dorm and as he gets up the second button falls off his uniform. Yata picks it up and is like wait this fell off, let me sew it back on for you. Fushimi looks at Yata for a long time and then tells Yata to ‘keep it.’
Yata thinks that’s weird and he just pockets the button, figuring Saruhiko is being weird right now and he’ll want this later. Fushimi continues to seem oddly distant for the next few days and even at graduation, Yata’s looking for him because he wants to like take pictures together. He runs into some of his friends from Homra and everyone’s congratulating him, Yata’s really proud of himself when even his former upperclassman Mikoto shows up to tell him good job. Yata asks by the way have you guys seen Saruhiko and one of the Homra guys is like oh yeah wasn’t Fushimi missing his second button on his uniform. Yata doesn’t get why that’s a big deal and he’s like oh yeah I have it here in my pocket. Immediately they’re all just staring at him and Yata’s like what. Kamamoto nervously leans in and quietly lets Yata know what giving the button means, Yata’s like wait no this isn’t that it just fell off…and Saruhiko told me to keep it. Everyone is still giving him a look as it slowly dawns on Yata what just happened here.
He says a quick goodbye to everyone and then goes running to find Fushimi. Fushimi’s already trying to sneak off campus (he’s trying to avoid his doting senpai Munakata who showed up with congratulation flowers). Yata practically tackles him to the ground as he’s like you dumbass why didn’t you just say something. Fushimi has no idea what Yata’s talking about and Yata’s face is all red as he mumbles that how was he supposed to know things if Fushimi doesn’t say them, he knows Yata isn’t very good at romance stuff. Fushimi tries to shrug him off like Yata’s just talking nonsense but Yata presses a fist to Fushimi’s chest, button clasped in his hand as he’s like I know what this means. Fushimi scoffs that Yata has no idea and Yata coughs as he’s like if—if you’re gonna confess then do it properly you idiot, or no one will understand. Fushimi coldly says Yata wouldn't have understood either way and Yata snaps that Fushimi doesn’t know that. Suddenly Yata just pulls the second button off his own uniform and hands it to Fushimi like here, do you get it now dumbass.
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lisutarid-a · 3 months
[Gakuen K] Munakata Reisi Route Translation
The Cavalry Battle Horse
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (The next The Cavalry Battle is the final event of the sport festival…It's a special club competition, so it's going to be an intense battle)
Saya: It's frustrating that the girls can't participate in the cavalry battle…Good luck!
Fushimi: Well, we'll just play the game the appropriate way.
Saya: (Eh… Munakata-senpai is not here. Where did he go?)
Kukuri: The main events of the Sports Festival, as well as the special club inter-competition, has finally reached its final event, the cavalry battle!
Kukuri: At the moment the leaders are the Blue and Red clubs, but after a seesaw battle, the score is tied 200 to 200!
Kukuri: In substance, it is a summit showdown between the Blue and Red clubs. We expect a he-eated battle between the Heads of the Blue and Red clubs!
Kukuri: Now, the representative of the Silver Club who left the game early, Neko-chan and Shiro-kun as commentators, who do you think will win this game?
Neko: Wagahai is hungry…
Shiro: No-no, you just had a meal a while ago.
Neko: Then, if you're hungry, you win first prize. So Wagahai wins!
Shiro: In other words, I think the one who works hard enough to get hungry will win!
Kukuri: Thanks for your comments! Okay, so the remarkable competition is starting…now!
Kukuri: O-Oh, here comes the horseman who breaks the rules!
Saya: E…Eeeeh!?
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Munakata: Thank you for waiting. Well then, let's get started, shall we?
Yata: What the hell is that!? Why are you entering on a horse!?
Yata: T-This is so…cool, isn't it!!!!?
Kamamoto: Yata-san! Isn't that a foul play!? Right!?
Totsuka: Eh, I lo-ove it~! I want to ride a horse too!
Kamamoto: Hey! Even Totsuka-san! That's a foul! Come on, Yata-san, please come to your senses!
Yata: Ha! That's bad, I shouldn't have been so careless, I almost let the guys from the Blue club get the better of me!
Kamamoto: The Blue club didn't do anything to get the better on you, though…
Yata: You blues are going to lose by foul play for bringing that horse!! What a pity!
Fushimi: Tsk…I'm told it's a foul thing to do.
Munakata: The rule is to take the opponent's bowl while riding a horse, that's all. I don't see any problem.
Fushimi: …You heard that. Do you feel pity now, Misaki?
Yata: Damn Saru…!!
Mikoto: …Ha, looks interesting, doesn't it?
Yata: E-Eeeh!? What are you saying, Mikoto-san?!
Totsuka: Ah, it looks like somebody's got turned on. I guess it's okay to start.
Munakata: Well then, here we go!
Mikoto: …Come on! Munakata!!
Munakata: Suoh! I'm coming!
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Kukuri: Thanks for your hard work today. It ended up being a draw, but it was very exciting.
Saya: That's right. It was really fun.
Kukuri: I was not able to follow the program and was so thrilled.
Kukuri: Kukuri-chan's live commentary was really cool. It was like watching TV!
Kukuri: Hehehe, thanks! I don't know why I was chosen to be an assistant. But I had a lot of fun myself.
Saya: Ah, I got a call. See you later!
Kukuri: Uhm, see you later~!
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Saya: (I guess I'm done cleaning up here…)
Munakata: Konohana-kun, thank you for your hard work.
Saya: Senpai! Thanks for your hard work. The cavalry battle was really awesome!
Saya: I didn't expect to see you coming out on a real horse. I think everyone was surprised!
Munakata: Fufu, thank you very much. The preparation was worth it.
Saya: You look like you're pretty good with horses, are senpai good at horse riding?
Munakata: I don't know if I can say I'm good at it, but I like to ride it from time to time.
Saya: (Ehh…! I didn't know they ride horses sometimes, that's so elegant and cool)
Munakata: Well, have you finished cleaning up?
Saya: Yeah. I'm done here.
Munakata: Well, would you mind helping me over there?
Saya: Got it! I'm going.
Munakata: Fufu, that's a good reply. I'm looking forward to working with you.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 months
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: I don’t intend to let you go Translation (Good END)
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist / Gakuen K Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Ran: What do you mean he’ll wither and die-
Totsuka: Ah, looks like you’re here after all!
Ran: Totsuka-senpai, Yata-kun!
Totsuka: Look! It’s my win this time~
Misaki: Tch… lighthouse…
Totsuka: Huh? Did you just say something, Yata? I couldn’t quite hear you~ Why the mention of a lighthouse?
Misaki: I-It doesn’t matter whether or not you heard me!
Totsuka: Hmm, you can’t do that to me. Haven’t you heard? Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back, and I’m so, sooo curious~ So, what about my nose?
Misaki: Ugh…
Totsuka: C’mon now, don’t be afraid to share with the class~
Yata: I-It’s hard to notice things that are under the lighthouse!!!
Totsuka: Yata… Mmhm, I know how you feel about that. *Chuckles*
Misaki: I-Is that pity I see in your eyes!?
Totsuka: Mmm, I expected as much. Hey, Yata, you may be a 3rd year now, but don’t ever change, okay?
Totsuka: By the way, the correct saying for that is “It’s hard to notice things that are right under your nose” not the “lighthouse”.
Izumo: You guys… Did you come here just to provide the venue with some comedic relief?  
Totsuka: I suppose you could say that.
Yata: No! That’s not what we’re here for!!!
Totsuka: Oh? We aren’t?
Misaki: Umm… I heard from Totsuka-san that…
Yata: You’re dating Ran? Is that true?
Izumo: Yeah.
Ran: Did you not know???
Misaki: Did I not know!? Hell if I did! I came here to double-check it with you guys! Since WHEN!? Yesterday!? The day before yesterday!?
Ran: Summer, actually…
Totsuka: Wow, Yata, I didn’t know that you were a poet.
Misaki: Hehe. I like summer vacation where summerti- Ahh, no! That doesn’t matter!!!
Misaki: Why didn’t anyone say anything about you two being a couple…!?
Totsuka: I mean, you could tell just by looking at them.
Misaki: Just by looking at them?
Ran: …Do you… get it yet?
Misaki: Like hell I do! Can you read the air or something, Totsuka-san!? Like, you know, can you see people’s auras!?
Totsuka: *Sigh*...I suppose you’ll understand once you grow up a little more, Yata.
Misaki: Hey! Stop giving me that distant look!
Totsuka: I’m parched. Could I get a drink, Kusanagi-san? What about you, Yata?
Misaki: Sure… I’m good with a soda.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: Phew. They finally left…
Ran: And the sun has long since set.
Izumo: Yup. Make sure to get back to your dorm before curfew today, okay?
Ran: Sure thing.
Izumo: To think that I actually got an honest reply out of you this time. Hey, don’t hold onto me like that.
Izumo: Let’s have a serious talk for a bit, hm? C’mere.
Ran: Okay.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Uwah!?
Izumo: Man, that’s an uncouth noise comin’ from you. How ‘bout a squeal or something?
Ran: L-Let me down…
Izumo: Sure thing. But first… let us make a promise.
Ran: What promise?
Izumo: Promise me that you’ll take responsibility for makin’ me fall head over heels for you. Forever. 
Ran: Forever…?
Izumo: Yup. You know how it goes— in sickness and in health, until death do us part?
Izumo: I have absolutely no intention of lettin’ go of you, so I was thinkin’...perhaps make a reservation for the ring that’s s’posed to go onto your left hand’s ring finger?
Izumo: How about it? Are you willin’ to entrust your future to me?
Ran: Are you sure about wanting to spend your future with me?
Izumo: Of course. Only if it’s you. You’re the only one I’d go so far for.
Izumo: Stay with me… forever and always?
━━━ ∘◦ ♔END♔ ◦∘ ━━━
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xbuster · 4 months
According to Takimoto’s Twitter, Rebuild of Welcome to the NHK appears to be finished? Which, I guess means that chapter 6 will be the last one. It’s kind of hard to imagine that will be the end because it didn’t really go in any of the directions the original did. Which makes sense I guess since it’s supposed to be a different story, but it really ruins Misaki’s character. She’s on the cover of every chapter, but the story isn’t about her at all. She’s there, but besides Satou, the character that got the most focus was Hitomi. Which is insane because Hitomi was a footnote in the original novel. A friend from high school Satou was hoping to reconnect with, but realized she lived in a completely different world and their short high school friendship didn’t carry as much weight in the adult world. In Rebuild she calls him like every night and considers him a real friend.
It’s weird because their relationship didn’t develop into that from how it started in the original novel, it’s just a completely different relationship. Which makes Hitomi feel like a completely different character. It’s not even that I hate all the directions the characters are going in, but I wish it was built off the foundation of the original. Which might have been Takimoto’s intent since he skips the entire setup from the original. Satou already knows Misaki. He’s already in touch with Yamazaki and Hitomi. He already signed the contract for Misaki’s NHK. Satou was already trying to make a game with Yamazaki. All the relationships were already established, but all the characters feel really different. Satou starts off being against drug use, Yamazaki isn’t dangerous, Hitomi is able to make a connection with Satou, and, the worst of it all, Misaki is a lot more concerned with Satou.
And again, I wouldn’t even have a problem with Misaki actually caring about Satou if it was built off the foundations of their original relationship. But the way it is here, she just feels like a different character. And these relationships are like this because they give Satou a better chance of ending up in a position where he’s happy. Satou can avoid destroying his life with drugs, Yamazaki can actually work with him on their project, Hitomi can act as an important connection from his past that makes him feel comfortable in the present, and Misaki can be a romantic interest. These are all things that were practically impossible in the original story. And that’s because Takimoto isn’t in a bad place anymore, so he doesn’t want Satou to be in one either. The differences between the original novel and the Rebuild all reflects on how Takimoto has changed in the past 20 years.
He even said he had trouble writing the first chapter because he had to force his mind to once again pull from what he was feeling 20 years ago. The original novel pulled a lot from his own hikikomori experiences. He isn’t a hikikomori anymore. NHK can’t be a look into what someone might suffer as a hikikomori in Japan. It’s about how writing erotic ASMR can solve all your problems and make your senpai want to feature you in her porn videos.
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tawus · 2 years
Ryomen Sukuna
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Prompt: "Alone and defiant to the end, the rest of your comrades have already fallen."
For @someweirdoreblogger
First he took your eyes.
You didn’t know whether if it was out of mercy that he slit a gash across them with his sharp purple claws as soon as you launched your attack, instead of harming you anywhere else. You wondered if it was out of mercy that he blinded you to all the red that was around you – the red that was spurting in fountains from the severed heads, arms, legs and torsos of your fellow sorcerers, your comrades; the red that was pooling underneath your feet – new and old, of all those slain and being slayed; the red that coated his four huge hands as he tore your team members apart, and the red that clung to his canines when he deemed biting off a limb more riveting than just tearing it off; the red of his freakishly four eyes that had swirled and focused on you – dismissive and refusing to graze any of the ones he was dismembering.
But it wasn’t mercy. Not when you could still hear their wails, the spurts of their blood, the tearings of their flesh, ligament from ligament, meat from bone. And worst of all – when you could still hear the sound of their regret. You wheezed while listening to that sound expressed in their final cries: regret for having picked the wrong path in their lives – the path that led them to the King of Curses and to the lifeless mush they were now beneath his titanic feet.
The sounds stopped, save for one: the steady breathing of the feral beast himself. Followed by the sinister spiral of his laughter, starting from the hadal depths of his body in a deep vibrating rumble, before climbing to the mocking resonance – abuse – of sound, which borrowed from the screeching and demonic cries of the banshees – until at last he erupted in an earthquake of open-mouthed howl that shook the ground, shook the cave, shook the bones within your body.
In primal terror you inched a step back but stopped abruptly, having felt that your sole stepped on something wet and crunchy. Hideo’s ribcage? Misaki senpai’s face? Kenji’s thorax? Aina’s skull with her brain still inside? Could have been any one of them, you knew, with bile climbing your oesophagus.
Sukuna stepped toward you, reverberating the rock beneath your feet.
It wasn’t out of mercy, you realised once again, that he took your eyes. Because you could still feel the red sloshing at your feet. You could still sense the red of those eyes on you. You could feel the red unsated hunger in them still.
“Stop!” you had but the sense to command – plead, really – when his claw’s sharp tip alighted on your clavicle and traced up your neck. On his hot breath that fanned your face you smelled the metal of the blood of your vanquished pals.
He has no right! No fucking right!!
Brave words they were, dignified sentiments. But none of them could leave your lips in any other form than wet, mangled cries – desperate and pathetic.
“Alone and defiant to the end…” the same voice that shook the cave and your bones, now said to you in a low indulgent growl. “Didn’t you know? The rest of your comrades have already fallen.”
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balu8 · 1 year
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Skip and Loafer: Smug Senpai
by by Misaki Takamatsu
Seven Seas
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anicastes · 2 years
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Misaki-senpai? What’s wrong?
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7ban-sama · 1 year
... for various reasons, I didn't have time to finish composing this drafted post about 'Nene's reaction to Tsukasa's kiss'. My mood about this was, 'oh well' (you don't always meet your goals of getting your thoughts out...) shouganai ne. Let's just be patient and wait for the actual chapter.
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This promo image is certainly bolstering me! Hahaha. It's exactly what I would expect from her-!! Oh, Yashiro, you poor thing...
I'll just quickly consolidate my post, a few hours before the next chapter... In celebration of our lovely protagonist's nature.
Which is... that of a hopeless romantic! At the start of the manga, we establish Nene as someone who, more than anything, wishes to be in a relationship. Beyond that, she's also a naive, childish person, who gets caught in 'flights of fancy'... It is not uncommon for Nene to quickly get carried away in her inner narration. She's liable to compare an event to a scene in a shoujo manga, or act out her thoughts in a little puppet-show in her mind. Dramatization!
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... While she may not always be the most accurate with this line of thinking, it's an endearing way to process things. It represents a sort of... straightforwardness.
After the immediacy of her mind running wild — she is capable of mellowing out, and becoming more properly pensive... She can be thoughtful as well, of course.
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And I think Nene has only been getting more and more perceptive, capable of threading information together.
With all this in mind, thinking back to the Nene being kissed...
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Her reaction to it is less severe than Hanako's. But why would that be-? Well... I think, it's certainly perplexing — but it can't be as earth-shattering as it is for Hanako; someone with an entire loaded history with Tsukasa. Knowing how obsessive Tsukasa was over Amane, and how isolated both the twins were (seemingly forming no other close bonds) — perhaps, it was unfathomable for Hanako to assume that Tsukasa would do anything like this.
From Nene's perspective, however... She lacks all that information; she only has what she has seen/experienced, between Hanako and Tsukasa / Tsuksa and herself, to go off of. As a result, I think her confusion manifests far more simply.
Does Tsukasa... like me? This whole time, is that what he felt?
Why else... would he kiss her? What else is a girl to conclude. After all, when Hanako kissed her back at the Misaki stairs...
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... she wound up at this conclusion. And I think it certainly isn't wrong of her to think about, considering the fact that — yes, of course Hanako likes her, and is flirting with her actively. When she reflects on all his behaviors, confers with Aoi, that's the most logical conclusion. Why else would he do all of that?
Even if Hanako himself is imperceptive to his budding feelings for Nene, his actions speak clearly for him.
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I love that this has happened repeatedly, even... Haha, can't you picture a Tsukasa version? It's delightful.
Once past the initial confusing, questioning Tsukasa's feelings... I believe Nene will also be unable to control her organic to response to... being pursued, by multiple boys... Even if, say, Nene is incorrectly assuming that the twins are "fighting for her", don't you think it would be easy for a girl to draw such a conclusion and be flustered by it? The humble Nene, whose greatest fear is that she would be so undesirable, that every guy in the vicinity would reject her (ala Hell of Mirrors...) Always being rejected, or demeaned for her appearance — if, somehow, not just one, but TWO!! whole boys liked her, wouldn't that have to feel...
Well, I shall now simply leave these images of Nene-chan fantasizing about several hot guys coming after her.
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And ah, this is worth including:
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(Worth noting Nene wishes to be a mature, older senpai that you defer, seek guidance from... as the Yugi are also middle schoolers.)
And this.
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Hmm. It certainly feels relevant, I suppose...
Perhaps Nene is actually well suited to the predicament she has gotten herself in? Having spent so much time obsessing over romance and drama, and inundating herself with such concepts. Maybe she will be... surprisingly open-minded about Tsukasa's gesture. Is it as exciting as it is alarming? However much time she will spend frozen (or not), thinking to herself, she will have time to really consider what it would mean if Tsukasa liked her-! What does that mean for her? While she's just considering becoming Hanako's girlfriend...
Hehe, the promo image has Tsukasa saying, Whatever belongs to my brother belongs to me too... It's already so outlandish, Neneeeee, you're killing meee... She is so funny and cute. WHEREVER THIS GOES-!! I'M EXCITED, AIDAIRO-SENSEI!!!! You have made a wonderful protagonist for your silly romance manga.
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Mikan (pt. 26)
The real action begins today, and we'll start to build up towards false climax to this story. This arc is long, and we'll undoubtedly jump around a bit, though less than in Natsume's version. Though it might seem like love would take a backseat in such a stressful arc that all takes place during one night, that's entirely not the case!
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Chapter Ninety-Six
We rejoin Mikan after the events of the last chapter, her head out her window, watching Natsume leave, concerned about both him and Tsubasa. 
Then, it’s the next day, and Mikan is at school like usual, getting back into the swing of things. She sees Narumi for the first time since she stole Persona’s alice from his arm. She rushes to embrace him, emotional to see that he’s okay after that whole ordeal. Like I said, there’s a theme of potential and real loss in this arc, with the threat of Mikan’s loved ones being taken from her. Each person she doesn’t lose is a relief, and I think that her concern about Tsubasa and Natsume added to the emotions she feels here. At least she won’t be losing Narumi-sensei.
But he has something to tell her, something that will have to wait until after classes. He asks her to hear him out and take him seriously, and by that alone Mikan knows that whatever he has to say will be important. But she trusts him, so she smiles and agrees easily.
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The tie back to the letters chapter at the beginning; him requesting trust and her giving it easily. I don't know.
The sad thing about this little period of time now is that Mikan knows she’s on thin ice, that she could fall through at any minute. She’s aware that things have been changing and that they are due to come crashing down soon. Everyone else is planning around her, and with zero coordination, with Yuka and her posse planning one thing, Narumi something else, Natsume trying his best, Hotaru and Ruka keeping their own secrets, and the ESP planning on taking her for himself. When it does all crash, Mikan is swept away and overwhelmed by it all, understandably. For all of her anxiety about what’s to come, she is by no means prepared for any of it.
After class, Mikan is in a hurry to see Narumi again to hear him out like she agreed, but she runs into Luna, who uses her alice to cause a commotion regarding gossip about Mikan having the stealing alice. It escalates when rumors start that Mikan is actually Yuka’s daughter, related to someone who was a traitor to the academy and stole the students’ alices. 
This is more than just bullying--Luna is trying to trigger Mikan into using her stealing alice to protect herself. Though her friends are already trying to do what they can to protect her, Mikan is still put on the spot, forced to confront nasty rumors about her parentage, alice, Tsubasa--
And it’s when they insult her favorite senpai that Mikan gets angry enough to finally act. Although she sure didn’t like being insulted, it’s only when they start trash-talking Tsubasa that she gets really pissed. (It’s very sweet.)
Though Mikan doesn’t get the chance to actually do anything because Misaki-senpai is there again, beating the bullies up and dragging Mikan away to safety.
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“If Tsubasa was here, he’d surely do this,” she tells Mikan, and Mikan is touched to be so thoroughly loved and cared for, to have a reminder that Misaki-senpai and Tsubasa both care very much about her and that she has allies who will protect her no matter what.
But they don’t get far before one of the Luna-controlled bullies reaches his hand out to hurt Misaki with his alice. Mikan doesn’t have a choice this time, because she always does what she can to protect the people she loves, so she nullifies his alice. 
This scene in particular highlights Mikan’s protective nature and her willingness to do anything for her loved ones, in this case Tsubasa and Misaki, who always look out for her. This is her way of sticking up for them for once, to pay back the endless support they always give her. Last summer, Mikan wanted to be the kind of person who could sacrifice things for the people she cared about, who could protect someone she loved. This summer, that’s exactly what she does, starting with protecting Misaki.
She tries to defend herself but she gets taken away anyway, grabbed by the fukitai to the ESP’s office. They don’t care that she didn’t really use the stealing alice. They don’t care that she acted in self-defense. There’s no Goshima tricks here, nobody to swoop in and lead her back to safety. This time she’s caught for real. The dominos are falling.
 She has a lot of friends who are concerned about her, naturally, so a fight will start to build up without her, but for her. In the meantime, Mikan is taken to the ESP’s office, who has been patiently biding his time for this very moment. He’s waited a long time for a chance like this, so he seems deceptively pleasant, smiling at her as he welcomes her to the DA class. His hand was forced, apparently. He wanted to take a little more time, but his enemies were about to start making moves, so he had to act before them. 
The cat’s out of the bag: Mikan’s stealing alice is revealed and she’s now in the snake’s den, the worst possible people now know her secret. The DA class, Persona, and Luna are also there to welcome her, though everyone remains quiet except for the ESP, because this is his show. Everyone else in the room is nothing more than a pawn. 
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But being your favorite isn't usually that great, is it?
Narumi rushes into the room right as Mikan and Luna are fighting, apparently in an effort to demonstrate the stealing alice to the ESP, who is watching with glee. Apparently, Mikan made a fuss when she was brought in, and why shouldn’t she? She’s not the type to tolerate mistreatment and even if it was an authority like the ESP, she’d stand up for herself anyway. 
(And then the ESP praises “the girl [Narumi] brought into the Academy,” and how devastating for Narumi, who had been acting in his self interest when he first enrolled Mikan without knowing that only a year later he’d do his very best to get her out of the school, realizing too late the mistake he had made.)
The ESP’s ecstatic reaction to watching Mikan steal Luna’s alice is pretty disturbing. We can see from just his laughter that Mikan would not be having an easy time in the DA class (not that any DA kids do…), especially since he called her his “favorite.” It’s always the favorites that are given special treatment… and that are treated the worst at the same time.
Luna is furious that she’s been humiliated in front of the principal and demands that Mikan return her alice, and then Nobara is commanded to capture Mikan with her ice alice. 
It feels like a helpless situation, and the ESP even confirms it. No matter how hard Mikan fights, she can’t escape this fate. It’s the end. This is her new life. Nobody will help her. Not even Narumi can do anything anymore. It’s done.
Luna attacks her, and it does feel hopeless, like the ESP might be right, that nobody can help her and that she’s doomed.
But then Luna’s hair suddenly catches fire and Mikan is pulled away from the immediate danger by an unlikely ally--Hayate… who isn’t actually Hayate, but rather Natsume wearing a wig.
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How ridiculous that they didn't even notice "Hayate" was just Natsume in a wig. Do they just usually pay that little attention to Hayate that he could be Natsume in a wig most of the time and they'd never pick up on it? Little Hayate musings.
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Mikan stares at Natsume’s back because he is once again surprising her, countering her expectations. He’s there to protect her, to save her, to keep her from that doomed fate. Apparently, the ESP even tried sending Natsume on a mission to keep him away from this scene, but he’d managed to sneak his way in anyway. 
And Mikan asks why he’s here and is obviously confused and overwhelmed.
Narumi, a teacher, couldn’t help her.
Why should Natsume be different? He’s just a child. What can he really do? Just by standing there? Can he do anything? Does he even know the trouble he’s about to be in? There’s no way to escape. He’s just doomed himself along with her.
All valid points.
Until Natsume starts talking.
“Shut up.” Off to a great start. 
And the mask is off this time. Natsume’s not hiding behind a teasing pretense anymore. He has no reason to hold back anymore, so now Mikan has to hear the truth, what she has wanted Natsume to say during the Sports Fest, what she was afraid he would never feel. NO MORE PRETEND.
Natsume is not just rebelling, he’s rebelling for her, not any other reason. Because he loves her, and he says so, in front of everybody, in front of her. He makes a vow of protection, and Mikan can only stare.
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Confirmation, Mikan!
And if we don’t get Mikan’s responding thoughts to that, it’s because we never do. Just “Natsume…” That’s all she can say to herself, to us. My theory is that hearing it right from his mouth was such an overwhelming shock, especially when combined with everything else going on, that she doesn’t have the mental capacity to process his confession, something she might not have been able to process on a good day anyway. We know how repressive she can get.
Mikan avoids all thoughts that make her uncomfortable, that freak her out, that confuse her, that put her on the spot. Natsume’s confession does all of that when she’s already thoroughly uncomfortable, freaked out, confused, and on the spot. So she doesn’t respond and she doesn’t even say anything to us that might suggest how she feels about hearing the confession. We can only guess, and my guess is that she’s OVER THE MOON to hear it.
After the Borrowing Race, Mikan really wanted the masked person to be Natsume. Her biggest concern was confronting him about it, but she was going to. And we know that she was devastated when Luna said Natsume was watching from afar. She didn’t think about who else it could be, just that she was upset it wasn’t Natsume. Because she wants Natsume to love her and always has. He’s telling her--and everyone else here--that he loves her now, and I can’t imagine that it doesn’t make her happy to know that after everything, she was right all along.
Natsume uses his alice and it’s clear he’s gonna try to escape with her. Nobara is commanded to stop Natsume’s flames and keep them from running away. Mikan and Nobara have always had a deep connection, bonded by feelings of uselessness and insecurity about their alices. Even though they’ve only met a few times, Mikan cares deeply about Nobara. And now Nobara is the only person who can help or stop her and Natsume from escaping. 
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So much happening at once!
Mikan always thinks of herself as useless, and it’s sad to see her have such a low opinion of herself when she makes such a difference in people’s lives just by being kind, by seeing the value in others, by making friends indiscriminately. If Mikan weren’t so kind, so friendly, so sweet, Nobara might not have acted in defiance against Persona. 
Mikan knows that Nobara will be in trouble for assisting them, but they can’t linger, so they escape with Narumi, though Luna follows for a while, still trying to get her alice back. 
Natsume and Mikan run while holding hands, Narumi accompanying them. Mikan is preoccupied with the chase and with concern for Nobara, who put herself on the line for her. Yet again, Mikan can’t linger on any one thought because something else is always happening. They’re being attacked, then rescued, then separated from their classmates who rebelled on their own at the same time, separated from Hotaru--
How is Mikan supposed to be able to think about anything when everything is happening all at once? I think it makes sense that Natsume doesn’t get a response or even acknowledgement of his feelings right now.
They keep running, and Natsume uses a lot of his alice fighting off enemies, until he suddenly collapses and there’s one more concern added to the mix. Natsume brushes it off, but Mikan is obviously concerned about his condition. He tries to get Mikan and Narumi to go on without him, but Mikan won’t hear it. They couldn’t take Nobara or their friends along with them, but she won’t leave Natsume, especially in this condition, to be fodder for the fukitai while she runs away.
And Narumi plans around it anyway, switching places with Natsume, as he should since he’s the adult and a teacher whose job it is to protect his students. He’ll keep the fukitai busy while Natsume and Mikan escape. Mikan doesn’t really like this option either, hesitant to leave a loved one behind, but Narumi is an adult and he seems to know what he’s doing, telling them they’ll meet again at the Hana Hime Den. 
It’s finally time for Narumi to tell her what he’d meant to say earlier: he wants to run away from the school with her.
He’s making sense. The school’s not safe for either of them anymore. He’s an adult who has already made the arrangements for an escape, transportation, and housing outside. He’s a teacher she loves and trusts and once even called “Dad.” He doesn’t expect an answer right away because of how harsh the prospect is, but he insists she considers it--a hard ask since she hasn’t had much time to consider anything--and he runs off.
Mikan is forced to cope with a lot of choices tonight, and this is just the first of a long string of them. She might have to leave the school, leave all her friends, leave Natsume.
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She's always counted him as separate, but that's as much confirmation that she loves him too as we're gonna get for a while.
I think it’s interesting that Natsume is a separate part of the equation. She still doesn’t reveal much with her thoughts, but the little hints we get are a good insight into how she’s feeling right now. Mikan has, as we’ve already discussed, always viewed Natsume as “different.” The feelings she has for him are unique and this uniqueness has always confused her. He never fit the role of “friend,” the way her other classmates did. For a time, “partner” was the convenient label, a connection in nothing much but name until it was a connection that couldn’t be named, especially when the “partner” label was taken away. Now Natsume is just Natsume, in his own category. 
So Mikan doesn’t want to leave her friends, her classmates, her senpais, her teachers… her Natsume, who is his own thing.
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Though Mikan doesn’t want to leave Narumi on his own, Natsume is tugging her along anyway, asserting that Narumi--the adult--can take care of himself. Natsume dutifully takes her to the Hanahimeden as agreed and Mikan can only think about her concerns for the friends she’s been parted from. The pursuers seem to be gone, so it’s just the two of them now, Natsume holding onto her hand. 
Mikan is taken out of her preoccupations when Natsume finally speaks, asking her if she’s really gonna leave with Narumi. He doesn’t really wait for her to reply either, telling her that he wants to take her hand and escape with her himself, if only he were an adult. That’s the only reason it’s not the two of them leaving right this second: they’re both helpless, powerless children.
Natsume doesn’t usually say such sweet things. Mikan has been recently confronted with Natsume being oddly honest and open with her, telling her how he feels. He has nothing holding him back anymore, after all, so why not be honest? Mikan still hasn’t responded to his love confession, and this is just an extension of that same feeling: I love you and I don’t want to leave you.
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There's so much going on here...
She tears up and looks at his back (like always, like always, like always--because even if he’s honest, he always confesses these things with his back to her). All she says is “Me too,” because she has her back to him too (metaphorically). She can’t say more than that. “Me too,” to all of it, without saying all of it. She’s still not ready to say it, to think it. “I don’t want to be separated; I don’t want to let go of this hand,” is something she keeps to herself. She’s just echoing his own thoughts, and that’s important because there’s no point tonight where her feelings don’t perfectly match his. He doesn’t want to pass her onto someone else? She doesn’t want that either. What else has he said tonight? Whatever it was, she feels it too, but “me too,” is all she can say for now.
For now.
They’re brought in to meet Himemiya, who shares instantly that Hotaru will be sent out of the school for a couple years on a trainee program and that Ruka, who is labeled as a leader of the rebellion, will be seriously punished for his role. Both Natsume and Mikan are confronted by the collateral damage of their standing against the ESP, with Himemiya asking if Mikan is prepared to face the consequences of her actions. I think that’s a fucked up thing to say to a child, but whatever. 
What’s the alternative here? Going along with the status quo here means allowing the ESP to use Mikan as he sees fit, something nobody can tolerate because it means returning him to full power and living forever this way. But Natsume didn’t tolerate it because he knew Mikan would be terribly abused if she joined the DA class, and though no teachers cared about him getting abused, he would step in to help her. 
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One thing I've learned from writing this essay is that I really dislike Himemiya, LMAO.
What’s the alternative, Himemiya? Fuck off.
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Shortly after this needless and cruel conversation with Himemiya, Mikan reunites with Hotaru, who was rescued by Hayate. They hug and finally Hotaru addresses her transfer, something she’d kept to herself for a while. 
Hotaru completely refutes Himemiya’s nonsense about this being Mikan’s fault. Hotaru doesn’t blame Mikan, so Mikan shouldn’t blame herself. Everyone rebelled because they believe in Mikan, because they want to support her and what she stands for. Hotaru is Mikan’s best friend. She’ll always be in her corner. 
Just like Natsume was being honest, it’s Hotaru’s turn. For all of her acting like Mikan is a nuisance, she’s treasured every moment they shared at the academy. Whatever happens going forward, it’s not Mikan’s fault. She asserts that this separation is temporary and different from last time. They’re communicating about it now, for one, and Hotaru knows it won’t be forever. They will definitely see each other again. 
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I like how Himemiya says that nonsense and then everyone afterward just quickly rebukes it.
And Mikan agrees, but she wishes none of this had happened, that they could go back to the way things were, so she didn’t have to be separated from Hotaru, so she could grow up with her and live a normal, happy life by her best friend’s side. It’s a similar wish to the one she had for Natsume. Not wanting to be separated. They’re both precious to her, and the main driving thread here is the strong wish that there was no need for a rebellion, that there was no danger to run from. 
Again, the theme here is loss. First there was Natsume, a false alarm, then Narumi, saved in the nick of time, then Tsubasa, still a mystery. Now, both Hotaru and Ruka’s fates are up in the air and Mikan is faced with the sudden reality that she might lose the people she cares about most. The ESP’s Christmas warning feels more potent than ever. Nothing is safe.
Mikan’s attention is brought to one of the alice stones around her neck, particularly Sakurano’s, because she’s “resonating” with him, meaning that he’s calling for her. One of the alices in the stone is teleportation, and by holding onto each other, Mikan, Hotaru, and Natsume can all be teleported to wherever Sakurano is. 
Himemiya says one more cryptic thing before they disappear: “Say hello to your mother for me.” 
Poor Mikan gets so much strange information at once, little vague comments about her mother, Hotaru leaving, Natsume loving her, Narumi planning to take her way--all so much at once. It’s hard to keep up with it all, so she can’t linger when they end up in the High School Principal’s office, facing Sakurano, Subaru, and Narumi, who is safe after all. Nodacchi then teleports with Ruka in tow, so the four are finally reunited. 
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I think we can all agree that we should've had more of them as a friend group instead of just a group of people who are all in love with Mikan, only tied together by that fact. The latter is kinda boring to me, not gonna lie.
Chapter One Hundred
Hey guys. We’re officially at the very long part of the manga where things get technical and lore-heavy, with emphasis switching onto the past, and then in a more broad sense, into “running away” and escaping, which… is fun and all but not fun to analyze for me. SO, just like with the Natsume version of this essay, I might not have many things to say about each chapter. Thanks for understanding.
Mikan is meeting her uncle for the first time, the man behind the curtain who has been pulling the strings to protect her to the best of his ability the whole time. (I can only imagine how irritated he was with Narumi for bringing her in to the ESP in the first place.) He also breaks the sad news to her that her father passed away before she was even born. But there’s no time to have a chat about it. This is a dire situation and Mikan needs to get out of here and to safety immediately, specifically with her mother, Azumi Yuka. 
This is a shock to everyone--Narumi isn’t happy to hear this--but Mikan just got several bombs dropped at once. One, her long-elusive mother was Yuka, who stole her friend’s alice and was involved in another friend getting shot with a poison bullet. Two, she’ll be escaping with this person, and not Narumi or Natsume or anybody else she knows, and spending the rest of who knows how long with Yuka on the run. Third, these arrangements were all decided for her without any of her input.
It’s all connecting. Her mother, that woman, the Z member… 
It’s a lot to take in, as if she wasn’t being confronted with enough shockers. 
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You don't want to? That's not something they're really prioritizing, Mikan. That's not something they ever prioritized.
Mikan pipes up that she doesn’t want to run away with Yuka, a person who for all Mikan knows has done nothing but damage. She also doesn’t want to be the only one protected and looked after. Her friends are in danger too!
But Himemiya is even further rebuked (why did she say that? So shitty.). This whole endeavor isn’t about protecting only Mikan. Everyone would be in danger if the ESP got his hands on her. Mikan is a weapon the ESP can’t be allowed to have access to. She isn’t expected to understand right away, but she is expected to comply, and that’s where her friends have issues.
Natsume complains that Mikan shouldn’t just be lectured; just because they’re on the same side against the ESP doesn’t mean the kids will cooperate with them. In his mind, they’re a unit, the four of them, and they won’t just obey blindly to everything the adults say. He didn’t rebel just to fall into line again with a new set of adults. That means a lot to Mikan, to have this group of people who are primarily interested in her safety and well-being, whereas the adults in the room seem to be more preoccupied with the greater good. 
He demands they be properly convinced, so that even he could agree to allow Mikan to go with Yuka. Ruka chimes in with something similar, that Mikan has been through enough and should have a say in what happens next. 
“The one who will choose is Sakura, not you adults.”
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I think Ruka taking his future "rejection" so well is tied to his utmost respect for her agency that he demonstrates here. She has the right to choose and he will always respect that. Any and all fanfic that have Ruka behaving in any other way are grossly misinterpreting his character.
This is a pretty important line, in my opinion, because it relates to how important it is that Mikan has agency in this situation. For most of the manga, Mikan has been oblivious to everything. Narumi personally withheld her alice from her until she underwent a dangerous and unnecessary entrance exam. She was enrolled without knowledge of what she was sacrificing, namely contact with her grandpa. She was unfairly targeted and then wasn’t even given information about why she was targeted. Though multiple people already knew that Mikan was Yuka’s daughter, this information was kept secret from her. Her own stealing alice was kept a secret from her for months before she figured it out on her own. She was after that told to keep it a secret too, without being given an elaboration as to why. Mikan has for most of the manga been an unwitting puppet, kept oblivious to things that directly concerned her, for the sake of the greater good.
Mikan hasn’t had agency up til now. She hasn’t been allowed to make her own informed decisions. She’s been lied to and manipulated, particularly by adults who think they know what’s best for her. This moment is important because her friends are standing up for her, claiming that she should have the right to choose what she does next. She should be given all the relevant information and allowed to make a decision for herself. For fucking once.
Agency is such a huge part of Mikan’s story that it genuinely sickens me when people brush it over, including Higuchi Tachibana herself. Mikan’s agency is important in lots of ways, particularly regarding her life and what she does with her alice and school life, sure, but her love life is a part of that as well. And I feel like Mikan’s feelings and choices in regards to romance are frequently disregarded or even not considered at all, and I have a huge problem with that.
The one who will choose is Mikan, thanks! (And she does!)
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I get a little antsy from here on out when it comes to this story, but we'll carry on, because there's nothing else to do.
In any case, the HSP agrees to this, telling Noda to take the kids on a trip to the past to find out more about Yuka. They still don’t have time to discuss it in depth, so this time traveling will be a compromise. After Mikan has seen everything she needs to see, she will be able to make her own decision for what comes next.
Poor Mikan gets confronted with shocker after shocker in this arc and all in one night with very little time to process anything. The fact that she'll somehow get around to addressing the love question tonight with everything else going on is actually impressive! But not yet. Next time, we'll delve into Yuka's backstory and how it affects Mikan.
I always find these initial chapters before the Time-Travel Arc pretty fascinating from an analytical stance, and there's a lot to say about everything here, but the chapters afterward get a little less so. Thus, less consistent analysis. I will do my best!
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rebellionbeach · 2 years
SIHJR Crack Ships
Inspired by @nutton-of-tata​
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- Kisa x Ritsu - 7/10 they’re work buddies and having an workplace relationship is not cool!  No, but they both like dorayaki and that scene where Kisa was grabbing him at the onsen is cute and Takano honestly getting jealous means he’s insecure and afraid that Kisa will steal his man.  Cute relationship, I know this one has a lot of fans.
- Akihiko x Hiroki - 5/10 this one is hard and even isn’t really a crackship at all but if Junjou Romantica was a shounen ai series released in the 70s and Akihiko and Hiroki were at an all-boys boarding school in the countryside of France and the story revolved around Hiroki helping a young Akihiko resolve his past trauma then it’s a 10/10.  Right now though, I don’t think they’re necessarily good together, the beginnings of Egoist and Minimum really hit home how much Hiroki loved Akihiko and that’s really sweet but I am an ardent Romantica fan + Akihiko doesn’t see him that way so in the end I just can’t really see it.  I know some people really love this one too though and I can definitely see the appeal.
- Ijuuin x Akihiko - 8/10 so this one would have been a 2 or a 3 had it not been for a certain fanfic and even though Akihiko ends up dumping Ijuuin in that story I still kinda get the appeal.  There’s also REALLY nice fanart of these two together and I’m always inclined to ship two rivals together since that tension makes for a very interesting dynamic.  Not only that but having two artists share the dilemma and toll of making art together would be cute and they both live together in their hoarder apartment, their editors screaming at them to finish their manuscripts, cute!
- Ijuuin x Misaki - 4/10 I really think that the only reason this pairing has any points from me is because the toxic-ness is kinda appealing.  I cannot see ANY situation where these two would have a loving and caring relationship but the idea of Ijuuin and Misaki being a toxic presence in each other’s lives and slowly eating away at their ability to love other humans is kinda interesting.  Yes, I know it’s toxic and I’m not romanticizing it, I’m sexualizing it :/
- Haruhiko x Misaki - 8/10 this is cute and I could definitely see a very interesting dynamic between these two.  This pairing definitely divulges into two routes in my mind, either the loving and caring one where they heal each other’s broken family issues and become a stable pair or Haruhiko becomes Misaki’s sugar daddy and either way sign me up.  On a more serious note, since both have a parent dead (or parents rip misaki) it would definitely be a cool way to develop each character’s trauma in being able to confide in that sorrow in one another.  The idea of Misaki making Haruhiko pancakes because he knows it reminds him of his late mother is also a tear-jerker...
- Tsumori x Hiroki - 3/10 it’s kind of boring.  The blame is on me on not being the biggest Egoist fan and Tsumori is supposed to be almost of Sumi-senpai like character (scoff) but he just isn’t as big as him.  He shows up a lot for sure and he definitely does things to mess with Hiroki and I think the idea there was that he did like Hiroki a bit but he also wanted to make sure Nowaki was taken care of properly but it’s like, I really don’t care about Tsumori.  Idk enemies to lovers or something more confusing but the character had gotta have depth.
- Nowaki x Misaki - 1/10 this is the definition of bland.  I’m sorry but if these two got together I’d pack my bags and leave to nostalgia land cause holy shit I can’t.  Really, no hate to people who do like these two but sometimes I feel the only reason why people pair these two is because they think the regular pairings are too problematic and they need a “unproblematic” pair.  Vanilla just doesn’t appeal to me, at all, and these two are as vanilla as you can get.
- Akihiko x Takahiro - 3/10 I can’t see it, at all.  Not to mention I honestly think when it comes to romance that Takahiro would be a very boring character.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Takahiro and I think he’s one of the most important characters in JR, but he’s important because he’s Misaki’s family and he shines in that role, if JR were about Manami and Takahiro’s relationship then I don’t know if it would be that interesting.  Also their dynamic was very much a one-sided thing where Akihiko treated Takahiro like a gem and just went along with whatever he wanted, I don’t necessarily think that’s a great thing for a relationship.  I don’t know, I know this pairing has it’s fans and all the fanart and fanfics you guys make are awesome but I just don’t personally see it.
- Takano x Yokozawa - 1/10 again this is like Akihiko x Hiroki but much worse.  It didn’t seem like Nakamura really fleshed out the relationship these two as much and what we did get really was just Yokozawa taking care of Takano during university.  Hiroki did somewhat of a similar thing, but there was definitely to me a more established bond between the two.  I really enjoy the scene between the two of them in Yokozawa’s movie and it really fleshes out Takano’s character quite a bit but as a romantic pair these two would probably end up in a domestic violence episode.
- Yuu x Chiaki - 5/10 I don’t really mind who Chiaki ends up with.  I mean, obviously he only like Hatori that way, but the relationship between Yuu and Chiaki is cute and they share many similar hobbies.  That scene where Yuu comes to help Chiaki despite their argument and Chiaki’s idea that he wouldn’t come is sweet.  You can tell Yuu cares deeply for him and I’m not too sure about Chiaki, but I’m pretty sure he cares for him a bit as well.  
- Hatori x Yuu - 6/10 one point higher only cause I really like the idea of rivals ditching the main person and just getting together.  I don’t really like Hatori, but having these two together would definitely be a somewhat fun dynamic and I think they really respect each other professionally so maybe that could blossom into something more 0//0
- Tanaka x Fuyuhiko - 7/10 I’m honestly worried that this isn’t going to be a crackship soon.  I’m sorry but the latest chapter just gave me the feeling.  I feel bad for Tanaka in this situation BUT having Fuyuhiko confide in Tanaka and trusting him more than anyone is kinda cute ngl.  This trope is somewhat common in stories where there’s a very rich family and having two old men be in love with each other would be great since we don’t see a lot of it in BL.  Just the way that Tanaka laid it on Fuyuhiko straight gives me the feeling that they’re somewhat closer than expected.  Would Tanaka also love Fuyuhiko back?  Probably, in a loyal sense I suppose.  It’s kinda twisted because he’s obviously the butler, but it also makes it more interesting.  Maybe Tanaka knows how much of a fuck-up Fuyuhiko is but still feels a sense of loyalty to him, seeing him go through everything and being by his side the entire time.  We’ll see, I put the decision in your hands Nakamura.
- Miyagi x Hiroki - 6/10 I don’t hate it and a relationship like this seems something straight out of a slice-of-life comedy manga.  Two classical Japanese professors dating each other I mean, that’s hilarious.  Plus Miyagi loves to tease at Hiroki cause with his type of personality he finds it easy to play around with them.  But honestly, I want a character that challenges Miyagi’s view cause if he doesn’t have that then I don’t think that he can truly love since he’s all strung up over his past love still.  That’s the whole point of Shinobu’s characterization I think, but if they could find a hurdle around it then these two would be cute.
- Shinobu x Hiroki - 8/10 It’s really cute ngl.  I’ve thought about these two a little bit and I could definitely see an almost similar situation with how Shinobu became so fascinated with Miyagi.  It would be like Shinobu trying to get with Hiroki and Hiroki getting more and more annoyed only to see that this kid can match his level and he’s like oh shit.  They’re both kind of hot-headed so it might be a bit volatile but if Hiroki had someone who loved him unconditionally (which I mean he does) then it would definitely be a cute way for him to get over Akihiko.  Plus I think he would admire the intelligence Shinobu has and would tell him to foster it properly so he can be successful too.  A cute dynamic, I love when the rivals become lovers (even though they weren’t really rivals)
- Ritsu x Yokozawa - 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 I feel very passionately about this relationship and I’ve thought about it A LOT.  I’m sure you can tell by now I love rivals to lovers, but especially in this case because Takano had such an effect of both of their lives and maybe not the most positive as well (I’m sorry I think Takano is a neat character).  It seems almost as if they were supposed to be together (but that’s just me deluding myself) since it would make such a nice way to fully develop Ritsu and Yokozawa’s characters in how they realize that Takano wasn’t actually what they needed.  They both let his presence hold them back emotionally and only until they can see a mirror of themselves can they realize that and maybe heal through each other and fall in the love somewhere in that process.  Yokozawa is probably my favorite SIH character just because of how caring he is and I think if Ritsu had someone like that in his life it would be beneficial.  I mean, obviously his life is kinda of a mess but he also needs a stable emotional support because man is not really getting it.  His family puts pressure on him and An is only around sometimes to encourage and honestly so far with Takano it’s sort of up and down.  Yokozawa too would realize to move the past behind that dragged him on and that’s basically what Trifecta is and it sucks that Hiyori wouldn’t be a part of his life but idk they could adopt a kid.  100/100 one of my favorite crackships and would make such an incredible story.
- Yukina x Yokozawa - 8/10 I know they only have like 4 interactions but I mean that’s the whole idea of a crack ship right?  Yes, okay, I like the exicted x grumpy dynamic and I’m not ashamed of it.  What’s good about these two is that they’re more than just that (at least Yokozawa is).  I’m pretty sure it was shown that they’re went out to drink together at least once so I’m pretty they’ve hooked up at least.  Yukina x Yokozawa would just be like erotica except with a grumpy salaryman.  Maybe Yukina would fall in love with how dedicated Yokozawa is or how caring he is to people he likes.  Or maybe he would have noticed how much he’s still pining over Takano and becomes the person to pull him out of it.  Kinda of manic pixie dream girl-esq but we make due with what we can.  Yokozawa would take care of Yukina and maybe encourage him towards his art career and become his muse and honestly it would all be cute.  I love the idea of Yukina rejecting girls and being like “sorry I already have a sweetheart <3″ and Yokozawa is just next to him.
- Kirishima x Takano - 10/10 it almost seems too good to be true.  I mean, you got a man who has no family and a man who had a family missing one member, can I make it any more obvious?  On the same vein with Ritsuzawa, after seeing those two get together Takano would probably be in a TERRIBLE place and Kirishima would want to help him cause he’s just that type of person.  In the actual movie I remember Kirishima saying how Takano had a lot of problems and I think he sees him as not so easy to toy with as Yokozawa, but dealing with the loss of Ritsu would put him over the edge of Kirishima would see this and maybe feel a bit of resonance of when he lost his own wife (though it’s a little different) and want to help.  I think the best part about this dynamic is that Takano would become a dad.  Takano has no family and it’s really tragic how his parents really just left him behind so being with Kirishima and Hiyori, he would finally feel that void in his heart.  I’m not saying that people can’t live by themselves, but to really not have anyone is super hard and I think Takano would feel strongly for Hiyori, not wanting her to go through anything he had to go through.  Seeing this fondness he has for her, I think Kirishima would also fall a little bit in love cause he realizes that maybe he had also been holding on to his lost love and has let it hold him back as well.  Something like “I don’t want Hiyori to go through the same thing as I did,” and Kirishima is like “Okay wanna get married then?”  The more and more I write about them, my score slowly increased from an 8.5 to 10 so yeah, great relationship I would pay for Nakamura to write something like that.
- Misaki x Hiroki - 9/10 this is really hot, idk.                                                           I’m kidding, but I’m not.  I mean, it’s not the only reason I like this pairing, but it a certain dynamic that I am once again romanticizing :/.......but I mean think about it.  Lost student Misaki, not wanting to get hit by Kamijou again actually goes up to ask him and Hiroki realizes that he’s actually a hard-working student but just needs a certain push in the right direction.  Once they start working together, Misaki realizes that Hiroki actually isn’t a demon professor and just feels very strongly (violently) about classic Japanese literature.  Not only that, but his pining for Akihiko almost mirrors the pining that Akihiko had for Takahiro so it’s almost similar to Romantica’s plot in that Misaki feels for Hiroki and how his feelings will never return.  Maybe Misaki even forms a love for classic Japanese literature and they can share that between each other.  I just see a lot of opportunities and the actual interactions that they have in the manga while limited are pretty sweet.  They both care deeply for Akihiko so why couldn’t they care deeply for each other?
- Misaki x Shinobu - 8.5/10 okay so any ship with Misaki besides Nowaki kinda works.  This one though, I mean I’ve already seen a few fanfics and they’re great.  I love Shinobu, he really is such a fun character.  I also find him somewhat relatable (don’t worry I’m not in a relationship with a classic Japanese literature professor who is 15 years older than me).  Instead, he says that he’s gone by life without a passion in the world until he met Miyagi.  This is cliche and done so many times, but it still resonates to that certain dullness of everyday life that seems to creep up every now and again.  His passion for Miyagi stems from his passion for life itself, he is that catalyst I believe.  So basically, Misaki is the one he’s passionate about this time.  Shinobu is a very sporatic person imo so I feel like this is the only way he’d fall in love.  I think Misaki dealing with Shinobu’s antics would also be funny.  It’s just an overall fun dynamic with two characters who are some of my favs.
- Misaki x Miyagi - 7/10 and that’s the final character from the main three couples shipped with Misaki.  Miyagi and Misaki seem a little strange at first, but I’d imagine that Misaki, being too scared to ask Kamijou for help, goes to the other professor instead and they slowly get acquainted from there.  The most appealing aspect of this relationship to me is the shared bond they have from losing very important people in their lives.  It’s obvious that Miyagi still hasn’t moved on and while Misaki has fared better I’m sure the incident still haunts him so I think it would be very cute to see these deal with their issues together.  Mostly Miyagi though, I think Misaki would really help him deal with the loss as he’s dealt with himself and Miyagi slowly realizes that he’s in love with this person.  Bottom line is that I love the Romantica and Terrorist couples and I think they should just become one big couple.
- Akihiko x Shinobu - 6.5/10 it’s continuing on and this is a pairing I’ve discussed with some people before and I think that it would probably be the fastest couple to get together ever.  Shinobu being Shinobu would fall in love with this gorgeous millionaire author and still shoot his shot because he’s that guy and Akihiko would be like “why not?”.  Okay probably not but it would be easier to imagine Akihiko after Takahiro’s whole engagement is a severe mess and Shinobu finally comes into his life after stalking him a bit and confesses to him.  It would take some time but I think Akihiko would very much appreciate a presence like that in his life, I mean someone to love him that much openly, it would definitely be a pda relationship.
- Nowaki x Akihiko - 6/10 this is another case of rivals getting together cause obviously Nowaki is somewhat hesitant about Akihiko’s presence in Hiroki’s life.  What I think is interesting is that Akihiko doesn’t really feel the same way to Nowaki, if anything he uses him as material in his BL novels.  He’s just always somewhat surprised when Nowaki is there and idk maybe he’s just attracted to the tall muscular doctor.  I could definitely see these two being a very dysfunctional relationship, maybe Nowaki not liking Akihiko at first, but then slowly coming around to him and maybe they can even bond from their somewhat troubled upbringings.  
- Todo x Misaki - 2/10 I really don’t see the appeal.  I’m sorry, I also know this one has a lot of fans but they don’t give off any romantic vibes at all.  They both like Za Kan and Todo is more proactive when it comes to his life decisions while Misaki is better at taking care of others, but together they just don’t really pose an interesting dynamic for me.  Throw in Sumi though then we’ve got something.
- Sumi x Misaki - ∞/10 so this is my crack ship.  I think it’s obvious but I’m a Romantica fan at heart and that hasn’t changed, it’s only widened to include Sumi in the mix.  I honestly think that a relationship between Akihiko, Misaki and Sumi would be viable....no I don’t.  However, it definitely would be an interesting thing to read about.  Sumi is just my guy, he’s manipulative, he’s toxic, he has long hair, terrible sense of humor, he’s perfect.  And with Misaki, the ever pure-hearted boy that can’t do no wrong, they’d be perfect together.  Again, this a pair that can go two ways for me, either Misaki and Sumi form a natural relationship throughout college and Sumi is able to get over Akihiko and Misaki is able to get over his fear of being selfish or Sumi can take advantage of Misaki and be a parasite.  Again, either way sign me up.  I do really think though that even at the start, Sumi was a good character.  It seems to me that Nakamura was almost unsure of what to do with him and saw that Akihiko needed a rival and just put him in that role.  But the way she sets him up just seems to me that he’s supposed to be so much more.  He’s a rival in the sense that he tried to steal Akihiko once and after that was never seen again.  It’s just strange because he had such a large presence before that and to see his role be so small and then disappear seems like unfinished characterization to me.  Well, you know what they say, if it isn’t finished then do it yourself.  Bottom line, I think that Sumi and Misaki have a lot of chemistry and I know that it’s just me so just leave me be in my Sumi corner alone thank you.
- Sumi x Akihiko - 7/10 is this a crackship?  Maybe not, they were about to get in on, with Misaki under the same roof no less, do they have no shame!  No, they really don’t.  Obviously, these two shouldn’t be together, it would be a parasocial fan’s dream.  It’s just the idea of Sumi and Akihiko together is an interesting idea only in the drama that it creates.  It would be potentially the most toxic couple ever, I know, even more than Romantica, so please stop reading if this is getting too much for you.  However, it would just be an interesting story to read.  You have Sumi, the parasocial fan who has read everything that Usami Akihiko has written and Akihiko, the lonely author who has no one to love him.  If they got together without Misaki in the situation I could maybe see a yandere thing going on which might be some people’s thing.  I could personally see a relationship where Sumi puts down all that Akihiko writes and Akihiko stays with him only because it reminds him of the harsh words his mother used to say to him therefore a familiar habitat.  You know, all that mushy stuff, but would probably make for a pretty dark BL.  If Misaki was in the picture it would definitely be a little different, I mean what if Misaki really wasn’t in love with Akihiko (and I guess that’s the truth since everyone thinks he’s got stockholm syndrome so) and he’s unable to stop those two.  What a mess, sign me up.
- Onodera x Misaki - 8/10 the main characters of each series meet each other at last, the purest, number 1 first romance if you will.  Half the reason why I think these two would be cute together is that train scene in SIH.  Yeah, that one where Onodera decides to sit on the only seat where a certain somebody is sleeping.  A little creepy but maybe he just has a crush.  If you think about it though, I really think these two would be good for each other.  Both have a lot of issues they struggle with, but I think they compliment each other well, fill in the missing gaps that they lack in each other.  Misaki, with his homemaking expertise, would make sure Onodera lived a proper and healthy life and Onodera would help Misaki on his independence.  I mean, it’s not perfect but it’s cute.  Onodera obviously feels that his accomplishments aren’t worth anything, but I think having an outside party look at him and what he’s doing would help in him understanding just how hard-working he is.  Ritsu would also see how selfless Misaki is and help him in understanding that he shouldn’t be afraid to be selfish sometimes and maybe get settled into the working world having experience of his own.  Also the illustration between the two of their chibis is cute, the most recent Emerald one not so much.
- Akihiko x Takano - 7/10 now lets pair together the other main characters!  Personally, I don’t find it as appealing as Onodera x Misaki however there are definitely certain characteristic to be of note here.  First, Takano has read Akihiko’s novels and maybe in a certain way the loneliness that ponders those works maybe resonate to his own sense of isolation.  So basically this is the most emo couple on this list.  I could see a very melodramatic, but beautiful, story between these two and how they slowly fall in love through each other’s understanding of what they’ve each been through.  While not completely the same, there are very much similar aspects that they share such as a bad relationship with family (or no relationship) and romantic troubles.  Honestly, they might be pretty good at understanding each other and sorting out each other’s problems to become better people.  Also lead shoujo manga editor x best-selling author of the publishing company, now that’s a power couple.
- Takano x Misaki - 3/10 no.  Well, it’s more complicated then that and I’ll try not to let my biases get in the way, but the only depiction I’ve read of these two getting together was definitely...disturbing.  What’s interesting is that they both don’t really have parents, but Misaki does have Takahiro which makes a world of a difference when compared to Takano who practically has no one.  The fact that they’ve lost their parents in one way or another though would make for a compelling narrative of how they each heal through each other’s loss.  I feel though that Misaki would be more encouraging to get Takano to reunite with his living parents.  I’m not really sure, but I just don’t really see these two having any other relationship besides that.  They have completely different personalities and hobbies and I don’t think they’d necessarily mesh well but who knows, maybe there are some fans out there who can say otherwise.
- Akihiko x Onodera - 5/10 this is the rich boy drama that I wanted.  Is this even a crackship?  Yes, it is because Onodera was only his editors despite what some people may think.  Then again, maybe they did hook up, but I’m not sure whether Nakamura would write that in her stories.  What is interesting about them is of course a sort of similar background of having been born in a really well-off family that owns a company of some sorts that they are being pressured to inherit.  It didn’t seem so in Onodera’s case, but with the newest chapters it really seems that’s the narrative Nakamura is going towards, so there is definitely some tension there.  These two have more potential than TakaMisa imo because they almost seem to be foils of each other’s characters.  Akihiko doesn’t seem to have any confidence issues on how his family name has brought him success and knows what he wants to do with his life without his family’s interference.  Onodera however, well, he definitely has more issues with that and I could see how Akihiko could help him overcome that with his own experience.  They also both struggle with loving people so it would be a story of learning how to be your own person and love again, in a private boarding school in England.
- Onodera x Isaka - 6/10 more rich boy drama.  This is the nanahikari-doushi couple that I think works better than Akihiko and Onodera only because this time the situation is basically the same, but just approached radically different.  I mean think about it, Isaka and Onodera both of sons of the leads of big publishing companies and are set to inherit that top position.  I’m not sure of the age gap between the two, but maybe if they met when they were younger and slowly grew up together (idk rip Asahina), then Isaka could help Onodera with his whole issue with feeling inadequate.  It would seem like Isaka would be the best person to help him, seeing as he just worked his way to the top of Marukawa without worrying what other people thought.  I think that Onodera is just more overall sensitive when compared to Isaka so it would be interesting seeing those two get along, either way dating the CEO of the company you’re working for, that’s gotta be an OSHA violation.
- Haruhiko x Sumi - 4/10 not as big of a fan as I thought I would be honestly.  There are definitely some works out there involving these two, mostly because people just wanted to pair together the rejected rivals (better Sentiment) but it’s just not the same...  Haruhiko and Sumi don’t really have anything in common, and I really can’t see a scenario where Haruhiko would be attracted to him.  The only common thing they really share is that they were both rejected by the people they wanted.  I mean, even Sentiment had more than that.  But I do like Haruhiko and Sumi’s characters individually and a story where Sumi just gets with Haruhiko to mess with Romantica sounds funny so yeah, not terrible.
- Haruhiko x Todo - 3/10 I don’t know, I just don’t find Todo that interesting.  I know that this one is pretty popular, shout out to the Junjou Acceptance fans, but I feel like if Nakamura actually does this it would just be too much.  Todo really doesn’t have that much of a developed character as many other characters and pairing him up with Haruhiko really just seems like forcing someone to get with Haruhiko for the sake of him not being alone.  However, the idea of Todo and Misaki becoming brother-in-laws is sort of amusing so it’s not all bad I suppose.
- Aikawa x An - 5/10 I don’t think Aikawa isn’t given as much characterization as many other characters.  It’s strange since she’s such a staple of the JR cast, but I also don’t think Nakamura ever intended her to be a deeper character unfortunately.  An on the otherhand definitely has more going on, but even then I’m not sure how far you can go with these two.  I think if anything it would almost be like erotica with a stressed out Aikawa and more relaxed An telling her to take it easy.  She might even go over and kick Akihiko in the balls for always turning in his manuscripts late and stressing out her girlfriend.  Points for that, so overall a pretty cute relationship.
- An x Kaoruko - 7/10 now this is the shoujo power couple I need.  An and Kaoruko definitely share a lot of similarities in being rejected by the person they like and being from more wealthy backgrounds.  Kaoruko probably struggles more with the fact that her family is so pushy on her since it really isn’t stated with An whether or not that’s the case, however I think these two would be cute together.  Two women trying to carve out a future from themselves away from the pressures of their overbearing households, I mean it’s kinda giving Tamaki and Benio vibes.
- Shizukuishi x Misaki - 7/10 Shizukuishi basically disappeared, but for the 3 moments that he appeared in the manga, he really made an impression.  There’s some tension on how much Ijuuin dotes on him, but they both respect each other’s passion for Za Kan and I just think that he’s a more interesting character than Todo.  I mean, he’s an overworked little guy that needs a break, what’s not to love.  Plus, their personalities are a little more contrasting which is a bit appealing, love a good serious x sunshine trope.  Not bad, I wish there were more than 4 panels of him though.
That’s about all I can think of right now.  Anyway if there’s anything to take away from this, it’s that crackships are the backbone of JRSIH and draw Sumi x Misaki fanart!!!!!
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ayumicchi14 · 1 month
Fushimi Saruhiko route
Event 05
I'm... back. Sorry for the delay. Been busy with personal project.
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Konohana Saya: "Morning."
Neko: "Ah! Gohan's here!"
Yukizome Kukuri: "Come here! Come here!"
Konohana Saya: "Everyone is gathering, what's up?"
Yatogami Kurou: "It's almost sports festival right? We're gathering to talk about what kind of event that we want to participate."
Yukizome Kukuri: "We're going to choose among these lists. I thought I want to participate in bread eating competition."
Neko: "You can't! I'm the one who going after it."
Konohana Saya: "There's so many of event here. Marathon 100 metre, obstacle race, striking out, extreme tag..."
Konohana Saya: "What is this extreme tag?"
Yukizome Kukuri: "Fufufu... it's a famous match in this school."
Yukizome Kukuri: "The special club are using their supernatural power, opening a full impact game tag that is in between dead or alive."
Yatogami Kurou: "This match is a competition rivalry between the special club. Shiro and me are going to participate as a silver club."
Isana Yashiro: "I'm very excited now. If I'm not wrong, Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are going to participate as a red club, right?"
Yata Misaki: "Of course! Well, I'm the one who participate so the red club will be the winner."
Kamamoto Rikio: "Yata-san! We have to be the winner!"
Isana Yashiro: *giggles* "Please go easy on me."
Kamamoto Rikio: "Who will going to participate from blue club?"
Konohana Saya: "I haven't hear anything about it, but maybe Fushimi-kun knows something."
Konohana Saya: (Eh? Where is Fushimi-kun...)
Konohana Saya: (There he is. He's reading a book at the edge of the classroom. Does he don't want to participate in the discussion)
Konohana Saya: "Fushimi-kun, do you know who is going to participate in extreme tag from blue club?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Some people from third year."
Konohana Saya: "I see. Fushimi-kun, have you decide what game do you want to participate? Do you want to talk it with the others?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "I'll decide it later."
Konohana Saya: (He's going out)
Isana Yashiro: "Hey, have you decide what game do you want to participate?"
Konohana Saya: "Ah, yes! I think I'll take the 100 metre marathon. Did the limit of participation is still available?"
Isana Yashiro: "Understood! I think it's available."
Konohana Saya: (So there's a competition between the club. I'm looking forward it a bit. Let's support the seniors well!)
*Sports festival*
Konohana Saya: (I guess, that's all the competition I'm in...)
Konohana Saya: (The result of 100 metre marathon is a bit regrettable that I'm in second place... it was so close)
Munakata Reishi: "Good work. You are fast at running, huh."
Konohana Saya: "Munakata-senpai, did you watch it?"
Munakata Reishi: "Of course. I'm watching all the blue club member match in the front row seat."
Konohana Saya: (...So he's watching that closely)
Konohana Saya: "I'm a bit frustrated because I was so close on getting the first place."
Munakata Reishi: "Your ambition is splendid. I have one favour to ask for you."
Konohana Saya: "Yes, what is it?"
Munakata Reishi: "Actually, two of members that should be participate on extreme tag just got injured."
Munakata Reishi: "Since it's vacant now, to make up for that, I want you and Fushimi-kun to participate in it."
Konohana Saya: "If I'm not mistaken, the extreme tag will be the next match, right."
Munakata Reishi: "Yeah. I apologize for being too sudden, please head over the appointed place with Fushimi-kun. The registration team member is done."
Konohana Saya: (I still cannot use my power properly, so I wonder if it's okay. But, if the registration is done then I can't refuse it, can I?)
Konohana Saya: "I understand. I'll be looking for Fushimi-kun now and go to the appointed place!"
Munakata Reishi: "Please do, thank you."
Konohana Saya: (Fushimi-kun... looks like he's not in the class seat...)
Konohana Saya: (Where he is... ah!)
Konohana Saya: "Fushimi-kun!"
Konohana Saya: "There's a message from Munakata-senpai that he want us to participate in the extreme tag."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Huh? Isn't the third year who will participate?"
Konohana Saya: "Looks like the people who should participate got injured in the other match."
Konohana Saya: "Because the number of people aren't enough, so he said Fushimi-kun and I should participate and the registration member is done too..."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Why me... moreover, you are participating too."
Awashima Seri: "The next is the famous match in sports festival "super" Ashinaka Academy, super club competition extreme tag."
Awashima Seri: "Because we're going to use the supernatural power, so all people who want to support, please refrain yourself from being too close."
Konohana Saya: "Ah, looks like it going to start. For now, let's go to the appointed place!"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Tch..."
Konohana Saya: (At least we've got to the appointed place right on time, but Fushimi-kun looks very unhappy)
Konohana Saya: "The extreme tag is the academy speciality, isn't it?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "That's stupid. Although they said we're using the power, in the end it's just a tag. No way I'm doing this."
Konohana Saya: "It's dangerous if you're throwing a rock at the place where there's a lot of people like here."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "There's no way an idiot who couldn't avoid the rock here."
*Throws the rock*
Totsuka Tatara: "Uumm... but I'm not that good about that one."
Kamamoto Rikio: "What are you saying! Totsuka-san should doing your best for Yata-san who got stomach ache and couldn’t participate...!"
*The rock hits Totsuka*
Totsuka Tatara: "Ugh..."
Kamamoto Rikio: "Totsuka-san!?"
Kamamoto Rikio: "Wait, are you okay Totsuka-san!? Totsuka-san! Totsuka-saaaann!"
Suou Mikoto: "Oi, are you the one who threw the rock?"
Isana Yashiro: "Eh!? W-What!?"
Suou Mikoto: "The rock was coming from there and hit Totsuka. The culprit is you, huh."
Isana Yashiro: "Y-You're misunderstanding it! It's not me!"
Yatogami Kurou: "Right. No matter how many times this guy always smiling thoughtlessly, he won't do something so dirty like that."
Yatogami Kurou: "If you're saying about the direction in which the rock is coming, then, aren't the blue club is suspicious too?"
Akiyama Himori: "It's not us. That's a false accusations."
Awashima Seri: "Well, we're going to start the special club competition extreme tag! Everyone, get ready—"
Kamamoto Rikio: "Alriiight! This is to avenge Totsuka-san! And let's going rage for Yata-san too!"
All red club member: "OOOOHH!!!"
Isana Yashiro: "I-I told you it's just misunderstanding."
Yatogami Kurou: "As I thought the only culprit is the blue club! Be honest and tell the truth!"
Munakata Reishi: "Totsuka-kun case is a false accusations, but the match is also has started..."
Munakata Reishi: "Blue club, men draw your swords!"
Suou Mikoto: "I thought this sports festival game is not a good way to kill time. But Munakata, because you're here, I think I can have a fun a little bit."
Munakata Reishi: ".......I won't give you any fun time. Because you will lose to me."
Suou Mikoto: "Isn't that right? Come on!!"
Munakata Reishi: "Munakata, ready!"
Suou Mikoto: "Haaa!!"
Konohana Saya: "....Somewhat, it ends up in a extreme state."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Because there's no opponent to compete with. It's bothersome."
Konohana Saya: "Whoa...! Something flew on this way...!"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Tch... Fushimi, ready."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Don't daze off."
Konohana Saya: "S-Sorry. Thanks."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Come here. We retreat for once."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "If we come this far it should be alright."
Konohana Saya: "Is it like that every year? It looks like a fighting... are they playing the tag properly?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "....Extreme tag is started with no one knows which club is the demon."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "That's why all member from the other club are enemies."
Konohana Saya: "Ah, I see. That's why it's that crumpling."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Tch... did the captain make you join without explaining anything."
Konohana Saya: "Fushimi-kun... is it okay for us to sneak away as we pleases."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Who knows."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "With that condition, if we go back to the right place and pretending to have won and survived, no one will notice."
Konohana Saya: "That's, not good right...? I think I'm going back."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "You're inexperienced. Even if you go back to that place alone, you're going to lose and get hurt."
Konohana Saya: (Maybe, we're supposed to sneak away because of me)
Konohana Saya: "I'm sorry for causing a trouble."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "It still better than the weeding."
Konohana Saya: "I am, truly sorry about that case..."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "...The fighting is going over any time soon. Let's go back while pretending that we're running away from the demon."
Konohana Saya: "Okay, I understand."
*sport festival field*
Yatogami Kurou: "....So, this is all that's left after all."
Konohana Saya: (I wonder if I'm safe in here... somehow we can go back without noticed by the others)
Suou Mikoto: "Hmmph, that's too easy."
Munakata Reishi: "No. Please wait a moment."
Munakata Reishi: "Fushimi-kun, Konohana-san. Both of you are sneaking away during the competition, aren't you?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "....Yeah."
Munakata Reishi: "Sneaking away in the middle of competition is considered as a withdrawal."
Konohana Saya: "Umm, but Fushimi-kun did it because I can't use my power—"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "It's unrelated. Stay out of it."
Munakata Reishi: "Do you want to give any explanation?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Nothing. I'm sorry."
Konohana Saya: "I'm sorry."
Munakata Reishi: "I will give you two a punishment in another day. In the meantime, please introspect yourself on what happened."
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
So I did an ask years ago where S4 gets its own Anna to be friends with. And I thought of how cute it would be if her natural hair color is blonde or something, but when she learns Anna is colorblind and suddenly dyes her hair this bright red.
I also think about how her temperament is similar to Yata’s ( you had read my mind there) and so she might have a close mentorship with him and maybe asks him how to befriend Anna only for Yata to listen and goes “omg I felt the same way about Saru when we became friends!” Only for whoever is in the room with them think ‘a crush, you guys have/had a crush’
Sorry for the long ask feel free to put in separate parts if it clashes too much ❤️❤️❤️
I kinda like the idea that Anna makes this tomboyish friend and when she first brings her friend to Homra Yata’s all nervous because Girl but then the girl thinks he’s like the coolest person ever because turns out they’re both idiots XD Like imagine this girl who more or less ‘adopts’ Anna the same way Yata did for Fushimi, she sees Anna all alone and maybe even being picked on by other girls and just cuts through all of that to help Anna out. The girl thinks Anna is really pretty and cool, and when Anna smiles and thanks her the girl’s heart flutters a little. They end up becoming good friends, at some point imagine they’re talking and the girl mentions how Anna’s hair is so white and pretty. She complains that her own hair is all straw-like and ugly, and Anna admits she can’t see the color because she can only see red but she’s sure her friend has lovely hair. The girl is surprised but then the next day she shows up at school with bright red hair and red clothes, and Anna’s all surprised but grateful.
Eventually Anna brings her friend to Homra and say her friend is actually really into skateboarding and recognizes Yata right away. Yata’s all tongue-tied at first because there’s a girl here but as she starts talking to him he relaxes and soon they’re both excitedly talking about skateboards. Fushimi has stopped by to go out drinking with Yata and imagine him standing next to Anna, the two of them watching these two excited redheads gushing about skateboards all ‘…’ and Fushimi’s just like ‘so they’re both idiots.’ Anna shakes her head and gives Fushimi this knowing smile as she says her friend and Misaki are alike though, Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away.
The girl is already friends with Anna but maybe she’s worried that she’s not a good enough friend for her or she wants to understand her more, so she decides to ask Yata for help (also I absolutely imagine her calling him ‘Yata-senpai’ and Yata feels very proud of that). Yata says he totally understands what it’s like having an amazing friend that you can’t quite understand, and how great it is when you’re the person that friend cares about the most. The girl’s eyes are all shining as she’s like right, Anna is just so cute and kind, and Yata’s like she is, and you know Saruhiko is really amazing but he’s hard to understand too. Anna’s friend is like sometimes I think about how pretty Anna is compared to me and Yata totally understands, Saruhiko is like so striking and good looking for a guy. The rest of the Homra guys are watching them this whole time like ‘…so they really are both oblivious, huh’, this girl really is similar to Yata in a lot of ways after all.
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