#Mirror my malady?
ragnarokhound · 1 year
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savoureuxx · 1 month
i don't care that this song has been used in like six different video games the lyrics are so good its like if richard siken wrote a poem about a werewolves as an analogy for the overlap of desire and corruption... can anyone hear me
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praybird · 9 months
the first time jack and teddy hookup is the night of her sister gwen's wedding. it also happens to be the same week that teddy turns 30 (because gwen is the sort of person to completely disregard her little sister's birthday and plan a big event around it), so naturally, she's in a destructive mood at the time.
jack has been away from the suburbs for some time, but returns to crash on his brother's couch after getting fired from his last job (that part's not really important). he ends up at the wedding because it's polite thing to do, but also because there's an open bar and he's, well, broke and fucking bored. he's only half expecting to see teddy there, but not thinking too much into it because their previous "friendship" was very loose, very casual, never intimate.
teddy doesn't expect to see him at all, but they find each other outside the venue. she's in a bridesmaid dress, he's in his dad's old suit, smoking a cigarette. he offers her one. (conversation goes like, "i can buy my own now." "sure you can, teds.") they're both a little drunk, and he says something about how she looks pretty. ("i've always been pretty, jack." and he just gives her one of those smiles.)
neither of them are really interested in going back into the party, so they nick a bottle of champagne, and go for a drive in his car. they end up at the playground where they used to smoke weed together, for old time's sake. they fall back into their old rhythm easily, but it's ... different. they both notice it too. it's tension that's been building for so many years, only now coming to the surface. jack kisses her first. teddy tells him she's got a boyfriend, but at the same time, she doesn't stop him. ("we don't have to tell him, teds." because jack's a bastard.) they end up in the back seat of his car and that's ... the start of their messy years long love affair. emphasis on affair.
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Me when I get bombarded with more ideas for future plot lines in the middle of writing the current plot line that I haven’t finished.
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So normal about the CJ Special cover totally not imagining animatics to it
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nearestend · 1 month
dynamic tags.
ada + david, re : but here i blur into you.
ada + una, re : pry me loose from your deep blue vein.
adam + alice, re : this is a love song.
adam + col, re : bleach in my hair just to get away.
adam + luanne, re : you're a symphony‚ i'm just a sour note.
alice + ashton, re : stuck to me like a splinter.
alice + olympia, re : you and me‚ we're the final girls.
alice + xeno, re : imaginary friend‚ you live up in my head.
amy + laurie, re : they knew it was a love story.
ellie + jamie, re : find me‚ forget me.
ellie + marlene, re : haunt me then.
ellie + olympia, re : please picture me in the trees.
ellie + xeno, re : dark woods in the heart of winter.
harry + adam, re : there's vampires at my door.
jack + olympia, re : you're on your own‚ kid.
jack + sid, re : i think your house is haunted.
jack + teddy, re : mirror my malady.
kate + tyler, re : if you feel it‚ chase it.
noah + carter, re : it's so depressing having everything i wanted.
noah + lizzie, re : it feels the end of a movie i've seen before.
group dynamics.
blemishes, re : play the greatest hits.
the ainsworths, re : i know it's for the better.
the core four, re : three‚ then four‚ then three.
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gaybravado · 1 year
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Say, say, my playmate / Won't you lay hands on me? / Mirror my malady / Transfer my tragedy 
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captainpingulin · 1 month
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Say, say, my playmate | won’t you lay hands on me | mirror my malady | transfer my tragedy?
Alternate with a veil for drama
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qatos · 4 months
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won't you lay hands on me, mirror my malady, transfer my tragedy?
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cowboyemeritus · 1 month
uhhhh I was under the weather recently and it got me thinkin’
You laugh a little as Copia holds the glass of water to your lips. With a shaky hand, you take it from him, acetaminophen tablets clasped in the other. “It’s just the flu, babe.” He pouts as you pop the pills in your mouth, sip the water, and then swallow, grimacing as they go down your inflamed throat. You sniffle, and he instantly reaches for a tissue. “Seriously.” Snatching it away, you can’t help but feel a little guilty at the wounded look on his face. After blowing your nose you crumple the tissue into a ball, chucking it at the wastebasket. It bounces off the rim, landing on the floor. Copia starts to get up but you stop him, placing your hand on his. “I’ll get it later.”
“I am just trying to be useful, amore.” Oh, your darling Copia. He’s been distressed from the moment the headache settled behind your eyes. His Church duties have been… set aside for the time being, him fussing over every stage of your illness. You both know the paperwork is piling up, but he doesn’t acknowledge it. More than a few nights in a row you’ve caught him laying awake just to listen to you breathe. Every time you tell him you’re fine, that you can take care of yourself, but the dark circles under his eyes persist, his body rigid with nervous tension. At this point, he’s suffering more than you.
He can’t help it. You know that. This is just another one of those things, another new tic, that has developed in the wake of his ascension. As a firsthand witness to her decline, he watched helplessly for months as his mother — damn that woman — withered away, unable to do anything about it. In typical Imperator fashion, she kept him in the dark; every attempt to question her wellbeing, her ability to run the church, had been waved off. It was easier to let himself be lured into a false sense of security, to believe that she was invincible. Her death had truly blindsided him, leaving him unanchored and drifting in a sea of upheaval.
Copia. Your poor, sweet Copia. He’s not about to make that same mistake again.
“My love,” you say, brushing a few loose strands of hair away from his face. He leans into your touch like a puppy, eyes wide and watery. “Oh, come here.” Your body protests but you scoot over on the bed, patting the spot you’ve made for him. When Copia hesitates you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into you. You’re not worried about the malady spreading; if he was going to get sick, he would have already.
He comes to lay next to you, head resting on your chest so that his ear is directly over your heart. One of your hands begins to card through his hair, the mousy brown locks looking grayer every day. You know it preoccupies him; he frets over it in the mirror every morning when he thinks you’re still asleep. You tell him it’s handsome, and sometimes that helps. When that doesn’t work, you remind Copia that your love isn’t based on something so superficial. It’s him, just him, that your heart belongs to. And when returns to the mirror the next morning, you swear to yourself that someday he’ll never feel worried or sad or insecure ever again. You’ll do anything, kill anyone, to make that happen.
“I love you,” you whisper, lightly scratching his scalp with your nails. “Thank you for taking care of me.” You get no response and for a moment something sharp, scared, pokes around in your stomach. Then he snores a little and it all melts away. Nothing else matters but you and him, safe and warm and together for good. He makes another quiet noise and you smile, unable to contain your joy that he has found a scrap of peace in this chaos. Carefully, as not to disturb him, you reach over to turn off the bedside lamp, feeling your own eyes begin to droop. You sigh, the last of the pressure in your skull ceding as the room falls into darkness. “‘M not going anywhere, darling. We’re in this thing together.”
Baby steps, you think, just before falling asleep. Tomorrow will be better.
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dokeythings · 1 year
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| you can do it, love | (dokyeom)
"babe, please please just come to the gym with me?" dokyeom asks, batting his best puppy dog eyes at you.
you're bundled under the comforter in the hotel bed, the mattress having been molded perfectly to your body. you are incredibly comfy and leaving doesn't seem in the cards for you. you've never understood how your boyfriend could always have so much energy. he had a busy schedule all day and within the first hour we are back in the hotel room he wants to go down to the gym.
"i don't think you understand how comfortable this bed is" you speak back, digging your head into the fluffy pillow. you see him huff and cross his arms from the corner of your eye, pouting like a little kid not getting his way.
he juts his bottom lip out even further, really pushing the puppy thing "i want to spend time with you. i barely got to see you today" he says, pulling at your heartstrings.
it was true, after all. and you did miss him too. you sigh, giving in to his request. "fine, i'll come. but i'm staying in my pajamas" you pout, mimicking his crossed arms.
"you're the best" he smiles, getting up from his spot and coming over to leave a soft kiss on your nose.
"i know" you mumble, dragging yourself out of the comfort of your bed. you giggle as he takes your arm and pulls you out of the door, bringing you down the hallway to the elevator. 
he skips down the hallway, clearly letting out his sudden burst of energy. once you reach the elevator he steps back behind you, saying "after you malady", extending his arm and bowing like a gentleman. you turn around to face him, doing your most exquisite curtsy along with a "thank you, sir". as you are down in the curtsy, fully committed to the bit you hear the elevator ding and the doors open. you hear dokyeom snort, and you look up at him to see him looking past you. you turn around to see a woman in the elevator, confused as to why a weird girl was in a curtsy right in front of the doors. 
"sorry, she's a werido" he mumbles, slipping past you and into the elevator. you stumble in before the doors close, and to your surprise the woman isn't getting off yet. you back into the corner and bring your hoodie over your head in embarrassment, elbowing dokyeom as you blame him for the situation. he shrugs innocently, looking forward as you both stand in an awkward silence until your stop. once the doors open to the lobby you quickly walk out. 
"you are an idiot" you state matter of factly, pushing his chest playfully and walking ahead of him. you don't make it very far before you feel his arms wrap around you from behind. he gets a good grip on you and turns you around in his arms, pulling your hoodie down so he can see your face. your cheeks are still red from the attention, and he kisses each one.
"i'm sorry baby" he chuckles, still obviously amused. you don't care anymore though, mirroring his infectious smile. he takes your hand in his as you walk to the gym, swinging them back and forth. he opens the door for you, letting you walk in first, a habit he never forgets no matter where you guys are. as you walk in you hear him yell from behind,
"wooo lets go!!" his voice echoing off the walls. you facepalm your forehead as you notice someone is in here before he does. 
"hi!" the person calls out, having a friendly answer to your loud, disruptive boyfriend. 
"hi" dokyeom calls out, getting shy after he realizes you guys weren't alone. 
"that was awkward" he mumbles to you, his cheeks getting flushed as he walks to the other side of the gym.
"now we're even babe" you joke. 
he sits down on one of the machines, smiling at you as you sit down on the ground in front of him. he knows you have no intention of doing anything here, but he just wanted your company. you watch him as he gets comfortable, wondering if he's really going to get any working out done or if he's just going to joke around the whole time. you see him looking down at you and smiling, as if theres been some joke that you're not a part of.
"what?" you ask innocently, confused. your eyebrows furrow as you wait for his response. 
"nothin" he smiles with a shrug. "i just really missed you today" he admits. 
"oh" you blush shyly, "i missed you too" you smile back at him. 
"good" he answers, leaning back to lift the weights. 
you watch him intently as his arm muscles flex with the weight, being fully exposed in his sleeveless shirt. he's gained a lot of muscle over the last couple of months, and it's been driving you wild. he does a few reps, sitting back up fully once he's finished. you always love spending time with him like this. you guys don't always need to be talking, and you can sit in a comfortable silence. it's just nice to know the other person is there. 
"i wanna try" you say, curious as to if you could do it. 
"yeah?" he asks amusingly, raising an eyebrow. 
you nod rapidly, genuinely excited to try. he smiles at you endearingly as he notices the ambition in your eyes. he gets up from the machine and lets you trade places with him. he's not underestimating you, knowing that you should be able to do at least one or two reps with the weight he has on. he knows how you can do anything you put your mind to. he loves that about you. 
he stands in front of you, helping you position your arms in the correct way. you use all your strength to push up the weights, feeling the tension in your arms. you manage to do one rep, but know you can do more. you make it to two reps before having to give up, feeling a little embarrassed as you thought you could do more. but dokyeom is standing there smiling at you like an idiot, finding you amazing. you could do anything and he would be proud of you, something that is hard to find now and days.
"good job, baby girl" he says encouragingly, the pet name rolling of his tongue and giving you butterflies with the way he said it. you smile back, and he leans down to peck your lips. after you pull away you place your hands on his shoulders, and he squats down so he's at your height. he raises an eyebrow at your serious face before you say,
"oh god, are we one of those weird gym couples?"
he laughs, throwing his head back at your words. you smile as the corner of his eyes crinkle.
"yes" he says, placing his hands on your shoulders as well. you giggle back at him, knowing that it's the truth.
"what now?" you ask, shrugging. he stays squatting before you, putting his hands on your thighs. he just thinks you look so adorable right now, not being able to pinpoint why in particular. he loves the way you are wearing his hoodie, and how it's way too big for you. he loves that you really did in fact wear your pajama pants down here; Christmas ones in the middle of the summer nonetheless. he taps your thigh before surprising you and picking you up. you squeal and wrap your legs around his waist, making sure you don't fall. he walks over to the mirror and the mats and places you down on one gently. 
"push ups" he replies, getting on the floor as well. 
"ooo yay" you reply, liking the idea of watching that. he goes to get in position but you stop him.
"wait!" you say touching his arm, "as a weird gym couple you already know what has to be done" you say devilishly. you slide underneath him and lay on the ground. he shakes his head at you with a chuckle, understanding what you mean. he removes his knees from the ground and gets in a plank position. he slowly lowers himself down into a push up, hovering over you with his lips millimeters away.
"if you wanted a kiss, you could have just said so baby" he smirks against your lips, giving you butterflies as he connects his with yours. 
he pulls himself back up into a plank, watching you as your cheeks turn red. he does another pushup, this time leaving a kiss on your forehead. as he rises back up, you cup his face, wanting a real kiss. you pull him back down and kiss him, feeling him smile into the kiss. he sits on the ground next to you when you pull away.
"my turn" you say happily, feeling confident you can do a good pushup. 
"alright show me what you've got baby" he says, laying down in the same position you were previously. 
you position yourself over him, getting in a plank. you know it's not looking good for you when your arms are already shaking, making you noticeably wobble. he smiles up at you as he studies your face of concentration. your tongue is sticking out slightly, and your eyebrows are furrowed and tight. he knows you can do it, wanting to help you out.
"you can do it, love" he says sweetly, reaching up to hold your hips lightly, giving you some relief from holding yourself up. he keeps his hands on your hips as you lower your arms and do a push up the best you can.
he knows that he was holding up most of the weight for you, but he doesn't want you to know. he just wants to see your smile as you come back up, proud of yourself for how well you did. god, he would frame that smile if he could. you push back up, smiling just as he predicted. he smiles back at you, knowing already that you are going to try for a second one. you lower yourself down for another one, but once you get down you know theres no chance in hell you're getting back up. your arms shake one last time before you just let yourself collapse onto him. he chuckles at you, wrapping his arms around you. 
"i swear i could have done it" you whine grumpily into his chest, suddenly very tired. he brings his hand up to your head and cradles it, rubbing your back with his other hand.
"i know you could have, sweetheart" he replies. you both just stay there laying on the gym floor. as you predicted, not very much working out went on, but you think you both needed this much more.
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praybird · 9 months
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update: the two worst people you know are in love
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Snippet from upcoming first chapter of my Rocket and Groot backstory work: Mirror My Malady.
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ruiconteur · 1 year
li lianhua's final letter to di feisheng
i hear the official eng subs weren't great so here's my own attempt at a translation (under a read more bc fuck it's Long)
edit: translated qiao wanmian’s letter to li xiangyi as well, which mirrors this one!
Ten years ago,
during the duel of the eastern sea,
this unworthy Li made benefit of whetted blade
and capsizing boat whilst battling thee but was yet unvictorious.
Thy martial prowess and valiance
are unexampled in this world.
Mine heart delights in it, and by mine own will yields to thine eminence.
The affairs of today are by many years separated.
By pains alone would a lingering malady be cured.
The sword hath broken—the man hath perished,
and can no more honour the accord to duel by the eastern sea.
Such is the cause for most sincere regret.
I recall in deepest gratitude the flower of oblivion bequeathed by thee,
yet did forsake all thou hadst longed for in the end.
The rivers and mountains of this land have many years endured,
their changes reckoned in the tens of thousands.
Partings upon partings, farewells upon farewells;
the coming times shall be the coming times.
Fang Duobing hath been studied in my skills,
and his own endowments of the utmost excellence.
Shouldst he not keep idle days,
he shall surely be not beneath the bright moon sinking into the western sea.
Thou hast not now any desire to pursue the throne,
but instead to seek the height of skill.
This unworthy Li hath since gone;
if thy desire be not appeased,
he shall suit, shouldst thou bid him succeed me.
Thus end the last words of Li Xiangyi.
i've translated this letter into (my best attempt at) early modern english to try and reflect the formality li lianhua is writing in. also because he uses 君 for di feisheng throughout, which is a literary second-person pronoun, and i wanted to emphasise that. i know thou is actually the informal pronoun, but given how archaic it sounds in comparison to you, the actual formal pronoun in early modern english, i thought it a better fit. (for all the feihuas out there: 君 was also used by women to address their husbands, so actually i thought the informality might work in my favour here LOL)
if you saw this post before, you might have noticed that my translation of the third and fourth lines changed slightly lmao. ty to @/presumenothing for the reminder and ofc my fav @/bat1lau4can4 for talking through it with me and being the 文言文 expert i need <3
for the purposes of my goal in the above footnote, i've had to take some creative liberties in my choice of vocabulary. for example: unexampled is not quite an accurate translation of 罕见, which actually means rarely seen.
i phrased 心悦诚服 as mine heart ... yields but that's a somewhat liberal interpretation of the phrase lol. there is a heart in it; it's just maybe not the thing that's yielding, to be precise. close enough imo though!
江山 literally translates to rivers and mountains but is often used as a metaphor for a country as a whole, hence my translating it as the rivers and mountains of this land.
grammar is not as important as Vibes.
逐鹿, which i've translated as pursue the throne, literally means to chase the deer, and stems from the 《史记》 / records of the grand historian.
绝笔, rendered here as last words, specifically refer to the last words written by one before their death.
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innocentlymacabre · 17 days
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Micro Monday Edition 5 was sent out Monday morning! Sign up now to get your fix of the next edition 🔓
cw: death/murder, mutilation
I wonder at what point my body stops being my own. A fake finger? A stent propping a valve open? Perhaps a prosthetic leg thrown into the mix.
When I lost my first arm, I managed to find it in myself to be excited about the bionic replacement they had whipped up for me. Surely there would come a point when one moves from Theseus to a veritable Frankensteinian treasure trove, but that was still a conundrum for the far future.
And then I got infected. Each limb plagued with inaction and every movement marred by malady as I lay motionless in the hospital bed. We got the culprit, of course, but they ultimately decided my body was too far gone to bother recovering - yet they deigned not to grant me the mercy of an end. At least they let me keep my old skin this time.
To prying eyes, I am much the same, but the mirror tells me the naked truth - I am a functionless monarch doddering aboard a vessel I have never captained.
Every week there’s someone new to kill. I just hope I have the good sense to stop before my own name is staring at me.
thanks for reading! if you want future installments sent directly to you way before the rest of the world sees it, hop on over to innocentlymacabre.com/#micro-monday!
if you want to support this series, I would absolutely love you forever if you could buy me a coffee!
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thedemoninme141 · 1 year
Blade Of Miquella Chapter 10: Remember Me My Woe.
Summary: A life spent with Wednesday... but a death left unshared. Warnings: ANGST! HEAVY ANGST! HeartWarmingMoments, EmotionallyWhippedWednesday!!! Previous Chapter 👉 Here Blade Of Miquella Chapter-List 👉 Here "Would you mind if I sit here?" You opened your eyes to see the braided girl. A playful smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you leisurely unfurled your eyes, acknowledging her with a glance. "Yes, I would mind." you retorted in a jesting tone, a smirk playing on your lips. "Pity, It seems fate has already conspired against your preferences." Her words carried an undertone of amusement as she settled herself beside you, seamlessly claiming her place in your tranquil haven. "You aren't like the other students," she remarked, a wisp of nostalgia in her voice. It was a playful attempt to recreate the memory of your initial encounter, a memory that you held dear. "Neither are you." You smiled. Her next words bore a hint of whimsy, a spark of lightheartedness that underscored the gravity of her statement.  "It seems the threads of fate have woven us together, doesn't it?" The distance between you closed as she leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss, a silent affirmation of the bond that had steadily grown between you.
It has been a week since you were discharged from the hospital, and Wednesday remained a constant presence by your side. Her typewriter found a new home in your room, a testament to the intimacy that had taken root between you. Since you had one less period than her you waited under your maple tree that had become both of yours since she also spent the lunch time with you there.
As Wednesday felt the gentle weight of your head against her shoulder, a rare sensation of lightness enveloped her. The touch of your skin against hers never failed to stir a warm feeling within her otherwise cold and unyielding heart. Even within this moment of tranquillity, her thoughts meandered back to the private conversation she had shared with your brother the previous night.
The moonlight had cast a soft glow as they spoke, the gravity of the topic hanging between them like a shroud. John, your steadfast and devoted brother, deserved to be informed, despite the heavy burden of truth it carried. He had the right to know. "So... you think there is no cure for her?" John sighed. "I can't claim certainty, but it appears more likely that it's neither a malady nor a curse. Y/n and this entity Malenia... their souls are intricately intertwined, each reliant on the other's existence," Wednesday's voice carried a weight of sorrow. The truth pained her as much as it did him, but the revelation was necessary, he was risking his life to find a cure after all. "Did you tell her yet?" John's inquiry cut through the heavy air, his concern mirroring her own. "No, I couldn't, I..." Wednesday couldn't find the right words. "Because you're not ready to shatter the hope she clings to." John's words held a profound understanding. "And neither am I," he added "So, would you still tell her?" Wednesday's question hung in the air, a plea for guidance, a plea for your sake. "I don't think I have the strength to do so." he confessed, his voice tinged with the burden of his emotions. He looked at Wednesday, "You don't have the strength either, right?" He asked, Wednesday looked down and nodded. "What are you going to do now?" she asked. "Even if there is no cure for her, the Golden Order still poses a threat to Y/n," John replied, determination entering his tone. "They'll continue their pursuit to get to her." "How will you stop them then?" She inquired. "By getting to them first." He answered.
"Would you come with me to the train station Wednesday?" You got her out of her thoughts, "For you, I would traverse the ends of the world," she replied, her words filled with a sincerity that resonated in the air. The smile you directed at her ignited a warmth within her heart. "Is there anything you wouldn't do if I asked?" you inquired, affection glittering in your eyes as they met hers. "No, there isn't," Wednesday answered without hesitation, her voice a steady affirmation of her devotion. "Then I ask you this one thing – remember me," you implored, your hands gently finding hers as you moved before her, your head tilting to rest atop hers. Your whispered words, a plea for a promise that carried a weight beyond their simplicity, hung in the air. Confusion flickered in Wednesday's eyes, her brow furrowing in question. "What do you mean?" Your hands tenderly found hers, and as you moved in front of her, your head gently met hers, a whisper shared in the fragile space between you. "Just promise me that you will remember me as much as you can." Wednesday found herself hypnotized by your touch, her heart resonating with the sincerity in your gaze. Your words resonated in the air, etching a promise into her very being. "I promise," she whispered On the journey back from the station, Wednesday wanted to remove that sad look from your face that had seemed to settle there after saying goodbyes to your brother. Right when she was about to drop you off in your room, she finally asked, "Do you need me to stay with you tonight?" She needed more time with you, She needed You. She knew you would accept, or that's what she thought. Your hesitation was palpable, a flicker of uncertainty in your eyes that tugged at her heartstrings. Inwardly, Wednesday questioned herself. Why? Did she do something wrong? Was it too early to ask to spend the night with you? Enid told her it's something that couples do together. She cursed herself for listening to Enid. "I am scared." You whispered. Confusion deepened, her brows furrowing in concern. Scared? Scared of what? The emotions that danced within your eyes were a complex array of emotions she struggled to interpret. "I am scared that I might.. hurt you in my sleep. I might lose control in my sleep, I don't want to hurt you like I did to my mother." Your vulnerability was a raw wound, and in that moment, Wednesday understood the depth of your apprehensions. Without hesitation, she drew you into an embrace, her presence a shield against the fears that threatened to consume you. "You won't, you didn't when she had full control of you, instead you protected me. That's how I know, you are the one I would follow." Her voice, soft and unwavering, was a testament to her unwavering faith in you. As you looked up at her, your eyes shimmering with hope, Wednesday's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions. She held you tighter, as if trying to convey through touch the depth of her commitment. "I am sorry. I.." "One day at a time." Her words cut through your apologies, "One day at a time is fine by me. As long as those days are with you, One day at a time is all we've got." She said.
One day became One week,
"Just BE NORMAL WITH HER!" Enid said pushing Wednesday out of the door. "And don't you dare even think about suggesting a graveyard for your date!"
Confidence had always been her ally, but now, as she stood before your door, her heart pounded with a nervous fervor that she had never before experienced. 3 knocks. Then she waited for you to open the door with her heart trying to jump out of her chest. When you did open, however, She was pretty sure it did jump out of her chest, you stood there in a black dress, a bit brighter than her own but still black enough, She couldn't move. Though she had always recognized your profound beauty, tonight, you were a revelation, a goddess in human form. "Wednesday," your voice carried a tender note, a shy vulnerability that only served to heighten your captivating charm. Inwardly, Wednesday longed to offer a compliment, to convey the depth of her admiration in a mere phrase. Yet, her thoughts tangled like a web, her attempts at articulation falling short in the face of your resplendence. How could mere words encapsulate the grandeur that stood before her? Enid's lessons in compliments seemed woefully inadequate in the face of your magnificence. You seem to notice the reddening in her cheeks as you smiled. "So which grave are we going?" You asked jokingly taking her hands as a hint for her to guide you.  She smirked. "Not a grave," she answered.
Vulnerability of emotions was a foreign terrain for Wednesday, a territory she had spent her life avoiding. The concept of being open and exposed had been anathema to her existence. But now, as you lay beside her near the tranquil lake in the heart of the jungle, a location she had meticulously chosen for this very purpose, you spoke of your past and your preferences, sharing fragments of your life that wedged their way into the cracks of her defenses. You opened up to her and she found herself captivated not just by your words, but by the way the moonlight played upon your features, casting an ethereal glow that matched the enchantment of the surroundings.
She realized that this was a different kind of vulnerability – one she willingly embraced. The walls she had built, fortified by years of detachment and isolation, seemed to crumble in the face of the connection she shared with you.
In this moment, beneath the star-studded sky, Wednesday acknowledged that allowing herself to feel vulnerable for you wasn't a weakness, but a profound testament to the strength of what you both shared. It was a vulnerability she was willing to explore, for in your presence, she found a sense of solace that no amount of morbid detachment could offer.
One week turned into a month, 
"Would you mind if I sit here?" You heard the voice of your love as a smile formed on your lips. "Would you mind if I hold your hand while you join me?" With a tender gesture, you extended your hand toward her, a silent offer laced with affection. "Never." She said as she accepted your hand, settling down beside you. This time, her head found a comfortable resting place on your shoulder, a touch that conveyed an unspoken intimacy. "Semester is almost over. Enid and the others are planning to go home." You said.  "Good, that means we will finally have some peace from their obnoxious chattering." Wednesday quipped. A soft chuckle escaped your lips. "You do realize you're free to leave too, don't you?" you said. "To exchange the quality moments I can have with you for my clingy soul-sucking family? Pass. The only torment I relish is the affectionate one you bestow upon me, not theirs," she quirked, her lips curving into a playful smile.  "But what if they miss you? And your brother?" you inquired, your curiosity genuine.  "My decision is already made. Pugsley is welcome to visit whenever he pleases." "I guess, I would love to meet with him." You said. "He is weak. He always needed my protection." "Wednesday!" You reprimanded smiling. "Do you think I am weak too?" you mused, your head finding a place atop hers, your cheek resting on her hair as your fingers intertwined. "Quite the opposite, Your courage in the face of adversity often leaves me envious. Not that I lack bravery, but your fearlessness, coupled with your innate kindness, makes you the most exceptional person I know. While those imbeciles fleeted, you went against the storm. You stood against a threat you had no idea of just to protect this school." Her response was swift, yet brimming with honesty. You gently lifted your head from its resting place atop hers. "I never did it for the school," you confessed. Wednesday raised her head from your shoulder, her eyes meeting yours. You gazed into her eyes, darkness encircling a core of unwavering affection, a love as unique and profound as she was. "I did it for you. And I would do it all over again, just for you." You said.
In that moment, as the weight of your words hung in the air, even after she hurt you back then, you still risked your life to protect her. Wednesday found herself drawn further into the depths of your unwavering devotion. Your confession resonated with a sincerity that was undeniable, and as she gazed into your eyes, she saw nothing but the truth of your feelings reflected in their depths. The allure of your love was irresistible, a magnetic force that tugged at the very fabric of her being. Without a word, Wednesday closed the remaining distance between you, her movements deliberate and sure. The atmosphere between you was charged, a palpable energy that seemed to envelop you both. And then, your lips met in a gentle, tender kiss – a moment suspended in time, a fusion of emotions and desires that words could never adequately capture. The kiss was a silent promise, an unspoken vow that affirmed the depth of your feelings and the sincerity of your commitment. It was a moment of vulnerability and intimacy, a shared space where your souls danced in harmony, entwined by a love that had a light inside it surrounded by a dark shadow protecting it.  As the kiss came to an end, Wednesday felt a sense of clarity settle over her. This was a new beginning, a fresh commitment to her love for you, a love that she knew she would share with you in life... and in death. 
One month turned into One year.
"IF YOU EVEN ENTERTAIN THE THOUGHT OF CONJURING ANOTHER PATHETIC PRANK LIKE THAT WRETCHED DISPLAY YOU UNLEASHED LAST YEAR, I SHALL TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN PEELING YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR BONES," Wednesday's voice carried a chilling cadence, her words laced with a macabre promise that sent shivers down the spines of Lucas and his hapless companions. She still feels guilty for not going with you to last year's Raven dance which you were looking forward to, however, she also was quite relieved as she knew how badly you might've reacted to the pathetic prank Lucas and his friends pulled. But this time, since she has plans to ask you to the dance, she had to make sure they won't even think of doing anything like that again. Not just them, anyone. She pretty much sent a silent threat to everyone who witnessed her berating Lucas and his friends. Of course, her strategy was precise, her execution meticulous. Dispatching Enid as her proxy, she ensured you would remain blissfully unaware, a calculated move in her symphony of protection and intention. "Would you mind if I sit here?" She asked your resting figure as always. "Only if you ask me a question about a certain dance," you responded with a mischievous glint in your eyes, playfully challenging her. Wednesday took the sit beside you, under your maple tree, which had grown bigger than before, blossoming with scarlet red leaves. Her dark eyes remained fixed on yours as she gathered her courage to speak, her voice a blend of vulnerability and determination.  "Would you do me the honor of being my partner at the upcoming Raven dance?" A playful smile tugged at the corner of your lips, and you couldn't help but tease,  "Ah, but there might be some formidable competition." A flicker of amusement danced in Wednesday's eyes as she responded, "It seems my collection of knives will finally see some action after quite a hiatus." A genuine laugh escaped your lips, the sound mingling with the rustling of the leaves overhead.  "Yet how can these contenders hope to match someone who resides leagues above them?" You said. "And who might that exceptional individual be?" Wednesday decided to indulge in your playful banter. "A certain Raven who holds the key to my heart with her smile." You said.
"Would you mind if I held your hand in there?" The question slipped from your lips with a delicate blend of hope and trepidation, your heart fluttering with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. The party hall's entrance loomed before you, a gateway to an unfamiliar world. "I've.. never been to any parties before. I feel so nervous in crowds of unknown people." You confessed. Wednesday's expression softened as her hands met yours. "I am pretty sure if there's anyone succumbing to unease, it's the unsuspecting souls on the inside. They'll find themselves awestruck by your radiance, a brilliance that effortlessly outshines the mundane. It's a spectacle they won't be prepared for. And as for your answer, I don't want to hold your hand, I NEED to hold your hand, my desire to grasp your hand is not a mere whim; it's an imperative. A declaration to the world, a proclamation of possession. I want them to see that you belong to me, and me alone." She smiled. And that was enough to let your nervousness go away, soothing the tumultuous waters of your apprehension. Once again, you found solace in her unwavering presence, a light in her darkness, a radiant beacon cutting through the obscurity of your doubts. With her by your side, you knew that life's challenges could be confronted and conquered, one step at a time.
"One day at a time." She reminded you again.
"One day at a time is all we've got." You answered smiling.
With a graceful gesture, Wednesday extended her hand toward you, her pale fingers delicate against the backdrop of darkness. 
"Would you honor me by giving me this dance?" She said. 
You took a step forward, your fingers intertwining with hers, and the world around you seemed to fade into the background. The dance floor became a universe unto itself, a realm where only your presence and hers held significance, cocooned in a moment of shared intimacy.
Come to me now And lay your hands over me
As you moved together, the dance became a slow, intimate conversation, an unspoken exchange of feelings and emotions that words could never capture. 
Even if it's a lie Say it will be alright And I shall believe
Wednesday's gaze held a depth that stirred something within you, her usually guarded eyes revealing a vulnerability that resonated deeply. The realization of how much she yearned for your presence, for your companionship, was poignantly evident in the earnestness of her eyes. It was a silent plea, an unspoken confession.
I'm broken in two And I know you're on to me That I only come home When I'm so all alone But I do believe
Her presence was both comforting and electrifying, and you found yourself drawn into the dance with an innate sense of belonging. The world outside the ballroom seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a timeless embrace.
That not everything is gonna be the way You think it ought to be
You found yourself clinging desperately to this moment, your heart fiercely determined to seize every precious second shared with Wednesday. The fear of losing her gripped you like a vice, urging you to hold onto her presence as tightly as you could. In the midst of the dance, there was an unspoken understanding that time was fleeting, and the fragility of the connection you shared was a reality that couldn't be ignored.
It seems like every time I try to make it right It all comes down on me
Then again, Wednesday's gaze gave you hope, Amidst your worries and doubts, her gaze became an anchor, grounding you to the promise of a lasting bond. Her unspoken commitment encouraged you to have faith in the connection you shared, dispelling any lingering doubts.
Please say honestly you won't give up on me And I shall believe
Wednesday felt so lost, so hypnotized by your eyes, the sensation of your fingers intertwining sent a thrill of electricity through her. The world around you seemed to blur, leaving only the two of you in a slow, entrancing dance.
Open the door And show me your face tonight
 With every turn and sway, she allowed her guard to slip, revealing the vulnerable core that lay beneath her stoic exterior. But she knows, it's all worth it, as long as you are glued to her. This gave you enough reason to believe. As your eyes met, a silent understanding passed between you, stronger than any words or uncertainties.
I know it's true No one heals me like you And you hold the key
Her gaze remained fixed on you, a mixture of intensity and vulnerability that left you breathless. Her touch was gentle, her hand resting against your shoulder with a tenderness that belied her reputation. 
Never again Would I turn away from you
Never, she would turn away from the feelings she holds for you again, She is ready to confront the emotions that have long been concealed within the shadows of her heart. You made her ready.
I'm so heavy tonight But your love is alright And I do believe
She can see the fear of the uncertain future in your eyes, she hated to admit it, but even she was afraid of that. 
That not everything is gonna be the way You think it ought to be
There might be something worse awaiting you and her in the future. Something that might hurt you...
It seems like every time I try to make it right It all comes down on me
But Wednesday knows she will protect you, She has already committed her life and soul to your protection. As she grasped your hand and guided you through the dance's deliberate pace, just like she would do in every step of your life, her eyes remained fixated on yours, she can see the unspoken vow being communicated, a plea being exchanged. 
Please say honestly You won't give up on me
There was a sense of shared vulnerability, a willingness to confront the challenges together. As long as you are with her, she can hope, you can hope. Despite the unpredictability of life, despite the challenges and doubts, both Wednesday and you were choosing to believe.
And I shall believe
One year turned into two,
John came back, He did it, he killed every single one of the golden order, You could live safely now, with no threats, no danger to your life. Yet both he and Wednesday knew you had the right to know, they were afraid that you would break down after knowing there is no cure to this curse of yours, they were afraid they would lose you to grief and sorrow again. As John and Wednesday sat you down to convey this bittersweet truth, their eyes clouded with apprehension, your response was surprising. Instead of breaking down, you bore the weight of the revelation with a resilience that left them speechless. It was as though you had already walked the path of acceptance long before they even laid out the truth before you. Wednesday watched you with a mixture of awe and concern, her heart aching for the strength you displayed. "Thank you for not giving up on me," you whispered, your voice carrying the weight of years of shared experiences and unspoken support, hugging him dearly. Tears glistened in John's eyes as he held you close, his embrace a testament to the depth of his love and his unyielding determination to protect you.  But it was your next words that reverberated through the room, echoing in the hearts of those present. "I know you tried. I know you already knew that there was no cure. Yet you didn't give up. I've already accepted that there is no cure for me. I've already accepted that my time is limited." Your voice carried a calm resignation, a sense of serenity that belied the gravity of your revelation. Wednesday's heart clenched as she absorbed your words, a mixture of admiration and anguish swirling within her. It was a bittersweet truth – your acceptance was a testament to your strength, but it also hinted at the fragility of the time you had left. "Don't go again, please," you implored, your grip on John's shirt tightening as though he were your lifeline. Wednesday's heart clenched at the vulnerability in your voice, at the raw fear of losing yet another person you held dear. Your plea echoed in the room, a testament to the depth of your emotions and your desire to hold onto the few constants in your life. But then, you continued your words a soothing balm for her conflicted heart. "I've accepted this already. You don't have to keep searching. You've already kept your promise, John. You are my cure." you pleaded. It took all of Wednesday's strength to contain the tears welling up in her eyes, her emotions a turbulent sea within her chest. Your acceptance, your gratitude, and your plea resonated with a melody that seemed to strike the deepest chords within her. It was a reminder of the stakes, the fragility of time, and the love that bloomed amidst the darkness. A sigh escaped Wednesday's lips, carrying with it a mix of emotions that were as complex and intricate as the person before her. The weight of her feelings was a burden she was willing to bear, for you had become the beacon of light that had illuminated the darkness of her existence. In the silence that followed, as you and your brother shared a moment of understanding and connection, Wednesday felt an unspoken promise take root within her heart. She would be there, by your side, through every moment that remained. The love she held for you, unconventional and profound, was a force that could not be diminished by time or circumstance.
"I am not going away anymore." Your brother promised you,
So did Wednesday.
Two turned into three,
Your affinity for the natural world had always been apparent. The way you found solace in the embrace of flowers and trees was a testament to your connection with the living, breathing entities that adorned the world around you. It was no surprise that you aspired to become a florist, a guardian of nature's beauty, using your skill to heal even the most ailing of plants. That's how you were handed a pot of a small plant that seem to be sick by Wednesday, "Found it on the street. I wanted to save it," she said, her voice carrying an unusual softness. You smiled, even though it was very un-Wednesday-like, but you thought nothing of it. As you placed the potted plant on a nearby table to examine it, you noticed signs of distress – the leaves were wilting, and the soil seemed to be in poor condition. A deeper instinct guided your hands, and you carefully removed the plant from its pot to inspect its roots. Your suspicions were confirmed – root rot had taken hold, threatening the plant's very survival. As you examined the roots within the soil, something unexpected caught your attention – a glint of metal, a spark amidst the decaying roots. You carefully removed it from the roots, it was a ring. You put the plant down and turned back to Wednesday, "Wednesday why there is a.." Wednesday didn't let you finish. "I have a problem, You see... I am not sick of you, I am honestly pretty much in love with you, hopelessly, helplessly." Your heart swelled at her admission, the authenticity of her emotions washing over you in waves. It was a confession that laid bare her heart, her fears, and her desires.  "I don't know how much time we have left," she continued, her voice a blend of raw honesty and determination. "But whatever time it is, I want to spend it with you. Having you by my side is enough for me, if that's enough for you."  In that moment, words seemed inadequate, insufficient to convey the maelstrom of emotions that surged within you. With unshed tears in your eyes, you found yourself drawn to her, your heart guiding your actions. And so, with a tenderness that spoke of all the love you held for her, you leaned in, your lips meeting hers in a soft, delicate kiss.
Four, five, six, seven years have passed, One day became seven years.
Seven years etched their stories into the tapestry of your shared existence, a life painted with hues of love, fortitude, and a quiet understanding that bound you and Wednesday together in an unbreakable bond. The roots of your relationship grew deeper, intertwined with the passage of time, weathering storms and blooming with the promise of a shared future. 
Through the ebb and flow of life, your relationship evolved into a haven of comfort, a refuge against the chaos of the world. From the cozy apartment that you and Wednesday called home, to the shared moments of laughter over breakfast and the whispered secrets exchanged beneath the moonlit sky, your love story unfolded with a quiet intensity.
Wednesday of course continued her writing profession, the darkness that once cloaked her was now transformed into words that resonated with readers, her narratives a mirror to her journey of self-acceptance and growth. While Wednesday crafted tales of introspection and mystery, you nurtured your love for nature into a flourishing career. Your flower shop, a sanctuary of vibrant colours and delicate fragrances, stood as a testament to your nurturing spirit. Each bloom found its place under your care, blossoming into radiant displays that reflected your deep connection with life.
As the sun cast its golden hues across the horizon, you found Wednesday in the living room, engrossed in one of her journals. You approached her, your smile playful. "What's the enigmatic Miss Addams writing about today?" Wednesday's lips quirked up in a faint smile. "Jotting down observations on the human propensity for chaos." You chuckled, taking a seat beside her. "Ah, yes. Chaos seems to be a common theme in our lives." Her gaze softened as she closed the journal. "But amidst the chaos, there is a solace I find because of someone." "And who might that be?" You asked knowing the answer, "A certain florist." She smirked.
In your flower shop, Wednesday observed you arranging a vibrant bouquet with an air of fascination. "You have a remarkable affinity for breathing life into these blooms." You grinned, placing the finished bouquet in a vase. "Well, I did promise to bring life to anything that needs it." Wednesday's eyebrow arched, a playful smirk gracing her lips. "Even to a walking corpse like me?" You turned to her, your eyes dancing with affection. "Especially to you." She stepped closer, her fingers brushing against the petals. "Then I suppose I am in good hands."
A rainy afternoon found you and Wednesday huddled by the window, sipping tea and watching the droplets dance against the glass. The pitter-patter of raindrops created a soothing backdrop to your quiet conversation. "I always found solace in the rain," you mused, your gaze fixed on the world outside. Wednesday's eyes gleamed with a hidden emotion. "Rain has a way of cleansing the world, washing away the dirt and revealing the hidden truths." You turned to her, captivated by the intensity in her gaze. "What hidden truths have you discovered?" Her lips curled into a half-smile. "That even amidst darkness, there's beauty to be found. Just like in you." Wednesday cringed at her own words but it was worth the smile on your lips, Trying to avoid becoming her mother, she ended up like her father. As you both wandered through a local art gallery, Wednesday's eyes fixated on a particularly macabre painting. She turned to you with a small smirk, her dark eyes glinting mischievously.  "I think this one would look splendid in our living room, don't you agree?" You chuckled, knowing her affinity for the morbid.  "You really have a way of finding the most unique pieces, Wednesday. I'm sure it'll add quite the atmosphere to our home." She raised an eyebrow playfully. "Atmosphere? Is that your polite way of saying 'spooky'?" You laughed, your fingers finding hers as you leaned in.  "Well, I've learned to appreciate your unique taste, and I do love how it reflects your personality." She smirked, her lips brushing against yours.  "Just don't be surprised if we start getting visits from ghosts."
A chilly winter morning, you both found yourselves sipping hot cocoa by the window, watching the snowflakes fall. Wednesday's fingers traced delicate patterns on the rim of her mug, her eyes distant. "You seem lost in thought," you observed, concern lacing your voice. She turned to you, her gaze softening. "I was just thinking about how different my life has become with you in it. You've brought warmth to my world, more than I ever thought possible." You reached over to grasp her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "And you've shown me a depth of love and understanding I never knew existed. We've come a long way, Wednesday." She smiled, her fingers interlocking with yours. "Indeed, we have. And I wouldn't trade a single moment of it."
However within all those warm moments, Some cold ones lingered. Cold ones that increased rapidly as time went on. Your tormented soul awoke you with a gasp, a lingering nightmare's grasp refusing to let go. Almost as if sensing your distress, Wednesday's arms enveloped you in an instant, her touch a lifeline in the abyss of your fear. Her voice, a soft, soothing melody, broke through the darkness. "Hey, it's okay," she whispered, her words a tender caress against your tumultuous emotions. "You're safe, I'm here." Tears swelled in your eyes, a testament to the terror you had just experienced. You clung to her as if she were the anchor holding you against the storm, your body trembling against the remnants of the night's horrors. Your voice trembled as you tried to put words to the maelstrom within you. "I can't… I can't control it. She's getting stronger." Wednesday's hold on you tightened, her grip a symbol of unwavering need for you in her life. Her voice, soft but resolute, cut through the darkness that threatened to engulf you both. "We'll face this together, just like we always have."
Days turned into weeks, and the heaviness of your curse only grew. It wasn't long before another unsettling incident unfolded, leaving Wednesday's heart racing with worry. She entered the house, finding the door already ajar – a sight that struck fear into her heart. "Y/n?" Her voice quivered with urgency as she called out, dread coiling in her chest when there was no response. She hurried to the bedroom, her heart pounding like a drum. The sight that greeted her was enough to send a shiver down her spine – the bathroom door stood wide open, and there you were, standing frozen in front of the mirror. "Y/n!" She called you again, but only if she knew what you were seeing in the mirror. Malenia.
"Y/n!!" Her voice seemed to jolt you from the grip of that sinister trance, and you collapsed to your knees. The world around you refocused, but the horrors of what you had seen in the mirror still lingered. Wednesday was there, her arms wrapping around you protectively, her presence offering solace amidst the chaos. "It's okay," she murmured, her voice a gentle balm against your shattered nerves. "I am here. She won't take you. I won't let her take you." Your heartache poured out in sobs, the fear, and the darkness that threatened to consume you finally finding release. Wednesday held you close, her words and touch a lifeline that pulled you back from the brink. The pain in her voice, the unyielding determination to protect you, it all echoed the depth of her love. "We'll fight this together, Y/n," she whispered against your hair, her vow a testament to the unbreakable bond that had sustained you through every trial.
"Y/n please stop! It's me, your love, Wednesday." Wednesday screamed, begging you to stop, but you didn't, flying high with your delicate wings, letting the Goddess of Rot control your body fully, you take over the sky once again with your Scarlet flower of Aeonia. Ready to take over this world by your Scarlet rot. Then, like a comet hurtling toward its destination, you descended, a blur of crimson and despair, you went down on her, you went down on your love Wednesday. With a sudden jolt, you awoke from the nightmare that had ensnared your mind. Your breathing was ragged, and your eyes darted around the room, trying to discern reality from the phantasmagoric images that had haunted your sleep. Beside you Wednesday slept peacefully, she always had slept peacefully by your side. As your gaze settled on your own hands, you saw the faint traces of Scarlet roots emerging, tendrils of your curse that nearly brushed Wednesday's arm. The realization hit you like a lightning bolt – you had come dangerously close to repeating the tragic fate of your mother, infecting someone you loved with the rot that dwelled within you.
One day at a time, Wednesday used to say.
You won't risk the most important thing, the most important person in your life, not for one more day.
As the first rays of sunlight painted the room with warmth, Wednesday stirred from her sleep, her eyes searching for you on the bed. Confusion quickly transformed into worry as she realized you were nowhere to be found. Her heart raced, fear clawing at her as she called your name, her voice echoing in the emptiness. Her eyes fell upon a letter resting on your pillow, a silent messenger that held the truth she wasn't yet ready to face. Trembling fingers reached for the paper, her heart pounding in anticipation and dread. With each word she read, her world crumbled further, the weight of your decision pressing heavily upon her chest.
And so, she found herself retracing the steps that had led to this moment. The place where it had all begun – the maple tree, the witness to your first meeting, now a sentinel to your final act. The sight that met her eyes tore at her heart – there you lay, surrounded by delicate petals, an ethereal contrast to the tragedy that had unfolded. "Would you mind if I sit here?" The words escaped her lips, carrying a tremor of sorrow. Her voice quivered as she spoke, the depths of her grief threatening to consume her.  Oh, what Wednesday wouldn't give to see you smile and look up to her, accepting her offer, taking her hands. She settled beside you, putting her head on your shoulder, clutching the letter in her hands, The promise you had made years ago echoed in her mind, its significance now clearer than ever.  "Promise me that you will remember me as much as you can."  In that moment, Wednesday understood the weight of your plea, the plea that had driven you to make the ultimate sacrifice for her sake.
As tears blurred her vision, she leaned into you, her heart heavy with the realization that she would have to carry on without you by her side. The mornings would be colder, the talks quieter, the smiles and kisses a distant memory. But she clung to your promise, the symbol of your love, believing that one day, beneath its embrace, she would be reunited with the soul that had captured her heart so completely.
"My beloved Wednesday, I love you with all my heart and soul and I hope you can understand my decision.
Our love story has been unconventional, marked by darkness and curses, yet you have been the beacon of light that guided me through the shadows. From the moment our paths crossed, I felt a connection that transcended the boundaries of life and death. You became my sanctuary, my home, and my reason to endure the trials that fate hurled our way.
The years we spent together have been a tapestry woven with laughter, warmth, and shared dreams. Your presence has been the salve to my wounds, the answer to my silent prayers. Every touch, every smile, and every stolen moment etched into my memory like precious jewels. Even as the darkness within me grew, your love remained unwavering, a steadfast pillar that held me upright when I faltered.
But I can no longer ignore the truth that has become painfully evident – the curse, the rot, it has taken a stronger hold on me. I've seen glimpses of a future I cannot bear to subject you to, a future where the darkness consumes me completely. I refuse to let that happen. Our love is too pure, too precious, to be tainted by the curse that plagues me. You are too pure to be tainted by my curse.
I want you to find solace in the knowledge that my decision is not born out of despair, but out of love. Love for you, for us, for the future we could have had. It's a choice I make willingly, as the only way to protect you from the grip of this curse. I need you to remember the promise you made me under our tree, our beautiful scarlet red maple tree that has borne witness to our love... where you can find me...
Please don't grieve for me, my love. Instead, find happiness in the memories we've created, in the love we've shared. You deserve nothing less than a life filled with joy and love and maybe some horror too.
As the sun sets on my time in this world, know that I carry your love with me into the next. I've seen that our souls are bound by a love that transcends even death, and I will be watching over you, cheering you on from beyond the veil.
Thank you, Wednesday Addams, for being my love, my anchor, my haven, my everything. You've given me a lifetime of love in the few years we've had, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Remember me till the day we will meet again my beloved woe.
With all the love my heart can hold,
Y/n" Author here, This is my last fanfiction ever, I have to stop writing because I have some personal issues going on, That's why I poured my heart into it, I would really appreciate if you guys tell me how much you liked it, It's been an amazing journey with you all- Love , Celine. PART 11 EPILOGUE: Reunited With Woe. The lines used on the Raven dance were from Sheryl Crow's I Shall Believe song. The inspiration behind this ending was, some you might have already guessed it, "The Haunting of Bly Manor" ending.
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