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laurablog1234 · 3 years ago
Depression and how to treat it.
What is depression?
Depression is an emotional disorder that causes a constant feeling of sadness and a loss of interest in doing different activities.Also called "major depressive disorder" or "clinical depression," it affects a person's feelings, thoughts, and behavior and can cause a variety of physical and emotional problems.
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More than just a fleeting sadness, depression is not a weakness and one cannot easily recover overnight. Depression may require long-term treatment.
The exact cause of depression is unknown. As with many mental disorders, you can understand a variety of factors, such as:
1.Biological differences: People with depression have physical changes in the brain. The significance of these changes is still uncertain, but over time they can help identify the causes.
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 2.Brain Chemistry: Neurotransmitters are chemicals found naturally in the brain that probably play a role in depression. Recent research indicates that changes in the function and effect of these neurotransmitters, and how they interact with the neurocircuits involved in maintaining mood stability, may play an important role in depression and its treatment
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3.Hormones: Changes in the body's hormonal balance may play a role in causing or triggering depression. Hormonal changes can occur in pregnancy and during the weeks or months after delivery (postpartum), and from thyroid problems, menopause, or other disorders.
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4.Hereditary traits. Depression is more common in people whose blood relatives also have this disorder. Researchers are looking for genes that may be involved in the origin of depression.
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Although depression can occur only once in a lifetime generally, people have several episodes of depression. During these episodes, symptoms occur for much of the day, almost every day, and may include:
Feelings of sadness, crying, emptiness, or hopelessness
Outbursts of anger, irritability, or frustration, even over minor matters
Loss of interest or pleasure from most or all usual activities, such as sex, hobbies, or sports
Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or sleeping too much
Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks require more effort
Lack of appetite and weight gain, or more food cravings and weight gain
Anxiety, agitation, or restlessness
Slowness to reason, speak, and make body movements
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixation on past failures, or self-blame
Frequent or recurring thoughts about death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, or suicide
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For many people with depression, the symptoms are often severe enough to cause obvious problems in daily activities, such as work, school, social activities, or relationships with other people. Some people may feel unhappy or sad in general without really knowing why.
Symptoms of depression in children and adolescents
The common signs and symptoms of depression in children and teens are similar to those in adults, but there may be some differences.
In younger children, symptoms of depression can include sadness, irritability, attachment, worry, pain, refusal to go to school, or low weight.
In teens, symptoms can include sadness, irritability, feeling negative and worthless, anger, poor performance or poor school attendance, feeling misunderstood and extremely sensitive, using recreational drugs or alcohol, eating or sleeping too much, self-harm, wasting interest in usual activities and avoiding social interaction.
Symptoms of depression in older adults
Depression is not a normal part of aging, and it should never be taken lightly.Unfortunately, depression is often not diagnosed or treated in older adults, who may be reluctant to seek help.
Symptoms of depression may be different or less obvious in older adults, including:
Memory problems or personality changes
Physical pain
Fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep problems, or loss of interest in sex that are not the result of illness or medication
Wanting to stay home often, instead of going out to socialize or do new things
Suicidal thoughts or feelings, especially in older men
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Risk factor's
Depression typically begins in your teens or early twenties or thirties, but it can appear at any time in life. This disease is diagnosed more in women than in men, but it may be, in part, because women are more likely to seek treatment.Some of the factors that seem to increase the risk of developing or triggering depression are:
Certain personality traits, such as having low self-esteem and being overly dependent, overly self-critical, or pessimistic
Traumatic or stressful situations, such as physical or sexual abuse, the death or loss of a loved one, a difficult relationship, or financial problems
Blood relatives who have a history of depression, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, or suicide
History of other mental health disorders, such as anxiety, eating, or post-traumatic stress disorder
Alcohol or recreational drug abuse
A serious or chronic illness, such as cancer, stroke, chronic pain, or heart disease
Certain medications, such as those for high blood pressure or sleeping pills (talk to your doctor before stopping any medications)
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Depression is a serious disorder that can have devastating effects on you and your family members. Depression tends to get worse if left untreated and can lead to emotional, behavioral, and health problems that can affect all aspects of your life.
Examples of complications related to depression include:
Being overweight or obese, which can lead to heart disease or diabetes
Physical pain or illness
Inappropriate use of alcohol or drugs
Anxiety, panic disorder, and social phobias
Family conflicts, difficulties in your relationships and problems at school or work
Social isolation
Suicidal feelings, suicide attempts or suicide
Self-mutilation, such as cuts
Premature death from disease
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There is no sure way to avoid depression. However, the following strategies can be helpful.
Take steps to manage stress, improve your resilience, and boost your self-esteem.
Reach out to family and friends, especially in times of crisis, to help get through bad times.
Get treatment at the first sign of a problem to help prevent depression from getting worse.
Consider having long-term supportive treatment to help prevent symptoms from returning.
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laurablog1234 · 3 years ago
Social media in the 21st century
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They generate new connections in general. As I already mentioned, social networks help us to make new contacts, which may be new clients, suppliers, partners, etc. You can also share information directly from your site on your social networks. You can also share information directly from your site on your social networks. There is no longer a society without the internet. Can you imagine not googling things or staying connected with your friends and family during your day? Probably not.
The dominance of the internet and its influence in our lives is huge, mainly with digital marketing and digital transformation so present. Currently more than 3.8 billion people around the world are connected to the virtual world.
Now that you know the multitude of Internet users, ask yourself: What is your biggest reason for being online?
Each person will give an answer, but it is very likely that the majority will answer that social networks.
This is because there are currently 3 billion active users on social networks. And this number tends to grow more and more, with the dynamics of constant improvements of these platforms and the emergence of new ones.
That is why in this post I want to explain you in a very clear way.
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What are social networks?
Conventionally, a social network has been determined as a group of individuals who have links with each other, whether due to commercial issues, friendship, work, bond, etc.The "social networks" as we ourselves know them, have allowed those groups of individuals to meet in a virtual environment, becoming websites made up of societies of individuals who have things in common. And is that, in its beginnings, websites only allowed one-way communication and quite little relationship. Today, social networks give prominence to users and societies that said components. Such sites facilitate communication between individuals, the exchange of information (such as photos, video clips and more) and allow them to meet new people, further expanding their network
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Social Media or Social Networks?
Possibly you are already confused between networks and social media. However, it is essential to explain that they are not the same thing. For this reason, we are going to distinguish them at this moment.As I already mentioned, social networks are the teams of connections and interrelationships that we have with other people. And social media are platforms that guarantee that that happens.Still confused? It is clear once we know that both have the possibility of serving as platforms to preserve our own networks of interrelations, however, social networks have that as their primary characteristic and remain in what we classify as social media.
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The history of social media
The human being has the need to relate. That is why social networks have always existed. But here we are going to show the history of social networks in the online environment.
And it was exactly out of wanting to find people that social media emerged.
Imagine getting in touch with your school friends easily online! What is now super easy and affordable, was a tremendous novelty in the 90s. With this idea came, in 1995, the world's first social network idea, ClassMates, which still exists.
But if we think of a social network like the ones we have today, with chat, exchange of opinions, profiles and publications, Six Degrees was the first, in 1997.
Although it was not as successful as Friendster, whose purpose was to help users find a partner and which became real in 2002.
It got 3 million users in just a few months, having its end decreed by the server, which could not bear the overwhelming number of accesses.
In the same year, LinkedIn was launched, the professional social network that is still the most popular today.
In 2003 MySpace was born, which dethroned Friendster in a short time, and in 2004, Facebook emerged, which by 2008 had already taken the first place away from MySpace.
Facebook emerged as a platform to connect students from Harvard University, USA, and today it remains undefeated as the most popular social network in the world. However, the other networks have managed to reinvent themselves, which has kept them in force until today.
Twitter for its part was born in 2006, Tumblr in 2007, Instagram in 2010, Snapchat and Google + in 2011.
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What are the types of social networks?
We can classify social networks into two categories. I'll show you some examples of each:
Horizontal social networks
They are aimed at the general public and do not have a specific theme. Its main objective is simply to promote connections between people. Among them are:
Facebook It is the fastest growing social network in the world, it allows you to connect and interact with friends, family and meet other people.
It also offers tools for businesses that allow brands to bring their audience closer and boost their growth. Today it exceeds 2,000 million users.
Source: TechCrunch
Twitter It is defined as a social network but also as a microblogging platform, since it allows publishing posts of only 280 characters (probably 140), called tweets.
Users have their profile and can follow other profiles (including brands, media, politicians, etc.) to keep up to date on their updates.
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Vertical social networks
All specialized social networks fall into this category. There are professional, academic, video, photography, tourism, music, to find a partner, etc. (the imagination is the limit!).
Among the vertical social networks, some of the most popular are:
Youtube The largest video sharing website on the Internet. Many do not see it as a social network, but the truth is that by allowing users to connect and share information with each other, YouTube is classified as a social network.
This site also allows you to create and customize your profile, upload videos, follow other channels and add their videos to your lists, comment, vote and share videos.
LinkedIn With 15 years old, Linkedin is the most used professional social network in the world.
Its objective is to promote labor relations by putting people in contact with companies and companies with each other.
It has 500 million active users in a month, including 9 million companies located in more than 200 countries.
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Advantages of social networks
Companies and individuals can have great opportunities by using these means in an organized and structured way. Here we list some of the main advantages of social networks.
They help increase traffic to your website, since you can generate content that leads to your site.
You can also share information directly from your site on your social networks.
They generate new connections in general. As I already mentioned, social networks help us to make new contacts, which may be new clients, suppliers, partners, etc.
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They can become victims of cyberbullying and phishing.
They expose themselves to people they often do not know, publishing personal information.
They become victims of viruses and corrupted softwar
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