fishyinbowlosoup · 2 months
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Here’s the “progress” for this piece (I was so locked in I forgot to take pics per steps) :
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mangarinspanels · 7 months
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Kuchi ga Saketemo Kimi ni wa| Ch. 11
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galgf · 4 months
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🖤 ,Transfem Femme Miroku …
Like & Reblog if used.
No Kin, ID, Me tags.
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loveofmirsan · 2 years
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Did you know that san-go means 3/5 and mi-roku means 3/6 in Japanese?
It leads to two wonderful days to celebrate our feudal lovebirds. Twitter has created an hashtag for the event for you all to follow: #ミロサンデー2023!
(here is last year's tag to gaze upon the beautiful 2022 creations!)
And what about you Tumblr? Will you be joining the star-crossed dates? We would love to see what you come up with and will celebrate your creations!
Give Twitter a run for its money, and let's see your MirSan creations!
Need inspiration? Well, Sango also means "Be Skillful" and Miroku means "Divine Grace". And what could be better inspirations than the etymology of two star-crossed names?
We look forward to seeing you on san-go and mi-roku!
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devilatelier · 1 year
you have inspired me to watch inuyahsa and i think it is going to be so fun but i need to to grant me strength cause i remember hating miroku SO MUCH when i was a kid. can i do this??
YEAHHH i've been binging it while sick w covid and i've been having so much fun reliving old memories, but also catching up with that gaggle of bozos. i love all of them.
god... miroku............ i still have so much hatred for him, he has his moments and i can almost enjoy him.. until he just pulls one of his stunts. i just mentally block him out and focus on my faves.
but yeah!! if you end up rewatching it, I hope you have fun! and if you want someone to talk to about it my inbox is always open :D
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milaisreading · 1 year
Toddler manager said bad word and everyone get insane because they will absolutely choke the one who make her said that word. Pls
Author: hope u find the way I wrote this alright! Thank you for the request and for reading🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"I am just saying..." Aryu started off dramatically as Barou rolled his eyes, along with Rin.
"It's my turn to play with her." The long haired boy finished, moving the 2-year old (Y/n) out of their reach.
"Aryu, put her down. You know very well its my turn." Rin glared.
"Since when? You played with her for 2 hours yesterday, it's my turn." Barou interjected. (Y/n) kept silent as she focused her attention on Tokimitsu, who was playing peekaboo with her.
"I am here, and then I am not." The boy laughed as she clapped her hands while smiling.
"Shouldn't I be the one to play with her now?" Nagi looked up from his food.
"Play? You will probably fall asleep and forget she is there." Niko rolled his eyes.
"Aryu, we are teammates, so we should share the playtime-"
"No." The long haired boy said, glaring at Barou and Niko for even suggesting that.
Snuffy and Chris were laughing at their antics from a few tables away, while Noa was disciplining Kaiser and Isagi, who got into an argument.
"Where did Lavinho go?" Loki wondered, keeping an eye on Karasu and Rin, just in case they started an argument.
"Lavinho went to get Hayate and Miroku, we have to practice." Otoya grumbled, a little bummed that he can't take (Y/n) with him.
"I still think kidnapping-"
"No, Bachira." Snuffy cut him off.
"Shouldn't we give her something to eat before you play with her, Aryu?" Yukimiya suggested.
"Yep! I will go and ask Teieri-san if she knows where the baby food is." Hiori volunteered. Kurona said nothing as he showed his teeth to (Y/n) again, who was clapping and laughing at them. Meanwhile Gagamaru was patting her head a little.
"Don't destroy her glamorous hair." Aryu warned.
"Calm down, Aryu." Chigiri added from another table.
"It's really calm today with them." Chris commented to Snuffy.
"Let's hope it stays that way." Noa sighed as him and Loki approached their table.
"I feel like we don't have to worry about much today." Snuffy smiled, taking his glass of water.
While the coaches were talking, Hiori came back with the food and walked over to where (Y/n) and the rest were.
"Ah! You found it!" Isagi exclaimed as him and Kaiser approached the table.
"Great, I will feed her then." The blonde said, earning protests from the rest.
"You will drop her on her head." Rin rolled his eyes.
"Let me do it instead." Barou said.
"I will do it! I will do it!" Kurona's words were heard.
"I-I can do it too, you know." Tokimitsu said, trying to take (Y/n) out of Aryu's hold.
Kunigami rolled his eyes and looked at the child-sized manager for a moment.
"Just feed her. She is probably too hungry to care who does it, right?" Kunigami asked, smiling down at (Y/n). There was a short silence as the girl blinked up at Kunigami, and while watching them, Noa felt like a headache will hit him soon.
"Fuck..." The tiny girl said, causing the boys to either gasp or make a double take at her.
"What?!" Rin yelled.
"Fu...ck...." The girl looked at Rin, confused with his reaction.
"No! Bad word, (Y/n)!" Chris yelled, running over to the group as Snuffy started chocking on his water.
"I knew something would happen." Noa said as Loki tried to calm the Italian coach down.
"Give her to me." Chris said, taking (Y/n) out of Aryu's hold, looking at the girl like a heartbroken man.
"No, (Y/n)! Bad word! You can't say that!" Chris scolded her lightly.
"Fuck!" She repeated, laughing as Chris's face turned red in anger. Noa walked over to Chris and took (Y/n) out of his arms, knowing that he is about to blow up at the Blue Lock team.
"Fuck!" (Y/n) kept on repeating as Loki and Snuffy walked over to Noa.
"Shhhh!" Loki told her, shaking a little as he saw the pissed off look on Chris.
"Where did you learn that word now, little lady?" Snuffy raised his eyebrow, patting her head as Noa kept his attention on Chris.
"Hold it!" The Frenchman said, stopping the Welsh coach as he was about to yell.
"Th-thank you, Noa-san-" Reo started, but was cut off by the same man.
"No, not that. Snuffy, cover up her ears." The Italian caught onto what was going on and covered (Y/n)'s ears up. She blinked a few times and started giggling at him.
"Alright." Noa gave a nod of approval, ignoring the betrayed looks his team was sending him.
"You little brats!!! I will make you run 300 laps for this!!!" The blonde said, causing even the least emotional members to shake in fear.
"Karasu, Rin, what did you two do? Spit it out." Loki smiled at the two, who now started to stutter.
"We didn't do anything!" Karasu yelled, face paling from Loki's glare.
"I would never curse in front of her!" Rin added in.
"Don't yell, you two." Loki warned.
"S-sorry." The two stuttered.
"What about Tokimitsu?! Why are we the only ones accused of teaching her that?!" Karasu said, pointing at the nervous boy.
"M-me?! I swear I didn't do anything!" Tokimitsu said, looking at Loki. The French coach raised his eyebrow and looked back at Karasu.
"Niko, Aryu, Barou." The three Ubers members tensed up and looked at Snuffy, immediately aware of what was going on now.
"Hold on! I did nothing! I always keep my bad words to myself when (Y/n) is around!" Barou yelled at the coach.
"Cursing isn't glamorous, Snuffy-san." Aryu said, flipping his hair, earning a few claps from Tokimitsu.
"For legal reasons, I can't curse." Niko said simply as Snuffy massaged his temple. (Y/n) laughed at the man and stretched her arms out, demanding from the man to take her, which he ended up doing.
"See, this is why boys are stupid, little lady." Snuffy said slowly, sending side glares at the three boys.
"Isagi, Kunigami, Kaiser, Gagamaru, Yukimiya, Hiori, Kurona." The boys tensed and looked at the oddly calm Noa. The man was looking his normal calm and collected self, but his eyes shined in pure rage.
"We didn't do it!!" Isagi immediately protested.
"I never curse in front of (Y/n) when she is her normal age, why would I do it now?" Yukimiya added in.
"Me neither! I swear!" Hiori and Kunigami defended themselves, a little terrified of the older man.
"The only things I talk with (Y/n) about are the things I see in the woods." Gagamaru answered timidly.
"Neither did I teach her that. I don't curse. Kaiser, you have been awfully quiet, though." Kurona said, now all the attention being on the blonde.
"Hold it! I didn't say this either!" The German defended. Chigiri, Reo, and Nagi looked at each other and then at the clearly pissed off Chris.
"Before you start. It wasn't me." Nagi blinked.
"No curse words left my mouth either." Reo followed.
"A negative from me, too." Chigiri yawned.
While they were arguing, the door to the lunch room opened and inside walked Ness, Lavinho, and Lorenzo, looking at the chaos in confusion.
"What is going on?" Ness muttered, walking to the German team.
"Ome of your teammates taught (Y/n) how to curse." Noa said, earning protests from them.
"Or was it you, Ness?" The Frenchman glared at the magenta-eyed boy.
"No, I would never swear in front of a girl." Ness quickly added, a little worried. He never saw Noa this mad.
(Y/n) had now turned her attention to Lavinho and laughed, pointing at him.
"Fuck! Fuck!" She started, while pointing at the Brazilian. Chris was heard shrieking at that and Ness fainted from the shock.
"So it was you, Lavinho?!" Bachira and Otoya yelled, shocked that their own coach taught (Y/n) that word. The Brazilian chuckled a little, angering the coaches more.
"Well, she catches on quickly." He joked.
"Don't make jokes!"
"This isn't funny!"
"My poor child!"
Lavinho rolled his eyes at Noa, Loki, and Chris's words.
"You guys are being dramatic."
"Shut up!"
Snuffy sighed and called Lorenzo over.
"Watch over her while we hash this out."
Snuffy instructed the younger as (Y/n) jumped into his arms, hugging Lorenzo tightly.
"Sure thing. Come on, I think we should put you to sleep. It's past noon." Lorenzo said, holding (Y/n) tightly as he walked out of the lunch room, leaving Lavinho at the mercy of the pissed off coaches and Blue Lock team.
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aerin-of-the-isles · 9 months
Merry Christmas, @eliza-faust-diary
I’m your Inu Yasha Secret Santa! I hope you like it!
and a Very BIG “THANK YOU!” to @brain-rot-hour for the additional art!
The peaceful quiet of the meadow around the Sacred Well was disrupted once again by the grumblings of an annoyed inu hanyou and the miko from the future. 
“I thought ya were goin back to slay some more of those tesuto things at your school! What’re ya doin with all these—these things!” Inu Yasha finished. He placed the miko down on her feet and hefted the bag of ‘stuff’ over his shoulder as Kagome wrapper her scarf a but more tightly around her. 
The sun was heading towards the horizon and the air was chill, but for once, his miko was dressed appropriately. Pants covered her legs and she was wearing a jacket for once. Even so, she was still lovely.
She blinked at him curiously, then smiled. “Oh! That’s right!” She gave a soft giggle that made him blush, although Kagome didn’t notice. “I forgot that you don’t really remember Christmas since its really something from my time. I’m sorry, Inu Yasha; I should’ve remembered.” 
The two of them walked towards the village as Kagome mentioned that she had bought a few presents for her friends. Inu Yasha grumped a bit, making his usual “keh” and "feh” noises as he pretended to be uninterested. He and Kagome were met on the way by Sango and Kirara, flying around on patrol. 
At Kaede’s hut, Kagome took out the presents she had purchased, some tape, and wrapping paper and began to wrap them. Inu Yasha helped by sticking his thumb on the colored strings Kagome used so she could tie a bow, and surprisingly, Miroku tried to help with the tape.
Kirara, now transformed to her smaller size, was fascinated by the wrapping paper and attacked it with vigor! Sango and Kagome giggled and tossed her some crumpled balls to attack. The nekomata chased one or two around the room, pouncing as necessary!
“Kagome-dono,” Miroku called, staring at the round object in his hand, “what all does this ‘tape’ do?” Miroku stared intensely at his right hand and quickly attached some tape to his glove, then wrapped it around his covered right arm. After 3 or 4 times around, the tape got stuck to itself, and Kagome had to cut the tape before Miroku got both his hands stuck. 
With a giggle, Kagome explained, “We use tape for all kinds of things, Miroku-san. As you can see, its good for attaching things together but is also easy to cut apart.” Kagome paused in her wrapping as Kirara walked on top of a piece of her wrapping paper laid out on the floor for a present and settled down for a nap. 
Inu Yasha glanced over, pulling the roll of tape from Miroku’s hand and examining it more closely. The two of them pulled some tape out and started attaching it to various pieces of cloth and then began shoving each other a bit.
“I think you’ve had enough time with the tape, my friend. I’d like to try some more—“ the monk began. He reached for the tape, but Inu Yasha held it out of reach.
“I’m still using it, bouzo!” the inu hanyou replied.
The two of them kept arguing — “back off!” “Be careful!” “You’re using too much!” “You’re not using it right!” — until Sango finally stood up, grabbed the tape and skillfully wrapped it around their wrists, like modern handcuffs. 
With a satisfied smile, Sango sat and handed an astonished Kagome the tape. “Here you go, Kagome-chan.” 
Kagome looked from the tape to the annoyed monk and hanyou duo and then stifled a laugh as she used the tape to finish off her last gift. “There! All done!” With a soft smile, she looked at Sango and said, “If you could have anything for Christmas as a present, what would it be?”
Sango’s deep chocolate eyes turned inward and she stroked Kirara’s fur for a moment or two. “I think I’d just like some more of that sham-poo and soap you usually have. It’s so refreshing!”
“Oh! That’s easy, Sango-chan. I’m really excited about the gifts I got for my friends, too. We were going to do a secret santa, but as it turned out, I had enough to buy them each a present, so it wasn’t so bad.”
The two women chuckled as Kirara suddenly bounded up and attacked some paper that was obviously up to no good. “What’s a secret santa, Kagome-chan?” Sango picked up some of the pretty ribbon and waved it softly in front of Kirara, both women studiously ignoring the men who were now nearly tangled up after challenging each other to a ‘tape off.'
“Oh! In a secret santa, everyone gets the name of one person in secret and they buy a gift for them. Sometimes, the gifts are from the heart and sometimes, they are more like joke or funny gifts. This year we chose gifts from the heart! Tomorrow morning before we head out, Inu Yasha and I are going to drop the gifts back in my time. That way, my friends can pick them up in case we’re busy.”  
With a little squeal, Kagome pulled out a package from her backpack and introduced Sango to the little packages of deliciousness. “I forgot to tell you! I brought some hot chocolate packets. These have tiny marshmallows in them.” 
Kaede smiled as she heated up some water. “I’m looking forward to this type, Kagome-chan. The dark hot chocolate you brought last time was quite delicious.” The silence was interrupted by the muffled sounds of miroku and Inu Yasha grunting and snarking at each other. The women tried to control their eye-rolling but it was difficult to do anything but as two ‘adults’ became embroiled in tape. 
After the water was ready, Kagome, Kaede, and Sango sipped joyfully at the hot chocolate, giving out contented ‘ahhs’ as they reached chocolate nirvana. Full of trepidation, Kagome turned to look at Miroku and Inu Yasha, who had both grown silent. 
Miroku’s other hand was taped to his head and Inu Yasha was using his fangs to cut through the tape that crossed his face and smooshed down one of his ears. Sango stood abruptly, giggling like mad and running for the door. Huge bursts of laughter reverberated back inside even as Kagome doubled over in laughter. 
“S’not funny,” Inu Yasha grumbled as he gnawed through another weird bit of tape. Kirara wandered over and playfully batted at both Miroku and Inu Yasha, pouncing on the monk whose one hand was taped behind his head. The adorable nekomata settled into his lap and closed her ears to their mutterings. 
“You could help,” Inu Yasha grumbled at the nekomata, eyeing her claws and fangs. He was unsurprised when she gently trilled back. Miroku traded glances with his fellow tapee and continued to unravel himself. He was still trailing tape when a giggling Kagome handed him some hot chocolate, then kneeled behind Inu Yasha to help him untape his ears. 
Miroku shook his head as Inu Yasha gave an unconscious happy wiggle when Kagome softly stroked his ears. Her lilting voice was soft, but the houshi heard her ask, “All better now?”
He grinned behind his cup of hot chocolate and discreetly hid the tape in his robes. He might need it later. 
He smiled and carefully rubbed Sango’s bottom. “Heaven!” he opined before her boomerang came crashing down on his head. 
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@iyfss @inusecretsanta
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kawaiichan67 · 9 months
Happy Holidays @clearwillow
I’m your IYSS! I hope you enjoy!
pairing: InuKag
Modern AU Fluff
For a second, she thought it was an intruder. Slowly, though, a pair of sheepish white dog ears emerged from her hallway. Even against the beige tones of her walls, the ears stood out.  It wasn’t just because she loved them, no. It wasn’t because they were absolutely adorable. And it most definitely wasn’t because she had dreamed of petting them, (stroking them..oh boy) or spent days with her fingers twitching slightly whenever she saw them move.
Her voice trembled a bit since he wasn’t coming completely into view. “In- Inu Yasha-san?” She was surprised that he was still not emerging from her hallway. “Is everything ok?” She gulped for a moment, wondering if this was some weird dream that she was having. Especially after how terribly her hints and flirting had gone over at Miroku’s holiday party.
“Yeah. Ev-everything is ok.” Kagome wondered why he was still hiding most of his body. His voice soothed her even as it didn’t answer her question. “I’m sorry for surprising you, but I wanted to give you something special for Christmas.” 
Kagome placed her bag down in her kitchen and moved cautiously towards her bedroom. Inu Yasha was standing in her hallway, looking, well, odd. His expression was nearly unreadable but, like his ears, he seemed a bit sheepish? 
His voice, so velvety and rich, trembled slightly as he motioned towards her bedroom. “Sorry, I didn’t want to leave it in your living room. Just in case.” He stood to the side as Kagome walked in and then—Did he just sniff me? 
Gasping, Kagome surveyed her bedroom, bedecked with mistletoe. There was mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, draped along the walls and tied to the headboard of her bed. A piece of mistletoe was lying on the bed and Kagome barely controlled a shiver as a breath seemed to rush over her shoulder and her heart started beating faster.
She turned, every nerve in her body tingling and her heart racing and then—then!  Inu Yasha took her into his arms just as she had wanted him to at Miroku’s party; only this time, it was real.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t understand,” Inu Yasha said, his golden eyes sparkling as he took in her joy. 
From one breath to the next, Kagome was back at the party. How silly she had been, basically bugging Miroku to have it in the first place. He’d been as supportive as he could be, even while the former charmer had refocused on his ‘true love,’ Tsubasa Sango. 
“Kagome-chan,” he’d said one day at lunch, “I realize that you are interested in Taisho Inu Yasha-san, but it really seems like he isn’t interested in anyone. Are you sure that you want to try for him? He can be so terribly grumpy.”
Kagome had a difficult time taking her eyes off of said grumpy and standoffish inu hanyou. She turned to look at Tsujitana Miroku and blinked, trying to shake off the mesmerizing effect that Inu Yasha had on her. It was dangerous to her sanity!
“Yes,” she answered resolutely.  A new gleam appeared in her eyes and she reaffirmed her devotion for the grumpiest employee to Miroku. “I have already made some headway,” she reported happily. “He took the ramen that I made for him!”  
Miroku stared. That seemed out of character for the department grump. “He did? Really? What did he say? Did he like it?”
Kagome sighed and nodded her head sadly. “Not really.” At Miroku’s shocked look, she rushed on, “OH! He said thank you, but later when I asked him if it was good he only said that it was ok.”
For a moment, silence settled in between the two of them; even the noisy background didn’t dispel the slight feeling of disquietude. The air swirled around them as people moved, laughed, and chatted. Miroku shifted uneasily and wracked his brain for something funny to say, but gave up. It wouldn’t really help to provoke Kagome. Instead, he glanced over his shoulder at the grumpy object of Kagome’s affections. 
“I’ll help,” he said slowly, wondering how insane of a plan this would be. At Kagome’s tiny twinkle, he shook his head. He was practically in love with this girl and yet, it wasn’t romantic in the slightest. A foreign and protective feeling overtook him. “Yes, Kagome-chan, you can thank me later,” he added with a laugh. Maybe the good karma from helping her would give him his own karma boost. 
The lovely Sango would be an interesting, but difficult challenge. 
And so began the wooing. 
Friend wooing, that is. 
Most days, Miroku knew where to find Inu Yasha. All he had to do was track down Kagome who seemed to have memorized his schedule and had multiple people spying on him and reporting his activities.
Soon enough, however, he managed to befriend Mr. Grumpy Pants (seriously, she wrote that as his nickname?!) on his own. It didn’t take much. Ramen and bonding over pool worked their magic and soon Miroku forgot that he’d had ulterior motives for befriending Inu Yasha. 
And then, one day while they were having lunch and chitchatting about the latest Tigers game, Miroku met the pining gaze of Kagome. He grinned and then double checked his calendar. Perfect timing. He could easily have a get-together. 
“Hey, Inu Yasha, I was planning on asking Tsubasa-san and a few others to hang out at Kaze Anna on Friday night.” His violet eyes gazed at Sango’s lovely…loveliness, —Behave, Miroku-kun, he could practically hear Kagome-chan chastising him!—but he turned back when Inu Yasha snorted. Raising his eyebrow expectantly, he waited in silence until Inu Yasha spoke his mind.
“Keh. Are you sure you wanna try that?” Inu Yasha replied, his golden eyes focused on Miroku. He seemed to be in a particularly bad mood today for some reason, although Miroku had no idea why.
Ignoring his negativity, Miroku continued. “I think Hojo-kun might come, and there’s also Kino-chan, and Higurashi-chan.”  He paused a moment. Had Inu Yasha made a small noise? Miroku hid his smirk. Maybe this wasn’t hopeless! “Anyone else I should invite? I wasn’t sure about adding Yamamoto-san or Takayama-san.” Miroku looked at Inu Yasha who was staring at Kagome! 
Was he growling? Let’s test this theory. “Oh! There’s Kagome-chan! Maybe I should ask her now?” The conniving hentai stood up and stepped towards the table with a smiling, but watchful Kagome, Sango, and —oooo!— Hojo. Maybe that’s why?
“Keh! You shouldn’t bug people during lunch, ya know,” Inu Yasha stated, suddenly in between Miroku and the other table of their co-workers. “We-I mean, you, could always ask them later.”
Miroku smiled. Kagome was in luck! “Sure. I’ll see Hojo-kun later anyway and I can always stop and chat with Kagome-chan later.” 
It was no surprise at all when Inu Yasha bristled a fraction. “Keh, I’ll tell Hobo when I see him after lunch. We sit near each other.” The inu hanyou’s ears were twitching like mad but Miroku didn’t acknowledge his heightened state. Clearly he was zooming in on Kagome’s conversation. But why offer to invite Hojo-kun? The affable young man was clearly in love with Kagome, so it seemed counterintuitive to invite him. 
Miroku had his answer that Friday night. The izakaya was mostly full, but he managed to get a private table with Kagome’s assistance. The atmosphere was lively and buzzing with the sounds of office workers looking to blow off some steam. There were even a few foreigners, practicing their Japanese. He nodded at the server who came by and dropped off their drinks. It wasn’t long, however, until Sango approached and sat next to Kagome, giving Miroku every chance to chat her up. 
Miroku was a little surprised when Inu Yasha pulled back the hanging to admit Kino-chan. The excited look on Kagome’s face was replaced by a firm, happy smile, slightly different from the overjoyed look that had flashed across her face when he’d first appeared . As he turned to greet both Inu Yasha and Kino-chan, Miroku caught a knowing look in Sango’s eye and he gave her a raised eyebrow. 
Happy greetings were exchanged as Inu Yasha slid next to Miroku and Kino-chan joined Kagome and Sango on the other side. 
“So, Kino-chan, how is work?” Kagome asked gently. 
"Oh, its been really nice!” Kino’s lavender eyes sparkled and her white bob shook with her enthusiasm. “Inu Yasha-san has been so kind, showing me how to handle so many of the projects.”
Sango glanced at Miroku briefly as a small, sad sound escaped Kagome. Miroku raised both of his eyebrows and turned to Inu Yasha, his violet ones meeting Inu Yasha’s gold ones. Inu Yasha raised his own eyebrows and then turned away, a slight blush on his face. 
“Oh! Shiori-chan, Inu Yasha-san is very good at explaining things,” Kagome said quickly. Miroku didn’t know where to look first: at Kagome’s embarrassed blush, Inu Yasha’s twitching ears, or Kino-chan’s twinkling and sneaky smile.
“Really, Kagome-chan? I didn’t realize he was so kind until recently. Inu Yasha-san acts more like a big brother than a senior employee.” Her entire statement was directed at Kagome who nodded in agreement.
Inu Yasha gave his typical response. “Keh. It was nothin’.” He glared at Miroku. “What are you grinning about, hentai?”
Miroku nearly choked on his beer as the women all giggled. He put Kagome and Inu Yasha out of his mind, however, and focused on the lovely Sango. “Tell me, lovely Sango-san, how much longer before we have our first child?”
The table burst into laughter as Sango blushed and said firmly, “Never, hentai-san!”
Miroku shrugged and then smiled mysteriously. Kagome gave a little giggle and then leaned forward conspiratorially. “Did you hear that Hojo-kun accidentally spilled coffee on Sesshomaru-sama?”
Inu Yasha guffawed joyfully as the others all gasped and the entire tone of the night shifted. Kagome sparkled for most of the night and Miroku and Sango traded knowing glances. 
After a few hours, the group stood outside, gathering themselves. Miroku stood close to Sango, but forced himself to pay attention to the others. Kagome seemed a little tipsy and her cheeks glowed softly. Inu Yasha seemed torn, standing in between Shiori and Kagome when a sudden call for Shiori made them all turn.
“Shiori-chan!” a handsome young man called as he walked up. “I’m so glad you texted me!”
As one, the other four turned to a blushing and grinning Shiori. “This is one of my college friends, Nakayama Ken-san. He works nearby and we haven’t seen each other for a few months.”
Nakayama greeted each of the group and then turned expectantly to Miroku. “I hope you don’t mind, Miroku-san, but I owe Shiori-chan a dessert. If its ok, I think we’ll go to a cafe nearby?” 
The group turned to Miroku expectantly, although Kagome wobbled a bit until Inu Yasha righted her with a soft pull on her arm. 
With a chuckle, Miroku agreed heartily.  "Of course, Nakayama-san. I’m not her father, y’know!” The group chuckled and turned back to each other, but Miroku caught an ear wiggle from Inu Yasha and another blush with a quick glance at Kagome. 
“Um, which-which way are you going, Higurashi-san?" Inu Yasha asked quietly, looking at the ground. 
Kagome giggled and then responded, “I’m heading for the JR line. How about you?” 
Before anyone else could respond, Inu Yasha rushed, “Me, too. I’ll walk you, if that’s good?”
And with barely any goodbyes, Inu Yasha ushered Kagome off to the JR line. 
“Quick question, hentai-san,” Sango said. “Which way on the JR line are they going?”
Miroku paused, then looked at Sango and started chuckling. “I didn’t even think of that. He seemed in a bit of a rush, didn’t he?” The two shared a knowing look then parted for their own homes. 
It was only a few weeks later that Kagome cornered Miroku at lunch, a desperate look on her face. 
“I’m so sorry, Miroku-kun, but I definitely need some help! I have no idea why but I invited Inu Yasha to a party at your house for the holidays! I was trying to explain the Western idea of mistletoe and suddenly it just popped out of my mouth. Please! Please can you help me?”
Miroku sat, overwhelmed at first, then caught a glimpse of Sango, staring intently. Hmmm, so the lovely Sango is invested in this. Two birds, one stone? He paused, smiling and nodding at Kagome as he finished his bite of spaghetti. Yes. This will be good for both Inu Yasha who blushes every time Kagome looks in his direction and Kagome who loves this grumpy guy with a soft side. 
“Yes, that sounds wonderful, Kagome-chan. I hope that you will help me plan and organize the party? Let’s say for next weekend?” Miroku almost laughed at how Kagome seemed to be vibrating with happiness. Apparently she had picked up one of Inu Yasha’s traits. 
For a moment, his eyes met Sango’s and he saw her give a slight nod, which gave him another thrill.  He winked and nodded at her. If my lady approves.
Kagome whirled around Miroku’s apartment, adding mistletoe at strategic spots and planning how to maneuver Inu Yasha underneath one of them. Or all of them!  Carefully, she moved the mistletoe from the middle of a doorway to closer to the side. No need to trap everyone underneath this western custom. It could cause some serious awkwardness. 
She smiled as she ran through her list of things to do. Miroku already had all the glasses and drinks out and Sango was putting out the snacks and setting them on a few different places around the main room. Kagome stepped back and grabbed some of the extra coasters she had purchased. They were a cute novelty gift that changed their message when they heated up.  Carefully, she pulled the few ‘special’ coasters which would change to “I really like you” rather than the more Holiday themed ones that she had already put out. 
A quick hug from Sango helped her calm down just as the first person knocked on the door. 
Miroku’s voice put both the women on alert. “Welcome, come in! Happy Holidays, Hojo-kun, Ookami-san.”
Sango and Kagome groaned and headed for the drinks. 
Kagome and Sango sighed and then laughed. So far, Miroku had managed to kiss both of them on the cheek, although Sango had lost count after 5 kisses. 
“How did it go?” Sango asked in a hush, her head slightly tilted towards Inu Yasha, currently drinking some Asahi with Miroku and Ken-san. 
Kagome grimaced but then stood up and nodded. “We did have a nice chat, but he completely missed out on the fact that I was standing underneath the mistletoe. 4 times!” she added in frustration. “4 times, Sango!” She paused and they walked closer to the kitchen for more privacy. 
“I have to admit, Kagome-chan, I was very impressed with how you dodged Kouga-kun. How did Hojo-kun sneak attack you, anyway?” Sango brushed her hair over her shoulder and added some more ocha to her cup. 
Kagome added more ocha as well and then leaned in. “I was busy staring at Inu Yasha’s—umm, his…” At Sango’s knowing giggle, Kagome relented. “Ok, yes. I was staring at his butt. Oh my kami! Sango! Its like a perfect peach!”  The two women shared a look, then glanced at the man they were discussing. The giggles continued until a sudden male voice surprised them
“Who has a perfect peach, my dear ladies?” the host asked and then waggled his eyebrows, provoking even more giggles and a reprimand from Kagome. His eyebrows shot all the way up, however, when he felt a little pinch on his butt. He grinned and leaned in to kiss Sango again.
Kagome sighed as Miroku kissed Sango’s cheek. Somehow, Inu Yasha had managed to maneuver her under the mistletoe every time she got close to it. But no kiss! She had thought they were getting closer. Especially last week and this week when he had stopped by to discuss something. It was clear that he was just there to see her, but he ignored her hints about grabbing dinner or drinks after work. She’d even bought him a Christmas present but it seemed foolish to give it to him now. 
With a quick look at her watch, Kagome started packing up her things. Most of the attendees had left and she was happy to have avoided Kouga-kun several more times. He had managed to kiss her hands once but she had carefully made sure to always have something to drink or snack on if she wasn’t trying to woo Inu Yasha. Maybe after the New Year Mr. Grumpy will finally notice me. 
Even her special coaster hadn’t worked! Inu Yasha had used it, the message had shown up, and while Kagome stared at it pointedly, Inu Yasha seemed oblivious. Resigned, she had given him a weak smile and left to avoid Kouga-kun again. 
She caught Miroku’s eye as she headed for the door and he met her in the genkan. He helped her put on her coat and then gave her a wink. She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. At his surprised look, she replied, “Mistletoe,”and left. 
Miroku headed back to the living room but nearly ran into Inu Yasha. “Hey, was that Kago- Higurashi-san?” Miroku caught Sango’s eye and nodded, a sneaky smile drawing up his mouth. 
“Yes, she left. It was getting late. Too bad; you could’ve walked her home again.” Inu Yasha gave a small nod and looked at the door. Miroku moved closer to Sango. “It’s a bit strange, though. I could’ve sworn you lived in a different district. You don’t take the JR, right?”
He chuckled and followed Sango into the kitchen. She’d promised to help clean up tonight and they were already making some good headway.
“Hey muttface,” Ookami Kouga said from right behind Inu Yasha. “Did Kagome leave?”
Inu Yasha didn’t bother responding, but he stopped when Kouga grabbed the cardboard coaster from his hand. 
“Oi! What‘s the deal?” Inu Yasha responded grumpily and snatched at the coaster. Normally, he wouldn’t care, but well, Kagome had given it to him. No one needed to know about his Kagome collection, anyway. But he’d get the coaster back somehow. Smelly Ookami.
“Hey! Yours is totally different from mine!” Clearly they both had Kagome collections; otherwise, why else would Kouga still have his coaster, too?! 
The two stared at the coasters. One clearly said, “Happy Holidays!” in katakana and the other said, “I really like you,” in hiragana. The two stared at the coasters, then at each other. 
Inu Yasha worked hard to control his blush, his ears, even his heart. When Miroku cleared his throat, Inu Yasha swiped the coaster from Kouga and pretended to throw it away.  “Very funny, hentai,” Inu Yasha said to Miroku. He gave Sango an inscrutable look, then palmed the coaster and gathered up some of the leftover beers for the recycling.
When things had calmed down and it was only Miroku, Sango and Inu Yasha, he pulled out the coaster and showed it to Miroku.
“Something I should know?” His voice was low but serious and Miroku could detect a hint of curiosity mixed in.
“Why would you ask me?”At Inu Yasha’s unhappy look, Miroku added, “You should probably ask the person who ordered them. She made sure that you got one of those and no one else did.”
Inu Yasha blushed and then raised his eyebrows as Sango slid into Miroku’s arms and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She smirked at Inu Yasha and pointed over head. “Mistletoe. Wonder who put that up?” 
“No…” Inu Yasha couldn’t help it this time. His ears wiggled and his heart began beating faster. He was definitely adding this to his collection! It would look great next to the cute notes she wrote him and left with his ramen. He looked back over Miroku’s place, thinking about the events of the night. He could remember each time that he spoke with Kagome. Her voice was so soothing and electrifying, and her smile made him giddy. Her eyes…he was ashamed to say that he’d had to physically move to keep his mind on whatever she was saying. But…Kagome had kept talking to him underneath the doorways.
For the first time that evening, he examined the doorways and ceiling. In nearly every place Kagome had spoken to him, there was mistletoe. He reached up and pulled it down. Hmmm, he should definitely take these and then…what should he do? 
He was such a baka! Kagome! This whole time Kagome had been interested. IN HIM! the ramen-Oh I was just trying a new recipe-the cute notes! She had even asked him out for dinner! He was so stupid! Why did he think his feelings were so one-sided! She always smelled so nice it was hard to think clearly around her.
Well, he would just gather up the mistletoe and plan a nice surprise for her tomorrow!  
So here he was, like a deranged stalker, hoping she would understand that he was only trying to keep things private. He was not…she smelled so good! His brain short-circuited.  
Kagome looked into Inu Yasha’s eyes. They were warm and shining, but only for her. 
“Thank you,” she whispered and rose to her tip toes for a quick kiss on Inu Yasha’s cheek. He smiled at her and kissed her softly on the forehead, then moved further into her room and kissed her right cheek, then her left. 
Kagome’s giggles almost overwhelmed her, but she reined them in to gaze into Inu Yasha’s eyes. “Are you certain this is all for me?”
Inu Yasha grinned and gave her a light kiss. Her lips were soft and warm. They tasted like sakura and vanilla, the same as her smell. 
“You’re so sweet. I knew you were just a big teddy bear,” Kagome whispered against his lips.
“Sure. Sweet,” he gave a short chuckle. Kagome pulled back and made a funny face at him, so he leaned in and said, “It’s kissy time. Not chatting time.”
Kagome erupted into laughter. “Kissy time!”
“Yes, first we make the kissies.” He kissed her again, but with more passion, leaving Kagome a bit breathless. 
She nodded. “Yes. The Kissies,” she repeated, now under his spell.
He smirked dangerously and pulled her even closer.  “First, we make the kissies. Then we make the babies.”
Kagome smirked back and pulled Inu Yasha into another kiss. Happy Holidays, indeed.
tag list: @liz8080 @clearwillow @iyfss @inusecretsanta
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kitramune · 1 year
InuKag were together for a whole year before RT retconned it.
(Reposted from my Twitter. And as a starting disclaimer, yes, I know this was retconned when Kagome had a graduation chapter, but I still enjoy thinking about it.) So I've done a little theory crafting, and I really think InuKag were traveling together a long time before they met their other friends. Possibly even a year before Miroku. Thanks to color versions of pages, we can guess that the manga starts in autumn. Leaf color, falling leaves, the villagers harvesting extra thatch for their homes, and everyone having foggy breath. (This also means Kagome's birthday is probably in autumn!)
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The Blank Woman and Sesshoumaru seem to be in winter, because a lot of the trees are finally bare, and Kagome's dressing warmer. Note that Japanese flying squirrels do not hibernate. Though I'll admit this one has less evidence, it seems to match up.
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The frog prince arc is spring. Again easy thanks to color pages, and Kagome finally being able to swim.
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After meeting Shippou we transition into summer for the poltergeist and spider arcs. Again, Kagome's attire makes this obvious, with her sundresses and short-sleeved summer uniform while eating ice cream. Also the people doing fireworks. Nazuna is also picking Chinese Bellflowers, which are a summer bloom.
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I'm guessing Kikyou's resurrection is either late summer or early fall due to the field of pampas grass and the dragonflies.
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And we're back around to proper autumn by Miroku's intro chapter. Fallen leaves, hot spring monkeys, and persimmons!
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So there you have it! They were "alone" together (sans Shippou lol) for an entire year! I think this makes a lot of things make more sense, like Inuyasha almost kissing her "already" and realizing he likes her by then. There was more one-on-one bonding than we thought! Again, I'm not trying to claim this as absolute canon, since I'm aware Rumiko retconned it later to have Kagome graduate near the end of the series. I hope it hasn't come off as me trying to do anything but point out how the seasons initially played out.
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authorautumnbanks · 3 months
The Christmas Wish (3)
"Sorry, it is a bit of a mess in here," Kagome said, flipping the light switch on. The shed was cramped and filled to the brim with trinkets and cursed objects like severed eyeballs and dragon claws. And yet, despite the monstrosities, the shed smelled like vanilla waffles. "There is this fetus-like thing that feels the same as those fingers. For the life of me, I have no idea where Gramps found it." Kagome shook her head and tried to ignore the tightening of her stomach. Gojo Satoru was really tall and the hint of blue that peeked out every now and then from the dark shades was enough to have her contemplating writing a letter to Santa, too.
"Is your grandfather a serial killer?" Satoru joked, pressing his body against hers as he reached around her to grab the jar in question. Kagome blushed, her cheeks tingled, and were probably bright pink like the suckers Shippo always requested. "This is a womb painting," he said, pulling away.
Kagome sucked in a breath and wiped her hands on the front of her shirt. She needed to pull it together. "That doesn't look like a painting." Someone must have mercy on her because her voice did not shake, though her legs felt like a puddle of goo. "But it's a curse?"
Satoru held the jar up closer to the light and hummed. "It's half curse, half human." The jar glowed green for a moment, or it could have been the way the light reflected on the liquids.
"Oh! InuYasha is half demon. But why would someone keep the remains of a child?" To be fair, Kagome was not sure why her grandfather had picked up this particular item, but perhaps he felt it was cursed as well.
Satoru froze and tilted his head to the side, causing his shades to slide down. "Demons are compatible with humans?" Something in his voice gave her pause, but she was not certain if it was genuine curiosity or something more that led him to ask such a question.
Kagome nodded. "Depends on the size, of course. A dragon that doesn't have a more human-like form wouldn't be able to mate with a human." Kagome motioned with her hands. "The logistics of it wouldn't work out." She grimaced. The image alone gave her a shudder of fright.
Satoru clucked his tongue and leaned in closer to Kagome. She took a step back until her back hit the shelf behind her. "What are you doing?"
"I'm not sure," he admitted. "Did you put a spell on me?" His voice lowered and did something to Kagome's psyche.
This would not do. Satoru was a stranger. A hot, powerful stranger if the energy swelling around him was anything to go off on, but still a stranger.
Kagome huffed. "I'm a priestess, not a witch. The only sorcerer in here is you." Her tongue darted out to wet her suddenly dry lips. She should have put some chapstick on before venturing out into the cold. Satoru placed the jar on the shelf behind her. He was so close, his body heat threatened to become her own. Her heart pounded so hard she could feel it in her throat. "Gojo-san—"
"Satoru," she corrected herself, pushing against his chest. "Was there something else you needed?" Kagome averted her eyes. His chest was as hard as granite. "There are more items like those fingers if you want to take them."
"Can I take anything in this shed?"
Kagome wrinkled her nose and mulled over his words. There were a lot of items that Gramps did not need to hold on to and with her spending the bulk of her time in the past, she did not have time to seal every item her grandfather brought back. "If that is what you wish."
Her stomach churned with need. She wanted to fan herself, but she resisted and instead gripped his jacket to push him away or to pull him away. She was not sure.
"What if I want you?"
Kagome squeaked like a mouse caught in a mousetrap. She should have seen that coming. How many times had she seen Miroku manipulate someone? "Me? I'm not a cursed object," she said with a nervous laugh. Her hands tightened before she was cognizant of what she was doing. Kagome blinked as her body warmed over. Oh. She should let him go. Her hands dropped to her side, though her palms burned and itched with need.
Satoru took a step back and tugged at his hair. "Sorry, I was..." he trailed off and blew out a breath. "Are you sure about us joining you for dinner?"
The change in subject gave her whiplash, but she was grateful for it all the same. Distance was what they both needed. Or maybe just her. Kagome inhaled, trying to get her heart to beat normally, but the thing kept ticking faster as though every moment away from Satoru was strenuous, which was weird. She had never felt this way about any man, human or demon. Why does it feel as though breathing is suddenly so much harder without his body pressed against hers?
Perhaps he had placed a spell on her then.
Kagome crossed her arms. She did not miss how Satoru's shades slid down once more, nor how his eyes glittered like diamonds. "Are you actually human?"
Satoru frowned. "What makes you think I'm not?"
Kagome shrugged. "You're too attractive." There she said it. He was beautiful, like Sesshomaru. No human was that attractive. Surely there was demon somewhere in his bloodline for him to be so god-like in his appearance. An incubus perhaps? Those eyes of his were bewitching.
Satoru laughed. "I'm definitely human." He stuffed his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels. "Does the dinner invite extend to the rest of the week?"
Kagome chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about his question. Shippo and Megumi were hitting it off. "Yes." She looked at him then. "Could you tell me what Megumi and Tsumiki like? I would like to get them presents as well." She would like to get him a gift as it was only fair, but her tongue refused to cooperate any further. Christmas Eve was tomorrow and while the stores would be packed, she had hoped she could find something for Megumi and Tsumiki.
Satoru stopped rocking on his heels and turned his head towards the door. He scowled when the door flung open and InuYasha poked his head in. "Perhaps we could look at their letters to Santa," he said, though his attention was on InuYasha. His jaw ticked. And maybe she was imagining it, but she liked to think Satoru was upset that they were interrupted.
But what exactly did InuYasha interrupt? She did not have the answer, nor the emotional capacity to give that question the appropriate resources it required. It would have to wait until later when she was tucked in her bed with Shippo cuddled next to her, and the lingering aroma of hot chocolate and cookies in the air.
"The hell is taking you so long?" InuYasha grumbled, pointing a finger at Satoru, who seemed less than amused by InuYasha.
"We were talking," Kagome sighed, turning her back to them so she could grab the jar, but Satoru's words stopped her.
"Leave it. No reason to haul all that right before the holidays."
"Are you sure?"
Satoru nodded. "The seals here are impressive. I'm not concerned." He held a hand for her to take. "I'll go get Tsumiki. Was there anything we should bring for dinner?"
"Oh hell no!" InuYasha griped. "You can't invite strange men to eat with you."
Kagome rolled her eyes and turned her nose up. "So says the man that tried to kill me the first time we met. Satoru has been a gentleman."
"You what?"
"Oh whatever," InuYasha said, ears twitching. "Wasn't tryin' to kill ya. Just scare ya back then." His gold eyes darkened, and he flashed a fang at Satoru. "I'm staying then. Don't get any wise ideas, buddy."
Satoru scoffed, and then his mood sobered. "Are you with him?"
Kagome shook her head. "InuYasha and I are just friends." She wrung her hands. Why did he ask her that? Was it possible that he was serious about wanting her? Kagome lost herself in her thoughts as they made their way back to the house. When Satoru waved goodbye so he could go pick up Tsumiki, Kagome's heart left with him. She sat down at the kitchen table, across from Megumi and Shippo, while she pondered on this.
Something occurred in the shed, but what? She tapped her nails on the table and sighed. She was working herself up for no reason. It was surely plain old attraction. She'd spent too much time in the past running around solving everyone else's problems that she'd neglected her own needs.
And that was to get laid.
Kagome sighed and rested her head on the table. It was not like she could write that in her Christmas letter.
"Mama? Are you okay?" Shippo asked, pausing long enough from writing to asked her.
"Did he do something to you?" Megumi asked. "I can beat him up."
Kagome raised her head and smiled. "I'm fine, you two. Promise. Satoru has been nothing but nice," she added. Kagome pushed back against the table and walked over to the fridge. She should get something started, so Satoru and his crew are not out super late.
"Kagome," InuYasha called. "Need to talk to ya."
Kagome rolled her eyes skyward and scuffed her feet across the kitchen floor, drawing laughter from the children. She smiled and followed InuYasha out of the kitchen and to the living room, where he paced for several seconds and then finally rounded on her once he gathered his thoughts. Or so she assumed. There was no telling when it came to InuYasha, and she long gave up on trying to decipher his mind.
Kagome pressed her lips together in slight agitation. She had an inkling of who he spoke of, but why did he think he had the right to question her? InuYasha was her best friend, but he was also very hypocritical. "Her?" She shot back.
InuYasha scrunched his nose and hmphed as though that would be enough to have her act. Kagome rolled her eyes, making a big show of doing so, because InuYasha needed to know how done she was.
"Are you staying for dinner or going back to her?"
"There is no her, stupid."
Kagome flexed her fingers and puffed her cheeks. She was missing a stress ball. "You don't have to tell me the truth, but at least be honest with yourself."
InuYasha opened his mouth and after a moment, he closed it. His ears dropped and his shoulders sagged as though he had been carrying yet another boulder on his back. "I don't trust the guy."
"You don't trust any guy," Kagome pointed out. "But that's no longer your priority."
She was no longer his priority hung suspended in the air between them. They had tried to make it work to see if, perhaps, without the threat of Naraku looming over them and Kikyo at peace, that they could be more than friends.
Turned out, they couldn't even be fuck buddies. And thus, awkwardness wrapped itself around them and squeezed and squeezed until there was nothing left. Which left Kagome with a void. No matter how much she tried to fill it with doing errands for the villagers, traveling to other towns, or helping out at home on the shrine, nothing worked.
She was, without a sliver of doubt, frustrated. Surely sex was more than what she and InuYasha had attempted. Sango was pregnant again and too often; Kagome had caught Sango and Miroku fucking by the river for the scenery, as Sango once put it. It appeared that everyone other than her was having an amazing sex life.
Perhaps she should have called Hojo back? Kagome sighed and shook her head, ignoring the looks InuYasha shot her way.
"Just go, InuYasha. I'm fine. Satoru does not mean me any harm."
"You just met the guy?" The suspicion was thick, and Kagome was at the last end of her patience.
"What's her name?"
InuYasha flushed red. He tucked his hands into the sleeves of his haori and wiggled his nose as though he would somehow scent a way out of the situation. "Hana," he relinquished after two minutes. "Are you sure you'll be safe with him?"
While Kagome did not have the answers, InuYasha sought, she pretended she did, if only to get him out of the house. "Yes, he's only showing up for dinner... for the kids." Kagome gnawed on the inside of her cheek, mindful to keep her tongue from running away and sprouting things she would not be able to take back. "Satoru does not want me. He's here for the kids."
InuYasha nodded and looked behind her. Kagome turned and wished that the floor would open up and take her hostage. For once, a kidnapping would have been appreciated. Satoru stood there with a small girl behind his legs, peering at Kagome in wonder. He had changed his outfit into something far more casual and tucked his shades into the pocket of his black shirt.
His eyes sparked with something Kagome dared not to put a name to. Her knees were as weak as Jaken. It was not until after InuYasha had bounded away, back down the well, and into the arms of the woman he had yet to bring around everyone, that Satoru turned his attention to Kagome fully. She tipped her head back and straightened her shoulders. Tsumiki disappeared down the hall and into the kitchen to join Shippo and Megumi with writing a letter to Santa.
"You think I don't want you?"
Kagome's face warmed, but she prided herself on keeping a steady voice. "I think that you are caught up in the moment and are simply grateful for Megumi's safe return." Too many demons and humans have declared their undying love to her over the years because of a simple, nice deed. Satoru proved to be no different.
Or so she thought.
A/N: You don't see this because it's not Saturday. But if you do see this...I started reading Morning Glory Milking Farm which has nothing to do with this update but you should know about this monster romance book lol.
Ages: Megumi is 8. Satoru is 20. Kagome is 21. Shippo is 60+
Fun fact, when I started this story, I wrote it in past tense because I wasn't confident that I would be able to keep the storylines straight. So I wrote it in past tense to force my brain to think about the story differently.
Take care! I hope your Monday is going well and make sure to stay hydrated!...or else lol.
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inukag-archive · 8 months
Hi I've been searching for this fic for a long time and I've been going crazy!! It starts off with Inuyasha and miroku in their own dojo teaching a class. Kagome and souta are students ( I think) and Inuyasha has a massive crush on kagome. Sango family died (except for her brother who is still alive) and she goes to Inuyasha dojo to train. The best part that I can remember is Inuyasha calling kagome's mum asking if she can be an instructor,but she miss leads it as a blessing to ask out her daughter. Any clue of what the name is?
Hello Anon,
You're not crazy! Just looking for an oldie (but goodie!) over on the haunted fandom relic that is MediaMiner.
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gif by @sleepy-edits
Minoue by doggieearlover (X)
MODERN AU: A tragic past and an uncertain future. Sango leaves her family home to begin a new life in Tokyo. What will fate bring as she meets a surly hanyou, a shy fellow student, and a teacher with one very lecherous reputation? Mir/San, Inu/Kag (COMPLETE)
Send us an ask (here).
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itinerant-monk · 3 months
Chapter 8 is now live on AO3 and FFN!
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾 - 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚃𝚘 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙰𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚞-𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚔𝚊𝚒
Rating: M-E
Genre: Alternate Universe, Urban Fantasy / Paranormal
Excerpt Below:
The family gathered at the table for an impromptu family meeting. Inuyasha sat at the far end of the table, arms crossed as the family, sans Miroku observed him like he was an alien. In that moment he might as well have been a little green ghoul from outer-space with the way they kept poking at his ears as if unconvinced that they weren't a real part of his body.
"Can you all cut it out already!" The teen hollered, annoyed at the poking.
"And you knew about this, Miroku?" Kyo spoke, focusing his attention on his son.
"Well, yeah." Miroku chimed in. "I mean just look at him, the white hair, golden eyes, and what human boy has teeth like this?" he said, forcibly opening Inuyasha's mouth to show off the teen's abnormally sharp canine teeth. Inuyasha smacked Miroku's hand away.
Kyo sat down in his chair, completely confused at what he just saw. "Inuyasha is a youkai. A youkai. youkai are real. We have one, living here."
"Told you I wasn't crazy, pops. And you wanted to pawn me off on Mushin as soon as I brought up the fact that I can see these creatures. I believe vindication is in order?"
"Not now, Miroku." Kyo commanded. "Now what to do with Inuyasha. The neighbors cannot see him like this, nobody can." Kyo looked at Inuyasha. "How do you even exist?!" He yelled, still trying to wrap his head around the real-life youkai living in his house.
"Well, funny story about that." Inuyasha started to speak, leaning back in his chair. "My parents fucked."
"Or do you need me to sugar-coat it for the brat? How about this, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much..."
"Stop, Inuyasha. I think they get it." Miroku said. Cutting off the sarcastic hanyou teenager.
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to:
The Official EvilliousTale AU Blog!
"What's EvilliousTale and what is it about?"
A: It's a crossover between Undertale and Evillious Chronicles, in which the characters in EC are replaced with the Undertale cast!
"What's Evillious Chronicles?"
A: Evillious Chronicles is an expansive dark fantasy multi-media series conceptualized by Akuno-P, originally told in song using the Vocaloid software. Expanding into light novels, short stories, and manga, the overarching story revolves around the vessels of sin, seven objects inhabited by demons that spread malice and calamity in their wake, and the numerous characters affected by them throughout the centuries. I reccomend reading it!
"What's Undertale?"
A: Undertale is a 2015 2D role-playing video game created by American indie developer Toby Fox. The player controls a child who has fallen into the Underground: a large, secluded region under the surface of the Earth, separated by a magical barrier. I reccomend playing it!
Right now we have:
Papyrus as:
- Behemo Barisol (Paphemo Bonesol) [ORIGINALLY LEN]
- Rilliane Lucifen D'Autriche [ORIGINALLY RIN]
- Lilith/Waiter [ORIGINALLY RIN]
Sans as:
- Levia Barisol (Sanvia Bonesol) [ORIGINALLY RIN]
- Allen Avadonia/Alexial Lucifen D'Autriche/Postman [ORIGINALLY LEN]
- Kokutan-Douji [ORIGINALLY LEN]
Toriel as:
- Margarita Blankenheim [ORIGINALLY MIKU]
Asgore as:
- Gallerian Marlon [ORIGINALLY KAITO]
Asriel as:
- Michelle Marlon [ORIGINALLY MIKU]
- Master of The Court [ORIGINALLY MIKU]
Gaster as:
Chara as:
- ???
Minor characters
Madjick as:
- Elluka Chirclatia [ORIGINALLY LUKA]
- Elluka Clockworker [ORIGINALLY LUKA]
- All of Elluka's forms
Whimsalot as:
- Irina Clockworker [ORIGINALLY IROHA]
- All of Irina's forms except MOTC
[More Minor Characters will be added in the future!]
Remaining roles:
The 7 Deadly Sins: Sateriasis, Banica, and Kayo
The 7 Heavenly Virtues: Gumina, Carlos, Gakusha, Michelle, and Nyoze
Original Sin Main/Important Characters: Maria Moonlit, Meta Salmhofer, Gammon Loop Octopussy, Milky Eights, and Ly Li
Lust Arc Main/Important Characters: Mikulia Greeonio, Lukana Octo, Lilien Turner, Maylis Beelzina, Yufina Marlon, Hakua Netsuma, and Karchess Crim
Gluttony Arc Main/Important Characters: Ron Grapple, Juno Beelzina, Platonic, Lich Arklow, and Eater Sabella
Pride Arc Main/Important Characters: Arth Lucifen D'Autriche, Anne Lucifen d'Autriche, Prim Marlon, Leonhart Avadonia, Mariam Phutapiè, Keel Freezis, Mikina Freezis, Gast Venom, Kyle Marlon, Germaine Avadonia, Ney, Chartette Langley, Clarith, Michaela, Gumillia, Riliane "Lily" Mouchet, and Yukina Freezis
Sloth Arc Main/Important Characters: Kaspar Blankenheim, Julia Abelard, and Gatt Coloumb
Envy Arc Main/Important Characters: Kai Miroku, Mei Miroku, Miku Miroku, Rin Miroku, Kiji Yarera, and Saruteito
Greed/Wrath Arc/EVILS THEATRE Main/Important Characters: Bruno Zero, Shiro Netsuma, Hel Jakko, Feng Li, Hanma Baldured/Nikolay Tolle, Loki Freezis, Mira Yarera, Tony Ausdin, Gammon Octo, and MOTHY (Master of the Hellish Yard)
Official Designs
Currently Sanvia, Paphemo, and Gabriel are the only ones with official designs, but I'll make more later on!
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- I REALLY need help for this AU, most notebly the character assigning and the characters that need to be added, either for Undertale or missing characters in Evillious.
- If insane enough, I'll even add Deltarune and UTY characters, though that's very much not gonna happen.
- Bold characters in 'Remaining Roles' are characters who aren't played by Vocaloids.
- This blog will mostly focus on Sanvia and Paphemo cuz they're my favorites, but I'll post other characters as well.
- You can ask more questions about this AU in the asks. Please do not mention the blog unless it's fanart.
- There's only one person working on this AU and moderating the blog and that's me, @angelp-official , so ABSOLUTELY DO NOT expect me to complete everything before the year ends or anything.
That's all I can say now, hope you'll enjoy my works!
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masaworkdesignfan · 3 months
Regretevator x evillious chronicles (might edit this later)
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Elluka clockworker: lampert
Mariam phutapie: infected
Banica Conchita: split
Pride arc
Rilliane d'austriche lucifenia : jeremy
Allen avadonia lucifenia : unpleasant
Ney phutapie : bive
Elluka clockworker : lampert
Kyle Marlon : pest
Clarith : bive
Micheala : split
Germaine avadonia : gnarpy
(others more I forgot)
Lust arc
Cherubim/venomania : wallter
Gumina glassred: mark
Mikulia greenonio: jimmy
Lukana octo : boots
Maylis beelzenia : :3
(the others are more mannequins)
Elluka clockworker: lampert
Karchess krim: glevil
I.R : folly
Envy arc:
Kayo sudou : mach
Kai miroku : wallter
Mei miroku : mark
Miku miroku : lampert
Rin miroku : infected
Elluka clockworker : lampert
Bufuko : melanie
Kiji : gnarpy
Gakuga sudou : pilby
Kokutan : scag
Gakusha : prototype
(ugh I'm so lazy to add sloth arc)
Gluttony arc :
Banica concerto!/Conchita : split
Arte : prototype
Pollo : scag
Carlos Marlon/Josef crim : bive
Elluka clockworker : lampert
Platonic : poob
Ron grapple : mark
Juno beelzenia : bive
Greed arc:
Gallerian Marlon : wallter
Elluka clockworker : lampert
M.A : lampert
Michelle Marlon : spud!
Bruno zero : mark
Shiro netsuma : bive
Hel jakko : folly
Feng li : folly but a tiger
Postman : jeremy
Loki freezis : MR
Master of hellish yard : mach
Wrath arc :
Nemesis/furher sudou : mach
Nikolay trolle : prototype
Kayo sudou : lampert
Ziz-san/Mr ziz (Seth) : Jeremy
Shakuson (nyoze) : pilby
Tony ausdin : gnarpy
Pere noel : wallter
Original sins :
Behemo barisol and levia barisol : mach and folly
Gretel and Hansel : scag and prototype
Held : folly
Sickle : gnarpy
Maria moonlit : lampert
Adam moonlit : wallter
Eve moonlit : mark
Seth twiright : jeremy
Gammon loop octopus : clover
Pale noël : unpleasant
Meta salmhofer : melanie
Kiril clockworker : mark
Elluka chirclatia : lampert
Irina clockworker : infected
Milky eights : bive
Ly li : spud!
Other characters :
Lilith : sarah
Lemy : unpleasant
Kaspar blankeheim : wallter
Margarita blankeheim : mark
Gumilia : gnarpy
Elluka clockworker : lampert
GYATT (gatt) coulomb: frank
Rin chan : scag
Miku chan : poob
Red cat : infected
(tell me if I miss some)
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soliska · 2 years
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Thanksgiving ~ an Inuyasha one-shot
Rating: G
Summary: He was a mysterious painter whose fame seemed to take the island country by storm. He went where he wanted, spoke not a word of who his patrons were, and cared little for the hefty sums he was offered if the commission was not to his liking. What portraits he did create however, were uncannily realistic and sought after by the elite.
This is also a chance for me to check if peeps on my tag list still want to be tagged for all work I post or just specific works. Reply or dm if you want on/off :)
Tags! @alerialblu @hopidoodle @redflamesofpassion @lavendertwilight89 @zelink-inukag @superpixie42 @four-letter-girl @anisaanisa @amethystablaze @lordofthechips @kawaiichan67@born-for-eachother @dawnrider @holi-holy @liz8080 @ruddcatha @lavendertwilight89 @mylindylady @inusmasha
"Incredible! The lines, the colour! It's as if the painting is alive."
"You exceed your reputation, Higurashi-san."
He inclined his head respectfully at the gracious compliments directed at him. Across the room sat the latest of his finished paintings, a grand portrait of the lord and lady of the house.
"On top of producing a simply magnificent piece, however did you manage to complete it so quickly?" The lord clapped him on the shoulder. "Youth these days, hah, makes an old man feel his age."
"We were expecting you to work through the mid-autumn celebrations. Will you stay regardless, Higurashi-san? We would be honoured."
"My lady, I'm afraid I must decline your generous offer." He bowed deeply and as he rose he gave the mature noblewoman such a charming smile that Miroku would've been proud of him. "I travel home for the harvest every year."
"Ah, your parents live far?"
He paused, but just for a half-second. "My family is in Musashi."
This time, the smile that graced the young man's attractive features was soft and adoring. The resulting effect made the lady attendants in the room collectively swoon.
The rumours about the elusive artist from the capital boasted of his talents, but proved sorely lacking in regard to his winsome looks.
After exchanging a few more rounds of pleasantries, his hosts sent him off with an abundance of provisions for the journey ahead and almost double the initial agreement for his services.
Carrying this and his tall satchel of papers, brushes and pigments, the mysterious painter left the mountain fief, heading alone on foot into the dark forests beyond.
When he was properly lost in the thickness of the trees, the slim silhouette shimmered and morphed. What he lost in height was compensated by the addition of lush, tan tails swishing in sync with his steps.
His clothing stayed the same luminous turquoise and cream, colours much too bright to belong to a fledgling craftsman, but his clients assumed he came from wealth.
He did make a lot of human money though. Could probably make more if he wanted to, but he only painted what and who caught his fancy. Perhaps it was odd that someone of his nature would go through the trouble to acquire real coin, but believe it or not, sometimes he liked to trade with money that didn't turn back into leaves. Especially if he liked the people he bought things from.
Besides, he enjoyed painting. It was a talent he'd developed at a young age courtesy of Kagome.
Speaking of, he paused in his steps and carefully patted around the folds of clothing across his chest until he found what he was looking for.
With utmost care, claw-tipped fingers unfolded the now fragile paper, creases well-worn from years of handling, kept against his chest through all the tumbles he's had growing up.
There, scrawled slightly off-center by a juvenile hand was a group portrait. The medium it was drawn in will not be invented until many years in the future.
There on the left was a purple blob of a man with a stumpy black pony tail. Beside him, the nekomata and taijiya looked very gallant indeed. On the right, stood a girl with a wide smile beside a red and silver blob with triangle ears. In the middle of them all was a tiny kitsune with disproportionately big fangs and only one tail at the time.
Shippo smiled, tracing the outlines of the figures with the tips of his fingers.
His mates at the kitsune village used to tease him about his human sensibilities and made fun of him whenever they caught him looking at this drawing. He'd shown them who was boss  eventually, besting even his seniors at the final examination.
What was so wrong with him being sentimental? His family was mostly human after all.
A fact that was becoming more and more apparent each year he returned home for the harvest celebration. While he was growing into his prime, his found family was entering their twilight years. Time had weathered their faces and bent their backs, but their smiles only grew brighter.
Kagome still cooed and praised him incessantly each time he presented her with a new painting, as if the walls of her home were not already fully saturated. Inuyasha still pretended to threaten a beating if he was being too cheeky, although lately he'd been careful not to overdo it when they play-wrestled. Just in case.
Hanyou, or at least Inuyasha, seemed to have inherited his human parent's rate of aging. A fact that, while it pained him if he dwelled too much on it, Shippo was grateful for. The three years of Kagome's absence had made it clear that all Inuyasha wanted in this life was to grow old with her.
That he was doing. And together, raised some of his favourite people, who, in all the things that mattered, were his siblings.
Shaking off the sudden nostalgia, Shippo tucked the portrait safely back into its designated pocket and bounded off towards the village he called home.
Photo credit: Anthony Levlev via Unsplash
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ultimatefraudpoll · 2 years
Congratulations to everyone who won side B of the poll!
Here are the winners (that will be getting their idol outfits, as promised)
Kaz Brekker
Jessie And James
Jo'on And Shion
Ragnar Vanheden
Ricky Goldsworth
Reinard Rav
Edward Hyde
Gary Goldstein
Giovanni Potage
Mr. Fox
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