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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
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If you hadn't become an idol, what do you think you'd be doing right now?
Putting it straightly, a university student (laughs).
Maybe I would have left Japan and studied abroad, but that kind of life can't exist. I like being with everyone now. I can't see myself living any other way.
What would you want to be if you were reincarnated?
It would certainly be Momotasu! From the moment I wake up in the morning the first thing I would do is look in the mirror, drink a cup of coffee, hum in Momotasu's voice, change my clothes and look in the mirror again. However if you completely become Momotasu, you will accept this bliss for granted, so please keep your heart steady. Ah, but if daily reincarnation is okay, I would like to be Kore-san as well. To own the hearts of the prince and everyone else with a little devilish face is the dream of mankind!
If you could pick one strength from the other members, what would you choose?
I'll ignore the subject here and choose a little bit from each member! Since we're here, I'd like to combine each of the members' skills and strengths to create 'My idea of the strongest idol' I would like to have a year to come up with the optimal solution.
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
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Mikado Sekimura as Masuda Toshiki
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mikadosekimura · 2 months ago
Main Story Extra - Chapter 11 - 「First Love Memories」
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「I get it now! The reason why Pii-chan doesn’t want to post this article! Could this be it!?」
Atsushi: Sorry to call you out like this,  A&R-kun.
I’ve received and confirmed the schedule and script. Could you tell Sho-chan I’ll  leave it up to him.
A&R: Yes. By the way……
Mikado: Hmm? Hikarun in the photos from Bambi days you look plumper than you are now, right? Or rather, are you thinner now?
Hikaru: Well, that’s because I’ve grown a lot! I look cooler now right?
Momotaro: ……………………………….I don’t think your face has changed that much.
A&R: It’s pretty lively in here, what’s going on?
Atsushi: Oh, we’re doing a magazine shoot with all the MooNs members with the theme of ‘We’ve grown up a lot!’ 
In the photo shoot, there’s an article about when they first became Bambi’s, the idea is that it’ll be published side by side.
They were told that they can choose what to write about.
Kazu and Tatsu made up their minds immediately, but those 3 seem to have trouble choosing.
A&R: Is that so.
Atsushi: That’s right. I can’t let them go home like this, so I’ll make some coffee for you. How about you take a break?
Let’s enjoy watching over those 3 together.
A&R: T-Thankyou very much.
(Enjoy it……? Daikoku-san do you have time for that today?)
Momotaro:......yeah, this is the best one.
Hikaru: Ehhh!?  It’s definitely this one!
Pii-chan stuffing his mouth with a steamed bun is so rare, rare!
Momotaro: It’s not a meat bun, but a DX gomoku noodle bun.
Hikaru: A! That was a limited time item!?
Momotaro: Yeah. The publisher generously paid for it for me. 
Hikaru: That sounds delicious~
That convenience store used to always sell a variety of steamed buns for limited times, but recently they don’t do it anymore? I wonder why?
Momotaro: At the moment I’m focusing on Karaagman flavors.
Hikaru: Ah, I see!
Mikado: Hikarun, Momotasu redirected the topic for you.
Hikaru: Ah, crap!
Momotaro: ……tch
Hikaru: Ha? ‘Tch’?
Mikado: …..That was a deliberate Momotasu style tongue lashing, with just a ‘tch’ sound without even clicking his tongue. Tunk!
This article about Momotasu’s Bambi days, is packed full of moe, certainly this 1-page gravure of him cutely biting into the DX gomoku mixed noodle bun with a ‘humu’ sounding bite!
Momotaro: No, I’ll pick something different.
Mikado: …..Y..you’re quite stubborn. It’s sooo cute though, so why do you hate it?
Hikaru: There's nothing weird about it though, right?
Huh? …..AAA!?
Mikado: What’s wrong, Hikarun!?
Hikaru: I get it now! The reason why Pii-chan doesn’t want to post this article! Could this be it!?
The interview posted next to this photo spread!
Mikado: W-where are you pointing Hikarun……!
A classic interview question! ‘When was your first love? and who was it!?’
Momotaro: …….
A&R: (Momo-kun… he’s not keeping up with these two’s excitement….)
Hikaru: and Pii-chan’s answer was……!
Hikaru & Mikado: ‘Kindergarten teacher’ -!
Momotaro: ……
A&R: (Honestly, Momo-kuns' expression has gone completely blank.) 
Mikado: I see it’s not because of the gravure photo.
So you didn’t want it published because of this answer.
Fufu, why didn’t you say so.
Momotaro: That’s not it.
I just don’t like how the outer part of the DX gomoku noodle bun has been torn and the filling sticks out from the edge.
A&R: (That’s what he’s worried about…..)
Mikado: You don’t have to be embarrassed in front of me.
There’s no need for that kind of deception, because……
I also know what it’s like to fall in love with your kindergarten teacher!
Momotaro: I’m telling you you’re wrong.
Hikaru: It’s true that nursery and kindergarten teachers are somewhat attractive~!
Maybe it’s because they have a good tolerance!?
What did Pii-chan like about them?
Momotaro: It was so long ago I don’t remember.
Hikaru:  Eh~! Boring! Remember!
Momotaro: ……
Hikaru: Please!
Momotaro: ……
Mikado: Momotasu, if you had to say just one thing?
Momotaro: …….If I had to say……
Mikado: Just one is fine.
Momotaro: …………smells like the sun……
Mikado: I see!!
Hikaru: Ah-! I feel like I understand now!
Mikado: That’s nice isn’t it?
That soft fabric softener scent is unique to women.
Hikaru: When Mikachi says it, it sounds a bit perverted.
Mikado: WHY!
It’s not like I've sniffed or anything! I don't know about Momotasu though.
Momotaro: Neither did I.
Hikaru: You say that but don’t you still get excited when you meet someone who smells like the sun!?
Mikado: Tunk! It’s the scent of first love!
On the topic, I once read an article that said smelling something you’ve smelt in the past can bring back memories from your childhood.
Momotaro: Aah…… maybe that’s true.
Hikaru & Mikado: !?
Momotaro: When I smell something like the sun, I feel nostalgic.
Hikaru: and you fall in love with that person!?
Mikado: and when you remember those times, your body and mind become that of a kindergartener…!?
Momotaro: Ha?
Hikaru: Could it be baby play!?
Momotaro: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Mikado: It seems like Momotasu’s love life would become difficult……
There aren’t many women who would accept him, right?
I would accept him though.
Hikaru: Don’t give up Pii-chan!
There are many people in Japan and even across the world who will accept Pii-chan!!
Momotaro: …….
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A&R: ……Momo-kun you knew this would happen and you didn’t want it to.
Atsushi: Ahaha, Let’s watch over them a little longer.
A&R: ?
Momotaro: a……
Hikaru: 'A', does anyone have an idea!?
Mikado: You’re not going to say it’s A&R-san right?!
Momotaro: …….No. I just realised I understand why Hikaru looks plump in that gravure photo.
Hikaru: Eh? Wh-what’s this all of a sudden! I thought that story was over now, right?
Momotaro: We weren’t finished. ……There’s something in the background of this gravure shoot…
Hikaru & Mikado: …………Eh
Momotaro: The outline is blurred because of the person in the photo. This Hikaru…..
Hikaru: N, No no no!! ……It can’t be!!
Mikado: Th, there’s no point in trying to avoid the subject, Momotasu!
Momotaro: Look closely here. There’s a girl behind looking enviously at Hikaru as he jumps……
Hikaru & Mikado: ……
Momotaro: I can feel it… This person They met an unfortunate end in this studio……
A&R: Is there really a girl in that picture…..?
Atsushi: That would be interesting if it were true. You probably went to that studio without knowing it, didn’t you?
A&R: It, it can’t be……
Momotaro: …… (smirks)
A&R: (Oh he just looked at me and laughed. The two of them are so engrossed in the conversation, but Momo-kun noticed me looking, I guess he has a good sense of intuition?) (It seems like he’s joking that something is in the picture, thank goodness……)
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
Mikado Sekimura SR 「Romance」 TL
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「If the times were different, then romance is just beginning!?」
Mikado: I'm sorry, A&R-san for making you wait this long for me.
A&R: No, we were planning to work on the next job together anyway, so it's no problem at all.
Mikado: Thank you for your help, I think my luggage will be heavy today... after all the third time is the charm.
A&R: Third time is the charm?
Mikado: Yes, actually I've come here twice to borrow the book I wanted, but it's always on loan....
A&R: For the third time...... I hope that you can borrow it today.
Mikado: Yes, definitely! ......I would like to say... Unfortunately, it seems that it's still on loan today.
A&R: Eh? Is it really that popular of a book? You had said that it was a reference for your assignment, so I assumed it was a specialised book.
Mikado: That's exactly right! It's not originally a book that is supposed to be borrowed that often.
Hm...this is a bit troublesome.
It's quite old, so it's not available in bookstores anymore. The ones from the university library are also reserved by the students who are also taking the same class......
When I found out it was in this library, it made me want to give thanks to the heavens!
A&R: But it's on loan currently......
Mikado: That's right...... this time it's my fault for not making a reservation because I assumed that it would be back soon.
But, it's okay! Just in-case something like this happens, I've picked out some other books that could replace it!
A&R-san, could you please look for 「 The Complete History of Japanese art 」and I'll look for 「 Illustrated History of Western art」
A&R: Understood.
Mikado: Hm... western art history...western art history...
Hm...it's not here?
A&R: It seems that this one is not available either....
Mikado: T...there's no way they've all been wiped out!? Why!? Is there an art history boom happening in Japan!?
A&R: I wonder...?
But, if you don't have a replacement book, it might be a good idea to make a reservation.
Mikado: Ummu....that's right......
Excuse me, I would like to reserve the books written in this memo.
Librarian: Please wait a moment.
Well, it seems all of these books have been extended in borrow time.
Mikado: Utsu....I'm sorry if that person also has a compelling reason to borrow it.....! Please reserve all 3 books for me!
Librarian: Understood. I believe it will be back in a few days, so I will send you an email as soon as it arrives.
Mikado: Thank you very much!
A&R: Will you be able to reach the deadline for your assessment?
Mikado: Yes, if I can receive it in a few days, it won't be a problem.
Well, now that we've finished our business....
We have some time to spare, so let's spend time here for a while.
Mikado: A&R-san, welcome back. Fufu that looks heavy?
A&R: Yes, they all looked interesting so I ended up bringing a few. Mikado-san……what are you reading?
Mikado: It's a SF (science fiction) short story. The dark humour is effective and makes you laugh, it's quite addictive.
A&R: It looks kind of scary, but it seems interesting.
Mikado: A&R-san is yours a picture book?
A&R: Yes. It's a book I read when I was little, so it makes me feel nostalgic… it's been a while since I could take my time reading like this.
Mikado: Fufu, me too. This is a nice way to spend time.
A&R: Huh? Is this a pocket perhaps….
Mikado: Oh! is this where you put your rental card? That brings back memories…!
A&R: Yes. Now all I have to do is read the barcode…… Sometime ago, you would write your name on a card tucked into the back of the book and borrow it like this.
Mikado: Y..yes, you won't find them in public libraries these days… but some schools still use them.
In terms on management, the current method is definitely easier but there are also issues with personal information.
There's something romantic about feeling the presence of someone who's picked up the same book as you♪
A&R: Looking at the number of names written and using it as an indicator of how popular the book is, or you may be surprised to find an unexpected name…
Mikado: Ah I get that! From there it develops into a fantasy romance like a certain anime film, right?
During summer vacation, the protagonist goes to the library to borrow books…when he looks at the cards he notices that the same person's name is written on every single book and before he realises he begins to wonder about that person!
Tunk! I long for bittersweet youth♪
A&R: I'm sure they would fight at first but somehow they end up with a connection to each other…
Mikado: A mysterious enemy organisation appears in front of them! They stand up to save the world!
A&R: Eh?
Mikado: What brought them together after being torn apart by a fierce conflict was the book that they once shared!
A&R: I..is that what you were talking about!?
Mikado: The second half is my own original♪ Quite dramatic, isn't it?
A&R: Ahaha, it felt like the genre had changed…. But Mikado-san if you were to meet such a person, do you think it would develop into love?
Mikado: Fufu, who knows? At the very least I think I would like to become friends.
There is a high possibility that you will have similar hobbies and you will pick up the same books many times in the same place, at the same time……
I really feel like it must be fate.
Mikado: I'm home~
Momotaro: Welcome back, Mika.
Mikado: Aahh… it's nice and cool in here! I feel revived…!
Momotaro: That's right…
Mikado: Oh? Momotasu, you seem kind of tired, are you?
Momotaro: Aa..the deadline for my university assignment is coming up, and I have to have it finished soon.
Mikado: I see, actually I'm in the same situation. I went to borrow the materials I needed today, but they were all out.
Momotaro: That's unfortunate. Will you be able to meet the deadline?
Mikado: Eeh….somehow. Having said that, I think it would be better for me to think about the flow of it for now.
Is it okay if I work here with you?
Momotaro: Of course. I'll make space for you.
Mikado: Hm? That book… Eh!? Wait what!? This too… and this one!?
Momotaro: What's wrong?
Mikado: Momotasu, are you taking art-related classes!? Is that the assignment you are currently finishing!?
Momotaro: Ah..uhmn.
Mikado: Me too! These are all the books I was trying to borrow!
Momotaro: …..! By any chance did you make a reservation at the library today?
Mikado: That's right! It was probably me!
Momotaro: Is that so……?
Sorry. I was so busy that I wouldn't make any progress on my assignments so I kept asking for extensions…..
I was caught off guard because it's not a book that gets picked up very often.
Now I think about it, you said the other day that you didn't have any of the books that you wanted to borrow. If I had realised then…Mika, I'm really sorry--
Mikado: This is fate!!
Momotaro: Eh?
Mikado: What are the chances that two people who live under the same roof go to the same library separately and ask for the same books!?
And what's more! Even though we are in different universities and majors, we just happened to take the same class and were given an art history assignment!
If the times were different, then romance is just beginning!?
Momotaro: Romance….?
Mikado: I found Momotasu's name on the rental card…this is Tunk! That was the story of how it almost happened! I can't wait to make this into a movie!
Momotaro: A movie…?
Mikado: As I thought, Momotasu and I are best friends who are bound by 「 Fate 」 and 「 Destiny 」.
Ha, would it be that we had a deep connection in our past lives as well…!? If this happens, let's save the world together! Momotasu!
Momotaro: I don't really understand……if Mika wants to do that I'll go along with it, but let's do that later.
For now, why don't we work on the assignment together? Let's share the books.
Mikado: Yes! Let's work together!
★ Mikado uses both 「 Fate 」and 「 Destiny 」 Fate meaning 運命(Unmei) as in a passing chance happening at the right time in the right place. Destiny meaning さだめ(Sadame) as in the future was already pre-planned and set out. So he is basically saying that no matter what, him and Momotasu were meant to be together.
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
Mikado Sekimura Cast Comment & Question
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釈村 帝人
Mikado Sekimura
Character Design -
雪広 うたこ Utako Yukihiro
「Mikado who has an air of intellect, is a member who often wears traditional clothing. His glasses tend to hide his eyes, but his upturned cat eyes give him a sense of glamour. Mikado's charm lies in the contrast between his on and off appearances, but I almost only draw him when he's on. For that reason I draw him looking cool when he's on, so that the characters around him stand out.
「Tunk」 is a symbol of Mikado. Cast member Masuda-san says this phrase regularly at events, so it feels like it has become an indispensable tradition within b-project (lol). I feel that Mikado is what he is because of Masuda-san, including the way he talks about his favourite anime and games in a high-pitched fast-paced voice.」
Voice Actor -
増田 俊樹 Masuda Toshiki
「Tunk!!! Tun? TunTunTunTunTun!!
Tunku…? Tu, Tunkuu. Tuu Tunk!!
Ah, sorry! This message can only be understood by me and Mikado, It's been 9 years since we met. It seems like a long time when you put it into words, but it feels like just days flew by. The people around you tend to have a strange impression of you, but you're good at socialising, you're stubborn and you take care of the things you want to cherish to the fullest, or rather, you take care of them too much. I think you're a person who is so human and lovable. Well in other words you may be a troublesome person but you have friends who face the same direction as you and you have friends who care about you. I'm sure you know this, but please continue to cherish those people for me. Well, I hope to see you again soon.」
'I….. This job is… I love you all' - 釈村 帝人
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If you had a magic lamp like Aladdin in The Arabian Nights, what would you wish for?
「Tuunk! I love questions like this! You can fantasize as much as you would like to! If I had to pick one wish, I would like to enter a virtual world. It would be fun to go on a daring adventure in a fantasy world and best of all, you might even be able to fight alongside the heroes of many stories! I think this is the optimal way to use magic!」
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mikadosekimura · 2 months ago
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event story translation
Ryuji Korekuni, Mikado Sekimura, Goshi Kaneshiro and Tomohisa Kitakado accept an audition for a stage play. While meeting up together to read the script, they deicide which roles to each take, however-
A&R: Everyone, even though you’re all busy thank you for taking the time to come here.
Ryuji: It’s fine. It’s about work right?
Mikado: The Prince, Kore-san, Kane-san and me?
It doesn’t seem like it would be for a variety show.
Tomohisa: A&R, what kind of work is it?
A&R: This time, we will have you all participate in a stage audition.
Goshi: An audition for a stage play?
A&R: Yes. There’s more details in the materials I’ve given you. This stage production is directed by this director and is attracting a lot of attention.
Ryuji: Tomo, this guy is!
A&R: Do you know of him?
Tomohisa: Mhn. Me and Ryuji went to see a play by this director the other day. I was surprised by how many innovative productions there were.
Ryuji: Tickets were really popular and hard to get ahold of~
Goshi: He’s been featured in a lot of TV and magazines recently. 
Mikado: Oya, Kane-san knows about it too.
Goshi: Yeah. From what I saw in his interviews, he seemed like an interesting guy.
I would love to work with him if given the chance.
Mikado: I see. I believe he became famous from directing underground performances.
The whole production was so detailed that it was hard to believe it was just a stage, it created a grand space.
Because of his high expectations, he’s very strict in his criticism and some actors seem to avoid him.
Goshi: If you’re making something you’re passionate about, it only makes sense to be particular about it like that.
Tomohisa: I’m honoured to have this chance to work with him.
Ryuji: A&R, do you already have the audition script?
A&R: Yes, it’s here.
Tomohisa: Since we're here, why don’t we do a little reading together?
Goshi: Yeah, I still have some time before my next job. I’m good.
Mikado: I don’t mind either! I want to read it as soon as possible. I’m also curious to see what the script is like.
Ryuji: I’ll participate as well.
Tomohisa: Then it’s settled. A&R, can we keep this room rented out?
A&R: It’s okay. I have something else to attend to. Please excuse me, but I’ll leave it up to you all.
Ryuji: Okay~ Let’s get started.
A&R: (Fufu, everyone, they seem really motivated. I hope the auditions go well……)
A&R: Thankyou for all of your hard work. I have the materials here for your next job.
Ryuji: Thank you, A&R.
Mikado: Kane-san, your line here……
Goshi: You’re right…… Maybe it’s best to wait a little longer here.
A&R: Ah, Everyone is here.
Ryuji: Mn, we’re all practicing for the audition.
A&R: That’s how it is. I’ll leave all of the documents here so you can check them out later.
Tomohisa: Thank you.
A&R: (I wonder what practice is like with these 4… but I’d probably get in the way if I stayed here…..)
Tomohisa: That’s right, A&R.
I'd like to hear A&R’s opinions as well. If you have time I would be happy if you could stay and watch our performance. 
Right? (winks)
A&R: (Maybe the expression on my face accidentally showed how much I wanted to watch……)
Ryuji: Ah, good idea. Since you’ve come all this way why don’t you watch a little?
A&R: Well, I’ll take you up on your offer and take a little look.
Mikado: Now, It’s finally my turn.
[ HAHAHA! I certainly got the jewels! It gives me no greater joy than to see the look of regret on your face, Mr. Holmes!!]
Tomohisa: Mhn, Mikado is really good at this.
Ryuji: Even though the dialogue is unique, it doesn’t feel strange when Mika says it.
Mikado: Thankyou very much.
Ryuji: Mika is the only one of us who’s managed to grasp the role of the phantom thief to this extent.
I don’t feel like Holmes or Phantom Thief suit me particularly.
Tomohisa: Both of them do have very strong personalities.
A&R: But each of you had something that you liked.
Goshi: Well, the role of the phantom thief will definitely be Sekimura.
He has the right atmosphere.
Mikado: We don’t know that yet. Besides every role is worth playing, I’m intrigued to see what happens.
A&R: Come to think of it, what roles are you all planning to take?
Tomohisa: I’m going to any role that come my way, but I can’t decide which one I want to choose.
Goshi: I’m the same as Kitakado.
Ryuji: I’m going to take Holmes. It seems interesting.
Mika will pick Phantom Thief right?
Mikado: That’s right. For now, that’s what I’m planning.
A&R: I’m sure you’ll all do fine. I’m looking forward to the audition!
Ryuji: Yea! I’ll definitely pass, so look forward to it!
Yashamaru: Everyone’s here.
I’m going to announce the results of the auditions, the results are……
Congratulations! Everyone has passed~!
Ryuji: Well, I had a good feeling about it so I wasn’t worried.
Tomohisa: Fufu, you say that, but you were all nervous until we were called out today.
Ryuji: Is that so...
Goshi: So? What about the roles?
Yashamaru: Yes yes, I’ll announce it now. Goshi will play Watson and Tomo will play The Jeweller.
Tomohisa: So that means the Phantom Thief and Holmes are……
Yahsamaru: Mikado will be Holmes. He’s usually lazy but he has sharp reasoning skills. His unique personality is what makes him stand out.
Ryuji: Eh? Then I’m……
Yashamaru: Yes, Ryu-chan is the Phantom Thief.
During the day-time he hides his true identity and delivers mail, but at night he elegantly evades his pursuers and steals jewels. He’s the main star of the play.
A&R: (Since Ryuji-kun was Holmes and Mikado-san was the Phantom Thief, they cast them as the opposite roles?)
Goshi: Isn’t it the other way around? I thought Sekimura would be the Phantom Thief.
Mikado: This is unexpected for me too!
Tomohisa: I wonder if there’s some plan behind it?
Ryuji: …..Well, It’s a surprising casting. I suppose it's common at auditions.
Yashamaru: A&R-chan, that’s all. Please take care of these 4 B-PRO members for me.
A&R: Yes! Of course
Mikado: A&R-san, Let’s work hard together.
A&R: Of course, Let’s work hard!
Yashamaru: Oh, and! Ryu-chan is the leader. I’ll leave the media relations to you.
If you succeed, B-Project will become more well known. Not to pressure you, but do your best♪
Tomohisa: I’m sure Ryuji will be able to lead the group well.
Goshi: Well, we’re counting on you.
Mikado: I’ll be happy to help you out too, so please let me know, Chairperson.
Ryuji: Yea, Leave it to me!
A&R: (I heard that the script for this performance has finally arrived and that the 4 of them are practicing together, so I brought some snacks……)
Ryuji: [I have the gem! It gives me no greater joy than to see the regret on your face, Mr. Holmes!!]
……sorry, can we do that one more time?
Mikado: Yes, of course. Let’s start from the conversation between the phantom thief and Holmes from the previous scene.
A&R: (Ryuji-kun, it seems like this is difficult for you.)
Tomohisa: ……A&R, can I ask you something? 
What did you think of Ryuji’s acting just now?
A&R: Right……somehow it doesn’t quite seem like Ryuji-kun.
Tomohisa: Mhn. It seems like it’s difficult for him. I was talking to Goshi about it, but maybe he’s feeling pressure since he’s the leader?
A&R: It seems to be that way……
Goshi: Practice has only just started. You’re worrying too much.
A&R: Yes…         …Ah, that’s right. I brought a gift for you all. Please feel free to eat them during breaks.
Tomohisa: Thank you A&R, you’re a big help.
It seems like Ryuji is at a dead end, should we take a break for a moment?
Both of you, A&R has brought you some treats, let’s take a break now.
Mikado: Thank you very much for taking care of me even during stage lessons.
A&R: No, it’s no problem at all.
Ryuji: Ah! I was curious about the sweets here♪
Thank you A&R.
I’ll dig in……. Mmmn, delicious!
Tomohisa: Fufu, Ryuji, there’s some cream on you
……here, I got it.
Ryuji: Thank you, Tomo.
A&R: If you’d like please feel free to have some hot tea or coffee.
Mikado: You’re always here to take care of us.
I feel relieved when A&R-san is here, Isn’t that right? Kane-san
Goshi: Aah? Why are you asking me?
Mikado: That’s because Kane-san is eating it all in silence! Did you think to say thank you properly?
You have to learn to always express your gratitude in words. Otherwise the other person won’t understand you?
Goshi: Shut up! Who do you think you are!
Ryuji: …….yup, breaks over.
Tomohisa: Hm, are you going back to practice already?
Ryuji: Well, I had an idea I wanted to put into practice……
Ah, everyone can take it easy.
Tomohisa: Understood, I’ll take you up on that offer. If you need anything let me know.
Ryuji: Yea! The next scene is the last one where everyone appears together, so save your energy.
A&R: (Ryuji-kun, he’s gone……)
Goshi: ……Hey, is it really okay to let him go alone?
Tomohisa: Mmn, If I followed him here, he would end up blaming himself for making everyone accompany him to practice. 
I think we should wait and see until Ryuji says something.
Mikado: Tuunk! The trust and affection that comes from being in the same unit…….I can feel the bond between Kitakore again.
Goshi: If you say so, I’ll leave it to you.
……but, if it keeps going like this, will we make it to the end?
Tomohisa: You're right……
A&R: (I guess everyone is worried about him after all…… I’ll keep my eye on Ryuji-kun too.)
A&R: (Rehearsals for the play have finally begun. I couldn't make time to come. I hope everyone is okay?)
Mikado: Ah, A&R-san, you came.
A&R: Everyone, is practice going well?
Mikado: Of course!
……is what I would like to say, however…….
Staff: Sorry, we’re going to change the direction once more, so please arrange another meeting for later.
Goshi: Again?
A&R: Are there that many changes to the production?
Mikado: It’s been like this ever since rehearsals started, It’s like he’s changing his mind everyday……
Ryuji: I was somewhat prepared for this though.
Mikado: The attention to the details is stronger than I expected it to be. I think that shows how great of a performance they want it to be.
Ryuji: But, I’m a bit worried with the instructions changing everyday like this.
The first day is almost here……
Goshi: That’s right, there’s still a lot of criticism as eyebrows says.
A&R: Eh!? Is that so?
Mikado: The way they point things out is vague, as if they wish for us to find the answer ourselves……
Ryuji: That’s…. Well, It can’t be helped since he’s the director. In fact if you’re not strict enough you can’t put on a good show, right?
A&R: (Ryuji-kun, I wonder if he’s okay……)
Staff: Thank you for your hard work today!
Today’s practice is now over.
A&R: Everyone, Thank you for your hard work.
I’ll arrange a ride back to the apartment.
Tomohisa: Thank you, A&R.
A&R: Huh……? Ryuji-kun is……
Tomohisa: ……He’s still practicing.
Mikado: Kore-san, It seems like he’s really worried about his acting.
A&R: Um, I wonder if there’s anything we can do……
Tomohisa: Hmm, that’s right……
In this situation you have to deal with it yourself
But, when I’m watching from the side-lines, sometimes I wonder if Ryujis role as the Phantom Thief has fallen apart.
Mikado: That’s right, it seems like it’s difficult to act. If there’s anything that’s bothering him I hope that he'd tell us……
Goshi: We’ve been practicing so much lately we don’t even have time to.
A&R: (Everyone seems to understand Ryuji-kun extremely well, looking at things objectively, but…… it seems like they don’t even have time to talk)
(Ah, that’s right.)
If that’s the case tomorrow night, why don’t you all go have dinner together,  and have sushi with the 4 of you?
If you could talk at length there, we might be able to help Ryuji-kun.
Mikado: A nice idea! Since rehearsals have begun in earnest, let’s deepen our relationship.
Goshi: A stage performance wouldn’t work if all the actors were out of sync with each other. I guess it’s good to do it every once in a while?
Tomohisa: Well, shall we eat at our place?
A&R: Thankyou very much!
I’ll arrange the food!
Mikado: Waa, what delicious looking dishes!
Ah, I also brought along a Mamirin DVD just in case, shall I play it?
Goshi: Absolutely no way.
Mikado: Oya oya, Kane-san. Are you scared because you know if you watch it you’ll become obsessed?
There’s nothing to be afraid of, come on, open the forbidden door!
Goshi: Pack it in already! What you’re saying doesn’t make sense!
Tomohisa: Hahaha. Those two are the same as always. Holmes who manipulates those around him and Watson who is reliable.
Mikado: Since you mention it, that may be true.
Goshi: Maybe the director decided our roles based on our usual selves.
Ryuji: Our usual selves……?
A&R: Ryuji-kun, is something the matter?
Ryuji: Ah, sorry for speaking suddenly. It’s just……
It felt like a mystery to me, but now I feel like I understand it all of a sudden.
Mikado: You understand now?
Ryuji: Yeah, that’s why I didn’t feel comfortable with the Phantom Thief until now.
This whole time, It wasn’t going well.
'I can’t play the role of Phantom Thief that everyone wants me to play.'
……I was worried about that.
But that was because I was trying to ‘act’ in a weird way.
A&R: Was trying to act……?
Ryuji: Mmn, it’s embarrassing but……
I feel like, 
I’ve been trying to become the Phantom Thief that Mika played.
Goshi: Ah-, It’s true that when we were reading through the script, I thought that Sekimura was the perfect fit for the role.
Ryuji: I thought so too.
So what the audience would want to see is that kind of Phantom Thief
Is what I assumed……
Tomohisa: So that’s why it seemed hard to do.
Goshi: The fact that they cast you means that the director's idea of Sekimura’s Phantom Thief is different than he imagined, no matter how you look at it.
What the director wants to see means that you were what’s expected of the Phantom Thief.
Ryuji: Expected of me……
Mikado: Honestly, I thought Kore-san was more suited for the Phantom Thief.
For a long time it’s been said that Phantom Thieves are cat-like,
So when we received the roles, It made sense to me.
Tomohisa: Mn, I think Ryuji’s usual quirky and bold personality makes him the perfect fit for the role of the Phantom Thief.
So if Ryuji plays the role in the way that suits him, I’m sure he’ll become the most fascinating Phantom Thief.
Ryuji: ……Thanks, everyone. 
I guess I’ve been overthinking it too much up until now.
I’m glad I was able to speak with everyone at length like this and hear everyone else’s views.
I’ll show you my very own Phantom Thief!
A&R: (Thank goodness. Ryuji-kun looks relieved.)
Ryuji: [Hehe, That’s a pity Holmes! I’ll be taking this jewel♪]
A&R: (Ryuji-kun, you look so lively.)
Tomohisa: A&R, good work.
A&R: Good work today. Ryuji-kun looks like he’s gotten over it.
Tomohisa: Aah, It seems like Ryuji got a hold of the role.
His acting skills are already great, so I knew that if he could just get past the parts that were bothering him, he could do it……
Now we're all struggling to keep up.
Goshi: Geez, eyebrows keeps throwing out his opinions and we end up discussing the direction late into the night. 
It’s unbearable. 
Tomohisa: Huh? Wasn’t it Goshi who was having a heated argument with the director yesterday?
Goshi: Ugh, so annoying.
A&R: Is that how it is.
Ryuji: ……Hey! You two, can I ask your opinion?
Tomohisa: A&R, sorry, I’ll be back in a bit.
A&R: Yes, take care!
Reporter: I heard you’re busy rehearsing for a new play. How is it going?
Ryuji: Yes, it’s true. But the more I practice, I can see that the stage is gradually approaching completion. 
It’s been fun.
Reporter: I see. Did you feel any pressure as the chairperson?
Ryuji: Yes, a little. But It’s a piece that’s been created through discussions between the members and director.
I think this will be a work that we can release with confidence.
Reporter: I’m looking forward to it~
Finally please give a message to the readers of this article.
Ryuji: In this play I take on a variety of challenges as the Phantom Thief.
It’s going to be the most exciting stage performance you’ve ever seen, so please come and view it!
I’ll steal everyone's heart’s too♪
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Ryuji: Everyone, good job on the first day of the show!
Tomohisa: Good work today.
A full house at the opening is a great start.
A&R: Because of the interview Ryuji-kun did, It seems like a lot of the audience were interested.
Ryuji: Yatta! You think so? It was worth all the publicity I did as the chairperson.
Tomohisa: Ryuji really has the power to attract people.
Ryuji: Yes, yes.
Mikado: It seems to be well received by those who had watched the dress rehearsal.
Goshi: Also, the reaction from the audience today wasn’t bad.
A&R: Yes, people are already posting their thoughts on SNS, everyone is raving about it!
Ryuji: ……Everyone, A&R too. Thanks.
Goshi: What's this about?
Ryuji: To be honest I was a bit worried at first…… 
But thanks to everyone I think we were able to put on the best performance possible.
Mikado: At first I also felt like I was holding everyone back.
Ryuji: Un, It’s a good experience to have though.
Until now, I’ve had to deal with a lot of things on my own, but I realised that sometimes it’s better to ask for advice.
Above all, it was reassuring to know that I have friends that I can talk to.
Mikado: …..I thought so. That discussion we had at dinner was a good opportunity.
Goshi: Since then, we’ve been talking face to face every night.
Tomohisa: Thanks to that, we were able to understand each other.
Mikado: That’s right. I’ve come to understand what each of us thinks about our roles.
That’s why I can now respond to sudden ad-libs and I can get into the role in my head, and when I receive ad-libs I feel like the role is coming into its own.
Ryuji: Yes yes! I once again realised that the stage is a living thing. 
Acting is really fun.
Tomohisa: Fufu, that’s right.
Ryuji: The show only started today, but I think it will continue to evolve.
Goshi: Yeah, today’s performance brought in some new challenges.
Mikado: We can still improve more!
Ryuji: ……All right, I’ll keep going until the final performance!
Everyone: Yeah–!
★ 'Eyebrows' is the name that Goshi calls Ryuji sometimes ★ I would recommend reading the card stories for this event as they add extra context. I will link them below as they are translated.
Mikado Sekimura's SSR - Great Detective
Tomohisa Kitakado SR - Jeweller
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
Mikado Sekimura SR 「KAYAK」 TL
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「A&R-san, if you don't mind would you like to come with me tomorrow during your free time?」
Hikaru: Wah.. that suprised me, I didn't think chocolate could be salty?
What's wrong with the taste testing corner of that souvenir shop!?
Kazuna: There was also a cookie-shaped keychain mixed in with all of the cookies.
I'm glad that we were the ones trying it all. If some children had eaten them without realising, it would've been dangerous.
Mikado: Hmm… I'm a little concerned that such strange things keep happening.
Tatsuhiro: It's just a coincidence, right Onzai?
Momotaro: I hope so……
Hikaru: Wait a minute, Pi-chan!?
You said that in such a strange tone, could it be that something spiritual could be the cause?
Momotaro: …….
Hikaru: Why did you go silent!? You're scaring me! I won't be able to go to that souvenir shop anymore!
Mikado: Now, now…Hikarun. Please calm down. There are plenty of other souvenir shops around.
Tatsuhiro: Oh, there's a souvenir shop over there too. Should we go there?
Kazuna: A&R-san, is that okay with you?
A&R: Yes, there's still time until the meeting starts, so you can take your time to look around.
Hikaru: Alright! Well then let's get going!
Hikaru: Is there anything interesting?
Since it's a Hawaiian souvenir, it's nice to pick up something suprising!
Momotaro: It's just like Hikaru to want a souvenir to be interesting, it might be fun to receive it as well.
Kazuna: Hmm, it's nice if it's interesting but I think I'll choose a standard souvenir.
There are lots of delicious-looking things like cookies and chocolate.
Mikado: Hmm? These cookies are very colourful and cute aren't they?
Tatsuhiro: It looks like there is taste testing but… it just reminds me of the cookie-shaped keychain from earlier.
Mikado: However, if you're going to buy it as a souvenir, you'll want to try the taste, so I'm going to take the plunge here…..chomp!
Hm…! This is…!?
Hikaru: What happened Mikachi!?
Did it turn out to be a keychain again!?
Mikado: It has a gentle texture, a fruity taste, it's not too sweet so it's very easy to eat and it's the perfect size so that you can eat it in one bite!
Kazuna: Umm…so it was delicious?
Mikado: Yes! Let's buy some as souvenirs for Yashamaru-san and the others!
Tatsuhiro: Yashamaru-san would probably be more happy with this than an interesting souvenir.
Mikado: Yes, let's go to the checkout…eh? This price is……
Hikaru: Wait.. what is this?
They're ten times more expensive than the other ones!?
A&R: Does the fact that it's so expensive mean that it's that delicious?
Momotaro: It feels expensive for that price but it's a possible that they use better ingredients.
Mikado: Hmm… this price is high for a souvenir however, I am always indebted to Yashamaru-san……
……I decided
I think I'm going to get these cookies!
Hikaru: Wow, as expected from Mikachi!
He has a lot of manliness!
Mikado: Now, I'm going to checkout. Everyone, please wait here.
Mikado: I'm back.
Momotaro: Hm? You look relieved somehow, what's wrong?
Mikado: The cookies I brought earlier were just normal price. It seems that the price tag was put on the wrong item.
Hikaru: Huh? Is that so?
What a surprise~
Tatsuhiro: Well, we've brought souvenirs, so I guess it's time to go.
Mikado: Yes, let's.
……Oh? This poster is…
A&R: Mikado-san, what's wrong?
Mikado: It looks like you can try out kayaking. It looks very interesting.
A&R-san, if you don't mind would you like to come with me tomorrow during your free time?
A&R: Is that okay?
Mikado: Yes, of course.
A&R: I've never been kayaking, so I'm looking forward to it.
Mikado: If that's the case, let's get the others involved too!
Yuta: I'm looking forward to going kayaking-!
Kento: Why me……
Yuta: Now…Kenken
You've been complaining all this time.
Kento: Isn't it because you forced me to come with you, Yuta?
Goshi: For once, I agree with Aizome.
He kept yelling until I said I'd go.
Yuta: After all, it's more fun to play together!
You really wanted to go kayaking right?
Goshi: Aah? Don't decide things on your own!
Momotaro: The 3 members of THRIVE are still close friends.
Mikado: As long as we get along well, Momotasu and I won't lose!
Right, Momotasu?
Momotaro: Friendships can't be compared with other peoples.
Mikado: W, wow what a reasonable argument!
However I think this kind of Momotasu is wonderful too!
A&R: It looks like everyone is about to start their kayaking experience.
Mikado: Oh, it looks like the teacher is here.
Instructor: Sorry to have kept you all waiting, first of all please form in pairs of twos.
Kento: Hey, if it's two people groups. Well then A&R, let's form a pair together.
Yuta: Eh- Kenken that's no fair! I want to be with A&R-chan!
Hey, A&R-chan, would you like to be a pair with me?
A&R: Um…
Goshi: This is stupid. Whoever you pair with is fine.
Kento: No, that's no good. Pairing up with another man? There's no way I could do something as horrible as that.
Yuta: Gochin will be teaming up with Kenken, so A&R-chan will be with me!
Goshi: Aah? Don't decide things on your own!
Momotaro: If this continues, I think things will get out of control.
Mikado: We have no choice then.
Everyone let's have a fair game of rock, paper, scissors. Let's decide.
Goshi: Tsk. It can't be helped so let's get it over and done with.
Mikado: Now, let's begin by nominating partners from the winners.
Well then, let's go?
Rock, paper……scissors!
Yuta: Ah! Mikarin wins!
Mikado Fufufu……
The goddess of victory smiled upon me!
Well then A&R-san, would you be my partner?
A&R: Yes! Let's work together!
Kento: Sekimura was aiming for A&R as well
Now I'll definitely avoid pairing with Goshi……
Goshi: That's my line!
Yuta: Well, let's have a second battle!
Rock, paper……scissors!
Momotaro: I'm with Ashu, please take care of me.
Yuta: Yeah, nice to meet you Momochin!
Let's do our best in the kayak!
Kento: Wait a minute! Why do I have to team up with Goshi, let's start over!
Goshi: That's my line!
Mikado: Now, now, it's decided so let's go tell the teacher about the pairings.
Hikaru: Ah~ his loco moco is soooo delicious!
Kazuna: This poke bowl is also delicious.
Hawaii has a lot of delicious foods.
Hikaru: Really!? I was wondering about that too~ Leader give me a bite!
Tatsuhiro: Don't eat too much and get an upset stomach.
Hikaru: It's okay!
…Now that I think about it, Mikachi and the others went to experience kayaking right?
Mikado: Yes. We went with everyone from THRIVE.
We decided to go kayaking in pairs and Momotasu and Yutaso were amazing together!
A&R: Both of them are very athletic so they got the hang of it very quickly.
Mikado: It was truly amazing to see them riding the kayak so leisurely!
Tatsuhiro: If Onzai and Yuuta were a pair, who did Sekimura pair up with?
Momotaro: Mika was paired with A&R and Kaneshiro was paired with Aizome. Kaneshiro and the others were arguing while they were in the kayak.
I saw him out of breath and he fell over a few times.
Kazuna: Is that right? Hehe, it does seem like those two. How was Mikado and the others?
A&R: Thanks to Mikado-san leading me, I was able to ride well.
Mikado-san also got the hang of it quickly, which was amazing!
Mikado: Tunk! It's an honour to receive praise from A&R-san! It was worth winning to pair with A&R-san in rock, paper, scissors! Besides, I was the one who asked for A&R-san.
Momotaro: Is that so?
Mikado: Yes, it's only natural that I would want to enjoy a resort with a wonderful person like you.
A&R-san, I had a lot of fun too. If you'd like, would you like to go with me again?
A&R: Thank you very much.
Hikaru: Yes, yes! I want to go too!
Tatsuhiro: That's right. I couldn't go this time but next time we have a chance to come to Hawaii, let's go together.
Mikado: I was planning to spend time with A&R-san alone for a moment, could you not get in my way?
Hikaru: I also want to hang out with A&R-chan more!
Mikado: It's not 「MooN」! That's not cute!
Hikaru: Muki! What are you doing-!
Kazuna: Fufu, it looks like everyone enjoyed Hawaii.
A&R: Yes! I think so too.
★ When Mikado say's 「MooN」 he means that the rest of MooNs isn't invited to everything, as their unit name is their last names put together. ★ Poke bowl is a dish of raw fish diced and mixed with sauce. ★ 'Muki' SFX is a screech or squeal noise, compared to of that of a monkey.
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
Mikado Sekimura SSR 「CHINA TOWN」 TL
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「So you'll forgive me for this-- Ah it hurts! Eh, Momotasu!? Isn't your pressure getting stronger!?」
A&R: That's all for the China Town event explanation. Thank you everyone for your hard work.
Hikaru: Thank you for the hard work!
Hey, do you want to go get some food after this?
Tatsuhiro: Now that I think about it, I'm hungry.
Mikado: What about that newly opened fast food restaurant?
Kazuna: Fast food? That's an unusual choice for you, Mikado.
Mikado: Yes! That's right! Actually the restaurant I want to go to is doing a collaboration with Mamirin!
Tatsuhiro: Ah, is that so...
Mikado: You can't miss the chance to get Mamirin exclusive goods!
Momotasu, please help me out too!
Momotaro: Understood, leave it to me.
Tatsuhiro: You're obedient......
Hikaru: Well then, let's go to that fast food restaurant!
A&R: Ah, wait a minute. Could Mikado-san and Momo-kun stay behind for a while longer?
Momotaro: I don't mind, but what's the matter?
Mikado: A&R-san is talking to just me and Momotasu together...... Ah, could it be love advice!?
Tatsuhiro: Why?
Hikaru: A&R-chan, can we stay too?
A&R: Yes, it's okay. As part of the event we discussed earlier, I was asked to cover the preparations for the festival and I was wondering if I could ask the two of you to do that?
Mikado: Me and Momotasu?
A&R: Yes. You will be covering preparations for the parade and the practice of the lion dance, they will broadcast the footage on the news. I believe the two of you are the perfect people for the job.
Kazuna: I agree. Mikado is good at talking and Momo has a keen eye for details, so I'm sure it will be an interesting interview.
Tatsuhiro: That's true...
Momotaro: Ahh, I'm interested in what kind of practice is required to dance in the lion dance.
Mikado: I'm also interested in the lion dance and it's nice to be able to see behind the scenes of the parade that you don't usually get to see.
A&R: I will be busy with all of the events and interviews, but I look forward to working with you both.
Mikado: Yes, leave it to us! Even so, it's been a while since I worked alone with Momotasu.
Momotaro: That's right. Let's do our best Mika.
Mikado: Yes!
Mikado: We are currently in China Town. What has everyone been doing here for a while now……
Momotaro: It's the lion dance practice.
Mikado: That's right! The locals here are practicing the lion dance.
Momotaro: It's very exciting.
Mikado: I can feel everyone's spirit.
Momotaro: The movement is so flexible, I can't believe it's being moved by someone inside.
Mikado: It's a dance that feels graceful yet powerful at the same time.
Locals: Hey, you Nii-chan's have a good eye for this, do you know what happens if you get bitten by a lion?
Momotaro: ……Mika, do you know?
Mikado: It is said that the lion dance eats away the evil spirits of a person, thus warding off bad luck and ensuring good health.
Locals: Oh, that's exactly right! The Nii-chan with the glasses knows very well!
Mikado: This is the end of the coverage of the lion dance, I feel like I'm missing something..
Momotaro: Aah, I wanted to see more.
A&R: Mikado-san, Momo-kun, thank you for your hard work. The coverage of the lion dance practice went smoothly.
Mikado: It was thanks to the local people that the event went smoothly.
Momotaro: That's right, the lion dance was also amazing.
A&R: Even so, you knew very well what would happen if you were bitten by a lion dance, Mikado-san.
Mikado: I've been interested in lion dance for some time, so I did a little research on it. Then, I remembered the legend that the lion dance would devour evil spirits because I found it interesting.
A&R: Is that so.
Locals: Oh, the Nii-chans are still here?
Mikado: As I said earlier, thank you for letting me interview you.
Locals: No, the same to you. It will be a good advertisement for China Town. I have a question for you… I know this was just for an interview but this seems like a great opportunity, would you like to experience the lion dance?
Mikado: Eh? Is that okay?
Locals: As long as the two of you are okay with it, you're welcome to.
Momotaro: Looks like it will be a valuable experience.
Mikado:Momotasu seems to be enthusiastic about it too, I would also like to experience it too!
If possible I would like to participate in the real performance as well.
Wouldn't it be fun if Momotasu and I came out of the lion dance costume at the end of the event!?
Momotaro: Aah, it sounds exciting.
Locals: That sounds fun!
Mikado: That's right! A&R-san, what do you think?
A&R: I'll check with the office to confirm, but we'll move forward with preparations as best as we can.
Mikado: Thank you very much!
Momotaro: Let's do it, A&R.
Mikado: Now, let's lower our stance a little…… How's that, Momotasu?
Momotaro: I'm okay, let's keep going.
Mikado: Understood!
A&R: (Since they decided to try the lion dance experience, they've taken lessons from the locals several times.) (It's amazing how the both of them mastered the basic posture and lion-like movements in such a short period of time.)
Locals: However, I'm surprised that you were able to do so much in such a short period of time. They key to Shishimai is the co-operation between the two but they work so well together that it seems like this is something to look forward to.
A&R: That's good to hear. Thank you to both of you for your hard work practicing. It's getting pretty close to completion. The locals are also happy, saying that the two of you are a perfect fit and they seem to be looking forward to it.
Mikado: That makes me happy. After all we are one in the same spirit right, Momotasu?
Momotaro: One in the same…….
Mikado: Eeh, am I wrong!?
A&R: (Fufu, they're in sync after all.)
Mikado: ……fuwah
A&R: Mikado-san, are you okay?
Mikado: Eh, what is it?
A&R: Physically Momo-kun is the head and Mikado-san is the torso but it must be difficult to always be in a crouching position.
Also, there is a part in the middle where Momo-kun is lifted up with his head held high……
Mikado: Ahh, if that's it then there is no problems. I asked the locals for tips on how to lift it, and at first it was difficult to lift it up but once you get used to it, it's no big deal.
Momotaro: …….Really?
Mikado: Eeh, really… If it wasn't for Momotasu however, I don't think I could have come this far in such a short time.
Momotaro: It's the same for me too.
Mikado: I'm so happy! Let's work together and do our best until the real performance, Momotasu!
Momotaro: Mm.
A&R: I will do my best to support you both.
Mikado: Thankyou very much, A&R-san.
A&R: Yes!
Momotaro: ……….
Osari: Alright, let's get excited for today's「Moonlight Talk」! H-hmm? Where's Mikachi?
Kazuna: Looks like he hasn't arrived yet. It's unusual because he's usually the first to arrive in the studio when he doesn't have any previous work.
Tatsuhiro: I guess he must've had some business to do.
A&R: That's right….. I'll wait a little longer to contact him.
Momotaro: ……
Mikado: Hello everyone, you're early.
Hikaru: Hey, Mikachi! You're finally here∼!
Mikado: It seems like I'm the last one?
Nome: Ah, you're usually the first one to arrive but you hadn't arrived yet so we were worried.
Kazuna: Did something happen?
Mikado: Eh? No, I was doing some shopping. I was planning to buy only the new Mamirin products and then go home but my eyes were drawn to the other products…….
Tatsuhiro: Mamirin again……
Mikado: Tatsu-dono, it's not 「again」! It's the long-awaited new Mamirin products!
Momotaro: ……..
Hikaru: Mn… doesn't Mikachi smell like disinfectant?
A&R: Disinfectant?
Mikado: !?
Kazuna: Mikado?
Mikado: Fufufu…… Did Hikarun notice? Yes, my true nature is…….a mad scientist who terrorizes people!
Hikaru: Mikachi is acting different!?
Tatsuhiro: Ha….. here we go again.
Kazuna: Hahaha……
Momotaro: ……Mika
Mikado: What's wrong, Momotasu?
Momotaro: ……No, it's nothing.
A&R: (Momo-kun has looked confused for a while now, I wonder what's up with him?)
Hikaru: Tomorrow is finally the event in China Town! Ah∼ I can't wait!
Tatsuhiro: Aren't you more excited about the stalls before the event than the actual event itself?
Hikaru: Hehe, you noticed? But I'm not lying when I say I'm looking forward to the event!
Mikado: It's finally tomorrow that we will perform the lion dance. We will make sure to show you all a wonderful dance.
Kazuna: Mmn, good luck to the both of you.
Mikado: Our Leader says so too, so let's do our best tomorrow!
Momotaro: ……That's right.
A&R: (After the locals dance, it was finally time for the two lions, Mikado-san and Momo-kun.) (Ah, here they come!)
Audience: The big lion was impressive and nice, but this small lion also has sharp movements. Ahh, it's really worth watching.
A&R: (That's good. It seems to be popular with the audience. It's about time for both of them to come out from under the lion……)
Audience: Huh? Look what came out of the lion dance…..!
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Mikado: Hello everyone! B-Project's Sekimura Mikado here.
Momotaro: Onzai Momotaro here.
A&R: (Amazing cheers…..! Mikado-san's surprise was a great success.)
A&R: I think Momo-kun and Mikado-san should have finished changing by now.
Hikaru: Ok∼ay! Pi-chan and Mikachi's lion dance was super cool!
Tatsuhiro: Ah, I can't believe they practiced in such a short period of time.
Kazuna: Yeah, the audience was very happy and both of them did a great job.
A&R: I was also moved watching it…… Ah, the dressing room is here.
A&R: Excuse me.
Mikado: Ouch! Wait, that's……!
Momotaro: ……..
Kazuna: Um… what are you both doing on the floor lying down?
Mikado: Ah, everyone, Thank you for your hard work. Um, just a little massage………
Hikaru: Ah! Are you thanking him for the lions dance earlier?
Tatsuhiro: Is that it?
Momotaro: ……..
Mikado: Well…….I hurt my lower back.
Tatsuhiro: On the stage just now?
Mikado: No, from 3 days ago……
Tatsuhiro: Ha? 3 days ago?
Kazuna: Could it be that the smell of disinfectant that Hikaru was talking about during the recording the other day……
Hikaru: So you weren't shopping, you were going to the hospital!?
Mikado: I'm ashamed…..
Kazuna: So you were on stage enduring the pain in your back all this time…….
Tatsuhiro: What are you doing being so reckless?
Mikado: I knew that the locals had high expectations for me, so I couldn't let them down.
A&R: Mikado--san……
Hikaru: By the way, Pi-chan, you haven't said anything for a while, what's up?
Momotaro: ……..
Mikado: I made him angry because I didn't tell him about my back pain……
Momotaro: …..Mika always pushes himself too hard.
Mikado: It hurts, it hurts! Momotasu, it hurts!
Momotaro: Of course it's going to hurt…
Mikado: I'm sorry! I won't try to hide anything from you anymore! Please forgive me∼!
Kazuna: It's been a while since I've seen Momo this angry.
Momotaro: This time it was just mild back pain but I don't know what will happen next time…. I always want to support what Mika wants to do, but I can't help you if you're keeping secrets. If you had told me, there would have been something I could've done.
Mikado: Momotasu…… I'm really sorry for making you worry, but I promise to take better care of myself from now on.
Momotaro: Mika…….
Mikado: So you'll forgive me for this-- Ah it hurts! Eh, Momotasu!? Isn't your pressure getting stronger!?
Momotaro: …….
Mikado: Um….. wait a second!? Please say something, Momotasuuuuuu∼!
★ Shishimai is the lion dance typically with two dancers inside who are covered and require co-operation, where as the dragon dance is multiple people holding the dragon above their heads with poles instead.
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
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「Yes! That's what's embarrassing! It's like someone saw me in the middle of my transformation!」
A&R: --and that's your schedule for next week, I'll do my all to be there as much as possible.
Kazuna: Thankyou.
A&R: Last thing, is it okay if I talk to Mikado-san about his work?
Mikado: Yes, of course. Am I on this job alone?
A&R: Yes, I think you will be very pleased with it. Here is the proposal.
Mikado: (flips page) Aah, this is…..!
Hikaru: What, what?
Mikado: Isn't this 「Mysterious Detective Agatha」 !
A&R: Yes, you've been offered to be a guest voice actor for the annual movie version of the anime series 「Mysterious Detective Agatha」!
Mikado: …..ha!! I'm going to star in the movie version of Agatha!?
A&R: Yes!
Hikaru: Mikachi, seiyuu work is amazing! I used to watch that anime as a kid too!
Momotaro: Ah, I know that one too.
Mikado: It's a nationally loved anime! Agatha with an IQ of 180, solves difficult cases with flawed reasoning, it's story is truly spectacular!
I'd get so excited to watch this anime every week, to think I'd get to star in it……
A&R: Recording will start next month, on the first day there will be a public recording session with the press.
Mikado: Umm…… the first day will be January the 25th?
Kazuna: Ah. isn't that Mikado's birthday?
Mikado: Yep, that's right! It's perfect present for someone like me who is loved by 2D!
A&R: (Mikado-san, he looks very happy……)
Momotaro: Good for you, Mika.
Tatsuhiro: If it goes well, the day where you can perform together with your beloved Mamirin may come.
Mikado: Tatsu-dono, that's not so.
Tatsuhiro: What's the difference?
Mikado: To perform alongside Mamirin, do you really understand what that means?
Tatsuhiro: Hah? I obviously meant working alongside the seiyuu's.
Hikaru: Ah! I know~! You mean the person inside right?
Mikado: THERE IS NO PERSON INSIDE OF MAMIRIN!! There are certainly voice actors who breathe life into voices however, Mamirin herself is an existence of the world in which she lives in.
It's not that easy to perform together with people, with the world that we exist in!!
Tatsuhiro: A, ah……I see.
A&R: (Everyone is overwhelmed by Mikado-san's passionate speech……)
Momotaro: Mika, I understand but calm down a little.
Hikaru: Right, right! Let's take a deep breath.
Mikado: How could I not be excited by this! I'll give it my absolute all, so please look forward to it!
Tatsuhiro: Hah….. You seem pretty excited.
Kazuna: Mikado. Don't get too excited during the recording.
A&R: (He seems motivated, but I'm starting to get a little worried…)
A&R: (Today's variety show is a sports competition, so everyone will have to be careful not to injure themselves.) (MooNs will all be coming from different locations so let's wait in the dressing room.)
Momotaro: You were betraying me?
A&R: (Eh…..)
Mikado: Fufufu. Looks like you've fallen right into my hands, Agatha. …..Momotasu, can I try that one again?
Momotaro: I got it ……Ah A&R
Mikado: A&R-san, good work today!
A&R: Good work, I see you're already here.
Momotaro: Aah, Mika and I finished our work pretty quickly.
Mikado: So I had some free time, so I've had Momotasu accompany me in reading 「Mysterious Detective Agatha」
A&R: I see.
Momotaro: Whenever Mika has free time he usually practices dubbing.
A&R: That much….. you're enthusiastic.
Mikado: Yes, he plays an important role, He is the enemy but at first he deceives Agatha and pretends to be her ally, so he is a character with two sides.
I can't give a careless performance and I can't ruin such an important scene, so I want to practice properly before the recording.
A&R: (Mikado-san is currently not enjoying himself, he's taking his role too seriously.) With all of this practice I'm sure you'll do great!
Mikado: I do hope so……
A&R: Eh……
Mikado: ……
A&R: Mikado-san……?
Mikado: No, all you need is practice!
Momotaro: Aah, that's right, I'll be happy to do it as much as you'd like, so just tell me.
Mikado: Momotasu! Thankyou very much!
Momotaro: About what I said earlier, why don't you try and raise the tone of your voice a bit?
Mikado: I see. That seems more uplifting, let's try that next.
A&R: (Although he soon returned to his normal self……) (It's also his first time with something like this, and he's also doing a public recording, so maybe he's a little nervous.)
Hikaru: Argh! I'm so frustrated-! We were so close-!
Kazuna: It's a shame. We have one more go, so lets do our best!
Hikaru: We just have to get pumped up-! Mikachi, we'll definitely win next time!
Mikado: That's right.
A&R: (Huh? Normally Mikado-san would join Hikaru-kun in livening things up at a time like this……) (He seems to be a bit quiet today….)
A&R: Mikado-san……!
Mikado: Huh, A&R-san, is something the matter?
A&R: As soon as we went on break, you returned to the dressing room by yourself, which made me worried…… During the recording as well, you seemed to be singing less than usual……
Mikado: ….I can't hide anything from A&R-san
A&R: Could it be you're not feeling well……
Mikado: No, it's about my health though. Well, since the recording is coming up soon, I'm worried that if I speak too loudly I might hurt my throat…….
A&R: Is that so……. (He seems to feel more pressure than most because he's working on an anime that he loves so much…….)
Mikado: However we have jobs to do as usual, I don't wish to be a nuisance to everyone.
A&R: I don't think anyone would find it annoying. I don't believe you have to do everything perfectly. I think it's okay for you to set your priorities for what you consider to be top priority right now?
Mikado: A&R-san, Thankyou very much. But my work with MooNs is also important so there is no way for me to be able to rank them in priority.
I'm sorry for making you worry. When recording resumes, I'll make sure to liven up the show! I'll take home all the prizes and all of the laughter!
A&R: Ah, Mikado-san…..g! (He's gone……)
Kazuna: If we win here, it'll be a comeback.
Hikaru: OKAY-! Let's aim for perfection!
Mikado: Of course!!
A&R: (Mikado-san, you're not holding back your voice now. You look so worried……)
Presenter: MooNs team, how confident are you?
Momotaro: Very!
Tatsuhiro: I'll definitely win and get the prize!
Presenter: Wow, that's plenty of spirit~!
A&R: (…..In times like these, Mikado-san speaks up, but the usually more reserved Momo-kun and Nome-san speak up more proactively.) (Perhaps to stop Mikado from having to talk……?)
Mikado: Momotasu, Tatsu-dono……
A&R: Mikado-san, the public post recording is finally here, are you feeling okay?
Mikado: Yes, I'm perfect! I've been practicing hard for this day.
A&R: (Thank goodness. As always he looks relaxed.)
(…….That's right, I'll give it to him now.) Mikado-san, Happy Birthday. If you'd like, please take this.
Mikado: Is this a birthday present!?
A&R: Yes. Honey candy and some items for throat care. It's nothing special……
Mikado: Not at all! It's the No.1 thing that I'm the happiest about right now! Can I have some candy now?
A&R: Of course.
Mikado: Mm, this seems good for the throat. It's sweet and delicious. A&R-san, Thankyou so much. I feel more confident now.
A&R: (Mikado-san looks really good today.) Mikado-san you'll be okay! Have confidence and do your best!
Mikado: Fufu
A&R: ? What's the matter?
Mikado: Nothing….. actually, a member of the team told me the exact same thing this morning. I was told to have confidence and everything would go well, it was reassuring to know that even if I'm working alone, there are other members who are supporting me from behind the scenes like this.
A&R: Yes, that's right.
Staff: Sekimura-san, please stand by!
Mikado: Oops, is it almost time?
A&R: All I can do is watch from over here, but I'm rooting for you.
Mikado: Thankyou very much! Here I go!
A&R: Yes!
Staff: Sekimura-san you can enter now!
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Mikado: Good morning! Let's work together today!
A&R: (You look so confident and reliable Mikado-san, do your best!)
A&R: Thankyou for your hard work in the public recording! Mikado-san's passionate performance livened up the interview!
Mikado: No, well I was nervous, but it was a valuable experience and I enjoyed it.
A&R: You didn't seem nervous at all. You we're so confident it was hard to believe that this was your first time working as a voice actor.
Mikado: Fufu, please don't praise me too much. But I'm really glad we were able to finish the first day of recording without any problems.
A&R: It's all thanks to MooNs' support.
Mikado: That's right. Thankyou A&R-san for your support.
A&R: No, It was all thanks to Mikado-san's hard work.
Mikado: …..This time, I think I showed my uncool side to A&R-san and the other members.
A&R: Uncool side, don't say something like that...…
Mikado: A&R-san noticed during the variety show recording the other day, right?
A&R: Ah......
Mikado: I can't cause trouble to anyone. I have to carry out my job perfectly.
…….or, so I thought but I was completely saved. But if you have friends nearby who can help you and you don't consult them, you're not a good enough member.
A&R: The MooNs members understood how Mikado-san felt, so they supported you from behind the scenes without saying a word.
Mikado: Yes! That's what's embarrassing! It's like someone saw me in the middle of my transformation!
A&R: Your, transformation?
Mikado: Yes, Heroes undergo change without even being noticed!
A&R: (Fufu. Mikado-san, he looks frustrated but more than that, he looks like he has a sense of accomplishment.)
Mikado: I've returned home!
Momotaro: Mika, welcome back.
Mikado: Oooh, to be greeted by Momotasu, today must be my lucky day!
Kazuna: Good work today. A&R-san why don't you come inside too? Were going to celebrate Mikado's birthday now.
A&R: Thankyou. I'll come inside then.
(Wow, there's lots of cakes and treats...…)
Mikado: This all looks delicious!
Hikaru: It's Mikachi's birthday after all! Look forward to a special dinner with Pii-chan!
Tatsuhiro: Also, congratulations on your debut as a voice actor. Todays public recording session went well right?
Mikado: Of course! My performance had the people around me bursting into tears.
Tatsuhiro: No, that's an exaggeration.
Mikado: Fufu, that's just how well it went.
Momotaro: I knew Mika would be okay.
Mikado: …...Momotasu, Tatsu-dono, Thankyou very much for the other day.
Tatsuhiro: Hm? What do you mean?
Mikado: Eh...….
Hikaru: Hey hey, I'm so hungry I can't handle it any longer~~! Let's get the party started~~!
A&R: (Nobody's going to mention the variety show from the other day.)
Momotaro: Happy birthday, Mika.
Kazuna: Congratulations on the success of the public recording session.
Hikaru: Double congrats!!
Tatsuhiro: Congratulations, you got a good start on your birthday.
Mikado: (Blushing) Tuuunk! Thankyou so much everyone! I wish I could treat you all in return!
A&R: (Mikado-san looks happy. I'm sure this experience has strengthened the bond between MooNs.)
★ I believe 「Mysterious Detective Agatha」 is a reference to the real anime series 「アガサ・クリスティーの名探偵ポワロとマープル 」(Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple) which is based on the book Poirot And Marple by Agatha Christie.
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mikadosekimura · 1 month ago
Mikado Sekimura - Ending Route
「Running away is prohibited. Aren’t we together all of the time?」
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This was translated in 2022 before the English version of the game was released. Please buy the game to support it, this ending is missing a lot of context if you don't play it, the game is very long, so this translation is probably not even 1% of the text in the game. It is available on Nintendo Switch and Steam, so please purchase and play to support team B-PROJECT and Nemui-sensei's wonderful writing.
JOIN MESSAGES - route one
Mikado: I’m with the NEWS NOW staff at the moment. Today and always [Kokoro no chizu] is a big success with everyone.
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Sorry for the sudden message. I’m just so happy. Every time I’m being praised I feel like telling you. A&R:
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I love to hear from you anytime! I’m so happy! I’m so happy!
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I hope that more and more people will listen to it!
Mikado: I hope so! This song with everyone in MooNs I’m so glad I was able to work with you. I’m thankful to everyone that was involved.
JOIN MESSAGES - route two
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I’m so glad that you’re reporting back to me! The number of downloads is continuing to grow We have completely entered the era of MooNs!
Mikado: The era of MooNs
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How beautiful and sweet it sounds!
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Mikado: Towards the end of the program I was really proud to report to the audience about the hit song! As an idol and as a caster, I’m getting more and more fired up!
A&R: [Kokoro no chizu] is looking likely to become a long running hit, and is an important indicator for Gandhara to release more songs in the future. MooNs too, will surely grow into an even bigger group in the future. As the A&R in charge, I should have no shame in my work.
---Practice Room
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After the success of the Nagoya concert, which we took on with a fresh determination, the next concert in Sapporo is just around the corner-----
Mikado: Alright…… then, again from the top please.
A&R: (Mikado’s first solo appearance on a music program…A medley of [Kokoro no chizu] and [Breath]-)
A&R: (They are in the middle of their tour, the quality of their performances are still very high, and when it airs, it will become a hot topic again)
As a caster of the program [NEWS NOW] and as a member of MooNs, who performs the ending theme song, Mikado-san is in the spotlight more than ever before.
It was only last week that I was approached by a singing show on the same station to do a solo.
A&R:  (The recording will be the day after tomorrow, and the day after that we will all be going to Hokkaido.)
A&R: (It’s been so busy that we don’t have much time for lessons… and yet its almost perfect already, I’m sure he’s been making time for himself and  practising.)
Although he is sincere and stoic about his work as usual……
His face is much brighter and livelier than before
A&R: (That’s not all but I feel like he has become more expressive. Maybe it’s not a surprise that he’s caught the attention of more people than ever before.)
A&R: However, he's going to need some rest soon.
I took out my phone and opened my schedule app to see MooNs’ schedule.
Then I noticed that everyday has a yellow label on it and I couldn’t help but gasp.
Yellow is Mikado’s member colour. That is, it represents him.
A&R: (After the Fukuoka performance everyone has a full day off…… But even so there is no rest. Even though the universities are on holiday, all the time that is free is filled with work.)
A&R: (Although the pressure of suffering for so long is gone…… i’m still worried----) 
Mikado: whew.. Since I made it this far, all that’s left is to check before recording and we should be good to go.
Choreographer: no, no it’s amazing Mikado. Everything is heightened!
Mikado: Oh, can you see it!? My rising!  It was perfectly showing then!
Choreographer: I get it, I get it, but don’t overdo it. If you come across anything that bothers you in the choreography feel free to JOIN me anytime.
Mikado: That saves me. Then, I'll see you at the tour rehearsal.
Choreographer: Yes, Good work today
Mikado: Good work today!
A&R: Mikado-san, here’s some water.
Mikado: A&R-san, Thankyou very much.
Mikado: -sips water-
Mikado: What did you think of today's lesson? If there’s anything that bothers you from your point of view, please feel free to tell me.
Mikado: Who would’ve thought I’d get to sing [Kororo no chizu] by myself…..It’s fine as It’s a song I'm used to singing, but it’s quite painful to carry the expectations of this song on my own shoulders.
A&R: There is nothing to hurt over!
A&R: Mikado-san’s [Kokoro no chizu] has individuality and sincerity and is full of dedication, so it has a different charm to it. 
A&R: I’m sure when it airs, many people will search for it and listen to MooNs’ original version.
Mikado:  Do you really think so? That would be nice……!  For me I want to bring the original earnestness to the forefront. But that’s only due to the quality of my voice.
Mikado:  Hmmm.. I wonder if I can somehow transplant the vocal chords of all four into my throat……, 
A&R: R, Rather than doing that, It’s be better for all 5 of you to go out together……
Mikado: Indeed…… That's right. Hmmm… Then, rather than becoming a fake MooNs It’s better to be yourself……
Mikado-san lightly puts his finger onto his chin as he makes a serious expression as he scratches his head.
His appearance is so full of love for MooNs that it fills my heart up just watching them.
A&R: We’re taking a longer time in this studio,so if you want, we can practice some more. I’ll accompany you.
Mikado: Is that okay? I’ll take you up on that offer!
A&R: Of course. But after taking a break for 10 minutes….. After that you’re free, right?
Mikado: Yes! I have a lot of homework to do, but I’m done with work after this. You are as well, right?
A&R: I have a meeting with the company at 7, so until then.
Mikado: Ahhh……Until 7. You’re as busy as ever, are you holding up alright? I’m worried.
A&R: No, no, I’m okay. Rather, I’m worried about you Mikado-san…… I was looking at the schedule just now, You really don’t have much time to catch your breath.
A&R: Even though I’m very happy that you’re receiving a lot of attention lately.
Mikado: A&R-san…… Thank you very much. I’m happy that I’m cared about this much.
Mikado: However, unlike how busy my schedule is, I actually have a bit of free time. Even though my schedule is full everyday, I still have a reasonable amount of time to rest up and sleep.
Mikado: I don’t think I would have been able to accept the offer for this music show if I was unable to move freely.
A&R: That may be so……
Mikado: Haha, well…… a lot happened, It’s natural that you’d be worried.
Mikado: I, too, have learned to make my own choices.
A&R: Make your own choices……?
Mikado: Yes. Just the other day , I had an offer for a popular drama. It’s a historical one and if I can play it well, I’m sure the audience would appreciate it.
Mikado: If it was me from a few months ago, I’m sure I would've taken it.
Mikado: But this time I declined it. Not only because it would’ve been tough with my schedule, but also because I’m convinced that my priority right now isn’t to take on new challenges or to have more means to demonstrate my skills.
The look on Mikado’s face as he speaks gives off a sense of confidence and composure.
A&R: (....It’s not that he is forcing himself. Mikado-san is already in a position to take control of his own situation.)
A&R: I understand. I’m sorry for worrying unnecessarily.
Mikado: It’s not unnecessary. I’m still immature. So please continue to keep an eye on me in the future and scold me if I lose control!
A&R: Fufu, Understood. When you’re so busy it’s easy to be worried. But lately Mikado-san is really sparkling and wonderful lately.
A&R: Even though up until now you’ve been cool enough…… I realise what I knew about Mikado-san’s charm was only part of it.
Mikado: Yes, This isn’t all! Prepare yourself A&R-san!
Mikado: Not just me, MooNs and B-PRO too, are going to break through the atmosphere with a big bang of tremendous charm!
Mikado:  Therefore, I have to rest my heart and body now, and prepare for that time.
A&R: Fufu, that’s right.
Mikado: Yes! That’s right.
A&R: Yes
Mikado: ……No, the message hasn’t been conveyed at all!?
A&R: Eh?
Mikado:  As I just said, I have a good amount of leeway, But A&R-san, you have been overworking for a long time, haven’t you?
You: That’s not so……
Mikado:  Haven’t you?
A&R: Ahahaha…….but actually I have tomorrow off.
A&R: Also once the tour is over, the schedule should go back to normal for a while, so it’s okay, please don’t worry about me.
Mikado:  Even if you say that……By the way, what are you planning to do tomorrow?
A&R: That’s right. Various things.. Like going to the city hall, It’s embarrassing to say.
Mikado:  No,no. Even though you seem as dainty as a fairy, I still understand that A&R-san is still human.
Mikado:  But, even so it seems like quite a busy day.
A&R: Yes. I think if I can get it all finished in the morning I can relax in the afternoon…though I’m unsure if I can get up in the morning.
A&R: When I don’t have work or commitments, I can’t help but get distracted.
Mikado: I see. In that case……would you like to join me for breakfast?
A&R: huh?
Mikado:  Actually, I have a longing to wake up early and have breakfast in a café. If you don’t mind, would you like to accompany me?
A&R: A café breakfast…It sounds good. But, Isn’t that a bit much……
Mikado: Of course not. I always get up early for school or work, and It’s not very often that I get to start my morning with something I enjoy unless there's an opportunity like this.
Mikado:  How does it sound? How about…… 7am?
A&R: Is it really okay?
Mikado: Of course! Then, It’s decided?
A&R: Yes, then……by all means. Fufu, I’m looking forward to it.
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Mikado:  Ah-......Freshly baked bread and the fragrant aroma of coffee, this is the ideal morning……!
When I headed to the appointed café, Mikado-san, who had arrived earlier, greeted me with his usual bright and friendly smile.
The air seems a little clearer in the morning……clear skies and Mikado-san’s warmth.
A&R: Haaa…… Its a pleasant morning. This might be the first time I've been to a café so early in the morning. It’s exciting and fun even just to be here.
Mikado: I understand. I wonder what it is. It’s as if we’re abroad.
A&R: That’s it, That’s the feeling……! Fufu, It’s been a while since I had this kind of fun. It’s thanks to Mikado-san inviting me along.
A&R: If I spent it alone, I definitely would have been lazing around until the afternoon.
Mikado: Me too. It seems that after all, promises make people move.
Mikado: Last night, I was looking forward to it before I slept.
Mikado-san’s eyes smile with happiness when he says that.
That could be a sense of kindness that keeps me in mind.
However with that one gesture, the apologetic feeling within my heart was blown away, without a trace, in a spectacular manner.
A&R: (I can understand why the fans love Mikado-san so much. Just with that smile alone it gives you a sense of security, as if he is affirming you.)
Mikado:  …….Hm? What’s the matter?
A&R: No……It’s just somehow I feel so happy.
Mikado:  Aha, If that’s so then I’m glad. It’s often said that the early bird catches the worm.
Mikado:  With that said, this refreshing feeling is irreplaceable.
Mikado:  Mmm…… The coffee is also delicious. Haa……This is nice. What is this calm atmosphere……It’s like I’m not abroad, but in a different world.
While sipping his coffee lightly, Mikado-san lets out a sigh of relief.
Seeing that, my shoulders relaxed comfortably from relief.
A&R: Somehow, It’s kind of like my head is empty right now. It’s like all my work is just……slipping away.
A&R: I wonder how long it’s been.
Mikado: I’m the same. Even when I lay down, I’m always thinking about work and what’s next on my schedule…..It’s hard for my brain to rest.
Mikado:  I enjoy working and studying however, but once I’ve done all I want to do while I’m young, I want to spend my old age peacefully like this.
A&R: Fufu, Isn’t it a bit early to be thinking about old age?
Mikado: Is that so? I think it’s surprisingly fast. A lot has happened in the last few months alone, but looking back, doesn’t it feel like an instant?
 Mikado: From now on, I’m sure it will continue to repeat……Before you know it you’ll be in your 80s.
A&R: Eight- Eighties…….It’s a little scary, I see…… Eighties…. I wonder what I’ll be doing then.
Mikado: Fufu, I’m sure you’ll still be the same charming, intelligent and wonderful woman as now.
A&R: If you say so…...Mikado-san is the one who will age beautifully, I’m sure of it. Just by looking at you in the eyes, I’m drawn to you as the wonderful person you are.
A&R: At the same time, as an active idol still.
Mikado:  A.. haha that sounds pretty harsh…… That would be nice, an active idol in his 80s. Dancing may become difficult but at least maybe the 5 of us can sit down and sing together.
Mikado: In order to do that, all the members must live a long and healthy life.
A&R: That’s right. Fufu…….I’ll do my best to live long so that I can see MooNs with my own eyes.
Mikado:  Oho? Saying that like it’s someone else’s business, but if we are active, then of course A&R-san must also be active!
A&R: Eh? That’s, well……
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Mikado: Running away is prohibited. Aren’t we together all of the time?
A&R: That’s right. But, hmm……Fufu when I think about it though I'm a bit unstable…..I wonder if I can do my job properly. 
Mikado: Even if that’s so, come along. Besides, the live can’t start without A&R there.
Thinking about the distant future the smiles will go on eternally.
A time of peace, and abundance.
A&R: But if I could really spend time like this……every morning in my old age and see you all on stage from time to time… I’d be very happy.
A&R: If I think that maybe someday, that day will come, I feel like I can do my best.
Mikado: Yes, that’s true.
Mikado: …….Today I am feeling a little carried away. I feel like I could really make such a big dream come true somehow.
Mikado: At that time, If A&R-san was smiling in front of me like you are today……
Mikado: I can then proudly say that it was the most indulgent and happy life I have ever had.
A&R: Fufu, are you okay with it being me?
Mikado: It’s not just okay, it has to be you A&R.
Mikado: Because when I have you by my side, no matter how many years pass by, I will still be smiling just as I am today.
Mikado: To have a morning like this again someday, the two of us is absolutely necessary. 
★ The main reason I wanted to re-upload this is that I feel the English localisation completely missed the mark of Mikado's tone in his ending, this is the first time he is seen as properly relaxed, vulnerable and shows his sensitive side. This is the real Mikado Sekimura and It's a shame that many will miss out on this because they removed all undertones of any meaning, regardless if the viewer sees them as romantic or platonic. I hope you enjoyed reading!
★ Happy Birthday Mikado!
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mikadosekimura · 1 month ago
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event story translation
MooNs and KiLLER KiNG will have a fashion battle on a special program. Mikado Sekimura and Akane Fudo will represent the group and compete on the theme of 「Romantic Autumn Date」 There will be a penalty game for the group that loses the battle...?!
Hikaru: Fuwa~......
Kazuna: Hikaru, you look sleepy, were you up playing games all night?
Hikaru: Nah, I was so cold I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn’t stand it in short sleeves and shorts……
Tatsuhiro: That’s obvious.I mean haven’t you got any long sleeves?
Hikaru: I think I can go another month without them.
Tatsuhiro: No. That's impossible.
Mikado: There’s still some time before A&R-san arrives for the meeting, Why don’t you go change your clothes now?
Hikaru: Ooh! Then, let’s split up now-!
Momotaro: Nobody said they would help you.
Hikaru: So mean!
……By the way, where did I put my winter clothes?
Mikado: Seriously Hikarun is……This is what happens when you neglect to keep things tidy on a daily basis.
Kazuna: It can’t be helped. Everyone, let’s help look for them.
Hikaru: Leader! Thanks!
Tatsuhiro: Ahh…… this is how it always ends up.
a while later...
Hikaru: ……Ah! It’s here!
Kazuna: I guess it was hidden deep in the closet. No wonder we couldn’t find it straight away.
Hikaru: Agh! It’s hard to even pull it out!
Kazuna: Wouldn’t it be easier to deal with if you take the things out from in front of it first?
Hikaru: It’s okay! It’s okay! I was able to grab one of the edges of the clothes, so if I just keep pulling it……
Kazuna: Hikaru!?
Tatsuhiro: Oi, are you okay?
Momotaro: It made a loud noise……
Mikado: Oh my, this is a disaster.
Hikaru: That scared me! When I grabbed my clothes all the other clothes fell over too~ hahaha
Mikado: It’s no laughing matter. There’s clothes all over the floor now.
Hikaru: Th, It’s all okay! I’ll clean it up right away!
Momotaro: No, I don’t think we have time for that.
Hikaru: Eh?
Akane: Everyone! We’ll be heading off to the meeting soon!
Kazuna: Looks like Killer King has arrived, let’s go.
Hikaru: Eeehh!? W wait a second~~~!
Hikaru: Ha⁓……
A&R: Sorry for making you come all this way out, you must be tired.
Hikaru: A! No, no that’s not it! I’m tired for a different reason!
A&R: Eh?
Mikado: A&R-san you don’t need to worry, It’s Hikarun’s own fault.
Tatsuhiro: So, a new job for MooNs and Kirakin?
A&R: Yes. You’ve been asked to appear on a 2 hour live broadcast. It’s a special program during the channel's reorganization period.. I’ll hand out the proposal now.
Kazuna: Thankyou
Momotaro: 「Fashionable Fall! Coordination Battle with MooNs and KiLLER KiNG」?
Haruhi: A coordination battle sounds fun!
Yuzuki: The theme of the showdown is… 「Romantic Autumn Date」it says…
Akane: Somehow that sounds kind of mature……
Miroku: The show decides who to coordinate... Out of us it’s Akane and from MooNs it’s Sekimura-san.
Mikado: If it’s a battle then there’s a winner and loser, right?
A&R: Yes. The winner will be decided by the audience and viewers votes, the winning group will receive a prize.
Hikaru: A reward!? What is it, I’m interested⁓! Food? Meal vouchers? 
Tatsuhiro: Isn’t it always food with you?
A&R: Fufu, well that was the surprise for today
Mikado: This is something we must be fully prepared for!
Momotasu, when you get back to our room, let’s read some fashion magazines and do some research!
Momotaro: Ahh. We should also gather some information online.
Akane: MooNs seems really motivated! We’ll have to work just as hard so we don’t lose!
Yuzuki: Coordination… I’m not very confident.
Miroku: If it’s a battle then I guess I should get serious
Akane: Well, I usually just wear what I like
Haruhi: I’ll be okay! It’s not like you're coordinating it by yourself, all four of us are a team!
We’ll make a quick choice and make the audience go crazy!
Akane: Oh, I see! Quickly shoot them down like bang bang!
Miroku: And a conversation I can’t understand has started.
Yuzuki: Yeah but my anxiety has left a little.
A&R: (Both teams seem to be motivated. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of outfits they’ll both come up with.)
A&R: (Today is the coordination battle. It’s the location for the shoot of KiLLER KiNG’s team……)
(I'd heard that the direction of the outfit hasn’t been decided, but is that okay?)
Akane: How should I decide?
Yuzuki: It might be better to think about it more based on the theme of the showdown.
Miroku: Yeah.. If it’s not on the theme then it’s pointless.
Haruhi: How about each of us chooses something based on the image of a 「Romantic Autumn Date」 in mind?
Akane: That sounds good! But please make sure to choose clothes that suit me properly?
Haruhi: Okiee⁓♪
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a few moments later...
Akane: So then, everyone's outfits are complete…..
Haruhi: Tono, aren't your clothes a little too plain? It’s a date, a date!
Miroku: I went for something simple and cool, with the image of a sports date.
Akane: I like Miroku’s outfit choice, the combination of the black cap and sneakers is great!
Miroku: Right? I thought Akane would like it.
Haruhi: Hey, hey, what kind of outfit did Yuzuki pick?
Yuzuki: For me, this.
Miroku: A denim shirt, white sweater and black pants…
Akane: It looks a bit like Massu! What image did you have in mind when you chose it?
Yuzuki: It’s autumn, so it's a quiet place…… I imagined going to an art museum. 
Haruhi: It’s nice. I also want Yuzuki to coordinate my outfit too⁓⁓
Yuzuki: Yeah, next time.
Miroku: So as for Haruhi’s outfit……
Haruhi: Eh? Where’s the problem!?
Since I’m a romantic, I undecided to create a driving date outfit!
Yuzuki: It’s very adult-like.
Akane: Hmm, It’s not bad but does it suit me?
Miroku: See, there is a problem.
Akane and Haruhi’s were rejected so why don’t you choose between mine and Yuzuki’s?
Akane: I like Miroku’s outfit, but it’s not any different from usual and Harupyon’s is too difficult…..
I think it has to be Yucchii’s coordination.
Haruhi: Hahh, I was confident as well.
Miroku: ……No, is Akane going on a romantic date under the autumn sky in this outfit?
Akane: What’s up Miroku?
Miroku: If the theme is「Romantic Autumn Date」wouldn’t it be better to go for something more mature?
Yuzuki: Oh I see… in that case……Haru’s outfit then?
 Miroku: That’s right.
Haruhi: That’s why I said it!
Akane: Hey, wait a minute! Such grown up clothes don’t suit me!
Miroku: That’s not true right? You’re the oldest of KiraKin.
Haruhi: Yeah, yeah! It’s time to show your maturity as the oldest!
Yuzuki: Akane, have confidence.
Akane: Normally you guys don’t treat me like an elder anymore!
Ah, I’m not confident but I'll try my best.
A&R: (It seems like ultimately Haru’s outfit was chosen. I wonder what Akane’s outfit will look like.)
A&R: (This time it’s a location shoot for the MooNs team coordination battle.)
Kazuna: Since it’s a special occasion I think we should pick something different than usual.
Mikado: Tunk! That’s gap moe!
Momotaro: I don’t know if it’s a gap moe thing or not, but I’m sure the audience will surely be happy.
Tatsuhiro: Yeah, that’s right.
Hikaru: Hey, hey if you’re looking for a gap there’s a quick way to do it!
Mikado: What method is that, Hikarun!
Hikaru: Basically, take off your glasses!
Mikado: Rejected!
Hikaru: Denial isn’t allowed! Ehh⁓, Why not⁓!
Tatsuhiro: When I heard gap, that was also the first thing that came to my mind.
Mikado: Glasses are a part of the body, If I take them off, it won’t be me anymore.
Hikaru: I-Is that so?
Mikado: Of course it is!
Hikaru: Hmm, speaking of other gaps…… Let’s shave your head!
Mikado: An idol can’t have a hairstyle like that!
Hikaru: Ahaha, really?
Kazuna: Well maybe there’s no need to change mikado himself?
Tatsuhiro: What do you mean?
Kazuna: For example, what would everyone think if Mikado was wearing Tatsuhiro’s clothes?
Momotaro: That would be unusual… I see, so that’s the gap.
Hikaru: Leader, we’re getting warmer!
Kazuna: So, why not take inspiration in fashion sense from someone in MooNs?
Mikado: I agree!
Tatsuhiro: In that case, maybe it’s best if we choose someone who’s sense is furthest away from the atmosphere that Sekimura gives off.
Momotaro: It’s Hikaru then.
Hikaru: Right! I thought the same!
Mikado: Now, let’s choose Hikarun’s casual clothes as a reference point. Hikarun, if you will!
Hikaru: Yes! Stylist Hikaru Osari will do his best!
a couple of minutes later...
A&R: (It seems like the MooNs team completed their outfit with the feel of Hikaru’s outfits in mind……)
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Mikado: This.. this is……
Hikaru: I think it looks good! What do you think?
Mikado: At first I was a little worried but……This is the best, Hikarun!
Kazuna: It suits you well, Mikado.
Tatsuhiro: I guess you can wear this kind of thing as well.
Momotaro: Ah, It’s not bad.
Mikado: I’ve gained confidence from MooNs’ words. The winner of the battle will surely be MooNs!
Moderator: We watched the videos of MooNs team and the KiLLER KiNG team choosing their outfits.
Now, we have prepared mannequins dressed in the outfits from both teams so let’s take a look!
Haruhi: Woa, the MooNs outfit looks just like Hikari-kun’s!
Momotaro: Ahh, we were aiming for a contrast with his usual self.
Moderator: Now the audience and viewers will be asked to vote on which outfit they like best.
The winning team will receive a nice reward and the losing team will face a penalty.
Sekimura-kun, Fudo-kun, how confident are you both?
Mikado: Of course, very condfident.
It was my first time wearing this kind of fashion, but the members all said it looked good on me.
Akane: I believe in the members too!
Moderator: That’s great team love… Oh right there are some treats for the viewers as well right? 
Mikado: Yes. During the location shoot where we chose our outfits, Akarin and I both took reward videos.
Akane: We put on the clothes we picked out and went out with the idea of going on a date with a girlfriend.
Moderator: You will only be able to view the footage of the winning team so please vote carefully!
Now, press your button!
The results are in!
Although there is a small difference in votes……
The winner is team KiLLER KiNG!
Hikaru: Ehhh⁓⁓, Seriously!?
Mikado: Kuu, That can’t be……!
Moderator: So, the winning team KiLLER KiNG: Here is your reward! Come and receive your bracelet!
Thanks to the kindness of the clothing store that helped us out during the shoot there is the KiLLER KiNG logo on the plate! Please take good care of it.
Haruhi: That’s so freakin’ cool!
Yuzuki: Yeah…
Akane: Thankyou for such a lovely bracelet!
Miroku: We will treasure it.
Moderator: And the penalty for the losing MooNs team is…
A part-time job at a clothing store for one day! Please come and learn the basics of fashion from scratch! 
Tatsuhiro: A part-time job at a clothing store serving customers..
Mikado: It seems like it might be a struggle
Kazuna: I will do my best. Let’s do our best, everyone?
MooNs: Yes!
Moderator: The video of the punishment game can be found on the official website, It will be released at a later date so look forward to it!
Now let’s move onto the much-anticipated reward video! An exciting date with Fudo-kun begins!
Audience: Kyaaa-!
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A&R: Everyone, good work on the 2 hour live broadcast!
The outfit battle was really exciting. The final reward video was met with a thunderous cheer.
Akane: It was a little embarrassing though.
Haruhi: I guess it was the right choice to pick my outfit!
Akane: Yeah. But, I still can’t believe it.
A&R: There’s no reason not to, It looked great on you.
Akane: (Blushing) Thankyou, A&R-san
Mikado: Hahh… I can’t believe I lost……
A&R: The MooNs team outfit was unexpected and I thought it was great. It’s rare to see Mikado-san in casual clothes.
Mikado: If you say that, It makes me feel a little better……
What I regret the most is that A&R-san didn’t get to see my reward video! It was a masterpiece......!
A&R: But, I saw it during the recording
Mikado: Is that so……
As expected, it was a mistake to use Hikaru’s fashion as a reference.
Hikaru: Wait, wait Mikachi! What do you mean!?
Mikado: What that means is that women today are looking for a sexy type rather than the lively type.
Momotaro: Certainly, that may be true.
Hikaru: Pi-chan as well!?
Haruhi: Hey, hey A&R which outfit did you like better, Mikado-kun’s or Akane’s?
A&R: Umm, they both have different merits……
Haruhi: Ehh⁓ that’s cheating.
Ah! Then from now on, I’ll produce it myself and let A&R decide who’s the best!
A&R: Huh!?
Hikaru: Good idea! Haru, I’ll participate!
Mikado: All right! I’ll win this time!
A&R: U, Um, wait a minute……
Kazuna: Everyone, don’t bother A&R too much, okay?
Mikado: Even Leader is forced to participate!
Actually all of MooNs and KiLLER KiNG are participating! It’s a rematch! 
Kazuna: Eh!?
Tatsuhiro: ……This has become troublesome again.’
Yuzuki: What’s the reward?
Miroku: Oh, that’s what you’re worried about?
A&R: (It seems like it’s going to turn into a big deal, but I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of outfits everyone will come up with.)
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mikadosekimura · 3 months ago
Main Story Extra - Chapter 18 - 「Idol and True Face」
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「On that day, I was instantaneously caught in the sweet trap of love」
A&R: Good morning everyone.
Kazuna: Morning, A&R-san. We’ll be ready in a second so if you could wait for us?
A&R: Yes. There’s still plenty of time so take your time.
Momotaro: I’ve made some tea, so let’s wait here together.
A&R: Thank you very much.
Mikado: Mamirin, Happiness, Fresh!
A&R: Huh?
(Ah, Mikado-san……)
Mikado: Tuunku!  Ahhh~~, this week’s was also amazing too……!
I can’t believe we got to see Mamirin’s transformation scene twice!
This is truly the most divine episode OF all time!
Tatsuhiro: You finally finished watching it……Honestly, you get so noisy everytime can’t you just sit back and watch it?
Mikado: Kuuu~~, you truly don’t understand Tatsu-dono!
It’s impossible to watch something this exciting without making a sound!
Tatsuhiro: I see…… well if we’re going to be late for work if we don’t hurry up and get ready. A&R is already here.
Mikado: –Oh, A&R-san, You’re already here excuse me, I’ll get ready right away.
A&R: It’s alright don’t hurry. Mamirin is always on air at this time, isn’t she?
Mikado: No, this is a recording. I was just watching it for the third time.
A&R: Eh?
Momotaro: Mika always watches the same episode over and over again.
A&R: I, I see……
Hikaru: The mornings are always like this~~
I’ve memorised all the lines already.
Mikado: Everytime I watch Mamirin, I always discover something new! So matter how many times I watch it, I never get bored!
A&R: Hehehe, you really love it don’t you? Have you liked it since you were little?
Kazuna: Ah! That’s…
Tatsuhiro: Oi idiot! Don’t ask unnecessary questions! 
A&R: Eh? 
Mikado: A very good question!
Today as a special treat, I’ll tell you about the day I first encountered Mamirin!
Kazuna: Aah….
Momotaro: This…. Is going to be long
Mikado: It was the summer of when I was in elementary school
Hikaru: Ah, this time it’s a flashback sequence
A&R: Sequence……?
Mikado: My older cousin, who I was close to at the time, came to visit me. 
At that time, I had a lot of free time so he took me to the cinema.
Momotaro: ……Leader, should we stop him now?
Kazuna: Hmm… Let’s wait and listen shall we
Mikado: On that day, through the screen, I met the person of my destiny!
A&R: Your soulmate……
Mikado: That’s right!! Whenever she takes a step, her delicate body is like a flower dancing!
A lovely smile that charms everyone who views it!
And above all, a strong heart to defeat evil and save people!
That is certainly…… LOVE POWER!! Do you understand? That's right, It’s love! LOVE!!
Hikaru: He can talk to himself quite a bit can’t he?
Mikado: On that day, I was instantaneously caught in the sweet trap of love.
Tatsuhiro: Can’t you just say you fell in love normally?
…..Ever since that day, I have devoted my body, my heart and all of my money to Mamirin!
For a while, I borrowed videos from my older cousin and watched them all day and night long~
A&R: Love…is an amazing thing
Tatsuhiro: But you were still young then weren’t you? If all you did was watch anime, wouldn’t your parents get mad?
Hikaru: If that was my house, it would definitely cause a fight! Like ‘Don’t monopolise the TV!’
Kazuna: Wouldn’t that be the case with Mikado’s family?
Mikado: Well~ I wonder…… I don’t remember much
Momotaro: ……
Hikaru: Aa! When I was a kid it was always ‘Stop watching anime all the time and study!’ are you the type to get told ‘How long are you going to watch this for! Go to bed early!’ !?
Mikado: That’s right……
My family may have been strict when it came to studying
Hikaru: I knew it!!
Momotaro: As Hikaru said, that must be how it is.
Hikaru: Wah-! You understand? That’s really how it is~~ !
My mom is often strict too! I was often told ‘You don’t need to help out at the store, just study!’
Tatsuhiro: That sounds like Hikaru’s house.
Hikaru: Isn’t helping out at the store waayy more fun than studying?
Momotaro: ….Mika, if you don’t get ready soon you’ll be late.
Mikado: ......Ha! That's right!
How dare I keep A&R-san waiting on me! I’ll just go grab my jacket and things, so I’ll be right back!
Miracle-rin-rin✩ LuLu-rin-rin♪
Tatsuhiro: Seriously… every single day…please spare me.
Momotaro: That’s Mika’s driving force, so please forgive him.
Kazuna: Well, It seems to give him energy for work, so I think being like that is fine?
Hikaru: That’s true! I’m always so amazed at how Mikachi switches ON and OFF!
Momotaro: Aa, I’m sure he’ll do his job perfectly today.
Kazuna: Thank you so much, your smile alone gives me the strength to keep doing my best.
Hikaru: Thank you for the support! Please continue to keep on watching us!
 Momotaro: Thank you for coming… I’m happy I could meet you.
Tatsuhiro: Thanks for coming all this way to see us.
A&R: (Everyone… has such nice smiles)
(Mikado-san is…...)
Mikado: Understood. I’ll make sure to send you my best wishes.
Do your best with your exams, even if we’re not close…… my heart is always by your side.
Fan: …..Y, Yes! I feel much better now, thank you so much!
Mikado: I’m rooting for you. Please come and see me again (winks)
–Hello there. Thank you so much for waiting in line for such a long time.
A&R: (It’s really like a switch has been flipped…… It’s completely different from when he was watching anime……)
Kazuna: Everyone, good work.
A&R: Good work today!
Momotaro: A&R, How was Mika’s performance at work?
A&R:  It was spectacular……! Mikado-san is such a gentleman!
Mikado: As is expected, we are ‘Idols’ after all. Right?
Hikaru: But, but I was super~ anxious at first!
When he’s on stage as an idol or in front of the cameras, he completely seals away his normal self.
Mikado: Sealed! That has a good chuunibyou feel to it!
Tatsuhiro: But really it’s impressive, he has so many things he likes. I feel luke his true nature might slip out by accident……
Mikado: Well, this is my definition of an idol.
Kazuna: Definition?
Mikado: That’s right! Aren’t duality and gaps moe?
Everyone: ......
Mikado: Duality is a common character troupe for idols!
I’m quite good at switching ON and OFF, so now that I’m an idol, I think I should make that moe my very own……
Kazuna: ……It seems, you've been thinking about it.
Mikado: Of course I am!
Kazuna: But, you only show your idol side to the fans, so they won’t see it, will they?
Mikado: I just want A&R-san and the other members to swoon over me!
Now everyone, please swoon over me as much as you’d like!
Everyone: ……
Mikado: Now, what’s this? Everyone, what’s happened? Could it be that my moe is so great that you’ve lost your words?
Momotaro: I’m glad Mika is having a good time.
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mikadosekimura · 3 months ago
「B-PRO CHANNEL #7」 Translation
What happiness did Yuzuki find?
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"B-PRO CHANNEL" is a YouTube program brought to you by members of B-PROJECT, who belong to Gandhara Music! They will challenge a variety of talk themes with unprecedented combinations of members that go beyond the boundaries of the group! You may also see a new side of the members that you can only see here...?!
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mikadosekimura · 3 months ago
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Happy Magical Rainbow (THEATER ver.) Lyrics
Happy Days Magical! GO! (GO!) Magical Girl Mamirin
Love, Love is surely the magic spice
You and sympathy smile (SMILE!) with an invincible smile, let’s sow the seeds of courage for the future
(Dokkyun!) Seven coloured rainbow
(Bakkyun!) Here, shoot it through Ciao
(Dokkyun!) I’ll show you a miracle!
(Zukkyun!) The magic of love♡
★ 「Dokkyun」 is a pounding heart, like cupid shooting the heart. 「Bakkyun」 is the sound of an explosion.  「Zukkyun」 is a deeper love version of Dokkyun.
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
Mikado Sekimura SR 「Spring and Dilemma」 TL
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「I feel that facing such problems also leads onto facing the core of ones existence and humanity...」
A&R: Mikado-san, I'm sure you're in this classroom….umm…. ah over by the window-
Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mikado-san.
Mikado: A&R-san. Thankyou for going out of your way to pick me up from school-
I'll clean my stuff away now, so can you wait a little longer?
A&R: Of course, there's still time.
Mikado: That saves me, I just finished the lecture and I was trying to summarize the contents of it in my own words, but it took me a little longer than expected……
A&R: I see. What was the lecture about today?
Mikado: Philosophy. This professors talk was really interesting and I couldn't help but be fascinated by it.
Lectures always start off with a current topic…
Before you know it, you're onto the main subject, so naturally you learn to philosophize in your daily life.
Today we started with a small talk about how Easter is approaching, and the topic then went from Easter eggs to the causality of dilemma.
A&R: Causality of dilemma?
Mikado: Yes. It's the so-called 'Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?' debate.
A&R: Oh. I've heard of that before, which one came first…
Mikado: That's right! When you get down to the bottom of the problem, we arrive at the question of how life and the world began.
As for the causality of the dilemma itself, from the perspective of the evolutionary theory, the existence of chickens is defined by 'An individual other than the chicken that laid the first chicken egg'
However, this premise is fraught with metaphysical problems.
A&R: Metaphysical problems…?
Mikado: That's right! I guess you could say that dilemmas beget dilemmas!
Since an egg came from something other than a chicken, can it be called a chicken egg……
There is a possibility that we cannot say that, so then we return to the original question of which came first the chicken or the egg?
This dilemma of causality and it's a topic that many philosophers have discussed in various ways since ancient times, when considering the relationship between the world and life-
Ki ki!
Mikado: Yes… something like that makes you squeak…. Wait.. Ki?
Mikado: Just now… you heard something right?
A&R: Y…yeah…from by the podium……
Kiki kiki
Mikado: Squirrel-san?
A&R: It's a squirrel, but where did it come from…?
Mikado: Now that I think about it, I've heard that squirrels live in the courtyard.
That must've been where it came from.
A&R: It seems like the window is open too…
Ki ki ki
Mikado: Somehow it seems like you're in trouble, it must be scared. Squirrel-san, It's okay.
This place isn't scary.
The podium is slippery isn't it? Please if you don't mind, climb into my hands.
Ki… kikiki
Mikado: Yes, yes, there you go.
A&R: Wah…you're so well behaved sitting in Mikado-san's hands like that.
Ki ki♪
Mikado: Fufu, It's really a smart child.
It's big and round eyes are so adorable.
A&R: Hehe… you seem relived.
Mikado: I wonder if it's really a friendly child?
A&R: But It seemed anxious up until now… I think it's because it felt Mikado-san's warmth.
Mikado: Is that so? If that's the case then I'm happy. However, we can't leave it like this… let's escort you to the courtyard.
A&R: That's right, lets go.
Mikado: Here, Squirrel-san, you're back home now.
Ki ki♪
A&R: Oh, It's running towards the tree… Is that where it lives?
Mikado: It seems like it.
In any case, I'm glad that I was able to get that child back safely. Fu…uu..that said, it's warm today.
A&R: Yes.. It feels like spring is here
Mikado: When I bask in this sunlight, it seems to melt away my stiffness in my body from the lecture.
…Um, If you still have time, why don't we take it easy?
A&R: Sounds good. There is still time, so let's bask in the sun for a bit.
Mikado: By all means, well then, Let's sit on that bench over there-
Mikado: The sunshine feels nice, the wind is gentle and it smells like spring.
A&R: That's right… It's like the tension is melting away……
Mikado: Yes, the spring air softens the body and mind, doesn't it? ……A&R-san
A&R: Yes?
Mikado: Um… I'm sorry about earlier.
A&R: Eh? What do you mean?
Mikado: About the dilemma of causality, I talked about it one-sidedly……
A&R: Oh..! Please don't worry about that at all.
It was difficult to understand but I was happy that Mikado-san spoke to me about something so serious.
Mikado: If you say so… that makes me happy.
I enjoy thinking about philosophy things like 'Which came first the Chicken or the Egg'
I feel that facing such problems also leads onto facing the core of ones existence and humanity…
A&R: My existence and the roots of humanity.. It's so profound.
Mikado: Haha, well I don't know if that much thought has been put into it.
Also if you keep thinking about it, you may start to feel differently about it.
Especially when I spend my time relaxing and interacting with nature like this, I begin to believe that just being alive is enough.
A&R: Hehe, I think I get that too.
Mikado: Right? Even the beautiful scenery is changing while I'm thinking about it.
So for now, I want to forget all about the world and all the difficult things.
I cherish times like these when I can just slowly watch the clouds pass by with A&R-san by my sid-
A&R: (A&R's phone rings) Ah… I'm sorry, It looks like it's from Yashamaru-san.
Mikado: It's okay, please answer it.
A&R: Yes, A&R here.
Yashamaru: A&R here, It's not! Hey where are you right now!?
A&R: Eh? I'm at the University picking up Mikado-san…
University bell rings
Mikado: This chime is at 3pm…
Wait, the recording starts at 3:30pm!?
A&R: No way! Since when did it get to this time…!
Yashamaru: There's still time, so hurry up and get over here now!
A&R: Y..Yes! I'll be right on my way, sorry!
I'm sorry Mikado-san.
I should've checked the time!
Mikado: No, no, I should've too.
It's important to experience beautiful scenery, but it seems a little dangerous to forget everything.
A&R: T, That's right……
Mikado & A&R: …….Fufu
Mikado: Well then, let's go shall we A&R-san.
A&R: Yes! I look forward to working with you!
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mikadosekimura · 4 months ago
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⭐🌟 Translation Masterlist 💫✨ for mikado sekimura b-project
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┌────── ⭐🌟💫✨ ──────┐
⭐ SSR 「Birthday Party」
⭐ SR 「Kayak」
⭐ SR Romance
⭐ SR Spring and Dilemma
🌟 Event story 「FUN!FUN!FALL!」
🌟 Event story 「The Grand GREATEST SHOW」
🌟 Main story Extra 「Idol and True Face」
🌟 Main story Extra 「First Love Memories」
✨ Game Book Interview
✨ WORLD*EXPO Cast Comment Countdown
✨ WORLD*EXPO Cast Comment
✨ Happy Magical Rainbow Lyrics
✨ Message Cards misc
└────── ⭐🌟💫✨ ──────┘
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