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Alas, the problems of a lynx.
Too dang big.
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fleetclan · 8 months
Something Mireclan related under the cut (Blood warning)
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thumbs up emoji
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cat-aclysm-rp · 2 years
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These lands are not new to you.
Your paws traverse effortlessly through the murky swamps, finding your footing even on the most muddy and slippery of undergrounds. You have known the Mire since the day you were born, distant calls of animals and the footsteps of dangerous beasts all but strangers to you. You’ve learned to hunt, fight, scavenge and explore, all in this swamp, it is your home.
An angler does not scare you as it passes you by, although any outsider would think you were terrified with your owl-ish eyes. They know what to look for, and with the darkness, it’s no surprise they are rather big. The angler doesn’t even notice you are there, and by the time it’s gone, you begin moving again. They are but beasts, nothing more than that, you can outsmart them anytime.
There are wings flapping above you, but you do not jump. You know that sound just the way you know these lands, and if anything, it makes you feel secure. 
They protect you, just like they protected your ancestors, and how they will your descendants. The Mire might have beasts, but there is no bigger danger than a Mireclan cat accompanied by a mothman. You know this.
You are no longer afraid of what beasts lie ahead.
After weeks of teasing, Mireclan has officially opened! Adoptables will run from January 15th til January 29th, and oc applications will run from January 15th til February 5th. Those who apply may apply for both an adoptable and an oc! For this opening, we’re looking at mostly Mireclan born cats, as the clan is very closed off for outsiders. However, we will be looking at any application, and cats with an outsider backstory will also be considered. We are hoping to accept around 12 OCs alongside the 3 adoptables! Before applying, make sure to read our rules and all of the documents related to the roleplay. You can find more information about Mireclan here! Adoptable information can be found here.
Apply for an adoptable here.
Apply for an oc here.
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sunshadesfrozensky · 2 years
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Opossumtail of Mireclan
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jestermeows · 2 years
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Newstar, most specialist show kitty turned cat that's trying to convince you to live in a swamp like environment
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lionblaze03-02-art · 2 years
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samkee00 · 1 month
Pawstep Pathway Warrior Cats
If you're interested in a Minecraft server dedicated to Warrior Cats roleplay, please take a look! This server is based on the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter, and you'll be required to have a little bit of knowledge of the series to join. Pawstep's roleplay uses the book series' lore as a foundation but modifies it to make it more interesting and fun.
IP: randomchimp.no-ip.org:20013
(I know the IP is a little silly, but it's been the same for a decade.)
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Detailed information beneath the read-more!
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Pawstep Pathway's lore diverges from that of the books during the Great Journey, so after the Prophecies Begin and part of the New Prophecy arcs. First arc characters like Firestar are canon in legend, but some original characters walked among them in life in the server's canon to make way for our Clans. The Great Journey from the Forest territories was a time of extreme change and upheaval for the Clans- not just physically, but spiritually and socially as well. Faith in StarClan strengthened for some, but faltered for others. The old allegiances were tested time and again, and when the Clans reached their prophecized homes, many realized they could no longer bow to tradition. Three great cats rose up, spearheading revolution. Though they were countered by a fourth, they managed to take power, changing the structure of the Clans forever.
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Many of the foundations of Clan life remain the same, but the cultures and customs of the old Clans gave way to the birth of new ones.
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CrestClan is the Clan born of the Resistor, Creststar. Those who were most pious and attached to the old ways joined her when the old Clans fell, and their descendants still uphold their traditions, for better or worse. They are known for their stubbornness, their strong reverence of StarClan, and their hatred of outsiders.
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HollowClan's progenitor, Hollowstar the Pacifier, rose to greatness by harnessing his own fear. The Dark Forest began to make its presence known during the Great Journey, attempting to sow discord, but those both pious and fearful joined together to pacify them and assuage their anger with recognition. Their descendants are known for their cunning and their fearfulness, along with their strange naming conventions.
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MireClan is the only Clan over which StarClan does not hold true dominion. Mirestar the Denier and many of their followers knew StarClan was real, but believed it to be cruel and self-serving. Others simply did not believe. Either way, their descendants walk out of the light of the Stars, and yet are known for their strong moral code and unbreakable bonds of loyalty.
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RuinClan's first leader, the Outsider Ruinstar, most strongly saw the need for change and new ideas within the Clans. She and those who welcomed her rejected the xenophobia and stagnation that had been integral to Clan life for generations. The diverse mix of descendants and newcomers that make up the Clan are known for their friendliness, openness to new ideas, interaction with twolegs... and the strange concept of "fashion".
Aside from the four main Clans, we also have StarClan, the Dark Forest, a Twolegplace where you can play as a kittypet, and plenty of space for loners to roam.
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Pawstep Pathway has a fully explorable Clan map with custom lore, including a modified Warrior Code and other changes that still fit the tone of the original Warriors series. You and your characters will have the opportunity to grow, interact with others, and continually affect the lore of the server. A good amount of additions are planned for the future, so stick around to see those, too! We've been around for eleven years now and have had a lot of time to learn what makes for the most fun.
IP (again): randomchimp.no-ip.org:20013
The server is undergoing a revitalization, so if nobody is on or you need help, feel free to join our Discord!
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firestarishomophobic · 7 months
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sorry for clan inconsistency but here’s a few more clangen cats from my newest playthrough. these are oakclan cats! basically i’ve created four clans for my own lil project, and i’m developing clan origins and lore through that. these are a few of the founding (except for heatherplume) members of the clan.
oakclan lives in a dense oak forest and, on an island that doesn’t see much sun, comes to value it immensely. i haven’t entirely figured out that lore yet. they have a sister clan, hollyclan, who loves the snow and dark. there are two other clans: firthclan and mireclan.
oakstar was the original leader, but hollowmoon is probably the most influential of the group. as the original healer, he was also the first to talk to the Stars, who advised him upon their new naming system. at this time, he was only known as hollow. naming in this clan is a very spiritual practice. a cat ready to receive their warrior name will travel out with the healer to meditate, and the leader calls the new name once it has been decided. so hollowmoon introduced the naming system to this clan. it might be similar with the other healers in the other clans. hes a nervous old guy now, and he misses his mate. i’ll prolly draw him later!
sproutsight is my current favorite. she is the deputy, and oakstar’s old apprentice. she got her name because she was so good at helping hollowmoon find plants— sproutsight for her ability to see sprouts!
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✦ Careless Embers - Chapter 02 - "There's so much you could be" ✦
Song inspiration: Hell of A Team - Amalee
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Volatile Fortunes (usually) updates every Monday :3
☄️ Check the pinned post for the full story index ☄️
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✨ The text on the picture is below this cut if it's hard to read!! /info ✨
While Lotusclan wasn't as tense as Mireclan and Chervilclan, Munjacfoot, one of Lotusclan's younger warriors was as tense as ever. Despite Lotusclan having nothing to do with the war, he was afraid that war being the cause of the forest falling into ruins, he was young but he had never seen such violence...ever since the gathering he went to when he was still an apprentice.
Frecklestar and Troutstar had almost broke out into fight, the medicine cat of each respective clan being the only thing that had prevented it, Munjacfoot had been thinking about it ever since. He was sitting alone a little ways away from Lotusclan camp, it wasn't until he was interrupted by Shadowthroat.
Shadowthroat had come to him with an offer, after noticing Munjacfoot's stress, she wasn't much older than him, in fact, Munjacfoot doesn't remember seeing her much after he was apprenticed, she had been apprenticed first. He had been told Shadowthroat had ran away as an apprentice and came back as a warrior, gone for almost 7 whole moons, the clan didn't trust her, nor did Munjacfoot.
But he didn't have a choice, she wanted what he wanted, he would be mousebrained to say no now.
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marsupialmuseum · 1 month
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Oh no... Bloodydude and Mr. Boggy Froggy got eaten...
AKAAAAAA Bloodstar and Bogstar, the leaders of HollowClan and MireClan from Pawstep Pathway Warrior Cats, a Minecraft and Discord based warrior cats roleplay server. Bloodstar belongs to me and Bogstar belongs to MarshaMallow!!
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Minkroot, the Mireclan medicine cat apprentice.
Minkroot was originally a young warrior, but soon after becoming one, was bombarded with questions from her mother about " when she's gonna get a mate", or " Which Mireclan tom do you like the most?". She was very uncomfortable with her mother's pestering, it got so bad that she requested to Duckstar to become a medicine cat instead. Duckstar agreed, and assigned her under Spindleweb, the current medicine cat, to once again train as an apprentice. Her mother didn't support her decision, and constantly tries to convince Minkroot to change her mind.
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fleetclan · 9 months
reminder that I have asks open n everything! :]
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cat-aclysm-rp · 2 years
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We have arrived at the last of our adoptables, and this one is a little bit different than the others. Our third and final adoptable is Wolfswamp, Mireclan’s leader. -------------------
Although many cats wish to have what Wolfswamp has, Wolfswamp would argue they’re better off with what they have now.
Wolfswamp doesn’t remember where he comes from, and he might never find out. Found as a young kit in the swamp by the previous leader, Blightswamp, all he has ever known is being her son alongside her biological son, Tinderflame. The two grew up together, little Tinderkit and Wolfkit, and had been inseparable for the longest time. Wolfswamp’s mystery appearance in the territory had never been a secret to him, as every Mireclan cat was quick to tell him he was not quite a Mireclan cat due to his outsider blood.
But, Tinderkit never really cared. To him, Wolfkit was just his sibling, and where he came from didn’t matter. And, despite Tinderkit being Blightswamp’s “preferred kit”, his behavior towards Wolfkit never changed. The two grew up alongside another kit, Flashkit, a bright orange cat who took interest in Tinderpaw specifically when the three became apprentices.
Things would change for the three cats several moons into their training. Tinderpaw would begin acting strange, specifically around the subject of the mothmen that protected them, claiming there was “something else” out there trying to talk to him. When Blightswamp took note, her favorite changed, implying Tinderpaw, now Tinderflame, to be ill in some way.
Tinderflame, Wolftooth and Flashfire would continue to be close, however. Flashfire still showed the same interest in Tinderflame despite how the clan had begun to treat him, although Wolftooth and Tinderflame’s relationship began to turn sour due to Tinderflame’s continued claims about this mystery being.
It wasn’t until one of Tinderflame’s searches for the being in the swamp left the accompanying Flashfire dead, killed by swamp beasts, a brutal death. Blightswamp banished Tinderflame, claiming him to be a traitor and a danger to the clan. Wolftooth did not argue against her.
Wolftooth went on to become deputy several moons later, and quickly moved on to become leader when his mother Blightswamp ate bad prey and passed away. Now Wolfswamp has been leading Mireclan for about fifteen moons, with all the family he once had lost. 
But can Wolfswamp truly be happy with what he achieved when it cost so much?
Mireclan applications are opening today!
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sunshadesfrozensky · 2 years
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Papayapaw, best friend of Meteorpaw, joined Mireclan after a very long conversation and lots of convincing Duckstar.
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irisdances · 2 years
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On my way to promo @cat-aclysm-rp where you can have babies like this. Not this healer apprentice though :) Sunpaw is a munchkin darling and has been dear to my heart as she started out in my first warrior cats roleplay ever, so I am so happy that I could make some changes and rehome her here! Fun fact she has a brother named Moonpaw... who has vanished mysteriously! Wanna find out more? Applications for Mireclan will open today!
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lionblaze03-02-art · 2 years
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