chetney-pockopea · 1 year
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I'm feeling so normal about this you guys
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
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a no-spoilers update on how tlovm is going
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eupat · 4 months
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ghostsarchives · 30 days
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Happy Pride Month to all peoples and Critters! Enjoy a small one of our lovely resident Gunslinger.
(Refrences for shirt and mug idea below)
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ministarfruit · 1 year
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council and tempus vg outfit swap (doodles)
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visionade · 10 months
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blorbologist · 1 year
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i love her so much
babe this is why i gave you this stinky thing in my fic [and the ~trauma~]
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dufrau · 11 months
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I'm bored here's a fun mini painting project I did a couple years ago of Vex and Trinket from critical role campaign 1. The elf mini is from Dark Sword and the bear is from Atlantis miniatures.
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criticalpolls · 1 year
Enough people were yelling about my accidental exclusion of Narrative Telephone in the first poll that I decided to remake the poll. Because Between the Sheets is another interview/Q&A style show, I lumped it in with the first option so that all the shows could still be included. Apologies for the mistake y'all!
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chatosha · 1 year
He is now the only anime sticker on my laptop. I don't really like stickers with people on them but.... I have made an exception
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quillname · 11 months
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More mini-portraits! This time, it's the Mighty Nein!
Other mini-portraits: Vox Machina Bell's Hells
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eupat · 3 months
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ghostsarchives · 1 month
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A few smaller drawings
Including Percy with some Vox machina themed birds (I love Percy and birds in literally any shape or form)
The second ones, based on a post, I saw somewhere comparing Percy to Anastasia Romanof, were friends, and I proceeded to joke about sticking him in the dress, which is just perfect.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
look, I know polls are silly and fun and so I want you to understand writing this rant is silly and fun for me but EMON? Emon is the Critical Role Entry for Most Place of All Time? I must call bullshit. And so:
Friends, fellow critters, and people who have me blocked but hate read my blog each morning over breakfast: Emon is not even the Most Place on the Material Plane. It is not even the Most Place in Tal'Dorei. Hell, it's not even the Most Place on the fucking Bladeshimmer Shoreline, which includes a destroyed city now overtaken by bandits, and a cave system that hosts both a rift to the Far Realm and a different rock than residuum that can make a different magical drug than suude. Emon is if you took the aggressively mid vibes of Washington, DC and transplanted them to the inconvenient location and city of refuge for flaky people who avoid gluten for non-medical reasons of Los Angeles. The second Percival Frederickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III invents the motorcar that sumbitch is going to have traffic bad enough to summon Tharizdun. Also there's a literal pit of fire that's been burning for 30 years that both hasn't been adequately addressed but also doesn't really seem that interesting. Like oh a bunch of dragons destroyed your city? Big deal. Draconia got so fucked up it doesn't exist anymore, and at least Westruun has some fucking charm. At least Pike and Grog actually lived there, whereas Vox Machina got a house in Emon and proceeded to spend their time literally anywhere else.
Here is a brief list of places on the planet of Exandria in the Material Plane - not even across Critical Role's main campaigns/EXU, which includes such non-Exandrian places as "living city of people who mind-melded and escaped to the Astral Sea during a century-plus-long war of the gods"; "Ligament Manor"; "Ryn's groovy pied-a-feu, man I wonder what made the scorch marks on that furniture, anyway", and "THE MOON THAT IS ACTUALLY AN PRISON FOR A THING THAT EATS GODS AND IS POSSIBLY HATCHING" - that are more of a place than Emon:
Jrusar: 5 spires no waiting, sweet cable car system, city almost entirely destabilized by goo creatures as part of an overly complicated plot to blow up the aforementioned moon
Bassuras: (literally "garbagetown") Run by Mad Max gangs and everyone is cool with it; regular sandstorms; one of those gangs apparently sits atop a hive mind and NO ONE has examined this (except for them)?)
Whitestone: has a tree planted by one god over a buried temple to another god that was corrupted in the name of a third, shittier god; overrun by zombies but it's fine now; streetlights and two bears that are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.
Yios: The canal system of Venice meets the colleges per capita of Boston meets the orcs from your fantasies, also there's some kind of kitchen-based organized crime ring so intricate it could be its own campaign (so, also like Boston).
Vasselheim: literally no one understands what the fuck its government system is. Old as balls. Temples everywhere! Temples full of trees. Temples full of blood! Temples full of an old guy who will kick your ass. A sphinx that regulates the monster hunter mini-game. Presumably the giant titan full of the ancient cannibal dwarf city is like, still there, as a new fixture, since I don't see how they're moving that.
The arctic: where teleportation doesn't work, there's a river of lava in the middle of the snow, ancient ruins full of snow globes full of actual people, and the Chaos Bisexual Emerald - and that's just a smattering of what Eiselcross has to offer.
Since this is about space and not time we can toss Aeor and Avalir too, since they once were places, and while we're at it whatever the fuck is going on with the Shattered Teeth and its permanent fog cloud and fish dream cult and capitalist shipwrecked merchants.
And, of course, any arbitrary square millimeter of Wildemount, frankly, has more Mostness than the entirety of Emon could muster under absolutely ideal conditions. But for the sake of one place per region, let's hand it to Rosohna (city of eternal night for practical purposes, built over the Evil God Headquarters); Uthodurn (underground! Giant goats! Elves and dwarves, living together, mass hysteria!); Hupperdook (steampunk gnome party city); Nicodranas (Fjord, Jester, Veth, Marion, and Yussa literally all live there at once; plumbing used to be courtesy of an imprisoned marid...but watch out); and Blightshore (Blightshore).
In conclusion: Emon is boring, nominating it was a mistake, there are literally sealed gods in other parts of the world and also way better taverns, good night, and what the fuck.
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blorbologist · 6 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 7,936 notes - Jan 25 2023
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5. 3,669 notes - Jan 27 2023
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6. 3,386 notes - Jan 23 2023
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7. 3,288 notes - Feb 10 2023
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10. 2,257 notes - Feb 10 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
¨When The Owl House finishes we aren’t going to have more story driven animated shows/ shows with arcs¨
This is a rumor that has been spreading lately and it isn’t all true.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur has been confirmed to become story driven early on and based on the latest episodes, it looks like it is starting to do that.
The Ghost and Molly Mcgee Season 2 has been confirmed by Steve Loter to be more story driven. The first season has a ¨bigger narrative¨ as well.
And if you are fan of Star Wars, you could enjoy ¨The Bad Batch¨ on Disney Plus. It’s has story arcs with some standalone episodes in between. Great stuff.
Moving to shows that aren’t from Disney:
Craig of the Creek later becomes more or less this from Season 3 forward. It’s semi-episodic.
In Summer Camp Island takes a while but it later develops complex lore and some character arcs.
Hilda the series is a beautiful show that has an overall story with each episode being a standalone story connected to other episodes.
Lego Monkie Kid is great show with a story driven narrative with complex characters and some morally grey situations.
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Warrior has a whole story. It isn’t an amazing show but it has its moments.
My Dad The Bounty Hunter is an space sci-fi show that turns into the protagonists fighting against an exploitative destructive company and explores a complicated family relationship.
Sonic Prime has an story with characters jumping into different dimensions and a main character arc for Sonic.
I also heard that The Legend of Vox Machina is good. It’s a show with a medieval story fantasy setting. Note: It’s an adult animation show.
In addition to that, Fionna and Cake mini series spin off and Unicorns: Warriors Eternal are coming out this year.
I understand if some of you can’t access this shows because they are on Netflix or HBO Max. But the point is that there are still some story driven shows out there and the rumor that there aren’t anymore isn’t totally accurate. You can find them if you look for them.
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