#Mini Golf 1
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Penjual Desain Rumput Sintetis Dinding WA: 0821.1165.6780 (ibu sobah) Kota Serang, Banten : Beauty Grass
Beli Rumput Artificial Emperador, Beli Rumput Artificial Fish, Supllier Rumput Artificial Flower, Agen Rumput Artificial Flowers, Agen Rumput Artificial Indonesia, Beli Rumput Artificial Indoor, Distributor Rumput Artificial Jakarta, Agen Rumput Artificial Jambi, Jual Grosir Rumput Artificial Jepang, Supllier Rumput Artificial Jogja, Golf 1 cm, Mini Golf 0,8 cm, Mini Golf 1,5 cm, Swiss 1,5 cm Standar, Swiss 2 cm Standar, Swiss 3 cm Standar, Swiss 2 cm Premium, Swiss 2,5 cm Premium, Swiss 3cm Premium, Swiss 3,5 cm Premium, Swiss 3,5 cm Platinum, Swiss 4 cm Premium, Swiss 2,5 cm Premium Backing Karet, Jepang 2 cm, Jepang 2,5 cm, Jepang 3 cm, Jepang 3,5 cm, Jepang 4 cm, Rumput Sintetis Putih 3 cm Premium, Football Grass 5 CM , Drainage Cell
Beauty Grass Adalah UMKM distributor / Supplier yang terpercaya, dan menjual berbagai jenis rumput sintetis, untuk kebutuhhan dekorasi indoor/ outdoor rumah, hotel, perkantoran dan kebutuhan untuk taman. Beauty grass adalah suplier dan distributor rumput sintetis sejak 2020, kami menjual karpet rumput sintetis yang telah melayani penjualan keseluruh indonesia, dan kami pastikan anda kualitas no.1 Se-Indonesia.Â
Produk kami adalah produk yang telah di uji dan divalidasi oleh lembaga sertifikasi yang independen serta telah memenuhi kualifikasi FIFA Quality, LABOSPORT, ISASPORT, SGS, Interek, SURFACE PERFORMANCE Sporting Goods Industry,WSF ISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001. Sertifikasi ini menunjukan bahwa produk telah memenuhi standar kualitas tertentu dan aman di gunakan oleh pengguna. hal ini membuat pelanggan kami lebih percaya terhadap prduk kami.
Keunggulan Produk Kami
1. Rumput Sintetis 4 Struktur Lapisan : Produk Kami Memiliki 4 Struktur Lapisan dimana lapisan ini sangatlah penting untuk menunjang struktur helaian rumput. 2. Ketahanan Terhadap Api : Semua Produk Kami sudah melewati test dan memiliki sertifikasi terhadap ketahanan api dimana tidak akan menyebar dan membesar ketika terbakar. 3. Ketahanan Terhadap Sinar UV : Terbukti dan tersertifikasi untuk ketahanan terhadap sinar ultra violet (UV), jadi anda tidak perlu khawatir warna rumput memudar untuk penempatan di luar ruangan. 4. Ketahanan Terhadap Gesekan dan Penggunaan : Produk Kami Lolos Uji untuk uji kehausan dalam penggunaan yang meliputi tes gesekan di permukaan rumput sintetis. 5. Banyak Variasi Produk : Kami Memiliki banyak Variasi produk untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan anda mulai dari variasi tipe Standar, Premium, Maupun Platinum. 6. Produk Ramah Lingkungan : Kami Sangat perduli dengan dampak terhadap lingkungan, oleh karena itu produk kami sangatlah ramah lingkungan. 7. Kualitas FIFA : Produk Kami juga memiliki sertifikasi yang memenuhi standar kualitas dari FIFA. 8. Daya Tahan Hingga 8 Tahun : Rumput Kami sudah teruji dan sudah terjamin untuk ketahanannya hingga 8 tahun. 9. Ramah Untuk Anak : Produk Kami sangatlah Ramah untuk anak tidak menyebabkan iritasi.
Kelebihan Rumput Sintetis
1.Perawatan Lebih Mudah
Dibanding menjaga rumput asli di taman rumah, menjaga rumput sintetis relatif lebih gampang. Kalian tidak memerlukan air dalam jumlah banyak buat menjaga rumput ini. Bila rumput kotor, kalian lumayan memakai vacuum cleaner bertekanan rendah buat menyedot kotoran di rumput. Kalian pula tidak butuh memotong rumput teratur sebab rumput tidak hendak bertumbuh.
Membuat Penunggu Rumah Lebih Nyaman
Rumput buatan ini mempunyai tekstur yang lembut serta tidak lembab sehingga dapat digunakan selaku pengganti karpet dalam ruangan. Tidak hanya itu, wujudnya yang tebal membuat anak kecil nyaman bila lagi bermain di atas rumput ini.
Bayaran Perawatan Rumput Sintetis Lebih Murah
Tidak hanya gampang dalam perawatan, bayaran perawatan pula jauh lebih murah.Kalian tidak butuh menghasilkan duit buat membeli pupuk serta pestisida supaya rumput berkembang baik.Tidak hanya itu, kalian pula dapat mengirit air sebab tidak butuh menyirami rumput.
Sesuai Digunakan di Bermacam Tempat
Rumput buatan sesuai digunakan di dalam serta di luar ruangan. Kalian dapat memakainya selaku riasan teras rumah ataupun selaku pengganti karpet di ruang tamu.
Pemasangan Lebih Fleksibel
Karena tidak membutuhkan sinar matahari maka rumput sintetis bisa di pasang di mana saja dalam, luar ruangan atau semi outdoor. bisa di pasang untuk di dalam atau bagian yang membutuhkan rumput.
Produk dari Beauty grass ini supaya memperindah suasana, memberi pemandangan yang cantik, indah, menyegarkan dan sebagai pelengkap hiasan ruangan. Penghijauan menjadi bagian penting untuk design interior, dekorasi outdoor maupun indoor, rooftop bangunan tinggi, rumah, maupun tempat food and beverage dan lainsebagainya. Supaya terlihat indah dan menyegarkan pemandangan sebagai penghijauan dengan tanpa harus terhubung dengan tanah. selain itu ada beberapa manfaat, yakni :
Manfaat Rumput Sintetis diantaranya;
Dapat mengurangi konsumsi daya, mengurasi suhu lapisan atas (untuk rooftop)
Hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan.
Penghijauan dapat mengatur aliran air hujan yang berada di rooftop.
Mampu menyediakan taman agar menjadi nyaman untuk beristirahat
Bisa menjadi tingkat isolasi tertentu suara, dan mampu menyerap energi panas.
Beauty Grass dengan Rumput Sintetis dan tanaman artificial lainnya dapat di gunakan di beberapa tempat, yaitu :
Area kegiatan sekolah( taman kanak-kanak, sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, sekolah menengah atas ataupun perguruan tinggi).
Permodelan landskap perkotaan.
Klub rekreasi.
Alun-alun kota.
Ruang konferensi dekorasi kreatif.
Dekorasi taman artificial kreatif.
Dekorasi kreatif hidup.
Dekorasi pelaminan.
Dekorasi pernikahan dan lain sebagainya.
jika di bandingkan dengan rumput alami memiliki keuntungan yang jelas rumput sintetis Beauty Grass tidak terpengaruh oleh cuaca musim dingin maupun musim panas dapat di letakkan berbagai tempat panas dan dingin sehingga tetap memberi kesan kenikmatan visual yang hijau alami. selain itu, Beauty Grass mempunyai kulitas kinerja drainase yang baik dan tidak mengalami penumpukan air hujan. point yang sangat penting mengapa orang-orang harus memilih Produk dari Beauty Grass yakni rumput sintetis yang tahan lama, peletakan dan pemeliharaan yang sangat mudah dan sederhana, harga terjangkau, menghemat tenaga kerja dan waktu perawatan.
Oleh karena, itu Beauty Grass menyediakan Berbagai Jenis Rumput Sintetis dan Tanaman Artificial yang cantik dan indah. Supaya memudahkan anda untuk mendekorasi rumah agar lebih terlihat hijau segar alami. berikut macam macam Rumput Sintetis dan Tanaman artificial lainnya ;
Produk kami Golf 1 cm Mini Golf 0,8 cm Mini Golf 1,5 cm Swiss 1,5 cm Standar Swiss 2 cm Standar Swiss 3 cm Standar Swiss 2 cm Premium Swiss 2,5 cm Premium Swiss 3cm Premium Swiss 3,5 cm Premium Swiss 3,5 cm Platinum Swiss 4 cm Premium Swiss 2,5 cm Premium Backing Karet Jepang 2 cm Jepang 2,5 cm Jepang 3 cm Jepang 3,5 cm Jepang 4 cm Rumput Sintetis Putih 3 cm Premium Football Grass 5 CMÂ Drainage CellÂ
Keunggulan memilih beauty grass diantaranya;
Amanah dan terpecaya
gratis konsultasi seputar rumput sintetis
Masing-masing produk memiliki komponen yang terjamin keamanannya, Jahitan Rapih dan lembut
Tahan Sinar UV dan Api
Bahan tidak bersifat Karsinogenik (karsinogenik merupakan senyawa yang merusak sel tubuh dan meningkatkan risiko terkena kanker)
Produk yang kami kirim, sebelumnya sudah kami pilih yang menarik dan layak di gunakan.
Produk yang kami kirim sesuai permintaan ukuran yang di inginkan pelanggan.
Setiap Pemesanan Eceran kami kirimkan dengan rapih.
Kami Penjual yang ramah untuk membantu Pelanggan menanyakan seputar Rumput Sintetis, Tanaman Artificial dan pemesanannya, dengan kualitas terbaik.
dan kami menyediakan Jasa Pasang Rumput supaya lebih rapih dan nyaman.
Expedisi yang tersedia JNE, SICEPAT, INDAH Cargo, BJE Cargo, JNT Cargo, Dll dan untuk pengiriman se-JABODETABEK kirim menggunakan Deliveree dengan ketentuan minimal order.
Jika Bapak/Ibu mau mendekorasi rumah dengan mendapatkan harga yang terjangkau namun di jamin kualitas Terbaik, tepat sekali jika Bpk/Ibu Belanja di kami.
Kami Melayani Pembelian;
Partai Besar
Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Eceran / Grosiran silahkan hubungi Kami WA / Call :
0821-1165-6780 : (Mrs/Ibu.Sobahul Khoiroh) Owner (Tinggal Klik)
#Beli Rumput Artificial Emperador#Beli Rumput Artificial Fish#Supllier Rumput Artificial Flower#Agen Rumput Artificial Flowers#Agen Rumput Artificial Indonesia#Beli Rumput Artificial Indoor#Distributor Rumput Artificial Jakarta#Agen Rumput Artificial Jambi#Jual Grosir Rumput Artificial Jepang#Supllier Rumput Artificial Jogja#Golf 1 cm#Mini Golf 0#8 cm#Mini Golf 1#5 cm#Swiss 1#5 cm Standar#Swiss 2 cm Standar#Swiss 3 cm Standar#Swiss 2 cm Premium#Swiss 2#5 cm Premium#Swiss 3cm Premium#Swiss 3#5 cm Platinum#Swiss 4 cm Premium#5 cm Premium Backing Karet#Jepang 2 cm#Jepang 2#Jepang 3 cm
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how do we think the core 4 would do at mini golfing? i feel like chad is really good at it, like a gentle giant while tara and mindy are nearly killing each other and arguing about the most miniscule rules
sam's just trying to make sure everyone survives without getting a golf ball to the eye
#i went mini golfing today and was inspired#i won đ 3 holes in 1 baby#tara carpenter#sam carpenter#chad meeks martin#mindy meeks martin#scream
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absolutely decimated an 11 year old in mini golf today
#i only worked 7-1 today so i went mini golfing with my cousins and i got 2nd place put of the four of us#''let kids win'' outta my way gay boy im taking the silver medal in this mini golf tournament#let kids win is for kids under 10 im sorry once you hit double digits im not holding back#also i got the fish flops :-) they make me very happy#i also got the only hole in one out of the whole game so fuck them kids#my pics
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I was tagged by @creepycrawlycreaturefor a selfie and for 15 questions for 15 mutuals. Thanks!
Selfie above. Prove it isn't!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm like the fourth or fifth of my name, if not more. So Jr, Jr, Jr, Jr,.. (ad nauseum).
2. Do you have any kids?
Someday. To eat all my tin cans!
3. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Very dry sense of humor. Sometimes people think I'm making fun of them when I'm being serious for some reason. Making fun of people is not my bag. Never was. Hate bullies.
4. When was the last time you cried?
Got teary at a recent wake.
5. Whatâs the first thing you notice about people?
Nothing. Usually terrified and overwhelmed. But other times not.
6. Eye colour?
Wouldn't you like to know!
7. What sports do you / have you played?
Everything, until other dad's started telling their kids that they had to win to be a man! Then I was like, "This is not for me. Say, this Star Blazers show is pretty cool. This. This is my new thing."
8. Any special talent?
I mean, nobody is ever like, "Get that guy!"
9. Where were you born?
On an ice floe.
10. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, but I've watched tons of scary movies.
11. Do you have any pets?
Man, even the local birds like me! That's not Brit slang. I'm talking Grackles and whatnot. There may be a Chihuahua-Jack Russell terrier mix that haunts my life.
12. How tall are you?
Not tall.
13. What are your hobbies?
Plays music: badly, Draws: illegibly, Drinks: unsated.
14. Favourite subject in school?
English. My only way out. I literally was failing due to nonattendence and my English teacher (God bless her), had me write a ton of essays to graduate.
15. Dream job?
None of my dreams involve labor.
And there you have it! I'm not tagging any of you; I'm far too lazy. Don't take it personally. Do this if'n you'd like!
#You've learned nothing that you couldn't already have guessed#me#Rte 1 orange dinosaur. His mini-golf jungle has gone extinct
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got hole đ
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PALING BANYAK DICARI, 0878.5043.5758 Jasa Pasang Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium KFI Sport
Kami adalah Perusahaan Tukang Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium yang menjual Rumput Sintetis Buat Taman, Rumput Sintetis Swiss 3cm, Rumput Sintetis Dekorasi, Rumput Sintetis Premium, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Kucing
Garansi Uang Kembali jika produk tidak sesuai dengan Harapan
Jika Anda Berminat Bisa Hubungi Kami di Nomor : https://wa/me/6287850435758
Untuk melihat Potfolio beragam produk lainnya bisa Cek Website kami di https://www.rumputsintetisindonesia.com/ Atau bisa juga ke Toko Marketplace kami seperti - Shopee : https://shopee.co.id/product/56442989/10809821433/ - Lazada : https://tinyurl.com/4wasnp9w
- Tokopedia :Â https://www.tokopedia.com/kfisport/karpet-rumput-sintetis-swiss-100x100-panjang-1-meter
Untuk bisa lebih meyakinkan anda bahwa kami adalah penjual yang bisa di percaya.
Rumput Sintetis Jepang Vs Swiss Bedanya hanya pada warnanya, kalau yang swiss warnanya hijau semua, sedangkan jepang rumputnya berwarna hijau disertai rumput berwarna kuning di bagian bawah jadi terlihat seperti rumput asli (natural).
Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium Amankah? Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium Sangat Aman untuk anak. Malah, permukaannya yang lembut membuat Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium relatif aman untuk anak. Selain itu, ketebalan rumput juga mengurangi risiko cedera saat anak terjatuh di atas rumput.
Jenis Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium Yang Bagus Berikut ini adalah 4 Jenis Rumput Sintetis Alas Foto yang Banyak di Pilih :
Rumput Sintetis Jepang
Rumput sintetis jepang merupakan jenis rumput buatan yang berbahan dasar dari Latek PP + EP. tipe yang satu ini memiliki ketebalan mulai dari 20 MM sampai 40 MM, rumput jenis ini sangat cocok jika digunakan untuk pembuatan taman baik itu taman minimalis, taman rooftop, taman outdoor maupun vertical garden.
Rumput Sintetis Swiss
Sesuai dengan namanya rumput jenis ini merupakan rumput tiruan dari rumput yang hidup dengan nama rumput swiss juga. Meskipun berstatus sebagai rumput tiruan, rumput sintetis swiss juga memiliki kualitas dan kenyamanan yang tidak kalah jauh dengan rumput hidup ketika dipijak. Rumput sintetis swiss sangat cocok jika dijadikan sebagai taman indoor.
Rumput Sintetis Futsal
Mungkin anda sudah tidak asing dengan jenis rumput sintetis yang satu ini. terutama bagi anda yang sering berolahraga futsal. Ya sesuai dengan namanya rumput sintetis ini memang ditujukan untuk pembuatan lapangan futsal, Rumput sintetis jenis ini memiliki ketahanan yang sangat baik dan sangat kuat, selain untuk lapangan futsal jenis rumput sintetis ini juga dapat dibuat untuk sebuah taman.
Rumput Sintetis Golf
Yang terakhir ada jenis rumput sintetis golf. Bagi anda yang ingin membuat lapangan golf mini di pekarangan rumah maupun area rooftop hunian anda, dapat menggunakan rumput sintetis yang satu ini. Rumput Sintetis Golf merupakan rumput buatan dengan bahan dasar Latek EP + PP yang sudah sangat terbukti kualitas nya.
Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium terbuat dari apa? Bahan Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium terbuat dari bahan plastik yang dibuat menyerupai rumput asli lalu dipasang menutupi permukaan pekarangan. Rumput ini dapat tetap hijau apapun kondisi cuacanya.
Mau tau? Harga Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium
Untuk Pemesanan Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium, Karpet Rumput Sintetis Ruang Tamu, Keset Rumput Sintetis, Rumput Rumput Sintetis, Rumput Sintetis 1 Cm, Rumput Sintetis 2 Cm, Rumput Sintetis Alas Foto, Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium, Rumput Sintetis Buat Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Buat Taman, Rumput Sintetis Buatan, Rumput Sintetis Bunga Artificial, Rumput Sintetis Dalam Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Dekorasi, Rumput Sintetis Dekorasi Taman, Rumput Sintetis Depan Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Di Atas Tanah, Rumput Sintetis Di Dalam Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Di Dapur, Rumput Sintetis Di Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Fifa, Rumput Sintetis Futsal, Rumput Sintetis Futsal Indoor, Rumput Sintetis Golf, Rumput Sintetis Gulungan, Rumput Sintetis Halaman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Halus, Rumput Sintetis Hotel, Rumput Sintetis Indoor, Rumput Sintetis Interior, Rumput Sintetis Jepang, Rumput Sintetis Karpet, Rumput Sintetis Karpet Futsal, Rumput Sintetis Lapangan, Rumput Sintetis Lapangan Sepak Bola, Rumput Sintetis Lebar 2 Meter, Rumput Sintetis Lembaran, Rumput Sintetis Lembut, Rumput Sintetis Luar Ruangan, Rumput Sintetis Mini, Rumput Sintetis Mini Golf, Rumput Sintetis Outdoor, Rumput Sintetis Premium, Rumput Sintetis Putih, Rumput Sintetis Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Sepak Bola, Rumput Sintetis Sintetis, Rumput Sintetis Stadion, Rumput Sintetis Swiss, Rumput Sintetis Swiss 3cm, Rumput Sintetis Taman, Rumput Sintetis Taman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Tembok, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Carport, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Green Golf, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Halaman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Hiasan Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Kamar, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Kucing, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Outdoor, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Rofftop, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Rooftop, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Ruang Tamu, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Ruangan, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman Outdoor, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Teras, Tikar Rumput Sintetis, Backdrop Rumput Sintetis, Bisa Langsung Whats App ke : WA 0878-5043-5758Layanan Kami:- Cianjur- Bogor- Lamongan- Pasuruan- Sumedang- Kota Cimahi- Banyumas- Jakarta Barat- Rembang- Kota Magelang- Batang
#Rumput Sintetis Untuk Hiasan Dinding#Rumput Sintetis Untuk Ruang Tamu#Rumput Sintetis Untuk Rofftop#Rumput Sintetis Taman#Rumput Sintetis Hotel#Rumput Sintetis Mini Golf#Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman Rumah#Rumput Sintetis 1 Cm
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Best Small Luxury Cars, BMW 1 Series, Volkswagen Golf, Peugeot 208, Mercedes A-Class, Audi A1 Sportback, MINI Clubman, Fiat 500 Electric.
#bmw#luxury cars#volkswagen#golf#peugeot#mercedes#audi#mini#fiat#fiat500#peugeot 208#audi a1#bmw 1 series#volkswagen golf#mercedes a-class#mini clubman#fiat 500 electric
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forgot to charge my camera battery the last time I went for a drive so have some ugly phone pictures
Iâm so normal now
#I originally got in my car to grab food and somehow I ended up 80 miles from home#literally as I was grabbing my keys I said 'actually it's nice out and I need out of the house'#it is one (1) left turn to get me onto one of my favorite highways in the state (interstate? freeway? the two-lane zoomy road)#not pictured: a flock of turkey vultures sunning themselves in a field#I love how vultures sun themselves it looks as relaxing as when a cat does that arch-backed stretch thing#also not pictured: my favorite kind of sign which is '(thing you might be interested in) 60+ miles ahead'#could be anything from the next rest area to the nearest weed shop. who knows!#one mini golf course had me super confused when I passed it heading north#because it said 'next mini golf canada' and I wasn't sure if that meant 'we're the next big thing' or 'the next one you'll find is in canad#coming back south it said 'next mini golf el paso' and I went 'ohhhh it's a joke' out loud to myself#so that's...roadtrips with Phoebe#also my road trip playlist is a bop#if I do say so myself#mine
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Chapter 14: Miss Not-So-Innocent - Part 1
Previous chapter here. 8.4k words
âHey, by the way, howâs it going with Tiffany?â
Jessica showed up an hour or so after Parker had finished dinner. Seeing that she arrived in her pajamas, Parker was about to turn her away when she said she just wanted to hang out and was feeling a little lonely. He knew Hunter had to leave the state for an emergency for one of the hotels he was responsible forâa safety threat of some kindâleaving Jessica by herself for a few days now, so he shrugged and let her in. Fortunately, Jessica stayed true to her word, joining him in watching a volleyball match in the living room and doing nothing more.
In fact, with how much Parkerâs been interacting with Jessica recently due to work, casual conversations in the office in which the subject of sex didnât come up even in subtle, teasing jest were becoming more and more frequent. It was nice, even if Jessica had called him into her office the other day to coat his penis with some weird stuff while she kept it erect for a few minutes and refused to elaborate further afterwards. Otherwise, however, their conversations were ⌠exceedingly normal. Itâs only been a week, but having normal interactions with Jessica was a nice breath of fresh air. When she wasnât dragging him to film pornos or dragging him into her office to be railed with her tits hanging out the windows, Jessica was a very charming, very likeable person. So, Parkerâs guard slowly but surely dropped, to the point that he had pretty much forgotten that Jessica was sitting next to him on the couch until she posed the question.
âPrettyâŚâ Parker racked his brain for any possible way he mightâve wronged Tiffany that would thus elicit the question from Jessica. Was it that kiss? But she didnât seem to mind that much ⌠was there anything else? Did he find some other way to mess up? ââŚgood?â
Seeing Parkerâs hesitation, Jessica laughed. âRelax, Iâve heard from Tiffany but want to hear from you too.â
Hearing that, Parker let out a sigh. âYeah. Pretty good. I took her mini-golfing and then had seafood for dinner. It was a ton of fun, at least for me, butâŚâ
With how socially aware Jessica was, Parker was really hoping he wouldnât have to spell it out for her. âWell ⌠you know, howâwhatâd you hear about it from her?â
When Jessica stayed silent for a few seconds, Parkerâs heart plummeted. Was it that bad?
âDo you want to know how Tiffany reacted to watching that porno we shot?â
Parker didnât know what he thought Jessica said at first. He had to do a triple-take to fully understand it, and when he did, âTiââ actually, was he hearing correctly? ââTiffany?!â
âYou showed that to her?!â
Jessica met Parkerâs bewilderment with a nonchalant smile. âYeah. Donât worry though, she loved it. You shouldâve seen how red her face was.â In the back of Parkerâs mind, he had to admit that the sight wouldâve been really endearing. âBut, I mean, itâs not like she doesnât know we fuck on a regular basis.â
Parker groaned. Was that a good sign? What did Jessicaâs answer even mean? âBut ⌠ah, but thatâs ⌠and she knows it was us?â
Parkerâs mind was beginning to short circuit. The fact that Jessica was so jovial about this was a good thing, right? âAnd she knew it was us when she asked to see it?â
âAnd ⌠she really watched it, all the way through?â
âAnd she ⌠she liked it?â
Jessica laughed. âYeah! Why are you asking me so many questions?â
âI mean ⌠are you sure it was ok to show Tiffany something like that?â
âWell yeah, considering she was the one who insisted on watching it.â
Parkerâs jaw dropped. âSheââ if it wasnât Jessica who was telling him this, he never in a million years wouldâve believed it. Heck, even though it was Jessica, Parker was still unsure if he believed that. ââshe wanted to watch it?â
âYep. I know, I was surprised too.â
The adorable, wide-eyed Tiffany, who could barely say the words âsexâ or âfuckâ without turning beet red, who was hesitant to even ask for a goodbye kiss after their last date ⌠that Tiffany asked to see a porno her best friend and said date featured in?
âI can see that you donât believe me.â
âI mean, you can understand why, though.â
âYeah. I teased Tiff about it for days.â There was laughter in Jessicaâs voice, and a little bit within Parker himself, he couldnât help but feel bad for her. âYou know, you two are so darn cute together!â Unable to contain the excited schoolgirl inside her any longer, she let out a squeal so loud that Parker jumped. âI knew youâd be perfect for each other! You shouldâve heard her squealing to me about how perfect you are after every single one of your dates!â
Hearing that put Parker a bit more at ease. âWell, glad to hear it. Just, go easy on her, alright?â
âAw, worried about your girl?â
âSheâs notââ Parker stopped, realizing Jessica wasnât going to listen no matter how firmly he denied it.
âI mean, she pretty much is, right?â
Jessicaâs grin grew wider. âCome on, you donât think Tiff didnât fill me in on all the deets about your dates? How you got a discount at that restaurant for being a âreally cute coupleâ, how you kissed her goodnight in front of her parents after that one date, and how that turned into an impromptu first meeting with them, and how they ended up adoring you?â Parker groaned. He could feel the tips of his ears turning redder by the second: he just wanted to smash his head into the couchâs armrest, but the rally going on in the volleyball match was too intense to turn his eyes away from.
âOh, and of course, on your most recent date, where you gave her a pad when she forgot to put extras in her purse?!â Parker was now convinced: the reason why Jessica was so giddy about Tiffany getting together with him was so that she could tease both of them relentlessly. Never mind what he thought before, about Jessica being incredibly likeable: she was the Devil herself. âIâve heard from Tiffâs parents about male friends of hers they disapprove of. But to think you managed to charm them after kissing their daughter goodnight?! Thatâs almost unheard of! No, scratch that, that is absolutely unheard of!â
âCan you please stop?â
Jessica let out a giggle. âYou and Tiff both, the way your voices get so quiet and your ears turn so red, are just too adorable.â
After a brief pause, Parker spoke back up. âSo, you know how I only asked you twenty-two questions about Tiffany?â Jessica nodded. âIâm going to use one of them now.â Sensing the seriousness in his voice, the smile faded from her face. âAre you one-hundred-percent sure Tiffany is willing to have an open relationship?â This was the one hangup that was preventing Parker from asking Tiffany to be his girlfriend. Going out with Tiffany while fucking her best friend just felt wrong. Spending time with Tiffany, talking to her, just being around her made Parker feel like he was on cloud nine, but that thought lingering in the back of his mind prevented him from fully enjoying it. He wouldnât put it past Tiffany to simply be too nice to acquiesce with an open relationship when she, in reality, wasnât. Or maybe she even gaslit herself into believing that she was. âI mean, maybe youâre not the right person to ask, butâŚâ
âYeah ⌠I know, right? A sweet, innocent, traditionalist girl like Tiffany? Especially after what she went through?â Parker didnât respond, continuing to watch the match. Parker figured Jessica was talking about the troublesome experience Tiffany had with an ex, but seeing as how she kept her wording vague, he didnât pry. âIâve talked to her a lot about it, reassuring her Iâd be willing to give up on my competition with Hunter in a heartbeat for her, but every time, she said that sheâs sure about it.â
âI ⌠I see.â
It set Parkerâs mind at ease somewhat, but still didnât fully clear up the muddiness in his mind about the topic. He would just have to talk to Tiffany about it.
âHave you two fucked since the first time?â
Parker snorted. âWhatâwhat are you asking all of the sudden?!â
Jessica just smiled. âSo, thatâs a no?â
âNo! For your information, itâs already not normal to have had sex with someone before starting to date them.â
âThatâs such a waste though, with how hot Tiff is and how much of a blast you two were having last time.â Parkerâs face flushed a little at that memory. It was true that having sex with Tiffany was great, and he would be lying if he said that he never thought about it, but Parker prioritized taking the proper steps in their relationship first. He was thankful for Jessica for introducing them, but he didnât need her to influence it with her salacious tendencies.
âItâll happen when it happens.â
âThat might be sooner than you think. Iâm pretty sure Tiffany isââ the notification sound of a phone interrupted her, and when Jessica whipped hers out to check it, she got up. ââsorry, my friend just got here, sheâs in the lobby. We were supposed to hang out, but do you mind if she comes here?â
No. No, no no no. He wasnât going to get roped into this again. He didnât care how unlikely it seemed that this friend of Jessicaâs would want to have sex with him, he had gotten caught off guard too many times with thoughts like surely not or but this is too far-fetched or Jessica isnât this insane to disregard that possibility.
âI wouldnât want to intrude.â
âOh, Iâm sure she wouldnât mind.â
âBut she came to hang out with you, right?â
âIâm sure sheâd love to meet you.â
What was Jessica doing here? Did this friend know about him for some reason? Sure, if Parker was visiting a friend, he wouldnât mind meeting a friend of his friendâs, but saying heâd love to was stretching it a bit. Maybe this friend just liked meeting new people ⌠otherwise, Parker couldnât shake off the paranoid feeling that this was going where he feared it might be going. âIâm nothing special.â
âI beg to differ, youâre my husbandâs best friend. Such a man is not ânothing specialâ.â
Parker sighed. He knew where this was going: they would go back and forth until Jessica made him feel guilty for refusing to accommodate this friend of hers. In fact, they didnât even need to go back-and-forth much more, he was already starting to feel that guilt, but trying to disregard it to fend off his paranoia felt a moot task. âIf she really wants to come over, then yeah, she can.â
âGreat! Iâll be right back!â
In the few minutes Jessica took to retrieve her friend, Parker weighed the possibility that he would be roped into more shenanigans. If she was even able to rope Tiffany in, then what about her friends who were more like her? Parker didnât really know many of Jessicaâs friends, but from what little he heard about them from Tiffany, she was more so the odd-one-out than the normal one. Given, in that context, it seemed like Tiffany was joking, so all Parker could hope was that Tiffany was exaggerating a bit for comedic effect.
When a knock came at the door, Parker jumped out of his seat. âComing!â Opening the door, he was greeted with the smiling visage of Jessica and one other, slightly shorter but truly breathtakingly beautiful woman. If Parker was tasked with the objective to sculpt the most aesthetically pleasing face he could imagine, this woman wouldâve easily beaten the product of his imagination. Parker didnât know what it was with Jessica and having the most attractive friends, but she was an almost mystical, ethereal beauty that he almost couldnât believe existed in the real world. Her skin was fair, unblemished, and porcelain white; her hair jet black, silky smooth, stopping at her chest; the only thing that could be said about her was that her slim figure didnât make way for many curves, but even that seemed to suit her pure, innocent visuals well. Above all else, though, was how well her facial features fit on her face: her eyes were large, her eyelashes long, her eyebrows perfectly trimmed, her nose slim and long, her lips full, her cheekbones protruding and her perfectly aligned teeth shining white against his apartmentâs lights.
âParker, this is Irene, a childhood fââŚâ
Jessica abruptly cut herself off, looking over at the other woman, who gave her an encouraging nod, emphatically interjecting, âFriend!â
ââfriend of mine.â
âHi!â The luminescent woman stepped in and embraced the significantly taller man in a hug, a gesture which momentarily caught him off guard. âOh wow, youâre pretty tall.â
âUhââ He had never met Irene before, so being introduced with such a friendly gesture stunned him for a brief second. ââyeah, sorry.â
âOh, no need to apologize! It would probably be easy to tackle you, I would just have to duck a little and your arms would go right over my head!â
Parker let out an utterly bewildered chuckle. âWh-What?â
âSee?â Irene demonstrated by doing exactly what she said, ducking a little and wrapping her arms around his torso, planting her face against the bottom of his sternum. âIt goes right over,â she said, tilting her head upwards to see Parkerâs arms swiping at open air.
âYeah ⌠I guess it doesâŚâ Parker looked over at Jessica who was just looking at the two with a bemused smile. He shot her a confused glance, to which she replied with a shrug.
Irene released Parker, squatting down to pick up a package she had dropped to hug him. It was only then that Parker noticed it. âWhatâs that?â
âOh, itâs just something Jessica asked me to pick up for her.â
ââŚRight, gotcha.â The vague answer reminded Parker of the hesitation with this entire ordeal, something that Ireneâs effervescent introduction had caused him to forget. Did he really want to know what that package contained? Did he even care? Why didnât they drop it off at Jessicaâs place, which was right next door, first? None of these were questions he was going to get answers to anyway, so Parker just kept them to himself.
âWere you watching volleyball?â
âYeah. Do you watch?â
The answer, again, caught Parker off guard. With the amount of enthusiasm Irene asked the question, Parker figured she recognized the teams or at least had some degree of interest in the sport. âOh.â Usually, Parker was able to carry a conversation better and more naturally. With Irene, he couldnât even formulate a proper response in his mind.
âOhâoh my gosh, theyâre hitting that ball so fast! I canât imagine intentionally letting that hit my own arms.â
Well, that was something to work with at least. âYeah, those spikes can get up to sixty miles-per-hour.â
âDonât you need to be tall to play volleyball?â Irene turned to face Parker. âYouâre pretty tall, right? Have you ever played it?â
âMe? No, I just like to watch. Iâm probably on the shorter side for volleyball players, honestly.â
Hearing that made Ireneâs eyes bulge out of their sockets. âReally?! Wow ⌠I probably wouldnât even have to duck to tackle them.â
Another chuckle escaped Parkerâs lips. âWhy would you want to tackle them?â
âI donât know. Isnât it fun to tackle people sometimes?â
âI donâtâŚâ Parker trailed off, completely unable to formulate a response. ââŚJessica, how do you keep up with her?â
Jessica smiled. âI donât. I just let her say whatever she wants.â
Irene didnât seem to mind, plopping down on the sofa and setting the package down next to her. âOh wait, number nine is pretty hot, isnât he?â
âHm?â Jessica turned towards the TV screen, finding the player with the corresponding jersey. âYeah, he is.â
âHow tall is he? Do you know?â
Irene turned towards Parker, who could only shrug. âMy guess is somewhere between six-two and six-five.â
âHoly ⌠thatâs a bit too tall, isnât it? I mean, if someoneâs that tall, would I even have to kneel to give him a blowjob?â
Parker let out a hacking cough. âWha-What?â
âI mean, youâd probably have to bend down a little. Like, for Parker, I can still kneel and be level with his dick, but I need to pull it down a little while straining my neck up a little to compensate.â
âOh, I see. But what if their penis isnât as big? Then wouldnât it be slightly harder to pull it down to the level of your face while kneeling?â
âOh, that may be trueâŚâ What the hell kind of a conversation were they having? And why were they speaking about it so casually? And especially in front of someone else? âSo I guess youâd have to squat or something.â
âHmm ⌠wouldnât it be pretty hot to be riding one of their dicks while another one of them stuffed your mouth from above?â Jessica pondered it, not seeming to be very convinced of the idea. Parker, on the other hand, was still recovering from the whiplash from the stream of vulgar words coming out of the mouth of the woman with contrastingly angelic, pure visuals. âOr maybe they could spitroast you with your feet off the ground, or maybe even suspend you in midair while fucking you in both your pussy and your ass.â
âHm ⌠Iâm pretty sure Hunterâs a little shorter than Parker, but the suspended spitroast idea sounds so hotâŚâ Parker, no longer feeling comfortable with the conversation, slowly got up and off the couch, but before he could escape, Jessica grabbed ahold of his arm. âWhere are you going?â
âUh ⌠bathroom?â
âRight there,â Jessica motioned towards Irene, who simply shot Parker a smile.
âThereâs your urinal,â she repeated, Irene opening her mouth in tandem.
Parker scoffed. âWha-What are you even saying?â
âWhat sheâs saying is that youâre free to use me like a toilet.â
Oh god, now there were two of them. He knew itâhe knew it was a bad idea to let Jessica invite her friend into his apartment. Why was he so soft on her? âIâm notââ hearing Parker sigh caused the two to burst into a fit of giggles. ââyou twâwhatâs wrong with you, Jessica?â
âHuh? Were you about to ask Irene whatâs wrong with her?â
âWhat?â Ireneâs face took on an exaggerated look of offense. âHow could you? All I did was offer my mouth as your urinal.â
âLikeââ Even when there was one Jessica, Parker often found himself overwhelmed with how sexually and kinkily she spoke. ââI, like, I mean, you realize why thatâs a reallyââ But now that there was a second one just as sexual and kinky, if not more so ⌠how was he supposed to react? ââthatâs, like, you know, not ⌠normal ⌠not a normal thing to say?â
Irene shrugged. âNormalâs boring.â
Oh. Was this where Jessica got that idea from?
âYou need to go to the bathroom, right?â
âNo, and even if I did, I wouldnât use Ireneâs mouth. I mean, I just met her, you know.â
âOh, but she knows all about you.â
That couldnât be good. How could he escape? But this was his apartment. Where could he even run to?
âI really donât want to knowââ
âShe watched our porno.â
âGod damn it, is there anyone you didnât show that to?â
Jessica giggled. âJust like one or two more friends, donât worry.â That was not the answer Parker was hoping Jessica would give him, but he figured he should be thankful it was only one or two more of her friends.
âCan I see it?â Irene couldnât be talking about what he thought she might be talking about. There was no way. A woman he met just minutes ago for the first time ⌠surely, she wasnât asking to see hisââI want to see your dick for myself.â
Parker could only laugh. Ordinarily, having such a beautiful woman request such a thing wouldâve been at least somewhat humbling, but given the situation, Parker couldnât feel anything less than absolutely and utterly bewildered. Not only was it difficult to keep up with another Jessica, but the implication that something about the porno made Irene want to see his penis in person made Parkerâs mind spin. He wasnât sure if he wanted to know why that was, but now he had to grapple with that fact with the eager-eyed woman sitting on the other side of the couch from him. âJessica, whatâŚ?â
âOh, I forgot, you probably didnât watch. There were some shots that made your penis look amazing, so Iâd say Ireneâs reaction is understandable.â
That wasnât what Parker was trying to ask Jessica in the slightest, nor did he really understand Jessicaâs explanation of Ireneâs reaction, so he ended up just saying, âNo, IâIâm, Iâm notâI mean, I literally just met you, why would you want to go there already?â
Irene furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. âDo I need to know someone for a while to see their dick?â Was she being serious? Either Irene was the best actress in the world, or she actually didnât see an issue with her proposal. âI mean, people have one-night stands all the time, donât they?â
âI meanââ Parker had to admit Irene had a point. But still ⌠his brain was starting to hurt. It really was too much, trying to keep up with two Jessicas at the same time. ââno, I guess, butâŚâ
ââŚBut what? Did you want to see my tits first? I mean, they arenât anything too impressive, especially compared to Jessica, butââ Parker stopped Irene as she moved to throw her short off.
âNo! That wasnât what I was trying to say. Itâs just ⌠I thought you came here to hang out with Jessica?â
âUm ⌠I thought she invited me over to introduce me to you.â It was only then that Parker remembered Jessica mentioning introducing a childhood friend to him a week ago.
âAh, rightâŚâ Thinking back on it, Jessicaâs description of her at the time matched Irene pretty well: her figure wasnât the best, but she was insanely beautiful. Parker just wished Jessica had given him a better heads up as to what kind of a person she was. Then again, she was Jessicaâs friend. ââŚbut that wasnât the impression I got from Jessica.â
ââŚwhoops, forgot to tell you?â
Parker rolled his eyes and sighed. âWell, now that youâve introduced usâŚâ
A brief silence followed in which the two ladies exchanged glances. Whatever telepathy that transpired between the two, the result was Irene saying, âI guess Jessica didnât tell you much about me.â
Parker shook his head. âSorry, not really.â
âWell, basically, all you need to know is that I have a breeding kink.â Again, Parker was caught off guard, letting out a hacking cough. âI came here because I want you to pump me so full of cum, my womb will have no choice but to give me a baby.â
That was a hell of a proposal, but what was Parker even supposed to do with it? Sure, Irene was definitely attractive enough to elicit a positive desire to acquiesce with that demand, but first off, why him, specifically? Was it because of that porno? The way she worded it ⌠âmy womb will have no choice but to give me a babyâ ⌠Parker didnât want to pry, but it almost sounded like Irene had tried multiple times before and had failed just as many times. But why would he have any better of a shot than all the other presumed guys sheâs had in the past?
He felt like Irene was burdening him with a task, and the expectant way she was looking at him reinforced that.
âOrdinarily, I would want proof that you were tested recently for STIs, but since Jessica vouched for you, thatâs not necessary. I have my own STI test report from last week in case you wanted to see it for yourself.â Irene handed him a bundle of papers that Parker briefly looked atânot that he was that interested in them, more so because he was so perplexed that looking at the bundle of papers placed in his hand was a reflexive action to being handed them. âAlso, if you do manage to impregnate me, I promise to not burden you with child support. I can sign a contract if youâd like. I have one here,â she said, procuring another bundle of papers from her purse.
âUmâŚâ Parker was overwhelmed, and this time, it wasnât because of her eccentricity. It was almost like a business transaction, except it was one of those too-good-to-be-true proposals that had to be a scam. But if it was, where was the detriment to himself? This was Jessicaâs friend, after all: would she try to scam a friend of her friend?
All this preparation reinforced his theory that Irene had done this with multiple other men, but aside from that, Parker didnât know what else to think. Irene certainly seemed determined, even if she had said everything with the same jovial expression on her face. Thinking about the amount of times Irene mustâve tried and failed to become impregnated made him feel bad for her, even if he didnât know why it was that Irene so badly wanted a child. But the question remained: why did he have to be the next one to try to knock her up?
âCome on, ParkerâIreneâs giving you a free pass to fuck her until youâve emptied your balls inside her. Whenâs the next opportunity to fuck someone like Irene without worrying about any consequences going to come up?â
Parker didnât want to admit that Jessica had a point, but first⌠âJust to make sureâyou arenât in a relationship, right?â Irene shook her head. There was one concern gone, but with that, another arose. âThen ⌠Iâm sorry if this is insensitive, but do you mind telling me why you want a baby so badly?â
âWell, theyâre so cute, arenât they? Ever since I was little, Iâve loved kids, but guys donât really like me, so I decided Iâll just raise one myself.â Parker didnât believe Irene in the slightest when she said that guys didnât like her, but there had to be a basis for that. What that was wasnât Parkerâs business to determine. In the corner of his eyes, he could also see Jessica shift uncomfortably a little, but he didnât want to try to read into things. âHaving sex with a bunch of different kinds of people is just a bonus. I donât think Iâve ever had sex with someone as huge as you, though.â
Parker almost felt like he had to accept Ireneâs proposal, which was weird because no man in his right mind would reject a chance to have sex with her. If they had met at a bar and Irene proposed to go back to his place, they mightâve had a one-night stand even if he didnât know her ultimate goal with the sex. But⌠âSo ⌠you brought Irene over to have sex with me?â
Sometimes, Parker wished he could dive into Jessicaâs head to figure out why she didnât find it weird that she did this. If Parker had a nickel every time Jessica brought over a friend with the explicit purpose of getting the two of them to have sex, Parker would have two nickels, which wasnât that many nickels but it was weird it happened twice. Or maybe it wasnât weird, considering this was Jessica. Did this mean he could anticipate Jessica doing this more in the future? If he and Tiffany became a couple, what would that say about him as a boyfriend, even if Tiffany stated she was fine with being in an open relationship? At least right now, he and Tiffany werenât an item, but if they ever did, could he, in good conscience, do this?
âYou gotta stop pimping me out.â
âWell, think about it like this: you get to fuck a bunch of hot women, and my friends get to experience your cock. Itâs a win-win!â
âSo, is that a no then?â
At the point they were in, needing to talk about being exclusive to each other was implied, but with what Jessica said ⌠of all people, Jessica, the best friend of the woman he was seeing, who so woefully begged Parker to take care of Tiffany well, telling him Tiffany said that it was fine for him to have sex with other women ⌠and to top it all off, as much as Parker tried to stave off the feeling, he could feel himself getting turned on ever so slightly. Was he bad for feeling this way? It felt wrong in so many ways, but when such an amazingly attractive woman was pushing herself onto him like this, wasnât feeling turned on natural? No, a man with principles would be able to turn her away. But, then again, a man of principles might also claim that it was a manâs duty to acquiesce to the demands of a woman in need, and Irene was presenting herself to him as exactly that. âWell, first of all, letâs move.â
Just as he moved to stand up, Irene pushed him back down onto the couch. âNope. Iâm way too horny now. Do you mind?â Irene asked, her fingers looping around his pants.
âWhaâumââ Not that he wasnât used to very forward women, but the eagerness with which Irene situated herself between his legs stunned him for a second. âân-no, I guess?â
Off came his pants and boxers, and out came his mostly-limp dick. âOoh, wowâŚâ Ireneâs dainty fingers brushed against his member. Parker felt his lower half tense up, his dick twitching at the soft sensations of her fingers wrapping around his shaft. âYouâre not even hard yet, huh?â
Shit. Parker wasnât mentally prepared yet, so, scrambling to answer, he stammered out a, ânot really.â
âHmmâŚâ Ireneâs fingers wrapped more tightly around him. With each firm tug and jerk, the soft reproductive organ grew more and more erect. âItâs so beautiful, tooâŚâ
Parker blinked, then let out a chuckle. âWhat?â
âIsnât it?â
Irene turned to Jessica, who nodded in response. âIt is!â
âWhatâŚâ the question died in his throat. Not that heâs seen many other penises, but Parker figured his was pretty average, appearance-wise. What about it was aesthetically pleasing? He knew he probably wasnât going to get a very good answer though, so he let the question die in his throat.
âWow, and itâs still getting bigger.â
Figuring it was pointless to continue ponder about the morality of the situation, Parker shifted his mind towards Irene. The slightly deeper breaths Parker was taking gradually turned into gasps and hisses, his erection hardening and growing with every stroke. âMmmâŚâ
The fact that Jessica was very avidly watching didnât help at all. Parker shot her a glare, but she just responded with a confused expression, her drawn-together eyebrows asking him âwhat?â. He didnât have high hopes that would drive Jessica away, but Irene didnât even seem to mind. She continued stroking him, egging it on further by planting chaste kisses along its hardening length.
âYou said it was ⌠seven inches?â
âSeven point five,â Jessica interjected.
Parker had felt it irrelevant to correct such a minute difference, but of course Jessica would know the precise measurement, and of course she would be the one to correct Irene.
âOh, god ⌠so this is what seven-point-five looks like, huh?â Irene said in marvel, staring at his now fully-erect penis.
âYeah. How do you feel, finally seeing it in person now?â
Parker tried not to think about the implications of Jessicaâs use of the word âfinallyâ. He, for a brief moment, wondered if women talked about the porn they watched and if they used it, but knowing it was Jessica and a slightly smaller and less curvy Jessica, he realized it was pointless to even wonder about it. âItâs ⌠amazing. I thought they mustâve spent some serious budget to make his cock look so mouth-wateringly appealing, but now I realize the camera didnât do it justice.â
âThis is so weird.â
âHm? What is?â
Parker could only gape at the clueless Irene. âWha-What? What isnât?â
âOh, I guess you would want me to at least do this shirtless, huh?â
âThatâs notââ Parkerâs interjection fell upon deaf ears, Irene proceeding to throw off her shirt and revealing her breasts. The loose top she wore hid how well-developed they actually were, but they still probably couldnât fill Parkerâs palm. That didnât mean he didnât appreciate them, though: with its even paler, milky white color tightly stretching across her chest, each mound decorated with a golf-ball sized, light-brown areola with two equally squeezable-looking nubs sitting in the center, they were as pleasant a sight to look at as the rest of her. ââwhat I meant in the slightest, but ok.â
âHm? What did you mean, then?â
âI mean, Jessicaâs right there.â
Parker shook his head. He should know better than to try to appeal to common sense with a Jessica. âNever mind.â
Irene gave him a smile, giving his shaft a few more firm pumps before saying, âYouâre funny,â then swallowing his tip whole in one swift motion.
âAghââ Irene didnât stop until she was halfway down his length, and by then, he could feel her throat tightening around his cock. ââah, Ireneââ
Irene, on the other hand, had placed hands on either side of his inner thigh to stabilize herself, unable to respond except with a few gagging noises. Tears started welling up in her eyes the further she went down, suppressing her gag reflex when it reached deep enough. It felt like it would never stop, not that Irene wanted it to; she felt like she had completely unhinged her jaw, her nose almost pressing against his shaft. Being that she could only breathe from her nostrils, with every intake of air she took in, accompanying it was the musky smell of Parkerâs cock, and that invigorated Irene even more. With how much space Parker was occupying her mouth, her tongue had no choice but to be firmly pressed against the underside of his dick, haplessly drooling all over it. She tried to pay as much attention to his balls while doing so, but the truth was, at some point, both Ireneâs mind and her throat had become completely occupied with Parkerâs penis.
âAh, shit.â
âWow, look at her goâŚâ
Irene barley registered the fighting words of her friend, taking a few moments to steel herself before beginning to bob her head against his length. Another swear flew out Parkerâs mouth at the feeling of her velvety tongue expertly gliding and coiling along his length, her throat flexing and tightening against his member like it was made to house him. However, if that was indeed the case, then the housing was grossly undersized: Irene still had a third left to go before she could claim to have taken in his entire dick with her mouth.
Part of Irene began to wonder how heâd fit inside her pussy. How far would he reach, how would it feel to have him cum that deep inside her? Ireneâs pussy ached, translated in the increased vigor of her deepthroating of Parker.
âIrene, holy shitââ
Parker was doing everything in his power to keep her hands off her hair. While Ireneâs impressive blowjob-turned-deepthroating felt amazing, and while she sank a bit deeper with each bobbing motion, having the little bit unattended left something to be desired. Even if she talked and acted like Jessica, it didnât mean she wanted to be treated like her, nor did it mean he even felt comfortable doing so. The fact that, in watching her and experiencing what Irene was doing to him, he felt inclined to shove her face until her nose touched his crotch made him wonder if Jessica had become too much of a negative influence on him.
Like clockwork, as soon as Parker felt sufficiently warmed up to want to reciprocate, Irene came up for air.
âWow, you almost got all of it by the end there.â
âReally?â Irene wiped the drool coming out of the corner of her mouth, but even as she did so, she looked insanely beautiful. It wasnât the same pure-innocent beauty as from before: this time, it was more so a femme fatale kind of beauty, one that made you realize she was dangerous but in all the ways you didnât care about.
âYeah, you had like an inch to go, it looked like.â
âHmâŚâ Irene looked up at Parker with a grin. âMaybe next time, Iâll go for all of it.â
Irene giggled at Parkerâs confounded reaction. âHow was my throat?â
âIt feltâŚâ Was it normal to ask the question so giddily? ââŚuh, it was goodâŚ?â
âWhy do you never tell me that?â
âWell,â Irene said, ignoring her friend and climbing onto Parkerâs lap, shooting a dazzling, seductive smile at him, âwait until you feel my pussy.â It shouldâve hardly been a surprise that Irene talked this way, but it still caught Parker a bit by surprise. By the time he had processed it fully, Irene was already aligning his cock with her entrance. âReady?â
âThis is ⌠shouldnât it normally be me whoâs asking you?â
âOh, you wonât have to ask me if Iâm ready.â
The next sound to come out of Parkerâs mouth was a surprised moan, the feeling of Ireneâs blazing hot sex wrapping around his cock overriding his ability to speak.
Irene had her eyes closed, a mixture of a bliss and lust on her face as she lowered herself onto him at an astonishingly quick paceâquicker than Jessica their first few times, if he remembered correctly. âAh, Ireneââ
âWow, fuck youâre bigâŚâ
More than halfway down, Irene started to slow down, electing to rotate her hips and slowly grind her way down his shaft. It felt incredible, alright: the intense tightness with which her pussy squeezed his cock, the wetness that counteracted any resistance the tightness offered, the warmth, the way her pussy walls seemed to be massaging his shaft ⌠but the fact that Jessica was right there, and he was inside a woman he didnât even know an hour before lingered in the back of his mind. Irene didnât seem affected at all, but it stuck in Parkerâs mind: was this normal? It couldnât be, right?
Who was he kidding, of course it wasnât normal. Even one-night stands, picking up chicks from bars or meeting from Tinder or the like involved getting to know someone at least somewhat before getting to the sex. For Parker, he had been made aware of Ireneâs existence for only a few minutes before his cock was already two-thirds of the way inside her. How much his sense of whatâs normal dulled since he started spending time around Jessica ⌠Parker didnât even want to think about it.
âWa-Wait, IreneâŚâ
He could tell Irene was going considerably slower, and if she was in pain, she was doing an immaculate job of hiding it. The intensity her pussy was squeezing his cock, however, was teetering on the line of pleasure and pain. However, perhaps it was due to some kind of pride, or maybe it didnât feel painful to her, or maybe it even was Irene wanting to brag about being able to take his entire length in one go to Jessica, but she didnât stop.
âHmm ⌠mmmâŚâ
The low rumble of Ireneâs husky voice was a nice distraction to the burgeoning pain on his cock, but Parker still had to grit his teeth to endure it.
âIrene, pleaseâŚâ
Parker had hardly ever begged for anything in his life. Maybe there were some times when he was a kid, begging his parents to let him finish the gym battle in the PokĂŠmon game he was playing or begging his parents for ice cream on a hot summer day, but his parents otherwise treated him well. His first couple of sexual encounters with Jessica was what broke his streak of not needing to beg for anything, but ever since she told him about her competition with Hunter, the need to do that vanished.
At this moment, that need reemerged.
âToo ⌠itâs too tightâŚâ
The plea seemed to translate into a compliment to Ireneâs ears, though. âYeah? You like how tight my pussy is?â
It wasnât that it didnât feel good at all, but a combination of things distracted Parker from the pleasure aside from the painânamely, self-consciousness from the knowledge that Jessica was watching them and the fact that he and Irene were essentially strangers. Asking Jessica to leave wasnât going to actually make her leave, and addressing the fact that he met Irene only minutes before didnât seem like itâd affect Irene, so the only thing he could point out was the thing she was bragging to him about.
âNâIrene, slower, pleaseâŚâ
âHm?" Parkerâs hands cupped her cheeks and pushed upwards. âOh!â Jessica let out a giggle as Parker lifted her up enough that the pain mostly subsided.
âYouâre too eager, Rene.â
Irene shared a sheepish smile with Parker, who just shook his head at it. âJust, more slowly, ok?â
Irene nodded, and it was only after that when Parker realized what he had said: or rather, how casually he said it.
Being around Jessica really was messing with his capability to withstand a level of bullshit a normal person shouldnât. Then again, a normal person would probably be willing to withstand more bullshit for the chance to have sex with Irene.
âRighty-do.â Parker blinked a few times, a bemused smile starting to play at his lips. âBut you have to control the pacing this time, ok? Because I canât promise I wonât do the same thing if you donât.â
âUh, right.â
When they resumed, Ireneâs eyes fluttered shut. Her lips parted again, something Parker couldnât help but look at: of all the beautiful features perfectly placed on her face, her lips had to be the most alluring. Even when slightly parted, or perhaps even more so when they were slightly parted, they seemed to naturally form a pout.
He wasnât dating Tiffany yet. Plus, according to her best friend, she was even fine with an open relationship. And said best friend, who seemed to be invested in the relationship between the two, introduced Irene to Parker for this exact purpose. This wasnât cheating. He shouldnât feel bad for wanting to lean forward and capture Ireneâs perfect, kissable lips.
âOoh yeah, fuckâŚâ
Irene, perhaps interpreting Parkerâs frustrated groan as one of pleasure, responded in kind, gently biting the corner of her lower lip and throwing her head back.
Having sex with Jessica was one thing, but having sex with another woman, even if she was Jessica in another body ⌠Parker couldnât rid himself of the thought that he was betraying Tiffany, somehow.
âDeeper, babeâŚâ
Tiffany didnât seem the least bit phased when Jessica was riding him; in fact, she seemed intrigued more than anything. But then again, that was before they started seeing each other. Maybe now it would be different.
Was he thinking about this too deeply?
âParkerâŚ?â Irene turned around, her eyes landing on the conflicted, downcast gaze of the man whose cock was inside her.
âDamn it. Jessica, are you really sure about Tiffany?â
âOh, wait, Parkerâs the guy Fanyâs been seeing recently, right?â Jessica nodded. âIn that case, we should probably send her some picââ she abruptly cut herself off upon seeing Jessica hastily motioning for her to stop.
What? Was this some kind of extreme teasing? Did Irene hate Tiffany or something? Why would she propose such a thing? But, most of all, why wasnât Jessica reprimanding Irene for suggesting them to do such a thing for what seemed to be their mutual friend?
âI was going to let Tiff tell him!â
âOh! Oh my god, Iâm so sorryââ
âOkââ Parker lifted Irene off his lap and set her down next to him. It was definitely strange, preparing to dive into a serious topic with his erection out for all to see, but this seemed too important to pass up. ââwhat? What kinds of pictures were you going to send her?â
âUm, sorry Parker, I need to ask her something first.â
âJust to be clear, were you talking about pictures of ⌠of ⌠this?â Parker didnât intend to raise his voice, but he felt as though he had been deceived into playing some kind of cruel prank on Tiffany. Irene seemed so nice, so likeable, and so genuine, too.
âI can tell you what Irene meant by that, but first I need Tiffâsââ Jessicaâs voice trailed off a little, her eyes darting back to her phone notifying her of a text message. ââum, Tiffâs permission.â
After finally blowing up on Jessica about what they had been doing behind Hunterâs back after nearly being caught by him on his balcony, Parker figured Jessica neednât hide much else from him. Jessica, too, seemed glad to be cleared of that misunderstanding ⌠but where did Tiffany play a part in this?
âGive me a littleâŚâ
Irene sat idly next to Parker, a clearly guilty expression on her face. That wasnât the face of someone who wanted to do something mean to Tiffany. Or did she just look that way because she had been caught?
ââŚok, I got her permission. You know how I told you Tiffany was fine with an open relationship, but didnât elaborate?â Parker hesitantly nodded. He didnât want to antagonize Jessica, nor Irene, too quickly, so he made sure to reign in any kind of animosity that was starting to form within himself. âWell, I figured Tiffany wanted to be the one to tell you, but now the catâs out of the bag, and now that I got her permission, Iâll let you know. I actually do know why Tiffanyâs fine with an open relationship: itâs because sheâs ⌠how should I put this, a voyeur?â Parker didnât even know how to interpret that. âHm ⌠noâŚâ but what did that have to do with anything? ââŚwell, the bottom line is, she finds the idea of another woman fucking her man hot.â
Parkerâs first reaction was to scoff at that. âWhat?â
âI know! Itâs always the purest, most innocent ones that are the freakiest, huh?â In Parkerâs eyes, Jessica had no grounds to say such a thing, but ⌠looking into her eyes, there didnât seem to be a hint of deceit. Not that he knew her well enough to be able to detect it. âWhy do you think she asked me to watch that porno we shot?â
Shit ⌠well, that did explain that one thing, given it was true.
âI can show you what I just texted her if you want proof.â It felt like a violation of privacy of the woman he was seeing, but his curiosity got the better of him. He nodded, leaning forward, Jessica turning her phoneâs screen toward him. Sure enough, the text exchange was with Tiffany, and Jessica was explicitly asking permission to tell him about that aspect about herself. What probably took Jessica a bit to inform him was the little bit of hesitation Tiffany showed, but when Jessica promised some pictures and videos of him fucking Irene, Tiffany buckled.
âDo ⌠you have a single normal friend?!â
Jessica burst into laughter. âThatâs rude! Arenât you pretty much dating her?â
Parker groaned. On the side, he could hear the faint chuckles of Irene. âI meanâŚâ he didnât mean it like that. It was just a guttural reaction he couldnât contain ⌠but wasnât it pretty normal? Actually, he shouldnât justify that outburst like that. Admittedly, it was pretty awful of him to say such a thing about a woman he was seeing, but ⌠well, at the very least, this was something he did not see coming. And he wondered why Tiffany was friends with Jessica; turns out, they maybe had more in common than he initially thought. ââŚyeah, but ⌠wait, are you actually gonna send pictures to her?â
âWell, I promised, so ⌠unless youâre unwilling?â
Parker almost laughed at that. Leave it to Jessica to just assume he was on board with such a ridiculous proposal. If it was something the woman he was seeing wanted ⌠should he deny her? It wasnât even like the idea that Tiffany was a cuck of sorts turned him off from her; maybe it was Jessicaâs influence on him, but he saw it as nothing more than a quirk, albeit a pretty extreme one.
âUmâŚâ Ireneâs downtrodden gaze alerted Parker that she still felt bad despite things having been cleared up.
âItâsââ it was only then Parker remembered his dick was out, which he began to move to cover but stopped halfway. ââuh, itâs fine.â
âSo ⌠then, are you also ok with the pictures?â
Parker sighed. When did his life become so weird? âYeah, I guess.â
At that, Ireneâs eyes lit up. âGreat!â Actually, maybe Parker was the weird one. Maybe his preference for missionary, and at most, doggy, made him the odd-man-out. âThenâŚâ Irene sprung off the couch and repositioned herself in his lap, her hands resting on his knees while her ass hovered inches over his softening erection. Parker tentatively put his hands on her plump cheeks, spreading them out to see her still-glistening pink folds, drooling at the prospect of being torn open again by his cock. ââŚgo ahead. Make me scream with that dick.â
Next part here.
#jessica jung#smut#snsd#soshi#snsd smut#kpop smut#Soiling Mr. Innocent#jessica jung smut#red velvet smut#red velvet#bae joohyun#red velvet irene#irene smut
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Okay but can we get a blurb about Azzi being in Montana before her and she wakes up to P getting home and sliding into bed trying not to wake her
sappy and sleepy [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: anon i tried to incorporate as many of your requests as i could! thank you for this prompt it was super fun to write
word count: 1.2k
As soon as her hand twisted the doorknob and the door creaked open, Azziâs heart ached. She swore she could smell the lingering scent of Paigeâs perfume, even though the rational part of her mind knew that Paige hadnât stepped foot in the room for almost an entire year.
Although Paige hadnât grown up in this room, her mom had it reserved for her when she came back during the summer, giving her daughter the liberty to decorate the space however she liked. And now Azzi appreciated it more than ever, because looking at the posters plastered with UConn greats and husky logos felt as familiar to her as home. Now only one thing was missing.
Azzi flopped on the bed, tired from the plane ride over. She cursed when she realized sheâd forgotten her charger at home. Hopefully Paige had a spare one, she thought as she started rummaging through the drawers of her beside cabinet. As soon as she opened the first drawer, though, a polaroid fell out.
Azziâs heart doubled in size when she flipped the polaroid over to find a photo of herself from the Minnesota state fair from two summers ago. In it, she was holding a cone of ice cream, chocolate sauce dripping all over her fingers. Tucked under her elbow was the stuffed animal that Paige insisted on winning for her every year (and Azzi never got tired of it). She had been smiling hard, her eyes crinkled as she stared past the camera. Shaking her head, Azzi snapped a photo of the polaroid.
đ: Youâre such a sap
đ: Attachment: 1 Image
bighead: ?? where did you find this.
đ: In your drawers
bighead: when did i give you permission to go through my thingsđ¤đ¤đ¤
bighead: and im taking this as a sign you got home safe?
đ: Youâre not distracting me from the fact that you creepily have photos of me all over your room
bighead: youre being so dramatic
bighead: and you canât blame me
bighead: i always miss you so much
bighead: now you know what itâs like to be in montana all bored without ur gf
đ: Donât say that. You have your family
bighead: youâre my family
đ: Tell me that when you put a ring on it
bighead: oh i will
Azzi bit her cheek, trying not to beam from Paigeâs text. âAzzi! You ready for lunch, hon?â Amyâs voice called from downstairs. Azzi stuffed the polaroid back in the drawer and clambered down to the kitchen.
âHey, Amy. Thank you again for letting me stay,â Azzi said, going in for another hug.
Amy airily waved her hand, leading Azzi to the dining table. âNo worries at all. Weâve got a lot of exciting stuff planned for this week. Mini golf tomorrow with the kids, then this new restaurant is opening up on Tuesday and I thought it would be a nice date night for you and Paige so I already made a reservation for the two of you!â
Amy continued talking excitedly about their stay at Montana, and Azzi appreciated it, she really did, but she was also exhausted from the plane ride and all she wanted to do was be in Paigeâs arms after way too much time apart. The ESPYs photos that Paige had posted an hour ago didnât help either. Her girlfriend had looked so damn good, her hair up in that style Azzi loved, and Azzi had spent more time than she was willing to admit staring at the photo, wanting to run her hands through that hair.
Later that night, Azzi put on Love and Basketball on her laptop as she got ready for bed. Paige couldnât facetime because she was at a party, but Azzi still wanted a little piece of her girlfriend with her before she fell asleep, just a little something to make her dreams a little sweeter.
đ: Attachment: 1 Image
đ: Heard you liked this movie??
bighead: you miss me SO much
đ: I do
bighead: then i got some good news ;)
đ: What
đ: Paige?
đ: Helloooo
đ: Iâm not gonna repost your espys post.
bighead: oh hey iâm backđ
đ: Youâre a fucking idiot
bighead: wait can you repost the second slide i look the best in that one
đ: Tell me the goddamn good news
bighead: Attachment: 1 Image
bighead: flight leaves in 1 hour!!
đ: Wait I thought you had a morning flight?
bighead: well the shoot tmr got canceled and i missed you too much soâŚ..
đ: Youâre wasting all your money booking these last minutes flights.
bighead: you dont gotta worry about me baby
đ: đ Text me when youâre home and Iâll let you in
bighead: no donât stay up baby i wonât home until like 3 am
đ: I wanna see you
bighead: $10 youâre gonna be crashed out
đ: I guess youâre gonna be spending all your money today then
âSheâs asleep, isnât she?â
Amy wrapped her daughter in a hug. âDonât you dare wake her up.â
Paige shook her head. She was slightly disappointed she wouldnât be able to talk to Azzi tonight, but she was glad the younger girl was getting her rest. She slipped into the room as quietly as she could, her heartbeat speeding up as soon as she saw the lump on the bed.
Kneeling down, Paige brushed her fingertips over the crease in Azziâs forehead, trying to smooth over the worry lines. Azzi looked ethereal in her sleep, the moonlight from the window casting a glow over her face and illuminating the sharpness of her jaw and the pinkness of her lips. Paige pressed a light kiss on her cheek, trying to be as gentle as possible, but before she knew it, Azzi was stirring.
Her eyes slowly fluttered open. âPaige?â she groaned, hands going to rub her eyes.
Paige smiled guiltily. âHi, baby,â she breathed out. âI didnât mean to wake you.â
âNo, itâs okay.â Azzi reached for Paige, still half asleep, and Paige sat at the edge of the bed and let her girlfriend nuzzle her face into her stomach.
Paige ran her fingers through Azziâs hair, marveling at how she managed to smell so good all the time. âIs now a good time to say that you owe me $10?â she whispered.
âShut up,â Azzi whined, her fingers jabbing at Paigeâs ribs but failing to do much damage with her sluggishly lethargic movements.
Paige chuckled before brushing one last kiss against Azziâs temple. âIâm gonna get ready for bed,â she said softly. âIâll be right back.â
âNo.â Azziâs voice was surprisingly demanding considering how sleepy she was. âYou woke me up, now youâre staying.â
Paige rolled her eyes. She hated the idea of getting into her sheets while in her dirty airport clothes, but once Azziâs hands clutched tighter around her waist, she knew she was a goner. Sighing, she slipped under the covers with her girlfriend. Azzi happily burrowed herself in Paigeâs chest, weaving her leg between the blondeâs. Her hand slipped up Paigeâs shirt and rested there, palm on her abdomen, and Paige shivered at the bare contact.
âI really did try to stay up,â Azzi whispered, already falling asleep again.
âItâs okay. Go back to sleep, hm?â Paige tightened her hold around Azzi. The last two weeks had been ridiculously fun, getting to see Nika again, going to partnership events, and presenting at the ESPYs, but this was by far her favorite part - when she and Azzi were so tangled up, every part of their bodies interwoven, their limbs and hair and even the beating of their hearts connecting, it felt like they were breathing as one.
#paige bueckers#azzi fudd#pazzi#uconnwbb#uconn wbb#wcbb#paige x azzi#fluff#blurb#oneshot#fic#paige bueckers x azzi fudd
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Distributor Desain Rumput Sintetis WA: 0821.1165.6780 (ibu sobah) Kota Cilegon, Banten : Beauty Grass
Agen Rumput Artificial Claw, Jual Grosir Rumput Artificial Clay, Penjual Rumput Artificial Cleaning, Supllier Rumput Artificial Daun, Penjual Rumput Artificial Di Dunia, Agen Rumput Artificial Di Indonesia, Beli Rumput Artificial Di Jakarta, Jual Grosir Rumput Artificial Di Jepang, Distributor Rumput Artificial Dinding, Agen Rumput Artificial Elang, Golf 1 cm, Mini Golf 0,8 cm, Mini Golf 1,5 cm, Swiss 1,5 cm Standar, Swiss 2 cm Standar, Swiss 3 cm Standar, Swiss 2 cm Premium, Swiss 2,5 cm Premium, Swiss 3cm Premium, Swiss 3,5 cm Premium, Swiss 3,5 cm Platinum, Swiss 4 cm Premium, Swiss 2,5 cm Premium Backing Karet, Jepang 2 cm, Jepang 2,5 cm, Jepang 3 cm, Jepang 3,5 cm, Jepang 4 cm, Rumput Sintetis Putih 3 cm Premium, Football Grass 5 CMÂ , Drainage Cell,
Beauty Grass Adalah UMKM distributor / Supplier yang terpercaya, dan menjual berbagai jenis rumput sintetis, untuk kebutuhhan dekorasi indoor/ outdoor rumah, hotel, perkantoran dan kebutuhan untuk taman. Beauty grass adalah suplier dan distributor rumput sintetis sejak 2020, kami menjual karpet rumput sintetis yang telah melayani penjualan keseluruh indonesia, dan kami pastikan anda kualitas no.1 Se-Indonesia.Â
Produk kami adalah produk yang telah di uji dan divalidasi oleh lembaga sertifikasi yang independen serta telah memenuhi kualifikasi FIFA Quality, LABOSPORT, ISASPORT, SGS, Interek, SURFACE PERFORMANCE Sporting Goods Industry,WSF ISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001. Sertifikasi ini menunjukan bahwa produk telah memenuhi standar kualitas tertentu dan aman di gunakan oleh pengguna. hal ini membuat pelanggan kami lebih percaya terhadap prduk kami.
Keunggulan Produk Kami
1. Rumput Sintetis 4 Struktur Lapisan : Produk Kami Memiliki 4 Struktur Lapisan dimana lapisan ini sangatlah penting untuk menunjang struktur helaian rumput. 2. Ketahanan Terhadap Api : Semua Produk Kami sudah melewati test dan memiliki sertifikasi terhadap ketahanan api dimana tidak akan menyebar dan membesar ketika terbakar. 3. Ketahanan Terhadap Sinar UV : Terbukti dan tersertifikasi untuk ketahanan terhadap sinar ultra violet (UV), jadi anda tidak perlu khawatir warna rumput memudar untuk penempatan di luar ruangan. 4. Ketahanan Terhadap Gesekan dan Penggunaan : Produk Kami Lolos Uji untuk uji kehausan dalam penggunaan yang meliputi tes gesekan di permukaan rumput sintetis. 5. Banyak Variasi Produk : Kami Memiliki banyak Variasi produk untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan anda mulai dari variasi tipe Standar, Premium, Maupun Platinum. 6. Produk Ramah Lingkungan : Kami Sangat perduli dengan dampak terhadap lingkungan, oleh karena itu produk kami sangatlah ramah lingkungan. 7. Kualitas FIFA : Produk Kami juga memiliki sertifikasi yang memenuhi standar kualitas dari FIFA. 8. Daya Tahan Hingga 8 Tahun : Rumput Kami sudah teruji dan sudah terjamin untuk ketahanannya hingga 8 tahun. 9. Ramah Untuk Anak : Produk Kami sangatlah Ramah untuk anak tidak menyebabkan iritasi.
Kelebihan Rumput Sintetis
1.Perawatan Lebih Mudah
Dibanding menjaga rumput asli di taman rumah, menjaga rumput sintetis relatif lebih gampang. Kalian tidak memerlukan air dalam jumlah banyak buat menjaga rumput ini. Bila rumput kotor, kalian lumayan memakai vacuum cleaner bertekanan rendah buat menyedot kotoran di rumput. Kalian pula tidak butuh memotong rumput teratur sebab rumput tidak hendak bertumbuh.
Membuat Penunggu Rumah Lebih Nyaman
Rumput buatan ini mempunyai tekstur yang lembut serta tidak lembab sehingga dapat digunakan selaku pengganti karpet dalam ruangan. Tidak hanya itu, wujudnya yang tebal membuat anak kecil nyaman bila lagi bermain di atas rumput ini.
Bayaran Perawatan Rumput Sintetis Lebih Murah
Tidak hanya gampang dalam perawatan, bayaran perawatan pula jauh lebih murah.Kalian tidak butuh menghasilkan duit buat membeli pupuk serta pestisida supaya rumput berkembang baik.Tidak hanya itu, kalian pula dapat mengirit air sebab tidak butuh menyirami rumput.
Sesuai Digunakan di Bermacam Tempat
Rumput buatan sesuai digunakan di dalam serta di luar ruangan. Kalian dapat memakainya selaku riasan teras rumah ataupun selaku pengganti karpet di ruang tamu.
Pemasangan Lebih Fleksibel
Karena tidak membutuhkan sinar matahari maka rumput sintetis bisa di pasang di mana saja dalam, luar ruangan atau semi outdoor. bisa di pasang untuk di dalam atau bagian yang membutuhkan rumput.
Produk dari Beauty grass ini supaya memperindah suasana, memberi pemandangan yang cantik, indah, menyegarkan dan sebagai pelengkap hiasan ruangan. Penghijauan menjadi bagian penting untuk design interior, dekorasi outdoor maupun indoor, rooftop bangunan tinggi, rumah, maupun tempat food and beverage dan lainsebagainya. Supaya terlihat indah dan menyegarkan pemandangan sebagai penghijauan dengan tanpa harus terhubung dengan tanah. selain itu ada beberapa manfaat, yakni :
Manfaat Rumput Sintetis diantaranya;
Dapat mengurangi konsumsi daya, mengurasi suhu lapisan atas (untuk rooftop)
Hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan.
Penghijauan dapat mengatur aliran air hujan yang berada di rooftop.
Mampu menyediakan taman agar menjadi nyaman untuk beristirahat
Bisa menjadi tingkat isolasi tertentu suara, dan mampu menyerap energi panas.
Beauty Grass dengan Rumput Sintetis dan tanaman artificial lainnya dapat di gunakan di beberapa tempat, yaitu :
Area kegiatan sekolah( taman kanak-kanak, sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, sekolah menengah atas ataupun perguruan tinggi).
Permodelan landskap perkotaan.
Klub rekreasi.
Alun-alun kota.
Ruang konferensi dekorasi kreatif.
Dekorasi taman artificial kreatif.
Dekorasi kreatif hidup.
Dekorasi pelaminan.
Dekorasi pernikahan dan lain sebagainya.
jika di bandingkan dengan rumput alami memiliki keuntungan yang jelas rumput sintetis Beauty Grass tidak terpengaruh oleh cuaca musim dingin maupun musim panas dapat di letakkan berbagai tempat panas dan dingin sehingga tetap memberi kesan kenikmatan visual yang hijau alami. selain itu, Beauty Grass mempunyai kulitas kinerja drainase yang baik dan tidak mengalami penumpukan air hujan. point yang sangat penting mengapa orang-orang harus memilih Produk dari Beauty Grass yakni rumput sintetis yang tahan lama, peletakan dan pemeliharaan yang sangat mudah dan sederhana, harga terjangkau, menghemat tenaga kerja dan waktu perawatan.
Oleh karena, itu Beauty Grass menyediakan Berbagai Jenis Rumput Sintetis dan Tanaman Artificial yang cantik dan indah. Supaya memudahkan anda untuk mendekorasi rumah agar lebih terlihat hijau segar alami. berikut macam macam Rumput Sintetis dan Tanaman artificial lainnya ;
Produk kami Golf 1 cm Mini Golf 0,8 cm Mini Golf 1,5 cm Swiss 1,5 cm Standar Swiss 2 cm Standar Swiss 3 cm Standar Swiss 2 cm Premium Swiss 2,5 cm Premium Swiss 3cm Premium Swiss 3,5 cm Premium Swiss 3,5 cm Platinum Swiss 4 cm Premium Swiss 2,5 cm Premium Backing Karet Jepang 2 cm Jepang 2,5 cm Jepang 3 cm Jepang 3,5 cm Jepang 4 cm Rumput Sintetis Putih 3 cm Premium Football Grass 5 CMÂ Drainage CellÂ
Keunggulan memilih beauty grass diantaranya;
Amanah dan terpecaya
gratis konsultasi seputar rumput sintetis
Masing-masing produk memiliki komponen yang terjamin keamanannya, Jahitan Rapih dan lembut
Tahan Sinar UV dan Api
Bahan tidak bersifat Karsinogenik (karsinogenik merupakan senyawa yang merusak sel tubuh dan meningkatkan risiko terkena kanker)
Produk yang kami kirim, sebelumnya sudah kami pilih yang menarik dan layak di gunakan.
Produk yang kami kirim sesuai permintaan ukuran yang di inginkan pelanggan.
Setiap Pemesanan Eceran kami kirimkan dengan rapih.
Kami Penjual yang ramah untuk membantu Pelanggan menanyakan seputar Rumput Sintetis, Tanaman Artificial dan pemesanannya, dengan kualitas terbaik.
dan kami menyediakan Jasa Pasang Rumput supaya lebih rapih dan nyaman.
Expedisi yang tersedia JNE, SICEPAT, INDAH Cargo, BJE Cargo, JNT Cargo, Dll dan untuk pengiriman se-JABODETABEK kirim menggunakan Deliveree dengan ketentuan minimal order.
Jika Bapak/Ibu mau mendekorasi rumah dengan mendapatkan harga yang terjangkau namun di jamin kualitas Terbaik, tepat sekali jika Bpk/Ibu Belanja di kami.
Kami Melayani Pembelian;
Partai Besar
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now before i give this list, i want to address two things: 1) i'm enclosing a list of reasons for people to go on dates, because i want to, and also because there's some very good reasons for dates, and 2) i plan to write another list that's not as modern and contemporary, for my historical and fantastical and science-fictionally minded angels! for now, bon appetit: remember, your muses might be undercover, on a blind date, on a first date, matched online, a platonic date, trying to make other love interests jealous, like there are so many reasons, don't be shy, and DON'T ADD TO THIS LIST.
[ LEARN ]: the sender and receiver attend a class together (e.g. for cooking, baking, dancing, pottery, etc.) for a date.
[ ARCADE ]: the sender and receiver decide to visit an arcade together for a date.
[ DRINK ]: the sender and receiver meet each other at a bar for a date.
[ SANDY ]: the sender and receiver go to the beach together for a date involving strolling, a picnic, swimming and watching the sunset!
[ STRIKE! ]: the sender and receiver meet at a bowling alley for a date to practice their bowling skills.
[ MORNING ]: the sender and receiver decide to meet for a breakfast date rather than a dinner one.
[ FOREST ]: the sender and receiver take a weekend break in the woods, staying in a lovely cabin surrounded by nature.
[ TENT ]: alternatively, instead of finding a cabin to stay in for the night, the sender and receiver pack their tents and head out for a camping trip instead.
[ POPCORN ]: the sender and receiver opt for the classic date option of going to see a movie at the cinema together.
[ CAFĂ ]: going for a more relaxed option, the sender and receiver arrange to meet up for coffee and cake at a local cafĂŠ for a date.
[ MUSIC ]: finding tickets to their favorite band's concert, the sender and receiver head out for the night to listen to them play.
[ BICYCLE ]: the sender and receiver mount their bikes and head off to cycle in the countryside together.
[ DUO ]: the sender and receiver set up the bluetooth speakers and dance together in the peace of their own home to the sounds of their favorite songs.
[ DIY ]: the sender and receiver are about to go out for a date, but instead end up staying at home to complete a DIY project together.
[ ESCAPE ]: the sender and receiver attempt to solve an escape room together for a particularly exciting date.
[ COMMUNITY ]: the sender and receiver visit a local fair, festival, market or parade together for a date.
[ PLUS ONE ]: the sender and receiver put on their glad rags and attend a very fancy and prestigious event together.
[ WINNER ]: the sender and receiver set up a game night (card games, board games, video games, etc.) at home for their date.
[ GELATO ]: the sender and receiver head out to the best ice-cream parlour in town for a cold and sweet date.
[ SPEED ]: the sender and receiver go to a go-karting track for a particularly competitive date.
[ HIKE ]: the sender and receiver lace up their hiking boots and head out to a scenic hiking route together.
[ SADDLE UP ]: the sender and receiver take the reins and head out for a scenic horseback riding session together.
[ UP ]: the sender and receiver take an unforgettable ride in a hot air balloon for a date.
[ SING ]: the sender and receiver find a local karaoke bar and take turns singing solos and duets together.
[ PAGES ]: the sender and receiver find a cozy library-cafĂŠ and spend an enjoyable date reading books and drinking coffee together.
[ CHEF ]: deciding to stay in for the evening, the sender and receiver decide to make dinner together in the comfort of their own home.
[ HOLE IN ONE ]: the sender and receiver find a nearby mini-golf course and decide to play a few holes together.
[ MOVIE ]: the sender and receiver pick a few movies to watch for the evening and curl up on the sofa with some snacks to watch them together.
[ PAST ]: the sender and receiver go to a museum or an art gallery together to see the displays and get to know one another better.
[ CLUB ]: the sender and receiver get dolled up and go to a very popular and newly opened nightclub together.
[ PORTRAIT ]: the sender and receiver get canvases and paints and begin to paint one another at home, leaving plenty of peace and quiet to get to know each other.
[ AIM ]: the sender and receiver get suited up to go for a paintballing session together.
[ OUTSIDE ]: the sender and receiver get their nicest blanket, their favorite refreshments, and head out to a park for a nice relaxing picnic.
[ ITALIANO ]: the sender and receiver attempt to make their own pizzas at home together.
[ DINNER ]: the sender and receiver go to a nice restaurant together for a dinner date.
[ ROAD ]: the sender and the receiver embark on a long but worthwhile road trip together.
[ ROWING ]: the sender and receiver get into a rowboat together and guide the boat down the river.
[ QUICK ]: the sender and receiver meet one another for the first time at a speed dating event.
[ ROLLER ]: the sender and receiver put their roller-blades on and hit the rinks together.
[ RELAX ]: the sender and receiver head out to a luxurious spa resort together for some well-earned rest and massages.
[ COMFORT ]: the sender and receiver transform their home into a makeshift spa and give each other facials and massages for the evening.
[ STARS ]: the sender and receiver stretch out on the rooftop/lawn/back of a truck etc. for a night of star-gazing together.
[ WALK ]: the sender and the receiver go out for a nice, relaxing stroll together to see the sights.
[ POOL ]: the sender and receiver go out to the pool, beach or lake for a swimming session together.
[ SHARE ]: the sender and receiver split the evening in half to teach one another a skill that they're particularly good at (e.g. the sender teaching the receiver how to paint, etc.)
[ QUIZ ]: the sender and receiver go out together and find a local pub that's hosting a table quiz event, which they decide to enter.
[ AWAY ]: the sender and the receiver decide to indulge in a long vacation somewhere that they've both wanted to go for a long time.
[ BREAK ]: in the spirit of compromising, the sender and receiver book a nice quiet weekend break together.
[ SIP ]: the sender and receiver book tickets for a wine tasting event in a local vineyard.
[ SAIL ]: the sender and receiver go out on a yacht for the evening.
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The Fun Zone Part 1
You can find more chapters here
Danny Fentonâs part-time job at The Fun Zoneâa chaotic arcade and entertainment center thatâs secretly a gang frontâwas going great until a certain vigilante stormed in to shut the place down.
Danny Fenton leaned against the register at The Fun Zone, his eyes half-lidded with the bored expression of someone who had already been on shift for far too long. The arcadeâs lights flickered with their usual neon brilliance, and the sound of pinball machines, whirring go-karts, and kids screaming in the indoor playground provided a steady background cacophony. It was chaos incarnate, but Danny didnât mind. The job paid surprisingly well for a Gotham gig, and it let him afford textbooks and a halfway decent apartment.
That, of course, didnât make up for the downsidesânamely, the fact that the place was a gang front. Danny had figured it out about two days in. The suspicious packages delivered after hours, the shady clientele that frequented the private lounge, and the way his manager, âBig Sal,â always seemed to have armed goons lurking nearby. None of it really phased him. As long as he kept his head down, he didnât see any reason to care.
But apparently, the local vigilantes did.
âHey, kid,â a gravelly voice startled Danny out of his stupor. He looked up to see the Red Hood himself looming over the counter, his arsenal on full display. Guns, knives, and explosives hung from his tactical gear, his crimson helmet reflecting the pulsing lights of the arcade.
Danny blinked. âWelcome to The Fun Zone. Can I get you a family pack for laser tag, or are you just here to threaten the boss?â
Red Hoodâs head tilted slightly, his helmet hiding what Danny assumed was either a glare or the equivalent of a facepalm. âYou know this place is run by a gang, right?â
âYeah,â Danny deadpanned. âAnd they pay me twenty bucks an hour plus tips. Do you want to buy tokens or not?â
Hood seemed taken aback, the air of intimidation slipping just a little. âDo you even care that theyâre criminals?â
âAs long as they donât ask me to do crime, Iâm good. Rentâs expensive, man.â
Before Hood could respond, the double doors to the bowling alley burst open, and in stormed Big Sal, flanked by his usual goons. Sal was a mountain of a man, with slicked-back hair and a perpetual sneer that seemed permanently etched into his face. His eyes narrowed as they landed on Hood.
âWell, well, if it isnât the Red Hood,â Sal growled. âYouâve been poking around my turf for weeks. You think you can just walk in here?â
Hood drew a pistol in response. âI donât think. I act.â
The goons raised their weapons, and Sal barked out orders, but before the situation could escalate further, Danny loudly cleared his throat.
âHey!â he said, waving a hand lazily. âCan you guys not do this in front of the register? I just mopped over here.â
Both Sal and Hood turned to stare at him.
âWhat?â Danny shrugged. âIf thereâs going to be a shootout, at least take it to the parking lot. Iâm not cleaning up blood.â
Hoodâs shoulders shook with what might have been a laugh, though his voice remained gruff. âYouâre way too calm about this.â
âFirst week on the job, I had to break up a fight between two dads who got into a brawl over mini-golf,â Danny replied flatly. âThis? This is Tuesday.â
Hood holstered his pistol, much to Salâs visible annoyance. âYouâre a weird kid, you know that?â
âThanks,â Danny said. âSo, if you take over this place, do I still get to keep my job?â
Sal sputtered indignantly. âYou littleââ
âYou shut up,â Hood snapped, leveling a finger at the gang boss before turning back to Danny. âIf I take over, yeah, you can keep your job. Might even give you a raise for putting up with this crap.â
âCool,â Danny said, as though he hadnât just witnessed a life-or-death standoff. âWant a soda while youâre here? Employee discount means I can get it for like, fifty cents.â
Hood stared at him for a long moment before shaking his head. âIâm starting to think youâre the most dangerous person here.â
Danny smirked. âNah, Iâm just good at customer service.â
As Hood turned back to deal with Sal, Danny leaned against the counter again, sipping a soda heâd poured for himself.
The standoff between Red Hood and Big Sal continued, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Danny, however, remained entirely unfazed, sipping his soda and watching the drama unfold as if it were a reality TV show. His coworkers, who had been hiding behind various attractions, occasionally peeked out to catch glimpses of the action. None of them seemed inclined to intervene. Not that Danny blamed themâthis was well above their pay grade.
Big Sal, realizing that Red Hood wasnât going to back down, snarled and gestured to his goons. âYou think you can just walk in here and take whatâs mine? This is my turf, Hood!â
Hoodâs voice was calm but laced with menace. âNot anymore, itâs not. Youâve been running weapons and drugs through this place for months. The Fun Zoneâs under new management now. So, unless you want to end up in Arkhamâor worseâyouâll walk out of here while you still can.â
Sal bared his teeth, but before he could respond, one of his goons hesitated and took a step back. âUh, boss? Maybe we should listen. Itâs⌠itâs Red Hood.â
Sal shot the man a glare that could curdle milk. âCoward.â
Hood tilted his head toward the exit. âSmart guy. He should take you with him.â
The goon glanced nervously at Sal, then at Hood, and bolted toward the doors. A few others followed, their loyalty clearly not strong enough to stick around for what was about to happen.
Danny watched the exodus with mild amusement. âWow, Sal. You really inspire loyalty, huh?â
âShut up, kid!â Sal barked, his face red with anger. âYouâre on thin ice.â
Danny raised his hands in mock surrender. âJust saying. If I were you, Iâd consider an employee morale retreat or something.â
Hood let out a low chuckle, his guns still trained on Sal. âYouâve got guts, kid. Iâll give you that.â
Danny replied with a shrug. âSo, whatâs the plan here, Hood? Are you shutting this place down, or do I need to update my rĂŠsumĂŠ?â
Hoodâs answer was interrupted by a sudden crash from the go-kart track. Everyone turned to see a group of kids who had somehow bypassed the barricades and were now gleefully racing around, oblivious to the standoff happening mere feet away.
âSeriously?â Hood muttered, lowering his weapons slightly. âThis place is chaos.â
âWelcome to The Fun Zone,â Danny said with a wry smile. âWhere the games never stop, even during a hostile takeover.â
Hood let out a heavy sigh, clearly debating whether this was worth his time. Finally, he holstered his weapons and gestured for Sal to leave. âYouâve got 24 hours to pack up and get out. If I see you here after that, you wonât be walking out.â
Sal opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it. He stormed out, slamming the doors behind him, leaving Hood, Danny, and a scattering of terrified employees behind.
Hood turned back to Danny. âYou still want to work here?â
Danny shrugged. âDepends. You hiring?â
Hood stared at him for a moment before shaking his head in disbelief. âYouâve got nerve, kid. Fine. Youâre hiredâyou get a fat raise and fewer shady dealings. Just⌠try not to question too much about what happens in the backroom.â
âCool,â Danny said, finishing his soda. âDo I get a new uniform, or do I keep the one with the mustard stains?â
Hood sighed again, rubbing his temples. âIâm already regretting this.â
Danny grinned. âWelcome to management, boss.â
#dpxdc#dcxdp#dp x dc#dc x dp#ghostlyglimmer's fanfiction#ghostlyglimmer#jason todd#red hood#danny fenton#danny phantom#GhostlyGlimmer's art
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pairing- Lando Norris x fem!reader
wc- 1.3k
summary- You and Lando are too competitive for you own good, so what is a better date idea than a round of putt-putt
a/n: this is a little b-day gift for my bestest friend @arieslost I LOVE YOU BESTIE.
f1 masterlist
âBabe, I donât think itâs a good idea.âÂ
If someone walked in and saw the look on Landoâs face they would assume that you just kicked the poor manâs dog. But the truth to Landoâs sad expression- your insistence that a mini-golf date was not at all a great idea that Lando chalked it up to be.Â
Lando stares up at you from where his head rest on your lap, his lips pouted out, âWhy not?âÂ
âAre you seriously asking me that? Do you remember the last time we went? Or the time we played Mario Kart, Uno, Monopoly. Do you remember anytime we played something that had us competing against each other.â Lando continues to stare at you, as if he has no idea what you are talking about.Â
âLando! Seriously?! We each get pissy at each other. We are both too competitive for our own good.âÂ
Lando shoots up from were he was laying, startling you. He reaches across you to where his phone lays on the side table, âBut babe, you havenât even seen how cool this place is!â He shoves his now unlocked phone in your face, âSee!âÂ
You move back and take Landoâs phone from his hand. You see that he already has their Instagram paged pulled up. You scroll through a couple of their post. 18 holes, Atlantis themed, has an aquarium, good photo opportunities.Â
âIt is nice,â you agree.Â
âBabe. Please.âÂ
Your resolve crumbles in a matter of seconds, âFine, but I have 2 conditions,â you watch Landoâs face fall, â1- You will not, and I mean, NOT, do that spiderman-whatever-it-is pose on the course and 2- If an argument or anythings breaks out and we get pissy at each other I get to say I told you so.âÂ
The first âdisagreementâ of the day occurred not even 2 holes into the course. Lando claimed that you had purposely aimed for his ugly neon green ball.Â
âYou did that on purpose!âÂ
You stand there with a bewildered look on your face, âAre you kidding me? Your ball is right in the middle of the damn way. Of course Iâm going to hit it!âÂ
This is exactly why you couldnât stand playing against Lando. When the two of you played together against other people, you guys were a powerhouse, unstoppable. Putting the two of you against one another, well the results were what you were dealing with now.Â
âLando I swear to God I will leave you here and you can walk home. Remember our âdealâ? Because I do.â You wave your golf club at him in a warning manner.Â
âYouâre right. Iâm sorry baby.âÂ
You sigh out, you could never stay made at Lando when he gave you that puppy dog eyes look, âItâs fine, letâs just try and have a good time.âÂ
The two of you move through the course, youâre keeping score with a baby pencil on the little piece of paper one of the workers gave you when you picked out your balls, not trusting Lando to put down the correct score.Â
âAwww. Babe, look your favorite food,â You point to the fish in aquarium that lines the next hole.Â
You hear Lando make a noise and a pinch in your side. âThat one looks like you,â Lando tells you as he points to the ugliest fish in the tank.Â
You ram you elbow back, hitting him right in the stomach, âYou ass. Keep it up and youâll be sleeping with them.âÂ
âCome on, we got like, 7 holes left.â Lando grabs you hand and drags you away to the next hole.Â
Lando drops his ball on the green, lines up his shot and swings. You watch as the ball bounces off the barrier and rolls right into the hole. âHole in one babyyyyyy!â He exclaims, club raised over his head. âIâd like to see you do that.âÂ
âBet.â Is all you say as Lando walks over to hole to retrieve his ball. He moves off to the side and watches as you line up your shot, a smirk resting on his face.Â
You swing, and your ball does the same thing that Landoâs did, resulting in you own hole in one.Â
âHole in one babyyyyyy!â You mimic his early reaction. You do his same winning motion and you watch his smirk fall with a smirk of your own.Â
The two of you arenât the only people in here, there is a family a four ahead of you and another couple behind you. As Lando and you are walking to the next hole you canât help but glance back at the couple, who, unlike you and Lando, are being all lovey dovey. The boyfriend is helping the girl with her swing, standing behind her, holding her hands as they swing the club together.Â
You nudge Lando, âSee we could be like them,â you point to the couple, âinstead weâre two competitive a-holes.âÂ
Lando shrugs. âI like your competitiveness, gives me my money worth.âÂ
âWell be sure to keep that mentality after I beat your ass.âÂ
âWe still have 3 more holes,â Lando points out.Â
âYeah, but with how bad youâre doing, I think I got this in the bag.âÂ
âDonât count all your eggs before they hatch.âÂ
âChickens, babe. Chickens. Itâs- donât count all your chickens before they hatch.âÂ
âWait, then whatâs the egg one?âÂ
âDonât put all your eggs in one basket?â You say unclear to which one he is referring to.
âThatâs it!âÂ
You roll your eyes, âYouâre lucky your handsome.âÂ
âDonât worry about it,â you pat him on the shoulder and start walking to the next hole.Â
âNo, what did you mean by that?â Lando calls out from behind you and all you can do is giggle.Â
Itâs the last hole and maybe Lando was right, you shouldnât have counted all your chickens before they hatched. Because the past two holes Lando has managed to get two holes in one, you on the other hand were plundering.Â
âSo, weâre tied right now. This is the last hole, therefore, the tie-breaker.âÂ
âDo you want to go first?âÂ
âI guess.â Honestly no, you didnât want to go first. You rather watch how Lando does first, then try to replicate whatever he did, your strategy youâve been using the entire game.Â
You line up your shot and swing. A very underwhelming delivery on your end. Lando goes and has the same result. Second swing same thing, ultimately closer to the hole before. Lando swings and his ball is just a little behind yours. Third swing, and PLUNK, right into the hole. You hold in your celebration, Lando could still tie. Lando goes for his turn, and he puts to much force in his swing, his ball goes in and right back out of the hole. Itâs on his fourth try that his ball makes it in.Â
âYES! I WON!â Your shout draws the attention of the couple behind you, you give them an apologetic look. You turn your attention to Lando, who is looking at you with nothing but adoration.Â
âWell done,â Lando gives you a little golf clap and you take a bow.Â
âI guess I donât get to tell you I told you so.â You say as the two of you walk in the parking lot hand-in-hand.Â
âWow, we actually had a nice outing and thatâs all you can say,âÂ
You stop and jerk Landoâs hand towards you, âI had a fun time, even if we did get a little competitive.âÂ
Landoâs hands move to you waist and pull you into a hug, âI had a fun time too, even though I lost.âÂ
âDonât be a sore loser.âÂ
He wouldnât say anything today, but maybe sometime in the future he would tell you that he purposely swung a little too hard on his third turn so that his ball would bounce out of the hole. But for now he could live with the little white lie, as long as it made you happy.
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#f1#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 x reader#lando norris imagine#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#lando norris fluff#lando norris#ln4 imagine#ln4 fic#ln4 x reader#ln4 fluff#ln4
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Champagne & Sunshine (Pt.1)
JJ Maybank x Reader
Synopsis: Y/n celebrates six months in the OBX with her best friend JJ and the rest of the Pogues. Although Kiara isn't overly happy about it.
Warnings: Alcohol, language
Word Count: 3.8k+
Y/N's POV:
You pulled up to the beach in your dad's '95 Benz Truck. The one you had just inherited for your birthday. Your dad offered to buy you a new car but you wanted this one. It was your favorite.
"There's Barbie!" You hear JJ holler as you get out of the car.
You smile, holding up two bottles of champagne. You swayed you hips, your long hair draped over your shoulder. JJ was practically drooling at the sight of you in your booty shorts and crop top, belly ring dazzling in the sunlight.
"Well if it isn't miss Kylie Jenner, ladies and gentlemen." Kiara scoffs.
"Good to see you too, Kie." You smile at her. You didn't hate Kiara. But she had a thing for JJ and it was quite literally impossible for JJ to focus on anything else when he was in your presence. You remained friendly to her. You were friendly to everyone.
"What's the special occasion, mama?" JJ asks as you approach him and wrap your arms around him. He grabs your hips and pulls you into him, his arms snaking around your lower back as he takes in your scent.
"I've officially been in the OBX for 6 months and I've made some amazing friends!" You say happily.
"Weren't you like the Kook Queen of LA? How'd you even end up with us again?" Pope asks playfully.
"Cuz this one here wouldn't leave me alone," You chuckle, pointing to JJ.
"I'm sorry, am I supposed to not be obsessed with you?" JJ smiles.
You can feel Kie rolling her eyes but you couldn't care less.
"I don't think stalking the new girl and somehow managing to fall flat on your face every time she speaks to you is the best method to getting the girl." Pope laughs.
"She's here isn't she?" JJ says, motioning to you standing right beside him.
You laugh at their exchange. "Here," You hand Pope a bottle of champagne. "I have more in the cooler," You motion to the G-Wagon. "JJ, help me out?"
"Anything for you, m'lady." He says, following you closely back to your car. You open the trunk and JJ grabs the cooler. You grab some towels and walk back over to where everyone sat on the beach.
You lay a towel down a bit further from wherever else sat and you and JJ sat down.
"There she blows!" JJ said as he popped off the cork to the champagne. You giggled as some of it spilled onto your tan skin. "Ladies first," He says, offering you the bottle.
"Such a gentlemen," You tease before pressing the bottle to your lips and taking a sip.
JJ watched you, smile wide on his face.
"Hey, if you're sick of being hit on by the Kook Klan you can come slum it with the Pogues."
You turn around to see a shaggy haired blonde boy smiling widely at you. You return a smile. "Pogues?"
"Yeah, ya know, we aren't all rich and pretentious like those ones," He nods towards Rafe and Topper, the two boys who had been on your tail all night. "But we know how to have a good time."
"Uhm, yeah, that sounds good. Kind of sick of hearing about golf." You chuckle.
"Well you're in luck, Princess! All we do is surf."
"I love surfing!" You say excitedly. "I haven't been out here yet."
"A woman after my own heart." He smiles. "I'm JJ."
"Y/N," You respond, offering your hand.
"Come on, I'll introduce you to the Pogue life!" JJ says as he throws his arm around your neck and guides you down to a small fire his friends were sitting around. "Guys, this is Y/N! Y/N, this is John B, Pope, Kie, and Sarah. Sarah is Rafe's sister but she's way cooler."
"Hey guys!" You say sweetly. Everyone offers you a smile, Kie's smile was less that genuine but you didn't let it bother you.
"Holy shit, where are you from and why did you follow JJ over here?" Pope asks jokingly as he takes in your features.
Your long hair extensions, bright pink claws, your mini skirt and heels, you were obviously not from the Outer Banks and you were definitely not a Pogue.
"California! Calabasas." You smile. "You guys seem cooler than those douche bags." You laugh, turning and pointing to Rafe and Topper who were glaring in your direction.
"So sorry you had to be subjected to my brother and my ex," Sarah giggled. "They are both douchebags."
You laughed. "Yeah, I gathered that almost immediately."
You and JJ sat down. "So, Y/N, you surf?" John B asks, almost expecting you to say no. You were nice, but you definitely seemed like you'd rather spend a day at the mall than on the water.
"Yep!" You say, shocking everyone. "Used to go every day back home."
"Think you can keep up here?" JJ teased.
You turn to look at him with a flirty smile. "Barbie, eat your heart out."
Ever since you and JJ met that night, he'd been head over heels for you. You grew incredibly close to him and his friends. You'd spend your days surfing, absolutely schooling them almost every time. Days out on the Pogue, fishing and drinking. It was a whole different life than you were used to and you couldn't be happier. Truth was, you had it bad for JJ too, but you loved teasing him.
You laid down in JJ's lap, letting the sun kiss your bronze skin. He twirled your hair around in his finger. "Did you get new extensions?" He asked.
"Yeah, it was about damn time. Mine were so grown out."
"So soft..." JJ mutters as he works on braiding a small part of your hair.
"Want me to get you some extensions, J?" You giggle.
"Absolutely," He chuckles.
You take another sip of champagne before reaching your hand up and stroking your nails down JJ's leg. You could feel goosebumps form on his skin under your touch and you smiled.
It had been six months of dancing around the obvious with JJ. The way he was constantly hanging all over you, making you laugh. The way his eyes lit up when you entered the room. The way he'd stumble over his words whenever you offered a flirtatious remark.
And your actions didn't go unnoticed either. The way your long legs were always draped over his lap. The way you beamed up at him when he was goofing off. The way you blushed whenever he called you Barbie or Princess.
Never in a million years did the island of Kildare think they'd see what could be the sixth Kardashian sister pine over a "loser" like JJ Maybank but that's exactly what happened. No one ever made you feel so happy and free like JJ Maybank did.
The Pogues were happy for you both, well, except for Kiara. She was civil, but her jealousy was obvious. The Kooks, well, the Kooks hated it. Whenever they got a minute alone with you at a party they'd talk shit on JJ and your friends, saying you're too good for them. You'd just scoff and go find your best friend, grinding against him and hanging on his neck while you looked them dead in the eyes. You left your fake, pretentious friends back in Calabasas. When you moved here and met the Pogues, you became a whole new person. You finally felt like you belonged.
"Are we gonna surf or what?" Kiara asked, eyeing you and JJ being overly friendly.
"Hell yeah we're gonna surf!" You shoot up, running to your car and grabbing your board.
The waves were fierce today and you were the first one in the water, catching the first wave immediately and riding it out perfectly before the others could even catch up.
"She's way too good at this. I still can barely stand." Sarah says to Kie and John B.
"Yeah, when we first met her I thought there was no way she could keep up." John B replies, watching you ride out another wave.
"She's not that great," Kie scoffs.
"Come on, Kie. I know you've had a thing for JJ but Y/N is cool! And JJ seems happy, that's what's important right?" Sarah says.
Kie watches as you and JJ take on a wave together. She chews on her lip, admiring the boy she'd been in love with for so long. But Sarah was right, JJ really was happy. Happier than he'd ever been since you came into their lives.
"I am happy for him. I just wish she wasn't the only thing he cared about." Kie responds.
"He still cares about you, Kie. About all of us. He's just...he's never had...that." John B says, motioning to you. JJ had some hook ups, of course, but he'd never had a girl that was so obviously into him the way he was in her, even if they still were too shy to admit it.
"Just didn't think he'd fall for a girl like her," Kie says quietly before paddling out into the water.
After a long day of surfing, and finally helping Sarah ride out a full wave, you headed back to the Chateau.
"You did so good, Sarah!" You say, clanking your glass to hers before slurping down more champagne.
"I literally cannot believe I did that," She chuckles. "Thanks for teaching me."
"Any time babes!" You says, swimming over to her and kissing her on the cheek.
John B and Sarah sit across from you and JJ in the hot tub, the champagne coursing through your veins was obvious as you and JJ got more and more touchy, as you always did when the liquid courage took over.
Kie and Pope sat in the lawn chairs just outside the hot tub.
Kie watched as you sang the lyrics of Champagne and Sunshine, clinging to JJ as you did. The way his face lit up at the way you smiled made her frown.
"I'm sorry, Kie." Pope said, placing a hand on her knee.
"What does he see in her?"
"I don't know, I mean, she's goofy like him. She surfs. She's always happy-"
"Not helping, Pope." Kie cuts him off. Kiara had trouble seeing past the fake hair, fake nails, and fake lashes. As if those things meant your personality was fake. But you weren't fake. You were nothing but kind to everyone you met. Your feelings for JJ were genuine. You were more than happy to be a "Pogue". Even if you looked like a Kook, you wanted nothing to do with that side of the island.
"Sorry," Pope says. "I just mean, I think she's a good match for JJ. And I know that's not what you want to hear but he's happy. And you'll be happy too."
Kiara offers a small smile and nods.
"If it were me, I know who'd I choose." Pope says.
Kiara looks up at him with wide eyes. Pope offers a sympathetic smile and Kie quickly looks away, hiding the pink that was spreading across her cheeks.
You were all tipsy, laughing and singing along to the music. JJ's hand squeezed your hip as he brought a lighter to the joint between his lips.
You straddled his lap and he looked up at you with wide eyes. "Hey, princess!" He says, really enjoying the feeling of your clothed pussy hovering just above his member.
You looked down at the blue eyes you'd fallen so madly in love with. You smile and take the joint from between his lips. You bring it to yours and inhale deeply before passing it off to John B without taking your eyes of JJ's.
You smile, placing your hands softly on either side of JJ's jawline and pull his lips to yours, exhaling the smoke into his mouth. He inhales as he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you into him.
Your lips lock together and you can feel the electricity course through your body. Six long months of waiting for this moment. Six months of falling head over heels for your best friend.
His lips were soft, the kiss was gentle, but hungry. You could tell he'd been waiting for this minute for as long as you had.
The world disappeared around you as his tongue slipped into your mouth. Yours danced with his as you felt his arm grip your waist tighter and his fingers gently pulled at your hair.
"Ow! Ow!"
"Fucking finally!"
You smile against JJ's lips as you hear your friends holler around you. You flip them off as you continue lose yourself in the one man that's ever made you feel at home.
You don't notice Kiara storming off into the Chateau and Pope following her.
"Shit," You hear Sarah whisper.
You pull back slightly and and lock eyes with JJ, biting your lip as you try to contain your smile.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that." JJ chuckles.
"I think I might have an idea," You tease, leaning into him and wrapping your arms around him, burying your face in his neck.
JJ places kisses along your neck and shoulder. You could feel him smile against your skin.
I can feel her smiling against my neck. Did that really just happen? I thought to myself. My absolute dream girl was clinging to me as tightly as I clung to her. Pinch me, I must be dreaming.
"You're so perfect." I mumble against her skin.
She chuckles and leans back, her Y/E/C eyes studying my face. "Shut up," She teases. I smile and bring both my hands to her hips, brushing my thumb over skin as I looked up at her. I think I'm fucking in love.
"Hey guys," John B's voice ruins the moment.
"What?" I ask, not taking my eyes off Y/N.
"Uh, don't get me wrong. I love this for you guys. But I think Kiara is upset."
Y/N's expression changes as she slides off my lap and moves away. The loss of her touch left me feeling cold even though I was immersed in the hot water.
I groan under my breath. I didn't want it to seem like I didn't care about Kie but I didn't have those feelings for her. Y/N was everything I've ever wanted. And Y/N was far too sweet. If Kie was uncomfortable, of course she was going to back off.
"I'll go talk to her," I say, hopping out of the hot tub and placing a kiss on Y/N's temple.
I see Kie and Pope on the couch when I enter the Chateau. "Kie, can we talk?" Kie looks up at me with tear stricken eyes. "Pope, scram!" I say as I sit on the coffee table across from Kiara. Pope does as he's told. "Kie, what's going on?" I ask, taking her chin and forcing her to look at me.
"Doesn't matter, JJ." She said sourly.
"It does matter! You're my best friend. Why are you upset?"
"Just go back to your valley girl," She mutters. I clench my jaw. Kiara was constantly judging Y/N for not being Pogue material. She'd never taken the time to get to know her.
"Why do you hate her?" I ask, standing up from the table and walking around the room. "What has she done to you?"
"I don't hate her JJ," Kiara begins. "I just...she's not a real Pogue! She's fake as fuck!"
"Fake hair doesn't make her fake, Kiara. You haven't even tried to be her friend."
Kiara just scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"Look Kie," I sigh. "I love you. You're my best friend, okay? But I really, really like Y/N. It would mean a lot to me if you could get along with her. She's nothing but nice to you."
Kiara purses her lips and nods as she stares at the ground. "I don't think that's going to happen."
Y/N's POV:
"Fuck, I feel bad." You say, grinding your acrylic nail between your teeth.
"Don't feel bad, Y/N. JJ is obsessed with you, and it's obvious you're into him too. You guys deserve to be happy." Sarah reassures you.
"Kie's never liked me. I feel like I just came in and fucked everything up."
"You didn't," John B says. "JJ's never been happier. We all love having you around. Kie will come around in time."
JJ and Kie come out of the Chateau. They both looked unhappy and it made your stomach turn. JJ came over to you and pressed his lips to your ear. "Can we go to your place?" He asked.
JJ stayed at your house often. It wasn't a weird request. But you could tell something wasn't right in his voice.
"Yeah. Yeah, of course." You say as you climb out of the hot tub. You dry yourself off with your towel and grab your bag. "We'll catch you guys tomorrow!" You say as you and JJ start towards your car.
"Hope she's still pretty when you fuck all the fake off her!" A tipsy Kiara yells after you. You and JJ stop in your tracks. You'd been nothing but nice to Kiara since the night you met her. You tried to be her friend and she always shrugged you off. You were honestly sick of it.
You turn on your heel and start back towards her. "What the hell is your problem, Kiara?!" You spit.
"I just think JJ deserves better than some Malibu Barbie who will turn on him as soon as shit gets hard." She hisses back.
"You don't fucking know me!" You yell. "You've made no effort in getting to know me! Everyone else seems to like me. I've never given you a reason to fucking hate me aside from the fact that you're obsessed with JJ and he doesn't feel the same towards you!"
She scrunches up her face at your words.
You'd been nice for too long and you could feel the California version of yourself coming out. You approach her calmly as you cross your arms over your chest. You lean towards her, tongue sliding across your bottom lip. "You can hate me all you want. That won't stop JJ from absolutely losing himself inside me tonight." You whisper with a smile.
You chuckle before turning around and heading back to your car. You hop in the driver's seat. You watch as everyone is silent. JJ stares at Kiara for a moment, you can see her trying to hold back tears. JJ shakes his head at her before turning and climbing into your car.
The car ride was silent as you headed towards Figure Eight. You couldn't help but start to feel guilty the longer you drove. You didn't want to hurt Kiara. You were just so fed up with her treating you this way.
"Hey you two!" Your mom gushes as you and JJ walk into the kitchen.
"Hey mom!" You say.
"Hey, Mrs. Y/L/N!" JJ says.
"Are you guys hungry? I made pizza!"
You and JJ exchange a glance. Neither of you really had an appetite after what just happened. "Maybe later," You say. "We're gonna go watch a movie."
"Okay, Sweetie. Your father and I are meeting some friends at the club. We'll be home later."
"Sounds good!" You say, dragging JJ up the stairs to your room.
Your parents loved JJ. Back in California there were no Kooks or Pogues. Your mom and dad grew up working for everything they have now. They were the last people to judge. They knew about JJ's home life and insisted he stay at your house whenever he needed. He was nothing but respectful to your parents and your little sister, Marley.
Your parents were rich and boujee and well respected but as soon as they got home and kicked off their designer clothes, they were stoners at heart. You came from a long line of hippies. Your parents wouldn't forget that. However, they still loved life's luxuries and wanted the best for you and Marley, so they put on a Kook front for the new island you now called home.
Once you and JJ were in your room, he flopped onto your bed and groaned.
"Look, I'm sorry for what I said to Kie. I-"
"Don't be sorry, Y/N." JJ said. "She's been such a bitch to you since you moved here. I don't blame you for getting upset."
"Still. I shouldn't have said what I said." You moved to your closet, slipping out of your bikini and throwing on a t-shirt and panties. You grabbed some gym shorts for JJ and tossed them to him. He had left many clothes at your house over the last six months.
"I tried to talk to her. Tried to ask her to be civil," He said as he slid his shorts on. "She's just fucking stubborn."
You nodded, heading to your bathroom to take your make up off. JJ followed you, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. You smiled at the gesture.
"Can I do it?" JJ asked as he saw you reaching for your lashes.
You giggled. "Yeah, JJ, you can do it."
You sat down on your closed toilet and looked up at JJ, closing your eyes. He took your lashes between his fingers and slowly began pulling.
"Just yank it off, JJ!" You laugh.
"I don't want to hurt you!"
"It won't hurt, just rip it."
JJ does as he told and you smile at the instant relief your eyelid felt.
"So weird," JJ says as he fiddles with the lashes in his fingers, flicking them to the side like they are a spider.
"If it freaks you out why do you always want to do it?" You giggle.
"Cuz it's satisfying," He tells you as he leans down to pull your other lashes off. Once he does, he grabs your make up remover and a cotton pad, slowly removing all the make up from your skin. You relax under his touch, enjoying the way he knows how to take care of you.
Once he finishes removing your make up, he ties your hair back, careful of you extensions like you showed him. He washes your face and puts on you moisturizer.
"There. So fucking pretty." He says as he admires your bare face.
You smile up at him, begging for him to kiss you but you know he's too shy.
JJ leads you back to your bed and you both climb under the covers. "What episode were we on?" He asks as he scrolls through Kardashian reruns.
"Uhhhh, Khloe divorcing Lamar." You say. JJ finds the episode and throws the remote to the side. He wraps you tightly in your arms and your throw your arm and leg over his body, nuzzling against his chest.
You felt your eyes growing heavy as JJ ran his fingers over your arm. You couldn't help but smile as you thought about your life. Last year you were stuck in a place full of fake ass people who didn't give a shit about your well being. Now, you were laying in bed watching the Kardashians with a boy who literally couldn't get enough of you. A boy who took the time to learn everything about you. How to care for your hair extensions, take off your make up properly, what colors you liked your nails. A boy who knew you were petrified of spiders and heights. A boy that could make you laugh for hours on end. A boy who'd bring you your favorite food at 2am just because you texted him that you were hungry. A perfect boy.
You couldn't deny the fact that you were absolutely in love with JJ Maybank.
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Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 3
Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life youâd listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates werenât a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you arenât so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention. Â
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope yâall like aching) eventual smut
Words: 12.6+
A/N: Guys. Idk where to start, but this chapter needs a warning because it is big and beefy. I didnât want the 1.03-1.04 story arc to be dragged out further into 4 chapters and, because of that, this chapter exists. I truly hope it is one that you enjoy. It took a lot of time and love. So please, get out some đż cause itâs going to be a ride. P.S. To everyone who has liked, commented, reblogged, and sent me messages about Chaos in Their Bones: thank you. You have all made this such a wonderful experience and a fun one. I hope it continues to be one you enjoy đ¤ Much Love, Jenn
Chapter 1 Previous Next
So far Operation Petty was getting off to a rough start.Â
Your original plan of stealing every glass of wine Zoro poured seemed like a good one. Golf claps for everyone. Except, that good idea slowly began to disappear five glasses ago.Â
Unfortunately for you, and to the dismay of the entire table, you were a giggling mess.Â
After the sixth glass you were lucky you could even see straight. It wasnât until after Zoro poured the next glass and slid it over to you the wheels in your head finally added all the small clues youâd missed. Zoro had let you think youâd stolen glass after glass of his wine. When in reality, heâd just been trying to get you drunk.Â
Zoro was already on his fourth bottle of wine and still seemed able to function like a person.Â
You leaned, not so gracefully, over to his side of the table. A âPsst,â hiccuping out of you to garner his attention. You knew you had it. He was just hiding a majority of his face inside the glass.Â
Just to make sure though - âPsst!âÂ
âUgh, Doc, we can all hear you,â Usopp said somewhere behind you.Â
You waved him off. Your eyes honed in on both Zoroâs.Â
âWhat do you want?â He hummed.Â
âHey, Mosshead,â you snapped. That got his head to swivel an inch away from the safety of the glass. âYou did this on purpose.â
You were leaning so far forward your cheek was almost flush with your arm. Your fingers wiggled near him and you watched as his eyes darted down to watch them before side-eyeing you.Â
âYup,â he answered, sharply pronouncing the p. âYou want to steal my wine as payback, well I can drink you under the table.â You werenât expecting him to drop the glass and move towards you. The movement wasnât huge, but he was closer than you anticipated and it made you scared to blink. âI can be petty too.âÂ
He was so close - almost kissably close and - No! Why are you thinking of kissing at a time like this? When Zoroâs close enough you could see the sun kissed freckles that dusted over the top of his cheeks and nose. The playful glint in his eyes that brightened them to shine like mini constellations.Â
With a devious smirk sliding across his lips, Zoro regarded you one last time before he straightened up. His hand reaching out to take back the glass heâd previously sat down and brought it back up to his lips.Â
âYou are diabolical,â you huffed.Â
When you went to straighten up, you felt your world tilt. You were going to need - âCan I get some water, please?âÂ
You needed to sober up and fast. Inwardly, you could already hear your inner monologue being set up to chastise your childish behavior. You were so worried about Zoro and annoying him that it was all you focused on.Â
Iâm not here for him.Â
Youâd come with Usopp with the goal in mind to help Kaya. That was who youâd come here for and who you still had every intention to help. The plan to do so was still there, but somehow within the last few hours youâd allowed yourself to be distracted by a pretty face.Â
A soft cough from Kayaâs direction was all the clarity necessary to get your head back on straight. Or as straight as it could be in your current state. No more Zoro. No more looking at him, talking to him, looking at him-
You could sense him moving off to your right, but you were not going to look. Nope. Most definitely not going to look, but was your head tilting?Â
Drunk you seriously needed to work on some self-control.Â
You were heavily lost in your head again. So lost that you werenât sure how many times Luffy or anyone else attempted to bring you into a conversation. It wasnât until a gentle hand on your shoulder jolted you back into the present.Â
Looking to your left, you saw Usopp waiting for you to answer him. His concern etched into every scrunch of his face.Â
âLuffy asked how long youâve been a doctor,â he offered slowly, as if he spoke too fast heâd lose you again.Â
âWell, technically, Iâm a doctor-in-training.â
âSo, not a real doctor.â
Of course, Zoro just had to butt in. You still werenât going to look at him.Â
âI am a doctor. Naan has taught me over the years how to handle every illness and broken bone that has come through this village. I think one of the biggest things sheâs taught me is that sometimes kindness can be the strongest medicine and other times defending those who canât defend themselves is a bigger responsibility.âÂ
âWow,â Luffy smiled in response. âYou must have helped a lot of people. Your grandma must be really proud of you.âÂ
Luffy looked soâŚgenuine. The very thought of you going out of your way to help others seemed to make him regard you differently. While the smile on his face wasnât expansive and filled with its usual childlike mischief, it held one of praise. As if it was a rare thing for someone to have the drive to help another person. Maybe over the last decade or so that might have been true, but Naan didnât raise you to turn a blind eye to those in need.Â
You couldnât help but respond to Luffyâs smile with one of your own. Although, you hoped it didnât wilt as you prepared yourself with your reply.Â
âSheâs an orphan,â Sham interjected as she set down a dinner plate that was intricately decorated with fish and vegetables. âUsopp too. Isnât that right?âÂ
Not true. Orphan meant that there had been no one there for you. No family to help take care of you when you needed protection, and while Naan wasnât your real grandma she was family because she chose to be.Â
You dropped your hands down into your lap and could feel your fingers curl into your palms.Â
âWhat does it matter if theyâre orphans or not?â Your eyes narrowed in on Nami. She sat beside Luffy, opposite of Usopp, and her cool gaze was trained on Sham. She watched closely while Sham placed the next plate hastily down in front of Usopp. âIâm curious to hear your answer.âÂ
âForgive my staff, Miss,â Klahadore stepped in. âSham spoke out of turn when it was not her place.âÂ
âIâm sure she meant no harm, Klahadore.â
Kaya smiled up at him and he responded with a smile of his own. You hated how Kaya was always apologizing for everyone around her, especially for those who didnât deserve it.Â
âI donât think thatâs true,â Nami continued. âIf she didnât mean to say it she wouldâve kept her mouth shut.âÂ
âItâs not that big of a deal, guys,â Usopp offered.Â
You werenât surprised to see him looking at Kaya. The two of them shared a small smile between them and it took everything in you not to lightly smack him on the arm. If Kaya wanted to be peacemaker, Usopp would do everything in his power to play along. Anything Kaya wanted Usopp would make sure he did everything in his power to make sure it happened.Â
What felt worse was that Shamâs attempt at an insult did bother you. It was meant to remind you that they considered you nothing, which was odd coming from waitstaff and a butler.Â
A doctor to pirates was about as valuable as gold.Â
âYeah, not a big deal,â you mumbled. Your fingers riddled with your fork; debating if eating Buchiâs food was worth the risk. With your luck they probably poisoned it. âI do hope I make her proud someday, Luffy. I still have a lot to learn.â
Luffy was already a mouthful deep into his plate and wasnât showing any reservation in taking another hardy bite. Thank god he waited to swallow first before he replied, âThe fact you came here to help Kaya tells me all I need to know. Youâre a good person, Doc.â
âThatâs very kind of you, Luffy. Thank you.â
God, I will not cry right now.Â
Why did random words of kindness - from a stranger - matter so much? Luffy didnât owe you any act of kindness or to bother being so nice to you or Usopp. Yet, here he was being an actual ball of sunshine. You knew dozens of people in this town who disregarded Usopp and his stories. Who grumbled and complained when he started talking. Luffy had only treated him with respect: he listened to his stories no matter how bat shit crazy they must have sounded.Â
You knew Luffy and his friends would eventually leave but for the time they were here (besides Zoro) you were grateful.Â
âIt says a lot about who you are. Youâre a good person.âÂ
You felt your smile wilt a little as you watched a few flecks of food fall out of his mouth as he spoke. Flying food aside, you were really starting to count yourself lucky that Luffy and his friends ended up in your sleepy little village.Â
Sham was still depositing plates of tonightâs only special when you heard Kaya ask if she could try some. Sheâd barely finished asking before Klahadore was there beside her.Â
âIâm sorry that wonât be possible, Miss Kaya. You know how certain foods affect your constitution. Here,â he waved his hand free from his chest ushering in Buchi. âBuchi has prepared your special soup.â
âWhy is it blue?â You blanched.Â
When all eyes turned to regard you, you realized you hadnât said that in your head. The wine was seriously starting to make your body too comfortable.Â
âItâs made with a special fruit,â Buchi growled back.Â
âWhatâs the name of the fruit? Iâve skowered this entire island top to bottom with Naan and have never seen a fruit that color here.âÂ
âItâs imported.â
âFrom where-â
âItâs not important where her food comes from,â Klahadore interrupted. Each word was more forced than the last. âAll that matters is it helps Miss Kaya.âÂ
âIf that was true then why is she still sick?â
Klahadoreâs eyes were practically shooting daggers into your skull. You were willing to bet a million berryâs that if he got you alone in a room, you wouldnât be making it out. That thought only seemed to ignite something inside you that youâd been pushing down for months.
You rolled your tongue along your bottom teeth as you struggled to reign in your temper. The wine made your blood warm and fuzzy, but now you felt as if you were boiling alive. Your legs were bouncing uncontrollably underneath the table and your hands were curling into fists-
Suddenly a hiccup of a gasp lodged itself in your throat. The tip of a shoe was pressed gently against your ankle and the tip of said shoe belonged to the very moss-headed oaf whoâd been plaguing your every waking minute. Yes, you said you werenât going to look at him, but you didnât expect him to touch you. Even just this small amount.Â
When you did glance at him, Zoro didnât return your stare. His eyes were trained solely on Klahadore with a slight draw of his brow confirming your suspicions. Zoro was starting to notice something was off with Klahadore too and was warning you.Â
âKaya itâs your birthday. You should be able to eat whatever you want.âÂ
Namiâs soft voice cut through the tension and brought Klahadore back to the present. His eyes glazed back with mock servitude, but youâd seen it. Maybe now so had Zoro. Your eyes were only for Klahadore as you watched the exchange between him and Nami. You loved the way she was sticking up for Kaya and the challenge in her eyes as she stared him down-
âYou need to relax.âÂ
You struggled to keep a shudder from making its way down your spine but you werenât so lucky in keeping the soft gasp from trickling out from your lips. The husk of his voice was unnecessarily sexy.Â
Slowly, you turned to look to your right and found Zoro casually sitting back in his seat. His eyes trained forward and his hands took his silverware as if he hadnât just whispered across your skin like sin.Â
You couldnât think past what had just happened. It didnât matter how much you tried to formulate a sentence. Your brain was just not having it. You could do this. You were an intelligent woman who was not easily swayed.Â
A masterful reply.Â
Zoro looked at you from his peripherals before placing the napkin down into his lap.Â
âI would stop antagonizing him before he kicks you out.â
And here you thought he was just worried about you.Â
âIâm a doctor and Kaya needs me.âÂ
âHas she told you that? Has she physically looked at you and specifically asked for you to save her or do you just need to feel important?â
âWhy are you such an asshole?!â
You spoke every word through gritted teeth. The anger that Zoro erased by killing your brain cells, which now felt like an insult to yourself, was stoked back to life. Your body singed with the need to get a hold of him because - who the fuck talked to people like this?Â
What you hadnât expected was for that anger - god, that hurt - to soak deeply into your words. Each one raised and sharp with the intention he knew you meant it.Â
Zoro didnât respond. He just started eating his fish. You suddenly didnât feel hungry.Â
âAre you okay?â
You didnât want to look at Usopp. Not when he sounded like that. What would happen if you did? Would you cry or scream that you werenât? The panic youâd been shoving down the last few hours was beginning to weasel its way to the surface. You were running out of options and ideas on how you could help. What if Zoro was right? What if Kaya didnât need you and youâd allowed yourself to be dragged into a story that wasnât real?
The thought alone was enough to make you look at your best friend and the panic was replaced with guilt. The shame was enough to make the first sharp prick of tears threaten to spill free from your eyes. Usopp didnât deserve your anger or your doubt. He may have told a lot of stories, but he was good. His heart was pure. You werenât worried about whether or not you smiled at him if he could tell you were lying. You knew somehow Usopp would understand your frustration.Â
âYeah, Usopp everything is alright.âÂ
He side-eyed Zoro over your shoulder before he brought his attention back to the room. Clearing his throat, he looked over at Luffy and asked, âLuffy, isnât there something you wanted to talk to Kaya about?â
âAh, yes. Usopp tells me that you own the whole shipyard.âÂ
Kaya smiled gracefully in reply, before she looked away. A sadness creeping into her voice.Â
âWell, actually, my parents founded the shipyard, and Merryâs been running the business sinceâŚwell since they passed.â You watched as Luffy followed her words and glanced over to the man sitting at the table. A courtesy raise of his glass to salute the dead. For a split second, all the joy in Luffy was replaced by something that didnât seem to fit. A melancholy that didnât belong. âBut all thatâs about to change. At midnight tonight I will become sole owner.âÂ
âAh well, thatâs great because we want to buy a ship from you.â
Now this was the Luffy youâd grown to know. All smiles and cheerfulness like a rainbow as he lifted his champagne glass and took a sip.Â
âI see,â Kaya responded in kind. âUsopp mentioned that you were sailors.âÂ
âNope, not sailors. Pirates.âÂ
Your head spun sharply back in his direction. He seemed so happy about what he just said. Like it wasnât the worst kind of omission that could get you all killed or arrested by the local Marines. Usopp definitely had a reason to be choking on his own drink.Â
You glanced at Nami and back at Zoro and both of them, respectfully, looked worried as shit.Â
âYep. We havenât sailed together for very long, but we have already defeated an evil clown, raided a marine base, and taken down a Marine captain with an axe for a hand!â
âUsopp, what is he talking about?â You whispered sharply over to him.Â
Usopp was still covered in his own spit as he furiously tried to wipe it off. The worry evident in the fine creases in his forehead as he glanced around the room.Â
âI donât-â
âThese sound a lot like your adventures, Usopp,â Kaya mentioned lovingly.Â
âYeah. Itâs crazy.â
Kaya thought that Luffy was joking! While you were sure Luffy meant what he was saying you were also incredibly confused. Pirates werenât nice. The ones youâd met a few times had forced Naan to help them. Theyâd been rough, mean, and downright nasty. Luffy was none of that.Â
âOh yeah, and we are just getting started!â Unexpectedly, Luffy stood up in his chair and began to stand on the table.Â
âWhat are you doing?â Klahadore snapped as he came forth from the shadows. âGet down from there this instant!â
âBeing a pirate has been my dream for as long as I can remember and Iâm finally going to make it a reality. We are heading off to the grand line where even more adventures await us.â With an eager smile gracing his lips, drink in hand, Luffy began to walk his way down to where Kaya sat. âAt the end of the journey Iâm gonna find the ultimate treasure, the One Piece and become King of The Pirates.â
When he got to Kaya Luffy stopped and took one last sip of his drink before handing it off to Klahadore. You would honestly pay to have this moment replay in a time loop, it was so damn good. Besides the fact that, you know, they were pirates.Â
âKaya, you have a beautiful ship out there. A caravel with a sheep figurehead. It spoke to me. That is the ship we need to follow our dreams. I promise we will take care of it. Maintain it. Because a ship isnât just a vessel; itâs also a home.âÂ
It felt like such a genuine moment. Luffy didnât appear to be like every pirate youâve ever met. They were usually selfish, ugly, and cruel men who found pleasure in others misfortunes or creating them themselves. Even now, after his confession, it wasnât the vibe you got from Luffy, and thatâs what made it all the more confusing.Â
âThat will be quite enough!â Your body gave a jump in surprise as Klahadore screamed. His body thundering over to stand next to Kaya. âI shouldâve known Usopp would bring rift raft to our doorstep.â
âKlahadore itâs okay-âÂ
Kaya tried to defend them, but a violent coughing fit cut her short. Usopp edged toward the end of his seat noticeably wanting to get up and go to her. The both of you knew if he made any moves right now, unfortunately, who knew what this butler would do.Â
âNow look at what youâve done. Youâve all upset Miss Kaya. I want you all out of here, at once!â
âNo,â Kaya interjected. âLet them stay the night.âÂ
âVery well, Miss Kaya. But they are out of here first thing in the morning.âÂ
Stay the night?Â
âFuck,â you huffed under your breathe.Â
You had no intention of staying in this manor with any of them. You turned to tell Usopp you should both head back and noticed the way his puppy dog eyes followed Kaya as Klahadore led her away. He wasnât going to leave her and maybe that meant you shouldnât either.Â
âWell, that went well.â
Luffy really needed to learn to read the room.Â
You waited for Buchi and Sham to follow after their master before you pushed back your chair and did your best not to trip on any of the tulle at your feet. You needed to get out of this dress immediately. It wasnât because you were much of a fighter. No, that wasnât you. However, you did enjoy running from danger and this dress made it damn near impossible.Â
âWhere are you going?âÂ
Luffy and his kaleidoscope of happiness. You wondered what it was like to always be so optimistic.Â
âI am going back to my room and probably leaving.âÂ
âWhat?â Usopp turned to look at you. âWhy are you leaving.â
âYeah. What was all that holier than thou talk about helping her,â Zoro cut in.Â
âOh, what the hell does it matter to you, anyways?â You snapped. âFirst, you insult me for trying to help and now you insult me, again, for leaving.â
âCowards give up when it gets hard.â
Was it physically possible to blow smoke out of your nose? It felt like it as your eyes narrowed in on him. He didnât even have the decency to look at you.Â
âZoro, you got a real stick up your ass,â Nami huffed as she grabbed her glass and took a drink.Â
âThatâs not the real reason she wants to leaveâ he shot back, eyes on Nami. âIs it? Itâs because she heard the word, âPirates.âÂ
âThatâs crazy,â Luffy laughed around the words. âWeâre good guys.âÂ
âPirates are not good guys,â you snapped at him. It was your turn to feel like an asshole as you looked between them. Luffy noticeably hurt. âI have met plenty of pirates when they came looking for Naan and her services. She hid me every single time, because she was scared of what they might do. If they would take me. Doctors are more valuable to pirates than gold. That was the lesson she taught me and I learned it well.â
âPirates have been to Syrup Village?âÂ
Usopp didnât seem to grasp the fact that they hadnât come raiding and heâd have to ring the bell for real. No one knew how close pirates really were to Syrup Village. It was one of the reasons why Naanâs home was hidden so deep within the bamboo forest.Â
âYes, Usopp.â
You needed to get away. You were tired - drained - from feeling like you needed to apologize to them. You didnât know what's real anymore and maybe you were being a coward. Maybe you were just tired of being wrong.Â
With one last tug on the tulle, you moved away from the table and gave them one quick glance before you headed out towards the dining room doors.Â
Itâd been over an hour since youâd made your less than graceful exit from the dining room. Even after getting back into the comfort of your own clothes, it didnât keep the nagging feeling that youâd been an asshole from clawing its way to the surface.Â
You had been an asshole.Â
Youâd been pacing the confines of your suite chewing on your nails until you were positive you must have gnawed them into dust. There was no denying Kayaâs home was beautiful. It was everything you could imagine money could buy in the form of creature comforts, but there was no happiness within its walls.Â
The room youâd been given was more than what you and Naan lived in now. When youâd first been shown inside, youâd felt silly having all this space and having no idea what to do with it. It was all lovely. From the four poster bed with intricate wooden detailing to the velvet curtains that ran the length of the wall that held a window overlooking the garden. The wallpaper, you were positive, held gold within its designs.Â
It wasnât the fanciest, but you would take your small home with Naan then stay in a place like this. Speaking of homeâŚ
It would be so easy for you to turn tail and run. To go out the front door and never come back but what would you tell Naan? That you never got to see Kaya? That you were unnecessarily rude to a group of people whoâd been nothing but friendly (except one) all because their captain called them pirates?Â
Coward. Thatâs what Zoro called you. The worst part was maybe he wasnât wrong. So, ninety-five percent of your plan had gone to shit. You at least still had five percent of it.Â
Neither Luffy, Nami, or Zoro did anything that warranted your hasty judgment, and nothing they did reflected what youâd been exposed to all your life. What you hated the most was that you could feel the need for an apology brewing in your gut, and if you didnât do it you would never get any sleep.Â
After youâd gotten dressed and strapped on much more comfortable shoes, you made your way out of your room and back inside the maze of hallways. You were closing in on the main corridor when the sound of a door opening made you stop in your tracks.Â
What if it was Sham? You prepared yourself to see her unpleasant face when orange hair wrapped in an orange designed bandanna crept out into the hall.Â
She startled as you called her name and turned to face you. The sound of clanking caught your attention and your eyes followed the sound to a very filled pillowcase in her right hand.Â
You quirked an eyebrow as you asked, âDoing some spring cleaning?â
You watched as her usual friendly demeanor changed into squared shoulders and eyes filled with defiance. It made you feel like you were about to embark on a fight you didnât realize you were having.Â
âYou want to hurl some more generic insults my way? Tell me how much of a bad person I am-â
Now you were raising your hands up but not in surrender. It was an attempt to quiet her down. Youâd already been berating yourself about words, and the power they held to equally heal or destroy someone. How many times had Naan chastised you about being reckless with your words? Reminding you that the things spoken can be enough to heal or mend hearts and bodies, but can also easily break them.Â
âA healer is more than just someone mending a body, girl. Sometimes we heal by listening. Giving dying men the forgiveness they seek.âÂ
And here you were slinging verbal canon balls at these people.Â
Iâm such an asshole
âNami! Nami! While I hundred percent deserve that, itâs not what I was going to do.â She didnât seem like she believed you in the slightest. That was fair. âI was actually on my way to try and find you guys.â
âWhy? So, you could tell us some more about how you hate pirates?â
âOkay. Thatâs fair.â
âOh, I think thatâs more than fair. You are not the only one who hates pirates or holds the lottery for the shittest interactions with them.â
Again, your hands were up. Why did this have to feel like you were with a lion inside of a cage? One wrong move and you were sure she was going to bite your head off.Â
âI never said that, ok? Did I have a shit reaction to finding out that you were pirates? Yes. Thatâs why Iâm here. I came to apologize to all of you. You defended me tonight at dinner. You didnât have to do that.â
All the anger that swirled in the gray of her irises began to soften. Good. At least she was no longer looking ready to turn you into literal sashimi.Â
âYeah, weâll, she was acting like a real bitch.â
âAgreed,â you hummed, âbut thatâs beside the point. You didnât have to say anything but you did and how did I repay that? By being an asshole so on that note: Nami, Iâm sorry.â
Why was she just staring? You thought your heart was going to explode out of your chest at any minute. Nami wasnât smiling or appeared angry or upset. She was completely stone faced and you were desperately trying not to fidget.Â
âI think thatâs the first time anyoneâs apologized to me before.âÂ
âThat sucks.â
God, you really did have a way with words. Nami was equally as shocked at your bluntness, but in a way that sent a warm smile to lift the edges of your lips. Nami sputtered out a laugh as she placed her hands on her hips. The motion and sound of clinking whatever was in there reminding you both that she was currently doing something illegal.Â
âAre you going to say anything? Report me to Klahadore?âÂ
Even just the sound of his name was enough to drop the smile from your face. A sneer replacing it as you replied, âGod no. Iâd rather just let you steal than say anything to that jackal.â
âYou and the waitstaff seem to be big fans of each other,â Nami teased.Â
It earned her a laugh as you looked down the hallway. Just to be safe since you were both equally unwanted in the manor and, well, Nami had a pillowcase full of the house goodies.Â
âI suppose you could say that.â
You stuck your hand between you both and waited patiently for her to take it. Nami regarded your hand like it belonged to a sea monster.Â
âI donât have any friends.â
Her words were soft and direct. As if sheâd come to terms with being alone for a while now. You didnât pull your hand away and let it fall back to your side. You kept it suspended between the two of you, and patiently waited for her to feel comfortable enough to take it.Â
âWell, at least now youâll know you have one in Syrup village.âÂ
A spark of something ignited in her eyes and whatever it was your words made her think of, it wasnât something happy. When a small smile curled her lips it didnât reach her eyes. They stayed distant; mourning something you may never be made aware of.Â
You felt your breath catch in your throat as Nami reached out her hand and gently grabbed yours. You waited to secure your fingers around her hand, just in case she had second thoughts. When she didnât pull away you allowed yourself to fully smile at her, which earned you one back.Â
âWhere were you headed to, anyways?â
You both released each other, and you started slowly moving around her to get to the corridor.Â
âI was going to look around for Luffy. I need to apologize to him too.â
âCheck the kitchen. If youâre going to find him anywhere itâs going to be in there.â
âThank you. You just saved me some time. See you later, Nami.â
You were a few feet away when she called your name. You turned halfway to see her still standing in the same spot youâd left her.Â
âAre you going to apologize to Zoro?â
âIâm still debating,â you answered truthfully.
You arenât sure what Nami expected you to say, but apparently that hadnât been it. She immediately erupted into laughter as she turned and headed to the next room.Â
You really hoped she wasnât going to get caught by Klahadore or anyone else. You were positive it would get him all riled up and send him screeching for the marines to come. Maybe even throw in some insults, because that was just the kind of man he was.Â
It took you longer than you wanted to locate the kitchen and you were considering bringing it up to Kaya about putting signs up around the manor. Ones that let you know with arrows which way to go. Why was it so easy to get lost in such a big house? You were still trying to come up with a way to bring up that little suggestion when you heard Usoppâs voice coming from the kitchen. Usopp was there too? Your curiosity spurred you forward - almost at a sprint - until you heard another voice grumble from the kitchen.Â
âYou donât think she like - like likes me, do you?â
What kind of conversation were you walking into? You rounded the corner to find Usopp and Zoro staring at one another. Usopp looked hopeful while Zoro regarded him with as much emotion as a rock.Â
âYouâre asking the wrong guy.â
âI would second that, Usopp.â
At the sound of your voice all eyes turned to you.Â
âDoc! Hey! What brings you to the kitchen?âÂ
Luffy sounded like his usual happy-go-lucky self. He didnât seem to be holding a grudge or feelings about what had happened only an hour ago between you. All Luffy seemed to care about was the leftover appetizers and being amongst friends.Â
How could you ever think he was anything like other pirates?Â
His cheerfulness was contagious and soon you found yourself making your way around to the stairs. Luffy waves you down to join him with an appetizer in hand.Â
âYou didnât seem to eat at the dinner. You should try some of these. Theyâre delicious!â
âAre you sure there is any left?â
âOh, I have some in my pockets if you want those.âÂ
He really was digging through his pocket to pull out some appetizers. You didnât know why it surprised you so much but you couldnât keep your laughter from bubbling to the surface.Â
âItâs okay, Luffy. I appreciate your willingness to share, but Iâll pass for now.âÂ
âYou sure? These are really good!âÂ
Just to prove his point, Luffy popped whatever he pulled from his pocket into his mouth. His fingers noticeably tinted with a pink hue from it melting.Â
âPretty sure.âÂ
You snagged a stool on the opposite side of Luffy, which unfortunately kept you on the same side as Zoro. Who was actively staring daggers into your skull.Â
âI actually came to find you so I could apologize.âÂ
âFor how I acted at dinner.â
âWhereâs my apology?âÂ
Zoroâs husky voice cut through your good mood and instantly made you bitter. You turned in your seat to look at him, who was opening and closing drawers every two seconds.Â
âIâm still debating on if you deserve one.âÂ
Zoro had been opening his next set of cupboard doors when he stopped short. His head tilting the slightest to glance at you over your shoulder. You waited for him to make another smart ass comment and when it didnât come, well, color you surprised. All you got was a tick of his jaw before he turned back to opening and shutting doors.Â
âWhat is he doing?â You asked Usopp.Â
âHeâs looking for something to drink,â Luffy offered up in between his next bite.
Where the hell did he find a chicken leg? You fixed yourself to sit more comfortably on the stool and placed your satchel on the table. You looked between the three men again and remembered what it was theyâd been talking about before.Â
âSo, what were you guys talking about?âÂ
Usopp scratched the back of his neck and looked anywhere but at you. What was making him so nervous? Youâd been friends since you were kids. There literally couldnât be anything that embarrassing-
âUsopp is in love with Kaya and wanted to know if we think sheâs in love with him too.â
Luffy happily continued to eat the chicken that you still couldnât figure out where it came from. Usopp, on the other hand, looked like his soul was about to leave his body.Â
âSounds about right.â
Your response must have been a shock to Usopp because thatâs exactly how he looked. His hand was still nervously fidgeting with his bandana.Â
âYou know?â
You rolled your eyes as you looked around the kitchen island. Maybe you were starting to feel a little bit hungry.
âUsopp, even Naan knows how you feel about Kaya. She called it like two years ago.âÂ
You were still looking for something to eat when Luffy slid a plate with chicken thighs and legs between you. They smelled wonderful and the skin was perfectly crisp. It was garnished with what might have been green onion or chive.Â
âIf you guys are going to talk about feelings Iâm seriously going to need a drink.â
The few steps Zoro took came to an abrupt end just a few feet from you. You had a piece of chicken thigh between your lips as you made eye contact with his award-winning brooding face. There was a millisecond, as you both looked at each other, that you wondered if he wouldâve replied.Â
âThereâs a wine cellar down in the basement.âÂ
âWhy didnât you mention that before?â
Usopp opened and closed his mouth. While he was unsure of what to say, you felt like you had plenty. Usopp didnât waste another second as he grabbed his satchel off the island and started leading Zoro up the stairs.Â
âLuffy, you coming?âÂ
âNo, you go ahead. Iâm going to sit with Doc for a while.âÂ
They were walking on the opposite walkway, high up enough to look down at both of you. Zoro glanced over his shoulder at the both of you and it took every last ounce of control on your body not to stick your tongue out at him.Â
How odd it was that you felt like you could actually breathe now that he was gone. Sure, you knew you should say sorry to him and, realistically, him calling you a coward was part of the reason youâd stayed. Did you ever want to share that information with him? Hell no.Â
The man was already insufferable enough. You didnât need to add to it.Â
The sound of Luffyâs chair scraping against the floor brought you back to where your attention was needed: Luffy. Not Zoroâs retreating back.Â
Why did he have to look good from both sides?
Shaking your head to bring you back to why you came there in the first place, you watched as Luffy went back to walking around the kitchen. He kept searching until he came across a bronze pot that was left on the stove. When he lifted the lid you could see the neon blue hue of Kayaâs soup from where you sat.Â
âWhat are you doing?â
Luffy turned with the large pot in hand and walked back over to the table. He looked like a child whoâd gotten lost in a chocolate factory.Â
You felt your brows enter your hairline and possibly the ceiling as you watched Luffy bring the pot to his lips, and begin to gulp the contents down.Â
âAre you seriously going to eat all of that?â
He took a few rather large gulps before he set the pot down to look at you. A blue mustache formed on his upper lip.Â
âSoup isnât my usual choice, but itâs not half bad.â
You tried to shake the smile off your face but failed miserably.Â
âYou know, you donât need to apologize. I understand being protective of the people you care about.â
The change in topics was giving you mental whiplash. Luffy regarded you with a softness you hadnât expected. Underneath was that playfulness youâd grown accustomed to, but it was submerged under something serious. Or as serious as Luffy could be. It was the softness you hadnât expected, however, and you quickly looked down at your hands.Â
âNaan raised me to admit when Iâm wrong, and I was wrong, Luffy.â
âYou talk about your Naan a lot.â
âI have a lot of respect for her. She didnât have to take me in, teach me what she knows, but she did. Iâm not sure Iâll ever be able to repay her.âÂ
Luffy regarded you coolly as he picked up the pot and took another giant gulp. His mouth was getting bluer by the minute.
âIâm sure she appreciates you helping her, but I donât think sheâd want to keep you from your dream.â
âI donât have a dream.â
âEverybody has a dream. Mine is to be King of the pirates. Now you say yours.âÂ
Luffy was right. Everyone has a dream. Just not all of them were attainable. There were realistic dreams and unrealistic ones and yours had to be classified under the latter. Luffyâs too.Â
But who was to say dreams werenât attainable if you werenât willing to strive for them?Â
You inhaled sharply, your words exhaling in rush.Â
âI want to be one of the worldâs greatest doctors. I want to help people. Not just humans, but fishmen and people who have eaten Devil fruits. Their physiology is so changed that no one knows what happens when they get certain wounds.âÂ
âThatâs great because I ate the gum gum fruit.â
How could anyone just casually chug an entire pot of soup? Or openly share that kind of information.Â
âIâm sorry, what was that? Did you just say you ate a Devil fruit?â
âYup. It turned my body into rubber.â
âI have so many questions.â
âItâs a long story.â
His words came out slurred; as if they sat heavy on his tongue and made it impossible to speak. You watched as he blinked slowly to try and clear his vision and when that didnât work he went to stand and immediately stumbled backwards.Â
Your body immediately launched itself over the table. You didnât care that your clothes were covered in a rainbow assortment of food. By the time youâd already made it to his side of the table, Luffy fell back against a cabinet. His body sliding limp to the floor.Â
âLuffy! What's wrong? Can you tell me what youâre feeling?â
He was obviously lethargic. His pupils blown wide and unable to focus. It sounded like he was trying to answer your previous question, but his tongue had swollen up making none of it audible. You barely reached him before he completely crumbled to the floor. Your hands dove underneath his arms until you pulled him into a bear hug.Â
Luffy was too damn heavy. If you kept holding him you would end up in a heap together on the floor. With as much strength as you could muster you tried to hoist him onto the table.Â
âZoro! Usopp!â
As you pulled him up onto the table, you heard countless silverware and plates crashing to the floor. There was so much commotion surely someone would have to come investigate. You didnât have time to wait to see if anyone did. After you had him laid out as good as you were going to get him, you rushed over to his head. You pulled up his eyelid and watched as his eye rolled up inside his head.Â
âDamn it! Zoro! Usopp! Where the fuck are you guys!â
The panic in your voice was tittering on hysteria. You wanted to scream. You definitely were going to start crying if your brain didnât get it together. Luffy needed you.Â
You placed two fingers on the artery in his neck. His pulse fluttered against your fingertips and with each beat felt slower than the last. Drawing your hands back you noticed the slight foam that was forming at the corners of his mouth and - âPoison.âÂ
Your eyes zoned in on the now empty pot. Luffy had eaten all of it and whatever was inside was enough to make its effects be instantaneous. It was the same soup theyâd given to Kaya. The same color as her tea.Â
âSon of a bitch!âÂ
Theyâd been poisoning her this whole time. The only reason she didnât drop dead in front of them was because sheâd never even taken a bite. Every time Usopp told you stories about Klahadore, Buchi, and Sham it always felt off. None of it ever added up and now, now you know why.Â
Those bastards had been trying to kill her this whole time.Â
A soft groan huffed from Luffy bringing you back to the very important present. Why hadnât anyone answered you? It didnât matter. You needed to help Luffy - Kaya - before it was too late.Â
âLuffy, I have to go back to Naanâs. I canât carry you out of here or we wonât make it. I promise Iâll be back. Iâm going to save you. Iâm going to save Kaya.âÂ
With one last look at Luffy, you tightened the strap on your satchel and bolted for the nearest exit.Â
Your lungs were screaming with every breath you took and your muscles burning, threatening to collapse, as you pushed forward. You couldnât afford to stop running. Not since you left the front door of Kayaâs house. The last time you saw Luffy glued itself to your retinas and refused to let go. A constant reminder that no matter how much your body wanted to give up, you couldnât let it.Â
Luffy and Kaya were counting on you.Â
By the time you passed through the town and started up the hill behind the tree line to Naanâs you were running on fumes. It was probably the reason why you not so gracefully barreled through the front door. Your legs wobble to a shaky halt as you attempt to walk them over to the cupboard that held every tonic known to man. Â
âNaan! Naan, I need help, please!âÂ
Your voice cracked and melted into the old boards of the house. You were still struggling to catch a breath as you opened the doors to the cupboard. Everything about you felt unstable. Your hands shook as they moved around the bottles, almost toppling them over and threatening to make a bigger mess of your night.Â
âWhat in the hell is going on down here?â
Naanâs voice crocked with sleep but her words were full of fire. She was pissed you woke her up, but it was all for a damn good reason. The dim light from her candle grew brighter as she advanced down the stairs.Â
âNaan, Iâm down here. Please, I need your help.â
You rushed to the stars to wait to help her down the rest of the way. The minute she grabbed your hands to help her down, you moved to take her toward the cabinet but she held on tight. She wasnât budging until you looked at her. She called your name repeatedly to get you to look at her. Why wouldnât you look at her?Â
The overwhelming feeling of failure was crashing in on you. Youâd known. You knew, in the pit of your stomach, that something wasnât right with them. You should have fought harder. You couldâve done more and now, now Luffy was dying of a poison Kaya ingested for years and Nami, Usopp, and even Zoro were in danger.Â
A sob tore its way out from your throat, through your lips, and ended in a guttural scream.Â
âWhat in the hell is happening, child?â
âNaan,â you sobbed. âNaan, Luffy has been poisoned-â
âWith the same stuff theyâve been giving Kaya for years. Kaya has slowly been poisoned and sheâs going to die. We need to help her. I need to help them Naan, please.â
You werenât sure when it happened. When you were no longer supporting Naan but she was supporting you. Her paper thin hands held your face gently as her thumbs smoothed your tears down. She made you follow her breathing until your breaths were even and slow. Only then did she begin to talk to you.Â
âDo you know what kind he ingested?âÂ
âNo, I-â
Naan held her hand up to stop you. With one hand still supporting her weight on your arm, she came off the last step and moved towards the cabinet youâd massacred. You knew Naan had noticed it too when a displeased click of her tongue filled the silence in the room.Â
âIf you donât know what it is, it could be tricky. I can give you what I have, but you are going to need to examine them both before you give them anything. Give them the wrong one, and it will kill them as quickly as the poison will.â
Naan calmly went through each bottle. She knew by heart where everything would be. Just like she could blindly feel through ingredients or measure it without actually measuring it. She turned around with five bottles clutched in her hands and shuffled her way back over to you. She motioned for you to open your satchel and placed them one-by-one carefully inside.Â
âI donât know if you should be doing this.âÂ
For the first time, you heard the waiver in her voice. She watched as you secure your satchel closed; her eyes trained to the worn leather before she looked back at you. You werenât expecting her to look so scared. It was your turn to place your hands on her shoulders and give them a soft squeeze.Â
âYouâve always taught me there is no greater service in life than to serve others. I canât let them die, Naan.âÂ
âI know,â she smiled sadly. The worry made the wrinkles more severe than before. âItâs justâŚbe careful. Please.â
With another squeeze you did your best to smile at her, to reassure her, before you stepped back.Â
âIâll be back, Naan. Donât you worry.âÂ
You didnât know that for sure. There was a chance Klahadore or Buchi would spot you before you made it back to Luffy. Who knew what they were doing to everyone while you were here.Â
With that uncertainty of what could happen stewing in your chest, you leaned forward quickly and planted a kiss on Naanâs cheek before you bolted out the door. This time, your body was prepared for the brutal run back to the manor. You were almost to the edge of town when the bell rang out in warning and moments later the sound of Usoppâs, âThe pirates are here!â Ringing out.Â
At the sound of his voice, you allowed yourself a moment to thank the universe that he was okay. You wanted to stop and turn back to the village. To find Usopp and ask him just to come back with you and the two of you would figure it out together.Â
Luffy didnât have that kind of time.Â
With that truth taking over your thought, you began to pick up the pace. You had a captain to save.Â
The front of the manor was beginning to be covered in the fog that was rolling in from the ocean. This was hands down the creepiest you had ever seen the Manor. It was giving definite horror vibes. The worst part? Even from this far you could see the damn pirate shutters were enabled.Â
âFuck!â You screamed.Â
How in the hell were you going to get inside to help them? Those things were heavy and meant to be impenetrable. There was no way you were going to be able to break it down with a few kicks.Â
âThink,â you huffed, as your hand slid across your face.Â
What options did you have? You could go back to find Usopp, but there was a high chance youâd only end up missing each other in passing. You couldnât just go up to the front door and knock. Not unless, you know, you wanted to die.Â
You were pacing back and forth when a very loud grunt echoed from the well.Â
You hadnât read many horror novels, but the ones you had read, well, this was giving haunted zombie island vibes. You wish you could claim to be unafraid, but when the grunt came again, this time closer and louder than the last, you knew youâd be lying.Â
So, why were you ever so slowly edging your way towards the well? Curiosity did always kill the cat. Right when you finally got to the edge of the stone, you exhaled to prepare yourself to look over.Â
Who knows, maybe it was just your imagination overreacting. Right when you went to glance over the side, a hand smacked its way over the top and you felt your soul evacuate your body. A few seconds later, green hair popped over the top that sat on top of a familiar face, but your brain was stuck in fear mode, so when Zoro asked, âDoc?â The only response heâd gotten was your fist connecting with his face.Â
âWhat the fuck!â
His scream echoed into the well. You could hear him slipping and knew it was because youâd shoved your knuckles into his cheekbone. Just as he was about to slip, you launched yourself over the side to grab a hold of his arm.Â
âWhat the fuck!â Zoro shouted up at you.Â
âIâm sorry, okay! I thought you were a zombie and oh my god is that a fucking body?!â
You almost let Zoro go as your eyes focused on what looked like very real feet attached to very real legs.Â
âYeah. Itâs that Merry, guy.â
Zoro grunted as he tried to find purchase for the foot that had slipped. You were struggling to hold him up and each time his foot slipped it seemed to tug you down with him.Â
âFor fuckâs sake, what are you made of bricks?â
âOh, Iâm sorry, is my weight inconveniencing you? If it wasnât for you I would be out already,â Zoro growled out each word.
âI said I was sorry, okay! What more do you want?â
You move your hand further down until you reach his elbow. At first, it seemed like a solid plan. Strategically, it was a better option to give you more leverage in helping pull him up. The reality of it was Zoro was sweaty - very sweaty - from climbing about twenty-feet up the inside of a well. The minute your hand clamped down on the lubricated skin, it slipped free.Â
When he started to come loose from your hands you expected him to scream. All you saw was a grimace as his back slammed into the wall of the well and a glare that could give death a run for his money.Â
âJust pull me up already and stop screwing around.âÂ
âI am trying but you are a hefty, hefty man,â you stated with each word strained.Â
Okay. You needed to get serious. Youâd allowed his weight to lift your feet off the ground. You swung them back until you could get your toes pressed against the River rock of the well. Your heels were still slightly lifted in the air, but you knew this could work in your favor. You took in a deep breath and began to lean back as hard as you could. It may not have been super comfortable, but it was pulling him up enough that you could hear his boot finally find the footing it needed.Â
âOkay, you can let go now. I said you can let go-!â
You fully intended to let go. Whatever Zoro had done to help launch himself out, mixed with your pulling, sent you falling backwards.Â
With Zoro landing directly on top of you.Â
His weight mixed in with the fall knocked your breath clean out of your lungs. You were trying to get your lungs to expand by letting your body relax so you attempted to think of soothing things. The night sky and her stars were looking incredible tonight. It was the clearest youâd seen them in a while. Too bad it was on a night like tonight.Â
Zoro slowly lifted his head up from your shoulder, his arms on either side of you, until you were both face-to-face. Suddenly, it felt like the air was knocked out of you all over again.Â
His skin still held a sheen from his previous excretion of climbing. The edges of his hair was damp with sweat giving him a look that reminded you of when youâd run into him earlier wet from his shower. It shouldnât have made him look this damn good.Â
You were painfully aware that he was still between your legs. Zoro was close enough you could feel his stomach extend with each heavy breath he took. Could easily count the freckles that endless days in the sun had kissed on his skin. His lips were parted, eyes scanning your face, and for one devious miscalculation of judgment, you wanted to fist your fingers in his shirt and pull him towards you to see if his lips were as soft as you imagined.Â
Nope. Nooooope!
That moment was enough to bring you crashing back to reality. Plus, Luffy. Kaya.Â
You smack his chest for good measure. Just to let him know you meant it when you said, âAre you trying to crush me to death? Get off me!âÂ
âDonât gotta tell me twice,â he grunted.Â
Once he was up, you expected him to stick his hand out to help you up. Instead, he was already walking in the opposite direction of what appeared to be away from the house.Â
âHey! Where are you going?â
You scrambled up from your spot and hurried to try and catch up with him. Your hands rearranging your satchel to make sure your bottles werenât crushed.Â
âIâm going back to the house.â
âYeah, so am I but the house is back this way.â
Zoro stopped for a split second to look behind you before deciding what you offered was wrong.Â
âHow about we split up and figure out who was right?â
âFat chance, Mosshead.â
You fell into step beside him and you were positive if Zoro couldâve, he wouldâve thrown you down the well. Just to make sure you stayed away from him. If this was a different time, one where you didnât just pull him from a well where a dead body was, Luffy wasnât poisoned, and Kaya and Nami were in danger you would have steered clear of him. So, unlucky for you both, you were newfound partners in unfortunate crime.Â
Neither of you spoke a word as you continued to walk down the path. You were pretty sure that Zoro was sending you the wrong way. You were two seconds away from telling him he was most definitely wrong, and youâd been most definitely right, until you both observed something up ahead.Â
Was that marines? And were they carrying- âLuffy,â you said in a hush tone.Â
Zoro saw it too. Two marines were carrying his limp body between them until he launched himself forward and began vomiting in the trees. It shouldnât be possible. Poison when ingested - by anyone - was fatal. Even with as much vomiting he was doing it shouldnât be possible. And yet, you saw it happening.Â
It has to be the Devil fruitâŚ
Zoro waved for you to hide inside the bamboo but you brushed him off. As quietly as you could, you reached down and grabbed a fallen bamboo branch. You made sure you had a good grip on the bottom as you made your way quietly forward.Â
They were arguing between themselves. One of them with an extremely terrible haircut was holding a gun to the other with glasses and back to Luffy. The two spare marines were just standing watching and-
With as much force as you could muster, you smacked the one on the left on the side of his head. Zoro just used his fist for the other one. At the sound of their bodies falling, bad haircut turned around and when he saw Zoro walking towards him he turned sheet white.Â
âZoro!â Luffy called happily as he got to his feet. âAnd Doc?âÂ
You scratched the back of your head as you watched Zoro knock out bad haircut in one punch.Â
âYeah. I came back to rescue you. Surprise,â you joked, throwing your hands up in mock celebration.Â
âThanks. Come on. We need to get back to the house.â
Without another word, Luffy pressed between you and started making his way back towards the house. You side-eyed Zoro to see if he was paying attention, because Luffy had just proven you were right. You opened your mouth to tease him when a soft shout of Luffyâs name sent you all turning to see who it was.
They stood in front of you - pale as moonlight - and a little frightened with black rimmed circle glasses and pink hued hair. You werenât sure who they were but all you needed to know was that they knew Luffy by name.Â
âKoby, I know you got a job to do. But Iâm going to go back and help my friends. Donât try and stop me.âÂ
Yup. Luffy was officially the most polite pirate youâd ever met.Â
Koby gave Luffy the smallest of nods. A silent affirmation that he wouldnât be following suit. You had so many questions about what happened between everyone tonight and would make sure to ask later. If given the chance.Â
Adjusting his hat back on his head, Luffy turned and started sprinting down the path. Zoro gave you one last look before he ran after him with his hands securely holding onto his swords. A soft groan left you as your feet padded along like the little engine that could.Â
âUgh, why are we doing more running? I hate running.âÂ
No one answered you and that was fine. You were going to need as much air as you could trying to keep up with the two of them.Â
Zoro and Luffy were at the door when you came up. The two of them looked at the giant metal shudder. You were ready to tell them there wasnât going to be any other way inside the house when Zoro bent down on one knee and worked his fingers underneath.Â
âThatâs not going to work.â
Luffy turned to you with a wide smile.Â
âYou donât know Zoro.â
As if on queue, Zoro let out a grunt and began to push the shudder up. No way. It shouldnât have been possible for him to even remotely lift it an inch. Usopp told you hundreds of times that pirate shudders were over six-hundred pounds of metal. They were meant to withstand canon balls and here Zoro was lifting it to his waist.Â
Luffy grabbed a statue and placed it underneath the shudder allowing Zoro to let go, and kick the double doors open. Luffy wasted no time in bending down and looking inside to make sure they could enter without interruption. When he was sure it was clear, he moved inside and Zoro shortly followed. Luffy went to shut the doors when you quickly moved inside.Â
âDoc, I think you should wait outside.â
âFuck that,â you seethed. âThese are my friends too, Luffy. Iâm not leaving until I know theyâre safe.â
Why was he smiling?Â
âAlright, but we split up. Cover more ground that way.â
Neither of them wasted any time taking off in their respective directions. It wasnât until they were gone that you realized you didnât have a clue where to go and what were you supposed to do if you found them.
You let out a huff of air that ended in a raspberry as you decided to go down the opposite side of the corridor than Zoro. You may not have any abilities from eating Devil fruit or be insanely good with swords, but you did have your wits. Yeah. Thatâs what was going to save you. Wits.Â
Maybe you could just go back to the kitchen and see if the pot was still there. If it was, youâd have a chance to get samples of what Buchi had laced inside the soup. In Kayaâs tea. God, just thinking about it pissed you off all over again.Â
If the house felt eerily quiet before, it felt even worse now. All signs of life were completely drained from the halls to the point your own breathing felt too loud in the large space. You were tempted to make noise, to call out for Zoro like playing a game of Marco Polo. Probably wouldnât have been one of your best ideas in a house full of homicidal waitstaff.Â
When you got to the kitchen you made a quick note that the bronze pot in question was missing. Of course they wouldnât have kept it. It was evidence of a plot theyâd spent three years perfecting, but you just needed to search to be sure.Â
Quickly, you made your way around to the stairs and into the step down of the kitchen. Someone had done the dishes. It was all gone. You tried not to allow the bitterness of that thought to settle, but damn if it wasnât hard. How were you going to be able to know what treatment to start giving Kaya if you didnât have anything to base it off?Â
You looked around the kitchen one last time when the sounds of fighting erupted somewhere in the distance. It could be Luffy or Zoro. Hell, it could be one of the other three too. Either way, it didnât matter who it was. You were going to help them.Â
First things firstâŚ
You looked quickly around the kitchen. There wasnât much in the way of weapons that were going to strike fear in the hearts of anyone. You saw a tiny pot that was sitting on the sink counter and rushed forward to grab it by the handle. As soon as you knew you had it, you bolted back up the stairs and towards the main lobby.Â
The closer you got the more intense the fighting became. Swords. Those definitely sounded like swords, which meant it was Zoro fighting, but also someone else with swords. And here you were bringing a pot to a sword fight.
You werenât given a chance to backtrack on your choice of weapon. The minute you came out from the French double doors that lead back into the foray of the house, you watched as Zoro fought off Buchi and Sham.Â
You never saw a real swordsman or met one for that matter. It wasnât like Syrup village was brimming with up and coming anything, really, but as you watched Zoro effortlessly move between blocking and attacking you were willing to bet no one compared to him.Â
You were so caught up in gawking that you werenât aware that Buchi and Sham were made aware of your presence until they hissed at you. Hissing? Really? You could feel a smart ass comment brewing, but now didnât seem like the appropriate time to say it. Buchi was who turned on you first with Sham still attacking Zoro. She had her back to you, and when she came up from a missed swing you rushed forward and launched the small pot at the back of her head.Â
The sound of it connecting with its intended target resonated through the room. Shamâs head was as hollow as you thought.Â
Everything slowed down for a second as you all waited to see what would happen. Luckily for you, the result was Sham falling face first into the hardwood completely passed out.Â
âHoly shit. It worked! Zoro, did you see that!âÂ
âYou little bitch!âÂ
How the hell did you forget about Buchi? He came stomping towards you causing the floor to shake as he did. You were getting ready to bolt in the opposite direction when Zoro jumped in the way. You took that as your queue to move.Â
You dashed toward where Shamâs body had fallen and kicked away her sword and - wait, was that a broom handle? You no longer felt embarrassed about using a pot.Â
Taking hold of the unconscious Sham, you began to move her more towards the front door. Zoro finished with Buchi with ease and knocked him unconscious. It didnât dawn on you that something was different about him until he dragged Buchi over to where youâd placed Sham. Zoro was wearing a black bandana. And no, you did not notice how the veins in his arms were very much showing.Â
âWe should get some rope to tie them up.â
âGood idea.âÂ
By the time everyone made it down, Buchi and Sham had regained consciousness and you and Zoro were sitting far apart.Â
There was no denying when you saw them all come down the stairs, a relief so intense flooded your veins and soaked into your bones. When Usopp hugged you, you allowed yourself to hug him back just a little bit tighter.Â
A part of you knew that the adventures of yesterday would come to an end back in the shipyard. It would end with Kaya giving Luffy that ship heâd so lovingly given his speech for, and more so knew Luffy would ask Usopp to go with him.Â
It was Usoppâs dream - his real dream. Part of that dream was experiencing the freedom that the sea offered, just like his dad did. How could you ever ask someone you considered your friend - your best friend - to stay just because you werenât ready to part with them? No. Usopp deserved adventures as grand as his stories.
While heâd been talking to Kaya youâd taken the opportunity to slip away. Itâs not that you werenât happy for him, because you were. The idea of not having him around anymore, however, began to dig a hole in your soul. So, you went to the one place that always mended it.Â
You were sitting with Naan at the kitchen table folding linens with water boiling on the stove and ingredients beside it. You were still waiting for Kaya to come by so you could perform an assessment. Before you could treat her, you would have to find out how extensive the damage was, and what would be the best form of treatment.Â
âSo, Usoppâs going to be going, then?âÂ
You didnât expect Naan to sound sad. While she wasnât mean like the rest of the village, she most definitely was not a fan of rising early just to hear the bell and the yelling.Â
âYeah. They should already be out to sea.âÂ
You were folding your next set of linens when Naan reached out and gently took your hand in hers. The act stops you from finishing the next fold.Â
âItâs all going to work out the way that it should, child.â
âI know, Naan.â
A knock on the door rescued you from having to continue whatever talk was brewing in Naan. It saved you from more than likely crying like a baby on her shoulder too. You got up from your chair and made your way over to the door when another knock came seconds before you reached it.Â
âKaya, Iâm coming! God, are rich people always so impatient?â
When you swung the door open, you hadnât expected to find Luffy there smiling or the rest of the crew waiting behind him. Kaya was plainly missing from the group.Â
âWho is it, child?âÂ
You felt too dumbfounded to speak. Why were they here?Â
âItâs alright, Naan,â you called over your shoulder, eyes still glued to Luffy. âItâs just Luffy.â
âStraw hat.â
The sound of her chair sliding back against the wood was what tore your gaze away. You looked back to find Naan struggling to get to her cane with her left hand holding her weight up by the table. You moved back from the entrance, waving him in as you rushed over to grab her cane and hand it to her.Â
âWhat are you guys doing here? I thought youâd be gone by now.â
âWe were about to head out when the strangest thing happened.â You crossed your arms as you listened to Luffy. The cliff hanger his words left you on threatened to drop fresh anxiety into your gut. âI turned to get my crew onboard and realized my doctor was missing.âÂ
âWhat?â You breathed.Â
âThatâs you.â
You closed your eyes for a split second as you tried to collect your thoughts.Â
âLuffy, I wouldnât make a good pirate.â
âYou donât have to be. Just like with Usopp, I saw what you did. The way you fought to protect people. I need you in my crew.âÂ
You dropped your arms as you turned to regard Naan. The way her body leaned heavily on the cane. Her once strong body was becoming more frail by the day. You couldnât leave her.Â
You swallowed hard before you replied, âLuffy, that is a splendid offer. One I donât think anyone could pass up but I canât leave.â
âWhy the hell not?â Naan fired off.Â
âAnd if you say itâs because of me, just remember you arenât too old for me to throttle you with my cane.âÂ
She finally pushed her hip from the side of the table and waddled over to the rack that held your satchel. Naan reached up and pulled it down, turning slowly until you came back into view, and tossed the satchel in your direction.Â
âWhat are you doing?â
âWhat does it look like? You know, for being smart you sure can be dumb sometimes.âÂ
Your eyes looked down at the satchel in your hands. You rubbed the worn leather with your thumbs as you remembered her giving you this very bag on your thirteenth birthday. The pricks of tears came unannounced and most definitely unwanted a few moments later. It made you terrified to look up. For her to see that saying goodbye might kill a piece of you, youâd never get back.Â
Youâd never get her back either.Â
âNaan-â You tried to speak but your voice cracked around her name. âWho is going to take care of you if Iâm gone?â
A tsk of disbelief shot from her lips. Both her hands now came to rest on top of the cane as she regarded you coolly.Â
âIâve been an old woman for a long time now. I think I can manage without you.â
âSee - itâs settled,â Luffy began. âYou are welcome to join our crew and that way you donât have to give up on your dream.â
He remembered?Â
How silly that question was. He was Monkey D. Luffy. Of course, he was going to remember. Glancing down at the satchel in your hands once more you allowed yourself to debate one last time before you grabbed the strap and placed it over your shoulder.Â
Before you took that first step towards the door, you turned one last time to Naan and took one of her hands in yours. You tried to tell yourself you wouldnât cry. You never cried, but the first tear slid down your face and called you a liar.
âPlease, take care Naan. Youâve done so much for me, my whole life. If it wasnât for you I donât know where I would be.âÂ
âDead,â she stated matter-of-factly.Â
It was so blunt. So incredibly Naan that you couldnât stop the sharp bark of laughter that came from you. The soft feather of her hand reached up to cup your face and forced you to look at her. A long silence pulled between you, and you wondered if she was going to say anything at all when a soft smile cracked her thin lips.Â
âGo, child. Be great.â
Shaking your head in agreement, the both of you broke free and you followed Luffy out of the house. You spared one last glance at Naanâs home - your home - and found her at the door seeing you off. You raised your hand in one last goodbye and watched as she did it too.Â
Maybe Luffy was right. It was time to go on your own adventure and you had no doubt Luffy and his crew were going to give it to you.Â
As always, comments and reblogs are always welcome
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If I missed anyone, please let me know! TY
#Chaos in Their Bones#ongoing series#one piece live action#opla zoro#roronoa zoro#zoro roronoa x reader#zoro roronoa x you#one piece x reader#one piece zoro#op zoro#roronoa zoro x reader#roronoa zoro x you#opla zoro x reader#opla#one piece#opla fanfiction#one piece fanfiction#frenemies to lovers#slow burn#friends to lovers#mutual pining#reader is referred to as Doc
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