ithisatanytime · 4 months
(evidence doll)
bad girls club! assemble! im up right now!
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renmorris · 5 days
really love Same Coin scenarios where Stanley unlocks Bill's memories. even if it’s just for a moment.
him getting absolutely bombarded not just with cosmic horror but the memory of being a cosmic horror. it’s so tasty. memories spilling over, not able to fit in his brain all at once. the mindsplitting impossibility of two people occupying the same space at once.
there’s horror, there’s guilt, there’s the fury of being confined by all the rules inherent to existing in a flimsy human body. a stupid meat thing that shakes and cries and needs so much to survive.
there’s a young man living out of his car, tweaking. teetering on the edge of revelations that spill out of his cupped hands, he can see the stars through the roof of his car. no longer so far, now close enough for him to reach out and crush in his fist to fine dust.
he hears a billion screams and feels eons of civilization snuff out under the palm of his hand. a memory of laughter that stretches a smile across his face. the sensation of skin and it's bizarre elasticity is beyond him now. no skin and certainly no cold from an autumn night turning bad on him.
he reaches.
a disjointed motion. jittering with hunger and the chemicals his heart pumps faster through his body. he hits his elbow. a tangle of nerves respond in meaty pain signals that shocks the clarity from his brain.
there are no stars in the city.
it's just him, alone and high, twisted up on crumb dusted upholstery.
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mk-writes-stuff · 2 months
OC Most Likely Tag
Rules: decide which OC would be most likely to do various things
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks @moltenwrites @willtheweaver and @illarian-rambling for the tags! CW for mention of drugs/addiction
Most likely to watch children’s cartoons well into adulthood
I know I’ve barely talked about her but Gravity Wells Beneath Gravity Wells (the late mother of First Station Head Septimus) absolutely did this
Most likely to LARP
Stellaris. Stellaris would kill it at a Ren fair type LARP situation, he’d be having so much fun
Most likely to have been a Vine star
Narcissus wishes it was him but it’s actually Cassie. A video of her nailing the punching bag so hard it snapped the ropes and broke a light would’ve done numbers
Most likely to daydream
Again, Stellaris. He does it all the time
Most likely to become addicted to something
There are two characters in the Seven Stations who struggle with addictions, Nellie and another character who’s a spoiler. Nellie didn’t start taking mindsplit (the drug she’s addicted to) of her own free will, but she’s still having a rough time trying to quit
Most likely to have an incredibly niche obsession
Stellaris. He’s definitely been obsessed with like… African grass varieties or something. Dom from the prequel is also up there for this one
Most likely to sneak food into a movie theater
Cassie. She loves food and is not paying exorbitant movie snack prices
Most likely to try bungee jumping
Also Cassie. She’d love the adrenaline
Most likely to miss a flight
Cassie is also in the running for this one, but I think it would be Narcissus doing emergency overpacking the day of
Most likely to sleep with a knife under their pillow
Lmao it’s Cassie once again. She loves knives and doesn’t trust people
Most likely to gossip behind someone’s back
Cassiopeia. This is like her main MO, she does this constantly
Most likely to carry snacks at all times
Probably Nellie. She spent a while with heavily restricted food and also likes making treats
These were all very fun, thank you!
@touloserlautrec @somethingclevermahogony @ominous-feychild want to play? Your prompts are:
Most likely to have someone ask for help reading their handwriting
Most likely to unironically buy a ridiculous hat
Most likely to scream at someone
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kiliinstinct · 9 months
One-Shot Master List
┈➤ Table of Contents ◬Mature ✮Featured
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◘ Fairy Tail
➸ One Shots
Primal: ◬
Soft Caress: ◬
Dancing Flames: ◬
Tease: ◬
The Mood: Rekindled: ◬
What Doesn’t Submit:
Progression of Attraction:
Don’t Think About It:
Under The Starlight: ◬
None The Wiser: ◬
Under The Table: ◬
Wash Away My Tears:
The Matching Scale: ◬
Settling With Insecurity: ◬
The Morning After: ◬
Then It All Flips:
A Moment In Time:
Mistletoe Claim:
Sun In The Rain:
Difference In Opinion: ◬
All In: ◬
Fire Sprite No. 5:
The Concept of Ready:
Warm Comforts:
Untitled Guardian Angel AU:
Have You Missed Me?: ◬
Brother’s Wingman:
In The Garden:
Stood Up:
Transient -
The Secret -
A Slushie a Day
The Forbidden Temple
Taste Test -
In The Closet ◬
His Sun and Stars
Hand of Sorrow
Hyper Focus
Snowflakes on Shadows ✮
A Celestial Promise ✮
◘ Genshin Impact
➸ One Shots
Of Rumors And Almond Tofu
Magnetism ✮
◘ Misc.
➸ One Shots
Our Hearts Talk On The Ice - Yuri on Ice 
A Realization From Ice Cream - Yu Yu Hakusho
Before The Storm - Legend of Zelda
➨Return to Master List ➨To Multi-Chapter List
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neechees · 2 months
Also I know ive been tagged a bunch in some fundraisers that I haven't reblogged yet so I'm sorry about that, our wifi has been shoddy for 2 days (typical pow wow grounds issue lol) and before that I had a mindsplitting migraine (& nausea bc of the migraine) that lasted 11 hours
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
Well that was one way to end a mission, Aspis thought as he headed back to his lodging. It had been another drop in an awful week. And certainly not one wanted to explain to his hunter friends. Not when he'd finally felt he'd finally bounced back from the last incident. With the buzz within the Bastion and all of them called to deal with something going round...Aspis couldn't bring himself to figure some excuse.
The pain was getting worse. Sure, it always hurt, but he's never had it spike as it had has been lately. And the random bout was paralyzing. And boy had it cost him during assignment. A fall here. Dropping a belay there. And the latest being slammed with a mindsplitting pain that ended with claws that dug towards muscle. He couldn't continue with that injury...well, he could, but those he was assigned with couldn't in good conscience do so. And with another bout of a migraine...Aspis was in no mood to argue.
While normally Aspis could find a joy in mundane walks in the perpetually foreign streets he found himself amidst zooming store fronts and walkers. A static lingered in the air. The closest thing he could describe it was when spirits attempted contact or possession...but it wasn't that? Like there was something there but he was unable to hear it.
All of it reminded him of...of his early days. An iciness rushed through his veins. He didn't want to go back to that again. He had just gotten to where things were okay. He'd dug himself from his mired reputation, he'd made friends, he'd even started to make peace through his godfather...
But hadn't it been like this? The pain that made him useless, a liability? A lack of understanding that made him a liar and unreliable? The combination thereof that made him a burden and made others turn away?
That time had been hazy since regaining bits of his memory. But the wrongness--this dread--that seized him brought a frightening clarity. And those memories...a wave of nausea had him retching in a nearby bin. His hands shook from force and tears that threatened him.
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"Not again," he murmured, sinking to a crouch. His hands clung to the rim, "...why can't I be okay, just once...?"
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wizardofgrace · 3 months
default tone for me is sprinkles and cupcakes and :D and exclamation points and i fucking like it that way but now when i feel unwell and cannot Produce the Necessary Social Output i either have to have the text equivalent of a resting bitch face OR i have to Fake the Fun which is the most mindsplitting thing i cam do when i feel like shit. it feels like pulling teeth out
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true-squid · 1 year
The servers are the 9 Chaos. Chaos is power... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos…
…and you are the controller.
┊ 🝮 ┊ . ┊ ┊
This is Planet Freedom, and you are one of the many inhabitants of her skies!
The Land of the Sky has been in a state of complacency for the past several decades, but the people of the Sky have slowly begun to rumble once more and a major turning point in the tome of history is approaching. Everyone, from the most influential Magi to the most insignificant natural can feel it in the magic flowing through them. Will the oppressive hand of the witches continue to dominate the sky? Or will they for once be denied and the Lost Colony born anew?
┊ 🝮 ┊ . ┊ ┊
Hello gay people on the funny social interaction website. I beseech you this day to invite you to my HALLOWEEN THEMED Sonic RP server. Imagine if Sonic, Halloween, High Fantasy, and The Goonies all became one piece of delicious tasty world that you could roleplay in!!!!! We have GHOSTS we have WITCHES we have VAMPIRES we have DEMONS we have DRAGONS we have MINDSPLITTING UNKNOWABLE ELDRITCH BEINGS!!! WE EVEN HAVE THAT ONE GUY FROM VICTOROUS EXCEPT HES A BIRD. THE LIST GOES ON.
I've build the world of this server from the ground up and am looking to feed more people funny guys all the time because I always enjoy funny guys and I want all of u to also get to experience as MANY funny guys as possible.
Quick Facts:
Server is 15+ and sfw
literate roleplay
oc friendly
exe friendly
idk.... im funny? please join itll be so fun i prommy plesspelelaspellepslepelsase plesse :3
if opening my server scares u ill hold ur hand and help u be less scared and tell u ur awesome
Find a list of our taken, reserved, and sought-after characters here! (live document. I update it as stuff happens)
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eebie · 1 year
i used 2 eat paint and foamclay when i was 10 and id get the most mindsplitting headaches afterwards then still do it again
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ryan-sometimes · 3 years
Listen I really don't mind crying but why must I get a mindsplitting headache afterwards
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theconstellarium · 3 years
Our Collective's terminology
As we've said in previous posts, though we've known we were plural since pribably the 90s, we had exactly 0 awareness of the plural community (outside of DIDOSDD - or MPD, as it was called then - which we knew we didn't fit into) until 2021.
We literally had no idea there might be anyone remotely like us.
So this led to us & @inkedacrylic inventing our own terminology, which we still use in addition to the community terms we now know! Here are a few of our terms, which you're free to use if you like any of them.
In body - this is what we've always said rather than "fronting". Examples: "Shadow is in body right now"; "I don't remember who was in body Monday"; "Who wants to be in body?"; "When (so & so) came in body, they decided to clean the house."
Out of body - mainly means "not currently fronting", but can also refer to our other worlds in a sense. Examples: "He went out of body", or "Something is happening out of body."
Body duty - we don't use this much anymore, but used to use it semi-jokingly (but not really lol) to refer to having to be in body to go to school/work/etc. Example: "Pyri's on body duty today."
Mindsplitting - I'm not sure there's another term for this honestly. It's when you're both in body & not at the same time; this often leads to not being able to focus too well in either place. Example: "Dev had to mindsplit today in order to take care of homework in body but also attend to some things out of body."
TF - the body's family; short for "The Family". We use/used this because none of us really felt (or feel) connected to our body families of origin.
Astral/the astral - I know this isn't exactly a term we created, but it was what we used to call our other worlds because it was the best word we had - though we don't exactly feel like going out of body (e.g. not fronting) is true astral projection. It's more or less interchangeable with 'out of body'. Examples: "I baked a cake on the astral today"; "We have children on the astral."
One we know IS a community term that we picked up & began using perhaps in the last 15 years, but still long before really knowing about the community, was "headmate" - we always used it rather tongue-in-cheek though, because we've never seen our system members as being psychological or existing only in our heads.
That's about all I can think of for now! Just thought these would be fun/interesting to share, & y'all have probably seen a few of these already in our posts (especially "in body" because we still like that one).
Anybody else have terms of their own they use for their system/plural experience??
🎃 Shadow | Star system
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lepertamar · 3 years
the true mindsplitting greatness of this book is contained in the glimpses of EXTREMELY MAD PSYCHOTIC (COMPLIMENTARY) CONTINUALLY LAUGHING G-D MY BELOVED
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mk-writes-stuff · 4 months
OC Questionnaire
Rules: answer the questions as an OC or OCs, then come up with new questions for the next people
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling for the tags! I’m going to guest star Stellaris again because I love him
How do you make decisions? Long deliberation or impulse? Logic or emotion?
Belladonna: “I deliberate carefully and make the decision that seems the best. I try to consider all possibilities.”
Cassie: “I make whatever decision feels right.”
Nellie: “I try to think carefully, but sometimes I make impulsive decisions if the moment feels right.”
Stellaris: “I consider the options carefully. Rash decisions are a bad idea.”
What is the best thing that could happen within five minutes of waking up? Does it signal that the entire day will be good?
Belladonna: “Waking up not hungry is always good. It means I’ll have a productive day.”
Cassie: “When nobody fucking disturbs me. Waking up to Belladonna already being awake is the fucking worst.”
Nellie: “The mindsplit cravings have started getting a bit less terrible in the mornings. I think that’s a really good sign.”
Stellaris: “When Cassiopeia is gone! That always means a good day.”
Is there anything you find difficult that you feel should be easy?
Belladonna: “Being pretty feels like it should be easier than this.”
Cassie: “Everyone else seems to be way better at putting up with bullshit than I am.”
Nellie: “Blending in. I seem to keep drawing attention no matter what I do.”
Stellaris: “Talking to people. And being normal in general, I guess.”
How would you get away with murder?
Belladonna: “I don’t want to murder anyone. But if I was forced, I’d frame someone else for it or make it look like an accident.”
Cassie: “Beam cutter to the head, body out the airlock.”
Nellie: “If I had to, I’d poison their food. Nobody ever pays attention to who worked on their food.”
Stellaris: “I don’t think I could. I could probably bring myself to do it if I had to but I don’t think I physically could do it. I’m not very strong.”
What is the stupidest mistake you’ve ever made?
Belladonna: “The utter awe I reacted to meeting Cassiopeia with when her fiancé was right there. Thankfully, they both forgave me.”
Cassie: “Getting my arm irradiated, probably.”
Nellie: “I think I got a bit too comfortable on Seventh Station for a bit and forgot that some nobles are terrible, regardless of station.”
Stellaris: “I was asked to prepare a speech for my debut party and I prepared one on the history of the Old World. My parents were so angry.”
What’s on your typical grocery list?
Belladonna: “I’m not in charge of purchasing groceries, but, if I was, I’d choose a lot of vegetables.”
Cassie: “Back when I bought my own groceries, it was mostly nutrient cubes and a few frozen things when I could fit it in my budget.”
Nellie: “Whenever I ask the supply managers for things, it’s always new fruits and vegetables to try to get Lady Belladonna to eat more.”
Stellaris: “I’m not in charge of what gets bought or made.”
I hope y’all enjoyed!
@elsie-writes @nebula--nix @somethingclevermahogony want to play? Your questions are:
Do you like to play any sports or games?
What do you think is important for children to learn?
What is your most obscure skill?
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smudgedeyeshadow · 3 years
currently drinking in order to feel something other than this mindsplitting numbness ☺️
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kiliinstinct · 4 years
Kili’s Fanfiction Master Post
Welcome! Below is a list of other blogs/sites you can find my work on, as well as links to my KoFi/Paypal. Following that will be links to all my fanfics I have written! It would mean the world to me if you could reblog and spread this post around!
Commissions  (Open/ Art Only)
A03 - FT Account
A03 - GI Account
Personal Blog
Alternate Fanfiction Blog - Archived- No Longer Posting
--- Support ---
Support Me on Ko-fi Support me On PayPal
Featured Fic:
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Series: Fairy Tail
Setting: Fantasy Alternate Universe
Main Pairing: NatsuxLucy
Rating: M For Mature Themes and Sexual Situations
Status: On-Going
Life after life, two souls are destined to meet only to be torn apart: A curse set to repeat in an endless cycle. With the cards dealt against them, Natsu and Lucy begin to follow their fates once again, unaware of the tragic loss assured the moment they touched hands.
Chapters:  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
For More WIPS, Completed Stories and One-Shots - click below!
Completed Multi-Chapters:
Title: A Smile In The Embers Series: Fairy Tail Setting: Fairy Tale Alternate Universe/ Victorian Era Pairing: NatsuxLucy Rating: T for Teen
The lonely mansion held many servants and visitors, but the walls were always cold even in the hottest of summers. Lucy Heartfilia dreams of nothing more than to finally feel the warmth of a friend, something beyond the death she feels in her own home. One-freezing winters night- a secret wish comes true in the most strangest of ways.
This is her story, of the Smile She Found Through the Embers.
chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Title: Not a Monster Series: Fairy Tail Setting: Canon Verse Pairing: None Rating: T for Teen
Character Study for Natsu Dragneel. Will no longer be updated and is finished.
Part 1 | Part 2
Incomplete Multi-Chapters
Fairy Tail
Red Herring: Fairy Tail AU. Nalu  (On Hold)
Chapters: 1 ,
The Colosseum : Fairy Tail AU. Nalu 
Chapters: 0 , 1
The Stone Prince: Sleeping Beauty AU: Fairy Tail,Nalu
Chapters: 1, 2,
The Volunteer: Fairy Tail 3 Part Series. (Final Chapter Incoming!)
Chapters: 1 , 2 ,
Like a Trojan: Fairy Tail Au.  (Hiatus)
Chapters: 1 , 2 ,
Violet Moon: Fairy Tail AU. Nalu (Updates Once a Year/ October)
Chapters: 1, 2 , 3 ,
Genshin Impact: To Be Added
Fairy Tail
Primal: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
Soft Caress: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
Dancing Flames: Fairy Tail AU. Nalu. Adult Content
Tease: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
The Mood: Rekindled: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
What Doesn’t Submit: Fairy Tail. Nalu.
Progression of Attraction: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Don’t Think About It: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Under The Starlight: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
None The Wiser: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content.
Under The Table: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
Wash Away My Tears: Fairy Tail. Nalu.
The Matching Scale: Fairy Tail AU. Nalu. Adult Content.
Settling With Insecurity: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
The Morning After: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
Then It All Flips: Fairy Tail. Edolus Nalu.
A Moment In Time: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Mindsplitting: Fairy Tail. Nalu.
Mistletoe Claim: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Sun In The Rain: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Difference In Opinion: fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content,
All In: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content
Fire Sprite No. 5: Fairy Tail. Nalu
The Concept of Ready: Fairy Tail. Nalu
M.U.T.B: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Warm Comforts: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Untitled Guardian Angel AU: Fairy Tail. Nalu
Have You Missed Me?: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Adult Content.
Brother’s Wingman: Fairy Tail. Nalu. Dragneel Brothers
In The Garden: Fairy Tail. Nalu AU/Divergent Canon
Stood Up: Fairy Tail. Nalu AU 
EOTW: Fairy Tail AU
Refinement: Fairy Tail -Reverse Big Bang 2022
Genshin Impact: To Be Added
Completed Commissions:
Bouncer Baker: Fairy Tail AU. Nalu (Commissioned by Tigreost&&Petri808)
Chapter: 1, 2   
Closure: Fairy Tail. Nalu (Commissioned by Cutest-Celestial-Princess) One Shot
Practice Makes Perfect: Fairy Tail. Nalu (Commissioned by Rosechi) 
Part One
See The Archived @silverfoxarchive Masterlist: Here
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cartoonscientist · 4 years
I remember when tumblr was in its chunky tropical print galaxy coffee mug phase and I was a simple teenager finishing high school and recovering from trauma I would not yet be able to name as such while poised to encounter further trauma. it was a time nestled in the hot sunbeaten labyrinth of suburban tract housing and a time when you could put on striped stockings and combat boots and take highly rebloggable photos of your feet next to garbage or in front of carnival rides. the world was expanding and full of wet raw potential but still cowled in scotch tape. there were only five fictional men that tumblr wanted to make out with and only seven aesthetic subcultures. project runway was a disaster comparable to a mindsplitting fractal. there was a separation between the real world and its streets and public pools and playgrounds and the internet and its glowing keycap mountain dew chaos. in all, it was a time not fully formed and not fully exposed to the air, but it had its own innocence, and we hold it in our holographic unicorn pencil cases and in the files of our computers.
a boomer or something
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