#Milo baby I’m going crazy
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kenslilove · 1 year ago
The flood gates are open-
Him in that suit?? Under the dim lights of the aquariums hes got in the restaurant?? I’m doing devious things. Your sitting naked in his lap. Your grinding along his thigh, your leaving slick behind.
he’s fucking you in his lap, thrusting up into you and grabbing your ass cheeks so hard there’s bruises left behind. He’s fucking you while your bent over the table, while your on top of the table and your knees are pushed up to your ears. He’s fucking his cock between your plush thighs, in your pussy, in your mouth. There’s so much cum when y’all are done. Sweat and cum and tears and
Let’s talk about Timeskip taiju
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yelenasdiary · 7 months ago
What about something with Yelena dating reader and reader is a "cat girl", like, she loves cats so much and has 4 and yelena didn't know this till they were already dating ~ 🐳
Adorable Cat Lady
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader
Summary: You have Yelena over for dinner one your fourth date to which she finds out a new fact about you. 
Warnings: None | 1K
Translations: Detka (baby),
AC: Thank you for sending this!! I decided to use this as a little shout out to my own cat, Mazda, who does make an appearance in this! I hope you enjoy! x 
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You had just turned the store off when Yelena knocked softly on your front door. It was officially your fourth date with the ex-widow, and you had offered to cook for her instead of going out. As much as you felt more comfortable in a public setting, you soon realized just how much more of Yelena you wanted to get to know and what better way to do that than over a cooked meal in a place a little more quieter than a restaurant?
“You made it!” You smiled at the blonde, “I was starting to think you might have gotten lost in the neighbourhood” you added teasingly. Yelena chuckled, “We have these cool things called GPS’s now, if you didn’t already know” she replied making you laugh, “very funny! Please come in” you replied, opening the door more for her. 
“I got you these, I wasn’t sure what to bring” she said, handing you some flowers and a bag of your favorite potato chips. You took them kindly, thanking her by placing a soft kiss on her cheek, “that’s very sweet of you, thank you” you replied softly. 
You lead Yelena into your home, giving her a little tour of your small home before returning to the dining room. “I’ve cooked your favourite, but with a little twist!” You said happily. 
“A twist?” Yelena questioned, taking off her coat and neatly hanging it over the back of her chair. “Let’s just say I hope you like spicy food” you hinted, giving her a cheeky smirk just as your eldest cat jumped up onto the chair you had just pulled out for yourself. 
“Woah! You didn’t tell me you had a cat” Yelena said, looking up at you. 
“Oh, I have four! This is Misty, she’s my eldest. Then there is Patches, Zuzu and Milo” you replied proudly, “they’re all rescue cats” you added. Yelena smiled softly, “I can’t believe I had to wait until our fourth dated for you to tell me this” 
“I didn’t want you to think I was some crazy cat lady” you replied, chuckling. “I’ll be right back, I’ll feed them and then I can dish up our dinner” you added with another smile before dashing off to the kitchen. The sound of you opening a can of cat food soon had the other three of your cats running towards the kitchen, Misty following as you began to dish up their food. 
While Yelena waited, she soon noticed just how much you loved cats, the two empty classes on the table had small cat paw prints printed on them, you had a few photos of your cats in frames on the wall, on the small display cabinet that Yelena could see; there was some small cat merchandise like items sitting proudly. She smiled to herself before she noticed you walking by the kitchen and into the living room, opening up the window and placing a small plate of cat food on the bench. 
“You have a fifth cat I don’t know about?” Yelena asked sarcastically. 
“No, I just like to feed the neighbour’s cat a little treat, her name is Mazda” you replied before making your way back to the kitchen. You dished up the hot meal you had just spent the last couple of hours making before returning to the dining room and placing a plate in front of Yelena. 
“Thank you, adorable little cat lady” the blonde smiled making you chuckle, “you’re welcome little miss smart arse! I hope you like it, its one-pot chilli mac and cheese” you replied before taking a seat across from her. “Detka, I’m Russian. I drink straight vodka and not once have I thought about adding chilli to my mac and cheese! You’re a genius!” She complimented. 
“I’ve never made it before, so I hope it’s good” you smiled softly before the two of you dug in. 
After dinner and the countless compliments Yelena gave you on your cooking, you introduced her to your other three cats. Zuzu was a little more shy than the others and took a few moments to warm up to Yelena but once she did, she didn’t leave Yelena’s side. 
“Which one did you rescue first?” Yelena asked with Zuzu in her lap. 
“Zuzu actually! She was a year old when I adopted her, then a week later I adopted Patches. She’s a little older than Zuzu but they were good together, played all the time! Made an absolute mess of my house when I wasn’t home!” You replied, remembering the time the two cats were younger. “Then I got a call from a friend who works at a shelter, and she said that Misty was on basically on her last life, I couldn’t say no. So, I brought her home and she quickly became a mother figure to Zuzu and Patches. Then came Milo, my shy baby” you added, smiling softly. 
“And the stray outside? You haven’t adopted that one yet?” Yelena questioned making you chuckle, “Mazda isn’t a stray, she lives next door, I just love giving her a treat every night” you replied. 
“Did you name her after the car or?” 
You shook your head, “no, that was the owner. Not sure why though but it suits her”
“Honestly, I knew you had cats, I would’ve taken you to the cat café for our first date” Yelena smiled softly, “and if you had of done that, I fear I may have scared you off with not wanting to leave the kitty’s!” You joked, the two of you laughing afterwards. 
“Would you say these cutie would give the grand approval for me to take you to the movies on Saturday?” Yelena asked. You instantly fell for her even more as she didn’t treat your cats are just pets but pets that are your family. “You may need to butter Milo up” you joked. 
Yelena chuckled once more, “well, Milo, my new found friend, we need to have a little chat” she replied, giving you a playful wink.
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lucy90712 · 5 months ago
Ruben Dias fluff!! Any thing you want, I trust you
Having kids is the most stressful and rewarding thing I've ever done but I wouldn't have it any other way. The biggest downside is that Ruben doesn't get to be around as much as he's like to as he's always got training or matches but when he's around he always spends every second helping me or playing with our oldest son Milo even if he's tired he treasures every second he gets to spend at home with us. 
Since I gave birth to our daughter Ruben has barely been home he got a couple of days off training and then it's been all go since. There has been matches every weekend and then champions league during the week so he's hardly been home which makes life difficult. Caring for a newborn and entertaining a two year old on little to no sleep is exhausting but Ruben helps where he can and he even gets his brother to come over when he's not around which is a great help. 
This weekend Ruben finally has a few days off after such a packed schedule Pep gave all the players a couple days off training to rest and recuperate ready for the next run of games. Rest isn't a thing in our household right now but I don't think Ruben minds he just wants to be home and actually spend time with the kids. I know he feels awful that he hasn't got to bond with our daughter Alice as much as he'd want to as he's not here during the day when she's awake and looking around but I always send him pictures and videos so he feels like he's involved too. 
Just like every morning I expected to be woken up at the crack of dawn by a toddler screaming in the baby monitor and a newborn crying right next to my head. When I woke up and saw that it was nearly 9am I freaked out and then when I saw that the baby wasn't in her bassinet I nearly had a panic attack. That's when my sensible brain took over my mum brain and I realised that Ruben also wasn't in bed next to be so he must have Alice and that made me feel so much better. After I calmed down I got out of bed and headed downstairs where I could already hear the chaos which is weirdly nice to hear. When I finally made it downstairs I saw Ruben in the kitchen holding Alice while trying to make pancakes and with Milo at his feet. I took Alice from him quickly so he could focus on breakfast but before I knew it I was also holding Milo as he's definitely a mama's boy and he doesn't like to leave my side when I'm around. 
"Thank you for letting me sleep in you didn't have to do that I know you're tired too" I said 
"You don't have to thank me I know you don't get much sleep and you need it to deal with those two I get to sleep when I’m away for matches so it's only fair that you get to have a lay in" he said 
"Well I still appreciate it I feel like a new woman now" I laughed 
"Good and I've got breakfast all ready for you" Ruben said while handing me a plate of pancakes 
We ate breakfast as a family or our version of eating as a family which is taking a bite of our own food every few minutes after having to cut bits up for Milo and sometimes having to feed it to him when he refuses to eat. Then more often than not Alice seems to sense when I'm eating and all of a sudden wants feeding so I have to eat with just one hand. Ruben had managed to get Milo to eat all of his pancakes while I still had a mostly full plate as I was feeding Alice so Ruben switched his attention to me and cut my pancakes and fed them to me like the perfect husband he is. 
To spend some quality time together Ruben suggested we go to the park and seeing as I've got him to help me I had no reason to disagree. He took care of getting Milo ready while I got Alice ready and we made it out the house as a family of four for the first time which sounds crazy as Alice is three weeks old now but Ruben's been around so little we haven't had the chance to go anywhere all together yet. Leaving the house is never easy but eventually we got out the house with me having Alice in the carrier and pushing the stroller while Milo walked as he refused to get in the stroller. 
The walk to the park isn't a long one so we got there pretty quickly and when we did Milo took off and made a beeline straight for the slide as he loves going down the slide. Ruben followed close behind while I found somewhere to sit with Alice as she was due a feed before she naps again. Watching Ruben play with Milo made me a little emotional hearing Milo laughing as Ruben chased him around the park is exactly how I pictured parenthood there is no better sound than hearing your child laughing it always fills my heart with joy. Milo can be difficult at times which I think comes down to missing his dad but I couldn't care less about that when I get to see the two of them happy and playing together. 
"Mama come play" Milo said as he ran over to me 
"I would love to play with you buddy but mama's still recovering I can push you on the swing if you'd like though" I said 
"Yeah let's go mama" he said running off again 
I gave Alice to Ruben so I could push Milo on the swing which he thoroughly enjoyed he wanted to go higher and higher until I physically couldn't push him any higher. As he was swinging Ruben started to pull faces at him from across the park which only made him laugh more. This is exactly why I think Ruben is the best dad he has always been so great since the moment Milo was born our kids just love to be around him as he always makes them happy. It wasn't long before Milo wanted to get out of the swing so I got him out and he dragged me off to the rest of the play equipment which I wasn't going to go on as I'm only just three weeks post partum but I just can't say no to him. We climbed up the climbing wall and ran around the little castle type thing it brings you to before going down the slide which was more than enough for me. 
We stayed at the park for a while longer until Milo had run out of energy and climbed into the stroller himself. Ruben took the stroller which now also had Alice in too and held my hand as we walked back home. Both kids fell asleep in the stroller so Ruben and I kept walking even when we went past the house so they'd known stay asleep and we could have some peace. We decided to walk into town and got some fresh bread and other things to make lunch when we got back home. As soon as the stroller stopped Milo woke up and wanted to get out so Ruben unbuckled him and off he went to play with his toys. 
Our afternoon started out much the same as our morning with us trying to get Milo to sit still long enough to eat lunch and then we went straight back to playing. As a family we all played with Milo's trucks and cars in the little world he's created where they all have a role. The things kids come up with is just fascinating their little minds are so creative. Before Milo was born Ruben and I spent countless evenings wondering what kind of personality he would develop but I would've never predicted that he'd be such a character he's always making me laugh with the things he comes out with but he's also such a kind little boy he always thinks about me and his sister. 
After a long day of running around and playing the kids were definitely tired and of course right after dinner Milo cuddled up to my side and fell asleep while Alice slept on my chest and Ruben had his arm around my waist as I leant against his shoulder. We took a few moments to just relax and enjoy the calm as that doesn't happen often. Eventually Ruben picked up Milo and took him to bed and I was going to put Alice in her bassinet and grab the baby monitor but he told me to stay put and he'd do it and I wasn't going to argue. He did exactly what he promised and then he came back to bring me upstairs as he'd started to run me a bath. 
I enjoyed my bath very much it was so relaxing I could feel the tension in my muscles that had built up over the last few weeks just disappear in the warm water. When I got out Ruben had pyjamas ready for me on the bed which I changed into and joined him in bed. He pulled me into his arms and started to press kisses all over my face which I've missed so much as I either sleep alone while Ruben is away or we don't get a moments peace as Alice has always been fussy at night. Tonight everything was quiet and it was amazing Ruben and I could enjoy some quality time together which we haven't had in a couple months. 
"I don't know how you deal with this all day everyday I'm exhausted" Ruben said 
"You get used to it some days they are calmer than others I think Milo was just excited you were around" I said 
"I'm sorry I haven't been here more I know the kids miss me but I can tell you miss me too even if you want say it" he said 
"It's ok I know why you aren't around it's not like you're out with friends while I'm here with two kids and yeah I miss having you here but that's selfish so I don't mention it" I admitted 
"Its not selfish you're allowed to feel like that and wish things were different I understand that things are hard and you'd like me to be around to help more that's not selfish I promise" he said 
"Everything is worth it though when we get moments like today and when Milo gets to watch you play on tv the hard moments don't matter anymore" I said
"I can't wait for Alice to come to her first game even if she doesn't remember I still remember when you first brought Milo along that was up there with one of the best days of my life" Ruben said 
"Maybe once we've both had our six week check up I'll bring her along to a game but we'll need to get her some little ear defenders" I said
"Of course but remember if you aren't ready you don't have to stick to that I'd much rather wait until you'll actually have a good time as it's supposed to be a good memory for all of us" he said 
We talked for a bit longer before Ruben turned a movie on and I knocked out within a few minutes as I didn't realise how tired I was but I fell asleep feeling completely happy and fulfilled.
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watsittoyah · 2 years ago
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, time travel, oral sex, rough sex, fang play, size kink, breeding kink and slight blood play. Some talks of suicide..
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use google translate to help…)
Chapter 5- The Skeletons In His Closet..
“Everything needs to be perfect. Erica do you have the ice?”
“I’ve got the ice.” You check that off the list. “Jerry, do you have the paper plates?”
“I got paper plates, and I got napkin.” You check those off the list. “Monica-”
“I have the baked Mac and cheese and I have the hot links.” You check those off of the list and you look at your friends. “As you all know, this is the annual Valentine family reunion. I invited you all because my grandparents adore you. Now, we need to make a signal so if any family member catches us off guard the others can swoop in and save the day. Any suggestions?”
“Oh! We can fake a yawn.” Jerry suggests. But Monica shakes her head. “No can do, we did that last year and Great Aunt Ethel made Erica sit on the bench with her so she could rest it out.”
“Ear tug.” Erica says. “Yes! That’s perfect. Alright let’s get the stuff in the car.” As your friends heads out of the apartment you stay back and call Miguel for the tenth time. It goes to voicemail which doesn’t surprise you. He’s been late to a lot of functions lately.
“This is Miguel leave a message.” It beeps and you pace the apartment. “Baby, we’re leaving the apartment. I was hoping you’d be here so I can prep you but obviously you’re not answering. The cookout is at my grandparents. I’m sure you remember the address. Just please don’t be too late, a lot of my family wants to meet you, okay? Lo-later.” You hang up and tell Milo to be good…
When you park the car, you see balloons all tied up on the front porch. “Remember the plan, we stay for a few hours and if any of us need saving, tug an ear.” You all get out of the car and start to unload the stuff.
Erica pulls you to the side and whispers to you. “Where’s Miguel?” You huff and shrug. “I don’t know, but if he is late he is going to get an earful.” You say as you tie your headscarf tighter.
“Is that little Tommie?” You turn and put on a fake smile as you see your Auntie Vivian. “Hey Auntie.” You lean over and give her a hug. “Girl look at you! Looking like a little African queen. And these hips! Lord have mercy I know these boys go crazy over you.” You feel awkward and clear your throat. “Auntie, you remember my friends right?”
“Of course I do. Hey guys.”
“Hey.” They say in unison. “Auntie where can we put the ice and food?” You ask. “In the kitchen. Now don’t stay in there. If you do they’re gonna make you help with the fish fry. And it’s already hot with all these black folks.” You all laugh and start bringing the stuff inside.
“Hello.” You call out as you walk into the house. “Tommie! Is that you! Come here let me get a good look at you!” Your Auntie Bonnie calls out as she dries her upper lip with a napkin.
“We’ll put this up.” Jerry whispers to you as they walk past. “Baby go and put that ice in the cooler out back.”
You walk over to your Auntie Bonnie and she looks you over. “Girl you look like me back in the day. I swear I had about six boyfriends and three men trying to marry me when I was your age.” You laugh at that and she gives you a hug. “How you feeling?”
“I’m okay. Really.” You lie. “Mhm, if you want to lie, lie to your boss not to me. But I won’t push, now where is this man, Barbra was telling us about.”
“Miguel will be here soon. He’s just running a little late.”
“Tommie, come here and help me with this fish.” Your Auntie Meryl calls out. “Oh! Uncle Pete said he needs help with the grill I’ll be back.” You run outside and see Erica and Monica over by the drinks.
“Where’s Jerry?” You ask sitting down taking a bottle of water from the cooler. “Your cousins snatched him up so he’s playing double Dutch with them.” Monica points across the yard and sure enough Jerry was turning the ropes with one of your little cousins.
“TT!” You feel a pat to your thigh and you turn to see your baby cousin, Oliver. “Hi baby!” You pick him up and give him a great big hug. He holds your face and leans his head on your shoulder.
You sit there with him in your arms and hear his mother calling him. “Oh, I should’ve know you’d be with Tommie. He isn’t causing you any trouble is he?”
“Not at all, right Ollie?” He just sits there holding your face. “Ollie, do you want to show your big cousin your new toy?” Vanessa asks him. He nods and he jumps off of your lap and goes running. “Ollie no running you’ll hurt yourself. That boy is going to keep me young running after him. How y’all been?”
“Good.” You say wondering where Miguel was.
“I’ve been alright, but you know where the harder stuff at?” Monica asks. “Go to Uncle Pete, he got some mikes hard lemonade in his cooler.”
“Say less.” Monica leaves and Erica follows. “You want one?” You shake your head as they walk off. “How’s Ollie been adjusting?” You ask Vanessa. “He’s been doing great. He still doesn’t talk much but he likes his new school.”
“That’s good. Maybe I can see if there are any more grants you can apply to for him.” She nods and Ollie comes running back. “TT!”
“Look at that! It’s a dinosaur! Do you know what sound a dinosaur makes?”
“Roof!” You shake your head. “No that’s a dog. A dinosaur…roars. Like this, ROAR!” You tickle him and he laughs. “TT!” He tugs you along and you follow him. He points to the hula hoop and you pick it up. You show him how to hula hoop but he doesn’t get it. Which was fine because you just wanted him to have fun.
After playing with Oliver for fifteen minutes he was passed out in your arms. You bring him to his mother and she takes him inside to sleep on the bed with the other babies and toddlers.
You decide to make yourself a plate and you get in line. “Tommie, when are you gonna get married?” Your little loud mouth cousin, Tiffany asks. “When you stop minding my business and mind your own.”
“Oop, not too much.” You roll your eyes but laugh together as you make your plate. You get a few things on your plate and you’re about to reach for some chicken when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“Hola, mi amor.” You smile from ear to ear as you turn to Miguel. “Hello to you to-what happened to your eye?” Your boyfriend had a big black eye and you were concerned. “Nothing, it’s just a small bump on my face.”
“Small bump? Miguel it’s looks like some one put their whole fist in your face!” You snap at him. “Geez! What happens to you?” Tiffany asks. You ignore her and grab Miguel’s hand, dragging him into the house.
“It’s nothing really.” He tries to tell you. “Nothing my ass. Sit here and let me get you an ice pack.” You go into the fridge and take out one, then you grab a dish cloth. You wrap the ice pack and you place it on Miguel’s eye. He winces in pain and you cross your arms over your chest.
“I know you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset, concerned yes. I’m curious as well. How is it that my boyfriend came here with a black eye? What happened?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was a door?” He says with a smirk. “Now is not the time to joke, Mr O’Hara!” You glance over and see your Aunties were pretending not to listen. “Come with me.” You drag him to the side porch and close the door behind the two of you.
“Miguel, how?” He sighs and moves the ice pack. “I got into a little fight, it’s no big deal. Honestly the other guy looks worse.” You sigh because there isn’t anything you can do. He is here and that is what you had wanted. “Is that why you’re late?”
“Y..yes. Amor, I am sorry. Let’s go back out there and you can introduce me to your family.” The hesitation in his answer doesn’t go unnoticed but you let it slide for now.
“Right, well I hope you’re hungry because there is a lot of food and there’s a lot of people who want to meet you.” You cup his face in your hands and you kiss his bruised eye. “I promise you Miguel you better had beat them to a bloody pulp for giving you this black eye.”
“You know I did.” He says with a smirk. You lead him back to where your family is and you make him a plate.
After watching Miguel interact with your family for a few hours you felt relaxed. “Baby cakes, come help me with this pan.” You head into the kitchen with your grandmother and she lifts up a pan for you to bring outside.
“No one is gonna take him from you, you don’t have to stare too hard.” Your grandmother teases. “It’s just, he seems so relaxed like he’s met them before.”
“Isn’t that a good thing? Miguel just fits in with the rest of them. And don’t think I haven’t seen the way that man watches you. He stares at you as if you’re his entire universe.” You look back at Miguel and see him playing with Oliver.
“I say by the end of this year you two will be married and expecting.”
“Girl don’t grandma me. There is no way that man is going to settle with being your boyfriend. A man like that ought to be a husband.” You sigh and continue to watch Miguel play with Oliver.
As you watch him you get an odd thought. In the thought you see Miguel getting down on one knee and he’s proposing to you. You look down at your hand and you swear you see a ring. When you blink the ring was gone.
You feel dizzy and you almost trip. But you put the pan down and you catch yourself. “You okay baby cakes?” You nod. “I’m okay, I just need some water.” She gets you some water and you look back outside to see Miguel staring back at you.
What the hell was that?
You were sitting on the back porch with Erica and Jerry watching the older folks dance to old school jams. Monica was playing spades with your aunties and Miguel was playing with the kids. “I think this cookout was perfect.” You announced. “Got that right, my stomach is full all I need is a man to cuddle with.”
“Jerry then why fuck are you looking at me?” Erica says narrowing her eyes at him. “Because with those broad shoulders you look like a man.”
“Oh bitch those are fighting words.” They get up ready to play fight but your grandmother gives them the look. “Behave yourselves.” She calls to them. “Yes Mrs. Valentine.” They say in unison as they walk over to grab some more drinks.
You sit back and look up at the stars, feeling happy. “Is that seat taken?” You look over to see Miguel and you smile at him. “Come.” You motion him over and he sits between your legs. “Did you have fun today, mi Corazón?”
“I did actually. And my family loves you. Especially Ollie. He doesn’t take to strangers well but he warmed up to you just fine.”
“I’m glad they like me. Hopefully next year….” He stops talking and you wait for him to continue but he stands up. “Come dance with me.” You take his hand and Stand by me by Prince Royce plays.
“You trust me?” He asks as he sees you’re nervous. “Yes.” You answer him without hesitation. Miguel then places his hand on your lower back and he tells you to follow his lead but don’t watch his feet.
You two move together and you still feel nervous. “Close your eyes and think of a happy place, amor.” He whispers in your ear. You shut your eyes and think for a moment.
When you have the happy place, you move to the beat of the song and Miguel guides your hips. You open your eyes and he was smiling at you as he sang the song to you. You smile so wide, it’s shocking that your face didn’t split in half.
Miguel spins you around and then dips you. As he pulls you back to him, you can’t help but feel your family watching the two of you. You do a move you didn’t know you could do, but it feels like a reflex.
Miguel lets you go and you dance by yourself, moving your long skirt to the beat of the music. You look at him and move your hips as you go to him. To you Miguel was the only thing that mattered to you in this very moment. When you finally go to him the song ends.
“I love you.” You say without hesitation. You then realized what you said and you start to take it back. “Yo tambien te quiero mi amor.” Miguel says with love in his eyes. You hear your family in the background cheering you two on but that doesn’t matter. You get on your tippy toes and you kiss him. He holds you and kisses you back as your family hoots and hollers at the two of you.
Yes this night was perfect…
After you had dropped Jerry and Monica off at their place, you and Erica were walking back into your apartment, with Miguel following behind you.
“How about I spend the night at your place for a change? It’ll give Erica a break from hearing us.” You say as you lean against the door frame. “I’d like that actually. But before you come over let me just go clear up some stuff.” Miguel kisses your lips several times, which makes you laugh. “Baby, go.” You push him back and he takes a small step back. “I love you, Tommie.”
“I love you too, Miguel.” He walks into his apartment and you walk into yours. You sigh like a love sick school girl and bring your leftover plate to the kitchen. When you enter you see Erica standing there reading something.
“What’s that?” You ask putting your plate in the fridge. She turns to you and pretends she wasn’t reading something. “Huh? Oh nothing.” You give her a look. “E, what is that?” You ask again. She sighs and hands you the paper. You read it and it’s about Miguel.
However there is barely anything on the paper. No mentions of his family. No mentions of his birth place. It mentions an ex or two but they had little to no information on Miguel.
“This is a good thing right? He has a clean record.” You try to be optimistic but Erica gives you a sad look. “T, my cousin is the best on getting dirt on anyone. But from what I read, Miguel is a total stranger. Just who have you been dating for the few months?”
You feel a knot of anxiety at the pit of your stomach as you wonder for yourself. “I’ll be right back.” You march out of your apartment and you knock on Miguel’s door.
He answers it after your third knock. “Amor I was just about to come get-what’s wrong?” You enter his place and you take a deep breathe.
“Miguel, be honest with me.” You say to him. “Of course, amor. I’ll always be honest with you.” You give him the paper and he looks it over. He looks up at you in confusion. “You had someone watching me? Why?”
“Because Miguel, even though we’ve been together for months, I really don’t know who you are. And there’s more. When you got hurt back at the restaurant, you had gotten cut badly and I know you did because your blood was on my hands. But a few hours later you were with me and you didn’t have a scratch on you. When I ask about where you grew up you say in Nueva York but you don’t tell me the location. You haven’t told me how you have those fangs and when I try to ask you about your past you change the subject.”
“Tommie, I promise I’ll tell you when the time is righ-”
“No! Tell me now! You show up late to things I invite you to and all you can do is say I’m sorry! What are you hiding from me!”
“You aren’t ready to know!”
“Fine! If it’s going to be like that then maybe we should take a break.”
“No don’t-don’t leave me.” You hear Miguel speak but you already have your hand in the door knob. You don’t want to leave but you need to know why he is acting this way.
He grabs you from behind and you feel his grip tighten on you. “I don’t want you to leave me, when you find out the truth.” You close your eyes and turn with your face in his chest.
“Please, Miguel. Just tell me the truth.” You open your eyes and see those sad hazel eyes looking down at you.
He lets you go and he takes several steps back.
“I should start from the beginning. You know about my work. How I am a scientist and I dabble in gene splicing.”
You suddenly don’t like where this story is going.
“Well, about three years ago, I was working with someone I thought I could trust. He had made many promises to me and I believed every last one of them. However he was dabbling in pharmaceuticals and had released it to the poor part of the public. He had created this…drug called rapture. If you have too much of it you can become addicted to it. I got wind of this and I didn’t want to be part of his company anymore so I told him that I was leaving. He didn’t like that. And I should’ve been smart enough to know he wasn’t going to let me leave so easily. So he had invited me out for drinks and he kept on giving me drinks. But in those drinks he had laced them with ten times the dosage of rapture and I was instantly addicted to the stuff. He told me that if he couldn’t keep me then he was going to ruin me. But with the knowledge I had with my research. I knew how I could break the addiction. I had done the tests on multiple animals, so why wouldn’t it work on a human subject?”
“Miguel, what did you splice your genes with?” You ask with a shake in your voice. He crouches for a second and in a blink he was on the ceiling, crawling around.
You fall flat on your ass and he taps his smart watch that was on his wrist. With strange technology, you watch as a suit molds to his body. He then lands in front of you and you gasp.
“You’re Spide-there’s not fucking way you’re him!” He taps his watch and his mask recedes from his face. “Amor, I am Spider-man. That’s why I’ve been late to a lot of your get togethers. I’ve been well you know.” You blink several times and just stare at him.
Miguel reaches out to touch you but you flinch from his claws. He jerks his hand back. “I apologize, but just know I would never hurt you.” His claws molds back into his fingertips and you slowly stand up. “I should go.” You blurt out. “Wait, Tommie I can understand that this is a shock to you.”
“No, this is more than a shock and I’m about to have a panic attack. Are the walls closing in?” You feel dizzy and he holds you up. But you move from his touch. “Amor, you don’t look to good.”
You feel like you’re about to throw up but you keep it together. “I need to get out of here.”
“But you said you wouldn’t leave.” You can hear the panic in his tone and you want to understand but the panic attack is stronger than your logical mind.
“Miguel, I’m sorry. I have to go.” You manage to open the door and leave his apartment in a rush. “I love you.” You hear him say after you. Before you knew it you were crying as you slammed your apartment door behind you.
“Tommie! What’s wrong?” Erica yells after you. But you ignore her and run to your room. You dive under the covers and you scream into your pillow.
You felt overwhelmed, anxious, and most of all hurt, because if he could hide something that big from you, then what else could he hiding?
The skeletons in his closet were just too much to handle.
You’ve never done drugs before but if you did, then you’d be having withdrawals. You knew he was watching you because there were traces of him around you. When you were at work, you’d see finger prints on the outside of your window.
When you left your apartment, you could smell his scent by the door.
You’d dream about being in his arms, and this was driving you crazy.
Just go back to him!
Your brain was screaming.
But your body was hesitating. Why?
It was after work and you were staying in for the night. Milo was no where to be found and you were sitting there watching Anastasia. Technically the movie was watching you.
You were staring outside, thinking about Miguel. Wondering if he was okay. “This is stupid, you can just go over there and talk to him, Tommie.” You tell yourself. In your mind, you were already at his apartment, telling him how sorry you were for acting the way you did.
You look at your phone and you see he hasn’t messaged you in the past week.
The phone goes both ways. His words ring in your head and you decide to message him.
I’m sorry for the way I acted, I guess it all just became a lot for me to handle. I guess you were right when you said I wasn’t ready.
You erase that and type again.
I was stupid, will you forgive me?
You erase that message as well.
You roll your eyes and erase that.
As you go to type something better, Miguel’s name pops up on your call screen. You answer it immediately. “Hi…” You breathe into the phone. “Hi, mi corazón. I didn’t think you’d pick up.”
“I didn’t think you’d call. Listen I’m so sorry for the way I acted. You told me something very important and I treated it very childish.”
“No, amor. I should have told you sooner. I apologize.”
“How about we both apologize, and you come over because I’m lonely and Milo is hiding.” Miguel gives a husky laugh. “I will come to you in a se-” You hear a loud crash in the background and you sit up. “Miguel! Miguel are you alright? Answer me!”
“I’ll call you right ba-“ The phone goes dead and you quickly turn to the news. So far nothing had popped up. That’s good news right? That means it’s nothing major. You try to tell yourself.
Dread hits your chest when you see a 'this just in' headline across the screen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, as you can tell there has been a prison outbreak on the upper west side. Some of the inmates have taken over the jail and a few have escaped….huh? He’s here?”
You see in the far background, Miguel was was swinging into the prison and you were at the edge of your seat.
“Miguel, please be safe. Please be sa-” You see what looks like lights flashing in the prison and you think the worse.
“Baby, please be safe. I need you to be safe.” You pray as you continue to watch the footage.
“A source has said that the escaped prisoners have been located. They were encased in webbing. And-” The news reporter goes silent and nods.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to inform you that, Spider-Man has gotten the situation under control. I repeat, Spider-Man has gotten the situation under control. The warden as well as staff are all safe and there are no casualties.”
You let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding and jump when you feel Milo’s little paws on your toes.
“Milo! He did it! My boyfriend did it! Oh my god, I’m dating a super hero! I’m dating Spider-Man! Wait I shouldn’t say that too loud.” You jump up and down with happiness and you give Milo a big kiss on his head then set him back down as you go and take a quick shower before Miguel comes over.
You were freshly showered and wearing a silver night gown as well as a grey headscarf. As you sat in your room with your lap top adding clothes to your cart. You swear you’re going to buy the stuff this time. You then hear a tap to your window.
You look over and you see him, hanging upside down. “Miguel!” You hiss as you run over and open the window down him. He crawls inside and he lands on his feet, towering over you.
His suit recedes off of him and he was your Miguel. “Hola hermosa.” He keeps still and you take a step forward. “Hi, you did good out there.” You say as you place your hands on his chest. He takes them and he kisses them. “That is my other job, amor. I hope you can understand that, if you still want to be together that is who you’ll be with as well.”
You give a sad smile. “I can handle that, though I’ll probably worry about you ten times more than I usually do. And what do you mean if? I still want this to work, you’re not getting rid of me Miguel.” He smiles and he leans down kissing you.
He then rests his head against yours. “Good, because keeping an eye on you has been torture for me. Always being close but never being with you. That hurts me more than getting punched in the face by Vulture.”
“So that’s who punched you? God I heard about him, doesn’t he…eat people?” He nods and he gently moves the lace strap off of your shoulder. “Is this new?” He asks.
“I got this a while ago, I figured you’d like it….” You’ve definitely said that before but when? “I do like it…I’ve missed you. I know it’s only been a week but I’ve missed being this close.” Miguel cups your face and he kisses you deeply.
You’ve missed this as well. His taste, his touch. God you’ve missed this man and your body was finally getting its dose of dopamine.
You break from the kiss first. “Promise me, that you’ll make sure you’re safe out there.” Miguel eyes saddens but you shake your head. “Please promise me.” He sighs and nods. “I promise, amor.” You kiss him and he lifts you up off of the floor bridal style and he places you on the bed.
“Te necesito, I need you so badly it hurts.” Miguel strips off his shirt and tosses it somewhere in your room. You help him with his pants as he kicks off his shoes.
Once he is completely naked, he helps you out of your night gown. You lay back down as Miguel lays on top of you and kisses your neck. “Tell me about your day, amor. I’ve missed your voice.” He whispers against your right breast.
He sucks that breast and you run your fingers through his hair and moan softly. “Today…was tough because I missed you…” You get distracted by the way his tongue rolls over your nipples but you get back into focus in telling him about your day.
“….but I…mmm, I got a lot of work done. I…oh please keep doing that. I checked the calendar and I’m due for a va…vacation, Miguel I can’t keep talking when you lick me like t-” You cut yourself off as watch Miguel crawl back between your legs.
“Fair enough, amor. Then I’ll tell you about my day. But first.” Miguel moves so both of you are laying side by side, but you’re in front of him and he has your leg partly lifted up.
“My day was miserable because I didn’t wake up under you this morning.” Miguel says as he slowly slides inside of you. You arch your back and touch his face as you feel your walls mold around his dick. “Eres tan apretada mi amor. So tight. Mmm, I had saved a woman from being robbed. I made sure…I made sure I kept an eye on you at work, oh shit, make it tighter for me, Tommie. I had lunch on the Statue of Liberty’s crown and I saved a prison from being taken over. But you know what made the day worth it?” He asks as he keeps his slow pace.
“What baby?” You moan as he keeps going in and out of you. “Being here with you. Being with you in this moment…being deep inside of you.” He slows down and he kisses your neck. You lean your head back against him and you feel his fangs gently trace the veins down your throat.
“I love you, I love you so much, Tommie.” He moans as he grips your hips and goes a bit harder with his thrusts but he keeps a slow pace.
“I love you too. I love you too, baby.” You moan out breathlessly. You lift your legs a bit more and feel him go deeper inside of you. You feel him reach down and rub slow circles around your clit and you let out a groan. “Baby, go faster. Please go faster.” You moan out.
“No, no, no, amor. You can take it at this pace. I know you can. I haven’t had this pussy in a week, fuck, I’m going to savor this pretty pussy for a while. But you can take it right? You can take daddy’s dick.” You go stupid for a second and forget how to speak as he keeps the same pace.
The pace he’s going was making a slow and hard build up for you, which made you grip your walls around him. Miguel grips your throat and kisses you deep. “You know exactly what you’re doing with this little pussy. If you keep that up, I’m going to come, amor.” Miguel moans as he starts to pick up the pace. “Please do, please come deep inside of me.” You moan out as he switches positions.
He was now on top of you and he was gripping your headboard as he did deep strokes. You place your hands on his chest and you reach up to pull him close to you. You tug at his bottom lip and your nails finds a way to his back.
Miguel starts to pick up the pace, causing the bed to shake. You start breathing heavy as you feel yourself about to climax. “Ven por mí, princesa. Come for me.” He thrusts harder and you start to stutter out his name. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” You groan as your walls pulse around him. Your nails dig deep into his back and he grabs a hold of you and he does two last stroke before he pumps you full.
You both still as you both come down from the climax high. He stays inside of you and he balances on his elbows. “You are amazing. Tan asombrosa.” You smile and kiss his lips. “You’re the amazing one. You are a super hero. I bet you’ve saved a lot of people.”
That comment made him frown.
He slides out of you causing the both of you to gasp. He then lays beside you and you turn to your side. “What’s wrong?” You ask him as you run a finger over a scar you hadn’t noticed before.
He gently moves your hand from his chest and he holds it. “My job, is just like anyone else’s who has to deal with the public. I have good days and I have bad days. In your eyes I am this amazing person, but amor. There will be days that I will come home to you and I’ll have to have let someone die. This job isn’t full of rewards.”
“Do you want to talk about it? I figured you don’t have anyone to talk to about this.” You offer. “You don’t have to amor. I don’t want to bring you such sadness.”
You sit up and sit criss cross. “Miguel, I have my sad days. Just like you. If there is one thing I can tell you is that, I understand loss. I love my grandparents, I do. But I’ll never have my dad walk me down the aisle. I’ll never have my mom guide me into motherhood. It took a few years of therapy and counseling to tell me that it wasn’t my fault that they passed. Even though I thought it was….” You look down at your fingers and let out a breath you know you’ve been holding since your were thirteen.
“…I was so angry with my parents. Over a missed event, over some play I don’t remember. But I remember that I was angry with them because they told me they wouldn’t be home in time to be with me. I went to bed angry. But when I woke up, my grandparents had told me the news. I felt that because I went to bed angry it was my fault that they were gone. I had so much…anger inside of me. That I had came to hate myself. And you know what they said when you’re an intelligent person. You tend to know how to do dangerous things.”
You look up at Miguel and you close your eyes. “My grandfather found me and I was rushed to the hospital. They had pumped my stomach and I got lectured that my parents wouldn’t have wanted me to take my own life. And I’m not telling you this for sympathy. No, I’m telling you this because I know what it’s like to have bad days, and I was happy later on when I had someone to talk to about it. So, Miguel let me be that person for you. Don’t bottle it up, if you have a bad super hero day then tell me. If you need a hug then my arms are always opened for you.” Miguel sits up and he pulls you into his arms.
“Thank you, Tommie. This helps.” He kisses your temple and you let a yawn escape. “Let’s get some rest.” You nod and grab the sheets and pull it over the two of you.
Miguel pulls you on top of him and you let your head rest on his chest. “Baby, what spider did you splice yourself with?” You ask feeling sleepy.
You feel him stroke a hand against your shoulder and he looks down at you. “If I tell you, you’ll have nightmares. Just know that it isn’t deadly. Well it’s only deadly when threatened.” He gives a soft chuckle and you rub your face into his chest. “Good night.” You whisper as you take a deep breathe and fall asleep in Miguel’s arms…
Previously, Next
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just-dreaming-marvel · 3 months ago
meet your author
Hello my darlings! It’s been a while (two years?) since I have done something like this. I have gained a lot of followers since then, and I feel like I should formally introduce myself.
My name is Bailey (feel free to call me ‘B’ or ‘Bay’). I am your author/host of this crazy blog.
I live in the United States of America (born and raised). Some of you may know the state I’m from already or may guess, but I’m not gonna say it.
I am 26 years old.
I am a 4th grade elementary teacher. I just got my Master’s degree and am currently applying to jobs outside of the classroom, though I have a feeling I will be in the classroom for one more year.
I have some sort of arthritis (the diagnosis keeps changing) as well as a few other health issues.
I am a huge Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars fan.
I have a one year old bernedoodle named Milo who is my baby.
I enjoy:
Playing the piano
Going to a Disney park
Spending time with my family and dogs
Going to the beach
Watching movies and tv shows
Going to the local soda shops
My favorites:
Food: chips and salsa & french fries
Drink: water & Dr. Pepper
Color: yellow & blue
Animal: dolphin
Actor: Robert Downey Jr. (though Hugh Jackman is close at the moment)
Actress: Emma Stone
Book: Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech
Weird facts about me:
I am scared of going down escalators (I can go up them just fine)
I am scared of staircases with open steps
I’ve never had a boyfriend or been kissed (I’m not saving it, people just don’t like me)
Currently, my coworkers are my only friends because all my friends moved or got married and felt like their single friend couldn’t fit in their life anymore (lol that was a lot wow, gosh I need some help)
I am a Chrisitan who is just trying their best in this world. I am not a perfect person and will not go preaching to you. I just feel the need to be honest so that you can know a little bit more about me.
I try to keep this blog a safe space for many people. You will rarely see me post anything political, not because I don’t care about politics, but because I know that it can be overwhelming and that many of us are on here to escape our problems. I am a very outspoken and political person outside of this site, but choose not to be on here. I do not align with Republican or Democratic parties as I often find myself in the middle of the beliefs and wish that people would learn to compromise.
The experiences in my life inspire a lot of what I write. I try to do my best to give stories that are fun, unique, and relatable. 
Thank you all for the continued support! I love and appreciate all of you so very much! I hope that I can continue to keep you coming back for more content.
My asks and dm’s are always open if you ever need anything.
Here’s some pics of me from throughout 2024:
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smooth-perceval · 1 year ago
“My love, My life.”
“Schat, it’s all okay.”
Max Verstpapen x Fem!Reader
Part Six
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Lando is somewhat forgiven- but before going out on track reader had a bad feeling- leaving Maxin a bad situation. Reader worries for him and makes a crazy choice to nurse him back to health.
Warnings: !!!CRASH!!! Injured Max, stressed reader, anxiety, a lot of swearing, soft max, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!!
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/L/N (Your last name) Milo (Your baby’s name) Silverstone crash repeat somewhat.
Word count: 2,821
A/N: THE LONG AWAITED PART SIX!! I have been having terrible writers block, I write and then delete the whole thing… I also got Covid for the first time… and it really kicked my ass- so I’m back and hopefully better than ever hope you all enjoy ❤️ Sorry it’s short and crappy also 🥹
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“Is Max still angry at me?…” sitting down next to me Lando sipped at his tea.
“I would say livid still.” Glancing over at Lando I then also took a sip of tea. “I’m also still very angry at you.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to apologise…”
Humming a silence grew between us both.
“At least you and Max didn’t have to do the reveal?” Smiling a little at me, I rolled my head to the side glaring at him.
“We didn’t want them knowing at all.”
“We wanted it on our terms.”
“And I wanted a stress free pregnancy but I doubt it’s ever going to be calm.”
“will you stop saying but.”
“I have something to say.”
“What have you got to say?”
“You haven’t got to hide anymore… isn’t that a good thing?” Raising his eyebrows at me like he thought of a brilliant idea.
“I wouldn’t have had to hide anyways Lando. The whole world didn’t need to know he was Max’s, there’s a lot of pressure on him at the moment, with all the-” pausing I furrowed my brows feeling the aching sensation creeping up to my head.
“The um…” breathing in and out slowly I tried easing the pain, “You okay?” Worry was plastered on his face. “Want me to get Max?”
“I’m okay… just keep getting these horrible headaches…” sighing I rubbed my temple, Lando reaching over resting his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. “I’ll go get him, okay?”
“He might strangle you” breathing out a little laugh I rested my palm against my forehead like I was trying to hold it together.
“I’ll take the chance-” smiling he quickly got up running off- yelling Max along the way, I decided to make my way towards the red bull garage praying that moving around will console the pounding sensation.
But it wasn’t long before I was sitting down again, the need for Max growing quickly- to the point I was on the urge of tears.
Over the summer break, spending time with Max day in day out. I felt an attachment to him, or maybe Milo knew he was always around- and now? When he is not? I get extremely anxious- worried if his okay. Which then causes stress because of the worry, which then brings on these lovely headaches.
And weirdly enough as soon as I see Max everything wrong with me disappears, it’s like Milo knows max is there and everything’s going to be okay.
Sighing once again, I took a seat ontop of some Ferrari storage boxes, waving a hand infront of my face. I felt like I was overheating- exactly like when I returned home and see Max for the first time. I was hot- too hot.
“Hey Y/N- you okay?” Glancing up I see a very concerned looking Charles. “Oh yeah I’m fine-”
“You’re not your face is really red- here…” holding his bottle of water out he looked around him. “I just got it don’t worry-”
Humming I quickly took the water gulping nearly half of it down. “Thank you…”
“Want me to get Max?” I shook my head looking around. “It’s okay Lando is finding him.”
“Yeah… I better go look. I doubt Lando and Max together is a good idea.” Smiling a little at Charles, he then held his finger up before running off, coming back with a booklet and fanning it in front of my face.
“Y/N- what’s the matter?” Worry was plastered on Carlos face, now joining in with Charles and fanning me down with whatever he had in hand. “Just this pregnancy kicking my ass.” They both laughed quietly, Charles then quickly pulled his phone out.
“Want me to call for paramedics?” I shook my head knowing as soon as I see Max in view I’ll be a-ok.
“I’ll call Max.” Nodding my head an apologetic smile on my face. “I’m so sorry-”
Hushing me Carlos then started rubbing my back. “Don’t apologise. You’d do the same for us.”
Tilting my head at him with a small smile, he then rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean- if we were sick… not like if we got pregnant… if I was ill-” laughing a little I nodded my head “I get it Carlos. And you’re correct.”
After a few more minutes, I found now I was getting hotter by the moment, and my worry was through the roof- is Max okay? Why couldn’t they find him? Charles has tried his phone multiple times… Lando has been gone a while.
I looked down at my feet kicking them back and forth trying to distract my brain, both the Ferrari boys doing everything they can to soothe myself back from overdrive.
“Schat?” (Darling?) Looking up quickly, I see Max breathing heavily Lando two steps behind him,
“I told you-” Max was quick to hush Lando- falling to his knees in front of me “What’s the matter?” Furrowing his eyebrows, his eyes scanned over me looking for any visible injury’s- but apart from the flushed face and fidgeting fingers I looked somewhat okay.
“I just got one of them horrible headaches…” at the mention of my head he stood back up hands out and massaging my head, by then I was zoned out, like an instinct I rested my head against his abdomen closing my eyes.
“Thank you both.” Max looked between both Ferrari boys who only nodded their heads and patted him on the back- both making their way to their garage.
“What about me?- I come and got you…”
“Lan- I’m still pissed off the world knows Y/N is having my baby. Look at the stress it’s fucking causing.”
“I didn’t mean to! How many times have I got to apologise?”
“It’s not an apology that makes it better.”
“But I can’t do anything else to make it better.”
“Then don’t keep trying to-”
Leaning my head back I looked between them both. “Will you both shut up.”
I got up from the Ferrari ‘seating’ shoving Max’s hand away from my hip. “You both bickering every time we’re together is driving me insane.” Wincing at the pain shooting through me, I quickly reached up clasping the front of my head. “You need to-” glaring at Max I held a finger to my lips shushing him.
Looking over at Lando. “No Lando, at the moment you cant make it better- yes we are annoyed! We specifically asked for no social media- and you done exactly that.” Lando’s head ducked, glancing over at Max every so often. “And while I’m speaking to you right now- stop texting me every night asking me if Charles is Milos favourite- cause strangely enough I don’t know and at this point I don’t think Milo knows either.”
Turning my head around to Max the little smile falling from his face. “And you. What Lando done- yes it wasn’t fair, but you realise that twisting his arm every time you see him only brings more shit onto me, I get your angry but we can’t do anything about it now. He came and got you today when I was having a moment- clearly he was willing to risk an arm amputation for the well-being of your child.” Raising my eyebrows at Max I then moved around him before glancing between them both.
“I’m sick to death of the petty bickering… I’m sorry Lan okay? But you have got to understand how I’m feeling- that was our moment…” Nodding his head he leaned in kissing my temple. “I really am sorry… just for everything.” Waving him off I turned to Max once again.
“And Max. Answer your phone for the love of god- I know I shouldn’t rely on you to make me feel better- but unfortunately Milo does. It’s like he knows your away to long and wants to upset me for it.” smiling down at me he instantly turned to putty- pulling me into a tight embrace. “I’m sorry schat.” (Darling)
“Now both of you get to your garages and show Milo a good race.” Max took my hand in his and with slow pace moved us to the red bull garage. “Drive safe Lan- please.” Looking over my shoulder at him, he smiled happily.
“Max-” turning around he lifted his visor up looking at me. “You okay?” I paused judging what I was feeling before slowly nodding my head. “Just be careful…”
“I’m always careful.” The corners of his eyes creased as he moved closer to me adjusting his gloves. “I just- something feels off.” Looking around I tired ‘sensing out’ what was odd. “Milo?” He curled his hand brushing his knuckles over my belly making a small smile creep to my face. “No he is ok. Just-”
“Be careful” raising his eyebrows, his hand moved to the back of my head pulling me in and pressing a delicate kiss on top of my head. “Promise.” Taking his word I took a step away and allowing him to get out on track.
Maybe we have grown fairly close- but it’s all just for Milo’s sake.
Looking up at the sky frowning, I looked out across the pit wall and at Max.
Something still felt wrong… maybe a change in weather? Or the way that Max was very fidgety- like he had the same gut wrenching feeling about today’s race.
All I know is it sure as hell didn’t feel right.
Sighing I moved away from the wall heading back into pits, and by Max’s demand and engineer following close behind me making sure I was okay. I sure as hell wasn’t but I can’t stop an entire race because I have a bad feeling.
“You okay Y/N?” Nodding my head with a small smile, I then chucked on a headset looking up at the screens. Come on Max.
Zoned out I was barely paying attention but it wasn’t before long I was having to use the bathroom once again.
Sliding the headset back off I turned to the engineer who was getting their stuff ready. “I’m just going to the bathroom…” nodding they assisted me to the doors, and I ensured them they needed to be there for the race I wouldn’t be too long.
The race had already started by the time I waited around for the toilet and got back, however when I entered the Red Bull garage everyone was frantic. I stood well in the far back making sure I wasn’t in the way.
“Y/N! You okay?” Christian came rushing over with his hands outstretched. “I think so- what’s going on?” Brows furrowed I glanced around before looking up at the tv screen, Max wasn’t on the score board anymore… gulping I moved around past Horner, eyes glued to the screen.
And I waited, breath stuck in my throat. My stomach churning… to ease the sensation I placed my palm flat against it. Reassuring Milo in my eyes that his dad was okay.
That was before the replay showed, Max car collided with another’s wheel sending him doing 360 spins off the track- sucking in a breath I prayed that was it…
Then the car flipped.
And flipped.
Leaving him upside down in the gravel, not budging at all, and then the screen repeated it again this time in slow motion.
And again now zoomed in more on Max…
I could only sit there and think- I should’ve told him the battle wasn’t worth it… I should’ve told him a lot of unspoken words.
He wasn’t out the car yet, red flag being sent out and all the cars re entering pits…
My stomach just kept churning. Why haven’t they got him out yet?
A pair of hands rested on my shoulders, Christian consistently reassuring me he was going to be okay. But the words of encouragement fell on deaf ears.
He wasn’t okay- he wasn’t out the car.
“Has he spoken yet?” Turning around to Christian he looked over to the control panel gently pulling me over with him.
“Heard anything from Max?”
“Nothing yet.”
“Try him again.” Bringing my fingers to my lips I tried stopping them from quivering.
“Max? Need a confirmation mate that your okay…”
They looked over at me shaking their head, we was all worrying- yet they was hiding it a lot better…
Me? Tears were already on my cheeks- I knew something was off… and he knew it- I know he knew. I watched the small screens as the marshals were trying to tip the car back over- or at least get to Max somehow.
“Try him again.”
“Again.” Nodding his head Christian then took the headset trying it himself.
“Max, we got Y/N here mate. We all want to know you’re okay.” Holding his hands over the headset trying to block any noise.
Christians eyes shot up and he looked over at me nodding. My hand clasped over my chest, sighing gratefully. “You gave us quite the scare there-” laughing a little into the mic you could see it on Christian’s face the relief.
“Just stay still Max they’re gonna get you out okay?” I moved away from them walking back to the garage, now playing the waiting game.
They still had Max on screen, sliding a headset on I listened in hands clasped in a praying motion infront of me.
“I think I’ve done my collarbone…” his voice was rough- but it was Max and I silently thanked the heavens I was hearing him.
“Just stay still.”
“Fuck-” groaning again- it then cut off. And we all waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until finally he was out, on a stretcher and sent straight off to medical. One of the team offered to take me there, and before I know it we was both rushing through the place to find him.
“Is Max okay?” The nurse nodded her head coming over to us both. “Slightly concussed, he was knocked out for a few minutes… and the pain in his collarbone is because he has fractured it. But other than that he should be okay.”
“How long does a collarbone take to recover?”
“About 4-6 weeks”
“What about racing?”
“Well he simply can’t race until his recovered.”
“Can I see him…?” Nodding her head she motioned towards the door. “His still a bit out of it, also the tablets might be kicking in now so he may not say much.” Smiling I thanked her before knocking the door gently.
“Max…” sliding through the door I looked over at him, and truthfully he looked tired. Exhausted in fact like he hasn’t slept in months.
“You look awful.” Scrunching my nose up, I sat down beside him. “I’d get out of here if I could.” Smiling I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m honestly fine. I don’t know why I’ve got to stay here any longer.”
“You are still concussed Max.” Leaning on the edge of the bed I looked up at him, chin resting on my hand.
“How you feeling though?” Sighing he rolled his head over looking at me. “Like I hit a brick wall truthfully.” Chuckling more to himself, but it only caused me to frown.
“You okay?” He reached his hand over brushing my arm. “You look tired…”
Humming he closed his eyes “I feel it.”
Then silence fell upon us, I was watching his chest rise and fall softly, he looked so peaceful… this only gave me flashbacks of the nights we shared. The aftermath we would lay in silence taking each other in, and each time I’d swear to never go back… and I always did because it’s Max.
A nurturing call always rang out with him, I felt to care for him always… and now? Even more. He needed looking after, I could look after him…
Humming in response, he brushed my arm again letting me know he was listening.
“You know that collarbones got to heal right…”
Humming again, sleep nearly taking over him, “are you going back home to recover?”
“Can I come with you?” My face felt warm as I looked over at his face, his eyes cracked open, a small smile creeping onto his face. “You want to look after me?”
“Just a little bit.”
“I guess you can tag along.” Scoffing I shoved his hand away. “Tag along huh?” Laughing with me we both fell silent again. “Get some rest Max.” Closing his eyes again he got comfortable. “I’m sorry for stressing you.”
Taking his hand in mine I brought it to my cheek, holding it close. “It wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t bring me worry.”
“I’ll try not to bring anymore I promise.”
“You can still bring a little fun, just not crashing your car next time huh.” My thumb brushed over his knuckles softly.
“Again I’ll try.”
“All I can ask.”
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Tags: @glow-ish
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ghastlyfilters · 2 years ago
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬!!
pairing(s): implied billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, randy meeks, tatum riley + sidney prescott x gn!reader
warning(s): none, just billy being a dick as per usual lol. some slight mentions of dog shelters. (if you’re anything like me it hurts your heart thinking about places like that)
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• Is this man necessarily a pet person? No.
• Billy will literally tell you to get a fucking grip if you cry over a fish..
• He finds cats more peaceful than any other animals.
• He’d much rather a kitty cat being able to snuggle with him than a dog drooling all over the place..
(This most certainly changes the minute you show him the crazy ass cat compilations 😭)
• Billy hates nothing more than people giving pets (dogs specifically) the most dumbass names. Buddy, Max, Milo, you know where i’m getting at, lol.
• If you have a baby lizard, he actually enjoys sitting holding the little creature as it slowly moves around on his hand. (I LOVE LIZARDS SM MAN)
• Though this is him if any animal comes into your room and pisses him off:
• Dances with your snake around his neck to Britney Spears’ “I’m a Slave 4 U” playing in the background.
• Yes this man will honor Britney in any way he can, shush..
• There’s a few animals he’s allergic to so he might be a lil sneezy here and there.
• His eyes get that red and puffed up until the point Billy thinks he’s fucking high or smth..
• But if he loves one of those animals THAT much he’ll just buy allergy meds and tell himself to suck it up.
• Giggles at the vids of dog owners letting their pooches stand up and dance with them.
(So much so, he tries it with your dog himself)
• Has a special thing for Labradors and Great Danes!
• Nah, spiders are def a big NO NO..
“Hey babe, look!” You said, both hands open wide as a fat, hairy black creature sat in the middle of them.
Stu stared at you from the other couch, standing up as he began to back away. “Nah, put that shit down.”
• Cannot go into a dog shelter whatsoever. Even if the pair of you were to find one perfect for you guys, his heart aches for the other ones being left behind.
• Would love nothing more than to lay down with a dozen puppies crawling on top of him whilst he plays with the little cuties. OMG.
• I just know y’all would have a black cat named Salem.
• Takes multiple pics of husky puppies in the snow.
• Feels all fuzzy inside when you say you’re the “Momma” of your shared pet and he’s the “Daddy”
• Always lets your pets sleep at the bottom of the bed with you two! (Maybe even further up and snuggled in if he’s feeling particularly nice that day)
• When he’s not busy with his film studies, he’ll watch some movies with your furry friend, letting them sit on his lap whilst stroking/patting the cuddly creature.
• I imagine he wouldn’t necessarily bother with getting a pet that’s not a house cat or a regular dog. But if you decided to go out and get something extremely different from those two sorts, he’d probably be intrigued to see what it was and what it could do.
• Randy is most certainly someone who doesn’t mind animals. He’s the kind of person who wants one for the sake of having some extra company.
• He has a golden Labrador of his own, so he certainly won’t be fussed if you tell him you have a dog.
• Stu threw a bit of meat onto Randy’s back without him noticing. Well, until he was screaming when he realised a fucking PIT BULL had been chasing him half way down the goddamn street!
That sort of messed up his thoughts on certain dog breeds for quite a while..
• Unlike Billy, Randy LOVES having popular dog names for his pooch. In fact, Buster is actually the name of his doggie!! :D
• No joke, if you tell this man you have a Tarantula he will avoid your house at all costs. ALL. COSTS.
• He would try and phone you to have a movie night and it would go a lil something like this:
“Hey, my mom’s out of town and Martha went to her friend’s house for the night, you wanna come over? I picked up some movies when I was finishing my shift earlier. I was thinking a horror seeing as it’s fall, ya know?”
“Don’t be silly! Come over to mine! I’ve got Halloween and plenty of snacks at the ready! Jamie Lee Curtis, hello?” You giggled.
“Uh- you know what babe I think i’m *COUGH* coming down w- with um- something.”
“Wait wha-”
• No matter how much begging you do, he’s not coming over.
*You, Randy, Tatum, Stu, Sid and Billy walking home*
“Who’s house are we having that dumbass ‘movie marathon’ at tonight?” Billy snorted.
Randy gave him a look of pure offence. “Hey! It’s not dumb! It’s a HORROR marathon!! That’s what people do in October, Billy. Jesus.”
Tatum glanced towards you. “Y/n, I was thinking your house because you have the full Nightmare on Elm Street boxset-”
“ADIOS!” Randy shouted, practically sprinting back the way you lot had already came.
“PUSSY!!” Stu added with a loud echo of booming laughter.
• Tatum loves animals so much, especially BUNNIES!
• As much as she may like your animals who are fluffy as HELL, she always carries a lint roller around with her. She hates hairs on her skirt.. (I feel you girl 🥲)
• Does not understand why so many girls freak out at dogs licking their faces. She knows it’s their way of giving affection like chill out??
• Her and Dewey had rabbits as kids, so don’t be surprised if she gets extra excited over the fact you have some aswell, hehe.
• Always asks if she can pet people’s dogs in public. If they appear friendly enough, of course.
• Snakes are definitely not her thing, so if you have one, perhaps keep it hidden when she comes over.
• She’ll try and get you to let her hold your rabbit whilst you watch a movie. (I mean, why not?)
• Sidney is 110% a cat lover. So much so, when Christmas time came around, you decided to gift her a little kitten as a thank you for how supportive she always is towards you.
• It would be a beautiful little grey kitty named Daisy. And I imagine Sid would definitely spend time with her 24/7. Daisy was one of the only things that made Sidney truly happy, despite you, of course.
• She likes dogs too! She’ll always giggle her head off if your dog gets overexcited when she comes around to visit.
• Literally finds mini turtles so fucking cute. (She is definitely interested to see unordinary pets too!!)
• Much like Stu and Randy, our girl Sid is a big fan of Labradors. Especially black ones. She finds them beautiful creatures, standing proudly with their big chocolate brown eyes.
hey guys! headcanon requests are open if you’d like to see some specific types of hcs with a certain one of these lovely characters! remember to drink plenty of water and take care of yourselves! i love you my darlings, you are always welcome to have kj’s blog as your safe place. always. <3
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moon-blanket · 2 years ago
Yeah, i’m Loving the new Asher HBS !!!! 
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Somehow i’m jealous of the two of them-- I love to go look at scenic nature spots. Take me with you please.
The talk of their honeymoon !! And him bringing up them asking him to marry them, how they’re stuck together for the long-haul. I wonder if he got the “If you fuck with me, you’re stuck with me” from Milo lmao.
Inversion mention :’( how such a scare validated his need to constantly be working or doing something, because your time can be up at any moment. I’m glad he acknowledges that slowing down and resting is just as important as the work that needs to be done, even if he forgets about it from time to time. But Babe helps him slow down and appreciate everything :’)
The “oooh, poor baby!” probably wasn’t intended to have the affect on me that it did, but ! I cannot possibly gloss over that. I would love more of that, for no important reason.
IN THE CAR, one of my weaknesses in fics/audios. It’s never a good idea to kiss over the console, I'm glad they figured out how to accommodate.;) -- AAAAH CAR HORN JUMPSCARE. 
Kissing his neck omg i’m.... i’m okay ! so okay about this. The little noises he makes and the way he describes what’s happening, THEIR HAND RESTING ON HIS NECK. You expect me to NOT go crazy ? Wrong. I will think about this for the next 10 business days. And even more after that.
Hope they have fun in that backseat-- my hypothetical BA choice keeps getting harder and harder with each audio.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years ago
Ooooh could you do a blurb or Milo and Tate pick and asking ppl to be godparents??
“What about Stevie?” Tatum asks and Milo hums before he shakes his head
“Nah, she’s away all the time for work it’s not a good fit”
Tate groans “We’re never going to pick godparents for him!”
“T, calm down we will get it” Milo assures her, hand on her arm to calm her.
She moans lowly “I just want to know he’s taken care of! My mom and dad trusted my uncle nick and mark with me because they had the finances and they loved me from day one and then your parents picked Mark and Dylan! Oh my god… should we pick mark?”
Milo laughs “No, Uncle Mark absolutely doesn’t get to be his godfather”
Tate looks up “Ok let’s make this easy… who’s been around the most? Who’s been present?”
“I mean Rory and Finn obviously” Milo rhymes off.
Tate’s eyes widen “Yes! It’s so obvious, oh my god it’s Rory and Finn!”
It was decided, their brother and sister would take on the role of godparents and they decided to tell them that following weekend of Easter.
At the dinner table, Rory and Finn kept fawning over the baby. He was asleep but that didn’t stop them from finding him so cute.
“How is everything going? He sleeping through the night?” Milo’s mom asks across the table.
Tate nods “He’s doing ok, me and Milo are doing me doing nights him in the morning so I’m not losing a lot of sleep”
Milo squeezes her hand on the table “Yeah he was good on the flight here too, slept the whole time”
Rory looks up “You decided his full name yet? Godparents? You two are so slow gosh he’s gonna be in college before you decide anything”
Milo glared at his little sister across the table “Yes, Ro we have actually”
She perks up, as do the grandparents “Spill!”
Milo looks at Tate and they share a smile before Tatum looks across at the siblings
“We actually have discussed and we’d like for you two, to be Hudson’s godparents”
Rory and Finn share a look before Rory says “Of freaking course we will! Are you crazy? Yes one million percent”
Their chairs scrape back against the floor and they swap sides of the table to hug the new parents.
In Tate’s ear Rory mumbles “I’ll take such good care of your boy, T. I love you both so much”
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mysticaltwoface · 1 year ago
“Milo baby, you’re going to be okay. I’m here, just squeeze my hand please…” - Emmy <3
"Emmy.. Emmy.. Is it really you? Or am I going crazy again?"
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dwampyverse-content · 2 years ago
I decided to make an Evil Dwampyverse AU, and I’m still working on it but these are the altered designs for the main characters.
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I’m also going to explain what I have for these guys so far because I want to.
Phineas and Ferb: Want to push the boundaries of science, in a non ethical way (they don’t really understand what ethics are so why should they matter).
Milo: Causes problems on purpose because he’s sick of his family being pushed around because of Murphy’s Law and if people want a villain he’ll give them one.
Gretel: Sick of having her opinions pushed aside by the people in charge, so she’s working her way to the top by whatever means necessary while maintaining everyone’s perception of her so she can abuse the position later (taking lessons from Doof I see).
How The Four Met: Phineas and Ferb meet Milo in much the same way as the series, sentient pistachios. The two have been trying to recreate sentient blobs now after hearing Cavendish and Dakota mention them. (It’s not working very well) Gretel met Milo when she thought he was a supervillain and she tried to attack him. They eventually realized that they had the same goals, to be treated fairly and if not to cause chaos. After making up they get to talking and Gretel mentions how she doesn’t know the full limits of her powers and how it’s making her frustrated. Milo mentions that he knows some people who can help. At their lair, she hits it off great with Phineas and Ferb.
They come to an agreement. When villain activity is low Phineas and Ferb send stuff to terrorize the city so Gretel can save everyone. In return Gretel will get them whatever funding they need when she runs the show. Milo isn’t 100% comfortable with taking over the city, but Gretel also promises to make sure everyone leaves his family alone so he’s willing to go along with things unless they get too crazy. He also ends up helping Phineas and Ferb test their inventions because the flaws become obvious when he’s around. He also essentially has to baby sit them so they don’t do anything *too* horrible.
The four generally get along like a house on fire and it’s not good for anybody when they’re actually all on the same page.
(If anybody is wondering why I haven’t talked about hamster at all, it’s for a reason, I promise I have one already, at least an idea)
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monzabee · 2 years ago
Ooh and I googled it, there’s a a golden retriever too you said it’s a sad movie I hope nothing happens to the dog I would cry sm but I saw it’s on Disney plus so I might watch it sometime!!
Really damnn that’s cool that you applied!! Tbh it’s their loss, you would’ve made an amazing student there <3 and thank youu besite im happy with the subject too ! Lmaoo maybe they’re just gaslighting everyone to think the remote is actually there 😭🤣
I’m glad you’re having fun at the places you visited so far💖 !!!Omg I love rollercoasters too !! how was the rollercoaster park ? Ohh 35• Celsius ? Those are usual temperatures for us here so I’m used to it haha but do you prefer the hot / warm places or cold ones ? It was crazy like we all know the race was open p2 onwards so there were quite a few interesting moments for the points positions which were fun but the wildest thing was giving lando a penalty for “unsportsmanlike behaviour” like fr what!!?😭 my fave thing though was Alex in p7 so so happy for him 💜
1000% agree he literally always looks amazing and even his style he can pull off any look ! Again yess I think he’ll always be baby because he just is 😂💜 love him , he’s literally been the loml since 2011🤣
yes!! the dog kind of narrates the whole movie but it's so sad and i don't know i guess it's one of my faves because it has a dog, angst and also milo🤭 i also really love amanda seyfried so a win-win🥹
the whole application and waiting process was a hell, but i'm glad i didn't go there?? it wasn't meant to be apparently and i'm so much happier here in london!! i need to see this remote with my own two eyes, because i think you might be right bestie😂
the rollercoaster park was amazing, and they had a few new ones since the last time we went so we checked those out as well!! growing up in turkey, i'm also very used to high temperatures in the summertime, but i haven't been going back to turkey during the summers in the past few years so it was a shock😭 i think i definitely prefer the colder weather, what about you?? i really don't understand the penalty thing for lando, even though i read an article about it😭 and I'M SO HAPPY FOR ALEX, HE WAS SO GOOD😭💜💜💜
it's impossible not to love harry, i feel like he's just a big baby at this point but i love him so much😭💜🥹
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faesocean · 2 years ago
Cori: ur welcome Cody 💀
Wyatt: @ Cody, I was just stating the obvious tbh
Wyatt: but Imma be a daddy too 🤭
Wyatt: Levi is pregnant as well
Wyatt: hence why he said baby momma
Wyatt: crazy how Cody and I both met our soulmate, fucked them, got them pregnant, and married them all in the same day
Wyatt: are y’all sure cody isn’t my twin bc that’s some twin shit right there.
Jasper: 💀
Jasper: @cade house hunting for sure this weekend, I found a Realtor we can go to. His name is Milo. Apparently he’s really good
Jasper: @cade a ring 🥺
Jasper: me wanna see the ring 🥺
Malachi: wow Cade your soulmate is literally so cute and innocent. Let’s always protect him!!!!!!
Malachi: keep him pure at all costs
Jasper: ☺️ Yeth I’m pure
Malachi: also Cody is totally crying, it’s making my powers activate lowkey and there’s water gushing out my eyes.
Malachi: @cody it’s okay to cry daddy
Malachi: but I love you so much 😘
Cori: cute. Never seen my brother so whipped
Cori: @cade seems like you mad bro, don’t compare your relationship with others sometimes it’s good to take things slow
Cori: everything flows at its own pace and when your time comes it’ll come
Jasper: @cade don’t listen to her, we’ll go see Mason and talk to Eddie
Cori: r00d
Cori: @ cody take care of my baby okay? If you hurt him I’m literally gonna rip your heart out of your chest and feed it to your brothers as revenge. Understood?
Malachi: omg Cori 💀
Group Chat: Min Siblings + In Laws (Malachi, Corinne, Jasper, Levi)
Cody: *[photo attachment]*
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Cody: So this happened.
Cade: Wait...what the fuck?
Cade: When? Who?
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adri-2022 · 3 years ago
Just Glass
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader
Warnings: angst/ mention of domestic abuse/ panic attack
Word count: 1193
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hi guys here is another original imagine. If this is triggering for you please DON'T read.
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
You had suffered a really shitty past, this involved family relationships and romantic ones too. You had grown up in the foster care, where you had received nothing but pain and misery. There wasn’t anything you wanted more than to get out of that life, that’s when you met Kyle.
You were in a relationship with him since you were a teenager, always a on and off situation. He was really sweet, but just at the beginning, as time passed, he started to behave strangely. Until one night he slapped you across the face for talking to the server. That’s how it started, with a slap, then came the push, the punch, and the kicks. You would suffer in silence, since there was no one, you knew or any family to take care of you. So, you stayed, and you suffered, because no one would love you like Kyle did -at least that’s what he used to say-.  
How it ended? Well. One night he came home drunk -nothing new, you knew instantly what would go down-. So, you ran, you knew he had a knife with him. But as you screamed calling for help, your next-door neighbors came to your rescue. They tried to deescalate the situation, but when Kyle launched towards you with the attempt of stabbing you, Mr. Richards had no other choice than to shoot him. Some days you could still see his lifeless eyes staring back at you. Sometimes -more than you wanted- you would flinch at loud noises.
A couple of months after the whole ordeal you moved to Chicago for a fresh start. A year into living in the city Silvie who you met -and who would become your best friend- invited you to a bar called Molly’s. You had turned cautious almost paranoid; you didn’t want history to repeat itself. But that night Silvie Brett introduced you to a group of her extended friends, where you met Jay Halstead. It’s been almost 2 years later you were in a happy and healthy relationship -even if you had to remind yourself that you were safe every day-.
You were sat at the couch of the house you shared with Jay, your dog Milo at your feet. He had been an anniversary gift from Jay because in his words “Milo would protect you when he couldn’t be home”. The jiggling of keys made you perk towards the door, Milo standing up in front of you. Opening the door Jay walked in immediately spotting you and sending a grin your way as he bend down to pet Milo. You stood up and walked towards him wrapping your arms around his waist while one of his circled your shoulder and the other grabbed your face kissing you deeply -yes height difference-.
“Hi” you whispered smiling like crazy, which made him bit his lip looking at your eyes.
“Hi beautiful” he always made you feel butterflies, and he always had a way to make you feel safe and loved no matter what.
“Food is in the stove; I’ll get it for you” you said as you were going to take a step in that direction. But Jay pulled you back in his arms,
“I can do it myself, alright?” he said softly to you as you nodded. You can get the girl out of the trauma, but you can’t get the trauma out of the girl. Jay knew everything about you including Kyle and he always tried to make sure you knew you were safe.
“You’re in Chicago. You’re safe” you whispered to yourself, as he walked towards the kitchen, Milo following. A couple of minutes later Jay was sat at the dinner table you beside him while you both joked and talked about your day.
“Oh man. Baby this tastes like heaven, thank you, love” Jay said while smiling and winking towards you making you lean over and peck his lips.
“I’m glad you liked it. Oh wait, I forgot…” you smiled noticing something missing, standing up and going towards the fridge pulling a beer bottle you had bought for him. It accidentally slipped from your hand landing on the floor with a crash. This made Jay’s head snapped towards you, his face worried at your scared eyes looking back at him.
“…it’s okay” he said standing slowly as to not scare you -sending Milo to the couch-, at his movement you bend down and started to pick up the glass pieces with your hands while crying.
“I- I’m sorry. I’m sorry it won’t happen again. I promise. P-please don’t be mad…” you rambled, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Y/N…” Jay tried to get your attention, but you were going trough a serious panic attack.
He started to walk towards your bend figure, as you hissed when a piece of glass cut you, this made Jay bend down searching for your gaze that was still on the broken glass. He didn’t touch you though, he knew better than to touch you without you knowing it was him. It happened before and he wasn’t about to go through that again. Ever. Again.
“Hey babe. Hey- can you look at me” he said softly trying to not scare you by the sudden voice next to you.
“I’m sorry…” you cried looking at him, which soften his gaze, giving you a small smile, reaching for your hand without breaking eye contact and helping you up,
“Don’t move okay. There’s glass everywhere” he said while looking around so you wouldn’t step on it, this threw you back into the memory,
“I can clean it. I swear” you exclaimed while going to bend back down, but Jay’s grip on you didn’t let that happen.
“Hey. Whoa, no, no, no. C’mere” he said picking you up by the waist making you wrap your arms around his neck and cry while he set you down in the kitchen aisle. It was easy for him to move since he still had his work boots on, but you were barefoot.
“Baby- Y/N babe- look at me” Jay stood in between your legs, cradling your face in his hands grimacing at the way you shook your head terrified, eyes closed. He hated every detail about your past, he promised himself to always treat you kindly and softly. Knowing you would both give anything to not go through this.  
“I can clean it up…” you kept repeating over and over again, while tears soaked your cheeks having Jay brush them away. Kissing your forehead and whispering how everything was alright.  
“Y/N, it’s just glass” he whispered pained expression on his face, tears coming to his eyes the longer he watched you sob, now looking into your red and puffy eyes.
“I’m not mad. I swear. It’s just glass baby… Just glass” you nodded crying while he pulled you back into his arms. Life had a funny way of treating the good people. You knew that but for the rest of that evening he dedicated himself to cuddle you and kiss you until you forgot the incident. Humming your favorite song in your ear while you calmed down hugging his arms.
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wormizh · 2 years ago
get in loser we're going ghost hunting | tobias fox
tl;dr: Office AU + Tobias really, really, REALLY thinks the team should try out some ghost hunting for a fall team-building activity. Apparently he’s got some history with some ghosts.
warnings/info: Established Tobias/MC + gender neutral MC (referred to as “MC”) + written for an AU writing challenge in the Velvet Fox discord server! I combined the prompts Office AU & Psychic (Ghost Hunting) AU. Sorry it’s a chatfic I just think text messages are sillay and fun.
Group Chat: The Office (2005) but Cooler
Tobias: sorry Rory but I can’t drop this.
Tobias: What do u mean u dont believe in ghosts
Rory: It has literally been hours since we had that conversation.
Rory: But fine. I mean I don’t believe in ghosts.
Rory: Because theyre not real?
Rory: I'm not having this conversation 
Rory: AGAIN.
Rory: And especially not with you. 
Tobias: WHAT
Tobias: someone back me up T-T
Brooklyn: I am sorry, but I don’t think I could definitely agree they’re real. 
Brooklyn: Though, just in case, I don’t think we should go bother the undead.
Brooklyn: I find them very interesting, though. Ghosts are very prevalent in gothic Victorian literature. The supernatural and spiritual were very popular at the time.
Leo: I think ghosts are cool!! :D
Leo: but Brooklyn’s right ^^;
Leo: Haven’t you ever seen a horror movie? Ghost hunting is like step one to death by ghosts lol
Tobias: ugh
Tobias: UGH. again. 
MC: I don’t know why our team bonding experience would HAVE to be ghost hunting
MC: nobody else seemed that into it when you were bringing it up during our break.
MC: and wouldn’t you get freaked out? You can barely sit through horror movies sometimes.
MC: no offense Tobias :)
MC: how would we even know where to find them anyways?
Tobias: Offense taken, actually.
Tobias: It’s literally halloween.
Tobias: And now I’m on a mission. I’ve got to disprove Rory.
Rory: -_- It is September.
Tobias: literally halloween.
Tobias: Plus, I already checked
Tobias: we’re in ghost central, baby B)
Tobias: This city’s soooo haunted. There are tons of ghosts around
Tobias: and look
Tobias: not that it’s my JOB to convince a bunch of NON BELIEVERS
Brooklyn: No, your job is communicating with our clients.
Leo: LOL
Brooklyn: :)
Tobias: …
Tobias: BUT I have had enough ghost experiences to know that you guys are gonna be, like, soooo haunted for being rude about this rn
MC: u have ghost experiences?
MC: What happened?
Tobias: Nope! You guys missed ur chance!! You don't get to hear it >:P 
Leo: !!!
Leo: is this the one u used at the ice breaker
Leo: when we got hired
Leo: hahahahAHAHA
Tobias: NO. 
MC: oh?
MC: is it embarrassing?
 Tobias: no. I would never do or say anything embarrassing. Ever.
Tobias: B)
Tobias: But how about we stop talking for a little while.
MC: No, let's not.
MC: What happened Leo?
Leo: sooooooooo
Leo: anyways ^^
Tobias: LEOOO D:
Leo: when we were interning together
Leo: we were supposed to share fun anecdotes to get to know the team
Tobias: this is so not cool behavior of you
Leo: and when it got to Tobias…
[Milo has entered the chat]
Tobias: STOP OKAY OKAY ok ok okok ok ok
Tobias: I’ll say it
Tobias: Fine.
Tobias: I said my first kiss was with a ghost.
Rory: WHAT?
Brooklyn: Sorry?
MC: LOL????
Brooklyn: How does that work? Ghosts aren’t corporeal.
Rory: THAT’S the issue?!?!?
Tobias: LOOK
Tobias: T-T
Tobias: it wasn't REALLY A KISS OK
Tobias: obviously not. That would be stupid. 
Tobias: Because if the ghost was really that close to me it would just possess my body lol
Rory: …
Rory: Right. And you would never say something stupid.
Tobias: DON'T EVEN!!!!!
Tobias: Some friends and I in high school were messing around
Tobias: y’know. Ghost hunting. Like normal people
Tobias: and our emf sensor started going crazy
Tobias: right next to my face
Tobias: Cause it's irresistible
Tobias: Haha.
Tobias: so…
Tobias: AS A JOKE!!!
Tobias: we called it a kiss
Tobias: bc yknow when you’re terrified but also incredibly funny, like me, you make jokes.
Tobias: and then
Tobias: AS A JOKE
Tobias: in the safety
Tobias: of an innocent breakroom icebreaker
Tobias: I bring this up
Tobias: and then my SUPPOSED FRIEND, LEO
Tobias: uses it to stab me in the BACK!!!!!!! YEARS LATER!!!!! D:<
Leo: sorrryyyy :P
Milo: So is this why you were bugging us all about going ghost hunting as our team builder.
Milo: So you could meet up with your ghost ex?
Tobias: NO?!
Tobias: NO.
Tobias: T-T T-T T-T
Tobias: I don’t want to do team bonding with any of you guys.
Tobias: This sucks.
Brooklyn: Well we have to pick something by the end of the week.
Brooklyn: Though I don’t think management would approve using our resources for personal interests like this, Tobias. Even if this would make for a wonderful gothic romance.
Tobias: not you too…….
MC: don’t worry, tobias!!
MC: · ୧(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑) i’ll help you reunite with your long dead lost love
MC: for a proper kiss this time!!
Tobias: noooooo
Tobias: T^T
Tobias: if anything you should get freaked out by the ghosts
Tobias: and then WE should kiss~
MC: that’d make your ghost ex a very good wingman
Tobias: baaabeeeee…
MC: but i can just kiss you without all of that :)
Tobias: Oh.
Tobias: :)
Milo: Ugh I know you guys cleared your relationship with HR but do you have to do that in the groupchat
Tobias: BOOOO!!! sorry you hate LOVE
Rory: You would put boo and love in the same sentence wouldn't you. 
Rory: Ghost boy.
Leo: Well.
Leo: now that I know it’s for love, I’m in favor of your plan Tobias :)
Brooklyn: Me as well.
Tobias: GUYS 
[Alexei has entered the chat]
Milo: I don’t care what we do for team bonding
Milo: But 
Milo: I would like to see Tobias find nothing. 
Milo: It would be funny. 
Milo: So sure, let’s go ghost hunting
Tobias: Milooooo c'moonnnn….
Alexei: I wouldn’t mind going.
Alexei: I’m curious about what equipment is used to detect ghosts.
Tobias: Thanks Alexei T-T at least I can count on you
Alexei: And, if you do have a romantic encounter with a ghost, I think this would be interesting to see as well :)
Rory: LMAO
Tobias: MAN!!!!
MC: And i’ll try not to get jealous
MC: promise :)
Tobias: ur all the worst T-T
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starlitangels · 3 years ago
Audit Interview
It makes sense, to me, for a Telepath to work for the Department’s version of Internal Affairs. Until I have confirmation on what Cutie actually does for DUMP, I’m doin’ my own thing. So, say hello to my Sweetheart OC from Cutie’s perspective. I don’t think Geordi and Cutie are in Dahlia but for the sake of the story we’re gonna pretend they are I was going to try to keep Sweetheart general but with how involved Sweetheart was I decided to make things a little easier on myself. 1.8k words
I groaned, picking up my phone from the island to read the email. Geordi’s mind incessantly playing the Tetris theme finally went silent as I pulled my magic out of his head.
I swore under my breath.
“What’s wrong?” Geordi asked.
I sighed, rubbing my eyes. “My work schedule got updated. Another audit got added to my list. I have an interview with one of the Investigators today, now. One of the best Investigators on the team—and a damn powerful Stealth to boot. But... she’s garnered a rep for bending rules. I hate audting her.”
“Sorry, cutie,” Geordi said softly, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. “Breakfast?”
“Why has your schedule been so crazy lately?” Geordi asked as he started to help me get breakfast sorted.
“Remember that disaster at the empowered sporting event I told you about?”
“Yeah. The Inverted.”
“Inversion. Close enough.” I nodded. “The Department put all of its employees on gag order while that was going on to not spread panic, and now I have to check in with almost every employee who was there to make sure they actually maintained that gag order. It’s just taking the Department forever to figure out who was and wasn’t actually there. It was so hectic—it’s hard to tell.”
Geordi nodded, looking like he understood, but the glaze in his blue eyes let me know he was still a bit confused. I let it slide.
I took a deep breath. “Anyway. How’s work looking for you today?”
He shrugged. “Just another day.”
“That’s good, at least.”
“Do you... mind if I... go back in?” I pointed to his forehead.
He smiled. “Go ahead. I didn’t even realize you left.”
“Well, I needed to read my email without the Tetris theme playing in the background.”
“I can’t help it!” Geordi protested.
“I know. I don’t blame you. I just had to slip out so I could read my email without distractions.”
I slid my powers back into Geordi’s head. Hi baby, I said.
I like your voice—so sweet—did I burn the bacon—
I smiled.
Heather Madison strode into the interview room the same way she had the last time I interviewed her—three years ago, at this point—large as life and confident. I saw her around the Department building every couple weeks, but we never spoke. She was dressed in her usual style: white button-up shirt, black suit vest, thin black tie, black slacks. But for the first time since I’d first met her, she had her hair loose, rather than coiled up into a tight bun. It was dark brown, with hints of red, and fell to her hips.
“Miss Madison,” I greeted as she sat down. “Seems every time you and I interact, it has to do with shades.”
She smirked. “Well, the first time there was only one, but I take your point.” She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms. All confidence and cockiness. “So my guess was right that this is about the Inversion?”
“Indeed. I’m here to assess whether there was a conflict of interest involved.”
“How so?”
“Your significant other was one of the shifter pack working security at the event, was he not?”
“He was.” Heather kept her chin raised, betraying no hint of worry or nerves.
“That’s where the potential conflict of interest lies,” I said.
Heather regarded me thoughtfully, brown eyes boring into me. “I wasn’t summoned to the stadium in my capacity as an Investigator,” she said. “I wasn’t on-duty. Milo called me and asked me to get to the stadium because he’d also called the mates of two of the other shifters working security who were inside the ward, and he wanted me there with them too. Both of those shifters’ mates are unempowered. We spend the solstice together while the shifter pack is out in the woods running. The three of us are friends. That’s why I was there.”
“You and Mr. Greer were lost sight of quickly, according to the notes that have been compiled from your Investigator coworkers who were present and on-duty,” I said.
“And, given I wasn’t on-duty, this whole audit was pointless. I was present as a private citizen, not an Investigator.”
“Nevertheless, my higher-ups want this audit completed,” I said. “But, I will note that you are correct.” I typed a few notes into my work laptop. “Did you have anything to do with the announcement made by the academy staff member over the loudspeaker?”
“May I use my telepathy to verify that?”
“Be my guest,” Heather said, waving vaguely toward her head.
I pushed my powers at her mind. After a moment of resistance—probably instinctual—I was allowed in.
—another stupid audit—didn’t do anything wrong—Internal Affairs people are nice enough—barking up the wrong tree coming after me—Gosh, that sounds like Milo—happens after we’ve been together for three years—I didn’t even say one word to Lasko—Milo is still suffering after all this and I have to deal with this bullsh—Hello, Auditor.
I bounced my eyebrows in acknowledgment of her greeting, already typing that she’d thought about not saying anything to the academy staff member.
“Miss Madison, you’ve gotten quite the reputation in the Department. One of the most powerful Stealths in the country. You get good results, but it’s not gone unnoticed that you don’t mind bending the rules to get those results,” I said.
Heather shrugged. “Bending is better than breaking, wouldn’t you say?”
“‘The ends justify the means’ is a dangerous mindset in this Department, Heather,” I said.
“My means don’t break the law. And I still get the results they want.” —wonder what they think I’ve done this time— “So I’d be so bold as to say my higher-ups don’t mind so much if I don’t follow the rules to the exact letter.” —fifteen-hundred people are dead and IA wastes my time with this—nothing against IA as people—but this audit is bullsh—sorry, Auditor.
“Be that as it may,” I began, “my higher-ups are in charge of monitoring corruption in the Investigation staff. So whether or not your bosses care about you bending the rules doesn’t matter.”
Heather raised an eyebrow. “IA thinks I’m corrupt?” Her head clanged with laughter like a bell. —wow, IA must be really bored if they think I’m corrupt—I’m one of the only people keeping the Investigative team limping along—outdated—underfunded—bass ackwards—place is turning more and more into a joke—needs serious reform before people like CloseKnit can snatch power—government as we know it could crumble—hate group could take their place—and IA is pointing fingers at me—ridiculous—you want corrupt Investigators? I keep a list in my desk—that way I know never to work with them on cases—
I took a deep breath, typing notes about her thoughts into my laptop. “My bosses don’t think you’re corrupt. I’m just here talking to you to make sure you’re definitely not.” I shut my laptop. “Look, Heather, off the record—I think you’ve been doing a good job. I know the Department has a lot of... issues, and your team is doing their best. I’m here because this was my assignment. You’re one of the best Investigators on the team. And with the recent breakouts, your team has been stretched pretty thin. But this Inversion came out of nowhere—and no one knows how to respond to it.”
“Ye-up,” Heather said, popping the p. “Trust me, I’m well aware. I was there. I saw the aftermath of the ward coming down. The bodies. The injuries. My friends in my boyfriend’s pack half-dead from fighting off shades for hours.” —Milo still can’t shift—Core fried—all I can do is watch him struggle—Department has done nothing but bicker with DAMN ever since—
I scrunched my eyebrows. “Off the record, why is Mr. Greer’s Core fried?”
Heather stiffened, her posture straightening and going rigid. “Even off the record, that’s none of your business,” she said. Her magic gave a powerful shove and she pushed me out of her head. I didn’t bother fighting it—even though my telepathic magic would have been a lot stronger than her resistance as a Stealth.
I thought for a moment. “I think we’re done here. You’ve told me plenty—and you’re correct about not needing an audit as a private citizen present. You’re excused.”
She got up and moved to the door without another word.
“Oh, and Miss Madison,” I put in. She turned around, eyebrow raised. Echoes of attitude bounced off of her, brushing against my telepathy. “You did the right thing. Phasing through that last door to drop the ward.” She hadn’t thought about what she’d done in words, but I’d seen flashes of her memories.
“There’s no proof I did that,” she said.
I smirked. “Always the rule-bender.”
“Fifteen-hundred people died, auditor. Rules shouldn’t matter when even more lives were at stake.”
With that, she phased through the closed door and left.
I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my eyes again.
“You look like hell,” Geordi said when I shut the door to our apartment behind me.
“Long day,” I said.
“Hug?” He opened his arms. I practically fell into them. “Are you okay, cutie?”
“Magic’s kinda spent. Compared to usually, anyway. So... I’m feeling a bit burned out.”
“Well, go sit down. I’ll get started on dinner. Then when you’re feeling better you can come help.”
I kissed him. “Thanks, baby,” I said. He released me from the hug and I fell down onto the couch. Face-first. I heard Geordi chuckle lightly. He rested a hand on the back of my head and kissed my hair before I heard him shuffle off to the kitchen, sliding the last few feet on the vinyl floor in his socks.
“Do you have enough left that you wanna be in my head?” he asked.
“I have enough left but I don’t want that strain, right now,” I replied, voice muffled by the sofa cushion.
“Okay,” he remarked. “Guess I’ll just have to hum the Tetris theme, then.”
I groaned into the cushion. “Please don’t!” I protested.
Geordi laughed. I wished I could get drunk on the sound. I’d never been sure what I’d done to deserve him—but I counted my lucky stars every day that I had him in my life.
I heard him start opening cupboards. Tapping his fingers on the counter to the notes of the Tetris theme. I snorted. “I’m thinking some Spanish rice and Instant Pot chicken—what do you think?”
“Sounds delicious,” I said. “Want me to make rolls?”
“We don’t have time for you to make them from scratch. It takes three hours!” Geordi exclaimed.
“Figured I’d ask—don’t get your panties in a knot,” I retorted.
We both laughed. “Love you, cutie.”
“Love you too, baby.”
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