#Millin OC
myokk · 3 months
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They’re holding hands🥹💓
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al8estos · 11 months
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Comic starring my tf2 ocs the smith and his sister the milliner and the scout :)
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spiderwebbd · 7 months
OCs to doodle, you say?
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I have a few! (You can choose which one you draw you don’t need to draw all of them)
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I think Teatime and my oc would get along well
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gorbalsvampire · 6 months
@vampiremood called, it's picrew o'clock! That was two hours ago... I went a bit sideways, see.
Here are some Jennis! They come in "snuggly short sighted," "oh! you have startled the witch!" and "I make this Anarch shit look good" aesthetics.
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And here are some Hecata girlies! First up, a succession of Sorcha fits. She's a little... chonkier than I'd like, but props for an actual, good shaved head setting. Showing here, Sorcha in "quiet night at home with the bois," "see me I'm hawt I am," and "power dressing or something" modes.
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Luciana (glorious, the wheelchair handles are a nice touch) and Nadia (shhh stop talking to her it's coffee time).
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And finally, a rather femme Orpheus. Picrews tend to not be great at men, especially older men...
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Big ol' smoochin' lips.
I would dearly like to see an Annabel, and maybe some Canadian horrors, and a weird girl who peeps in the window while you're sleeping. THUS I TAG: @pathogenic and @friends-of-beetlejuice and @gwenynen-bach !
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A bastard's bastard. pt 2
Lillian looked at the hair in her hands. Four days after the incident and her body had stopped withering. Not quite a walking corpse, but certainly nothing that would walk in public and not cause notice. Her hair, her beautiful dark auburn hair, had continued to wither away until it became brittle and thin. Now it was the hair of an old woman standing on the edge of her grave. The nuns at school had alternately praised her for her luck and admonished her not to give into the vanity that was the sin of all women. If they could see her now, holding handfuls of faded dried up weeds.  
A knock at the door made her cry out in alarm, "No! Don't come in!" She didn't want to see anyone until she could come to terms with what she was. But someone entered anyway.
"Mother," Lillia whispered, suddenly wishing to cry. Instead, she covered her drawn and sunken face behind knobby hands. "Don't look at me!"
Catherine Rosselini came to her daughter with soothing sounds of comfort. "Oh sweetheart, don't hide from me. You're as beautiful now as you were when you were born."
Lillian choked on her mother’s good humor and obvious lie. "Newborns are ugly."
"Not to their mothers." Catherine laughed, not hesitating to put her arms around her daughter, holding the cold and stiff body tight. Desperately needing the comfort, Lillian returned the embrace still feeling tears that wouldn't fall.  Could she still cry in this state, or would she always feel stuck not being able to purge what was in her heart?
"What do I do now?" she whispered into her mother’s shoulder, only just now realizing she was dressed for a formal evening. Count Rossellini was hosting his own descendants tonight at the family gathering, an invitation that Catherine had coveted more than anything, finally getting to mingle with the greatest of her relations.  Lillian backed away hastily, less her changed countenance somehow stain the dress.  She felt filthy in this condition, still smelling the canal water that had flooded that pit and wondered if, like her missing tears, if she’d ever feel clean again.
"You put on the dress I brought you and you hold your head up high and you remind everyone that you have been triply blessed this year. And when that poor excuse of a father of yours hosts the Milliners at the end of the week as the youngest family, you'll attend that one too and remind every one of those ignorant Yankees exactly what you bring to the table."
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what, honey?"
"Sleep with dad if you hate him so much?"
Catherine looked thoughtful, smoothing back the thin scant wisps of hair that still graced Lillian’s head. "Because it was the price of my independence, darling. And besides, it brought me you and your little brothers and I didn't have to chain myself to some fat lugard of a man for the rest of my life. You," she kissed Lillian's cheek. "Were entirely worth putting up with that dithering ass. And this," she kissed Lillian's other cheek. "Has made every insult worth it. My precious daughter given the Kiss just hours after the Milliners were formally included in the family. By one of the elders no less. It is very possible you are closer in blood to Uncle Ambrogino than you are to your father!"
The way her mother laughed, it was clearly the crow of triumph.  It was apparently a mark of status to have a close family be….whatever she was now.  Whatever status Catherine had gained by having Old Man Milliner’s bastards had somehow increased by her literal falling in with Mathias. 
"How...how did you know to send me there? To the well? How did you know there'd be family there?"  Lillian tried to forget the screams of the people they pushed in - Frances’ wife and all his descendants, by blood or by marriage, that had refused to bend a knee to the horror that was the Giovanni.  It was Frances’ proof of loyalty, that everyone walking would be bound, one way or another, to the family business.  She had already heard the servants gossiping on the haggling being done over the newly widowed and who would take them of Frances’ hands.
Again that thoughtful look as if Catherine was considering the events and if the story could be told. "My uncle married outside of the family. She was an only child, an heiress to use the old fashion term, so it was permitted.  There wouldn't be anyone to challenge the inheritance or any of her own family she could run to if she....discovered any of the family business. It was eventually discovered she had been having an affair. He couldn't divorce her and risk losing any of the estate, or her taking the one child he knew for sure was his, so he demanded that Count Rossellini do something. And so he did. My uncle's wife, her lover, and their children were all pushed into the well. We were all brought to watch as a reminder that one doesn't betray the family."
It was said so casually that Lillian felt colder than she had been, staring at her mother in something akin to shock.  “And…and no one thought her death suspicious?”
“It's easy to fake a drowning death in Venice, my dear.  What was left of the bodies showed up in the lagoon eventually.  A boat accident was to blame.”
"Did you...expect this to happen to me?"  Lillian pressed withered hands to her sunken cheeks.
"Absolutely not! Nothing from that pit has ever created a childe, not by any family story I've ever heard. I sent you to follow our cousins because I wanted you to know that there were resources here that you could make use of. If you needed them."
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millin21 · 2 years
Ok. Im smiling at how many replied to my post and i wantes to make abother post to say this: it's good to know that people still enjoy this show after 10 years...
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ilthit · 11 months
OC-tober #21: Jane Milliner
Week 3: Various sources.
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Portrait done in Artbreeder.
Jane Milliner never married, nor is she interested in the money her brother eventually inherited. She is interested in botany, specifically toxicity in plants and their uses in medicine and interactions with one another. She is also interested in vegetarian cooking, though she is not a strict vegetarian herself.
Because she is thin and angular, and went grey early, most people think she is older than her actual 50 years. She has no problem with this. She does not particularly like people, or have patience for them. She is, however, quite active both in mind and body, and enjoys long bicycle rides in the country.
Jane's dearest friend in the world is her sister-in-law, Harriet, who is sociable, ebullient, and charming. Nobody quite understands this friendship.
Jane stars in this short story on AO3: Fuss & Bother
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nanabell1004 · 2 months
TWST OC Challenge
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saw oomf do it so lemme just toss this on here too
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neathbound-fiends · 23 days
OC Smash or Pass
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Was tagged by @letters-of-fire
Doing this a little different just because I wanna do all of the adults because I'm indecisive and don't wanna pick just one (so this'll be five different posts)
Rhoda Westing | the Mycological Milliner
Age: early to mid 30s
Gender: woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Occupation: milliner and supplier of poisons
Propaganda for:
+Fashionable, affluent, and well connected among high society
+Knows how to use her influence well, and can get you into a lot of places
+Has a lot of knowledge and appreciation for mushrooms and their many uses
Propaganda against:
+She absolutely will not acknowledge you in public whatsoever
+You WILL have to deal with Palace associations and the fact that she is frequently there
+The Constables occasionally pull her in for questioning under suspicion for poisonings
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zr-art-world · 1 year
Twst RSA oc list
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Some characters I would like to turn into twst oc's for this :) I don't have names for all of them 😅 RSA Students Rielle = Ariel -Coral sea -2nd year =Flounder -Coral sea - =Sebastian -Coral sea -3rd year =Alice - Mirus Damiano De’lis = white Queen -Queendom of Roses -3rd year -Dorm head Maxwell Milliner = Mad Hatter -Queendom of Roses -B-day (October 6) =White rabbit =March Hair =Dee and Dumb =The Caterpillar =Zeus -Kingdom of Heros =Mulan =Mushu =The Cricket Zain Fenland = Zara -Shaftland Alex Beamont = Bell and also somewhat inspired by the beast -Shaftland Elwin Starkenmauer = Elsa (Light inspo Periwinkle from Pixie hallow) -Shaft land (Schneberg) =Prince John -2nd year -Dorm head =Sir hiss =Sheriff =King Richard -4th year =Genie -3rd year =Jasmin =Arora =Flora =Fawna =Merryweather =Peter Pan -2nd year -runs school store
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Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Thanks for the tags @emotionalmotionsicknessxx and @catcorsair <3
The Fly Agaric
(Erik/Christine, Rated M. Leroux-based. Post-canon angst, smut, and fee-fees.)
The simple explanation, or, at least, as simple as an answer one could distill from such madness: Erik clung to Christine like that because he was clinging to the very idea of life itself. The moment he coiled those bone-licked hands of his into the threads of her skirt was the moment he finally managed to wrap his soul around Christine’s very own.
All Imaginable Pangs
(Erik/OC, Rated M. Leroux-based. Pre-canon angst, smut, and art.)
Augustine had tasted so many pleasures in her little life—the love and respect of men born to stations high above her, the sweet sting of champagne upon her tongue, the most beautiful vistas Europe had to offer to those with enough money to spare. But as her maid welcomed her into the vestibule of the charming quarters she kept on Rue Oberkampf, she was reminded yet again of what she treasured more than anything else: her loneliness.
Le Phénomène
(Erik/Christine, Rated M. Leroux-based AU. Fluff, smut, and misunderstandings!)
It was the sort of July night where sweat and vapor mingled so heavily in the air that one could not tell where skin ended and the night began—the sort of humidity that ruined hair and silk and any appetite for labor. The sort of heat that chased millionaire and milliner alike out of their homes, for want of distraction and respite, forcing all to collide against one another until that great heap of Paris was nothing more than a thrumming mass of mischief.
Between the Lines
(Erik/Christine, Rated M. Leroux-based. Angst, BDSM, and flirtations with Dead Dove Do Eat territory.)
The most remarkable aspect of Christine’s captivity was how utterly unremarkable it had been. The immensely peculiar circumstances of her abduction, which had left her with a little more than a miasma of resentment, anger, and pity, had faded into something that almost resembled a normal waking life. For a man who swore to lay heaven and earth at her feet, who had cloaked the initial months of their relationship in the most absurd deceit and mystery, Erik had been a downright mundane captor.
The Follies
(Erik, All Ages. Leroux-based crossover with the Stephen Sondheim musical Sunday in the Park with George. Post-canon fee-fees and lots of hope.)
The monster was bored.
The so-called Palais Garnier was long finished, and President MacMahon’s clique of ministers and prefects were more than happy to have finally wiped their hands of the project’s costly nature, content to descend from on high every few years to gift the company with an endowment from their vast coffers; to think of how the management balked at a mere 20,000 francs!
All That is Solid Melts into Air
(Erik/Christine, All Ages. Leroux-based modern AU where Erik is reincarnated as one of those inflatable tube men. It is the dumbest thing I have ever written.)
From the moment he first gained consciousness, pain and derision was all the monster knew. The hooting of children and idiots. Being forced to sleep outside in all manner of weather, barring a hurricane warning or a flash flood. The constant barrage of rocks and pebbles and trash that rained down upon him; he’d once been pelted in the face by a Slurpee cup so hard that, had he a nose, he was sure it would have shattered to smithereens on impact. It was better, he supposed, than the used diaper that took out one of his comrades earlier that winter. The thought of that particular disaster made the monster shake with fear, moreso than usual.
Tagging @ladystormcrow @box5intern @shinyfire-0 @ashadeintheshade @lincolnlogger @phannah--montana @paperandsong @flora-gray and anyone who wants to join in. My apologies for any double-tagging!
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ever-restful · 2 months
Info Post
This is a Vampire: the Masquerade IC RP blog run by @styxnbones for their oc Everest Milliner. Everest is a recently embraced Premascine Giovanni, so standard CW Giovanni warnings apply. As always, so do the obligatory "ic is not ooc" and "this is wod everyone is awful so don't play morality olympics" warnings. Everest is relatively undeveloped, so this is mostly an exercise in me finding out what their deal is.
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choicescreen · 1 year
connected ocs, new york city at the turn of the century / early 1900s, so come get yall juice.
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cecil algernon. fifty-four. triple threat vaudeville performer. cecil grew up in the business. his entire family formed a traveling troupe, and they haven't slowed down, even if they've splintered and joined various acts throughout the years. cecil got an audience of his own after his bawdy song-and-dance routine proved popular with the younger crowd, eager to push boundaries, and infamous with the aging crowd -- all since passed on. since then, his life has been one of non-stop action. passionate, earnest, and always heard. never married, the stage is his passion. he considers the younger performers his children, more or less.
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freida radzin. thirty. caberet singer and in-a-pinch nurse, former circus performer. optimistic and imaginative, freida thrives in just about any environment. when she isn't working nights, she helps her father -- a pickle salesman -- with the business, and scrubs floors with her younger sister. her older sister is a milliner, and her little brother is still attending school, and will be the first in the family to graduate with a high school diploma. fluent in yiddish.
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pakur "patrick" al-muqri. forty-four. immigrant ship doctor. pakur didn't necessarily attend medical school. as a young boy, he was chosen to be a surgeon's assistant on a boat crossing the atlantic en route to america. that's where he learned the ropes, and spent more time on the sea than he did dry land throughout his twenties. soft-spoken and no-nonsense, pakur can sometimes be read as an unapproachable recluse. through his work, he advocates for the rights of immigrants, especially children. polyglot, part of the job.
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marion larue. thirty-five. saloon owner, former circus performer. the only one who didn't stay in a metropolis, marion's found his niche owning a bar in a nondescript midwestern town. tenacious, foppish, occasionally arrogant and vain, though incredibly charismatic, so it's hard to stay mad at him for long. still performs his magic tricks, but only if you ask nicely. light in the loafers, queer as a three dollar bill, etc etc -- it's a bit of an open secret where he's moved to, and not one at all back in new york. him and freida are best friends.
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gorbalsvampire · 3 months
1 + 2 + 3
Orpheus is... mostly cis male. He's given some thought to the Potion of Trans Your Gender, of course, but it's something he'd want to play around with for a weekend, not commit to long term. But the performance of cis masculinity? Not really. He's goth. Guyliner and fancy fabrics aren't really peak str8 boi behaviour.
Nadia is mostly cis female. Since she mussed her hair up she can pass for a teenage boy, with a binder and a big leather jacket, but it's not a thing, it's just something she can do when she wants to be incognito.
Sorcha is girl-adjacent. She/they. Her gender is "goblin." She likes being a freaky little scrawny baldie thing hovering on the edge of the whole mess, but she doesn't actively identify as any sort of boy.
They're all bisexual.
Call it the benefit of a decadent upbringing. Call it simple common sense for Kindred - you can't go hungry because of gay panic or "no homo." Call it the dirty secret of the Giovanni family: like every claim to propriety they stake, their "traditional values" are only skin deep.
That said, there are distinctions.
Orpheus is... weird about women. Head full of his family's bullshit, then decades of situational trauma from his "if my wife doesn't get two orgasms a night every night you're a dead man" situation. He's much more chill in relationships with men.
Nadia was closeted for most of her mortal life. Probably in deep denial until she got a good look at Jenni and realised that spooky girls are pretty girls. Wasn't that long afterwards that she realised that included her. And then she... proceeded to not do anything with this intelligence for ages, because she was being good. Now that she's been Embraced, she has room to... stretch.
Orpheus has been casually interested in guys for a long time, but he was always the third wheel in Driftback (Paul and Carlos shared one semi-legal grotty bedroom in the Alexandria, he had the other). Post-Embrace he was hardwired into compulsory heterosexuality, but he was on very good terms with his Sabbat contact Tremolo for... some reason. Chez was the first to actually drag him into a meaningful relationship, get him to do more than just flirt.
Nadia discovered her bisexuality at the point of a loaded Tremere. It was... an exploitable weakness, and she felt terribly betrayed when it turned out Jenni was only interested in her grimoires. (This isn't strictly true: Jenni did fancy Nadia, probably still does, but exploiting the people she cares about is kind of her defining character flaw.)
Sorcha figured herself out at school. She'd always had close girl friends, and been told off at her Italian primary for kissing them; in her Scottish secondary she gravitated to the other deep cover queer kids and, y'know, she's from the "read theory" generation, she learned a good chunk of her English from AO3, she figured out what turned her on from The Internet.
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You’ve met the multitalented Rocketta and her pixie protégé Mab... now time to meet more of Dominique’s Travelling Circus’s Jellicle performers (just in time for their spotlight for @bombawife‘s OC week)!
Madrigal used to be a milliner’s cat, and she’ll tell anyone who will listen. Her wealthy human and his wife made hats for some of the finest ladies and the finest occasions in the country, and she had a front row seat to all of it, perched on the windowsill as he worked or on the clerk’s desk as his colorful customers shopped.  Unfortunately, after the milliner’s untimely death, Madrigal found herself in need of a new home after his wife became too distracted with grief to take care of her. That’s when one of the human dancers of Dominique’s swooped in, picking up the slack to take care of her and becoming her new favorite human... even inspiring her to begin a new life as a circus dancer herself.
Luneris is the circus’s official diving cat... or at least, that’s what she fancies herself.  As a queen who’s always loved the water, she formed a curiously close bond with the seals, dolphins, and sea birds of various zoos before even finding Dominique’s in her wanderings.  And despite her proud and sometimes self-serious nature, she’s a strict believer in folklore and fairy tales; if she had it her way, she would become the world’s first “mer-cat”.  With such talent and dedication to her odd passion and such a combination of wild whimsy and stern practicality, no one in the world would dare to tell her she’s wrong.
Aubergine knew she was destined for a life onstage somehow and took the initiative when she smuggled herself inside one of the stagehands’ suitcases.  Unable to turn her back out onto the street, they gave her a new home alongside the circus’s troupe of feline clowns--Bonzo, Buttons, Barnaby, and Beans--who were always looking for anyone willing to take a pie to the face.  With her incredible flexibility and comic timing, as well as her ability to sneak in and out of the iceboxes without getting caught, she proved an eager and endlessly energetic ray of light both in and out of the ring.
Tumbletrix--or simply Trixie--is Spike and Carbucketty’s baby sister, forever full of mischief, energy, and the desire to experience as much as she can.  Her arrival at the circus came quite by accident--after hitching a ride on an outgoing boxcar, she found herself in a strange city surrounded by strange cats.  Missing her family very much, she stayed with Rocketta for a while and found herself quickly enmeshed in life at Dominique’s with the other cats... and enjoying herself more than she ever thought.  By the time her family found her, Trixie had come to think of the circus as a second home, surrounding herself with new dear friends and even making a name for herself there as an acrobat.  Now, she splits her time evenly between her two families, dancing at the Jellicle Ball and cartwheeling over an adoring audience with equal joy.
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Home Office
To Maestra Lucretia Giovanni, childe of Ambrogino Giovanni
I regret to inform you that Don Madaline Giovanni, childe of Maestro Enrico Giovanni, was murdered in an ambush three days ago.
We are certain it was a retaliation by the Chicago Ventrue.  I have included all current financials for you to review and it's clear that none of our businesses have been compromised in the lead up to this moment.  Without the loss of revenue or markets, we can only conclude the retaliation was personal.  
To further support this theory, our cousin Vincenzo Giovanni, Don of Cleveland, has claimed that personal items of Don Madaline have been returned to him by the Ventrue as a peace offering and a request to cease hostilities.  Vincenzo has assumed the office of Padrone of the Central Territory pro tem, as you had not yet formally invested Don Madaline and she had not yet designated a successor.  We await your word on the matter.
Don Madaline’s remains have not been recovered.  Vincenzo is currently in possession of whatever it was the Ventrue offered and is negotiating the peace in Chicago.
Your loyal niece,
Mariana Milliner, childe of Frances Milliner
Mariana set down her pen.  She was sure there was more to include, but the formal report didn’t have room for her accusations or speculation.  That would have to wait until more of the story could be found.  With a frustrated sigh, she folded the letter and sealed it with a dollop of ocean blue wax and pressed her personal seal into it.  Following the old forms were a necessity when dealing with the Anziani.  A phone call would have been quicker but so many of the Elders found such things intrusive and lacking proper respect to family matters. 
It went into a courier’s pouch, along with the business reports proving her theory on the Ventrue attack and handed it to Grant, her ghoul and nephew.  “Find Gina and the two of you take that to the Maestra.  Don’t wait for a reply. She can send her own messenger.”
Normally she could trust Grant to travel on his own, taking with him whatever cousin could be spared for travel, but considering the recent conflict, it would be best if both Proxied cousins stuck together.  A little extra strength or a little extra speed, even in daylight hours, would be the deciding factor in survival.  There was a ceasefire, brought on by the authority of a Camarilla archon, but since that same archon had also been a target of the ambush that killed Madaline, Mariana didn’t have any deep faith the Ventrue would hold to it.  
Grant nodded once and left quietly, leaving her alone with Lady Cassandra.  Once the door closed, the elder Kindred rose from her seat and put a small object on the desk in front of Mariana.  It was a gold ring, badly scorched and twisted.  Mariana picked it up with careful fingers, feeling the soot and the grime come off on her skin.  The engraving on the face was filled in by crumbling soot, making it easy to see the signet of the Don of Chicago. 
 “It was part of the Ventrue peace offering?” Mariana asked, looking up at Lady Cassandra and meeting those ghostly white eyes, the black pupils almost lost in that deadly field.  “I’m surprised Vincenzo gave you back one of Madaline’s rings.  He didn’t seem to want to part with them.”
“I did not ask.” 
Mariana repressed a smile at her cousin’s forbidding tone.  “For the best, I’m sure.”  She rubbed the design with one slow thumb, wanting to ask Cassandra if she had seen a vision of the meeting, whether or not she had seen the outcome.  Certainly that if there had been any hint that danger awaited them, Cassandra would have warned them.  She wouldn’t have let any of them, let alone her own several times great-grandaughter, walk into a trap.
“It is yours now.”
Mariana accepted the Lady’s decision silently.  There was no better candidate than herself at this moment and nothing short of an order from the Lady would make her call Vincenzo or the maestra for reinforcements.  Cassandra had better things to do than to wrestle the many family investments, as her talents lay elsewhere.  It was Ettore’s privilege to work for the Lady.  Maxwell worked for Mariana.  And Nicky…  Well, Nicky was an entirely different ball of wax.  Mariana would work for Nicky as she had his niece if Lady Cassandra decided he should pick up the reins of his former job.  Mariana would do it without question as Nicky had never given her any reason to doubt him, but given that he was very like now bathing in Ventrue blood, cease fire or no, it was perhaps best if someone of cooler head took over the family business. 
��Very well.  Did you see that in your visions, Lady Cassandra?”  Mariana handed the damaged ring back to her kinsman.  Regardless of which cousin took the role, the ring would be replaced with a new one.  Not just for the damage in the fire that killed its previous wearer, but for the death connection.  Any family killed while in an office respect had their ring retired, normally placed in the family shrine with other relics of veneration.  Outsiders would call it nothing more than a bad luck superstition, but for the Giovanni, it was another way to speak with the ghost of the slain.  
“No.”  The necromancer shook her head, eyes tracking things that Mariana couldn’t see.  
“But,” Mariana continued, “It’s the padrone’s privilege to confirm the don of a city.”
“Vincenzo will be in agreement.”  Cassandra spoke with a firmness that suggested their cousin would find himself in peril were she to contradict her choice.
“Did you see that in your visions?” Mariana asked, a little more tartly than she had intended, earning a hard cold stare from the necromancer.  
“Vincenzo will not cross me and I have had enough of his meddling.” 
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