#Milkshake estrella
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tomasitaoficial · 11 months ago
Fuck it, I will upload here the ocs that do not receive much attention and that are a little forgotten (there will be old drawings)
But also leaving aside the ocs of my ask-blog (@ask-devildice-brothers) but if you want to ask about that AU, do it, I have no problem
I don't like asking you all to send me questions but, well, I would like these ocs to have attention
Ocs ↓
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Tomás, Greeley (@stan-0rg oc), Cheesecake and Candyccoon (@its-nickpache oc) They are ocs from The Amazing Digital Circus, I would be happy to receive questions from these!
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There are many more ocs! These ocs are from my story “In The Search For Meaning”, and I would certainly LOVE TO RECEIVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS STORY!!
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These two are from “In Black and White”. At the moment I do not have a reference photo for the version of Srta A in this story but there are also other characters!
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This is an oc from fnaf security breach, I have a lot planned for it so, you know, if you have questions or anything, ask anything!
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These three come from an Au called “the three idiots”, It comes out as a cameo in LHDDA AU- Milkshake Estrella and Mixton are characters from some friends of mine without tumblr but these ocs are open to questions!
I have several more ocs, but I want these to be the ones with attention, so please ask anything!
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simlit-corp · 2 years ago
Sneak Peak de mi primera novela.
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Breve contexto:
Me encanta escribir, desde que puedo recordar me invento historias y un mundo diverso. Pero nunca, en mis varios años de vida, me atreví a hacerlo en serio y con planes... serios jaja, me guardaba casi todo; Sí que pasé por Wattpad y Booknet, con fanfics, historias cortas de terror, y un pequeño intento de mostrar una de mis novelas.
Pero llevar de la mano una novela como un proyecto oficial, no, hasta este mes. Junio 20223. (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Haciendo un recuento de cuántas novelas tengo para moldear y editar, serían 10: Dos trilogías y cuatro libros. No hice el gran edit, pero esto sería como un mapa mental de mis libros). ( ´ ω ` )
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Aunque tenía pensado ir publicando las trilogías, otra historia ganó. Algo en ella me hacía sentir que tenía que ser mi primera novela oficialmente publicada.
De hecho, cuando escribí en mi diario sobre eso, me di cuenta de los muchos por qué, pero, en fin, la novela que menos creía terminó alzando su voz para que la continuara escribiendo jaja. (o・ω・o)
Les presento este primer proyecto...
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No daré tantos detalles como quisiera (me estoy reprimiendo el soltar muchos spoilers), pero en el banner se puede ver a la protagonista y suficiente del aesthetic de la novela. (>﹏<)
Pero sí pondré en lista lo que he compartido por mi Instagram:
☆El nombre de mi hija, protagonista de 'Project L', junto con un mood board.
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☆Un poco de la estética (aunque todos los mood board la tienen), la cual es entre grunge/goth con los colores rojo y negro sobresaliendo.
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☆Y por último, un primer vistazo a su personalidad.
φ(・ω・` )
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No agregué rasgos físicos, porque aún no presento a Violetta, pues, físicamente (O_O;), y sería un pequeño spoiler jaja. El MBTI sigue en proceso de... de, decisión. (・_・;)
Bueno, Violetta es una adolescente que combina los hobbies de leer y maquillaje, no es ni muy girly o tomboy, es alguien extrovertido y usualmente la estrella que todos voltean a ver.
Un poco de su background:
Desde muy pequeña, Violette fue conocida por toda la ciudad.
Sus padres son personas reconocidas en sus rubros; su padre es un exitoso compositor/músico, su madre, por otro lado, es una famosa cirujana que durante su juventud se llevó múltiples coronas de concursos de belleza; Ambas familias tenían antecedentes de personas famosas y muy adineradas. Por lo que, Violetta podía tener cuanto quisiera, incluyendo un futuro prometedor como el que tenía cualquiera de sus familiares.
Es todo lo que contaré. Por ahora.
Les invito a compartir el progreso de 'Project L' ¡todxs juntxs!
(≧◡≦) ♡
En mi Instagram es donde comparto más seguido, pero también pueden encontrarme en otras redes, de igual manera, en todas iré posteando algo sobre mi novela. Les dejo un link con links jaja, y una lista con enlaces para que no tengan que buscar por el user.
(´。• ω •。`)
Milkshake - Links con links. Instagram - Avances del proyecto en tiempo real. De mí vida también jaja. Facebook personal - Memes escrituriles, stories de insta, cuenta para amigar y poder crear la: Página de Facebook - Literalmente, todo, lo que publique, en todas, las redes sociales. Twitter - Aun no entiendo para qué puedo usarlo, pero hey, ahí también quiero publicar mis cosas jaja. TikTok escritor - El nombre lo dice todo, es una cuenta especial para writertok. stromkarl.sl <- Es el user, no funciona bien el enlace de esta cuenta. (×﹏×) TikTok general - De nuevo, se describe solo jaja, aquí subiré cosas de juegos que me gusten, apps, o incluso vlogs. NaNoWriMo - Lugar donde comparto mis proyectos como eso, proyectos jaja. Es un sitio para escritorxs, para llevar goals de escritura y participar en los campamentos de Abril y Julio, yy el challenge de Noviembre. Wattpad - No necesita descripción, jiji.
¡Muchas gracias por leer, y por tu tiempo!
Los comentarios y la Question Box están abiertas.
(^• ω •^)♡♡♡♡
Espero verlxs y leernos pronto.
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everydaydg · 20 days ago
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Went to albrook mall for the first time! (The other day)
Got a KILLER Milkshake!! Cherry + Dulce de Leche
Blue Star (Estrella Azul) ice creaaaammm baby! The best ice cream brand in town!
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3bentretenimiento · 1 year ago
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seraphicists · 1 year ago
reply. remy ramos and corazón sevilla.
he  laughs  ,  a  simultaneously  airy  yet  full  feeling  filling  the  air  as  he  did  so  ,  looking  down  at  her  with  a  gaze  full  of  adoration  .     ❛  mi  sol  ,  mi  luna  ,  mi  estrellas  ...  i’d  plan  a  million  somethings  for  your  birthday  .  even ... ❜ with a playful look on his face , his hands go to the hem of his shirt , wiggling it with false sexiness as if he were trying to prevent himself from revealing a well - kept secret . ❛ letting you see the goods a little bit early . ❜ remy didn't tend to make a fool of himself often ( it was hard to when most of your peers revered you anyway ) , but if there even a chance it might continue to keep cora's mind firmly off of her parents , he would do it . he hears a familiar sound from inside the house , amusement failing to hide itself on his face . ❛ wanna' walk ? if i flash this cute smile to the cashier at the diner we'll get free milkshakes and we won't have to come back until after delilah's finished yelling at cole . ❜
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paranoiahaven · 2 years ago
Thank youuu for tagging me @olympushit!
Currently Reading: Journey to the West, The Iliad, The Glass Castle, Ulysses, and Heart of Darkness. The last two are for my English classes, the other three are for pure enjoyment.
Favorite Color: Blue, specifically royal blue
Last Song: My World is Burning Down Around Me (Extended Edition) by Melaine Estrella. One of my favorite fan made songs for Helluva Boss
Last Movie: To Woo Fong, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar. With Pride Month coming up, I highly recommend this film.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I am a sweets person! But I do recommend dipping your French fries in milkshakes, especially chocolate!
Currently Working On: Moving out of my dorm room! Me and my roommate got our first apartment and are slowly moving in as the quarter comes to a close.
Tagging: @peggy-sue-reads-a-book, @marysmirages, @notodysseus, @everythings-coming-up-sage, @an-arbitrary-being
thanks for the tag @givemea-dam-break ♡♡♡
starting a new post bc the other one is so long already
currently reading: i'm still on Lockwood & Co: The Whispering skull bc I don't have time to read :/
favourite colour: purple in all its variations, but most of all lavender + pink and all pastels
last song: semi-automatic by twenty one pilots
last movie: Rio 2 (the soundtrack is a banger)
sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet for actual meals, but savoury for snacks
currently working on: a lockwood x reader request, and next part of my george x reader
tag 9 mutuals you want to get to know better:
@maraschinomerry @heliads @waitingforthesunrise @ikeasupremacy @wellgoslowly @quillkippsisalilbitchandilovehim @lemonsharks @skullandco @oblivious-idiot
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fbfh · 4 years ago
dear baby; strawberry milkshakes - leo x reader parents au
words: 1.8k
summary: You and Leo are getting used to adulting together, when Chiron asks for your help. Next thing you know, there’s a little demigod for you two to take care of - and you’re not going to let her down.
warnings: almost boning but getting interrupted, shit is said twice, one use of fucking I think, mentions of orphanages and the foster care system, mentions of CPS, being at a CPS building, adopting a child, leo has trauma, leo and reader take in a child when you’re both 19, technically teen parents but not really, the kid has some trauma too, everyone has trauma but literally what’s new
au: sort of college + parents au
song recs: raining in new york mix - the bootleg boy (tw for some sort of sad dialogue samples), falling in love with love - bernadette peters in cinderella (1997)
a/n:  I saw a kids book called Sophia Valdez Future Prez and I know nothing about it but immediately knew I had to do a parents au where you and Leo have a daughter named sophia???????? also I accidentally gave myself baby fever whoopsie
also I was barely able to proof read this and had no brain while writing half of it so if the beginning feels rushed at all that’s why teehee
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Straddling his lap, you start to take off Leo’s shirt. He tilts his head to the side as you nip at the skin gently. He moans softly, then tenses. 
"Shit!" He hisses, sitting up and pulling your shorts back up. You look at him bewildered, and he nods his head to the side, and you see a shimmery cloud that says that you have an incoming iris message from Chiron.  
"Oh shit," you echo, moving to a reasonable distance away from him, a thick throw blanket tossed gracefully across your legs and pulled up to cover your chest, and you're grateful your shirt hadn't been thrown across the room already. 
He pulls his shirt down and you toss him a throw pillow to cover his very obvious excitement. You give each other a ready as we'll ever be look and accept the call. 
"Hey Chiron… what's up?" Leo asks nonchalantly. 
"You must pardon my intrusion, dear children, I hope I'm not - er - interrupting anything.” “No, no, not at all,” you answer, hoping what you had been doing wasn’t too obvious in spite of how both of you are looking particularly flushed and deschevled, “we were just watching a movie.” 
Leo nods in agreement, and you list two different movies at the exact same time, the dark knight rises and moonstruck.
A beat passes, and you continue, “Double feature. Just finished Batman and we’re about to start Moonstruck.” 
Leo agrees. You can’t tell if Chiron is buying it, but he seems to move on relatively quickly. 
“Right. I’m afraid I must ask for your help with a rather time sensitive situation.” your brows furrow in unicen as he continues. 
He tells you about a young demigod a satyr found, not even four years old yet, but they haven’t been able to get her to camp. Apparently there were some complications, and CPS was called, now they’re looking for her parents to see if she’s going to a foster home or orphanage. If they can’t get to her before the CPS finishes processing her, she’ll be lost in the system. He’s asking older demigods and demigod families in New York, since processing time will go the fastest if the family or guardians are in-state. 
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but please consider taking her in, at least temporarily.” You and Leo share a look, hearts already hurting that life has gotten to this kid so soon. 
“I’ll give you some time to discuss this, please call me back as soon as you have an answer.” 
You agree, and the shimmery image of Chiron dissipates.
“... Oh my god,” you breathe. 
You turn to each other again, the same thing mirrored in each other's eyes. An immediate, unspoken conformation that there’s no way you can’t help this kid out passes between you. You know Leo, especially, will do whatever needs to be done to keep another orphaned demigod out of the foster system. The scope of the impact you could have on this kid’s life starts to dawn on you, and you lock eyes with Leo again, his face set in determination. 
“Estrella,” he starts, and you know what he’s going to say. 
“I know,” you confirm in agreement.
His leg is bouncing, and you lean over, grabbing a notepad and pen from the coffee table. Your mind is already racing, and you begin scribbling down a list of everything you’d need to do; get her a bed and clothes, research where she is in her developmental stages, put together a meal plan or at least some foods she’ll like - what do toddlers even eat? He starts pacing around the coffee table. 
“We gotta help this kid, we-” he cuts himself off, overwhelmed with determination. 
“We will.” you confirm, equally determined. You grab your laptop and start copying your list digitally so you can get everything organized. You stare at your reflection in the black screen while you wait for your computer to boot up. Once again, the reality of your situation hits you.
“We’re 19…” you state, in disbelief. Your mind is racing with doubts. What if you somehow make everything worse, what if you can’t handle it? He crouches next to you, placing his hand on your cheek.
“And we have a lot of love to give.” The smile in your eyes tells him that you know he’s right. You transcribe your writing, surprised that you’re okay with how fast this is all moving, and you let out another breathy laugh of disbelief. 
You go through your hastily made checklist, switching between tabs about child psychology, parenting advice, and kid’s furniture and clothes websites, strategizing with Leo on how you can pull this off, and a plan gradually comes together.
“I mean, this is a two bedroom,” he says as you look through pages of bed frames and mattresses, “we can clear out our studio and turn it into her room.” 
“And…” you add, checking yet another tab, “there’s a building nearby that rents out studio spaces and workshop areas. Ooh, and free parking.” you read on the website. It’s already late, but you send them an email anyway. Hopefully they’ll get back to you tomorrow. But for now… 
“We can get a bed tonight, but we’d have to hurry. We can probably get some pjs and maybe a stuffed animal while we’re there- toothbrush!” You exclaim, adding it to your list, “I knew I was forgetting something…”
 Leo stops pacing, and looks at you. “So… we’re doing this?” You can’t fight the smile on your face, and he already has his answer. 
“We’d better call Chiron back,” you say, excitedly bubbling out. You both enter the bathroom, and iris message chiron with mist from the shower. He answers almost immediately.
“We thought it over and…” you trail off, letting him finish.
“We want to help.” 
After changing into some presentable clothes and swinging by the store for a car seat and some other essentials (you almost forgot tooth paste this time), you’re driving with Leo to meet Chiron at the CPS office where they had Sophia - the girl Chiron told you about. You call the Ikea store not too far from your apartment, thankful you’re able to reach them before they close. You arrange to have them deliver a toddler bed to the spare bedroom in your apartment, your neighbor agreeing to let them in. Luckily, you had the presence of mind to get most of your and Leo’s stuff out of there, the corner of the living room now holding your desk and his drafting table. 
You’re still a little blurry on the details of how you’re going to get custody of this kid when you’re barely legal and have no ties to her or her family, but Chiron said he could work everything out. You assume the Mist will come in very handy. You and Leo discuss this on the way over. 
You can tell he’s worried. Knowing the horrors he went through in the foster system would be bad enough without all the demigod bullshit on top of everything. You take another deep breath. 
“This is what’s best for her,” he says matter of factly, “she needs to be with people who understand her.” You agree, and he continues, very fired up.
“She needs to be in an environment where she’s not going to be ignored and ostracized; she needs to be part of a family, not a fucking meal ticket.” 
You squeeze his leg supportively, and he takes another breath. 
“You’re right. And she’s going to get all of that.” He scoffs in agreement.
“There’s not a better place for someone like her than-”
“With someone like her.” you finish. He pulls into the parking lot and you enter, meeting Chiron in the building. Your hand holds Leo’s tightly, unsure of who’s shaking more. Chiron explains that he already had a discussion (wink wink) with the social worker, and knows that he has the perfect couple to take little Sophia in, and all you have to do is meet with her and sign some papers. 
So that brings you here, waiting outside the office door, holding each other’s trembling hands before finally entering. She doesn’t look up at you at first, until the social worker introduces you. Leo squeezes your hand, and she finally looks up, her eyes speaking a language you and Leo know. You know there is absolutely no going back from here, and you both sit down across from her. 
“Hi, you’re Sophia, right?” She looks away, clearly and understandably overwhelmed. 
“Don’t be rude, Sophia-” the social worker starts, but you cut her off. 
 “It’s okay, she didn’t do anything wrong.” you turn back to her, “You know, me and Leo have an extra bedroom at our apartment, and a kitten that I think would really like you. Do you want to come stay with us?” 
She doesn’t look back up right away, but she turns her head towards you. 
“Is it a boy or a girl?” she asks softly. How is she so precious already?
“A girl,” you reply, “named Jackhammer, because she purrs so loud.” 
She giggles, and you and Leo squeeze each other’s hands in unison.
“Really?” she asks. 
“Oh yeah,” you reply, “I’m sure she’d love to play catch the mouse with you.” She considers for a moment, then looks over at the social worker, who gives her an encouraging nod. After a moment of consideration, she replies quietly, “...Okay.” 
She hops down from her chair, and you both follow suit. The social worker hands you some papers, and you both sign. You guide her to the lobby, let Chiron know it went well and promise to update him soon, and bring her to the car. You pull out of the parking lot. 
Not long after leaving, you see a fast food place. 
“Are you guys hungry?” you ask, nudging Leo gently. 
“Yeah, I could definitely go for some fries. How bout you Sophia?” 
She nods, then asks quietly, “Can I get a milkshake?” 
Her expression is hesitant, and you get the sense she’s expecting a no. 
“Of course kiddo,” you say.
“What flavor do you want?” Leo finishes, turning to look at her. Her eyes are bright with hesitant excitement. 
“Strawberry, please.” 
After leaving the drive through, you have Leo search through your phone for any kid friendly music, and discover the only thing you have saved that’s appropriate for present company is the soundtrack to the Cinderella musical from 1997.
That’s how your little family started; driving late at night, singing along to Bernadette Peters, and drinking strawberry milkshakes.
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creativewriting-22 · 3 years ago
Kitty, Week 4
Kitty, formally known as ‘Milkshake’, wakes up his owner at 7 am in early morning. He enjoys biting their toes to get a startling reaction from them (even if it meant potentially getting kicked off the bed) and basically just annoying them. His owner get angry at him for this and have began trying to keep him awake during daytime from long naps so that he could rest at night and leave them alone. Sadly, his owner has to go to their job; so Kitty ends up taking long naps anyways. 
Kitty is a tuxedo cat with white kicking back-paws and white toes in the front. His age is unknown and his eyes are a jade green with hints of brown. Kitty’s old name used to be Estrella because he was believed to be female. After growing up a bit more, their owners felt stupid for misgendering their kitty. He was renamed Milkshake.
In the day, Kitty has three favorite activities: pouncing on Chino (the family dog), eating a shit ton, and sleeping. And of course, the occasional scratching on the sofas which was a BIG no-no to the owners. But despite his needy behavior and chaos, he is a sweet kitty who loves affection and attention. Whenever his humans call out his name, Kitty comes running towards them. His owner loves giving him all the affection he wants when they can.  Kitty wasn’t in the best place, he was covered in fleas, sticky fur, wobbly, and full of anxiety. But Kitty was rescued. Kitty was picked up from the streets from a mysterious person in a mysterious house. Unfortunately, the human had too many cats on their hands so Kitty was sent to another house.
This is his permeant home and Kitty is doing much better now. He eats and drink all he wants, he plays with the toys, he fallows his human, he likes to go outside but never too far, and he loves to sleep on the beds. He even goes to get his paws trimmed and get his ears cleaned.  
Kitty is the best thing that’s happened to the owner and he’s living the god life.
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grancityblog · 5 years ago
Cereals Custom Café
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Hola amigos,
Barcelona es una de esas ciudades que según donde vayas hay un encanto particular, se respira un ambiente diferente en los barrios de montaña que en los de enfrente del mar. Por su historia, arquitectura, su gente, o sea cual sea el motivo. En mi opinión, esos barrios de la ciudad que hace un par de siglos no formaban parte de ella tienen un aire especial. 
Me refiero a las zonas que antiguamente fueron pueblos y que desde hace relativamente poco, tal vez unos cientos de años, se añadieron a la gran urbe en forma de barrio. Es el caso de Gràcia, Les Corts, y el último pueblo que más se resistió Sant Andreu, y que aún sus “mayores” se consideran más santandreuencs que barceloneses. Esos barrios esconden comercios que son pequeñas joyas, unos por sus historias centenarias, y otros por ser justo lo contrario, super novedosos en su concepto o incluso convertidos en templos de veneración friki.
Ahí precisamente, en el corazón de Sant Andreu se esconde una de esas pequeñas joyas de lo más llamativa, cool, fresca y que nada más pasar por su puerta tienes que girar la cabeza para ver qué hay ahí dentro.
 Cereals Custom responde a la fiebre por cafeterías de cereales raros, esos que no se consiguen en un supermercado de aquí. Cajas y más cajas importadas del otro lado del mundo para dar respuesta a los paladares más curiosos y a los ojos más hambrientos de colores, marcas, licencias y réplicas de las galletas más vendidas del mundo transformadas en cereal con el mismo sabor original con diferentes texturas.
Nada más entrar el olor a dulce, entre canela y vainilla te hace pensar que algo rico se esconde en la multitud de cajas que hay expuestas a lo largo de la barra. Pero no, Cereals Custom no es sólo cereal. Cris, la propietaria, es una manitas preparando milkshakes y molletes salados.
Esta chica, amante del color y de lo poco convencional decidió un buen día tomar la idea de su marido. Una idea que le venía rondando por la cabeza hacía tiempo y que nunca veía el momento de llevar a cabo. Auxiliar de clínica desde muchos años antes, y avocada a renunciar a pasar más tiempo del que hubiera deseado con sus dos primeros hijos debido a las largos turnos de trabajo. Con el tercero de ellos que ahora tiene tres años, su chip cambió. Su marido la animó y….Voilà! Con tesón, esfuerzo y mucha creatividad, hizo realidad un sueño que además le permite conciliar mucho mejor su vida familiar con el duro esfuerzo que supone un negocio así.
El concepto es genial, cereales de lo más extravagantes con sabores increíbles, combinados con el tipo de leche que desees, desde la leche fresca coloreada hasta un largo abanico de bebidas vegetales. Topings tan variados como poco frecuentes – ¡Jamás había visto mini nubecitas de golosina recubriendo una montaña de nada montada sobre un milshacke!
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Cris no inventó el concepto de cafetería especializada en esto. Pero sí ha hecho algo que va más allá y que la diferencia de sus competidores. Y a continuación te explico porqué:
Si no te apetece tomarte un tazón de cereales porque vas con amigos y justamente tu te tomarías otra cosa, aquí tendrás la opción de probar unas deliciosas tartas: Red velvet, Oreo…. O snacks dulces más tradicionales aunque con un punto diferente como el Cronut (mitad donut mitad croissant). Y si no, Cris te prepara un mollete saladito a la plancha en un momento.
Las cafeterías dedicadas a esto, son principalmente cadenas o franquicias. Normalmente ubicadas en barrios del centro de las ciudades donde existe un publico que hace colas por entrar, y que pagan cualquier precio porque están en el centro y además lo que van a comer lo vale.
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Cereals Custom está en un barrio cerca del centro, pero no en el centro. Y se nota. Se nota porque vas a desayunar o merendar tranquilo. El local es amplio, pero Cris no ha metido mesas a diestro y siniestro. Y no tienes sensación de agobio como en otros que he visitado. Además los precios son mucho más ajustados, ella sabe que podría ganar más, pero como me dijo en mi visita: “No me compensa poner precios caros. Yo no soy una gran cadena en medio del centro de Barcelona, mi punto fuerte es que dedico cariño a lo que ofrezco y a un precio razonable”.
Aquí, no encontrarás empleados por turnos. Aquí encontrarás a Cris, dedicada con cariño a cada bol que prepara, a cada milshake y cada cosa que tunea. Con una sonrisa, y con ganas de que vuelvas.
Cris no tiene duda, los cereales Oreo O’s. Unos cereales que replican el sabor de las Oreo originales.  Pero el favorito de ella son los Honey Bun, unos cereales que me dió a probar y mmmmm…. fueron una experiencia sensorial con sabor entre vainilla, caramelo y canela. Me encantaron.
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La decoración no fue contratada a una agencia de interiorismo ni nada parecido. Las musas de la creatividad fueron llamando a la puerta de Cris, y así fue forjando lo que verás. Una decoración acogedora llena de matices que inspiran al optimismo, con muchos colores vivos, cuadros de cereales y fotos de sus productos estrella, como la que hizo a un milkshake en la cocina de su suegra, que parece hecha en un estudio profesional.
En definitiva, disfruté mi visita tanto como las veces que he ido al local. Y espero volver pronto para una merendilla con mi marido y mi niño que es super fan, como no podría ser de otra manera.
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Si te apetece vivir una experiencia diferente, te recomiendo una visita a Cereals Custom. Vas a disfrutar, por la gran variedad que ofrece en sus productos y la forma de tunearlos. El espacio tiene un encanto especial y eso se agradece muy mucho. Y además, si tienes Instagram y te gusta el postureo, aquí tienes una cafetería de lo más instagrameable. ¡Que no te lo cuenten!
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Espero que os guste este pequeño rincón de sabor.
Cereals Custom C/ Joan Torras, 12. Barcelona Instagram: @cerealscustom Facebook: @cerealscustom Foto archivo cedida por Cereals Custom Café.
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thewriting-dragon · 8 years ago
Update on new Shipathon cue:
So here is the short fic cue as it stands now! I will eventually make a link back to my AO3 when these have all been posted:
Flynn & Eve @ Christmas cuteness in FB AU
Smutty happy ending College Prof AU Cassikens (CassandraXJenkins) where either Cassie still has her tumor, and thus is trying to do what she wants, or without and thus she wants to just soak in all the info with the option of Magic
Ezekiel being a moment ruiner
Cassandra, Lucy and Amy: Sisters from Different Misters
Cassandra & Estrella : Star Crossed Lovers
Galastone Messy Art
JenkLits = Movie Night
Prospero & Ray = The Odd Couple of sass and Milkshakes
Old Magic (Jenkins and Morgan)
Cindy & Ezekiel ??
Brotherly Love & The Boys are Back in Town
Fathers Day FB AU
Mothers Day FB AU
New Holmes and Moriarty
Magic Taps
OT3 - Binge Watching
Almost Lover
A Guardians Weakness
Triple Threat
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perspectiveartist · 8 years ago
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? 9. Bright room or dark room? 22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? 26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? 41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? 54. Have you ever baked your own cake? 59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. 60. Do you believe in aliens?
2) It genuinely depends on how familiar I am with the location actually! In my own home, maybe a 1 1/2? I like to have nightlights around for multiple reasons, one of which is that it makes me more comfortable walking into a pitch black room. But I got up to a 5 once when I was 13 or 14 and my youth group went on a camping retreat. A great time until one night we were playing Sardines, which is reverse hide-and-seek if you’ve never heard of it (aka one person hides and everyone else goes to find them; when you find the person, you cram yourself into their hiding spot until everyone’s -badumpsh- packed like sardines!) and we turned out all the lights. Immediately spooped because there were NO other lights in that cabin and I had only been there for half a day. I had no idea what the rest of the cabin was like because we were outdoors most of the time. So we started going into a room to find someone and now that I look back on it, I basically had a panic attack. I started freaking out and crying and had to get the fuck outta there pronto. So I went outside and cried until I could compose myself. One guy was even like “Wow, so you’re really that afraid of the dark?” YUP. If I don’t know a place and it’s pitch black, I will piss myself and cry lol. But if it’s somewhere I know and am comfortable with, I don’t really mind the dark at all (except going down into my Mom’s basement, which looks like you’re walking down a stairway into shadow hell. It still freaks me out.)
9) I guess it depends what I’m doing...I like bright rooms if I’m gonna draw or write or something like that so I can see what I’m doing better, but I remember for a long time I used to love having the lights to the computer room off while I’d hang out down there. I think overall if I’m using the room and not going to bed, I prefer a light on.
22) Uuuhh....I don’t think so? I’m not really sure what qualifies as a talent anyway lol I mean, it might not be known to you so I can go with my singing I guess. I’m a decent singer (or was, before I wasn’t able to be in a singing class every day for years) and loved participating in Solo & Ensemble. Idk where all they have that but it basically lets band or choir kids do, well, a solo or ensemble piece. I always did solos because iirc ensembles couldn’t go forward to the next level even if they won gold? And also because coordinating singing with a group is not always #funtimes :) BUT ANYWAY first year I went, I did uh...”One Thing” by Finger Eleven and got gold but it wasn’t the right kind of song to move me forward iirc. Another year, I did the Mariah Carrey & Whitney Houston duet of “When You Believe” from Prince of Egypt BY MAH DAMN SELF and I think I got silver JUST by a couple points because I was getting over a cold and my breath hitched a few times which made me cough. Next year, I was determined to do a song that could get me to state level, so I chose from the available songs a Spanish one called “Preguntales a las Estrellas” (I don’t know how to do accent marks on the keyboard, I am sorry) and I did that one really well! But the first year I tried it, my voice ended up SHOT like two days before competition. There was no way I could sing :C So my senior year I was like OKAY GONNA GET THIS DONE and I did it and got gold!! And then I went to state and I GOT GOLD AGAAAAIN! So that was a nice feeling.
26) Uhhhhhh Ireland maybe? It sounds nice.
41) I’m honestly not big on milkshakes though that might have to change since my Mom is pushing me to get ice cream and drink a bunch of milkshakes to gain weight so I can’t choose a very educated favorite but I remember liking Oreo ones from Steak ‘N Shake.
54) Nope! I’m not much of a cook, so there’s a lot of things I have not even attempted myself. Me making a cake might be a disaster lol.
59) YASS. I haven’t done it much in a long time though because the way our apartments are set up means that everyone’s bathrooms kind of connect to each other by the walls. So when I walk in, on the other side of that wall is my next door neighbor’s bathroom. And above me is my upstairs neighbor’s bathroom. And it would be very very easy for them to hear. So I don’t do it much anymore but when I lived at my Mom’s, I’d be showering while she was at work so I’d blast my radio and sing as loud as I wanted.
60) Definitely. And I think it’s funny that people have a hard time conceptualizing what an alien could look like sometimes cuz I’m like daaayum the deep ocean is freaky. Where alien life is, how intelligent it is, whether we just find plants even, it’s out there somewhere. There’s no way in the entire universe that we were the only place in the perfect position to have lifeforms.
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thelovablycynicalerinmac · 6 years ago
I want to explain the cocktail choices for anyone who is curious.
Skywynne wasn’t flashy but still unique in her own way so a variation on the classic martini seemed to suit her the best.
Jushtin loved to hang with his crew so his signature drink would be one that serves at least four.
Solaria was notorious for her strength and fiery temper, so I had to go with a flaming cocktail that packed a punch.
Eclipsa’s drink had to be absinthe based because absinthe like Eclipsa was considered taboo.
Festivia was the party queen so a drink that makes enough servings for a party like sangria was a no brainer.
Dirhennia was a simple, down to earth gal with a sour disposition so a basic whisky sour was the way to go.
Crescenta was all about appearances so a pink sparkly strawberry mimosa seemed like a the right choice.
Rhina was a bit more difficult, I had a hard time figuring out what drink reflected her best. I chose a mojito wine spritzer because it featured her signature color and was a unique twist on a classic cocktail.
Celena was all about tarot cards and charms so a witchy cocktail for the winter solstice was perfect.
Estrella had a very 1920’s flapper style so I chose the bees knees since it is a cocktail from the 20’s that also has the gold color of her cheek marks.
Comet was famous for her pies so I went with a drink that tasted like one.
Moon’s drink was chosen because the name of the drink features the two things most associated with her, the color blue and diamonds.
Star is fun, sweet and colorful so what better drink to represent that than a milkshake with rainbow sprinkles?
I made a list of cocktails for each queen of mewni
1.) Skywynne
golden pear-tini
3 ounces pear vodka
3 ounces St-Germain or elderflower liqueur
1 ounce lime juice freshly squeezed
1 dash angostura bitters
1 gold Pear sliced
Pomegranate seeds
Shake all of the ingredients with ice; strain into a chilled martini glass.
Add pomegranate seeds and garnish with a slice of pear
2.) Jushtin
blackberry bramble
½ Cup fresh blackberries
2 Ounces Dry Gin
1 Ounce Blackberry Liquor ( optional)
1 Ounce simple syrup or maple or agave
1 1/2 Ounce fresh lemon juice
Ginger Ale or Soda
In a cocktail shaker, muddle blackberries with gin, blackberry liquor ( optional) lemon juice, simple syrup or agave, until broken up and they release their juice.
Double strain, using a fine mesh strainer, to remove seeds.
Fill 3-4 rocks glasses with ice.
Divide blackberry -gin mix among the glasses, and top with soda or ginger ale.
Garnish with a blackberry and lemon zest.
3.) solaria
death from above
1 oz 151 Vodka (Can swap 151 Rum for vodka)
1 oz Gin
3 oz Cola
In a chilled glass, pour in 151 vodka (or rum) and gin.
Light on fire.
After a few seconds of burning the drink, pour in the coke, and serve.
Mint absinthe frappe
1½ oz. absinthe
½ oz. simple syrup (1:1)
2 oz. soda water or seltzer
8 mint leaves
1 teaspoon crème de menthe
Gently muddle the mint with the simple syrup in the bottom of a shaker. Add the absinthe, crème de menthe and ice
shake vigorously.
Strain into a Collins, highball or frappé glass.
Pack the glass with crushed ice and top with a splash of soda water.
Use a barspoon to gently incorporate the bubbles. And Garnish with fresh mint
sparkling pomegranate sangria
1 bottle sparkling red wine
2 cups pomegranate juice
1/2 cup brandy
1/2 cup Triple Sec
1/4 cup simple syrup (equal amounts sugar and water, heated until sugar dissolves, cooled)
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
1 large orange, halved and thinly sliced
1 green apple, cored, halved and thinly sliced
1 cup red grapes, sliced in 1/2
Combine fruit, pomegranate juice, simple syrup, brandy and triple sec in a pitcher
cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or up to 48 hours
when you’re ready to serve ad the sparkling red wine and Serve over ice.
6.) Dirhennia
whiskey sour
2 ounces whiskey
3/4 oz Fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz Simple syrup
Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake
Strain into a glass
strawberry mimosa
6-8 fresh strawberries, washed & hulled
12oz champagne or sparkling white wine
In a blender, puree strawberries until smooth.
Spoon 1-2 tablespoons of the strawberry puree into the bottom of a champagne glass.
Top with champagne and serve immediately.
mojito wine spritzer
4-5 mint leaves
1 teaspoon agave nectar
juice from 1/2 lime
4 oz sauvignon blanc
4 oz club soda
In a large glass, muddle mint leaves, agave nectar and lime juice. Pour the mixture into a smaller serving glass
Add a handful of ice and pour in the sauvignon blanc and club soda.
Garnish with slice of lime and enjoy!
winter solstice cocktail
1 mint leaf
1 raspberry
6-8 Oz club soda
1/2 oz orange liqueur
1 and 1/2 oz orange vodka
In a cocktail shaker, combine vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice, and ice
Shake until well combined
Strain into a chilled martini glass
Add a splash of club soda
Carefully fold mint leaf in half lengthwise and place the stem end into the opening of the raspberry
Float on top of cocktail and serve
bees knees
2 oz gin
3/4 oz fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz honey syrup
Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with a lemon twist.
To make the Honey syrup add 1/2 cup honey and 1/2 cup water to a small saucepan over medium heat. (You can experiment and decide how much of a honey flavor you want in your syrup. The more honey you use, the thicker the syrup and stronger in flavor it will be.) Stir until blended. Strain into a jar and seal
11.) Comet
apple pie cider
8oz bottle Hard apple cider
1/2oz Cinnamon whiskey
1/2oz Butterscotch scnaps
Ad cinnamon whiskey and butterscotch schnapps to a Bordeaux glass
Fill the glass the rest of the way with the hard apple cider
Give it a quick stir
And enjoy
Diamond blue
3/4 oz gin
3/4 oz Crème de violette
1/4 blue curaçao
1 lemon wedge
3oz Champagne
Add the gin, crème de violette and Curaçao to a mixing glass.
Squeeze the lemon wedge into the glass and discard.
Fill with ice.
Stir, and strain into a Champagne flute.
Top with the Champagne and garnish with a light dusting of edible silver powder.
Boozy funfetti shake
1 1/2 cups vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup cold whole milk
2 oz. cake flavored vodka
1 Tbsp. rainbow sprinkles, plus more for topping
whipped cream (for topping)
In a blender, combine the ice cream, milk and vodka. Blend until smooth.
Add the 1 Tbsp of sprinkles and pulse just until combined
Pour into a glass and top with whipped cream and additional sprinkles
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saddnesi · 6 years ago
Contigo siempre lo que con nadie nunca, contigo todo lo que con los demás nada, contigo si con otros no, contigo es contigo. Se que te tengo y no te tengo al mismo tiempo pues no te tengo como quisiera tenerte. Sueño con estar a tu lado, tomando algún café, escuchándote hablar y verte sonreír, seria uno de los momentos más importantes e inolvidables de mi vida, si, sería sencillo, muy simple y de seguro insignificante anet tus ojos, pero para mi ya lo es todo. Quisiera caminar contigo de la mano, hacia el lado de la calle y me digas “hey, no, tú tienes que ir de este lado” y que cambiemos de lugar y quedes del lado de la calle, como signo de protección hacia mi vida. Quisera que volvamos a ir al lugar donde nos vimos por segunda vez, y pedir un combo así bien delicioso y compartir nuestras comidas uno con el otro, y luego de eso pedir algún milkshake y que te pida probar el tuyo y me lo hagas probar y termine quitándote el milkshake, mientras tú con carita de enojado tomando el mío, y que en eso te robe un beso y pongas de nuevo esa carita sonriente que me derrite como un helado. Quisiera ir de shopping contigo, y que en una de esas compremos un outfit de parejas y nos lo pongamos y caminemos por todo el shopping con las manos entrelazadas y caminemos juntitos así bien bonitos. Quisiera que vayemos al cine y veamos una película romántica y aunque no te guste que me dieras el gusto de verla contigo, que estando ahí sentados me pongas tu brazo como almohada para que pudiese ver más cómoda la película, que en la parte triste seques mis lagrimas y me digas “amor, estoy acá” y me abraces. Quisiera que en algún momento miremos las estrellas por la noche, no importa donde sea, al aire libre del shopping, en el parque, en el auto, en el balcón de mi casa o incluso en la terraza, no importa donde, sino que miremos y le pongamos nuestros nombres a las estrellas y decirnos que si algún día uno de los dos llegase a faltar que esa estrella seremos nosotros y nos vamos a cuidar, que pidamos un deseo tomados de la mano y luego de ese misterioso deseo darnos un beso y decirnos “te amo”. Quisiera que seamos felices sin importar los demás, que solo importe nosotros, nuestro amor, nuestra pasciencia, nuestro empeño, nuestro coraje, nuestro esfuerzo, nuestra lucha, nuestra felicidad. Espero que esto que tenemos, o que creo que tenemos jsjs sea algo significativo para ti, porque para mi lo es todo menos “nada”, en verdad te amo y no importa que tan grabe sea una pelea o que tan lejos te hayas ido, no importa con quien o en donde estés, yo siempre te amaré, hasta que la última estrela del cielo deje de brillar. -Mary Collins
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quetozzz · 8 years ago
Nunca había sentido una tristeza tan placentera como la que me das Nunca había sentido un dolor tan tangible como el que traigo conmigo Nunca había encontrado algo tan lindo hasta que vi esos ojos cafés Con luz se pintan con naranja Sin luz se sombran de gris Nunca había anhelado tanto compartir un helado hasta que probé el milkshake de galleta Nunca había sido nada hasta que entre agua y burbujas deje de sentir mi cuerpo Nunca había estado tan caliente como lo estuve entre tus brazos Nunca quise estar tan presente hasta que conocí mi presencia junto a la tuya Nunca sentí tanto frío como la ultima vez que te vi con el estomago vacío  Me duele en el corazón, los huesos, los labios, la mente, los pies y las manos Uñas  Rasquenme esta piel muerta Quítenme esta capa que me impide ser pura Ser agua  Ser burbuja Ser jabón Ser la luna que nos acompaña a ambos Ser el millón de estrellas que pasan desapercibidas Ser la tormenta el viento las nubes que pasan el sol
Ser lo que quiero ser
Ser lo que andas buscando Quiero ser algo que nunca seré nunca fui no se porque pensé que sí pero esta bien seré otra cosa otro ser solo seré otra cosa otra cosa me tocará ser otro ser que acepto acepto el “si” a la propuesta de matrimonio consigo mismo acepto sus errores, marcas, heridas y tropiezos valgo lo que vale mi amor y a quien amé valgo una moneda valgo un cigarro valgo un carro valgo un pie Valgo todo transporte que nos permite llegar a la luna a la luna llegar donde quieres estar, vas a llegar no corras, no te dañes las rodillas que cuando llegues te incaras te incaras y lloraras no sabrás por que lloras si de amor, tristeza, nostalgia, plenitud pero lloraras rodeada de verde y celajes pincelados lloraras  hasta sacar tu ultima lagrima por que un amor natural,  vale hasta la ultima gota  y tienes que sangrar  para saber que estas y seguirás estando viva
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