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tomasitaoficial · 11 months ago
Fuck it, I will upload here the ocs that do not receive much attention and that are a little forgotten (there will be old drawings)
But also leaving aside the ocs of my ask-blog (@ask-devildice-brothers) but if you want to ask about that AU, do it, I have no problem
I don't like asking you all to send me questions but, well, I would like these ocs to have attention
Ocs ↓
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Tomás, Greeley (@stan-0rg oc), Cheesecake and Candyccoon (@its-nickpache oc) They are ocs from The Amazing Digital Circus, I would be happy to receive questions from these!
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There are many more ocs! These ocs are from my story “In The Search For Meaning”, and I would certainly LOVE TO RECEIVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS STORY!!
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These two are from “In Black and White”. At the moment I do not have a reference photo for the version of Srta A in this story but there are also other characters!
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This is an oc from fnaf security breach, I have a lot planned for it so, you know, if you have questions or anything, ask anything!
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These three come from an Au called “the three idiots”, It comes out as a cameo in LHDDA AU- Milkshake Estrella and Mixton are characters from some friends of mine without tumblr but these ocs are open to questions!
I have several more ocs, but I want these to be the ones with attention, so please ask anything!
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moniiiii112 · 5 months ago
i hav bluesky acc now.... user @ yizel.. ❤️❤️😊
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yizelsastoque · 2 years ago
Le dije a mi psicóloga
"Viví unos dos meses y medio tormentosos, pase de llorar todos los días, a llorar día por medio a llorar una vez a la semana, no dormía, no comía, todos me decían que estaba flaca, mi corazón se agitaba y todo lo sobrepensaba.
Me dijo 'yizel que a cambiado desde eso'
Le respondí llorando "siento que nada, yo estoy aquí intentando buscar que es lo que está mal en mí luego de que me dañaran."
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diariocampodentro · 3 years ago
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musicalmelody321-blog · 4 years ago
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@cozzyhoney-blog @young-site @marithegoat-blog @thewitchdoctorpoet @g0ldendime @yizel-sareth @huggathugga @natileona @sxdnxyyybarra 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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elejah-verse · 5 years ago
The Sun And The Moon Curse/part 8
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Part 8
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
ft other tvd characters - Klaus Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Esther Mikaelson
set after tvd 3x14/15
Materlist here 
Katherine arrived in Bucharest and once again stood there empty handed. Yizel could see that there was a very unusual magic surrounding Lia's villa and when she tried to come close to it, she suddenly felt weak and very nauseous.
"Dark magic-ahh"- the doppelganger felt a sharp pain kick in her stomach as if she was stabbed.
Katherine took the opportunity and now grabbed the dagger from the witch and decided to cut her losses and leave the witch behind. Something very odd was happening and she opted to lay low for a little while.
In Cluj-Napoca,Romania
When Elena got out of her room, Lia informed her that Elijah had left to run some errands. The witch then asked if she would go to town with her. She accepted the invitation. Lia needed to get some particular herbal essences for the ritual. They entered a shop that sold many  different varieties of organic cosmetics. It was a beautiful rustic shop. Elena looked at some perfume bottles. The shop-keeper brought all that was on Lia's list, then looked at Elena and suggested a fragrance that would suit her. She spoke to her in Romanian and Elena apologized for not understanding. Lia translated.
"Jasmine and Lilac with a hint of orange blossom-it's an antic fragrance. She thinks would suit you best."
Elena smelled it, and she liked it, and so she bought it. They got out and Lia suggested they have a cup of coffee. They got into a cafe across the road.
"Are you all right?" Lia asked Elena, who seemed to be somewhere else lost in her thoughts.
"Yes-just-I-h-so much has happened-it's crazy to think about  the normal things like the dress and perfume-and I have none of my friends here and tell them that I kind of got engaged. I know it sounds crazy "
"Why? Because he is a vampire? And something like that is not to be?" Lia asked.
"No, it's not because he is a vampire. I don't even see him like that.  I am sort of supernatural, aren't I? And now I am going to be immortal! It's just that I have not imagined it like that. I wanted my mum and dad to be there when I kinda get married " Elena said.
"And the harsh reality is that it happened in a place so far away from home?!"
"This is an old home. I mean -you are family, aren't you? Technically."
"Thank you for considering me to be your family. You and Elijah were meant to be. The Sun conjuncts with the Moon - it is foreseen to have a stable and long lasting relationship, with great romance, but it has the effect of unification of purpose, emotions and will, instills loyalty, trust and faithfulness. Your Sun sign is the other person's Moon sign and the other person's Sun sign is your Moon sign. It works reciprocally. It said that each of you would have a profound effect upon the other. And I have seen it. The way you speak to one another, the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. You may have felt that you are soul mates and that is because of your Sun and Moon aspects within you. It is said that together you can endure almost any hardship. Nature doesn't bestow that upon just anyone. You were chosen." Lia explained.
Hearing what Lia had said made Elena feel elated, inspirited, but also somewhat anxious, especially for the part about hardship, as she knew that things that they would be facing would not be a walk in the park, to put it mildly. She was very much aware of it all, but now she wanted to linger in the dream of the night before, accepting his proposal wholeheartedly.
"My friends would not understand how I feel-and probably say that it is all some kind of magic."
"It's called being in love," Lia said, "if you forget for a moment about the scrolls, you fell for the man he is."
"Yes, I did." Elena sighed dreamily thinking of all that drew her to him, "when I first met him- ah-that was so not good." Elena took a deep breath and told Lia of all that had happened between her and Elijah.
Having listened to the short story attentively, the witch then said "The need to save them and you was the cosmic inclination to find the kindred soul. You may look the same in your appearance, but I have told you that your souls are different."
"What I don't understand is, well, if he wasn't turned and stayed human- well, we would never have met?!"
"Now that is something we will have to leave with Mother nature, but I believe that you and him would have met."
"How? There would have been -or Elijah would be a doppelganger too?"
"Maybe. As I said Nature has it worked out."-Lia said-"shall we go and look at some dresses? Let's just be women indulging in some girly time out?!" Lia suggested.
Elena agreed smiling a little. Even if it was for a few hours, she needed the escape. As Lia said, she wanted to think of it as a ceremony and not as a ritual that would align their forces to  fight a very dangerous enemy.
Klaus pondered his next move. No matter how many times Elijah and he didn't see eye to eye and there have been plenty of occasions, and he knew that he had provoked in his brother's wish to kill him, he thought Elijah would be on his side. But now with all that he found out it seemed that there was not going back. It was very clear to him that Elijah used stalling tactics to go against him once again.
"Family," the Original sifted angrily, "what a joke!" He then turned to one of his minions and said to him to pass on the message to Julius.
"Let the games begin!" Klaus said, taking a sip of the Bourbon"let's see who will be the king of the world"
In Cluj, Elijah returned to the apartment sometime before Elena and Lia. He took out the rings he had made in the Viking custom. Ever since he became aware of what he customs of the viking society were and where his place as a man was, he thought of doing everything slightly  different. He thought of  his father and mother and their union of marriage, which their parents had arranged, love being insignificant. He had always wanted to do the opposite. He wanted it to mean so much more than just serving a purpose. He remembered once listening his father talking about negotiating a marriage at the Thing, which was a vikings Council meeting. There was talk of brautkauf or brideprice. It was a very elaborate economic exchange between the families. Now his thoughts diverted to the present and he felt that, although, it was nothing like the old days, Elena was forced into the union, for a particular purpose, and his heart wished that this dark cloud were not hanging over them, that they were just two people who fell in love and wanted to be together.
He now heard them come up the steps and he put the box with the rings in his suit pocket.
Not long after Lia and Elena walked in carrying loads of shopping bags in. She greeted him elated to see him, and he responded in the same manner. Her spirit was exactly like the sun that manages to lift up all the darkness.
"I overdid it," Elena said looking at the bags, "I don't know what happened. I just forgot, I guess, that it is just a ritual."
Excusing herself, Lia left them.
"You had a nice day out?!" Elijah said nearing the doppelganger. "You coloured your hair. I like it!" the Original brushed his fingers through Elena’s hair
"I did.Yes," Elena smiled, "I wanted to- I want it to be special."
"And not just another ritual, where you are forced to something that no one asked you whether you wanted it or not"
"Elijah...what is it?"
"I just wish...it all was different. That is all. I wanted to protect you from it all. It's a natural impulse of mine.  I know that you are so courageous and strong-willed."
"And that I will be fine."-her eyes assured him.-" I will always have you....and we are together in this?!"
"So we are." the Original now he took the box out of the pocket presenting it to her.
"What is this?" Elena said looking at him curiously.
"Open it." Elijah said dearly.
She opened  it, and there were two rings. 
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"They are beautiful!" Elena said.
Elijah now took the ring out of the box and taking Elena’s hand now said, "I understand how people felt when they were about to go to war and leave their loved one behind, and when they wanted to vow to one another that they would be theirs forever- and this is maybe the least romantic place. I would like to pledge here and now my love for you"
She nodded uttering  a yes.
He took the ring an placed it on her finger saying "with this ring I bind myself to you always and forever."
She then did the same saying "Always and forever"
Whether it was in the darkest forest or just a tiny room, all that mattered was that this was their private moment they would always remember.
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Lia hated to break their happy moment up, but she announced that it was time to go to the location where the ritual of conjunction was to be performed. Elena went to change quickly and they soon departed to the forest not far from the city. The witch led them to the point in the woods where a perfect circular clearing existed. It was known in the old days as the circle of the Immortals.
"Please stand here" the witch said to them showing where to go, then looked up in the sky to see how long it was for the Sun and the Moon to line up.
"Open your palms"- she said to them, as they did. Elijah could hear Elena's heart racing wildly but she assured him with her look that she was fine. Lia now cut into the palms murmuring words they didn't understand smearing them with the mixture of herbs she had bought earlier that day and now told them to hold their hands firmly together. A strange tingling in their palms as the witch continued chanting and then looked up at the skies once again and when she saw the sun and the moon were in complete alignment, she bound their the hands with a lace of different sacred flowers. Elena felt at one moment as if her heart had stopped and started again. She looked at him and all of a sudden she felt like she could hear his heartbeats. They were as apprehensive as hers. Nothing seemed to be different and yet all was different. Something was pulling them towards one another, like a force unknown so they moved closer. The body, the mind and the soul became one. Both could feel the mystical surge ran through them. Shuddering a little they looked at one another with love. As her lips touched his, the conjunction was sealed.
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elranki · 3 years ago
Farina y Ryan Castro encienden la discoteca con el tema «Fiesta»
Farina y Ryan Castro encienden la discoteca con el tema «Fiesta»
La superestrella colombiana, Farina, estrena una enérgica canción de dancehall que atrae al fiestero que todos llevamos dentro junto a Ryan Castro.
El video musical oficial está dirigido por Nael y Justin y sigue a Farina y Ryan Castro en un animado club nocturno durante una noche de baile y diversión. Con una paleta de colores oscuros que recuerda a los clubes nocturnos del centro de la ciudad, esta producción tiene un elemento de peligro que realza la narración visual. El amor y la pasión que se necesitaron para crear esta canción se muestran en el video oficial.
“Me siento extremadamente bendecida por todas las emocionantes oportunidades de carrera que este año me ha brindado y seguirá brindando. Trabajar con Ryan Castro fue más de lo que podría haber esperado. Ambos somos orgullosos colombianos y ambos compartimos la misma visión de la canción”, dijo Farina.
Su nueva película Flow Calle, en la que interpreta el papel principal de Queen Yizelle, se estrenó en el Caribe el mes pasado y llegará a los cines esta primavera en los Estados Unidos. La canción principal de la banda sonora de la película alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de reproducción nacional y urbana de República Dominicana.
Además, El Alfa lanzó recientemente su sencillo “Bendecido” con Farina en su esperado álbum. El video luego de su publicación se convirtió en un éxito viral instantáneamente en la tendencia # 1 en la República Dominicana, mostrando su versatilidad como una de las ‘reinas’ de la música latina.
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cinedominicano · 3 years ago
Flow de Calle
Nadie elige donde nace, y Yizelle nació en Los Mina, un humilde barrio de Santo Domingo. Su papá Sergio siempre le repetía que del barrio solo se sale siendo pelotero, cantante o muerto. Ella decidió cumplir ese sueño: Ser la mayor exponente del género urbano. Sin embargo, lo tiene todo en contra: Su padre muere, su hermano ”Micky, El Mago” es un delicuente que no apoya su decisión, los hombres…
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tomasitaoficial · 11 months ago
“Trouble on the roads!”
Just a mini comic of an original story of mine, Reblogs are appreciated!
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Negron: gosh, I knew this would end badly!
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Thanos: You two, what do you think you're doing?!
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Yizel: Huh, Hilarious
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Mandarin: well...they can't say I didn't warn them
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Thanos: For reasons like this my leg doesn't get better, My companions are idiots!
Nottingham: You're an idiot, why are you standing still?!
Negron: What do you want me to do?! Cry?!!
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Thanos: I'm starting to think that that break SHE offered me doesn't sound so bad anymore...
Nottingham: Just shut up, Ridiculous, You're hurting your boss.
Negron: It was you who pushed me first!
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Yizel: Well, Dad, I learned a lesson, This shit is crazy.
This is in sketches because I never finished it- I hope to share more of these cats in the future! (and yes, They are available for questions!)
Part 1 / part 2 / part 3 (You are here)
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bryanvalenciamartinez · 4 years ago
Equipo 11
García Morales Wendy Yarel
Martinez Amezcua Grettel Yizel
Trejo Barrón Diana
Urquidez Mendez Kassandra
Valencia Martinez Bryan
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yizelsastoque · 2 years ago
Hoy llegando a media cuadra de mi casa alguien grito 'yizel' voltee y era un antiguo compañero, me dijo 'si me recuerdas' a lo que claro que le respondí que sí. 'de ti tengo muy buenos recuerdos, tu siempre fuiste muy buena conmigo' a lo que le dije 'gracias'. Me sorprende, entre tanto me dijo 'muchas gracias parce, usted siempre me hablaba, siempre fue linda' el corazón me tembló un poco, porque vengo herida. Lo recuerdo, él era un niño obeso, era muy alto pero también muy gordo. Constantemente resevia burlas y rechazo por parte de los niños y las niñas. Yo sentía demasiada empatía por él porque podía ver su dolor, hoy en día su físico cambio, está exageradamente delgado.
A lo que quiero llegar es que, hoy fue uno de esos días en los que mi dolor pulsante y constante me preguntaba el ¿por qué?. Pregunta que aún no tiene respuesta. Hoy necesitaba algo a qué aferrarme y justamente sucede esto. Me aferró a qué no voy por la vida dañando gente, me aferró a la empatía genuina que mi corazón siente, me aferró a mí, a lo que por esencia soy.
Le pedí a la vida que me diera un motivo para hacerme un lugarcito. La respuesta fue contundente, soy lo que soy, voy por está vida intentando sanarme y sanar, ¿mí paz y lo que me da tranquilidad? Saber que intento hacer las cosas bien.
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all-of-the-musesarchived · 8 years ago
Current List
All muses struckthrough are those I’m getting ready to remove. It’s really hard for me to go through and retire some of these but I’ve been told be several people that I need to remove some of them. I won’t completey delete them, but they will be retired unless requested personally. 
One Piece
Red Hair Cassie
Yoshi Haruto
Team Fortress 2
Liesel Fleischer(RED Medic)
Violette LaCroix(RED Spy)
Kimberly Davis(RED Sniper)
Svetlana Mikhailov(RED Heavy)
Samantha Reynolds(BLU Scout)
Dell (BLU Engineer)
Victoria Jones (BLU Soldier)
Sorcha DeGroot (BLU Demoman)
Emily Spencer (Marvel)
Martha Reiner (Marvel)
Kayleigh Baker (DC)
Nicole Thawne (DC)
McKenna Hayes (DC)
Aidan ‘Skins’ Townsend (Marvel)
Urahara Ayame
Dona Yizel
Kotsubaki Yuu
Kanda Junichi
Resident Evil
Cara Altomari
Once Upon A Time
Katherine Gold / Goldilocks
Cyrus Mathews
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musicalmelody321-blog · 4 years ago
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@cozzyhoney-blog @young-site @marithegoat-blog @thewitchdoctorpoet @g0ldendime @yizel-sareth @huggathugga @natileona @sxdnxyyybarra 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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elejah-verse · 6 years ago
The Sun And The Moon Curse/8
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Part 8
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
ft. other tvd characters - Klaus Mikaelson, Esther, Katherine 
set after tvd 3x14/15
TVD AU story
Summary: At the Mikaelson Ball, Elijah asks Elena to tell him what his mother wanted form her. After Elena discloses what it was to the Original vampire, and the ritual fails, she is prompted to leave with him, leaving Mystic Falls behind, embarking on a new adventure.
a/n: Thanks so much for reading this story, as it was the first tvd fanfiction I ever wrote. xoxo
Warning: Fluff, witch ritual, vampire blood
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @captainshurley @cassienoble2000 @goddessofthunder112 @hides2000 @elejahforever @idkhaylijah
If you wish to be removed from the tag list, please let me know 
Katherine arrived in Bucharest and once again stood there empty handed. Yizel could see that there was a very unusual magic surrounding Lia's villa and when she tried to come close to it, she suddenly felt weak and very nauseous. 
"Dark magic -ahh"- she felt a sharp pain kick in her stomach as if she was stabbed.
Katherine took the opportunity and now grabbed the dagger from the witch and decided to cut her losses and leave the witch behind. Something very odd was happening and she opted to lay low for a little while.
In Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania
The next day
Elena woke up and moved, rubbing her eyes, finding that Elijah was gone. But, there on the pillow was a rose. Elena smiled taking the rose, and now sat up. 
 As she got ready, she walked to the kitchen to make some coffee. 
“Good morning”- the witch knocked at the door of the kitchen -”I apologize for letting myself in, but I have a message from Elijah.”
“He went to run some errands, I guess.”- Elena said and now offered the woman a cup of coffee. 
“No, thank you. I thought that maybe you would like to accompany me into town?”
Elena accepted the invitation. Lia needed to get some particular herbal essences for the ritual. Grabbing her bag, the doppelganger and the witch left the apartment.
They entered a shop that sold many different varieties of organic cosmetics. It was a beautiful rustic looking shop. Elena went up to the stand where perfume bottles were on display. The shop-keeper brought all that was on Lia's list, then looked at Elena and suggested a fragrance that would suit her. She spoke to her in Romanian and Elena apologized for not understanding. Lia translated.
"Jasmine and Lilac with a hint of orange blossom. It's an antic fragrance. She thinks that one would suit you best."
Elena smelled it, and she liked it, and bought it. They got out and Lia then suggested they have a cup of coffee and a a bit of breakfast. They got into a cafe across the road from the shop.
"Are you all right?"- Lia asked Elena, who appeared to be absent-minded as they got into the place.
"Yes-just- I-hm-so much has happened-it's crazy to think about  normal things like the dress and perfume-and - none of my friends are here and - I should have told them that I kind of got engaged. I know it sounds crazy "
"Why? Because he is a vampire? And something like that is not to be?"-Lia asked.
"No, it's not because he is a vampire. I don't even see him like that.  I am sort of supernatural, aren't I? And now I am going to be immortal! It's just that I have not imagined it like that- I wanted my mom and dad to be there when I get married "-Elena said, adding -”And the harsh reality is that it will happen in a place so far away from home!"
"This is home - crazy as it sounds. I feel at home here. I mean-you are family, aren't you? Technically."
"Thank you for considering me to be your family. You and Elijah were meant to be-the Sun conjuncts with the Moon - it is foreseen to have a stable and long lasting relationship, with great romance, but it has the effect of unification of purpose, emotions and will, instills loyalty, trust and faithfulness. Your Sun sign is the other person's Moon sign and the other person's Sun sign is your Moon sign. It works reciprocally. It said that each of you would have a profound effect upon the other. And I have seen it. The way you speak to one another, the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. You may have felt that you are soul mates and that is because of your Sun and Moon aspects within you. It is said that together you can endure almost any hardship. Nature doesn't bestow that upon just anyone. You were chosen."- Lia said.
Hearing what Lia had said made Elena feel elated, inspirited, but also somewhat anxious, especially for the part about hardship, as she knew that things that they would be facing would not be a walk in the park, to put it mildly. She was very much aware of it all, but now she wanted to linger in the dream of the night before, accepting his proposal wholeheartedly.
"My friends would not understand how I feel- and probably say that it is a very bad idea." - Elena said.
"It's called being in love"-Lia said-"if you forget for a moment about the scrolls, you fell for the man he is, his human counterpart." - the witch said.
"Yes, I did."-Elena said dreamily, thinking of all that drew her to Elijah. But she also flashed back to their first ever meeting.
 “When I first met him- ah- that was - ahm - crazy."
Elena told Lia of all that had happened between them.
As Elena finished telling the witch shortly about her and Elijah’s short history, Lia had this to say -
"The need to save them and you was the cosmic inclination to find the kindred soul. You may look the same in your appearance, but I have told you that your souls are different."
"What I don't understand is, well, if he wasn't turned and stayed human- well, we would never have met?!"
"Now that is something we will have to leave with Mother nature, but I believe that you and him would have met."
"How? There would have been -or Elijah would be a doppelganger too?"
"Maybe. As I said Nature has it worked out."-Lia said-"shall we go and look at some dresses? Let's just be women indulging in some girly time out?!"
Elena agreed smiling a little. Even if it was for a few hours, she needed the escape. As Lia said, she wanted to think of it as a ceremony and not as a ritual that would align their forces to  fight a very dangerous enemy.
Klaus pondered his next move. No matter how many times Elijah and he didn't see eye to eye, and there have been plenty of occasions, he knew that Elijah would still be on his side. But now with all that he found out it seemed that  this time it was not so. It was very clear to him that Elijah used stalling tactics to go against him once again, same as he had done in Mystic Falls.
"Family"- he sifted angrily- "what a joke!"
The Hybrid  then turned to one of his compelled followers and told him to pass on the message to Julius.
"Let the games begin!"- Klaus said- "let's see who will be the King of the world"
Meanwhile, in Romania, Transylvania
Elijah returned to the apartment sometime before Elena and Lia. He took out the rings he had made in the Viking custom. 
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Ever since he became aware of what he customs of the viking society were and where his place as a man was, he thought of doing everything slightly different. He thought of his father and mother and their union of marriage, which their parents had arranged, love being insignificant. He had always wanted to do the opposite. He wanted it to mean so much more than just serving a purpose. He remembered once listening his father talking about negotiating a marriage at the Thing, which was a vikings Council meeting. There was talk of brautkauf or brideprice. It was a very elaborate economic exchange between the families. Now his thoughts diverted to the present and he felt that, although, it was nothing like the old days, Elena was forced into the union, for a particular purpose, and his heart wished that this dark cloud were not hanging over them, that they were just two people who fell in love and wanted to be together.
Back in Bucharest he had told her that he had loved once before, but it was not the whole truth. He had loved been in love with a woman warrior, Thorunn. And thought she had pledge herself to him, she went to marry another man.
A thousand years ago
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“Ah, Thorunn chose Bjorn”- Kol said as he now crossed the path with his brother, who saw Elijah earlier gazing at the blonde shield-maiden. 
“Leave me alone. I am not in the mood for your clever remarks.”- Elijah said walking by his brother.
“I wasn’t going to make you feel bad. I thought you cared for someone else - this new girl  that came with the witch. Tatia?”
“No. I mean - yes, I care, but - that is all. I think that she has feeling for Niklaus.”- Elijah replied.
“Yes, I saw him - all flirtatious with her. I think that they have even spent a night together.”- Kol now said.
Elijah now shook with his head and continued to the horses pen. 
“Come on, one day you will find the one!”- Kol shouted behind his brother.
The one. Elijah now thought. Yes, Elena was the one. His heart knew that before he was ever aware of that. He now smiled a little, thinking of how all came about. It had in actual fact always meant to be as he now thought about what the scrolls entailed. Like Elena had said, he had always know that that someone was out there waiting for him. He had always known. His heart had never been completely taken, like it was since he had met her. Not for Thorunn, his first love, nor for Aya. 
He now put the rings in its antique ring box. Hearing Elena and Lia come up the steps, he put the box with the rings in his suit pocket.
Not long after Lia and Elena walked into the apartment. Both women now put down a big load of shopping bags on the floor. 
The witch and the doppelganger greeted him. Elena’s eyes shone lovingly at him, and he responded in the same manner. Her spirit was exactly like the sun that managed to lift up all the darkness. 
"I overdid it"- she then said looking at the bags- "I don't know what happened- I just forgot, I guess, that it is just a ritual."
“I see.”- Elijah said with a small wag of his eyebrows.
“I will see you in a little while.”- Lia then said and excused herself, leaving them, stepping out of the apartment.
"You had a nice day out, I gather."- Elijah then said nearing her- " and you changed your hair -I like it!" 
The Original brushed his fingers through the doppelganger’s hair.
"I did.Yes"- Elena smiled, adding- " I wanted to- I want it to be special."
"And not just another ritual, where you are forced to something that no one asked you whether you wanted it or not"
"Elijah-what is it?"
"I just wish -it all was different for you- us. That is all. I wanted to protect you from it all. It's a natural impulse of mine. I know that you are so courageous and strong-willed."
"And that I will be fine."-her eyes assured him -" I will always have you-and we are together in this!"
"So we are."- Elijah now he took the box out of his jacket pocket presenting it to her.
"What is this?"- Elena said looking at him curiously.
Elijah now opened the beautiful box, showing the wedding bands.
"Oh -they are beautiful!"- Elena said taken in for a moment.
”How did you - when did you- get them?”
“I left here before dawn. I remembered an antique jewellery shop in Budapest - I went to get them.”- Elijah replied. 
Elena looked at the Original with a surprising look, even though all she had already learnt about him so far shouldn’t have done. 
“I hope this is not too much - this is a big step-” - Elijah said gulping a bit-”and I would absolutely understand if you - ”
“Elijah - no - I mean - yes - I thought about everything. Like I told you - my whole life changed the moment I have found out I was the doppelganger, and - “
Elena paused for a moment, placing her palm on the Original’s cheek, continuing- “I am sure of this. I am sure about how I feel.”
“You are?”- Elijah muttered, his heart exhibiting a tender flutter, his heightened feelings now making his whole being tremble. 
He stood there with his heart and his soul bare in front of her, looking at her with adoring eyes. 
Elena nodded a little, her eyes smiling dreamily at Elijah -
“I've never been more sure of anything in my life.”
Elena now put her hand out to Elijah, and he now took the rings out of its box.
And before he put the ring on her finger, he said -
"I understand how people felt when they were about to go to war and leave their loved one behind, and when they wanted to vow to one another that they would be theirs forever-and this is maybe the least romantic place-  but I would like to pledge here and now my undying love for you"
He then took the ring and placed it on her finger saying-
 "With this ring I bind myself to you Always and Forever."
She then did the same saying- "Always and forever"
Slowly pulling her to him, Elijah lips brushed over Elena’s. Soft and gentle, gripping them more firmly The wave of deep felt love streamed all over them, spilling out from their hearts.
Whether it was in the most beautifully decorated church, a darkest forest or just a tiny room, it was the same for them at that very moment. All that mattered was that this was their private moment they would always remember. 
Lia’s knock at the door of the bedroom, now brought them back from their happy cloud to the harsh reality. 
“Just a moment”- Elijah said as his eyes still danced happily, gazing at his beloved, holding her close.
They knew that it was  time to go to the location where the ritual of the conjunction was to be performed. 
“It’s ok. I am ready.”- Elena said -”and - if you don’t mind I would like to go and have a shower.”
“Of course.”- Elijah said, placing a small peck on the lips.
“Love you”- Elena said as she now opened at the door, turning to the Original.
Having showered, and changed, they left for the small hamlet outside the city, close to the  forest where the ritual was to take place. 
There they were met by an old women and her granddaughter. It was clear that they were witches that knew Lia very well. They came up to Elena, and Lia nodded at the doppelganger that it was perfectly safe for her to go with them. 
“Where are they taking her?”- Elijah inquired not happy that he was held back by the blonde witch.
“To prepare her. You don’t have to worry. They will not harm her.”- Lia reassured the Original.
Elijah nodded a little, and waited. Not long. Elena returned dressed in an elegant white dress, wearing a flower crown on her head.
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Elijah at Elena mesmerized, putting his hand out to her. As she came to him, he now uttered as if compelled-
“You are so beautiful”
“Thank you”- Elena slipped taking his hand. 
“Ready?”- the Original now said and the doppelganger nodded.
 The witch led them to the point in the woods where a perfect circular clearing existed. It was known in the old days as the circle of the Immortals. The magical circle was already prepared. As it was a marital rite of some kind, the circle was adorned with flowers among sacred plans and scented candles.
"Please stand here"- Lia said to them showing where to go, then looked up in the sky to see how long it was for the Sun and the Moon to line up.
"Open your palms"
They did as the witch asked.
Elijah could hear Elena's heart racing wildly but she assured him with her look that she was fine. 
Lia now cut into the palms murmuring words they didn't understand smearing them with the mixture of herbs she had bought earlier that day and now told them to joint their palms together.
 Soon both of them could feel a strange tingling in their palms as the witch continued chanting and then looked up at the skies once again, and when she saw the sun and the moon were in complete alignment, she bound their hands with a ribbon laced with all different sacred flowers.
As the chanting finished Elena felt a tad bit faint. Her whole being shook and she felt her heart stop and start again. She beamed her eyes at Elijah, hearing his heartbeats now. They were as apprehensive as hers. 
Nothing seemed to be different and yet all was different. Something was pulling them towards one another, like a force unknown, They now moved closer. 
With the unusual tingling streaming all over them, they held onto one another firmly. A mystical surge ran through them.The body, the mind and the soul became one. Enveloped in the magical haze, they looked at one another with love. As her lips touched his, the conjunction was sealed.
Heart beats fast Colours and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this One step closer          
a/n: one of the best Elejah vids, in my opinion, and just had to add it.                 
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steveteel · 5 years ago
Our 8th Annual February Visit to Mirador de Oriente. It was a cool, breezy morning worshiping with our dear brothers at Mirador de Oriente. We always enjoy our time with the minister Juan Diego Lux (1999 Graduate) and his wife, Yizell. Several children were excited to receive their Magi boxes from Healing Hands. Cuban student Yordano Benavides preached on Mark 2.1-12. #miradordeoriente #baxtergraduate1999 (at Tegucigalpa, F.M.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B87wbOupFum/?igshid=7xq9vclh2zhe
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arthurmyersthings-blog · 5 years ago
Global Electrical Compression Connectors Market - Global Trends, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast to 2024
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Global Electrical Compression Connectors market 2019 report ease decision making on the grounds of historical and forecast data and also the drivers and restraints available on the industry. Even the report covers market traits, Electrical Compression Connectors growth and size, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends, and approaches for the market.
Scope of this Report:
The Electrical Compression Connectors market report primarily concentrates on the industry in the global sector. What's more, the report highlights local advice gradually country-level test for leading players in addition to beginners of this Electrical Compression Connectors market to expand their particular opinion. The analysis sheds lights to the test of price, supply chain, material specifications, and in addition to growth and constraining facets in the Electrical Compression Connectors industry. To deliver a thorough outlook to prospective investors, business leaders, and subscribers it defines a few diverse elements analyzed through Electrical Compression Connectors feasibility analysis and SWOT analysis.
Global Electrical Compression Connectors Market Players:
Zhongxiang, Galvan, SHANGJU, Hubbell, Cooper, GREAVES, Xieda Electric, BURNDY, YONGGU, TYCO, YUANDONG, PANDUIT, Cembre, Ilsco, NSI, ASK, KLAUKE, YIZELE, AEX, Thomas&Betts
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Report Coverage:
Global Electrical Compression Connectors Market report offers a comprehensive analysis of this market with the assistance of up to date economy chances, outline, perspective, challenges, and trends and market tendencies, size, and growth, competitive analysis, leading competitions;
The report admits the industry players vital drivers of challenges and Electrical Compression Connectors growth evaluates the effect of constraints and the opportunities available on the industry;
Uncovers demands on the global Electrical Compression Connectors industry;
The report provides a comprehensive analysis of shifting Electrical Compression Connectors Market competitive dynamic;
Includes info on the current Electrical Compression Connectors market size and the near-future potential of this market;
Together with global Electrical Compression Connectors market investigation, also gets invaluable info regarding the generation and its market share, revenue, cost and gross-margin, supply, consumption, export, export quantity and worth such as following areas: North America, Europe, China, Japan, The Middle East & Africa, India, South America, Others
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Focused Product Type:
Low Frequency≤3MHz
High Frequency≥3MHz
By Application:
Signal Transmission
Electric Transmission
The Electrical Compression Connectors report involves an all-embracing perspective using a comprehensive analysis of this market. It also enlists top-most Companies together with their SWOT analysis and investigation. The investigation study contains the global Electrical Compression Connectors industry analysis on the grounds of product category, capability, end-use manufacturing, as well as regions. Market predictions and volume for various segments of this Electrical Compression Connectors market are emphasized at the regional and global levels.
Key Questions Answered in this Report:
1. What is the Electrical Compression Connectors industry growth pace of the economy in 2025?
2. Which would be the Electrical Compression Connectors important elements driving?
3. What would be the essential Electrical Compression Connectors for manufacturing companies?
4. Which would be the Electrical Compression Connectors market opportunities, restraints and market review?
5. Which are earnings, revenue, and price analysis by Electrical Compression Connectors types and applications?
6. Which are Electrical Compression Connectors earnings, revenue, and price analysis through regions? Hence the global Electrical Compression Connectors market report offers a comprehensive analysis covering every one of the significant regions, competitions, and lively facets of the vital industry.
Enquire more at https://futuristicreports.com/report/send-an-enquiry/2392
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