#Military leadership
How much of Robbs victories do you think comes from the fact he had a really excellent staff of front line officers (with himself being one of the best)? His tactics seem very reliant on the ability of his subordinates to emulate his own methods of shock attacks, since his special move is splitting up his army for near simultaneous actions at multiple points. He personally needs to be great at identifying the weakest point for the soldiers he directly commands, but so does the Greatjon, the blackfish, and any other commander leading the other fragments as far as I can tell.
Personally, I would hesitate to describe a medieval army led by feudal lords as a "staff of front line officers."
To answer your question: the only one of Robb's men I think that really describes is the Blackfish, who Robb calls "my eyes and ears." While I don't agree with those who think that the Blackfish was the brains of the operation and Robb was a mere figurehead, the Blackfish has a certain set of skills that go above and beyond the norm for a highborn man's military education. In particular, his specialization as a leader of scouts and outriders made him absolutely invaluable at the Whispering Woods, an important although less decisive officer at the Battle of the Camps, and the one man Robb trusted to hold the Riverlands for him in his absence.
When it comes to the rest of his lords - Greatjon Umber, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, Helman Tallhart, etc. - most of them are pretty conventionally competent. They can command a detachment in advance or retreat, follow orders when it comes to where and who to attack, and so forth. There is an element of interchangeability there, however. Apart from the Greatjon having something of a reputation as a juggernaut who's all about charging straight ahead, you could switch around commanders when it comes to something like Nunn's Deep or the Pendric Hills and I don't think anyone would notice.
Robb really only has difficulty with two officers, and it doesn't really come down to their "ability...to emulate his own methods of shock attacks." Edmure I've talked to death, so I'm not going to get into it here, but that came down to a matter of ability to follow orders rather than interpret them in a favorable light. And then there's Roose, where it's a matter of straight-up disloyalty and treason rather than ability - Roose is very good at killing Stark loyalists and can execute adroitly on quite devious plans when it benefits him personally.
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I hope to God that I have fought my last battle. It is a bad thing to be always fighting. While in the thick of it, I am much too occupied to feel anything; but it is wretched just after. It is quite impossible to think of glory. Both mind and feeling are exhausted. I am wretched even at the moment of victory, and I always say that next to a battle lost, the greatest misery is a battle gained. Not only do you lose those dear friends with whom you have been living, but you are forced to leave the wounded behind you. To be sure one tries to do the best for them,but how little that is! At such moments every feeling in your breast is deadened. I am now just beginning to retain my natural spirits, but I never wish for any more fighting.
- Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington  
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defensenow · 1 month
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mandukhaikhatun · 3 days
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550-leadership · 2 months
The Dilemma Resolved: When Rules Meet Real-Life
Thank you all for your insightful comments on how you would handle the situation with John. Your perspectives are invaluable and truly highlight the complexities of leadership decisions. As we were discussing John, another co-worker walked in. Now there were three Senior Enlisted Leaders, each with over 15 years of service in the Marine Corps, debating John’s fate with the training clerk. The…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
Western Europeans mostly grabbed America's money, accepted its military leadership, and joined or drifted toward a democratic, pro-trade European union.†
†This began with the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, founded in 1948, and the 1952 European Coal and Steel Community. These were refounded in 1958 as the European Economic Community and transformed into the European Union by the 1993 Maastricht Treaty.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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sgreffenius · 1 year
U.S. officials are whispering to the press that the Ukrainians aren’t performing up to snuff in Europe’s bloodiest fighting in decades. What an unseemly exercise: The Biden crowd withholds the heavy firepower the Ukrainians need to defeat a Russian invasion, and then laments that Kyiv isn’t retaking enough territory fast enough.
The Biden crowd - an apt name for a group of policymakers who never seem to disagree among themselves - has dozens of excuses why the U.S. cannot supply this or that weapon system to Ukraine. The excuses boil down to one: escalation. We do not want to provoke Putin into a nuclear war.
That's not actually our decision to make. If Ukraine is willing to risk nuclear war, and Putin is willing to risk the consequences of launching one, why would we interfere with that blance of risks? Putin will not send ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads over the Arctic Ocean because we supply Kyiv with F-16s. If he wants a nuclear war, he would launch those shorter range nuclear weapons at the same targets he has hit - or tried to hit - for the last year and a half: cities, ports, electrical generating facilities, and so on.
Putin has a restive military leadership to worry about. An even bigger problem is that he has virtually no competent military leadership at all. Moreover, families across Russia do not want to see more corpses return to the motherland wrapped in plastic. The special military operation has not produce any other results.
Of course Putin does not want to see Ukraine gain control of their own skies. He cannot make progress even when he controls Ukraine's skies. The problem is not that advanced, long-range weapon systems will change Putin's calculations about use of nuclear weapons. He knows that first use of tactical nukes will not bring him victory, any more than other efforts have worked for him. His only choice at the moment is to decide which mediator offers the best chance for talks.
A wise observer once said, "Of course everyone wants wars to end. It matters when they end." The voices here in the States who want to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine - more, better, and faster - have argued with assurance that the more war materiel we ship and the faster it arrives, the sooner the war ends. The Biden crowd worries about the opposite outcome: escalation that pushes the end of war further into an uncertain future. This viewpoint might be valid if Russia did not have such a lousy military.
Russia has tried to improve its military performance since it attacked Kyiv. It has failed. It has failed in almost every way you can imagine. You find yourself wondering how any organization can show such miserable results, as such a high cost. The answer is obvious: no organization can function effectively with poor leadership. Without good leadership, the Russian armed forces cannot accomplish any of their aims in Ukraine. No amount of time will overcome these failures. No amount of escalation or deescalation will affect the quality of military leadership up and down Russia's chain of command.
Therefore the United States should help end the war as soon as possible. We have a positive attitude about how to achieve success in this country. You can state this attitude in three words: no more excuses.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 10 months
love that henry blake is genuinely just a normal guy . weirdest thing about him is that he’s obsessed with fishing and that isn’t even remotely as bizarre as anything hawkeye and trapper got going on at any given moment . he’s just some guy from illinois in a camp of people who are bonkers and he’s so fucking funny for it
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lazyveran · 5 months
i think the thing that makes azula so impressive beyond just her raw skill and power at firebending is that the majority of the time she ensures she's never alone when fighting others. like sure, she'll duel when she needs to and whip ass at it, but more often than not she's strategically placed allies around her. mai and ty lee, the dai li, backup soliders and fire benders - she never refuses assistance on egotistical terms. and she really has every right to, i mean her fire is blue, that puts her in a league that no one else touches. yet that ego doesn't translate to her battle tactics
azula operates with personal arrogance, and tactical humility. i think thats one of the reasons she's such a terrifying opponent
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there's so many ~rules~ around fancy dinners, the courses, the silver you use, names for foods you might never have heard, and i imagine its far worse in orlais, where everything is over the top and meant to be seen and judged.
and josephine and leliana can navigate that fine, and depending on the inquisitor (especially trevelyans), i imagine they can handle themselves.
which leaves the last member of the leadership quartet, who spent the first 13 years of his life eating rural ferelden fare and then spent the next 16-17 years likely eating in mess halls between duties.
and how do you then represent the inquisition in a world where you are the outsider and everything about the world you are stepping foot in is meant to keep you and other commoners out? when this world is the one that plays with the lives of commoners like toys?
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No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair.
- General George S. Patton
Patton never minced his words because he lived them out. The great World War Two general believed he could not lead his men effectively unless he got his hands dirty himself. That way he could understand exactly what he was asking of them. Hence his belief that a good leader should, “Do everything you ask of those you command.” His inspirational style and aura rubbed off on people fighting beside him, and it came from setting a personal example.
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defensenow · 2 months
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tmcphotoblog · 29 days
Such glorious photo of HM King George VI visiting No. 617 Squadron in 1943.
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taeyongslaptop · 5 months
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Weather you're a Nctzen or just a lover of kpop , HELLO!
I usually don't type too much when I post because there is no need too. But , I will this time. If you like my post's or follow me or reblog me , it could be for a couple of things. Either you are a die hard Nctzen ( like myself ) , Just love kpop in general , or the MOST IMPORTANT ... 이태용 better known as Lee Tae-yong has inspired you , saved your life , cured you with his music somehow or just made you happy on your saddest days.
Taeyong has done all of that for me. Including saving me from some of the most darkest times that I have exsperienced in my life. Taeyong has been my light for years now.He has dug me out of holes that I never though were possible to escape. And for that , I will be forever greatdful until the day I no longer walk on this earth.
I have spent countless hours crying and depressed that he has had to leave us for awhile. But , his manly duty to his country calls and I have tried hard to understand that. I knew sometime it was going to happen and I always dreaded it. I am the type of person who always thinks negative most of the time.e So , thinking of something happening to him whilst he is away on duty has drove me up the damn wall.
But this week once again , he has made me proud , feel safe and sound and content with his situation. Because , not only is he a freaking phenominal leader to his brothers and to us , he now will be the leader of his platoon! I can't express how happy this has made me. It made me feel that everything is okay. Not only is he doing his duty to his country , but of course he ended up being a platoon leader!
This is what he does. He takes the best of the worst situations and makes it into something of an amazing exsperience for everyong. Including us back home supporting him. I know feel more content then ever knowing he is a platoon leader. Because with Taeyong leading , nothing could ever go wrong. Now , I am no longer crying worrying about him while he is doing his duty. He has it under control and this was his way of letting us know that!
Thank youso much Lee Taeyong for being that light for me and im sure millions of other people. I love you , with all of my heart always and forever! Continue to be safe , in good health and LEAD!
Taeyong comes home Dec. 14th 2025 // Just in time for Christmas!
Counting down the days until Taeyong is home: 597
Our Nct L E A D E R & our PLATOON LEADER !!
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
Truth is after you've put out all the INFO to your Soldiers in formation they'll soon forget what you said but will never forget what you did behind those words.
Donavan Nelson Butler
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newspatron · 10 months
Sam Bahadur: A Glimpse into the Life of a Hero
Have you seen "Sam Bahadur"? Share your thoughts, questions, and reactions in the comments below! Let's engage and learn together.
Welcome to Newspatron, the online platform that brings you the latest news and reviews on movies, TV shows, music, books, and more. In this article, we will review Sam Bahadur, a biographical drama film that tells the story of the legendary war hero who led India to victory in the 1971 war. We will explore how the film portrays his life and legacy, and what makes it a must-watch for anyone…
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