#Military Homecoming
A little one shot that refused to leave my head until I had written it!
Buck and Tommy were both on their 48 hours off. It always felt kind of magical when their schedules lined up perfectly. They were sitting on Tommy's couch, Buck's head in Tommy's lap as he slowly ran his fingers through Buck's curls. At some point, the conversation turned to their favorite calls they'd ever been on.
"Tommy, it was so sweet and beautiful," Buck began, his eyes lighting up with the memory. "This guy, he did everything he could to make it home to his family in time for his daughter's Christmas concert. He'd been deployed for months, and it was going to be a surprise."
Buck's voice grew more animated as he continued, "We managed to get him there just in time. The look on his daughter's face when she saw him in the audience... God, Tommy, it was incredible. They had missed him so much."
Buck began to choke up, overwhelmed by the emotion of the memory.
Tommy nodded with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Sounds great, sweetheart," he said in a low, rough voice. "Really... really special."
Buck, caught up in his recollection, didn't notice the slight strain in Tommy's voice or the way his smile seemed forced. Tommy continued to stroke Buck's hair, but his mind seemed elsewhere.
"What about you?" Buck asked, turning his head to look up at Tommy. "What's your most memorable call?"
Tommy hesitated, his hand stilling in Buck's hair. There was a flicker of something – pain, perhaps – in his eyes before he masked it. "I... I'm not sure," he said finally, his voice distant. "There have been so many."
Buck frowned slightly, sensing something off in Tommy's demeanor. "Hey," he said softly, reaching up to touch Tommy's cheek. "You okay?"
Tommy took a deep breath, his eyes growing distant. "I just... those soldier homecoming things are hard for me," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "Soldiers coming home to their loved ones. Everyone so excited to see them. Telling them how much they missed them. I just... that wasn't my experience when I came home from Iraq."
Buck sat up, turning to face Tommy, his expression filled with concern and understanding. He took Tommy's hand in his own, encouraging him to continue.
Tommy's voice was barely above a whisper as he shared his memory. "I came home on a plane full of soldiers. When we arrived and exited the plane, there were signs and people hugging and crying. And I just stupidly stood there with no one waiting for me."
Buck's heart clenched at the pain in Tommy's voice. He squeezed Tommy's hand, his own eyes filling with tears. "Oh, Tommy," he said softly. "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how lonely that must have felt."
Tommy nodded, swallowing hard. "It was... it was tough. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for those who have people waiting for them. But sometimes, hearing those stories, it just brings back that moment of feeling so alone."
Buck pulled Tommy into a tight embrace. "You're not alone anymore," he murmured into Tommy's ear. "I'm here. And I promise you, I'll always be here.
As they held each other, Buck realized how much there was still to learn about the man he loved.
"Thank you for sharing that with me," Buck said softly as they pulled apart. "I love you, Tommy. All of you, including the parts that hurt."
Buck's eyes were filled with tenderness and determination as he continued, his voice low and sincere. "If you let me and trust me, I will do everything I can to bandage the broken parts of your heart."
Tommy's breath caught at the depth of emotion in Buck's words. He cupped Buck's face gently, his thumb tracing Buck's cheekbone. "Evan," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "You already do. Every day, just by being you, you heal parts of me I didn't even know were broken."
Buck leaned into Tommy's touch, his eyes brimming with tears. "I want to be there for you, always. To create new memories that overshadow the painful ones. To be the one waiting for you, no matter what."
Tommy pulled Buck close, burying his face in the crook of Buck's neck. "You are," he murmured. "You're my home now, Evan. The best home I've ever had."
And they settled back into each other's arms, there was a new depth to their connection, born from both vulnerability and understanding.
In that moment, Tommy felt lighter than he had in a long time. He smiled at his boyfriend, a newfound warmth in his eyes. "So, my favorite call," he began, his voice soft but content, "it all started with an old friend reaching out to me about a missing cruise ship..."
Buck's eyes widened in recognition, a slow smile spreading across his face. He playfully punched Tommy's shoulder, his heart swelling with love and appreciation for the man beside him.
And as Tommy began to recount the story – their story – Buck snuggled closer, hanging on every word.
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mavrellover91 · 1 year
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Hey, I thought I would try my hand at writing a story about Jake Seresin. Hope you enjoy it.
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Female reader
Warning: No warnings just fluff.      
Word count: 896
A/N: I give no permission for my work to be copied, translated and or posted anywhere else online.
God I can’t believe it is finally happening. After five long months my husband, the one and only Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, is about to meet his little girl. This has been the hardest deployment yet. Saying goodbye to your husband when you’re seven months pregnant was downright cruel but not as cruel as watching the agony on Jake’s face as he watches me give birth to our baby girl through a computer screen. But in less than ten minutes my family will be whole.
I look around the hanger at all the families waiting for their loved ones to arrive. Children running around the the decorated hanger in their Sunday best. Their mother yelling out for them not get dirty, that daddy will be here soon. I lock eyes with Penny and Mav as I look anywhere but the closed hanger doors because I know if I do I’m going to start crying. God that was meant to stop once I had my little girl. Fuck I ha to blink a couple of times to stop the tears from falling. Penny gives me a big smile as she and Mav walk over to me. “How you doing mama” she asks. “Excited, nervous for some reason. God I can’t wait to Jake holding our little girl” I reply with a watery smile. “Not long now” Mav tells me “Hangman is going to be the first one to land” he informs me “but I don’t tell you that” he says with a wink. I can’t help but laugh at Mav.
Just then I can hear the roaring engines of the jets as they fly closer. As the jets move towards the hangar the noise rises waking the baby up. She lets out a loud annoyed cry that she has been woken up. God she is just like her father who is also grumpy when he is woken up. “Hey now pumpkin, you’re ok. Daddy’s almost here” I tell her as I pick up my eight week old daughter. Rocking her until she stops crying and blinks up at me with her blue eyes that have started to change to her father’s beautiful green colour. “God she is so beautiful” Penny says as she looks down at her “but it’s no wonder when you look at who her parents are”.
I start laughing as I rearrange my sweet baby so I can pick up the sign I had made. A sign that says ‘Welcome home, Daddy. I've waited my whole life to meet you.' “Jake will definitely have his hands full when she gets older” I reply as we walk through the crowd towards to open hanger doors, “ain’t that the truth?” Mav laughs. Just as we get to the doors we see the jets start their descent. Holding my breath as I always do when I watch them start to land. Once they are on the ground I let out my breath. I watch as the pilots start hopping down from their planes.
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As soon as Cyclone gives the all clear I take off running towards Jake. Who when he sees me coming hands off his helmet and running towards us. As we meet in the middle of the tarmac I start crying as his arms wrap around us. I feel safe and complete as his kisses me. “God I missed you sweetheart” he tells me as he presses his lips to my forehead. Just then a little squeak sounds out letting us know that she is doesn’t appreciate being squished between us. “Oh I’m sorry baby girl” I tell her as I move her in my arm. When I look back up at Jake his eyes are on the little girl in my arms. “Come baby girl, let’s introduce you to your daddy” I tell her “Jake I would like to introduce you to your daughter Addison Marie Seresin” I tell him as I place her into his arms. Tears start streaming down his cheeks as he holds her to his chest. He pulls me into him, tucking me into his side as he kisses Addy’s head. “Thank you” he whispers. “You and Addison are the best things that have ever happened to me. I love you Mrs Seresin”. “You’re welcome Mr Seresin. We love you too” I reply with a big smile on my face.
We stay like this in each other’s arms for what feels like eternity before heading back to the hangar where the Navy has put on a welcome home afternoon tea. As we walk up to a familiar group of people Jake calls out “ Guys I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the dagger squad Addison Marie Seresin”. Jake berms with pride as they all fawn over Addy telling us about cute she is. “Hangman your lucky she takes after her mother instead of your ugly mug” Rooster tells him as he give Jake a manly side hug.
I watch my husband and our friends fight over how pretty he is and how our daughter takes after both of us. I can’t believe this is my life now, a husband who I love beyond all belief, even when he is being a dick and a beautiful daughter who I can’t even begin to describe how much I love. I’m the luckiest girl in the world
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loislane41319 · 1 year
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Severide!reader, Severide x reader (platonic)
Wordcount: 1957
Summary: You and Jay have been married for two years. He's a detective and you're still in the army. You've been deployed for months, but, after getting injured in an ambush, you get to come home early. However, Jay doesn't know you've survived or that you're coming home.
Warnings: A bit of talk about injuries and gunshot wounds, not detailed.
Note: This the first story I've posted. Feel free to tell me what you think or if you have any ideas for other stories.
You had seen him before you even walked through the gate. You had noticed him through the big glass wall between baggage claim and the arrivals hall. You started walking faster and as you walked trough the sliding doors into the arrivals hall you immediately saw the smile on his face start to grow. You ran straight into his arms. “Hey short stack, good to see you.” Kelly said, wrapping his arms around you and spinning you through the air. “I missed you, Kelly.” You told your brother. “I missed you too, kiddo. How was your flight?” Kelly asked and you told him everything.
For some time you and Kelly just talked. You told him about your deployment, -as much as you could without giving away any classified information- and he told you about everything that had happened at the firehouse in the last seven months. You talked and talked until you couldn’t help but ask the questions that had been burning inside you. “How’s Jay? Have you talked to him?” You asked Kelly.
You had met Jay while in the rangers. Jay had liked you from the moment you met, but you found him mostly annoying. Despite that, you two worked well together and no matter how much you wanted to deny it, the more time you spent with the man, the more you started to like him. For months you refused to tell him tough, because you knew that when your colleagues would find out you were dating, they would treat you differently. For Jay it wouldn’t matter. They would probably congratulate him and pat him on the shoulder proudly, but you? You were a woman in a testosterone filled profession. You had no doubt that if the other soldiers found out you were dating, they would bully you, start thinking of you as weak, incapable of doing your job. Unfortunately, that didn’t take away the fact that you were falling for Jay, hard. Knowing it would be his last deployment, on the day before he went home, you told him how you felt. You couldn’t let him slip out of your life without knowing you reciprocated his feelings.
From that moment on, you were together, but it wasn’t easy. After leaving the army, Jay spiralled. He started drinking and doing drugs and he barely slept. The times when you were deployed were the hardest, because there was nothing you could do to help the man you cared so much about. However, when you were home, you did everything you could think of to help him with his problems and through his nightmares. Jay had a hard time asking for and accepting help, which was hard on you and your relationship. You broke up twice, but never lost contact. You were always there for him and so, when Jay finally got the help he needed and went to the police academy, everything started looking up. Jay was finally in a better place and you had gotten a promotion in the army. You got back together with Jay and for the next few years everything was perfect.
Until one faithful night when Jay was working late and his phone started ringing. You had been injured during a reconnaissance mission. Somehow, your mission got leaked and you and three of your colleagues were ambushed. You got hurt the worst, catching five bullets in your shoulder, leg, chest and two in your lower abdomen. It was nothing less than a miracle that you had made it through, the bullet in your chest having missed your heart by millimetres. You spent a week in intensive care and you had scared Jay nearly to death. He had never realised how short life could actually be. He still wanted to do so many things with you, he had so many thing to tell you. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to tell you he was offered a spot in the intelligence unit. The unit he had dreamt of being a part of ever since he found out about the incredible work they did. While you were in the hospital, he barely left your side, realising exactly how much you meant to him and that he couldn’t live without you. He was completely in love with you and so, a week after you had left the hospital he asked you to marry him. He had taken you to dinner at your favourite restaurant and afterwards taken you for a lakeside walk. In the cool evening air, the sun setting in the sky, he had gotten down on one knee and asked you if you wanted to spend the rest of your life by his side. Without a doubt on your mind, you had said yes. Jay Halstead was the man you wanted to grow old with. Despite being overjoyed that you said yes, Jay was also scared. He was scared because once you got the all clear, you were going back overseas and after you had gotten hurt, that terrified him to his core. At first, he didn’t talk about it though, until you got back from your next deployment and he finally broke. He told you how scared he was and that started a conversation. You talked about resigning from the army, though, at that time, you didn’t want to. You were doing too much good to just stop and so, you kept talking about it. You had decided to put no pressure on your engagement, because even though you both wanted to get married, you both had jobs that kept you busy and you wanted your day to be just right. Therefore, it took you a few years to tie the knot, but you did it and now, you were about to celebrate your second anniversary.
With being married also came conversations about the future. You both wanted to become parents and that caused you to finally give in to the one thing Jay had asked you so many times over the years. You were resigning from the military. The deployment you had just finished, had been your last. You just hadn’t told Jay yet and it had ended roughly. After your last conversation with Jay, which had taken place two weeks ago, the humvee you were in had hit an IED. Your unit got lucky though. You all made it. You had gotten injured, but you survived. You had cuts and bruises all over your body but your worst injury was a concussion that had almost completely passed and actually came with a perk. The injury was enough cause for you to be sent home. Back to Chicago. Back to Jay.
“Honestly? Jay’s not doing too good, Adam told me he barely ever goes home, makes reckless decisions in the field and he won’t talk to anyone.” Kelly told his sister. Your face fell. You knew it would be hard on him, but you didn’t expect it to hit him this hard. When Kelly saw the look on your face, he knew there was only one thing left to do. “Come on, I’ll take you to him.” He said as he stood up from his chair.
All Jay knew was that you were injured. He didn’t know what had happened or how bad your injuries were. For all he knew, you could be dead, but he couldn’t think about that. You could just as easily be alive. But then, why hadn’t he heard anything yet? He was just thinking of an excuse to use to make more overtime, when he was pulled out of his thoughts by the noise coming from the bullpen. For a second he thought he heard your name, but he quickly shrugged the thought out of his mind. You were on the other side of the world. You weren’t supposed to be home for at least another month, so it couldn’t be you. His curiosity was peaked though, so he walked out of the break room to see what was going on.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asked, noticing his whole unit had gathered around something or someone in the middle of the bullpen. He got lucky he was standing next to his desk, because when Kevin moved out of the way and Jay saw who had walked into his workplace the cup of coffee he was holding, slipped out of his hands and onto the table. Jay couldn’t believe that you were actually here, but, without an order from his brain, his legs started moving towards you. When he was right in front of you he still couldn’t believe he wasn’t hallucinating. His hand slowly moved towards your cheek, hesitant, because he was scared you would disappear as soon as he touched you, but he still had to touch you to know if you were real. The moment his thumb touched your cheek, tears appeared in his eyes. “Am I dreaming? Tell me I’m not dreaming?” He begged you, a single tear travelling down his face. Seeing your husband this scared, this vulnerable, made you emotional. You took his hand from your cheek, opened your jacket and placed it over your heart. “I’m here Jay, I’m okay. I’m right here.” You whispered. That was enough for Jay to wrap his arms around you and pull you as close to him as he possibly could and you did the same. As he picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist, leaving no room in between you anymore. Both you and Jay had stopped holding back your tears, letting them run over your faces. He had hidden his in your hair and yours was pressed into the crook of his neck.
For a while you just stood there, the world around you none existent. Just you and your husband, finally together again. As he carefully put you down, Jay pulled back to look at your face, into your eyes. “Hi” you said softly, wiping the tears from your face. A small smile appeared on Jay’s face as he looked you over. “God, I missed you so much, but… how are you here?” Your husband then asked. “Well, when we were ambushed, I got knocked out. I woke up in the hospital a week later completely fine, just a nasty concussion to remind me of what happened. Unfortunately that meant I couldn’t use anything technological for a week, but it was enough to get me sent home a few weeks early.” You explained. “And why wouldn’t you tell me that earlier?” Jay asked you. “I’m sorry about that. Everything just happened so fast and before I knew it I was on a flight home thinking it would be fun to surprise you. But when Kelly told me how you were doing, I realised that may not have been such a great idea.” You told him. That reminded you, you had a question yourself: “Why did you take it so hard?”
“Are you kidding? I didn’t even know what happened, let alone how you were. I called everyone I know in the military, but no one had answers. I’ve been checking my phone every five minutes expecting either you, telling me you were fine and you would come back in a month or some army guy telling me you were dead. I was worried sick, Y/N.” Jay confessed, more tears covering his cheeks, his arms pulling you closer. You stroked his cheek with your thumb. “Hey, I’m here okay? I’m home. And I resigned. I don’t have to go back, ever. I’m not leaving you again, I love you, Jay.” Jay didn’t say anything. He just did the one thing he had been dreaming of doing every day for the last seven months. He kissed you.
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
deja vu🫶
pairing : mick schumacher x older sister schumacher!fem reader
summary : leona schumacher, older sister of f1 driver mick schumacher was a paramedic in the military. three years later, she decides to retire and surprise her younger brother giving him a sense of deja vu.
warnings : military homecoming, younger brother x mick, happy tears, a flashback or two, a swear word or two
a/n : as you should know by now, military homecomings are some of my favourite topics to write fanfic about as well as to read. and i decided for my first ever schumacher one-shot, i'll have this one as my first one cause it's not too sad and has majority fluff.
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𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙜𝙤| leona's pov 
i watched with anxiety as my family screamed at one another after i had revealed to them my deployment date for the german military as a military paramedic. of which i had enlisted myself into last year not realising i would get deployed to leave so soon, i didn't really think at all the importance of telling my mum, siblings gina and mick and their partners, iain and laila so, i just didn't. that was though until i was forced to tell them when gina, my sister, had walked in on my phone call accidentally. the phone call that i had taken on speaker phone with my chief officer as he told me i was being deployed within a couple of weeks. gina wasn't mad nor was she disappointed, she was actually oppositely, quite proud of me and was the one that was encouraging me that it was probably time i told them. because if i left it until the day of my deployment, i wouldn't be forgiven for a long time or possibly ever. so, i didn't take that chance and i told them. yet, it was me telling them that started this whole screaming match which i was now in the middle of and being forced to listen to. that was until gina couldn't handle it anymore and screamed for everyone to shut up.
"--EVERYONE SHUT UP--" it scared me, genuinely, how loud gina was as she screamed as everyone immediately shut up and silence filled the room before i decided to speak up quickly
"--seriously guys, why are we yelling and arguing over something that i chose to do because it's something i enjoy? whilst it may seem like it, i wasn't forced into this profession, this was something i voluntarily put my hand up to do because i love it. i love this job in the same way that gina loves horse riding and mick loves being like dad and fast cars. i didn't think this is how healthy families are supposed to react when they get told that their daughter and sister gets the opportunity in pursuing their dream after working incredibly hard for it. come on now guys, this isn't how we celebrate. we don't yell at each other. i thought we were nicer and better than this..." at first, i was so confident until i wasn't, trailing off as gina pouted and spoke up
"...leona's right guys. the way you all have just reacted to this news is disgusting. okay, fair, being told that the middle child is being deployed away is terrifying, i get it. but don't you think she's already thought about that, having sleepless nights worrying after she enlisted herself if she really did make the right choice or if she just signed away her own death certificate? you guys should feel guilty because you clearly have no idea how hard it was for leona to just simply tell you guys that she had enlisted into the military as a paramedic. let alone tell you guys she's being deployed in less than two weeks..." gina trailed off as my family fell silent again, all of them shaking their heads to gina's statement making me smile, my head facing the floor
mick then spoke up, "...i'm sorry leona. i...i shouldn't have started the fight and i also should have tried to end it. just...hearing that my older sister would be going away to help people in a war completely terrified me and i didn't know how else to react other than to get mad. i guess it's because you've always had to look after me so, being told that you can't do that anymore and having to know that's now my job kind of scared me because looking after me and keeping me safe has always been your job. my reaction shouldn't have been anger, of course, i'm allowed to be upset but, i shouldn't have extended it or put it on you when it's already a hard time for you. we shouldn't have made this job of telling us harder than it already was..." mick trailed off as i smiled, quickly accepting my brother's apology
it was because i knew exactly why he got mad and i understood his reaction more than anyone else's since i've always been michk's protector since day one. and i knew out of all of my family, mick would be the most emotional about this entire situation.
"...thank you for apologising mick, i forgive you but, next time, could you please be a little bit more helpful in standing up for me rather than waiting for gina to do it..." i trailed off as mick smiled and nodded his head
"...of course, leona!" accepting that he was in the wrong and taking it like an adult whereas, the rest of my family, however not so much
after the whole ordeal of my family arguing over my decision to join the german military, i had to tell the rest of mick's f1 grid and, let's just say, they didn't react great either in the sense of being upset and devastated and horrified but they were way less mad then my family originally were. and whilst they were upset, devastated and horrified, they did not scream at me nor did they try to sway my already made decision because i told them it was finalised and that i'd been enlisted since last year, my deployment date only recently being released. 
however, the one thing they did do was force me to reassure them that i would be fine and that i would come home safe and sound and only then would they not be mad...seriously though, unlike my family (minus mum, gina and mick) they weren't mad at me. they were proud of me as well but were obviously still terrified of the thought of me being a military paramedic. but, we all had a group hug and i reassured them (and myself, obvi) that nothing wrong would happen and i promised them that no matter what happens, i'd be okay and i'd come home safely. 
it was finally the day that i'd spend countless nights laying awake and crying silently over, my deployment date. and i wasn't ready, i was mortified and i think that was pretty easy to tell by just one look. i smiled tearfully as i watched mick try to convince the rest of our family that i'd be okay since it was now literally hours before i'd be deployed and it seemed like they needed way more reassurance than i thought they'd need. i could tell though that mick especially was trying to stay strong like he always did in these situations like my military deployment has but it was obvious that this had shaken mick a little more than anything else has, including our dad's accident and that was the most earth-shattering thing ever to happen in our family. so, i just knew i needed to get mick's attention and keep an eye on him whilst gina and mum dealt with the rest of the family. getting mick's attention was pretty easy since he wasn't paying too much attention to the second cousin of ours that he was conversing with and walked over to me. 
it was obvious he was getting emotional so, i moved us back inside whilst everyone else stayed outside and i spoke up, "...what's going on micky?" i question softly, leaning my head on his shoulder as his breath became heavier, his chest tightening 
"i...i'm so scared for you, leona..." mick tearfully trailed off as he tried to catch his breath and i sighed softly as i tried to lean even closer to him 
"...guess what...so am i..." i sighed as mick's head shot up, i don't think it ever dawned on mick just how scared i was over my own deployment  
"...seriously? you're scared?" mick sniffled as i giggled softly and nodded my head, lifiting it off his shoulder 
"oh, absolutely, mick. how can i not be scared? this isn't the monaco grand prix and watching you race 233 mph *giggles*. this is me going into an unknown country in the middle east and seeing the most unimaginable things for god knows how long and treating injuries that i've never encountered before this deployment. in fact, this is the most scared i've ever been in my life but, at the same time, i've never been more cetain about anything in my entire life..." i trailed off as i heard sniffles next to me as my heart shattered, mick had started to cry
and seeing and hearing my younger brother cry next to me broke my heart into teeny tiny little pieces. immediately, i pulled him in for a hug, hugging him as tightly as i possibly could as he cried and cried and cried. my heart continued to break because the only thing i could do was hug him as tightly as was humanely possible and even then, that could only do so much. and that still wasn't enough for me. 
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 | leona's pov 
three years ago, i decided to leave my family and friends for an unknown country in the middle east to be a military paramedic with the german military. and now, three years later, i'm home after an honourable discharge all because i knew i couldn't be with the military for my whole life. and also because my perspective had changed. when i first joined, i thought i wanted to do this for the rest of my life but, i was young and most certainly naive. currently, i was in the netherlands for the dutch grand prix in the paddock where my brother mick and the rest of the f1 grid were hanging around before the race.
the only thing suggesting that i was a returning soldier was my military cap with my last name schumacher on it resting on my head whilst i wore one of laila's white blouses, my black leather jeans and a pair of white high heels - it was operation surprise mick and i was bubbling over with excitement. i was also absolutely terrified since i had no idea on how mick would react since i would be surprising him either before or after the race where all other drivers and media would see it.
so, after surprising the rest of my family, i gave toto wolff, the team principal of mercedes, the rundown of my surprise and after approving it, he gave me the lowdown on at what point i'd surprise mick. so, then, i simply waited for mick to finish his race but catch him just before he'd reach david coulthard for a post-race interview which is when i'd be surprising mick with my homecoming.
i had just walked over to the parc ferme's slip stream where mick would be parking his car since he had just missed out on getting the podium and just stood in front of him. waiting for him to step out of the car. holding myself from laughing since mick was so oblivious whilst all the other drivers and fans cheering around us had noticed what was going on. all of us that had now gathered to watch this surprise just waiting for mick to react. thankfully, no one needed to intervene to get mick to take notice because he just happened to look up from his car after taking off his helmet, dropping it to the floor as he ran over to me. a giggle tumbled out of my mouth as he stopped running, crashing into me as my arms squeezed him tightly as he started to cry.
i laughed in hysterics mixed with excitement as we both held each other tight and didn't let go. i had dreamt of the moment i'd come home and surprise my entire family but, i think surprising mick was always what excited me the most. and, in the greater scheme of things, i am so glad this was the reaction i got out of mick. because, no one could ever successfully surprise mick. he always knew what was about to happen which meant we just gave up on surprising him. and truthfully, it's a reaction i'm never going to forget because it was the sweetest moment in the world alongside the cheers and screams from the other drivers and the crowd around us which made it even more special. 
in tearful laughter, mick spoke up, "what the fuck are you doing here, leona?" mick's voice went up an ocatave as he giggled, wiping away his tears as i laughed with him, my right hand supporting the back of his head 
"oh, you know...i just decided to fulfil the promise i made to my baby brother, the usual," i smiled as mick's face contorted as more tears streamed down his cheeks as he pulled me back into his embrace as he sobbed
letting out a soft 'aw', i looked over at the other drivers and team principals but specifically max, esteban, lewis and toto whilst hugging mick.
once he had composed himself again, he uttered, "haven't heard that sentence in a little while," he giggled tearfully as my head flew back as i started to laugh as well 
"why else do you think i wanted to say it?" i chuckled as we finally broke out of our hug so i could reunite with the other drivers whilst the fans kept on screaming and cheering from their stands around the circut 
i watched closely as mick got his composure and breath back whilst i embraced max, esteban, lewis and toto, giggling softly in pure pride that my plan actually worked and that nothing that could have gone wrong went wrong. picking up his helmet, mick walked straight back over to me before deciding to bring me with him to his post-race interview with david coulthard.
"...for those who have just joined us for post-race interviews here at the dutch grand prix here in the netherlands, we have just witnessed the very sweet homecoming between the reserve mercedes driver, mick schumacher and his older sister leona schumacher. the latter who has just returned after being a military paramedic with the german military for three years. and here they come right now, mick and leona, welcome, it's lovely to see you both together after such an amazing grand prix!" david introduces as mick and i smile at david as the two of us nod our heads
"thanks david, it was a wonderful race, so many intense moments and then, this is what i get surprised with afterwards!" mick giggles as he gestures over at me as i giggle
"yes, we all saw that moment and it was a very sweet moment as well. so, leona, moving on to you, what made you decide to have such a public homecoming when it is very well known to everyone how private you guys are as a family?" david questions as i smile before responding
"good question, david. umm, i had actually been home for maybe a week before today, hence the reason why i don't look like i've only just returned home. but, i surprised the rest of my family in private before travelling here to the netherlands. so, gina, mum, dad, the extended family were all surprised way before today but with the exceptions of gina and mick's partners. so iain and laila had no idea until today that i was home from deployment because i specially asked gina if she could keep it a secret from those guys as well as mick," i giggled as mick stayed close to me, worried that if he was to even look away from me i would disappear
"before we get to how well you did in this race mick, since you did do an amazing job, i do want to talk about the surprise and mick's reaction because it was just so sweet!" david cuts himself off as the two of us smile, a small laugh leaving our mouths and nod our heads simutaneously
"so, mick, what went through your mind when you looked up from getting out of your car only to then to be faced by your older sister. the older sister you hadn't seen for three years?" david asks as mick just shakes his head and giggles
"honestly, i think i'm still trying to figure that out, david! maybe ask me in five business days and i'll give you an answer then *laughter*! but, in all seriousness, it didn't feel real. like, i thought i was going insane because for me, for some reason, there was no way in my mind that my older sister would just be discharged after only three years. like, i genuinely thought she was going to be enlisted for much longer but, i am so glad that that isn't what happened and that she's home," mick smiled as he wrapped his arms around me even tighter as i giggled softly, loving the hugs i was getting
"yeah, for sure, mick. and, leona, moving on to you, how did it feel coming from your perspective when you finally came into contact with mick after three years?" david questioned as i smiled and thought about it for a moment
"honestly, similar to mick, it felt quite surreal to finally be back home and be near a racetrack again after three long years of being nowhere near a racetrack. and, i mean, this surprise wasn't even that extravagant, the only special thing about it was that i decided to do it during a grand prix that he was racing at *giggles*-"
"-i mean, you could have surprised me anywhere, leona and i still would've had the exact same reaction!" mick interrupts which causes everyone to 'aw' once again as i smile and hug my brother
"aw, that was very sweet of you to say mick! but, as i was saying, the reason why i decided to do it at a grand prix was because i simply was getting impatient *giggles*. gina had actually wanted me to wait until after this race cause obviously, this is the last race before summer break and, she wanted to me surprise him during summer break in switzerland cause that's usually where we hide out during our holidays *giggles*. but i was like to gina, there is absolutely no way i can wait that long now that i'm back in europe, i have tickets to the dutch grand prix and i'm not wasting them so, she agreed and said she all of a sudden couldn't wait until summer break either to surprise mick *giggles*. so, yeah, that's how we got to this moment right here and me surprising mick," i giggled as i nodded my head at david who smiled and nodded his head in return
"since you did decide to do it during today's race, what precautions did you have to take? like, i assume you definitely had to let toto know and make him aware of everything?" david questioned as i nodded my head and giggled
"of course! and yeah, i told toto via message that i was back in europe and that i was wanting to surprise mick during the dutch grand prix since obviously, the last german grand prix was in 2019, three years before mick joined the grid so, the only other race i thought would be special enough would be the dutch grand prix. and, toto's reaction when i messaged him was quite funny. like, he seriously thought i was joking like, he was so shocked since the last time i had messaged him was just before i landed in the middle east three years ago *giggles*. so, at first it did scare him a little, i think he thought i had been hacked. but, when he saw me walk into the paddock and over to the mercedes garage, i think he finally realised i was serious and that reunion was a sweet one as well," i smiled as david nodded his head as mick just stayed silent, just happy still that his sister was truly next to him
"that's insane. poor toto though, thinking you had been hacked when you had messaged him. i did manage to catch your reunions with a couple other drivers, max verstappen, esteban ocon and lewis hamilton just to name a few. how was it seeing those guys again after three years?" david asked, feeling bad that he still hadn't asked mick about the race but mick didn't care whatsoever nor did he mention it either
"yeah, sorry toto! i promise i'll verify it's me next time i message you *giggles*. but, umm, yeah, seeing max, esteban and lewis was incredible! you know, lewis because mercedes and that's who's been taking care of mick so, it was great having a little catch up with lewis. max because obviously we grew up together the two families so seeing him so grown up now is insane *giggles* and of course esteban because he and mick did karting together so, yeah. it was very lovely seeing them again and i'll also say hey to the other drivers as well since i haven't forgotten anyone so, yeah," i smiled as david smiled back
that was when david finally talked about the race which kind of made mick a little sad since he loved hearing and talking about his older sister. but thankfully we didn't talk about the race for too long before returning back to talking about me and what i had plans to do now that i was no longer with the german military. they then asked me and mick what we said during the surprise. revealing that i had told mick the reason why i was back was due to a pinky promise i had made to mick three years ago that i would eventually come home safely.
after all the interviews had concluded and leona had seen the other drivers, it was home time or hotel time for those who weren't from the netherlands. the schumacher's staying with the verstappen's just like old times and just spent time together since it had been three years since leona had done that with her family and the verstappen's.
laughter was bouncing off the walls of the verstappen household as a movie played on the television. it was ten minutes to midnight and with no race on the next day, there was no worry about whether or not we'd wake up in time or the fear we'd be late. all of us just bundled on the couch in relief that i was back. whilst not at home entirely in the netherlands but still i was with my family. i know i was relieved as truthfully, i don't think i'd ever be ablel to return to the military again after the things i had to witness and the injuries i had to treat. but, also the injuries that my team and i weren't able to treat in time. the number of patients i lost throughout those three years deployed was heartbreaking. but, the worst thing of all were the funeral services we had to attend when there was a respite from the fighting and violence of the war. so, to just be back in europe safely in the netherlands with mick, gina, mum and the verstappens was the most comforting feeling in the entire world right now. and it was the only thing i needed right now.
i didn't need to be anywhere else but with my family. and for the first time since being deployed, i welcomed it with open arms and a warm heart.
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liked by mickschumacher, lailahasanovic, maxverstappen1, sophiekumpen, estebanocon and 45,67k others
leonaschumacher decided to come back to instagram now that i'm back from deployment since three years away was far too long🤍
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mickschumacher never been happier to see you leona! i missed you more than my words and tears could express 🤍
leonaschumacher mickschumacher i've never been happier to see you micky! your words and tears expressed everything it ever could have expressed! 
lailahasanovic i will never be able to forget the look on mick's face when he looked up after getting out of his car which i don't even think he acknowledged. so glad you're home leona 🤍
leonaschumacher lailahasanovic i won't forget it either! it was the sweetest reaction i've ever seen! i'm just as glad to be home 🤍
maxverstappen1 i hope no one videoed it due to my reaction but at the same token, i hope someone did because i just want to watch mick's reaction on repeat for the next 12-17 business days thank you 
leonaschumacher maxverstappen1 i've never supported a comment like this one 
sophiekumpen i'm so grateful for this post, leona! so glad you're back home in one piece
leonaschumacher sophiekumpen aw, thank you sophie! and i'm certain mum and dad agree with you!
estebanocon if anyone saw me cry when leona walked over to mick, no they didn't 
leonaschumacher estebanocon so now, on instagram you'll admit that you did cry? bloody hell estie! 
mickschumifan9 i've been non-stop SOBBING since i watched that video of you surprising mick after the race! you can tell he needed that hug and surprise and i'm glad he finally got it! 
leonaschumacher mickschumifan9 aw, you seem like such a sweetheart! i'm glad you loved the video! and yeah, it became very obvious at how much mick needed the hug and for me to be home <3
lewishamilton welcome home, leona! roscoe says he misses you and loves you a lot
leonaschumacher lewishamilton thanks lewis! sending you and roscoe lots of love!
schumachermick welcome home leona, thank you for protecting your country! we're all so happy you got home safe and that you're back posting! these photos of you, mick and laila are so sweet! may i ask who took the photo of you?
leonaschumacher schumachermick oh, thank you so much! i'm happy and grateful as well! and it was maxverstappen1 that you can thank for the photo of me! if you look further down on my account, you'll notice that max has taken the majority of the photos of me that i've posted 😉
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liked by leonaschumacher, lailahasanovic, maxverstappen1, estebanocon, ginaschumacher and 87,97k others
mickschumacher my small big sister is home three years later and this is what we get up to straight after the f1 grid breaks for summer break!
p.s : leonaschumacher, even though i tease you a lot, please never leave for that long ever again or i'm gonna cry more, thanks!
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leonaschumacher thank you micky! i appreciate your love for me even if it means teasing me due to our height difference.
mickschumacher leonaschumacher love you more, leona!
lailahasanovic the difference in posts between siblings is hilarious 
mickshucmacher lailahasanovic thank you my love, i'm glad you noticed
maxverstappen1 how very sweet of you, mick, i'm in tears lol 
mickschumacher maxverstappen oh bugger off max😂
estebanocon i agree mick, leona is not allowed to leave the country for at least three years 
mickschumacher estebanocon i'm very glad you are in support of my cause here cause i don't think anyone else is!
ginaschumacher is that leona on max's shoulders for chicken? oof, i knew they'd finally tell each other that they're in love!
mickschumacher ginaschumacher no, she's on my shoulders you little nasty! however, the round after the one from the photo, leona was on max's shoulders and they won.
schumilove having the blessing to say that i was at the dutch grand prix and got to watch leona surprise you mick is probably going to be my best-ever bragging right 😂 but in all seriousness, it was the sweetest thing in the world to see you react like that to your sister's homecoming 
mickschumacher schumilove thank you for saying that, having leona home is truly the best thing for sure! and if you have any footage from the surprise, please send it through, we've love to see it!
sophiekumpen this is so sweet mick! watching you react to leona surprising you after the race will always be the best thing to ever happen during a grand prix! 
mickschumacher sophiekumpen thank you sophie! and everyone's been saying that and now i really want to watch the footage back!
f1lover this post is so sweet mick! we are all just as relieved to see leona home safely and it feels us with pride that she's going to staying home now 
mickschumacher f1lover thank you! and i'm glad you guys are just as relieved as my family is to see leona home safe!
this was so much fun to rewrite since i think this is the second time i've rewritten this. similar to the danny ric one-shot, i really didn't give a solid timeline other than the fact that leona had been away for three years. and that maybe, just maybe, there was a little something something between her and mr max verstappen. meaning they'd be of similar ages meaning she's not that much older than mick lol. but, ignore that little loophole if you so choose to or don't if you don't want to lol.
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defensenow · 3 months
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nocternalrandomness · 11 months
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Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow at NAS Pensacola
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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A wounded American serviceman salutes a United States representative as the serviceman is released from Viet Cong custody on March 5, 1973.
Record Group 127: Records of the U.S. Marine Corps
Series: Black and White Photographs of Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam
File Unit: Divider/Subject - 280 - Operation Homecoming (Repatriation of U.S. Marine POWs)
Image description: A servicemember raises his hand from one of his crutches to salute a man in a dark-colored uniform whose back is to us. They are outdoors in a tiled area. In the background we can see North Vietnamese soldiers, and other people watching the event. 
Hanoi, North Vietnam
4x5 Negative
OPERATION HOMECOMING---A wounded American serviceman, released from Viet Cong custody, salutes a United States representative.
ECC A900047
127 GVB-280
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"We’ve been providing military advisors, internationally, for over forty years."
Leverage S01E02 The Homecoming Job.
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kitkatscabinet · 11 months
Nothing fucks with my baby
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Simon Riley x wife reader
Summary: Simon is the Earth orbiting your sun and he'll do anything to keep you safe and happy, even if that means resorting to bloody means.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: attempted non-con (not by Simon)
@ghosts-cyphera for you pookie, hope you enjoy!
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Eight months. It’s been eight long, tortuous months since Simon saw you in person. Eight months of living off brief Skype calls interrupted by work schedules and shitty internet cutting out mid-call, an age since he’s touched you. Since he’s breathed in your scent and cradled you against his muscular chest, since he’s tasted you. Pictures of you weren’t enough, even if you’d gifted him a set of delectable Polaroids showcasing your gorgeous body decorated with black and white lingerie.  
Long deployments had never bothered him, not until you’d become the central part of his life. Simon was the Earth, orbiting your sun reverently and fervently. He’d worship you on his knees for eternity if that’s what you desired.
His appetite for you has always been ravenous, but his need for you has been greatly nourished after months of no contact. The door to your shared home swings open with a bang, the anticipation coursing through his veins diminishing his control in a way he knows you’ll scold him for. His bag is dropped carelessly in the foyer as he stalks through the space, a man on a mission to find you. Not even the weary exhaustion after months of shit sleep and shared communal spaces would deter him from his mission. 
You’re not in your home office or the bedroom and Simon’s frustration simmers under his skin as he marches straight back out the door. It’s only the knowledge that you’ll be devastated to have missed his surprise homecoming that tempers his annoyance. 
Ghost is beyond irritated by the time he arrives at your work, not necessarily at you, he knows how seriously you take your career, it’s one of the reasons he was so drawn to you. Once some lowly private had made a snide remark about you being the breadwinner, scoffing at Simon for letting his wife ‘emasculate’ him like that. It was only Price playing damage control that kept him from a dishonourable discharge that day. He had no regrets, especially after the incident taught people to keep your name out of their mouths. 
It’s late, well past working business hours when he keys into the building using the code you’d given specially for him. So it shouldn’t surprise him how empty it is, most of the lights turned off as he made his way to your office, but Simon hadn’t survived over a decade in the military without learning to trust his gut. A distinct uneasiness settles in his body, narrowed eyes surveying the space for anything out of the ordinary as he increases his pace to get to you. 
The light in your office is on, the door is left open carelessly and gives Simon a clear view of the sight of you bent over your desk trying not to cry as a man holds a gun to your head and fumbles with your sleek dress pants. Simon thought he knew rage, but any anger he’s ever felt is drowned in comparison to the sheer righteous fury that alights his veins. 
He closes the gap in record time, red filtering out the corners of his vision and spraying over his knuckles as he rips the interloper away and viciously lays into him. Any slurred words pleading for mercy are ignored and shut down as Simon’s fist renders the man’s mouth an inoperable bloody mess. 
His arm aches furiously by the time he pulls back, chest heaving with breaths that have long since been silenced from the scumbag that now lay dead on the floor of your office. It’s the sound of your shaky sobs that pulls Simon back from the brink, immediately darting towards you, shaky hands stained with blood cradling you against his bulk gently. 
He’s vibrating with an explosive cocktail of fury, fear, outrage and relief. You press yourself tighter against his chest like you’re trying to burrow into the safety of his ribcage. Simon can’t bring himself to speak, mouth dry and tongue heavy as he buries his face into the top of your head. The silence is broken by the shaky inhales of your rattling breaths and sobs. 
All too soon you’re pulling away, even when he fights to keep you safe and sound against his chest. “Simon? What… what’s going to happen with-” You try and turn your gaze towards the corpse staining your carpet but Simon prevents you with a hand grasping your jaw, preventing you from getting a glimpse at the carnage. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head darling, I’ll take care of it. But first, let's get you home yeah?” He walks you from the building to your car with a supportive arm wrapped around your shoulders, tucking you against his side before sliding you into the passenger seat of your car. It’s a testament to how shaken you are that you don’t protest, remaining silent and clutching the hand that grasps your thigh like a lifeline. 
It doesn’t take long to tuck you into bed, wrapping you tightly in the blanket like it will protect you from the horrors of the outside world. The adrenaline had faded from your body making way for the exhaustion. Simon doesn’t leave your side until he’s sure the clutches of sleep have pulled you under, and even then, it's with extreme hesitation that he stands and leaves the bedroom, reaching for his phone to make a call. 
Luckily, you don’t wake even once in the hours that follow as he waits for news of the cleanup. He spends that time alternating between checking in on you, watching you breathe peacefully and pacing the linoleum floors that you’d insisted on. 
A single knock on the front door pulls him from the spiral of thoughts that threatened to pull him further and further into darkness. He opens the door to an unimpressed Price, who pushes his way in with Gaz and Soap trailing after. Expectantly he stares at them, watching as Price lights a cigar and takes a long drag. 
“It’s done. Did you have to make such a mess though son?” It’s an innocuous enough comment but one that raises Ghost’s hackles anyway and he shoots a venomous glare at his captain that would never have been acceptable in any other circumstances. His shoulders tense and it takes everything in him to keep his voice somewhat level. 
“That fucker laid his hands on my wife!” He inhaled shakily as he remembered what he’d almost been too slow to prevent, unable to prevent the rise of volume as he yelled at his captain, “My wife! He’s lucky I didn’t paint the room with his insides!” The baritone of his booming snarl is loud enough that even Soap flinches slightly with widened eyes. 
There’s a tense silence but his captain nods, something like approval in his gaze before his eyes slide towards the right and Simon turns just in time to witness you call his name, voice hoarse with sleep and eyes red from tears. 
He crosses the space and curls you against him in record time, nonchalantly throwing a dismissive wave towards his team who simply nod in understanding and file back outside. “Were those the boys? You didn’t have to kick them out” you murmured though Simon was already hushing you, leading you back to bed with a firm hand on the small of your back. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout them lovie, they were leavin’ anyway” he waved away your concerns, finally kicking off his shoes, trapping you in his arms and pulling you down onto the mattress. You squeak at his actions, giggling as his stubble tickles the skin of your neck. 
Despite how pent-up and desperate for your touch he is, Simon makes no move to escalate the situation, settling you in his arms and simply breathing you in. Neither of you speak about the earlier incident, not willing to shatter the peace. Though Simon lets out the occasional hum when your hands trace gentle circles over his heart, focusing on the steady beat of his pulse beneath your palm. 
Inevitably the lingering emotions of the day would have to be dealt with, but not yet, Simon would allow himself to relish in the peace just a little longer.
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evilgwrl · 10 days
Simon across the country getting irritated when you let it slip that you’re not taking care of yourself….leads to a million FaceTime calls, texts, reminders and one hell of a homecoming.
“My sweet girl, you’ve been using that brain too much huh? Let me fix that,” hehehehehe
I NEED this thanks
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It wasn’t all your fault. You were a busy girl, always working overtime and handling difficult tasks and situations. Having Simon around just made things easier for you. When he wasn’t busy kicking ass in the Military, he was with you, looking after you and (all) your needs. You had grown used to it.
That didn’t really serve as a good explanation to him when you let it slip however.
“What do you mean you haven’t eaten properly in two days?”
“Pot noodles are enough, I just haven’t had the time or energy-“
“You think that’s enough? Jesus, love, what’s been keeping you so busy?”
“Work- I haven’t had the time to do anything, I’m so used to you being here that when you go, it’s hard to adapt.”
You could tell by the way his eyes crinkled that he was unhappy, a stare of disappointment thrown at you before you hung up, chasing after an errand for your incapable boss.
The next several days were a series of FaceTime calls and texts, practically yelling at you to look after yourself, or for the most part, eat a proper meal.
The poor man was worried sick, barely having enough reception to order you food, and when he did, you were impossible to get ahold of.
You would check your phone every couple of hours, another message flashing with the repeated words of, ‘Take a break.’ He was never much for emotion over the phone but you knew he was worried. He cared more about you and your wellbeing than anything.
It didn’t help your case either when Simon got off deployment early to surprise you, and he found you huddled over your laptop, frantically typing with a strained look on your face.
“What did I say about taking care of yourself, hm?”
You practically jumped out of your skin, eyes flashing wide before you jumped up, practically sobbing into his arms in a heap.
“You’re home early, I missed you,” you frowned, trying to hide how poorly you had been without him. He knew.
His lips pressed into your forehead, skin broiling with heat as it reacted to the simplicity of his touch.
“My sweet girl, you’ve been using that brain too much, huh? Let me fix that.”
You were practically a mess in his arms, body merging into the sheets as you whined, puffy clit sucked into his mouth with an exasperated suck, your legs curled around his beefy shoulders.
“Si- so good, don’t stop please-“
His tongue was rapid, diving into your whining hole with pleasure as his hands found your chest, groping the flesh as your hardened nipples rubbed against his palm.
Your sheets were soaked, both by sweat and your slick as you writhed against him, bucking your hips feverishly before coming with a loud moan, vocal chords singing out at the immense pleasure that was wracking through you.
It was good to have Simon home.
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 7 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Housewife!reader
From the request HERE
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: Such a good little wife you are to your military husband, ready to welcome him back home after he returns from deployment. This time you've even prepared a meal of all his favorites, but when Simon gets back early than expected and catches you flitting about the kitchen in nothing but his t-shirt, it isn't food that he wants.
Word Count: 6.4 k
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Simon has gotten in earlier than either of you expected, but instead of letting you know he doesn’t call, doesn’t text. There are other thoughts on his mind that cloud his judgment and the last thing he thinks about is wasting time focusing on messing with his phone when showing up back home is infinitely better. He’s excited to be back, chomping at the bit to get back his girl as he’s been missing you something terrible. Now that he’s back on home turf, that longing to see you again is only getting worse by the second.  
You had told him your plan for today: you wanted to make his homecoming right by cooking him a nice meal for the two of you as a celebration since he’s been gone for quite a while this round. The gesture is sweet and Simon is getting hungry… the only problem is that it isn’t for food.
He reiterates to himself on the drive back about the promise that he made to you that he would be on his best behavior today. All this trouble you are going to, he wants to be sure to show his appreciation by enjoying the hard work you’ve put in to prepare a dinner of all his favorite things and he plans to keep it by not letting his yearnings get out of hand…at least that is what he hopes.
By the time he pulls up to the house he is over two hours early from when he was meant to land and his pulse is racing as he parks on the driveway. Just a short distance more and he’s back in the company he’s been craving like crazy.
His key clicks in the lock and as he opens the door to his house he is hit by the sights and sounds of familiarity that instantly put him at ease. There are reminders of you everywhere, little touches that make this a place of comfort he looks forward to coming back to after being away. It is the sound of music echoing from the kitchen that urges him to continue forward after he shuts the door quietly, hoping to catch you by surprise. He sets his gear down by the door and creeps silently through the house, the metallic clangs of pots and utensils underneath the music now becoming more prominent as he reaches the source. 
And there you are.
The pupils of those caramel brown eyes dilate as you come into view; it has been too long since the object of his desire was standing right in front of him and fuck, do you look good. He watches you transfixed on the grace of your movements, unwavering gaze following the motions of your body as you go about the kitchen popping from the stove to the countertop singing along with the song playing over the bluetooth speakers. 
This is it, this is his little piece of heaven on earth, his oasis safe from the chaos that is his daily life, his sunshine that pierces through the darkness that clouds his thoughts, and she’s wearing his t-shirt. And only his t-shirt with your panties.
How the hell can you make something so simple look like perfection? He could very well be biased because he only has ever had eyes for you, but fuck your beauty could pull off anything. 
This right here is what keeps him going, knowing that this is what he will come home to.
He pulls his phone from out of his pocket and promptly snaps a picture, wanting to capture this innocent moment of carefree beauty that you exude now that you are alone in your own little world: humming happily to yourself, flitting about the kitchen, his baggy shirt randomly clinging to different curves as you move, your hair tied back into a low ponytail. 
In that moment, looking like you do, he wants you so bad it hurts. Your figure is only a few feet away from his grasp and yet his body is aching in pain still being this far. He has to be wrapped around you and it has to be right now. Moving with haste he pulls off his mask and gloves and discards them on the ground, removing any sign of Ghost so that he cannot taint his sweet thing with the unsavory dealings of his alter ego. He can’t wait, those lips and hands have to be on you the second they can.
Just as you go to stir the pot of vegetables bubbling away on the stove, the music cuts out abruptly and a familiar pair of arms snake their way around your waist from behind, lacing themselves across the middle of your stomach. You jump, not expecting anyone to be against you, but as soon as your eyes catch that forearm full of familiar tattoos you settle. He’s home, that’s all that matters and those nerves that have been brewing inside your chest all day turn into delicious flutters as those large hands begin to roam across your body.
The old familiar curves call to him, beckoning him to travel their paths once again. Who is he to deny them? He does not even wait as his hands paw over your stomach and hips, those large, exploratory hands taking the curves of your body into their embrace over the t-shirt until his grip is so full he can’t contain any more. 
“You’re early,” you say through a smile as you settle back into him, head resting against his shoulder. 
The warmth from his breath is at the edge of your ear as he moves his face in closer while his hands wander with purpose. His lips are ghosting themselves near the delicate skin of your earlobe teasingly until he has you squirming in his arms. "Woulda called, just wanted to get home as fast as I fuckin’ could," he groans as he tightens his grip around you to cause your back to form into the contours of his taut chest. “Had a craving for somethin’ sweet.” 
Pulling up the t-shirt just enough he moves under it with those large hands, splaying them across your soft flesh around your waist, your hips, your stomach as he takes your earlobe in his teeth to nibble at it playfully until it sends shivers down your spine.
“I missed ya, baby,” he says desperately against the side of your head.
"I missed you too," you return. 
The longer he plays up under the shirt, the more your sanity wanes. His touch is ecstasy and after not having it for so long, it is hard to not immediately succumb to its bliss. He’s barely even begun and you are already falling apart; if this keeps up you’ll never finish what you have started on the stove. 
"I wish you would have called,” you say, trying to break the spell, “cause I wanted everything to be done before you got home. I’m not ready, I’m not even dressed. I wanted this to be perfect." 
His lips move from your earlobe and start just below your jaw, making the connection against your skin over and again along the line of your jugular as he descends down your neck with kisses. He pauses against the vein there as his lips pick up the thudding as it pulses under his touch. The more his mouth lingers, the quicker it gets. 
With a smile he nuzzles his nose into your skin as his nostrils fill with your scent; the fragrance fills his head and it feels like he is being consumed. “Don’t need to get dressed,” his words breeze over your neck and down your chest, “ya look perfect just like this. How could I ask for anythin’ more?”
Simon takes the spoon out of your hand and rests it on the counter so that he can turn you around to face him; that stoic military officer is yearning to look into the face of the beauty he hasn't seen in far too fucking long. Meeting your gaze for the first time in months is akin to a contact high and immediately he is out of his goddamn mind as your eyes lock to his.
You are struggling just as badly. It is always a struggle not to miss him like crazy when he’s gone and now that he is back there is so much time to make up for. And the way he looks as he stands here in front of you, hands around your hips, isn’t helping. The universe knew what they were doing when they put Simon together and even though the black around his eyes is already smugged and his crinkled blonde hair is pressed down from being under his balaclava, the sight of him still makes your stomach flip. You are transfixed and it’s getting harder to breathe.
Brown eyes trail down your features to take you all in, drinking up every gorgeous facet of your face as his hands move to cup around the sides of your head like the frame around a work of art. Those eyes that light up whenever they look at him, that sweet mouth always ready with a smile, those soft cheeks glowing whenever he touches you, all of it a unique perfection that he cannot get enough of. Finally his sight lands on your mouth and as if drawn by an overwhelming urge he is compelled to move in.
He has to kiss you; it is suddenly unbearable that he still hasn’t tasted you yet. 
Leaning into your face he gives your lips a peck to test that they still feel the same as he remembers. Pulling back, he catches the sparkle in your eyes that tells him to do that again and he is ready to oblige. Then he steals another and another at an increasing pace until his mouth smashes against yours and latches on, drawing you in as he deepens the connection. 
His tongue meets yours and shoves its way past the barrier of your lips and into the confines of your mouth as he tastes you. Everything comes flooding back all at once and he is overtaken by all that familiarity. The longer the connection lasts the more he loses himself until he is panting into you, sharing one sticky, hot bit of air as his features shape themselves around your own to make your faces become one.
The thick stubble outlining his jaw abrades the skin of your cheeks and around your lips, making your face sting, but you don't want him to pull away. Not yet, not when his lips are making your mind hazy and your limbs tremble as all that tension that has been building for days as you wait for his return bubbles over the surface. 
His desperation is showing as his dick digs itself into your upper thigh, pulsing and throbbing the harder it gets until you cannot ignore it. Each heavy breath pushes his bulky chest against yours until you can feel his rapid pulse rushing angrily through his veins as his heartbeat pounds. 
"You’re gonna be the death ‘a me," he says quietly under his breath as he cannot think of anything else to say in that moment; his mind is too absorbed in the way your kiss is like heaven and he is succumbing to the feeling of it. “I know I said I’d wait til later, but I don’t think I can, sweetheart. It’s been hell without ya.”
At this rate Simon isn’t going to make it to dinner and you’re so close to being done, but maybe there is something you can do to sate him long enough that you can get through this. With a bit of struggle you break the kiss and pull away as he desperately tries to wrangle you back in so that you have to place your hand on his chest to get him to pause.
Giving Simon’s lower lip one last quick nip you slowly lower yourself to your knees before him, your fingers lacing into the leather of his belt as you fiddle with the buckle. “Then how about I give you a little something to keep you satisfied til dinner’s over?” you suggest as you look up at him with those pretty doe-eyes. “Something to make you feel better?” 
His chest heaves up and down with each laborious breath he takes as you jump into unhooking the metal of his buckle and pulling the leather through until the belt hangs loosely around his hips. Your fingers slide down the zipper, but before you can do more his hands press yours into place along the lower portion of his pelvis so that you can’t keep undressing him.
“Ya don’t have to do this,” he mildly protests. Simon knows if you don’t stop he isn’t going to be able to either and this dinner is going to take a detour, though he can’t lie that he wants you to keep going. 
Giving you a look, he waits to see if you stand back up, but you only smile as you pull your hands back out from underneath his. “I want to do this for you, baby,” you reassure, lifting the bottom of his shirt and leaning in to kiss along the light colored patch of hair that trails down into his boxers as you finish undoing his pants. 
How in the hell is someone supposed to resist this? Simon is strong, he would not have gotten far in life if he wasn’t, but not this strong. You reach the waistband of his underwear with your lips and meet the seam with your fingers to pull them down under his ass low enough that you can release his thick, fat cock.
He is hard already, the tip swollen and angry, and the veins running through it visibly throbbing. The inside of your mouth salivates as it remembers the feeling of being stuffed with that girthy appendage. You keep the spit gathered on your tongue as you lean in and open your lips.
Taking the tip of your tongue you trace the head of his cock as your hand at the base keeps his foreskin pulled back. A breathy moan rumbles out from somewhere deep inside his chest, low and guttural as his hips buck and his ass hits into the ledge of the kitchen counter, making his belt jingle from the movement.
“Fuck,” he chokes out as his head falls back and his eyelids momentarily close. “Forgot how that pretty mouth feels ‘round me.”
He can feel a tightening around him as your lips contort into a smile, excited that you can still make that big ol boy come undone with something as simple as your mouth. Clearly he has been just as worked up as you have been for him to get home. As Simon settles back against the countertop with his palm on your cheek, his thumb lovingly strokes the corner of your full mouth as you continue on.
Your lips around him, wet and messy, suck him in until his cock reaches the threshold of your throat. Those pretty eyes of yours lift back up to look into his face, keeping contact as you choke around him, vision swimming with tears while your head bobs up and down in a steady rhythm. Your lips are bright red and swollen from his kiss, your cheeks blossoming with heated color, that lust-drunk look plastered on your face; it all makes up the gorgeous picture. The visual makes his blood pressure rise until his limbs are vibrating with the racing beats of his heart. 
The slurping sounds of your saliva-filled mouth being fucked is punctuated by sparse gags; it hasn’t been this full for a while and it’s going to take some getting used to. Still, you don’t slow your pace, even as his hips begin thrusting against your face the longer you go. It’s like you’d rather suck him off than breathe and goddamn is that a turn-on. 
Simon releases your cheek so that he can rest his hands on the counter behind him. He hasn’t had you like this in so long that it doesn’t take much to overwhelm him now. That pressure deep inside is building to its peak, drawing his body to the edge of its release with each pass of your mouth over him from as far down the base as you can reach back to the tip. His hands grip hard into the surface behind him until his knuckles turn white.
Shit, he is going to come just like he knows you want, but it is at that moment that he realizes that he doesn’t want to just take this quick blow job and be done with you until later. Simon needs you, all of you, under his touch and at his disposal right this fucking second. Suddenly he is pulling out of your mouth and situating his cock back into the confines of his pants as you stare up at him with your head tilted in confusion. 
“What’s…” you start to ask, but before the words can even leave your lips you are being pulled to your feet. He doesn’t say a word as he wipes away a bit of spittle that has dripped from the corner of your mouth, using his thumb to remove it before he kisses you full force again. 
It's too much, too strong an all consuming feeling to stop and so without warning he pulls from you and throws you over his broad shoulder to carry you out of the room in a rush. He is frantic; he needs to have you now and can’t wait to drag you all the way to the bedroom. No, it’s too far.
Scanning around him as his aroused brain tries to find the fastest solution, he spots it. The dining table that you’ve set special for tonight is just a few feet away and he instantly brings you over to it. Dishes clank and clatter, ceramic and glass hitting itself as he hurriedly shoves everything out of his way to make room for your body before setting you on the surface.
"I know you’re not done cookin’, but I’m hungry for somethin' else," he breathes as he sets you down and lays you back. “I need ya now…waited too long for this.”
The movement has caused your shirt to get pulled up off your stomach and the uncovered area catches his eye; more skin that he desperately needs to claim and now. He brushes his fingertips down across your waist and over your navel, past to your lower abdomen until he lightly grazes the seam of your panties. He can feel the goosebumps forming under his touch and he can hear the hitch in your breathing the lower he gets. 
Reaching your sex he cups his wide palm over the mound and applies pressure. It is warm to the touch and he can feel it radiate into his hand. You buck against him, squirming at the unexpected sensitivity with a gasp. All that softness of your body, so delicate to the touch like silk against his skin, it’s too much for him to handle. Simon has had months and months of only rough, coarse, and rugged things from the brutal environment he was forced to endure, but the moment his fingers grace across all that balmy flesh his brain short-circuits.
It’s not just your looks that drive him wild, though. You are the one bit of happiness he keeps separate from the brutality of his work, the sanctuary that he looks forward to coming home to, the calm in his stormy existence. That's why he suggested he take care of the money so you could stay at home, not bother yourself with working, so that the harsh world wouldn't taint your sweet demeanor with its cruelty. And in return you take care of his life, never asking for anything as you make sure everything here runs smoothly.
"You're always takin’ care a me, makin' sure that everything is perfect when I get back home," he says as he gets more worked up. "Now it's my turn to return the favor. Goddammit, I just wanna screw the hell outta my pretty girl until she can’t move."
Firm hands cup against your hips as his fingertips slip between your panties and your warm skin, tangling them in the fabric so that he can pull them down your thighs and off your legs. Your bare petals faintly glisten as he gets a peak at them through the tight space between your legs, a product of his minimal touch already working on your body; nice to know he still has that effect on you no matter how much time you’ve spent apart. He slides his hands between your thighs, parting them easily as a knife in warm butter, until his hand is deep enough that he can stop and separate them so that the gap is wide and his body can easily fit in between.
"All this for me?” he asks as he stares like an animal starved at your pussy, mouth salivating to play. "Bet you’ve been achin’ somethin’ terrible since I left. Do ya need me ta fix that?”
“Yes,” you breathe.Your body is radiating with the intensity of every sensation that courses through your limbs like an electrical current everywhere Simon touches you.
“That’s a good girl,” he says as he glides his hand up so his fingers can part through the lips of your pussy.
Two of those thick fingers slide between the petals of your sex towards your entrance, gathering as much of your slick as he can on his digits. Carefully he teases them around the rim of your core, circling it through the dampness gathering in your slit. “One or two?” he asks as your back arches off the table, the stimulation driving you to the brink of insanity; it’s been too long since you’ve felt his fingers there.
You swallow hard. “T-two,” you beg. At this point, any amount will work as long as they are his and as long as they get inside you.
“Oh sweetheart, that’s what I like ta hear,” he praises as he aligns his fingers with your opening and slowly fits those two long fingers inside and up into you. “Fuck, there ya go. Just breathe for me, that’s it. Let your body do all the work and take ‘em in.”
They slip up further into your cunt and with a slow pace he begins to pump in and out of you while the overwhelming pressure causes you to arch your back up off the table. Instinctively, your hips buck against his hand, trying to make as much contact with him as possible. 
Those long, coarse fingers curl inside you continuously as his heavy palm rests over top of your sex to put pressure so that he can make more contact and cause more friction with your G spot as his thumb nestles against your clit. Your body writhes against the table, your head falling back with eyes closed as the twinges of pleasure spring up your spine and Simon is grinning from ear to ear to see he still knows how to work his sweetheart just the way she likes.
As he watches you fall apart to the stroking of his fingers, from the corner of sight he catches it: that bounce at the top of your torso under the shirt. It’s as if he suddenly remembers about those beautiful breasts as they rebound with his strokes and out of a drunken haze he is consumed by the need to see them.
Pushing the bottom of your shirt up over your chest, it’s revealed that you don’t have on a bra and his breath hitches to see those perky tits he’s been dreaming of burying his face in staring right back at him. Fuck, he can’t stop himself from getting at all that juicy meat and quickly he leans over you with a groan from the table so that he can reach you with his mouth. Lightly he grazes his teeth over the delicate skin of your nipple to make the little bud grow hard under the sharp contact.
"Oh God, Simon," his name falls from your lips in a breathy prayer.
The sweet sound of his name being spoken in such a desperate way only spurns him on; he needs to hear it as many times as he can make you repeat it, especially after not being able to hear it at all while he was gone. "Say it again," he demands, never lifting his face from your breasts, just switching sides periodically to get them both engaged.
His tongue flicks at the hardened nipple and it makes you whimper as the stimulation runs down your body like liquid fire until you can feel its effects radiating in your clit each time his thumb strokes over it. You know that he wants you to say his name again, but you don’t know if you can. It’s too much stimulation that you are losing your ability to speak.  
"Simon," you say as your voice shakes.  
His hum of satisfaction vibrates through the tissue of your breast. "Again," he repeats firmly before drawing it fully into his mouth. Latching on he takes as much of your breast as he can fit and sucks down hard. 
“S-simon,” your desperate voice clumsily moans. 
Tiny beads of sweat form along the line of your body as it burns with the intensity of the ecstasy you feel under his expert care. He’s in your head, in the very marrow of your bones; there isn’t a part of you that isn’t consumed by him. Those rough fingers grinding away into your pussy and his mouth on your body all pail in comparison to the way his kiss had felt on your lips. That desperate, consuming, overwhelming kiss is your drug and you need another hit.
Your fingers lace into his short hair and you tug hard to pull him from your chest, only then does he unlatch himself from your breast as you guide him back up to your mouth. Simon’s lips are nearly raw and yet he takes yours as roughly as he had in the kitchen, never slowing the pace of his finger fucking. 
It’s like liquid fire, your kiss, and he sucks down with a hunger that cannot be quenched. The sound of your sloppy lips match the wet slaps currently being produced between your legs. Simon is drunk as his mouth takes and takes and takes, and yet… 
His mouth craves more, another set of lips.
The pad of his tongue makes contact with your clit and you jolt, making the table creak as the over-stimulation sends shock waves through your needy body. You can feel the sigh he releases against you as he begins to suck on the nodule of pleasure while flicking it with his tongue; it’s hard to think amongst the staggering overstimulation is leaving you begging and pleading for mercy.
Simon pulls from you amidst your whined protests to drop to his knees before you, giving those thick thighs his attention. His face comes level with your pussy that is absolutely soaked from the work of his fingers and raising your legs to rest your ankles on his shoulders, he dives in. Instantly his face is buried in your heat and as he brushes his tongue through your slit his mouth is filled with your nectar, that tangy burst of flavor that he can not get enough of. It is slathering all over the lower half of his face, coating him from his nose to his chin in the scent of your arousal.
Your thighs squeeze around his head and then release. “I can’t…I-I can’t…” you murmur as you try to move from him.
His mouth releases from you. “Yes, yes ya can, baby. Now, come on my face,” he says fiercely as he grips into the muscle of your hips with all his strength, secures you to his sharp features, and dives right back in like a man starved. 
“F-f-fuck,” you groan as your hands seize the tablecloth in your fists, that coil of pleasure tightening in your stomach tighter with each flick of his tongue. 
Feverish movements against that erogenous button are no longer controlled as he devours all he can, forcing your body towards that ledge to throw you off into ecstasy. He craves it, burns for it, and would die for it: the way you feel, the way you taste, the way your hips writhe against his advances, it all makes him rabid.
As your breath grows shorter and shorter, he knows it's not far; just a bit more suffocation on his part and you will be done in. He moves his face down to tease your hole with his tongue as his nose takes over on your clit. You are so hot it feels like someone has set you on fire as the knot in your stomach gathers to its breaking point. It’s there, right there within reach; just a little more and you are going to come hard and he’ll get his wish. 
Those desperate whimpers quiet all of a sudden and he knows it’s happening; with a few more flicks of his tongue you plunge off the edge with a cry as your thighs clamp down tight around his ears so that he is blocked against you, but that is exactly what he wants. Those seconds after your orgasm shakes through you are his favorite: you writhing uncontrollably over him as he continues to stroke his tongue through you until that high has finally worn off.
Nothing has ever felt better and after not having this for months, it is pure heaven.
It isn’t until you settle down and your legs open back up that he emerges with his face covered in the sticky juices of your cum and his saliva. He is grinning like he has just been given a present, even as he wipes his mouth clean with the back of his hand before wiping the slick on his t-shirt.
“Fuckin’ fantastic as always, baby,” he breathes. “But I ain’t done with ya yet. I think we can get at least one more orgasm from ya right now. Come ‘ere.”
He helps your weak body to sit up on the edge of the table to embrace your lips, hoping to reinvigorate you to keep going with the intensity of his desire. You can taste yourself in his kiss, a mixture of sweet and salty that combines with his natural tang to become the flavor of your union. The kiss only lasts a few more seconds, but after just being made to come the exhaustion makes it feel like a lifetime… not that you are complaining.
Pulling from you, he tugs at the crotch of his pants; he can’t wait anymore. “I need ya ta get up and turn ‘round, sweet thing,” he says, guiding you up and rotating you around before pushing you back down onto the table, this time on your stomach. “Gotta get inside. Need ta fill ya.”
The sound of metal jingles as he lowers his pants as his knee pushes against your inner thigh to spread you wider. He releases his cock again and squats down lower so that he can align the tip with your entrance. You can feel it press through the swollen lips of your pussy and you ready yourself for that moment when you’ll be split open.
He can already feel your dampness on his cock as he guides it through and without hesitation he grabs your hips and thrusts inside all the way down to the very base of his cock. Simon instantly bottoms out and needs a second to collect himself; it’s been too fucking long since he’s been inside you and if he isn’t careful he is going to come to quick for him. 
Those rough fingers dig in deeper to your hips as he tries to hold on for dear life. “Goddammit, baby,” he groans. “I’ve missed this.”
His girth stretches your core wide to its limit so that the walls of your cunt can’t help but feel every single detail of his cock: every enlarged vein, the exact curve of it, each and every crease.
It’s like he’s imprinting it with his signature, letting your pussy know that the one it belongs to is home once again.
Hips begin to rock slowly at first and are immediately punctuated by deep-throated groans as he cannot keep himself calm for long no matter how hard he tries. Your body is too much like paradise, so devastatingly amazing that even though he is desperately clawing at his sanity it is slipping through his fingers faster and faster with each thrust like sand in a sieve. Pulling almost completely out of you he slams back into your core down to the base, repeating this over and over with a ferocity that only gets worse. 
Your body rocks, breasts bouncing and bunching the tablecloth as you are pressed into the surface; you can only moan as the uncomfortable fullness becomes euphorically intoxicating. The table squeaks and strains against each plunge of him deeper into your pussy, threatening to break under the force at any second. Plates and silverware clatter to the floor as they are knocked off and yet you do not care. He will just replace them anyway so there is no sense to take yourself out of the moment to worry about it. 
"Ya look so fuckin' pretty with my cock buried in ya," he grunts. "My sweet girl, my good little wife, always keepin' my balls empty. How'd I get so goddamn lucky to marry someone so good, yeah?"
Desperately he grinds harder and harder into you as if he cannot get deep enough, like he cannot fill you full enough. The recoil of your ass as he pounds into you from behind is something he can’t pull his sight from even if he wants to. He is mesmerized, watching himself disappear into the confines of your body only to reemerge more coated in your juices than when he went in. 
“I want ta feel ya pulse around me each letter of my name,” he says as his hand runs down the length of your spine. “Come on, baby, let me fuckin’ feel it.”
You follow his command and flex the muscles in your pelvis. Ten letters isn’t that much, not for him; you do it all for him, anything he asks, anything he needs because you know that he is just as whipped for you as you are for him and this is the way to keep him coming back like a good little pup.
He’s panting like a bitch in heat behind you. “That’s it, fuck, just as that.”
So wet, so tight, the pulsing, the throbbing, the speckles of sweat covering your bodies, his hands grabbing at skin, your hips grinding into him… it’s all too much. “Keep going,” you beg with a shudder. “Fuck, Simon right there.”
You can feel him hitting that sensitive spot inside, his cock pounding over it at the perfect angle, and your limbs tingle as the second coming is fast approaching. There is only one man who can make you come multiple times and it is and always has been your husband. And now his complete possession of your body is almost finished.
“Come on, my pretty girl, gimme another,” he urges enthusiastically as he hears your whimpers get louder while your body trembles. “I know ya have another for me and I fuckin’ want it.”
He pounds into you as if his life is dependent on your orgasm and you steady yourself by gripping onto the edge of the tabletop. The pressure builds and builds, a scourge to your sanity until all at once that bolt of hot electricity shoots through your limbs and your head falls forward with a whine as your second orgasm rockets through you so hard that you are left a mewling mess.
“Yes, yes, that’s it,” Simon growls as he finally allows himself to let go and all that build up, all that pining, all that longing for this moment comes to a head and with a few more hard, deep strokes inside your spasming pussy he too comes undone.
A roar rips through his chest as he pulls out and comes across your back, stroking his hand over his cock until he can milk himself dry. You close your eyes, laying your head down as he finishes and grabs a napkin that sits on the table above your head to wipe the cum off. His limbs feel heavy as he sits you back upright to face him. 
Simon simply stares into your face for a while, letting you both just work to catch your breaths. There are no words that need be said, not between you both. Once he is more calm, he gently pushes a strand of hair off your glistening face and tucks it behind your ear.  
“Ya did so well for me, sweetheart,” he says sweetly, placing a softer kiss on your lips as his heart slows. 
“Always for you,” you return with a smile against his lips. 
As you both stand there in the midst of the afterglow of your euphoria, a smell begins to waft in from the kitchen. It is unmistakably the scent of something burning. You poke your head around him just to be sure there isn’t a fire on the stove before turning back to his face.
“I hope you like your food burnt cause that’s what we’re gonna be having now,” you laugh as he pulls you back in for one more kiss, letting his forehead rest against yours.
“Guess its a good fuckin’ thing I filled up on the first course then,” he says as you tut in fake exasperation. He lowers his voice. “But ya know… if the food’s ruined, maybe we should just go ta bed.”
Something about the way he says it and the glint in his eye as you pull back, it doesn’t sound like you are going to be sleeping anything off.
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
home sweet home 🫶💔
pairing : pierre gasly x gasly!fem reader & f1 grid x platonic!fem reader
summary : delilah gasly had been stationed in america for the last seven years as a training paramedic. she is also pierre's younger sister and hasn't seen him during those seven years. the last time she had seen her brother was just after pierre had made his f1 debut. since then, it had been seven years since pierre had been in f1 and so many things that delilah had missed had happened. so, with the help of the rest of the f1 grid, she surprised her older brother. 
warnings : dodgy french to english translations, sweet reunions between siblings, swearing, happy crying
a/n : a couple of flashbacks will be in this and written in italics like always, even though it's happy, it'll be written in lowercase and i'm gonna apologise once again for the influx of depressing one-shots so i hope this makes you forgive me! 
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present time | pierre's pov
chilling in the alpine garage before media day was always the thing that i did during each grand prix week when i first started in f1 and it was something i even did now, in my seventh year on the grid. except for the occasional run-in from one of the engineers, it was quite quiet which led me to find an old message between me and my younger sister. i tilted my head in confusion but, i sat in my chair properly, my feet off of the desk, and read the message from delilah.
hey, pierre. i know we haven't spoken in ages, since i left being the "ages" but, i just wanted to text you to let you know i love you, i miss and i am so proud of you.
it makes me so excited that you have finally made it into formula one and i only wish that i could be there to see you continue to smash it! i know you and the rest of the team will smash it out of the park! love you!
hey delilah, i miss you too and i love you too. and thank you, i'm also excited to have finally made it into formula one, only charles needs to enter next! see you soon, whenever that is! 
i really am sorry that i can't be there to see any of the races. and i'm sure charles will make his debut soon, pierre. and congrats again and biggest hugs to you! okay, i need to go but, we can talk later. i love you pierre and stay safe. bisous. 
i felt my eyes water as i reread these messages. especially when i noticed that these dates dated back to around, 2017ish when i had first made my debut into formula one and i remembered i'm no longer the rookie like i was back then. my heart broke as i realised i didn't even respond to delilah's last message she sent me back in 2017, i only read it and never responded. even though it was a very short conversation, it was still a nice conversation to have with my sister as i hadn't talked to her at that point in a couple of years. and that reason is that delilah, basically the day after i had signed the contract and got given the call i was making my debut into formula one, she was over in america as a training paramedic, travelling through all the states to teach families and young kids about the importance of first aid. and the day i got the call about my f1 debut was the last time me, the family and our friends had seen her before she jet-setted off. 
"you alright, pierre?" i suddenly look up to notice charles, had snuck his way into the alpine garage and joined me, resting himself against the table as i smiled at him, nodding my head
"yeah, i'm alright char, just...thinking..." i trailed off as i placed my phone down, forgetting to turn it off as charles catches a glimpse of what i was looking at
"...delilah te manque, n'est-ce pas?" charles softly responded, switching to french as we both caught eye contact as i nodded my head you miss delilah don't you?
"ouais, je le fais. i don't even know how i came past that conversation, i must have been absentmindedly scrolling through the messages...wow, seven years ago we had that conversation..." i trail off, looking back down at the date we had that small conversation, realising ultimately that it was almost eight years ago, not seven yeah, i do
"...eh bien, as-tu essayé de l'appeler?" charles sincerely questions as i sit up properly again as i tilt my head - have i? well, have you tried calling her?
"je... je ne pense pas avoir..." i space out for a second until i bring myself back into reality as charles places a soft touch on my shoulder i...i don't think i have
"...bien well, when was the last time you tried calling her?" charles asked, pulling himself back to his original position as i relax my shoulders down as i think properly
"i think the last time i tried calling her was a week after the f1 debut was announced when she had been gone for maybe a little close to a week at that point..." i was shocked at myself as those words came out my mouth, charles giving me a comforting smile
"...well, do you maybe want to try calling her then? i'm sure it won't hurt to try," charles whispered in english, giving me a small smile as he then climbed off the table leaving me to call her. however, it kind of scared me to call delilah
"i guess so..." i mumbled as charles gave me one last smile before it was just me left in my dressing room again
well, here i go. i decided that i'd try to call delilah for the first time in seven-ish years. it gave me anxiety hearing the phone call ring as for all i knew, maybe she forgot about me due to how much of a workaholic she was when it came to her job as a paramedic. maybe that's why she never came home when she had the chance to... because she was too focused on her job she forgot about me. i mean, it sounds plausible i guess.
"hé, c'est delilah..." hey, it's delilah
"...delilah me manque--" delilah i miss--
"--désolé that i couldn't be there to pick up the phone and talk to you. i'm most likely either in the office studying, out watching pierre race or i am purposefully ignoring you. please leave a message and i'll get to you as soon as i possibly can. love you so much to whoever has rung me and i'm sorry once again for not picking up. okay, au revoir!" sorry & bye-bye
my heart broke as i heard her voicemail. she still hadn't updated it from the day she first made it, at the airport before she was about to leave for america after my f1 debut call back in 2017. i remember holding in my giggles as she made it. as soon as the recording stopped, i burst out into laughter and caused the entire airport to stare at us. delilah also finding the funny in the situation. i was then interrupted by the sudden beep meant for my message.
i jolted as i then spoke up, giving my message to delilah. my voice shaky and a little bit teary as i sniffled.
"...salut...delilah, it's been a while since we last spoke. around seven years to be exact but um, i...i just wanted to ring in to check on you considering it's been seven years or so since you've been in america and since we've talked. and...i was just wondering how you're going. i hope you're staying safe and, please come home soon, i love you and i miss  you loads. okay, umm, please call me back when you're able to listen to this, okay, au revoir." 
i gulped as i ended the call, placing my phone back down on the table that charles was sitting on earlier. i then moved out of my seat and rested against the wall, sliding down it as i felt as though i was going to start crying. thankful my door was closed and locked so no one, even the engineers, could come in.
five minutes later | charles' pov
since leaving pierre to attempt in ringing delilah, his younger sister who has been a training paramedic in america for the last seven or so years, i was slightly worried about leaving him alone. especially considering it's been those seven years since they last communicated and we were hours, if not minutes away from the media interviews in prep for the grand prix.
i was walking back down the way a little back to the ferrari garage when i heard what sounded like soft cries. it piqued my interest as the alpine garage and pierre's room was always on a diagonal from mine. i softly walked back in the direction of the apline garage and softly knocked on the door. before hearing a click, letting me know the door was just unlocked as i walked in, closing the door behind me straight away. 
he was resting against the wall, no longer sitting near his desk and my heart broke, "...pierre, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" i softly questioned, sliding down the wall next to mark as he slowly looked over towards me pierre, what's wrong?
"elle...elle n'a pas répondu, c'était juste sa messagerie vocale," pierre whispered as my heart shattered for him she...she didn't answer, it was just her voicemail
"oh, pierre, i am so sorry. did you try again?" i asked in english as i brought his fragile but taller frame into my smaller one as i felt his head shake against my shoulders
"no," he mumbled against my shoulder as i bit my lip, not knowing what else to do
"pourquoi pas?" i simply respond as pierre sniffles why not?
"hearing her voicemail from seven years ago makes me miss her even more...since that's the last time i heard her speak so i don't even know if she still sounds like that..." he trails off as i nod my head - yeah, i get the same feeling when i miss my own mum and i try to ring her and it goes to voicemail, making me not want to try again even though i know her voice wouldn't have changed that much
"that's fair. have you gotten in contact with her superintendent to make sure she's okay?" i questioned as i remembered that as a grid, we had talked about it, all wanting to stay in the loop about delilah
"yeah but, they...they haven't really been giving me any updates recently so i don't even know what's going on at their end right now," he mumbles as i nod my head
"that's not fun but i'm sure delilah isn't ignoring you on purpose. just, be as positive as you can and just know that one day, delilah will have to come home since she wasn't even meant to be in america and with this job for this long anyway," i smirk as pierre gives me a little smirk back which makes me happy, we all hated to see pierre upset
i then decided to give him a hug before leaving him on his own, knowing he needed it this time and now, i knew he'd be okay.
seven years ago | pierre's pov
i had never hated anything more than what was happening right now, and last night, i had just gotten the amazing news that i was making my formula 1 debut. right now, my younger sister delilah was getting ready for her new job as a training paramedic somewhere in america. i say "somewhere" because i completely zoned out as soon as it was mentioned that delilah was being sent away in the first place. i just had the impression that she'd be sent to england or somewhere else in europe. i didn't want to hear about the fact that she'd be across a whole damn ocean, six or so hours away. and i'd rather not be told that she's that far away from me if anything was to go wrong, i can't just be there in an hour or two. 
"...allez pierre, dis au revoir à ta sœur car elle sera partie pendant quelques années avant que tu puisses lui parler à nouveau. ne sois pas de mauvaise humeur, s'il te plaît," dad kindly spoke in french as i rolled my eyes, i sluggishly moved off the airport seat, uncrossed my arms and slowly walked over to delilah who was waiting with her arms open for a hug - to which she knew i could never say no to come on pierre, say goodbye to your sister as she'll be gone for a couple of years before you can speak to her again. don't be moody, please
"bien, mais ne me blâme pas quand je te crie dessus tous les deux jours de ne pas me permettre d'être à une heure de delilah juste au cas où elle se blesserait parce que ce ne serait pas de ma faute!" i growl out in french, half of it mumbled by delilah's tight squeeze as i rested in her hug, mum and dad shaking their heads at me in unapproving ways fine, but don't blame me when i yell at you every other day for not allowing me to be an hour away from delilah just in case she gets injured because it won't be my fault!
"oh please, pierre, that's never going to happen, buddy! i won't let it happen!" delilah whispers in english as dad, mum, our brothers and the f1 grid that had shown up had left the two of us alone
"and how in god's name are you so sure of that delilah celine-josephine gasly, huh?" i respond in english, with a full-on passive-aggressive attitude as she rolls her eyes, squeezing me tighter as she tries to prove her point
"i'm so sure of that pierre jean-jacques gasly because i was trained exceptionally well and there is no way in hell or god's name that i'm leaving you on your own! nah-uh, not until i surprise you at one of your f1 media days, whether that's when you change teams or what then i'm leaving you, even then, i'll always be here for you, okay?" delilah roughhoused me, in the airport yes, as she tried to convince me, leaving me to roll my eyes this time
"nah-uh, i'm still not letting you leave, nope! nope, nope, nope, NOPE!" i growl as i squeeze delilah even tighter than before as she softly chuckles, scuffing my hair up, to which i had no care about really
"i hate to burst your imaginative bubble pierre but, i'm still leaving. i have to otherwise i could be fined a lot of money for not going..." delilah trails off as she tries to remove herself from my grip, to which i refuse and hug her tighter
"...i.don't.care! i'd rather have to help pay for your fines for not leaving to work in america as a stupid paramedic than be told that you got injured or died in a fucking school shooting over the phone whilst i'm potentially in a different country at a grand prix or racing and then having to cry and grieve over you two months later when they finally bring your body home!"  i growl, still mad that mum and dad even allowed delilah to consider her choosing this weird training paramedic job in america, delilah sighs loudly as she brings her arms back around my torso, hugging me even tighter
"i'm sorry pierre but, i do care. and, whilst i also don't want you guys to get a call saying i died or got injured in america and wait two months for my fancy-schmancy funeral, i'm willing to do this job in america if it means i'm teaching life-saving skills. i don't want to argue with you, i know you don't either so, be reasonable and let me leave," delilah says in a matter-of-fact way as i roll my eyes again, a small whine leaving my mouth as if i was about to have a full-on tantrum, to which, i most likely was, in a public airport with my future f1 teammates behind me and the rest of my family
"why are you so proud of this job? i'd rather you be with me travelling for formula 1!" i whine, smacking my head on delilah's shoulder as she chuckles
"i'm proud because i've always been proud of everything i do and that includes my job as a training paramedic in america. and you know i'd love to go to all of the grand prixs with you but, i can't so, it looks as though you're just going to have to survive with me being away in a different country to you," delilah said with a smile as we both simultaneously squeezed each other, causing us to both squeal and giggle
"well, if i have to let you leave then, when will i talk to you next?" i question, pulling back out of the hug as delilah grabs ahold of my hand
"umm, i think i have a couple of days where i have off that i can ring and communicate with those i didn't get to farewell but, yeah, i think that's the next time i can talk to you," delilah smiles which makes me smile, making me feel slightly better
"okay, nice. when will i be able to see you again? like, when will you be able to come home?" i then ask as i entertain myself by fiddling around with delilah's fingers which were intertwined with mine
"it...it'll be soon i'm sure pierre," delilah smiles, pulling me into another quick hug before grabbing my hand again as i nod my head sadly
"how soon is soon?" i ask with a shake in my voice, looking up at the clock knowing her flight was about to be called to board soon
"pierre soon will be as soon as i am able to leave. i promise, now, i really need to leave, my plane's about to board!" delilah said as i pouted and my eyes grew sad as i huffed loudly
"ok, but promise me you'll come home safely, please?" i whimper my voice breaking as delilah smiles softly
"i promise pierre, but, i gotta go," she whispers as she gives me one last hug before giving her last hugs to everyone else
okay, maybe what i said before was mean, i am awfully proud of delilah that she chose this as her job. it was wrong of me to say that i'm mad at mum and dad for allowing her to consider and then choose it eventually. i then saw my soon to be f1 grid mates, daniel, lewis, sebastian, carlos as well as charles, who was not yet making his f1 debut, give their final hugs and farewells to delilah. watching that whilst it broke my heart, also made it feel warm that even though i'd be competing against these guys every grand prix, i could still trust them with my personal life since this was how they were treating me saying goodbye to my younger sister and i'd do the same for them. even though i was farewelling one major thing in my life and starting a new one, my younger sister and formula 1, i knew that i would eventually be okay again. 
we then watched on as delilah and her fellow training paramedics boarded the plane. we waved, cheered, and hollered, making the biggest scene of all time as she then vanished into the plane where it became silent again.
"...et bien, maintenant elle est partie pierre," dad came up from behind me, wrapping his arm around my back, i huffed and rolled my eyes well, now she's gone pierre
"merci de me l'avoir rappelé papa, ce n'est pas comme si je ne regardais pas cela se produire," i huff as dad pulls me down to sit on the airport floor with him - knowing something was wrong thanks for reminding me dad, it isn't like i wasn't watching it happen
"d'accord pierre, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ? tu as été comme ça toute la journée, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas être fier de ta petite sœur comme elle est fière de toi pour avoir atteint la formule 1 ?" dad muttered kindly as my lips started to tremble okay pierre, what's wrong? you've been like this all day, why can't you be proud of your younger sister like she's proud of you for reaching formula one?
"je suis fier de son père, c'est juste--" i am proud of her dad it's just--
"--c'est difficile de la voir partir après avoir réalisé votre rêve de formule 1?" he interrupts as i nod my head, a small whimper coming out of my mouth, dad's face softens, noticing the tears welling in my eyes and pulls me into his lap, his knees bracing my head it's hard to see her go after you've just been given your formula one dream?
"mhm," i mumble as i feel the tears pool in my eyes as dad softly ruffles his fingers through my hair
"oh, pierre, ça va fils," dad whispers as i feel a tear stream down my cheek onto dad's knee as i attempt to wipe it away whilst laying awkwardly on the airport floor halfway on my dad's lap oh, pierre, it's okay son
"non ce n'est pas," i whimper, covering my mouth with my arm that rested across dad's lap so my whimpering would be quieter no, it's not
"bien, je vais reformuler ma réponse *pierre softly chuckles* it will be okay pierre, delilah will be okay. she's going to come home and she'll message and call us when she's able to, okay? you've got nothing else to worry about other than what you're going to do now that you are debuting with formula one, okay? i know you and delilah always envisioned on being with each other when you joined f1 but, now that's not possible, but use that grief of your sister being so far away as your fuel to have you push, okay? you'll be perfect pierre!" dad smiled as he continued combing his fingers through my hair which was starting to really calm me down fine, i'll rephrase my answer
"thanks, dad," i mumble with a small smile on my lips as i look up to see him also smiling
"no worries pierre, i get how you're feeling. trust me, i wasn't too rapt about delilah being a training paramedic in america either but, i made her promise me she would come home and, she promised. i'm holding on to that promise so if she breaks it, i'll never forget it and i would've wished i made her come home when i had the power to, but, right now, i've made peace with her decision and, i'm proud of her," dad was always so wise and inspirational and it made me giggle
"that's a fair deal. anyway, how are charles and arthur taking this? charles especially since he adores delilah," i ponder as i just realise, i've only really interacted with my immediate family, not with my soon-to-be teammates and the leclercs 
"that's a good question, pierre, last i saw of charles and arthur, arthur was trying to calm charles down as he wasn't taking the thought of delilah leaving well either," dad said, shrugging his shoulders as i awkwardly nodded my head that still rested on his lap
"aw, i hope they're both okay," i mumble softly, feeling the exact same way as charles and arthur
"i'm sure they are. but maybe they just need their best friend to comfort them and make them feel a little better," dad coaxes me to get up as i giggle softly
"okay, fine, i'll go find them!" i giggle as i lift my head up off dad's lap, giving him a hug as i then walk over to charles and arthur, noticing just how upset charles and arthur were 
present time | pierre's pov
after maybe about five minutes of just thinking and allowing myself to go back to that day seven odd years ago, i could smile again. after being so upset that i wasn't just losing one thing in my life, delilah, but gaining something new at the same time, it didn't make me so upset anymore because i was still with formula one but with a new team, alpine. even though delilah hadn't come home yet and i still miss her all the time, i remembered that she's just working hard all the time to give out life-saving first aid skills and at some stage, she'll come home.
"...pierre, we're next for the press conference," charles calls out, popping his head into my room in the alpine garage as i giggle
"thanks char, be there shortly," i giggle as charles also giggles, hesitating to move out of the way
giggling, i ask him to move, "oh mon dieu, bouge, charles ! je ne peux pas quitter mon garage avec toi là!" i chuckle as charles smiles, apologies and leaves quickly leaving me slightly confused oh my god, move, charles! i can't leave my garage with you standing right there!
twenty-ish minutes ago | delilah's pov
trying to hold in my laughter was the hardest thing ever, especially watching charles forget to leave after telling pierre that it was five minutes to stage for their press conference for media day. little did pierre know, after seven and a bit years, i was finally retiring from my job as a training paramedic and decided to relocate back home to france. with my transfer back to the french ambulance service, and some good-looking time off, i'd be able to go on the road with pierre during the rest of the season and be there right through to the world championship at the end of the season. 
i had snuck into the conference room in monaco pretty quickly, out of my uniform completely and just waiting for the right moment to surprise pierre. whether that's just before he goes on for the press conference or whilst he's in the middle of the press conference. 
charles, max, lando, daniel and esteban hugged me tightly. as the other drivers joining pierre for the press conference as we waited for the right time but had a quiet conversation as we all waited for pierre to leave the alpine garage to make it to the press conference.
after asking and catching up with the guys who me and pierre grew up with and watched form into the amazing formula one racers they were now and how they'd all been, inlcuding pierre, we then mentioned how we think he was going to react to me finally being home. 
"...honestly, i genuinely think pierre's going to freak when he sees you, delilah..." charles smiles, his arms crossed over as max rolls his eyes before jumping in
"...he's not just going to freak, charles, he's going to cry when he sees you, delilah!" max says dramatically as we all giggle, especially when charles' annoyed face makes an appearance
"and as i was going to say before max interrupted me, he is absolutely going to lose his head when he sees you, he is absolutely going to cry. i mean, seven years, like, no sir, i couldn't even do that, especially without contact, nah-uh, nope*giggles*," charles huffed as we all giggled as we all agreed
"yeah, i couldn't do this job again, especially in a different country for seven years without breaks," i mutter with a shake of my head as we all have another group hug
present day | charles' pov
max, lando, daniel, esteban, pierre and myself were now on the couch at the monaco grand prix for the press conference and getting ready to surprise the absolute crap out of pierre. delilah, his younger sister as we all know, just came back from a seven-year paramedic job in america. the first time she's been home and seen pierre since she left back in 2017 and, he has got no clue whatsoever and is absolutely clueless about it. 
we were laughing, answering questions and quite honestly, having a really fun press conference for once since they were usually so boring when i watched carefully for the moment that delilah would make her apperance for the surprise. i suddenly received the all-clear from the moderator of the press conference so i then gave the signal to delilah and, she ever-so sneakily just slid right on the couch next to pierre. 
pierre had just finished answering a question when he lowered his microphone to then mindlessly begin zoning out again until another person had a question for him. that was until he turned his head as though it was slow motion and his eyes widened as delilah giggled, her smile wide. 
watching the way pierre slowly realised what was going on was priceless as the grip on his microphone was gone. the microphone sent to the floor, "delilah? what the fuck are you doing here?" pierre was in so much shock that it was as though he was in a different universe completely 
"did you forget the promise we made to each other seven years ago?" delilah giggled as the crowd along with me and the others erupted into cheers as we watch the siblings pull each other in for a hug
"oh my god, you...you're home!" pierre whispers shakily, his body leaning into his sister as they didn't move from the couch as tears fill his eyes 
"home sweet home, pierre!" she whispered back as me, max, lando, esteban and daniel watched on as the siblings reunited after seven long years
"that promise was from seven fucking years ago!" pierre cried out as he smacked her which made everyone tearfully laugh now that almost everyone was in tears at this point
"still didn't break it, pierre! i'm here, am i not? now, get back to work, you and the guys have a press conference to finish!" delilah giggled as pierre rolled his eyes, reluctantly moving from the hug to let daniel, lando, max, esteban and me give her hugs again awkwardly on the couch even though we were the planners of the surprise
"so, for those who are not aware, this is delilah, pierre's younger sister and she has been away in america for the last seven years as a training paramedic. where in which she has been basically going around from state to state teaching and training underfunded and young kids very important and life-saving first aid skills. she left the day after pierre got the call that he would be making his formula one debut all the way back in 2017. she has now returned so, the guys on this couch decided that after some words on the grapevine that she was coming home that this surprise would be planned for pierre," i explained to the press conference, pierre smiling 
the crowd of interviwers and photographers cooed as pierre went to speak again, "awe, thanks for the surprise guys! very sweet of you, thank you!" pierre smiles, leaning into me to thank me as he then hugs his sister again
"no problem, if we could, we'd do it all over again," delilah called out making all of us laugh
delilah had then left the press conference so we could finish it even though pierre was very against it at first, we managed to convince him. then, at the end of the press conference, i watched as the brother and sister spent more time together, it was the sweetest thing and that wasn't me just saying that. i would genuinely do this surprise all over again just to see that shocked look on pierre's face when he realised it was delilah that had surprised him.
but, the best part of overhearing that conversation was pierre's reaction when delilah told him she'd be joining us for the rest of the season.
this was loads of fun to rewrite and it's my first pierre gasly one-shot too! so, hopefully it was good enough lol. but, anyway, i've never been the biggest fan of this ending but it's fine, i won't like every ending to every one-shot i publish and that's okay. also, i'm back from my surgery and i'm finally starting to feel better and glad to live without pain again! turns out i had a cyst near my left ovary but not in which is not normal as it's usually in the ovary as well as the smallest bit of endometriosis on the right side so in three weeks i'll be getting the full results of the surgery so hopefully the medical mystery will finally be solved! 
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defensenow · 2 months
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mactavishwritings · 1 year
how would the 141 + konig and vaqueros react to reader (not part of the military,just a civvy) randomly having connections with a bid deal military person like someone on a higher rank💀 imagine them being "oh general ___? we had dinner at his house last week. i met him while I'm on a coffee run" or someone from 141 mentioning that they need something and reader is just like "hmm i might have someone for that"
this is so funny to me
ghost: he needed access to some computer data from a big law firm, but they refused to cooperate with him or the team. at dinner one night, you two were talking about your days when he mentioned his frustration with this law firm. “what firm is it?” you asked curiously and he told you it was a group called ‘Henson and co Law’. you started laughing and when he looked confused, you smiled. “i know their mom. i use to babysit them for her after their dad left the picture. let me see if i can get their mother to talk some sense into those brothers.” the next day, the law firm quickly gave ghost what he needed and asked him to give you their love.
soap: you two were laying in bed together, him having just return from a recon mission. “you know, this mission is being over complicated just because no one knows how to get into this gala. every time we try and get invites, they reject us!” he let out his frustration and you looked up from your book. “you talking about the Mason Gala? i can get you in. Helen Mason is my godmother!” soap immediately whipped his head towards you, desperately grabbing at your arm. “please doll! also your godmother is a multi millionaire?” you shook your head, getting your phone out to text the women and ended up securing the whole team and yourself tickets.
gaz: you two were on a facetime call while he was on a mission. the homecoming date kept being pushed back because one of the guys they were supposed to get intel from kept flaking. gaz was expressing his frustration with the whole thing when he mentioned a name to you that was super familiar. “wait a minute…you don’t mean Ben Klark? i went to high school with him!” you laughed when gaz lurched forward. “please tell me you still have contact with him! we need tech!” you nodded, grabbing your laptop to message him. the next day, three boxes showed up full with the Klark tech the team needed.
price: he hosted a bbq at your guy’s house every other weekend. you were bringing out trays of food to the boys at the backyard table. they were deep in work talk when you joined. “we just need to somehow get the Jacobsons sisters to agree to go undercover.” price shook his head, knowing the two girls would never agree. “you mean Vanessa and Amelia Jacobsons? their mom does my nails.” you mentioned causally, setting the tray of food in front of soap and gaz. “wait you know them?” price looked at you confused. “yeah the girls come into the shop whenever i’m in to gossip. i think i have Vanessa’s number. i can try and convince her if it’ll help.” you looked at the boys, confused as to why this was groundbreaking to them. the boys immediately started begging you to ask the girls and you giggled as you went back into the kitchen, grabbing your phone to text the two girls.
alejandro: you happened to be sitting in his office, waiting for him to take you to lunch when him and two other officers walked in. “what do you mean we don’t have a pilot? no one on this base can fly?” he sounded frustrated as the two officers shook their heads. “you need a pilot?” you asked, catching the three men’s attention. “why? do you know one?” one of the officers asked. “yeah my brother. he’s overseas in america but i’m sure he’ll be able to do it. he’s air force.” you grabbed your phone to text him. alejandro crouched in front of you, kissing your head. “you’re my favorite, did you know that? i’ll contact his C.O. and get him down here.” you smiled, squeezing his hand. “you still owe me lunch.”
rudy: he was working in his home office when you entered, a plate of food in your hands. “rudy honey? you gotta eat.” you placed the plate down on top of the stack of papers he had buried his face into. “i will once i can get a reputable translator for when we go to russia in a few days.” he groaned, softly pushing the plate to the side. “i think i have a guy for that.” you pulled your phone out and started texting. rudy looked up at you, the look of hope in his eyes. “i’m desperate. everyone i reach out to is so sketchy.” he rubbed his eyes and you nodded. “Mikael Petrov. i studied with him in college. great guy.” you handed your phone to him with the contact pulled up. “you are a blessing.” he stood before kissing you gently.
könig: you were folding laundry in the family room when könig came home. he kicked his boots off before collapsing in his favorite chair next to you. “rough day?” you asked, not looking up from your task. “ja. everyone is busting my ass to find a hacker that can decode this transmission we intercepted.” you chuckled at the very militaristic sentence. “you could’ve just asked me baby. i know so many people.” you placed his pile of laundry on his lap before kissing his head. “you know someone? a hacker?” he looked concerned at first. “don’t ask. college roommate for all 4 years.” you laughed before getting your phone out. “Emila Davenport.” you gave him her number before taking the laundry basket full of clothes back upstairs to your room. “i’m gonna marry you someday, maus!” könig called out and you laughed loudly in return.
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reportwire · 2 years
WATCH: Boy surprised by military dad's homecoming during zoo dolphin show
WATCH: Boy surprised by military dad’s homecoming during zoo dolphin show
I’d like to bring out *** very special guest I heard you will go to the other side Mhm joe. WATCH: Boy surprised by military dad’s homecoming during zoo dolphin show Updated: 5:40 PM CDT Oct 11, 2022 The Indianapolis Zoo’s marine mammal team recently helped surprise a 9-year-old boy during a dolphin show.As Joseph got up close and personal with the zoo’s dolphins, he was surprised with the…
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sinofwriting · 5 months
Homecoming - Oscar Piastri/Reader/Logan Sargeant
Words: 3,290 Summary: She hasn’t seen them since April and she can only hope that they aren’t mad that she lied to them. Note(s): Thank you @casperlikej for this commission! Had a lot of fun writing it! NSFW. Takes place in 2023. Reader is in the military. Reader is an American, who also somewhat grew up in the UK, but it’s all very vague. Also, don’t surprise people in showers, injuries can and will happen. Read Part Two Here
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“I’m sorry.” She apologizes. “It’s okay, baby.” Logan says. Oscar nods, but there’s worry in his eyes. “Is everything okay?” She nods, “yeah, they just gave me the wrong date. It wasn’t until I was talking to my CO about leaving that they realized. I should’ve said something sooner.” “It happens.” Oscar tells her and she can see through the computer screen the way his fingers twitch, obviously wanting to reach out, and her heart aches.
She misses them so much, both her boys. Hasn’t seen them since April when China got canceled and they both managed to get away from their teams to see her. But she hasn’t really seen them since last year, since 2022, when Oscar was just a reserve and Logan was in F2 with their weird spotty schedule. They didn’t have as many race dates or things to attend. They had spent so much time with her then.
“Do they have your next date for leave?” She shakes her head. “Not yet. I think they’re trying to figure out how they gave me the wrong date.” She shrugs. “But it could mean I get some extra time.” Oscar snorts but Logan nods. “You’ll let us know as soon as you can?” “Of course, Lo. As soon as they tell me, I’ll text you. Have a good day, though, both of you.” Both their noses wrinkle but they nod.
And with I love you’s exchanged, she hangs up, looking at the packed suitcase next to her. Hopefully they wouldn’t be too mad that she lied.
Being in the military wasn’t exactly something she planned on. Not as a little girl, not as a preteen and not at fifteen when she discovered she liked both her best friends.
But then she was seventeen wanting to apply to different colleges and programs and her parents had to sit down and tell her that while they had this nice house and the family home in Florida and cars and she hadn’t really wanted for anything, that was all they had. They didn’t have enough money for her to apply to three colleges, let alone the near twenty she wanted to.
It had been a fight instantly. Because she didn’t know what she wanted to do. And for the past year they had been telling her that it was okay and that she’d have college to figure that out and it had been a lie. She remembers throwing things in a bag and going to Oscar’s brand-new place, because he was already eighteen and his parents wanted him to be comfortable.
She remembers throwing herself in his arms and then Logan’s because of course Logan was also there. Remembers crying because it kind of felt like her world was ending. She remembers the way they both had soothed her, held her, let her rage and sob. She remembers the way after when she was more calmed down, the shock gone from her system, they presented a bunch of options for her.
Working with them, working for Oscar’s dad, working for Logan’s uncle, doing this in college and that, just something, anything that sounded appealing and she can remember how she shook her head after every option and how despite that they didn’t get frustrated or angry, they just said okay before offering another until they ran out of things to offer.
It was her uncle, though he wasn’t really her uncle, that told her she should think about the military. She laughed at first thinking he was joking, but he hadn’t laughed with her, instead looked at her seriously.
“You know that I served.” And she had nodded, she had faint memories of being in elementary school or even younger back in Florida and seeing him in uniform, medals and ribbons on his chest. “And you know I’ve said a lot about it. Never kept quiet.” “Rock and a hard place.” He smiled for a second at her words before looking all serious again. “Exactly. What I’m saying is, it’s an option. And nowadays, your contracts aren’t as long depending on the branch like when I enlisted and I’ve got friends.” “I don’t think I’ll like it.” He laughed at her words. “No one knows if they’ll like it until they are in it. Just think about it. It’s something and it will give you time, paid time, to figure out what you really want to do.”
And she had thought about it. She thought about the pros and the cons, how the cons outweigh the pros for her and she nearly didn’t go through with it because of Logan and Oscar. Because they just had to confess to her, tell her that they liked her, wanted to be with her and how could she not tell them the same when it was true? She couldn’t. She had nearly called it good, happy to bounce between them playing personal assistant or social media admin or something, they didn’t really know what she’d do going back and forth, but then she saw her uncle again, a week before she turned eighteen.
He hadn’t said anything, hadn’t brought it up, hadn’t even mentioned the military. But just seeing him reminded her of their conversation, of the way she spent hours upon hours after considering it.
Seeing him made her realize she had to go through with it.
She doesn’t really remember telling Logan and Oscar her decision. She remembers how they reacted, both surprised, unaware she had been considering it. Logan had been understanding, but he was from America just like her, he had family in the service. Oscar didn’t understand, couldn’t understand why. It hadn’t been a fight, not that she remembered, but she knew that her decision had nearly broken them that day.
“You reenlisting?” Her uncle's voice is gruff. “No, sir.” He grumbles, lips twitching into a smile. “Good. And don’t call me sir. You in reserves now?” She nods. “As of last week.” “Logan and Oscar know?” She throws him a look. “Why would you be driving me to Vegas if they knew?” He laughs. “Fair. They’re doing good, right? In their Formula One thing?” She smiles, “Yeah, they’re doing alright. Did you like COTA?” He shrugs, merging onto the freeway. “Didn’t understand it, but it was alright. Beer was overpriced.” “Always is at events.” “I remember when you could get a six-pack,” he starts and she mouths along with him, having heard this since she was ten, unable to not smile as she does so. “What?” He asks, seeing her smile. “Nothing.” She tells him. “Just happy to see you haven’t changed.”
Vegas is annoying, she decides as she waves her uncle off, the older man having decided to stick around and try his luck at one of the casinos. Or rather the traffic currently in Vegas is annoying.
Pulling out her phone she texts Benny letting him know that she’s at the hotel. Looking around she smiles at all the lights and people milling around. She’d give Vegas this, it was pretty cool to look at.
“Y/N!” She turns her head, smiling at Logan’s trainer. “You got here early!” He chuckles, pulling her into a hug that she returns with one arm, still having a hand on her suitcase. “We made good time. Switched off driving, so saved us a bit from having to stop really.” He pats her on the back before letting her go. “But it was good.” She nods. “All good. How are you? How are the kids?” He grins. “They’re good, amazing, really. Excited that the season is ending and I’ll be home.” “Logan was telling me that you aren’t going to be his trainer next season.” Benny sighs, looking sad as they step foot into the hotel. “The kids are getting older, I want to be there more. If there was a way I could stay on, but not have to go to all the races I would. I love the kid, he’s like one of mine.”
She looks at him considering. She’d been around Logan and Oscar for ten years now, had been around their trainers for over five years, seeing what they did had made it easy for her to choose her degree that the military paid for while she served a year after she joined.
“Maybe you could.” His eyebrow raises. “I have a degree in sports medicine.” “But you have a year left.” She shakes her head. “That last year is reserves, unless we are going to war and all the active reserves have been called, I’m not going back in.” “Logan didn’t say.” “They don’t know.” Benny makes a weird huff sound, shaking his head. “You're going to knock them off their feet this weekend.” She laughs. “Maybe. Just talk to Sarah about it first, I’ll follow you around this weekend and next and we can talk about it with Logan.” “I don’t have to talk about it with Sarah, she’d be thrilled, she wasn’t fond of the idea in the first place. And Logan…” He shakes his head. “If you think Logan won’t be jumping at the idea of having you around twenty-four seven, you’ve lost it.” “Still! Talk about it with Sarah first, just in case.”
He shakes his head, but agrees, handing her a key card as they stop in front of a hotel room door. “This is their room. Gentle with them.” “Kim ask you to relay that message as well?” “Yes.” She laughs, nodding. “I will. Promise.” He rolls his eyes, but there’s a grin on his face. “Go. I’ll see at least two of you tomorrow.” “Bye Benny. Thank you again for helping me.” “Of course.”
She watches as he walks down the hallway before taking out his own key card and entering his hotel room, just a few rooms down. Turning back to face the hotel room door, excitement starts to fill her. She was finally going to see them, be with them.
Pressing the key to the reader, she holds her breath as she waits for the door to unlock, breathes again when it does and she twists the door knob, letting herself in.
The door swings open quietly and her feet and suitcase make no noise against the carpet as she steps inside. There’s the faint sound of the shower running and music playing, and a large smile spreads across her lips. This was the routine she was used to, that hadn’t changed. Them coming back to their hotel room or when finally checking in, getting what they needed put away if they were staying long enough and then putting on some music and hopping in the shower.
The door closes with a small click as she shuts it, kicking off her shoes next to Oscar’s and Logan’s as she does. She hopes as she puts her suitcase next to Logan’s, that the shower is big enough for the three of them, but they’ve made do with some fairly small showers before.
Stepping further into the hotel room, she nearly giggles at the song playing, able to hear it clearly now with the way the bathroom door isn’t completely closed. She loves them so much.
Spotting the dirty clothes bag she bought Oscar for Christmas last year as a stock stuffer, right by the bathroom door, propped against the wall and already filled with a pair of jeans, shorts, shirts and socks, she adds her own pants, shirt, underwear and socks. A quiet sigh leaving her when she takes her bra off, which she carefully places on the back of an armchair.
The bathroom tiles are warm underneath her feet and she lets out a little oh, having expected them to be cold.
Her eyes dart to the sink where the large mirror behind is covered in steam, but her eyes quickly leave it to settle on the shower.
It’s big, maybe just big enough for the three to fit in, but she can’t focus on that because Oscar and Logan are there. She can’t see much, the glass of the shower just as covered in steam as the mirror, but she can see the shapes of their bodies, close together, holding each other as the water hits them.
Taking a deep breath, she steps towards the shower door. She shivers as her fingertips press against the glass before fingers move to open it and poking her head in, voice soft as she looks at them. “Room for one more?” She watches as they separate, Oscar turning to look at her, and they both look at her with confusion and shock, before wide smiles take over their entire faces, eyes shining with happiness.
Oscar the closer of the two reaches forward and she quickly steps in, nearly slipping in her hurry, but Oscar has an arm around her before she can, tucking her into his chest, as Logan shuffles around. The door to the shower closes with a slight noise before his arms are around her as well.
Tension immediately leaves her body at the feeling of them both, and tears start to slip from her eyes. “I missed you guys so much.” “We missed you too, baby.” “So much.” Oscar echoes, arms tightening around her before loosening and she’s being pulled away slightly. She wants to protest, but then his lips are on hers and she moans, sinking into his kiss.
“Lo,” she whines when Oscar stops kissing her, lips tingling. Oscar chuckles, the sound rich and so familiar it wants to make her cry again, but she’s being turned around and Logan is kissing her, his palms cupping her cheeks. “I missed this so much.” Logan breathes against her lips. “Missed the three of us so much.” “Never again.” She tells him, tells Oscar, tells them. “Never again. I don’t have to go back, I’m in inactive reserves and I’m not reenlisting. I’m yours, both of yours.” The words come out in a rush, nearly tripping over each other, but she can’t wait, can’t have them thinking that this will just be a short reunion before she has to leave them again. “Thank god.” Logan breathes before pressing their lips together. “Thank god.” He murmurs again when they separate before she’s turned around to face Oscar again, who practically swallows her whole.
His lips are insistent on hers as his hands clutch at her hips, fingers digging painfully and she hopes that he leaves bruises, wishes that he’d make his grip even tighter, knows he can. She tries to pull away, to ask him to, but he keeps following her lips. Like if he isn’t kissing her, she’ll disappear, so she stops trying. Lets him kiss her, moans when Logan’s lips land on her shoulder, pressing kisses that trail up to the top of it and along the shell of her ear before trailing back down.
“We,” she gasps when Oscar finally stops kissing her, though his lips instead fall to her breasts going between the two, unable to decide which one he wants to give attention to more. “We can’t do this in here.”
The next moments are a blur as they scramble out of the shower, out of the bathroom and tumble into bed, soaking the duvet, pillows, and sheets with their wet naked bodies. It’s a blur of lips on hers, on her body, of fingers pressing and pulling. She remembers clearly the first press of fingers into her body, of Oscar’s tongue laving at her, of the kiss Logan and Oscar shared between her thighs. It blurs with her first and second orgasm.
She remembers clearly as well, the first sink of Oscar’s cock into her, her back to his chest as he laid down, the way he pressed all the way into her, not letting her adjust. She doesn’t remember the apparent fumble for lube or the first two fingers that Logan had carefully sunk into her alongside Oscar’s cock. She remembers the stretch of his three fingers and Oscar’s cock, and finally the stretch of him sinking into her as well. The near painful stretch of having both of them inside her at the same time, in the same hole.
Her mind is still blurry, still coming down from pleasure when they finally break the silence of just trying to catch their breaths and music still playing from the bathroom.
“That was so good.” She makes a small noise in agreement. “You felt so good.” Oscar says, kissing her shoulder and she shudders at the feeling. “You both did.” And she can hear the sound of Oscar kissing Logan. “Logan’s gonna hold you now, okay.” Oscar tells her as she still lays somewhat on top of him. “Both of your legs are shaking.” That makes her blink and look down, swallowing hard because she hadn’t even realized hers were shaking. “And I need to clean you up and get some water for all us, okay?” She nods.
Despite him telling her that, she still nearly whines when he moves out from under her, but he quickly pushes her into Logan’s arms who eagerly holds her close. She hadn’t seen if his legs were shaking as well like Oscar said, but she doubts it with the way Logan manages to turn her around in his arms and pull her so she’s on top of him, her breasts pressed against his chest just the way he likes.
“Love you so much, baby.” Logan murmurs into her hair. “You were so good for us. Just fell apart over and over again. Gave us five orgasms.” She makes a surprised sound. That didn’t sound right. “A whole five, baby. It was fucking amazing.” She nuzzles into his neck and he continues speaking, knowing the sound and feeling is soothing.
He stops when Oscar comes back, making a tutting noise at how they are positioned which makes her mumble Logan’s name and Oscar runs a hand down her calf.
“I know, darling. You’re alright. You though,” and she can picture the way Oscar is looking at Logan, pointing a finger at him. “How am I supposed to clean you up?” She feels Logan shrugs as best as he can with her on top of him. “The way you usually do.” The younger makes a huffing sound but is quiet. She can feel his breath against her leg as he most likely bends.
Logan makes a small noise and she kisses his neck. “Cold?” “No, it’s warm.” He reassures her. She hums and when it’s her turn she doesn't even jolt at the feeling of the washcloth running over her most sensitive parts and her thighs. “Alright, you two, you both got to sit up to drink some water.” Oscar says, as he climbs back into bed with them. Logan grumbles and she turns her head to watch as Oscar gets comfy with his back against the headboard, three water bottles on his nightstand.
He’s still naked, probably not even thinking of pulling on underwear or sweats on and it makes her want to curl up in his lap. He seems to feel her eyes on him because he smiles, all soft, sweet, fond and he’s opening his arms and she carefully moves off Logan to do what she thought about it.
Her head rests on his shoulder, as she sits sideways on his lap, facing Logan, who watches them both with that awestruck look of his as he sits up and scoots closer until him and Oscar are sitting side by side and he can draw her feet into his lap, stilling letting her stay curled up in Oscar’s lap, but getting some contact with her.
“Love you both.” “We love you too.”
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@darleneslane @copper-boom @eutrizbea @kimmib13 @elliegrey2803 @stopeatread @hiireadstuff @tallrock35
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