#with the teeniest speck of angst in regards to the military stuff at the beginning
amberjazmyn · 2 months
deja vu🫶
pairing : mick schumacher x older sister schumacher!fem reader
summary : leona schumacher, older sister of f1 driver mick schumacher was a paramedic in the military. three years later, she decides to retire and surprise her younger brother giving him a sense of deja vu.
warnings : military homecoming, younger brother x mick, happy tears, a flashback or two, a swear word or two
a/n : as you should know by now, military homecomings are some of my favourite topics to write fanfic about as well as to read. and i decided for my first ever schumacher one-shot, i'll have this one as my first one cause it's not too sad and has majority fluff.
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𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙜𝙤| leona's pov 
i watched with anxiety as my family screamed at one another after i had revealed to them my deployment date for the german military as a military paramedic. of which i had enlisted myself into last year not realising i would get deployed to leave so soon, i didn't really think at all the importance of telling my mum, siblings gina and mick and their partners, iain and laila so, i just didn't. that was though until i was forced to tell them when gina, my sister, had walked in on my phone call accidentally. the phone call that i had taken on speaker phone with my chief officer as he told me i was being deployed within a couple of weeks. gina wasn't mad nor was she disappointed, she was actually oppositely, quite proud of me and was the one that was encouraging me that it was probably time i told them. because if i left it until the day of my deployment, i wouldn't be forgiven for a long time or possibly ever. so, i didn't take that chance and i told them. yet, it was me telling them that started this whole screaming match which i was now in the middle of and being forced to listen to. that was until gina couldn't handle it anymore and screamed for everyone to shut up.
"--EVERYONE SHUT UP--" it scared me, genuinely, how loud gina was as she screamed as everyone immediately shut up and silence filled the room before i decided to speak up quickly
"--seriously guys, why are we yelling and arguing over something that i chose to do because it's something i enjoy? whilst it may seem like it, i wasn't forced into this profession, this was something i voluntarily put my hand up to do because i love it. i love this job in the same way that gina loves horse riding and mick loves being like dad and fast cars. i didn't think this is how healthy families are supposed to react when they get told that their daughter and sister gets the opportunity in pursuing their dream after working incredibly hard for it. come on now guys, this isn't how we celebrate. we don't yell at each other. i thought we were nicer and better than this..." at first, i was so confident until i wasn't, trailing off as gina pouted and spoke up
"...leona's right guys. the way you all have just reacted to this news is disgusting. okay, fair, being told that the middle child is being deployed away is terrifying, i get it. but don't you think she's already thought about that, having sleepless nights worrying after she enlisted herself if she really did make the right choice or if she just signed away her own death certificate? you guys should feel guilty because you clearly have no idea how hard it was for leona to just simply tell you guys that she had enlisted into the military as a paramedic. let alone tell you guys she's being deployed in less than two weeks..." gina trailed off as my family fell silent again, all of them shaking their heads to gina's statement making me smile, my head facing the floor
mick then spoke up, "...i'm sorry leona. i...i shouldn't have started the fight and i also should have tried to end it. just...hearing that my older sister would be going away to help people in a war completely terrified me and i didn't know how else to react other than to get mad. i guess it's because you've always had to look after me so, being told that you can't do that anymore and having to know that's now my job kind of scared me because looking after me and keeping me safe has always been your job. my reaction shouldn't have been anger, of course, i'm allowed to be upset but, i shouldn't have extended it or put it on you when it's already a hard time for you. we shouldn't have made this job of telling us harder than it already was..." mick trailed off as i smiled, quickly accepting my brother's apology
it was because i knew exactly why he got mad and i understood his reaction more than anyone else's since i've always been michk's protector since day one. and i knew out of all of my family, mick would be the most emotional about this entire situation.
"...thank you for apologising mick, i forgive you but, next time, could you please be a little bit more helpful in standing up for me rather than waiting for gina to do it..." i trailed off as mick smiled and nodded his head
"...of course, leona!" accepting that he was in the wrong and taking it like an adult whereas, the rest of my family, however not so much
after the whole ordeal of my family arguing over my decision to join the german military, i had to tell the rest of mick's f1 grid and, let's just say, they didn't react great either in the sense of being upset and devastated and horrified but they were way less mad then my family originally were. and whilst they were upset, devastated and horrified, they did not scream at me nor did they try to sway my already made decision because i told them it was finalised and that i'd been enlisted since last year, my deployment date only recently being released. 
however, the one thing they did do was force me to reassure them that i would be fine and that i would come home safe and sound and only then would they not be mad...seriously though, unlike my family (minus mum, gina and mick) they weren't mad at me. they were proud of me as well but were obviously still terrified of the thought of me being a military paramedic. but, we all had a group hug and i reassured them (and myself, obvi) that nothing wrong would happen and i promised them that no matter what happens, i'd be okay and i'd come home safely. 
it was finally the day that i'd spend countless nights laying awake and crying silently over, my deployment date. and i wasn't ready, i was mortified and i think that was pretty easy to tell by just one look. i smiled tearfully as i watched mick try to convince the rest of our family that i'd be okay since it was now literally hours before i'd be deployed and it seemed like they needed way more reassurance than i thought they'd need. i could tell though that mick especially was trying to stay strong like he always did in these situations like my military deployment has but it was obvious that this had shaken mick a little more than anything else has, including our dad's accident and that was the most earth-shattering thing ever to happen in our family. so, i just knew i needed to get mick's attention and keep an eye on him whilst gina and mum dealt with the rest of the family. getting mick's attention was pretty easy since he wasn't paying too much attention to the second cousin of ours that he was conversing with and walked over to me. 
it was obvious he was getting emotional so, i moved us back inside whilst everyone else stayed outside and i spoke up, "...what's going on micky?" i question softly, leaning my head on his shoulder as his breath became heavier, his chest tightening 
"i...i'm so scared for you, leona..." mick tearfully trailed off as he tried to catch his breath and i sighed softly as i tried to lean even closer to him 
"...guess what...so am i..." i sighed as mick's head shot up, i don't think it ever dawned on mick just how scared i was over my own deployment  
"...seriously? you're scared?" mick sniffled as i giggled softly and nodded my head, lifiting it off his shoulder 
"oh, absolutely, mick. how can i not be scared? this isn't the monaco grand prix and watching you race 233 mph *giggles*. this is me going into an unknown country in the middle east and seeing the most unimaginable things for god knows how long and treating injuries that i've never encountered before this deployment. in fact, this is the most scared i've ever been in my life but, at the same time, i've never been more cetain about anything in my entire life..." i trailed off as i heard sniffles next to me as my heart shattered, mick had started to cry
and seeing and hearing my younger brother cry next to me broke my heart into teeny tiny little pieces. immediately, i pulled him in for a hug, hugging him as tightly as i possibly could as he cried and cried and cried. my heart continued to break because the only thing i could do was hug him as tightly as was humanely possible and even then, that could only do so much. and that still wasn't enough for me. 
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 | leona's pov 
three years ago, i decided to leave my family and friends for an unknown country in the middle east to be a military paramedic with the german military. and now, three years later, i'm home after an honourable discharge all because i knew i couldn't be with the military for my whole life. and also because my perspective had changed. when i first joined, i thought i wanted to do this for the rest of my life but, i was young and most certainly naive. currently, i was in the netherlands for the dutch grand prix in the paddock where my brother mick and the rest of the f1 grid were hanging around before the race.
the only thing suggesting that i was a returning soldier was my military cap with my last name schumacher on it resting on my head whilst i wore one of laila's white blouses, my black leather jeans and a pair of white high heels - it was operation surprise mick and i was bubbling over with excitement. i was also absolutely terrified since i had no idea on how mick would react since i would be surprising him either before or after the race where all other drivers and media would see it.
so, after surprising the rest of my family, i gave toto wolff, the team principal of mercedes, the rundown of my surprise and after approving it, he gave me the lowdown on at what point i'd surprise mick. so, then, i simply waited for mick to finish his race but catch him just before he'd reach david coulthard for a post-race interview which is when i'd be surprising mick with my homecoming.
i had just walked over to the parc ferme's slip stream where mick would be parking his car since he had just missed out on getting the podium and just stood in front of him. waiting for him to step out of the car. holding myself from laughing since mick was so oblivious whilst all the other drivers and fans cheering around us had noticed what was going on. all of us that had now gathered to watch this surprise just waiting for mick to react. thankfully, no one needed to intervene to get mick to take notice because he just happened to look up from his car after taking off his helmet, dropping it to the floor as he ran over to me. a giggle tumbled out of my mouth as he stopped running, crashing into me as my arms squeezed him tightly as he started to cry.
i laughed in hysterics mixed with excitement as we both held each other tight and didn't let go. i had dreamt of the moment i'd come home and surprise my entire family but, i think surprising mick was always what excited me the most. and, in the greater scheme of things, i am so glad this was the reaction i got out of mick. because, no one could ever successfully surprise mick. he always knew what was about to happen which meant we just gave up on surprising him. and truthfully, it's a reaction i'm never going to forget because it was the sweetest moment in the world alongside the cheers and screams from the other drivers and the crowd around us which made it even more special. 
in tearful laughter, mick spoke up, "what the fuck are you doing here, leona?" mick's voice went up an ocatave as he giggled, wiping away his tears as i laughed with him, my right hand supporting the back of his head 
"oh, you know...i just decided to fulfil the promise i made to my baby brother, the usual," i smiled as mick's face contorted as more tears streamed down his cheeks as he pulled me back into his embrace as he sobbed
letting out a soft 'aw', i looked over at the other drivers and team principals but specifically max, esteban, lewis and toto whilst hugging mick.
once he had composed himself again, he uttered, "haven't heard that sentence in a little while," he giggled tearfully as my head flew back as i started to laugh as well 
"why else do you think i wanted to say it?" i chuckled as we finally broke out of our hug so i could reunite with the other drivers whilst the fans kept on screaming and cheering from their stands around the circut 
i watched closely as mick got his composure and breath back whilst i embraced max, esteban, lewis and toto, giggling softly in pure pride that my plan actually worked and that nothing that could have gone wrong went wrong. picking up his helmet, mick walked straight back over to me before deciding to bring me with him to his post-race interview with david coulthard.
"...for those who have just joined us for post-race interviews here at the dutch grand prix here in the netherlands, we have just witnessed the very sweet homecoming between the reserve mercedes driver, mick schumacher and his older sister leona schumacher. the latter who has just returned after being a military paramedic with the german military for three years. and here they come right now, mick and leona, welcome, it's lovely to see you both together after such an amazing grand prix!" david introduces as mick and i smile at david as the two of us nod our heads
"thanks david, it was a wonderful race, so many intense moments and then, this is what i get surprised with afterwards!" mick giggles as he gestures over at me as i giggle
"yes, we all saw that moment and it was a very sweet moment as well. so, leona, moving on to you, what made you decide to have such a public homecoming when it is very well known to everyone how private you guys are as a family?" david questions as i smile before responding
"good question, david. umm, i had actually been home for maybe a week before today, hence the reason why i don't look like i've only just returned home. but, i surprised the rest of my family in private before travelling here to the netherlands. so, gina, mum, dad, the extended family were all surprised way before today but with the exceptions of gina and mick's partners. so iain and laila had no idea until today that i was home from deployment because i specially asked gina if she could keep it a secret from those guys as well as mick," i giggled as mick stayed close to me, worried that if he was to even look away from me i would disappear
"before we get to how well you did in this race mick, since you did do an amazing job, i do want to talk about the surprise and mick's reaction because it was just so sweet!" david cuts himself off as the two of us smile, a small laugh leaving our mouths and nod our heads simutaneously
"so, mick, what went through your mind when you looked up from getting out of your car only to then to be faced by your older sister. the older sister you hadn't seen for three years?" david asks as mick just shakes his head and giggles
"honestly, i think i'm still trying to figure that out, david! maybe ask me in five business days and i'll give you an answer then *laughter*! but, in all seriousness, it didn't feel real. like, i thought i was going insane because for me, for some reason, there was no way in my mind that my older sister would just be discharged after only three years. like, i genuinely thought she was going to be enlisted for much longer but, i am so glad that that isn't what happened and that she's home," mick smiled as he wrapped his arms around me even tighter as i giggled softly, loving the hugs i was getting
"yeah, for sure, mick. and, leona, moving on to you, how did it feel coming from your perspective when you finally came into contact with mick after three years?" david questioned as i smiled and thought about it for a moment
"honestly, similar to mick, it felt quite surreal to finally be back home and be near a racetrack again after three long years of being nowhere near a racetrack. and, i mean, this surprise wasn't even that extravagant, the only special thing about it was that i decided to do it during a grand prix that he was racing at *giggles*-"
"-i mean, you could have surprised me anywhere, leona and i still would've had the exact same reaction!" mick interrupts which causes everyone to 'aw' once again as i smile and hug my brother
"aw, that was very sweet of you to say mick! but, as i was saying, the reason why i decided to do it at a grand prix was because i simply was getting impatient *giggles*. gina had actually wanted me to wait until after this race cause obviously, this is the last race before summer break and, she wanted to me surprise him during summer break in switzerland cause that's usually where we hide out during our holidays *giggles*. but i was like to gina, there is absolutely no way i can wait that long now that i'm back in europe, i have tickets to the dutch grand prix and i'm not wasting them so, she agreed and said she all of a sudden couldn't wait until summer break either to surprise mick *giggles*. so, yeah, that's how we got to this moment right here and me surprising mick," i giggled as i nodded my head at david who smiled and nodded his head in return
"since you did decide to do it during today's race, what precautions did you have to take? like, i assume you definitely had to let toto know and make him aware of everything?" david questioned as i nodded my head and giggled
"of course! and yeah, i told toto via message that i was back in europe and that i was wanting to surprise mick during the dutch grand prix since obviously, the last german grand prix was in 2019, three years before mick joined the grid so, the only other race i thought would be special enough would be the dutch grand prix. and, toto's reaction when i messaged him was quite funny. like, he seriously thought i was joking like, he was so shocked since the last time i had messaged him was just before i landed in the middle east three years ago *giggles*. so, at first it did scare him a little, i think he thought i had been hacked. but, when he saw me walk into the paddock and over to the mercedes garage, i think he finally realised i was serious and that reunion was a sweet one as well," i smiled as david nodded his head as mick just stayed silent, just happy still that his sister was truly next to him
"that's insane. poor toto though, thinking you had been hacked when you had messaged him. i did manage to catch your reunions with a couple other drivers, max verstappen, esteban ocon and lewis hamilton just to name a few. how was it seeing those guys again after three years?" david asked, feeling bad that he still hadn't asked mick about the race but mick didn't care whatsoever nor did he mention it either
"yeah, sorry toto! i promise i'll verify it's me next time i message you *giggles*. but, umm, yeah, seeing max, esteban and lewis was incredible! you know, lewis because mercedes and that's who's been taking care of mick so, it was great having a little catch up with lewis. max because obviously we grew up together the two families so seeing him so grown up now is insane *giggles* and of course esteban because he and mick did karting together so, yeah. it was very lovely seeing them again and i'll also say hey to the other drivers as well since i haven't forgotten anyone so, yeah," i smiled as david smiled back
that was when david finally talked about the race which kind of made mick a little sad since he loved hearing and talking about his older sister. but thankfully we didn't talk about the race for too long before returning back to talking about me and what i had plans to do now that i was no longer with the german military. they then asked me and mick what we said during the surprise. revealing that i had told mick the reason why i was back was due to a pinky promise i had made to mick three years ago that i would eventually come home safely.
after all the interviews had concluded and leona had seen the other drivers, it was home time or hotel time for those who weren't from the netherlands. the schumacher's staying with the verstappen's just like old times and just spent time together since it had been three years since leona had done that with her family and the verstappen's.
laughter was bouncing off the walls of the verstappen household as a movie played on the television. it was ten minutes to midnight and with no race on the next day, there was no worry about whether or not we'd wake up in time or the fear we'd be late. all of us just bundled on the couch in relief that i was back. whilst not at home entirely in the netherlands but still i was with my family. i know i was relieved as truthfully, i don't think i'd ever be ablel to return to the military again after the things i had to witness and the injuries i had to treat. but, also the injuries that my team and i weren't able to treat in time. the number of patients i lost throughout those three years deployed was heartbreaking. but, the worst thing of all were the funeral services we had to attend when there was a respite from the fighting and violence of the war. so, to just be back in europe safely in the netherlands with mick, gina, mum and the verstappens was the most comforting feeling in the entire world right now. and it was the only thing i needed right now.
i didn't need to be anywhere else but with my family. and for the first time since being deployed, i welcomed it with open arms and a warm heart.
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liked by mickschumacher, lailahasanovic, maxverstappen1, sophiekumpen, estebanocon and 45,67k others
leonaschumacher decided to come back to instagram now that i'm back from deployment since three years away was far too long🤍
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mickschumacher never been happier to see you leona! i missed you more than my words and tears could express 🤍
leonaschumacher mickschumacher i've never been happier to see you micky! your words and tears expressed everything it ever could have expressed! 
lailahasanovic i will never be able to forget the look on mick's face when he looked up after getting out of his car which i don't even think he acknowledged. so glad you're home leona 🤍
leonaschumacher lailahasanovic i won't forget it either! it was the sweetest reaction i've ever seen! i'm just as glad to be home 🤍
maxverstappen1 i hope no one videoed it due to my reaction but at the same token, i hope someone did because i just want to watch mick's reaction on repeat for the next 12-17 business days thank you 
leonaschumacher maxverstappen1 i've never supported a comment like this one 
sophiekumpen i'm so grateful for this post, leona! so glad you're back home in one piece
leonaschumacher sophiekumpen aw, thank you sophie! and i'm certain mum and dad agree with you!
estebanocon if anyone saw me cry when leona walked over to mick, no they didn't 
leonaschumacher estebanocon so now, on instagram you'll admit that you did cry? bloody hell estie! 
mickschumifan9 i've been non-stop SOBBING since i watched that video of you surprising mick after the race! you can tell he needed that hug and surprise and i'm glad he finally got it! 
leonaschumacher mickschumifan9 aw, you seem like such a sweetheart! i'm glad you loved the video! and yeah, it became very obvious at how much mick needed the hug and for me to be home <3
lewishamilton welcome home, leona! roscoe says he misses you and loves you a lot
leonaschumacher lewishamilton thanks lewis! sending you and roscoe lots of love!
schumachermick welcome home leona, thank you for protecting your country! we're all so happy you got home safe and that you're back posting! these photos of you, mick and laila are so sweet! may i ask who took the photo of you?
leonaschumacher schumachermick oh, thank you so much! i'm happy and grateful as well! and it was maxverstappen1 that you can thank for the photo of me! if you look further down on my account, you'll notice that max has taken the majority of the photos of me that i've posted 😉
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liked by leonaschumacher, lailahasanovic, maxverstappen1, estebanocon, ginaschumacher and 87,97k others
mickschumacher my small big sister is home three years later and this is what we get up to straight after the f1 grid breaks for summer break!
p.s : leonaschumacher, even though i tease you a lot, please never leave for that long ever again or i'm gonna cry more, thanks!
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leonaschumacher thank you micky! i appreciate your love for me even if it means teasing me due to our height difference.
mickschumacher leonaschumacher love you more, leona!
lailahasanovic the difference in posts between siblings is hilarious 
mickshucmacher lailahasanovic thank you my love, i'm glad you noticed
maxverstappen1 how very sweet of you, mick, i'm in tears lol 
mickschumacher maxverstappen oh bugger off max😂
estebanocon i agree mick, leona is not allowed to leave the country for at least three years 
mickschumacher estebanocon i'm very glad you are in support of my cause here cause i don't think anyone else is!
ginaschumacher is that leona on max's shoulders for chicken? oof, i knew they'd finally tell each other that they're in love!
mickschumacher ginaschumacher no, she's on my shoulders you little nasty! however, the round after the one from the photo, leona was on max's shoulders and they won.
schumilove having the blessing to say that i was at the dutch grand prix and got to watch leona surprise you mick is probably going to be my best-ever bragging right 😂 but in all seriousness, it was the sweetest thing in the world to see you react like that to your sister's homecoming 
mickschumacher schumilove thank you for saying that, having leona home is truly the best thing for sure! and if you have any footage from the surprise, please send it through, we've love to see it!
sophiekumpen this is so sweet mick! watching you react to leona surprising you after the race will always be the best thing to ever happen during a grand prix! 
mickschumacher sophiekumpen thank you sophie! and everyone's been saying that and now i really want to watch the footage back!
f1lover this post is so sweet mick! we are all just as relieved to see leona home safely and it feels us with pride that she's going to staying home now 
mickschumacher f1lover thank you! and i'm glad you guys are just as relieved as my family is to see leona home safe!
this was so much fun to rewrite since i think this is the second time i've rewritten this. similar to the danny ric one-shot, i really didn't give a solid timeline other than the fact that leona had been away for three years. and that maybe, just maybe, there was a little something something between her and mr max verstappen. meaning they'd be of similar ages meaning she's not that much older than mick lol. but, ignore that little loophole if you so choose to or don't if you don't want to lol.
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