#Miles's cameo made me think a lot
fillmargarin · 1 year
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They're in love and married
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natailiatulls07 · 6 months
Can you do reader is Lando’s little sister and favourite but they barely see each other cause reader is at boarding school and she surprises him at the race. Also cameo of some other drivers too please.
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Lando Norris x sister!reader
Summary - Request above xo
Warning - Like one swear one
During her last year of primary education, Cisca and Adam both sat their youngest child down and discussed the possibility of boarding school. 
Both knew it would be hard for the whole family to separate. Yet they both also knew that it would make their lives a lot easier. 
With Landos up and coming career in motorsport racing and the rest of their children's careers also slowly building up, neither parent wanted to deprive or abandon Y/n. So with her agreement, they enrolled her into a well reviewed and well known boarding school a few miles out of Bristol. 
Laurence Crawford Boarding.
The first few days, of course she was homesick. Missing Lando more than anyone else in the family. Of course. But eventually Y/n made friends and was becoming more and more independent by the day.
“Hey Mum!” The young girl giggled down the phone. She was in her shared dorm with a few friends when Cisca called. “Annie! No stop! Ew!” 
Cisca took note of her daughter's divided attention, taking an easy guess that she was hanging out with a few friends. “Hi sweetheart, am I calling at a bad time?” Even though neither could see each other, she had a warm and proud smile on her face just thinking about how far Y/n has come.
The innocent giggle down the phone grew quieter and quieter. Y/n was walking away from her friends. “Sorry mum, yeah I can talk. We were just having a games night in my dorm…” Ciscas heart just warmed, happy that her youngest child was growing up and maturing.
“Oh no worries, go and hang out with your friends! Have fun!” And with a couple goodbyes and a ‘I love you’ between the two, Y/n was back hanging out with her friends. 
Unlike her younger years of boarding, Y/n hadn’t been home from school on the weekend in a long while. She couldn’t; especially with her exams quickly approaching, she was in her dorm studying and revising most  weekends.
This meant the youngest Norris hadn’t seen her family in a few weeks. Of course she had spoken to them but hadn’t been home since the end of January, and they all understood why. It was harder for some to swallow that pill - well harder for one person particularly e.g Lando.
The Silverstone grand-prix was just around the corner and all he wanted was for his youngest sister to be there. Yeah it was selfish but he missed her, to be far the last time the two saw each other was early January. He missed her so much.
“Are you sure you can’t just take the exam early and then come and support me?” His rough voice rang through Y/n's phone whilst she was highlighting her revision. Lando wasn’t even trying to hide his annoyance.
A gentle laugh followed by a sigh was heard from Y/ns side of the call. “I’m sorry Lan…I can’t ask them to move the exam, it’s against the rules of the exam board…”
She didn’t have an exam that week actually, she was lying. Y/n was going to be in Silverstone that sunday. It’s just that Lando didn’t know, oh no it was a surprise.
What he thought was happening was that everyone else from his immediate family would be there, except Y/n. 
Everyone was in on the surprise. All excited to see the pair reunited. Surprises were always one of the things the Norris family loved to do.
Y/n - Good luck today! I’ll be juggling revision and watching the race, I hope to hear our national anthem pleaseee  Lando - Thank you angel, don’t wear yourself out Y/n - I should tell you the same thing
Lando thought she’d be tucked away in her dorm room whilst they were texting back and forth. A vast contrast to her current location; in the passenger seat of Oliver's car. The sun was shining through the windshield and down over her bare knees.
Y/n was wearing a white summer dress, some comfortable trainers and her signed mclaren 4 cap. Looking ready to spend the day in the British summer sun supporting one of her older brothers. 
She was smirking. He really had no clue about this. “Okay so he thinks I’m still at school, oh my god I can’t wait!” 
With her gcses, Y/n hadn’t been to a race in a long time and she missed it; watching from her dorm was not the same. In her dorm, she didn’t get that real excitement that would course through her like it would in the McLaren garage.
Looking over to Oliver, he was also smirking. Just remembering how he had to deal with Landos sulking and the clear signs that Y/n was by far his favorite. “Yeah he’s gonna be so happy when he sees you!”
Once they arrived, Y/n was quietly escorted through the back way to the McLaren garage. They couldn’t have the press ruining the surprise. Luckily for Y/n, her spot in the garage couldn’t be seen from anywhere Lando would be.
She stood between her parents whilst her other three siblings stood on either side Cisca and Adam. “I’m so excited!” When she was handed her headset, the girl got even more excited because she could hear her brother's voice through the radio. 
He had yet to win his first grand prix and she hoped he would get to that top step of the podium, especially at his home race. And hopefully without him knowing she is here, he will focus on that exact outcome. 
It was a hard race, lots of action and stress. Something Y/n liked, she hated a boring race - this sport was about racing, not riding cars in the same positions in several circles. But the most important thing to note from this race was the number four McLaren parked in front of the number one place in Parc Ferme.
The papaya garage was very much in celebrations, including the Norris family. Turning to face her mother with tears in her eyes, she noticed how Cisca also had tears in her eyes. “He did! He did!”
Adam, who is also over the moon with the win, takes her hand and starts to lead her over to the Parc Ferme to surprise the driver. Reaching the Parc Ferme they stand waiting amongst the McLaren staff and up against the barriers.
Lando pulls himself out of the car and makes his way to celebrate with his team. It’s only when he moves to give Adam a hug that he notices his little sister and he gasps. 
“Y/n?” He can’t believe his eyes, he thought she was back in her boarding school revising. 
Immediately the driver breaks from his father's embrace and races to collect Y/n in his arms. The two siblings were laughing and crying together. Finally reunited after a long time, in their opinions. 
After a few seconds, Lando moves to collect her face in his hand gently - trying to see if his eyes are deceiving him, they weren’t. “I thought you had an exam!” He shouts over the cheers around the two of them. 
Y/n just smirks cheekily and shakes her head. “Nope! Surprise!” Soon her smirk turns into a groan when Landos hand moves to mess up her hair, laughing breaking out between them once again. 
Everyone saw. The cameras around Parc Ferme all broadcasting the reuniting of two siblings who just missed each other. “You’re such a little shit!”
Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n smiled. “Everyone was in on it! Our family loves a surprise!” So when Lando turned to look at his father, Adam just nodded - Happy to reunite two of his children.
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donelywell · 11 months
August 21- 31 2023
This is just how I'd draw Silver, Tails, and Blaze (with a cameo of Amy and Cream)
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I've been contemplating Silver's design for a good while, I wanted to draw him with freckles, but since he has fur instead of skin, that wouldn't make a lot of sense (I realize now that animals can have spots on them, so you can expect more freckled designs >:D). Then it hit me, he has Chaos Energy! Just have the freckles be a marking of his Chaos Abilities!
I made him the Guardian of the Time Stones, since it makes obvious sense. You have a time traveller, and a means of time travel, so why are the two not used together??
He's wearing pants because (head canon time >:)) back when Humans and Mobians first interacted, some Mobians mixed their culture in with Humans. That includes wearing entire outfits, living in houses, and having human sounding first and last names. Over the 200 years and since this is a post apocalypse wasteland, it's safer to wear clothes than to not. Though some Mobians still don't wear shirts because it is extremely uncomfortable for them because of extra fur and quills/ spikes.
(+Bonus image of Silver eating a burger because he probably never got to have good food in his 'bad future')
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Tails! As Tails grows to a teen, he gets more brown patterns on his fur, the one drawn here is when he's 8. I love the idea of Tails having 2 different colored tails and having them create an effect when he flies with them.
I swapped his oversized gloves with fitting ones, but he has a section of it blue as a reminder of the blue wrist straps Sonic gave him to help make the oversized ones fit him. He also wears socks that matches Sonic fur color (because brothers)
His Miles Electric also goes through a lot of changes. The Miles Electric goes through upgrades depending on what console you can play the game on. In lore reason: it's because he's constantly upgrading the machine. So when he first starts making the Miles Electric (although it is very basic compared to what it is today, only being used as a Chaos Emerald Tracker), it looked like a Game Gear, and in Frontiers: it looks like a Nintendo Switch for example. :)
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Blaze was always going to be fun to draw. I made her outfit more fit to be active in (since it's gotta be uncomfortable running in heels and a coat). I like the idea of when she's extremely focused or using strong emotions, her ponytail and tail tip will catch on fire. I replaced the fuzzy material at the end of her gloves with gold bracelets and more jewelry (I'm sorry).
I made the gem on her forehead also a pattern on her arms because I think it'd be a nice touch, and a way to add red-ish pink to more of her character instead of pretty much just on her face.
(+ Amy and Cream :D)
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breadly-art · 11 months
I often see that people think that Miguel will be killed in BTSV. For God's sake, why did you decide that?
Miguel is definitely against Miles' beliefs. For him, he is an antagonist, yes, he is. But that doesn't mean Miguel is bad. The fact that he causes problems to the main character does not make him a villain. And even more so does not make him a bad guy and a terrible person. Moreover, this does not mean that this character should die because of his "bad" beliefs.
Miguel is also a spider-man, he cares about people the way he believes it will be right. Do you think he likes the idea that bad things have to happen, that they can't be stopped and you just have to watch? I don't think so.
Miguel tried to do otherwise. Yes, he looked after Gabriela's universe because he always wanted to have a family and be happy, but that's not why he rushed there after the death of that version of himself. He couldn't watch the girl lose her father, he just wanted to help, anyone in his place would have done the same. But he only made it worse.
He is convinced of his rightness precisely for this reason, and not because he wants to watch good people die, because the canon dictates so. He does not deserve to die because he allegedly wants to change nothing. Just unlike Miles, he understands that risking the lives of billions of people for the sake of an idea that may also not work is a very low indicator of responsibility. And with great power comes great responsibility. And a great guilt. If something goes wrong, if the universe starts to fall apart, Miguel will be sure that it is his fault. He invented a way to travel through the universes, he monitors the safety of the worlds, the headquarters is under his command. And it turns out that he was not attentive enough, since the irreparable happened. That's why he tries so hard to stop Miles, so much so that he behaves frighteningly.
Maybe it will work, and Miles will save his father and the universe will not collapse. Or maybe a catastrophe will happen. Now the universe is fine, yes, it costs some people their lives, but it is clearly better than the death of all at once. Yes, the lesser of two evils is still evil, but if Miguel have to choose, then let it be so. It's still hard. But Michel knows he has to be the one to do it.
It upsets me that so many people hate Miguel literally for being a responsible person. Funny teenage spiders are, of course, cool, but what about worrying about the entire population of the universe at once? It's a little more complicated, isn't it?
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Well, he just can't be killed - he's one of those spider-men known from comics since the 20th century, a damn classic. He was in games, in animated series, he had his cameos, it means a lot. It's untouchable. Amen.
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lemotmo · 3 months
Hi! I hope you're doing fine. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog because you always have such a great way to explain things but you're always so polite and respectful about it.
So I just wanted to ask you about what do you think is that bt seems to be more popular (at least here on Tumblr) than buddie? Is something I can't understand, why is buddie less popular now?
It's absolutely fine if you don't want to reply to my ask, I was just really curious about your opinion.
Anon SB
Why hello Nonny! Good to see you today. You have come to my askbox on a great Buddie day, I have to say. :)
Thank you for the lovely compliment. But I'm just another person on Tumblr who has been in fandom spaces long enough to know that yelling and hating doesn't get you very far.
As for your question?
All I can say is: They aren't.
I'm sorry Nonny, but your question made me laugh out loud. BT fandom bigger than Buddie? Not by a long shot. LOL!
The BT fandom on Tumblr is still a lot smaller than the Buddie fandom. They are just a lot more vocal and loud about it. Look, I get it. It's a shiny new couple in a shiny new fandom. It's appealing! We've all been there. In the beginning you're riding that high and you want to shout your love for them from the rooftops, so you do. It's fun.
In the Buddie fandom we have 6 seasons of 'Will they, won't they?' under our belt. We are much more cautious about shouting things from the rooftops than new fandoms are.
What we do have going for us is the fact that all of us know this show inside out. We know every little nook and cranny of it. We have learnt to predict things that no one else saw coming, because we are very observant. Hence the reason why so many of us are convinced that Buddie is coming in season 8.
Instead of yelling and shouting from the rooftops, we were busy analysing season 7 and the scenes they showed, seeing what was really there and seeing it for what it really was. We were seperating fact (canon in the show) from fiction (wild Lou headcanons sold to the fans in cameos) from the beginning. No need to shout and scream when you can see, from miles away, where a certain storyline is going. ;)
The same goes for other fandom spaces by the way. Buddie is the more popular fandom everywhere. Just check out the official Instagram post for the announcement of season 8. Look at the comments. It's very telling. :D
Last, but not least. Read this post I made earlier. It's written by someone who ships BT, but they are rooted in reality and realise that Tommy is nothing but a plot device to get to Buddie. It's truly a refreshing read.
Hope you have a great day Nonny! Mine has been perfect so far.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Okay, so I just watched a Miles Luna cameo video talking about the chant Pyrrha does to unlock Jaune's aura, link here to the reddit post of it. And it's a very interesting video for a number of reasons. Please note that while talking about this, I wanna be aware that my interpretations of what he's saying may not be definitively true. Miles Luna is someone I don't know and I'm unable to ask for clarification on anything he says. I'm simply talking about what this video made me think and how it came across, not trying to say like "this thing he said definitely means blah blah blah." This was just very interesting and I wanted to talk about what I found interesting and what I got out of it.
So he was answering the question "what's the deal with Pyrrha's aura unlocking chant thing in volume one? Was it like a standarized thing, or was the mantra unique to a person's beliefs?"
I'm going to be putting things that Miles said in indented and then talk about the things I think are worth talking about.
"I've always been in the camp that it's the latter, that that's like a Pyrrha Nikos thing."
So this'll happen again, but it's just interesting that Miles' answer comes in the form of 'this is how I saw it' rather than 'this is how we saw it,' which makes it seem like there wasn't an agreed upon conclusion or even an agreed on supposition on what this moment even was.
"The story behind that is a wild one, it takes us back to volume one. Back when me, Monty, and Kerry were... Learning how to tell stories." *Laughs* "Stories that lasted more than like - you know - five minutes, and build worlds and stuff. And back then, you know, so much stuff was rough around the edges. And it was a lot of experimentation, and just trying things, and having to just like, throw ideas out there and commit to them because we just had to work really quickly and..."
Miles talking about how rushed they were, how they didn't know how to tell a real story yet and were just 'throwing out ideas and committing to them' is just... To me, it really seems like it indicates what I already thought, that things weren't 'planned from the beginning' because they were just writing, and writing on a deadline, so they were putting things into the story without fully thinking them through and committing to them because it was all they could do.
"I remember we were trying to establish, you know, we need to teach the audience how aura works. First off-" *Laughing* "I don't think we did a super good job with that. The same with semblances, and a bunch of things."
It's so funny to me that if rwde posters and rwby critics said something along those lines, like 'they weren't good at telling us how aura worked' or 'they really just didn't establish a lot of things very well,' many anti-rwde posters would just hate us. XD And this is what I mean when I talk about how overly defensive some people in the fandom are, because one of the main writers and creators can look back and laugh about the ways they went wrong in the early volumes and recognize that they weren't the best at storytelling, and meanwhile there are fans that would be like 'ummm why do you need your handheld? Obviously aura works like *insert headcanon here* and you should've gotten that through the brilliant scene, you fucking idiot." Like, it's so much easier for me to fondly smile and shake my head at the sort of charming follies of early-RWBY. Random tangent, but it reminds me of watching a movie with my ex-boyfriend where he got angry that I said a character who was getting in a physical fight was aggressive and he rewound the movie several times and made me watch the character start a physical fight repeatedly to 'prove to me' that the character wasn't being aggressive, and I was just sitting there thinking 'I would like this movie a lot more if you weren't so defensive over it.' But anyway, back to the video.
"But I remember we were like 'okay, well Jaune's kind of our like - our big dummy who needs to be taught everything so the audience can learn a lot through Jaune. So Jaune doesn't - It makes sense that Jaune doesn't have an aura, and maybe he like um, unlocks it at some point like during the - the Emerald Forest trials, but like how?' And we were trying to figure stuff out, and Monty goes like-" *Shrugs* "'What if we just have Pyrrha unlock it for him?' And we were like 'how would that work?' And he was like 'I don't know, man, Pyrrha's supposed to be the best. Maybe she's really in tune with her aura. And so like, you know, maybe if like, people are really in tune with themselves and - and in sync with their aura, they can give people with more potential - they can just give them a little nudge.' And we went 'yeah, sure! Why not?'"
So if you applied the ideas of the two criteria here to world building, you have 'People who are really in tune with themselves and in sync with their aura can unlock other auras' and 'People who have potential can get their auras unlocked.' Which means potentially characters who are shown to be confident, self-assured and who know who and what they are - like Glynda, Robin, Maria, maybe WBY now that they had their 'I am a Huntress' moments - could hypothetically have this power if it hadn't been dropped. And who has potential is a bit trickier, but civilians who can or want to fight, maybe? So, would Whitley count as being able to unlock an aura? See, the interesting thing is that I wouldn't consider Pyrrha to be particularly self-assured emotionally. Physically, yes, but emotionally I think she suffers from some insecurities that might give her blind spots. So maybe unlocking aura requires someone to be physically in tune with their body.
"I remember Monty wanted to write uh, Pyrrha's monologue and - and it's so Monty. Um, but it's one of the few things where he was like 'Hey, can I take a stab at that? I think it would be fun.' And he did, and I think it's really great."
Him saying 'one of the few things' is also interesting to me. But I do tend to have the opinion that from what I've heard, Monty would have ideas and Kerry and Miles are the ones that did most of the writing and like, turning the ideas into a firm thing. That's just the vibes I've gotten from the way that they've talked, and this just kind of makes me think that more.
"And it's very - It comes across as very, like, mystical. And like, ooh, exciting, mysterious. Because that was - that was kind of what we wanted the vibe to be about like aura. Like it's this spiritual thing that like, we understand how we can kind of use it um, practically, in combat. But like, emotionally and spiritually, there's so much more depth there. It has room to grow, there's things about it we don't understand. And um, we felt that what Monty wrote kind of encapsulated that sort of mysterious, spiritual um, like, side of it. And also for Pyrrha too. Like it made her seem like she was just levels upon levels higher than where Jaune was at the time. And we also felt - I mean I definitely feel as though, that it's something that like, she likes to think about and something that she says to herself to give her courage. Because if she's gonna fall in battle, then so be it. But she believes that her spirit - that there's a part of her that will live on, long after her body falls, and will go to some other plane on some grand adventure."
A part of me wishes that this had been so much more explained, but also I feel like the spiritual part of things isn't something that I want heavy emphasis in when it comes to the characters that seem to disregard their lives a bit, if that makes sense? Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of the people who think that Pyrrha going to fight Cinder is some indication of fault with her or Ozpin or something, I think it's perfectly logical that she went up to fight Cinder. I just also think that adding in that Pyrrha thinks 'if she falls then so be it,' before having her actually die. RWBY has a very dicey at best track record when it comes to suicide (Penny, Ruby in V8) and I think adding in these elements for Pyrrha would just have made it even worse.
"And I think that gives her the courage to... Be Pyrrha Nikos, out on the battlefield, fighting for the lives of others. That's kind of always been my take on it. But yeah, the short behind the scenes answer is um, Monty thought it would be a cool thing to do. Um, that was the answer to a lot of things from back then."
More 'not everything was well planned' indications here.
"Um, and I - and I like it a lot too, because we were really trying to explain to the audience that the creatures of Grimm don't have souls. There should be no moral quandaries about slaughtering hordes and hordes of these scary looking creatures."
Okay, so... I'm going to get into some controversial stuff here, because if they wanted to ensure that there were no moral quandaries about fighting the Grimm in the early seasons, why were they comfortable having the White Fang being such prominent enemies who Team RWBY would throw off of train cars that were blowing up in a tunnel soon to be overrun by Grimm? To me, if I was concerned that people would take issue with the main protagonist mowing down animal-like creatures that acted mindless and therefore had to establish that they don't have souls, I would be five times more concerned with making sure my main protagonist wasn't just tossing aside talking sentient humans especially if I had made them part of an in-universe marginalized minority group. Just a thought.
"And then, you know, on the opposite side of that, if the things that all of our protagonists fight are soulless, then we should make something that makes huntsman and huntresses really strong, it's the fact that they do have a soul that can manifest itself in ways that can protect the user - like the body of the person. Uh - uh, it's just something that, I don't know. It's like warm, fuzzy like faith and belief. And just, it felt like the nice counterbalance to the like, hollow, cold, violent Grimm."
What's interesting to me about this statement is that they wanted Huntsman and Huntresses specifically to counterbalance the Grimm by having proof of their humanity in their souls being so blatantly represented. If it were me, I would have humanity in general separated from the Grimm through their souls. But it's almost like the only people they care about and the only people they want the audience to care about are the hunters and huntresses, and not the civilian figures and random people just living their lives. I think that does sort of come across in the writing with things like Cinder killing people on the bridge in volume eight and knocking them down but then later on Yang saying in volume nine that they saved everyone, and Weiss throwing the guards into the ocean never to be seen again, and no one really bringing up or caring about how Mistral is pretty much defenseless, and so on and so forth. I think this also comes across in the fandom, where I've seen people talk about 'why would we care about the NPCs' and things like that. This just makes it seem to me that the writers don't really care about civilians.
"So yeah, that's kind of my all over the place answer, I hope you like it. Because that's how I always felt about it. We kind of just rolled with it back then, because we had to, because we had to work so fast, with so many constraints working against us."
The fact that even the main writers and creators seemed to be on time crunches where they couldn't take the time to really figure things out speaks volumes I think about how Rooster Teeth does business. Also, more little reasons here to not believe everything was planned from the beginning. Miles Luna says they just rolled with things not even because they wanted to but because they had to, because they didn't have time to put more thought into what they'd do before they did it.
"And we were super inexperienced. Um, if I were to do it all again, I would wanna - I would wanna dig into that more. I think there's some cool, untapped potential there. And in a million other places in the show."
This is so true that there is so much untapped potential in RWBY. But I just think it's really funny that once again, this is something rwde posters and rwby critics would get blasted for saying. XD Like I remember one time posting like 'there's so much I would change and explore more in RWBY if I could reboot it' and someone in the comment section was like 'I bet your writing sucks, idk why you think you could improve anything about RWBY.' If I said RWBY was full of untapped potential and I wish it was dug into more, I might get accused of being a know-nothing idiot or an obnoxious entitled brat, lol. XD
"Um, but, you know, those rough edges and that sort of like - amateur is too strong a word - but the - the over ambition of RWBY, I think has always been one of its greatest strengths and also greatest weaknesses."
For once, I completely agree with Miles Luna. One reason why RWBY is something I keep coming back to is that there's just so much there to work with, so much that could be really good. But it's also one of the biggest flaws of RWBY that it always packs so much in that it just doesn't seem to have any interest in properly exploring or following through on, and I do think it would be a much better written show if the writers would just stop and take a breath and scale back and edit to what they can handle. It's like filling your fridge with a ton of perishable food in the hopes of cooking amazing meals, but then not taking the time to ever really cook or do anything good with the ingredients and then throwing together a hodgepodge sandwich before (or even after) things start spoiling in the fridge. It's great for creativity and it makes me want to actually cook something good with all those ingredients, but you still think they shouldn't have been that ambitious and you're like 'next time you go shopping just buy stuff for a regular old sandwich because apparently you can't handle it, and this sandwich has moldy cheese, too many vegetables, balsamic vinegar, mustard seeds, uncooked lobster, and a twinkie. What were you thinking?' Anyway, long spiel short, RWBY has great potential, endless heaps of good ideas that are inspiring and that's one of the best things about the show! But it's also way too ambitious and it leaves the show in a mess. I don't even have a good solution that would keep the scope of the show and how it gets the creative juices flowing without being too much for the writers who can't seem to do any real depth or follow through, I'm just talking. XD
"Uh, but it has a lot of charm, and we had a lot of heart back then. And i'm glad that people still think about volume one to this day. It's just cool."
It's interesting to me that Miles Luna says 'we had a lot of heart back then.' Now again, I'm not trying to say 'Miles Luna definitely meant that they don't have heart now,' because I don't know him and I don't know what he meant, but just the nostalgia in his tone and the way he talked, it made me think about how RWBY used to feel like this loved thing that people really wanted to do, whereas now sometimes RWBY feels like the thing that people don't want to do that they're just plugging away at, and like skipping past loads of exposition and having their characters act exasperated and tired out by everything. I've gotten to that state where I was really excited about writing something, and then when I got out of the mood to write it and was just forcing myself too, it would leak into skipping over important things and just writing the characters to go through the motions in like vague annoyance because I was vaguely annoyed. It's a sign that I need to grow as a writer, but it also makes me go 'do I really want to even be writing this, does this even spark joy' and sometimes the answer is no. And it just kind of feels like sometimes that's what RWBY is now, a project people don't want to do anymore that no longer sparks that same joy that it used to.
But on a better, lighter note, I'm glad too that people are still thinking about volume one, because it often feels like the RWBY fandom on the general whole just doesn't even like the early volumes and wants to forget them, or even forget seasons 4-6 sometimes. Some people will act like the only thing that matters is the present, and looking at the setup or the early established things is just stupid when it's like... No, that's the whole thing that RWBY was built on. Volumes 7-9 alone don't tell a complete story. It's a hodgepodge sandwich full of a bunch of mismatched stuff maybe, but I really feel like the people that eat the whole thing and might complain about the bad parts actually like the sandwich way more than the people who take the top piece of bread and then tell you that all that other stuff doesn't matter anymore. XD But yeah, that's just the things that I was thinking about when I saw that cameo video.
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daylightcommand3 · 1 year
Sinister Six + Doc Ock
Before we can begin discussing the possibilities of Doctor Octopus. We need to make a slight detour towards the Prowler, and how the makers of the Spider-verse movies are masters of foreshadowing.
*Puts hand on your shoulder* "Hey"
Aaron Davis (and by extension, The Prowler) is made sure to be kept in our minds throughout the movie.
The most brazen reminder is during Jeff's party. Jeff reminisces about his brother in front of the remembrance art piece Miles made for Aaron. The camera focuses on the artwork, making sure we can truly remember what Aaron looks like.
The Donald Glover cameo shows that Miles is happy to see his uncle in any form. Or at least he thinks he does. He seems rather dejected when live-action Prowler looks nothing like his uncle. Regardless, the bond between Miles and Aaron is reinforced to the audience.
The previous point is compounded when Miguel shows Miles the death of Aaron. And, how furthermore this is a canon event that cannot be undone.
After this, we don't hear of Aaron or The Prowler for a while. That is until we arrive in dimension 42. Even though I was expecting it by that point, I was still tense and in awe. Regardless, Aaron's reappearance was expertly and explicitly telegraphed early on in the story.
Her friends call her "Liv".
Now, it's time to brag. If you're cool like me, then you own the Blu-ray edition of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse.
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Pretty cool huh.
Anyways, cool people have access to the "Alternate Universe Mode", which includes alternate scenes. Including this one:
We'll come back to this later. Now, let's list some events in Across the Spider-verse.
In The Spot's flashback and in The Spot's picture of his old self, we see him working side-by-side working with Doc Ock. Reminding us of her involvement in the first movie.
After discovering he can travel through multiverse, The Spot looks at his hand and states: "The power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand." I caught this immediately as a cool person who owns the Blu-ray of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and watched the Alternate Universe Mode.
At the Spider Society, SpiderByte tells Miles that a lot of Doc Ocks are captured. Indicating that Doctor Octopus has a tendency to travel through the multiverse.
Doc Ock has been sufficiently foreshadowed. I'm certain that she will appear in Beyond the Spider-verse.
What's interesting is that she can appear at any time. Doc Ock is out there roaming the multiverse. If anyone could create a device to stop their glitching on the fly, it would be Doc Ock. She could show up to fight Miles at anytime. And she will.
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project-wildcard · 1 year
My inspirations!
My biggest inspiration, by far, is Just Roll With It. It's a TTRPG podcast that is just so good at every aspect of story telling! Every single campaign they've done I've cried out of some kind of emotion that they make me feel. The characters are all incredible! Gillion Tidestrider is probably my favourite and everyone after that is just a close second and they're all tied with each other because they're all so amazing in their own ways.
Wildcard specifically was actually inspired most The Trickster from Prime Defenders. The story of exactly how that came to happen is a little silly and for another time. You'd think with the multiple forms and changing personality gimmick that I'd have been most inspired by Vyncent and yes there's a lot of similarities but I want to make the distinction here and now that every form Wildcard takes is still Charlie at heart. They do not become a completely different person, it just changes the way their emotions work. At their core it's still the same person.
Thank you Mutants and Masterminds for being the system I used to create Wildcard's character sheet back when I was in denial and thought I'd just play them as a character in a campaign despite having no friends available at the time to DM such a campaign. I also use those character sheets to get a good idea of building and balancing all the heroes and villains in the world (although there will be plenty of leniency based on what I think is cool and fits the story).
I've also, definitely taken a lot of inspiration from the Spiderverse films, which might come across more once the first part of the story is released. Those movies are perfection the characters are incredible the story they're telling is innovative and fresh while still falling into the feeling of a Spiderman story. I love Gwen I love Miles I love Pav I love Mayday I love Peter I love the Spot I love Miguel and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hobie! One of the characters in my story that I'm yet to speak about yet is very similar to Hobie and I'm so excited and I love the parallels and as I write them I'm definitely gonna be pulling so much from Spiderverse Hobie's personality. Spiderman in general (most versions of them) is my favourite superhero so there will probably be a lot in my head that I don't recognise I'm taking from Spider people stories but I'm just gonna make the sweeping statement now that there will likely be similarities. I will not, however, be going into multiverse or time travel stories, at least not in the main canon story, maybe I'll do a weird little "what if" after I finish telling my story where a "balanced" and fused Wildcard meets a "corrupted" and vibrant Wildcard.
Shout-out to Marvel in general, comics and movies, I've seen a lot of that stuff so again, it'll probably just leak in without me realising.
This helps me when I'm struggling to let myself write
Finally, a big thank you to all my friends who encourage/enable (in the bad way) me. I am on my shit and my shit is telling an intricate story that I am very passionate about with characters who I love and care for. Namely, all 3 of my friends on that one discord server where I first infodumped about Wildcard, Hazel, for helping me build the character sheet and helping me come up with names and also letting me info dump to you, and Mimi, for basically the same reasons as Hazel, as well as being the first person I made a superhero story for (we did an introductory session of DnD in a superhero setting. Her character will be making a cameo at some point most likely). Also everyone who's tried to help me learn how to draw because I'm not gonna lie, my only motivation there was drawing characters for this story.
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which-star · 11 months
As soon as I heard a certain someone appeared in the recent game, I came straight to your blog lol. We were just talking about how you would want to see this character in BYTSV. How do you feel about her appearing in the new game? I have finished it, but I really am loving the story telling and the different things they've taken from the comics and putting their own spin on it, like any adaptation, I think they'll treat the character well So, your thoughts? Things you want to see?
Hellloooooo!! I appreciate that I'm your go-to🙏🙏 and I'm excited for the introduction! I've only heard good things about the ps4 game, though I haven't played it, so I'm looking forward to it. The iterative nature of comics and adaptations is always fun to explore so I'm curious how they'll treat Silk in this universe, especially since this is an avenue for how many people are gonna discover her.
When I first heard that Rio and Albert Sr. were dating I thought it was weird choice but I'm definitely intrigued on where that'll go. Where's Nari, where's Albert Jr.? I guess we'll see lol
An interesting thing that was brought up was the bunker. There are things to characters that STICK despite all the reboots and adaptations so I'm wondering if the bunker is one of them? Like, no shot, the bunker-for-ten-years was a weird choice made for continuity reasons but what has been built from that has made her very compelling. I think her story can be done without a bunker 100% and it would be so interesting to see her story catalyzed in a way without it. I think, personally, I would like to see the bunker in there but only because to me seeing what you can make of established lore and working within limitations is a lot more fun than reworking the entire story. But regardless of which direction they go, as long as they have the heart of the story, I'm gonna enjoy it :) part of me wants to see what they'll do without the bunker too!
Things I would like to see! I can't wait for the Miles and Cindy interactions and watching her fight! I hope they bring in the web claws and more hand-to-hand combat. Hints to her family dynamic would be so good too/mentions of her relationship with her brother, father, mother. Also this is purely self-indulgent but a Luna Snow cameo would be so much fun!
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
So- I just had my first Phantom Liberty "ending"... 👁👄👁 I had a lot of thoughts, might be messy and long
⚠ Spoilers ahead, obviously!
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Holyshit. HGFHGHFH Where do I even START
I smelled it coming FROM MILES AWAY-- OF COURSE So Mi was somehow- tied to AI, tied to the blackwall, it SMELLED TOO STINKY FROM THE START! Holyshit
Going to share my live reactions that I had in my dev friend's DMS cause those were the raw reactions ghfhgf
I took Reed's side during the Kurt meeting
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Of COURSE it would go to shit tho like- man OF COURSEEE she would know...
The Kurt boss battle made me sweat, that man s'quick! AND THE MUSIC... Always felt like it was tied to the voodoo boys somehow? Tho the vibes makes sense, considering it's kind of theeee Blackwall theme-ish
When Reed talks about getting against MaxTac my jaw dropped like-- ARE YOU FOR REAL RIGHT NOW.......
Also special kudo for this lil thing here I was really happy
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Then came the battle against MaxTac- AND AGAIN... What a battle, I legit can't say right now which big fight I prefered outta the whole EP cause they were all so good
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The game SLOWLY BUT SURELY got more and more spooky, into straight up TERRIFYING, I did NOT expect that at all, holyfuck!
And it worked SO WELL TOO, of COURSE anything tied to the blackwall would be horrifying
I LOVE horror- horror movie, horror games... But I don't like playing them 🤠✋ Because I'm a lil pussy HGFH who jump, who look away, who let go of the mouse when spooky thing happen
So LET ME TELL YOU When I started to grasp where the game was heading, I shat myself full time
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Everything was PERFECT... The vibes, the lights, the set up, the sound design- the music, the different scenes/memories triggering over the place as you progress, just- fucking CHEF KISS
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When I thought it couldn't get any better, any spookier- the game kept on delivering, somehow
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It got really dark, stressful, gory, haunting
I decided to kill So Mi at the end
Seeing moments of So Mi's past, of how she got there- it was hard to not feel for her, even tho I never really trusted her, too many red flags and manipulation, V was just a token in achieving what she wanted, just like Myers was, just like Kurt was. But she didn't deserves to be kept as a pupet, a tool
The ride with Reed made me feel really numb, and so did the talk with Myers. Sittin with Reed and watchin him walk off in the distance....
I feel empty ghfhgf that one ending didn't felt satisfying at all- BUT I don't mean it in a bad way!! I like it, I think this was supposed to feel like this! So Mi is dead, whatever hope you had to deal with the Relic died with her, Reed wanted to save her, Myers NEEDED her alive- it's a miracle V can even walk it off freely even
-bear with me here as I'm gathering my thoughts as I type everything-
Little tidbits now, I didn't played through all of the new gigs either, so I'm going back to do these, as well as try all the other endings!
Sadly as expected, not a lot- if anything- new for us nomads lover 😞 I liked the cameo of Panam and Carol, sending Paco and Babs to the Aldecaldos to get out of DTown felt comfy too, as well as all the dialogue options! It felt nice to get those opportunities to bring our past! And we did get some crumbs of interesting lore
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God and like- what I like the most in games are the Characters, and PL is up there with some amazing peeps! I'll try to rank them from most to least liked
Starting with Alex, probably my favorite of the 5 main! There were a lot of good moment with her, she felt the most... genuine? Might be naive, but I love good hearted, honest characters, and she felt the more "human" out of the bunch even if she did and does horrible things
Second place comes Kurt, man knows what he want and how to get it, can respect that. Wished we could learn more on him actually, maybe I missed a lot of content
Reed was interesting, too secretive for my taste- and that's normal duh he's a spy, but as expected I didn't felt too connected ( and just to be CRYSTAL CLEAR, that doesn't mean he's a bad character! Not vibing with a character doesn't mean they're badly writen or built)
SongBird started off STRONG at the top of my list, but the more she sugarcoated and smooth-talked V into helped her, the more a lot of red flags started to pop. Lot of lines reminded me of similar convo I had IRL with people that turned out to be shitty, so it send off alarms in my head 💀 NOPE...
and finally Myers, who I never trusted and rightfully so
All of them are incredible characters, made me parano on who to trust, who to believe
All of the minor NPCs are so memorable too? I absolutly loved Slider, the voodooboy dude? His design was insane! Loved meeting all of the different peeps during Kurt's party too, and LIZZY'S CONCERT??? AYO... Was simply incredible
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This getting PRETTY LOOOONG I'll stop right here but yeah, raw thoughts after 3 days/nights of non stop playing 😩✋ UGGH...
Fucking love this game man. You can really see CDPR took their time with it, fucking nailed it too... Letting go of the last console gen was a good choice, Dogtown is gorgeous, all the visual effects are breathtaking--
I gotta STOP TALKING LMAO. ALRIGHT Back to it I go
AND. I will definitely rollback to a pre-PL save and continue the vanilla content, cause I feel like doing PL just before meeting Hanako gives a lot of interesting options :3
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trillscienceofficer · 2 years
this is quite random i'll admit, but your latest post got me thinking: if there would have been a proper crossover between ds9 and voy (not just a cameo like in the pilot), what would you have wanted it to be plotwise?
oh that's a very very good question! Honestly I'm not even sure if I'd want a proper, non-permanent (like, no one from DS9 gets stuck on Voyager) crossover episode, because imho it's hard to make them work well. But I can still see several options here:
it's a pre-Caretaker situation: we see the (OG) Voyager crew get the help of several officers and the Defiant in order to sneak up on the Maquis (Chakotay, B'Elanna and Tuvok), which we also follow as they try to outmaneuver Starfleet. I would love to see where Sisko and (a just promoted) Janeway agree and disagree on how to be in command, and I would love to also learn what kind of history Chakotay and B'Elanna (and Seska!) had with DS9 (did they know about Eddington? were they already receiving help from Kasidy Yates?). In any case at some point the Defiant leaves the Badlands and the events of Caretaker take place anyway
a random wormhole/space irregularity/whatever brings Voyager to the Gamma Quadrant and they immediately almost end up destroyed by the Dominion (which they only vaguely know about), has to hide in a nebula/land on a planet but ta-dahh! it's the Defiant who responds to the distress signal! Except they also almost get destroyed, and the two crews have to help one another to get back on their feet. The specifics depend on when this happens of course—if it's before "Message in a Bottle" the crew would have to learn about the war from the DS9 people and I can't imagine that going over well, especially with the former Maquis. In any case I can see a lot of tension between crews (in a "we were trying to get home and now you are in a war that killed our friends!" vs "you guys disappeared without a trace so you don't have a right to tell us that we made mistakes"). The kicker is that this would be a good opportunity for Voyager to finally get to the AQ but they realize there's no way they could sneak Voyager past Dominion forces towards the Bajoran wormhole, and they can't duplicate the cloak for such a big ship, so in the end the Defiant can only help Voyager go back to DQ (honestly heartwrenching just thinking about this lol)
This is not exactly a crossover, but: DS9 is a hub of research for wormholes for obvious reasons so what if we shelve the whole thing with Barclay and have Voyager contact the station instead? there could just be fun occasional interactions between the officers from the two shows I think.
Now what interactions would I like to see the most? Sisko and Janeway as I've said, Chakotay and B'Elanna reacting to pretty much all the DS9 Starfleet officers on one hand and to Kira and Odo on the other. I really, really would like to see Benjamin's reaction to Seven of Nine too, although I'm afraid it would be rather painful for him still. But I think he'd also be interested in hearing about a former drone that managed to escape. On a lighter note I would love to see Jadzia grinning her way into challenging Tom at a game of dares (and winning every one). Tuvok and Worf would HATE the madness of having two crews of strong personalities interact so much, and I kinda want to see them both and Julian work together on something. Perhaps Harry and Miles (and B'Elanna too, unless she is refusing to speak with the people from DS9) can have a nice chat about how hard it is to keep a ship/station running in such difficult conditions. If you want to hear people yelling I think you should probably pair Kira and Seven because they would NOT get along at all imho. There is just. SO much stuff that can be said and I haven't even touched upon!! A crossover like this is such an ambitious concept and I'm sure I forgot half the stuff that I wanted to say
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mattelektras · 1 year
i have 2 separate q's: did they ever explain why they made jess pregnant? or is that a men-writing-comics / misogyny thing? what do you hope for in beyond the spiderverse story and character-wise? i'm not fond of gwen (outside the trans-coding) so i'm a lil ticked she took a lot of the storyline when it could've been MORE miles (or even hobie, pav, AND JESS) and i still have hope for cindy and more anya and maybe felicia from the concept art ;_;
i think its a men thing. like she was a single woman with no real love interests at the time so what else do men think women do next aside from have children tbh like. what else is there for her.
as for spiderverse!!!! i would love to see cindy and kaine, more of anya and ben and miguel. miguel can fight any 15 year old he wants to just not miles. some resolution with miles and his parents is important to me like. hes such a family oriented kid. whether its because he tells them he's spiderman or they figure it out or he tells them as much as hes capable of telling them idk. spiderverse right now i feel is missing miles' key supporting cast??? where's ganke??? he gets a 2 second cameo whilst remixed mcu ganke but ned actually lives his life. right now it just doesnt seem like miles has any friends outside of gwen etc. theyre gonna have to figure out what theyre doing with alternate universes and im not sure how theyre gonna do that lmao like 616 merged so everyone is in the same place but i dont think that will work for spiderverse. but i also dont want miles to be shut off from others like him???? unless they give him some more people in his own universe to work with?? spider people or not. they could give him a sam alexander and a kamala
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It was early 2022 when I got to the Josh sitcom on my list of things to watch. I watched all three seasons in a few days, and it was exactly what I’d expected it to be: an extremely sitcom-y sitcom. A weirdly sitcom-y sitcom, in this day and age (or even the day and age when it was made, which was 2015-2017). It had all the sitcom tropes. It had sitcom plots where everything resets at the end. It had formulaic jokes and scripts. It was mildly amusing. It was quite endearing in the way that most things Josh Widdicombe does are. It had three main actors who were not particularly great at acting, but weren’t (usually) comically terrible at it. It was incredibly average. Sometimes it was funny. Josh Widdicombe sure did write a sitcom. It seemed like he watched every sitcom in existence (which, according to the way he talks about himself, he has in fact done) and distilled all the little bits of their essence into eighteen episodes. I had a good time while watching it.
I did have a really long, detailed post going at the time, which I updated about eight times as I watched new episodes, in which I kept track of all the cameos in it. I think that ended up being my favourite part of the show – seeing all the comedians who’d just wander in for an episode. It started with Mike Wozniak in episode 1, with a full beard, and seeing that when I wasn’t expecting him to be in the show at all was quite a shock. So I made a post about how weird that was. And then I updated it when the second episode started with James Acaster just sitting on Josh’s couch.
It kept going from there. Every episode had at least one new stand-up comedian in its lineup, sometimes two or three. I was going to find my old post and link to it, but as I’ve recently said I often cringe at the thought of things I might have said more than five seconds ago, so let’s not do that (I’m pretty sure I spelled Elis’ name as Ellis every time I wrote it, I figured out about halfway through 2022 that his name only had one L and realized I’d been spelling it wrong for ages).
So instead of going back to my post where I had screenshots of all these guest stars, I’ll just go to IMDB so I can list them: Mike Wozniak, James Acaster, Tom Allen, Cariad Lloyd, Jennifer Fucking Saunders (playing a character who was the mother of the main character who was played by her real-life daughter), both other guys from Three Bean Salad (Henry Paker and Benjamin Partridge, whom I didn’t recognize at the time but now do off IMDB), both people from Lazy Susan (Celeste Dring and Freya Parker, whom I also did not recognize at the time), Miles Jupp, Lolly Adefope, Felicity Ward, Mike Bubbins, Suzi Ruffell, Romesh Ranganathan, Ellie Taylor, Celia Pacquola. That’s not counting the comedians in the main cast (Josh Widdicombe, Elis James, Beattie Edmondson, Jack Dee) – those are all people who turned up for one episode each, except for Wozniak in two and Saunders in three. That is a lot of cameos from comedians to pack into 18 episodes.
This makes it extra funny to me as I listen to the John Robins and Elis James radio shows from that time, and listen to John Robins continually notice the same thing. Before the show started airing he got in some run-of-the-mill jabs about Elis swanning off to be a successful TV actor while John can’t even get verified on Twitter, but after it started airing, the complaints quickly turned to the more specific issue of why they have cast every fucking comedian in Britain in at least one role except for John Robins. A complaint that’s funnier to me because I have seen the show and can confirm that it is true. I even made a whole long post about it at the time, explaining that I’d stopped looking at the show’s IMDB page while watching because I considered IMDB to be a spoiler, since the most fun part of the show was trying to guess which comedian would suddenly turn up next. It did not, at the time, occur to me to wonder what it would be like to watch this as the one comedian in Britain who didn't get a cameo role despite being in a double act with one of the three main actors.
I have enjoyed listening to John Robins get increasingly petty and annoyed about this on the radio, and I was going to cut out some examples, but then I went on YouTube and found that someone else has already done it for me. Has helpfully collated clips of all the chats about the Josh Widdicombe sitcom to happen across several years of radio episodes.
I haven't actually heard everything in this YouTube video yet. I'm currently on episode 120, in mid-2016. I skimmed the video and found that I think the most recent clip I've heard from that video is about halfway through it, when they've just started filming season 2 and John keeps asking if he'll have a cameo in it and Elis tries to deflect with an extended joke about how John can only have a role if he's okay with doing naked fencing, and John plays along for a minute or so before saying, okay, but seriously, have you seen the entire script and do I get a role? And Elis says I have and you don't and then they immediately cut, which is great comic timing on the podcast editor's part. I'm quite pleased that that clip is only halfway through the YouTube video, suggesting that there is plenty more awkward chat along these lines coming up in episodes I haven't heard yet.
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sollucets · 2 years
ficlet: rumor has it
#ockissweek fic for aster x ivy! postcanon ocean eyes (thus david/angel/darlin/sam although sam is not in this one) wolf pack meeting shenanigans featuring surprise cameo appearances from my blood moon mc juni moreno & their bff (best fucking friend) marco.
this was edited very little, did not use the prompts because i wrote it before they were out, and is pure self-indulgence, as is the spirit of things.
notes: aster is using she/her in this fic. t rating, 1.7k
“Hi, baby,” says Aster, dropping into the seat next to Ivy and settling her arm around their shoulders. “Davey and Alpha Moreno are doing just fine for themselves, I think. You getting acquainted with the snacks?”
Ivy glances up from their plate of various tiny fancy meats and cheeses and gives their mate a speaking look. It’s an effort to keep the look that way; she’s so pretty all dressed up, her lips glossy and dangly gold earrings swinging and green eyes accented with the same.
She laughs at them, squeezing her arm around their shoulders, and nuzzles her nose briefly into Ivy’s temple. “Never change. I always know where to find you at these things.”
Ivy’s still faintly surprised that “at these things” is a common enough occurrence for that to be a useful observation. They’re at a formal, basically diplomatic meeting with a pack that’s just recently established itself in an unempowered town a few miles away, talking about lines of communication and shared resources and all that sort of thing. More than that, though, they’re just feeling each other out — David deciding if he likes the other Alpha, each party’s entourage kind of scenting around each other to get their measures.
They’d have never in a million years considered themself a useful participant in something like this. The first time David had asked them to come, they’d laughed in his face for telling a bad joke. But he’d been deadly serious. “Your opinions are worth a lot to me,” he’d said, in that tone that makes it impossible to argue. His speech voice, Aster calls it.
Sam comes to pack higher-up meetings too, sometimes, although his schedule is always harder to work with. He’s not here today, busy closing some kind of deal with Vincent. Ivy thinks that maybe Sam’s purpose is the same as theirs: a litmus test. Bait, sort of.
“You meet anyone interesting?” asks Aster.
“Yeah, actually,” they say, leaning into Aster’s hold just slightly. Ivy made a maybe-friend in the Moreno pack earlier, a peppy guy with curly blonde hair and tattoos that reminded them acutely of Ash. They tell Aster about him, honestly cheered by their ability to have a posturing-free conversation with someone who’s clearly in Alpha Moreno’s very good graces. They really seem down-to-earth.
This kind of talk is Aster’s job here, taking stock of all the various interpersonal connections and backstories of people present. She’s been doing it for as long as she’s known about magic, actually, helping Ash resolve disputes in their own pack with the power of gossip and aggressive kindness, and she’s very good at it now.
“I have no evidence whatsoever,” says Aster now, lowering her voice and speaking directly into Ivy’s ear (a reasonable precaution in a conference center full of werewolves), “but I’m like 99% sure him and Alpha Moreno have fucked. Don’t think they are now, but it’s in the body language.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Ivy says drily, although the corner of their mouth quirks up.
Aster starts a meandering story about someone from the other pack they haven’t met yet, and honestly Ivy is listening, but they find their gaze wandering towards the head of the room anyway. David is up there with Asher, talking to the other pack’s Alpha. He’s wearing a dark blue button-down and well-fitted dress pants, and Ivy’s been admiring his thighs all day and sees no reason to stop now.
Their obvious distraction doesn’t make them slow enough to miss Aster trying to steal a piece of salami off their plate, though, and they catch her wrist without even looking at her. “Thief.”
Aster giggles, bright and loud, right in their ear. It’s almost enough to mask the voice that overlays it from a ways away, a hushed, “…believe… right in front of Alpha Shaw?”
Stiffening, Ivy lets their eyes follow the source of the voice. It sounded high-pitched, like it might match well to a brown-haired woman two tables over who has her head leaned in towards the person sitting next to her. They don’t remember her name, if they were told it. Their eyes narrow.
“Baby?” asks Aster, tugging her wrist out of their grip with little resistance.
Ivy looks sidelong at her and jerks their chin in a little cut-off motion, and Aster gets it instantly, closing her mouth and pretending to become distracted by Ivy’s plate again.
This does allow her to steal that salami, but it’s okay. Ivy has other things to focus on.
Namely: “You’re sure… his mate?”
“Yes… introduced them to the Alpha… So why would… flirting?”
They are intentionally speaking quietly, and it’s hard to hear across the room, but Ivy has always been good at this sort of thing, and they can sort of see the woman’s lips moving.
“She’s talking about us,” they say to Aster, not bothering to moderate their volume.
Sure enough, the woman’s friend almost immediately shushes her, and both of their eyes dart over to where Ivy and Aster are sitting.
“We’re a hot topic,” says Aster cheerily. “Can’t blame her.”
Ivy turns to look at their partner. By the way her eyes are sparkling, she’s absolutely about to cause a problem, and the only reason she hasn’t yet is to check with Ivy.
Honestly, that’s one of the sweetest things someone like her could do. They raise their eyebrows at her, and the curve of her returning grin goes wicked. “Wanna give them some real gossip?”
Ivy sighs, fond, and says, “Do your worst.”
Before the last word is even out of their mouth, Aster’s free hand is already curling around their jaw. They let her move them as she pleases, angle their head just slightly up, and close their eyes into the press of her lips.
Kissing Aster is always nice. They don’t usually prefer to do it with an audience this size, but they aren’t going to complain about kissing. Her hand is cool on their face and she tastes like cheap lip gloss and Ivy can actually hear the little cut-off gasp that the woman one table down lets out.
Their mouths stick a little when Aster pulls away. Ivy opens their eyes to wrinkle their nose up at her, unable to contain a small smile. “I think you made your point.”
“You think?” echoes Aster, eyes bright and cheeks a little pink. She looks extremely pleased with herself.
Ivy leans forward and presses a quick, there-and-gone kiss to Aster’s cheek. It leaves a faint imprint of her own lip gloss.
Aster blinks at them a few times, caught off-guard. Ivy can’t blame her; they are not traditionally one for initiating public displays of affection. It’s immensely satisfying, though, looking at her all blushy and surprised. “Um,” she says after a minute. Shakes her head. “Let’s go talk to Davey.”
They walk up to the front of the room together. Ivy can feel eyes following them and chooses to ignore it, only stopping briefly at Aster’s request to make sure they’re not interrupting anything too important.
Asher has gone off somewhere and David and Alpha Moreno are just talking about — gardening? huh — so Ivy doesn’t feel bad about derailing it. Both the Alphas turn to look when they approach, David’s expression going pinched and suspicious when he looks at Aster’s face. Alpha Moreno, a taller person with dark curly hair and visible claw-mark scars across the left side of their jaw, just regards them with a neutral expression.
“What is it,” David says, more of a demand than a question.
Aster loops her arm around Ivy’s waist, fingers curling around their hipbone, and shoots Alpha Moreno an unreadable look. “Didn’t you meet Ivy?”
They hadn’t, actually, not one-on-one. Ivy isn’t the kind to actively seek someone out to talk to them, and Alpha Moreno’s had someone bothering them every single time Ivy’s looked over today.
“Alpha Shaw’s mentioned them,” the Alpha says. Their voice is nice, honestly, mid-tone and gentle. “But we haven’t talked.”
“What’s this about, Aster?” asks David, slowly. His expression is getting more and more pinched. “Did someone say something?”
That line of questioning will lead nowhere good. Ivy’s not surprised David caught on so quickly, but they are surprised he’d just outright bring it up in front of the other Alpha without even pretending at subtlety. He must actually like them. “No one said anything to us,” Ivy says, which is technically true. They nod politely to Alpha Moreno, movements a little jerky.
“I just wanted to make sure I introduced our mate,” Aster says, tone perfectly cheerful. “That’s all.”
Ivy watches Alpha Moreno’s dark eyes widen for the tiniest fraction of a second, but they don’t betray another response. “A pleasure,” they say, offering a hand.
Looking them directly in the eye, Ivy takes it. Their grip is strong but not overly so, and they meet Ivy’s gaze calmly but warmly enough, no hint of consternation or disapproval or anything else.
Ivy lets their shoulders relax, intentionally visible to their partners to either side of them. “Nice to meet you,” they say. “I’m Ivy.” They think of Aster deeming the other Alpha nice enough, of Marco’s excited chatter earlier, and add, “I’m glad David can talk about plants to someone else, now. He gets really into planning out the yard and I never know how to say I don’t recognize like half the names of that shit.”
This is what gets through to them, apparently; Alpha Moreno snorts out a little surprised laugh that lights up their face. “You’re making me sound cultured.”
Ivy shrugs at them a little, still uncomfortable in the face of unknown authority, and considers turning to leave now that the point is thoroughly made.
David puts a hand on Ivy’s shoulder. He’s shooting them an irritated look, but his grip is gentle and his brow is still furrowed in a way that indicates concern instead of annoyance.
They offer him a little shadow of a smile, and he softens instantly. “We handled it,” they say, uncaring if there’s no context for anyone else. “It’s okay.”
“I’m sure if Aster was involved I’ll hear about it eventually,” he says, but any real attempt at annoyance is gone, and he turns back towards the other Alpha with a parting squeeze to Ivy’s shoulder.
“Aww, honey,” says Aster, blowing David a loud and obnoxious kiss. “You know me so well.”
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TTTE Mini Skit - Of Movies and Splits
CONTEXT: So, I saw a clip from Paddington 2 and seeing as Alfred Peppercorn's Tornado made an appearance in the movie, I thought I would write this little tidbit. Hope you enjoy!!!
--- June 16th, 2019; The famous LNER Peppercorn Class A1 "Tornado" visits the NWR. The story starts at Tidmouth sheds, around 8:00 pm. ---
Gordon: So, how has your journey here been, Tornado?
Tornado: Oh, very nice, thank you! Your railway has been lovely so far!
Thomas: So is it true that you went 100 miles?? That's almost as fast as flying Scot's record!
Tornado: Oh, I really don't like to boast. Plus, I'm not like you older engines. I'm younger and more newer then you lot. You probably have seen a lot more then I have.
Edward: Well, that may be true, but it's refreshing to see that there are people who are adamant about keeping the legend of steam power alive.
James: *looking disgruntled* Especially since nearly all the steam engines on the Other Railway were replaced with Diesels.
Tornado: I heard about that... I do regret not being around in that time...
Edward: Don't think like that. You're lucky to not have gone through what we have been through. And I don't think you'll ever have to worry about being scrapped, seeing the year you were built.
Tornado: True...
Percy: Can we change the subject? Talking about being scrapped is depressing...
Henry: I agree.
Tornado: Oh! I know what will lighten the mood! I bought a present for everyone!
Gordon: What sort of present?
Tornado: Driver has it right here *at this, Tornado's driver holds up a DVD case* It's a movie I cameoed in.
Henry: Percy!! Quiet down!!!
Percy: Sorry!
Tornado: *laughs a bit* It was only a cameo. I didn't really have much of a speaking role.
Thomas: What's the movie about?
Tornado: Oh, it's a movie about a stuffed bear.
Gordon: That's it? You cameoed in a movie about a stuffed bear?
Henry: That's.... underwhelming....
Tornado: *laughs a bit* That's what I thought at first. But it's loaded with a lot of action scenes. Plus the plot seemed pretty solid, as they say.
Gordon: Have you seen it?
Tornado: Honestly, no. I'm just repeating what my Driver said after he watched the movie. I wanted to wait and watch it with the rest of you tonight, if we can.
James: How are we going to do that??
Tornado: Driver said he would talk to the others about setting up a screen for us to watch the movie on.
Percy: I wanna watch it!! It sounds exciting!!
Edward: Well, it's not too late. I don't see why we shouldn't be able to.
--- After some deliberation, a set-up was made for the engines and they started watching the movie. We'll skip to the part where Tornado made his appearance ---
Percy: Oh look!! There's Tornado!!
Henry: Keep it down, Percy! We're all trying to watch!
Gordon: Tornado, did you know you were being filmed?
Tornado: Well, at the time, Driver took me to a studio and say that some men would be coming that day to do some filming. I assumed they were doing some as enthusiast film, so I just did what the director told me to do.
Gordon: asalkjhfklj... Thomas?!?!
Thomas: Tornado, why are people climbing on your side??!?!
Tornado: Oh, I remember that scene!!! Don't worry, no one got hurt. We just did it on a still set and then they added some special affects.
James: Okay, that I get. But I dare you to explain that
--- All the engines gape in shock as they watch Mr. Brown do the splits between Tornado's front buffer and a goods van ---
Edward: Well..... That's something I never thought I would see...
Gordon:.... Tornado... explain....
Tornado: *looks ready to laugh, but holds it in*
Gordon: TORNADO!?!?
Tornado: *bursts out laughing* Okay, okay okay!!
Thomas: Wha-- I mean... I don't.... HOW?!!?!?
James: WHAT EVEN IS THIS!!!!???
Henry: *is wheezing* Whose idea was this?!!?!?
Tornado: *laughing* I have no clue!! I really don't! I thought it was a goof at first but now that I see it.... Oh my goodness!!
Thomas: *bursts out laughing hysterically* Oh my gosh.... I just had a thought...
Gordon: *glares at Thomas* Whatever it is, get that thought out of your smokebox right this instant!!!
Edward: *wheezing* You're going to have to tell us later, Thomas....
Percy/James: *Laughing*
Gordon: *huffs and pouts*
--- The engines enjoyed the rest of the movie, but were still hooked on the scene with Mr. Brown doing the splits. Even after Tornado left, Gordon was still insulted and refused to speak to anyone who found that scene funny. ---
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naughtygirl286 · 1 year
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so yeah we finally went to see Spider‑Man: Across the Spider-Verse and I would have to say I was surprised by the amount of ppl that were there when the movie started it like like the theater we were in was half full. but also of course there was some collectable goodies for this one also which you can see Here.
As for the movie itself I would have to say it was amazing! truly spectacular! and every other Spider-Man related adjective lol but seriously it was excellent I would have to say I did love it.
I feel that the story this time focus a bit more on Gwen at least I thought it did Miles is still heavily part of the story and does follow him but I do think it does focus more on Gwen to me it was a bit of a 60/40 where it was 60 Gwen and 40 Miles but there is alot going on in this movie you do have to pay attention!
It takes place like a year or so after the first one and Miles is busy doing his best being the Spider-Man of his corner of the Multiverse (Earth-1610) but is struggling with his normal/home life and his duties as Spider-Man. Unknowingly he creates a threat to the entire Multiverse known as the Spot and ends up reuniting with Gwen and his friends from the original movies and goes on a huge spider fueled adventure across the multiverse to stop him while at the same time meeting various Spider-People especially Miguel O'Hara Spider-Man 2099 (Earth 928 a possible Marvel future) who is bring all the Spider-People together to hopefully protect the Multiverse.
Like I said the movie is excellent I loved every minute of it and it quite long as animated movies go being it is like 2 and a half hours but the animation is excellent just like the first one and I feel each Spider-Person is given their own style of animation and there own look which really sets them apart.
The music for this is great as well both the films score and the various songs used through out. the voice acting is I thought was perfectly done, sure alot of it is easy at times when people are wearing masks but when they are not it is quite impressive. They are still very expressive with "mask eye" movements and body gestures which are all very fluid and life like.
One thing this movie has alot of is humor as Peter B. Parker says in the movie "Spider-Man is suppose to be funny" and this is just that the movie does have lots of funny moments to balance out the seriousness and drama. One of the most funny parts of the movie is when the Spot is introduced and his first fight with Miles is hilarious.
The references and cameos are mind blowing!! you'll have to go and see this like 15 times or watch it frame by frame digitally or possibility wear out the pause button when it comes on disk to see and get everything!! its truly amazing how much they put into this.
I have to say I thought the choice of the Spot for the main villain in this was pretty good being his powers are interdimensional and would work good in a movie that deals with the Multiverse and I felt that they did a really good job with the character in general
I how ever was not to sure about making Spider-Man 2099 a some what secondary villain. He wasn't really I think a villain but more of a person with good intentions that might not be the best way about doing things? They did a really good job with the character tho I thought he was handled nicely over all.
but yeah they kinda took everything that made the first one great and did more of that plus a bunch of new and amazing things you can tell that this is a huge leap form the previous movie.
So pretty much if you loved Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse you'll love this one too!
also there isn't any credit scenes so you don't have to sit and wait for that
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