#Mileena rocks
mileena--kahnumm · 2 months
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13-17 were the rockiest years of my life.
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Sorry to keep complaining (the writer in me can’t help but be a hater 💖) but I… don’t really like how they’re making Kitana and Mileena sisters right off the bat now. Like don’t get me wrong I enjoy the idea of them coming to terms with and accepting each other as family but this… isn’t that. This feels cheap and unearned.
Instead of having Kitana actually develop past the understandable apprehension and revulsion she holds towards Mileena—either through recognizing that she had no say in why she was created or perhaps by having Mileena do something to prove she does genuinely care for and respect Kitana, and let them have some actual character growth—it’s just “yeah you two like each other now because God Liu Kang said so”. It removes any character agency and therefore any interest this dynamic otherwise would have had.
Narratively, this whole decision feels like a waste, and I would not be surprised if nrs is only doing this for forced drama when they inevitably make these two hate each other halfway through the story anyway.
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theemissuniverse · 6 months
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SUMMARY : You are a powerful Earthrealm warrior with the ability to pick up peoples fighting styles. (Basically Shujinko.) and shapeshift into them. You were once a part of the Black Dragon and dated Kano but left.
WARNING : Suggestive dialogue.
A/N : This was fun. I missed doing this.
Kung Lao
Shao Kahn
Probably more that I forgot. main character wants to f with everything tbh
Rock, Paper, Scissors
(Y/N) will shape shift into Scorpion first. She’ll throw the spear at the opponent and yell “Get Over Here!” She’ll pull you over towards her. She’ll shape shift into Sindel and use her scream, making all the skin pull off her opponent. Then she’ll change into Liu Kang and preform his bicycle kick to go right through her opponent.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
(Y/N) will change into whoever her opponent is. Then hit her opponent in the face repeatedly saying, “why are you hitting yourself?” The manically laugh and do a spin kick to kick their head off.
Kung Lao
Scorpion (one sided on her side)
Noob Saibot (one sided on her side)
Liu Kang
Cassie Cage
Jax Briggs
Johnny Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Erron Black
Kotal Kahn
Shao Kahn (one sided on her side)
Sonya Blade
Shang Tsung
(Y/N) #1 : Who’s hotter? Kung Lao or NightWolf?
(Y/N) #2 : Shao Kahn.
(Y/N) #1 : There’s no hope for you.
(Y/N) #2 : Okay round two. Who’s hotter? Kitana or Sonya?
(Y/N) #1 : Skarlet.
(Y/N) #2 : Dear god, what is wrong with you?
(Y/N) : Is it hot in here or is it just you?
SCORPION : It’s me.
(Y/N) : I can’t tell if you’re going along with my flirting or if you mean that literally.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Scorpion* Get over here!
SCORPION : How many times are you going to say that?
(Y/N) : *back to normal* Until it gets old.
(Y/N) : *imitating Smoke* Where there is Smoke there is fire!
SCORPION : I do not say that.
(Y/N) : One of you ninja freaks do.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Sub-Zero but with Scorpion’s voice* Get over here!
SUB-ZERO : I do not say that.
(Y/N) : *back to normal* It’s not my fault you don’t got a cool catchphrase.
(Y/N) : Come on, Kuai, don’t give me the cold shoulder. Ha! Get it? Because you got frosty powers?
SUB-ZERO : Yes. I get it, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : Cool. Glad we’re on the same page.
JADE : You and Johnny Cage are a headache.
(Y/N) : Yeah but I’m the funny one right?
JADE : By the gods…
(Y/N) : You’re cute when you get all fiery.
JADE : I am not nor will I ever be interested,
(Y/N) : Are you Outworld women conceited? I was trynna be all girl power and compliment you.
(Y/N) : 50 bucks says I beat you.
RAIDEN : I do not wager money.
(Y/N) : If you’re broke just say that.
(Y/N) : Come on, Raiden! Hook me up with Fujin.
RAIDEN : I will not play matchmaker with my brother.
(Y/N) : So you’re broke and not a matchmaker? What are you good for?
LIU KANG : Are you ready for training?
(Y/N) : Not if Kung Lao isn’t here.
LIU KANG : You know you’re the only person to utter that.
(Y/N) : Double or nothing!
LIU KANG : *laughs* I have already beaten you twenty times, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : So??? I will be the last one standing!
(Y/N) : Is it hot in here or is it just you?
LIU KANG : Didn’t you use that line on Scorpion?
(Y/N) : Give me a break. I can’t keep track of everything I said.
(Y/N) : Do your bicycle kick into Shao Kahn. He won’t leave me alone.
LIU KANG : I pity that you have to deal with that.
(Y/N) : The chosen one pities me? I must be dead meat.
(Y/N) : I’m not the bad guy anymore, Sonya.
SONYA BLADE : You were with Kano. Bad guy still stands with you.
(Y/N) : Yeesh. If you want to fuck him, go ahead.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Sonya but with Kano’s voice* ‘Ello baby, did you miss me?
SONYA BLADE : That’s not funny.
(Y/N) : *back to normal* Don’t be jealous cuz you can’t do the voice.
KUNG LAO : How come you haven’t trained with me?
(Y/N) : I’m scared I’ll hurt you.
KUNG LAO : Oh, sweetheart. That’s just not possible.
KUNG LAO : You dated Kano?!
(Y/N) : Are you judging me, Lao?
KUNG LAO : I just didn’t know your type was losers.
KUNG LAO : It seems like all the men want you.
(Y/N) : I know right? I’m a total catch.
KUNG LAO : None are better than me.
(Y/N) : You know the Darth Vader thing you got going on is kinda hot.
NOOB SAIBOT : I will bring you to death.
(Y/N) : Okay on second thought….
NOOB SAIBOT : Your fighting is impressive for an Earthrealm woman.
(Y/N) : Why thank you dark shadow thing.
NOOB SAIBOT : That doesn’t mean you can beat me.
(Y/N) : Come on, Bi-Han. We were buddies, remember?
NOOB SAIBOT : I tolerated you. I do not like you.
(Y/N) : We’ll that’s just hurtful.
(Y/N) : Come on. Say it. Just once.
KANO : *sighs* Throw a shrimp on the Barbie.
(Y/N) : Aww. You do still love me.
KANO : That bloke still hitting on you?
(Y/N) : You know how many men I have lined up? You’re going to have to be more specific.
KANO : The one with the stupid hat.
KANO : Your last chance to come back to me.
(Y/N) : I’d rather be with Shao Kahn than you.
KANO : You got yourself a death wish.
MILEENA : Come dance with me.
(Y/N) : How about no?
MILEENA : Then I’ll make you.
(Y/N) : I’m kinda into the whole vampire thing.
SKARLET : I am no vampire you mistake.
(Y/N) : Ouch. That wasn’t even necessary.
JOHNNY CAGE : You and me would make the hottest couple in Hollywood.
(Y/N) : I’d rather die than be caught dating a white American man.
JOHNNY CAGE : Death over dating me? Seriously?
(Y/N) : Now that I think about it, Takeda is kinda cute.
JACQUI BRIGGS : Don’t even (Y/N).
(Y/N) : What? I said I was thinking it.
JACQUI BRIGGS : Don’t say it…
(Y/N) : Okay I won’t….your dad’s kinda hot -
(Y/N) : To what do I owe this displeasure?
D’VORAH : The Kahn wants you. Alive.
(Y/N) : The Kahn will be disappointed then.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Shang Tsung* Your soul is mine!
SHANG TSUNG : I sound nothing like that!
(Y/N) : *back to normal* Sure you don’t…
SINDEL : You are too weak for Shao Kahn.
(Y/N) : And yet…he wants me more than you.
SINDEL : A fatal mistake he has made.
KITANA : Tell Kung Lao I am not interested.
(Y/N) : Because you’re going to admit your undying love for me right?
KITANA : *laughs* You amuse me, (Y/N).
CASSIE CAGE : So do you like girls or boys?
(Y/N) : I like whatever looks good.
CASSIE CAGE : That is such a ‘you’ answer.
CASSIE CAGE : Come on, admit it. You like him a little.
(Y/N) : He keeps sending human hearts at my door. No!
CASSIE CAGE : Who knew Shao Kahn was a romantic?
(Y/N) : You know you want me.
JAX BRIGGS : Tuh. Not exactly my type.
(Y/N) : What I gotta do? Get a cheap blonde wig?
KABAL : Fighting me won’t make you gain all my moves.
(Y/N) : That is literally how it works.
KABAL : Ah shit.
SHAO KAHN : I will kill all my concubines just to have you.
(Y/N) : Why doesn’t anyone normal want me?
SHAO KAHN : You did not deny me.
SHAO KAHN : Earthrealm is wasting your power.
(Y/N) : Let me guess, you have better use for it?
SHAO KAHN : More than you know.
(Y/N) : Tell your scream queen wife to leave me alone.
SHAO KAHN : Her jealousy is its own weapon.
(Y/N) : How the hell did the tyrant want me?!
(Y/N) : Stop sending me human hearts in a box. It’s weird.
SHAO KAHN : What would you like for me to do?
(Y/N) : Not send me human hearts???
(Y/N) : How come you’re not my mentor and Raiden is?
FUJIN : Because we wouldn’t be able to go through one lesson without you flirting.
(Y/N) : I can’t help it if you’re hot.
(Y/N) : I’m ready to be blown away Fujin. Get it? Because you control the wind. And stuff…
FUJIN : Yes, (Y/N). I get it.
(Y/N) : Good. Let’s tussle.
(Y/N) : 50 bucks says I beat you.
FUJIN : Are you sure you want to lose all your money?
(Y/N) : Oh you think you’re the funny one here?
FUJIN : Ignore Shao Kahn’s advances, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : You say that like I’ve been hanging around with him.
FUJIN : After finding out about Sindel, I don’t know what to expect.
FUJIN : Your power is most impressive.
(Y/N) : *giggling* I take that like you’re flirting with me.
FUJIN : You take everything I say as me flirting with you.
NIGHTWOLF : You are a powerful warrior, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : *giggling* You make me blush, Nightwolf.
NIGHTWOLF : Show me what you can do.
(Y/N) : If your name isn’t Nightwolf then what is it?
NIGHTWOLF : I will never hear the end of it if I tell you.
(Y/N) : Aw. Don’t be shy, Nighty.
LIU KANG : (Y/N) says she likes you better than me.
KUNG LAO : Smart and beautiful. What doesn’t she have?
LIU KANG : The sense to realize I am the better one.
SHAO KAHN : I will have (Y/N) and take over Earthrealm.
KUNG LAO : Tuh. Don’t think you’re her type.
SHAO KAHN : Says the one who gets rejected for Liu Kang.
LIU KANG : You know…(Y/N) doesn’t seem like your type.
KANO : She wasn’t personality wise but body wise she was.
LIU KANG : You are truly insufferable, Kano.
SINDEL : That pretender has gotten under your skin.
SHAO KAHN : I don’t need you of all people to tell me that.
SINDEL : That rat will die where she stands.
SCORPION : Your ex will not stop showing her affections for me.
KANO : She’ll fuck anything with a pulse.
SCORPION : She dated you. I expect that.
RAIDEN : (Y/N), keeps asking about you.
FUJIN : Really? What has she said?
RAIDEN : Do not fall for a mortal, brother.
JOHNNY CAGE : We all know you wanna bone (Y/N), dude.
NIGHTWOLF : I can’t tell if you’re (Y/N) impersonating Cage or if that’s really you.
JOHNNY CAGE : Really? We act that much alike?
JADE : How are you friends with (Y/N)?
KITANA : She’s not as bad as you think she is, Jade.
JADE : I highly doubt that.
FUJIN : Stay away from, (Y/N).
SHAO KAHN : I am not threatened by an air bender.
FUJIN : You should be.
SONYA BLADE : (Y/N) is not your friend, Cassie.
CASSIE CAGE : Can’t you put your beef in the past? She’s cool.
SONYA BLADE : Once a black dragon, always a black dragon.
I’m pretty much a badass so it was expected that I was the one to defeat Kronika. There was one thing I wasn’t sure about. The hourglass.
Changing history would mean the relationships I’ve made along the way would be forgotten. And I would go back to being the evil bitch in the Black Dragon.
In the new timeline, I made it exactly how it should be. Liu Kang and Kung Lao heroes. Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and the others casted away like they never existed.
Everything was supposed to be peaceful.
I started to feel a newfound boredom. Because there was no chaos and I made everything perfect, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
The people I’ve once cared about had no recollection of me and I didn’t know what to be. The only reason why I was one of the good guys was because of the people that were near and dear to my heart.
So I did what I do best, I played the bad guy.
And damn does it feel good to be the bad guy again.
A/N : part 2 or mk 1 next?????
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avocado-writing · 1 month
Idk if you know Mortal Kombat, especially mileena (she's my favorite) but may I please get a Wolverine and/or Deadpool with a gf who has a mutation like Mileena.
She thinks she's ugly when she uses it but the boys think otherwise 🎀
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This is (my wife) Mileena
When Wade fights with you at his side, your carnage is always prefaced with a quiet request. 
“Please don’t look.”
And, because he is fundamentally a good dude, he doesn’t.
Fuck. He really wants to, though.
The noises that you make when he turns his back to focus on a different opponent are… interesting. It sounds like a bunch of really wet celery being snapped in half to a symphony of screams. When he’s done slicing people into teeny tiny chunks he turns around and sees you standing there in a pool of blood, trying to get the stain of it off your jacket.
He’s never been so curious about something in his entire life.
You’re so lovely. Loveliest thing he’s ever met. How the fuck he managed to convince you to give him a chance he’ll never know. God, the stars, and luck must have all been on his side that day, when after you’d finished taking down a cartel he’d asked you to grab a coffee and you’d said yes. Ever since then it’s been great. He loves spending days on window-shopping dates with you, fingers intertwined as he leaves you breathless with laughter; lazing on his sofa with some stupid rom-com playing with a bucket of popcorn between you both; snuggled in his usual corner booth at his favourite pizza place playing footsie beneath the table.
Perfect. You are perfect in every way.
So if all it takes is looking away when you ask him to then it’s a pretty easy compromise.
Unfortunately what you don’t take into account is that he is an idiot.
Wade catches the sight of you in the reflection of his katana the next time you’re out on a job. He’s just liberated some dude’s head from the rest of his body and is cleaning his blade when he spots you. 
And he cannot turn away.
Your mouth is open so wide it could rival a snake’s. Rows of jagged teeth which help you dismember the man who has been caught in the vine of your tongue, struggling to get away as he screams for help. When your jaws snap shut the man is silenced. You spit out the remains of his face onto the ground beside you like discarded gum.
“Holy shit!” says Wade. You squeak when you realise he’s caught the reflection of you, covering your mouth with both hands as it returns to its normal soft, kissable line.
“Oh no!” you whisper. Wade dispatches the last guy who’s running for him with a well-aimed bullet before coming to gather you in his arms.
“Baby, hey, it’s okay!” he says quickly when it’s obvious that you’re about to cry. You look up at him with glistening eyes.
“But Wade, I look so ugly,” you manage, “I thought… if you saw… you might not want to…”
Be with me any more, are the words which hang unspoken in the air. Wade guffaws.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Babe, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Your eyebrows crease together in confusion. He wants to use his thumb to smooth it out, but instead chooses to wipe a tear off your face.
“Of course! Shit, you’ve got that fuckin’ Venom thing going on? Like Mileena from Mortal Kombat but sexier? Come on, I’d be a fool if I wasn't rocking a semi right now!”
This makes you laugh properly, from your stomach, and all your worry is forgotten.
“I shouldn’t have worried…” you sigh when you get your wits back.
“Nah, of course not. You’ll always be my boo, okay?”
You grin up at him, before an idea very clearly crosses your mind.
“Oh! That means now I can show you what my tongue can do.”
He isn’t proud of it, but that promise almost makes him cum in the suit.
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taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk @starfleetteddybear
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domnamewoman · 11 months
I was wondering if I could request an angst we’re all of the MK 2023 characters S/O get turned injured severely by Titian Shang Tsung (could have a happy end, could not…up too you!)
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Characters: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Reptile, Baraka, Shang Tsung, Rain
Warnings: Angst 😭, Canon-Typical Violence
Requests Are Open
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Liu Kang’s heart stopped as he saw your body lying there, lifeless on the ground. He bent down to cradle you in his arms as tears fell from his eyes. He couldn’t believe it, the love of his life was now gone. He blamed himself for not getting there in time. Why was fate always so cruel, was he really destined to be alone? No, no he wouldn’t accept it. He was the Keeper of Time. He would reverse time and make sure that he is here to prevent such a horrid outcome. He would end Titan Shang Tsung once and for all.
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Raiden felt as though he could throw up as he looked at your unconscious body lying in the bed. Titan Shang Tsung had blasted you off a cliff and you hit your head on a rock when you landed. The physician told Raiden that you were in a coma from the head injury. There was no telling when you would wake up or if you ever would. Raiden held your hand and rested his forehead on it as he let his tears fall. All he could do was stay by your side and wait. And he would, even if it was forever.
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Kung Lao was angry. At himself for not being there, at the physicians for not being able to save you, but mostly at Titan Shang Tsung. He was the cause of all of this. Kung Lao placed one last kiss on your lips as he promised you to get revenge. He would stop at nothing to see Titan Shang Tsung taken down. He pushed his grief to the side and focused on making a plan to get to Titan Shang Tsung. He would grieve once his promise to you was fulfilled.
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Johnny Cage struggled to find meaning in anything anymore. Without you, there just wasn’t any point to life for Johnny. Who cared about the movies, or the awards, or even saving Earthrealm from destruction? He couldn’t bring you back by doing any of it so he deemed it all useless. Johnny stopped trying, losing his arrogance and bravado. How great is “Johnny Cage” if he can’t even save his love? He was nothing but a failure in his eyes now and that’s how he would live.
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Kenshi Takahashi felt all the joy in his life slipping away as he felt your blood slip through his fingers where he was applying pressure to your wound. He tried to smile and reassure you that the physician was on their way and you would make it out alive but he knew it was too late. He knelt there, helpless as you exhaled your final breath, going completely limp. Kenshi sat there with you in his arms for hours, pushing away Johnny and Kung Lao as they tried to get him to let you go. He couldn’t, not ever.
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Kitana released a scream as she heard your neck snap at the hands of Titan Shang Tsung. Why? Why did it have to be you to charge at him? Why didn’t you listen to her when she told you to wait? Why couldn’t she move fast enough to prevent this from happening? Kitana gripped your shirt and cried into your chest as the fight continued around her. How was she supposed to go on? But she had to, for you. It’s what you would have wanted her to do. She vows to you as she grabs her bladed fans that she will avenge your death.
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Mileena spent all of her time trying to find someone to help you. She was the Empress and she would spare no cost of getting the best physicians, the best medicine, whatever was needed to accelerate your healing process. The court could be mad all they wanted, but she didn’t care about her duties. Her only priority right now was seeing you healthy and back on your feet again. The only thing that could distract her from this is any updates on Titan Shang Tsung’s whereabouts. She would make sure that he died by her hands for harming her love.
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Tanya watched in unbelief as Titan Shang Tsung stuck his claws deep into your abdomen. You crumpled to the ground, coughing up blood. Tanya rushed over and held you in her arms. She didn’t know how could she let this happen. She was Umgadi for goodness sake. And yet, she could protect her love from danger. She pulled you out of the path of battle, making sure you were as comfortable as you could be as she applied pressure to your wounds. She would make sure that you survived no matter what.
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Bi-Han was filled with rage. Titan Shang Tsung dared to take his love away from him. How could Bi-Han call himself Earthrealm’s protector when he couldn’t even protect you? No, he would make Titan Shang Tsung pay for what he did. Bi-Han would gather all of the Lin Kuei and hunt him down. No longer was their purpose protecting Earthrealm. Their only mission was to kill Titan Shang Tsung to avenge the death of his lover. Nothing else mattered or was more important to him.
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Kuai Liang couldn’t control the fire rolling off of his body as he saw you there unmoving, at Titan Shang Tsung’s feet. He rushed toward him, swinging out his chained knives aiming for his head. Kuai Liang fought with everything in him, letting his anger fuel his fire. He didn’t worry about his own well-being, what was the point now that you were gone? He ignored all the pain from his injuries and pressed on. He would put an end to Titan Shang Tsung, or he would die trying.
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Tomas ran with all his might holding on to your limp body. He had to get you to a physician and quick. He couldn’t, no, he wouldn’t lose another family member. After his family was killed and he joined the Lin Kuei, he thought he would never have to go through heartache like that again. He couldn’t imagine a world without you. He pleaded with you to stay with him as he looked down at you taking shallow breaths. He ignored the burning in his legs and he pushed himself to run faster. He won’t lose you too.
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Syzoth didn’t believe what they told him when he arrived at the palace. How could you be dead? It wasn’t possible. While he was out on a mission Titan Shang Tsung attacked? No, no that couldn’t be. He continued to deny it until they brought him to see your body. This couldn’t be happening to him again. Why could he never protect his loved ones? Why did he always have to be left completely alone? He will get his revenge. He will take away everything that Titan Shang Tsung has ever held dear.
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Baraka knew that fate could be cruel when he got infected with Tarkat. But he thought he would be allowed some form of happiness in his life. That proved to be wrong when you were killed, leaving him all alone. Baraka could feel his sanity slipping. He was left with nothing yet again. The only one he loved was taken from him. All he could think about was shredding Titan Shang Tsung into pieces. He would turn into the savage beast everyone thought he was. He had nothing more to lose.
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Shang Tsung couldn’t believe you were killed. To make matters worse, it was at the hands of his doppelganger. Shang Tsung would question what type of person he was for there to be a version of himself out there that would commit such a heinous act. Shang Tsung would practice all the sorcery in the world to find a way to bring you back. He didn’t care how many souls he had to steal. Starting with the soul of Titan Shang Tsung. He would prove that he was the best version in all timelines.
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Zeffeero dropped to his knees in front of your lifeless body. What was it all for? He spent all his time trying to get power and status and for what? Just for the beloved to no longer be a part of his life? Zeffeero looked up, no one seemed to notice you, the most important person to him, lying on the cold ground. No, they didn’t get to go on with their lives like nothing happened. He would ruin their lives just like his now was. He would rain down an endless flood and drown them all.
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dewana · 11 months
"Die for you"
Syzoth x fem! Reader
Synopis: You’re on a mission with Syzoth, empress Mileena and Lord Liu Kang sent you both to investigate the sudden criminal activities happening on the outskirts of Sun Do.
3k words
Song: “Die for you”- Scott Bradlee’s postmodern jukebox
Warning: s m u t, minors dni
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“Syzoth, what do you think is the cause of these riots?”
You were in a desert like place, it was the nighttime so the sun wasn’t as cruel. Little grains of sand crunched beneath your foot and you winced at the uncomfortable feeling. Few plants were in your line of vision only few cacti, which alerted you without plants your powers were useless. Of course you were skilled in hand to hand combat but it was better to be at full power when battling an unknown enemy.
“I do not know, my lady.” The reptile shifter answered not looking your way. You had a feeling he wasn’t fond of you, often avoiding your gaze or standing in the opposite side of the room. You were confused as to why he was behaving that way, have you upset him any way?
“There is no need to address me so formally, Syzoth.” You mumbled sheepishly, his gaze rested upon your face for a moment.
“You are Lord Liu Kangs paramour therefore your title is as such.” Your eyes widened at that statement.
Liu Kangs paramour? You wanted to laugh at that, he was your mentor nothing more. A quiet chuckle escaped your lips, you gently placed your palm on Syzoth’s shoulder.
“We are not lovers, he is sort of my boss… my mentor.” You explained, the tattooed man stopped dead in his tracks. He quickly turned around, his fist clenched at his sides. He had a rather serious expression, eyebrows furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line.
“You are not?” He asked again, and you shook your head affirmatively. He nodded quickly and resumed walking.
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The rest of the walk was silent, the only noise was your feet shuffling on the ground. You did however catch a lot of subtle side looks from the reptile. Instead of walking ahead he walked along, helping you up a rock. Something changed within him after the conversation you two shared, you didn’t mind however that still hasn’t explained his past behavior.
“Syzoth have I done something to upset you?” You finally asked, the tension becoming unbearable, you fiddled with your fingers. He looked at you suprised.
“No not at all. Why do you think that?” He asked, you could feel roots growing along your ankles. Stress negatively affected your powers, they listened to your heart not your mind.
“Oh it’s just that, since we met you have been kind of avoidant of me? And I was wondering if I have upset you in some way? If i have I’m really sorry.” You mumbled, the roots tightening around your legs. Syzoth’s face held a warm expression, he scratched the back of his neck and cleared his throat.
“You have done nothing wrong, it’s my fault actually. I thought that you and Lord Liu Kang were together and since he’s a god i did not want to make you uncomfortable or annoy you with my presence. I know that to many I am a freak and i did not want to scare you and disrespect Lord Liu Kang by being in your presence. A beautiful woman like you should not be forced to be in my presence, an ugly shifter.” He explained, eyes locked with the ground. You could not help the gentle laugh that escaped you, Syzoth raised his head at that.
“Oh, Syzoth” You mumbled and placed your palms on his cold ones. “You are very handsome, inside and out. You must not think so lowly of yourself, and I do not understand why you thought such things. I enjoy your presence.” You smiled and picked a small cacti that was dying on the sandy ground. You raised your hand above the small cacti and green light emerged from your palm, with your power the cacti grew stronger and greener, colorful flowers sprouted from the plant. “Even if you think of yourself lowly there are people like me that see the beauty in you, like this cacti. Someone noticed your potential and you grew into an honorable and kind man.” You handed him the healthy plant. He gently took the plant from your hands smiling slightly.
As you continued your journey you couldn’t help but ponder as to why he thought that he should erase himself from your presence if you were “with” Liu Kang. There was no point in overthinking the matter when you could just ask him.
“If you don’t mind answering I have a question.” Syzoth nodded “Why would me being with someone be so important that you avoid me?” You could see the man tense when the words left your lips.
“I um, I was infatuated with you the moment my eyes fell upon yours, but since I thought you were with someone the best thing for me to do was purge myself of those feelings and it was easiest avoiding you. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to contain myself, your beauty, your smile, how kind you are to everyone, how nice and warm you are.” He stopped immediately after muttering those words, you could see a little bit of a green hue on his cheeks. You couldn’t help but sprouting the same red hue on yours. You stared deeply into his eyes, he shyly gazed into yours.
“You liked me?” You asked stepping a bit closer to the man.
“Still do, my technique did nothing.” He admitted slightly embarrassed “I thought day and night about you, nothing really helped.”
"If now you know that I'm single will you act on your feeling?" You asked curiously.
"Would you like me to?" He responded his tone equally curious, you nodded you head slightly. Syzoth stepped even closer, your chests almost touching, he lowered his head so your foreheads were touching. You placed your hand on his cheek, he placed his much larger cold hand over yours, wanting to feel him even closer you pressed your lips against his. Syzoth melted in your hold, quickly becoming putty, his lips searched yours feverishly but before he could deepen the kiss you pulled away.
"After the mission is complete, If you want I can share my warmth with you." The reptile shifter nodded excitedly, intertwining his fingers with yours.
"Does that mean you're mine?" He asked hopefully.
"If you want me to be." Syzoth nodded eagerly.
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You finally arrived at the rebel camps, you observed it from above a mountain, you laid on your stomach a knife in your hands, Syzoth turned invisible but was still close to you.
"100 to 150 tents filled with max 14 people over two thousand rebels." You spoke quietly to the earpiece that was connected to the current Umgadi on duty which was Tanya.
"Understood, do no engage in combat as of now, there is backup heading your way. Syzoth sneak into the camp and find out as much as you can about their plans." Tanya spoke through the intercom, you nodded at her orders.
Syzoths invisible hand tapped your shoulder signalising he was heading into the camp, you nodded and kept observing the camp. The leader, someone wearing the army's uniform that was enforced under Shao.
"Their leader is someone from Shao's army." You spoke to the intercom. "I do not know who he is but he's wearing an army uniform."
"That should not be possible, we interrogated and disposed of any survivors of Shao's unit." Tanya's voiced echoed in your ear
"Maybe he escaped and started to follow in the generals footsteps." You entertained that idea but it seemed foolish, Shao along with Reiko were defeated and killed for the crimes against Outworld.
"The reinforcements are in close proximity to your location, attack the camp but do not kill anyone, capture the so called leader and bring him to Sun Do before Empress Mileena."
You moved back from your current position to greet the aiding troops. Li Mei as their leader, you bowed with respect.
"First Constable" You said and hugged the woman, she returned the gesture and smiled warmly.
"Earth mage." She responded "Where is Syzoth?" She asked
"Spying I shall tell him to regroup." You turned from the woman and switched channels to Syzoths earpiece. "Syzoth? Regroup the aid is here and we attack once you return." The reptile shifter suddenly appeared next to you his invisibility fading.
With everyone ready you prepared a silent ambush to take the rebels by surprise. Injuring as little people as possible, Syzoth was behind you his invisibility once more in full effect.
You noticed three entrances that lead to the mountain protected camp, once all the troops entered you dug your heel into the rocky ground and raised your palms, the entrances were closed by walls of rock, alerting the rebels but before they could prepare the Sun Do police were already in the works.
You ran towards where you last saw the leader, a well built man with a helmet covering his head. He was walking towards the largest tent in the camp surely it belonged to him. You sealed of the exits with cacti roots and grabbed the man in a chokehold. He was a skilled fighter but you were even better, defeating him without breaking a sweat Syzoth reappeared at your side, tying up the man.
In this moment you felt a bit of relief flow through you, Syzoth and you were unharmed and you caught the vigilante. But that feeling was trampled when a second person emerged from the shadows, dagger in hand aiming for your back. In second Syzoth shielded you with his own body, when you regained your senses the man was trying to escape to notice that the exits were sealed off.
"Big mistake buddy" You said angrily, running towards him and kicking him in the side of his head, he fell on the ground instantly. Your roots wrapped around his limbs. "Tanya, target secured we're moving out." You notified the Umgadi and quickly moved to Syzoth who was clutching his side, green blood dripping from his fingers. He sat on the ground and you quickly kneeled next to him. "Show me." He reluctantly moved his palm revealing a nasty gash. You sucked in a breath and ripped a part of your sash to tie it around his abdomen. "Take off your shirt." You ordered
"I thought we're doing that after the mission?" He teased and sucked in a sharp breath as you tied the material around the wound.
"Unfortunately you're not a plant so I can't heal you but I'm sure the police have a medic with them. You'll be fine." You mused helping him up. "Li Mei everything taken care of?" You asked through the intercom.
"Affirmative, a few minor injuries but we're fine."
"I'm gonna need aid, Syzoth got stabbed but the target is secured."
Soon enough three of Sun Do's police arrived at the scene taking the target into custody, you helped Syzoth out of the tent and out of the camp.
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Empress Mileena congratulated you both on a mission well done, granting you favour in her court. Syzoth was rushed to this room along with a doctor who would heal him, you went to visit him after sharing your report with Tanya and Liu Kang.
"Syzoth?" You asked after knocking on his door. You noticed the injured man laying beneath a heavy duvet only his eyes visible. "Cold?" You teased
The reptile avoided your gaze, shifting between the window and the door where you were standing. You noticed the uncared for plants in the corners of his room, with your magic you restored their healthy and vibrant forms. You sat on the corner of his bed, he refused to look at you, which saddened you.
"Syzoth what's wrong?" You asked placing you palm on his chest, he took a deep breath and tried to sit up to the best of his abilities. You helped him of course, placing a few pillows behind him for comfort.
"I do not want you to see me in this state." He whispered, his voice hoarse and sad.
"Why on earth shouldn't I see you in this state? You took a blow for me, I'm thankful." You scoffed, and awaited further explanation.
"I do not want you to see me weak, it is unbecoming of a potential mate." He quickly explained, the tips of his ears turning green.
You laughed at that, and climbed over Syzoth, he followed your every movement with curious eyes.
"You sacrificed your health for me, you protected me that is exactly what a mate does." You used his definition of a partner to help him understand better. "You're very hard on yourself, you didn't even have to protect me, I could take the blow." Syzoth very quickly sat on the bed with you in his lap, you combed through his short hair.
"I would die for you" He spoke seriously, his gaze stern and searching your approval.
"Don't die for me, live for me." You answered pressing your forehead against his. The reptile shifter basked in your warmth, his arms wrapped around your waist, his face hidden in your neck. You gently petted his hair then his back. You noticed the subtle goosebumps appearing on his skin. You felt his lips on your neck.
"Syzoth" You said breathlessly "You're injured, we shouldn't" You spoke not fully convincing yourself.
"You said you'd share your warmth with me once the mission is over." He argued pressing feather kisses to your jaw.
"I didn't take into account you could get hurt." You whispered against his lips. But before you could say anything more, he connected your lips silencing you. His hands roamed from your waist to your hips, you in turn wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him closer.
His tongue moved against yours, teeth clashing and subtle moans stained the air. You gripped his short hair and pulled his head away from you to catch your breath. In that moment Syzoth stared at you, eyes full of passion and lust. You could feel his groin stiffen under you, and you took in a sharp breath. Your hands found themselves on his broad chest, leaning in for another hungry kiss.
"Please beloved" He moaned in your ear, slightly grinding his hips against yours. You finally gave into the temptation, stripping your top and bottoms leaving you half naked in your lingerine. Syzoth was topples, his abdomen covered in white bandages, loose undergarments covered his manhood that was becoming more noticeable.
You smiled into the kiss but pulled away soon enough he whined at the loss of contact and warmth you provided his cold body. Pressing your palm to his chest, pushing him slightly so he would lay on the bed. You palmed him through his undergarments, applying just enough pressure to have Syzoth moaning breathlessly.
"Take them off." He eagerly followed your order, leaving him completely bare before you. His dick pink and leaking precum at the tip, twitching occasionally. You could barely wrap your hand around him, nonetheless you stroked his dick in a slow but firm motion. Syzoth reached towards you, pleasure already making him hazy. You took off your panties and tossed them behind the huge bed.
"Please wanna feel you, please." The reptile shifter begged glancing at you through half lidded eyes, his chest heaving with laboured breaths as pleasure coursed through his body. You obeyed his wishes and once again straddled him, his dick snugly fitted between your tighs and lips. Syzoth moaned at the warmth from your body so close to his dick. He sat up swiftly grabbing your ass, his head laid between your breasts and you couldn't help but giggle. You entangled you fingers into his hair, but quickly abandoned the soft gesture to take off your bra. Syzoth stared at your pebbled nipples, and quickly wrapped his lips around the left one, you moaned quietly slightly moving your hips against his erection. Syzoth shuddered at that, kissing your right breast.
You propped yourself up on your knees and grabbed his dick and aligned it with your entrance. Lowering yourself slowly on his girth, you bit back a groan of discomfort and pain that you felt at the new contact.
Syzoth moved his fingers to your clit and rubbed comforting circles on it, shocks of pleasure coursing through you and him. As the discomfort subsided you lowered yourself even more, Syzoth tried not to buck his hips up into you. When he finally bottomed out you started moving, riding him gave you great pleasure no doubt. He fit snugly in your velvety walls, rubbing all the right spots.
The shifter gazed at you lovingly, eyes scrunched up in pleasure, airy moans escaping your lips, breasts bouncing with each movement of your hips. He massaged them with his large cold hands, yours found themselves on his chest once more.
"Please baby, let me make you feel good." Syzoth spoke breathlessly stilling your movements, you cracked an eye open and nodded. He pulled out and flipped you on your back, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he re-entered you quickly, already missing your warmth.
"Can I move?" He asked once he bottomed out inside you.
"Yes please." You answered and leaned in to press your lips together, Syzoth began to roll his hips into your heat.
"Please Syzoth faster." You whispered, he obeyed and thrusted deeper and harder, placing one hand on the headboard, the other placed right behind your head.
You could feel the familiar knot forming in your abdomen, Syzoth noticing how you squeezed him, pressed circles into your clit, doubling the pleasure and quicken your upcoming orgasm.
"I'm gonna cum, Syzoth yes like that." You moaned your nails digging into his back, Syzoth himself could feel the knot in his abdomen almost snap but he wanted to make you feel good first.
"I'm almost there baby." He groaned, thrusting into you quicker his pace turning a bit sloppy and erratic indicating his near climax.
The change felt so good your eyes rolled back to your skull, body spasming and pussy fluttering around his dick. That was just what he needed to burst the knot in his abdomen.
"I'm cummin'" he groaned "Baby please let me" His chest heaved words not making sense. "Inside s'warm please" He begged and you nodded giving into the pleasure.
You could feel him spurting thick white ropes into your heat, he thrusted a few times to ride out his orgasm. He panted above you, brows scrunched and lips pressed together. A thin sheet of sweat covered you both, a distinctive aroma of sex filled his quarters.
"Can we stay like this?" He asked moving to lay beside you, his dick softening inside you. You nodded throwing your leg over his hip nestling him even deeper inside. Syzoth's head pressed onto your breasts you smiled and kissed the top of his hair. "I want to stay like this forever. You're so warm and wet and smell so good." He panted out the words, and you could feel something growing hard inside you once more.
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m-beloved · 10 months
Kitana intros with a goddess s/o? (If you do female readers)
btw that kitana fic ?? 😭❤️
I mainly do male and gn readers, but I can write female readers sometimes. It mostly depends on my mood tbh.
Ooc Kitana, female reader, questionable author's note
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Kitana vs you
Kitana: My goddess. You: My princess.
You: Have my blessings been enough for you? Kitana: They have been more than enough, my love.
Kitana: Are my offerings good enough for you, my goddess? You: Anything you give me is always excellent, my dear.
Kitana: I would love to be able to spend a day with you in Outworld. You: I shall see when I'm available.
Kitana: Those worshippers of yours has been pestering me about you. You: I'll get them to back off, they should know better.
You: Your devotion to me has not gone unnoticed. Kitana: I am pleased that others know about us.
Kitana: Mother and Mileena want to meet you. You: I shall wear my best outfit then.
You: When we wed, would you like to follow Outworld customs or mine? Kitana: I'll be happy as long as we can get wed.
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A/n: I want Bi-Han in my bed tied up with his hair down, a vibrator in him, a cock ring on, fully waxed, hard as a rock, ass up, legs spread, whimpering and trembling with arousal with an array of toys on the nightstand.
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chibikyo · 1 year
Day 8 - Breeding Kink
Baraka x M!Reader
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Tarkat has some strange effects, including sending it's victims into a heat/rut cycle every six months. Baraka, no longer contagious, spends his upcoming rut with his new partner, filling him up to bursting. Reader is AMAB and male pronouns/anatomy used Warnings: breeding kink, slight mention of mpreg (not actual mpreg tho), cum inflation, belly bulge, not ABO but Baraka is experiencing a rut, slight cock warming, rough sex, biting and blood play (very slight, Baraka is a sharp boy), enthusiastic consent
The feeling of Baraka’s arms around his waist, tugging him flush against the Edenian’s fevered skin made Y/n squirm with anticipation. Since Empress Mileena’s court mages had discovered a way to prevent people already infected with Tarkat from spreading the disease, he had finally entered into a tentative relationship with the Tarkatan leader. It had taken much convincing on his part for Baraka to give him a chance, but he’d been awed by the man’s perseverance and fortitude and Baraka was equally as charmed by Y/n’s admiration.
            It wasn’t long after Baraka had entered courtship with him that they‘d fallen into bed together. Baraka had been so gentle, aware just how many ways he could hurt his lover, but Y/n was always quick to reassure him and slowly, Baraka had become more open with his affections. He still treated his partner delicately, sometimes infuriatingly so, so it came as a surprise when Baraka, looking quite embarrassed, had requested Y/n to assist him with his rut. Male Tarkatan experienced a sort of pseudo heat/rut cycle, once or twice a year, likely as a side effect of the infection. They would be hit with a strong fever and the strong urge to breed that, if left to fester, could be extremely painful.
            Y/n had been quick to agree, reassuring Baraka again that he trusted him, that it would be okay if Baraka couldn’t be as gentle as he usually was. He understood Baraka might become a little feral once the rut was in full swing, and they had discussed a few precautions and safety measures, but there had been no need for those. Since Baraka had first stripped the clothes from his own fevered skin the day before, he had made it his single-minded focus to shower Y/n with pleasure and they were well into full rut now.
            He felt Baraka thrust his cock forward, rutting shallowly against Y/n’s hole, still wet from the cum Baraka had already pumped into him. Baraka had been insatiable before this, able to cum several times before he was satisfied, but now it dialed up to eleven. No matter how long he went or how much he came, Baraka always seemed ready to go within a few minutes. Y/n was too weak and tired to protest, body sore in the best of ways as he felt the tip of Baraka’s cock catch on his fluttering rim, pushing into him with a slick squelch.
            “Are you sure you don’t need a break,” Baraka growled, teeth pressed against Y/n’s shoulder even as he bottomed out in the smaller man. Y/n gasped as Baraka pressed against his prostate and trembled in his arms. Y/n twisted, pressed his lips against Baraka’s nose as he rocked his hips back encouragingly.
            “Take what you need, sweetheart.” Y/n murmured. “Want you inside me, always, feels so good.” Baraka hissed, teeth scraping against Y/n’s delicate flesh as he began to thrust, slow but powerful thrusts, each one punching into Y/n’s sweet spot.
            Y/n felt his cock stirring. He hadn’t managed to get more than half-hard for the last few hours, his cock utterly spent and oversensitive, but it seemed his body was finally ready to participate again. One of their safety measures meant Y/n had to have a very awkward conversation with his sister who would be lingering within the Tarkatan colony to pull him out should things go south. She’d hugged him, told him that he was lucky she loved him enough not to vomit while discussing his sex life, before she’d gone to a few Outworld healers to see what they could whip up to assist him. Apparently those infected with Tarkat were not the only Outworld race to experience heat/rut cycles and he’d been supplied with protein shakes laced with low grade aphrodisiacs to help him keep up.
            Baraka had just finished helping him drink one of them an hour ago, holding the straw his sister had been smart enough to procure to his lips and had stroked his stomach as Y/n drank. He was grateful they seemed to be working as his cock began to leak pre-cum from Baraka’s assault on his likely swollen prostate. Baraka fought to keep things slow, languid, for as long as possible, but the heat burning under his flesh always won. He started to rut harder, faster, clawed hands that were surprisingly beautiful grasping Y/n’s hips so he could pull him down to meet each thrust and Y/n couldn’t help letting out gasping, breathy moans with each drag of Baraka’s cock.
            “Gods you’re still so tight.” Baraka hissed. He rolled Y/n onto all fours, pulling his hips up so he could thrust into him even harder. Y/n spread his legs wider, rocked back to match Baraka’s rhythm. He felt Baraka’s hand sneak under him, pressing a hand to his belly, and the Tarkat shuddered to a halt. Y/n whimpered as the orgasm that had been steadily building fizzled out, watching Baraka’s hand stroke the hard lines of his stomach. The tiniest hint of a bulge could be seen as Baraka pressed into him deeper and Y/n moaned, realizing that Baraka was so big he could feel his own cock buried inside him. “Feel that? How perfectly you were made for me.”
            “Baraka, please.” Y/n whined. “Please, need you to fill me up with your cum; want to be full of you.” Baraka began to thrust again, hard enough that Y/n could see the tip of his cock poking his skin every time he buried himself in his tight heat. Baraka had already cum in him so many times that it sloshed around inside him, but he didn’t care. He had to have more. The sensation when Baraka came was addicting; his whole body was burning from the rut, his cock a molten heat against his sensitive walls, and his cum just as hot and thick and Y/n moaned with need as Baraka growled into his ear.
            “Not full yet?” Baraka hissed. “Greedy little thing, aren’t you. Still so tight even after I’ve fucked you nonstop for a whole day.” He pressed harder against Y/n’s belly, relishing the sweet noises it evoked from his lover. His other hand squeezed at the supple flesh of Y/n’s ass, claws digging gently into the skin. Y/n’s back was a mess of tiny abrasions and cuts from where he’d rubbed against the protrusions on Baraka’s chest. Baraka leaned down, lapped at the raw skin with his tongue, cleaning up the tiny specks of blood that stained each one.
            “Going to fill you up so well with this one.” Baraka groaned. “The last times were just warm up, preparing you to be bred.” Y/n moaned at that and he heard Baraka laugh. “Do you want that, darling? Want me to breed you, fill you up with my seed? Wish I could breed you for real, you’d look so beautiful carrying my child.” Y/n let out another gasp, picturing it in his mind as Baraka reached down to stroke his cock in time with his thrusts.
            “You’ll look the part when I’m done.” Baraka continued, savoring the symphony of moans and gasps that Y/n could no longer control. “I should plug this whole between rounds, ensure none of my seed is wasted, and just fuck more into you over and over.”
            Y/n felt something snap inside him as Baraka hit his prostate with a final thrust, his hand furiously stroking Y/n’s aching cock, and he came with a scream, painting the sheets below him with cum as Baraka unleashed a torrent of his own inside him. His whole body felt on fire, burning up from the inside as he was hit by wave after wave of aftershocks, the longest orgasm he’d ever experienced. His cock didn’t even soften as Baraka continued to shoot rope after rope of cum into him, until his stomach cramped and stretched to accommodate. His arms shook with the effort not to just collapse under him.
            “Gods you’re perfect.” Baraka breathed, his hand stroking softly over Y/n’s swollen belly. As gently as he could manage, he rolled Y/n onto his back, sliding a pillow under his hips to keep them tipped upward, before sliding back into Y/n’s drooling hole. Y/n keened, feeling his own cock jerk, still hard and weeping.
Baraka wasted no time building their rhythm back up, looping his arms under Y/n’s knees to sling his legs up around his neck. Y/n barely registered the pain of his calf scraping against Baraka’s protruding bones as he was folded up into a mating press, allowing Baraka to thrust even deeper. He rutted into him rough, shallow, barely pulling back before punching his prostate again and again, a constant drag across the abused organ. All Y/n could do was hang on as Baraka drove into him over and over.
He had barely recovered from the last orgasm and already that liquid heat was pooling in his core, his cock slapping against the tiny swell of his stomach wetly. His balls were tight, aching, and ready to spill over the edge and Y/n squirmed, wanting to escape the torturous assault yet hoping Baraka would never stop; would use him like this for the rest of his rut. He reached for his cock, desperate for any sort of friction to help tip him over into oblivion but with a growl Baraka snatched his hands away, pinned them above his head. Y/n made a distressed noise, struggling against Baraka’s restraining grip but he was too tired and Baraka too strong. He let out another anguished moan as Baraka dropped his head, tongue snaking out from his teeth to tease his nipples, alternating between them with a wet slurp.
“You’ll come on my cock and nothing else,” Baraka snarled. Y/n felt tears spring into his eyes as he felt his cock twitch and jerk, the softest brush of Baraka’s abs against it the only friction he received. Baraka pulled up, taking even that away as he let out a feral growl before rutting into Y/n harder still. “Do it, darling, let me watch you fall apart. Come for me.”
Y/n felt his muscles clench, balls drawn so tight it hurt as he crashed over the edge, vision going white as the orgasm surged through him. Baraka fucked him through it, chasing his own release and howling in victory as he came again, watching in awe as Y/n’s belly stretched around the hot, gush of seed. He stilled inside him, keeping him plugged up as he pumped more and more cum into his lover, watching him writhe under him as he was forced to accept every drop. Baraka leaned down, pressed his teeth against Y/n’s parted lips and slipped his tongue inside the warm, inviting cavern of his mouth. They tangled together, the closest Baraka could come to kissing, but Y/n loved it when he indulged. 
They stayed that way for several seconds until Baraka finally unhooked the smaller man's legs from his shoulders, carefully helping him settle around him before grasping Y/n’s waist with both hands, thumbs stroking the slight bulge of his stomach. His face twisted up in what Y/n knew from experience was a devious smirk, eyes filled with equal parts awe and hunger as he watched Y/n’s breathing even out, eyes half lidded and wet with unshed tears.
“Oh fuck.” Y/n moaned as he propped himself up to look at where Baraka’s thumbs were worrying his sensitive skin. HIs stomach was no longer flat, skin stretched up into a slight bump that made him look like he was a few months pregnant. He reached down to feel for himself, gasping as the lightest press sent a bolt of pleasure straight to his cock. He collapsed back onto the pillows with a moan as he felt Baraka shift and turn, manipulating him back to their former position with Y/n as the little spoon. He did so gently, careful to keep himself sheathed inside Y/n’s tender hole so that nothing would spill out. Y/n choked as Baraka’s fingers trailed down to press at where his cock met the swollen rim, pressing a few drops of cum that had leaked out back inside him, his body stretching to accommodate the additional intrusion. 
“So full, sweetheart, Baraka, please.” Y/n whimpered, not quite sure what he was asking for. Baraka’s finger slipped out as he tugged Y/n flush to him, buried as far as he could go into Y/n’s wet heat. It was only the second day. Baraka’s rut normally would not break until the third day, sometimes going into four. If he kept this up, forced Y/n to hold it all inside? Y/n shuddered at the thought, but he knew Baraka wouldn’t force him to take more than he could handle, and Y/n was starting to enjoy the feeling of being so full
“Can’t believe how much you took. So beautiful.” Baraka bit gently into Y/n’s shoulder, the need to mark his claim on him too strong to ignore. Y/n hissed, but didn’t complain, the pain grounding him back to reality as he felt Baraka’s hips start twitching again. Y/n shuddered, not sure his body could take more right now. “It’s alright, you take a break, love. I’ll make sure nothing leaks out while you sleep.” Y/n nodded, eyes already beginning to sag as he felt Baraka’s hand move down to cup his aching stomach. “I’ll have more for you when you wake.”
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sinimake · 6 months
Whats your favorite character or ship besides johnshi and will you write about other characters?
*rubs hands* hehehe ok listen—
Nitara and Ashrah - solidly for their aesthetic parallels (um angel wings and bat wings?? Hello?? Good vs Evil??)
Kuai Liang and Hanzo - mk11 death and the tower ending do not exist to me.
Kitana and Jade - they have always been my fav duo. I just want Jade to come to the roster soon and rock tf out of Kitana's world.
Tanya and Mileena - obviously, bc Forbidden Love trope is so good! The stole glances and kisses. And the angst of Mileena wanting to disband the Umgadi to finally be with Tanya but Tanya is so devoted to Mileena that she would rather prioritize her safety and well being over her love. DO YOU GET IT?? Like choosing Mileena over her own selfish want to have her only to herself. THE DEVOTION OF LIFETIME 😭
Liu Kang and Shang Tsung (MK1) - enemies-to-lovers is spicy and delicious with these two 😩🤌❤️‍🔥 and the amount of character study i can do to Shang Tsung, development of i-blame-u-for-my-every-misfortune-u-will-atone-to-what-u-kept-from-me to suddenly-i-feel-complicted-to-kill-u-bc-u-seem-just-as-human-as-i-am. On the other hand, Liu Kang knows he can't trust Shang Tsung and should abide to his own moral value but something makes him deviate, something makes him drawn to the sorcerer. And its just 😩❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Raiden and Kung Lao - im not really friends-to-lovers girlie but they are so darn cute. The feeling slowly morphing into love but too afraid to risk their friendship then MUTUAL PINING?! I got a scene in my head that Raiden and Kung Lao are snuggling together, all tangled idk maybe watching a movie but then suddenly one of them kisses the other on the cheek then both freezes bc what just happened? this has never happened before, what does this mean?? they're both freaking out silently as they awkwardly detangle themselves from each other 😆😭🤌
As for fanfics, i always have plot bunnies jumping around everywhere, i just need them to fully mature and start producing actual coherent sentences into my head.
Rn I'm fully planned to write Railao one that's set in TMOAW&TEOAL universe. Additionally, i have an idea for a medium length Shangliu fanfic but it's only on the ✨️vibes✨️ stage. These dont have any set scedule unfortunately. I wish i was a fast writer, alas 😭
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guardianofthedawn · 8 months
*Lessons in Earthrealm culture, part two*
Syzoth: So if baby oil destroys condoms, what does it do to babies?!
Tanya: I have some news for you Syzoth, human babies and condoms are made of two completely different substances.
Kitana: It is just like the Earthrealm game Rock-Paper-Scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby.
Mileena: Rock can also defeat baby.
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
if your okay with it could you do a kitana x female reader fluff but also including mileena in some way? (she could be part of the relationship or just a part of the fic its mostly up to you) pls
A/N: Since you wanted Mileena included, I'm assuming you want MK1 Kitana. If that's not the case, I'm sorry for that. Hope you enjoy these head canons in the meantime since you didn't specify which you wanted.
Kitana x Reader Fluff
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You were no Umgadi, royalty, courtier, or noble. No, you are a constable of Sun-Do's police; specifically, you were the Second Constable, one rank below the First Constable, Li Mei, with whom you work closely. You and Kitana don't often get to spend quality time together, much less see one another, due to your respective duties, especially when Kitana is assigned the title of Supreme Commander of Outworld's army. However, you cherish every small moment you get to spend time together.
You are one another's rock and cheerleader. You can turn to one another whenever the other needs a pick-me-up. Even when you two can't physically be together in person, you both put your heart and soul into your responsibilities. All so you could make Outworld a kinder and gentler place for the other. Kitana always feels a swell of pride blossom in her chest when she sees you take down a criminal or your unwavering sense of justice.
You love Kitana's loyalty and dedication to Outworld and its people. Her kindness and selflessness seem to know no bounds, as she constantly puts others, such as her family, above her needs. Yet, you don't hesitate to remind her that SHE is just as important, not because of her status and title. But because she is more than worthy of love.
When you first told Kitana the latter sentence, she hid behind her fan to hide how misty-eyed you made her. You gently pushed her fans away and gently smiled before offering her a lotus flower, which you then put behind her left ear. You nearly fainted when Kitana kissed your cheek in response. In fact, the princess thought you might have suffered a stroke.
Mileena noted how every time she and Kitana travel through Sun-Do, her sister's eyes usually wander to look outside their carriage. Kitana's gaze skimmed through the crowd as if searching for someone.
Mileena has also noticed how sometimes, after returning from Sun-Do, Kitana has a dreamy expression on her face and a fond grin. Kitana also seems more at ease and less anxious after these trips. That and the younger twin usually returns with a lotus that Kitana only divulges came from an admirer.
Mileena silently vows to herself that when she's made Empress, she'll not only make it so that she and Tanya can be together but so could Kitana and whoever it is she's seeing. Mileena may not know you yet, but she knows you make Kitana happy. That's enough for her to silently root for you both.
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undertale-anomaly20 · 11 months
Mortal Kombat 1 x reader: Prolouge
The screen shows a dark void where sand drops through the neck of an hourglass into a heaped pile. the camera focuses on a single slow-falling grain of sand that bursts into a cosmic light. The light pulses and myriad galaxy clusters resolve in an abyss. the camera passes the many galaxies to focus on one galaxy as it spirals radiantly in the dark.
"Having liberated the Hourglass and become Keeper of Time, my next task was to restart history" Liu Kang's voice echoed out as the camera dove into the Galaxy through its clouds, to the asteroid belt around its solar system, and past a planet or molten rock "Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a new era. It was with humility and restraint that I approached this blank canvas. After careful preparation, I began work. Painting over the darkness"
The black screen soon had multiple small bursts of light across the screen, then stars as it slowly descended onto the earth's atmosphere horizon where the sun shone in the center of the horizon "After eons passed, I sketched out the realms. After eons more, I brushed them in with life"
the camera soon zooms in on the earth revealing the clouds "In my new era, all beings will have the opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, will be their responsibility. For my power only permits me to begin this endeavor. It is the duty of mortals to finish it" The camera flies through the clouds, past them to the landscape below through the mountains to an open land where a lake lays with a statue of two dragons intertwined in the center in the distance. the title appears on the screen
Mortal Kombat 1
The screen fades into black.
The scene opens on a dreary, rainy day as (Name) stands in her empty bedroom packing the last of her belongings. Five years ago, in this world at least, she had been an eager, optimistic young woman. But the events of her last involvement in the Mortal Kombat universe had taken their toll on her and now she was a bitter, stubborn, and hostile woman who had seen far too much. With no family left in the world, (Name) decided to move away and put the past behind her.
As the rain continued to pour outside (Name) packed away her possessions, lost in thought. Her mind was filled with the memories of her life before, both the good and the bad. She had loved and been loved by her friends, by her loves and her daughter, laughed and cried with them through the victories and the loss, and seen dreams come true. But she had also seen heartache and sorrow, The death of Mileena cracked her heart, and the death of Hanzo fractured her soul but her daughter, Calithea, dying in her arms was what truly broke her. The image of her turning to sand in her hands is something she can never forget and never forgive. Logically, in the back of her mind, she knew Liu Kang had to do it but that was snuffed out instantly as she remembered how she begged and pleaded with him to stop but he didn't even look at her nor did he even hesitate to continue. She could never forgive him for what he had done. She couldn't even grieve properly, She couldn't just go to a therapist or vent to anyone because in her world it never happened, and if she did she would have been called insane and thrown in an asylum. The best she could do was go to a doctor for anti-depressants which barely did anything.
Having no person to unburden her emotions too, (Name) was left to suffer such tragedy all on her own. Even though she was sent back to her world she still carried that same pain with her. Everywhere she went, she could still hear Calithea's cries for her.
(Name) sighed as she placed the last photo frame in her box before taping it up. Even though when she was sent back to her world she went from being 28 to 20 years old the same age as when she left. She was now 24 with a 30-year-old mind. She stands back up looking around to see if she missed anything giving the viewer a good look at her.
She had long (hair colour) hair at tailbone length tied into a bun, a white singlet that hugged her curves, an orange oversized flannel, blue denim jeans, brown lace-up combat boots, and a brown hobo crossbody bag containing her Phone, its charger, her wallet, some gum, wireless earbuds, and her anti-depressants that she received from her doctor.
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Physically she didn't look that much different from her 20-year-old self apart from the dull look in her eyes and the neutral expression she wears permanently. many of her old neighbors worried for her since she used to be so bright and cheerful and wondered what changed her into the woman she is now.
She sighs putting the box to the side and looking at how empty the room is. Over the 4 years, she had gotten rid of anything that reminded her of the world she once lived in and avoided anything Mortal Kombat-related. She sighs as she picks up her bag and pulls out her phone, checking the weather, to see if the rain won't be letting up. She looked so tired as she glanced at the window realising the rain wouldn't stop till tomorrow. Everything she owned was sent to her new apartment apart from a few things leaving only her wide-flat screen TV, her PS5 plugged in, a Collectors edition box, The art book for the game, and one unopened game out with a note on it. Though she hated the Mortal Kombat franchise the company sent her a test game of the latest one.
Mortal Kombat 1
"Fucking idiots" She grumbled walking over to the unopened game picking it up, with a scowl, and reading the note. It was a small printed note new Roman times print.
Dear (Name),
We are writing to thank you for agreeing to be part of our Beta Testing team for our upcoming game! We are looking forward to your help in making sure that the game is as perfect and entertaining as possible for our players.
We are sending you the only existing copy of the game for you to play through and report any glitches or bugs you may find. We understand that it is only a beta build of the game and that there will probably be some issues, and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to report any issues you may find.
Once again, thank you for being part of the Beta Testing process and helping us make the game as good as it can be. We look forward to seeing your feedback.
Sincerely, WB games
She sighed agitated "I only agreed to do it because I needed the money," She said as she sat on the floor she opened the case and took out the disk. She slipped it into the PS5 slot picked up the remote and turned the TV on "Let's get this over with" she muttered as she set it up to download the game. While she waited she picked up the art book for the game, That they sent to her exclusively, looked through the concepts of the game, and looked at the different locations. after about 2 and a half hours she watched the title screen roll in "Finally" She said closing the book and picking up the controller ready to play.
2 hours later
(Name) looked at the game in shock. She had started with the tower stories rather than the actual story mode. So far she got the gist of some things.
Kuai Liang was a scorpion and was going to marry Harumi, Hanzo was a 15-year-old boy, Sindel was going to die, Lie mei was a kombatant again, Shao Kahn was alive, Mileena and Kitana were twins, Tanya and Mileena in a secret relationship? (Name) groaned pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes in frustration "Jesus Christ Liu Kang...making the timeline a reboot" She said before dropping her hand from her nose as she looked up at the roster for the next ladder. It didn't hurt her that Mileena was with Tanya if anything She felt slightly happy that her former love found her happiness. Her eyes soften "Well done, Beautiful" She whispered.
"Alright. Who's next?" She says as she flits around the screen when she finally lands on Geras selects his character and uses Sub-Zero as the cameo. His first opponent is Kitana and Scorpion. (Name) waits for the signal to fight when the intros are finished the words fight appear on the screen. She goes to move Geras but nothing happens "...What the..." She mumbles and fiddles with the controller. The strange thing is Kitana isn't moving either just standing there. (Name) grows frustrated "Come on Gera! move!" She shouts as thunder sounds off outside the window causing a flash of light across the dark room...When Geras moves.
Facing her.
(Name) is confused seeing him fully face her, as Kitana disappears, and the camera places him at the center of the screen. He places his hands behind his back "My apologies, Lady (Name), for interrupting your work" He states. (Name)'s jaw drops "How is this..." She muttered unaware of the sand slowly sifting across the floor behind her "We do not have much time. I am sorry for this, My Lady" He said looking ashamed confusing (Name) further "What are you-?!" She is interrupted by the sand behind her whipping around her room like a storm causing her to cross her arms over to cover her eyes as her braids flay erratically around in the storm as does her bag and flannel. The camera moves to her feet as they turn to sand and quickly moves up her body soon covering her. The sand formed a tornado around her before the top of it darted towards the TV pulling her in along with it.
Once the storm subsided all that was left behind was some sand on the ground before the screen faded to black
"Forgive me, My Lady...But this universe needs you now more than ever"
The scene changes to the sun that had yet to come up over the horizon, giving the landscape an eerie and missed hue. The sky was still painted various shades of navy blue and silver, fading out into the darkness of night underneath the stars. The air was still and silent as the village of Fengjian lay – untouched by any sound – just the idyllic meadows, the few tall trees, and the distant rolling hills.
(Name) was lying unconscious on the ground, on her back, with her bag around her. She stirred awake as the sunlight hit her closed eyes, making them flutter open. She briefly opens them before squeezing them shut and slowly sitting up holding her head with one hand while using the other to prop herself up groaning in pain "Ooooh...my head..." She said trying to open her eyes. Once she does she quickly takes notice of where she is. She looks around the vast land where she sees nearly nothing but rolling hills and flat fields for farming. She sees buildings in the distance and notices some of them look familiar "...no..." She mutters as she staggers to her feet and stumbles forward a bit recognising the biggest building.
The Fengjian teahouse.
Her eyes go from shocked to angry in a matter of seconds, her teeth gritted "You've got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!" She yelled in anger. She couldn't believe that she was back in the same universe that had caused her so much pain. The tears started to flow, and she felt her chest constrict with emotion. She had been through this universe before, and the memories of the pain it had caused her came flooding back in a wave of agony. She felt so powerless, so helpless, and her anger grew with each passing second.
She couldn't believe she had been brought back here. It was like a cruel joke, a punishment for something she hadn't even done. She wanted to lash out, to fight back, to do something to make it all go away, but there was nothing she could do. She slowly started to calm down and wipe her tears.
"My goodness. Why are you crying, Young lady?"
(Name) turned her head to face who spoke to her. There stood an old woman wearing a slightly dulled pink and purple long-sleeved qipao dress, with embroidered sleeves, a purple sash around her waist, brown pants underneath, white sneakers, and a cigarette packet sticking up out of the sash a bit. her face showed many wrinkles indicating her age was somewhere in the 70s or even 80s, her hair grey pulled back into a neat and flower-like bun held together with a blue flower hairpin and a kind smile.
Understanding that the woman who stood beside her was the character Madam Bo was a shock and it truly showed "Well?" Madam Bo asked "I...I um...I'm sorry..."(Name) said looking down ashamed "I'm just lost, ma'am, I've-" "I can see that. Not many people walk around dressed like that unless they're from out of the country" Madam Bo interrupted gesturing to (Name)'s clothes and making her look down with a frown "You new or something?" (Name) looked at Madam Bo "Something like that" She replied bending down and picking up her bag to sling it across her body. She dug through it and checked her phone to see if it was working still, thankfully it still worked causing a sigh of relief to escape her. She turned to Madam Bo "Thank you for checking on me but I better get going...I need to find a way to..." (Name) trailed off shaking her head before beginning to walk away.
"I would expect nothing less from you, Viper"
(Name) stopped in her tracks before slowly looking back at, the now smirking, Madam Bo ".....How do you know that name?" She whispered. Madam Bo simply chuckled and walked past her smiling after walking a few feet ahead she turned back to (Name) "Well? follow and find out" She said and continued walking having (Name) quickly stumble to catch up to her.
The scene changes to Madam Bo and (Name) sitting at a table in the teahouse with two cups of hot tea and a large book on the table while her bag hangs on the back of the chair. The Tea House is Fengjian's heart and soul. Villagers gather here to relax, gossip, and enjoy Madam Bo's homestyle cookery. Whether you're starting your day, or winding down at night, the Tea House has a special blend made just for you. (Name) takes the cup of tea thanking Madam Bo "You called me Viper. How exactly do you know that name? Or how you know that name belonged to me?" She asked. Madam Bo smiled "Looks like you don't even know who YOU are, my dear" She replied as she opened the large book to a marked page before sliding across the table to (Name).  The old thick book was a large, rectangular object, bound in brown leather. Its pages were yellowed with age, and some were starting to come loose. The edges of the pages were worn from the thousands of times they had been read and consulted. Its spine was creased, as if its old, leather cover had been opened and closed countless times. Splashed across its exterior was a maroon pattern, which only added to its aged look. If one were to look closely, one would notice small imperfections, like dented corners, which further attested to its years of use. She looked down at the book in confusion then shock.
The book depicted her as some kind of legend. It described her to be a fierce warrior of truth and justice who would use her flames to snuff out those who would harm others for their selfish gain but would shelter those who were in need. The legend for her was that she disappeared one day never to be seen again. On the left side of the book were two paintings of her. In one of them, her hair was pulled back into a braid with a gold ribbon running through it, an orange-colored tunic underneath a gold breast/torso plate, gold wrist guards, burgundy long pants, brown boots with gold thigh guards, one-hand raised holding a ball of fire, looking at it with anger, while the other leaning on a large sword. The other one right was of her wearing an off-shoulder orange crop bra with a gold band under the bust holding an amber gem in its center, her long skirt ombres from orange to cream with deep orange clothes wrapped around her hips similar to ancient Egyptians, gold armlets and wrist guards with a silk cream colored material on both arms connected, a gold intricate collar and a light orange lily tucked behind her ear. Her long (hair colour) hair is loose and reaching the floor as she holds a ball of embers in one raised hand smiling softly at it.
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(Name) was in shock and confusion at the picture and looks back at Madam Bo, who gives her a knowing smile, confused even more "I...I don't understand...how am I a part of this..." She held her tongue from saying timeline making Madem Bo believe she was at a loss for words causing her to chuckle "Your legacy has been around since before the time of the great Kung Lao, my dear, crafted into the very walls of shaolin minds and history. The name everyone hears when they see this image? Viper" She says lighting a cigarette "This doesn't make sense though. I'm not Viper...not anymore" (Name) says sadly looking away. Madam Bo looked at her for a few moments and inhaled her cigarette before exhaling "Well then...If you're not Viper anymore what do I call you?" She asked "(Name)...just (Name)" (Name) replied looking back up at her "Alright (Name). I am Madam Bo" "It's a pleasure to meet you, Madam Bo...you said the shaolin know about me?"
Madame Bo nods "Indeed as do a few other cultures. Not sure how many exactly but a few at least. Each one depicts you differently but always with the same face" "Wow" Madam Bo smirks "We have a lot to talk about, My dear"
The scene changes to the morning light streaming into an old dusty room and the dust particles glowed in the air like fireflies. It was the bedroom of an old teahouse, and the furniture was a testament to the rural Chinese designs of the past.
In the corner of the room, there was a wooden bed that was almost a century old. It was made with a dark lacquered finish. The headboard of the bed was a simple design with little child drawings carved into it. On the bed was a quilt made of cotton, and it was the color of sand.
On the opposite wall of the bed was a wooden armoire. The armoire was painted in a bright red color, and its doors were adorned with intricate designs of cranes and bamboo. Inside the armoire were several shelves and drawers, filled with clothing and other items.
In the center of the room was a black lacquered table. The table was of a unique design, its legs were curved elegantly, and its surface was painted with a pattern of white and gold. On the table was a vase filled with fresh flowers, and several teacups filled with tea.
On the wall opposite the table was a large mirror. The frame of the mirror was made of dark lacquered wood, and it was intricately carved with scenes of nature. There were several shelves beneath the mirror, and on them were several items of clothing and other decorations.
On the wall next to the armoire was a painting of a rural Chinese landscape. The painting was done in a traditional style, and it depicted a tranquil scene. The colors were vibrant, and the detail was exquisite.
The room was filled with many other items, all of which were made in the old rural Chinese style. There were several lamps, which were made of brass and glass, and they cast a soft glow throughout the room. There were also several wooden chairs, and they were covered in embroidered cushions.
The walls of the bedroom were adorned with many paintings and tapestries. The paintings depicted scenes of rural Chinese life, and the tapestries were of the same style. The colors were bright and vivid, and they were a reminder of the old days.
The room was filled with a sense of nostalgia, and it was easy to imagine the people who used to occupy this room. The furniture was worn, but still beautiful, and it was a testament to the skill of the people who crafted it. The room was a reminder of the beauty of rural China, and it was a place of peace and tranquility. Madam Bo and (Name) stepped into the room "This is where you will be staying, my dear, it's been many years since someone has occupied this room" She said as she began to walk out "Thank you, Madam Bo" (Name) said smiling softly and placing her bag on the dusty bed.
(Name) is left with her thoughts as she sits on the bed. She looks down at her hands going through her memories as to how this had happened "Geras....why did you bring me into this?" She whispered to herself.
The scene changes to what seems to be a few days later (Name) isn't one to talk to anyone. where she had once been someone happy to talk to anyone now she preferred the solitude and quiet of her loneliness. It wasn't that she couldn't talk to anyone it was that she didn't want to get attached to anyone only to lose them. No smile was ever present on her face and if there was one it was out of politeness. Never out of joy. 
As she strolled through the teahouse, the smell of nutmeg, pepper, and cinnamon aromas filled the air. (Name)'s ears perked up as she heard the faint sound of a raised voice - it was coming from the kitchen. She stopped and listened more closely, attempting to understand just what was driving the commotion.
(Name) ducked her head around the corner and spotted two flustered cooks, one of them with their hair all askew and their faces flush. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening. The stove, close to the center of the kitchen, had gone kaput and wouldn't light up.
The first of the two cooks was a slim man with jet-black hair that hung over his forehead. He had sharp, almond-shaped eyes that sparkled with a spark of creativity, and a slightly crooked nose that hinted at an interesting backstory. He was dressed in a crisp, spotless white chef’s coat with black buttons, dark trousers, and spotless safety shoes. To complete the ensemble, he had a white cook’s apron around his waist.
The second cook was a bigger man, but he was also tall and muscularly built. He had a rounder face, and his head was shaved close. He wore an identical chef’s coat to the first cook, but his trousers had thick white stripes down the sides. To finish his uniform, he wore a pair of heavy-looking black boots. 
The large stove, in question, looks aged and impressive, standing at about the same height as a person and spanning six square feet in width and length. Its upper surface is covered in ornate blue embossed tile framed in black metal which gives it a unique appearance. Its sides are decorated with intricate designs, from swirling dragons to blooming lotus flowers, all highlighted with small bits of colorful ceramic.
The stove has two large central openings accessible from both sides and two smaller ones at the back. They are each covered by elaborately designed metal covers. The edges of the stove are made of sturdy iron and each one is detailed with beautiful etchings along each side. There are two large trays located at the front and back of the stove and within each tray are individual removable metal bowls which are used to cook a variety of dishes.
The stove is powered by a large wood or charcoal-filled fire bowl housed underneath. The fire is controlled by two large handles located on either side of the stove. Also underneath, two metal racks act as shelves, helping to contain the heat during cooking.
(Name) stepped closer but hesitated questioning herself if was she overstepping her boundaries or being too intrusive. But she quickly squashed these thoughts, opting to help instead. She cleared her throat and made her presence known "Hey...Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked a bit nervous.
The two cooks broke off from their quarrel and looked at (Name) with surprise. They were hesitant until one of them sighed "How much do you know about old stoves?" He asked "A bit not much but it can't hurt to look," she said as she removed her flannel and knelt by the stove, taking a moment to survey the problem before opening it up. She saw immediately the issue "Well there's your problem! When was the last time you guys cleaned this thing?" She asked, her voice reverberating in the stove "There's a build-up of thick soot within the innards I'm pretty sure that's what's preventing the flint from sparking up" 
For what felt like an eternity, (Name) sank her hands deeply into the stove, searching blindly for the hard-to-find components. She was passed a variety of tools by the cooks, their faces increasingly worried as the minutes trundled by. (Name) worked diligently, her arms aching from digging deep within the machines' innards, her fingertips sore from her search.
Finally, after pushing herself to the brink, (Name) pulled her hand from the stove with a satisfaction- she had done it. Using the tools provided, she had successfully cleaned out the soot and ash build-up and, as if by magic, the flint sparked to life, returning the stove to its full glory. The kitchen staff erupted into cheers, high-fiving her in congratulations. (Name) watched as they celebrated, feeling her heart swell with pride.
The scene changed to the back of the teahouse a month later. There lay a small garden that was a sight to behold. , a collection of lush green vegetation could be found, surrounded by a simple wooden fence. Sitting at the back of the teahouse, the garden was only just in the process of becoming something more than an outlet for (Name).
(Name) had become responsible for the garden's well-being since some of the servers told her about the abandonment it received. Though reserved and unsociable due to her wishes not to get close to anyone, (Name)'s passion for the garden was evident in her approach, and her gentle demeanor often allowed her to be just the right amount of charming with a subtle hint of authority if needed.
(Name) would start her work late in the morning when the sun rose high into the sky, welcoming the day's mild heat. She could be spotted in the garden, trowel in hand, planting various fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, and spices into the soft dirt. The summer breeze carried the hint of lavender and basil past her nose, making it difficult to retain focus. With the air full of the aroma of soil, (Name)'s dedication to the task at hand was unwavering.
The garden was a place of respite for her from the crowds and gave her the ability to avoid anyone who was involved directly with the Mortal Kombat events yet to come. With the garden rows neatly arranged from one end to the other, it was a sight to take in. The fruit bushes were lined up at the northern corner of the garden and stretched up to the edges side by side, branded with the same rust-colored wooden stakes that marked the entirety of the garden. The vegetables, such as pumpkins, beans, and squash, were placed together along the western side, each one accompanied by its sturdy trellis crafted from wood and metallic wire. The southern section bowed out inwards as the herbs and spices were planted in several mounds along the ground, creating an inviting pathway for anyone ready to explore the area.
The amount of money she spent on buying the already sprouted plants that would grow into fruits and vegetables to speed up the process of gaining fresh produce had left her in debt with Madam Bo even more due to the fact that she hadn't had any money when she arrived. She felt guilty borrowing the money from her but swore she'd pay everything back to her.
Though it didn't look like much, the garden was a beloved part of her life in the village. (Name) enjoyed no words of praise nor monetary reward, but the small glimmer in her eyes when she gave anything produced to Madam Bo to use was all that was needed to be told how fulfilled she felt when she grew her produce.
Tucked away at the back of the teahouse, the small garden was the perfect place to while away the afternoon on a sunny day. The warmth of the sun shining high above was inviting and refreshing. Surrounded by a fence of simple timber, this little sanctuary remained hidden from prying eyes. Here, (Name)'s passion for her work was showcased and appreciated, and it was here that the plants of this proud oasis were brought to life.
The scene changes to the outside of the teahouse at the back away from the garden. grunting is heard from around the corner where (Name) is striking a thick wooden post sticking out of the ground with her fists, which are wrapped up in bandages, and her feet. Her flannel is hung over a fence nearby as she hits the post over and over and over again. Her focus is solely on the post as she hits it ignoring any soreness or sting in her hands. Despite not being able to train for years she never forgot how to fight. Not after her training with the SF, not after her training with Mileena nor after her training with the Shirai ryu. Those memories she could look back on with fondness.
It had been nearly a month since she arrived back in this universe, where she trained in secret where the training post was, it wasn’t until now, as she stood at the back of the teahouse and unleashed her ferocious strikes and kicks against a thick wooden post, that she truly felt alive and in control. Her feet twisted and spun as she moved around the post, her arms jabbing and blocking as she switched between techniques. The air seemed to crackle with electricity as she attacked the post over and over again, a fierceness in her movements that belied her age.
It was different from her training from years ago for sure. In the months she's been here she hadn't been able to conjure a single flame not even a spark. Her fire abilities seem to have disappeared. Once again she had lost another part of herself that she had hoped to find returning to this world as a small consolation. As disappointing as it was to lose them maybe it was for the best. She felt a little less troubled by the fact that maybe she could hide away from whatever Mortal Kombat tournament would take place and maybe then avoid whatever Geras brought her here for.
For minutes that seemed like hours, (Name) repeated her strikes and kicks until her body ached and her breathing became labored. But she pushed on, leaning into each strike and kick, her mind repeating her movements as if she were in a trance. The post creaked and groaned as it withstood her assault, but still, it did not give way. Memories flooded her mind with every strike.
Her first encounter with Raiden and Liu Kang Strike Meeting Scorpion Strike Fighting Shang Tsung Strike Meeting Mileena Strike Her first kiss with Tomas strike Falling for Mileena Strike Losing her Strike Finding Calithea Strike Losing Hanzo Strike LoSiNg CaLiThEa! STRIKE
Suddenly, a force much greater than anything she had previously exerted seemed to pass through her body. She stepped back and released a loud cry, her spinning heel kick connecting squarely with the post. The wood split in half, both pieces tumbling to the ground.
(Name) stood back, panting for breath, yet feeling strangely triumphant. She took a few paces back, her eyes fixed on the broken post then she looked down at her hands, her knuckles red, bleeding a bit, and bruised up, with a nod as she clenched them "Still got it" She said before wiping the sweat off her brow then walking to the fence to grab her flannel.
Unknown to her that watching from the top balcony of the teahouse was Madam Bo. She was smiling with a knowing glimmer in her eyes "And she says she's not Viper anymore" She said laughing to herself before walking back into the teahouse to write a letter to a certain god that there was another candidate for him.
The scene changes to the balcony of the teahouse where (Name) sits alone on the railing and looks up at the moon. She thought of all the promises she made to herself that she never kept. Tears began filling her eyes as the realization that she still hadn't gotten over what Liu Kang did to her nor was she over the fact that no one would know her as she was instead they would see a legendary hero...not the friend who stood by their side.
(Name) raised her spirited drink to her lips and took a sip. The warmth of the liquid felt comforting and she found comfort in the taste. She closed her eyes and let the wind dance around her flushed face. She had been drinking for an hour by now and borderline was drunk at this point but still maintained her balance on the railing.
"Geras...Why did you have to bring me back?"
She opened her eyes slowly staring up at the moon, her eyes melancholic and dulled, as she let the alcohol in her system cloud her mind and speak without a filter.
"You couldn't have let me be, huh? Y-you-you-you think that what? Just because I came to the last two times to help that I'm some kind of go-too for fixing his problems? News flash, Geras, I'm not!" Tears began streaming down her flushed cheeks, in frustration, as her eyes reddened and anger shone through "I'm not some toy you get to pick up and play with and then discard when you're bored! I'm alive, I think, I feel, I have a heart that beats and eyes that can see this world for what it is! A joke and an absolute joke! The story will end exactly the same as it did with the other ones! so why take me away? Why bring me back into this shit when everything stays the way it was written! Everyone got a happy ending except for me! What the fuck is that about!?"
She drops her head low for a few moments before looking back up in pain and sorrow with the look of defeat in her eyes "I've already lost...so much, Geras,...the woman I loved, The man I loved...for fuck sake my own daughter...Haven't I given enough? Haven't I suffered enough by now for you to just leave me alone?" The moon gives no reply as (Name) openly sobs into her hands, her body shaking with each sob. She allows her drunken grief to consume her as she cries unaware of the eyes watching her, from beyond the stars, with regret and remorse dancing in them. The screen fades to black with (Name)'s sobbing slowly fading.
"I am sorry, My Lady, but this is needed for this world...and for you"
The scene opens to 2 months afterward with the sun shining down on (Name) and Madam Bo as they stand out the front of the teahouse. (Name)'s clothes have changed to a white peasant blouse with sleeves to the elbows, a long ankle-length green skirt, brown flats with crossover straps, her hobo crossbody bag with her clothes, and a white wide-brim sunhat with a black ribbon around it. Her hair was in braids again but longer above her mid-thigh. The travel cart was making the last calls for departure.
"You sure you can't stay a little longer, Dear?" Madam Bo asked with a sad frown on her face as she straightened up (Name)'s shirt "Ma, I'm fine really. I promise I'll write to you every week to let you know how I'm doing" (Name) said trying to assure Madam Bo. She had started Calling Madam Bo 'Ma' around a month ago and it just stuck. Madam Bo sighed as she let her hands drop to her side and looked (Name) in the eye "You'd better. I can't have you disappearing on me" "I'll be ok, Ma, I'll come back in 3 months I swear. I just want to travel for a bit and make something of myself I don't want the name 'Viper' being the only thing that defines me" (Name) replied "I know. It was nice having you here but even I know I can't keep you here forever" Madam Bo said before hugging (Name) "Make sure you come back in 3 months on the dot" (Name) nodded "I promise, Ma, I promise!"
"Last call for departure!" The cart driver called out causing Madam Bo to let go and (Name) to quickly dash off to the cart. after a few steps, she bumped into someone causing the hat to fly off and onto the ground"Oh! I'm so sorry! Here let me get...that" The person said gently picking up the hat "No it's my fault really" (Name) said taking the hat from the man. His brown eyes meet hers as he looks at her from underneath his Chinese coolie hat not used to seeing a new face in Fengjian. (Name) quickly turns to the cart and hops onto it "BYE MA!" She called out as it drove off down the road leaving the man to watch her as she fades off into the distance while Madam Bo waves goodbye to her 'daughter' "You're here early today. Aren't you, Raiden?" Madam Bo asked not taking her eyes off the cart "I wanted to come here for once without having to foot the bill for Kung Lao," He said laughing.
The scene changes to a village bathed in moonlight. (Name) had been wandering for what felt like an eternity, even though it had only been a few days. She had turned off the main road in favor of taking the scenic route, winding her way through the villages and hamlets that dotted the countryside. This late in-the-evening air was cool and still, with nothing but the faint buzz of cicadas and distant birdsong to break the silence.
(Name) slowly made her way through the village, the full moon lighting her path as she walked. She saw as the buildings of the village shimmered in the light, their sloped roofs reaching up into the night sky. The dirt road streets were so quiet with only the occasional villager out and about. She could see people walking back to their homes, while some were huddled near the local taverns sipping from their drinks and chatting.
As (Name) walked further into the village she noticed how dark it was, shadowed alleys in the darkness, mysterious buildings lit up by the dimly lit lanterns that lined the roads. The windows of the buildings glowed yellow in the moonlight, settlers were asleep inside their homes. Along the way, she saw Chinese symbols and intricate carvings encapsulated in the walls of the village buildings, which shined in the lantern light as she passed them.
As (Name) walked further, she sensed something was off. She could feel a tingling along the edges of her skin, a warning sign that something was amiss. She kept walking, her pace becoming more vigilant and alert to her surroundings.
Just then, she heard a commotion ahead of her. It sounded like shouting and cursing coming from a nearby alley. (Name) quietly picked up her pace, curiosity getting the better of her.
As she rounded the corner, she was horrified to find a group of roughly seven men standing with pipes and clubs, surrounding a little girl, with black hair and fair skin, who was huddled against her unconscious mother’s body. The girl was sobbing and shaking her mother, desperately trying to wake her.
The little girl looked too much like Calithea.
(Name) felt a wave of pure rage surge through her; these men were preying on this defenseless woman and her child. There was no way (Name) could let this stand. She rushed forward, determined to protect them.
As she barged her way through the crowd, the men stopped in surprise. (Name) felt something stir deep within her, something she had long suppressed but which now seemed to be reaching out in a desperate attempt to protect the two civilians, and before she knew what was happening, she felt the heat beginning to build in her palms and arms. Tendrils of flames started to erupt, curling and folding around each other, growing ever larger and brighter. As she raised her arms, they began to spread outwards around her body.
The men seemed surprised by the sudden display of power in front of them and took a couple of steps back. (Name)'s flames continued to build, her anger and outrage at the injustice of this unfairness morphing and twisting the fire into shapes and colors that she had never seen before.
The flames reached out further, encircling (Name) in a protective flame that extended outwards in all directions, blocking the brutes from getting close enough to do any additional harm.
(Name) stood there, her heart racing and her emotions in a knot, feeling her power but also feeling utterly drained and exhausted. She sent a wave of fire and energy around her, pushing the men away and ushering in a sense of safety and protection for the woman and her daughter.
The men exchanged terrified looks and turned to flee before the furious inferno that had appeared before them. (Name) scoffed at the retreating forms, her hands extinguished and her fury abating.
She then looked down at her hands in confusion. She hadn't used her fire abilities in years thinking they had disappeared, and yet here they were, responding to her anger as if they had always been a part of her. She shook her head, her recent revelations pushed to the back of her mind.
She turned to find the little girl still sitting beside her unconscious mother, eyes wide with shock. (Name) knelt before her and gently asked, “Are you alright?”
The girl nodded looking up at her with big green eyes, Kaitlyns heart sank slightly as that was the only one of the few differences between her and Calithea, "Thank you, Miss" She sniffled. (Name) waved her thanks away "No problem but we need to get you're mum to a doctor. Don't worry, doll, I got her" (Name) said picking up the mother and carrying her on her back.
(Name) quickly found the local doctor’s office after walking with the little girl for a few minutes, thankfully they were still open but the looks on their faces when they saw (Name) carrying the mother and the daughter standing next to her with scratches was a sight. After some medical attention and a few hours of rest, the woman was thankfully alright. (Name) was exhausted by the evening’s events and knew she needed rest. She continued on her journey and soon found the local inn where she was able to get a much-needed night’s sleep.
The following morning, (Name) awoke to a knock at the door. She opened it to find the same little girl from the night before, with her mother behind her, standing before her, tears in her eyes and a silver necklace in her hands "Thank you for protecting my mommy and me!" she once again thanked her for her help, before slipping the necklace into (Name)’s hand and running away with her mother following after her. (Name) looked after her, moved by the girl’s appreciation. She opened her hand to find the necklace with a simple circle pendant. Her heart swelled with the girls' kindness as she slipped the necklace on yet she still didn't smile but there was a slight twinkle in her eyes.
2 months later reads across the screen changing the scene to the village where the sound of a monkey wrench being used can be heard coming from an open shed. (Name) sat in her open shed, her motorcycle in pieces in front of her. The sun was high, beating down on her and the few buildings that populated the area. (Name) had been in this village for exactly two months now, and in that time it had become her home. In the short time she had been there, those in the small town had come to rely on her for fixing their various things.
She nods to herself as she surveyed her work. From where she was sitting, the motorcycle was made up of titanium, steel, and tungsten parts - all put together by her.
(Name) had on long jeans, her white singlet, and her brown boots. Her (hair colour) hair was tied up in a high bun, ensuring it stayed out of the way as she worked on her motorcycle's engine. Not that it mattered, as she already had smudges of oil on her otherwise fair skin. luckily she hung up her flannel on the hook behind her.
Glancing around the village, (Name) thought to herself that it was hot. She thought of the heat that must have been radiating from her shed, and of how she had been there all day with no break - not even for lunch. (Name) knelt in front of her bike and inspected the engine, her brow furrowed in contemplation "Son of a bitch" She grumbled as she worked on putting the engine together. She had to obtain the specific metals so that she could have her bike run on two different fuel sources. Petrol of course to avoid any unwanted attention not like the other option.
Her fire.
She had planned this for the past month and a half. Getting the materials was easy it was forging the parts that were hard for her. Tungsten and titanium don't melt easily. Tungesten melts at 5600* while titanium melts at 3000* She had to figure out how to meld them together with steel so that she could build the bike up from scratch. using the two specific metals made her bike damn near fireproof meaning she couldn't melt it as long as she didn't use her fire at half-strength which was easy enough.
She had been training with her abilities in the fields on some nights away from any civilian life to prevent any injuries to others. They hadn't changed all that much, maybe her anger fueled it a bit too much at times, yes but there wasn't all that much different from what she used to do.
The sun was beginning to dip in the sky, and (Name) knew it was about time to end her day's work. As she collected her tools and carefully put the pieces of her bike back in place.
The cruiser motorcycle was a sight to behold, sleek and powerful, yet elegant and compact. It was a perfect combination of classic looks and heavy-duty performance. Its frame was constructed from a combination of titanium, tungsten, and steel, all of which lent the bike its incredible fire and heat resistance, able to withstand temperatures of up to 5000 degrees Celsius. The black leather seating was comfortable yet beautiful, the handlebars soft and easy to hold onto, and the strong headlight shone brightly during the night.
To complete the look were two side saddle bags, affixed to each side of the bike for storage. These bags were made of tough leather, able to resist wear and tear, as well as provide plenty of space for items.
Yet, the most impressive feature of this cruiser motorcycle was its ability to run on her firepower. In the event of a fuel shortage, the bike would still be able to function from the energy generated by the fire she supplied. This allowed it to be used in areas where fuel was not easily available, making it an even more reliable and attractive vehicle.
The bike was energized by the roar of its engine, capable of moving forward at an impressive speed. By its looks, it was clear that it was designed to be a reliable and steady machine, one that its rider could count on.
This cruiser motorcycle was a sight to behold, a brilliant combination of beauty and performance that was sure to make any rider proud. It was robust and dependable, able to withstand intense heat and fire, and yet still retain its style and charm. Its strong headlight and side saddle bags provided extra functionality, and its ability to run on firepower made it an invaluable tool for remote studies. This hefty, classic-looking bike was a true powerhouse that any rider could count on.
She loved how beautifully put together her bike was as she began closing up the shed with a nod of approval and locked it up. She turned around with her toolbox in one hand and her hoodie in the other as she made her way back to her little house ready for what was to come.
Later that night they came back.
The six bandits were a motley crew, all of them draped in tattered cloaks and cloaked in hoods that hid their true identities. The leader of the pack had a jagged scar running down his left cheek, and the others - six men and three women - were equally as rough in appearance.
They burst through the village in the dead of night, their cackles ringing out loud across the sleeping streets. The bandits wasted no time messing with the villagers' stalls, standing firm with their arms crossed even in the face of the enraged complaints of the angry vendors. They plundered and tore through the booths, grasping merchandise in their hands and stuffing their bags with all they could find. The leader of the bandits went around brandishing a hefty stick, lashing out at anyone who looked twice at them.
The villagers, rightfully scared of the bandits' violent behavior, stayed indoors as the bandits pillaged the stalls to their heart's content. The frightened market-goers looked out from their windows at the chaotic scene developing before their eyes, familiar faces that had been shopping there for years now dreading the thought of the bandits returning. The villagers acted like rats in a maze, waiting for the bandits to eventually release them from their fear.
The six bandits were loud and oppressive, their bulky frames intimidating and their unkempt hair billowing in the night breeze. They were clad in leather and carried daggers and swords in makeshift scabbards. Their boots stomped on the cobblestones as they began to make off with their plunder. The villagers, scared and trembling, waited hunkered in their homes waiting until the bandits had moved on.
But the bandits were unaware of the return of a legend.
"I don't think those belong to you"
The bandits look around trying to find who dared to speak out against them "Up here" They all look up to the building where the moon hangs over.
There on the roof stood a silhouetted figure loomed over them. Her mid-thigh length hair floated slightly in the wind gently, her nose and mouth covered by a black bandana, a black sleeveless shirt, black fingerless gloves, black leggings, black ankle boots with silver rivets on the sides, chains wrapped around both of her forearms, a long black pole strapped to her back and her piercing (eye colour) eyes trained on them in a glare as she stood there in a crouched position with her forearms laying on her thighs.
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"What the-" "Drop the valuables they're not yours. If you do that you can walk away without any harm done. You DON'T drop them you won't be walking away from this" (Name) said in a calm and ice-cold tone of voice that sent shivers of fear down some of their spines. One of the women stepped up. "Like we'll listen to you! Fucking coward standing above us up there!" She yelled up making some of her friends laugh. (Name) remains silent for a few moments before she straightens herself up "I gave you a chance. Now suffer the consequences" she says as she walks to the side of the roof and drops into the dark alley disappearing into its inky blackness. It's silent for a few moments and the bandits begin to believe that she is all bark and no bite laughing and mocking her.
until there was a little light in the alley.
In the darkness, (Name) raised her arms and suddenly the alleyway transformed. Fire engulfed the walls and the ground beneath them seemed to ripple as flames lapped up against the stone. She had a scythe in one hand--its silver blade reflecting the orange light as its tip cut through the air. In the other was a chain of metal, glinting in the fire. While the chains were simple silver the Scythe was another story. 
The long scythe was awe-inspiring and had a dangerous air about it. It was a thing of beauty; not that of the clean and inoffensive kind, but rather, of a wild, feral beauty.
The scythe had two distinct colors, complimentary and in perfect harmony: silver and black. The pole was a black design with slim lines through it like cracks in the ground which seemed to show the inside of the scythe, slim and strong. The silver blade was set on a short yet powerful black iron arm, where the design on the handle stood out exquisitely despite its darkness. The blade itself was in the shape of a large fang but still looked very similar to that of a grim reaper's scythe. the design on it was simple for the most part, with no special designs, and no patterns but the edge of the blade was more defined as a lighter silver.
The bandits stood in shock. The female vigilante had come for them and she wasn't here to give them another chance.
She strode towards them, her movements fluid and graceful as the flames danced around her. With one swift movement, she swung her scythe, and as the lines on either side of the pole lit up with her fire, the edge of the blade glowed bright and sent the flames soaring outwards, scorching the faces of the bandits and immolating the stone. The bandits yelled and scrambled, trying to outrun the fire, but the woman was relentless. She swung her scythe at the first bandit severing his arm from above the elbow. He screams in pain but is quickly silenced by her decapitating him. Another bandit tried to charge at her but didn't get even close as she swung her scythe again upwards slicing her left leg off and making her scream and howl in pain. The man and the other two women tried to run from her. A chain flew out from the alley and wrapped around one of the women's throats choking her. (Name) heated the metal causing the chain around her forearm and hand to glow bright with the conducted heat. The glow traveled up the chain to around the woman's neck. She tried to scream but the glowling hot chain was pulled back severing her head and letting it roll on the ground.
(Name) twirled her scythe and sent out a shockwave of flame that engulfed them, burning them to ashes in a matter of seconds leaving two of the bandits alive and on their asses.
The two bandits looked at each other in horror then at (Name) as she loomed over them like a specter of hell the moon shadowing her features except for her glowling eyes that held no remorse. Just a cold dead stare "P-Please! w-w-we're sorry! we'll give everything back! we swear!" The female bandit from earlier stammered as her leader trembled in fear with sweat beading from his head. (Name) tilted her head and narrowed her eyes "....You are to leave everything you have taken from these people...then you will spread a message for me to every single one of your friends and anyone else who wants to prey on the innocent again" (Name) said calmly with venom dripping from her voice as she leaned in closer causing the pair to shake with fear seeing her grip tighten on her scythe still glowing with fire. The wind carried a chill throughout the village, the fire behind her causing her eyes to look like a predator about to pounce on their prey, her hair being highlighted by its light.
"Viper has returned. She is here to bring swift justice to the degenerates of this world, and none shall be spared her wrath"
The two bandits nod shaking and running off with nothing but the clothes on their backs into the night. (Name) stood in the center, surveying the carnage, her hair billowing in the wind. Satisfied that justice had been served, she extinguished the last traces of flame stepped away from the alleyway entrance, and walked down the street retracting her chains back to her forearms.
This was the monster she had hidden. The monster who fed on her anger, her rage, her heartbreak, and her sorrow. She may be a legend in the books but she took her anger out on those who thought they were above consequence.
Gone was the naive 18-year-old girl who looked at this world with wide eyes and a bright smile, gone was the 22-year-old who was in love and hoped for a future where she could have peace, and gone was the 28-year-old who was a mother in bliss ready to be with the man she loved. Now all that remains is the 24-year-old woman who simply existed and never asked for more.
Kindness, for her, was something she would always have but she swore to keep others at arm's length. (Name) sighs pulling down her mouth mask before returning to her small house to clean off her scythe.
As the fires had begun to die out the darkness of the night swallowed her up, leaving nothing but silence in her wake. Justice had been served, and the town was now safe. The screen fades to black.
Grunting can be heard in the darkness along with air wooshes before the screen brightens to an open field.
(Name) stood in the middle of the training grounds, her long scythe in hand. She had been practicing for hours, and her arms and hands were covered in cuts, a testament to her dedication to her craft. Holding the long scythe tightly, (Name) swung it around her like an extension of her arm. She trained for hours every day in the large field, with wooden poles that she had set up in a makeshift training area. The helix pattern of curved metal that took up more than 1/3 of the scythe's length glinted dangerously in the setting sun's light.
Her breathing was even, her stance sturdy as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Her eyes, a comforting brown, were focused and intense, her gaze fixed on an imaginary opponent. She didn't train just for the vigilante shtick she did it to release any extra energy she built up otherwise she'd end up being anxious and get frustrated. (Name) raised the scythe and began to move. She twirled it in her hands, spinning it around her body with an almost graceful ease. It seemed like second nature to her, as if she'd been born to wield such a weapon.
One foot moved forward and the other moved back as she shifted her weight again, her eyes never leaving her imaginary target. The scythe flew in circles around her, its sharp blade slicing through the air with deadly precision.
(Name) had been training with her scythe for months now, and it was starting to become second nature to her. She could feel the weight of it in her hands, and the balance of it in her body. She could anticipate her opponent's moves before they even made them, and she was ready to strike at any moment.
She moved forward, her scythe slicing through the air with a deadly accuracy. (Name) was a master of her craft and determined to prove it. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the makeshift training grounds. (Name)'s cuts glistened in the fading light of day, and her breathing was still even and steady as she moved with her weapon.
(Name) had been so deeply engrossed in her training that she hadn't noticed the sun sink low on the horizon. Her arms and shoulders ached from the effort, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. She didn't bother keeping track of time while she trained instead she used her determination and anger toward this world's so-called protector to push her forward. She recalls how she had made her scythe with the intention to instill fear in her opponents or any poor unfortunate soul unlucky enough to cross her in any way. She wanted it to be strong enough to withstand her fire much like her bike. Gathering the materials was much easier than designing the weapon.
Since then, she had been training hard, learning to work with any restricting movements with bandages on the skin of her arm, what with all the cuts and scrapes she had amassed due to her intense training with the weapon. Her palms were the worst, the skin on them sore and raw. She brushed a lock of her (hair colour) hair out of her eyes and flexed her fingers.
She was clumsy at first with it in the beginning, getting cut up multiple times, dropping it many times, and missing over and over again but after a few weeks, she was a natural with the scythe. It moved through her hands like an extension of her body, guided by some of her training. She could feel it, a power like no other that thrummed through her, as she continued her training. Her determination, impressive as it was, was beginning to pay off.
(Name) left the makeshift training area and began her way back home. Her feet moved lightly across the ground as she crossed the field, she felt the cold breeze licking at her skin like a gentle caress. She breathed in the fresh, night air. Soon, she was home, her scythe in tow.
At home, (Name) laid her scythe down carefully, its weightless form settling in its place. She rested her head on her pillow and allowed her eyes to close, finally surrendering to the exhaustion of her day. All the while, she knew that when her eyes reopened in the morning, it would be time to pick up her beloved scythe once more.
This was her life now, and she was determined to make the most of it. She did not doubt that she was ready for whatever might come her way. The screen fades to black as the candle nearby is blown out.
The screen shows that enough time has passed to the point of a week before (Name) is to go back to Madam Bo's. She's packing things into her motorcycle's saddles as some villagers come to wish her well. As she places her scythe into its collapsable size in one of the saddlebags the camera pans down her clothes. An orange sleeveless zip-up hoodie open to an inch under her underbust, black shorts, black tight-fitted thigh-high boots, a black mouth mask, and yellow round duo-bubble lens goggles on her head.
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"That should be everything" She mutters her mouth opened enough to see her small sharp canines as she adjusts her goggles on her eyes before hopping onto her cycle. She nods in approval as she revs up her cycle, kicks the kick-stand up, and pulls up her black mouth mask  "Atta girl" She praises her creation before taking off down the dirt road into the wide open lands.
The camera pans to a side view of (Name) on her motorcycle giving a full view of the landscape behind her. Her expression was unidentifiable due to the mask and the goggles as dust blew behind her. Her mind focused on only getting back to Fengjian and seeing her Ma again. The camera pans around to the back of her and her hood flutters in the wind underneath her fluttering hair.
She rides off down the dirt road where the camera stops then pans upwards to the blinding sun.
(I promised someone on my wattpad account that I'd post the first chapter of this book in the first week of November so here it is. Understand, however, that the rest of the chapters will take a while to get through since, unlike the previous games, I don't have transcripts of the game to go off of and it'll be hard to watch through the cutscenes of the game and type it up at the same time. until then hope you enjoy the first chapter)
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darkpanik · 12 hours
Watched the Khaos Reigns story line...
It was ok.
I'm still bitter about how Bi-Han is written. I know he's supposed to be an egotistical asshole but making him evil right off the bat will always be annoying to me. It makes his transition to Noob Saibot seemed kind of a waste.
Buuuut I am glad Noob fought alongside Earthrealm during this story. He still ended up being bad, which again annoying. Like, why is he not allowed to redeem himself? Especially after literally being tortured to madness. I will say, his bickering with Kuai was hilarious. Probably to most "brother" moment ever between them.
Cyrax was adorable. Fuck the racists (who forget Cyrax was Black since Deadly Alliance) and woman haters, she was great. She looked so cute outside of her armor as well. Sektor was a bitch, so bless her for that. Uhm...I don't know how I feel about her relationship with Bi-Han. It feels forced like Kuai Liang and Harumi.
Speaking of which, still weirded out about Kuai as Scorpion. I think I just hate it now. It was interesting at first, but the way they make him kind of erase his Chinese heritage it...gross. And I just miss Grandmaster !Kuai Liang! Sub-Zero. I'm glad we saw Harumi fight and NOT DIE. Bless her. Hanzo must be screaming somewhere.
Military Jonny was fucking adorable. Emperor Rain was cute...and then he died. Empress Tanya was stunning. Punk rock Mileena and Kitana were hot. Hope they're skins. Punk rock Kuai Liang and Bi-Han were fucking hot. Need them in my life.
Over all...yeah. It was just ok. Better than what I expected but not that great.
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang being what they are right now is just making me sad and stupidly emotional.
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starsurface · 7 months
Haii I forgor if requests are still open but are you able to do mk1 cg!Kitana with baby regressor!milena headcanons? If not that's okay!! -🐯
Omg of course!!!! I love the sisters in this universe!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kitana w/ Babyspace Regressor Mileena MK1 Hcs
💙 Before Tanya became Mileena's main CG, Kitana was Mileena’s main CG (and still kinda is)
🩷 Mileena mostly regresses to a toddler headspace
💙 But, especially after she got Tartak, she began regressing very younger
🩷 When Mileena first started baby regressing, it's was almost always negative 
💙 Either her new disease threatening her, or her Mother's words, or the rumors the People would spread
🩷 She'd end up incredibly small, fussy, and clinging to her sister for comfort
💙 Kitana stuck with her during this time, gently shushing her cries, holding her closely
🩷 Kitana knew the risks of what could happen if she was near Mileena while her Tarkat was acting up
💙 When this happened, she'd swaddle Mileena in a very specific blanket bought just for these occasions, and lay at least a body next to her in bed
🩷 If we ignore canon and Tarkat isn't spread by touch, Kitana will gently shush and rock Mileena as the poor baby cries over how her body hurts
💙 Luckily, overtime, her regressing to babyspace became less negative and more her having an extremely tough day and regressing super small
🩷 ^ Especially after she became Empress, people are big meanies sometimes >:(
💙 Mileena is usually a very good baby, but sometimes she likes being a brat!! >:)
🩷 She'll be snuggling up to Kitana’s side one minute, and then chewing on one of her sia’s the next minute
💙 Unfortunately (luckily) Kitana’s a big meanie and will put all their weapons onto high spaces
🩷 Mileena really likes comfy onesies and Kitana likes spoiling her loved ones (so she has like, a thousand and one in every color <3)
💙 Mileena doesn't really care about her hair being done
🩷 But Kitana loves putting her sister's hair into cute styles (adores tieing bows into her hair too)
💙 Luckily, they can settle this very easily
🩷 By that I mean thar Mileena will sit on a comfy pillow on the floor and chew on her chewie ring and watching her favorite show while Kitana does her hair
💙 Mileena will screech is Kitana tugs too hard, no ifs or buts (also finds it funny, but will pout instead of giggle)
🩷 Because of Mileena’s teeth, Kitana and her spent hours trying to find a good chew ring for her (it was trial and error for a long time)
💙 Mileena use to grt super fussy and cry in Kitana’s arms everytime one of her chewies broke
🩷 Mostly because her chew rungs are her comfort objects (she can't use pacis because of her teeth)
💙 Luckily, they found one and Mileena runs to it every time she's small (well, makes Kitana get it while Mileena fusses, but still)
🩷 Mileena is an ipad baby!!! (Kinda)
💙 She's not very good at managing her iPad (Johnny got it for her) and whenever she clicks on something wrong she'll angrily give it to Kitana
🩷 Luckily, Kitana’s decent with Earthrealm technology (and if neither sisters can do it, they'll call Tomas or Johnny)
💙 Favorite babyspace shows are Minnie's Bo-Peep and Doc McStuffins
🩷 Mileena's not a babbler, but on extremely sad baby days, she has a habit of going nonverbal
💙 Luckily, Kitana is very patient with her during these days, she knows it's hard for Mileena to communicate her feelings right now
🩷 MK1 Mileena has her MK11 stuffies and she'll bring them everywhere when she's tiny 
💙 By that, she'll hold one while Kitana will hold the other two and have Mileena on her hip :3
🩷 (MK1 Mileena would have a Tanya inspired Teddy instead of a Jade inspire Teddy) (no hate towards Jade, I love her, she's just currently not in MK1)
make Kitana 
💙 Kitana’s main CG nicknames are Sissy or K’Tana
🩷 Mileena’s favorite little nicknames are Sweetie, Rascal, Sweetheart, Baby Girl, Cookie, and Bumble Bee
💙 Also really likes ‘Leeeeeenia (only if she's caught doing something naughty so she can squeal and giggle while hurriedly crawling away)
🩷 Kitana will call Mileena her baby sister and Mileena will whine and glare at her
💙 Toddler and Baby Mileena like having tea parties but slightly different
🩷 Big Mileena has very big tea parties, having both her and Kitana in tiaras and tutus while they have yummy normal tea party snacks
💙 Baby Mileena doesn't dress up, but she'll wear her favorite onesie and sit on Kitana’s lap and they'll have her favorite baby snacks
🩷 Favorite two baby snacks are baby yogurt bites and strawberry pocky
💙 Unfortunately Kitana’s still a big meanie and won't let her munch on these all day long 😒
🩷 But she'll spoon feed Milena some softer foods (luckily Mileena really likes a lot of fruits so it's okay)
💙 Because of Mileena’s teeth, she can't really use bottles or sippies
🩷 But because of how small she is, she spills big kid cups :(
💙 Luckily, they found a very sturdy metal straw Mileena really likes when she's small and Kitana will hold the cup for her
🩷 Mileena has a . . . small biting problem 
💙 She's not naughty!! >:( 
🩷 She's just . . expressing her love <3
💙 Kitana usually gently scolds her but will let her go most times
🩷 Finds it amusing when Mileena tries to sneakily shuffle over and gently nom her arm (she always watches her teeth, even when she's really tiny)
💙 ^ It's a main reason why they have Mileena's chew ring, she's must happier chewing on that than risking hurting her favorite big sissy
🩷 Baby Mileena is very clingy and will snuggle up to Kitana 24/7
💙 Luckily Kitana also adores cuddling, and will swaddle Mileena in a fuzzy blanket and take a nice little nap with her
🩷 Mileena takes advantage of Kitana's strength and constantly asks for uppies (which Kitana happily provides)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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soulofamy · 4 months
In Her Image
Liu Kang sat in a carriage, his arms resting on his leg as his toe tapped the floor in anticipation. He was always happy to visit his friends, King Jerrod and Queen Sindel, but today was an especially important day. Outworld had been waiting for this day for a hundreds of years, he had been waiting for it since the dawn of time.
The carriage halted and sunlight poured in as the door opened, revealing the palace steps. Jerrod had come to greet him with a warm smile. Liu Kang mirrored the smile as he stepped out of the carriage, then bowed with his hands together. "King Jerrod. It pleases me to see you in good health. And," he stood up straight. "my warmest congratulations to you and Sindel."
"Sindel and I are honored by your presence and friendship," Jerrod said with a kind voice. He stepped forward and pulled Liu Kang into an embrace. "Especially on a day as momentous as today is."
Liu Kang reminded himself not to be stiff as he accepted the hug, and wrapped his arms around the other man. Even after eons of life, such gestures still felt foreign to him.
Jerrod pulled back and smiled once more at Liu Kang before turning around to face the entrance. "Of course, you did not come all this way just to stand outside the palace," he said with a chuckle. "I am sure you must be anxious to see them."
Jerrod began to lead the way inside. Liu Kang obediently followed after him. He walked through the corridors of the palace, silent and with purpose. The closer they were to their destination, the louder Liu Kang heard his own heart beat in his ear. In all his life, both in this and the previous timelines, he could not recall a time when he was this restless.
Finally, Jerrod stopped at a closed door. He turned to look back at Liu Kang with knowing eyes before slowly opening the door. "My Queen," Jerrod announced himself before stepping through the door. "Liu Kang has arrived."
"Please, let him in," Liu Kang heard Sindel's warm yet regal tone respond.
Jerrod moved aside to allow Liu Kang to enter. The room was humble, with a plush rug lining the floor and two cradles sitting against the furthest wall, one draped in blue silks and the other in pink. Liu Kang's glowing eyes moved to take in Sindel's form as she sat in a chair, clutching a pink bundle to herself. Her eyes betrayed a look of exhaustion, emphasized by the loose purple robes she wore with the intention of being comfortable. Despite the bags under her eyes, she wore a proud smile.
"Your majesty," Liu Kang greeted in a quiet voice, once again joining his hands together to bow. "I am pleased to see that you are recovering. And may I offer my most sincere congratulations at the birth of Outworld's heirs."
"Thank you, Liu Kang." Sindel nodded in acknowledgement and slowly shifted where she sat to allow Liu Kang a glimpse at the sleeping face of the baby in her arms. "Meet Outworld's next empress, Mileena."
Through his nose, Liu Kang let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. No Tarkatan teeth. Thank the Elder gods.
"I can already feel it," Sindel continued to murmur as she looked down at Mileena with a motherly pride that was new to her features. "Argus willing, she will lead Outworld with strength and wisdom. Outworlders far and wide will come to love and admire her."
Their attention shifted to the cradle draped in blue as the sound of an infant's cry filled the room. Jerrod paced over to the cradle and gently lifted a blue bundle from it.
"Hush now, little one," he spoke to it as he gently rocked it in its arms. The crying persisted.
Sindel sighed. "I had just put her to sleep..."
All the air had left Liu Kang's lungs as he watched the emperor attempt to soothe his daughter. Centuries in the making had culminated to this point, the point in time Liu Kang was most anxious to witness.
"May," his mouth began to speak before he could think against it. "....may I see?"
Jerrod looked at Liu Kang with curious eyes before pacing back over to him, all the while continuing to rock the baby.
The Elder gods had never blessed Liu Kang with any children of his own. He had long since made peace with the idea that he and his love would never get to experience the joys of raising a family together. He wondered if what he felt now, looking down at the baby, was what fatherly pride felt like. Of course, he was not this child's father. But he couldn't help the pride that swelled up in his heart, knowing that he had created this baby girl in the image of his lost love.
This baby was going to become as beautiful a woman and as skilled a warrior as she. However, he could not bear to watch her suffer again. He crafted her life to be an easy one, free of the burdens of being the heiress to the throne, or the hardship that came with having treacherous, power-lustful parents. She was going to be free of the volatile relationship she had with her clone in timelines past and instead, she was going to grow up with an adoring sister and best friend. Of all of Liu Kang's designs, this was the one he spent the most time on creating, and was the personal crown jewel of his achievements.
He could not help but smile at the baby in spite of her cries. "Forgive me if I am forgetting myself," Liu Kang said. "But may I hold her?"
Jerrod's eyebrows raised at the request before he gave a chuckle. "But of course, my friend. You need only ask." Liu Kang stood opposite Jerrod and held out his arms to accept the crying child. Liu Kang made sure to rock her, just as her father had. To everyone's surprise, the crying stopped. The baby looked up at Liu Kang with innocent curiosity.
"A demigod and good with infants," Sindel remarked with a small, amused breath. "You never cease to impress."
Liu Kang was quiet for a moment before he looked up to address their majesties. "Though I am Earthrealm's protector, you can count me among their highnesses' loyal and humble servants." He looked down at the baby in his arms once again. "They will grow to do many great things, into daughters who will bring you pride and happiness."
"Argus willing," Sindel and Jerrod murmured in tandem.
Liu Kang looked back up. "What is this one's name?" He asked, though he thought he already knew the answer.
The two of them looked at each other with smiles before looking back at Liu Kang. "Having been unexpectedly blessed with twins, we hadn't prepared a name for her." Sindel explained.
"We spoke before you arrived and agreed that we would like for you to choose her name," Jerrod concluded.
Liu Kang raised his eyebrows. "Me?" He looked back down at the baby in his arms, not needing another moment to think. "I have always liked the name Kitana."
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Mortal Kombat Music HC's
in this coconut head of mine here are some music headcannons i have:
-Johnny Cage is easily a swiftie and attends the eras tour with Cassie and makes bracelets
-he also was hugely into the Spice Girls (younger Johnny), that man knows spice up your life by heart
-Sonya is into more 70's classic rock. Catch her listening to Clapton.
-Kabal listens to punk music, but also hardcore rap. One minute The Casualties, next Mobb Deep
-Erron also listens to jazz on top of country, I cannot be convinced he doesn't
-Kano likes mainstream metal bands (megadeth, slayer, judas priest) and unironically sea shanties
- Kitana likes more indie leaning music (beabadoobee, Sir Chloe, men i trust) but doesn't talk about it. Only shares this with Liu Kang, who does not know a lick of mainstream music.
-Fujin likes indie as well, but more on the side of Porter Robinson.
-I feel like somehow if you exposed Liu Kang to every genre, he'd take a liking to Europop. Also would like Post Malone.
-Mileena listens to bimbocore music. Y2K music is a must. Ayesha Erotica remixes all day for her.
-Nitara likes specifically female-lead rock bands: Runaways, Kittie, Babes in Toyland
-Jacqui Briggs is a phoebe bridgers and sza stan.
-Kung Lao really likes mac miller, and I cannot explain why I believe this.
-Raiden listens to podcasts rather than music
this was a just dumb lil thought in my head
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