#Miko is a lesbian and I am but a man
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takendruid · 12 days ago
I love my two wives, Jason Todd and Yae Miko.
I am both absolutely insane over, and just in love with them both. But in the aroace way, not the allo way.
Neither of them would date me, but that’s fine because I wouldn’t date them either.
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the-desert-beast · 9 months ago
The Black Wolf Brewery
"Within Lion's Arch you'll find many kinds of criminal. Some, are sly, inconspicuous. Others, are brazen and brutish."
"Some, you'll never even know were there, right in front of you."
"Of these sorts of 'hidden in plain sight criminals' you'll find out dear friends, the blackwolf brewery. A simple brewery, that has been closed and shut up for years. Or so the newest owner would have us all think. Their name is unknown to nearly all but myself. Esyld runs quite the little business out of that musty old shack she calls a 'brewery.' I've never been allowed inside. I've never been allowed near her 'family' either, but people talk if you have the mind to listen. Kirari never shuts up when she wanders the streets at night. My theory is that, for one reason or another, I am immune to that little memory wipe charm that hangs from her ear. Whenever I ask other people about her passing by just the night before, they look at me like they've never even seen a woman before. They can recall everything from the night before, except Kirari's presence. Her brother Yuuji isn't always subtle either. He's quite awkward at the shops, quite blunt some days. I can barely read the Miyake siblings. Although, Yuuji seems to have a soft spot for one of the shopkeepers he visits every other morning. A young man. I've pestered the boy about Yuuji's presence but he too, never can recall the Miyake's face. I noticed just yesterday his new earring. Curious. Are they onto me? Or is it a precaution?"
"If Esyld has caught on that I've been watching them all, she'd rend me to pieces. Best to keep it subtle in the coming weeks. That revenant was always too clever for the rest of them. Lucky little me, that I'm never considered a threat. Too pretty or frail I suppose. Esyld of all people would know a pretty face hides a thousand lies."
"Arlais is the most difficult to trail, I can never tell when those, 'ghosts' or whatever they are of her's have spotted me or not. Rangers. She never leaves the brewery either, she's always within line of sight of that place. Dedicated, I'll give her that. Gods that woman has legs- I wish she were as short as I am, maybe then I could keep up without risking her pets spotting me so easily. "
"Last of all, there's Iniss. They barely ever leave the underground. Eachtime I've spotted them leaving it's always late at night when I'm trailing one of the other nightowls."
"All of this information is useless unless someone has a death-wish! The entire company keeps their deals and smuggling perfectly underwraps, I've never even seen one holding a package for nightmare's sake! Iniss nearly caught me the other night as well, now I have to think of a way to cover my tracks."
The journal entry ends there, the pages stained with blood. No skilled informant would ever allow a mole to squeak, or be so blind. Kirari hums to herself on her way back to the brewery, Esyld should be pleased.
aka, I wanted to talk about my EU alt OCs crew, and this is the braincell that struck me. so we got Esyld, (she/it/any), revenant, kingpin. sylvari, ex-nightmare court. butch pansexual. ⬆ these two are siblings ⬇ Iniss, (they/them), masculine honorifics; mister, king, brother, boyfriend, etc. Thief, weapons collector & smuggler. sylvari, ex-nightmare court. gay. (wriothesley from genshin impact inspired.) Miyake Kirari, she/her, mesmer, informant. allegedly human. (Secretly a mists demon Kitsune) (yae miko from genshin impact inspired.) sexuality; wouldnt you like to know weather boy Miyake Yuuji, he/any, elementalist, manager of sales & inquirys. (kamisato ayato from genshin impact inspired.) queer. Arlais, she/any, debt collector, ranger. human, canthan descent. (ningguang from genshin impact inspired.) lesbian.
The blackwolf brewery; an old brewery thats been abandoned for years. esyld bought it after rising through underground ranks and raising enough money to have her own crew.
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alixisbored · 1 year ago
Albedo - Bi. He’d be really sweet. He’d talk your pants right off.
Alhaithem - Bi. Probably dom. If you can get him to care.
Itto - he’s an idiot and probably decent in bed. Straight. Sub.
Baizhu - gay. Switch. Definitely has some kinks.
Beidou - Ningsexual. Dom.
Candace - straight switch.
Charlotte. - bi. Crazy. Will talk a loooottt.
Chevruse - straight. She’s chill so probably switch.
Cyno - straight. Dom, with work.
Dehya - lesbian full stop. Dom.
Diluc - stright. Jeansexual.
Eula - husband say’s straight dom. I’m not asking questions.
Faruzan - uninterested. Completely.
Furina - bi maybe once she not so broken. Pillow princess and a screamer.
Ganyu - straight sub. Vanilla. Boring.
Hu Tao- straight probably also vanilla af.
Jean - see Diluc
Kazuha - straight. Definitely killer in bed. He’d be soft, but he’s also the kind of guy that will make you swoon with a kiss. (I’ve put too much thought into this clearly)
Kaeya - gay. Ummm. Sub.
Ayaka - straight vanilla pillow princess sub.
Ayato - straight want to say vanilla because he’s boring af, but… switch because mischief.
Kaveh - gay sub.
Keqing - bi. Sub.
Sara- husband says electro dommy
Shinibu - straight switch. Mostly uninterested due to dealing with a man child.
Lisa- anyone.
Lyney - I want to say gay, but going to go with bi. Stupid story quest. Boy stop.
Mona- sub. Straight.
Navia - straight. Lumine bff. Switch.
Neuvillte - ace/aromantic absolutely not even entertaining the idea at all.
Nilou- straight boring vanilla
Ningguang - lesbian sub for a pirate.
Ei- lesbian sub. Miko. That’s all.
Rosaria- dom straight.
Kokomi- fish boring pillow princess. Also straight.
Shenhe- bi. Switch.
Heizou- straight. Switch. Charming little fuck will also do swooning things.
Childe- straight. Switch. He’d want the power struggle. He’d also want to win.
Thoma- straight. Switch. He’d just want to make you happy. A lot.
Tighnari- is a fennec fox so I can’t believe I am even considering this…. Bi. Probably sub but he’d probably die if someone tried to hold his hand.
Venti- rizz aside he inhabits the body of a fucking minor as he has admitted so nope. That’s gross.
Scara- … me: dom. Husband: dom that will fumble. Straight.
Wriothesley - I straight dom. Husband say sub cuz work.
Xiao- bi. Switch. You’d have to force him to dom though because he is a damn cupcake who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. That’s even if you manage to get through the centuries old wall he’s built around him.
Miko- lesbian dom. Ei.
Yanfei- do you want to know the legal codices of literally anything?
Yelan- bi. Dom. Nothing sfw to say.
Yoimia- straight wild. Will probably wear you out.
Yun Jin- do you like opera?
Zhongli- spending money he doesn’t have. Honestly, he’s pretty as fuck, but definitely not interested in anything outside of frivolous spending.
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swirldmg · 30 days ago
I am just glad to see her represented as such as I know she is based off yae Sakura and it gives me a huge ick when I saw people always putting her with a man. I'm very happy to see you writing her as lesbian, it means a lot to me that the sexuality wasn't erased for a ship... especially for ayago 😭
i’m not familiar with yae sakura since i don’t know anything about hi3, but regardless im glad i didn’t let you down jNCJSNZNS . i know there are plenty of implications of miko and ei’s relationship being romantic or at the very least more than just friends, and i am fond of eimiko, so that’s probably “blog canon” here and might be hinted towards in threads ; v ; unless other ships are established ofc !
but rest assured she will not be shipped with a man in my house 🙂‍↕️
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thebigbrightsun · 2 years ago
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nothing lasts forever 💜⚡️
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haikyuu-sins · 3 years ago
Could I request a small Drabble or headcanon or fic if you’re feeling up to it where Yae Miko takes interest in a girl, but when she brings up the possibility to her future s/o, she gets flustered and says something like “girls can’t like girls where I’m from!” But Yae persists and they end up in a happy healthy relationship? Very specific I know I’m sorry.
Specific is perfectly fine don’t worry! Ah I love Yae! I haven’t written for her yet so I hope this is okay! For this, I’m just going to say that the reader is from Snezhnaya , idk man they just seem a little sus so I wouldn't put it past them to not be an lgbtq+ friendly country.
(Also I apologize for the inconsistent layout, something happens when I try and edit things that are in my queue and I can't change the layout back to how I had it before.)
Characters: Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia
Genre: Fluff 
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Yae wondered to herself, what exactly intrigued her so much about you. After all, you were just another one of her little shrine maiden assistants. But somehow, you had caught her attention. She could read you like an open book as she could with just about everyone else. You weren’t the best at concealing the glances that you tried to steal from her, she always caught you, chuckling to herself and giving you a small and mischievous smile before tending to her duties. 
She teased you almost relentlessly with that smug little smile of hers. You could swear if she had a tail then it would be swishing behind her while she giggled at how flustered she knew you were around her. 
“So, when will you be taking me out on a date? Hm?” she inquired. “I haven’t been on one in so long that I’m starting to wonder if I’ve lost my charm~” the kitsune faked a pout, knowing that it would get you flustered. 
“A-a date?��� you feel your cheeks burn at her question, not knowing where in the world this came from in the first play. 
“Yes, a date. Shall I tell you what that is? The one where you take me to dinner-with you paying of course.” she said with a cheeky laugh. 
“Lady Guuji, I don’t know what brought this on!” 
“You don’t? Oh, is that the game you're going to play, my little Shrine Maiden? You’re little glances over at me, you begin to stutter, your blush, and anyway, I’ve already given you a reading–multiple times in fact–and it’s telling me that you’ve been meaning to take me on a very special date~” 
“I don’t-ugh!” you knew exactly what she was doing to you. She knew just how to fluster you beyond belief to the point where you couldn’t get the words out to even defend yourself. Though what was there to defend? She wasn’t wrong in any aspect. But the ingrained teachings of your home country, Snezhnaya, were deeply rooted. Gays and lesbians were not looked upon fondly and were often treated very poorly if they were ever out with their partner. 
But you couldn’t hide your feelings for Yae. This was mostly due to the fact that she simply knew everything and there wasn’t anything you could hide from her. She picked up on your crush rather quickly and you would soon realize that the feelings were reciprocated. 
“Where I’m from..girls aren’t allowed to be together…It would be seen as…Unsightly and wrong.”
Miko raised a brow at you before looking at her surroundings. “Hm, where you’re from? I see that we are in Inazuma at the moment, not in Snezhnaya. Or is that what you think as well? That girls are not allowed to be together and it is as “unsightly” as you say?” 
“No! No, of course not!” you try to backtrack on your words, as that was the last thing you meant. “It’s just…I supposed it’s the way I was raised. I was taught women and men shouldn’t be with the same gender and I had to suppress myself for the longest time before I realized I liked women too. Seeing gays and lesbians in other parts of the world made me realize, who am I to tell someone who they can and cannot love and who is someone to tell me who I can and cannot love?” 
Yae gives you a small close eyed smile. “Then there you have it.” She pats your head in a gentle manner.  “So that settles it, right? You’ll be taking me on my long awaited date now, right~?”
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damnfandomproblems · 3 years ago
good lord i hope the genshin impact confession is a troll because that's such a bunch of lies and twisting the reality of facts that it's almost laughable. if it's a troll, nice attempt. if it isn't: holy shit. xinyan is not black, she's chinese. people don't harass others for saying characters are lesbians, rather the people *saying* those characters are CANONICALLY LESBIANS!!!! when it's just their fucking headcanon are the ones viciously harassing anyone who ships them with a man lmao. stop trying to be a victim so bad. and boy oh boy do i have bad news for you: the corrective rape fics are either trolls from 4chan or at one point turned out to be ei///miko shippers going 'lmao i should write some more of that to make the het shippers look bad'
I am going to post this just like this.
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jihyocentric · 2 years ago
What do you dislike about Gorou? /gen question
I know some people dislike him cause of his playstyle, like my friend avoids him as much as possible, but then again she dislikes archers in general
I have a blast with him since I basically decided to build him as a dps for the heck of it and it was a very good decision
And actually, I am the lesbian of lesbian as lesbian can get and I don't like miko, so you're not alone on that one
i'm just sour about the fact that gorou mains say some stuff i don't like about sara bc of the ships they both have with itto, that's all tbh 😭 it's not the character himself,, but i like itto though, he's a sweetheart
my kujou sara is built as a dps too! i know many people don't like to play archers as main dps and i totally understand because it's a pain sometimes but oh well if you like a character then use them! my sara is at c6 so she's raiden's best support but still deal a ton of damage and man i love her
about miko i just don't understand the hype. i'm so glad there are people who don't like her too (is this a bad thing to say? i feel like i sound mean but it's a 3d character she won't mind it) and honestly i'd pull for her because i surprisingly like her kit but she's still a no for me
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carbootsoul · 3 years ago
genshin impact =]
:3 haha yesss
favorite character: kujou sara is literally on my mind 24-7 she is everythign to me. if she had been a 5* and gotten the character quest evaluating her relationship to inazuma (bc she's not actually an inazuman citizen since she's a tengu) and the shogun (grits teeth oh my god fucked up gay people) she deserves we'd literally be in a utopia rn. it would solve misogyny. and then also beidou bc electro women hot & zhongli bc. old man.
least favorite character: honestly since i stopped interacting with the fandom much and deleted tiktok there aren't really any characters i dislike. purely from the game i am honestly mildly fond of childe. that said there is nothign interesting about venti to me
brOTP: kujou sara + itto fwb truthers unite. also obviously kaeya+diluc. ningguang and zhongli is kinda niche i think but they're honestly rly fun (+ the "my dead wife was reincarnated as a lesbian" thing is hilarious to me)
OTP: beigguang oh my god. 💗💖💘✨💕🌟 god tier ship. kaebedo's good too and i have this random obsession w zhongli/baizhu that came out of nowhere.
OT3: hmmm. yae miko/ei/sara but as a like messed up half-metaphorical thing in the middle of sara's coming of age story that happens when she's 25.
NOTP: genshin has so many shitty ships lol. kaeluc is the only blocked tag i have on tumblr dot com. i also literally cant stand chili childe is just like. 19. and so immature compared to zhongli who was manipulating him their whole quest? don't see the appeal
favorite storyline: grrrrr bites and kills zhongli's stupid dragon boyfriend makes me. sdlkfjs him as his stupid tragedies. also unpopular opinion but the inazuma storyline was really good barring how rushed it was.
least favorite storyline: every time genshin gives a male character an impactful, emotional, lore relevant quest line and then turns and gives a female character a like shopping trip or somethign i kill and murder. especially ei because theres so many interesting things in her lore that weren't examined at all in her quest.
what I wish had happened but didn’t: women wearing pants, canon kaebedo interaction
what happened that I wish hadn’t: sighs and gets out the list. i guess to pick something at random all of the adults flirting with aether/lumine is rly weird to me
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signoras-pet · 4 years ago
𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕄𝕖
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You can call me Cloud!
My main account is @clouds-rambles​
I’m a Gemini sun and rising, Aries moon
I’m an ENTP (the debater </3)
I’m non-binary and use he/they/it pronouns (please do not use she/her thanks xoxo)
I’m a lesbian
I’m twenty-two years old
I am at university studying illustration ( year)rd
I live somewhere in England so I work on GMT
I’m dyslexic, and I never proofread. No proofread we die like Rex Lapis, right?
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While I may be a lesbian in the real world, I cannot but help myself to being attracted to a large handful of genshin males. I am the weakest link of my sexuality, so if you see me making thirsts about the Genshin men uhhh just see it as my compulsive heterosexuality. As it is a thing I’m still trying to get over. Comphet sucks man :’)
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I have a lot of kinks, and friendly to those that I don’t have. I’m open to experimentation so apart from my basic avoids open to writing a wide variety of things.
So having favourite kinks is a thing so here are mine- somnophillia (CONSENSUAL fucking in sleep, this has things like predetermined safe words/actions), aphrodisiacs (CONSENSUAL drugging, this has predetermined safe words/actions), praise/degradation (self-explanatory), hands (mmmm hands <3), overstimulation (okay but overstim >>> edging), petplay (kahsdjsh just want to be a good pet <33)
Also having favourite characters are also a thing, so here are mine- YAE MIKO, La Signora, Beidou, Shenhe, Lisa and Rosaria (my beloveds I will do anything for you)
I know generally these 3 are seen as tops but like BRATTY BOTTOMS anyways send tweet <3
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Forever living in the abyss of being a bratty bottom and wanting to tame bratty bottoms </3
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Kannazuki no Miko and Camren
I have to say that I’m love with this yuri (lesbian) anime. And the relationship that have with Camren it’s surprised. This is a long shot, folks. Be patient.
About - Kannazuki no Miko
Kannazuki no Miko (Sa 無 月 の 巫女 lit.) (Priestess of the month without God) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kaishaku, focusing on the love affair of two girls, Chikane and Himeko.The plot contains elements of mahō shōjo and mecha. The series began as a manga in 2004.
Argument Kannazuki no Miko tells the story of Himeko and Chikane, the reincarnation of the priestesses of the Sun and the Moon respectively. Both are high school students at the prestigious Ototachibana Academy located in Mahoroba, Japan. When an ancestral evil rises again, the girls are absorbed by fate in the instant that the spirit of the priestesses that they carried inside awakens to defend the world against the Orochi.
When the Orochi awaken, it is the first of October (the month without God), which coincidentally is the birthday of Himeko and Chikane. The first Orochi to try to kill the priestesses is Sōma Ōgami, a young man in love with Himeko. However, after a blinding light returns to itself, rejects his fate as Orochi, and swears to protect Himeko from the others as the ultimate consequences. The priestesses must awaken the Ame no Murakumo to save the world, while Sōma fights the Orochi's efforts to kill them.
Priestesses Himeko Kurusugawa (来 栖 川 姫 子 Kurusugawa Himeko) Voice by: Noriko Shitaya Himeko is the Priestess of the Sun. She is a shy and innocent girl of sixteen and the main protagonist of the story. She has known Chikane for years, unaware of Chikane's attraction to her. At first, Himeko finds feelings for Sōma Ōgami, her childhood friend. When they go on a date, their relationship fills Chikane's heart with doubts. She begins to consider Chikane a very close friend, although the two hardly see each other in public. Himeko is a beginner photographer with some skill. Initially she is shy and cautious, distrustful of her own abilities. This is mainly due to the fact that after the death of her parents, she was adopted by abusive relatives before being transferred with other relatives.
At school, Himeko seems to have only one friend, her roommate Makoto. After the destruction of the dormitories, when Himeko moves with Chikane, the enmity of Chikane's female fans is won at school. She carries the sun's mark on his chest and in the last episodes, discovers and accepts his romantic feelings for Chikane.
Chikane Himemiya (姫 宮 千 歌 音 Himemiya Chikane) Voice by: Ayako Kawasumi The Priestess of the Moon. In contrast to Himeko, is a person of strong character, of white complexion, perfect proportions and a beautiful bluish black hair. She has a noble and elegant aura, lives in a mansion with many maids, and is considered one of the most high-class people in the school; She has fans of both genders and has to deal frequently with romantic confessions. She is a member of the prestigious club of kyūdō (Japanese Archery) and uses her bow as a weapon in the clashes with the Orochi.
Later events show that she is also skilled in the use of the tantō. Their combat skills resemble, to those who possessed the wives of the samurai, another proof of the prestige of the Himemiya family. In addition to her combat skills, Chikane demonstrates her exceptional talent for playing tennis and playing the piano. Many in the school believe that it maintains a relation with Sōma, but that soon is demonstrated that is not certain, since she has been in love with Himeko from the moment in which they knew, although it is not revealed until almost the end of the history. Eventually, it seems to have "gone evil", eliminating all Orochi except two, after attacking Himeko to turn her against him. The true motive behind his actions is much more complex than at first appears. Chikane carries the mark of the moon on her back.
Orochi The main villain of the series is Orochi, an evil god who wishes to destroy humanity to create his own kingdom of darkness and nihilism. As in Japanese mythology, the Orochi of Kannazuki no Miko has eight 'collars', its eight worshipers and followers, who are also called Orochi (オ ロ チ 衆?) By association. Each of them has a wick, which is at the same time an alter ego of its owner and the incarnation of a minor god (with the ability to return from the ashes over and over again), which is part of the body of the deity Orochi Each follower has exaggerated personal characteristics; there are certain indications that the evil deity has given them great physical strength, endurance and a limited capacity to levitate and teleport, as well as a unique power or weapon according to their personality. Orochi chooses those who have experienced great pain in his life and are mired in despair as his followers. Six of the eight followers easily fall into stereotypes of characters, a sociopath, a brainless brute, an idol, an anti-social mangaka, a catgirl, and a nun who lost faith in God. They have extremely opposite personalities and do not coordinate their attacks on the priestesses, until the middle of the series.
Tsubasa (ツ バ サ?) Voice by: Yasunori Matsumoto It is The First Neck (一 の 首 Ichi no kubi?), Considered the leader and most powerful of the Orochi. Tsubasa is a tall, light-haired bishōnen, and a (alleged) sociopath with a long history, beginning with the murder of his abusive father, whom he killed to save his younger brother. Tsubasa is also the biological brother of Sōma, whom he left in the care of the Ōgami family when he escaped from the city. He was the only one who could defeat his brother, when all the other necks had failed. Sōma has few memories of him, and Tsubasa hesitates to seriously injure his brother in his first fight; he concentrates more on convincing his brother to join Orochi, than on killing the priestesses.
His robot, Take no Yasukunazuchi, has the ability to deploy wings to fly and attacks with swords mounted on his arms. He is the only Orochi who can fight seriously against Chikane after she "becomes Orochi", but the fight ends without a clear winner. However, he manages to (temporarily) destroy Take no Yamikazuchi and ends up abandoning the fight. In personal combat, Tsubasa primarily uses a sword (sword in English), although he demonstrates some ability to throw knives as well. Tsubasa eventually proves that his feelings for his brother are stronger than his desire to carry out the nihilistic world destruction, proposed by Orochi. He carries the Orochi brand on his heart.
Sister Miyako (ミ ヤ コ?) Voice by: Ikue Ohtani The Second Neck (首 の 首 Ni no kubi?), The first orochi to appear is a purple-haired nun, who lost her faith in God after having survived a terrible war (possibly in South America, given her tan skin color). it's a common stereotype in anime and manga). Although there is little cooperation among the Orochi, she seems to be second in command and has great respect for Tsubasa; On some occasions she gives orders to Girochi and induces the other three Orochi to cooperate with each other. Her influence seems to be what leads Chikane to move to Orochi's side, though it is later revealed that the Moon Priestess joined them of her own free will.
Her robot, Yatsu no Onokoshizuchi, instead of arms has tentacles and a giant circle of electrodes on his back, with which he shoots lethal rays. In personal combat, Miyako uses enchanted mirrors with which she can create complex illusions and spy on others from a distance. She is a skillful manipulator and a perceptive observer, she uses her mirrors to seduce Chikane by teaching her her deepest desires. It is the last Orochi to fall in front of Chikane. There are indications that she carries the Orochi brand on her throat.
Girochi (ギ ロ チ?) Voice by: Yasuyuki Kase The Third Neck (三 の 首 San no kubi?), Is one of the first Orochi to attack the priestesses. He is a very corpulent man and uses heavy chains as weapons against his enemies. He feels extremely attracted to Himeko, and tries to convince her to go on a date with him, every time he confronts the priestesses. Girochi is Miyako's younger brother. During one of the flashbacks, he can be seen as a child in a destroyed area, crying next to a corpse that lies under a collapsed building. Presumably, this happened during the same war that destroyed the church where his sister lived, it cost his parents' lives and left him traumatized forever. His robot, Hi no Ashinazuchi, is nicknamed Gungal, and is characterized by his overly large right arm. So big that the whole body of the robot fits inside him, as you can see when he performs his "Megaton Knuckle" attack. It is the first to be petrified by Chikane, although it is then purified. It carries the Orochi brand on the back of his right hand.
Crown (コ ロ ナ Korona) Voice by: Kana Ueda The Fourth Neck (四 の 首 Shi no kubi), is a delirious idola pop, which became Orochi, partly due to a terrible decline in sales of her CD. She behaves like a maniac, constantly trying to impress the other Orochi with her skills as a showwoman, but her energetic exterior hides a dark past. In a flashback she can be seen lying on a bed next to an older man, with her clothes torn; her relationship with man and the motives for such an act are never revealed, the only thing that Corona says about it is that she was "betrayed by her dreams". Her robot, Ooube no Senazuchi, nicknamed "The Final Stage", takes the form of a wheel with a demonic eye in the center, and a giant centripede with anthropomorphic arms and head. In matters of personal combat, Corona throws lipsticks at her enemies. This attack is not as harmless as it sounds, since their lipsticks carry explosive charges. Eventually Corona is petrified and then purified. There are indications that she carries the Orochi brand on her left breast.
Reiko Ōta (大田 レ ー コ Ōta Reiko) Voice by: Mamiko Noto The Fifth Neck (五 の 首 Go no kubi), Is an antisocial mangaka. Reiko takes her membership to the Orochi as a "day job" and the sale of her manga has improved since she joined. She interacts little with the other Orochi and in the fight is cold and calculating. She shares she last name with Hitoshi Ōta, one of the writers of Kannazuki no Miko. Her robot, Ho no Shuraizuchi, takes the form of a vessel with anthropomorphic form. In personal combat, Reiko throws feathers at her targets. Like Corona's lipsticks, these feathers have an explosive charge and explode on contact. Interestingly, Himeko loves Reiko's manga and is an avid reader of her work. Reiko is eventually petrified and purified by Chikane. There are indications that she carries the Orochi brand on her back.
Nekoko (ネ コ コ) Voice by: Ai Nonaka The Sixth Neck (六 の 首 Roku no kubi), is a small catgirl, with a shrill voice (her name derives from neko, a Japanese cat) which is usually seen wearing a nurse costume and a giant syringe. A priori, it seems to fit the typical stereotype of a cheerful and noisy catgirl, but during the plot it is revealed that in her past she was the victim of horrible medical experiments, presumably the cause of which she became Orochi. The Nekoko syringe contains a healing substance that can heal wounds. Alternatively, Nekoko can throw the syringes like missiles, with the same explosive charge that can be seen in Reiko's feathers. Her robot, Izuhara no Tamazuchi, nicknamed Meow Meow (Nya Nya), is a giant mechanical ball, equipped with a large number of cannons and capable of destroying buildings with ease. Nekoko takes everything as a game, when it is her turn to face the priestesses, instead of facing them directly, she first begins to destroy the entire city while singing and laughing innocently. There are indications that she carries the Orochi brand on her butt.
Sōma Ōgami (大 神 ソ ウ マ Ōgami Sōma) Voice by: Junji Majima The Seventh Neck (七 の 首 Nana no kubi), Is the only Orochi capable of resisting the complete transformation into an evil being. For much of the series Sōma is the only one that protects Himeko and Chikane and ultimately plays a large role in the destruction of Orochi. He has a very high social status, comparable to that of Chikane, and most of his companions believe they are a couple, although in reality, until the first incident with Orochi occurs, they hardly speak. Like Chikane, he is in love with Himeko and fights fervently to protect her, until he is overwhelmed by Orochi's curse, which leaves him out of action, but his brother Tsubasa rescues him shortly after. Sōma's robot, Take no Yamikazuchi, is a humanoid robot that has a great variety of attacks. In personal combat, Sōma initially uses his own body. More adeltante, it adopts the form to fight with sword of its brother. It carries the Orochi brand on its forehead.
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The priestesses and the Orochis...
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The girls and Ame no Murakumo (The robot behind them)
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The moon and The Sun
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To not make the post longer. The plot of this story has a lot, but a lot to do with Camren. Not perhaps the theme of the priestesses but the theme of the sun and the moon. The characters have a lot to do with the girls, especially their characteristics and personalities. This is a story I loved a lot before I even knew Camren or the girls but the way the story shows and what we know about Camren is incredibly similar. And of course, the series is on YouTube. I have it in a playlist that I'll leave below and hope you can see. It is in English.
It’s not a really happy story. Like the story of the sun and the moon, the girls aren’t allowed to be together but they have more lives to see each other again.
I hope you can see the playlist. But if you don’t, you just have to search for Kannazuki no Miko english sub and you will find it.
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37 notes · View notes
livingwithkami · 6 years ago
Shinto and LGBT+ culture: Connected from the ancient to modern era
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Throughout the years and even now, I have often been asked the view Shinto holds in regard to LGBT+ people and culture. As someone who is both nonbinary feminine and pansexual, with most of my loved ones being apart of the LGBT+ community, and some who practice Shinto as well, this is a topic that is very close to home and personal for me. I wanted to write about this for a very long time, and talk about this in my last article about Shinto and sexuality, as they are related. However as this is such an important topic to me, I felt it deserved it's own article. There are so many things I want to express in regard to this topic so this won't be the only article about it!
Historically speaking in Japan, there are many examples of LGBT+ people and practices that were present, a prominent and most-cited example being that it was commonplace and even a part of samurai culture to be in gay relationships. It wasn't until the Meiji era in 1868, and the influence of Western culture, that it began to be viewed as uncivilized and wrong. As a result, a stigma began to rear it's ugly head, and many important LGBT+ rights began to be lost. Under pressure, openly gay and lesbian relationships; writings and art of them too - began to disappear. Trans and gender nonconforming people began to be pressured to conform to their assigned gender at birth, instead of being able to be who they are freely. In addition, stricter gender roles and heavier patriarchal ideals were enforced even further. While it wasn't absolutely perfect or progressive and there were still plenty of issues, with the advent of the Meiji reformations, any sort of openness and potentiality for progression was completely shattered.
However, much time has passed since 1868, and in the current era in Japan, thanks to the enduring influence of the past despite the Meiji reformations, and the present influences of Buddhism, and especially Shinto itself - the hostility towards LGBT+ people is not as severe when comparing with other countries. Despite the old Western influence remaining in that we still lack full legal equality in Japan, progressions and reforms are happening fast and in great number, despite the current political party's objections - and for that I am very grateful.
Thankfully, there are lots of excellent resources about the LGBT+ history as well as the present situation in Japan and Japanese culture in English, in published books and online - so I won't get too far into it for this article since I want to focus on the Shinto side in particular which isn't as often talked about.
The answer to the question on everyone's mind of this topic - "What is Shinto's view on LGBT+ people?" isn't an easy answer. Shinto is the farthest thing from a monolith. There is no dogma, and no unified organizational structure overseeing all of Shinto in itself. Jinja Honcho comes close to a sort of unifying organizational force, but there are still the 12 government registered sects of Shinto, hundreds of individual shrine faiths that while not officially registered as sects, are essentially as such in that they don't align with Jinja Shinto's common views - such as the focus on Amaterasu Omikami - for example. Shinto also encompasses the thousands of varied folk practices in rural areas; and holds a very long and complicated history.
In other words, to put it simply, there is no true existence of an authority to speak for all of Shinto in and of itself as a whole practice. There are authorities in each tradition, such as the Head Shrines where the faith and worship of a kami began, that maintain the general beliefs, history, myths, stories, and rituals. But as Shinto in it's very essence is not dogmatic - every tradition, shrine, and each individual priest can and will have differing views and opinions about the various different aspects. It can even be as split down to two priests working at the same shrine having completely different interpretations on beliefs.
While Shinto is a practice that has a lot of freedom in interpretation and encouraging individual thinking, I strongly feel, personally speaking, this is not a "free card" excuse to dishonor the core values that makes Shinto, well, Shinto - the Way of Kami. Respecting and honoring nature, supporting each other, caring for each other, respect to our ancestors, working to be good people, taking care of the community, and so forth. This is the common thread that unites all of Shinto - the different traditions, the shrines, and the practices.
That being said, while there isn't a simple and direct answer to Shinto's view on LGBT+ people as a whole - I can say one tradition at the moment has made a groundbreaking announcement on matters for the LGBT+ community. This year the Head Shrine of the tradition I follow, Konkokyo Shinto, openly, officially announced and confirmed support of the LGBT+ community. This makes it the first Shinto tradition to do so. The Head shrine is also supporting the Konkokyo LGBT Kai (Group), run by LGBT+ clergy, with other clergy and laypeople members who work to support the activities of our group - myself and my partner included.
Many of our Konkokyo shrines had been holding same-sex marriages for many years, but with this decision, we now are also actively supporting the community as a whole, with our shrines being safe spaces for LGBT+ folks. Having the official approval from the Head Shrine is so validating and I feel so proud and happy to be a priestess of Tenchi Kane no Kami and of Konkokyo. I wrote a full article about the announcement here: http://witchesandpagans.com/pagan-paths-blogs/living-with-kami/konkokyo-lgbt-kai.html
I can only hope other traditions follow suit, and have their support be clearly defined.
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Informational pamphlet from the Konkokyo LGBT Kai, about clergy and laypeople, as well as terminology
While there may not be an official support from Jinja Honcho, other Head Shrines, or traditions (yet!). I still know of there being a lot of openness and acceptance. For example, Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America has also been holding same-sex marriages for over 20 years, and welcoming of LGBT+ parishioners and worshipers. In Japan, many other shrines have been holding marriage ceremonies for same-sex coupes too. Within the Jinja Shinto sphere, I know an ordained priestess who is a trans woman, and openly bi and gay priests too. Generally speaking in the Shinto community as a whole, it is very open and accepting. I have only encountered a few people who have not been accepting, but thankfully they are not the majority.
This makes sense as well, as historically Shinto has generally had LGBT+ friendly views - being LGBT+ was not seen as tsumi, or a "wrong deed that went against nature - a crime". There are records of ancient miko of the Izu Islands, who were said to be "men who lived and thought of themselves as women", but it was very clear in the ancient era only women had the power to be miko - female mediums, spiritworkers, and priestesses in the ancient era - so the miko of the Izu Islands were truthfully trans women. There are other examples of miko not from the islands who fell in the same definition in ancient times. In addition, even some of the nature-spirit and ancestral kami themselves were viewed and are still viewed as being gay. For example, an excerpt from "Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan" by Gary Leupp writes,
"During the Tokugawa period, some of the Shinto gods, especially Hachiman, Myoshin, Shinmei and Tenjin, "came to be seen as guardian deities of nanshoku" (male–male love). Tokugawa-era writer Ihara Saikaku joked that since there are no women for the first three generations in the genealogy of the gods found in the Nihon Shoki, the gods must have enjoyed homosexual relationships"
In addition, one could understand quite a few nature-spirit kami as transgender, genderfluid, nonbinary, and agender too. For example, the first three kami, Ame no Minakanushi no Kami, Takamimusubi no Kami, and Kamimusubi no Kami could be interpreted as agender, as they are said to be genderless in their myth. The next example would be Tenchi Kane no Kami, who is said to be a kami who is encompassing of all genders, but also genderless too. One could interpret them as nonbinary or genderfluid.
Then we have Amaterasu Omikami herself as well. In one myth, she dressed in masculine warrior clothing and hairstyle when she confronted her brother, Susanoo no Mikoto. One could interpret this in many ways in regard to how she expresses her gender as a kami that is not always fully feminine. In addition with regard to her sexuality, depending on one's interpretation of the cave myth and Ame no Uzume no Mikoto's exposure of her breasts, one could see her as having either lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual attraction. This interpretation can be further supported in the ancient practices of the miko priestesses of Amaterasu Omikami. In some of these practices, the priestesses would ritually be wed to Amaterasu Omikami, and also share of an intimate bond with her in sacred ceremonies.
This practice was not only limited to Amaterasu Omikami, but many other female kami as well, such as Ame no Uzume no Mikoto herself, and Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto. Since both Ame no Uzume no Mikoto and Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto also have husbands, Sarutahiko Okami and Ninigi no Mikoto respectively, this also can be interpreted in a lot of different ways that is not particularly heteronormative.
Inari Okami is one of the most prominent examples, and often seen as a LGBT+ icon - sometimes they are a man, sometimes they are a beautiful woman, and sometimes they are androgynous, sometimes they are no gender at all, and sometimes they encompass many or all genders. One can interpret this as Inari Okami being known as a shapeshifter, or some may see Inari Okami being multiple kami as one - I feel the interpretation of Inari Okami as genderfluid, or nonbinary, or any other expression, is also just as valid.
People may not agree with these interpretations or even see the concept of kami having gender like people is incorrect, or foolish to believe. However, if the kami mythologicaly and traditionally are said to have genders, have sex, attractions, and marriage - I believe it is not out of place as an interpretation. Someone personally seeing some kami as a part of the LGBT+ community for their own personal belief harms no one. On the contrary, it can help to develop a deeper bond, trust, and understanding between us and the kami. Which that sincerity is key and most important.
Now, I say this in regard to nature-spirit kami in particular, but in Shinto, once-living humans are also worshiped and respected as ancestral kami, often referred to as "mitama-no-kami". Someone who is a part of the LGBT+ community and has passed away is worshiped and enshrined as a mitama-no-kami just the same as anyone else, and to be properly respectful, they would still be honored as who they were when they still had a physical body - that does not change.
In addition, as I mentioned earlier, samurai had various romantic gay relationships. They too are enshrined as mitama no kami. One may know famously about Oda Nobunaga, who is enshrined as a mitama no kami, and Ranmaru's romantic relationship. As well, there is one such famous example of a mitama no kami who was most likely a trans man - Uesugi Kenshin. Many have said he could have been a woman in disguise - but - he had various medical checks and observations of his body by professionals at the time, and was still referred to as a man and could act as leader of the Uesugi clan without falter.
It is even recorded he experienced illnesses pertaining to his abdominal area every month around the same time of the week, but this did not change any existing records in regard to his gender. It is also extremely odd that for a daimyo (samurai warlord) at that era, where it was common to have multiple concubines to secure a successor, he did not have any biological children and even faced a succession crisis that led to adoption. Of course, there is no way we can confirm historically of whether he was a woman in disguise or a trans man, but there is a lot of evidence historically pointing to him being trans. He is now enshrined as a mitama no kami at Uesugi Jinja in Yamagata Prefecture.
While there is still so much I want to talk about on this topic, and I could most likely write a book! I want to mention something perhaps not directly related as much but a fun mention: the rainbow's colours are sacred in Shinto, as seen in the 5 sacred colours used for many different sacred items in Shinto. Red, Yellow, Green, White, Violet. The colours are said to represent the 4 directions around the world, and our own soul.
I hope then, that in all 4 directions around the world, people can come to realize that LGBT+ rights are also human rights, and we aren't odd, strange, nor dangerous. We are all apart of nature, all apart of this universe together. Let's respect the various colours of everyone's own souls, and work to uphold and support each other as a whole, unified community with love.
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autobotclique · 8 years ago
TFP characters as dril tweets
Optimus Prime: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and Nice manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT
Ratchet: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Bumblebee: 1st grade: Mastered. 2nd Grade: MAstered. 3rd Grade: Mastered. 4th Grade: Heres when they start trying to trick you 5th Grade:This ones hard
Arcee: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian
Bulkhead: i fear my tropical fish no longer respect me after i accidetnally stumbled backwards & smushed my ass hole right up against their $3000 tank
Cliffjumper: priest plugs my coffin in at the end of the funeral. “MILLERTIME” lights up in neon on the side, desecrating my corpse & sending me to hell
Smokescreen: the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. I hoot and holler out of the building while a bunch of losers try to tell me that im dying
Ultra Magnus: Blocked. Blocked. Blocked. You are all blocked. None of you are free of sin
Jack: yes trolls. unlike you, i have a brain. its called a " JOB "
Raf: downloading shit loads of counterfeit papa john coupons through unsecure wifi net works
Miko: DAD: i just heard on t he news that teens are taking the "Kick My Ass" challenge. please dont do this ME: you have no power over me, old man
Jane Darby: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no
Fowler: i enjoy a bit of "Humour" every now and then, but people seriously need to stop tying me to a chair and injecting me with unknown substances
Megatron: my followeres, who all hate me, and wish to kick my ass, are nobodys, and they lack the combat training to injure me, because theyre infant
Stascream: I just looked up the stats and the number of meaningful relationships ive formed is less than the number of public restrooms ive Screamed in
Soundwave: im the guy who airbrushes the nipples out of pro wrestling ads. i make $85k a year. but i have a secret *removs shades to reveal nipple eyes
Knockout: I put years of hard work into getting my torture degree at torture college & now everyones like “oh tortures bad” , “its ineffective” fuck off
Breakdown: my grave is just a huge tv displaying videos of me doing parkour in hell and it makes all the other graves look like shit
Arachnid: i will tell you this right now: I'm from hell. Im highly fucked up. Ive been known to say rude things and watch the carnage unfold brutally
Shockwave: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Predaking: please bring your rats to the new castle flea market so I may bless/heal them. ill be sitting in a lawn chair wearing a stolen priest outfit
Dreadwing: (the trolls watch in astonishment as the milk shake they threw at me flawlessly bounces off of my head wwith minimal pain and mess involved)
Unicron: *all horrors begotten by the desire of man flash before eyes* woha! this is awkward *the cries of millions suffering echo* Damn That's Weird
5K notes · View notes
strangeracrossthestreet · 8 years ago
Holy hell I haven’t been on tumblr for too long, aah late reply is late?! Forgiveness 
Name: Milena Hiiii
Nicknames: Cinder :D totally not connected to my real name but it stuck what can yo do
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 5′7′’ that aint smol! my discord family keeps teasing me about being short but i’m not they just giants!
Orientation: Such lesbian much wow
Ethnicity: Weelllll i’m apparently a pure-blood Bulgarian so says the one who birthed me
Favourite fruit: strawberries *drowls*.
Favourite Season: ...It just HAD to be that question fak! Well...I guess Spring? It’s not too cold not too hot but at the same time summer means no school....FUUUU PRIORITIES MAN!
Favourite Book: It just had to be books...does fanfiction count? because if it does I can’t possibly type out all of ‘em but there is one I read really recently called Kannazuki no Miko: Eternal Lovers and my gOD DO I LOVE IT! (i love kannazuki no miko even tho the anime and manga kinda wasn’t as good as i wished it was)
Favourite Flower: cliche rose.
Favourite Scent: Chocolate *heart eyes*.
Favourite Animal: Weasels!!
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Hot cocoa it has chocolate in it ofc it’ll be my fav.
Cat or dog person: Cats Cats and more Cats! I want a fluffy cat as a pet but alas I am not allowed to have one feelsbadman
Favourite fictional character: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION BRO! uuuu..........Road Camelot from D.Gray-Man
Dream trip: Boston! Gotta meet my big sis one day, it will be glorious
Blog created: dOES IT SAY IT ANYWHERE I FORGET?! created mainly so i can follow awesome people and see their art all day everyday 
Number of followers: 28 most of which i’m almost sure are those porn blogs that I dont feel like blocking but OH WELL Thank u anyway rofl.
What do I post about: I post? I don’t post, i’m the lurkiest blog you’ll ever meet
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Hahaha noope~ 
Aesthetic: Music notes, the fanfiction site and discord icon.
Favourite band/artist: Oooof....I can’t do it, i can’t decide! I have so many fav. artists ;-; . for band, um....Starset
Fictional characters I’d date: Asami from Legend of Koraa ♥
Hogwarts house: is not a harry potter fan pls don’t kill me
Hazaah! @secretlyalya have fun reading my nonsense once again apology for the late reply xD 
1 note · View note
starry-tiger · 6 years ago
TFP characters as dril tweets
Optimus Prime: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and Nice manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT
Ratchet: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Bumblebee: 1st grade: Mastered. 2nd Grade: MAstered. 3rd Grade: Mastered. 4th Grade: Heres when they start trying to trick you 5th Grade:This ones hard
Arcee: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian
Bulkhead: i fear my tropical fish no longer respect me after i accidetnally stumbled backwards & smushed my ass hole right up against their $3000 tank
Cliffjumper: priest plugs my coffin in at the end of the funeral. “MILLERTIME” lights up in neon on the side, desecrating my corpse & sending me to hell
Smokescreen: the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. I hoot and holler out of the building while a bunch of losers try to tell me that im dying
Ultra Magnus: Blocked. Blocked. Blocked. You are all blocked. None of you are free of sin
Jack: yes trolls. unlike you, i have a brain. its called a " JOB "
Raf: downloading shit loads of counterfeit papa john coupons through unsecure wifi net works
Miko: DAD: i just heard on t he news that teens are taking the "Kick My Ass" challenge. please dont do this ME: you have no power over me, old man
Jane Darby: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no
Fowler: i enjoy a bit of "Humour" every now and then, but people seriously need to stop tying me to a chair and injecting me with unknown substances
Megatron: my followeres, who all hate me, and wish to kick my ass, are nobodys, and they lack the combat training to injure me, because theyre infant
Stascream: I just looked up the stats and the number of meaningful relationships ive formed is less than the number of public restrooms ive Screamed in
Soundwave: im the guy who airbrushes the nipples out of pro wrestling ads. i make $85k a year. but i have a secret *removs shades to reveal nipple eyes
Knockout: I put years of hard work into getting my torture degree at torture college & now everyones like “oh tortures bad” , “its ineffective” fuck off
Breakdown: my grave is just a huge tv displaying videos of me doing parkour in hell and it makes all the other graves look like shit
Arachnid: i will tell you this right now: I'm from hell. Im highly fucked up. Ive been known to say rude things and watch the carnage unfold brutally
Shockwave: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Predaking: please bring your rats to the new castle flea market so I may bless/heal them. ill be sitting in a lawn chair wearing a stolen priest outfit
Dreadwing: (the trolls watch in astonishment as the milk shake they threw at me flawlessly bounces off of my head wwith minimal pain and mess involved)
Unicron: *all horrors begotten by the desire of man flash before eyes* woha! this is awkward *the cries of millions suffering echo* Damn That's Weird
5K notes · View notes
lizzyfish225 · 7 years ago
TFP characters as dril tweets
Optimus Prime: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and Nice manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT
Ratchet: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Bumblebee: 1st grade: Mastered. 2nd Grade: MAstered. 3rd Grade: Mastered. 4th Grade: Heres when they start trying to trick you 5th Grade:This ones hard
Arcee: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian
Bulkhead: i fear my tropical fish no longer respect me after i accidetnally stumbled backwards & smushed my ass hole right up against their $3000 tank
Cliffjumper: priest plugs my coffin in at the end of the funeral. “MILLERTIME” lights up in neon on the side, desecrating my corpse & sending me to hell
Smokescreen: the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. I hoot and holler out of the building while a bunch of losers try to tell me that im dying
Ultra Magnus: Blocked. Blocked. Blocked. You are all blocked. None of you are free of sin
Jack: yes trolls. unlike you, i have a brain. its called a " JOB "
Raf: downloading shit loads of counterfeit papa john coupons through unsecure wifi net works
Miko: DAD: i just heard on t he news that teens are taking the "Kick My Ass" challenge. please dont do this ME: you have no power over me, old man
Jane Darby: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no
Fowler: i enjoy a bit of "Humour" every now and then, but people seriously need to stop tying me to a chair and injecting me with unknown substances
Megatron: my followeres, who all hate me, and wish to kick my ass, are nobodys, and they lack the combat training to injure me, because theyre infant
Stascream: I just looked up the stats and the number of meaningful relationships ive formed is less than the number of public restrooms ive Screamed in
Soundwave: im the guy who airbrushes the nipples out of pro wrestling ads. i make $85k a year. but i have a secret *removs shades to reveal nipple eyes
Knockout: I put years of hard work into getting my torture degree at torture college & now everyones like “oh tortures bad” , “its ineffective” fuck off
Breakdown: my grave is just a huge tv displaying videos of me doing parkour in hell and it makes all the other graves look like shit
Arachnid: i will tell you this right now: I'm from hell. Im highly fucked up. Ive been known to say rude things and watch the carnage unfold brutally
Shockwave: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Predaking: please bring your rats to the new castle flea market so I may bless/heal them. ill be sitting in a lawn chair wearing a stolen priest outfit
Dreadwing: (the trolls watch in astonishment as the milk shake they threw at me flawlessly bounces off of my head wwith minimal pain and mess involved)
Unicron: *all horrors begotten by the desire of man flash before eyes* woha! this is awkward *the cries of millions suffering echo* Damn That's Weird
5K notes · View notes