#Mike Webb
inntervalspauline · 1 year
"Webb uses the parable of a journey to describe the design process and reflect on projection and representation through a series of geometrical exercises. The journey is therefore only an analogy, a narrative structure through which the underlying constitution of spatial representation and the way we mentally organise space is questioned."
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microplasticsubmarine · 5 months
Marianas trench fans, we are having a moment right now I just know it
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idle-hands · 16 days
things in Haven that drive me fucking crazy /pos
that ✨gospel✨ harmony in I'm Not Getting Better
the ever after motif in Haven (nearly made me cry /srs)
the mpt iii callback in World's Collide
"sleepness nights to kill" GET THOSE LOW NOTES KING
the bridge in Remember Me By
Fumbling hearts run into parts unknown !! <33
Van mention in Remember Me By ‼ Sat there like "I KNOW THAT ONE :point:"
Welcome to the edge 📣‼‼
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whumpingale · 8 months
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Sea Patrol s01e07 "Rescue Me" [extra hospital gifs]
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amiiancasselmanyet · 29 days
• A normal life
beautiful intro that's singlehandedly responsible for this blog being revived...ty
• Lightning and thunder
finding out that Josh was gonna be/is a dad through this song made me emotional because I didn't pick up on it at first
• I'm not getting better
• Down to you
holy SHIIIIIT the strings in this song...by far the best of the singles for this album
• Now or never
• Into the storm
• Ancient history
v astoria (in a positive way this time) and but the fucking SAX SOLO?? CRAZY I LOVE THAT
• Stand and fight
holy shit,, it reminds me of porcelain lyrically and sonically, I'm about to sob, this is going to be beautiful live
• Turn and run
holy shit, the lyrical call back to a normal life,, the build up,, the crescendo,, the haunting feeling that phantoms had, this is truly an album for the fans
• Worlds collide
MATT WEBB I LOVE YOU!!! The strings on this album are incredible HOLY FUCK MASTERPIECE THEATRE IM SOBBING!!!!
• Nights like these
so nostalgic, feels like something that'd I'd hear in the car growing up,, SON MENTION, so fucking beautiful, so happy for josh
• Remember me by
it reminds me of yesterday but it fits so sonically well with I'm not getting better and feels a bit like a call back to it HOLY SHIT IAN VOCALS THATS POOKIE THATS MY BABYGIRL
• Haven
HOLY SHIT THE CALL BACKS TO A NORMAL LIFE BUT ALSO THE VOCAL CALL BACKS TO OTHER ALBUMS JESUS ?? The ever after bit made me emotional...don't fucking talk to me
Thank u for reading :3
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Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and list your other faves too even if it's not on my list I would love to hear it ❤️❤️
Check out my masterpost for the other artist/band polls 😊😊 thank you and have fun 😊😊
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dirtyriver · 8 months
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House ad for Maze Agency #4 on the back cover of #3, February 1989, original art by Adam Hughes
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toonlets · 4 months
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Dr. Helen Noel is ready to take on Mike Tyson! "I'll show you who's an empath!" She says.
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forensicated · 4 months
A Tumblr Community for The Bill...?
Is there any interest in creating a community for fans of The Bill to discuss and have more opportunities to interact/chat about the show almost like a forum from what it sounds like?
If you'd be interested, please like/comment/reblog this post to show your potential interest so we can all see if it would be worth attempting to create one or not.
Tumblr is beta testing a new 'community' idea [apparently not available to all as yet but should appear for most] that it says is:
Communities is a new feature in development, currently in beta testing. Our hope is to empower everyone on Tumblr to create new, dedicated spaces to connect with people over shared interests. It’s a bit like using tags but more contained, it’s a bit like having a shared blog but with more options, and it’s a bit like a group chat except it’s slower. Access to communities is not yet out to all users, and currently has incomplete support across the Tumblr mobile apps
Labs blog post
Help page post/more information
It's still in testing mode and they're asking for feedback. They state it can be a private group or more open access.
Public communities can be seen and visited by non-members, logged in or logged out. However, only the feed of posts in each community tab, and the About page, are accessible. Non-members cannot view the member list, see who reacted with what, or see community comments. Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
Private communities cannot be seen or visited by non-members at all. The existence of a private community is not hidden, however, if someone has the URL (they’ll see a message like “this is a private community”). Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
I wrote a tag list of every member of the cast including notable long running guests. It took FOREVER. And this is what Tumblr cuts it down to. FGS.
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everafterstutters · 29 days
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placentafluid · 5 months
sooo… haha, what about all those…. um… voices in the night or whatever
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spacebunniezzz · 6 months
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My (Pretty Quick) Review on Haven - Marianas Trench (2024)
PSA: So my plan is to write a total of probably 3 reviews of Haven. this one being the short one with just rating each song from 1-10 with small commentary. the second being an extension of this one with better commentary for each song, and the third being a review as an album in general instead of focusing on each song. I just have way too many thoughts and I don't want to overwhelm anyone with everything in one post. It also helps me keep my thoughts organized. I just want to join in the fun (despite me being a few weeks late to the party)
okie thanks! :D
Normal Life: ngl it took me a few listens to really like it. But when it hit, it HIT. Not the best opener in their discography tho. 8/10
Lightning and Thunder: i like it as a single, but kind of flops compared to the other songs in the album. Still a bop tho 6/10
I’m Not Getting Better: it took me a two relistens to like it. Again, good as a single but something about it just gives “FOR RADIO”. Can tell they drew some inspo from the 80s and seems a little Astoria-esque (still don’t know if I like it tho). 5/10
Down to You: first single that I automatically fell in love with. However, it sounds way too similar to Kid Laroi’s Stay in some parts and I don’t like that 💀 7/10
Now or Never: 😬 guys, I’ve seen your reviews and I was surprised to see this was a fan favorite. It was not mine (pls don’t kill me 💀). Lyrics,, a little cheesy. Production,, a little boring to me tbh. However not a bad song. Vocals are killer - as always - 4/10
Into the Storm: lyrics are nice (still a little cheesy tho). Production and composition, awesome ! Josh really worked his ass fr. Love the crescendos here. Sounds like it will be killer live. 7/10
Ancient History: another fan favorite for some reason that I was surprised with. Melodically: fan of the verses, not a fan of the chorus (more on that later). Saxophone goes HARD tho 🎷🎷 serviceable bop 5/10
Stand and Fight: pretty good song in the context of the album. Not so good standalone (a little debatable). Josh’s vocals made me tear up hear tho. Gets pretty inspiring 🥹 7/10
Turn and Run: same review as stand and fight except it’s inspiring in a different way. To me: (masterpiece theater II —> Masterpiece Theater 2009) = (turn and run —> Haven 2024) idk if that makes sense but it’s an analogy. Sounds like it’ll be killer in live 6/10
Worlds Collide: BANGER BANGER BANGER. I liked it when I first heard it but it took me til the third to be like “ 🥹I get it.” This song was made for ME. The masterpiece theater references made me tear up. The drama, the composition. Spectacular. However, in the context of the album, it gets held back. More on this song later. 9.75/10
Nights Like These: giving “story of tonight”. Sweet message. Sweet song. (Congrats to josh btw!)6/10
Remember Me By: SLAPS!! Straight up. Loved it as soon as I heard it. Catchy and love the 80s vibe here a lot more. Also reminds me of Try Me from his solo project. Certified BOP 9/10
Haven: KILLER OUTRO! Once more, marianas Trench knocks it out of the park with their outros. I think this is their most ambitious and musically complex song yet and it tears me up how far they’ve come 🥲🥲. 10/10⭐️
Final Notes: Solid album, not my favorite album. I have a bajillion more thoughts on this album because I’m batshit crazy about Marianas Trench. I’m so HAPPY we got new music and hopefully I get to see them soon!!! (my date got postponed 🥲)
Overall Rating: 8/10 💕
Stay tuned for my in depth analysis 👍
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amiiancasselmanyet · 4 months
Fix Me is a Mid 2000's Classic, You're Just Not From Canada
before I start this essay series, I would like to clarify that this is NOT a series of reviews but just me genuinely expressing my feelings I have towards the albums in question because I’m a highschool dropout…bon appetite or whatever
also tw for eating disorders, self harm, general mental illness and addiction but this is fix me, you probably knew that
When most people think about early to mid 2000s rock albums that became staples and bands that became household names, there's a few that genuinely come to mind. Let’s get the “emo trinity” out of the way; From Under The Cork Tree was Fall Out Boys sophomore album from 2005 that is still widely loved for good reason. The songs are good and the lyrics hit when you least expect it. Every. Single. Time. Then, of course, we have The Black Parade. I cannot express my love of this album enough, it is quite literally my all time favorite and while Three Cheers has a more solid concept (man kills other men to try and get his lover back, homosexual antics ensues), there's a reason it’s arguably their most well known and beloved by the kids who used to bully you in middle school. Of course we have A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out coming in right after this, there’s not much I can say since this album truly deserves it’s own essay that I won't manage to write (Ryan Ross please come back the kids and I miss you) but, like the other albums, it's a STAPLE at Emo Nites and Emo Nite knockoffs (shout out to Sneaky Dees in Toronto). There is, however, an album among them that's a hidden gem due to the fact that . Fix Me was the debut studio album from Marianas Trench, arriving in 2006. This album stands out from the others in a lot of ways, its sound, its vulnerability and its general lack of a concept. This album was a shot in the dark and a testament to taking chances. Let's talk about it. 
If you’re even a little bit familiar with Marianas Trench (you definitely are because you are on a blog dedicated to the drummer, my beloved bias Ian Casselman), the sound you’re used to most likely isn’t here. This album is gritty, it’s production is grungy. When you look at the other albums at face value, it stands out as nothing like the rest. If you dig deeper, however, you realize that this album truly was the foundation of what was to come. The guitar heavy sound continues throughout the discography, even if it feels less clean than its successors. It adds to the aggression a lot of the songs have, it makes the lyrics hit harder. It was too rock for the pop charts but too pop for the rock charts.(I’m pretty sure Josh said that but this thing isn’t getting a bibliography, this is a more sophisticated shit post on a blog that, again, focuses on the silly drummer with mutton chops) While the sound is incredible, the true core of the album lies in its vulnerability.
Fix Me is essentially an auditory diary, with each track feeling like a new entry. There are themes focusing on the actual struggles Josh Ramsay dealt with at the time. There’s a lot about addiction (specifically heroin), self harm, eating disorders (specifically bulimia) and general depression. It's angsty. It's difficult  to hear at times. You're not supposed to get personal during essays but this is literally on a blog where I refer to the followers as “casselman nation”, it’s a lawless land and fuck you I’ll do what I want. This album, at its core, felt like it was almost a diary entry from a younger me. 
14 year old me was very different from the current me, I had a different name entirely, a different outlook on life and a lot of things that shaped me today had not happened yet. I was unmedicated and everyone else's problem. If you ever scroll down on the personal tag of my main (you WILL NOT, you DO NOT need to see my digital footprint and angst), you'll notice that there's a lot of themes on this album that pertained to me at that time. I was VERY depressed, undiagnosed bipolar 2, bulimic and…doing things in school bathrooms I shouldn't have with items from my art class I shouldn't have had access to in that state (not going to elaborate, I’m sure you get where I’m going). When you deal with those things head on, you tend to, from experience, seek out public figures, whether it be musicians or celebrities or youtubers (shout out to Dan and Phil lmao) who have similar experiences that you had. For me, a big one from the get go was Marianas Trench. There’s something oddly comforting in not only knowing you’re not only alone but that you’re ALSO going to survive. I truly wish I was able to hug 14 year old me but I also know that they’d be proud that I DIDN’T do the thing I wanted to do before I turned 17.
There’s another reason Fix Me is truly removed from other albums and it truly feels like the biggest component; there's no concept. Fix Me has its own identity but it's not through a story or through successful singles, it's through the fact that it has none of it. It shines through its simplicity, its impact is through the way it can stand alone. It’s an album by the band that could be, and should be at times, put on shuffle. It’s an album where you can pick any song, off the top of your head, and listen to it when you’re feeling angry or sad or full of unbridled angst. Sure, you CAN listen to other songs on other albums one at a time, Masterpiece Theatre is the first on I can think of off the top of my head, however, would you want to? Would you want to listen to The End of An Era and have it followed up with a song like This Means War? It 100% kills the immersive nature that the band has carefully crafted over the last 20 years. (yes they’ve been a band that long considering the fix me bsides are from 2001, yes it makes me feel geriatric) I think the biggest reason that it personally hits every mark imaginable for a grungy punk record is the fact that there is no secret meaning hidden in each song, its open and honest from the get go. It’s raw, real and does exactly what it needs to do.
Through its sound, its ability to be honest and vulnerable in its writing and the easily accessible material, it's a staple. Shake Tramp belongs in an Emo Nite just as much as something like Sugar We’re Going Down and more than Welcome to the Black Parade (I love that song but it doesn’t fit the vibe as well as House of Wolves or The Sharpest Lives, Emo Nite is just catering to the normies and preps). Decided to Break Its video should be as beloved as I Write Sins Not Tragedies. Marianas Trench deserve their flowers for being such a staple in the lives of canadian teens who are struggling, the adults who want to comfort their inner teen selves and those who, in general, are feeling small.
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OMG THE NEW MARIANAS TRENCH SONG IS AMAZING 💙💙💙 it's like a mixture of the previous eras wrapped into one it's probably their best song in years no doubt about it Josh's voice is insane as always and the harmonies are top notch absolutely incredible a true MASTERPIECE 💙💙
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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The Detectives, 1993, original cover art by Adam Hughes
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