#Midori Ando
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Headcanons of the 6.5 cas as like,, coworkers after the events of the chapter?
-ryutaro and midori ended up beginning to live together. Iirc, not much is said about the yamaguchi parents, so i tend to HC they died in the tragedy and thats why Ryutaro let Midori live with him-- that, and he had grown somewhat attached to her and was worried about her.
-After sdra2 omake 2, keisuke and rei ended up getting into a lot of fights. One escalated into a physical fight after rei said "what would Satsuki think of you now? Would she still see you as great, or would she be scared and think youre a monster?" (Inspired by a convo with @ihearticecreamcakes )
-Ando bought a toy doctors kit for kanata when she was a kid because she had begun asking what he did to save people.
☆despite being very busy as a surgeon, he still comes home to try to spend time with his wife and all of his kids.
-despite acting like she never cared for kizuna, minako cried at her funeral, and even moreso when the bodies were discovered. Despite how sickening of a sight it was, she insisted on seeing her daughter one last time. All the decay was disgusting, but she got to see for herself what killed her daughter.(despite being told already)
☆after that, guilt began to haunt her since she wasnt a better mother, causing her to quit smoking and be more friendly.
-Ryutaro is really good at claw machines but not a big fan of stuffed animals. It led to him setting up a table at the office where he would be the prizes he got for anyone to take. (He doesnt know that rei keeps taking a good chunk of em)
-after the hostage incident with syobai and iroha, midori admitted to ryutaro that she wasnt afraid of death because of how often she has come close to it.
-in the helicopter ride away after 6.5, midori held onto Ryutaros arm.
-when everyone was told the news of the death of their families, keisuke and ando consoled the bunch as best they could despite their own grief.
-keisuke and ryutaro were there when tsurugi killed his father.
I would throw in blatant ryudori headcanons but you didnt come here for that lol
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leviadraws · 2 years
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Pay day drinks after work. Picture taken before multiple rounds of shots are ordered and it becomes a disaster.
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Bonus: They got kicked out and are now wandering the streets of Shinjuku looking for taxis back. Minako's been taking photo evidence all night to show Midori and Ryutaro tomorrow at work.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 3 months
(my memory is awful so sorry if i sent this already but) I was curious how Rei and Tsurugi feel about IRL Mikado and Teruya being a couple and by extension their thoughts on the kiddos in your little Terukado Au (6.5 cast thiughts would be cool too but idk if any of them would care much about that?)
Fun fact: my power went out while I was answering this ask. Don't worry, it only lasted for, like, a couple of minutes. I'm just annoyed that I lost what I already written down. </3
(Also, mood on the bad memory thing, I forget stuff all the time. But I never got another ask about this, so I think you're good.)
Anyways, back to the question:
Rei Mekaru
Tbh, Rei and Tsurugi were completely oblivious to Teruya and IRLkado's relationship for the most part. Not because they wouldn't be able to put two and two together. In fact, they'd be on their ass the moment they get any kind of context clue about what's going on between them. But because they're too busy with their own problems to deal with (usually work), they don't realize the romantic subplot happening in the background, and frankly, Teruya and IRLKado had been trying to keep their relationship a secret in the first place. They knew they'd get into a whole lot of trouble if someone catches them in the act due to IRLkado being a(n ex-)criminal and Teruya working for the Kisaragi Foundation as Head of the Treasury Division, so they kept it on the downlow unless they were home alone and had some privacy. It wouldn't be professional for them to do any PDA during work anyways, so they're able to slip under their radar without much issue.
(Plus I think it'd be funny that the two smartest people in this survivor trio literally just suck at recognizing a romantic relationship. They may be book smart but when it comes to the matters of the heart, they tend to flop pretty badly in their own ways.)
Rei is getting better, though, through her friendship with Teruya. Over the years, he's been able to bring out a more softer side of Rei through his kindness and his own hardwork in his respective field, so he ends up getting her respect for his skills as a merchant. Which helps break down her walls a bit and allows herself to get close to him, especially when he accepts her flaws and cares for her. She cares for Teruya and starts paying a little more attention to him...which is when she starts seeing the signs of Teruya getting a little too attached to IRLkado. She warns him to not get close to him at risk of getting betrayed, but while Teruya acknowledges her warnings, even saying that he tries to remind himself of his criminal record to make sure he doesn't have any rose-tinted glasses to their friendship, it's obvious that he's still showing a bit of affection to IRLkado against his better judgment.
This eventually culminates into Rei visiting Teruya while they were at home and the two of them desperately trying to keep their relationship on the downlow. At first, things were fine and Rei and IRLkado are decently amicable, if only for Teruya's sake and keeping the peace in general. But when she comes back from a bathroom break, she walks in on Teruya and IRLkado sneaking a few kisses in the kitchen. And then the pieces of why they seem strangely close to each other over the last few years click in place. To say Rei was livid would be an understatement.
Teruya, knowing full well that he is in the wrong for going behind their backs to be in a secret relationship with IRLkado, their very enemy that they're forced to work with thanks to Kinjo's philosophy of using evil to destroy evil, begs Rei not to tell anyone. If anyone knows about this, if Tsurugi knows about this, he'd toss IRLkado back into his cell and he doesn't want that for him. But Rei tells Teruya that he's being a goddamn idiot for allowing this to happen, only setting himself up to get hurt by opening his heart to a dangerous and manipulative criminal like IRLkado. When Teruya tries to tell her that he's being a better person now, Rei does NOT believe him and turns her ire onto IRLkado, questioning if he even cares about Teruya's feelings, let alone reciprocate them the same way he does, or if he's just using Teruya. IRLkado, who had been quiet up to this point as he's processing the possible consequences this reveal would have in the near future, fumbles as he tries to explain how he feels about Teruya. That he's been really kind to him even when they were enemies, patient with him when he's at his worse, and comforting when he needed it. That he's just so...grateful to him that he has given him the opportunity to be better and gave him the experiences through their work and missions to realize...a lot of shit he needed to unpack about himself and the damage he's done to everyone he's ever met and wronged. He won't pretend that he didn't fully understand what Teruya meant when he accidentally confessed to him that day, but he chose to give this relationship a shot to understand his own feelings for Teruya as he kept feeling warm and fuzzy around him. It was sweet, it was tough, and there have been plenty of rough patches they've been put through together as they tried to navigate their relationship. But it helped him realize that he, well...he felt the same way about Teruya. Even when he's still trying to figure out the kind of future he wants to pursue, he's...trying. He trying really hard to understand himself better, and therapy has been one hell of an eye-opener to say the least. By the end, IRLkado just quietly begs her to not separate them, to not put him back in his cell. If not for him then for Teruya.
Rei...is actually stunned to see IRLkado act this way. While he has been cooperative for their missions, especially when it turned out that AIkado has betrayed and tried to kill him, he has never really showed remorse for his past actions. He's aware that what he did was wrong but he always had this look in his eyes that he wouldn't go back and fix things. That he's content with his actions so long as he gets what he wants in the end (finding/reviving Utsuro). That he would never change his ways. But looking at him now, with how worried and meek he was at the thought of losing what he has with Teruya, she's...conflicted. Conflicted on how genuine he seems, even when she fully knows that he could be faking it all and trying to manipulate the both of them. She goes to accuse him of such, but that's when Teruya steps in and pulls her away for a more one-on-one conversation between them. He apologizes for going behind her back again as he knew the risks of dating someone like IRLkado, but also admits that he's been really happy with him and has seen IRLkado improve himself over the course of their relationship. Not just for Teruya, but for himself, too. All he asks is for her to keep quiet about their relationship since things are..."fragile" for IRLkado, and if he loses the chance to be a better person through punishment, he might double down on his behavior and never become the person he should be. Rei says that if he's going to double down, that would only prove that he was never going to be a good person, but Teruya pushes back, saying that that's what he meant by "fragile." IRLkado is still processing what to do with himself and who he wants to be, staring through what could be his future beyond the door if he chooses redemption. And if they slam the door on his face just when he decides to step through it, it'll only strengthen his worldview on give or take. That the only way to survive is to use others until there's nothing left and then discard them once they've outlived their usefulness. That's the kind of place IRLkado is in right now, that his sense of self and beliefs are too wishy-washy for him to have the resolve to be good no matter what. He needs a chance to be better and have the time to gather the strength to be good, and if Teruya is the only one that's willing to give it to him, then so be it. He just...He just wants Rei to give him the chance to help IRLkado. Even if she doesn't trust him, she trusts Teruya to do the right thing...right? Rei pauses, quietly thinking it over.
"...And if this backfires?" She asks, genuine as she looks at Mikado waiting in the kitchen. Their eyes nearly meet, but he looks away like he wants to shrink under her gaze. Teruya takes his time to come up with a response.
"...Then I take full responsibility for whatever happens next."
Rei pinches the bridge of her nose, knowing full well that this is a horrible idea that can have dire consequences. But she's become soft, too soft, around Teruya and simply says that she needs to think about this before leaving. It takes days of thinking, of keeping an eye on IRLkado's progress and his therapy sessions (which she's not allowed to look into for obvious privacy reasons but it drives her crazy that IRLkado is actually going to therapy), and trying to understand Teruya's POV that she finally relents and calls him. She tells Teruya very clearly that she does NOT agree with his thoughts on IRLkado as it can be a pretty dangerous way of thinking when that person has already proven themselves to be a threat, but she does trust him and will keep quiet for the time being. Teruya, who has been a nervous-wreck ever since that day, ecstatically thanks her and says that he'll do his best to help IRLkado reform! Rei just tells him to be careful and to not let his relationship cloud his judgment, which he reassures her that he'll keep that in mind as their conversation shifts into something more casual and friendlier. When the call ends, Rei just sits there, wondering if she made the right decision.
Spoiler alert: she did, as by the time the Utsuroshima Killing Game happens, IRLkado has gotten his shit together and fully intends to stop AIkado for good. He still wants revenge, but his motivations have shifted to one that leans more towards justice and to prevent even more harm coming to fruition from his own actions. Sadly, they weren't able to stop the game from starting and Teruya gets stuck in there before getting killed by AIkado, which just breaks BOTH of their hearts in the process. To make matters worse, not only did it turn out that Kinjo fucking lied to them and used them as bait, he also hired the same fucking guy that nearly killed IRLkado as a double agent. To say both of them are PISSED would be an understatement and they kind just gang up on Kinjo until IRLkado is forced away from him by Keisuke. Meanwhile, Syobai is baffled that he actually missed a spot check when he tried to kill IRLkado, and Sora (through her out-of-body experience) is confused as fuck to see Mikado(???) with the Kisaragi Foundation, alongside the rest of the survivors. Chapter 6 happens, yadda yadda yadda, IRLkado does his backup plan of reuploading backups of the avatars into everyone's bodies with a bit of luck (thanks Sora and Yuki), and everyone survives! Hooray! Just one condition: everyone is still in a coma, but the fact that their brains are active means that they'll wake up with a bit of time. So the Kisaragi Foundation transfers everyone back to base while Yuki disappears as he does not trust Kinjo period (and I don't blame him tbh). After this, IRLkado keeps doing his best to do good, even without Teruya around to keep him "in check," and does his part to help. Both he and Rei actually end up spending a lot of time together due to her promise to get Sora out of whatever remains of the Neo World Program, working together to gather data and the means to transfer her out without getting AIkado and AI!Utsuro in the mix. She's surprised to find out that IRLkado doesn't really want Utsuro back anymore but he tells her that he no longer wants his life to revolve around him, not after everything he (and thus, AIkado) has done to reach that point. It's...It's not worth it, not anymore. Not when it hurt the ones closest to him. He can't take back what he's already done, but if he can right his wrongs, then all the more reason for him to help than to double down on what he's done.
This makes Rei realize that, despite everything that's happened, Teruya has been proven right. That IRLkado can change and do better, now that he had made that choice for himself and has the resolve to stick to it. And Rei sighs, wondering how they ever landed themselves a wonderful friend like him. IRLkado just shrugs, saying that it's less about fate, and more about luck, really. After that, they spend a lot of time bonding as they work and just keeping each other in check due to the trauma of the Utsuroshima Killing game: IRLkado keeping Rei from abusing her alcoholism, and Rei keeping him from, uh, hurting himself, among other things. Listen, coming face to face with an AI version of yourself that is more or less "you" and that you can see yourself taking the very actions "he's" done would fuck up your self-esteem now that you're committing yourself to a redemption arc. They also just bond over their mutual hatred over Kinjo.
By the time Teruya awakens and they have their scripted falling out with Kinjo, Rei and Teruya just hang out together as he recovers from...well, everything that happened from the Utsuroshima Killing game. They're bonding over the shit Kinjo has put them through over the years and Teruya laments the many times he's given him a second chance and how he proceeded to push and break them every single time. Rei just lets him do most of the venting as it's become clear to her that he's been bottling up most of his frustrations over the years and is kinda kicking herself for not giving him more support when he's been nothing but supportive of her all this time. She apologizes for not being a better friend to him, and Teruya almost brushes it away before pausing and decided to forgive her for it. He knows that unlike Kinjo, she's trying, and while she may not always catch herself making mistakes or struggle to show support due to her own inexperience in friendships, he appreciates the effort whenever she meets him halfway. Rei still wants to be better for him, and tells him that she'll show more support and care from now on...especially since he's found himself a partner he can rely on. This surprises Teruya as he didn't expect her to change her opinion on IRLkado, but she simply says that she had a lot of one-on-one time with him and decided that he is a better person, and has fully come around to Teruya's relationship with him. Doesn't stop her from giving him a jab about how he can do so much better than Mikado Sannoji, but she knows he won't change his mind at this point since they've clearly reaffirmed their love for one another. Teruya smacks her arm, and just like that, they've become closer than ever.
This is basically her feelings on IRL Sannotori/IRL Terukado: initially angry but reluctant before coming around to accepting and even taking jabs about it to them. Rei gets to be Teruya's Maid of Honor during their wedding, and gets to meet their first son, Shinra. Rei's not that good with kids in general but she usually shows her softer side around them, although she's definitely the stricter kind of role model to them. Shinra grows to like Rei and likes to learn a lot from her, and Rei, in turn, likes Shinra for how good of a student he is. Of course, when his gremlin side becomes more apparent, he starts being a little shit and likes to mess with her, much to her annoyance. She cares for him but he also drives her insane sometimes, which Teruya and IRLkado are both apologetic for as they try to keep Shinra in line. Eiki isn't that good with school so he tends to bud heads with Rei as she hunts him down whenever Teruya asks her to help tutor him, which results in Eiki trying to avoid Auntie Rei every chance he gets. Hisano is pretty much the golden student since she stays out of trouble and is good at learning, but she's clearly a lot more lost on what to do with her future unlike the rest of her siblings (minus Moriko, who is still a child). Rei is trying to help her find something to do as she claims it's easier to have a set goal in your life, but it's obvious that her advice isn't really sticking with her. Ryo, on the other hand, is a full-on delinquent that has a lot of issues with her birth parents, something that Rei relates to a lot but finds it frustrating that she's risking her own future by neglecting her studies. And unfortunately, since Rei is very no-nonsense and still pretty mean and Ryo is a hot-head that hates authority, they tend to clash so much that Teruya has to intervene and keep them from fighting each other. Moriko is a literal child, so Rei is naturally softer around her and she's often asked to tutor her as she's willing to adapt her teaching to help Moriko learn at her own pace due to her autism. She's more suited to older students like in a university setting but the fact that she tries to help Moriko learn the material shows that she cares about her, which helps Ryo understand her a bit better since she's closest with Moriko. Rei cares about all these kids, and is glad to see them grow up healthy under Teruya and IRLkado's care. She was initially concerned about IRLkado and how well he'd be a parent, but over the years her concerns wane as it becomes clear that he loves them very deeply and would do anything to make sure they're happy.
Tsurugi Kinjo
As mentioned before, Kinjo would be completely in the dark about Teruya and IRLkado's relationship. And unlike Rei, who eventually finds out about it, he doesn't know until minutes before his falling out with Teruya. He found out about what he did, using Rei and Teruya as bait to hide his double agent, the very same man that had helped AIkado in trying to revive Utsuro through the killing game. And he is FURIOUS for being betrayed by someone he considers to be his best friend, which results in the two of them arguing in his office. Since everyone lives this time, I think Kinjo would be less remorseful about it and doubles down on his justifications, saying that it all worked out in the end and that it was the only way to stop AIkado. But Teruya isn't having any of it, which tips Kinjo off that something has shifted in their usual dynamic as he starts to tear into him. Teruya goes on about the times he would use their trust in him against them over and over again, about the times he would give them a plan but keep them in the dark about certain details that put them in danger, the times he would abandon them to the criminals and Despairs that threatened their lives and only surviving by the skins of their teeth. And this was no different: Kinjo used Teruya and Rei (and IRLkado) as bait which they took hook, line, and sinker cause they trusted the plan they gave him (not necessarily IRLkado but he didn't have much say in the matter), when they lost contact with Setsuka, instead of sending a search party for clues or even a message she could've left behind, he stops all attempts to find her and essentially abandoned her to Void, all because he made contact with the same hitman that caught her and made a deal with him in secret behind everyone's backs?! Teruya chose to keep quiet about the goddamn money that was taken from their accounts because he trusted him when he said that it was just a backup plan, but it wasn't even that, was it? Sacrificing him and Rei and IRLkado and even Setsuka was always part of the plan, wasn't it? All because he trusted Syobai Hashimoto more than he trusted his own friends. The same hitman that helped set up the killing game, the same hitman that kidnapped all the victims and allowed them get killed, the same hitman that nearly killed his boyfriend because his AI paid him to!
"...Boyfriend?" Did he hear that correctly? Surely, he couldn't have. Teruya would never do that. He would never date their own enemy behind their backs like this. He trusted him that much.
But the way his eyes widen, the grimace on his face...it told him all he had to know. And Rei, who had been witnessing this moment without lifting a single finger, winces like she had known as well.
Teruya Otori...was dating that criminal? And Rei knew?
And he was...narrowing his eyes, his grimace strengthening into a scowl.
"Yes. My boyfriend." Teruya said, doubling down. "My boyfriend, who's waiting for me at home. That boyfriend."
Kinjo grips the arms of his wheelchair.
"You...This is ridiculous, Teruya!" Kinjo yells. And yet, Teruya just stares down at him, clutching his crutches so tightly that they shook. "He's a criminal! He's hurt civilians! He killed you-!"
"Killed?" Teruya...laughs. He had the audacity to laugh at him. And just as quickly as it had come out, he snaps his mouth shut until he bared his teeth at him. "You're right! I was killed! I was killed because Rei didn't have the time to make another escape code for me. I was killed because you chose to use me as bait which put me in that position in the first place. I was killed because Mikado - that Alter Ego - took advantage of my vulnerable state and input a firewall in my avatar, something that had to be destroyed to help the survivors escape that damned killing game, which meant that I had to let myself get murdered by him to give everyone a chance to survive."
"Teruya." Kinjo starts, a warning in his tone. But he could feel the clench in his throat. "Try to understand. Mikado Sannoji is dangerous and probably doesn't care about your feelings! He has the record to prove it! But while I may have chosen to sacrifice you, it was for the greater good. It was to prevent the most casualties-!"
"Greater good? Preventing casualties?" Teruya's crutches pound against the floor as he moves closer to the desk, almost like he was stomping. "Tell me, Kinjo, when Alter Ego came back online and threatened to blow up the island, when Sora lost her ability to make choices on her own, when Yuki pressed that button, what was your plan? To be stuck in those fantasies for the rest of your life as Alter Ego wrecks havoc onto the real world? Cause if that was your plan after sacrificing so many lives, then you sure as hell knew how to make it all worth it."
Just pure, stunned silence.
A silence that Kinjo struggled to break. To come up with a rebuttal as his friend glares at him with an anger he hasn't seen in years.
A silence that he was eventually able to break.
"...that's not fair." Kinjo had never sounded so quiet before, so weak, not even to himself. "It's not fair to pin it all on me just because my plan didn't work out."
"...You're right. It isn't." The bright red rage on Teruya's face has simmered down. But the piercing resentment in his eyes never left. "Maybe, just maybe, if you had made different decisions, if you never went behind our backs and used us as bait, if Rei had more time for another code, if I hadn't panicked upon seeing her 'dead body' and tried to escape, then maybe things would have been different. Maybe we would have succeeded. Maybe we would have still failed. Maybe I still would have died for our mission. But you know what?" Teruya leans forward, glowering at him. "'What ifs' mean nothing here. This is the plan you came up with, and this is the result: almost everyone would have died or have been stuck in a fantasy and Alter Ego would have escaped and won. He would have won, if he hadn't made the mistake in believing that Akane Taira's brain dead body had nothing to do with the Divine Luck. The Divine Luck she inherited beyond death and Sora's connection to her brain allowing her to use it when she needed it most. He only lost because Sora was there, not because of you. And you wanna know the funniest thing in this shitshow?"
Kinjo didn't answer.
Teruya answered anyways.
"Mikado Sannoji was the one who killed me."
"But Mikado Sannoji was the one who saved me."
"Not. You."
And with those two final words, Teruya turned around. He moved in his haste, nearly tripping on his way out but managing to right himself before Rei could step in and help. He slams the door, leaving Kinjo to stare at where he once was.
"...He took the words right out of my mouth." Rei said the first words that comes out of her mouth since the start of this whole fight, and Kinjo snapped his head towards her.
"Rei. You can't be serious."
"I am." Rei scowled at him. "And just so you know, you're not taking any of the credit for what Mikado has done for the victims' survival. He may have set off the domino effect with the creation of his Alter Ego, but he's the one that prevented the victims' deaths from being irreversible. So as far as I'm concerned, he's already amending his crimes."
"Don't talk to me." Rei turns on her heel. "You've proven yourself to be the most unreliable, incompetent, and untrustworthy fool I have ever met in my life. So you're no longer worth my time and effort. And if Teruya keeps his common sense intact, he'd be on the same page as me."
She slams the door.
And Tsurugi Kinjo...was left all alone.
...So with that impromptu mini-fic out of the way, Kinjo is left steaming over the fallout. He's still trying to justify his actions to himself, saying that they'll come back after they calm down and talk to him for work. So he waits. He waits for them call, to text him, to send a little note through their work if he has time to spare for a "personal" meeting.
But nothing.
No calls. No texts. Not even a note.
They were still working, Kinjo can see the documents they send over to him for daily check-ins. They're too professional to be petty and outright ignore him when it comes to work. But otherwise, they never reached out to him. Never talked to him. Even when Keisuke awkwardly tells him that they're still hanging out, they're hanging out without him. Like he wasn't...their friend anymore.
But that can't be right. They're his friends. His only friends left. And they promised to stick together. So why...?
Should...he apologize? Apologize for doing his job? Teruya always knew he struggled with difficult decisions in the past and while he always bud heads with her, Rei understood whenever he had to be pragmatic and even agree with him in certain scenarios. So maybe if he just apologized, they'll at least start talking to him again.
But even when he tried to send those texts, they remained untouched. Well, Teruya left him on read, but he leaves no reply. Fine then, he'll just talk to them during the meeting. But when he tries to arrive early, Rei and Teruya weren't there to catch up in person like usual. And when they finally arrived together, there were too many people he was comfortable with to try and apologize so he just started the meeting with the awkward air between them. By the time it finishes, he tries to call out for Rei and Teruya to wait. Rei rolls her eyes while Teruya asked him if there was something wrong with their work. When he says no, though, he turns his back on him and says not to bother him unless it was work-related and leaves with Rei. He watches them go, his confusion slowly turning into realization. It couldn't be. It...couldn't be. Right?
And yet, when that judge gave it's final verdict for Void, for Mikado Sannoji that had proven himself to be "reformed" through the very work and missions Kinjo has forced upon him, he's left reeling as the very laws he believed would bring justice let him go with such a light sentence. All because he's changed? All because AIkado's crimes were his own and not IRLkado's? All because...he could help so many people under the Foundation's work with his skills?
Tsurugi calls out to Teruya. To understand what was happening before his very eyes. And Teruya...links his arm with IRLkado's and walks right past him, Rei following after him, and Setsuka giving him a condescending wave.
Tsurugi Kinjo...was alone.
He was all alone...because he has destroyed whatever love and trust his friends had in him.
And that's when Tsurugi has his mental breakdown like in that Omake I have yet to read but I have seen those CGs and wow, he is doing horribly, huh.
As for Tsurugi's feelings on the kids...uh, tbh with you, he has never met them. Why? Well, remember when I mentioned that funeral in Shinra's profile? Yeah, that was Tsurugi's. His health has pretty much declined after realizing the ramifications of his own actions and just leaving the Kisaragi Foundation, and with how the blessings of Divine Luck works, Tsurugi's Fortune has pretty much faded to nothing at this point so he would've ended up here sooner or later unless Yuki blessed him again (but I don't think he would've done that considering how he instantly left the scene after he was free, which I think says a lot on how he feels about Tsurugi and the Kisaragi Foundation as a whole). Rei had told Teruya about Tsurugi's declining health from a message she received from Keisuke, and he decides to go visit him while IRLkado stayed home cause haha, ain't no way in hell he's going to see him willingly. But Teruya at least wanted to see him one last time, even if it doesn't go well, and Rei takes him to where he has hidden himself away from the world, which is also where Keisuke is since he had offered to stay with Tsurugi and take care of him. While Rei is making herself at home, she refuses to go see Tsurugi as she has made it clear what her stance on him was last time and is going to stick to that. She's only here for Teruya since this news made him want to see Tsurugi, nothing more. Respecting her wishes, Teruya enters Tsurugi's room and he sits by his bed, where his ex-friend remains. When he talks, he doesn't apologize, not really. But he clearly regrets everything he's done, for he just couldn't see any better options. Teruya figured he hadn't changed too much, even when death is hovering over him. And yet, he still chooses to stay, cause he believes no one deserves to die alone. That's the only kindness he's willing to give him now. Tsurugi doesn't say anything else, silently crying as he knew he didn't really deserve it.
("For what it's worth, I'll miss what could've been. I'll miss what remained of our friendship.")
So, yeah, Tsurugi never got to meet Teruya and IRLkado's kids. But if we bring the Afterlife Theater in this, he's probably sulking in his seat as he watches Teruya and IRLkado happily raise their kids together.
Ryutaro Maki
Since you asked about the 6.5 cast as well, here ya go! We'll go through them in character order, starting with our protag, Ryutaro. The interesting thing about Ryutaro in 6.5 is that he's, like, your average teenage little brother: annoying, but caring and a bit rebellious. And from what little we see of him in SDRA2, he clearly doesn't really agree with Kinjo's attitude but he also doesn't like those that hurt others. And when Keisuke nearly takes the shot at the risk of hitting Midori in the epilogue, Ryutaro is frustrated that Keisuke nearly did that with barely a pause until Midori calms him down by pointing out that there was no right or wrong decision in that moment, he was just trying to do what he thought was right. And it's not like Midori didn't tell him to take the shot anyways. I imagine Ryutaro was still upset about it but he calms down and is clearly confused on what he believes is right and wrong. Especially when two of his closest friends (and one being his crush) are being affected by the split that has happened in the Kisaragi Foundation. He has yet to choose a side between "Hawks," "Doves," and "Neutrals," according to LINUJ and the wiki, but to me, he leans more towards Doves due to his disgust at Kinjo and Keisuke's choices.
With this in mind, I think Ryutaro's feelings on IRLkado would be...confusion and curiosity, mostly. He gets that they have to work with him and is at least willing to give him a chance on that alone, but he still wouldn't trust him as far as he could throw him. And yet, Teruya seems weirdly close to him? Like, they're almost never seen without each other but he kinda just chalks it up to IRLkado not being allowed to be alone without a guard. And since a few idiot guards apparently hurt him while he was under the Director's care, it's no wonder Teruya is wary of leaving him alone if it means putting him at risk with some Foundation members that tend to abuse their power. But it's none of his business and he allows IRLkado to hang out with them during the mission, even when Keisuke would rather he be anywhere else but here. And somehow this leads to them??? Forging a bond???? Like, Ryutaro kinda just asks some questions about IRLkado's hobbies and stuff and IRLkado is like, "?? What hobbies?" And Ryutaro is like, "What do you mean you don't have hobbies? I'm getting you a hobby." And introduces him to Smash Bros. and the rest is history.
That being said, don't leave them alone for very long. Turns out that they both lack any sort of restraint together and do some pretty dumb stuff.
Teruya: "What did you do?!"
Mikado, sweating: "In my defense, I was left unsupervised."
Keisuke: "That's why we left Ryutaro with you?!!"
Ryutaro, also sweating: "In my defense, I was also left unsupervised-"
As for how Ryutaro found out about their relationship, he probably suspected it from the start but didn't want to say anything in case he was wrong. He didn't want to cause any trouble for them. And for all he knew, it could've been a really strong friendship, you know? But eventually he accidentally walks in on them kissing after a mission and realized, "OH, they really are dating," and just walks away. Even going as far as to steer Keisuke away cause he knows he would NOT keep this a secret from Kinjo. As long as they were happy and IRLkado isn't going to backstab them, this ain't any of his business. And, as time goes on, it became pretty clear to him that IRLkado has started regretted his past actions and crimes and is working his way to redemption. A goal he respects and supports alongside Teruya.
He just wishes he's not stuck as the third wheel so often.
As for his feelings on the kids, he's either this cool uncle that likes to spoil them whenever he visits, or he prefers not to hang out with them. Not because he doesn't like them but more because kids aren't really his thing? He'd rather hang out with someone his age. Still, if Teruya and IRLkado need a babysitter, Ryutaro is an option. Let's just hope he doesn't burn the house down in his poor attempts at cooking, though. He finds Shinra cool as hell, Eiki talks so much that he struggles to keep up, Hisano is a bit too quiet for his liking, he encourages Ryo's teenage rebellion, and Moriko gives him scary kid vibes like in those horror movies...until she pulls up a normal kids' movie and he realizes she's just Like That.
Midori Yamaguchi
According to LINUJ (a.k.a. the wiki), Midori belongs in the Neutral group, someone who doesn't think either side is right or wrong and would want everyone to try and understand each other's POVs. Or at least keep their wits about each other as they work together. So Midori is probably one of the few people that are actually pretty chill with IRLkado's introduction into the Kisaragi Foundation, although she wouldn't go out of her way to hang out with him since she knows he's still a dangerous criminal. Not until she does some pet sitting for Teruya and IRLkado since they can't always be home to take care of their cat, alongside Minako. (Btw, they have a cat, her name is Hina and she's an American Curl with only three legs due to one of them needing to be amputated due to an infected injury, and these cats have the best ears ever, look at them.) After that, they kind of just have small talk or just vibe whenever they hang out with Ryutaro. They play games, Midori teaches IRLkado how to do braids and such, and they kinda just...chill together. It's a friendship that mostly just develops in the background since they don't really hold much conflict with each other? Midori still holds him accountable for what he's done, but otherwise, she doesn't hold much judgment for him while they hang out and it's very...refreshing for IRLkado amongst a sea of people that would be more than okay if he were to kick the bucket due to his criminal status.
As for Teruya and IRLkado's relationship, again, she's pretty chill about it when she's told. Although she may be a bit of a shipper on deck for them. She's ultimately supportive but would probably set them up on a few dates if she could. She also loves their kids and probably played with them a few times. Depending on her illness and whether or not it's curable, I don't know how long she'd live to see them grow, but I like to think that she at least gets to meet them all once. Or was she just prone to constant sickness? Either way, she helps Shinra relax around doctors, lets Eiki talk to her about his interests, reads with Hisano, tries to steer Ryo away from rebellion (stop it, Ryutaro, stop), and tries to help Moriko with her sewing projects (they don't turn out well, but she's happy with it nonetheless).
Keisuke Iranami
Oh, he's definitely THE MOST against IRLkado being a part of the Kisaragi Foundation, simply because he's in the most agreement with Kinjo's orders as seen in SDRA2. He's supposedly a part of the "Hawks," too, which is the group that sides with Kinjo the most. So I think he'd hate criminals in general and feels pretty bound to the law and the orders he receives. So Keisuke does not trust him in the slightest and wished that Kinjo didn't allow him to work with them. But for the sake of the missions, he tries his best to keep opinions to himself and be amicable for the most part. But IRLkado can definitely tell that he doesn't like him, and frankly, neither does he, and the two of them just have this underlying beef with each other that just grows over time. Teruya is trying his best to mediate between them while Ryutaro is just standing there like, "Wow, this is the most I've ever seen you angry, Keisuke-" Cause IRLkado just brings out a different side to him that the cool-headed and sweet big brother Keisuke Iranami usually doesn't show around others simply because they are people he likes. But around someone he doesn't like? He can be quite cold! Which kinda alienates him from his own friends when sees that the rest of the 6.5 cast + Teruya (and eventually Rei) starts hanging out with IRLkado more and treats him like he's a friend, something he just...doesn't agree with. Especially since he had burned down an orphanage and hurt so many people, all to meet this one guy that was responsible for killing most of the 79th class, including his sister. He just...doesn't like him. Doesn't trust him at all.
And then it's revealed that Teruya and IRLkado have been dating this whole time. It...shocks him, to say the least. He doesn't lash out at Teruya like Kinjo and Rei do at the start, but he does put distance between them because he's struggling to wrap his head around the fact that the same kid that he's grown to see as a little brother, someone that was close to his sister, would fall in love and willingly enter a relationship with someone that had worshipped the very guy that killed Satsuki and traumatized them. So he just...stops talking to Teruya for a long time, following after Kinjo after he has his mental breakdown and taking care of him while he's in hiding as Dr. Ando makes it very clear that he can't be left alone as he is now. Spending those long months helping him and keeping him company gave him a lot to think about, and when Kinjo passes with only Teruya by his side, mostly out of pity for what little remained of their friendship, Keisuke...kinda realizes how much being a "Hawk" has distanced himself from his friends. They haven't really talked all that much lately and the more he spends time with other fellow "Hawks," the more he realized that their ideals seem quite...extreme to the point that he's usually left uncomfortable around them. He still agrees with them for the most part, but...is it really worth it if it means he'll alienate his friends from himself? If it means he'll be unhappy with himself in the long run if he continues to be stubborn? If he'll die (almost) all alone, like Kinjo? These thoughts scares him to the point that he ends up asking Rei for advice, feeling bad that an older brother like him is asking someone that's pretty much the same age as Satsuki. Rei frowns but tells it to him straight: sometimes there's an obvious right and wrong answer, but more often than not, the choices you're given aren't always right. Sometimes it's about choosing which one you consider to be the lesser evils and not everyone is going to agree on that. Even when two humans have similar beliefs, they may make different decisions depending on certain factors they considered. So it's natural to bud heads with other people. The problem comes when you refuse to hold yourself accountable for your own actions and the consequences that come with it. Tsurugi was constantly brushing off their criticisms and repeating his toxic behavior until it blew up in his face and they no longer gave him any more chances. That's why he ended up dying almost all alone: he kept testing his loved one's trust in him until it finally broke and drove them all away. Keisuke hasn't done anything to completely break his friends' trust in him yet (and the one time he risked it was when Yuki intervened so the worse case scenario never played out) and as long as he's willing to listen and talk to them about any kind of issues, he'll probably be fine in the long run. This advice helps Keisuke with his concerns and he thanks her before making some calls to Ryutaro and the others. Frankly, they were more upset that he rarely kept in touch with them while he was away, but they're glad to hear from him again. Relieved that he still has his friends, they all have a long discussion about where they stand and how things have been going on their end.
By the time the wedding happens, Keisuke is there as Ryutaro is probably IRLkado's Best Man (since he's one of his few friends in that support group and God help him with all those responsibilities) and he was invited by him. Things are! Very awkward! Between Keisuke and IRLkado as they barely got along when they were working together. But Keisuke just swallows down his wariness and apologizes for how he treated IRLkado back then, admitting that he didn't trust him, hell he still doesn't, but he's been way too harsh to him in the past among other things. IRLkado also apologizes, but carefully, saying that he understood why he acted the way he did, he was a criminal, after all. It just made it harder for him to be a better person when he was constantly on his case for every little thing. The two end their conversation on a truce, never truly becoming friends due to their different beliefs and history together, but ultimately burying the hatchet for a bit peace between them and the friends they share. As for the kids, Keisuke probably only interacts with them through Teruya and he tries his best to act like a cool uncle as he doesn't want to hurt them just because they're the kids of someone he had past beef with. He's constantly scolding Shinra for his pranks (which only encourages him to do it even more), sharing jokes with Eiki, trying to bond with Hisano but failing due to her interests being the opposite of his (fun and sweet VS horror and terror), keeping Ryo in line, and playing with Moriko as he shows her how to do acrobatics.
Minako Tomori
Minako's feelings on IRLkado were wary but otherwise indifferent. She knew he was a criminal, everyone does, and doesn't go out of her way to greet him. However, she also kinda doesn't care about what he's up to so long as he's not plotting anything that can hurt others, which means that she's a little bit more willing to have a conversation with him if it strikes her. It isn't until after she becomes a pet sitter that she extends an olive branch to him and the two of them start being friendly with one another. She's not sure how it happened, but IRLkado kinda starts approaching her for advice every now and then like she's someone to be looked up to, which she would laugh about cause her? A decent role model? That's hilarious, hahahaha, oh wait, he's serious. Minako needs a moment to process that cause while she has been working on herself on becoming a better person, she's still, well, herself. She doesn't really consider herself role model material after all the fuck ups she's done. But IRLkado actually sees her as a role model because she messed up. She messed up a lot, to herself and the people she loved. But she still took responsibility and broke away from her toxic behavior, choosing to work on herself and be better rather than to remain who she is. IRLkado goes to her for advice because she's probably the closest person who could understand his attempts at being a better person than anyone else, even though she never committed any crimes like he did. This gets her to soften up just a little bit, although she tells him not to follow her example to a T since she's still working on being better and her advice may not always be sound as her experiences in life were pretty shit, so that would cloud her judgment. IRLkado just says that he'll at least consider her advice and the two of them continue to hang out like usual.
As for Teruya and IRLkado's relationship? Ooooooh, she was on that shit since the beginning. Like, she was 90% sure they were dating, she doesn't know when, but she sure as hell knows that it's happening! The gossip over how close they are to each other and the possibility of their relationship doesn't slip by her either as she is a gossiper through and through, and Minako is just WAITING for the other shoe to drop. So when Teruya came to her for help and came clean about his relationship with IRLkado under the promise she'd keep it a secret, she immediately puts her hands up in the air and goes, "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!"
"Wha - You knew?!"
"I mean, I had my suspicions, but now that I know, Ryutaro owes me over three-thousand yen."*
(*About 20 US dollars.)
Minako doesn't tell anyone, she promised after all and she's not the kind of person to spread that around since it would get them into lots of trouble (and would technically out them). But she does take every opportunity to tease them whenever they hang out, much to both of their embarrassment. As for her reactions to the kids, she probably spoils them and treats them like any wine aunt would, although the kids probably see her more like a grandma than an aunt. She thinks Shinra is a lot of fun when he's not being a little shit towards her, Eiki annoys her sometimes with how lazy he can be, she tries to give advice to Hisano but she's constantly tuning her out due to their different views on appearances, Ryo is highly wary of her due to her past behavior even though Minako is genuinely trying to be better, and she dotes on Moriko every chance she gets.
Dr. Hikaru Ando
Fun Fact #2: the reason why IRLkado survived his encounter with Syobai is because his luck came in and Dr. Ando just so happened to cross paths with the same alleyway that he was dying in. So when he found him still breathing and barely clinging to life, Dr. Ando dropped everything he was doing to try and prolong his life until help arrived, which is how IRLkado ended up at the Kisaragi Foundation. If he wasn't there, IRLkado would have died and it's a miracle that he had pulled through to the very end. The thing is, though, Mikado Sannoji has been on the Kisaragi Foundation's radar for a while now due to the security breach in the data logs that allowed him to find out what happened to Utsuro. They didn't exactly know what he was plotting but the fact that he broke into their security in the first place was already a crime so they looked into him. Rei, of course, figures out that Mikado is a criminal that specializes in hacking, but has also done many other crimes under different identities, including murder, violence, and thievery (kidnapping is under AIkado's crimes). So he immediately became wanted under the Kisaragi Foundation's rule. Problem is, Dr. Ando did not realize who IRLkado was until AFTER he brought him into the Kisaragi Foundation for treatment. Oops. He still would've saved his life as he prioritizes his patients health and safety above all else, regardless of their background (the way Kanata interacted with the yakuza as she tries to treat them says a lot about what she learned from Dr. Ando), but he probably would've set up a lot more security measures if he knew right from the start. When he realizes who IRLkado is, he gives Kinjo a heads up and discusses what to do with him. He wants him to recover from his injuries first before they decide his sentence, but Kinjo insists on getting rid of him now since he won't be able to escape as he is now. Just as they start clashing over their beliefs, another piece of information is dropped into Kinjo's lap...and it turns out there's a second Mikado Sannoji running around which immediately confuses everyone in the room. Realizing that there's more to the situation than meets the eye, Kinjo relents in letting IRLkado live and Dr. Ando is relieved to know that his patient will live another day. He tries to keep things peaceful as IRLkado recovers and remains kind to him, but while he's grateful that he's alive and that Dr. Ando saved him, he doesn't trust him cause haha, this is the Kisaragi Foundation, which means he's in enemy territory now. By the time Dr. Ando gives the greenlight to allow IRLkado to rest up on his own without requiring a doctor's surveillance in the medical ward, that's when Kinjo intervenes and officially arrests IRLkado for his crimes, but also to interrogate him on what he knows about this second Mikado Sannoji. Dr. Ando isn't happy about this as IRLkado is still recovering, but he also knows that IRLkado has a lot to answer for in his past crimes, so he backs down under the belief that Kinjo will be careful with him.
He...ends up regretting this decision when Teruya comes back with IRLkado for a diagnosis and it became pretty clear that he hasn't been treated well in his cell ever since he was removed from his care. IRLkado was his patient, and, in a way, he failed him by allowing harm to come to him when he was still recovering. At least, that's how he sees things. Dr. Ando is very remorseful about this, and tries to make up for his oversight by caring for IRLkado every chance he gets and helps him with any medical problems he needs. IRLkado is obviously upset over Dr. Ando's role in the situation but is also conflicted cause he's both the one that saved him but also the one that indirectly got him arrested in the first place. They do eventually clear the air between them, though, with Dr. Ando apologizing for not doing more for him and IRLkado coming to an understanding as to why he allowed the arrest to happen in the first place even though his recovery wasn't fully completed after a bit of introspection and therapy. He was a criminal and had done horrible things in his pursuit of Utsuro, so he knew he didn't really have the right to be TOO upset about this. But awareness of his crimes wasn't the same as regretting them, and now that he's on the path of redemption, he realized that his grudge on the arrest wasn't really justified since his motivations were entirely selfish and hurt many people. So after unpacking all of that, he says it's okay and that Dr. Ando doesn't need to apologize since his role in the matter was small in the long run and he still did everything he could to help him with his health. After that, their relationship has become pretty amicable, comfortable even.
So when Teruya and IRLkado come out about their relationship to him, Dr. Ando is pretty chill about it. He even says that he thought something was going on between them, he just wasn't sure what. Which kinda kills Teruya on the inside cause that means a lot more people have noticed their behavior around each other than he realized. Dr. Ando has met all of their kids at least once as he gives medical advice to them, with Shinra being scared of him due to being a doctor and his trauma from being a lab rat which makes him kinda sad, Eiki telling him a bunch of fun facts about rocks during his visits to help him relax, Dr. Ando giving Hisano books on medicine to encourage her hobby, doing his best to be patient with Ryo (which is actually pretty easy since doctors are one of the few authority figures she's willing to openly respect), and Moriko gives him sewn lil duck figures every time she sees him. He puts them on his shelf for all to see. :]
And that's everyone, yahoooooo. *lays down for I spent at least a day working on this*
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spyrkle4 · 1 year
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Some trivia related to Lucky Melody in Towa! I might do more of these in the future
Hope you like trivia time, I’m still working on the LMIT sequel, but if you’d like to send any questions about my fic, I shall answer to the best of my ability : D
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Let’s see it all!
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I'll manage anyway, I think it's time to go; will be returning to the Kisaragi Foundation and you all will get treated, anything else you remember before we take off?
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Oh wait, hey Ryutaro - remember those notes you were gathering? Maybe show them to her!
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Are you sure? I mean, I'm not sure if they be useful or not...
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Notes? You mean you found something...?
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Ye-Yeah I think so, there were some notes scatter around the whole building but I'm not sure what they mean; maybe they are from the kidnappers or something?
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Maybe you guys can go and investigate it? As say, I'm no investigator but it could be a clue... *Ryutaro hands over the 6 notes*
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... *Rei begins to read them*
'I'm cutting my stomach today. The drug has been administered. Painkillers were administered. I hate it. I hate this. I don't like this. It hurts. I don't like being sick, why did I have to drag this? Did I do something wrong? No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.'
'Could this be poverty? Could it be wealth? Why do only a few scraps of paper determine a person's life? Why…why can't I do what I want?'
'What's missing? I'm trying to do this, but why the hell are you doing this to me? I want to be recognized. Is it wrong to be recognized? Then what's the point of trying…?'
'Disgusting child. She wants to press me only because she's a contributor. The person who's here is me. Why can't I be the best? Why do I always lack something? Why! Why! Why!'
'I'm scared. Distraught. Someone please save me, whenever I go. wherever I close my eyes. Still why am I attracted to it? Is this fear? Am I strange to be attracted by "Fear"? I…….Who am I?'
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There doesn't look to be any names here, the last one I do recognize a bit...
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You do?! Then who could it be...?!
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This note might belong to Akane Taira, the mastermind of the killing game we were in...
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So it could be her?
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Maybe, as say this is her handwriting and I know she use to come from a very abusive orphanage until it was close down but otherwise I don't know much else past that...
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And she was the one that set up the killing game?!
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I did remember Kanata talking about her, how... how could she do all this? I thought they were friends.
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I thought so too but it seems we weren't...
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But don't worry, will be sure to investigate and find out what happen and arrest the ones that kidnapped you all, I can promise you that but now let's be off and return back to the mainland.
*As then the helicopter began to fly and few away from the island...*
'It has been a few years since that incident, we were able to find out about Mikado Sannoji and Void, I'm not sure what they are planning but will make sure to arrest them all...'
0 notes
shadowrmidnight · 2 years
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“It’s fine just let us know when your free.”
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I will, now I should really get back to work
*the three leave Ando's office*
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After informing the others we should probably start searching for any clubs near a medical University
0 notes
Canon/Headcanon Voice Cast
//So I have a whole page on the blog talking about the headcanon voice actors, but I'm making a post here so people can access it easier, especially since I'm starting to realize that Tumblr has, for some reason, made editing the pages themselves a lot more complicated.
//This website continues to suck ass, but hey, we roll with the punches as per usual.
Danganronpa 1: Makoto Naegi - Bryce Papenbrook Kyoko Kirigiri - Erika Harlacher-Stone Byakuya Togami - Jason Wishnov Aoi Asahina - Cassandra Lee Morris Yasuhiro Hagakure - Kaiji Tang Toko Fukawa - Bennett Abara Genocide Jill - Erin Fitzgerald Sayaka Maizono - Dorothy Fahn Leon Kuwata - Grant George Chihiro Fujisaki - Dorothy Fahn Alter Ego - Dorothy Fahn Mondo Owada - Keith Silverstein Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Sean Chiplock Hifumi Yamada - Lucien Dodge Celestia Ludenburg/Taeko Yasuhiro - Marieve Herington Sakura Ogami - Jessica Gee George Mukuro Ikusaba - Bennett Abara Junko Enoshima (All Versions) - Bennett Abara & Erin Fitzgerald Monokuma - Brian Beacock
Danganronpa 2:
Hajime Hinata - Johnny Yong Bosch Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Derek Stephen Prince Kazuichi Soda - Kyle Hebert Sonia Nevermind - Natalie Hoover Akane Owari - Anairis Quinones Ultimate Imposter - Jessie James Grelle Teruteru Hanamura - Todd Haberkorn Mahiru Koizumi - Carrie Keranen Peko Pekoyama - Janice Kawaye Ibuki Mioda - Julie Ann Taylor Hiyoko Saionji - Kira Buckland Mikan Tsumiki - Stephanie Sheh Nekomaru Nidai - Patrick Seitz Gundham Tanaka - Chris Tergliafera Nagito Komaeda - Bryce Papenbrook Chiaki Nanami - Christine Cabanos Izuru Kamukura - Jonny Yong Bosh Usami - Rebecca Forstadt
Danganronpa 3 (the anime):
Seiko Kimura - Erin Fitzgerald Ryota Mitarai - Justin Briner Miaya Gekkogahara - Amber Lee Conners Daisaku Bandai - Tia Ballard Koichi Kizakura - Kaiji Tang Kyosuke Munakata - Ricco Fajardo Chisa Yukizome - Colleen Clinkenbeard
Danganronpa V3:
Shuichi Saihara - Grant George Maki Harukawa - Erica Mendez Himiko Yumeno - Christine Cabanos Kaede Akamatsu - Erika Harlacher-Stone Ryoma Hoshi - Chris Tergliafera Kirumi Tojo - Kira Buckland Angie Yonaga - Cassandra Lee Morris Tenko Chabashira - Julie Ann Taylor Miu Iruma - Wendee Lee Kaito Momota - Kyle Hebert Kokichi Ouma - Derek Stephen Prince Tsumugi Shirogane - Dorothy Fahn K1-B0/Keebo - Lucien Dodge Gonta Gokuhara - Kaiji Tang Rantaro Amami - Johnny Yong Bosch Korekiyo Shinguji - Todd Haberkorn Monodam - Jason Wishnov Monosuke - Brian Beacock Monotaro - Sean Chiplock Monophanie - Natalie Hoover Monokid - Patrick Seitz
Ultra Despair Girls:
Komaru Naegi - Cherami Leigh Monaca Towa - Christina Vee Nagisa Shingetsu - Erica Mendez Masaru Daimon - Tara Jayne Sands Kotoko Utsugi - Erika Lindbeck Jataro Kemuri - Michelle Ruff Yuta Asahina - Michelle Ruff Taichi Fujisaki - Tony Oliver Haiji Towa - Matthew Mercer Hiroko Hagakure - Jessica Straus
Danganronpa Another Despair Academy/Another 2:
Sora - Rachel Chau Yoruko Kabuya - Jeannie Tirado Yuki Maeda - Yuri Lowenthal Tsurugi Kinjo - Crispin Freeman Rei Mekaru - Laura Post Mikako Kurokawa - Brittany Cox Teruya Otori - Kyle McCarly Setsuka Chiebukuro - Elizabeth Maxwell Ryutaro Maki - Zach Aguilar Midori Yamaguchi - Jackie Lastra Keisuke Iranami - Liam O’ Brien Minako Tomori - Allegra Clark Iroha Nijiue - Sarah Williams Syobai Hashimoto - Mark Whitten Mikado Sannoji - Doug Erholtz Kanata Inori - Felicia Angelle Kanade Otonokoji - Ashley Johnson Akane Taira - Tara Platt Hikaru Ando - J. Michael Tatum Hibiki Otonokoji - Amalee Yamato Kisaragi - Max Mittelman
Danganronpa Blowback:
Akeru Yozora - Sarah Miller-Crews Yukari Koime - Erika Lindbeck Mikihiko Koyasunaga - Alejandro Saab Yosaku Fujita - Brook Chalmers Kana Ise - Laura Stahl Misako Rokuhana - Suzie Yeung Kanjiro Hayamoto - Kirk Thornton Seina Datenashi - Kayli Mills Shozo Asayoru - Zeno Robinson Ryo Koumori - Khoi Dao Chinami Hasami - Erin Ebers Mai Yurino - Lauren Landa Kazuki Watanabe - Sarah Natochenny
Akira Tsuchiya - Kellen Goff Narumi Osone - Jenny Yokobori Misuzu Aisaka - Megan Taylor Harvey Kazuomi Samejima - Ben Balmaceda Ayumu Fujimoru - Johnny Yong Bosch Marin Mizuta - Christine Cabanos Mikoto Itsuki - Brianna Knickerbocker Kego Sakuma - Christian Banas Aruma Todoroki - Alexis Tipton Mitsunari Koga - Aaron Dismuke Seishi Yodogawa - Xander Mobus Nico Himuro - Chadni Parekh Zen Katagiri - Xander Mobus
Project: Eden’s Garden:
Eloise Taulner - Hannah Magers
Original Characters:
Kuripa Kurafto - Valentine Stokes Uchui Porosen - Christian La Monte Kibin Hatsudoki - Ashleigh Ball Eje Karma - Clifford Chapin Matta Gyalusetsu - Connor Colquhoun Kotoko Kurafto - Morgan Lauré Garrett Tsutsuji Magahara - Molly Zhang
Danganronpa V2: New World Order: All people listed below are the usernames of the original VA's. Actual names are unknown. M11-YU - Echo Mona - Bearpuff4 Dash - hi im stel Pierce - Silavent Blaise - 1412Destroyer Eden - Crash
Hyper Danganronpa H2O: Abandoned By Hope: Maya Canzanilla - Eden Riegal Four Kaiden - Kayleigh McKee Hunter Rosenhall - Ray Chase Kouji Ito - Shannon McKain Leona Vasquez - Macy Anne Johnson Oliver Feng - Erik Kimerer Emilia Feng - Genevieve Simmons
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code:
Yomi Hellsmile - Howard Wang
Other Characters:
Yui Samidare - Lizzie Freeman Kanon Nakajima - Cherami Leigh Natsumi Sato Kuzuryu - Corina Boettger
Joke Characters (Anti-Plot):
Lune - Aoi Yuki Steve - N/A Monoshado - Keanu Reeves (why not? XD) Monika - Jillian Ashcraft S-Sister - Cherami Leigh S-Animator - Valentine Stokes S-Writer - Bennett Abara S-Fiend - Erin Fitzgerald S-Luck - Bryce Papenbrook S-Divine - Yuri Lowenthal S-Pianist - Erika Harlacher-Stone S-Detective - Grant George S-Hope - Johnny Yong Bosch S-AI - Rachel Chau S-Barista - Eden Riegal
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
Rei anon again - I do want to ask your honest opinion. What DO you think of Rei Mekaru? What are your thoughts on her and do you enjoy writing her? Do have other headcanons other than the Teruya and her pay Midori’s bills?
feel free to be as honest as possible, I don’t usually mind other opinions of Rei (except when it comes to ships but yknow-)
Ngl, I was neutral on her but interested in her character. Then her character development in chapter 4 trial and afterwords made me love her. I watched the series before Weeby Newz’s playthrough, so I honestly referred to her as “homegirl Rei” lol I just felt like I could relate to her and her sass. I also had to walk away for a bit after what happened in the prologue of SDRA2
She’s definitely one of my favorite characters to write!
I honestly blank a lot when it comes to hcs, but when sometimes gives a basis or idea, then suddenly possibilities seem endless (I guess that’s how requests work-)
But here:
This is kinda canon on her character sheet, but she has adorable and hilarious bed hair in the morning, and she curls her hair herself every day (her hair is also silky)
She has a secret collection of teddy bears in her room, which she’ll probably only ever show her S/o (Only close friends are even allowed in her room)
She reads fanfiction sometimes but would absolutely never admit it
In her school life, she thought Yamato was a huge idiot, but when she learned more about him, and how he’s actually a genius, with a kindhearted and dorky personality, she befriended him and was more hesitant to rule someone incompetent after one encounter
In her office, she has a You Rule/You Suck tally chart for Tsurugi (Like Robin’s for Steve in Stranger Things)
Rei admires and greatly respects Mr. Ando for taking in Kanata after losing her parents in the car wreck. She wishes her relatives could have been more like him
On some of her days off, Rei, Teruya, and Ando take care of kids at the orphanage or on the streets, Rei encourages them and teaches them to read and write, Teruya gives them warm clothes, and Ando takes care of any wounds they might have. The three of them all donate food to the kids as well
Rei likes classical music, I just feel like it soothes her
She reads the newspaper (one she deems reliable)
When she was younger, and had free time where she wasn’t studying or keeping herself off the streets, she took dance and piano lessons (She’s canonically a pro dancer and I can just picture her playing piano or violin)
As I stated earlier, I hc that Rei had a teacher that she saw as a mentor figure, who helped her despite her being held back and inspired her to become a professor
Rei probably won’t admit it, even to Minako, but a part of her wishes that she got to know Kizuna better, even if the two of them hated each other in both their school lives and the killing game (I don’t ship them, I just feel like their clashing personalities of Looks vs Smarts/Competence could have changed each other’s (At least Kizuna’s)views a bit, along with learning how to work with and open up to others)
After the killing game and the creation of the Kisaragi Foundation, Rei went back to school and graduated at the top of her class (She skipped a few grades and graduated pretty quickly) She was asked to give a speech and she dedicated it to her former classmates
Sometimes Rei can’t sleep, and stays up at night wondering why Akane saved her and Utsuro spared her and her friends
She is so addicted to coffee that Teruya tried to stage an intervention for her
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modstarfell · 1 year
Fangan muse list
Muse means characters you roleplay as/write for
DR Blowback DR Another SDRA2 Despair Time Project Edens Garden Rebirth
Blowback: Annabelle Akeru Yozora Chinami Hasami Kana Ise Kanjiro Hayamoto Kazuki Watanabe Mai Yurino Mikihiko Koyasunaga Misako Rokuhana Ryo Koumori Seina Datenashi Shozo Asayoru Tato Shigami Torae Akatsubaki Toshiro Takahara Yosaku Fujita Yukari Koime
Danganronpa Another: Aiko Maeda (and Mr.Maeda to some extent) Akane Taira Ayame Hanato Haruhiko Kobashikawa Hikaru Ando Juu Kinjo (and Ms.Kinjo to some extent) Kakeru Yamaguchi Kanata Inori Keisuke Iranami (and family to some extent) Kinji Uehara Kiyoka Maki (and Rika/Yuzuki to some extent) Kizuna Tomori Midori Yamaguchi Mikako Kurokawa Minako Tomori Mitsuhiro Higa Rei Mekaru Ryutaro Maki Satsuki Iranami Teruya Otori Tsurugi Kinjo Yamato Kisaragi Utsuro
SDRA2: Emma Magorobi Hajime Makunouchi Hibiki Otonokoji Iroha Nijiue Kanade Otonokoji Kokoro Mitsume Mikado Sannoji (Both real and AI versions) Monocrow (and 'original' by Yuri) Nikei Yomiuri Setsuka Chiebukuro Shinji Kasai Shobai Hashimoto Sora Yoruko Kabuya Yuki Maeda Yuri Kagarin
Despair time: Ace Markey Arei Nageishi Arturo Giles Charles Cuevas David Chiem Eden Tobisa Hu Jing J Rosales Levi Fontana Min Jeung MonoTV (and Mai to some extent) Nico Hakobyan Rose Larcoix Teruko Tawaki Veronika Grevenshchikova Whit Young Xander Matthews
Project Edens Garden: Damon Maitsu Diana Venicia Eva Tsunaka Grace Madison Kai Monteago Mara (and Cara to some extent) Toshiko Kayura Wolfgang Akire
Rebirth: Ayumu Fujimori Akira Tsuchiya Aruma Todoromi Kasumi Izumo Kazuomi Samejima Kego Sakuma Maiko Kagura Marin Mizuta Mikoto Itsuki Misuzu Aisaka Mitsunari Koga Narumi Osone Nico Himuro Saiji Rokudo Seishi Yozogawa/Zen Katagiri
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The Minako perspective version of this post here. aka the og version that I wrote in @laugtherhyena's dms. except i edited it to fit the other post.
Minako covered her mouth and choked back a sob at Mekaru's words. Her daughter? Dead? No. No, it couldnt be. Despite turning her body away from the rest of the group so it was facing the window, she casted her gaze upon her companions as slyly as she could.
Iranami let out a loud wail at the news, shaking the helicopter, whilst Yamaguchi let out a weak sob and fell into Maki's arms-- clinging to him with all of the might in her frail body. There were tears streaming down Maki's cheeks as he, too, struggled, to cope.
Ando was staring at his lap with a pained expression at the news, it seemed that a million new gray hairs had appeared, and he seemed much more aged. With how positively he had talked about his daughter, and how much he seemed to care for her, Minako was surprised that he wasn't bearing the same reaction as Keisuke.
She switched her attention back to Mekaru-- who stared at them all guiltily with her hands clasped in her lap.
Minako wiped her eyes with balled-up fists and tried to talk some sense into herself. She had known this, she had known that kizuna was dead. This was a fools errand. And yet, it still *hurt.*
"Why," Keisuke spoke suddenly, a sorrowful sneer plastered on his face, "Why did you get to survive, and she didn't?"
Guilt soared through the ginger's voice, despite how she seemed to try to hide it. "I don't know... When she died, she... she said she wouldnt want to live in a world without sunshine, joy, and... and kobashikawa. And she said, ah..."
The former professor hesitated before putting on a different, more playful yet somehow serious, voice. ""No, I'm fine dying, but why are you all so worried? I'm very fine with my choice! No matter what happens, dont forget to smile. It's one of the teachings of my own brother and it's my belief, too!""
Keisukes wails grew at that as he slouched in his seat. "I should've *never* taught her that *stupid* lesson.." he murmured angrily in the still miserable voice.
Minako opened her mouth to ask her own question, but found that it was too difficult to ask. Had kizuna said anything about her? Had kizuna said anything as kind?
Either way, she didnt think she'd get an answer.
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ath16blf · 1 year
Sdra2 Rei Mekaru x Female!Reader (during the events of chapter 6.5) (7/7)
Ask by @ultimatesinger
I didn't have many ideas....
You are (your name) Kobashikawa.
“What is this place? » you received a strange letter saying that your brother Haruhiko may be alive and at the address indicated but in the end, you came across some funny Bears who either look like the doll in Squid Game or who walk around by making either circles or straight lines and moreover which makes a laugh worse than annoying to know the upupu so anchored in your memory that I think it has merged with your DNA !
You ended up meeting a tsundere-like boy with a funny sense of humor named Ryutaro Maki, the brother of the ultimate sniper, and a fragile girl named Midori Yamaguchi, the sister of the ultimate judge. You have also met a handsome guy who is too old for you, even if you are not interested in men. The handsome kid is an Iranami, he is the ninth brother in a long line of clowns. His name is Keisuke and Ryutaro is a pervert apparently since he told you and Midori that he could fall in love with him despite being a man then after he assured this poor girl that it was a joke.
"Uh…uffff…ugh…I'm starting to think our siblings aren't here and we've been led into a trap." you say, exhausted. Midori retorts: “Don’t be defeatist (your first name) sis! We will find them! "Yes when we're dead!" You do what you want but I will find a way out! you point to Midori out of fatigue, beads of exhaustion sweat all over your face. Midori: "(your first name) don't be so defeatist! she tries to encourage you as she can but you end up walking away, you hear Keisuke say something to Ryutaro but you don't pay attention.
You end up walking trying to find the exit, after a while you come across an old person smoking hidden and scared. " Madam ? you say to this woman. " Are you doing well ? " " Yes, I am fine ! Do I look like I'm in bad shape? as kind as a prison door. “Yes, you don’t look well…. Who are you ? she begins to sigh saying, "I am Minako Tomori, I received a letter saying that my daughter may be present here." She is the ultimate cheerleader. “I am (your first name) kobashikawa. The sister of the ultimate pilot Haruhiko. Me too, I received a letter that my stupid brother perverted may be alive but I think it's a trap and so I'm looking for the exit. » you end up sighing « I think there is no one left alive. »
Unfortunately for you, the only exit was condemned and in addition the others ended up joining you including a doctor named Hikaru Ando, the adoptive father of Kanata Inori, the ultimate surgeon. There you are all in a weird room with still no exit and besides Ryutaro said he heard a voice which is apparently the same as the guy carrying the body of an unconscious redhead and besides he is talking about a killing. “A killing, what you cause you big shit! Did you smoke weed?! you say out of pure anger when all of a sudden, shots ring out. You turn around then you see a redhead with glasses, with orange eyes who looks sternly at the man, she is accompanied by soldiers but honestly you did not pay attention to them but to her. The redhead says, "That's enough now!" the man: “Mekaru…. Rey?! Rei: "I'm currently angry, so I'll quickly clean everything up and put you in jail." Mr. Ando: “Who are you? Why did you just save us? Rei: “Mr. Ando, introductions come late. I deal with this guy first. FIRE ! She has just ordered the soldiers to shoot but unfortunately the man fled with the little redhead. Rei extremely furious: “Damn ! I was just about to grab it, it was in front of my nose! Ryutaro tries a: "Hey." to get his attention. The girl boss: “Yes, I know. I'll sort things out with you later. Wait. Your family is here, that's what you're hoping to hear, isn't it? I'm going to explain it to you step by step so listen carefully." Then after she started explaining the whole story and some interesting explanations afterwards, you joined the Kisagari Foundation. Keisuke has reached the place of sous chef behind Tsurugi as for you, you spend your time hugging and kissing your lover, the former teacher despite your brother's best friend constantly teasing you for it.
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kisasiblings · 2 years
Opinions on the DRA chapter 6.5 cast.
i assume you mean the character bingo so take it
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dr ando
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For Those Who Have Fallen
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gwn4edP
by JustAnotherDRWriter
For those who have fallen, moving on for those who can no longer move. To cherish what you had of them and continue on. But what happens if you can no longer find that faith? To find that will to keep going for those you have lost? Where would you ever find it again?
For these 32 students, even when all is lost. They can only rely on eachother and the ones they find along the way.
A Fanfiction for Danganronpa Another/Super Danganronpa Another 2! A novel work of mine inspired by CriticalError, a wonderful writer who has equally as wonderful works! Check them out!
PS: This is my first ever novel/fanfiction
Words: 6385, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Super Danganronpa Another 2 - Fandom, Danganronpa Another - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M, F/F
Characters: Maeda Yuki, Taira Akane, Kobashikawa Haruhiko, Hatano Ayame, Kinjo Tsurugi, Tomori Kizuna, Higa Mitsuhiro, Mekaru Rei, Inori Kanata, Yamaguchi Kakeru, Otori Teruya, Iranami Satsuki, Maki Kiyoka, Uehara Kinji, Kurokawa Mikako, Kisaragi Yamato, Sora (Dangan Ronpa), Yamaguchi Midori, Hashimoto Shobai, Yomiuri Nikei, Nijiue Iroha, Makunouchi Hajime, Magorobi Emma, Kasai Shinji, Kabuya Yoruko, Chiebukuro Setsuka, Mitsume Kokoro, Otonokoji Hibiki, Otonokoji Kanade, Kagarin Yuri (Dangan Ronpa), Sannoji Mikado, Maki Ryutaro, Iranami Keisuke, Tomori Minako, Ando Hikaru
Relationships: Hatano Ayame/Taira Akane, Iranami Satsuki/Kobashikawa Haruhiko, Kurokawa Mikako/Mekaru Rei, Kinjo Tsurugi/Kisaragi Yamato, Inori Kanata/Yamaguchi Kakeru, Kasai Shinji/Makunouchi Hajime, Magorobi Emma/Mitsume Kokoro, Chiebukuro Setsuka/Otonokoji Hibiki, Nijiue Iroha/Otonokoji Kanade, Sannoji Mikado/Yomiuri Nikei, Kabuya Yoruko/Sora, Hashimoto Shobai/Otori Teruya, Maki Ryutaro/Yamaguchi Midori
Additional Tags: novel work, Child Abuse, Panic Attacks, Mental Breakdown, Fluff and Humor, Hurt No Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Past Child Abuse, Child Neglect, shobai spelled syobai, Non-Killing Game AU, despair and junko still exist though, mikado is an actual wizard, Autistic Hashimoto Shobai, Underage Drinking, Chatfic Sections
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gwn4edP
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Where did you leave your other kids Hikaru?
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Well they should be at the home we were staying at until the tragedy has calmed down, my son is watching my daughter.
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Oh so you have other children, then how old are they?
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Well, his name is Hamato - he was attending college before the tragedy started while my daughter, Benitsuru is only 3.
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While my wife, she uh... she died protecting Beni; she kept her hidden and thankfully she wasn't found until me and Hamato came home...
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I'm... sorry to hear that, Mr. Ando...
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Thank you, at least now will all be safe.
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