#Middle Earth Reimagined Project
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meluiloth · 9 months ago
Tauriel Rewrite, pt 3
part 1 part 2
This project is very long!! I am reimagining Tauriel's story in The Hobbit movies, and so far I've outlined everything from the start of her story to when she and Legolas go to Gundabad. I don't know how many parts this will be, so let's get right into it!
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The ride to Gundabad takes a full day, and Legolas hardly says a word; Tauriel knows this place bothers him, and she asks if he really wants to do this. He nods resolutely and says that his mother's ghost needs to be put to rest. When they reach the fortress, her stomach turns in horror; it is an ugly, jagged structure in the midst of colorless crags - but it is not abandoned. She points to a flickering light in the distance, and Legolas says they will wait for nightfall to advance.
When the time comes, it turns out that infiltration is not necessary - Tauriel wakes Legolas, who had been resting, and they both stare up at a swarm of bats that are filling the sky. Those bats are bred for war - and shortly after their appearance, the gates of Gundabad swing open and out comes a massive army of Orcs. Tauriel's heart drops into her stomach, and she says that the Elves must be warned of this. They may already be too late.
When they return to Mirkwood, however, they find it nearly emptied - every able-bodied warrior has gone to Erebor; now that Smaug is dead, the Elvenking went to the aid of the homeless Laketown-dwellers, and also to try and bargain with Thorin, King-Under-The-Mountain, for some of the gold which once belonged to the Elves. Tauriel found herself disgusted by that notion - the Elves had hid in the shadows of the Wood for centuries, only to emerge for the greed of gold? Never before had her faith in her people faltered, but now it did.
Still, she has to warn them about the oncoming army of Orcs, and so she and Legolas set off toward the Mountain, hoping they aren't too late. When they arrive, however, they find it already besieged by Orcs and a whole host of Dwarves alike; the Elves and the Men of Laketown are fighting hard for their lives against two armies. Amidst the turmoil, Tauriel's keen eyes catch sight of Thranduil, leading his troops with unwavering authority; she rushes to his aid, and though he looks a bit surprised to see her, there is no place in this situation to talk about her little rebellion.
Though she fights hard, cutting through the enemy ranks with grace and ferocity, the Elves are losing ground; the flash of their golden armor is dwindling as more and more are cut down by Orcs. Thranduil sees this, and fear glimmers in his eyes. He orders the Elves to fall back towards Mirkwood, fighting all the way, but he has chosen the lives of his own people above the lives of the others. Tauriel is disgusted by this, and she loses her temper. She calls him a coward, in front of everyone, and condemns his selfishness and reclusiveness, accusing him of doing what is right for himself rather than his people. Thranduil's face becomes a mask of anger, and he tells her that she knows nothing of leadership, or what it means to lose someone - and they both stop dead. Tauriel is reeling; she lost both of her parents, and her entire life was dedicated to protecting the people of Mirkwood so no one else had to suffer like that. Thranduil, for his part, clearly regrets his words, but regains his composure and orders her to return with their people. Tauriel blinks away the tears of anger and instead turns away. If she cannot fight for Mirkwood, she will fight for all of Middle-Earth.
In the distance, she catches sight of Kili and his fellow Dwarves climbing up the slope of Ravenhill, following a band of Orcs. She breaks into a run, determined to reach them before anything can happen to them. Fighting her way to the top is no easy feat, but she accomplishes it - just in time to see the leader of the Orcs run Kili's brother through and drop him to the ground; the young Dwarf is dead before he can hit the ground. Kili falls to his knees, uttering a howl of pain, and does not see as an Orc comes up behind him and prepares to plunge its sword into his back. Tauriel leaps into action, cutting the Orc down before it can kill Kili, and he looks up in surprise at her. She yells at him to keep fighting, for his brother's memory, and he nods and stands to his feet.
The battle rages on, and Tauriel finds herself surrounded by a never-ebbing wave of Orcs. If she kills one, two more jump forth to take its place, and she begins to panic, knowing she cannot fight forever. She raises her sword to strike at an enemy, but a heavy blow from the side catches her unawares and throws her into the stone wall. White explodes in her vision and she tries to stagger to her feet as a huge Orc advances upon her, a malicious grin on his face. She reaches for her sword, but he kicks it aside and prepares to swing at her again - but before the blow reaches her, Kili jumps in front of the blade, taking it in the chest. As he slumps down beside her, the life already leaving his eyes, she screams out in horror and scrambles to her feet, hatred filling her. Forgetting her pain, she launches herself at the Orc, and they tumble down the slope, grappling with each other; after an intense struggle, she finally vanquishes the Orc, and she runs back up to where Kili is.
Kili is already dead, and tears fill Tauriel's eyes; she hadn't known him very well, but he was a good, hopeful person, and he had helped her realize that what she had been told about the world wasn't all true. She was his friend, and ... had the circumstances been different ... they might even have been something more, someday. But now that friendship has been brutally cut short.
The battle slowly dies down, the Orcs having been defeated by the combined forces of the Elves, Dwarves, and Men, but Tauriel remains by Kili's side, not knowing what to do with herself. She assumes she has been banished from Mirkwood, and she has no future. The Dwarves mourn the death of their King, Kili's brother, and Kili, and say they will bury them; Tauriel takes this as a gentle prompting to leave, and she reluctantly nods. They stop her for another moment and tell her she was a friend to them as well as Kili, and that, even though she is an Elf, she will be welcome in Erebor.
As Tauriel makes her way silently down the cliffside, she sees Thranduil climbing up towards her; they both stop, regarding each other with apprehension, before Thranduil looks down; Tauriel sees tears in his eyes. She opens her mouth to say something - a defense or an apology, she hasn't decided yet - but the King interrupts her. She was right, he says - he has let his bitterness overcome any desire to allow the rest of the world in. Tauriel blinks in shock; Thranduil is not the kind of person to admit his faults, especially to someone who has been so disloyal to him. He goes on to say that, while she has shown a great amount of disrespect to him as of late, it was perhaps not unfounded. Tauriel apologizes for her rebelliousness in her turn; tears are blurring in her eyes now. She pauses a moment before she says that, though she will always love Thranduil as a father and Legolas as a brother, her heart is not in Mirkwood anymore. She wants to expand her horizons and see what good she can do in the world around her. Thranduil looks grieved by this decision, but he nods and gives her his blessing. He says she will always have a place in Eryn Galen if she yearns for home, and he opens his arms to her. Tauriel embraces him and calls him Ada for the first time.
When she parts from him, she finds Legolas a short way away; his eyes are red-rimmed, but he grins at her and says he's proud of her for leaving the nest. He also says he will be terribly bored without her, and she tells him he'll find someone else to bother in time. He gives her a short embrace and goes to his father.
Tauriel leaves Mirkwood behind and becomes a lone warrior in Middle-Earth, always appearing where she is needed, never staying in one place for long, but doing as much good as she can while she is there. It is many years before she sees Mirkwood again.
Several years later, an ambassador from Eryn Galen arrives in Rivendell, escorting the Prince; she does not say much in the Council of Elrond, but she is recognized by many there as the Daughter of the Forest, the wandering hero.
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Well, that's the end of my rewrite of Tauriel! I had so much fun writing this, and I hope you had fun reading it!
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languageoftheether · 1 year ago
In continuation of this post: Link
So far from what I've observed, first quarter moons definitely don't feel has heavy as third quarters. I'm attributing that to the fact first quarters are waxing & developing, whereas third quarters are waning & shedding. Though, there's definitely still this feeling of resisting something & "pushing ahead".
Capricorn Sun square Aries moon right now feels like "getting real" with something and moving forward anyways despite any real or perceived limits in front of our faces. And all the support Aries has right now, especially newfound Venus in Sagittarius, outnumbers whatever Sun in Capricorn is trying to get us to look at.
Sun in Capricorn in the middle of all this fire and air is def like an elephant in the room though. I think the elephant will just get louder when the Capricorn stellium builds within the next month.
That elephant specifically being: the tangible, material consequences of how long the collective has been disregarding and ignoring covid. The Capricorn stellium pushing a haaarrd square on Aries Jupiter seems like pressure! Much needed pressure on Aries to sloooww the fuck down from running rampant. This marks the last time Jupiter in Aries will get prolonged support and enablement from it's bestie Sagittarius 😭 (besides with moons).
Jupiter in Aries answering to Mars in Capricorn whilst Mars stands on Jupiter's neck with that earth-fire square is giving power imbalance galore 🚨. Hard limits and restrictions being set & folks going in an uproar about how it conflicts the story they've been telling themself this whole time, possibly?
Also with the knowledge of this covid surge being spoken about in the news more seriously (look to posts like this) this general time seems like the equivalent to a record scratch, especially after all this fire in the sky rn. A record scratch around what exactly? I'm not sure precisely, because I don't want to hold my breath for any solid mandates to come back, but it just feels like that maaay be the case with stuff like mask mandates already slowly coming back in some locations & institutions.
There's also the lunar nodes pointing to Jupiter in Aries and Mercury in Capricorn next month; the amplified voices and stories about the cold, dark reality of this ongoing pandemic we're still in will directly & impactfully challenge the all-consuming broken record that tells us every man is for himself when it comes to public health.
I'm curious to what's going to take root in the when the moon joins the Capricorn stellium and culminates to a new moon. Saturn is in Aquarius; maybe new language for what we call and/or how we describe long covid? Reimagining of where we can possibly go from here? I'm projecting ahead of time of course, so I suppose we'll see when the time comes.
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doitwrite · 24 days ago
A long, rambling passage on why I’m drawn to sci-fi
Why do I like sci-fi? It makes me so happy—spaceships racing through endless galaxies of stars, giant mecha clashing in epic battles of steel, a cyberpunk rebel breaking from the technological tyranny of an oppressive government. It’s like magic. And at the same time, it also makes me oddly melancholy. I imagine worlds and a future that I know I’m not going to live long enough to see. And I guess that’s the curse what we have always lived with, unless in some sci-fi future we figure out how to cure death. (It also sort of pisses me off that if that’s the case, there’s no way I’m going to live long enough to see THAT.)
Isn’t it interesting that sci-fi from the twentieth century is so different from what we see in movies and shows today, and is sure to be different in media decades from now? I recently watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. Of course, the sort of things the movie imagined the future would look like is stuck in this weird liminal space of “vaguely futuristic” but also apparently, obviously outdated. The space suits the characters wear when leaving the ship look laughably flimsy, and the interface of the screens they use to communicate with each other is so oddly analog. Of course, popular imagination is clearly shaped by the times—I imagine that we’re maybe a bit more accurate with what we imagine the future to be in our contemporary sci fi, but I’m sure that in the future, viewers of the works we’re making today will laugh at how inaccurate our imaginings were. There’s something oddly magnetic about that old aesthetic, though. You know, the sort of washed-out, hot color palette you see in yellowing paperbacks on the library shelves and in the dollar bins of old bookstores—images of planets or space stations or shuttles in that classic “vintage” style. It’s sort of a realistic style, with people drawn in accurate proportions and backgrounds that bring to mind the time of landlines and dial-up. Like the original Star Wars trilogy. I can’t explain it, really. Why I’m drawn to the sets and costumes that try to imagine the future, even when we watch them from the future that they were projecting all while knowing they were hilariously inaccurate. Maybe it’s the fact that that feels so very…human. Time is such a limitation. Seeing the interpretations created by generations of creatives who are in their old age or dead—it’s a constant reminder of how limited we as humans are. You can only ever truly experience the period that you happen to exist in. No one gets to pick.
And what is it that makes sci-fi such an enduringly attractive genre? It’s strangely specific. An entire category of media that reimagines the limits of science and works it into entire universes…it’s always felt like an expansive genre to me, something that it shares with its other speculative fiction brethren—like fantasy. But the special angle that sci-fi has is that even though the genre is categorized as fiction, there’s always the possibility that the future it projects could come to fruition. No one imagines that the future will ever truly morph into the Middle Earth JRR Tolkien created, that magic and imaginary creatures would become the bread and butter of existence. But 1984…there’s a reason that book is cited so often in discussions of society and the future of humanity. It’s uncomfortably viable.
Even when I was a child, I was struck by how endlessly desiring people are. How hungry humans are for advancement, for the next thing, to surpass their limits and create something bigger than even the world around them. Of course, I know that not every person is like that—I know people who seem perfectly content to live as they are, to live in the confines of their nine to five schedules and their occasional get-togethers with friends and family and the little bits of leisure they are afforded by society—but I am. I have always lived in the worlds inside my head, from the time I was a kid to now. I think it might be a way to reckon with my own limitations and the limitations of the world we live in. There are so many things wrong with the one we’re in. We make stories that comment on the problems, that call for change or at the very least protest those topics. We use sci-fi to exaggerate or minimize to reckon with those issues—there’s a reason that utopias and dystopias are so foundational to the genre. When I close my eyes and try to imagine a perfect world or a hellscape, it is always inevitably, inextricably tied up with technology. Human history has always, always been built on technology. Our modern world already resembles a dystopia in so many ways—the hold that mindless entertainment has on the masses, the misinformation that spreads like rampant disease, the hatred that people hide behind profiles online to inflict. Maybe a utopia exists only in fiction. A world where technology is used for good. Perhaps it’s not a bad thing that I won’t be around for the sort of sci-fi future that lives in our stories. I don’t know. I think the other unique feature that sci-fi has for me is how it inevitably forces me to think about my own life. The little space in time I occupy in the “-” between my birth and death. In order to imagine a future, you inevitably have to think about the present, and by extension, the past. What features have always been the same? What might be changed? For better or for worse, there’s a unifying nature that’s inherent in science fiction. Sci-fi forces us to take a good look at what our lives are like, and to imagine something bigger than the time we’re a part of. And as much as that also forces us to accept the limits imposed on our existence as mortal creatures, it’s also sort of…liberating. When I consume media from earlier decades and laugh or cry or relate to the characters, when I can understand their motivations, when I can imagine the universe someone has carefully created through their story—that’s a human connection. And it’s enduring. I also think there’s something poetic in the fact that AI can only piece together information it’s been fed. The ability to imagine, to actually create from inspiration, something you can’t quite explain or program or teach…is that something a machine can ever do? Perhaps. I don’t know. And I hate not knowing things. It’s just another thing I can’t overcome. But I suppose that not knowing is another thing that we creators and enjoyers of science fiction gave always shared. And maybe that drive to imagine and make even when you don’t know, even when the only thing you have to fall back on is to look around you and make a guess—that’s a sort of defiance all its own, a bid to look for something that will inevitably evade your grasp that is brave because it will forever be beyond your reach.
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crieativity · 5 years ago
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And now back to business as usual with Elrond just not being down for Gandalf doing this insane thing cause Mithrandir, we really don’t wanna deal with this rn w h y
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qqueenofhades · 4 years ago
20+ Books That You (Might Actually Want) To Read During Pride Month!
Right, so. I got annoyed after seeing the list referenced in this post last night, told myself that my books are all packed up so I couldn’t do anything about it, and lasted all of a whopping 10 minutes before picking up my phone and attempting to make my own list instead. Behold, my from-memory attempt to present 20 books with strong LGBTQ plots, characters, and/or authors, that DON’T just rely on Suffering and Identity Politics and are... you know... fun.
Listed in alphabetical order by title. Links take you to Bookshop.org, where you can buy them from your local independent bookstore at a discount and NOT from the evil empire.
1. A Master of Djinn – P. Djeli Clark * author of color * steampunk Cairo in 1912 * djinn! magic! murder mystery! * butch Arab lesbian main character * devout hijabi Muslim badass assistant * anticolonial alternate history
2. An Accident of Stars – Foz Meadows (Sequel: A Tyranny of Queens) * trans author * bi, pan, trans, aro representation * racially diverse characters * all female POV characters * high-fantasy world adventures
3. Boyfriend Material – Alexis Hall * queer author * look I love this book SO MUCH and have absolutely screamed about it before but also I LOVE IT SO MUCH * contemporary M/M fake dating in modern London, complete with full cast of disaster found-family queer friends * it is. fucking. HILARIOUS. I almost died the first time reading it * there is a sequel called HUSBAND MATERIAL scheduled to be released in 2022; I am a normal amount of excited for this book
4. Gideon the Ninth – Tamsyn Muir (Sequel: Harrow the Ninth) * the book cover says “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted palace in space!” * that is exactly what you get * slow-burn enemies-to-lovers F/F main romance * I cannot describe this book, it is dark, genre-bendy, science fiction-y, Hunger-Games-with-lesbian-necromancers-in space? Kinda? I have literally never read anything like it * also fucking HILARIOUS
5. One Last Stop – Casey McQuiston * queer author (who wrote Red White and Royal Blue) * bisexual fat girl from the South/lesbian-daughter-of-Chinese immigrants from the 1970s-riot-grrl main romance * time traveling mystery involving the Q train in Brooklyn (mentions Brighton Beach ahem) * magical realism * many more found-family chaotic queers including a trans Latino psychic and a Black accountant by day/drag queen by night and the mean little gay disaster who has a hopeless crush on them
6. Parasol Protectorate (series) – Gail Carriger * this is one of my favorite series, and there are five books: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless, and Timeless * steampunk vampires/werewolves late Victorian London, like Jane Austen crossed with P.G. Wodehouse (they are all fucking hilarious) * pretty much everyone is queer; we got your flamboyantly camp gay vampires (Lord Akeldama ftw!) We got your gay werewolves! We got your lesbian French inventors! We got your big disaster idiot werewolf main male love interest! We got your crazy adventures! You name it we got it! * two spin-off novellas: Romancing the Werewolf (M/M) and Romancing the Inventor (F/F) * she has a ton more books in this same universe and writes sexy queer supernatural romance as G.L. Carriger
7. Plain Bad Heroines – Emily M. Danforth * queer author * historical horror-comedy set between a haunted girls’ school in early-1900s New England and in the modern day * all sapphic female main characters * plays with style/form/voice, a story within a story within a story
8. Red White and Royal Blue – Casey McQuiston * you’ve probably heard of it but here I am reccing it again * the biracial son of the first female POTUS falls in love with the Prince of England; shenanigans absolutely ensue * yes, the British monarchy still absolutely sucks a big fat dick * hilarious, heartfelt, reads like fanfic, just go get it, it will change your life
9. Rosaline Palmer Takes The Cake – Alexis Hall * same author as Boyfriend Material, this is his newest * bisexual female protagonist * absolutely perfect satire of The Great British Bake Off (you can tell this man has watched EVERY SINGLE SERIES and all of the holiday specials) * sweet and surprisingly thoughtful
10. Starless – Jacqueline Carey * genderqueer/transmasculine main character of color * almost all main characters are brown people! * lush Middle Eastern/India-inspired fantasy world * gods, prophecies, monsters * the best Oh God Why Me I Am A Horrible Mentor wise-old-mentor
11. The Future of Another Timeline – Annalee Newitz * nonbinary (they/them) author * time travel but make it The Handmaid’s Tale * will probably make your head explode * feminist, queer, subversive * diverse characters
12. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue – Mackenzi Lee * queer author * technically YA but historical/magical adventure set in the 1700s * bisexual disaster main protagonist and love interest of color * (mis)adventures across Europe * has a sequel (see below) with the badass asexual sister of the protagonist
13. The Hate Project – Kris Ripper * nonbinary/genderqueer author * M/M enemies to lovers/sex with no strings attached (spoiler alert: strings attached) * HECKING HILARIOUS * sweet, escapist, and very low stakes * diverse characters, including fat protagonist with realistic anxiety disorder
14. The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy – Mackenzi Lee * PIRATES, obviously * sequel to Gentleman’s Guide * asexual female protagonist * strong queerplatonic f/f friendship * more historical/magical 18th century adventures
15. The Last Rune (series) – Mark Anthony * Imma be real with you chief, I haven’t read this series since I was a clueless teenager with no idea why I liked Gay Stuff so much, so if it does turn out to suck now, don’t throw rotten veggies at me * but especially since it was written in the NINETIES, this series was hella progressive?! * gay characters, disabled characters, characters of color, all playing significant and heroic roles in six-book epic fantasy cycle * people from Earth end up in high-fantasy world of Eldh * endgame M/M romance for the main character * books out of print, I think, but you can find them cheap somewhere like AbeBooks; first one (Beyond the Pale) linked above
16. The Library of the Unwritten – A.J. Hackwith * queer author * heaven-hell-Valhalla supernatural adventures * The Good Place x Good Omens x Lucifer x The Librarians * Pansexual Black badass female heroine * Queer found families * The Sassiest TM Bisexual Villain Turned Reluctant Hero (is he my favorite? Why on earth would you think that.)
17. The Priory of the Orange Tree – Samantha Shannon * epic doorstopper science fiction/historical fantasy set in a vaguely 16th-century world * main F/F romance between a queen and her sorceress bodyguard * sassy old gay alchemist whose backstory will give you Feelings * so many strong women and characters of color * no homophobia! marriage is fully gender-neutral, spouses are called “companions”
18. The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller * likewise one you have probably heard of but still * a little light on the myth/historical part imho, but the writing is beautiful and will give you many feelings * M/M romance between Achilles and Patroclus  * reimagining of The Iliad (her other book Circe is also really good)
19 The Stars are Legion – Kameron Hurley * all-female apocalyptic space opera * messy messy antiheroines * grimdark war fantasy * queer sci-fi drama
20. Witchmark – C.L. Polk * author of color * M/M romance * main character is a veteran and a doctor dealing with his own hidden magic and repressed war trauma * gaslamp fantasy set in a world reminiscent of post-WWI England * strong sibling relationship
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karmakaze · 3 years ago
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Artist Leia Han (https://leiaham.com/#/new-page/) did a serious of Lord of the Rings fanart in the style of ancient China. "LOTR: Tale of the Middle Kingdom is a personal project that reimagines J.R.R. Tolkien’s world of Middle Earth in a Chinese setting. China is called 中国 (Zhōngguó) - meaning ‘‘The Middle Kingdom". Taking inspiration from the books, movies, ancient Chinese artefacts and paintings, this project is a love letter to my own Chinese heritage, seen through the lens of medieval fantasy and historical design." I want that hobbit house so much, even more than the British Isles version.
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redheadgleek · 2 years ago
Books read (July-September)
July: Struck By Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal. My last of Chris Colfer’s audiobooks and his first book. Not sure that a journal really was the best format, but I’m going to miss his voice. The Secret of Life: Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, Francis Crick, and the Discovery of DNA’s Double Helix. In honor of the 70 year anniversary coming up, I’ve been reading a lot of books on the discovery of DNA. There was some uncomfortable fixation of Rosalind’s sexuality (much like Brenda Maddox books but she came to a completely different conclusion), and I truly loath James Watson now. Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher. Oooh. A short, dark fairy tale. Highly recommend. Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo. The last book published (so far) of the Gishaverse. Definitely not a stand alone novel, but overall, a satisfying end to the series and leaving room for more books. On Rotation by Shirlene Obuobi. There really aren’t that many good fictional books about being a doctor, much less about going through medical school. This really captured the stress and drama of med school. The Once and Future Witches by Alix Harrows. Reimagined history, some strong characters (although maybe a wee bit too much of leaning into the maiden, mother, crone archetypes), beautiful story telling. Of Sound Mind: How Our Brain Constructs a Meaningful Sonic World by Nina Kraus. Audiobook. Fascinating insights into how our ears and brain receive and perceive sound, and how it influences our language and cognitive development, if a bit redundant at times. Orphan Black: The Next Chapter. Maybe a little bit of a cheat, since it’s a  episodic podcast, but it was on goodreads. I rewatched Orphan Black this spring and was eager to listen. Tatiana’s voices were amazing and I loved the new characters (her male voices were the weakest. 
August: Heat Wave (The Extraordinaries, #3) by TJ Klune. An excellent conclusion to the trilogy and so much familial love. What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher. I’m not a big horror person, but I adore T’s writing. A retelling of the Fall of the House of Usher, with some cool biological explanations. A Middle-Earth Traveller: Sketches from Bag End to Mordor  by John Howe. I loved his work for the Lord of the Rings movies, so I thought this would be a good introduction to my next audio project. Lovely sketches, some lovely behind the scenes insights. Orphan Black: The Next Chapter (Season 2). This time, Jordan, Kristian, and Evelyn returned to voice their roles. I hope there’s another. A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall. A fun little regency romp involving a trans heroine. Lots of feelings. Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake by Alexis Hall. The story opens with one of my least favorite tropes: lying outrageously and then getting caught and I almost didn’t finish it, but I’m glad I stuck with it, because it really had all of the charm of the Great British Bake Off in a novel. Husband Material by Alexis Hall. (All of my library books became available at the same time, so I read three of Alexis’s books in a week period). I had been charmed by Boyfriend Material; it wasn’t the best fake dating book that I’ve ever read, but I was invested enough that I looked for the sequel and I liked it even better than the first one. Laugh out loud hysterical, following the plot of Four Weddings and Funeral while still giving it at twist. Looking forward to Father Material. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, read by Andy Serkis. This will be my listening project for the next year probably. Andy Serkis’s voice is amazing – deep and rich in timbre. I haven’t reread this one since early in college, it was much darker than what I remembered. You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey: Crazy Stories about Racism by Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar. Terrible stories, presented in a light-hearted, easy to approach manner. I’m planning on introducing it to my family and friends because it’s a really great way to highlight the pervasiveness of racism.
September The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin. I really wanted to like this book as it was written by an emergency medicine doctor about a group of medical school friends. And I didn’t. There were parts that truly resonated, such as when one of the main characters loses a patient, but the drama was so over the top. Ramón and Julieta by Alana Albertson. Just a sweet little Romeo and Juliet retelling. A fluffy, easy to read romance which was just want I was craving. The Antidote for Everything by Kimmery Martin. I checked out all three of her books at the same time, so I was really hopeful that this one would be better. And it was, but it still felt lacking. It also felt like the author was trying too hard to emphasize that “not all Christians” are homophobic, but there was still homophobic and transphobic views (one character was the definition of sassy gay friend) that belied that conclusion. East by Edith Pattou. A reread because I found out that a sequel had been written and it had been literal years. Almost as good as I remembered, an excellent retelling of the fairy tale “East of the Sun West of the Moon. West by Edith Pattou. I’m not sure that East really needed a sequel, but this one was well done and it completed the story. Felix Silver, Teaspoons & Witches by Harry Cook. My god, did this book need better editors. So many sloppy mistakes. So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo. I started reading this 2 years ago and got distracted. A practical book, with some great real-time examples, but I’m not sure that it really made it easier to talk about race with some of my white relatives for example. Doctors and Friends by Kimmery Martin. I almost didn’t read this because I had been so disappointed by her previous books, but I’m so glad that I did because it was the best of the 3. She started writing this book back in 2019, about a pandemic that affected the world, and it was a much deeper, emotional story than the other two (although many of the same characters were in it). George (Melissa’s Story) by Alex Gore. Picked it up as part of Banned Books Week and you guys, I’m just tired of fake outrage. It was cute. The Theft of Sunlight by Intisar Khanani. Sequel to Thorn, which I read earlier this year. Thorn was good, but this really developed the world. I’m excited for the 3rd book. I may make it to a 100 books this year. *crosses fingers*
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theculturedmarxist · 5 years ago
My dad was born in 1917. Somehow, he survived the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919, but an outbreak of whooping cough in 1923 claimed his baby sister, Clementina. One of my dad’s first memories was seeing his sister’s tiny white casket. Another sister was permanently marked by scarlet fever. In 1923, my dad was hit by a car and spent two weeks in a hospital with a fractured skull as well as a lacerated thumb. His immigrant parents had no medical insurance, but the driver of the car gave his father $50 toward the medical bills. The only lasting effect was the scar my father carried for the rest of his life on his right thumb.
The year 1929 brought the Great Depression and lean times. My father’s father had left the family, so my dad, then 12, had to pitch in. He got a newspaper route, which he kept for four years, quitting high school after tenth grade so he could earn money for the family. In 1935, like millions of other young men of that era, he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), a creation of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal that offered work on environmental projects of many kinds. He battled forest fires in Oregon for two years before returning to his family and factory work. In 1942, he was drafted into the Army, going back to a factory job when World War II ended. Times grew a little less lean in 1951 when he became a firefighter, after which he felt he could afford to buy a house and start a family.
I’m offering all this personal history as the context for a prediction of my dad’s that, for obvious reasons, came to my mind again recently. When I was a teenager, he liked to tell me: “I had it tough in the beginning and easy in the end. You, Willy, have had it easy in the beginning, but will likely have it tough in the end.” His prophecy stayed with me, perhaps because even then, somewhere deep down, I already suspected that my dad was right.
The COVID-19 pandemic is now grabbing the headlines, all of them, and a global recession, if not a depression, seems like a near-certainty. The stock market has been tanking and people’s lives are being disrupted in fundamental and scary ways. My dad knew the experience of losing a loved one to disease, of working hard to make ends meet during times of great scarcity, of sacrificing for the good of one’s family. Compared to him, it’s true that, so far, I’ve had an easier life as an officer in the Air Force and then a college teacher and historian. But at age 57, am I finally ready for the hard times to come? Are any of us?
And keep in mind that this is just the beginning. Climate change (recall Australia’s recent and massive wildfires) promises yet more upheavals, more chaos, more diseases. America’s wanton militarism and lying politicians promise more wars. What’s to be done to avert or at least attenuate the tough times to come, assuming my dad’s prediction is indeed now coming true? What can we do?
It’s Time to Reimagine America
Here’s the one thing about major disruptions to normalcy: they can create opportunities for dramatic change. (Disaster capitalists know this, too, unfortunately.) President Franklin Roosevelt recognized this in the 1930s and orchestrated his New Deal to revive the economy and put Americans like my dad back to work.
In 2001, the administration of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney capitalized on the shock-and-awe disruption of the 9/11 attacks to inflict on the world their vision of a Pax Americana, effectively a militarized imperium justified (falsely) as enabling greater freedom for all. The inherent contradiction in such a dreamscape was so absurd as to make future calamity inevitable. Recall what an aide to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld scribbled down, only hours after the attack on the Pentagon and the collapse of the Twin Towers, as his boss’s instructions (especially when it came to looking for evidence of Iraqi involvement): “Go massive — sweep it all up, things related and not.” And indeed they would do just that, with an emphasis on the “not,” including, of course, the calamitous invasion of Iraq in 2003.
To progressive-minded people thinking about this moment of crisis, what kind of opportunities might open to us when (or rather if) Donald Trump is gone from the White House? Perhaps this coronaviral moment is the perfect time to consider what it would mean for us to go truly big, but without the usual hubris or those disastrous invasions of foreign countries. To respond to COVID-19, climate change, and the staggering wealth inequities in this country that, when combined, will cause unbelievable levels of needless suffering, what’s needed is a drastic reordering of our national priorities.
Remember, the Fed’s first move was to inject $1.5 trillion into the stock market. (That would have been enough to forgive all current student debt.) The Trump administration has also promised to help airlines, hotels, and above all oil companies and the fracking industry, a perfect storm when it comes to trying to sustain and enrich those upholding a kleptocratic and amoral status quo.
This should be a time for a genuinely new approach, one fit for a world of rising disruption and disaster, one that would define a new, more democratic, less bellicose America. To that end, here are seven suggestions, focusing — since I’m a retired military officer — mainly on the U.S. military, a subject that continues to preoccupy me, especially since, at present, that military and the rest of the national security state swallow up roughly 60% of federal discretionary spending:
1. If ever there was a time to reduce our massive and wasteful military spending, this is it. There was never, for example, any sense in investing up to $1.7 trillion over the next 30 years to “modernize” America’s nuclear arsenal. (Why are new weapons needed to exterminate humanity when the “old” ones still work just fine?) Hundreds of stealth fighters and bombers — it’s estimated that Lockheed Martin’s disappointing F-35 jet fighter alone will cost $1.5 trillion over its life span — do nothing to secure us from pandemics, the devastating effects of climate change, or other all-too-pressing threats. Such weaponry only emboldens a militaristic and chauvinistic foreign policy that will facilitate yet more wars and blowback problems of every sort. And speaking of wars, isn’t it finally time to end U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan? More than $6 trillion has already been wasted on those wars and, in this time of global peril, even more is being wasted on this country’s forever conflicts across the Greater Middle East and Africa. (Roughly $4 billion a month continues to be spent on Afghanistan alone, despite all the talk about “peace” there.)
2. Along with ending profligate weapons programs and quagmire wars, isn’t it time for the U.S. to begin dramatically reducing its military “footprint” on this planet? Roughly 800 U.S. military bases circle the globe in a historically unprecedented fashion at a yearly cost somewhere north of $100 billion. Cutting such numbers in half over the next decade would be a more than achievable goal. Permanently cutting provocative “war games” in South Korea, Europe, and elsewhere would be no less sensible. Are North Korea and Russia truly deterred by such dramatic displays of destructive military might?
3. Come to think of it, why does the U.S. need the immediate military capacity to fight two major foreign wars simultaneously, as the Pentagon continues to insist we do and plan for, in the name of “defending” our country? Here’s a radical proposal: if you add 70,000 Special Operations forces to 186,000 Marine Corps personnel, the U.S. already possesses a potent quick-strike force of roughly 250,000 troops. Now, add in the Army’s 82nd and 101st Airborne divisions and the 10th Mountain Division. What you have is more than enough military power to provide for America’s actual national security. All other Army divisions could be reduced to cadres, expandable only if our borders are directly threatened by war. Similarly, restructure the Air Force and Navy to de-emphasize the present “global strike” vision of those services, while getting rid of Donald Trump’s newest service, the Space Force, and the absurdist idea of taking war into low earth orbit. Doesn’t America already have enough war here on this small planet of ours?
4. Bring back the draft, just not for military purposes. Make it part of a national service program for improving America. It’s time for a new Civilian Conservation Corps focused on fostering a Green New Deal. It’s time for a new Works Progress Administration to rebuild America’s infrastructure and reinvigorate our culture, as that organization did in the Great Depression years. It’s time to engage young people in service to this country. Tackling COVID-19 or future pandemics would be far easier if there were quickly trained medical aides who could help free doctors and nurses to focus on the more difficult cases. Tackling climate change will likely require more young men and women fighting forest fires on the west coast, as my dad did while in the CCC — and in a climate-changing world there will be no shortage of other necessary projects to save our planet. Isn’t it time America’s youth answered a call to service? Better yet, isn’t it time we offered them the opportunity to truly put America, rather than themselves, first?
5. And speaking of “America First,” that eternal Trumpian catch-phrase, isn’t it time for all Americans to recognize that global pandemics and climate change make a mockery of walls and go-it-alone nationalism, not to speak of politics that divide, distract, and keep so many down? President Dwight D. Eisenhower once said that only Americans can truly hurt America, but there’s a corollary to that: only Americans can truly save America — by uniting, focusing on our common problems, and uplifting one another. To do so, it’s vitally necessary to put an end to fear-mongering (and warmongering). As President Roosevelt famously said in his first inaugural address in the depths of the Great Depression, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear inhibits our ability to think clearly, to cooperate fully, to change things radically as a community.
6. To cite Yoda, the Jedi master, we must unlearn what we have learned. For example, America’s real heroes shouldn’t be “warriors” who kill or sports stars who throw footballs and dunk basketballs. We’re witnessing our true heroes in action right now: our doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel, together with our first responders, and those workers who stay in grocery stores, pharmacies, and the like and continue to serve us all despite the danger of contracting the coronavirus from customers. They are all selflessly resisting a threat too many of us either didn’t foresee or refused to treat seriously, most notably, of course, President Donald Trump: a pandemic that transcends borders and boundaries. But can Americans transcend the increasingly harsh and divisive borders and boundaries of our own minds? Can we come to work selflessly to save and improve the lives of others? Can we become, in a sense, lovers of humanity?
7. Finally, we must extend our love to encompass nature, our planet. For if we keep treating our lands, our waters, and our skies like a set of trash cans and garbage bins, our children and their children will inherit far harder times than the present moment, hard as it may be.
What these seven suggestions really amount to is rejecting a militarized mindset of aggression and a corporate mindset of exploitation for one that sees humanity and this planet more holistically. Isn’t it time to regain that vision of the earth we shared collectively during the Apollo moon missions: a fragile blue sanctuary floating in the velvety darkness of space, an irreplaceable home to be cared for and respected since there’s no other place for us to go? Otherwise, I fear that my father’s prediction will come true not just for me, but for generations to come and in ways that even he couldn’t have imagined.
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dustedmagazine · 5 years ago
The Soft Pink Truth — Am I Free to Go? (Self Released)
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Photo by Drew Daniel
Am I Free To Go? by The Soft Pink Truth
When one hears the Soft Pink Truth, the name of Drew Daniel’s long-running solo project, “crust punk” might not be the very next phrase to come to mind. The project’s recently released Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase? shimmers and pulses with the sometimes R&B-inflected, sometimes house-and-jungle-driven electronic music that has most consistently informed the Soft Pink Truth’s sound. But if you’ve been keeping up with the project’s collected output, you’ll know that an EP of covers of crust punk songs doesn’t entirely come out of left field (though maybe out of the general field of ideological leftism…). In 2014, the Soft Pink Truth released Why Do the Heathen Rage?, a terrific LP that reimagines black metal songs by Beherit, Venom and others. And one of the project’s first albums was Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Soft Pink Truth? (2004). The title name checks a song from the Minutemen’s Double Nickels on the Dime (1984), and the record features covers of punk and hardcore songs by Crass, Minor Threat and Swell Maps.
Am I Free to Go? demonstrates extensive knowledge of and appreciation for crust. Songs by a few of the genre’s usual suspects, who have moved toward broad(-ish) cultural recognition, are included. Discharge’s “Protest and Survive” closes the EP, and its longest track is an interpretation of Nausea’s “Cybergod”; Daniel interpolates nightmarish, digitally altered recitations of the song’s lyrics with skits that narrate a bourgeois’ dream-tour of Manhattan’s sights, including Trump Tower. When the skits’ characters enter the building’s lobby, you can hear Trump declaiming, “I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody….” Beyond those tracks, the record dives more deeply, including a spastic, glitched-techno rendition of Skitsystem’s “Profithysteri” and an enraged, electro version of Totalitär’s “Multinationella Mordäre,” which may be the best thing on the EP. Daniel splices samples from a news story on working conditions in Amazon warehouses into the track, as well as a snippet from what sounds like a 911 call, responding to an Amazon order picker collapsed from total exhaustion.  
Historically crust punk has shared the sharply radical, anti-capitalist, leftist politics indicated by Daniel’s alterations and augmentations of the songs. Some additional titles are illustrative: “Fuck Nazi Sympathy” (originally by Aus Rotten), “Death Earth” (by the excellent, excoriating Gloom). Daniel’s inclusion of Doom’s “Police Bastard” is especially timely. But as that timeliness suggests, history doesn’t stand still. One of the EP’s tracks is titled “Space Formerly Occupied by an Amebix Cover But Fuck That Guy for Being a Holocaust Denier,” which refers to Rob Miller’s recent public approval of Gerard Menuhin’s Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil (2015), an anti-Semitic screed that calls the Holocaust “the biggest lie in history.�� It’s a shame to flush all of Amebix’s music down the crusty toilet; Stig Miller, Amebix co-founder and estranged brother of Rob, remains a stand-up dude. But these are serious times, that allow for little wavering.  
In any case, Daniel accompanies the EP’s cultural and political gestures with meaningful action. All profits earned by Am I Free to Go? will be donated to the International Anti-Fascist Legal Defense Fund. Given the way that terms like “antifa” and “anarchy” are currently being abused, misused and misunderstood, it’s likely that the Fund will be especially busy in coming months. In any case, it’s excellent to hear some music that displays an agile understanding of crust, and engages it with such intelligence and creative spirit. Say it along with the Soft Pink Truth: Fuck Nazi sympathy!  
Jonathan Shaw
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musicgoon · 6 years ago
Recommended Reading
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Providing A Freshly Curated, Weekly Link List on Christianity & Culture.
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On Fridays, I contribute a curated link column specifically for SOLA Network readers. I hope to highlight articles related to Asian American issues and blog posts written by Asian American authors. You can read my 12th roundup from last Friday.
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4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Waiting
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End-of-Life Comfort Measures: A Realistic Assessment
A Fresh Look at the 5 Missionary Martyrs in Ecuador
Songs in the Night
Jesus Sympathizes With Moms
What Does Job 31:13-15 Tell Us About the Unborn?
Taiwan Becomes First Asian Nation to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage: What’s Behind the Headline
To Be Human Is to Crave a Satisfying End to the Story: A Look at the Nihilistic Worldview of George R. R. Martin and the Quest for an Ending
A Reluctant Missionary
Podcast: Why You Probably Need a Digital Detox (Tony Reinke)
The Impact of School Culture
His Scars Will Never Fade: The Wounds Christ Took to Heaven
John Calvin Starter Kit
3 Ways to Steward Good Seasons
For the Freshmen of Tomorrow: Six Guiding Lessons for Graduates
Why Good Theology Is Not Enough
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What does the Bible say about God’s high calling for moms?
How Can We Use Blogs and Social Media to the Glory of God?
Why Do We Sing? 3 Reasons
Paul Martin on Family Worship
The Person Behind the Eating Disorder
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A Village with My Name
Exercise for More of God: Five Reasons to Train Your Body
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On Reading Scripture Well: Some Recommended Resources on Hermeneutics
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How Should Christians Respond to Attacks and Insults?
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The Year My World Fell Apart: My War with Spiritual Depression
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themyskira · 6 years ago
Wonder Woman: Earth One, Vol 2 - Part 2
Previously, Morrison’s Amazons are the same awful people we met in book one, now with added mind control. Diana wonders whether her mission might be easier if she just conquered the world and forced everybody to follow the Amazon way.
This time, Doctor Psycho the pickup artist gets his hooks into Wonder Woman.
Steve is test-piloting a cutting-edge experimental aircraft. He races Diana in her vagina plane, struggling to keep up with her. The effort of maintaining the speed causes Steve’s plane to explode, and Diana rescues him.
Steve tries to explain to Diana that the military’s top brass perceive her as a potential threat and that she needs to tread carefully.
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Steve: And on that subject… you still planning on leading that big angry ladies march?
um, excuse you?
Big angry ladies march?
What was wrong with ‘women’s march’? Why did Morrison feel the need to colour this line with sexist language? Is he suggesting that Steve Trevor believes that women who take part in political protest are angry and hysterical? Or was he just so busy polishing off his Homeric meter that he didn’t even notice he was being a sexist arse?
Well, all of it goes in one ear and out the other, anyway. Diana just shrugs and goes, ‘welp, they can’t hurt me, and if they provoke us then we’ll just crush them, soooooo…’
The military asks for Diana’s help rescuing an American negotiator who was captured by terrorists while attempting to secure the release of a group of hostages in the Middle East. She gets another very cool outfit for the mission:
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She saves both the negotiator and the hostages with ease, of course. Afterwards, back at a US military camp, she shares a bottle of whisky with the hostage negotiator.
He’s interested in discussing Amazon philosophies. Submission to loving authority as a model for all human relationships, for instance. Surely that would be dangerous, unless one could be assured that the authority was benevolent. “Well, of course,” says Diana blithely. “That’s why women are best placed to lead.”
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He points out that she comes from a civilisation that practices eugenics and uses mind control technology. That, moreover, she’s an outsider who comes to this world from a place of hyperprivilege, with no understanding of the societies she’s trying to transform. “How can you hope to understand us, let along change us?”
(Those of you who’ve figured out who this guy is yet, please join me in facepalming over the fact that this evil slug of a human being has managed to talk more sense in one and a half pages than Diana has in the entire book.)
At one point he also asks her if she’s “ever thought about submitting to the loving authority of a man”, and somehow it doesn’t end with his face being punched in.
Before they part, they exchange contact details, agreeing to meet up again in DC. Diana tells him, “I’ve enjoyed our adventure together, Dr Zeiko.”
Yeah. This is Morrison’s take on Doctor Psycho. While I have problems with the execution, it’s actually a reasonable base concept. Whereas Marston’s Doctor Psycho uses hypnosis, mediums and ectoplasmic illusions to deceive and manipulate people, Morrison’s Zeiko is a pickup artist-type who works in psy-ops, employing a combination of scientific techniques, staged simulation and good old-fashioned manipulation to identify and get inside people’s defences, and destroy them.
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Zeiko: ‘Wonder Woman’. They’re all just the same. < by dr-psycho > If I had just one piece of advice, one precious axiom to impart to you losers, cucks and gamma dudes, it would be THAT singular nugget. Beautiful, smart, wise, powerful, principled. They’re all just the same.
There are a few things I like about this: it reimagines Doctor Psycho’s misogyny and his manipulation of women in a form that is both recognisable and relevant to today. Whereas the original is a cartoonishly depraved gremlin -- an exaggerated, ableist caricature of a misogynist who hates women because they laughed at his ugliness — this Psycho cuts a far more recognisable figure: a white, able-bodied, heterosexual man who abuses his position of power to manipulate women.
But it bothers me that Zeiko’s ability to control people draws so liberally from the pickup artist’s playbook. According to Morrison,
We really went deep with it in the sequences between Psycho and Diana. When he sits and talks to her, it's based on the actual script used by pickup artists with the movements he makes, he mirrors all her gestures, he makes this 'casting off' gesture every time he wants her to perceive something as negative. It was really tightly worked out to follow those scripts.
Pickup artist tactics are rooted in thoroughly debunked pseudoscience like neurolinguistic programming (which is specifically referenced as Zeiko’s field of expertise) and evolutionary psychology. Yes, these are men who prey on and seek to manipulate women, but let’s not afford them any more power or legitimacy than they’re due. By basing Zeiko’s power over women in his mastery of pickup artist theory, and ultimately having him successfully use these tactics to overpower Wonder Woman, Morrison appears to validate some very toxic, pseudoscientific ideas.
In the same interview quote above, Morrison says that he sought to draw awareness to this kind of predatory behaviour:
Part of it was my revenge on having seen [this level of manipulation] actually done to someone. You can see the narcissist type, the sociopath type and how easy it is for them get to people -- people you wouldn't even imagine could be that manipulated by anything. It's a very real problem for young people in the world. There are people out there who are quite willing to use these techniques so I kind of wanted to draw attention to it, but, you know, on the Wonder Woman scale where the guy is a supervillain. I wanted to put these paragon of femininity up against that threat and see how she deals with it -- because even paragons of intelligence and grace I've watched having real trouble with people like this. Here are the techniques. If you see anyone using these techniques against you, the warnings should go off.
Here’s where I think he goes wrong with this.
First, as I mentioned, he attributes Zeiko’s ability to get in Diana’s head directly to bullshit pickup artist theory and neurolinguistic programming. Morrison’s intention may have been to express disapproval and alert readers to predatory behaviour, but he’s nonetheless presenting pickup artist tactics as highly effective, affording them a level of power that’s neither warranted nor constructive.
This is where I think it’s helpful for Doctor Psycho to retain a measure of supernatural power. A writer can still incorporate manipulative and gaslighting behaviours and phrases that are familiar to women into such a character. His uncanny abilities may afford him a greater capacity to inflict wide-scale hurt than the average abuser, but at his core are attitudes and behaviours that many people will recognise. And rather than deriving a near-mystical ability to control women from the vile, pseudoscientific ideas of a real-life community of misogynists, he’s just another creep who abuses his power over people. It might not be a power that exists in our world, but it’s power all the same.
That’s the first problem. The second is that — spoilers — Zeiko kind of wins.
Well, okay, he does end up being captured by the Holliday Girls and sent to Amazonia for brainwashing, so it doesn’t end great for him personally. But ultimately, he achieves everything he sets out to do in the book. He plays Diana like a fiddle, he gloats over her weakness, and she only breaks free of him when it’s far too late to change anything. She is never allowed to triumph over him.
At the start of the book, Zeiko says he’s never met a woman that he couldn’t break, and this book proves him right. His methods never fail.
So at this point, it’s clear that the entire rescue mission was a set-up. General Darnell, we discover, has been ordered to go along with it, and he’s not happy. Even less so when he’s introduced to the secretive Project A.R.E.S.
It’s basically exactly what it sounds: a project aimed at producing highly advanced war machines capable of taking on even the Amazons. Max Lord shows Darnell the fruits of their labours: the Armed Response Environment Suit. It’s now being produced en masse.
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A horrified Darnell confides in Steve what he’s seen.
Next, we cut to Amazonia. After some gratuitous perving on naked ladies as Hippolyta and Nubia bathe in the Fountain of Youth, Mala arrives with a bound Paula in tow. The temple was found vandalised again with a swastika, and Paula was found lurking in Hippolyta’s chambers. When asked to explain herself, Paula will only say that she yearns for Diana, her idol. Okay...?
Hippolyta consults the Fates, and returns to Nubia and Mala looking grave and resigned. It’s not explicitly stated, but it’s clear from her reaction that her death has been foretold.
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Hippolyta: How I love you, Nubia. Your skin, your mind, your great heart. The time we’ve spent together. And Mala, sisters both, and lovers, and my friends ‘bove all. I’ll miss you all so much.
wait, Hippolyta is sleeping with her daughter’s ex-girlfriend? That is nasty.
(In fact, come to think of it, Nubia was originally Diana’s twin sister. Just to add an extra layer of ick.)
Back at Holliday College, Etta and Steve warn Diana that the government is out to get her, and Zeiko is part of it.
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Steve: They’re onto you, Diana. Powerful, dangerous people. Think about how you’ve changed since you started hanging around with this Zeiko dude.
How she’s changed?
No, piss off, mate. Diana literally has not appeared on page since her first meeting with Zeiko. It’s not just that we’ve seen no change in her behaviour, we haven’t seen her at all. I realise that you’re working with limited page space, but if your characters are going to stage an intervention, then you need to at least make a token effort at seeding the warning signs.
Steve tells Diana that Zeiko is deep into psy-ops, mind control, neurolinguistic programming (which is NOT A FUCKING THING), the works. Diana laughs and surmises that Steve simply doesn’t like Zeiko.
Later, Diana hangs out with Zeiko at the firing range, inviting him to shoot at her while she deflects the bullets with her bracelets. When they’re done, Zeiko appears troubled. He feels sick to his stomach, he says! That he — who hates weapons — could so easily talk himself into firing a gun at a woman! At somebody who means so much to him!!
Yeah, Morrison is going there.
Zeiko kisses Diana, then immediately leaps back apologising, saying he doesn’t know what got into him. Diana’s just amused — is that what the men of this world consider a kiss? She decides to school him with a real kiss, and Zeiko bemoans that he feels like he has no control over his actions when she’s around. Oh god, he’s so confused! He’s saying all the wrong things! He doesn’t usually get close to anyone, not like this! He needs to prove that she can trust her!!
ugh, god, this is gross.
Anyway, it ends in Zeiko, under the power of the Lasso, revealing just enough of the truth to serve his ends: that the US military thinks she’s an advance scout for an Amazon invasion, that he was brought in to compromise her and uncover her weaknesses, and that he’s tried to tell them there’s a better way.
Diana runs off, devastated. Zeiko gloats.
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< by dr-psycho > Target achieved. Wonder Woman emotional meltdown. Beat that, boys! God, I love my job. She’ll take off in her magical jet. No one treats a princess this way! But she’ll blame HERSELF — superior types always think it must be THEIR fault things went wrong. It has to her her fault for misunderstanding the rules of “Man’s World”. What will she have to do to be treated with the respect she deserves? This princess, this super-10. This prey of the day. What will she give up? How can she prove to me she’s for real…? At her speed… I give her 20 minutes. She gives me 19. Pushover.
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PS, we’re eighty-odd pages into the graphic novel, and thus far Diana has done nothing but hit a baseball and get yanked around by the villains.
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crimethinc · 7 years ago
We Don’t Forget: Support Joseph Dibee, Environmentalist Accused of Sabotage
After 12 years of fruitless searching, federal agents have captured Joseph Dibee, accused participant in the Earth Liberation Front. Dibee is charged with arson and conspiracy. The following statement from our collective, It’s Going Down, and a network of anti-fascist groups explores why his case matters today.
In the 1990s, environmentalists and animal rights activists engaged in campaigns to put a stop to climate change, animal exploitation, and the destruction of biodiversity. They shut down board meetings, interrupted construction projects, organized demonstrations and sit-ins, held public outreach events at punk shows and vegan potlucks, liberated animals from captivity, and occasionally utilized vandalism, sabotage, and arson against corporations involved in particularly egregious behavior. Across the world, informally organized groups claimed anonymous actions in the names of the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts.
International networks grew out of these movements. Struggles emerged against superhighways, gold mines, luxury ski resorts, old-growth logging, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and animal testing facilities on several continents. For years, corporate profiteers had cause to fear that they would face consequences when they perpetrated ecological harm. At that time, it was still possible to imagine that humanity could avert the catastrophe that is unfolding today in the form of ever-rising temperatures, hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, and mass extinctions.
At the turn of the century, federal authorities counterattacked, launching a campaign of repression to crush the Earth Liberation Front and subdue environmental movements of all kinds. Their goal was to protect business interests at any expense—even if that meant making the world uninhabitable. At the same time, increasing attention on climate change from the likes of Al Gore served to professionalize environmental activism, imposing the logic of the non-profit industry and bribing activists to moderate their tactics and targets in return for salaries. This two-pronged assault set back environmental movements a full generation or more.
The cataclysm that is unfolding today can be laid at the doorstep of the law enforcement agencies that have paved the way for it by making it so difficult for ordinary people to defend themselves against ecological devastation. If we don’t stop them, they will frogmarch us directly into the apocalypse, profiting all the way—and when the last well is poisoned and the last forest burns up, they will be the last to die.
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The remains of the Cavel West horse meat packing plant after it burned down in 1997, allegedly with the assistance of Joseph Dibee. The plant never reopened.
The Green Scare
At the end of 2005, the FBI escalated its assault on earth and animal liberation movements with a new wave of indictments. This offensive, dubbed Operation Backfire, was intended to obtain convictions for many of the unsolved Earth Liberation Front arsons of the preceding ten years.
Of those arrested in Operation Backfire, 12 of the accused became federal informants, collaborating with the authorities against their former comrades and the struggle against catastrophic climate change. The collaborators arrested include Stanislas Meyerhoff, Kevin Tubbs, Chelsea Dawn Gerlach, Suzanne Savoie, Kendall Tankersley, Jennifer Kolar, Lacey Phillabaum, Darren Thurston, and, much later, Briana Waters. Daniel McGowan, Jonathan Paul, Nathan Block, Joyanna Zacher, Justin Solondz, and Rebecca Rubin all refused to collaborate. William “Avalon” Rodgers passed away in an apparent suicide following his arrest.
This case took place alongside a variety of similar operations, including the proseuctions of Marius Mason, who is still serving a 22-year sentence for environmental sabotage of a GMO facility, Eric McDavid, who served 9 years of a two-decade sentence before a judge threw out his conviction because the prosecution had withheld thousands of pages of exonerating evidence, and other earth and animal liberation prisoners, including Rod Coronado, Jeff “Free” Luers, and Chrisopher McIntosh. The campaign “Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty” faced multiple waves of repression, including the infamous SHAC 7 case, in which all six of the accused served up to six years in prison for maintaining a website. Other people refused to testify before grand juries, a commonly used tool for repressing autonomous movements, and served time for resisting FBI fishing expeditions against environmental activists.
For many years, federal authorities ranked anarchist environmental activism over white supremacist mass shootings and abortion clinic bombings as the number one domestic threat—even though it involved no injuries to human beings whatsoever. Yet despite all the resources they invested in this witch hunt, it took the FBI decades to capture some of their targets. Operation Backfire target Joseph Dibee remained free until August 9, 2018. As of this writing, one of the accused remains at liberty. Our thoughts are with them, wherever they are.
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Operation Backfire Defendant Joseph Dibee Arrested in Joint Cuban-US Operation
At 4:53 pm, on August 9, 2018, Joseph Dibee, 50, was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center by federal agents. Detained by authorities at an airport in Cuba, he was brought to Oregon via a secretive international policing operation. The next day, Billy J. Williams, US Attorney for Oregon, announced his arrest. Williams received Donald Trump’s support in 2017 and advocates for even more aggressive repression of undocumented immigrants.
Joseph Dibee is accused of participating in environmental direct action in the 1990s with the Earth/Animal Liberation Front. Specifically, he is accused of participating in the sabotage of a horse slaughtering facility that resulted in the permanent closure of the company. His charges include arson, conspiracy to commit arson, and destruction of an energy facility.
He has been wanted by federal authorities for 12 years, during which he is alleged to have traveled in Mexico, El Salvador, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, and Russia.
Defend Joseph Dibee—Defend Autonomous Movements
Why is the state still persecuting environmentalists nearly twenty years after actions that never injured anyone? Because as the consequences of resource accumulation and ecological collapse intensify, cracking down on resistance is becoming an ever more urgent priority for the authorities. In The Dawn, Friedrich Nietzsche suggests that you can measure the health of a society according to the number of parasites it can tolerate; today, the custodians of order know that they cannot tolerate any resistance whatsoever, on pain of insurrection.
As prisoners across the country prepare for a nationwide strike against forced labor and undignified conditions, the authorities are preemptively cracking down on organizers. Many rebellious black protesters are imprisoned for attempting to engage in proportionate response to racist extrajudicial police murders in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte, Milwaukee, and elsewhere around the US. Indigenous and non-native water protectors faced unprecedented violence from state counterinsurgency forces and private security firms during the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline in Standing Rock, North Dakota. Over 200 anarchists and other anti-fascists faced eight or more felony charges apiece in one of the largest conspiracy cases in US history on account of participating in protests against the inauguration of President Donald Trump, during which anarchists smashed the windows of corporate storefronts, clashed with police, and burned a limousine. Those charges were finally dropped in July after a year and a half of punitive mass intimidation directed at the arrestees.
The state is pouring all its resources into repression at a time when self-organized revolt and mutual aid are needed more than ever. Fascists and neo-Nazis are targeting hurricane relief organizers while Facebook and Google censor radical content online. Tech giants like Amazon and Palantir are working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to capture undocumented people while landlords and developers collaborate with IBM and finance capitalists to reimagine cities emptied of the working class, transforming vibrant and rebellious communities into enclaves for the wealthy.
Joseph Dibee was arrested with the collaboration of Cuban authorities in a coordination between rival authoritarian powers that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. As climate chaos, popular uprisings, and economic uncertainty continue to shake the globe, we are witnessing unprecedented collaboration between states in policing and extradition. It remains to be seen what this means for other rebels from previous eras—such as Assata Shakur, who has lived in Cuba for many decades despite being at the top of the FBI’s “most wanted” list. What is clear is that all who oppose the coordinated international suppression of resistance must organize now to defend those who are currently being targeted, lest the authorities be emboldened to expand their scope still further.
Imagining a New Horizon of Struggle
The resurgence of street-level fascism in the US on the coattails of the Trump campaign is merely the tip of the iceberg. Worldwide, we have seen a wave of reactionary populism that will continue to circumscribe the popular imagination for a number of years. As sea levels rise and natural disasters continue to displace poor and working class people in Latin America, the Middle East, Indochina, and Oceania, warlords, right-wing gangs, xenophobic governments, and broad sections of the wealthy and ruling classes will collaborate to produce fanatical nationalist and life-denying discourses. Refugees from across the world are already being denied safe passage into the gated communities of the global north.
It is no longer realistic to imagine that climate change and ecological chaos can be prevented. But this only makes it more paramount to defend what wildness remains, impose consequences for the most environmentally destructive activity, and defend those who take risks to make the world hospitable for both human and nonhuman life. If we do not want to spend the next century locked in ethno-nationalist, religious, and racial warfare, we have to foster new struggles against climate change and ecological destruction, we have to build mutual aid networks capable of surviving in disaster zones, and we have to resolutely defend everyone who fights for a world without cages. Free Joseph Dibee.
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You can send letters of care and encouragement to Joseph. DO NOT write about his case or reference anything illegal. Write him here:
Joseph Dibee #812133 Multnomah County Detention Center 11540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, Oregon 97220
We don’t forget those who fight.
Further Reading
“Green Scare Defendant Apprehended in Cuba After 12 Years“—statement from Lauren Regan of the Civil Liberties Defense Center
The SHAC Campaign
Green Scared?—A comprehensive overview of the Green Scare and the lessons it holds for today’s activists.
Desert: Reflections on the implications of unstoppable global climate change for ecologist strategy.
We borrowed the header image from Steve Cup, a radical artist based in New York City.
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crieativity · 5 years ago
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And of course, we have Thorin in BotFA but this time someone got him to admit he was being a stupid fartface
Someone get parks and rec away from me
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theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
What is happiness?
It’s a very old question. And no one really knows the answer, although theories abound.
Aristotle was one of the first to offer what you might call a philosophy of happiness. For him, happiness consisted of being a good person, of living virtuously and not being a slave to one’s lowest impulses. Happiness was a goal, something at which humans constantly aim but never quite reach. Epicurus, another Greek philosopher who followed Aristotle, believed that happiness was found in the pursuit of simple pleasures.
The rise of Christianity in the West upended Greek notions of happiness. Hedonism and virtue-based morality fell somewhat out of favor, and suddenly the good life was all about sacrifice and the postponement of gratification. True happiness was now something to be attained in the afterlife, not on Earth.
The Enlightenment and the rise of market capitalism transformed Western culture yet again. Individualism became the dominant ethos, with self-fulfillment and personal authenticity the highest goods. Happiness became a fundamental right, something to which we’re entitled as human beings.
A new book entitled The Happiness Fantasy by Carl Cederström, a business professor at Stockholm University, traces our current conception of happiness to its roots in modern psychiatry and the so-called Beat generation of the ‘50s and ‘60s. He argues that the values of the countercultural movement — liberation, freedom, and authenticity — were co-opted by corporations and advertisers, who used them to perpetuate a culture of consumption and production. And that hyper-individualistic culture actually makes us much less happy than we could be.
I spoke to Cederström about how this happened and why he thinks happiness ought to be seen as a collective project that promotes deeper engagement with the world around us.
A lightly edited transcript of our conversation follows.
Sean Illing
The prevailing conception of happiness today is something like self-actualization, which is rooted in the “human potential movement” of the 1960s. The idea is that we’re happy if we reach our full potential as human beings and live authentically.
You call this our “happiness fantasy.” Why?
Carl Cederström
I think there have been happiness fantasies during all periods. My point is that it’s impossible to actually know what happiness is. But you can see happiness as reflecting the accepted values during a particular era, and those values evolve over time. So there’s always a strong connection between popular morality and how we think of happiness.
What’s interesting to me is that it’s not really until the Enlightenment era that we get this ideal of happiness as something that we, as human beings, can fully achieve in our lives. And it’s not really until the middle of the 20th century that this vision of happiness becomes the dominant cultural norm in Western society.
Sean Illing
How did that happen? What cultural forces conspired to cement this view of happiness?
Carl Cederström
Well, as with all histories, you can choose how far back you want to go, but I trace it back to the early psychoanalytic movement at the beginning of the 20th century. Although Sigmund Freud didn’t think human beings were especially designed for happiness, there were other figures who emerged from that movement, people like the Austrian psychoanalyst William Reich, who popularized this idea that happiness was connected to free love and free sexuality. These ideas got picked up by the early Bohemians of the 1940s in the US and later in the ‘60s and ‘70s countercultural movement.
Happiness became increasingly about personal liberation and pursuing an authentic life. So happiness is seen as a uniquely individualist pursuit — it’s all about inner freedom and inner development. This is still the foundation of how our culture tends to conceptualize happiness.
“This mania for individual satisfaction and this idea that buying and collecting more stuff will make us happy has produced a spectacularly unequal world”
Sean Illing
How did an anti-corporatist movement in the 1960s built on the idea of personal liberation and sexual freedom get co-opted by the very thing it was rejecting — consumer culture?
Carl Cederström
This is really what most of my book is about. By the end of the ‘60s, there’s a feeling that society is not allowing people to be authentic, that corporations are the enemy. People are thirsting for solidarity, and they see corporate life as dead and two-dimensional. And this is very powerful stuff that upends society.
But what happens as you move through the ‘70s and into the ‘80s is that the political conditions start to shift and corporations start to address all these concerns. You actually see articles in places like the Harvard Business Review about how to attract a “revolutionary spirit” and bring the youth into the corporate world.
Obviously, there’s a lot to say about how this happened, but the short version is that corporate America and the advertising industry changed their tactics and vocabulary and effectively co-opted these countercultural trends. At the same time, there were leaders like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher who were advancing a very individualistic notion of happiness and consumerism, and all of this together had a huge impact on our culture and politics.
Sean Illing
You’ve hit on something that I think has to be unpacked. So I think Karl Marx got a lot of things wrong, but one of the things he got right was his idea that cultural values are a reflection of the prevailing economic order, and not the other way around. As you note in the book, our idea of happiness has been transformed to make us better consumers and producers, and that’s not an accident.
So is there any way for us to truly change our collective conception of happiness without also changing the underlying economic structure?
Carl Cederström
Wow, that’s a really good question. I think the honest answer is probably no, but it’s tricky. Part of what I want to say in this book is that the view of happiness we have now could not have come about if we didn’t have the kind of economic order we have.
The main point of the book is that the idea of happiness we now have, this pursuit of authenticity and personal freedom, may have once been a genuinely noble goal, but over time, these values have been co-opted and transformed and used to normalize a deeply unjust and undesirable situation.
There really is no way to accurately compare happiness today with happiness 50 or 100 years ago, but this mania for individual satisfaction and this idea that buying and collecting more stuff will make us happy has produced a spectacularly unequal world, and it has, in my opinion, left people less fulfilled and more empty inside.
Sean Illing
Do you think our hyper-individualist culture has set us up for disappointment? In other words, can we be genuinely happy if our primary aim is self-satisfaction?
Carl Cederström
I don’t think so. I think that ends where we are now, with a culture of extreme individualism and extreme competitiveness and extreme isolation. I think we do end up in a situation where people feel constantly anxious, alienated, and where bonds between people are being broken down, and any sense of solidarity is being crushed.
I think a meaningful sense of happiness would need to be a collective one. For a very long time, we’ve looked at ideas of collective happiness as ugly or creepy or totalitarian, but they need not be. I believe we desperately need to reimagine what collective happiness might look like in 2018.
“Capitalism has been very successful at presenting human life as an individual pursuit, but that’s a lie”
Sean Illing
I want to circle back to that potential reimagining, but first I think there’s an uncomfortable idea worth engaging. Capitalism is built on a set of assumptions about human nature: We’re self-interested, obsessed with status and prestige, and inherently competitive. If all of these assumptions were wrong, it’s highly unlikely that capitalism would work as well as it does.
What does all this suggest to you?
Carl Cederström
I think there’s a fundamental human desire to feel connected to other people. I also think capitalism has been very successful at presenting human life as an individual pursuit, but that’s a lie. Human life is far more complicated than that, and we’re all dependent on other people in ways we rarely appreciate.
You’re right, though. Like any political or economic ideology, capitalism appeals to something real about human nature. And the justification for capitalism has always been enjoyment and satisfaction — and that’s a powerful message. Human beings don’t have to be narcissistic and ultra-competitive, but if we’re thrown into a system that incentivizes these things, it’s obvious that we will be.
Sean Illing
Your book is focused on the Western world, but do you think the East, with its very different religious and cultural traditions, in general has a better view of happiness that the Western world?
Carl Cederström
No question about it, but I have to be honest and say I don’t understand enough about those traditions to speak in any detail about them. I will say this, though. I think Western culture has adopted some of these traditions and practices, like meditation, in order to be better at coping with our own situation. But maybe we’re missing the other, more important part, which is about letting go of yourself.
Sean Illing
That’s interesting, and seems right to me. I find that a lot of people borrow practices like meditation or yoga and then divorce them from their cultural or spiritual roots, and then they become just another tool of self-fulfillment.
Carl Cederström
I think that’s absolutely right.
Sean Illing
You said earlier that we need to reimagine a new happiness fantasy, one that is less self-involved and more grounded in the world around us. What does this conception of happiness look like, and how do we build it?
Carl Cederström
One thing I noticed while tracing this happiness fantasy over time was that I almost exclusively came across male voices. It was always men articulating the vision of happiness, and they were affirming values that were important to them and their sense of fulfillment and pleasure. I think that’s worth noting.
As for your question, I think a new happiness fantasy would, first of all, acknowledge that these values have been used to exploit people at work, and have been used to normalize a situation of precarity and austerity. And to imagine a new one, we would need a fundamentally different set of values. And I think that starts with a more collective consciousness.
Instead of obsessing over the self-actualized perfected person, maybe we should care more about equality, community, vulnerability, and empathy. Maybe we should get out of our heads and be more present in the world around us. I think that’s how we build a better world.
Original Source -> Why our individualistic culture makes us less happy
via The Conservative Brief
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warburtonstoryaddict · 6 years ago
Adapting to Adaptations
     Some people say this is the golden age of television. Netflix Hulu and Amazon are developing their own original series to much critical acclaim and much of what spring-boarded them into success was adapting pre-existing works from other formats. House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Hemlock Grove, some of Netflix’s earlier and more successful series were all based on books, and more and more cable networks are optioning scripted series to compete with streaming services and the likes of HBO and Showtime.  Others say that we’re in an endless age of recycling the same thing over and over. That the lack of originality is killing more creative works by sucking all the oxygen out of the room. When Disney, a company already astute at milking series for all they were worth, acquired the mega-franchises of Marvel Comics and Star-Wars, they guaranteed that both creative universes would live forever. This is great news for the fans, who can now look forward to reboot after reboot of their favorite stories, but when theaters have to compete for every hard-earned dollar an increasingly selective audience will spend at the box office, rehashing the same blockbusters repeatedly means that other, more esoteric movies will not even be shown. Despite the challenges these trends present for new writers, I feel that overall, the proliferation of adaptations and the fragmentation of the media market are good for creators.
     Let me explain why.
     When I was growing up, three media franchises had a profound effect on me. Looking back on them now, I realize they each had their own unique gifts to give me, not only as a consumer of stories but as a student of storytelling.
FRANCHISE 1: Pokémon - Video Games and World Building serve as a springboard for fiction.
     Featuring a video game world of lavish detail and intricate mechanics for its time, the Pokémon franchise was created by a game journalist named Satoshi Tajiri as a passion project. Pokémon has turned into one of the most successful video game and media franchises in the world.
     The concept of the games is simple, Tajiri wanted to capture the spirit of insect collecting that he had enjoyed as a child, but with a fantasy angle. In the game, children go on quests to capture and train “pocket monsters.” Elemental beasts that inhabit the world instead of wild animals. Pokémon trainers can trade their Pokémon with each other or pit them against one another in (kid friendly) gladiatorial battles. The battles are turn-based and much of the strategy, like in other RPGs requires you to play to the monsters’ strength or weakness types and stats. For example, Fire beats Grass, etc.
     My first experience with Pokémon though was not the video games, but with the Trading Card Game, which brought the idea of strategic collecting and battling to the real world. I became interested in the show and games shortly after that, but if it weren’t for adaptation of the Pokémon games into other media, my experience would have been different.
     The exploration of the created system inspires the player to imbue the tasks they undertake with added meaning or drama. Building on the fundamental plot of the video games, the player enhances the addictive gameplay with personal meaning. Fans of the series, loving the world, creatures and concepts Tajiri created, went on to adapt the world of Pokemon into Manga (comics), Anime (animated TV series), Feature Animated Films, a Wildly popular Trading Card Game. The scaffolding provided by Tajiri provides the basis for players, myself included, to attach their own epic quests to the repetitive strategic tasks of the gameplay. The video game mechanics lend themselves to replay value and inspire storytelling through other media, in the same fictional world.
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FRANCHISE 2: Harry Potter - Addictively good fiction leads to empire building franchises; If you tell a good story, they will come.
     I don’t need to tell you what Harry Potter is, or how huge a phenomenon it is. Really, Harry Potter and Pokémon need little to no introduction. Still, the fictional world of Harry Potter is compelling on multiple levels. It’s compelling because it follows the typical hero’s journey in a unique and more modern way, drawing on other classic fantasy works already in the collective cultural deposits and making them accessible to everyone. It’s compelling because author J.K. Rowling’s world-building is as in-depth as Tajiri's, allowing fans to immerse themselves in her created space and stake out their own nooks to explore through fanfiction, and cross-media adaptation. Third, the story of Harry Potter is compelling because, in many ways, it mirrors the journey of its creator. Harry Potter is a rags-to-riches, coming-of-age story about a young boy who rises out of a lowly situation to become famous and beloved. Similar to the eponymous hero, J.K. Rowling brought the story of Harry Potter to life as a struggling single mother who was rejected by multiple publishing houses, only to turn it into one of, if not THE most successful book series in the world. The smash success of the books spawned adaptations to film, video games and various additional merchandise, such as board games, clothes and toys inspired by the “Wizarding World.”
     Rowling’s modern-fantasy reimagining of the Hero’s Journey has captured the imaginations of millions. Like Pokémon, Harry Potter is an excellent example of world building. Unlike Pokémon, the mechanical structure of media like video games was not the main driver of its success but contributed to that success and was further built upon as created works proliferated, inspired by the excellent fiction writing skills of J.K. Rowling.
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FRANCHISE 3: Middle Earth – World building at an unparalleled level, coupled with excellent fiction writing and adaptation skills, leads to the creation of a classic.
     J.R.R. Tolkien’s story-universe Middle Earth, the setting of famous The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings tales as well as many other stories is one of my most beloved worlds to explore. I first encountered Middle-Earth because of adaptation. I was first introduced to The Hobbit through a radio dramatization of the book. After that, I read the novel and later, The Lord of the Rings. I listened to the audiobooks, watched and own all of the movies, and have played several of the video games. The video games that I felt were the worthiest contributions to the franchise were the ones that were either direct adaptations of the source material or entirely new works based on the same world. In recent news, Amazon will be creating a new series based on the world of Middle Earth.
     Tolkien’s world-building has inspired many. Aside from the various adaptations mentioned already, it is also credited as the inspiration of the popular tabletop RPG Dungeons & Dragons, not to mention the countless “high-fantasy” or “sword and sorcery” titles that have followed and owe it a debt. Tolkien did not create The Lord of the Rings in a vacuum, however; he borrowed heavily from Anglo-Saxon mythology, Norse Mythology, and Judeo-Christian Mythology. Interpreting and compiling them with his love of languages, Tolkien labored to create his own languages and build the world and peoples that would have created them. The point is, that Tolkien himself was an “adapter,” in fact, he translated one of the versions of Beowulf that we have today. Tolkien’s adaptations spawned other adaptations of his work and inspired many others. The reason his works are so beloved and of such high quality is because of his fantastic world-building abilities, his ability to spin a tale, and his own skills at riffing on the cultural heritage available to him. This combination ensures stories that a wide audience can engage and explore.
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     The idea that this increase in rebooting or adapting of existing works is a new problem, or even a problem at all, is a fallacy. There is “nothing new under the sun,” as the saying goes. The increased reimagining of work is to be welcomed. It provides an opportunity for new creators to flex their muscles while paying tribute to the works they admire. It could be a problem if, as stated previously, adaptations were all that was being created at the expense of all other content. Fortunately, though, the media market is shifting, and there are now more ways than ever to produce and publish content. So, let the major production companies rehash the stories that we already know and love. They have money to do it right and to do them justice. The rise of new streaming services and original television or web-series programming empowers creators to produce their own original works and expose them to the public eye in due time. I, for one, am glad to be along for the ride.
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architectnews · 4 years ago
British Council panelists question who benefits from public space
Dezeen promotion: the imbalance of power in the decision-making process behind the creation of public space came under scrutiny in a talk held by the British Council and Therme Art last month at the opening of the Venice Architecture Biennale.
The importance of accessible public space, which has become a more pertinent issue in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, relates directly to this year's biennale's theme, which called for a "new spatial contract" founded on a more sustainable relationship with each other and our natural world.
The talk focused on the biennale’s central question, "How will we live together?"
In response to this, Therme Art and The British Council co-hosted a panel discussion called Experiments for New Spatial Contracts.
The talk was held by the British Council and Therme Art
The discussion was presented as part of Therme Art's ongoing Wellbeing Culture Forum, a talks programme launched in May 2020 to address the onset of the global pandemic and its cultural implications.
It focused on the idea of cohabitation prompted by the biennale's guiding question along with the British Pavilion's co-curators' response in The Garden of Privatised Delights.
Commissioned by the British Council and supported by Therme Art as a platinum partner, The Garden of Privatised Delights is an exhibition that invites leading architects and designers to consider and reimagine public space.
It was curated by Madeleine Kessler and Manijeh Verghese, founding directors of experimental architecture practice Unscene Architecture, and takes its title from Hieronymus Bosch's painting The Garden of Earthly Delights.
Other speakers included Madeleine Kessler and Sarah Wilson
Bosch's painting takes a triptych format; the utopia of Heaven and the Garden of Eden is presented on the left and the dystopia of hell on the right. The middle ground of life on earth is presented in the centre of the painting where complex issues around innocence and guilt unfold.
In The Garden of Privatised Delights, Verghese and Kessler reimagine the painting in the context of contemporary public space in the face of increasing privatisation. It raises questions around inclusivity and access – a sentiment that Therme Group said resonates deeply with its mission of creating urban spaces for all.
"We saw it as an opportunity for architects to work with the public to develop more inclusive programmed inhabited spaces, and that's really our goal in the pavilion," explained Verghese.
The discussion happened at the opening of the Venice Architecture Biennale
"Public and private interests are intricately linked; both motivations need the other to function," said Therme Art.
"However, in our societies today, we often see misalignments in the execution of this melding of worlds. The needs of the public are often overlooked in favour of increased profit, and private stakeholders are typically not informed enough on the demands of the communities they affect."
Addressing the imbalance of resources, wealth distribution and power in the decision-making regarding public space, David Ogunmuyiwa, architect and founder of Architecture Doing Place and Mayor of London's design advocate, questioned who should be responsible for designing public housing and public space.
The talk centred on the importance of accessible public space
"I think this is a really unspoken barrier that is circumscribed by various institutional constraints," said Ogunmuyiwa.
"It's distilled down to a simplified idea of public and private when actually public and private often work in collusion to exclude and to make sure there is redistribution but it's often regressive."
Jayden Ali, founding director of JA projects, spoke of how his practice is trying to implement change through the projects it works on and in particular the Thamesmead Waterfront project in London that includes the creation of huge swathes of public space.
The discussion was presented as part of Therme Art's ongoing Wellbeing Culture Forum
"Our ambition is to work on projects that start to trial a new future and start to test those new relationships between the different people and the different inhabitants on-site, whether they be humans or non-humans," said Ali.
Commenting on London's historical and current public space offering, Verghese added:
"One thing we really wanted to explore in the pavilion is not just the removal of physical barriers, but also those intangible barriers. I think we all need to sit with some discomfort in order to really understand who these spaces are for and who gets excluded."
The talk was prompted by the biennale's guiding question "How will we live together?"
Other speakers included Sarah Wilson, professor of modern and contemporary art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art.
The talk was the latest in Therme Art's Wellbeing Culture Forum talks programme. Founded in 2017, Therme Art is the "cultural incubator" of Therme Group.
Therme Art is responsible for the outreach to the creative communities, curating site-specific artistic and architectural projects that "challenge the limitations of conventional exhibition spaces and redefine contemporary art viewing".
Therme Art works in cooperation with internationally renowned artists, architects and emerging talents. To view more about Therme Art, visit their website.
Partnership content
This article was written by Dezeen for Therme Art as part of a partnership. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
The post British Council panelists question who benefits from public space appeared first on Dezeen.
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