#Michelle Ly
nicecurves · 8 months
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 6 months
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An inversion long overdue
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blue-inferno · 5 months
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The Fairy Trap - Reupload
"Steady on Ly! There may be kiddies watching!"
It seems poor Rayman took a wrong turn and wound up caught in a friendly trap 😊 Bless him.
This is an edited version of the original; Rayman is more in scale with Ly now.
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altschmerzes · 5 months
🌹🌹 Wriggle Up and/or New York Minute pleassssse 🙏
yesssss okay new york minute has taken over my brain for a moment so i'll go with an excuse to share some of that one
('new york minute' is my first fic for the bear, btw, it is a cousin michelle from the christmas episode pov of The Whole New York Debacle. as always i am really really anxious taking my first try at character voices, and picking a pov character who is a minor side character in one (1) episode has been both freeing and anxiety provoking LMAO. so. here's this.)
(also it's.... long. we know this about me and clips.)
As soon as Carmy is under her roof, safely tucked away in her guest room, Michelle takes what feels like her first full breath in since Christmas. It’s not like everything is magically okay now - Carmy certainly isn’t okay, and he’s just one little piece of the whole fucked up puzzle, but she’s finally done something about it. Michelle has found the one piece of that puzzle that she can do anything about at all and she’s done it. That’s the part that’s driven her the most out of her mind - knowing that things need to be done, that nothing is alright in Chicago, and not knowing what to do. Who to try and help, never mind how.
Natalie has Pete and her friends from school. She’s got a home and distance and she’d mentioned while on a walk with Michelle, looking away like she wasn’t sure what the response would be, that she had started therapy after Thanksgiving. And Michael has… Well. When they talk on the phone, Natalie doesn’t have a lot to say about Michael that’s encouraging. Michelle is worried about Michael but it’s not like she can do anything about that. They were close when they were younger but the older they got and the more Donna took a shine to her the more strained her relationship with Michael got. They were a competition of their own, really, or at least a battlefield on the war between their mothers.
Grandpa Berzatto, right? Michael Berzatto. A looming figure gone before any of her generation was born, and so of course the oldest grandchild is named after him - both of them were, at the beginning and the end of the same year, one down each branch of the family tree. Michael and Michelle. They thought it was funny when they were younger. Used to tell people they were twins, when they were real little. It’s not like that anymore. At least Richie is there, though. At least Richie is always there.
Thank god for Richie, said almost no one ever and Michelle several times over the course of her life.
One time, she was seventeen and going out with a guy who was far too old for her and a massive asshole on top of that. When she finally dumped him and his reaction scared her enough to tell them what was going on, Michael and Richie got a baseball bat and a tire iron out of the garage and broke every window and light cover on the guy’s car. Richie took one of the pieces from the tail-light to wood shop class the next day and while the teacher was off making sure some sophomores didn’t lose any fingers using a table saw, he sanded down the edges and put a hole through it, then gave it to her on a keychain. Michelle still has it somewhere. Michelle still has that keychain somewhere and Richie still has Michael and so that’s one thing she doesn’t have to worry about not being able to fix.
So there’s nothing to do for any of them, because Natalie is going to be okay in ways that even Michelle isn’t, and Michael is out of her reach, and Donna is out of everyone’s reach. (Donna needs help. She’s obviously suffering and needs some serious help, but Michelle learned long ago with her own mother that there’s no forcing help on someone who won’t accept it and will stop speaking to you for months if you try to push it anyway.)
But Carmy… Carmy is in her guest room and it’s still pretty early but she thinks he’s asleep and this she can do. This, him, Michelle can help.
(Michael caught her on the way out, when she and Stevie were leaving. She was worried for a moment, because he had that intense look on his face that meant trouble could be coming, and when he said heard you asked Carm to come stay with you for a few days in New York she steeled her nerves for one last explosion for the road. Michael was silent and Michelle was silent and he still had a hold of her arm but he wasn’t squeezing or anything so she let him keep his hand for now. And then he just said Good. Get him the fuck out of here and do not let him come back. Then he gave her a hug so tight she couldn’t breathe and kissed her on the cheek and said love you, Mitch and he was gone.)
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cruyffista · 5 months
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this but it's looking up highlights of old retired footballer players in 360p quality on youtube and finding out that they were actually good
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watsonmj · 1 year
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spider-man: homewrecker
day 2 (and 4) of @spideychelleweek
Peter and MJ are married. MJ’s a famous actress. Peter’s still Spider-Man. People think Spider-Man and MJ are together. The problem? Everyone knows MJ is a married woman.
It’s not a well-kept secret that Spider-Man is a homewrecker. He’s a great hero, no doubt about it, but he’s not universally loved in New York City. Not that he’s ever been universally loved here—too many damn cops out for his blood for that to ever be true. And that’s not to mention Jameson’s smear campaign against him. But it’s funny. The only thing Jameson never touches about Spider-Man’s misdeeds is that he’s secretly fucking one of the most famous, married actresses of all time: MJ Watson. Yeah. It’s a bit of a moral quandary.
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
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I call this one the "Jeri Ryan being an absolute cutie while lying through her teeth about the fate of Saffi" collection 🤭
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my n1 guilty pleasure is thinkin that post m2 lauretta moved deeper into criminal after several years & ended up sentenced to jail somewhere in the middle of 1970s
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oh-meow-swirls · 5 months
need to keep watching the anime at somepoint. idr what episode i was on anymore tho tbh. and also idk if there's any ✨totally legal websites✨ that have the rest of dub season 3 i wanna be able to watch more than three episodes of season 3 in the dub-
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hajimehinata · 1 year
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as dusk falls + text posts     this is how jim and michelle can STILL WIN!!!
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ruvviks · 1 year
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michele diaz (she/her, 58 yrs old as of april 2082) >> once a high-ranking militech officer, but she got demoted after losing shares and stakeholders following the incident with the spaceship elysium. she's set on restoring her status and will do whatever it takes to get the respect she believes she deserves sergei voronin (he/they, 29 yrs old as of april 2082) >> michele's assistant of several years, a similar position as cassidy shaffer used to be in many years ago. went to school with the valentine siblings and used to be part of the friend group that relentlessly bullied aubrey. he gets demoted with michele and once the elysium incident is connected to aubrey, sergei will not rest until the fixer is dead lennox fletcher (she/her, 30 yrs old as of april 2082) >> michele's bodyguard and best friend of sergei and axel. lennox was in the same year as sergei and aubrey and james valentine and she even is james' ex. never had serious beef with aubrey on a personal level but just liked to create problems on purpose. lennox is fired after she resists being moved elsewhere in militech's ranks and is then rehired by michele as freelancer axel shao (he/him, 32 yrs old as of april 2082) >> michele's business partner who also gets demoted after the elysium incident. he was a year above his friends in secondary school but also belonged to the same friend group, and he was mostly in it to feel like he belonged somewhere. now that he's made a name for himself at militech- and is risking to lose it all- he takes a lot more initiative to get valuable information out of aubrey in order to get his position back
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nicecurves · 9 months
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breitzbachbea · 4 months
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Saw this and thought of michele for some reason
That's Dolcetto about Marco and Lorenzo (he thinks all non-chocolate cannoli sucks).
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lesbianlenas · 4 months
i have said before i have really bad hypochondria anyway i was doing better on my meds but recently i was really badly triggered bc my lymph nodes r swollen & one of them is like more swollen than the others & now i have white spots on my tonsils which indicates a throat infection not really a terminal illness but having a lump on my throat has been like my biggest hypochondria fear for 10 yrs or so so having a lump on my neck has really just like sent me & anyway i usually do not share my hypochondria fears bc ik they’re irrational but as i said this is like 100x more upsetting to me than usual bc it is my exact hypochondria fear so i had a breakdown & started crying to my mom so she made me get a doctor’s appt all this to say that i also have severe avoidance issues so before i could just pretend the bump wasn’t there & distract myself but now that i know i have a doctor’s appt it is much worse & i can’t stop thinking abt it 😔 thats my story. plagued in many ways.
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circesoracle · 10 months
not one to get attached to player characters in games but admittedly making my BG3 bard an aging past-her-prime washed up actress just because one of the faces looks a bit like Michelle Pfeiffer has me a bit. well. you can imagine
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wandered-rose · 10 months
ೀ it's amazing just how dumb humans can be
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