#Michael just actually confused of what his ‘dad’ did
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FNAF Into the pit got William Afton a new hater..
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garbinge · 3 months
That One Christmas Without Carmy
Michael "Mikey" Berzatto & Platonic!F!Reader
30 Day Fic Challenge (22/30)
Word Count: 2k A/N: A little flashback with Mikey.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of abuse, angst, sadness, depression. Other fics from this universe The Bear Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @quixscentsposts @dadbodfanatic-x @adorable-punk-superheroes @lodeddiperrodrick @isalver @captainweasleybarnes @musicwithteeth @fancyvoidtragedy @shinebright2000 @knight4xmas @gills-lounge @navs-bhat @cosmicak @kmc1989
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It was the one Christmas Carmy didn’t come home. With how things were with him, you weren’t shocked. He barely answered your texts, you talked for two minutes every few months. Things were just different, you knew he was distancing himself. It took some time but you put the pieces together as to why and weren’t going to force him into anything. 
You walked into the house, apple cider in your hand, something you did every year you came. Sugar hated that Donna drank herself a mess every holiday, which made bringing alcohol feel wrong, not to mention when you started coming over for these events as an adult, you were still under the legal drinking age and you knew food was off limits when Donna was cooking the 7 fishes. So apple cider it was. 
Not bothering to engage in whatever conversation was happening in the living room, you moved throughout the house looking for a quiet corner to just collect your thoughts. Life had been pretty rocky lately, you just moved back not that long ago and you still felt like you were trying to get your footing from being in Indiana with the jackass that was your ex. You weren’t sure what life held for you, but the pressure alone was enough to weigh you down. 
You let out the deepest sigh as you collapsed your back on the wall next to the pantry where Mikey was standing, the only quiet corner of the house that wasn’t the bathroom which was currently being hot boxed by the Faks. 
He let out a chuckle and a head shake, letting his long hair fall all crazy around him. 
“Just need a minute.” You stared at the ceiling. 
“Feel that.” Mikey was now staring up at the ceiling with you. “Sorry about the craziness.” 
“Ironically, Mikey, this is the most stable environment I’ve been in.” 
“You know that’s fucked, right?” He looked over at you with a smile. 
“Beats sitting in an empty house waiting for a santa that never comes.” You remembered the one Christmas in middle school where your dad told you he was going to visit Santa and to stay in the living room and he’d be back with gifts, he didn’t show back up for 3 days, and all he had in his hand was a public indecency ticket and a 6-pack. “I don’t think you get how much this shit means to me Mikey. You, Sug, Carm, shit, even Richie. You guys saved me, Donna being well,” you pointed to the kitchen as a way to replace any verb that just felt completely underwhelming in comparison of the action, “it’s something I’d happily deal with just to have your guys company.” 
“We love you, kid.” He grabbed your shoulder, staring at you. 
After a moment of silence, you spoke up. 
“You talk to him lately?” 
“No.” He answered quickly. “You?” He was now staring down at the floor, waiting for an answer.
“Not really. Maybe a month ago. He actually called me once, wished me a happy half birthday.” You chuckled and looked over at Mikey who was making a weird face. “It’s like a tradition.” You started to explain since he looked very confused. “We’ve done it since we were kids.” You shrugged. “But other than that and a text to let me know he wasn’t coming home, he hasn’t answered my calls. Barely texts me back.” 
“You know last year, he was standing right there where you are, giving me shit ‘bout talking to Claire Bear for him.” He laughed at the memory while you rolled your eyes. “Jealous?” Mikey caught you and smirked. 
“Barely.” You huffed. “It’s just so crazy you guys can’t see it.” You shrugged and looked at Mikey who was giving you a look like ‘are you going to continue?’. It made you laugh but you obliged. “You’re gonna make fun of me and him for saying this, but Carm, he’s so delicate. He gets tipped off his scale so easily you gotta ease him into things. I bet you, you, Richie, and Fak bum rushed him about how hot she is, and how he needs to hit that and whatever. That shit throws him off, you gotta be smooth with it. When he’s here, he’s waiting for something to tip the scales, that's why it’s so easy to tip.” 
“It was cousin Steve, not Fak, but you’re not wrong, that is what happened.” He nodded, letting his hand rest on the frame across from him as his head dropped and his back was still against the other side of the frame. “It’s like you’re his best friend or some shit.” It was meant as a joke, a light hearted comment but it held a lot more weight for you.
“I don’t know about that anymore.” 
“What happened to you out in Indiana. Could tell shits been different for you since then.” Mikey continued the conversation, his leg now lightly kicking the door frame as a subconscious tik. 
“Some really fucked shit happened. After all of it, I went to see Carmy, could tell he was working really hard to separate himself from this, and I just so happen to be a part of this. I think I tip the scales.” 
“If it makes you feel better, I most definitely tip the fuckin’ Carmy scales.” Mikey laughed, looking back down at the ground. 
“You know, you’re like a brother to me, Mikey.” That comment brought his eyes back up to you, his head nodding and his hair flopping all over the place as he acknowledged you. 
“I love you like a sister, you know this, sometimes even more than Sugar, you don’t ask Ma if she’s okay 20 times a day.” He teased, a smile growing on his face. 
It was nice to see him smile, it was so rare these days it felt like. 
“Your moms scales are easily tipped, too. Probably where Carm gets it.” You were now walking past him in the door frame and sitting on the radiator box that was parallel to the stairs. “Guess I got my dad’s scales, untippable.” You shrugged as you jumped up. 
“Think I got mine’s too.” Mikey’s eyebrows raised, he shifted his positioning, so he was facing you since you moved, but quickly mimicked how he was standing before, back against the door frame, hand on the opposite side holding him up. “How is your Pops?” 
You laughed and shook your head. “It’s Christmas Eve so, drunk, probably in a casino.” 
“Some things don’t change.” His eyes were now connected to yours. 
“And yet I feel like I can’t recognize my life anymore.” Your legs began to kick back and forth slightly hitting the radiator beneath you.
“Well, a lot of things do change.” Mikey shrugged, a smile growing on his face at the irony of his statements. 
“Funny guy.” You smiled back. 
“Bear made me this drawing that Christmas. Told me about Copenhagen.” He let out a deep sigh. “I tipped the scale though.” 
“He just misses you, Mike. Wishes he was doing this with you.” It was spoken like it was so obvious and Mikey missed all the signs. 
“He told you that?” It was curious how he asked, like he knew all along, but there was some shit no one but him knew that prevented it all from happening. 
“No, but I know he told you that, he’s my best friend, I've known him since we were kids, I know what he’s thinking before he thinks it.” You spoke jokingly but obviously.
“It’s just a mess here.” Mikey wasn’t in the mood to joke about this and you could tell that immediately.
“But it’s home.” You spoke in the same seriousness.The doorbell rang and you looked at Mikey and quickly nodded your head to the right. “I’ll get it.” 
Mikey stayed leaning against the pantry’s door frame as you walked over to the front door. With a smile, you tossed open the door, expecting to see Pete or even one of the Fak’s since they always managed to lock themselves out every year but your heart dropped when you saw him. 
“Hey, I uh, called your dad, said I could probably find you here.” 
The last time you saw this man was when Richie was pointing a gun at him in the middle of The Beef which was last year. That added with the fact that he mentioned talking to your father, you barely got to talk to him and he can just call him up and he offers up your information like its nothing. The feeling of your heart dropping was quickly being replaced with rage bubbling in every part of your boddy, but your hands and arms specifically. 
“What the fuck do you want.” It must’ve been obvious you were getting angry because the man in front of you lifted his arms in a sense on innocence but you knew there was nothing innocent about him. 
“Was back in the area, missed you, I know how much you love the holidays, figured maybe we could go out, catch up, or not talk at all.” His eyebrows raised and as he was talking you definitely smelt the alcohol on his breath. 
“You should actually get the fuck out of here.” Your hand was firm on the door, despite them shaking, ready to slam it closed. 
The man took a step forward now, his begging mixed with a desire to show power. As his hand rested on the door he began to slightly push it open against yours.  “Don’t be like that, I always hated when you were like that, you’re too pretty to have an attitude that ugly.” 
Suddenly, the pushing on the door stopped and you felt a hand right above yours. Turning you saw Mikey standing behind you, taking all the weight of the door in his hand as he held firm with a deep frown on his face. 
“Pretty sure she told you to get the fuck outta here.” 
You weren’t sure if you were mortified or happy someone had your back right now. 
“I’m talkin’ to the lady, alright, don’t mean to be a bother, you don’t–you don’t gotta get involved.” It was said to be nonchalant but anyone could have read between the lines. 
“No, you’re not talkin’ to the lady.” In a way so opposite of his other hand, Mikey lightly touched your shoulder and smiled at you as he nodded behind him. Quickly he was taking your hand in his and moving you behind him. “C’mere sweetheart, stand right there.” He turned his attention back to the man at the door and hardened his face again. “You’re talkin’ to me. Who are you?” 
“I’m a friend.” He pointed to you and tried to peak past Mikey at you. 
“You ain’t shit. This is my house, my property, and she’s my friend. So I’m gonna need you to get the fuck out of here.” Mikey gripped the guy up with such ease, if it wasn’t for the flex of his muscles and the veins on his arms popping out, it wouldn’t have been obvious as to how hard his grip around this guys neck was. He tossed him down the stairs almost like a ragdoll, it helped that the man was in the bag drunk and had little to no reflexes readily available anymore. “If you ring this doorbell or do any other shit in or around this house, I’ll kill you.” With that the door was being slammed and he was turning to look at you. It broke him to see someone he saw as family so scared, your eyes were terrified still. 
He was tossing his arm over your shoulder and pushing you back through the kitchen and to the dining room where the chaos was. A sure way to keep your mind off everything. 
“Hey, c’mon now. Ignore that, let’s steal one of those cannolis, yea?” 
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viaarts404 · 5 months
I don't write fanfics often but gotta start now 'cause if I write it for myself then I won't write it at all.
Summery: Events after Adam's death...Michael tries to revive Adam while Lucifer tries to tame Sinner!Adam. Michael wakes something that was not supposed to be awakened.
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Michael hasn't left his office in two days. He took a bunch of books from the library and locked himself away. He only eats or drinks when someone brings him something. He's been living on coffee and energy drinks.
-I don't get it! These don't even make sense!-yelled Michael while sitting in his office chair at his desk. He tore a page out from his notes and threw it towards the trashcan. He missed and the paper fell on the floor. Michael sighed and rested his head on the notepad in front of him.
-I just don't get it. -Michael repeated, tears rolling down his cheeks.
    -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _______________>>+×+<<______________  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
-DAMMIT, ADAM! GET BACK HERE! -screamed Lucifer while chasing down Adam. Adam kept screaming curse words in random order with no relation to each other. Adam only stopped when chains wrapped around his body.
-LET ME GO, FREAK! -responded Adam, screaming as usual.
-Calm down already! -Luci ordered then dragged Adam onto the bed -now stay down! - Lucifer walked out of the room then locked the door. He made his way down the hall to the lobby.
-You didn't knock him out, right dad? -Charlie said as she walked up to Lucifer.
-I sadly did not. But I really wish I did. -responded Luci then sighed.
Luci and Charlie had a long talk about Adam, mostly what to do with him.
Lucifer made his way back to the room he locked Adam into. He tried to unlock the door but the key wouldn't turn. He was confused at first then realised it was already unlocked. Lucifer rushed into the room with an expression that was the mix of fear and confusion.
He froze when he saw Adam on the floor with a couple of old books around him. Most of the books were of basic literature. Just stories, mostly fantasy.
-What? Never seen a book before? -Adam said with a smug expression. He laughed at Lucifer a little bit then asked "what?" again. Luci shook his head.
-Since when can you read? -asked Lucifer mockingly.
-Michael thought me. It's actually quite fun.-responded Adam while reading his book. He put the open book down then took a dictionary and looked up a word then quickly went back to reading. Lucifer stood there in pure silence for a long minute.
-well, anyway, you'll be staying in the hotel. Charlie decided to keep you around. -Lucifer told Adam while facing another way but still looking at Adam from the corner of his eyes.
-Better than on the streets, I guess.-responded Adam.
    -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _______________>>+×+<<______________  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
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hazbininlove · 6 months
Hopelessly Devoted - Chapter 3
-About 5.5k. No real warnings in this chapter!
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Charlie is more or less freaking out at the moment. She received news a week ago that Esther would be coming back down to assist with the Hotel and would be bringing a guest. Now today is the day of that visit and she feels like nothing is ready. Everything in the hotel feels out of place and she doesn’t know how to fix it.
“Charlie, you need to relax,” Vaggie says, coming up to her and placing her hands on Charlie’s shoulders. Charlie grabs at her own hair in frustration.
“I can’t, Vaggie! Esther didn’t come into the hotel last time and I just want it to be perfect! And she said she’s bringing someone else! What if it’s Sera? What if it’s Michael?! WHAT IF IT'S GOD?!”
“Charlie! She’s not bringing God to our hotel! And I doubt she’d bring Michael here! He’s probably the last person who’d ever willingly down here.”
Charlie groans and slumps into Vaggies hold. “What am I gonna dooooooo-“
“Do about what?”
“Ah!” Charlie jumps out of Vaggie’s hold and looks to the entrance where her dad is standing. His eyebrows furrow in concern.
“You doing alright, apple pie? You look uhhh kinda tired,” he inquires.
“Dad! Hi! I could really use your help right now! Esther is coming down any minute now and he’s bringing someone and-“
“Esther!” Her dad yells, his hands now gripping her arms. “She’s coming here?! Today?! Now?!!”
“Ooooh I see I forgot to mention that,” Charlie replies sheepishly, laughing awkwardly to herself. “I knew I was forgetting something.”
Lucifer’s hands let go of her to grip his own hair, knowing his hat off his head. He starts pacing as he freaks out.
“Oh hell she’s coming here. I haven’t prepared anything. Nothing has felt right! I haven’t even had the time to fix up my wings. My WINGS!”
He yells, and his wings pop out behind him in the largest form Charlie’s seen from him in months, knocking over a painting as he does so. “Satan’s smelly asscrack! They’re a mess! How the fuck am I supposed to impress her with this disaster?!”
“I don’t think Uncle Satan would appreciate that comment,” Charlie mumbles, trying to defuse the situation.
“He’s an ugly sweaty fuck! He can handle a few insults in his name!” Lucifer yells back. He pauses, groans, and rubs at his temples. “Sorry, apple pie. I’m just nervous and didn’t mean to yell. Satan definitely deserves it though.”
“Aren’t the two of you supposed to be twins or something?” Vaggie asks, approaching the two of them. “Isn’t that why people confuse you two so often?”
“Aha, no, you know all those pictures of a red dude with horns that people think is me? That’s Satan. He’s just such a damn menace that of course when shit goes sideways, they think he’s the actual devil which then confuses people and- you know what? It’s a whole thing. The point is, he smells like shit half the time I see him and I think he does it on purpose.”
“Dad, I think we’re off track again. Why are you freaking out about your wings? And can you please make them smaller before you break anything else?” Charlie asks.
Sheepishly, Lucifer does just that, letting them get smaller until they’re at a more appropriate size indoors. He snaps his fingers to fix the things he knocked over and continues pacing as he fiddles with his hands.
How does one explain to their daughter that he has an inside joke of sorts with his soulmate and now as part of proving himself to her again, he has to behave like a duck during mating season and impress her.
Shit, had Esther even meant that literally? Knowing her humor, she probably did, though she definitely expected more than just that as an apology. He wasn’t entirely sure how to apologize either. He’d told her everything the week before. Of course, just because he explained and apologized doesn’t mean she had to forgive him. And he knew one apology wouldn’t make up for several millennia apart, due to his own actions, but he really didn’t know what else to say or even do to make it up to her.
It just stressed him out more that he couldn’t think of anything to do about this. He couldn’t lose her again, not when he finally had a second chance. He’d been struggling to sleep for the past week just thinking about her. Her beautiful dark blue eyes, her wavy black hair with the streaks of white, the rich blue on the underside of her beautiful wings. Lucifer feels his heart beat a little faster at the thought of her bright smile aimed at him, eyes crinkled at the end in pure joy and those cheek marks on the corner of her mouth so high they almost look like they’re reaching her eyes.
“It’s nothing Char,” he replies to his daughter. “I just want to look my best when she arrives. And you said she’s bringing a gues- Who the fuck is she bringing?”
“We don’t know, sir. We can only assume it’s another angel,” Vaggie answers for her, likely stopping Charlie from panicking again.
“Oh fuck me! It’s probably Michael! It’s definitely Michael,” he replies, hands in his hair again as his eyes start to turn red and his voice sounds almost layered. “She talked about him so much last time, it probably is him. That fucker probably did mess with her head. She said she doesn’t love him but someone with Stockholm Syndrome probably wouldn’t admit they have it!”
“Okay!” Charlie claps loudly. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here! Vaggie’s right. We need to relax and think things through. I doubt she’d bring him of all people here. So let’s just focus on one thing at a time! Like cleaning up the lobby!”
Lucifer looks at his daughter with a blank stare and snaps his finger. A burst of gold sparks from his hand and sweeps around the room, cleaning up any dust and straightening out paintings and chairs alike as it goes.
“Can I go back to panicking now?”
“No!” Charlie yells, grabbing her dad and leading him towards the elevators. “We’re going to go get ourselves looking presentable!”
Vaggie watches in amusement but also concern as her girlfriend drags her whining father out of the lobby. Looking around the room, he definitely did a good job of cleaning up and saved them a good amount of time. Especially after the disaster left in the wake of Charlie’s own panicking.
She’s thankful that her and Charlie’s relationship isn’t as complicated as Lucifer’s and Esther’s. She feels bad for them. Knowing what she knows now, it all seemed like a “right person, wrong time” situation. And who knows how long those two even actually spent together before Lucifer had fallen.
The books she read aren’t exactly clear on how long between Lucifer’s creation and the creation of Eden took place. Lucifer is older than Earth, that much she knows, but how much older remains a mystery to everyone except the man himself, and she isn’t sure if asking is appropriate.
And to an immortal being who’s been around for as long as he has and still looks like a relatively young adult, how does time pass for him? Sinners remain the age they died at, but was Lucifer like Adam, Lilith, and Eve? Was he also created as an adult? Were the older angels created as children and then raised into adulthood before the aging stopped? Looking at a picture of Lucifer and Charlie, Lucifer looks the same age now as he did then. Now that Charlie’s older, he looks like he could’ve been a teenage father.
Had Lucifer and Esther had thousands of years between their creation and the Earth’s creation to spend together, or had it just been a few short years together before their forced separation? It doesn’t really matter, at the end of the day. They seemed to be the first and most functional of three pairs of soulmates ever made.
Like Esther had said the day before. The first attempt to recreate them ended in disaster with Adam and Lilith, Eve… No one in heaven had seen Eve in thousands of years and Adam never cared to talk about her besides when insulting her. The only pair that seemed to want to be together was Lucifer and Esther, and even they weren’t actually together because of the miscommunication between them that caused eons of loneliness for the two of them.
No wonder God never made more soulmates. The more Vaggie thinks about it, the more her head starts to hurt. She walks around the lobby instead, making sure nothing was out of place even with Lucifer’s magic.
A knock on the door alerted her to a guest. Vaggie paused, looking over to the bar where Husk had paused in his own polishing, and stared back at her.
“Try to keep the drinks to a minimum, please,” she says to him. He rolls his eyes but continues wiping the bar as she walks towards the door.
Before she can reach the door, a swirl of shadows lifts from the ground, and she curses to herself as she sees Alastor appear from it. She’s practically sprinting and he shifts his eyes to look at her, smile stretched impossibly wide, as he grips the door and pulls it open.
”Welcome, dear guests, to the Hazbin Hotel,” he says, greeting the two at the door.
There is Esther, smiling softly in greeting, with a taller man beside her. His skin is ghostly white like Lucifer’s, but his hair is black like Esther’s. It’s a bit longer than Lucifer’s, falling more into his face and curling around his neck. His suit is impeccable, white pants, black coat, and gray waistcoat. Along the shoulders of his coat are black pads lined in silver with intricate designs. His eyes are dark gray, bordering on blue closer to the pupils.
He looks like royalty, carries himself with an air of importance, but his eyes look soft and his expression is easygoing. It takes Vaggie a few moments before his appearance clicks in her mind.
This is Azrael, the Archangel of Death, the Virtue of Patience.
He’s rarely seen in any of the spheres of Heaven. He, like Raphael, spends most of his time on Earth. When he does return to Heaven, he passes through the spheres and says his hellos, but typically spends most of his time on Primum Mobile with the other higher ranking angels that aren’t ruling over a sphere like Sera.
If he spends any time in another sphere, it’s likely the first sphere where the majority of the winners reside, or in the third sphere where he was created, Venus, just as Lucifer and Esther were.
Well, Azrael is certainly better than Michael in terms of who would stress Lucifer out the most, but Vaggie isn’t holding out much hope. Esther had mentioned that Azrael was likely to visit, but she hadn’t expected it to be so soon. Especially since it’s only her second visit.
At least she could say that of all the virtues or archangels to bring, the Virtue of Patience would probably be the best to deal with all the chaos the people of this hotel were capable of causing.
Both of their wings were tucked away and out of sight, which was probably for the best both to get them through the door and so they wouldn’t take up too much space. They likely planned on spending a good amount of time there, if that was the case.
Vaggie bows to both of them, nervous at the sight of one of Heaven’s strongest angels. Azrael doesn’t fight, might as well be a pacifist, but that doesn’t mean he’s incapable. The Seven Capital Virtues all have more power than most beings besides God himself, and even they aren’t the top of the hierarchy the way that the Seven Deadly Sins were down here in Hell.
“Welcome! It’s an honor for you to visit us,” Vaggie says. She may not live in Heaven anymore, or agree with everything they do, but even she knows the Virtues and the Archangel of Death deserved her utmost respect. Esther visiting had been a shock, especially since Vaggie had never seen her so she didn’t know her importance.
“Please, no need for all of that,” Azrael replies. His voice is light, almost airy, but strong. It’s so different from Lucifer’s rich and smooth tone of voice. Lucifer, despite his awkwardness around his daughter, talks in a voice that is loud and boisterous when he wants it to be, like he’s demanding attention. Azrael’s voice sounds more like a soft breeze, calming and comforting.
She supposes when it’s your job to console the souls of the dead and guide them towards their final resting place, a comforting tone is probably for the best.
“I assume you know who I am?” Azrael asks, taking a step into the hotel after gesturing for Esther to enter first. Vaggie nods, not sure what else to say. “I don’t get to say this often, but it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He holds his hand out for her to shake, and she takes it. His grip is just as soft as his voice. “It’s nice to meet you too, sir.”
“None of that. Azrael is just fine,” he replies.
Behind them, Esther is greeting Husk and Alastor. Vaggie wants to warn Esther that staying away from Alastor is for the best, especially considering Lucifer’s hatred for the other man, but there’s really no nice way to say that.
Lucifer’s not going to be happy when he sees both a brother of his that he hasn’t seen in eons suddenly here, and Alastor around the love of his life.
Today’s gonna be a shitty day in hell, that’s for sure.
“Well, where is our lovely host? I’ve been dying to meet my little niece,” Azrael says, looking around the lobby. Esther chuckles behind him.
“The puns will never stop with you, will they?” Esther asks him, a knowing smirk on her lips.
“Not until my last breath,” he teases back. It’s then that Vaggie realizes he’s been making references to death. It’s not something she expected, but knowing how Lucifer acts, she can’t say she’s entirely surprised that the weird jokes run in the family. “Now, my niece, please?”
“Right, yeah, she actually just went upstairs with her dad a few minutes ago, so they should be down shortly,” Vaggie’s replies. She wants to offer to go get them, but the idea of leaving them alone with Alastor sounds like a bad idea. Especially knowing that Husk is likely too drunk even this early in the afternoon to do anything about it.
Something in Azrael’s eyes flash at the mention of Lucifer, and his smile tightens just a bit. It’s not a good sign in Vaggie’s eyes.
“Samael is here as well? How splendid, I’ve missed the little one,” Azrael says back. Vaggie sees Esther roll her eyes at the nickname. It appears Lucifer’s height is a running joke. “My workload increased drastically when my fellow angel of death fell. Of course there are others but Samael was always a joy to work with.”
“You know he prefers to be called Lucifer,” Esther scolds him. Azrael pats her gently. They don’t look alike, besides the black hair, but they act almost like siblings.
The way Lucifer and Esther were created, to be practically married, and the fact that they’ve known each other for thousands of years, Vaggie wouldn’t be surprised if the other Virtues did see her as a sister.
Azrael hums but stays silent on the subject. Instead he chooses to move around the lobby. He goes to the bar to greet a stressed looking Husk as Esther approaches her.
“It’s Vaggie, correct?” She asks and Vaggie nods. “It’s nice to see you again, dear. I apologize for not mentioning Azrael’s visit. He likes surprises and once he has it in his head, there’s no stopping him.”
“Yes ma’am. It was definitely surprising, but I think that’s because I tend to forget that Charlie’s dad was also a high ranking angel.”
“Technically, he still is,” Esther replies. She smiles down at Vaggie, her eyes warm despite the dark cool blue color they have. “He may not be allowed in Heaven anymore, nor is he a Virtue as he once was, but he’s still one of the oldest and strongest of the angels.”
“How interesting,” Alastor says, approaching them. “One would think we’d see more of this strength you speak of.”
“If that was the case, you’d be wiped from existence with the way you like pissing him off, asshole,” Vaggie replies to him. She pauses for a moment to look back at Esther and apologize for her language, but the angel doesn’t look upset at all.
“Well, I suppose some good came from our king’s reclusive nature then!”
Alastor’s eye twitches but he says nothing more, thankfully.
Even after the battle against Adam, Vaggie knows that was nowhere near Lucifer’s full strength. The man was once a Virtue, an Archangel who answered directly to God, and a Seraphim, the highest rank of the angels. He wasn’t called God’s favorite angel for nothing. With all the power Lucifer was given upon his creation, being called the favorite almost felt like an understatement.
Not that there weren’t angels stronger than Lucifer, but Vaggie read about the fall. Lucifer wasn’t just tossed out of the gates like Charlie’s story makes it seem. Lucifer fought, and he fought hard. Michael may have led the charge against him, and been the one to throw him and Lilith towards hell, but it took several angels, mostly Seraphim, to finally weaken him.
Lucifer truly was a terrifying being, even before becoming the first sin.
“I hope you know you have nothing to worry about, dear,” Esther says to her as Alastor walks away. “If he’s anything like he was before, he’s never cared much for power.”
That much is obvious. Alastor didn’t call him a recluse for nothing. Lucifer has made it clear many times that he doesn’t care for sinners or want to truly rule them. The only times he shows off his powers is when he wants to show off for Charlie or do something for her.
“Now, tell me about the hotel, dear. Any new arrivals?”
Vaggie sits with her on the couches as she discusses the details. She’d prefer Charlie to be here, but she won’t keep her waiting either.
They haven’t had any new guests. Half the sinners were scared another attack would come from Heaven and wanted to avoid it. A few cannibals wanted to but really only for the promise of more angels attacking so they could eat more angels. Rosie had taken those few back quickly enough.
Vaggie wasn’t going to mention the cannibals to her, though she did mention their dilemma.
“I see, so an announcement should be made then, to confirm the end of these exterminations,” Esther decides.
That would require either Vox or Katie Killjoy, neither of which Vaggie wanted to deal with or felt Esther should have to.
Before she can respond, the elevator dings. Before she turns, she notices Azrael’s attention now off of Husk and turning towards the elevator as well.
“Okay, we’re ready to get this plan done!” Charlie says as she exits the elevators! Lucifer is behind her, messing with his clothes and patting himself down to make sure nothing is out of place.
“Uhh, Charlie?” Vaggie says, loudly enough for Charlie to hear her. Charlie looks to her, catches sight of Esther, and her eyes go wide.
“Oh shit she’s here already!”
“Where?!” Lucifer calls from behind her, his wings once more popping up. He doesn’t make them as large as last time, but they definitely look a bit better compared to minutes before. They puff up behind him, shaking a bit like a rattle snake’s tail, though clearly more from anxiety than warning.
Vaggie’s eyes shift to look at Esther, who’s covered her mouth a bit and looked away from the display, though based on the way her cheeks are raised, she’s trying to hide a smile.
“Well isn’t this a marvelous display?” a soft voice says. Vaggie turns to her other side where Azrael is standing now beside her, a smile on his face just as before. “Wonderful display of wings, brother.”
“A-Azrael? What are you doing here?” Lucifer shuffles closer to the door of the now closed elevator.
“I do believe Esther mentioned my desire for a visit. I simply couldn’t pass up the chance when she mentioned her plans to return so soon. It’s not often I have a moment to myself after all. But enough of that, this must be my niece, Charlotte, correct?”
“Yes! Hi! I’m Charlie! Um- Uncle?”
Azrael chuckles at Charlie’s stammering and approaches them. It’s at that moment that Lucifer moves forward, eyes narrowed and wings spread high and wide to cover Charlie behind him.
“What are you doing here?” Lucifer repeats, his tone much harsher now compared to his panicked tone before. Esther moves forward now, stepping between Lucifer and Azrael calmly.
She steps closer to Lucifer and grabs one of his hands. “Listen to him first, please. Don’t be rash.”
“Don’t be- You want me to believe one of my brothers just suddenly wants to visit?! Out of the goodness of his heart?!”
“It’s fine, dear,” Azrael says, cutting Esther off. Lucifer’s eyes narrow further at the term of endearment. “He has every right to be suspicious. Our siblings, myself included, have let this go on for far too long right under our noses. And after the last time he saw us, it’s only fair he should be worried.”
Lucifer looks at Azrael with suspicion as he continues.
“Worry not, dear brother, I have no ill will. My intentions were solely to express my apologies for not being aware of this massacre of souls.”
Lucifer’s wings lower a bit when Esther’s hand tightens on his own. He looks at her briefly before looking back at Azrael and rolling his shoulders, allowing his wings to fully disappear again. Esther sighs in relief in front of him and gives him a comforting smile before moving completely out of the way, giving them the full view of Azrael.
It’s Charlie who looks between the three of them before coughing and offering them a seat. Both men nod and Charlie guides them back to the couches where Vaggie is still sitting.
“Thank you, my dear. It truly is wonderful to finally be able to meet you. I wish it were under better circumstances but I suppose there’s no better time than the present,” Azrael says to Charlie. She lights up a bit as she sits beside Vaggie, and motions for him to sit across from her. Esther sits beside him on the couch, and Lucifer looks conflicted before taking a seat beside his daughter, his scowl clear and directed at his brother. “I’m sure you’re aware, but I am Azrael, one of your father’s older brothers. You may call me uncle if you’d like!”
Lucifer’s scowl deepens but says nothing as Charlie squeals in excitement and bursts with questions towards the older man. Vaggie is grateful that Azrael just happens to be the Virtue of Patience, because she isn’t sure any of the other Seven, especially Michael, would’ve lasted as long as him or answered as many questions.
“Babe, slow down. How about we talk about the hotel,” Vaggie suggests. Charlie takes a deep breath before rushing to go get her poster presentation that she’d apparently made especially for this.
She goes into detail about how she understands the number of sinners is greater than the number of winners which is why redemption would help even out the numbers and keep Hell’s population more steady. Azrael and Esther nod along as she speaks, taking in all of the information she presents to them.
“My biggest concern is that so far, we’ve only redeemed one person, and we had to watch him die for that to happen. Does that mean every sinner has to die and just hope they’ll be redeemed?”
“That’s hard to say,” Azrael replies. “Little is known about this, or that redemption was even possible. It shouldn’t be a surprise though. Father always says there is time in one’s life to repent for their ways.”
Charlie nods, happy that someone agrees.
“However,” Azrael continues, “it’s hard to say exactly in the afterlife. There’s a reason I never realized what was going on. I am fine tuned to the lives of living souls, and it is my job to guide them towards their afterlife, whether that be Heaven or Hell. Once they pass either gate, my connection to that soul is lost. They are not meant to die again in their afterlife. They are meant to remain where they are, whether that be punishment in Hell for their sins, or reward for their good behavior in Heaven.”
“But we can change that! We can give sinners a chance to repent in their afterlife,” Charlie replies. Azrael nods, but his face grows a bit more serious.
”I will be honest with you, dear child. This is new territory for all of us. We have yet to see if the souls of the dead can receive a retrial that does not require a second death. But if those from Heaven can fall,” Azrael says, his eyes shifting briefly to Lucifer beside Charlie, “then I have no doubt those from Hell should be able to ascend. I ask that you remain patient as we all navigate through this new discovery.”
Charlie nods along and Azrael smiles brightly at her. He stands, patting down his clothes to remove any wrinkles and offers his hand to Charlie.
”Now! I would love to hear more of your plans to entice sinners to the idea of redemption and a tour of this lovely establishment of yours! Let’s go, I believe your father needs a break from my presence and I would love to hear more about you without his glare on my head,” Azrael announces, already walking towards the elevator with Charlie who’d taken his hand. Vaggie follows after them, confused and a bit entertained by the man’s behavior.
“Now hold on a minute,” Lucifer begins to say, before he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks over his shoulder at Esther who is smiling at him, and nearly forgets his worries. “Esther, I don’t know how I feel about this.”
”Do you believe I’d bring anyone here that would harm your daughter?” She asks in return. Lucifer pouts a bit but shakes his head. “He’s been very excited about this trip to meet her. The other Seven have wanted to visit as well but Azrael convinced them not to overwhelm you.”
“I think I would prefer Ramiel. Or Raphael. Or Uriel- Or, really anyone but Michael,” Lucifer replies. “Ramiel definitely would be preferred though.”
“Funny you should say that. Uriel and Cassiel send their regards, by the way. They say they love and miss you, and that they will be sure to judge you themselves should I choose to forgive you.” Esther laughs when Lucifer throws his head back and groans. “Ramiel managed to convince them not to, though Michael… Well you know how Michael is. He is hopeful, though he has his concerns.”
“Michael can shove his concerns up his own ass,” Lucifer mumbles to himself, though he smiles finally when Esther laughs a bit at his words. She moves her hand down his arm until it stops around his forearm just below his elbow. He instinctively curls his arm and moves his other to hold her hand on his arm.
“How about you give me your own tour?” She asks him, changing the subject. “I didn’t get to see the hotel last time I was here.”
Lucifer nods and guides her through the hotel for his own tour while his daughter shows his brother around. He’s still wary of it all, but he knows Esther is right. She wouldn’t bring anyone that would hurt them, and Azrael is the least likely, besides Raphael who’s dedicated his life to saving lives, to ever start a fight. Had it been Michael, Lucifer isn’t sure if he could’ve been stopped from attacking him on the spot. He at least has much fonder memories of Azrael.
He guides Esther through the hotel, showing off some of the different rooms such as the parlor, kitchen, or the more recreational areas he added himself simply because he could upon the hotel’s reconstruction. He puffs his chest in pride as she looks on, impressed by the hotel’s amenities.
He vaguely motions towards Alastor’s radio tower, not keen on taking her there, and she doesn’t question his reasoning, thankfully. She seemed to have caught onto his distaste.
Instead, towards the end of their tour, he leads her towards his own workshop. Not his room, he knows she won’t appreciate that level of forwardness, but he knows his new growing collection of rubber ducks will amuse her.
It’s not something he’d typically show off to anyone, and he’s sure under normal circumstances this isn’t something you’d show to someone you were interested in dating, but Esther wasn’t just anyone. This was something so much more than dating.
Part of him wondered, after Hell’s creation, if maybe they were meant to be separated. If humans were allowed to choose their partner, why couldn’t he? It had bugged him for so long. Part of it was what led to Charlie’s creation if he was being honest. But then he’d think of Esther, of her beauty and kindness, of the warmth he felt just when her eyes were on him, and he thought being bound to someone like her was the greatest gift his father ever gave him. He doesn’t regret Charlie, not in the slightest, even if he wishes Charlie’s mother could’ve been Esther, but sometimes he thinks his greatest punishment wasn’t his fall, it was the loss of his other half.
He’d give up everything if it meant another chance with her.
He leads her into his workshop, grinning proudly at the wonder in his eyes at the sight of all his rubber ducks.
She moves further into the room as she lets go of his arm, rushing towards the ducks in the rooms and grabbing at a few.
“Lucifer, what is all of this?” she asks as she chuckles, holding a rubber duck in her hands to inspect its design.
“My rubber duck collection,” he says, laughing to himself as he picks one up. “This isn’t even half of it.”
“Where are the rest?”
“In my manor,” he responds. He sits at his desk and watches her inspect another duck. “I think I made at least one a day for years.”
”That… doesn’t sound very healthy,” Esther says, lowering the duck in her hand and approaching him.
”No, I don’t think it was,” he responded, a melancholic smile on his face. “But they were something that comforted me when I felt like everything else was falling apart. Lilith left, can’t say it was without warning. She was getting tired of my moping and there was really nothing either of us could do about it. The friendship was already falling apart after Charlie’s birth. We tried to get along, we’re still friends, I think, but she didn’t want my hatred for Hell to affect Charlie. Charlie and I weren’t always close because of it. And for a long time, I felt more alone than ever. So I started making these to take my mind off things, and it helped.”
Esther is silent as she kneels in front of him, a hand on his knee in comfort.
She looks at him with those beautiful dark blue eyes, hair falling into them, and he reaches out to move her hand behind her ear.
”Why ducks?” She asks, voice just above a whisper.
”They reminded me of you,” he replies, pressing his forehead against hers. “They were something we created together. I used to create these beautiful projections of them for Charlie when she was a little girl and she loved them. They felt like a little piece of you here with me.”
Esther’s hand that isn’t on his knee moves to his hair, moving through the short hairs on the back of his neck.
“I’ve never stopped thinking about you. I’ll admit I wanted to sometimes. I thought maybe it’d hurt less if I just erased the memory of you, but then I’d think of your smile and everything hurt a little less. I’d think of the times we spent together, of how blissful everything felt with you by my side, and I couldn’t forget you. And then Charlie was born and I wanted her to have a piece of that happiness.”
He closes his eyes as his hands comb through her hair, enjoying the feeling of her’s in his own.
”You truly are something special, Lucifer Morningstar,” Esther says to him. He chuckles lightly and lifts his head to place a kiss on her forehead.
“Only because of you, Esther Eveningstar,” he replies, lips still pressed against her skin.
He never wants to be apart from her again.
Apologies for any typos. My sleep schedule this week has been lacking to say the least.
Another character introduced! Learning about Azrael was fun for this. When I read he was from the “third heaven” I panicked a bit because it didn’t seem to fit with Dante’s spheres of paradise, but then I remembered that he and Lucifer(Samael) are angels of death, so having them all from the same sphere felt fitting! I was originally going to have Ramiel be the first to visit, as the Virtue of Kindness, but decided on Azrael instead because I thought Patience would be the best for Lucifer to be reintroduced to.
Anyways, at this point I feel like I can’t post a chapter unless I include a drawing at the end. This time I I decided I wanted to draw an idea for Lucifer’s look when he was still the Virtue of Humility. The Story of Hell shows him in a robe and still with his hat. I’ve seen people say his eyes were blue before his fall, but as his name means “the shining one” I feel like gold is more fitting. I also headcanon that his halo didn’t take the shape of a snake until after his fall, with the apple being added because of his actions, and as he took on a more demonic form, his appearance shifted as well. His eyes shifted to red, and when in his demonic form, his irises shift back to gold, but now with red sclera.
I’m not entirely happy with this drawing but, I didn’t want to hold off on posting the chapter so here it is!
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Taglist: @dreamcatcher62 @art3misa635 @cimadreamer
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 months
i had feelings and wrote this post about shannon and i didn't wanna confuse it w eddie stuff but as she is ultimately a character in eddie's story i also wanted to go into the implications of this for eddie
do i think eddie was a bad husband? yes. does this make him a horrible irredeemable man who should take a vow of celibacy to protect the world from the burden of his romantic love? no.
but i think it's important that eddie actually deals with the reality of his relationship with shannon. i think we've got a start with this arc, and all the things he said to kim, but even then he starts out saying shannon was "the love of [his] life" when bestie, you didn't even know her.
they met in high school. they got pregnant unexpectedly and married just as fast. and then eddie left and they didn't know each other outside of a screen and brief visits for five years, then eddie was full of trauma and shannon's mother was dying, and then another two years apart, and then they were back together but didn't really talk outside of christopher.
by the time eddie re-proposed, he knew shannon as christopher's mother. that's it. he had no idea she wouldn't want another proposal. he heard "pregnant" and immediately went back to his 18-21ish self who knew nothing more than Responsibility. he didn't know shannon wouldn't want that. he didn't know anything about her--or at least, the audience didn't. where did she live? what did she do for work? what were her interests? from the beginning, the narrative--and eddie--treated shannon like a mother-shaped ghost to flit into and out of eddie's life.
and right as eddie was forced to look the truth of his and shannon's relationship in the eye, she died. how is he meant to consider all the nitty gritty rough edges and centers of their relationship through the rose-colored veil of grief?
i get why eddie hasn't tried to de-tangle all these feelings. it feels like he's shitting on shannon's memory. but i don't think eddie will ever be able to give himself to anyone until he realizes how formative his relationship with shannon was in all the wrong ways.
i'mma be bold here and claim: eddie didn't love shannon towards the end. he didn't KNOW her. he was happy to play family with her until she thought she might be pregnant again and then he immediately thought Pregnancy=Propose=Responsibility. it wasn't out of love for who shannon was as a person, it was out of responsibility.
and the shannon eddie married would've said yes, as she presumably did when they got married the first time. but the shannon of s2 didn't want that, a marriage of necessity. she knew herself enough to know she couldn't devote herself to eddie as a husband and christopher as a mom at the same time, and she chose christopher. i think eddie loves her for being christopher's mother, the way michael loves athena even though he isn't In love with her, but i don't think eddie knows the difference.
eddie thinks romantic love is responsibility and tradition and expectation and christopher's mother. he's learned how to live for himself and be better for himself but he hasn't learned how to LOVE for himself.
this doesn't keep him from making incredibly selfish decisions, like leading kim on or treating his love-interests like sex-giving mother machines, but i digress. eddie has learned how to break out of the roles he's played--perfect son, army hero, self-sacrificing single dad--but he's never stopped to think about the role he plays in a romantic relationship and the feelings that come along with it.
the kim arc is forcing him to look all of this straight-on and i love it. i hope they take it further. i need eddie to reckon with the fact that he and shannon failed each other, and that she wasn't the great love of his life because he didn't actually know her well enough to be in love with her at the end. i need eddie to look at how he acts as a husband/boyfriend and realize he's fucked up, to acknowledge how he's made bad choices and decide to make better ones.
eddie has so much to give, and i think he can make someone really happy if he manages to break out of the Husband role he's learned and really give himself truly to someone. and hopefully, it'll make him really happy too.
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ennard-is-near · 2 months
Some Michael Afton headcanons and crack theories and whatnot
🚨 warning, If you know me irl (You know who you are, I see you) be aware that I’m not serious hahahahaha I would never be cringe hahaha 🚨
Okay, here we go:
Kid/Teenage hcs:
He’s super quiet after The Bite of ‘83. Like won’t talk to anyone or answer most questions outside of occasional one word answers. [I’ve talked about this before]
He was 13 during the Bite of ‘83.
Wasn’t really popular or a bully or anything before the Bite of ‘83. He was just like, a regular kid whose dad was well-known. It’s like if the mayor’s son was in your class or something. Yeah he’s kind of an asshole, but so is every middle school boy.
Ppl tend to avoid him after The Bite just because if you had the choice between talking to the guy who killed his brother or not doing that, you’d probably pick the latter. People felt bad for him or whatever but it’s not like they wanted to befriend him.
Cannot drive because he just never learned (William was NOT about to teach him). He walks most places.
I know this is semi-canon but he likes drawing stuff. He’s not very creative though, so he mostly draws what he sees around him. He ends of up drawing a lot of animatronics and TV show characters.
Mowed lawns and washed cars around the neighborhood for money when he was like 11-12. William was the type of dad who didn’t give pocket change and made his kids work for their own money. Michael wasn’t great at his neighborhood jobs though so people only hired him if they had money to give away and were willing to go through and fix the spots he missed.
The rest of these are Post-Scoop:
The FNaF 3 hallucinations are like a semi-regular issue for him. He occasionally just sees shit. Doesn’t have to be phantom animatronics, though. Can be more chill (by comparison lol) and like people he knew just standing there, weird shadows (especially in reflections) and sounds and voices. [I‘ve talked about this before too, sorry]
Really scared of the dark. Lights on in every room + flashlight on him at all times scared.
The power went out in his house a couple times when it snowed and (even though it didn’t get pitch black because of light from the windows) he did not like it.
He’s also the master of batteries, they’re scattered all over the house.
His power bill is so much. Like you’d drop dead if you saw it. TV and lights and air conditioning on 24/7 drive it up. His water bill is virtually nothing, though, so that’s good.
Doesn’t have issues with money because he has access to William’s bank account somehow.
Still lives in the house he grew up in. I just feel like he does.
Sort of has an issue with animals. They do not like him and will bark at and attack him whenever given the opportunity. He’s literally a dead body and animals tend to not like those. Birds will literally swoop down and attack him sometimes. He has fought two raccoons.
Absolutely a creature of the night. Only leaves the house past midnight and is back before sunrise. This is for a couple reasons, mostly just because there’s less happening at night. He carries a flashlight around when he goes out though bc he’s so scared.
Has like one guy who he’s on good terms with. It’s some random graveyard shift worker at the local corner store. He goes to the same store like every Tuesday or whatever and it’s always the same guy working there. They don’t even say that much to each other but they’re still buddies. When Michael works at the FNaF 1 location the employee is actually kinda sad because he doesn’t come in that week and he’s really confused as to where that guy could have gone or if he finally died or something. And then Michael comes in the next week and the routine continues and the employee will never know what happened that one week the weird guy didn’t come in.
Okay that’s it. <3
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fluffyficsanddreams · 8 months
Still My Little Boy
Summary: Teenaged Michael thinks he's too cool for something as "childish as tickling"... William thinks that is an absolutely heinous crime, and eventually, a certain little brother decides to join in.
This was requested by anon, so whoever you are, I hope you enjoy this!!
It was about 7:30 in the evening at the Afton household when a loud slam was heard throughout the house. That was the front door, slammed by William's oldest son who had just returned from a hangout with his friends. Michael groaned, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the living room. Unbeknownst to his family, he had just fought with his buddies—and it wasn't just that usual argument you have over ice cream flavors or music taste. After that fight, he wasn't sure he'd talk to his friends again.
Michael jumped as he saw his father walk into the room, a confused expression on his face, alerted by the door slam. "Michael? You said you'd be back at 9, it's only 7. Did something happen?" William asked, taking off his rubber gloves that he used while he worked downstairs on whatever new mechanic parts. Michael swallowed, not wanting to tell his father about what had just went down between him an his friends—why should he? That was his business, after all—but William couldn't help feeling concerned at the anxious expression on Michael's face. Walking toward his son, William placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Mike, what's wrong? You can trust me, alright?" He asked again, but Michael stayed silent, not making eye contact with his father. He was born stubborn, and once he was set on not doing something, he absolutely refused to do that thing—and William knew that. Although... his father was aware of one time-tested method to get things out of his son...
William chuckled and took Michael into his signature dad-hug, and his son exhaled, letting himself relax a little in his father's embrace. "Mike, I can tell when you're upset. I promise, you can tell me anything." William murmured, rubbing his son's back with a comforting hand. Michael, being his stubborn self, still refused to open his mouth.
"Michaael... you know what happens when you don't tell me somethiiiing." William cooed, to which Michael tilted his head to look up at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" He asked, and his father actually chuckled. "Don't tell me you forgot about the ol' tickle monster, didja?" William asked, a smirk on his face. Michael groaned and rolled his eyes, shoving at his father's hands. "Daaad, you know I'm too old for that dumb stuff." His son sighed, to which William placed a hand on his chest and gasped in mock surprise. "Whatever on Earth are you talking about? You're never too old for that 'dumb stuff', since you'll always be my baby boy." William replied dramatically, and he began to poke and prod at Michael's sides. The teen started to squirm in his father's arms, tiny half-stifled snickers escaping him.
"Hmmm... I thought you were too old for your dad's tickles, you shouldn't be affected!" William teased, scribbling 8 fingers over Michael's lower sides. "Pfftdahahahad! Nahahahaha!" His son broke into a fit of laughter, writhing in his father's grasp. William had to hold on a little more than he'd used to, as Mike had naturally grown stronger with age—but that, of course, didn't stop him. "Dahahahahad! St-stohohop!" The teen protested, feeling his legs giving way as the tickling weakened him, resorting to holding himself up by leaning against William which eventually led to the two basically melting to the floor. "I'm not stopping until you tell me what's wrong!"
Now laying on the floor, Michael kicked out his feet as William continued his tickle-monster attack, poking at his son's stomach rapidly with a couple fingers, causing Mike to snort between laughs—one of his signature things, his family could recognize Michael's snorts from a mile away.
Due to this, Michael's younger brother walked into the room having heard all the noise. Evan looked astonished at what was unfolding on the floor, as he'd never seen his tough, brash older brother laughing so hard. He giggled, approaching the scene. "Papa, what's going on?" Evan asked, a wide, amused smile on his face. William looked up at his second son with a smirk as he continued to tickle his oldest to bits. "Well, he may not have ever told you, but your brother here is ridiculously ticklish."
"AHAHaham noHOHot!" Michael shouted in protest, cut off by his own cackle as William vibrated his fingers into his stomach. Evan giggled, walking toward his brother and sitting next to him on the floor.
“You know, Mikey, I think I should get you back for all those times you tickled me,” He spoke, to which his older brother shot his eyes open at him and tried to glare at him before squeezing them shut again in his laughter. “Dahahohohon’t you DAHAHARE!” Michael threatened, Evan not at all intending to listen to him and sitting up by his head, shoving his hands into his brother’s underarms, earning a screech and newfound cackles.
William winked at his second son with a chuckle. “You see, bud, what you wanna do is scribble all your fingers at the same time, like this.” Their father suggested, showing Evan what he was talking about by scribbling 8 fingers between Michael’s ribs, causing the teen to arch his spine as far as it could go before crashing back down again. Evan nodded eagerly, a bright smile on his face as he imitated what William had just shown him in his older brother’s armpits, not expecting the loud shrieking that came out of Michael’s mouth. He was almost alarmed, but he shrugged it off when he saw how brightly his brother was smiling and laughing. It was a rare sight, but Evan and William both wished that they could see it more.
“Okay, Evan, do you want to see something cool?”
Michael’s eyes shot open once again as he immediately realized what his father was referring to. “Nonononono! Don’t, please don’t!” He begged, nervous giggling pouring past his lips already. William pretended to think about for a moment, holding a hand to his chin.
“Hmm… let’s see… no!” His father replied mischievously before pulling Michael’s shirt up, and taking a deep breath…
Michael actually screamed before letting out the loudest cackles Evan had ever heard. William’s signature thing was raspberries, of course! Evan knew that from his own experiences. Now Michael was practically a red-faced, cackling, snorting puddle.
“OKAY! OHOHOHOKAHAY! I GIHIVE UP! I’LL TEHEHELL YOU!” The teen finally screeched, and William lifted his hands from his son’s body and let Michael out from underneath his grip. Evan giggled as he watched his older brother gasping for breath, his face flushed red and sweat beaded on his forehead. “Mikey, we should do that more.” Evan smiled, to which Mike shot a glare at him and growled, “Shut it.” He was trying to be intimidating, but the wobbly smile that split his face gave him away completely.
“Hey, be nice to your brother. Now, tell me what was wrong.” William prompted, placing a hand on his oldest’s shoulder. Michael exhaled, having regained most of his composure, and recounted some of the fight he’d had to his father.
“I’m sorry, bud. But hey, friends come and go. Just know that I’ll always be here for ya, alright? Your old man loves you.” William told him, taking him into a gentle hug. Michael exhaled in his embrace, wrapping his own arms around his dad. The teen felt his younger brother hug him from behind, and a small smile crossed his face.
He wouldn’t trade these moments for the world.
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zabala0z · 30 days
I’m very scared to watch the next episodes. Anyways hi, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood host. I got a lot of thoughts and I’m dying here ��
MAG 72: Takeaway
Another meat thing oh god. Like I physically grimaced when Goodall had his Achilles heel cut like genuinely that’s one of my fears. Also another direct connection to like Christianity and meat. Or like kinda because in Rations I think, that guy made a prayer that was originally a Christian prayer I believe but altered it to put meat in. ALSO, Haan killed his wife but apparently she had self-inflicted wounds as well. I’m thinking this is maybe cult or some kind of like sacrificial thing going on. Maybe the wife wanted to die.
We also have Haans nephew who appeared in “Killing Floor”. He had his own meat sort of story. Guess it runs in the family 💀
MAG 73: Police Lights
I feel like Maxwell Rayner is not dead simply because it’s not the most implausible thing considering Michael Crew pops up in a couple episodes after jumping out a window. But who knows maybe Rayner is truly gone (I am betting not) also Natalie was there which definitely made me feel a little sad. I always feel a lot in terms of cults. I’m trying to figure out what Rayner and like the cult was planning on doing to the kid. Maybe kill him? But I feel like that’s too basic, they were probably doing something else. The fog seemed to hurt when it hit that one police guy like it burned him. Came out of that dusty old man’s mouth after all.
Also Basira quitting? Queen shit. I cannot blame her.
MAG 74: Fatigue
Oh yeah this is good. Something about the disjointed events really adds to the sleep deprived perspective I love it. Also MICHAEL. What is Michael I swear to god. Every appearance of this weirdo makes me more and more confused. What does he get out of this? Is it just for fun? He didn’t seem to benefit at all, like he even told Lydia she looked terrible 💀
It was said he was making spirals out of grass blades. What is with this creature and spirals, like that corridor was trippy too. I’m wondering if spirals are fractals. Lydia was drawing them for some reason. Similar to Evo’s dad in Burned Out.
And I KNEW Sasha was going through the tunnels. Like duh. I think she was the one who screwed up the quality because multiple times have electronics have been screwed around like tape recorder and the computer. I have no idea who that man is though.
MAG 75: A Long Way Down
This statement takes place after Michael jumps out the window. I guess he changed a lot. And he got some drip because why is he wearing a full suit?? I can’t tell if he actually contributed to Grants disappearance because maybe he was doing something else y’all 😭 (I’m in denial.) I am wondering what his little spell did back in Literary Heights. Did he like- bind himself with the lightning thing? I don’t know how that would work. He did say “I am yours” so did he like..sell his soul. That’s what I’m thinking.
Feeling really bad for grant. I don’t have a major fear of heights but the way the situation is described, I’d develop one.
MAG 76: The Smell of Blood
Wooo Melanie King! First time a character gave two statements which is cool. I’m wondering what kind of meme she ended up. Someone draw that.
Not much to say about this episode but oh my god I’m so happy someone noticed Sasha. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I miss Sasha dude 😭
One thing I’m curious about is like…what is going to be the ending. Because right now, the institute, or technically Jon, has so many probable enemies right now. Like you got the Church of yada yada, the circus, Fake Sasha, all those diseased people, Michael, the Lukas family, etc. Who is going to drop the other shoe? Because right now, they all have the other shoe istg.
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Thoughts on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice *SPOILERS*
The Good:
The reveal that Astrid could see ghosts this whole time and that Jeremy was actually a ghost was genuinely really good - I didn't see it coming but in hindsight it was so obvious. The whole bit about him trying to trick Astrid into giving her life for his was so fun.
Michael Keaton was a treat to watch as usual - all the actors seemed to be having the times of their lives, especially him, Willem Dafoe and Monica Bellucci. I was actually laughing out loud at some of the scenes he was in and I appreciate that they used him sparingly. I also thought the gag of Willem Dafoe's character being a former actor who liked pretending to be a cop and his secretary kept fetching him coffees and feeding him his lines was genuinely funny.
I was on the fence about Astrid because from what I got from the promotional material she seemed pretty bratty and whiny, but I think her frustrations with Lydia and her life in general were generally fairly understandable and I think she and Winona Ryder had great chemistry. Also I want Astrid's wardrobe, that sweater-dress with the bike shorts and boots? An absolute serve.
It's cool that Tim Burton and Michael Keaton both insisted on building sets instead of relying on CGI to do everything, I think that one of the charming things about the first movie was the handmade feel of the sets and they managed to capture a lot of it in this one. I mean, they do use SOME CGI, especially where Beetlejuice is involved, but I think it's good they didn't just rely on greenscreens.
Banger soundtrack, as usual, thanks to Danny Elfman.
Killing off Charles and Delia was surprising but I thought it was handled in a good way. I thought the actor who played Charles had died or something and when I googled why he wasn't in the sequel I think they did the best they could with the character. Catherine O'Hara sort of held together the Lydia/Astrid subplot for me, especially when she says to Lydia, "What happened to the angsty goth girl who gave me so much trouble? I think you need to find her!" The Bad: - This movie really made me appreciate the Maitlands more. The whole thing with the first movie is that Adam and Barbara ground it and give it a sense of normalcy - they have random, sudden, unfair deaths and as the audience we're thrown into the confusing world and rules of the afterlife as much as they are. In this movie I feel like everyone is too busy trying to be different flavours of wacky to feel real, which is fine for people like Beetlejuice or Delores but the human characters didn't feel like that had substance like the Maitlands.
Am I the only one who felt like this film felt kind of like a character assassination of Lydia?? I love Winona Ryder to death (pun unintended), but I feel like all she did in this movie is make that pop-eyed shocked face and say exposition. I'm sorry but am I meant to believe that Lydia Deetz, the only person in the first movie who could communicate with Adam and Barbara, called Otho, Lydia and her dad out on their shit multiple times and had the balls to make a deal with Beetlejuice to save the former, would seriously let some creepy man pressgang her into marriage? Not to mention I can't remember a single line of dialogue from Lydia, she's kind of been demoted to just being a depressed goth mom and that's kind of it. Also I felt like the way she was using her power for a TV show felt OOC when she was the only one who opposed the haunted house idea in the original. (Also Winona Ryder's hair looked terrible in the movie, it made sense for teenaged Lydia to have those gel spikes but on a Lydia who's hit fifty they look ridiculous. Like what, did her fashion sense never evolve past age fifteen?)
There were WAY too many subplots. I genuinely really liked the subplot with Astrid and Jeremy, and I think Beetlejuice and his ex-wife had a lot of potential, but the end of the movie was like Tim Burton forgot to keep track of every subplot he had going on and wrapped them up really unsatisfyingly.
Monica Bellucci's character was WAY underused. Like. I absolutely loved her design and stuff but she was walking around the whole movie attacking random people we don't give a shit about, and then in the climax she just stands there and lets herself get eaten. (That staple-face look would make a fire Halloween costume though.) I feel like the subplot with Lydia's creepy boyfriend/producer should have been cut so she had more time to shine.
The dialogue. Some of it was fine but other times phrases showed up that are so obviously going to become dated in a couple of years, it sounded like adults trying way too hard to be edgy and relatable to Gen Z viewers, like when Astrid goes "the afterlife is so random!" or that one woman describing something as "non-triggering". I don't remember the dialogue in the first movie feeling so buzzword-heavy.
Beetlejuice felt less like a threat this time. In the first movie he's more of a clear-cut antagonist but this time he's very clearly on Lydia's side and even dispatches all the other bad guys, so I think some of his more sinister energy was lost here.
The ending was really dumb ngl. It feels like it's setting up for a third one but Tim Burton was like "lol not gonna happen" so I have no idea why he chose to ending it like that.
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fazfacts · 8 months
it's actually criminal that nobody has done this before. feel free to change as needed!
❝ If you don't like it, you can kiss my buns. ❞
❝ Oh, he looks all pissed off 'cause his hat's still gone. ❞
❝ Good, I'm glad he's pissed. ❞
❝ I hope he crashes into that wall. ❞
❝ Oh shit, he crashed! ❞
❝ Wow! They look like a happy couple. ❞
❝ She's not happy with his driving, I'll tell you that. ❞
❝ Oh, he's on fire, he looks like he's hurting. ❞
❝ What a horrible occurrence that just happened! ❞
❝ What the fuck? ❞
❝ He's gonna come back like Michael Myers. ❞
❝ I can't really tell what it is, but it went by real quick. ❞
❝ Why did you run from me? ❞
❝ I...I didn't know how to tell you, but...we have a son now. ❞
❝ Wait -- I'm so confused... ❞
❝ Hello, [name]. I'm your father, [name]. ❞
❝ Why did you try to shoot me and leave me for dead? ❞
❝ That wasn't me. ❞
❝ It's me, [name], your evil twin sister. ❞
❝ I won't have you two together. You know I love [name]. ❞
❝ Now it's time to die. Mount your crab. ❞
❝ [Name], step aside! ❞
❝ Do you remember where we were? ❞
❝ Who are you? ❞
❝ Nice to meet you. I love you. ❞
❝ Promise you'll never shoot me, [name]. ❞
❝ Let's cover ourselves in mustard and get craaazy! ❞
❝ I hope you never get eaten on the Fourth of July like my parents. ❞
❝ Your words are making me happy, so I am smiling. ❞
❝ Always love each other, no matter where your paths take you. ❞
❝ We are siblings, but also best friends. ❞
❝ Why would we ever fight? ❞
❝ I have seen it in my special dreams. ❞
❝ Let's go eat the rest of Amelia Earheart for dinner. ❞
❝ My funding...my precious funding... ❞
❝ It's all over now. I suppose I'll let myself rot. ❞
❝ I'm in urgent need of your services. ❞
❝ What a shame...I was so close. ❞
❝ That's a good hashtag. ❞
❝ Like my dear old dad used to say, there's no free condiments in life. ❞
❝ Most condiments are free, actually. ❞
❝ How dare you! ❞
❝ Please, respect my father. May he rest in peace. ❞
❝ This talk of your father seems very shoehorned into this conversation. ❞
❝ I'm your son! From the future! ❞
❝ Hoooly shiiit. ❞
❝ Why did you do it, [name]? Why'd you do any of this? ❞
❝ Because, [name], I'm straight-up evil. ❞
❝ That's bad for the fabric of reality and space-time, I think. ❞
❝ Okay, it's technically not murder or anything. ❞
❝ This is what you get. This is the law of the wild. ❞
❝ I can't bear to watch this inevitable carnage. ❞
❝ I just want a picture of this moment. ❞
❝ I need your help to avenge my death. ❞
❝ We're a family again! A real family! ❞
❝ That's a terrible name. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure this is a trap... ❞
❝ A crow ate one of my eyes at the bank last Labor Day, by the way. That's why I have an eyepatch now. ❞
❝ Did it ever occur to you, [name], that I loved you and your mustache? Well, I don't anymore, and I see you've shaved your mustache, you idiot. ❞
❝ The day we broke up was the best day of my life. ❞
❝ I saw him do a magic trick once where he sat on his own lap. ❞
❝ I'm suddenly afraid my wife will leave me for him, but he's a nice guy, so that's okay. ❞
❝ Wait a minute, you weren't invited! ❞
❝ It's me, [name], and I'd like to welcome you to Hell. Time to die! ❞
❝ I am displeased! But that does sound narratively rich. ❞
❝ Will you press pause on your shit for five minutes? ❞
❝ I now have to imagine a thing I don't want to imagine, under any circumstance? ❞
❝ Are you proud of yourself? ❞
❝ But I cannot attempt to process that at the moment, for the fear of the emotional toll it would take on me. ❞
❝ How'd we survive? ❞
❝ Ooh, what a plot! ❞
❝ We could go back in time to stop it all. ❞
❝ No need to explain that, we'll remember it always. ❞
❝ Thank you for your service. ❞
❝ Enough talky-time, more spacey-time, idiots. ❞
❝ We threw them into a volcano. They're gone. ❞
❝ I don't negotiate with assholes. ❞
❝ I can't believe it -- I'm alive! ❞
❝ Oh, no, no, hey, c'mon. Nothin' to worry about here. ❞
❝ That doesn't make any sense. ❞
❝ My parents were very juicy and I am, too. ❞
❝ You...don't seem trustworthy. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm plenty trustworthy. ❞
❝ So what's your deal again? ❞
❝ Hm. Makes sense if you actually track the story, probably. ❞
❝ I wonder if Earth's tasty. ❞
❝ I'm not one for decision-making. ❞
❝ I'm both the mayor and the sheriff. ❞
❝ Don't worry, you will soon go to jail. ❞
❝ I want to get perfectly sane, haha. ❞
❝ You're getting more and more sane by the day! ❞
❝ Everyone's dying and the world is basically over. ❞
❝ Sometimes your life don't go exactly as you planned. ❞
❝ The fact that I doubted myself for even a split second is some military-grade bullshit. ❞
❝ It's me, [name], and I'm pissed. ❞
❝ I can't die, I'm beloved! ❞
❝ Question: what the hell's going on? ❞
❝ If you do anything dumb, I will kill you with my hat. ❞
❝ You didn't need to do that, by the way. That's cruel. You understand that? ❞
❝ I didn't ask to exist. In fact, I was very content not being. ❞
❝ Look, I'm sorry about doing you dirty. ❞
❝ We've got some things to discuss, you and me. ❞
❝ Ohhh, okay. We're both dead, then. This is for sure a place where we're both dead. ❞
❝ My last memory was me putting a goldfish in my mouth to make my children laugh. Then I choked to death. ❞
❝ Play shitty games, win shitty prizes, [name]. ❞
❝ I was so consumed with hate and anger that I lost sight of who I was. ❞
❝ Are you just, like, checked out of this conversation now? ❞
❝ I'm just a guy in a void. ❞
❝ I got murked and it chilled me out. ❞
❝ That's my catchphrase, now that I'm fun. ❞
❝ Tell you what, I hate this planet. ❞
❝ There's a small part of my funky, no-good heart that's like, "hell yeah." ❞
❝ Hey, you want some money? It's got my face on it. ❞
❝ The one thing I've always said is, "you can definitely trust someone who repeatedly insists that you can trust them," you idiot. ❞
❝ I'm the queen of deception and straight-up dirty tricks. ❞
❝ Game recognize game, however inferior. ❞
❝ I've just had a tremendously confusing dream. ❞
❝ I'm not in the habit of taking drinks from strangers. ❞
❝ But I'm beloved... ❞
❝ I. Don't. Caaare. ❞
❝ It's almost Friday, the day for kissing! ❞
❝ If you value your life, you might consider staying out of mine. ❞
❝ Is there any way we can put this all behind us? ❞
❝ Are you fucking kidding me? You shouldn't have asked that question. ❞
❝ Oh, thank God. I was about to flip my shit. ❞
❝ Full disclosure, no offense: you seem nuts. ❞
❝ My mind is so clever, some describe me as a God. ❞
❝ My name is [name], and I'm here to say: you'll soon straight-up die today. ❞
❝ I'm perfectly sane, so now it's time to play my funny little game. ❞
❝ Where'd you go to college? Detective school? ❞
❝ I'm gonna save your life for my own benefit. ❞
❝ I have no beef with you. You're clearly dealing with some stuff. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I will murder you. ❞
❝ I feel like you're not being receptive to literally any of my shit. ❞
❝ I was hypnotized for many, many years and frankly, I'm not too happy about it. ❞
❝ Well, you can't blame me for that. I'm dead. ❞
❝ I think you could maybe choose not to be complicit in the destruction of the universe. ❞
❝ Jesus Christ, take a breath. ❞
❝ If you don't stop this instant, I'm gonna hug you. ❞
❝ I feel like a happy sunshine person who always wins. ❞
❝ I feel as critically-acclaimed as I always do! ❞
❝ You should know by now, nothing exciting ever happens around here. ❞
❝ Hey, you ever think about what happens after we die? ❞
❝ Sorry for my dad being a dick all the time...and for following his orders without question. ❞
❝ I hate you and I'm glad you look all fucked-up! ❞
❝ Namaste or whatever. ❞
❝ I just wanna chill 'til I'm dead. ❞
❝ Whoa, okay. I think I'm gonna die. ❞
❝ Those were the bad guys! Why were you, like, chilling with them? ❞
❝ Man, you really pooped the bed on this one. ❞
❝ Okay, your tone is appropriate and I apologize. ❞
❝ I will miss you, [name], the biggest baller of them all. ❞
❝ I'd actually be double-dead, which is the worst kind of dead. ❞
❝ What can one do in the face of such monumental loss but breathe a weary sigh, for the world is a little quieter now. ❞
❝ Sometimes your death don't go exactly how you planned. ❞
❝ I tried the best I can, but I ain't got the stuff. ❞
❝ Frankly, life's been pretty dope. ❞
❝ I know life's been crazy, but believe me, you'll be fine without me here. ❞
❝ There's really no need to cry. ❞
❝ I know things seem kind of shitty and that the odds aren't looking pretty, but what's the point of quitting now? ❞
❝ I won't be here to see it, but you bet your ass that I believe that you'll still save the day somehow. ❞
❝ If I had a fuckin' bucket, then I got a hunch I'd kick it. ❞
❝ Sorry for the cursing, but I'm feeling worse and worse. ❞
❝ I don't wanna die, but I'm probably gonna die. ❞
❝ I'm dying now, just so we're clear. ❞
❝ Holy shit, this is it, I'm gonna die. ❞
❝ I'll see you later, pals, I'm outta here. ❞
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cherrymooshroom · 1 year
Michael Myers x short!chubby!goth!fem!childhood friend!reader General headcanons and a lil' visiting my boi in Smith's Grove uwu.
Word count: 738
THis is completely self indulgent and I'm not sorry. I am thirsty for RZ Myers after watching the movies. I wrote this in like 40 minutes.
CONTENT WARNING: Standard RZ! Michael lore, I'll definitely be doing more of this concept.
You grew up in Haddonfield, you went to the same school as the “infamous and terrifying” Michael Myers.
You grew up with Michael, listening to music, reading tons of sci-fi and fiction books, playing your various game consoles your parents got you when he visited. You were always running around outside with him, hunting down various lizards, bugs and critters. 
You tried to tamper his more violent tendencies as a child, and you’d gotten him to understand empathy pretty well, but of course he slipped up… It was much more than a kid should’ve dealt with, but he was your best friend. You hated to admit you also had similar fascinations with dead things, but nothing like Michael, you didn't want to actually hurt anything.
People didn’t know about the shit he went through, how hard he tried to prevent his own violent tendencies.
The constant bullying and borderline sexual harassment from peers about his mother and sister was truly repulsive but the principal never actually punished the kids responsible… His abusive predator step dad, his older sister Judith constantly berated him and put him down… He was bound to snap and take them out, in all honesty. The human mind can only bend so far before it snaps wholly. 
Then he killed his entire family except for his baby sister Angel and his mom, since she’d been at work.
Your family moved away for a while after that, and only moved back recently. Your father got a promotion that required you to move towns, and your mother felt unsafe in Haddonfield.
You were shocked to see Angel Myers- Or rather Laurie Strode, since she’d taken on a new name with her adoptive family- living in the same town still. 
It made you feel a mix of discomfort and confusion. Did she not know her own past?
You made it a point to visit Michael at Smith’s Grove as soon as you could.
You’re being guided through the building by Loomis and a guard. “Now, he’ll have to be restrained, and he probably won’t even talk to you.” Loomis says as he scans some ID card and opens the door.
“Are guns necessary?” You ask quietly and Loomis huffs.
“This man-” “I know what he did, what he could do. Just… leave the door open and stand outside or something.” You snap and Loomis eyes you for a moment before leaving you in the room. You turn around, facing into the room and notice him, he’s hard to miss, considering how much he’d grown. “Michael. Hi. You probably don’t remember me… It’s y/n… y/n y/l/n. We- I grew up in Haddonfield too.” You say softly, moving to sit across from the murderer. He’s silent and still for a bit, before he finally tilts his head up and looks at you.
His eyes linger on your (h/t), (h/l), (h/c) locks, your vibrant (e/c) eyes and a flicker of recognition light up his empty ice blue eyes. He grunts softly and shifts in his seat, seeming to be getting more comfortable, humoring you.
“Yeah, uh… I moved away, but we moved back… I came to visit you as soon as I could, Michael. I missed you so much, I’m so sorry.” You say softly and his head tilts slowly. “You know exactly what I mean, don’t give me that look. I know you’re not stupid.” You sass and he leans back in his chair. You sit in silence for a while, and you realize with a bit of annoyance that Loomis was right, Michael wouldn’t bother talking to you. “Ugh… That dickhead doctor of yours was right, you really won’t talk to anyone anymore.” You grumble with a pout and tear up.
You hear Michael let out a growl, and suddenly a deep, baritone rasp resonated through the room.
“Fuck him.” You sit up and look at Michael, wide eyed.
“Whoa. Jesus. Uh… Yeah I don’t like that guy, I called your mom a few times before she-” You wince and clear your throat. “She swore you wouldn’t have been a threat with- If they’d just let you go home. Fucking prick, he is.”
“Yeah.” You look over and see the guards getting ready to usher you away. “Visit again… Missed you, (y/n)” Michael says quietly and you blush as the guards come in and usher Michael away to his cell.
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creat0r-cat · 2 years
Markiplier x Teen!Daughter!Reader - Not the Same
Requested by: Anonymous
“Dad! The doll is right there! What are you doing??” Laughed (Y/n) as her father almost left his hiding space. “I have to get the mold thing up there!” He exclaimed, moving Rose out from beneath the table and trying to run passed the enemy. His attempt was unsuccessful as it started laughing like a maniac and he started losing HP. “I tried to tell you earlier, there’s another way there, you just have to go the other way!” 
“Agh, dang it. Fine, we’ll do it your way.” Mark grumbled as he moved Rose away. Chaos ensued as after he got around the doll, the giant mannequin burst through the door. “AGH NO!!!” Cried the older YouTuber as he had the girl hide under a table.
(Y/n) was laughing, Mark jokingly telling her to be quiet. She only shook her head and decided to look at chat. There were a few people commenting how Rose reminded them a bit of (Y/n). The girl was confused but opted to ignore them, turning back to watch the game. 
Mark finally got out of the room, shouting at the dolls to stop their insulting yammering, and looked over at his daughter. “You okay?” She nodded her head, smiling reassuringly at him. “Yup, I’m fine, just thinking about something. Oh look! Michael’s back!” Indeed he was, writing glowing, worried words on the wall for Rose to read. 
As they walked through the house of memories, the two players started to put pieces together. “Okay, I’m pretty sure at this point that Michael is actually Ethan.” Commented Mark and (Y/n) nodded again. “I would be shocked if he wasn’t.” After defeating the crazy ghost girl, they fell even deeper into the world after being pushed away from harm by a male figure. 
Both father and daughter were shaking with excitement and the girl pointed at the screen. “THAT’S ETHAN!! WE CALLED IT!! THAT’S ETHAN!!” Mark, after calming down a bit, made his way through the familiar territory, (Y/n) once again looked at the chat. She frowned as there were multiple comments saying similar things to the previous one, but with a little more added on. 
“CraZGurl: Awww Mark and (Y/n) are so cute around each other! Their bond is like Rose and Ethan’s relationship!” 
“MuddBoi: @CraZGurl FR! They do give off those vibes, don't they?” 
“MyMain6Channel: It’s like watching real life versions of Rose and Ethan! <3”
“BuddiBuddy: Adorable (OwO)”
(Y/n) wondered what made them think that and spoke up. “Chat, as flattering as it is that you think Dad and I act cute around each other, I can guarantee that we aren’t like Rose and her dad in the game so stop saying that.” Mark didn’t really understand what she was talking about, but decided to keep quiet. 
As the coded father and daughter ran through a mold infested cavern and away from the final boss, the comments continued to grow with the same relative message. However, these words fell upon distracted ears as the real life duo were off in their own little worlds. Mark’s mind was in auto pilot during the big fight and he just let his mind wonder. 
“What would my life have been like if I never had a daughter?”
(Y/n) pointed out small details and provided some help while a question of her own floated around in her head. ‘What would my life be like if Dad just disappeared from my life? What if my story really was like Rose’s? Dad has been to the hospital many times for things, but what if something finally killed him? What would happen to me?’ She shook her head. ‘No, you idiot, don’t think that way. He’s tough, and even if something did happen to him, his friends have always been willing to help him out so I’d be fine.’
Mark and (Y/n) both watched as Miranda was defeated, and Rose held her dying father. It was a very emotional moment, and both Fischbachs were sad. “I’m so very proud of you. I love you, Rose.” spoke Ethan and (Y/n) felt her own dad’s arm wrap around her, bringing her closer into a partial hug. 
“I love you too, dad.”
(Y/n) subconsciously read those words out loud, her voice barely a whisper as the screen faded to white. She looked over to her right to see her dad was looking at her with a smile. He hugged her tight, and while sharing that moment with him, she looked over once again at the comment stream. With a sigh, she spoke loud enough to be heard while her face was basically pressed against Mark’s chest. 
“Don’t say that chat. I don’t want to think about losing my dad.” Mark, hearing this, looked over and read the messages. So that’s what she had been thinking about. He gave his daughter a protective squeeze and glared goofily at the camera. “Yeah, guys. As you can see I’m perfectly fine. Unless I’m not and I’m a ghost. Oooooohhhhh~” He rebukingly teased before tickling (Y/n) and smiling when she burst into laughter.
Mark knew that if something happened to him, his friends or his mom would take care of his daughter. Yes, his body was a little messed up at times, but it had been a while since anything major happened, so he wasn’t too worried about it. For the time being however, while he was still relatively healthy, he’d happily spend as much time with his little girl as possible. 
As the final cut scene played through and the credits rolled, the two Fischbachs talked about their favorite parts of the game. “I think there were a few aspects I would’ve liked to have been included in, but overall it was a good game.” Said Mark with a shrug and (Y/n) laughed.
“Yeah, you’re just disappointed that Big Waifu Lady Dimitrescu didn’t make an appearance and instead we were stuck with Smelly Mold Lady Miranda.” He playfully shoved her which made her giggle. “How dare you make such bold claims! I feel rather insulted!” 
The previous comments had been almost forgotten as the father and daughter messed around both on and then off stream. They managed to score a good story for themselves in the real world, unlike their compared counterparts in the game, and that made them happy. Sure, worried thoughts lingered in the back of their minds, but at that moment, they didn’t matter. Mark and (Y/n) were a happy family, and to them that was all they could really ask for.
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headcanons ?? 👁️👁️
-johnny and jax had a spiritual experience at a michael jackson concert together before he passed away and they still talk about it
-jacqui does her own hair which means takeda becomes her assistant and jumps in when her arms get tired. she’s delighted at how good he’s gotten at braiding
-hanzo has ainu heritage and is very proud of it
-fujin and rain used to have a thing and when everyone found out the kids kept saying “ok last airbender!”
-cassie has tried to get frost to watch some of her favorite movies (her dad is an actor of course she loves cinema) countless times and every time it just ends in them making out
-johnny jax kuai liang hanzo and kenshi have ended up in a karaoke room desperately trying to get hanzo to participate. they had to resort to liquor before he stepped up
ohohohohooho yes yes good I like these
Johnny and Jax had trouble getting along for years before that concert and that was the thing that finally got them to become real friends
Takeda wanted to learn how to help Jacqui more with her hair so he found a braiding salon (Thanks to Jacqui's mom Vera) and worked as an assistant/apprentice there whenever he had time off base and away from the Shirai Ryu, often skipping sleep to get in more time there.
Jacqui goes to that salon one day when Takeda is out of town as a way of treating herself and is instantly recognized bc Takeda used to brag about her. She is then given the princess treatment bc he was so well liked
Hanzo tries really hard to connect with his Ainu heritage too, having not been taught much about it by his parents. He's not fluent in the language but he's getting there, prays to Kamuy-huci, told Satoshi Ainu stories and has a sapanpe, though he has never been able to bring himself to wear it for very complicated emotional reasons involving his being disowned by his family.
He also proposed to Harumi using Ainu traditions, something which confused her at first as she had no idea what he was doing (From what I can gather it would involve him going to her house and being offered a bowl of rice, eating half of it before returning it to her and if she sets it to the side then that's a no but if she eats it she is saying yes) (pls correct me if I am wrong tho) but as soon as she knew what he was trying to ask she was thrilled. She even started trying to learn the Ainu language while they were together so that they could teach it to Satoshi, and so that Hanzo had someone to speak to in it.
When Kuai Liang proposed years later he did the same and Hanzo cried, partly from joy and partly from how thoughtful he found the gesture.
Fujin is the only one to understand the reference while Rain just remains very confused. Fujin is also one of the few people to acknowledge that Rain is, in fact, an actual god. He's an asshole, but he is a god and Fujin feels that should be respected
The only movie Cassie and Frost have managed to watch all the way through is Frozen bc Frost wanted to see if she could mimic Elsa's ability to bring snowmen to life. They've seen it 12 times. Frost has yet to succeed.
Hanzo then revealed himself to have the voice of an angel and now has to deal with Johnny trying to get him to sing in one of his movies.
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 6) Chapter Four
Father Figure! Lucifer Morningstar x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Four: Since When Were We in High School Musical?
Summary: (Y/N) and the LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club have a normal day at school when the world turns upside down and becomes a literal stage.
            “So, yeah, the night sucked,” said (Y/N), finishing their recap of the disastrous birthday dinner with Lucifer’s family.
            “Yikes.” Em winced. “I know that Celestials and demons and all that are drama queens, but that was terrible even for me.”
            “I’m sorry about your birthday,” said Olive, frowning.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “We went out for lunch, and my dad and I grabbed some food on our way back to the penthouse and then watched Princess Diaries 2, so my day ended great.”
            “You have a thing for Anne Hathaway, don’t you?” said Noa, smirking.
            “Who wouldn’t?” sighed Olive, smiling.
            “I prefer Chris Pine in the movie,” said Marcel.
            “I like him more as Captain Kirk, even if the characterization of him could have been written better,” said Leon.
            “Guys, we’re getting distracted,” said Em, rounding her friends’ attention up. “(Y/N), are you alright after everything that happened?”
            “I mean, it made me angry to see Michael treat my dad that way and then God didn’t say anything.” (Y/N) popped a tomato into their mouth before continuing. “He’s their Father. You’d think He would try to make them better to one another after people died and the world nearly ended because of their rivalry. And, if you can believe it, that wasn’t the worst part,” said (Y/N). “God didn’t say that He loved Amenadiel, Lucifer, and Michael.”
            Leon frowned. “I thought God was all-loving.”
            “Some people say He’s wrathful,” said Marcel. “So if we’re confused, I can’t imagine how His own kids feel.”
            “Not great,” surmised Noa.
            “I feel bad for them,” said Olive.
            “I don’t feel bad for Michael,” said Noa.
            “Obviously not for him, but the principle makes me feel bad,” said Olive. “Parents should make sure their kids know they’re loved.”
            “Is the boss doing alright?” asked Em.
            (Y/N) sighed. “I think he’s spending time with Chloe, and he was with me before that, so he’s not isolating. That’s a good sign. He’s upset for sure, but he hasn’t gone into a self-destructive rut, which is an improvement on past behavior.”
            Em nodded. “And how are you doing?”
            “My dad loves me, so I didn’t have to deal with anything about that,” said (Y/N).
            Em narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, Lucifer loves you. But how do you feel after seeing Michael again after the…you-know-what.”
            “ ‘Apocalypse’ isn’t a bad word,” said (Y/N). “And I’m working on getting over it. It’s just taking some time.”
            “Exactly. That’s why we’re worried being around Michael might have been…not great?” said Olive.
            “I believe the words we used in our discussion were ‘damaging,’ ‘unproductive,’ ‘triggering’—”
            “Thanks, Leon,” said Noa, patting their shoulder, and he nodded.
            (Y/N) chuckled lightly. “Thank you for your tact, Olive, and thanks for being straightforward, Leon.” They stared at their lunchbox and shrugged. “To actually answer the question, I didn’t like being with Michael. It made me angry. I didn’t break down in front of him, I just snapped at him, but it was tough. I felt on edge, fragile, like I was back in that void.” (Y/N) shivered. “God told me I’m not made of darkness, so it’s not like I’ll bring the Apocalypse back, but I can’t help but be worried every time I get upset, and Michael makes me super upset.”
            “Because he’s a total asshole,” said Em. “He gets everyone frustrated.” She nudged (Y/N) supportively. “It’s not just an Antichrist thing.”
            (Y/N) smiled slightly. “I’ll try to remember that, even if I did feel pretty on edge last night. If my dad hadn’t been comfortable enough to snap back at Michael and had just taken the abuse, I probably would have snapped.” They shivered. “I don’t know where my limits are. I don’t know when I’m going to lose control. It frightens me.”
            Dum. Dum. Dum-dum-dum.
            (Y/N) straightened and looked around themself as drums played in the air. “What the hell is—”
            Marcel jumped onto the lunch table, and (Y/N) stared in confusion.
(“Apocalypse Please” by Muse) (Marcel) “Declare this an emergency.”
            Leon stood up next to him.
(Leon) “Come on and spread a sense of urgency.”
            Marcel took Leon’s hand and spun them as they danced across the tabletop.
(Leon and Marcel) “And pull us through~ And pull us through~”
            Everyone in the lunchroom stood from their seats, drummed on the tables with their hands and trays, and joined the song.
(Lunchroom) “And this is the end, the end! This is the end of the world!”
            The entire cafeteria had erupted into song with music coming from who-knew-where. (Y/N) stared at them in amazement since they were impressed and confused. The singing was great, but (Y/N) wasn’t sure why everyone was acting like this was fucking normal.
            Noa stepped onto the table and spun to sing at every corner of the room.
(Noa) “And it’s time we saw a miracle~”
            Olive jumped up, Noa caught her, and they dipped. Olive’s ballet practice let her extend her leg up perfectly, and she winked. before standing up and pirouetting and falling into a dramatic backband with her song.
(Olive) “Come on, it’s time for something biblical!”
            Olive bent back in the dip, put her hands on the table, and back-hand-sprung to her feet. She and Noa grinned at each other.
(Olive and Noa) “To pull though~ And pull us through~”
            How do all these idiots know this choreography? thought (Y/N). Once again, they were one of the only sane people on Earth, and they could destroy the world with enough provocation, so what did that say about the rest?
(Lunchroom) “And this is the end, the end! This is the end of the world!”
            The music continued to play, and the students in the room danced. People spun in groups, and (Y/N) wasn’t an idiot, they noticed when groups of students created choreography that showed pentagrams. Five held hands and created a star shape while others danced around them in a circle.
            (Y/N) groaned and turned to Em to suggest escaping whatever the hell Celestial bullshit had infected everyone (because what else could cause this?). Before they could say a thing, Em got up onto the table.
(Em) “Proclaim eternal victory!”
            She held out a hand to (Y/N) with a grin, and (Y/N) was such a sucker that they sighed, gave in to the music, and let the rhythm take them. They took Em’s hand, got onto the table, and held her hand tightly as the words came to their mind.
(Y/N) “Come on and change the course of history!”
            Em spun (Y/N) and pulled them closer by the waist.
((Y/N) and Em) “And pull us through, And pull us through~”
            The group on the table took one another’s hands and swung them up in the air as they and the entire lunchroom sang out.
(Everyone) “And this is the end, This is the end of the world!”
            The music ended, and everyone grinned at one another. Slowly, everyone got down from the tables or chairs they had ended up dancing on. No one said anything about the weird song and dance routine they’d all psychically known.
            The LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club got down from the table, and (Y/N) put their hands on their hips.
            “Since when were we in High School Musical?” they said.
            “I don’t know, but that was super fun,” said Marcel, laughing.
            “How did we manage that?” said Leon, tilting his head.
            “If we noticed it, then it’s probably something Celestial,” said Em. “No one else did, and we’re the non-mortals.”
            “I think that’s the first bit of Celestial influence on our lives that’s been fun,” said Olive, smiling.
            “I’ve always said the world would be better as a musical,” said Noa. “And that song is a fantastic one, so if today is the day all the world’s a stage, I’m not going to fight it.”
            “Yeah, because singing about the Apocalypse is so fun,” groaned (Y/N).
            “Come on, Birdie, we’ll ask about it later if it keeps happening,” said Em. They squeezed (Y/N)’s hand. “We deserve a little fun.”
            (Y/N) smiled and squeezed their significant other’s hand. “I guess so.”
            “And, if you really need a distraction, you get to work on your designs for your senior project now,” said Em.
            (Y/N) sighed in relief. Two hours of just fashion designing, sewing, cutting, and stitching. Now that was the therapeutic activity they needed.
            (Y/N) calmly pinned the hem of one of the dresses that Olive would be wearing (they had gotten their core friend group and various other friends from around school to volunteer to be their model so that (Y/N) could show real people of various builds and identities in their fashion).
            (Y/N) hummed to themself as they worked, touched a thread to their tongue to keep it from fraying, and threaded the needle before continuing to stitch.
            “These are turning out so well,” said Marcel, looking at himself in the mirror.
            “Birdie, you’re so talented,” said Em, flexing her muscles in the halter-top that showed off her arms. “I look amazing.”
            “Stop doing that, I haven’t finished it,” said (Y/N), carefully focused on Olive’s dress.
            “You’re not even looking at me, how do you know what I’m doing?” said Em.
            “I have a ‘Em Mischief Meter,’ and it’s going off right now,” said (Y/N), laughing.
            Em pouted.
            “Where do you get your inspiration?” asked Leon, standing straight and still as a statue so that (Y/N) could look at him next.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I design what makes me feel good and what I think other people would feel good in. Fashion should make people feel empowered and like they can take on the world, whether it’s in soft, floaty dresses or leather jackets. It’s not the style but how it makes the person feel. Clothes should make people look good and get them to feel good. That’s—”
(“Fashion!” by Lady Gaga) (Y/N) “Fashion.”
            They froze as the word came out as a song, and a beat struck up. They closed their mouth, but their friends were already grinning at them, and the music kept going. (Y/N) took a deep breath and decided to lean into the musical experience of the day. Em was right—why not have some fun?
            (Y/N) let go of Olive’s dress, the hem finished, and stood. They put their hands on their hips and turned around to face everyone. With the measuring tape around their neck, the pin cushion around their wrist, and the scraps of fabric at their feet, they looked like the epitome of what people pictured in a designer.
(Y/N) “Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine.”
            They pointed at Olive, Leon, and Em with a wink.
(Olive, Leon, and Em) “Slay, slay!” (Y/N) “Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine.”
            They pointed at Noa, Marcel, and winked at themself in the mirror.
(Noa and Marcel) “Fashion!”
            (Y/N) grabbed some fabric and draped it around themself. They paraded around the room, hands on their hips.
(Y/N) “Step into the room like it’s a catwalk.”
            Their friends posed.
(Em, Noa, Olive, Marcel, and Leon) “Fashion!” (Y/N) “Singing to the tune, just to keep them talking.”
            Their friends struck another pose.
(Em, Noa, Olive, Marcel, and Leon) “Fashion!”
            (Y/N) spun, and the fabric around them fluttered off and into the air in a swath of sheer red.
(Y/N) “Walk into the light, displayin’ diamonds and pearls in my—” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Fashion!” (Y/N) “Married to the night, I own the world, we own the world.”
            Other models came out of the makeshift dressing rooms with their outfits and giant grins on their faces.
(LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Look at me now, I feel on top of the world in my—” (All) “Fashion!” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Look at me now, I feel on top of the world in my—” (All) “Fashion!”
            Leon strutted down the makeshift catwalk, and his model face was on point. The group cheered.
(Leon) “Looking good and feeling fine.”
            Marcel took his turn and posed at the end of the catwalk, winking at his partner.
(Marcel) “Looking good and feeling fine.”
            Olive went onto point toes and pirouetted down the runway.
(Olive) “Looking good and feeling fine.” (All minus Olive) “Slay, slay!”
            Noa strutted next and flipping their beaded box braids over their shoulder with attitude.
(Noa) “Looking good and feeling fine.”
            Em walked down the runway and blew a kiss.
(Em) “Looking good and feeling fine.”
            (Y/N) went down last, taking off their jacket and throwing it to the side to their fans (friends).
(Y/N) “Looking good and feeling fine.” (All minus (Y/N)) “Slay, slay!”
            The entire group strutted into the hallway. The LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club and their other friends brought the music with them as they turned the corridor into their runway.
(Y/N) “You’ve got company, make sure you look your best.”
            The classroom doors opened, and people posed on tables within and in doorways.
(All) “Fashion!” (Y/N) “Makeup on your face, a new designer dress.”
            Several people began to vogue, and others took photos together in model poses.
(All) “Fashion!”
            (Y/N) joined several photos and tossed jackets and accessories they’d made at the groups.
(Y/N) “There’s a life on Mars where the couture is beyond, beyond.”
            The people in the halls slipped into (Y/N)’s designs and joined the joint catwalk.
(All) “Fashion!” (Y/N) “Married to the stars, I own the world, we own the world!”
            Different people strutted down the catwalk as people cheered and took photos. Some vogued, some did gymnastics, some danced, and others just showed their sass and shed their shier personas.
(All) “Look at me now, I feel on top of the world in my—” (Y/N) “Fashion!” (All) “Look at me know, I feel on top of the world in my—” (Y/N) “Fashion!”
          �� People traded accessories, jackets, and other bits of clothing. They mixed and matched and reappeared in doorways to pose in new outfits. They were all exploring new styles, laughing, and smiling together.
(All) “Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine.” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Slay, slay!”
            Several people brought out makeup and began to help others really express one another before taking hands and dancing. Some shier people took the hands of their friends and walked the runway together.
(All) “Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine.” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Slay!” (All) “Slay, slay, slay, slay!”
            (Y/N) moved onto the catwalk, and everyone looked at them.
(Y/N) “I take it off, I put it on, I feel alive when I transform, But this love’s not material, Now take it in and turn me on, Zip me up, it can’t be wrong, ‘Cause your new look’s ethereal!”
            They held the note, and everyone around them grabbed some fabric and ran around them. The fabrics of a million different colors swirled around them like a hurricane. (Y/N) spun with it, fashion and joy and pride and self-expression all around them. This was the love and creativity they adored.
(All) “Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine.” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Slay, slay!”
            The fabric hurricane dropped, and (Y/N) posed, a creator in their element. They spun and posed for each photo taken of them, even if their arms were exposed by their movements and the black marks appeared. In the moment, (Y/N) felt free, even if their self-esteem wasn’t completely rebuilt. They could lean in and enjoy the moment they had.
(All) “Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine, Looking good and feeling fine.”
            (Y/N) and their friends came together and danced, vogued, and laughed with the rest of the school.
(All) “Fashion!” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Je me sens en paradis en—” (All) “Fashion!” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Donnez-moi Christian Louboutins!” (All) “Fashion!” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “La monde est à moi, c’est la vie en—” (All) “Fashion!” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Je suis en haute couture en—” (All) “Fashion!” (LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club) “Fashion, fashion, f-fashion, Fashion, fashion, Fashion, fashion!”
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Part 3 (MBJ x Black Famous OC)
Warnings: angst, emotional distress (there will be more explicit warnings on the next chapter and beyond!)
A/N: I don't know what to say here except this is 4k words of our favs in a mopey sad phase lol
“Anything else for me, T?” Charlotte asked her agent as they sat in her office and reviewed her schedule for the upcoming months. Charlotte was finally back home in LA after filming Creed and a guest spot on a tv show, and was looking forward to a couple months of quiet before the Creed press tour. If she could push that off further, she would.  
Her nails tapped lightly on her phone as she texted her brothers, the siblings coordinating their surprise visit for their dad’s birthday later that week. 
“Just the MGM Productions Gala in two weeks,” Tamika answered as she scrolled through her calendar. 
Charlotte wrinkled her nose in confusion. “What’s that?” 
She waved her head. “Nothing big. Just a gala and party MGM throws for their Q3 and 4 movies. All the actors, producers, and writers are invited. They’ll premiere the trailer for Creed so you’ll walk the carpet with Michael, takes some pictures and likely go on stage when the trailer is shown. Seating chart has you and Michael next to each other. Nothing special but should be an easy and fun night.” 
Charlotte’s heart fell into her stomach as she heard his name, a nauseating feeling consuming her. The gala sounded like torture. How could she spend an entire evening glued to his side when he likely hated her? Would he even want to speak to her? she would not want to speak to her if she were him and now, he would have no choice.
However, she knew those concerns could not make their way to her agent. So instead, she simply nodded. However, she could not stop the quiet question that fell off her tongue, her own desires to know if Michael had raised an issue about the event were too powerful. 
“H-Has Michael heard about this?” She coughed lightly. “You know, reviewed the seating chart and everything?” 
Tamika nodded slowly, her eyes slowly but surely taking in the anxious and concerned look on the young woman’s face. 
“Yea… been emailing with his guy all morning. He said Mike ok’ed everything. Why? What’s wrong?” At Charlotte’s silence and anxious fidgeting, Tamika sat up in her chair, her arms folded against the cool glass of her desk. “Anything happen between you two that I should know about? Something that could bite us in the ass later.” 
Charlotte immediately shook her head. “No, no of course not. We’re good.” 
She knew that was not the truth. Radio silence for months hardly equated to good. She had considered reaching out to him, her regret urging her to open their text thread and type out a message only for her guilt to cause her to delete it once more. A vicious cycle she had been stuck on for weeks after the wrap party. At first, she felt his absence like a gaping wound that would not heal. It ached and throbbed so persistently she could not dare forget it. 
But in true Charlotte fashion, she threw herself into her work and her next project. It was just two months but the late nights and early mornings of tv consumed her life and energy, leaving little to no time to pine after Michael. And so eventually, that wound seemed to heal. Until today. Today, she felt as if she was bleeding out again with nothing around to stop it. 
Tamika rolled her eyes before turning back to her computer. Charlotte could tell she did not believe her. However, she appreciated that she did not push her for an answer.
“Ok well… whatever’s not going on between you two, fix it before October. You’re gonna be spending a lot of time with him to promote the film and films sell better when the cast actually likes each other. Got it?” 
Rambunctious laughter filled Michael’s basement as he and his boys gathered for their monthly poker game. Even though he always lost money, it was one of his favorite nights. Just a night when he wasn’t famous or an actor, he was just a guy unwinding with liquor, weed, and good conversation.
“Nigga… you’d think you’d be better at this shit by now,” Steelo called across the table to Michael who merely shook his head. 
“I know, I know. I’m tryin’. Ain’t my night, I guess.” 
“Nah you ain’t doing shit. This the worst you’ve played and you the worst poker player a nigga has ever seen. It’s embarrassin’,” his trainer and friend, Calliet, told him. “Somethin’s got you preoccupied. Tell us so we can get on with the night.” 
Michael scratched the back of his head. Was there anything he could say that did not make him look like a desperate love sick puppy to his boys? Because the only thing consuming his attention these days was one person he had not even spoken to or seen in months: Charlotte. He tried and tried to push her out of his mind by fucking his way through models and actresses, hoping someone would make him feel even an ounce of what he felt when he was by her side. But none of them held a torch to her. So he tried to avoid thinking about her at all costs, locking his emotions away in a cage for as long as possible. However, when he found out about their upcoming event, the bars on that cage had gotten more fragile with each passing day. 
“Anything to do with seeing Charlotte in a couple weeks?” His brother asked with a smirk on his face. 
Everyone around the table laughed at how Michael’s entire being shifted as soon as her name was mention. 
“Ahhh there we go. It’s a woman… it’s always a damn woman,” Calliet sighed deeply. “What happened?” 
Michael tossed his cards face down on the table, his hand rubbing his eye for a moment before he shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know? And that’s what’s tripping me up. One minute she seemed like she was all in a-and wanted to be with me. And the next, she pushed me away. Said she didn’t deserve me… whatever the hell that means.” Michael paused. “I dunno. It was fuckin’ weird. She seemed almost scared? Or like the idea of dating me had her in a panic.” 
He tried hard not to think about that night even though it often played in a loop in his head. It played so clearly in his mind like it was a movie. He could still see the tears in her eyes a-and the tension in her body, and hear the brokenness and panic in her voice. Despite his efforts to push it out of his mind, it persisted and he dissected and analyzed it ever since. 
Michael stood up and went to the bar in his basement, pouring himself another glass of scotch. He leaned over the back of his chair, watching the men continue to play. He knew there was no point in him continuing the game. That was just a recipe for him to make himself poorer while his friends got rich of his terrible poker game.
“Sounds like she’s playin’ you bro,” Michael’s brother chimed in. 
“Yep. And honestly, that shit sounds like too much baggage,” Steelo interjected. “You aint got time for that. She might be great but there’re plenty of women out here to fuck and date. No sense in being sad over one of ‘em.” 
The other men except for Calliet and Ryan chimed in with their agreement, though that did not surprise Michael. The rest of his friends were in the same place in life in terms of relationships: single and doing them. Their lives were all about the hustle, which meant love and relationships took a backseat. And he would admit, he was like them before he met Charlotte. However, she made him want more. And though there may be more fish in the sea, there was none like her. And he did not see a future as clearly with anyone else as he did with Charlotte. He knew that for certain. 
Calliet let out a low chuckle. “No wonder y’all niggas is single. “As the only married niggas here, you want our advice?” He gestured at he and Ryan. At Michael’s nods, he placed his cards down. “If you want her, you gotta fight for her. It seems to me like she’s scared - for whatever reason. Maybe you just be there for her and see if she comes around.” 
“You want him to wait around for some pussy?? Nahhhh,” his boy Tyrell threw his cards down in annoyance. “He can do better than that.” 
“Aye, watch yo fuckin’ mouth,” Michael’s tone cut the humorous vibe in the room immediately, his anger evident to everyone.  
Tyrell raising his hands in surrender as the other men snickered quietly. “My bad. No disrespect. I’m just sayin’ you got plenty of options, bro. She really worth chasin’ after?” 
“You told me day 1 she was your future wife, on screen and off. I got the texts to prove it,” Ryan waved his phone in his hand. “If you really believe that shit, then she’s someone worth chasin’. ’N I don’t know what’s holding her back but I watched y’all every day for months. She’s feelin’ you.” 
“Then why won’t she just say that shit?” Steelo argued. 
Michael just watched the men debate back and forth, his love life once again the subject of a riveting debate amongst his friends. He could not even get a word in.
“Who the fuck knows? But it doesn’t matter. She didn’t say that she doesn’t wanna fuck with you. She said she aint deserve you. That sounds like two very different things to me. Seems like somethin’ she’s gotta work through, not that she doesn’t want something with you. I ain’t sayin’ put your life on hold but you ain’t gotta close the door on it just yet if you ain’t ready. Just talk to her.” 
“I dunno,” Michael finally spoke up. “Hearing no once was more than enough for me. I never felt for a woman like I feel for her. And she just pushed me away.” 
“Look. I ain’t saying chase the girl. But you don't gotta close the door on it either just because your pride is bruised,”  Calliet added on, he and Ryan offering the sage advice Michael truly needed to navigate this situation. “At the very least, next time you talk, time as passed, you could get some clarity on why she wasn’t ready and if the feelings were mutual. Get some closure. But who knows, it might be a yes. And if she was worth the risk then and those feelings haven’t changed, she should still be worth it now. Then at least, you’ll have a definitive answer and you can stop being this mopey-ass nigga who I can’t stand. Moping around the gym n shit.” 
Michael bowed his head and laughed with the rest of the group. They were not wrong; he had been “mopey” since returning to LA from Creed but it had gotten significantly worse since he found out he would be seeing Charlotte earlier than expected.  
“Aight aight. I’ll think about it."
“My man!” The boys seated around him clapped him on the back. 
“Hit me up tomorrow, fellas," Stello called out across the table. "I'm taking bets on whether this nigga actually tries again." At Michael's surprised expression, Stello merely laughed. "Sorry man, I've never known you to chase after a woman or even give them a second chance. Relationships are the one area you play it safe." 
His words stuck with him as he slid back into his seat to continue playing. His streak of terrible luck continued as he milled over what his friends said. Steelo was not wrong, there was a part of him that wanted to write Charlotte off for pushing him away. But something stopped him every time he tried. He could not tell who was right: his married friends who told him to not give up or his friends who had known him his entire life. But he knew he only had a week to figure out what path he wanted to take. One certainly saved him potential heartache but it could also rob him of a love that was one of a kind. The other was a risk but a life with Charlotte was a pay off he could not pass up without thought. As Steelo pointed out, Michael took a lot of risks… just not with his heart.
“You sure you’re good, squirt?” Her dad asked as they chatted at dinner.
Charlotte glanced up from her plate, her entire family eyeing her with concerned looks. 
“Of course, of course,” she assured everyone, immediately fixing her frown into a half-hearted smile. She hoped it was big enough to draw attention away from her and onto someone else. 
“You sure? You’ve just been quiet all weekend.” 
She rubbed her eyes, annoyance settling in her as her family questioned her words. She understood why. There was once upon a time where she told lie after lie after lie to hide how she was doing. And now, if she seemed even a bit off, they did not believe her assurances that all was well even when it was. She would not believe her if she was them either though. 
“Just tired, dad. Two back-to-back projects has just been more exhausting than I thought. That’s all.” 
“Yea pops, you know how Charlie gets when she’s in the zone. All quiet and moody with all that method shit.” 
The table erupted in laughter, Charlie reaching over and gently hit her brother, Jackson, across his arm. While there was a significant age gap between her, the youngest, and her two eldest siblings, she and Jackson were only a year apart and had grown up virtually glued to each other’s hip. 
“Jack! Language!” Their dad chastised him, though there was no real bite in his bark. 
“Thank you, dad!” Charlotte, forever a daddy’s girl, threw her brother a smirk. “And method, yes! Moody, never!”
At her side glances her entire family shared with each other, her jaw slightly fell open in shock. 
“In your defense,” her eldest brother, CJ, interjected. “I think it’s more so the characters you choose. Loners… moody…or depressed. And that just ain’t you, not when you’re yourself at least.” 
Charlotte could not particularly disagree with her brother’s assessment. It was not every character she had played since she became a professional actress. But she could not deny there was a theme across many of them. She had been drawn to characters who were alone in the world in some way: whether literally alone and without family or alone to contend with pain and struggles no one else knew about or could help with. They were all internally tortured by something. And well, that was a feeling Charlotte knew all too well. 
“So what’s next, movie star?” CJ asked her. 
She shrugged. “Ummm got a gala next week a-and then I’ll be back in LA for a while. Then we’ll have the Creed press tour and that’ll take up most of the fall.” At the mention of the movie, her thoughts drifted back to him. Though it did not take much these days for her thoughts to land her on his doorstep again. All roads led back to Michael. “B-but that’s it. Enough about me. We are here to celebrate dad.” She squeezed his hand, grateful to push the attention away from her and back to their father’s birthday. 
She barely heard the rest of the conversation that carried her family through dinner, only joining in when spoken to or to laugh along with the rest of the group. Her moodiness, as of late, had little to do with her characters and a lot to do with her impending dread at laying eyes on a certain actor again. She knew she would have to eventually but she thought she had more time to avoid him and her feelings about how they ended. That wound was reopened and all of her regret, shame, and pain flowed from it like blood. 
She knew she needed to let him go. She had given up her shot and she would need to find a way to live with that. But knowing she needed to move on and actually doing it was harder than it seemed.
However, it was her dad’s birthday and she knew her family worried about her too much so she tried to force herself to display the cheerful and upbeat disposition she knew her family was looking for. However, at the end of dinner, when she and her siblings and their spouses retreated to the basement, her facade started to fall.
“Open the windows, CJ,” Charlotte called over to him as he pulled a joint out of his bag and she grabbed liquor from their dad’s bar. “Dad’s gonna kill us if he smells weed.” 
“Us maybe,” Jackson mused. “But not his baby girl. He probably thinks you’ve never done drugs. His perfect little Charlie.” 
“Don’t be jealous,” she stuck her tongue out at him playfully. 
“She drew the genetic lottery… Youngest daughter? Best position to be in in the family. You got all us, except Tiffany,” he referenced the eldest Bennet sibling who could not attend their dad’s birthday weekend, “wrapped around your finger since birth.”  
She laughed and flopped onto the couch next to her best friend from college and sister in law, Lauren.  “What can I say,” she took the joint from her brother. “A gift and a curse.” 
Charlotte fell silent as she let the two couples guided the conversation. She rarely engaged, only laughing when necessary or moving to ensure the blunt made its rounds throughout the group. CJ and his husband, Allen, were both attorneys, which meant they tended to stir up lively debate amongst the group. Charlotte rarely engaged in their debates unless the topic was interesting. But Jackson and his wife, Lauren, while not attorneys, loved to go back and forth with them. 
So, she just let them fall into their usual banter while she tried to stop herself from falling into a sea of thoughts about Michael. All she could think about was what she was going to say and do when she saw him again. Should she apologize? Pretend like nothing happened and act like old friends? Take her cues from him? She had no idea. All of them sounded like equally terrible ideas and none of them were actually what she wanted to do, which was admit she fucked up and that she loved him. But that seemed like a terrible idea in its own twisted sort of way.
“Charlie!” Lauren shook her knee lightly to get her attention. Charlotte broke out of her quiet trance to turn to Jackson who had clearly been talking to her. 
“Now don’t hate me, C,” he started to say, causing Charlotte to immediately groan. She sat up a little straighter, her mind already ready to be annoyed with her older, meddling brother. 
“Oh no, what did you do??” 
“I may or may not have given your number to a guy at the office. AND,” he raised his voice to drown out Charlotte’s immediate protests, “Before you say no, it is one date, C. He is really cute, he’s a sports agent, really well established in the industry, and he’s sweet. Don’t fight me on this.” 
Charlotte rolled her eyes, frustration at her sibling’ meddling already boiling over. She immediately turned to Lauren, who raised her hands in surrender. “Did you know about this??” 
“I told him you weren’t gonna go for it.” 
“And yet… here he is… still presenting it.” She scoffed. “You need to listen to your wife more, big head. I don’t need a fucking matchmaker, Jay. I’m good and happy being single.”
She prayed her tone sounded decisive and sure; however, she knew it betrayed her by the skeptical looks on her family’s faces. She desperately wanted it to be true, desperately desired to be satisfied with the waves of loneliness she felt. She used to consider loneliness to be like an oasis. She felt protected and safe in its waters. It’s waves crashed but she welcomed it because loneliness was the only sure sign that no one was around to hurt her again. 
However, now, she felt as if she was drowning in it. Drowning in the frigid, dark waters, desperate for a lifeline and helping hand, someone to pull her out and hold her close. She tried to pull herself out of it, to find her way back to the oasis again, but each wave just pushed her right back down. And she knew one path to escape the waves altogether, but she could not force herself to do it. She was still not sure she was ready. 
“Well now we’re fuckin’ lyin’,” CJ muttered, causing Allen to gently hit him on the shoulder and tell him to hush. “What? She is lyin’.” 
“Alright, alright,” Lauren interrupted. “I think your brothers… and I, are just worried about you. It’s been two years. It’s great to be single and happy if you truly are. But I’ve known you for a minute, Charlotte. I don’t think you are. You don’t want to be alone forever, do you? What happens when the next guy shows interest? Are you just gonna push him and anyone else away forever? You fought like hell to leave so you could be happy. Pushing people and love away isn’t gonna make you happy.” 
Charlotte scoffed at herself, a wave of bitterness hitting her. She hated how Lauren was always right, a habit that incensed her since college. She was not wrong. That was all Charlotte knew how to do, push men who wanted her away, even when she wanted them back. 
“It’s all I know how to do,” she muttered, unable to hide that bitterness and anger at herself in her voice. 
She glanced up at the ceiling as she felt tears sting the back of her eyes. 
“Fuck!” She cried out. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she whispered. She pressed her hands into her eyes to stop the tears from falling. Her family knew she hated to cry in front of people, hated when they saw her cry.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jackson moved from his perch across the room to sit on the other side of his sister, his arm wrapping tightly around her. “My bad, C. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just want you to be happy.” 
“No, no. It’s not you o-or the date. I j-just hate this! Hate that I found someone amazing and I’m so fucked up, all I can do is push him away. And I t-thought it was for the right reasons but fuck, I am just miserable without him,” she cried out, finally voicing the feelings that plagued her for months. She had not meant to share that with her family or anyone. But in this heightened emotional state, she could not hold it in any longer. 
“Wait, you met someone??” Lauren’s eyes grew wide, an air of excitement settling over her. “Who was he??”
Charlotte’s eyes fell down to her cup. She was not ready to have this conversation. She had never told her friends or family about the feelings between she and Michael, or that she rejected him. She knew none of them would understand. She knew they would merely hear that she turned down THE Michael B. Jordan and think she was a lunatic. But she also knew she would not get an ounce of peace if she did not tell them now. The cat was most certainly out of the bag. 
“Wait - Michael B Jordan?? Wallace from the Wire??” 
“Your co-star, THE Michael B Jordan??” 
“Oh shit, y’all hooked up??” 
Charlotte let out a disgruntled groan as the room erupted in shock, exactly what she was trying to avoid.
“No, no. We didn’t hook up. But we got close during filming, spent a lot of time together. We kissed a-and at our wrap party, he told me he loved me. And I… fuck, it was like Shaun was right there, like I could still feel him and h-hear his voice reminding me that no one could ever love me.” Her head fell into her hands. “And I… couldn’t take it. So I pushed him away.” She wiped a stray tear from her face. “I dunno. Guess somethings never change. I’ll always be that girl he said I was.” 
“You always underestimating yourself, Charlotte.” Jackson shook his head. “You are a far cry from the woman who moved into my spot two years ago. That woman could barely fuckin’ look me or - shit - anyone in the eye. You didn’t get out of bed, you barely ate… for months, you were a shell of the woman we knew. And then you put in the work, you found you again. You’re healing and yea that shit takes time. But it’s progress. The Charlotte who was with Shaun and this Charlotte today are two different people. You gotta start celebrating every step forward.”  
“He’s right. And maybe this is the next step in your process. Finally taking a step back into the dating pool. You know the signs, you know what to look for now. You just have to trust your gut,” Allen offered her with an encouraging smile. 
“It’s not that easy, y’all. He… broke me,” her voice fell to a soft whisper. “And I just barely put the pieces back together. And Bakari is… perfect,” the word came out in a strangled sigh. “B-But if he… if he breaks me, I… just don’t think my heart can handle it again.” 
“Do you honestly believe Michael is like him?” 
She immediately shook her head. She would not claim to know Michael that well. But he was nothing like that Shaun, that much she knew. 
“I think he is the furthest thing from Shaun ever honestly. I just don’t think he’d ever do the things Shaun did.” And she truly believed that. Over a year in therapy taught her every sign she missed and when she meticulously examined her interactions with Michael, she did not see a single one with him. 
“OK then. He might hurt you, that’s true. He might break your heart. But that’s fucking life… that’s love. But if your gut is saying he isn’t Shaun then, at least, you can take the plunge knowing he won’t hurt you like that. He won’t break you.” 
“You gotta stop letting him win, Charlie.”
She shook her head. “He already won, Lo. Game’s been over. Probably what keeps him warm at night. Where ever he is, he knows he got what he wanted all the same.” 
“No.” Lauren answered defiantly, refusing to listen to her best friend’s defeatist attitude. “If the game was over, you’d be dead. That’s the endgame for him.” The tension in the room thickened as Lauren spoke, the words were harsh but Charlotte knew they were true. “And you aren’t. You’re here and you’re fucking killing it. Every day, you win by just living your life, being you and loving. Everything he took from you or said you couldn’t have and didn’t deserve? Those are his words, his lies. And every time you believe him over the people who actually love you,” she gestured to their little circle. “And what you know to be true about yourself, you give him power and he keeps taking pieces of you. Keep doing that and you’ll never be happy and you’ll never be free. Then he will win.” 
She glanced at Jackson who merely shrugged. “You and I both know she’s always right.” 
Charlotte let out a pitiful laugh. “I know and I fuckin’ hate it.” She sighed deeply. “I just… even if I deserved him, it’s too late. I have to see him next week a-and h-he probably never wants to talk to me again.” 
“That asshole stole so many good things from you, Charlie. And if there is anyone in this damn family who deserves a good thing, it’s you. If Michael is really what you want, then don’t let him take that too. When you see him next week, shoot your shot. See what happens.” 
“And if that nigga ain’t interested anymore… fuck him,” CJ called from across the room, everyone rolling their eyes at his bluntness but nodding in agreement.
“And you move on.” Lauren added more tactfully. She rubbed Charlotte’s knee gently. “But stop torturing yourself and all of us and just try, sis. Please.” 
Charlotte tearfully laughed, wiping her eyes. 
“I really hate you guys,” she whispered, tearfully laughing as she wiped her eyes. 
“We know.” 
Charlotte’s head gently fell onto her brother’s shoulder as he placed a quick kiss on the top of her head before transitioning the conversation to a lighter topic. She sighed to herself. 
Shoot your shot.
Sounded easy enough. But where Michael was concerned, Charlotte had only played the coward, too scared to face her true feelings and his. This would require her to play a role she had not in a long time, one that she feared she had forgotten entirely: someone who was fearless. While she did not know if she had it in her, her family did. And their faith and confidence in her was enough to overcome her self-doubt. When she saw Michael next weekend, she was going to choose happiness. She was going to choose him. 
Tag List: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @msniaimani @hi888888sworld @lynaye1993 @destinio1 @cawi00
Read Part 4
A/N: Ok sorry for no scenes with Els/Bakari together this chapter but for my own sanity, I had to break it up into two chapters lol we will get our Els/Bakari reunion in chapter 4. We got a little bit more of Charlotte's backstory and got to meet her family who will be around… what do we think? How is "shooting her shot" gonna go? Is Michael gonna be receptive or are his feelings still too hurt from rejection? And do you think she actually follows through this time?
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watchingspnagain · 2 months
Rewatching Changing Channels
Welcome to “‘Supernatural is filmed before a live studio audience’: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e8: Changing Channels.
Sam comes home to the boys’ bright, sunny apartment to find that Dean has been shirking his research in favor of entertaining a bikini-clad lady. Oh, and there’s a laugh track. What? Rewind. A few days earlier, the boys are investigating the death of a man with anger-management problems who seems to have been killed by the Incredible Hulk. Sam suspects the Trickster, and suggests trying to convince him to help them stop the apocalypse. When they go to an abandoned warehouse thinking they have a lead on where the Trickster will be, they get zapped into a hospital where everyone thinks they are doctors, doctors who seem to be caught up in a great deal of personal drama. The boys are stuck on TV, making their way through a number of shows, including Doctor Sexy, Dean’s “guilty pleasure” medical drama. They catch the Trickster, and he tells them to “play their roles” before disappearing. With the help of Cas, they figure out the Trickster must actually be an angel, trap him in holy fire, and make him explain himself. He’s Gabriel, and he insists Sam and Dean must play their roles in the apocalypse and that the boys mirror the conflict in Heaven, with Dean the faithful son (Michael) and Sam the rebellious one, who chaffed under his father’s rules (Lucifer). Dean rejects all this, but they are both shaken.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
You know what the Latin is for a sword’s sheath, Dean? Because that’s pretty much what you are to Michael, right?
I love that they drop you in with no idea what's going on
these silly eps are where we really actually see how amazing these two are as actors, I think
YES YES YES I was just thinking that
omg the theme song!
omg the son of a bitch
and the montage behind it
how much stupid fun must they have had making this
OMG Dean your face
poor Dean. Sammy’s scorn won’t let him admit that
smacks Sammy upside
right? don't kick him when he's a confused muffin, Sammy
brothers. yeesh.
Banner or Norton? I LOVE HIM
Dean, bud, that doesn’t even make sense
"you might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry" LOL
I was talking to the fly in the kitchen this morning and told him, “Stay right there, bud, until I get the swatter” and then I felt bad calling him “bud” before killing him. I have issues, I think.
they are both looking particularly lovely this ep
they really really are
oh Dean. you're gonna ally with so many worser dudes than Gabe, honey
mmmm scanners. sounds like childhood
my dad. it was one of his hobbies. he listened to them for funsies. to the best of my knowledge, he was not using the info to hunt the supernatural
Ah. interesting.
OMG Sam's face after she slaps him the second time
"that's your theory?" well, he's right, Deano
"I dunno. it is compelling" LOL
OMG Dean's reaction to Dr. Sexy versus all the others
OMG Dean’s “doctor"
he is so crushed out
"yeah, you're not a fan" lol Sammy
oooh he slammed him up against the wall...
omg I love him
“my own little idiot box” and who, exactly is the idiot here, Gabe? So. Many. Choices.
"you two muttonheads broke the world" LOL
omg his eyebrow waggle
the soundtrack omg
"it's real, it's real"
omg DEAN
omg the game show coming for Sam
omg their FACES
"mister trickster does not like pretty boy angels"
i mean, he’s not wrong
he is very pretty
he really is
OMG Dean's face when he hits the button
omg the side effects
“slightly lessen the spread” HAHAHAHA
“how is that funny?!”
"how was that funny?" LOLOL talking to the laugh track
oooh Cas with his little cuts
oooo now Dean is getting pushed up against a wall
omg they look SO GOOD
“no talent douchebags"
"calm down?! I am wearing SUNGLASSES at night"
I’m gonna need Sammy to keep that bright blue shirt
I'm gonna need Dean to keep those sunglasses
Dean, baby, the decor is the same. Pay attention
I LOVED KIT as a kid
the leaves shot
“should I honk?"
“eat me”
"nobody's going anywhere until Sam has opposable thumbs" I LOVE HIM. he could just say "put Sam back" but no, because it's Dean
"we pulled it out of Sam's ass"
"they call me Gabriel"
aw, Gabe. I love the little jerk
"you sorry sons a bitches"
"you were born to this boys" "as it is in heaven, so it must be on earth" I LOVE IT IT'S SO DUMB BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT MAKES ME ALL BOUNCY
It’s really nice and parallelly
chosen ones and cycles so good
oooo nice upside down shot in the water
"first of all, you can bring Cas back" pets him
Gabe has really nice eyes
Oh Dean. Kettle much?
he was hot when he busted the fire alarm though, so
"I wish I was back on a tv show"
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