#in s2
mino491 · 5 months
omg the whole scene where Chook goes to visit Ca$h in jail is SO,,, like Chook forgiving C$h after literally getting a bunch of other eshays that Chook presumably likes (seeing as he hangs around with them so often) and almost getting Chook himself locked up is so crazy. I wanna learn more about their history because Chook goes so far as calling Ca$h family even after all he did and that is so interesting because it must mean that they have been through a lot of shit together. It's also kinda implied that Chook feels protective of Ca$h (even if his 'protectiveness' may really be the need to have power over him cough cough) from what we see in the boat scene and others.
Like imagine being Ca$h, this guy who you've known basically your whole life and have looked up to in some ways starts showing his worst side and you're forced to realise how fucked you're whole relationship has been. On top of that, most of the people around you don't understand how difficult it is to lose such a big part of your childhood (even if it was a really shitty part looking back) and then lose the protection you had while being 'Chooks kid' to try and move on and be free of who people though you should be. I get why the other characters would think dropping Chook and the other eshays would be a piece of cake because they don't really know anything about Ca$h's life with them but as a viewer, it's so sad to see Ca$h struggle and not even be able to talk to anyone about it without looking like he was fine with everything Chook and the others did.
Honestly, I could go on about Ca$h and Chook for so long and maybe I will later but I'll end my rambling here.
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 months
i had feelings and wrote this post about shannon and i didn't wanna confuse it w eddie stuff but as she is ultimately a character in eddie's story i also wanted to go into the implications of this for eddie
do i think eddie was a bad husband? yes. does this make him a horrible irredeemable man who should take a vow of celibacy to protect the world from the burden of his romantic love? no.
but i think it's important that eddie actually deals with the reality of his relationship with shannon. i think we've got a start with this arc, and all the things he said to kim, but even then he starts out saying shannon was "the love of [his] life" when bestie, you didn't even know her.
they met in high school. they got pregnant unexpectedly and married just as fast. and then eddie left and they didn't know each other outside of a screen and brief visits for five years, then eddie was full of trauma and shannon's mother was dying, and then another two years apart, and then they were back together but didn't really talk outside of christopher.
by the time eddie re-proposed, he knew shannon as christopher's mother. that's it. he had no idea she wouldn't want another proposal. he heard "pregnant" and immediately went back to his 18-21ish self who knew nothing more than Responsibility. he didn't know shannon wouldn't want that. he didn't know anything about her--or at least, the audience didn't. where did she live? what did she do for work? what were her interests? from the beginning, the narrative--and eddie--treated shannon like a mother-shaped ghost to flit into and out of eddie's life.
and right as eddie was forced to look the truth of his and shannon's relationship in the eye, she died. how is he meant to consider all the nitty gritty rough edges and centers of their relationship through the rose-colored veil of grief?
i get why eddie hasn't tried to de-tangle all these feelings. it feels like he's shitting on shannon's memory. but i don't think eddie will ever be able to give himself to anyone until he realizes how formative his relationship with shannon was in all the wrong ways.
i'mma be bold here and claim: eddie didn't love shannon towards the end. he didn't KNOW her. he was happy to play family with her until she thought she might be pregnant again and then he immediately thought Pregnancy=Propose=Responsibility. it wasn't out of love for who shannon was as a person, it was out of responsibility.
and the shannon eddie married would've said yes, as she presumably did when they got married the first time. but the shannon of s2 didn't want that, a marriage of necessity. she knew herself enough to know she couldn't devote herself to eddie as a husband and christopher as a mom at the same time, and she chose christopher. i think eddie loves her for being christopher's mother, the way michael loves athena even though he isn't In love with her, but i don't think eddie knows the difference.
eddie thinks romantic love is responsibility and tradition and expectation and christopher's mother. he's learned how to live for himself and be better for himself but he hasn't learned how to LOVE for himself.
this doesn't keep him from making incredibly selfish decisions, like leading kim on or treating his love-interests like sex-giving mother machines, but i digress. eddie has learned how to break out of the roles he's played--perfect son, army hero, self-sacrificing single dad--but he's never stopped to think about the role he plays in a romantic relationship and the feelings that come along with it.
the kim arc is forcing him to look all of this straight-on and i love it. i hope they take it further. i need eddie to reckon with the fact that he and shannon failed each other, and that she wasn't the great love of his life because he didn't actually know her well enough to be in love with her at the end. i need eddie to look at how he acts as a husband/boyfriend and realize he's fucked up, to acknowledge how he's made bad choices and decide to make better ones.
eddie has so much to give, and i think he can make someone really happy if he manages to break out of the Husband role he's learned and really give himself truly to someone. and hopefully, it'll make him really happy too.
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I agree with Belly's side but not Jeremiah's I thought he doesn't get in committed relationships because he's in love with his best friend and his love for her won't go away. I still hate that nobody tells him anything especially that his dad cheated I'm sure he figured it out but he wasn't told anything it pisses me off.
Yeah Jere definitely doesn't get into serious relationships coz Belly is a big factor and he is still in love with her 💯. But his outlook on relationships and how 2 people shouldn't be tgt if they're gonna be miserable or are not fully in love with each other definitely comes from seeing his parents' marriage. And that's why in the books he calls off the wedding.
And this is in contrast with how Belly and Con treat romantic relationships coz they still got in another relationships while still being in love with someone else/not being fully in love with the person they're with. Or how Taylor and Steven think it's ok to fool around with someone as long as that person is your soulmate while being in a serious relationship with someone who's not your soulmate.
Jere wouldn't have kissed Belly in the pool if she was still with Cam or was sad about her breakup with Cam coz he wanted her to be present in that kiss as much as he was and for me that tells a lot about Jere.
So basically Jere is all about being on the same page with the other person no matter if it's a serious relationship or even a random kiss.
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miscreantahead · 1 year
I really don't think the casting a human for Chopper and having him in his human form 80% of the time but giving us a little detective pikachu-esque Chopper every once in a while (expensive) sounds so bad at all. I just hope they try to imitate the actor's face on the little chopper at least somewhat, and I hope they cast a young teenager and not a grown ass man (or at least a guy who easily passes as a young teenager.)
I also think cutting his combat down to mainly reindeer form doesn't sound so bad either. A little guy transforming into a big CGI reindeer and kicking some ass. They could even introduce a rumble ball, but maybe it enhances physical abilities (jump, guard, heavy/strength) instead of such drastic form changes unless taken in excess (then it messes with his transformation) to set up for monster chopper.
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swan-orpheus · 2 years
Is Mon only setting up Perrin or are they both performing for Kloris? 
Seriously though. It was very well-played, but it also felt like it was potentially a setup in order to feed the ISB false information on both their parts. They obviously speak off screen and they’ve been shown to collaborate with each other during Mon’s dinner parties to raise votes. I just think that there is more than meets the eye with those two. Like the tension and disagreements are real and the petty bid to get Mon’s attention by arguing over Leida (which I feel is based on real love and jealousy on Perrin’s part, more on that later). But I think that he knows at least a little if not anything remotely near to the whole truth. He may only know that she’s misplaced some funds for her charity and is being watched. After all, we already know that Davo and Perrin communicate on occasion. Mon could be feeding various parties just enough information to stop them from realizing what she is really up to, just as she said in Episode 7. She’s an irritation. She’s gotten herself a little too embroiled in her own harmless politics, nothing more. 
I think that Mon Mothma has learned as much from Luthen Rael as from Palpatine. She tells Tay Kolma what he needs to know and then tells Tay that Perrin cannot be trusted whilst also entrusting Perrin with a very little bit. 
Mon Mothma is possibly a lot sneakier than she appears. Like she said, it’s a lie. And she feels guilty about it. 
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collidedscope · 7 months
the percy jackson show can change pretty much anything it wants and, as long as it makes a good show, i’d be more than alright with it.
however, the one thing i will NOT stand for is if they change the casual transmasc pegasus representation of Blackjack AT ALL!!!!
was it a complete accident caused by rick not bothering to worry about consistency in his books? yes. will i riot if they leave it out?? also yes.
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shoomlah · 11 months
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I have a feeling that beneath the little halo on your noble head There lies a thought or two the devil might be interested to know You're like the finish of a novel that I'll finally have to take to bed You fascinate me so
You Fascinate Me So, Blossom Dearie
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In 0.5 seconds and without saying a single word, Michael Sheen changed lives.
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This was the bitchiest bitch moment Aziraphale had in all 2 seasons. Thank you for your service, respectfully, I am deceased.
GIF credit: @wildsflag
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ato-dato · 1 year
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Piss off!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
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edwardbonnets · 1 year
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how to ask the demon you've been smitten over for 6000 years to dance: an angel's guide
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fuzziiwuzzii · 3 months
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gracerings · 3 months
daniel molloy character of all time once again: like imagine you’re a 20-something drug addict and a terrible journalist on account of being 20-something and a drug addict and you randomly meet a vampire at a gay bar and you think wow I might get drugs, gay sex and a story out of this and instead what you get is psychologically and physically tortured by his husband and your memories of it all erased and then 50 years later you’re DYING and those vampires show up in your life again to ask you to write the story of their happy marriage and your memory might be fucked but ON GOD you WILL ruin that marriage if it’s the last thing you do. and then not only do you succeed and walk out of it alive, but also with a bestseller, millions in your bank account AND immortality AND the knowledge that your annoying human ass was somehow the one thing that made that 500+ year old predator so mad that he broke his lifetime vow to never turn anyone. AND, on top of that, you’re out of the CLOSET.
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sonofcelluloid · 3 months
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littlegirlinvisible · 3 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.08: And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else IWTVTwT Version.
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jaypentaghast · 3 months
you RUIN armand's made up stories? you ruin his marriage like the claudia? oh! oh! vampirism! vampirism for daniel for One Thousand Years!!!!
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mossycakes · 3 months
watching my husband and his daughter and her girlfriend get sentenced to death and shaking my head the entire time so they know i think its wrong
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