#Michael Emerson x Reader
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bloodywickedvamp · 1 year ago
Two's Company - What The Hell Is Six? Part 3
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Poly!Lost Boys x GN Reader x Michael
Series Masterlist
Summary: It's date night
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: swearing, touching, angst, arguments, flirting, lil kiss
I really cannot believe it took me so long to finish part 3 like...where did the time go?? It was almost an entire year...I just struggled to find the motivation but I finally did! Not sure if this is even good it's so late when I finished writing lol, hope you enjoy!
Dividers: @saradika & @firefly-graphics
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“Okay…I’ll do it.”
“What?” Michael turns towards me and asks bewildered. I can’t blame him, I’m a little shocked by my own acquiescence. 
I tear my gaze from David to Michael and briefly at our fingers laced together before meeting his eyes. 
“I know this isn’t ideal Mikey, but you heard them, they won’t stop. We can talk about this more later, okay? Just trust me.” Squeezing his hand so tight, to help him to understand why I’m doing this. Why I didn’t have a choice other than to accept their ‘offer’. To protect him from whatever they’re truly capable of. If I said no, they’d take it out on Michael, I know they would. 
He takes a moment to respond. Taking me in from top to bottom and squeezing back a non-verbal response before speaking. With more understanding than I initially thought he’d be capable of granting, he nods, brings our hands up to his lips to ghost them over my knuckles and finally lets out a soft 'okay' with a gentle smile only meant for me. I mirror the sweetness in his face back, until the moment is interrupted. 
“Well that’s just adorable.” David snorted, all too eager to have our attention not on each other. 
“But if you’re finished I’d like to get back to the date you just agreed to.” He directed impatiently. 
“Fine, but there are some ground rules we need to establish first.” I said.
“Oh?” questioned David. He seemed amused by my answer, curiosity slipping through at what I could possibly come up with. 
“First, no kissing or inappropriate touching-”
Paul cut me off to complain, “damn babe, those are all my go-to moves.”
Dwayne swiftly takes it upon himself to reprimand the wild blonde with an elbow to the side and a ‘shut up Paul’. While said blonde untangles his arm from the taller man's shoulders to soothe his aching side with a look of exasperation, like he’d been completely put out by the interaction. 
“Ow, I was only kinda kidding. You can’t hit me like that man, you know I'm sensitive.” He croaked out in a very childlike manner accompanied by a pouty bottom lip. I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually got into the fetal position next with how dramatic of a person he seemed to be. In a different circumstance I would’ve found the exchange funny and how close the two are adorable. 
Instead of dwelling, I decided to continue. “Second, we won’t be going anywhere private, we’ll be in public the whole time. Third, no threatening or hurting Michael for any reason. No matter what happens on our ‘date’ you don’t get to do anything to him.” Emphasizing date with a quick eye roll. I may have agreed to this but I don’t have to be happy about it. 
Michael let out a small chuckle from my right before he leaned down to whisper in my ear “My hero.” I try my best to hold back the smile threatening to sneak its way past my serious demeanor but it’s useless and I crack. I can never seem to hold myself back when it comes to Michael, he pulls every part of me to the forefront, good or bad, he always embraces it with open arms and a warm smile. 
“Is that all or do you have any more demands princex?” Marko piped in, once again directing our attention towards the boys in front of us. 
“That’s all for now, but if I think of any more I’ll be sure to let you know promptly.” I finish with faux nicety and the sweetest smile I can muster. 
Pulling a sarcastic laugh from him followed by an even more sarcastic “Can’t wait.” 
It seems Marko and I will be having the most lively time together on our date, if we don’t kill each other first. 
This time, I hear a genuine laugh come from the same curly headed boy. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
I’m baffled at the comment. His joyous response sounded like it was directed at my previous thought, one I definitely thought to myself and didn’t voice aloud. 
“Wait, I didn’t say anything. How-”
Paul decides to answer me first. “We've got all kinds of tricks we can show you baby”, with an additional cheeky grin thrown my way. 
While David finishes with a “but we’ll save that for next time. We’ll meet back here tomorrow night where we usually park the bikes, right after sunset. Don’t be late.” He looks between Michael and I as the quartet begin to make their leave. Each boy giving their own version of a goodbye with waves and ‘catch ya laters’ till they’ve vanished from underneath the boardwalk back towards the stairs. 
“So…we should probably get home and maybe figure out what the hell you just agreed to.” Michael announces after a bout of silence following the departure. 
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After Michael drives us back home, he seems to be in a better mood than I expected. He’s acting like his old self again, not letting go of my hand or some part of my body since we arrived. The truth coming out makes him much more at ease, which I can appreciate. The rest of the family noticed his sudden presence at the dinner table with stunned expressions, Sam even commenting ‘what were you dying for moms lasagna or something bud?’ as Lucy shoo’s that off with a wave of her hand and says she’s happy to see everyone together again for dinner with a beaming smile along her face, quickly changing the topic to grandpa’s aversion to giving him an overdue haircut.
Later on, Michael and I found ourselves in the bedroom we share. After a lengthy discussion of the night to come and having to only calm him down a couple of times from leaving to find the boys again and telling them to fuck off, we agree on sticking it out just for tomorrow. After the dates I tell them it won’t work and we can put this mess behind us, hopefully. The matter of Michael being a bloodthirsty creature of the night has yet to be discussed. 
“I still don’t like this plan, just so we’re clear.” He proceeds to tell me one final time as we start to lay down to sleep with a few hours of darkness left cloaking the sky before dawn breaks. 
“We don’t have any other options…unless one of your new special tricks includes time travel to before you met them.” I jokingly tack on as I cuddle further into his side. 
He releases a light chuckle while rubbing my back soothingly. “Sadly no, that’s not in my abilities.” 
“It’ll be okay.” I say, not certain if it’s more for his sake or my own. He silently agrees with a kiss to my forehead and a soft goodnight as we both fall asleep in the comfort of this small window of time we have together. 
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Michael and I silently wake up just hours before we would need to leave, having mostly slept the day away together. As dusk quickly approaches, getting ready seemed an easier task than I initially anticipated. He showers after me and dresses in his usual attire of blue jeans, t-shirt, sneakers, and his newly acquired leather jacket that I can’t help but start to like the more I see him in it. While I put on a nice tank top, black jean shorts, and sneakers, dressing fairly casual but also something I would wear on a date with Michael. My outfit showed a bit more skin due to the heat. 
He gives me a once over before asking ‘Is that new?’ as he points to my top. I nod with a look of ‘yeah why?’ and he only shakes his head back before answering, “nothing, you just look nice…and not to sound like a jealous boyfriend but…I can’t say i’m happy seeing you wear something new for them.” 
“Hey I can chan-”
“No.” He stops me before I begin. “Like I said you look good and I’ll just have to get over the fact that they’re getting to be with you tonight and not me, when all I want to do now is rip your outfit to shreds and toss you back in that bed till morning.” He says, as he grabs my hips pulling me into a heated kiss. Only allowing himself to pull back as I’m gasping for air. 
“Very tempting offer.” I breathlessly snicker while running my hands through his thick head of curls. He pulls me back in for one more peck and reluctantly drags me along to the front door so we can head out.
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We arrive at the boardwalk and Michael parks his bike exactly where David said they’d be, watching the crowd go by and laughing amongst themselves till we’ve made our way into the group beside them as they take notice. Michael helps me off his bike as we stand in front of them, hands still intertwined. 
David looks at us like it’s cute we’re still trying to hold up some type of front to the situation, and I guess in a way he’s right, they have the upper hand. 
Surprisingly Marko is the first to speak, “And here I thought you were dreading going out with us, but by the looks of that outfit I’d say you were trying to put on a show, feel free to show off even more skin if you’d like.” It takes everything in my body to stay calm because I know that comment is only meant to get a rise out of me. I won’t give him the satisfaction. 
After I take a soothing breath I reply, “It’s hot outside and I’d rather not keel over from overheating, that’s all.” 
He leans closer with a smirk and gives a half-hearted “whatever you say sweetheart”, before leaning back and giggling like school girls about it with Paul. I simply roll my eyes and turn my attention back to David. 
“Let’s go.” He announces to the group as we all start to follow his lead. Dwayne walks in stride with Michael and I, sandwiching me between them, with Marko and Paul tailing behind us. I decide to chance it and look at Dwayne as he leans down towards me, not breaking eye contact for even a moment as we continue to walk. “Don’t let him get to you, he just likes to ruffle feathers. But for what it’s worth, you look lovely.” His lips lift into a half smile, half smirk once he notices the heat rising to my cheeks at the complement. I attempt to brush it off with a quick ‘thanks’ and steal a glance at Michaels now taut jaw and lingering gaze on us. I turn my attention forward as Dwayne’s hand coyly slides up my waist and is gone again before I even have time to register it as he picks up his pace to step in time with David. Michael lets out a scoff and pulls me closer to his side by our joined hands. 
David walked us to a section of restaurants with outdoor seating we could all gather at, choosing a wooden picnic bench for us. Michael and I are sitting on one bench with the two natural blondes and brunette sitting on the other, while David decides to grab a lone chair from a different table and pull it up on the side so he’s seated at the ‘head’ of the table. 
“So how is this going to work exactly? Are we all doing this together or…?” I decide to voice my curiosity before the conversation inevitably gets side tracked or leads to another argument.  
All eyes turn to David as he fills me in. “We’ll each take you out individually - Dwayne’s first.” Nodding his head in the direction of his friend. My own gaze found its way back to his dark brown eyes, that same smile from earlier plastered on. In that moment a wave of familiarity washed over me, like I’ve gotten lost in those eyes a million times before and would continue to do so for as long as I’d be allowed to stare into them. Like how it feels to look into Michaels. 
Remembering he’s sitting right next to me I shake the previous thoughts away and proceed to stand to meet Dwayne on the other side so we can get this night started already. 
But I freeze in my tracks as it suddenly occurs to me that Michael will be all alone with the other boys for the rest of the evening, and the thought of him being tormented and teased about this situation he has no control over sends a pang of guilt through me. I decide I have to try and ease some of the tension, if I can. 
“Wait- before we go I have another condition to add.” 
David leans back in his chair with a raised brow, gloved fingers tapping along the table. “Yes?” 
“If this is going to work you can’t be at each other's throats the whole time I'm gone. Michael told me that he barely knows anything about any of you and vice versa, so while I'm on each date the rest of you are going to stay here and get to know each other - like real friends.” 
“I’m serious, you’re not going to sit here all night and fuck with my boyfriend behind my back, I’m not asking.” I try to muster up as much confidence in my words as I'm sure David actually has naturally coursing through him. He only ponders what I've said momentarily before giving a strained smile that doesn’t exactly meet his eyes and mutters out a quick ‘sure’. Looking towards the others that slowly nod along in agreement - even if their faces say otherwise. 
Now feeling better about leaving, I let Dwayne lead the way out of the seating area towards the  crowds of people scattered along the boardwalk for whatever he had planned.
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Michael turns back to the remaining boys seated with him after staring daggers into Dwayne's back before the two completely disappear from sight. He speaks up before the others can, to get the ball rolling. “Okay so…where should we start?” He sends them each a questioning glance. 
David stares back with the most incredulous look he can muster, like he couldn’t believe he was actually going through with the ‘getting to know each other idea’. After a minute a mocking smile takes over his face. 
“Yeah…” He draws out. “We’re not doing that.” He says with little room for push back. 
Michael crosses his arms over his chest and nods his head in a similar mocking manner, amused by the reply. “You’ve got a lot to learn, they’ll come back and expect a full report on what we talked about, want specifics to make sure you followed through on your promise.” 
“We’ll make something up.” David again says matter of factly. 
Michael scoffs. “They’ll be able to tell if i’m lying, how do you think I ended up in this situation in the first place? I wasn’t able to keep what you did to me a secret.” The other boys may not want to participate in this but he’d be damned if he got into trouble for not at least trying to play nice. 
“Alright, fine. I particularly enjoyed watching you get your ass chewed out in front of half the boardwalk last night. It was the highlight of my week.” David faux relents, like he’s shared intimate knowledge of himself only few know and pretends as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders with a content sigh. Stifled giggles from the terror twins echo in the background. 
“You know what, the only one you’re hurting is yourself. Keep it up and they’ll want nothing to do with you. Which will be the highlight of my life.” 
Silence followed Michaels statement as the two were now sat in a heated staring match. The tension in the air rapidly increased as neither one backed down. If looks could kill they’d both be six feet under. Even the blondes, who hadn’t said a word since the conversation began, were forced into an awkward stillness watching the interaction unfold, waiting for the underlying hostility to bubble over. 
Paul decides someone has to try and mediate before this gets any uglier and, more importantly, his turn for a date is possibly soured by the oldest and newest member of their pack coming to blows. In his opinion the best way to deal with this would be to let them fight it out, but he knows the night can’t end with them covered in blood, scratches, and bite marks - unless they’re fucking. 
All eyes are suddenly shifted to Paul as he clears his throat obnoxiously. “Uhhh…my favorite band is Mötley Crüe.” He says with a bright smile, proud that it actually worked since the boys' body languages were all seeming to relax. 
Marko, good naturedly, pats Paul on the back as an ‘attaboy’ for the attempt. 
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As Dwayne and I continue walking through the boardwalk I feel one of his hands graze my lower back and rest there. I quickly snatch his wrist and pull it in front of me.
“I said no touching.” I admonish. Before I can drop it, he seizes the opportunity to grab my hand instead. 
“I was only trying to guide you, but you’re right this way is better so we don’t get separated.” 
“Right…” I probably should have put up more of a fight, but the crowd is double the size of last night's and we could easily lose each other. Not that I really believe his reason for wanting to hold my hand is so noble. I let it slide anyways.
We make small talk about movies and music as we venture through different stalls. Anytime he asks me a question I have to mentally prepare myself before answering. His intense gaze makes me apprehensive, it's like he’s enraptured by every word and I’m nervous if what I'm saying is even adequate. He hasn’t been judgemental yet, so I let his deep baritone put me at ease when he responds to something I’ve said. 
He pulls us to a stop in front of an ice cream shop claiming it's the best in town and we should get some. After ordering and him paying for both of ours, we head towards the other side to lean against the railing while we eat. He watches as I dig out a spoonful of the sweet treat to taste. My eyes go wide from the first bite. He wasn’t kidding about how good it is and he seemed proud of himself once I told him exactly that. 
After a few mouthfuls of his own, he silently gestures towards his cup asking if I’d like to try the flavor he had and I nod in agreement. He dips his spoon in and holds it to my mouth for me to try. I squint at it before making eye contact with him and before I can even get a word out he’s anticipated why I won't try it. 
“You’re not cheating on Michael by tasting my ice cream.”
“No, but I’m not trying to swap spit by sharing a spoon.” I decline, while gently pushing his arm towards his own face to eat it and he does so with a chuckle. 
He relents and allows me to try it with my own spoon. I, in turn, make him the same offer with my cup of ice cream. 
Instead, he takes his thumb and swipes it across the corner of my mouth before bringing it back to his own and sucking on the digit. 
“Pretty good.” He says casually.
I’m in shock as my whole body is set aflame from the intimate moment. He grants me a small mercy by not acknowledging how much it affected me. I proceed to eat the rest in silence knowing if I look him in the eye or, god forbid, try and have a conversation after that I’d be a stuttering mess. 
He takes the lead once more by throwing out our trash and grabbing my hand to help me off the railing. 
“Let’s check out a few pop up booths, there might be something there you like.” He says as he walks us in that direction. 
“Like clothes and stuff?” I ask. I haven’t really explored the boardwalk before so I don’t know much about what they have or the best places to shop. 
“Yeah, that’s usually where we pick something up if we need new clothes, that’s where Marko gets all his patches because they’re…cheap.”
“Do you even own a shirt?” I jest. “Because I’ve only ever seen you in just that jacket.”
He looks back at me with amusement in his eyes. 
“I do, but the clean up from a night out is much easier without one.” 
I give him a weary look and he tenses slightly like he said something he probably shouldn’t have. 
“Do I want to know what that means?” 
He shakes his head at me, “no, probably not.” 
“Let’s just keep the conversation light for now.” I suggest, hoping not to dive into anything too heavy. I’ve enjoyed the mostly chill atmosphere so far and hope it can stay that way. 
“Deal”, he says as he gives me a genuine smile as we continue on our way.
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🖤 Taglist 🖤
@britany1997 @faefairi3 @princessmads1820 @1nternetvampire @itsyoboysparkel @nataliewalker93 @thelostone91 @misslavenderlady @ursatanicbunny @warrior-616 @charlizekkelly @ghoulgeousimmaculate @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @the-faceless-bride @wickedsandwich08 @palomam18 @walt25 @phantomenby @dwaynesbiboyfriend @crustyraccoon @vampirefilmlover @certified-ghostbuster @ofmenanduhhhwellmen @solobagginses @asdorlia @besas-stuff @kathylee2003 @notfoundfootage @milfsrcool @queen-bunny @imacollasaltitan @midnight-shadow-va
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filthyslashertoad · 7 months ago
Slasher First Date Headcannons
Oh yeah guys, guess who’s adding more characters! ME!!!! So…introducing…PETER STRAHM AND… MARK HOFFMAN!!!! (air horn noises)
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Also just to be clear I’m writing for lestat and Louis from the movie NOT THE TV SHOW(It’s just not that good imo)
Peter Strahm
Is a hopeless romantic that 100% believes in love at first sight.
Talks way too much and gets very passionate when sharing his own interests.
Is the type to bring you multiple different flowers because he wasn't sure what you'd like.
Prefers first dates to be at restaurants or cafes.
Mark Hoffman
Is an asshole to you the first time he meets you because he thinks that it counts as flirting?
Quickly becomes absolutely enamored by you and wants to know everything about you.
The day after he definitely finds you walking down the street and blares his sirens to get your attention and say some cheesy pickup line to ask you out on another date.
Michael Myers
The closest you're gonna get to a first date with him is him showing up at your house and eating all of your food while staring at you from a nearby hallway.
Don't expect a first date kiss, but do expect a sentimental staring contest before he leaves.
Amanda Young
Your first date was probably being in a jigsaw trap she either made for you or both of you being in the same trap. (She doesn't have much of a social life)
Quickly becomes attached to you and goes out of her way to make you survive the trap.
Bo Sinclair
Hits on you when you pass through the town and invites you to have a picnic on his lunch break(Which consists of beer, crackers, a few blueberries, beer, and hotdogs)
Tells you all about mechanic stuff and some of the prettier parts of the town.
After lunch, he invites you to go out with him if you're passing through(fixes your car for free).
Vincent Sinclair
Teaches you how to make candles and mini wax figurines. (It's harder than it looks)
Makes a tiny doll version of you and him and gives them to you.
Not much talking happens during the date(obviously) but he makes up for it with hand gestures.
Patrick Bateman
Hears one of his buddies talking about you and how beautiful you are and automatically decides he needs you to be his girlfriend.
Pulls out the nines, I'm talking Dior suit, Givenchy shoes, and he even buys new hair gel before your date so he looks as fresh as possible.
Will most likely talk almost the entire date about his accomplishments while using business jargon.
Lestat(Interview with a Vampire)
Most likely had the intention of seducing you to suck your blood but realized that you had more to you than what seemed.
Invites you to go to the opera with him and Louis but ends up taking you to a much more secluded section of the opera house.
Wants to turn you into a vampire on the first date(I don't even know what base that reaches)
Louis(Interview with a Vampire)
Isn't much of a romantic(anymore) so it's more so a deep conversation shared between the two of you in a beautiful garden.
Asks you what it's like to be human and what you admire about life.
Gives you a bouquet of his favorite roses as a surprise.
Michael Emerson
Wants to really really impress you so he takes you to a bunch of places that are "hidden" and brings a bunch of snacks. (Doesn't mind also going to see a movie)
Definitely tries to kiss you on the first date.
After your date Sam teases him all night about his crush on you.
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natalie668 · 11 months ago
Chapter 3 -Lost Girl
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As i pull away from her hug, I can’t help but grin. She seems like such a sweetheart; “Come on, let’s go sit down to the dinner table I’ve bought pizza home for tea.” She says as she begins to make her way down the stairs towards where I can hear rustling of pizza boxes opening.
Michael takes my hand, we make our way down for food. He turns to look at me as we get to the top of the stairs, “We’ll continue about your other mates when we’re finished down here.” He says as he rubs his thumb against my cheek rubbing against the side of my lip. I can’t help but blush and nod. This guy is making my heart feel like it’s having palpitations.
Once we’re in the dining room, Michael pulls a chair out for me to sit at, Lucy smiles as she slides a paper plate over to me, I help myself to a piece of pepperoni pizza. Taking a bite I can’t help the moan that escapes. “Hmm, this is so good.” I say. “Thank you for the food Lucy.”
She smiles at me in return, “what’s ours is yours now sweetheart, you’re family.” Michael sits in the seat next to me, his hand rests against my thigh, I reach for his hand with my own, our fingers intertwining.
“So y/n, where are you from.” Sam asks around the pizza that he’s chomping away at in his mouth, Michael and Lucy grimace over his lack of table manners neither impressed seeing the food in his mouth while he’s talking.
“I’m from y/h/t, in y/c,” I say as i take another bite, Michael’s fingers squeeze against my own. I appreciate the comfort from his touch.
Lucy seems to read the room, and quickly changes the subject getting Sam’s attention from me, I appreciate it. After a couple of more slices of pizza Michael excuses us and we head back to his bedroom.
As we enter his room he leans behind me and slides the lock across the door, we both seem to lean in at the same time, his lips pressing against my own, our tongues caressing one another. I pull away, breathless.
I stare up into his eyes, “You were going to tell me about my other mates?.”
He sighs and throws himself down onto his bed, “I did, didn’t I.” He says with a sigh, his hands run through his curly hair. “What I’m about to tell you is going to sound crazy, but you’ve got to trust me. I’m telling the truth.” He says.
I look at him smirking, “Pretty sure I’m having Deja-vu here.” He looks at me with a grin, “You can tell me anything, I’ll believe you, like you believed me.” I say as I come and sit next to him my hand reaching out and taking hold of his.
“Your mates, and I. We’re vampires.” He says, his eyes peering up to my own.
I sit there in shock, surely I misheard. “Uhm, please repeat that.” I say, even though I don’t need him to repeat it, “you know what you don’t have to repeat it, what do you mean by vampires, like Interview with the Vampire, vampires? Bram stokers Dracula?”
Michael looks away from me, and when he turns back his eyes are a golden orange colour, his facial features have changed and he now has fangs in his mouth.
I lean forward, I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’m intrigued to hell about those fangs, and how can he still look so incredibly handsome with his vampire face. Heck I’m kind of not surprised I’m pretty turned on by the Vampire face, Angel and Spike from Buffy used to make me hot and bothered too.
I lean forward taking my hand as I trace my fingertips down his face, tracing his cheek bones, all the way across his lips to his teeth, my finger gets too close to the pointy bit and it pierces the tip, a drop of blood puddles up on my finger, I take it into my mouth sucking it away.
Michaels gaze follows my finger to my mouth, he leans in and kisses me, his tongue pierces my mouth, his tongue attacking my own like he’s trying to suck that little bit of blood into his own mouth. We pull apart both breathless, his face back to normal.
He looks over to the alarm clock on his side table, it reads 11:17pm, “We should go meet your other mates,” he says with a sigh, as much as he’d like to keep you to himself, he knows that if they find out he’s kept you like that without letting them meet you he’ll be in for a hell of a shout down.
I can’t help but to feel both excited and scared, you’re about to meet 4 other soulmates, who are vampires no less. With a nod, you take his hand in your own and you both make your way out of the house.
As we set off on the bike, the wind blows in my hair. I look around at the surroundings which pass us by, the sound of the boardwalk lingers as background noise. Soon enough we’re driving through wooded areas, and we come upon a cliff, Michael pulls us over.
He takes hold of my hand, leading us down some scary looking steps, we keep going down until I can practically feel the spray from the waves hitting my face. I look forward taking in the signs saying no trespassing etc. we keep going forward, descending into the cave i expect it to look like what a cave should look like, instead it looks like a cave that’s swallowed an old looking hotel.
I take a step away from him, this cave feels like home, I have no clue as to why, it doesn’t look like our own home we no longer will ever see, but it feels like it’s mine.
Michaels arms wrap there way around my waist, I lean back into him. “They should be back soon,” he says against the back of my head. He leads me to the sofa, we both get comfortable, I look around spotting what looks like a hallway leading out of the main bit of cave. I walk forward, taking in the miscellaneous bits around, I pass a bookshelf as I go further into the cave. My fingers caress each books spine, whomever the books belong to have taste.
“Come, we can explore later. I heard there bikes. They’ll be here any minute.” He says as he drags me back to the entrance.
Taking a deep breath, I hear laughter echoing down to us. The first person who steps down has bright bleach blonde hair. His eyes meet my own, their name burns on my arm as our eyes meet.
“Mate,” he says as he rushes forward towards me, his hands taking hold of either side of my face.
I look at him, peering into his face, “my name is y/n.” I say as I rub my cheek against his fingerless gloved hand.
“David,” he says after a few seconds, he looks over to Michael his eyes squinting at him, they seem to have a silent conversation. I can’t help but wonder if their vampireness gives them the ability to share thoughts.
Authors note: Thank you guys soooo much for liking both chapters and for the comments. Next chapter we have more interaction with David, and we meet the rest of the boys. This is an AU story, you will see just how much in the following chapters 🖤 let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list 🖤❤️
@acemisanthropist @richardsamboramylove55
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3d-wifey · 1 year ago
NSFT Alphabet: Star (poly!lost boys + Michael) Edition
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A/N: I needed to add my girl Star to the equation. It's been a WIP for ages, but I decided to finish it to give my brain a little break from writing Chapter 14 of the Finnick story---which should be the next thing I post. This is to be read in conjecture with the nsfw alphabet: poly!lost boys edition since it's all the same universe.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Out of all of your partners, you and Star are certainly the closest. Emotionally, at least. When it's just the two of you, it always ends in caressing skin, giggling, and whispering declarations of love to each other. All in all, it's very soft. You're very soft on each other. If you're with the other boys, she'd love for you to lay on her while the two of you watch them goof around.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
Her favorite body part of hers is her legs. She loves how it feels when you rub your hands up and down them. She especially loves wrapping them around your waist. She loves all of you, especially your hips. She's insatiable, standing behind you with her hands gripping your sides, always touching. She can't get enough of you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
She loves it when you cum on her strap. That way she can fuck into your mouth while she makes you clean it off. She loves coming on your face the most. The pure joy in your eyes when she puts her full weight on your face is almost as gratifying as the orgasm.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This is a shared one between you and her. The boys will usually send you out together to lure them a meal or two in. I mean, the combined beauty and seductive power between you two is enough to make a nun break her vows. 
And whenever that happens, Star has the nifty idea to play up the flirting, so to speak. You could very well get the job done with fleeting touches and coy smiles, instead, Star hangs off of the arm of one guy and you play with the hair of another. Of course, in full view of the boys. The entire point is to make them jealous. And when David, because obviously, confronts you both about it with snippy little comments like "Have fun, girls?" or "You two were playing longer than expected." You just shrug with innocent smiles and hold hands. After all, they're the ones that told you to seduce the prey. They can't get too upset at their own idea, especially when it works so well (they can and they do). 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Star was turned in the 70s, the era of free love, so she's had her fair share of partners. That being said, she has more experience with girls than she does with boys. So you're in good hands.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Need I say more? I will say more. She loves being on top of you as you grind your wet cunts together. What's not to love? From up there, she can dictate the pace and just how hard she wants to go. Watching you writher and whine under her, the sounds of your begging, and just how wet you both are. It makes her feel desperate to reach her high until she grinds faster and faster against you. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
She might grace you with one of her angelic laughs every now and then. But honestly, it's almost always a very giggly affair. You're a couple of giggly girls in love. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Picture this: you're at Woodstock, you're on crazy hard drugs, the guy on stage is on crazy hard drugs, the people you're having an orgy with are on crazy hard drugs. It's a time of peace and nature and free love, man. You don't need any of that consumer shit the Man says you do, like razors or scissors or basic hygiene. That kind of mindset has sorta stuck with Star even after she turned. But she does trim it before it can get too wild. So, think more of a shrub than a bush.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Now, you're speaking her language. The only person who can rival her in this department is Dwayne, but why would you pit two queens against each other? Between the two of them, you're gonna be showered in so many romantic gestures you'll get a rash in the shape of a heart. 
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
No need ;)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Enthusiastic consent: There’s something about the desperation of your begging, it’s a heady feeling knowing just how much you want her.
Mommy Kink: You may have awakened Michael's, but he awakened hers. Now, it's almost guaranteed that whenever you and Star have sex with the boys, they're getting dominated. You're a tag team, a dynamic dom duo. Everybody say “thank you” to Michael. You give up the reins to her whenever it's just you two. Good choice. 
Overestimation: To others, of course. Even if you think you can't cum anymore, she surprises you by coaxing another and another and—you get it. Doesn't stop until you and your pussy are crying (Paul loves to be a witness to this). The guys aren't exempt from it. When the dynamic dom duo is loose, the boys get to find out if that accelerated healing is fast enough to stop them from shooting blanks.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
In her room, one of the surviving rooms of the sunken hotel the boys eventually cleared out for her and moved her bed into. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Pain, but not her own. Odd, for how compassionate she is. She’s not getting horned up over Michael stubbing his toe or grievous harm done to her partners. There’s more nuance than that. Like, the first time you let her give you a piercing, she got alarmingly wet. That kind of pain. Regardless, you wanting her gets her going. Especially if you’re begging her even if you don’t have to considering she gives into you the easiest. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No anal, that hole is off-limits. It's never interested her before, and it sure as shit doesn't now. Sorry, Marko. No period sex, for obvious reasons. If she thought resisting blood was hard before, boy was she in for a surprise. Your period is almost harder on her than it is on you! But she endures it because she loves her baby :(
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers to give you head even though she enjoys your mouth very much, hence why your period is a tricky time of the month for her—for the tribe as a whole, honestly. The boys are especially greedy around that time, they make you feel like a damn capri-sun but at least they take care of your cramps. While the boys are enjoying breakfast in bed, Star and Michael learn the true meaning of restraint. 
Prefers to get head from the boys though. Queen shit.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on many factors and what position. She's strapping you down from the back? Fast and deep strokes. Missionary? She's going slow and deep, making sure you feel every inch despite your begging for her to go faster. Tribbing? Fast and rough, she's usually just as desperate as you to cum. The pace with the boys depends on who she's with and if it's more than one person.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies for y'all involve either fingering or oral. The boys might like the thrill of doing it in public, but she prefers the cave where she can lay you out the way she likes. But, she will be taken by the urge to make you cum, and if it just so happens to be in public? Welp. Que her fingers honing in on your G-spot in a truly diabolical fashion. It feels like she knows the intricacies of your vagina better than you do. (Off-topic side note: it's a toss-up between her and Dwayne for who makes you squirt for the first time.)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Like I said for the boys. Safe, sane, consensual—but, unlike them, she actually cares about the sane and safe part too. It's hard to consider much of anything a risk that isn't garlic, holy water, stakes, and the sun. If it's something all parties involved are okay with, then Star is too. (Still no anal).
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Supernatural stamina, even as a half-vampire. Goes for a loooooong time, especially with that overestimation kink. If it's just the two of you, you won't even remember how many rounds there's been. Truly insatiable, you'll need someone to tap in (likely Michael).
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Strap-on, obviously. You actually go pick it out with her since, you know, you're the one she's using it on. Michael tags along. She mainly tops whenever y’all break the strap out. Even if you're wearing it, she's riding you.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
She loves to tease. She’s not teasing you, you're her baby, and she can't deny you anything. Now, the boys are a different story. She much prefers to tease them with you. 
Something she likes to do with you when they’ve pissed her off, or pissed you off, or just because she wants to is to start making out and feeling each other up in the cave while the boys are distracted with wrestling or smoking or doing something other than doting on their pretty girlfriends. 
But the gag is, the boys aren't allowed to join in. It’s always so fun getting them desperate and seeing their reactions. You two usually make a bet about who’ll cave and approach the two of you first. They typically send in Michael or Dwayne since Michael typically isn’t the one pissing you off and Dwayne is, well…he’s Dwayne.
It’s even more fun to do it on the boardwalk because their pride won’t let them grovel like they need to in order for you and Star to let them in on the fun. So they’re forced to watch and not touch.
And if anyone is dumb enough to say anything in front of your five very protective/quick-to-anger boyfriends when they’re already frustrated, well, free meal, am I right?
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ah, so pretty. Surprisingly raspy. Low tones and sweet moans. She really makes you feel her voice.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
This goes for the whole tribe actually, but she can smell when you’re ovulating. Yeah, and it affects her viciously. Especially when it falls a week after your period. She’s a weak woman, she’s already had to abstain from you for, like, a week. She needs her fix. Truly, as soon as you step foot into that cave when you’re ovulating, you’re getting accosted by seven ANIMALS (>)0o0)>
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
A perky B cup with brown nipples that get hard even when it's not cold. A proud member of the FPS, Fat Pussy Society
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very high, and she is a fiend. But she’s also a lady, so she wears her horniess better than the guys.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Like I said in the aftercare, you’re very soft together and then you pass out together. It’ll really happen between one blink and the next. Suddenly you’re kissing each other, and then, bam! You’re drooling and snoring together. The boys find it adorable, sans Michael who’s passed out with y'all. Makes their undead hearts skip a beat.
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walmart-icarus · 8 months ago
Vampire Michael x Reader hcs!
@marnievanhelsing requested this so long ago sweetie I'm so sorry this took so long
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Guys. He's new to this "Vampire" thing
and he's kind of scared to hurt you accidentally
Michael gives me the "just some guy" vibes
he buys you flowers
wins you prizes at the boardwalk!
He likes to feel needed.
You tell him about the drama in your life
"Do you want me to kill them? Because I can now."
"Mikey no-"
his love language is definitely acts of service
and he lets you lend his sunglasses
and you get along fairly well with the other boys
The dates kind of look like a movie and dinner
maybe smoking a joint in a parking lot who knows
you borrow his shirts almost on the daily
"this smells weird"
"that's because I ate someone yesterday, sweetheart."
speaking of nicknames
is the only things he will call you
im sorry he's kind of a loser
what he calls you in the bedroom is up to other writers
I hope you enjoyed this! reblogs are greatly appreciated
@misslavenderlady I feel like you might like this one.
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mayonnaise2004 · 1 month ago
When I tell you I'm down bad for Michael it isn't funny- I mean YES The Lost Boys are hoottt!! BUT MIACHEL IS JUST- I just KNOW this man is a bottom- i want him whining and begging me to absolutely devour him whole.. that being said... can i have some sub michael headcannons?? cause like- AHHHHGHGHGH Love ya! Yours Truley- bbyvrtx
I’ll be adding more into this, so it’ll just be Michael smut headcannons 🤷
Michael smut Headcannons
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(Minors DNI, I am not responsible for your consumption of media.)
- When many first look at Michael they think he’s a dominant, rough figure in the bedroom. He’s quite the opposite. He’s submissive the minute his back hits the mattress.
- Michael wants to be babied. He wants to lay under you and let you ravage his body. Do you want to mark him up? Hell yeah just ignore the looks you get from Sam and Lucy in the morning.
- Even outside of the bedroom, the occasional ‘yes ma’am/sir’ will slip out. It’s not his fault! It’s in his vocabulary now :((
- He adores you. Every so often he’ll be down on his knees kissing your legs, softly kneading the fat of your thighs with his long, veiny fingers.
- Mike’s upper half is sensitive. His eyes will flutter back if you kiss down his torso, maintaining eye contact as his chest falls rapidly up and down.
- Very handsy. He’ll claw down your back when you're bouncing on him, leave handprints on your waist when you kiss… he just has to have his hands on you.
- He’s a whimper boy. Any little thing you do that makes him feel good is met with a soft mewl.
- Nevermind tits of ass. Michael is a thigh man. He loves the way they clench around his head when he’s giving, or just the way they look in general.
- Pet names are quite common in the bedroom, typically used for teasing.
- Always wearing protection. The birds and the bees talk secretly scared the shit out of him when he was 14 and now he’s incredibly paranoid.
- Kissing can go two ways depending on here you are. In public it’s quick pecks and in private it’s slow and sloppy.
- Pretty serious in the bedroom, might giggle a few times when he’s fucked over but that’s it.
- He’s got pretty good stamina. He can last up to 5 rounds.
- Aftercare is always there. You two will get cleaned up before he practically wraps you in his arms.
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silassinclair · 2 years ago
Michael's Girl PT. 3 \\ PolyLostBoys + Michael x Reader
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Summary: You're put to the test by David to see if you are truly worthy of being a vampire. And you witness a horror you could never imagine. CW: Blood, Gore, Vampires being Vampires
Previous Part <- 🖤 -> Next Part
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Tonight was a night of celebration. Music blasted from Paul's boombox, Dwayne was doing skate tricks around the fountain, and Marko had returned with some food.
"Chinese again? Seriously? You better not be do what I think you're gonna do David." Michael said and looked over at the leader with an annoyed look.
David only shrugged. "What Michael? Worried your little girlfriend really isn't up for it?"
Michael glared at the blonde. Meanwhile you looked back and forth at the two in confusion. What exactly did David do to Michael? Your boyfriend didn't go into specifics with his whole vampire transformation process but you assumed it wasn't fun.
"She'll take whatever you throw at her, trust me. She's tougher than she looks. Brave too." Michael smiled pridefully and kissed your head.
David looks you in the eyes as he ushers for Marko to come forward with the food. "I can tell Michael. After all she did walk into a vampires den knowing full well the dangers of it all. She'll fit into our pack perfectly if she can pass my tests."
Marko handed everyone a white box carton of rice and noodles. While Michael ate his noodles with a fork you used chopsticks like David.
"So Y/n, how do those worms taste huh?"
The girl looked down at her open box of noodles, or rather, wiggling earth worms. She felt like she wanted to gag, she just ate one! But it didn't taste like worms, it still tasted like noodles. This had to be some kind of trick, most likely why Michael looked bothered when Marko brought back Chinese food.
You look up at David with a smirk of your own. "They taste divine David."
Vampires were still a mystery to you. But you assumed that some vampires had special abilities. Meaning that this was most likely an illusion created by David to scare you. However it didn't work, you saw right through it.
Taking another bite of the "worms" Paul and Dwayne started laughing.
"Damn! Tough chick dude. She didn't even gag. Unlike our buddy Mikey here, remember the first time David fucked with your head and made you think you were eating maggots? You coughed that shit up so quick!" Paul said while pointing his fork at Michael. Michael only rolled his eyes.
"Shut up. I didn't know alright?"
David smiles as he continues to eat his food. “You got guts girlie. You passed my first test. It’ll only get more difficult from here on…”
This week has been absolute INSANITY for me. First David makes me hang off the bottom of a bridge while a train comes by and I FALL but luckily he catches me, and second… Well second is about to happen soon I think.
I’m holding onto Michael while he follows along with the rest of the boys on their bikes. No one told me where we were going but only that this was one of the final tests. And I was nervous. Eventually we reach a clearing in the woods ways outside of the boardwalk. A giant bonfire is lit and surf nazi punks are dancing around the giant flames as a boombox plays music.
The boys and Michael get off their bikes and climb up a tree to scout out the surf nazis.
Less fluidly and easily as them I also climb up the tree. Dwayne sees me struggle and takes my hand to help pull me up the rest of the way.
“Thanks..” I mutter. He only nods.
I feel Michael's hands grab my hips and he helps move me so I sit next to him on a large branch. The other boys stand menacingly, their eyes glow in as they look at the flames of the bonfire the surf nazis dance around.
"What are we doing here?" I ask. Michael gives me a sympathetic look and I know that something bad is about to happen.
"This is your second to final test." David says with his signature sly smirk. "Let's see if you can handle what you're about to witness."
"After all-" Paul cuts in, "This is gonna be your everyday life. So don't get queasy on us okay dolly?"
I nod nervously. The tension grows tight around me. The five boy's auras have changed, I can feel it. Something is different. I look up worriedly at Michael only to gasp slightly when I see his vampiric face again. I look around at the others, all of their features sharp, eyes yellow, and teeth pointed.
They were gonna eat these people.
Right in front of me.
"Let's go boys!" David hollers and in the blink of an eye all five of them swoop down and pounce on their victims. Blood flies, flesh rips, heads roll. The scene was absolutely vile. The boys ate like animals, they didn't hesitate to rip limbs and let the blood fly. Michael however ate more neatly, for my sake most likely. Frozen I was, perched up on the branch where I sat.
My mind felt blank. Watching people of my own species get torn apart by pure predators. Human kind was the top of the food chain, but tonight proved to me otherwise.
When every nazi was dead all the boys but Michael cheered. Blood covered their clothes and gore and bones scattered about. My heart was racing and I knew they could hear it. It thumped like a battle drum, and I was ready to surrender that battle and run away. My legs had a mind of their own and screamed at me to run. Run away from the danger.
But my mind knew better. If I ran now then I would fail. And if I fail then I fail Michael and our relationship. I can't back down now, not after all I went through.
I hop down from the tree and approach Michael. My legs shake for every step I take closer to where the massacre occurred. I feel the crunch of bone snap under my shoe and I flinch.
"Y/n are you okay?" Michael asks worriedly. His face was morphed back to his human one, but blood was still smeared across his lips and the hands that held me.
My mind felt like it was floating away, but Michael caught it and brought it back to me with a kiss to my cheek. Snapping out of it I shakily reply, "I-I'm fine... After all this is what I'm gonna see for the rest of eternity right? So I better get used to it." I laugh light heartily.
"The sound of your heartbeat says otherwise." David says. He stands behind me with his three brothers beside him. Their hair is disheveled and even more blood coats their clothing and skin.
Michael gently holds me to him, his arms around me protectively hugging me to his waist. "She passed the test David, she didn't scream or run off. And it's only natural for her to be afraid, so give it a damn break."
"Oooo" Marko giggles, "Mikey's defending his girl. We've never seen you so ticked off before."
Paul and Dwayne laugh too but are silenced by David. "He's right. She passed, but let's see if she'll change her mind after seeing what she saw tonight."
You couldn't sleep. Even with Michael holding you protectively under the covers you still couldn't sleep. How could you? Every time you closed your eyes you heard the screams of men and saw their parts ooze and fly. Flashes of the boys and their vampiric faces, their teeth sinking into the flesh of human beings.
"Baby..." Michael said tiredly. His rough hands rubbed up and down your bare arm. "Your heartbeat is loud... What's wrong?" Michael says as he rubs the sleep form his eyes.
"What do you mean 'what is it?'" You say with a firm frown. "I saw people die tonight Michael. I know I shouldn't be fazed by it but I am! I'm scared!"
Your boyfriend leans up and tries to look at your face, but you're turned away.
"Please look at me baby. Don't turn your back to me now. Especially not now."
You turn around to face him and he softens. You've been crying. Red swollen eyes and puffy cheeks.
"Don't tell yourself that you have to not feel fazed. Because it's your human instinct telling you something is wrong, and that's okay. Let yourself be scared, let yourself cry, I'll be here for you the whole way through okay?"
Letting out a shaken breath you let yourself crumble against Michael's bear chest. Broken hiccups and sobs escape your lips and Michael combs his fingers through your hair.
"Shhh shhh shhh, it's okay baby. You're gonna be okay. I know you're scared, I understand because I've been there too. But it won't be so bad, I won't leave your side okay?"
You nod against Michael's chest, not wanting to be even a millimeter apart from him.
"I know I can do this Michael... But I don't have it in me to take someone's life."
Michael thinks for a moment. Until he calms your nerves by gently petting your head. "I think I have a temporary solution." Michael says.
"Like what?"
"Well, what if for the first weeks that you're a vampire, I'll make the kills for you? All you have to do is eat what I kill. You can do that right?"
"Uhm." You think for a moment. Eating people was okay to you if you were a vampire, that part didn’t gross you out like you expected it would. Just the killing factor frightened you.
“That’ll work.” You respond with a hesitant smile. “But will David be okay with that?”
Michael rolls his eyes. “Screw David. If my girl wants to take it slow and easy for her first weeks of being a vampire then she can. David can go crawl in his cave and pout all he wants for all I care.” His hands caress your face, fingertips gliding along all his favorite features.
You place a kiss to his fingers when they glide across your lips. “Thank you Michael. What would I do without you?”
He only smiles and brings your face forward for a warm kiss.
You woke up not to the sun, but instead sunset. Michael also rose and stretched with a yawn.
“Hey baby, sunrise and shine.” He says with a corny grin.
Instead of getting up like your boyfriend you hide under his bedsheets. “I’m never gonna get used to your vampire schedule.”
He laughs lightly and kisses your hair that peeks from the top of your sheets. “That’s what I thought at first, but soon enough you’ll adjust just fine. Now come on baby, we gotta go to the cave and meet the guys to see if you’re ready to drink from the bottle.”
You assumed the bottle he was talking about was the bottle of blood he was tricked into drinking.
"So it really is blood huh?" You say and poke your head out through the bundle of blankets you took sanctuary under.
Giving you a sad smile Michael embraces you through the bundle of blankets you're under, making you get warm fast.
"Mhm. Yeah it's true sweetheart. But it isn't so bad. Maybe you can take a hit off of Paul's blunt to make it not as bad? That's what I did at least." Michael grins cockily as he rocks you back and forth.
"Michaeeelll" You whine, "I'm still nervous."
In one sudden motion he rips the blankets off of you making you scream and curl in on yourself to keep whatever warmth you still have inside. Suddenly your boyfriend huffs and picks you up with his strength.
"Michael stop it! Put me down you big stud!" Though you're smacking him to put you down your laughter counters your physical attacks on him.
"No can do baby, gotta shake the nerves outta you."
Michael then holds you like a bride and rocks you back and forth like a baby, making you blush embarrassingly bright.
"Okay okay stop rocking me! I'm not a baby you buffoon!" You start to flail around more in his arms making him grunt and plop you down onto the bed.
Michael gives you his million dollar smile and quietly asks, "You feeling better now?"
Sitting on your knees you sit up and press a soft kiss to Michael's chin. "Yeah, you're little therapy worked surprisingly. I'm surprised I didn't get motion sick!"
Michael rolls his eyes and grabs your hands to help you off the bed in one swift swoop.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get you turned babe."
(sorry this was short yall. Kinda rushed and I wanted to get David's silly shenanigans out of the way. Not proof read btw.)
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arenpath · 2 years ago
TLB fanfictions be like:
The Lost Boys: *start flirting with Michael's s/o*
Michael: *bombastic side eye*
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yellow-eyed-sams-wife · 6 days ago
Michael Emerson x Fem!Reader T.L.B One-shot
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[ One Kiss ~ Michael Emerson x Fem!Reader Oneshot ]
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🎶"One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I Look Like All You Need"🎶
•~ One Kiss - Dua Lipa, Calvin Harris
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When Michael firsts spots you at the concert on the beach, he tries to find a chance to talk to you. Dragging Sam up and down the boardwalk, his efforts prove futile and he winds up losing you in the crowd. He doesn't see you again until the night he goes to buy his new leather jacket and runs into you at the ear piercing stand, winning his choice of who he wants to do it by a landslide. Then after his ear piercing turns into makeshift date, you two go separate ways thanks to a certain bunch of nocturnal troublemakers. Michael winds up ending the night, albeit quite different from how he originally pictured, due to running into the infamous Santa Carla welcome wagon and having dinner at Hudson's bluff. Afterwards Michael finds his humanity waning and a supernaturally strong urge to be by your side.
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A/N: This one shot was NOT proof read, Idk the word count, this one shot also contains two cuss words, mentions of bl00d and a minor wound, possessiveness and a mention of biting/ bl00d drinking, yk typical vampire stuff. Michael catches feelings on site as reader kinda takes Star's place as the love interest and oh yeah vampires mates are totally a thing that applies to half vamps too cuz I said so and you and Michael are mates but Michael is a bit dense and hasn't found out the true depth of your bond.. yet. ;) Basically follows the plot of the movie but soulmate au (?)
Also as a Michael girlie from way back when, I had to contribute something to help remedy the lack of Michael fics. ♥︎~
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Later on after helping his mom and Sam get settled in their new place, Michael knocks out two birds with one stone, as you two get to talking and he gets the piercing he's been thinking about lately. The both of you hit it off and when your shift ends you two get a funnel cake to share together and you give him your number, telling him he knows where to find you if he wants to see you again. You walk him to his bike but tell him your dad's coming to give a ride home soon and he'd be a combination of pissed and worried sick if you weren't there, politely taking a rain check on his offer to give you a ride home. All in all things went pretty good tonight and get even better when you lean in and kiss him goodnight ever so tenderly. Starstruck, Michael feels like he won the lottery but he's not home free just yet..
You almost turn to walk away as hops on his bike but just before you do, you see a slightly familiar platinum blonde guy walk up to you two. You don't know his name but you've seen him around when him and his groupies steal handfuls of earrings off the stand you work at every so often and you gathered from those acquaintances that him and his buddies are not much more than bad news. He's not alone this time either, you mentally note, as he's once again followed by his little gang. Your gut feeling about them is proven right when the platinum blonde challenges him to a race to Hudson's bluff. Michael immediately shoots him down but he doesn't let up and knows how to push his buttons. As you talk a brunette girl approaches and hops on the blondie's bike without a word. Though as her eyes catch yours, something in them seems to warn you to stay away, for your own well being and it makes you worry for the girl's safety. And the little boy's safety too, as you spot him out of the corner of your eye, hanging onto back of the ravenette's bike.
Internally you debate on whether or not to attempt confrontation with mister blondie to question if she and the little boy are there willingly. A little something snarky along the lines of "What? Don't wanna look bad in front of your girl??" Flies from the blonde's mouth before you could speak, as his groupies snicker behind him, it temporarily stuns you silent and was pretty much all it took to have Michael take off behind them. Though not before you decline blondie's invitation to you as well and your plea to get Michael to stay and think this through falls on deaf ears. When David, as Michael eventually found out the name of the aforementioned blondie was, almost tricks Michael into a fatal wreck off the cliff, David calls you a prude for not coming with them and the others, minus the girl, laugh as Michael punches him square in the face without thinking twice about it and David questions how far he's willing to go. So naturally, he finds himself questioning his choice to come here and hang out with these strangers when he eats dinner with them even though he swore he saw bugs in place of the food twice, as if once wasn't bad enough and drinks some questionable wine though the girl, Star as David called her, tried and failed to talk him out of it, following these random dudes he just met off a bridge and yet he somehow winds up back home, despite his stupidity and high key trying to prove his worth to you and thus earn a chance to really shoot his shot. He wakes up slowly but surely, to find the sun hurting his hungover eyes and a call from his mother saying he's stuck on Sam watch, once again. Leaving him with the false sense of security from his, unbeknownst to him, fading humanity.
He starts to find not only craving blood, proven by him almost having snatched up his own little brother as a snack, interrupting his bubble bath, but he'd also heard his brother's heartbeat sound out loudly, just a moment prior, resulting in him sporting Nanook's bite mark across his hand and having to hastily, as it tempted him from downstairs and just when he thinks he could have a minute of normalcy.. he hits the ceiling. Thankfully, despite calling their mom in fit of fright, Sam helped ground him. Michael is absolutely clueless on what to do to fix his situation, or what his situation even really is.. though Sam was adamant on saying he's a vampire, but one thing stands to be certain... One thing bothering him more than his newfound ability to hear a thriving pulse from a mile away or his growing desire to taste blood.. He's got to see you again, as soon as possible.
Thoughts of the biker boys from last night, stealing you away from him, crossed his mind. Flashing through his head without warning and it made his blood boil. His ability to rationalize, however, was completely shot to hell. Though the fleeting possibility of him hurting you in anyway was unfathomable to him. Sinking his teeth into your neck and marking you for everyone to see was an especially alluring thought but something deep within him told him that he simply wasn't capable of going too far and leaving you drained. He felt a very compelling urge to keep you safe and not only safe but to keep you by his side as well.. as close as possible.. though what the looming threat hung over you two was, he wasn't sure of yet. What exactly it was that he needed right now was to keep you safe for sure and first he had to find you. Easier said than done but he couldn't bring himself to care about acting irrationally at the moment. He was one track minded right now, and unstoppable man on a mission. Now sure, you two just met and he doesn't know where you live but he felt a magnetic pull radiating from his heart that told him in words unspoken that he'd always be able to find you. Even in a pinch. Reassuring himself and steeling his resolve.
His current situation seems to be making him rely on basic animalistic instincts, yet leaving him stronger in different departments; like his sense of hearing for example.
But it's also amplifying the ever loving, daylights out of his crush on you.
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Like, follow with notifications and reblog if you're interested for more. Also please don't be shy if you've got a request! Fire away (pun about the gif above intended) read my pinned post and ask for what your heart desires! I'll do my very best to grant your wish. Friendly reminder that I do in fact, draw AND write. ♥︎~
💋sincerely yours, yellow-eyed-sam's-wife.
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bloodywickedvamp · 2 years ago
Two's Company - What The Hell Is Six?
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Poly!Lost Boys x GN Reader x Michael
Series Masterlist
Summary: Reader is dating Michael Emerson and they're fed up with his uncharacteristic behavior towards his family and them since moving to Santa Carla. They decided to finally confront Michael on the boardwalk with an audience of 4 in attendance.
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: angst, heated argument (?) more so the reader just yelling, maybe a little gaslighting if you look hard, cursing
Hi! This is my first fic so any notes or critiques on how I can improve my writing or any notes at all are greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy! This may or may not turn into a multi-part fic. I have a bigger idea for it but we'll see if i have it in me to do it lol. Also, let me know if I missed any warnings and i'll be sure to add them.
Dividers: @saradika & @firefly-graphics
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Michael Fucking Emerson...
The man I love more than anything has become someone I don't even want to know.
After moving to Santa Carla from Phoenix he changed so drastically I still can't seem to wrap my head around it. We've been together for a few years now and I became so close to his mom and brother that it felt natural to accept when he offered for me to come with them and stay for the summer once the time came for the move.
After his first few nights on the boardwalk is when I noticed the shift. He went off on his own as I was hanging with Sam or Lucy and wouldn't come home till the very early hours of the morning. He was rude and snippy to the questioning from his mom. Harsh and mean to Sam, more so than the typical sibling bickering and teasing that they engaged in. He'd keep his distance from me, like he could barely stand to be around me at all and completely blow me off any time I tried to talk or spend time together. It's only gotten worse and I'm at my wits end with it.
After having a tearful heart to heart with Lucy about his 180 in behavior I decided to take matters into my own hands whether he likes it or not.
I start my journey to the place that I've begun to despise, associating it with the 'new Michael'.
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Finally, I spot my elusive brunette exactly where I thought he'd be, on the boardwalk but to my surprise he's also surrounded by a group of intimidating looking bikers. Two rowdy blondes, one with an impressively long curly haired mullet and an eye catching custom patchwork jacket adorned his somewhat smaller, muscular stature. The other untamed boy, with wild hair to match and a dark fishnet top that leaves almost nothing to the imagination, is nearly bouncing around the others with glee at whatever they're discussing. Next I notice a tall, dark, and handsome brunette to their right who takes the cake at revealing outfits with the lack of shirt and wide open leather jacket. With the slightest of smiles he's leaning against presumably his own motorcycle observing the rest of his group and the crowd at large. Lastly, to the right of the brunette and the left of Michael, there's a bleach blonde mullet you couldn't miss for miles a top the most intimidating looking one, wearing a too-stuffy seeming trench coat for this Santa Carla summer heat.
In a normal circumstance I would have slight hesitation to approach the group alone so boldly, as I find myself doing now, but I couldn't care less who's around. At this moment the only person to be feared on the boardwalk is me. I'm on mission for some answers and god help the poor soul who fucks with me right now.
As I take my final few strides towards my boyfriend they all notice me. The four unknown boys go quiet as they take me in curiously, a determined walk, pissed off expression, heavy breathing, and clenched fists.
"Michael fucking Emerson!" I erupted, jabbing my finger in his chest, coming face to face with the wide eyed boy.
"Hey baby-" He tried cautiously.
"Oh good you actually do remember you have a partner"
"Look I know you're upset and rightfully so but-"
I hold my hand up to silence whatever bullshit was about to spill from his mouth. "No no no, I'm still talking and you're listening." He nods his head slowly, afraid to set me off even more, if that's possible. I hear rather than see snickers to my right from the others.
"I don't know what's been going on with you and why you've been treating everyone in your life like shit but I'm sick and tired of it and I want answers. Now." The words spill heatedly from my lips as my anger intensifies from the inevitable release pent up over the past few weeks. Michaels mouth opens whether in shock or to interject, I don't know but I cut him off before I can find out.
"It's one thing the way you've been treating me - and trust me we'll get to that" I accentuate with a pointed finger in the air and back down after. "but it's a whole other thing with Lucy and Sam. You barely talk to or see Sam anymore and he's devastated, you're his best friend and he misses you. Your mother does absolutely everything she can for you and Sam. She upended her entire life in Phoenix to give you both a fresh start - since the move you've done nothing but push her away every time she tries to talk. That woman is the sweetest person on this planet and I'll be damned if you think I'm going to let you walk all over her anymore." Huffing at the end of my tirade.
If Michael's eyes got any wider they would've popped out of his head. Maybe the middle of the boardwalk wasn't the best place to do this but I couldn't contain it anymore. The nice approach hasn't worked and he needed a good telling off.
"You're right, everything you're saying is right but maybe we could do this more privately" Michael offered while trying to gently grab my upper arm to pull me somewhere else. With a worried look in his eyes he glanced at the boys then back at me pleadingly.
"Oh I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you in front of your new friends? Who I've never met or heard anything about by the way." I argued back while also taking the time to look them over, up close now.
They all seem to be enjoying themselves watching Michael's berating. Smirks and giggles passing amongst the group as they share knowing glances between them and at me, like they're having a secret conversation only the leather clad bikers can understand.
Piercing blue eyes land on me as bleach-boy flirted "You're a fiery little thing aren't you? I can't believe it's taking this long for us to meet, Michael, how come you didn't introduce us sooner?" He jabbed, finally tearing his eyes away from mine towards the conflicted brunette in front of me.
"You know why David." Michael states matter of factly. His grip on my arm tightening ever so slightly, voice husky with something primal I've never heard from him before.
"Can't imagine why you'd want to hide a babe like this away, it just doesn't seem fair." The tallest blonde beamed at me starry eyed and grinning cheerfully. He moved closer to reach out and stroke my hair quicker than I could register, taking in a small almost imperceptible inhale from me if I wasn't paying close attention. Releasing a contented sigh before I was pulled back towards Michael.
"Don't touch them, don't even think about it." he sneered.
"Come on Mike, we aren't going to hurt 'em. Right Paul?"
"Right on Marko." Paul jested as Marko playfully elbowed him.
What the fuck is happening and who the hell are these guys? Jumping into the one-sided argument between me and my boyfriend to start flirting? Are they his friends? Last time I checked friends don't hit on their friends' significant others, especially right in front of them so shamelessly.
"You never mentioned you were dating someone." The other brunette tacked on to the conversation speaking for the first time. Giving me a once over with those alluring brown eyes, hungrily.
I stared daggers back at the boy holding me in a tight grip, ripping my arm away to mock "Wow, why am I not surprised." I desperately try to steal my emotions to keep the hurt and betrayal from coming to the forefront.
"You don't understand and I don't even know how to explain but you have to believe me it's for your own good." Michael again pleads for my compassion. It's too late for that.
"Of course I don't understand you don't tell me anything anymore! You blow me off, ignore me, and I assume these four are the reason for your revamp in personality." I fumed, gesturing to the group. Chuckles are heard again, at the end of my outburst.
"Are you cheating?" I suddenly asked
"What no-" Michael sputtered in surprise.
"Did you meet someone else?"
"No of course no-"
"Did you do something that could hurt Sam, Lucy, or I?"
"NO babe-"
"Then I don't see what could be so bad that you feel the need to push us all away and act like this. The only reason I'm still standing here putting up with this is because I deserve an explanation and I promised Lucy I'd get answers out of you. So start talking." I sassed.
With a defeated sigh he raised his hands in surrender "Okay Okay, walk with me to the beach and i'll explain everything to you, alone." Emphasizing his final word with a sneer towards David. David only found that amusing as he quirked an eyebrow and took out the cigarette resting behind his ear placing it between his lips and lighting it. He inhaled and blew out a cloud of smoke stating "You sure about that Michael? You're already on edge, we wouldn't want you to lose control and hurt our doll now would we?"
Our? I barely had time to register or retort back at the presumptuous claim before Michael grabbed my hand and stormed off to the beach, steam basically pouring out of his ears.
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To be continued...
I feel alright about this so far. Again it's my first ever fic post so you know...it is what it is. :)
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beoneofus · 2 years ago
I feel like michael would be a sub with a vampire sadistic partner.
you, on his lap, straddling him with your thighs pressed tightly to where his thighs meet his hips. each leg locked so that he couldn't escape.
long nails would teasingly dance across the skin of v line, dragging over his abdomen and going lower... but- then, pulling away, only for fingers to curl around belt loops and pull him closer; your hips rocking forward to grind against him.
“ shit...! ” he'd hiss out under his breath in nearly a whimper, of sorts. you'd lowly chuckle, amused by him; bringing your lips down to ghost over the lobe of his ear.
as you kiss it lightly, michael shivers. “ vampire got your tongue, baby? ” you'd husk out in a velvety tone, smirk coming up to your lips sharply.
“ shut.. ” he winced once thumb nail pressed roughly into his side, warning him. “ -up. I'm perfectly fine. ”
humming, you kiss his lobe again, only to move further down. kissing the start of his jawline, and then working under; tongue sliding out to lick at the bone that was shaped so perfectly. It looked so biteable. “ oh, really? ” you whisper, fascinated by how nearly porcelain his features were. “ ‘cause to me, it seems as if you're intimidated. ”
your hand was off his jeans and around his throat in seconds. his shoulders and arms tense, thrown over the back of the couch and pressed tightly against it. his head drawn back, as his now fear stricken eyes stare into your devious filled ones; lust swirling within them.
“ which, I don't mind, ” the words rolled off your tongue like sweet nectar. the thumb that was held over his jugular vein, slid up to his lip; tip rolling over it, pulling the soft flesh out. you eyed how so soft they looked, so kissable, and smiled sadistically. “ you look so pretty under me, michael. just like a nice, beautiful gem. ”
your hips rolled forward, his eyes fell shut; mouth willingly opening. he tried his best to stay silent, but you heard a quiet groan leave him. “ I think.. ” you leaned forward, just so your lips were centimeters away from one another. “ - I think that I want you to be my gem, michael. ” giggling, rather lucidly might I add, you press a soft smooch to the corner of his mouth. “ what do you say, hm? that way... that way I could see that scared expression every day. ”
you caressed his cheek with your free hand. “ all the time.. ”
his breathing picked up as your mouth returned to the space below his ear, only this time, nearing his neck entirely. “ for eternity. what do you say, michael? ”
his brows drew together. “ you're fucking crazy. ” michael spat, harshly.
but you weren't phased. you laughed, wickedly, thumb nail pressing into him just enough to draw a little blood.
you leaned forward and licked it up, a breathless exhale leaving you. “ I know, pretty boy. ”
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bonniebird · 2 years ago
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Michael Emerson x Fem!Reader
Requested by @shadowcatgirl09
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Request: shadowcatgirl09 asked: The second one is with Michael Emerson; can I get Michael with a female reader and the prompt This time I'll protect you. Even though you're a vampire, you're still my friend. Reader was a childhood friend of Michael's
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Michael sighed as he rearranged the blanket and hurried towards the house. He could see Sam and his friends hurtling towards the house on their bikes. 
“Did they ride all the way here?” Michael asked. Sam dumped his bike as he hurried up the porch and helped Michael inside.
“Nah. They hitchhiked. Couldn’t leave us hanging with a vampire problem.” Sam muttered as he hurried through the house. Michael headed upstairs while the two boys let themselves in and looked around. Alan followed Sam into the kitchen while Edgar followed Michael.
“You sure you want the bloodsucker in your house? You can’t be sure it’s a tame one like you were.” Edgar said in a grave voice. He’d grown taller since they’d left Santa Carla, and so had his brother. Sam too though he wasn’t as tall as the brothers. 
“You hurt (Y/N)...” Michael said dangerously. Edar threw up his hands in surrender and stepped down a few steps while Sam hurried into the hallway to give Edgar a drink from the fridge. 
“They won't do anything, Michael. They’re here to help with that vampire creep.” Sam assured his brother. Michael gave all three of them a hard stare and continued upstairs. He kicked his bedroom door open and hurried to put you down on the bed. He spent a few minutes making sure that no sunlight could get through the thin curtains and added a blanket from the airing cupboard on the landing to be sure. 
“Michael?” You said quietly. He turned to you and cautiously hurried to the side of the bed he’d put you on and crouched down.
“Are you ok?” He asked. You shook your head and sighed.
“My throat hurts.” You admitted. Michael winced and thought about the burn of hunger he could remember. 
“Yeah… but you know Sam’s friends are here to help. They were mildly helpful last time.” He said and you gave a weak smile.
“Didn’t they figure out you were a vampire? I’d say that’s more than mild.” You mumbled. He chuckled a little and you cringed as the door burst open which lit up the semi-dark room and caused you to wince, raising a hand to cover your eyes.
“Sorry!” Sam said. You glared at the group that gathered around you.
“Have you killed anyone?” One of them asked. Lowering your hand you found them all holding wooden stakes that were tapered into a point at the end.
“No.” You said firmly. They glanced at each other and nodded.
“Will you just leave us alone and find out who did this? We wrote down everything (Y/N) remembers.” Michael said as he pointed to scrap paper that the nurse from the hospital had given you so the two of you could note down what had happened. Michael had managed to get you out of the hospital while Sam spoke on the pay phone in the hallway to the brothers and hurried after him. Sam motioned for the brothers to follow him and they could be heard reading what Michael had written down for you through the door.
“You don’t have to do this.” You said quickly. Michael rolled his eyes as he got up to double-check that the curtains were blocking out enough light.
“Uhu. And you didn’t have to come to my house and fight a head vampire but you still did so you’re stuck with me.” Michael smiled at you and you huffed a little as he sat on the opposite end of his bed.
“I didn’t exactly do a good job at fighting though.” You said quietly. Michael chuckled and shrugged. 
“You still gave it your best shot. You protected me long enough to get the upper hand. I don’t think any of us expected my grandpa to come through the wall.” Michael smiled and glanced at you. His smile fell a little when he saw the way you squinted and pulled his blanket over your head even in the low-lit room. “This time I’ll protect you. Even though you’re a vampire, you’re still my friend.”
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@the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn
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screaminmelody · 2 years ago
Little Lights in the Shadows
obviously new to posting on here so have no idea about layout, tips obviously appreciated lol
Just trying stuff out, don't know what will come of this but I've got free time and I was awake at 2am - this was birthed
The lost boys x reader, Michael x reader
You'd always loved the night. The stars dotting the darkened sky, dragging your eyes to the blinding ethereal light of the moon. Ever since you were young you'd preferred the night, it being the time you had more energy - the time you actually wanted to get out and do something. But living in a small village with hardly any shops or people, there was never really much to do.
Now in the booming, alive world of Santa Carla, the options seemed endless. This was a town built for the night; a place for dancing in the moonlight on the beach and exploring the scenes that seemed to light up in the dark. Your mum could no longer dispute your want of going out after the sun had set, it was normal here, encouraged. 
It was on one of your nightly escapades that you met Michael. A kind boy with voluminous brunette hair and bright blue eyes that drew you in. You got on well, quickly seeming like close friends and spending most nights together. It became normal for him to ride you home at night, which got your mum off your ass about the danger of walking alone - making it easier for her to sleep peacefully. 
Most of your time was now spent on Santa Carla's boardwalk, it became one of your favorite places - the food, the rides, the stores. It was wonderful. And exploring it with Michael, who was also new to the town, made it even better. Sharing the same bewilderment of how crazy this place was compared to where you'd both previously lived was hilarious, and so each night together was spent exploring different parts. 
Those adventures with Michael became the thing you looked forward to most throughout the day; they brought so much joy.
Except for the night he wandered off.
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i-arch-my-backula · 2 years ago
David and Michael from TLB with a reader who loves animals? Like he’s constantly bringing home strays and injured animals to take care of
Maybe it's the autism empathy or the fact I have a very soft spot for animals but I totally relate to this. Because I have two dogs and I'm allergic to cats I can't help as many animals as I wish I could but still.
David and Michael TLB with a gn reader who brings home stray animals
Warnings: Talk of stray, injured, and sick animals, mentions of roadkill, taxidermy mentioned, brief mention of insects in Michael's part
David can understand your empathy to a degree but he really refused to let you bring stray animals into the cave. If you do end up bringing in an animal he makes you take it to the nearest animal shelter or a wildlife center depending on the animal.
Marko and Dwayne grew up around lots of animals so they don't mind but David still insists you don't bring animals in. If he hears far off calls of animals he's already getting up and walking to the entrance of the cave to meet you there.
The people at wildlife centers and animal shelters nearby already know you by name. David doesn't go in with you but he makes sure to watch from outside.
He lets some animals stick around longer than others. Like if you bring in a friendly cat that ends up eating mice around the cave he'll let it stay around for a couple of days before bringing it to the animal shelter.
This also applies to baby animals. Mostly only a few, quiet puppies or kittens. He makes it clear you're taking care of them but the other boys can't help but play with them.
He doesn't really tolerate you bringing in wild or feral animals. Especially one that's sick. So you two are basically going to the animal shelter every week.
If you keep a ton of animals at your house he won't complain but he will try to talk about what happens if you move in with him in the cave. After a lot of back and forth the two of you decide you can just keep all of them there.
He keeps the roads by the cave clear of roadkill just so you don't see it. He'd never admit that he does that for you though so don't ask him about it.
If you bring in an animal that you can't save he's there to somewhat awkwardly comfort you after it. He's buried plenty of animals with you before.
He's pulled you away from countless feral and street cats before. He's constantly talking about making sure you're up to date on your vaccines because he doesn't want you to get rabies from a dog you found on the side of the street.
But he will stop being leaniant if you do something really dangerous like bring in an injured hawk. If you bring in anything really dangerous you're the one who's going to take it to the animal shelter.
Will keep you away from his grandpa's taxidermy room as much as possible. Will also keep you away from any kind of roadkill he finds. But you'll find out eventually and he'll still try to keep you away from the taxidermy room.
Because of Nanook you can't really keep animals at Michael's house so if you have the space, they're staying there or at the animal shelter, which he's happy to drive you too.
He's grown used to getting calls at all hours of the day and night because you need help bringing an animal to the shelter or a wildlife center. At some point he's going to keep a bottle of caffeine pills in his room.
He also keeps baby formula for animals at his house because of how often you bring over abandoned baby animals. He'll help you keep domestic baby animals but he draws the line at wild animals.
Has the number for the animal shelters within a 40 mile radius memorized at this point. He also has the one for the wildlife center. Probably calls them at least once a week because of you.
But because I'm pretty sure his grandpa keeps horses he's willing to keep around a few cats you brought home because they could use them as barn cats.
He's basically an unofficial vet at this point. He keeps vet equipment somewhere in the house and is ready at a moments notice to help a cat give birth or give a dog a flea and tick bath.
While your love of animals can be a pain in the ass to him at times, he still loves you and your compassion for animals. He often stares at you with a smile on his face while you talk with people at the animal shelter.
He's gotten into some arguments with you about the animals you bring home. Mainly wild animals or reptiles. You could have at least warned him you put meal worms in the fridge for the lizard you're taking care of.
When you suggest keeping out bowls of cat food for stray cats he has to remind you that raccoons and possums can get it then convince you why feeding wild animals isn't a good idea.
But he compromises with you and keeps an extra bag of cat food with his dog food for Nanook. He has to compromise a lot with you because of your insistence on bringing home animals and getting attached to them.
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years ago
The Craft and The Lost Boys crossover prompt! This was inspired by a dream I had. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of the ideas below and I’d love to read it! ❤️🩸
You fall in with a group of witches after you witness Nancy Downs murder your brother, Chris. She threatens you to keep quiet about it or else. The witches don’t welcome you into their coven but you learn the hard way that there are worse fates than death when you’re still forced to hang out with them. They can’t risk you exposing their secrets but if they killed you, especially so soon after your brother’s death, it’d look too suspicious. The only witch you like and get along with is Sarah Bailey; she’s different from the other outcasts at school. She’s a natural born witch and is much more powerful than the others but maybe hasn’t realized it yet. Nancy is power-hungry, lacks empathy and often engages in reckless behavior that endangers herself and others, Bonnie is aggressively narcissistic, and Rochelle is bitter and vengeful. The three of them start abusing their powers and misusing their magic. Unlike them, Sarah is really sweet and has a lot of self-control over her powers. She treats you like a friend and has your back despite the circumstances.
You’re dragged into joining them on a girls trip to Santa Carla - the murder capital of the world! By the time you get there, it’s night and the boardwalk is crowded and bustling with many attractions such as tattooers, piercers, shops, rides, music, and more. Performing on center stage is The Lost Boys, one of the hottest rock bands in the country, fronted by Michael Emerson. He and his band members are local heartthrobs; They’re all devilishly handsome and talented young men who seem to have it all. Their stage presence is incredibly sexy and alluring, almost provocative with how they love to strip and tease during their sets. The way they dance and move to their frenetic music is almost hypnotic. Word on the street is that Michael replaced the former vocalist shortly after he moved here with his mother Lucy and little brother Sam. He’s always seen hanging out with The Lost Boys after dark, especially David.
You have such a huge crush on Michael at first sight but who doesn’t? While watching him perform, you feel as if his eyes are piercing straight through your soul and he’s singing only to you. But c’mon, who are you kidding? The thought that he’d notice you out of the hundreds in the crowd is pure fantasy. But maybe that fantasy has a chance of becoming reality when you slip away from Nancy and her fellow witches (possibly in part thanks to Sarah causing a distraction and/or covering for you). You catch the attention of boardwalk security guards and try to explain you witnessed your brother’s murder and need help, but there’s been so many murders in Santa Carla they’ve become desensitized to it. It’s the murder capital of the world, kid. Have you not seen the missing posters littered everywhere? When you mention witchcraft, they laugh in your face and assume you’re on drugs and making shit up. They ignore you and walk away before you can even tell them the murder didn’t take place in this city. God fucking dammit.
Michael overhears your plight and is willing to help you get back at Nancy for what she did to your brother. While talking to him, you keep nervously glancing over your shoulder as hairs raise on the back of your neck from the feeling that the witches may be waiting nearby and closing in on you. Michael notices how scared and uneasy you are, so he offers to take you somewhere private where you won’t be disturbed. You know you shouldn’t hitch a motorcycle ride with a man you just met and let him take you to an unknown location in an unfamiliar city that’s the murder capital of the world, Stranger Danger and all that, but fuck it.
You meet David, Paul, Dwayne, and Marko at their cave. They’re practically Michael’s brothers and welcome you to the club (even if they pull pranks on you and mess with your mind a little bit with their vampire powers before Michael tells them to knock it off.) They urge you to spill and tell them all the deets about what’s going on, so you tell them everything about the absolute hell you’ve been through because of Nancy and her outcast witch friends. After listening to your story and deliberating quietly amongst themselves, they agree to take care of the witches for you so they never bother you again. Do you want them dead or alive, babe? Do you want them to be scared to death or just plain scared so that they leave town forever? You tell them to spare Sarah since she’s your friend and respects the laws of magic. While she put that love spell on Chris that went awry and inadvertently played a part in his death, it was an accident on her part and she didn’t mean any harm. She just wanted to be loved. She regretted her actions and tried to find a way to undo her spell on Chris, but failed. But the rest of the witches are fair game for the boys to do whatever they want.
Hell fucking yeah, this calls for a toast! They pass you an ornate wine bottle and tell you to drink up, baby! It’s been a very long night for you. Hell, you’ve had several very long nights ever since your brother’s murder. You haven’t really had time to mourn him before now. You could really use a drink, so you chug from the bottle without even thinking about it while the boys applaud and cheer. Unbeknownst to you Michael and the Lost Boys are vampires, and you’re Michael’s mate. Vampires are immune to witches’ magic since their hearts are no longer beating and thus can’t be swayed - but witches are not immune to vampire mind tricks since they’re still technically human, living and breathing. Their flesh tears from their bodies just as easily as ordinary humans, and there’s no protection or warding spells against vampires - so feeding from them should be easy. They’ll come up with an insidious plan and help you get retribution for Chris’ wrongful death.
You might regret letting the boys do whatever they want to Nancy and her friends after you learn the full extent of their true nature, but it’s too late to take it back now. The deal has already been struck. In just a few days, you won’t be human anymore either. Michael will be there for you when you begin to change into a half vampire. It’s painful and confusing; your heart feels like it’s on fire, your lungs feel like they’re filled with water, you feel like you’re dying - because you are. He’ll comfort you (possibly with sex) and teach you everything. David, Paul, Marko, and Dwayne will help you too. Maybe Nancy or one of her witch friends will be your first meal. You’ll need to feed to complete the transformation and become a full-blooded vampire. Have you ever had witches’ blood, baby? It’s a rare delicacy but is absolutely delectable. It just hits different than regular human blood. It’s to die for, literally!
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silassinclair · 2 years ago
Michael's Girl PT. 1 \\ PolyLostBoys + Michael x Reader
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Summary: Michael's girlfriend wishes to become a vampire too after learning how Michael was tricked into becoming one. So he takes her to see David and the other Lost Boys.
CW: Kind of a cliffhanger, Vampires, Crying (Left the summary pretty vague for you guys, this’ll be a multi part series <3)
🖤 → Next Part
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"So you're telling me that four guys who live in a cave fed you blood and turned you into a vampire?"
Michael rubbed a hand down his sweaty face, of course you wouldn't believe him. You're probably thinking this is some excuse for why he's been ghosting you lately.
Nodding Michael held your hand to his chest. "Yes yes that's exactly what happened. I would never lie to you okay! Yes I've been keeping the truth from you but that isn't exactly lying."
Giving him an open mouthed stare you slowly nod as if he were insane. "And you expect me to believe this... Why?"
Your boyfriend groans and throws his hands up in defeat letting your hand go. "God dammit! Just... Just believe me alright! Why would I lie to you about this? I'm in deep shit and I'm telling you because I care about you and I know you're worried about me and mad. You wanted an explanation so here it is."
Sighing in defeat you bite the inside of your cheek in thought. Looking back on it now Michael has been pretty... vampiric so to say. The sunglasses, angry demeanor, going out only at night and not eating as much. There was no way he'd go so far just to back up some silly lie/excuse.
"Can you prove it?" You ask with the quirk of your eyebrow. Michael ponders for a quick moment then smiles.
"Okay, but you gotta promise not to get scared alright?" He says and holds both your hands in his. Giving him a nod you give him a light upturn of your lips in reassurance.
"Of course, I could never be afraid of you."
Satisfied with your answer Michael shuts his eyes. Carefully you watch his features. Your eyes widen as you notice his eyebrows and face structure become sharper and more defined. Fangs poke through the gap of his lips. And when he opens his eyes you gasp in shock. Hs baby blue eyes are now a violent, predatory shade of yellow. A venomous color that screams danger. But you aren't afraid.
Your hand cradles Michael's vampiric face. "It's true... What you said. I'm sorry I doubted you love. I'm not afraid of you... So don't worry okay?"
Michaels vampire features morphed away back to his gentle human ones. Seeing a gentle smile grow on your boyfriend's face you can't help but smile too. He pulls you into a hug, his face in your neck. You feel him take a large intake of air.
"Thank you thank you thank you baby. Mmm my God I don't deserve you... also you smell pretty good." He mumbles into the soft flesh of your nape. Feeling a shiver go up your spine you gently caress his hair.
"If you ever feel hungry I wouldn't find if you took a bite Michael." You wink at him. But immediately the boy pulls himself away from you and looks at you with worried eyes.
"Baby don't say that.. You know I would never want to hurt you." The brunette's bottom lip juts out as he pouts, not liking the sound of him feeding off of you in the future.
"Well my boyfriend has to eat one way or another right? Can't let these guns shrink." A dopey smirk is plastered on your face as you squish his bicep muscles. Michael groans.
"Ugh stop."
Michael pulls you into his lap as he sits back on his bed. His Mom, grandpa, and Sam were all out right now so you and Michael had the place all to yourselves. You were lucky you got to convince your parents to let you go to California. Telling them you wanted to go to school there, and saying that living with Michael would cheapen things convinced them. But in reality you just wanted to get out of your home and move in with your boyfriend.
"So why did you wanna become a vampire? This means you can't go out into the sun right?" Worry laces your tone. You didn't understand why Michael would make such a brash decision, plus you two only recently arrived in Santa Carla.
Michael looks to be in thought. A frown pulls on his face as his hold around you tightens in the slightest, "I was sort of tricked. Those guys challenged me, taunted me, played me like a fucking fiddle. I was pretty stoned too which clouded my judgement. Then they hand me this bedazzled bottle of wine saying to drink it if I wanted to be like them. Sleep all day, party all nigh, never grow old-"
You felt anger build up in you, anger towards the men who dared trick Michael into falling into this curse. For using him when he was vulnerable, for cursing him with eternal life and him being doomed to watch you die one day.
"Pause." You cut in. "You're gonna be immortal now?" Your eyebrows furrow. "This means... This means we can't grow old together Michael. You can't go out in the sun with me or-or do anything like that. You're gonna watch me die." Your mood tanked so fast. Eyes welled up with tears as Michael shushed you and held your face to his chest.
"I know baby I know. But there's no way out of this now. Soon I'll be a full vampire and have to... I'll have to leave home. I'll have to run away and leave you, Mom, Sammy, Grandpa. I'll be a killer." Michael seems to have already accepted his fate, his curse of everlasting life on Earth. But you were in shambles. Unless...
He looks down at you and caresses your soft, tear stained cheek. "Yes beautiful?"
"Turn me into a vampire too."
The brunette jerks up in shock. His hands hold your elbows close to him as his eyes look into your own, all seriousness in his gaze. "Would you really do that? Just to be with me forever?"
You give him a firm nod. "I'm serious Michael. You're it for me, and I love you more than anything. I'll gladly love you forever if I may..." With the palm of your hand you wipe a tear that falls from your eye. Michael tilts your chin up with his index finger to look into your eyes once again.
"Y/n. You have to be absolutely sure about this. And I'm sure as hell that I want to be by your side forever. But I need to know if you really want to do this. You'll have to go into hiding, eat people, never go into the sun again."
His face forms into a look of despair, he's 100% sure you'll refuse now. "Do you really want to suffer with me?"
Instead of giving him a verbal answer you pull him in by his collar and kiss him on the lips. A groan of pleasure leaves his lips.
"I-I'll take that as a yes." He mutters as you continue your onslaught of affection, littering his neck with kisses. You draw back from him momentarily.
"Michael." You stop your affections and pull him up from his bed. "Take me to that cave. Where you said it all happened."
Your boyfriend nods and he leads you downstairs. Quickly slipping on your shoes you head outside with Michael where he mounts his bike. Like usual you sit behind him and wrap your arms around him securely.
"Because it's night they probably won't be at the cave. So we're gonna go to the boardwalk first alright?" He says as he revs his engine then zooms off down the driveway. Nodding, you rest your head against the back of his shoulder.
Under a streetlamp by the red painted seawall are four motor bikes. Standing by each bike is the owner of which. The night was still young but the four vampires settled for just chilling and talking by their bikes on the boardwalk.
"So as I was saying," Paul rambled on, "Movie sequels always suck ass because movie companies always wanna choke an extra buck out of the audience by using a great movie as their tool. Like take uhh... Jaws for example. The first movie was cool and original but because it was successful they think making more will make them more money. It does but like, they rush the production so much to the point that the movie sucks ass."
Dwayne looks at his brother like he's got no skin on. "Since when did you get so intellectual?"
Paul just shrugs and puts his arm around his taller brother. "I always have it in me, it's just that I'm not stoned today. Sober me is a different dude."
The tall brunette sighs. "Of course. How could I forget."
Marko meanwhile is playing with a rubric’s cube that some teenager dropped earlier and David smokes as he watches his curly haired brother try to solve the puzzle.
"Marko I don't think you have enough smarts in your pea brain to solve that." David says while blowing his smoke with a sly smirk. Marko only growls in frustration.
"Oh shuttup man! Great now I messed up, fuck you." Marko throws the cube onto the sandy beach behind him.
Today was slow. The boys were still well fed from yesterday's hunt and the fact that it was a weekday only made everything slower. No one on the boardwalk started a fight for the boys to jump in on. So the four of them are bored and left with nothing to do.
"This is boring." Paul says when he finishes with his movie rant that left Dwayne thinking.
"You can say that again Pauly." Marko groans but an imaginary lightbulb blinks on above his head. He sits up straight from his once slouched postion.
"I know what we can do! We can pay Michael a visit and annoy the shit out of him!"
David smirks, "Oh I like that. Well let's ride boys-"
The sound of a motor bike catches their enhanced hearing.
"Speak of the devil, there he is! I thought he'd never want to willingly see us again." Paul says with a wide grin. He waves to Michael but lowers his hand when he notices someone else on the back of his bike.
Michael pulls his bike up next to where the other four are parked. Kicking out his kickstand he gets off. He then offers his hand to you off your seat which you gently take.
David looks at Michael and then you.
“Who’s this supposed to be Michael?” David says. His expression is unreadable. The leader of the pack has always been by far the most mysterious of the four. And rather unpredictable too.
Michael puts hid arm around your waist and you lean into his side. You look at the four boys, no, men. Vampire men. They are all dressed wildly and you assume that influenced Michael into getting that earring. Not that you’re mad though, it’s pretty sexy actually.
“This is my girlfriend, Y/n.” You feel Michael kiss the top of your head. For a moment you forget that there are four dangerous vampires in front of you because of Michael’s peaceful presence. But the good feeling washes away when one of the vampires speak up.
“You’ve been hiding this hottie from us Michael? She the reason why you make up shitty excuses to head home sooner~?” A tall blonde taunts. The curly haired blonde next to him pats him on the back.
Michael stiffens. “Well as a matter of fact, yes.” He says firmly. “But there’s something else you guys have to know, we can’t talk about it here though.” Michael sends a look to the platinum blonde.
“Sure Michael. Let’s take this back to the cave yeah? Bring your little girlfriend with ya too, if she isn’t scared”
Unimpressed you fire back, “You four don’t scare me. If anything I thought you were all groupies for Rob Halford from Judas Priest.”
An eruption of laughter comes from the two blondes. The one brunette smiles while the leader just smirks.
“Yeah. She’s coming along, right Michael?” The way he says his name makes Michael shiver. Uncertainty washes over Michael. He looks to you and you two silently communicate. His eyes ask if you're absolutely sure about going through with this.
Your only response is a simple nod.
"Let's get going before it gets too bright out now yeah?" You say and get back on Michael's bike. The four vampires share a look, suspicion.
"Yeah. Let's." The platinum blonde smiles. "My name's David by the way. Just so you know what to scream later sweetness." David says and winks in your direction. Michael mounts his bike and says nothing.
All six of you drive away. David leading everyone to the location of the cave by Hudson’s Bluff.
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