#Mia thinks she doesn’t have time for food sometimes
tigresslanzhu · 1 month
I Don’t Wanna
Rosita: [hands Amelia a bag of chips] Eat this before you pass out, Mia.
Amelia: No, thanks. I’ll eat it after I pass out…
Rosita: EAT!
Amelia: This is why I say negotiations don’t always work…
Amelia Holmes is owned by @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
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Knight in Shining Motorcycle
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings: almost rape, touching without consent, kissing without consent, calling one a bitch and 'easy' for not giving in, heartbroken-ness, fluff at the end, bucky being protective
Summary: Your roommate, Bucky, is one of the worst players you've ever seen. He has a new girl every week and doesn't stay too long to get feelings. When a cute barista asks you on a date, he's not too keen on who it is. You think this is the opportunity you need to get over Bucky but the date doesn't go as planned, and your knight in shining motorcycle comes to your rescue.
Squares Filled: leather jacket (2020) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You didn’t get a lot of sleep last night after a particularly rough night. Your roommate had a special friend over making all kinds of noises you’d rather not hear come from his room. It’s not that you were upset that he was getting some and you weren't, it’s that you wish it was you in that room instead of her.
But it’s not like you’re gonna tell him that.
You get out of bed with a yawn and leave your bedroom in search of food. You just bought your favorite cereal that you can’t wait to dig into. You turn the corner and stop when you see a woman you don’t know in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. Upon closer examination, you see it’s your favorite cereal.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there,” the woman says and smiles at you.
“Is that my cereal?”
“Bucky said I could use this one.”
“Of course,” you roll your eyes.
You turn and storm over to Bucky’s room which is down the hall from yours. You don’t bother knocking so you enter his room expecting to see him lounging around but he’s standing in the middle of the room with only a towel on his waist. Water drips from his toned chest down to the top of the towel, and you find yourself watching the water droplets disappear behind the towel. He clearly sees you checking him out which boosts his ego. He always knew you had a thing for him ever since his sister introduced you two. You look at his face to see him smirking and you give him a deadly glare.
“Are you gonna stay for the show, or…?”
He undoes his towel but doesn’t remove it from his waist so he’s still covered. You jump at the thought of seeing how big his cock is.
“Tell your whores to keep their paws off my shit. She better be gone before I get home.”
You turn and slam his door, missing the way he smirks at your attitude. You quickly get dressed and head out before Bucky can leave his room. You meet up with your best friend who happens to be the sister of Bucky. She waves you over once she sees you but frowns at the sour look on your face.
“Is it Bucky again?”
“He was non-stop fucking this bitch all night, and she was eating my cereal this morning. I didn’t get a good night’s sleep and I didn’t get to eat breakfast.”
“I told you not to be roommates with him.”
When you moved into town to get away from your overbearing family, the only person who would rent to you on such short notice was Bucky. You weren't a stranger, you’re practically part of his family, and he figured he could make some decent money off your part of the rent since he can pay for it fully without your help. Mia warned you not to room with her brother since he’s known to fuck a new girl every week, sometimes twice a week, but you needed a place to stay.
“He’s not all bad all the time, but there are times like this morning when I want to wring his sculpted neck,” you groan.
“Still not over your crush on him?”
Mia is used to all her friends having crushes on her brother. He’s charming, cocky, arrogant, can be super romantic, very protective, and smoking fucking hot. You’re the only one who stuck around long enough to catch Bucky’s attention.
“He’s not worth crushing on.” She looks at you and raises her eyebrows. “Okay, no, and it’s never going to happen. I’m just waiting for this phase to pass however long it may take.”
You two head inside the coffee shop and get in line. Since you couldn’t eat breakfast at home, you’re going to get a sandwich and a coffee with a double espresso. You get to the front of the line and smile at the male barista, Jackson.
“Hi, how are you doing?” he asks.
“Better now that I’m gonna get some energy in me.”
“What can I get for you?” You give him your order. “What’s your name?”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” You blush at the compliment and look at Mia who smiles. “Is it safe to assume you’re single?”
“I am.”
“Can I take you out tonight? Say, seven?”
You’re quite sure what to say to this. Your mind thinks back to Bucky and how you’ll suffer waiting for him, and Mia shoves you forward as if to say, “This is your way of getting over Bucky”.
“Cool.” He scribbles his number on the cup and winks at you. “Call me.”
Mia gives him her order and the two of you wait on the other side of the shop for your coffees to come out.
“Girl, I can’t believe that just happened. He’s cute!”
“I know. Is it bad that I'm actually kind of excited?”
“Hell no! What are you gonna wear?”
“That new dress I bought last week.” You grab both your coffees when they’re ready and hand Mia hers. “I’m gonna see if I can get some work done before the date.”
“You work too much.”
“You can’t talk. You don’t work at all.”
You and Mia say your goodbyes and you head back to your apartment. Thankfully, Bucky’s whore is gone so you’ll be able to get some work done. Bucky locked himself in his room but you’re not thinking about him right now. There is a mini workstation across the room from you where you can go to work. Bucky was using it as a video game/music room but gave it to you when he heard you needed it.
You put your headphones on and get to work. You’re an IT support girl for Apple that specializes in fixing computers for people by logging into their network and diagnosing the problem. The next six hours are spent on the computer, talking to people, logging in lots of hours, and watching movies on your other screen.
You have two hours before the date starts so you decide to clock out for the day. You’re not sure what kind of date you’re going to go on so you’ll grab something to eat here. The kitchen is empty when you enter it, and you grab the ingredients for a BLT. Bucky made a bunch of bacon since it was expiring soon, so you’re finding new ways to eat it before it goes bad.
You slather some mayonnaise onto the bread and layer the ingredients on there. When you put the lettuce on, you squirt some mustard on top. The first bite always tastes like Heaven, and you smile as you chew.
Your smile is lost when you feel someone right behind you. Bucky places his left hand on the counter next to you and the other reaches up to grab a glass from the cabinet above you. He presses his body against yours so that you feel the outline of his muscles.
“Excuse me,” he whispers into your ear.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting a glass. I’m thirsty.” He backs up slightly which allows you to turn around but the hand on the counter doesn’t move. “Are you done with work?”
“Good. Let’s do something. The bowling alley doesn’t close until midnight.”
“I can’t. I have a date.”
Bucky’s entire demeanor changes. He takes three steps back from you and anger is evident on his face.
“What?” With who?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You grab your sandwich and a paper plate and walk back to your room. Bucky shakes his head and quickly follows after you, not being done with this conversation.
“Yeah, I would.”
“Can you get out? I’m changing,” you say and set your sandwich down on your dresser.
“If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it and I’m all out of singles.”
“Get out.”
You push him out of the room and close and lock the door. Bucky can’t believe what he’s hearing right now so he takes his phone out to text his sister. If anyone knows who you’re going on a date with, it’s her.
Before getting dressed, you decide to take a shower. Bucky likes to keep his room clean but the bathroom is a different story. He has products everywhere, his short hair litters the sink and his clothes are strewn about haphazardly. You thought you were bad. You ran out of shampoo and conditioner a while ago so you’ve been sneaking some of Bucky’s without him noticing, and this time is no different. He’s not gonna miss a few drops from each bottle since he has so little hair.
After the shower, you walk into your room and grab the dress you bought last week. It’s strapless with the sleeves only covering your arms from the elbows down and it goes down to your knees. You pair this with chunky wedges that make you taller by a few inches, and you pin your hair back in soft curls.
As soon as you slide in the last bobby pin, Bucky comes into your room through the bathroom since your door is still locked.
“I could have been naked.”
“What the fuck are you doing going on a date with Jackson Elliot?”
Mia must have told him who you were going out with.
“He’s a nice man who asked me out. What the big deal?”
“He’s a playboy.”
“Like you aren’t?” you scoff and swipe some lip gloss on your lips.
“Doll, you wish you were going on a date with me.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t ask me. He did.” You unlock your door and head into the living room with Bucky trailing behind you. A motorcycle can be heard from the street below and seconds later, a message pops up on your phone. “He’s here.” You two look out the window and see Jackson on his motorcycle which makes Bucky laugh. “What?”
“There’s no way in hell you’re getting on that.”
“You have a motorcycle.”
“Yeah, I know how to ride one.”
“I have a date to get to. Excuse me. Don’t wait up for me.”
Bucky watches you leave the apartment. You two are on the second floor so it doesn’t take long for you to get down to Jackson. Jackson gives you a winning smile as you climb onto the back of his motorcycle. You look up at Bucky who is watching from the window, and you slide your arms around Jackson’s waist just to piss him off. He glares down at you as Jackson takes off down the street.
He didn’t even give you a helmet to put on.
Jackson takes you to the beach that is quickly losing people as the sun goes down. The water gets colder, the wind gets cooler, and the beach becomes less crowded at this time of night. You didn’t know he was taking you here otherwise you’d have worn something warmer.
“Wow, it’s kind of cold out here,” you shiver.
“You’ll be alright,” Jackson says without offering his jacket to you. He takes you down to the tables where people can sit and have lunch or stop to rest underneath the umbrellas. The employees of the restaurant had tied the umbrellas down so they wouldn't blow away in the night. “So, have you lived here long?”
“For a year, yeah,” you nod.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you at the coffee shop? I think I would have remembered someone like you.”
“Well, my best friend and I actually went to this other coffee shop that’s in the middle of our apartments. We went there for quite a while but they closed, so we--” You’re suddenly cut off by his lips on yours. You’re completely taken aback by this and pull away from him. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing you.”
He leans in and kisses you again but you put your hands on his chest to push him away.
“Wait, a second--”
“Come on, you know you like it.”
Instead of attacking your lips, he forces his mouth on your neck. His right hand grips your thigh and starts moving dangerously close to a place where you don’t want him.
“No, stop,” you gasp and try to push his hand away.
“Come on, baby. There’s no one around for miles.”
“I said stop!”
You push him away and slap him right across the cheek as hard as you can. An angry look passes over his face as if you told him you wanted this and suddenly said no.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” he scoffs and gets up.
“I thought you wanted to date me, not do this. I wouldn't have come otherwise.”
“The only reason I asked you out was because I heard you were easy. I’m out of here. Find your own way home.”
If there were people around, they would for sure hear your heart break. Jackson leaves you stranded at the beach with no way of getting home. You contemplate calling Bucky but you don’t want to hear an, “I told you so” from him. Plus, he’d probably get off on seeing you so sad. Jackson’s motorcycle roars to life as he drives away, and you miss the second motorcycle that speeds by the beach after him.
Thirty minutes pass by that feels like hours, and you’ve moved from the tables to the sand where you’re sitting and watching the ocean crash upon the shore. No one is on the streets walking by or on the beach but you hear footsteps come closer to you. At this point, you don’t care who it is. The person sits down next to you and you see familiar boots come into view.
“Look at me,” Bucky says gently. You can’t. He slides two fingers under your chin and pulls it toward him so you’re forced to look at him. There are new and dried tears on your cheek that break his heart to see. He uses his other hand to wipe the tears away. “He’s not worth crying over.”
“I thought he liked me,” you sniffle. Bucky removes his hands from you and that’s when you see it. Bucky’s knuckles are raw and busted with dried blood crusting over the wounds. You grab his hand and run your thumb gently over the wounds. “What happened?”
“Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”
He lets his hand linger in yours for a few seconds before he pulls away completely.
“I bought this dress last week. I never thought I’d get to wear it,” you sigh sadly.
Bucky opens his mouth to tell you just how gorgeous you look in it when he sees you shiver. Upon closer examination, he sees goosebumps litter your arm. He immediately takes off his leather jacket for you to wear.
“Here, put this on.”
“No, I’m okay--”
“Doll, take the jacket.”
He wraps the jacket around your shoulders. You’re immediately enveloped with warmth and his smell. It makes you smile which doesn't go unnoticed by Bucky.
“Thank you.”
“Come on, let’s go home.”
Bucky gets up and holds his hand out for you to take which you do, and he helps you to his feet. He takes you to his motorcycle and grabs the only helmet for you to wear.
“No, you should wear it.”
“Doll, take the damn helmet.”
You do and shove it on your head. Even this smells like him which is making you dizzy. He gets onto the bike first then you do, but you’re not pressed against him like he knows you should be. You’re sitting up instead of leaning into him, and he fires his baby to life. He jerks the bike forward and you go flying into him from behind. You wrap your arms around his waist to steady yourself and he smirks without looking back at you.
He drives off carefully but you’re holding onto him for dear life. Just as he thinks he can get used to holding onto him, he arrives at your apartment building. No words are exchanged as you two make your way inside the apartment. You stop right outside your door and Bucky leans on the wall next to it.
“Thank you for taking me home.”
“We live together. I was just driving myself home,” he jokes.
“Still. Thank you,” you smile. You grab your doorknob to enter your room when you pause. “Oh, here is your jacket.”
“Keep it. I have another one.”
“Okay,” you blush. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Doll.”
You and Bucky retreat into your own rooms for the night. You get ready for bed and crawl under the covers. You try and get some sleep but you can’t get the feel of Jackson’s hands off your body and the feel of his lips off your lips. No matter what you do, the disgust you feel is blocking you from getting sleep.
The thought of Jackson is replaced with the thought of Bucky and how gently he treated you. There is a softer side to Bucky that no one else sees but you that you’re grateful for. Maybe… no, he probably won’t let you. Maybe? You get out of bed and walk through the bathroom to his door and knock on it lightly.
“Come in,” you hear him say.
You push the door open and see him lying on his bed without a shirt on. It makes sense he doesn’t have one on since he’s going to sleep but the sight makes your cheeks heat up slightly.
“Can I sleep here tonight?”
Bucky doesn’t respond with words. Instead, he scoots over to give you room to sleep. You quickly crawl into bed and lay flat on your back. The both of you don’t say a word to each other for fear of ruining the moment. What would you even say to him? Thank you? Sleep tight? Don’t let the bed bugs bite? Bucky can hear the gears in your head turn so he turns toward you and wraps his arm around your waist. He pulls you into him so your back is pressed against his chest.
It’s scary how well you fit against him.
Bucky can feel you smile against his arm as you allow sleep to come easily to you. He presses his head in your hair and takes a whiff of your scent. He smells his shampoo in your hair and the thought of you using his shit makes him smile.
You make him happy and he hates it took him a year to figure it out.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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pucksandpower · 2 years
Max Verstappen x Ramsay!Reader - Social Media AU
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Liked by gordongram, maxverstappen1, and 238,945 others
y/nramsay this verstappen guy is pretty good
View all 1,027 comments
maxverstappen1 only pretty good?
y/nramsay can’t have your head getting too big for your helmet
redbullracing what’s needed to bump him up to amazing status?
y/nramsay let’s see how much he impresses me at the next race
maxverstappen1 me winning wasn’t impressive enough for you?
y/nramsay i have to make sure it wasn’t luck
ramsayfamnews y/n really said “two-time world champion and today’s race winner? boring 🥱”
yourbestfriend that’s just how she flirts
y/nramsay shush
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Liked by gridgossip, verstappenupdates, and 86,129 others
f1wagupdates Max Verstappen was spotted letting loose with Y/N Ramsay at a South Beach cafe the day after his Miami Grand Prix victory
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gridgossip honestly good for them but they’re such a random couple
verstappenupdates i need to know how they got together because deuxmoi leaked their relationship over a month ago so they clearly met way before the race weekend
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Liked by maxverstappen1, gordongram, and 315,642 others
y/nramsay living my mamma mia daydream
View all 1,285 comments
maxverstappen1 we should reenact lay all your love on me
y/nramsay the beach is rocky and i have sensitive knees
maxverstappen1 you weren’t complaining when you were on your knees for me this morning
y/nramsay do you have any shame?
maxverstappen1 nope, shame is overrated
y/nramsay our parents follow us!
maxverstappen1 and? we didn’t come about from immaculate conception. they know how it works
givesyouwings i live for how carefree max is when he’s with y/n
madformax it’s so nice to see him actually relax and not think about racing 24/7
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Liked by y/nramsay, danielricciardo, and 958,376 others
maxverstappen1 she’s happiest with something in her mouth
View all 3,821 comments
y/nramsay pasta! he’s talking about pasta
maxverstappen1 🍆
gordongram he better be
maxverstappen1 nevermind
y/nramsay this is your own fault
christianhorner just because you have a death wish doesn’t mean red bull wants to deal with finding a replacement for your empty seat after your body mysteriously washes up in the thames
danielricciardo you already have my resume
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Liked by y/nramsay, landonorris, and 936,514 others
maxverstappen1 looking good enough to eat
View all 3,582 comments
y/nramsay i love you but sometimes i swear you’re trying to give my dad a heart attack
maxverstappen1 who can blame me for admiring my stunningly beautiful girlfriend?
gordongram me. i can blame you
gordongram please stick to eating food and refrain from eating my daughter
landonorris if the sounds coming from their suite last night were any indication, it’s definitely too late for that
y/nramsay do you want to get max killed?
landonorris i mean it would help the rest of our championship hopes
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : FLOWERS
A/N : 🫧 @hoodharlow gave me this idea, so I had to write something about it!
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Every morning you would wake up to a flower arrangement being delivered to your doorstep. If Jack was home he’d be the one to pick them up himself and place them on your nightstand so you could see them as soon as you woke up.
It began the moment you two started dating, he gave you flowers the first time you two went on your first date and he just continued.
It continued even after you two got engaged, after you got married, after you gave birth to your two children. It just never stopped, he even started including Mia into it, he would buy her a small arrangement every morning as well.
You and the kids were definitely lucky, you lucked out on having a wonderful man like Jack in your lives. It’s not because of the flowers, it’s simply because he’s thoughtful, respectful, loving and understanding.
Like every morning, you woke up to your flowers, but this time they were on the kitchen counter alongside Mia’s little arrangement.
“Mommy, you see our flowers?” Mia breaks you away from your thoughts.
You smile and turn her way, and see she’s sitting down at the table with her father and brother. “Yeah bug, they’re beautiful huh?”
“Yeah, you did good daddy.”
Jack smiles, “Thank you princess.”
You sit down next to him. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You needed sleep, I know you’ve been stressed with little man’s ear infection.” He pecks your lips real quick. “Picked up breakfast though.” He hands you a box. “It’s still warm.”
“Thank you baby.”
“Can I put my flowers in my room? I promise to water them.” Mia asks, with a mouth full of food.
“Manners young lady.” Jack points to her mouth. “Finish your food first.”
“But yes baby, you can have them in your room, I just need to find a non glass vase.” You tell her.
“Yeah little man?”
“Why I no get flowers.?”
You and Jack freeze.
“You want flowers cheesy?” Mia asks surprised
He shrugs, “momma and you gets em why no me?”
You and Jack look at each other, having no idea what to say. But Jack gets up right away and walks out the kitchen, leaving you confused.
“Come here baby.” You reach out for EZ, as he sits on your lap. “You want flowers? I’ll buy you lots of flowers right now.”
He shrugs, “Just askin.” His little shoulders lift up and he looks sad. “Is daddy mad cus I want em?”
You shake your head “No baby, of course not.”
Mia sighs, and has her little eyebrow lifted, just like her daddy does when he’s in deep thought. “Boys can get flowers too so daddy can’t be mad.”
“You’re right Mia, boys can have flowers too.” Jack announces as he walks back into the kitchen, his hands behind his back. “You have every right to ask little man, it’s my fault.”
“Is okay.”
“Here you go.” Jack hands him a beautiful tulips arrangement. “We can search up all the different flowers so you can pick your favorite ones, that way I know which ones to get.”
Ezequiel grabs the tulips, looks at them up and down. “That what Mia dids?”
Mia nods “Yupp, daddy took me to a place where there's lots of different flowers. I chose mine.” She smiles proudly. “Asters.”
“And you momma?” Your little boy asks you.
“Well-“ Jack snorts at that, you quickly glare at him. “I have three favorites actually, which drives your daddy crazy sometimes.”
“Only because sometimes I don’t know which ones to get you.”
“All of them, daddy.” Ezequiel tells him.
You smile down at your son and give him a kiss on the top of his head. “My sweet boy.”
“I think I no want flowers.” He hands the tulips to you. “You like these momma?”
“No she doesn’t but I do.” Mia yells out.
Ezequiel looks between the tulips, to you and to his sister. He takes half and hands them to Mia, and the other half to you. “Here’s yous go.”
“Thank you cheesy.” Mia smiles, smelling them.
“Thank you baby.”
Ezequiel turns his head to look at Jack. “Daddy, I no want em for me.”
Jack kneels down in front of you so he can be face to face with him. “That’s totally fine little man.”
“I want em for sissy and momma.”
“Aww cheesy, you’re the best little brother.” Mia gets up from her seat and goes to hug her brother.
“I goes with yous when you buys em for momma and Mia?”
Jack nods, “Deal.” He stands up and lifts Ezequiel up and has him in his arms. “But we can also think about what you’d want. Maybe legos, hot wheels, or something.”
Ezequiel gasps “Donuts?”
“You want donuts every morning?” Jack chuckles.
“Yes please.”
Jack nods, “Donuts and flowers, you got yourself a deal little man.” They both do their handshake, similar to what Jack and Urbn do.
Ezequiel asks to be let down and he follows Mia into the living room.
“Baby? Are you crying?” You stand up and go up to your husband. “What’s wrong bubs?”
“I suck, why didn’t it cross my mind that my son would feel left out?” He wipes at his tears. “I didn’t include him and now he’s going to grow up hating me.”
“Babe.” You shake your head. “That little boy loves you to pieces. No way he’d hate you.” You push back his curls. “You heard him, you heard what he really wants, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have mentioned that.”
“Am I a bad dad for not including him?”
“JACKMAN.” You snap. “Don’t you ever say that again, don’t you think it either. It was an honest mistake, and he literally solved the problem just as he said that. I don’t want to hear you say that ever again, you’re not a bad dad, our kids are lucky to have you as their father you understand me?”
He nods, “I just feel shitty.”
“I know but-“
“Daddy? Why sad?” Ezequiel and Mia both run to you and Jack.
“He’s just upset, he didn’t mean to leave you out of it” You tell your son.
He smiles. “Daddy, is okays. I wanted em for them.” He points to you and Mia. “Plus I gets donuts now right?”
Jack nods. “Y-yeah.”
Ezequiel shrugs. “Then no sad, we cool.”
“You sure little man?”
“Yupp, but comes. I show you something.” He reached for Jack’s hand. “Stop being sad, I love yous.” He rolls his eyes.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” Jack takes a hold of his little hand. “I love you too little man, so much.” They both walk out from the kitchen.
“Mommy.” Mia whispers.
“We need to get our boys stuff too now.”
You nod. “What do you have in mind?”
Mia hums. “Flowers with hot wheels for cheesy, and for daddy? Ohh, flowers and glasses, so he remembers he needs to wear them.”
You laugh at that. “MIA.”
“What? It’s true, daddy always forgets to wear them.” She shrugs.
Since that morning, you and Mia made a routine just like Jack and Ezequiel had theirs.
Lots and lots of flowers for the four of you throughout the years, and it brings a smile to your face every single time.
• • • • • • • • •
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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ramzawrites · 1 year
A Gift Of Flowers - Rise!Leonardo x Reader
Pairings: Leonardo x Reader
Characters included: Leonardo
Warnings: n/a
Series: No, A Request
Summary: Y/N is really shy and frankly Leo had been struggling to find proper common ground with the flower loving woman unlike the rest of his family. Luckily for him he found a flower field in the Hidden City which he definitely wanted to show to her.
Word count: 2997
Authors Note: I'm sorry for being mia for so long. I'm rn getting into my finals and I am busy preparing for getting into uni and so on so time has been limited! Hope this means I can write more consitently again! Love you!
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Leo was a mutated turtle stuck in the sewers hiding away from humans, hearing that you would correctly assume that he wouldn’t be too interested in flowers. Frankly he had better things to be doing than trying to scrounge up some plants and try to find a way to keep them alive in a place with almost to none natural sunlight. Sure, Donnie definitely had some sort of special lamps that basically did the same as the sun for plants since he did have an interest in agriculture and botany but that was Donnie. Leo didn’t particularly care about these things.
Leo loved video games, movies and don’t tell the others but he did actually enjoy training and honing his skills. He just didn’t particularly liked to get up for training but he did immensely enjoy the results of it.
So, why was it that he was currently looking through an old geology book where he stored his pressed flowers? Leo? Pressing flowers? This was definitely not a very Leo hobby if you asked others. Not for the teleporting Ninja Master that managed to send big alien gum looking monsters back to a prison dimension with the help of his equally skilled family years ago.
And Leo would agree. Normally he’d admit immediately that this was not his cup of tea, so to speak. Flowers were pretty but that’s about it.
Then how did he manage to accumulate a small collecting of a colorful array of flowers?
That answers was Y/N.
Y/N was quiet and introverted. The brothers met her when they were running away from the villain of the week only find a very scared human hunkering down in an alleyway, hugging a thick book against her chest.
Humans in New York? Normal. A human in the Hidden City? Not so much. Not impossible but not normal.
When the villain of the week inevitably caught up with the brothers, they had no choice but string along this obviously out of place human. After some smart thinking on Leo’s part, Mikey would argue with him about this because he was the one who apparently gave him the idea to lead the monstrous yokai towards the pirate bay for the pirates to deal with it in their anger when he destroyed their ship mast, they dealt with the villain and could deal with the human.
No surprise there Y/N wound up in the Hidden City accidentally and was immensely overwhelmed when they were suddenly surrounded by a myriad of mythical and magical beings. Obviously the brothers explained to her what was going on and that she was actually kind of safe as long as she just left most yokai in peace. They then helped her back to New York and since it was already daytime Raph called April to ask her if she could walk the very rattled Y/N back to her apartment.
Honestly Leo should have predicted that April took the chance to befriend the human since Y/N now knew that mutants, yokais and a hidden city beneath New York existed. He knew April had no qualms about having mostly non-human friends, but it must be still nice to have a friend with whom she can go out for food and doesn’t need to worry about their disguise, and should she get a call that one of the Hamatos needed her help with something, she didn’t need to come up with a lie. Most of the time anyways. Sometimes the brothers did stupid stuff she just didn’t want to bombard the timid Y/N with.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to come visit the Hamato household together with April now and again. It took some time and even convincing but she even begun visiting them all on her own. Her shyness usually stopped her from doing so.
This shyness was also the reason why Leo had basically a full bouquet of flowers hidden inside this old and forgotten geology book.
As they soon learned Y/N was shy but loved flowers. Whenever the brothers or April did something nice for her for example, she gifted them a flower. It took Donnie a moment but he soon realized that she gave them these flowers depending on their meaning. This way she could express things like trust and happiness and even her support while her voice failed due to her nerves.
Mikey immediately rolled with this using his culinary talents to do the same for her. When she felt down, he made food to soothe and calm her down. Often cooking her favorite dishes especially when she fought through her shyness and managed to do things like call the bank since there was a problem or something and needed her to call back.
Raph used his knitting abilities to make her things like mittens, hats and even sweaters for her to cuddle into. Combine this with his certified Big Brother Hugs™ that had the ability to melt any worries away he and Y/N could sometimes be found in the projector room watching a movie together while Raph silently taught Y/N how to knit while she sat securely against his chest.
Donnie was probably the person who could relate to her problems with other people the most. He immediately noticed when she was overwhelmed, dragged her to his lab, placed her in a corner that usually his brothers occupied hence why there was a beanbag, blankets and pillows and handed her one of his certified Genius Tech™ headphones while he returned to work on one of his projects. They might not actively interact with each other, but they still built a bond of trust. Both kind of became each other person they could just retreat to when people and socializing was too much, but they also didn’t want to be necessarily alone.
But Leo was struggling to really connect with Y/N. Don’t get him wrong the two were friends and hung out a lot but there wasn’t something the two did together. Not like his brothers and April with Y/N.
That was until he took a day to wander through the Hidden City alone to see what else there was to discover and he managed to find hidden inside a scary looking forest a beautiful patch of grass covered in all sorts of colorful and no doubt magical flowers. His mind immediately jumped to Y/N and how she no doubt would love this place.
He closed the book carefully, not wanting to destroy the carefully pressed gifts to place said book back on his shelf.
He didn’t know why he was so anxious to ask Y/N if she wanted to go into Hidden City with him. He was the face man! He once managed to fool a human chef even while poisoned and probably talking gibberish without a disguise! That’s how good he is!
Besides it’s flowers! Flowers she probably has never seen! He was sure she would love it!
Using this bout of confidence, that was definitely there since forever and actually he didn’t need to take advantage of a ‘bout of confidence’, that’s stupid, he grabbed his phone and clicked on her contact to text her.
“Chello~ Got some time? Wanna show you something cool!”
Should he add emojis? Like some flowers? Would that spoil the surprise? Would that be cheesy? A simple smirking emoji would be the correct choice. Wait, no, that kinda looks weird together with the message. Screw it. Send it as is.
It took a bit but Y/N responded, calming down his anxiety immediately.
The text immediately started with a happy emoji
“Yeah, I have time! Just finished studying! Need me to come down?”
Oh, right! She was studying for an upcoming exam since she was in university for botany.
“Nice!” This time a thumbs up seemed appropriate.
“Mind if I just teleport to you since it’s in the Hidden City and I want to teleport us there anyways. No need to walk all the way if I can just use my awesome skillz”
The answer this time was immediate from Y/N.
“Sure. You can portal here!”
That’s all he needed to grab one of his sword and slice through the air. A familiar blue circle appearing in front of him. Head empty, he walked in to come out inside Y/N’s bedroom. She was still sitting at her desk, hunched over phone. A pen in her mouth.
“On the phone while studying? Is that a good idea?” Leo joked, mostly to try to get her attention so she wouldn’t be spooked to suddenly see him.
She still tensed up with wide eyes, the pen falling on the floor as she turned around to spot the turtle in her room. The shock immediately was replaced with a fond smile.
“H-hi! Already here!”
Leo nodded, walking over to lean on her chair. Looking over her shoulder to scrutinize whatever she was working on. Okay there were a lot of words on a paper and hastily drawn graphs or something. Yeah, no, he checked out.
He still hummed approvingly as if he was looking over work and found it was all correct.
Y/N raised one of her eyebrows at this and huffed out an amused breath “Well, what did you want to show me?”
Leo pushed himself away from the chair and look Y/N over. Clothes? Check. Shoes? Nope. He frowned.
“We can’t go if you don’t wear shoes, Petal. Socks won’t do.”
Her face immediately burned up. He sometimes used that nickname solely to tease het with it since somehow this name seemed to break Y/N.exe every time. This has earned him a handful of times some pulls by his bandana tail by her. Almost if she wanted to pull on his ear or hair if he had any.
She grumbled embarrassed and wandered out the room only to reappear a minute later with her shoes on.
Leo clapped his hands together “Perfect! Let’s go!”
Once again he sliced through the air and opened another pulled. This time he didn’t mindlessly walk through the portal. No, this time he made sure to grab Y/N’s hand before mindlessly walking through the blue swirl. At this point he was really confident that his portals delivered him to the place he wants.
Bigger stretches of space could be a bit tricky if he couldn’t directly see the goal but he has been working on it.
Luckily, he didn’t embarrass himself this time by teleporting him and her to Spain or something.
With a soft thud he and Y/N arrived at the flower field. His portal hasn’t even fully disappeared into thin air he already heard Y/N excitedly gasp.
“Oh my god! Look at these flowers! They are so pretty! Oh my god!”
She was happily flapping her hands, turning around to Leo with huge glistening eyes and a faint blush across her cheeks. Her smile reached her eyes, crinkling the corners of her eyes. Leo hoped he wouldn’t forget that expression of her since it was so full of pure joy it elevated his own heart and made a happy grin appear on his face as well.
He nervously scratched the back of his neck “Yeah, I was kind of just walking around and found this. Thought you might enjoy this place.”
Y/N was clearly fighting to let proper words fumble through her joy but also shyness until she finally nodded “Enjoy? I love!”
She said it surprisingly softly with a slight wobble to her voice which somehow conveyed her happiness even more if she would have yelled it out.
Shakily she grabbed Leo’s hand that hung uselessly next to him and pulled him to the middle of the patch only to sit down on the soft ground. Her eyes scanned the whole place until they finally landed on the blue flowers close to her legs. Almost as if she was scared the flowers would break under her touch she soft traced the stem and then the petals.
To be fair they were in the Hidden City Leo wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly one of the flowers tried to eat them. Maybe this was a bad idea after all? But when he looked her happy expression, the small little moments where she couldn’t help herself but flap her hands due to happiness, he couldn’t help but decide that this was a risk worth taking. Besides he was here. He could deal with anything and protect her.
So here he was. Sitting next to Y/N while she inspected the flowers all around them. A, probably magical, sun shining down on them, bathing the two in warmth. It was calm, hell, it was peaceful.
“Hey, Y/N.” Leo tried to get her attention.
Y/N looked over at him and once again his heart seemed to twist at the beautiful expression of hers.
“You know I just realized. I don’t know how you make one of those flower crown things. Never had the chance to really try it out.” It was a random thought that jumped out to him but he couldn’t help to bring it up.
Weirdly enough Y/N looked almost sad for a moment before some determination jumped through “I’ll show you. It’s easier than you might realize.”
With that Leo turned properly towards Y/N. So that his whole body was now facing her and not just his face. She mirrored his behavior only to get up for a second and begin to gather an array of blue and white flowers. The petals of these flowers were big but thin. When Y/N dropped them in his lap he was sure they would have to be pretty heavy but these flowers were actually quite light.
With that Y/N softly begun showing and explaining to Leo how to make a flower crown. How to braid them all together. She often tripped over her own words, a wobble sometimes appearing when she misspoke or felt like she just made a mistake.
Leo made a point of complimenting her work or making some joke to alleviate her worries. It seemed to work as she continued working.
In the end the two had each a blue and white flower crown. Y/N’s looked naturally amazing while Leo was amazed that his seemed to somehow hold together. Hey as long as it’s not immediately falling apart! Seems like a win to him!
Y/N stared at her flower crown. Slowly turning it around. Leo was about to ask what was on her mind but she begun speaking on her own.
“Thank you. Th-Thank you for bringing me to this place.” He could see her tensing for a moment when she fumbled the word. “It really cheered me up. I think I needed it after being stuck at home studying for days. Thank you, L-Leo.”
A soft smile stretched across Leo’s face “Of course. When I saw this place, I immediately had to think of you. Figured you’d love it here.”
This made Y/N finally look up again with a new softness in her eyes he saw very rarely. His breath hitched as he finally saw this look from close up. Whatever this emotion was she was conveying with her eyes and poster, it filled him with a warm feeling.
With an uncertain smile and shaky hands she suddenly moved her flower crown and softly placed it on Leo’s head. She was so carefully moving as if he was a scared wild animal that would sprint off into the woods any second it made his heart squeeze.
He was a ninja that saved the world a couple times by now. Hell, he could probably snap her bones if he really wanted to due to the strength from his mutation. His strength didn’t come close to that of Raph but still, he was positive he still could. And yet, Y/N treated him as if he was fractured glass and she didn’t want to break him.
Heat rose to his neck and face. He couldn’t help but think if he was a human and had ears, would his ears also burn up? Just like Y/N’s right now. It was cute.
And as her hands slowly fell down. She had to stretched up to place the flower crown on his head since he was taller than her even while sitting. Y/N slowly moved back down to sit back down on the ground properly only to stop midway through. Her face right in front of his, determination burning in her eyes, contrasting her burning cheeks.
And with a slight grin she moved forward, placing a soft kiss on his snout only to fall back down on the soft ground.
It happened so fast Leo needed a moment to wrap his head around this action.
Eloquent Leonardo Hamato. Nicely said. Less is more as they say.
Y/N was at this point kneading her own hands, a nervous habit, but she was still smiling!
“Seriously. Thank you. Thi-This means a ton to me.”
Leo’s voice failed him. He opened his mouth but nothing came out, only a high pitched whine that he immediately strangled by snapping his mouth shut so fast and strong his teeth clicked together.
Almost as if he was a robot he moved his own shoddy flower crown towards Y/N and robotically placed it on her head. She had to move it a bit around, so it wasn’t tilted on her head.
“Yeah. No problem.” Leo finally managed to whisper. His voice sounded strangled. Almost as if he was talking right after Raph punched him accidentally really hard in his stomach during training.
Y/N’s embarrassed mind must have finally won over since she twirled around and laid down on the ground to look up “Le-Let’s just, uh, Let’s just enjoy the sun?”
He nodded and laid down next to her “Yeah. Let’s chill.”
And as they laid there, he made a point of not showing a strong reaction towards her hand slowly grasping his, scared she’d recoil and take her soft hand back.
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spongeaddict · 6 months
My SINCEREST apologies that I’ve been MIA, here are some headcanons to hopefully tide you over until I can get my GD crap together!
Fraphne engagement/wedding headcanons!
Fred proposes with a trap, of course
Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby are all in on the proposal
Fred doesn’t have a ring when he proposes because he was afraid of getting the wrong one (even though Daphne promised she’d love anything he picked out) 
Instead he tells her they’ll go ring shopping together, which delights her to no end
Daphne is anti-diamond, so she chooses something more unique, like an opal or a sapphire
While both Daphne and Fred would have been happy with a small wedding with just the gang and close family in attendance, both sets of their parents insist on throwing them a huge wedding
They can afford it after all
It’s definitely a spring wedding; sometime in late April or early May
Daphne’s wedding dress is practical but gorgeous; a classy ivory strapless mermaid style gown with a short train, if any
Her something old is a string of pearls that all the women in her family have worn an their wedding days
Her something new is her dress/veil
Her something borrowed is her mother’s best pearl earrings
Her something blue is the insoles of her shoes
She’s got two pairs of shoes by the way; heels for the ceremony, comfortable white sneakers for the reception
Fred doesn’t wear a tuxedo; instead he wears a classic dark gray suit
But instead of a tie, he wears his ascot
Shaggy’s the best man, Velma’s the maid of honor, Scooby is the ring bearer (but you knew that!)
The wedding is outdoors, somewhere like a winery; the tent for the reception is set up next to the vineyard
Daphne’s bouquet has lilacs, orchids, white roses, and plenty of greenery
Fred and Daphne don’t have a First Look; the first time Fred sees her on their wedding day is when she’s walking down the aisle
Daphne is worried about crying during the ceremony, but when the day arrives she’s so happy she just smiles the whole time
Fred, however, goes through the whole ceremony with tears of joy in his eyes 
So do Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby for that matter
Open bar at the reception because again; the Blake family can afford it
Fred and Daphne’s first dance is to something classic and romantic like “Something” by The Beatles or “At Last” by Etta James
In a move that surprises everyone, Velma gives a funny maid of honor speech, and Shaggy gives a serious best man speech 
Both speeches are perfect
There’s no bouquet toss because Daphne thinks it’s tacky
There’s also no garter toss because Fred thinks it’s weird
The biggest drama of the evening occurs when Scooby disappears halfway through the reception and no one can find him for an hour
It turns out he just ate so much food he passed out behind the DJ booth
The song that closes out the night is “Time of My Life” from Dirty Dancing
Fred and Daphne do the lift 😊 
They discussed for a long time about what to do about last names; whether Daphne should take Fred’s or keep her own
What they end up doing is both hyphenating
So their full names after they get married are Frederick Blake-Jones and Daphne Blake-Jones
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minty-the-witch · 26 days
Mental and Spiritual: Different Sides of the Same Coin
Howdy everyone! 
I’ve been MIA for a while because my life has just been absolutely crazy lately. I’ve bounced around from Airbnb and hotel with my family while our house is being repaired (from a house fire). I also changed jobs during this period. All this to say, my mental health has just been in the gutter as of late. 
I did some reflection, and I realized that part of my problem was that I was neglecting my spiritual side during all this chaos. I began by getting a new tarot deck from the local Barnes and Noble. Once I began doing readings again I immediately felt better, but I was still rusty when it came to the readings themselves. I was doing okay, not great nor terrible. 
Something I have always struggled with is balance. Balancing all aspects of my life has been a challenge. Sometimes I would go all in with my writing, and neglect other areas like my spiritual work. Other times I would hyperfocus on spiritual things and my “real life” would suffer. I still don’t know a very good solution, other than to keep trying. I started journaling, but it was hard for me to keep up with that too. I take my meds every day but sometimes it feels like that doesn’t help.
Obligatory I am not a professional, seek help if you feel you really need it. 
Spirituality has helped me so much, it’s hard for me to even explain. It makes me feel whole. Whenever I read a spiritual book, or meditate, or do tarot I find myself closer to peace. I believe that humans were never designed (or not evolved) to sit at a desk job all day or on your feet for 8+ hours at a tedious job. Whenever I’m at my fast food job, I don’t even feel like a person. My good friend has a job in her field (biotech) and even she is miserable working 9-5 every day. 
I feel like people have grown to cut out that spiritual side of themselves, for various reasons but for the purpose of this post I am going to blame late stage capitalism HAH! Our society does not put much stock into spiritual growth or health, or mental health for that matter. I think that both are absolutely vital. In my own experience, I think they go hand in hand. Two sides of the same coin. When my mental health is shit, my spiritual growth suffers. And visa versa. 
That is why I am making it a personal goal of mine to read more books and try to do one blog post a week. No idea what I will talk about, I don’t know that I have much to say - I’m definitely not an expert in the occult by any means. But I will give it a shot. 
What are some things to help rekindle the spiritual fire?
For me, my love is always tarot. I love helping people with readings as well as doing some for myself. It feels so magical to do. To feel that connection with the cards and the universe. I am not a tarot expert yet, but I feel the vibe of the cards to the best of my ability. By that extension, I would suggest doing something that helps someone else!
Another thing that helps me is a spiritual cleanse in the shower. I wash up with very strong intentions of washing away the dirty negative thoughts and energy. Then I will spend 5-10 minutes just standing or sitting under the water, meditating. I connect most with water (despite being an earth sign), this may not work for everyone. 
When I lived in a different neighborhood, there was a cute little forest park nearby. Whenever I was feeling negative I would go for a walk through the woods and just vibe out to the playlist of the day. I took in the energy of the forest around me. I grounded myself almost every time with this one specific tree that felt especially magical. (I even found little spirits there!) 
Something you can do almost anywhere is classic meditation. Although it's hard to do when you have company. My favorite meditative tool is the app Calm (I’ve also used Meditopia in the past). But there are free ones available too, like the app Moonly, and also if you have Spotify you can find good meditative tracks! It’s hard for me to clear my head, as I am an anxious person, but once I get in the groove of things it certainly helps. 
Speaking of groove, doing something you love that gets you in that flow state is always helpful for your mental and spiritual health! For me it's writing. Writing is a kind of magic itself, at least that is what my guides have always told me. The ancient Egyptians certainly believed so. 
The key with any of these things, is to have the intentions of rekindling your spiritual fire. If you just do these things without the aim of that connection, well it's just good for your mental health and there’s nothing wrong with that. Like I said before, I believe they go hand in hand. Having the proper intentions and confidence is half the battle in magic. 
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tiny-wren · 1 year
Quinn and Timm: An Analysis
*cracks knuckles*
Quinn x Timm is probably the most popular non-canon ship in the Papa Louie series. Even if you don't ship them, if you're in the fandom, you know about them. Drama, fluff, everything in-between, fanart, fanfics, these two have it all. Why is everyone bonkers bananas over these bitches? Because they are iconic. And I am here to talk about them, at length. Strap in. Please take this all with a grain of salt I like being unhinged about Papa's lore so /silly!!! Also I know I have mutuals who don't ship them romantically and that is okay LOL I just want to talk about their dynamic and drama regardless of shipping anyways.
1. When Pizzas Attack/Taco Mia!
Timm is one of the OG’s. We had to rescue his damsel-in-distress ass in Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack, and from then on he became a loyal and iconic customer. He exists.  Quinn is a character introduced in Taco Mia!. She's Tacodale's top lawyer, and she's cool as fuck. Taco Mia! is where we first see Quinn, Timm and Associates in the form of a lovely…disgustingly garish lime green billboard that sometimes appears at the beginning of each day in the game:
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Timm finally has a purpose! Good job, buddy. So, they’re partners. Law partners. They’re lawyers, and they own a law firm together. Note: Timm’s up there too, so he’s more or less equally as important as Quinn is. TLDR; They’re big fucking deals. What we can deduce from this is they’re made for each other. Okay, literally, lovey-dovey shit aside: Their names rhyme. They got the cute little double letter thing going on. Look at their peanut butter and jelly ass color scheme. Pretty solid symbolism for a food game. They go together.
2. Freezeria Freezeria is released a few months after Taco Mia. It’s iconic. It’s great. Also play Freezeria Deluxe it's out now. That’s pretty sweet. Anyways…
Hey, wait, where the fuck is Timm? Where is that lovable receding hairline bastard when you need him? Man. Come on. I wanted to make him a sundae. This sucks.
Oh, well, Quinn is here though... So, Timm is completely absent from the original Freezeria (along with a few other customers, but this isn’t about them). Apparently Timm was too busy getting his hair did or something.
IIRC there were explanations as to why they weren’t here, but I’m not even sure if it’s fanon or official, so…euhhh? "Alright, hey Flipline, you JUST got me acquainted with this duo, and now you take them away from me? " Well, get used to it, bitch. 3. Pancakeria/Flipdecks Holy SHIT Timm is back and WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT?? I think it’s around this time that Flipline starts making flipdecks, and great timing, because they better explain what the hell happened to this man.
Quinn and Timm’s flipdecks are made pretty close together, with Quinn’s being the 8th and Timm’s being the 10th. We're given their lore back-to-back, which is just #tragic. Anyway:
Quinn’s flipdeck:
"Quinn is one of the top lawyers in town, and offers legal representation for Papa Louie and his many franchises. Her law firm is now called “Just Quinn and Associates” after her longtime partner Timm abruptly left. Quinn only finds time once a week to dine out, and can be extra picky with her meals."
Timm’s flipdeck: "Timm has been a loyal customer of Papa Louie since the very beginning. Always keeping up with the times, Timm has been evolving his look throughout the years. He finally quit his job at "Quinn, Timm, and Associates" to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a world champion dancer." So they split up. Timm left his stinking dead end job with no warning and Quinn is (reasonably) pretty upset by this. Okay, admittedly, not much is divulged here, so we have to do a lot of reading between the lines.
Timm’s flipdeck is entirely self-centered. It doesn’t even really mention Quinn herself at all, just the law firm and how he was happy to get the fuck out of dodge.
Also, “finally”... How long has this man been sitting on this decision? Dude’s been in court like “god I hate it here” for god knows how long. He hated his job and wanted to do something else. Okay, fair enough, dude. Be free.
Quinn’s on the other hand…
Note how Timm is described as “her longtime partner”.
“Longtime partner”--how long did these two work together? I feel like this wording is pretty emotionally charged, not to mention that “partner” is a word with several meanings. I understand that they’re lawyers, but like…come on. It doesn’t help that Quinn treats this split like a messy breakup by renaming the law firm to “JUST Quinn and Associates” "Yep. Just me! All by myself! I’m gonna put it up on my big pretentious clock tower with big bold letters."
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Can you blame her, though? I mean, that was a massive dick move on Timm’s behalf. Even if you love Timm—and I do–he was...not the best here. And it’s clear by the wording of her flipdeck that Quinn didn’t know about it. SAD! So, when did they split up?
Most likely between the events of Taco Mia and Pancakeria. Considering that Timm was absent during Freezeria, we can safely assume that things were already over by then, considering he comes waltzing into the Pancakeria with his new look and all afterwards. 4. BAKERIA
It's 2016 and Timm's a chef! Wait. Okay. Timm is a chef now. Which is really funny when you think about it. He went from being a lawyer, possibly Papa’s lawyer since we know at least Quinn represents him, to being a “competitive dancer”, to…working for Papa for minimum wage.
So, Timm’s canonically a chef, which means…he has no choice but to interact with Quinn once a week. YOU WOULD THINK THAT SOMETHING WOULD COME OF THIS. AND NOTHING DOES. WHICH IS PROBABLY THE MOST FRUSTRATING SHIT EVER, SINCE WE ARE GOING ON A LITTLE OVER A DECADE LONG WITH THESE TWO. Longest slowburn ever am I right? Regardless of there being no canon evidence outside of gameplay mechanics, Timm and Quinn are interacting again. Nobody knows what this means, but I can tell you one thing: the ship was in it’s fucking renaissance and I personally was LIVING. 
Anyway, shipping aside, it would've been nice to see these two have...SOME sort of interaction, considering they were associated and all, and Quinn was hurt by his absence. But yeah, no, I guess not.
5. Mocharia
I've never played Mocharia and I probably never will, BUT WHAT I DO KNOW is that a bunch of the customers worked on the production of Mocharia Life. That's cute and all, but like... you know, I haven't seen anyone talk about this:
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OKAY OKAY LISTEN LISTEN look listen to me. look. OKAY. Probably didn't interact directly. But DUDE. THEY WORKED TOGETHER. THEY WORKED TOGETHER AGAIN. Foaming at the mouth I can't handle this. There is hope besties...
So, that's about it. I really wish that Flipline would give us some actual interaction between these two, and I don't really care what kind of interaction, just something. Given their history!!! I think they're interesting, and my brain is full of these two. I hope you enjoyed reading, and thank you if you got this far!! ^_^
mutuals who aren't in this fandom, thanks for putting up with this hellpost. love u
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My complete list of all fandom Agere HCs (very incomplete so far)
So essentially this is just a collection of every single character I HC as a little, caregiver or switch + a little summary about them :)
Fandoms Included: Marvel (and Agents of SHIELD), The hunger games, Friends, Descendants, New Girl, Marauders, Daisy Jones and the Six, Brooklyn Nine-nine, Barbie (2023), Possibly more to come…
Let me know which fandom you found this post whilst looking for and I’ll try to finish it as soon as I can!!
Natasha Romanoff: Nat regresses to around 3. Because of the red room she suppressed her regression for a long time and it was by accident that Clint found out - eventually Coulson, Maria and Fury found out too but it took years for her to be comfortable with her regression. Sweetest little ever though, super cheeky too. It’s kind of impossible for every caregiver in her life not to buy her every single toy they find, so she’s amassed a large collection. She really likes duplo, less the building more the smashing it down.
Wanda Maximoff: Caregiver… I think… honestly I’ve read both with her and haven’t minded either. I don’t particularly think of her as a switch though. At the end of the day I think caregiver just makes more sense for her. She likes to make sure the people she loves feel cared for. She cooks her littles all the best foods, her magic is very helpful for grabbing toys that drop under the couch and sometimes she projects pretty patterns on the roof for her little to watch.
Kate Bishop: Kate ‘Katie’ regresses to around 4. She’s quite comfortable with her regression but struggles letting other people know about it, especially Clint. She hid it from Clint at first because she thought he was so cool and was kinda embarrassed. However after one particularly bad mission she’s feeling super little and doesn’t know who to call so she calls Clint (I’ll do a whole other part on this if you guys want). She’s super fidgety and playful when she’s little, she thinks everything is funny and is almost always laughing. She has a toy bow and arrow (a present from Clint which Laura does not support).
Yelena Belova: Like Kate, Yelena regresses to around 4. Like Nat, she really struggles to be open about her regression but Kate helps her a lot with that. She’s a very talkative little, though a lot of it’s hard to make out. As far as caregivers for her go I’m on the fence, I think I’ll have a better idea after Thunderbolts comes out. I can only really see her being comfortable regressing around Nat (so that’s kind of out of the question…), Kate (they take it in turns to regress - I can’t explain how much their friendship means to me), or Melina and Alexei (but I struggle to believe she’d be comfortable being that vulnerable in-front of them after everything)
Maria Hill: Maria is a switch, Mia when she’s little (around 6). She hides her little side for AGES (most of my hcs for Mia are based off these fanfics I read a while ago, I don’t remember what they were called). She’s super independent, she loves playing with the other littles but sometimes gets a bit overwhelmed by how loud little Nat can get. She likes to build forts under Fury’s desk - he’s her primary caregiver. When she’s big she’s a great caregiver, she mainly watches Nat. She has a whole corner set up in her office for littles and a fridge filled with all the best snacks.
Bucky Barnes:
Steve Rogers:
Sam Wilson:
Agents of Shield:
Daisy Johnson: Daisy (Skye) is a little, she regresses to around 2-4. She’s a very cuddly little, always near her Mama and Dada (Coulson and May). When she first joined the team she tried to hide her regression but it lasted like a month before Coulson figured it out. She regresses most of the time after missions and it helps everyone wind down. She has this little worn old blanket that she can’t sleep without.
Jemma Simmons: Jemma regresses to around 4. She is the biggest rule follower you’ll ever meet - sometimes the others do things May and Coulson wouldn’t like and it scares her a lot, but sometimes she can be convinced to join in… She loves story time and refuses to go to sleep if she doesn’t get a story. She obviously loves all her siblings but thinks her big sister Bobbi is the coolest and most grown up girl in the world.
Leo Fitz: Fitz (though he goes by Leo when he’s little) regresses to 6, he’s the oldest of the three og bus kids and takes his role very seriously. Aka, he’s super bossy. He loves lego and has a million different sets, which all have to be completed properly, sometimes after the brain injury Coulson has to help him because his hands are too shaky and it upsets him. He also naturally has like a million stuffed monkey toys, his favourite is one with those Velcro hands (idk if you guys know what I’m talking about) he likes to stim by pulling the Velcro apart and putting it back together.
Bobbi Morse: Bobbi regresses to around 8-ish. She’s a very hyperactive little, she always wants to set up obstacle courses and play rough which would be fine except the other littles are all much younger than her and so not as interested in that kind of play, Daisy tries her best though. Mainly Mack plays with her. She’s a great big sister, always keeping an eye out for the little ones. She’s very emotional when she’s little, she also really loves dogs.
Phil Coulson: Coulson is the Caregiver equivalent of a Super Soldier. He just somehow always seems to know when they feel little and what they need. He’s always at the ready with some (captain America themed) little gear and a bottle of milk (if May asks it’s definitely not chocolate milk). As I’m writing this I’m watching AOS S2 EP5 34:28 and if you need any proof that Coulson is caregiver material just watch that scene.
Melinda May: May is as practiced and all knowing in being a caregiver as she is at everything else. She has this ability to make littles feel immediately at ease because she seems to always know what to do, they can just relax and fully let her take care of them. There is a gentler side of her which is only shown to her littles. She’s stricter than Coulson but always fair.
The Hunger Games:
Katniss Everdeen: You guys already know all about my little Katniss (I never shut up about her), but for the sake of this post you get more anyway: She regresses to around 5. She has a comfort pacifier, which she got from Madge Undersee and she keeps with her at all times. Haymitch is her primary caregiver but eventually she learns to let Effie take care of her too. She’s the biggest sucker for physical affection - always on someone’s lap, cuddling, holding their hand - anything tactile helps soothe her. She tends to gravitate towards Peeta if he’s not regressed for comfort, and if he is she’s very protective of him.
Peeta Mellark: Regresses to around 3, his caregivers are primarily Finnick, Annie and Effie. He loves his big sisters (Kat and Jo) so much and is always following them around. Very affectionate, always cuddled up to someone. He regresses more after the hijacking.
Finnick Odair: Finnick is like the coolest dad ever. He’s really strong so he can carry the littles (even Peeta) which they adore. He’s always down for one more bed time story, a spontaneous treehouse building project or the fanciest tea party the littles could ever imagine. He loves taking them out to the beach in the morning (in my head they all end up moving to district 4 to be together) and he teaches Peeta to swim.
Annie Cresta: Annie adores her babies more than anything else. She’s quiet, but observant and very caring. She always knows what they need. She can recognise the slightest shift in mood and knows what to do. Johanna’s upset? Annie knows she’ll be in the treehouse. Peeta’s upset? He’s probably been having nightmares and needs a bottle and a nap. She knows Johanna needs a nightlight on but will never admit it, Peeta’s still a little bit scared of the water, Katniss (whilst not Annie’s little, they are still very close) needs physical contact to calm down. She is always there for them no matter what.
Johanna Mason: Jo regresses to around 7, her cgs are Annie and Finnick. She’s very strong headed and likes to boss Katniss and Peeta around - this causes a few issues for Katniss. Finnick helped her build a treehouse and she goes up there whenever she’s upset. She loves wearing overalls and they look soo cute on her.
Haymitch Abernathy: Haymitch tries his damn best. He loves Katniss, he knows he needs and wants to take care of her, but he often feels out of his depth. Really all that matters to him is that his little girl is happy and my gosh does he make sure of it. No one understands Katniss and Haymitch as much as they do each other. They are inseparable. Little Katniss thinks all of Haymitch’s dad jokes are funny, he thinks she’s the smartest little kid ever. He acts all tough but he hangs all her drawing on the fridge and he learnt to braid hair just for her!!
Effie Trinket: Effie loves enabling the kids. Like they’ve been through so much why should she say no if Peeta and Katniss want to eat ice cream for breakfast?! She tries and fails to convince Katniss to let her out bows in her hair but very quickly learns that Peeta likes them much more. She buys pretty much every stuffie she thinks the littles will like (Johanna included though Jo swears she doesn’t need little kid toys) and eventually she learns to sew so she can make them little clothes and stuffies herself.
Rachel Green:
Chandler Bing:
Mal Bertha:
Evie Grimhilde:
Carlos De vil:
Ben Florian:
New girl:
Jessica Day:
Remus Lupin:
Sirius Black:
James Potter:
Lily Evans:
Marlene McKinnon:
Daisy Jones and the Six:
Daisy Jones: Daisy regresses anywhere from 3-5. Simone is the first to know about her regression, she figures it out shortly after they move in together. Karen is the first to find out in the band (when she gets Daisy out of jail), then Billy (while they are recording the album), then Rod (at the start of the tour) and everyone else finds out after Nicky leaves. Daisy LOVES colouring books and doodling and just pretty much anything creative. She hates wearing shoes and is very picky with her food. She’s amassed a gigantic collection of stuffies but her favourite by far is this little bunny that Simone got for her. She’s really shy at first but once she trusts someone she’s really clingy and talkative.
Karen Sirko: Karen never wanted kids but she is completely dedicated to taking care of Daisy. She loves that girl more than anything. Shes really good at understanding when Daisy needs quiet time with just her to process and calm down (a sippy cup, cartoons and a colouring book) and when she needs something stimulating to do to keep her mind occupied (usually this includes letting her go outside and just run because despite how little she sleeps that girl has so much energy). No matter how Daisy is feeling Karen is always there with exactly what she needs.
Billy Dunne: At first Billy didn’t fully understand Daisy’s regression. But once he got it he was completely understanding. No matter if he’s on good or bad terms with big Daisy he can always put it aside for the sake of baby Daisy. When she regresses in the studio he likes to write and play little lullabies and kid songs for her which she adores. More often than not the rest of the band will leave them to write for the album and return to Billy singing and playing a song he’s come up with on the spot while Daisy jumps around sings along with him.
Camila Dunne: Camilla is a natural born caregiver. She knows Daisy is a little from that first night they meet. She doesn’t say anything at first because she really doesn’t know Daisy that well at all but she does bring it up to Karen who later confirms her suspicions. She’s very gentle and understanding with Daisy. Talking to her calmly when she’s overwhelmed, taking her side when she’s upset because of a fight big Daisy had with Billy.
Simone Jackson: Simone is the first person to figure out about Daisy’s regression and she’s the first person to ever make her feel validated and understanding of herself. She does everything she can to help Daisy become more accepting of herself. She buys her colouring books and pyjamas with kids cartoons on them and every time they are shopping and she sees Daisy eyeing a stuffie it goes straight in the cart. She worries about Daisy all the time and is constantly on damage control to make sure she takes care of herself. When she moves away she makes sure to call Daisy consistently both when she is big and little because she’s worried Daisy will get lonely.
Brooklyn nine-nine:
Jake Peralta:
Amy Santiago:
Captain Holt:
Dance Academy:
Tara: Tara regresses to around 4. She’s very clingy but also just damn adorable. She has a little lamb stuffie which she brings everywhere like she even keeps it in her dance bag when she has class. And again, very clingy to both Kat and Sammy. But that also means she adores them. Yknow (you probably don’t I doubt anyone who’s seen the show will see this) the scene at the end of s1 where her Clara dress goes missing and they ask what she needs and she only wants cat? Literally the most regressor coded moment ever.
Kat: Kat never would’ve expected she’d be able to take care of a little. In fact most times she rarely knows what she’s doing at all. But then she reminds herself it’s just Tara, and she loves T, so really, it’s not that hard. And truthfully she’s amazing at it. She always knows what she needs and how to calm her down.
Sammy: Sammy is more of an older brother to Tara. He spoke her rotten. Tara’s always quite uptight when she’s big and struggles to relax, even when she’s little. It’s sort of Sammy’s life goal to help her actually have some fun from time to time.
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oneofthemillionarmy · 2 years
Peppermint Bark | Mafia!Namjoon
Summary line: Candy cane sequel - The damned candy cane is moving and she’s causing a ruckus. On purpose.
(BTW: I had a big fan of the first story, wang-banana, but she’s deactivated now. If anyone who comes across this knows her, please let her know, there’s a sequel!)
Now, your neighbor was always impossibly unreasonable, but that doesn’t mean you had to be a jerk too. You hate the idea that he might take it the wrong way and think that you’ve stepped aside out of fear. You’re doing it out of respect of another human being. And that is all. That. Is. All.
That guy downstairs looks like he’s MIA again. Like you said, he wasn’t home frequent enough for you to even worry about making noise. Honestly, if he has such a problem with it, why isn’t he moving into his own home where he doesn’t have to worry about neighboring walls?
But it no longer matters to you. You get to sing and dance as usual for a good couple of weeks and found a place better than where you are now.
Okay. Now, you can be a bit petty. It’s perfect, because he just so happens to be home this week.
Lately, every time Namjoon steps into his home, it feels foreign to him. Before you pointed it out, he never noticed that he’s away from home so often. His place feels like a staged home or a hotel more than a sanctuary of private space. Actually, a lot of minimalist-styled homes are very similar, but at least have a picture frame, an artwork; He might even settle for a plant at this point.
Well, maybe not a plant. If it’s fake, it’s missing the point of him trying not to have his home so staged. If it’s real, he’ll just abandon it and see it dead the next time he sees it and remind him how little he comes home.
But rather than coming back reminds him of home, coming back reminds him of you. His ears are actually quite sensitive. You can wear socks, have a rug, carpet your floor, whatever, but the truth is, he can still hear you. The little thump-thump across his ceiling brings a twitch of a smile to his face before he remembers you’re not supposed to make any noise at all. But it lets him know that you’re close.
You were not a creature of habit like he is. This apartment he’s in is just shelter for him. Come home at 7, take a bath and order food to be delivered. Eat at 8:15. Finish dinner by 8:30 and then watch the news until 10.
But you don’t have a pattern. It’s like you always forget something while you’re in the middle of whatever, and you just abandon everything you were doing to do what you just thought of. Going back and forth, stopping dead in the middle of whatever room you were in, and then go back. If you were one of his boys, you’d be done. He needs deliberate people.
But he’s not as bothered about it with you. If anything, it’s cute when you do it. He’s not the type to lie to himself. He’s attracted to you. He’s been since he’s first met you. But he’s only met you once. If you were someone on the streets, he will just consider it as a one-off.
But because of your proximity and your incessant thump-thumps, you wander into his mind about how he can come up with reasons to see you again. But he knows he can’t. He’s not in the kind of occupation that makes it easy for him to have a relationship. Even if he’s not asking you out, constantly seeing you could make you a target at any time. Maybe he could, sometimes you’re protected and off limits even more so. But that’s not on him. That’s on you. And by his experience, the people he likes don’t choose a relationship with him. It is what it is.
You sleep later than him, so your thumping around your bedroom is his sleep music.
Your thumping is also his wake up call. And screeching. And clanging. And all sorts of ungodly noises at an ungodly hour for a Saturday.
Screw how much he’s attracted to you, you’re doing this on purpose.
He growls as he throws his covers back. You might be the only person who will ever see him in a hoodie and sweatpants.
He stomps on up to your floor and is surprised when he sees multiple people walking in and out of your apartment talking and laughing. If he wasn’t so focused on the fact that all sorts of cacaphony coming from the movement above him, he might have recognized you making conversation with someone earlier. One particular tall, muscular, handsome man. Towering so closely over you, too intimate for friends or aquaintances. Okay, now he notices.
“Oh look, it’s the grinch!” He takes his eyes off of the man to see you smirking at him from your doorway, “What do I owe the pleasure?”
“It’s 7am on a Saturday morning.” You should know what that implies, seeing as by one encounter, he’s under the impression that you’re smart. And you are. But you both know this is spite.
“Ah, would it be okay if we did this later then? 7:30?”
“It would be nice if this didn’t happen at all.”
“Oh, I think you’ll want this. I’m moving.”
“Oh?” He notices the slight pang in the center of his chest, realizing that she will no longer be living above him. Bitterness is in the back of his throat when he realizes that this is all his doing.
He wants to ask where she’s going, but it really shouldn’t be his concern; besides, if he knows, he’ll feel inclined to keep her in his mind. If she says she’s moving to Daegu, he’ll always think of her if he takes a trip out there.
He doesn’t know whether or not he truly wants to ask, but lucky for him, she tells him out of spite.
“Yeah, I’m moving up to the penthouse at the top.” You declared.
“You’re psycho!”
“Yeah. Probably.” You grin mischievously. He’s should be annoyed right now; on the one hand, letting you move out faster would give him peace. On the other hand, having you wait to move because he wants more sleep could also give you peace.
But the real issue is that he’s been wanting that penthouse for a long time now. How dare the landlord not inform him first when the penthouse became vacant; he has it in his contract that the landlord would inform him first and give him 10 days to apply and get the place. And now you’re moving up there. Not only are you moving away from his proximity, you’re moving to where he wants to be himself.
“Damn landlord.” Namjoon turns around and mutters under his breath. He turns to look over your shoulder to see many boxes have already been packed up and there’s not much left.
“No, that penthouse is mine.”
“Excuse me?” You crossed your arms and looked at him incredulously. He can’t be serious. Even in your last two days of being in this unit, he still finds a way to be unreasonable.
“Uh, I don’t know who you are but -” the man next to you begins to speak but Namjoon cuts him off.
“Shut up. I don’t know you and I’m talking to y/n.” The man next to you looks at you, attempting to communicate silently, Is this guy serious? Do you need me to take care of him?
You shake your head at him and gestures with your head to have him continue moving the boxes.
“Don’t worry, I got this.” The man stares down Namjoon one more time before going back into your apartment.
“You’ve got to be kidding. I signed the contract. Over half of my things are already moved in.”
“Yes, but our landlord had an agreement way before you even moved into this building.”
“Yeah, but your 10 days are up from last week.” Namjoon widened his eyes.
“Yeah, the landlord told me. We bonded over your unreasonable demands; he actually invited me over for tea to talk about it.” You lifted your chin and grinned smugly.
“Ok, keep smiling now, but I’ll get that penthouse. There are definitely ways to make him nullify your contract.”
“Ooo, your gun again? Shocking!” He steps closer to you and growls lowly. You crossed your arms again, mostly to provide a barrier between both you.
Namjoon takes a quick glance behind you to see if there’s anyone in the apartment that will see you two, and that also distracts you for a second. In the next one, he grabs your arm and pull you to the side and puts you against the wall with one arm pushing against your neck. It’s a wonder no one heard it, but this is his profession.
“What the fuck?!” You whisper-scream. You’re sure whatever he does is illegal but this is not the time for people to come out and start questioning why his first response is always violent.
“That penthouse is mine. I need it, and you’re going to have to move your stuff back.”
“You never really let anyone play in the sandbox with you when you were a kid, did you?” You heard another growl from him but this time, you felt a little shiver on your back. You hope he doesn’t realize it but his smirk tells you otherwise.
You sigh and grab his elbow and push it up and to the side; it makes him lose his grip on you and you sidestep away from him. Every time.
“What did I say the first time we met?”
“’Merry Christmas, Mr. Grinch’?” Now it’s Namjoon’s time to grin cheekily. You glare at him, “You don’t touch me.”
“Look, I --” He paused as he realized, he was about to address you by your name, but you two never exchanged names.
“I’m sorry, what was your name again?” You roll your eyes and scoff at him. Walking around him, you head back to into your apartment.
“What? We never formally introduced each other.” His words put a halt to your steps as you finally came to that same realization and you look at him, “Riiiight.”
And then you continue moving forward.
“Wait. What is your name?” You scoff again, turning back to him, “No. You don’t need to know my name. I’m leaving your proximity and you are almost never here. You don’t need my name anymore.”
And with that, the sunlight from your living room disappears from the hallway and he’s left empty.
“Thanks for all your help, Soobin.” You gratefully expressed as you two stepped into the elevator. 
“No problem. It was my pleasure. It’s good to be done quicker with moving and stuff. It’s less stressful now.”
“Yeah. Without any help, it might have taken me two months to finish everything.”
“You know,” He begins speaking in a tone that you know that something is up, “All this work has worked up an appetite. I could really go for eating something.”
“Really? It’s 10pm.”
“Then how about some late night dessert? I love sweets.” He helped you out with packing up and moving out so quick, it’s the least you can do.
“Sure. My treat.” The elevator doors open to the parking garage.
“Oh don’t worry, it’s always been your treat in my mind.” Soobin winks and the two of you laugh on your way to his car.
“Fine. Where do you want to go?”
“Sure. I’ll meet you there.” You stop right in front of his car as he heads for the driver’s side.
“Why don’t you just come with me? I’ll drop you off after.”
“No, don’t worry. I have something that I have to take care of first.”
“I can just wait for you.”
“No, don’t worry. It won’t take long. I’ll meet you there.” Soobin shrugs and waves to you as he gets into the car, “Okay, see you there!”
“Bye!” You wave him off. Once his car disappears from your line of sight and his red lights have disappeared from the walls, you spin around.
“Hello?” You call out into the seemingly empty parking garage.
“How the hell did you know someone was here?” Namjoon comes out from his car and closes it.
“I don’t know. It’s like ever since you’ve put your hands on me twice, I can’t help but have this internal alarm whenever you’re around now.” You throw your hands up in the air.
“I’m sorry. You probably said that sarcastically, but because of our past exchanges, that may actually be real for you. I should have never put my hands on you with intent of violence. Or, technically, never should have put my hands on you period.”
“That’s better.”
It’s silent for a little while between the two of you.
“Look, I’m sure you’re really happy to have that penthouse, and if it were any other circumstance, I would’ve been fine. But I need that penthouse.”
You cross your arms, gearing up for a new unreasonable conversation.
“Really? Is there a good reason why?”
As the words leave your lips, Namjoon nearly breaks his own neck, turning towards screeching noises coming from the entrance of the parking lot.
He runs quickly towards you and grabs your hand, pulling you back to his car as fast as he can.
“Hey! What did we just sa --”
“Get in. Now!” He didn’t have time to pull you to the other side into the passenger seat and practically throws you in to the back seat.
He gets in to the drivers side and immediately peels his car out of the parking spot. He looks into the rear view mirror to see the car he’s expecting all along just turn the corner to the same lane as he’s driving out of.
“I can’t fucking believe you. What the hell, man?” You sit up from the back seat and poke your head out to his side, over the middle console.
“Sit back! Head down, Candy Cane.” Candy cane?
You turn around to see the car that he’s trying to get away from and immediately lay down as flat as you can across the width of the back seats.
Namjoon has already driven out of the garage and takes the left. He presses one button on his wheel and the car begins connect his call.
“Taehyung! Why the fuck is Indominus chasing us?!” Namjoon growls visciously into the car’s microphone.
“Sir?! What happened?” A voice that you now connect to a name is trembling. You hear a lot of rummaging from the background.
“Who’s ‘us’?”
“Taehyung! I’m not repeating myself!”
“Shit. Okay. We took care of them before you got home...We, may have missed one. Everyone’s on their way now. Yoongi’s going to send you where the extraction point is and we’ll take care of everything from there. ETA: 6 minutes.”
“You better make that three.” With that, Namjoon hangs up. He hears you sighing from the back seat. All you can do right now is fold your hands together and lay it on your stomach.
“Hey Soobin, sorry I can’t make it to dessert. I got held up in a crossfire of illegal activity and I think I’m not going to make it for bingsoo. Enjoy your night!” You mumble under your breath in fake cheerfulness.
“Please tell me your not calling or texting anyone.” Namjoon mindlessly drums his thumbs over the top of the wheels, attempting this weak form of conversation.
“Of course not! I don’t know who anyone is right now, but there’s no reason to add on a potential tracking signal.” You put one of your hands up to your forehead.
“...You’re very calm for someone who’s in this situation right now.” Namjoon gets a notification from his touchscreen and he clicks on it, revealing his team’s extraction map pin. You say nothing.
Shots get fired at Namjoon’s car and you immediately cover your head, still laying down. Clearly he’s prepared for this, because the bullets barely make a dent on the body of the car and the back window doesn’t have a scratch.
“Shit!” Namjoon attempts to stretch his hand over to his glove compartment. You lift your head up to see his actions. His gun has slid to the other side of the compartment, which makes it out of his reach.
You groan loudly and wildly for a moment, which takes Namjoon by surprise. And even more surprise when he feels you move him out of your way, sit in the passenger seat and grab the gun. You quickly slide out the magazine to check the number of bullets, put it back in, unlock the safety, and cock it back to ensure a bullet is in the chamber.
You wait until the car behind you have stopped shooting and you quickly roll down the window on your side and turn around to shoot at their tires. They were quick to adjust because they did a controlled zig-zag on the road.
“Shit.” You bring the window back up and you take out the magazine, “Do you have another round?”
He widens his eyes at all the actions he just witnessed and slowly grabs another mag from his side door. You grab it from him and load it back into the gun.
“What the fuck? Who are you?!” You ignore his bellowing and attempt shooting at the tires. At the fifth bullet, you successfully hit one of the tires. It swerves and slows down to the side of the road.
You exhale loudly, trying to catch your breath, as you sit back into the passenger seat. You do your best to ignore Namjoon constantly looking back at you.
“Okay, seriously though, what the fuck?” You finally roll your head around to look back at him. He almost didn’t take his eyes of you as he waited for an answer.
“Let’s just say, I’ve been in something like this before and I’ve learned from my mistakes.” And you left it at that. The rest of the car ride was short but it felt like forever with the silence you both shared. You clearly weren’t going to say anything else.
He slows down to the extraction point, and his display changes with a soft voice saying, “You have arrived to your destination.”
You two immediately get out of the car, just in time for his team of 6 to grab you two.
“Who is this?” Hoseok asks Namjoon as the team escorts you two to a different car.
“Where are those bastards?”
Namjoon gets to the van first and looks back at you, trailing in the back with Hoseok grabbing onto your elbow.
“No questions.” He let out an exasperated sigh. His mind has been running wild since you climbed to the passenger seat. You didn’t seem willing to answer any more of his questions, let alone his team.
“Are you okay?” Hoseok quietly asks you as Namjoon gets into the back. Jungkook heads to Namjoon’s car; he’ll have to take it to a garage and recycle the car back into their storage. The other men go back to their cars and Jimin gets into the driver’s seat of the van,
“Yeah...I just want to go home.” Hoseok nods, “We’ll take you back safely, don’t worry. Where do you live?”
“I...am your boss’ neighbor.” Hoseok’s memory clicks in remembrance of a certain annoying neighbr of Namjoon’s, who surprisingly let her live. If you were any other neighbor, then he’s extremely Hoseok grins so widely as this may be the most interesting and entertaining thing he’s ever witnessed about his boss. He nods and leads you into the van, next to Namjoon.
“Bye!” His team bids you farewell enthusiastically. Hoseok texted the rest of the group to share the interesting connection you have to their boss. The entire ride home, Hoseok and Jimin attempt to have a decent conversation with you and learn more about you than Namjoon ever did in his two encounters. Namjoon stayed quiet and kept looking out the window the whole ride.
You and Namjoon walk into the building, you waving back to his team and Namjoon just heading towards the elevator.
You finally take out your cellphone, now that you’re technically back in your organic environment and see 5 missed calls, 2 voicemails, and 8 texts from Soobin.
- I thought you were in trouble!
- I tried coming back to your place, but the security is really top notch here. They won’t let anyone back in without a tenant profile or a name on the visitor’s list.
Maybe that’s why the Grinch chose this place, for it’s security. But how could the other car come into the parking garage? Perhaps it’s not so safe afterall.
- Don’t worry, you text back, I’m fine. I just got caught up in unpacking something and it just spiraled into a whole thing. I’m fine. I’m going to go to sleep now though. I just went through a whole thing.
He immediately texts back.
- Okay. I’m coming over tomorrow to check in on you. Please put me on the visitor’s list?
- Lol okay. Goodnight.
Ding! The elevator opened and you two step into the elevator. Namjoon presses the top floor first and lets you head up.
At floor 8, he finally says something.
“Look. I don’t know your name, what you do, what happened to you before, or how you know how to do the things you did tonight. But I am sorry I got you in this mess. I will move out. I can have my men install a top notch security program that was built by Yoongi. If you want, I can even find you a whole new penthouse and pull some strings to move you there and set up the security. Whatever happened to you before, I’m almost certain that it was not a good experience, so I’m sorry you may have re-lived it.”
Wow, that’s so many ‘sorry’’s in one night coming from some guy like him. You peek a glance over at him.
“...Why did you call me Candy Cane?” Namjoon had the strongest urge to shift out of embarrassment and surprise, but he stood firm. He did sigh however. How is it only floor 25?
“The moment you opened the door. That’s what you looked like to me. A beautiful candy cane.” Your cheeks flush red, and that’s not an easy reaction to get out of you.
“Thank you.” Namjoon just grunts.
Level 30.
“I work in tech, so I’ll find a way to build my own security system. Although, now I so many changes to my current program now that I know the bigger risks...I will take you up on your offer, but I’m don’t want a new penthouse. I’m going to put it in my back pocket as an IOU.”
Ding! Level 59.
You step out of the elevators.
“Thank you for apologizing. I know that couldn’t have been easy for you,” you continue to mutter under your breath, “even though you shouldn’t have such a hard time with it in the first place.”
“Yeah, I’m working on it.” He heard you.
You look back at him. He truly looks embarassed and disappointed with himself.
Before the doors close, you hold it back and it opens back up.
“Hey, thanks for doing your best at protecting me.”
“It felt more like you were protecting me.”
“And what’s wrong with that? You have so many peope protecting you all the time. I’m just one of the few.”
“Not to me, Candy Cane.” You smile at him for real for the first time since you opened the door to him, not recognizing the can of worms you’d open.
“My name is Y/N...but I like kind of like Candy Cane.” Namjoon finally smiles at you for real for the first time at all.
“But now, I like your name, Y/N.” You let out a smirk.
“What’s yours?”
The elevator doors cry out an annoying beeping noise to remind you two that the doors have been open for too long.
You pull Namjoon’s sleeve and take him out of the elevator. He didn’t expect it and he slammed right into you, him wrapping his arms around your waist and your hands over his arms. He looks down at you and gives you such a gentle smile, you’re caught a little off guard. He gives you a little squeeze and makes you look up to him.
“A little rough there, Candy Cane.”
You giggle, “I should give you a nickname.”
“I thought it was Mr. Grinch.”
“I mean, if you really want to keep that. I’m giving you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to change it.”
“Okay. I want to be Handsome Man.”
“Ooo,” you wince, “Someone’s already taken that nickname.”
It almost stuns him for a second, but you start laughing, “We’ll keep thinking. Right now we have Mr. Grinch and Handsome Man in the running.”
“Mmm, Handsome Man is sooo good though.” He leans in just a bit and you can feel his breath on your cheek.
“We should really get some sleep, Namjoon.” He took the hint and loosened his grip on you, but not completely.
“Sure thing, Candy Cane. Sweet dreams.” His grip on you didn’t loosen the same way yours didn’t on him.
“Will you tell me what happened to you before?” Your smile begins to falter as you slowly let go of his arms. He took the signal and slowly unwrapped his arms around your waist.
“I haven’t really told anyone, and I’m nowhere near telling anyone. You already know more than anyone in my life right now just by what I said earlier tonight.” Namjoon felt stunned and a little mad at himself. Even if he didn’t know what you’ve gone through, he brought an innocent person into his mess, and he likes you too. Now that he knows that you’ve gone through something you find unspeakable, any thoughts he had 
He slowly takes a step back, “Once again, I’m sorry.” He pushes his hand backwards to press the elevator button. Ding!
As he steps into the elevator, you call out to him, “Namjoon!” He holds the door open button.
“You want to bring your boys by some time? I can make you guys a thank you dinner and we can test out if Yoongi’s security system or my security system works better...” Your words are met by an agreeable grunt.
“And I don’t want you to move out. But we should probably inspect closer to why the parking garage let them in with our building’s security. If any or either of us continue living here, this building has to be be the best at security.”
Namjoon’s ears perked up when he heard that you don’t want him to move out, “Really? You’re okay with me sticking around?”
“Yeah sure. The best way to test a security system is to have a huge target worth breaking in.” You smirk.
“Wow, you know I’m pretty important in my circle you know? And you’re just keeping me around like bait?”
You shrug, “It’s time you find out that this world is a lot bigger than your circle.”
Amused, he smirks, “Good night, Candy Cane.”
“Good night, Handsome Man.” You cross your arms and tilt your head a little to keep eye contact with him until the door closes until you turn around and head into your bedroom.
As Namjoon leans back and tilts his head to the wall, he’s learned a few more things about you.
One, your name is Y/N.
Two, You’re a badass that can take anything he dishes out, regardless of your experience that he’s so curious about.
Three, despite that, if he can ever get a chance with you, and you both want it, this is real and he has to protect you above all else.
And that is the story of how Namjoon, a mafia boss, lost his penthouse.
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nudystar · 1 year
♡ ⸺ mia x gojo; aka tall, bastard bf + sleepy, clingy gf
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₊˚⊹♡ arguments happen A LOT. actually, it’s just gojo trying to find any and everything to annoy mia cause he lovessss seeing her annoyed. don’t ask why. but there are times where his pride gets in the way and mia just ends up not talking to him cause he’s being too stubborn
₊˚⊹♡ gojo knows mia cannot cook for the life of her and is always tired so he usually orders food or preps a quick meal for the two of them. is he the best at cooking ? definitely not ! but he tries
₊˚⊹♡ small text messages are sent to each other and it jumps from one conversation to another. one minute mia is asking to get them a dog to gojo explaining how much he hates his boss
₊˚⊹♡ whenever mia doesn’t feel like catching on her studies, gojo gives a two hour long lecture on how the fate of the world is in her hand. if she doesn’t study, millions will suffer…illness rises…blah blah blah. she starts studying just to shut him up
₊˚⊹♡ if gojo isn’t too busy, he helps mia with her medical studies and be her anatomy model. his height is perfect for her and this ends up with him being plastered in sticky notes of each body part. also, gojo rewards her with praise when she does good on her exams. he loves seeing her beaming smile when she comes home after an exam or when she’s screaming through text to show him her grade
₊˚⊹♡ long longggg phone calls whenever one of them isn’t at home for a period amount of time. usually starts with a simple conversation like how the day is going or how much they miss each other but then it flows into either a deeper conversation or jumps from subject to subject
₊˚⊹♡ mia is usually a homebody and that’s one of the things gojo loves about her. but also he usually tries to get her out of the house every once in a while. she usually says no and says she would rather sleep for the day. sometimes gojo will take the no and sleep along with her and other times he’ll convince bribe her just to go
₊˚⊹♡ two idiots loudly singing screaming music at 2 am. they literally have a playlist set for late night concerts with just the two of them. don’t let the songs be those duet songs either cause they gonna act tf OUT of that song. like the song all eyes on you by meek mill? oh they are eating that UPPPPPP. mia is going hard on nicki while gojo is hyping her up rapping meek’s
₊˚⊹♡ KISSES GALOREEEEE <3. they’re both very clingy and affectionate towards each other, touch starved ass mfs. literally from sun up to sun down, a kiss is given every hour. a good morning kiss, an “I love you kiss” kiss, “I hope you have a good day” kiss, “you’re so beautiful/handsome” kiss, every reason under the sun to give each a kiss. literally they’re always late to something cause of this. please get a grip and let each other breathe, I BEG
₊˚⊹♡ they’re always debating on who gives the most kisses in a day. they both know it’s mia but she refuses to be wrong, especially with gojo !
₊˚⊹♡ any complaint mia has, gojo fixes IMMEDIATELY. well, majority of the time. sometimes he’ll tease her about it until she’s pouting or look annoyed, THEN he’ll fix it ;p
₊˚⊹♡ gojo usually copies mia’s texting style just to playfully annoy her and sometimes copies her slang. literally give him 2 days and you would think he’s just mia 2.0 💀
₊˚⊹♡ if mia isn't sleeping or vibing out to some music, she is usually found either laying on gojo’s chest and watching something on her iPad. majority of the time he’ll watch whatever mia is watching and joins in on the commentary. weirdly though, they both have the same reaction to everything
₊˚⊹♡ mia buys gojo little trinkets to keep with him on his missions. they’re usually something that he loves, like a logo from his favorite tv show or a photocard of them. also included with those small keychain plushie that he puts on his keys, with mia’s signature on the bottom
₊˚⊹♡ when gojo is out on missions, mia goes shopping and buys him something as a surprise gift for when he comes back <3
₊˚⊹♡ they have hella family pictures together, and when I mean family pictures I mean them, megumi, tsumiki, and their rabbit. they have a beige colored rabbit named penelope that gojo gifted her on her birthday <3. they have pictures hanged up of christmas, gojo’s birthday, the kid’s birthday, summertime, vacation spots. it’s so many and they’re always coordinated in the most beautiful colors
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗇𝗎𝖽𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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I was tagged by @enchantedchocolatebars to do this little OC questionnaire thingy so let’s go!
do they have allergies?
Nope, Persephone is a goddess so she doesn’t get sick or have allergies or anything like that. There are things that may not agree with her, like in the Driving Test episode of Hercules the Animated Series Hades mentioned that nectar and ambrosia give him gas (I believe in an earlier episode he drank a glass of “nectar flambé” and burped a huge flame lol, so I guess it’s true). I like to think that maybe Persephone is lactose intolerant (because I’m actually lactose intolerant despite my love of dairy lmaooo and Persephone is a self insert OC), so when she eats a lot of ice cream (she loves ice cream btw lol) or cheese she gets a belly ache or gets gas like Hades lmao, but yeah lol. No allergies.
what foods will they not touch?
In a somewhat recent ask someone asked Persephone about what vegetables she likes to eat, so I guess to answer that I’d say most vegetables lmao.
what kinds of music do they like?
I’d say (in the modern age of course lol) that Persephone’s very into pop music and music from the 70s and 80s. Her favorite artists would be Sofia, Madonna, ABBA, and One Direction. Just very girly pop music lol. In fact I have a playlist of songs I think she’d have on her personal playlist lol (I was gonna save this for a post featuring all my Hercules playlists but hey might as a give a sneak peek lol!)
how are they around new people?
Persephone is pretty introverted and shy. She always has been since she was a kid (mainly because her mother was very strict, especially when it came to her making friends), but she does enjoy making new friends. She’s generally very nice and polite towards new people. She doesn’t usually go out of her way to introduce herself to them first or anything.
do they speak in an accent?
Nope. Just like most of the characters in Hercules, she has a general American accent.
have they tried learning a new language?
I mean, not really? She was taught to speak Greek and Italian when she was growing up (because she’s a Greek and Roman goddess), but that’s about it.
how many languages do they know?
Just 3. English, Greek, and Italian.
what is a song that will always make them cry?
Oh, man. That’s good question lol. Uhhh…probably Home by Michael Bublé (that song makes me cry irl lol). Oh and also I’ve Been Waiting For You from Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again (legit makes me cry every time I hear it and I don’t even have a baby lmao)
how do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing?
Depends on the situation and who she’s around. She’s pretty socially anxious and self conscious so if she’s around people she doesn’t know very well she’ll cry silently, trying not to be too loud or full out sob. However, if she’s around people she knows and trusts (like her husband, mom, or friends) she’ll straight up sob. But yeah, how much she cries depends on the situation.
how do they dress? for practicality or fashion?
Well, how she dresses depends on the au lol. But I suppose in the main universe she’s in (the movie/series au) Persephone dresses in traditional attire for Ancient Greece. She mainly dresses for practicality, but sometimes she’ll dress for fashion. Like, her regular attire (her pastel violet dress) is more modest and flowing while her underworld attire (her black dress) is more snug on her body and shows more cleavage (mainly due to Hades’ influence lol).
what is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
Usually, their attitude and personality. If it seems like someone she wouldn’t get along with (like Hades before they fell in love lol) she steers clear of them.
what is their humour like?
She’s got a pretty goofy sense of humor. She likes silly, nonsensical things, like memes and shitposts lol. She isn’t a huge fan of dark humor (unlike her husband), but she’s cracked a dark humored joke once or twice that’s put Hades in stitches lol.
do they have scars? what caused them?
Nope. I headcanon that in the Disney Hercules universe that gods can’t get severely injured (since they’re immortal and can’t die), but they can get kinda hurt and feel pain. Like, if they bump their head on something it’ll hurt or if Zeus throws his lightning bolts at someone lol.
do they wear jewelry?
Nah, Persephone’s not a jewelry type of goddess. She prefers to be more flashy with her clothes than her accessories lol. Also, she doesn’t have her ears pierced (she isn’t a fan of pointy objects being inserted into her skin). In a modern AU she’d probably wear a little bit of jewelry like a wedding ring/engagement ring or a fancy necklace Hades would’ve bought her as a gift lol.
are they a frivolous spender or a miser?
Persephone definitely likes to save her pennies (or drachmas in this case lol). She gets most of her offerings during spring (and she only gets an okay amount of offerings during the “off seasons”), so she tries to make sure not to spend too much money since she’ll need most of it to last until next spring. Of course, she’s not a cheapskate either and doesn’t try to haggle with people to get a lower price on things, she’s just a conscious buyer (much like her husband, though I like to think he probably has more money than she does for many reasons).
do they prefer luxury or practicality?
As I mentioned before, Persephone isn’t much of a big spender, so she’s more for practicality than luxury. Though, she does indulge in her fair share of luxury (since she used to live on Olympus and her husband loves to spoil her), so she’s doesn’t mind luxury.
who would they quote?
Idk lol. In the modern day she’d probably quote a lot of songs, tv shows, movies, and memes lol. But for Ancient Greece, probably some philosopher or writer like Homer or something.
what could make them change their mind?
Well, that depends on the situation. A lot of things could change her mind tbh. She’s a very thoughtful person and tries to take everything into account when making decisions.
who is the first person they'd call?
Before she met Hades it was always her mother, but after marrying Hades she ALWAYS calls on him lol. He’s basically always prepared for any situation and will always have his wifey’s back lmao.
how are they around animals? do they have pets?
Persephone LOVES animals (especially since her best friend is the goddess of the wild lol)! I suppose if you count Cerberus after she marries Hades, then yeah she totally has a pet lol. There’s also Thallo (a unicorn she spends a lot of time with when she’s working in the spring) but she’s more of an animal companion than a pet. Thallo does her own thing and isn’t owned by Persephone or anything. She lives out in the wild with the other animals. Though, she does become a little more domesticated after Thallo meets Pegasus and decides to stay with Hercules and Meg to be with him lol (she also grows a liking towards Meg too lol).
what is their favourite childhood food?
what is something they've never told anyone?
She would secretly love to rule by Hades’ side on Mount Olympus if he ever successfully took over. She’d feel very guilty, but deep down she’d secretly love being the queen of the cosmos.
childhood friends?
Artemis and Apollo
what are habits they've picked up from other people?
Demeter can be a bit of a perfectionist sometimes, so she’s picked that up from her mother, but after marry Hades, Persephone picked up a lot of his habits. She eats odd things like bugs and worms and she uses bits of Yiddish in her vocabulary sometimes.
what are their guilty pleasures?
She LOVES sweets and has a huge sweet tooth, but tries not to overindulge. However, her favorite guilty pleasure is chocolate. Another guilty pleasure of hers is that she likes sappy romance stories/movies. She’s a total romantic lol. And as I mentioned before, she loves cheesy and girly pop music by boy bands and stuff like that.
what is something they're staunchly against?
Murder and cheating (romantically). She also is against the obviously awful stuff like incest, pedophilia, and that kind of stuff too because I mean, who WOULD stand for that kind of stuff?
do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase?
Not really. She speaks pretty politely to people. Sometimes she’ll say little funny exclamations like “aw petals!” or “holy hades!” or “oh my gods!” but that’s about it lol
can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
….yes 😏 LOL I mean she’s crazy in love with Hades, so y’know lol. But yeah, she has lots of ways to show her love, emotionally, physically, verbally. She loves to kiss and cuddle Hades and doesn’t mind pda at all (but if Hades starts trying to get all “hot and heavy” then she’ll get all flustered and embarrassed lol). She also loves to hold his hand or his arm when they go out together. She also just compliments him a lot reminding him how handsome he is and how lucky she is to be his (when in reality he feels lucky to even be in her presence let alone be married to her) and that she’ll ALWAYS be his. 🥰 As for platonic/familial love, it’s rather normal I guess. Her family drives her crazy, but they’re her family and she still loves them no matter what. She’s also more casual and laid back (just kinda being herself than keeping up the “poised, sweet goddess” personality) around the people she’s close to and trusts wholeheartedly.
what would they rather die than do?
Well, she’s immortal, so she can’t die unless she somehow turns mortal (maybe be by a special little pink potion lol). Anyways, she’d rather die than do anything to harm an innocent. Whether it’s a mortal, an animal, or even a plant. She’d never want to hurt someone or something innocent.
what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again.
Man, that’s a hard one lol. I guess maybe not sticking up for herself? Like, before meeting Hades she used to let people walk all over her, but now she’s a little more assertive and knows how to say “no” lol. Or maybe letting a loved one get hurt? She doesn’t want to see anything happen to those she loves, so she makes sure she can prevent when she can. But, that’s really all I can think of lol. Persephone’s pretty harmless, so I don’t imagine her doing anything to horrible that she’d never want to do again.
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discountdemonwarehouse · 10 months
Domestic December 1 & 2
Okay so I'm a little behind, but I'll try to get the five blurbs up at some point today, or by tomorrow.
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I’ll be doing snippets of stuff for my OC Quinn, who is Terzo’s friend from childhood/early teen years. I haven’t started posting any of the fic yet, but I have shared some of the commissioned art of her with Terzo before - she’s the pink haired one, and the one in the bad/awkward prom photo.
These snippets will be written specifically for this bit on Tumblr, not fic excerpts, so there likely won’t be identical stuff in the fic – for the most part, anyways.
We’ll see if my snippets are actually short, lol. I’M GOING TO TRY.
AO3 Link for all the days as I do them
On this post we have 1 - Cooking together, and 2 - Going to a concert together.
1 - Cooking Together
This one’s a little longer because I felt like it.
Ages → Quinn = 11/12, Terzo = 14/15 Terzo had been brought to The Ministry at a young age, taken from his mother when Nihil became aware of his existence. His memories before The Ministry were spotty, often just small flashes triggered by a smell or sound; something similar to his mother’s soap or perfume, a song she’d sing to him, or even his nonna’s cooking. He remembered laughter and stealing ingredients, or perhaps being asked to taste test food from the wooden spoon. He remembered watching his nonna and mother make pasta, listening to the radio and singing along as they worked, giving him his own little ball of dough to knead and roll out. Now as a young teen he sat in the Demuirs’ clergical apartment kitchen, listening to Quinn and her mother laughing as they started making supper, he felt a pang of longing as he remembered his mother and nonna. Quinn’s eyes landed on him as she turned, her smile faltering as she saw the sadness in his eyes. “Terzo? You okay?” He smiled brightly, forcing it. “Fine.” Her gaze narrowed. “Uh huh.” They’d only been friends for a few months, but she could already read him like a book. “This just reminds me of when I was little... Mia madre e mia nonna. They were often like you two, and sometimes I helped.” “You’re more than welcome to help, sweetie,” Sera offered. “Yeah, you can take over for me,” Quinn giggled.
He hesitated, unsure of whether or not he was truly welcome to join, but also unsure why he wouldn’t be. They were good people, this wasn’t some sort of prank or trap. Quinn waved him over, “Come on, slowpoke. The garlic won’t slice itself.” “What are you making?” he asked, approaching slowly. “Nothing too difficult, just burst cherry tomato pasta,” Sera smiled, pointing at the ingredients “Oh! Pasta con pomodorini, sì!” “You’ve made it before?” “No, but it’s a common dish. Papa Nihil… he doesn’t let us cook. Says we make too much mess. “Too much of a mess? That’s part of the fun! You’re welcome to cook here.” “I don’t know how.” “Well, then we’ll teach you. Quinn’s helped me since she was younger. Everyone should know how to cook – even Russ, Bishop Demuir, knows how to cook!” Quinn had boosted herself up onto the counter on the other side of the sink, and nodded when Terzo looked at her. “It’s true. Dad mostly cooks breakfast food though.” Terzo smiled a little. “Learning would be nice.” “Don’t think this gets you off the hook either, little miss!” Sera pointed at Quinn. “Soon I’ll have you two cooking dinner and I’ll be able to sit and relax.” “Yes, mama.” Quinn rolled her eyes, eating a cherry tomato. “Don’t eat all of those, we need them for the pasta. Get the cheese grater.”
Sera walked Terzo through prepping the ingredients and getting the water on to boil before showing him how to sauté the garlic. Next came cooking the tomatoes in the same pan, and adding the pasta to the boiling water. “I know it can seem overwhelming to have multiple things cooking at the same time, but you’ll get the hang of it,” Sera reassured him. “Quinn usually makes this by herself.” “If she can do it, then I’m sure I can.” He tried to feign confidence. “Of course you can!” Quinn grinned at him as she grated cheese. Terzo startled as one of the tomatoes popped loudly, causing Quinn to giggle. He felt his cheeks heat. “Smash them with the spoon,” Quinn told him. “Only half of them!” Sera added. “Smashing them helps make some sauce, but we don’t want it too runny.” He nodded, carefully poking the tomatoes with the wooden spoon. “Sweetie, get the strainer please,” Sera instructed Quinn. “Terzo, time to slice the basil.” Sera supervised his knife skills again as he sliced the basil, then showed him how to season the sauce. Soon everything was finished. Terzo had made the pasta under Sera’s watchful eye, and Quinn had made a salad and sliced a loaf of fresh bread. They quickly set the table and summoned Russ to join them. “Terzo made supper,” Sera said proudly as she watched him set the serving bowl on the table. “Part of supper,” Quinn corrected her mother. “Really? Looks delicious!” Russ responded with a smile. “Grazie, Your Grace.” Russ waved a hand at him. “None of that here. Call me Russ, or Mr. Demuir if you still insist on formality.” “Yes, sir – I mean, Mr. Demuir.” Russ chuckled. “You’ll get it soon enough. Buon appetito!” Terzo smiled to himself a little as he filled his plate and began to eat, a sense of belonging starting to fill him. None of them ever expected how that night would cause cooking to become one of his comfort activities.
2 - Going to a concert together
Ages → Quinn 17/18, Terzo 20/21
Quinn stood on tiptoe trying to see over the taller metalheads in front of them. “Are these the best tickets The Ministry was offered?” she asked Terzo. “Apparently.” She huffed, dropping back to flat feet, arms crossed over her chest. “Stop pouting, tesoro. You’re here – even after your parents said no – and you didn’t have to pay money.” “I’m an adult, they had no right to say no!” “And yet here you are, sneaking out to go to a concert with me,” he smirked at her before drinking his beer. “Can I try some?” “You won’t like it.” “You won’t like it,” she mimicked back in a stupid voice. “I’ve had beer before. You’ve literally seen me drink it at the bonfires.” “Then you don’t need to try it. And you shouldn’t have been at the bonfires either.” “What the fuck, salsicciotto (little sausage)?! Are you my parents now?” “If anything happens to you, I am the one who will get in trouble.” Her eyes narrowed at him, lips pursed, and a moment later she snatched the beer out of his hands. “Quinn!” She took a swig. “Nope, still don’t like beer.” “Then why do you insist on drinking it?” Terzo asked in exasperation. “Nobody ever has anything else! And you didn’t get me anything to drink.” Terzo sighed and looked at Omega, the ghoul holding up his hands helplessly. “Fine, I’ll go get you something.” “Great! We’ll be at the barrier!”
Terzo froze in his tracks, wheeling around to face her again. “Eh, scusa? You stay here, tesoro. Omega and Celeste will keep you safe. Or keep others safe from you.” “Oh come on! We have the ghouls, why not use them to get to the barrier?” “No,” he said firmly. He looked at Omega, knowing the ghoul’s fondness for Quinn and reiterating, “No.” “Please?” Quinn begged, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. “I’ll stop whining if we go to the barrier.” Terzo sighed. He wasn’t going to win this battle, but he could negotiate. He could try to negotiate. “We can go to the barrier after I get you a Coke. We will go together, or not at all. Sì?” “Fine. I forgot you wouldn’t be able to fight your way through the crowd,” she smirked at him. “Just for that I’m not getting you a coke.” “Fine! Whatever.” She turned to start heading through the crowd. “I’ll just flirt with someone else to get one once we get to the barrier.” “I don’t fucking think so!” he exclaimed with a glare. “That’s asking for problems I don’t want to deal with!” The four of them made their way through the crowd, Omega using his quintessence to easily coerce people to step aside and make room without realizing they were doing anything. They reached the barrier, Celeste and Omega immediately falling behind their humans as if to guard them. Terzo had to admit, Quinn had him wrapped around her little finger, along with his ghoul, and she wasn’t afraid to use it to get her way. He also didn’t appear to be the only one affected, both the opening band and the main act made a point of flirting with her from the stage, and giving her picks or other items. “Why do you get all the attention, hm?” he asked half-teasingly. “It helps if you stare at them adoringly,” she laughed. “Even if it’s a lie. You should know all about flirting, you’re already on your way to being a womanizing playboy.” Terzo reached over and messed up her hair. “The encore is over, let’s get back to The Ministry.”
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backjustforberena · 3 years
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The day after she sends her son an email, Bernie is caught up in an explosion caused by a suicide bomber at the military airport hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia. As Serena describes him: some random nutter with an RPG. Bernie isn’t wearing her body armour, instead that’s being worn by a collegue. The collegue dies. Bernie is shot, hence her blood being on the body armour. But she is kidnapped in the ongoing chaos.
Bernie is pronounced MIA on 16th July 2019 and declared officially dead one week later. We find out later that Bernie was captured and held by a militia who wanted a doctor.
She was rescued. Not released. Not set free. Rescued. We can infer from that, and from everything else, that no one was looking for her. Everyone thought she was dead. No ransom was offered as is sometimes usual with militia kidnappings of forgien citizens.
Nope, she was there for her skills as a doctor and was probably forced to use them. At gunpoint. From my minimal research, it’s likely she was moved alot, every few days, forced to sleep outside on mats, under constant watch, and made to practice surgery on her own, under high stakes in unhygenic conditions. No one to talk to. If there was, it was minimal communication. Inadequate food, water, medicine. For over a year.
Bernie didn’t think she’d survive. No dreams about what she’d do when she got free, no thoughts on making it up with Serena or her kids. Because she didn’t think she’d survive. 
If no one knew she was there, or alive, or valuable, the rescue must have been a raid, either to capture one of Bernie’s kidnappers as a target, or because they had other prisoners that they knew about. I don’t imagine that the rescue went off without a hitch, not only because of the way Bernie phrases it whilst telling Cameron (it’s possible the rescue could have been equally traumatic) but because those operations are planned to the best they can be, precisely planned with the information they have, and throwing a Bernie Wolfe sized curve-ball into things... not great.
By August 2021, when Bernie comes back to Holby, she has been free for a year, perhaps more. She probably doesn’t know the date due to time being skewed, and her own recovery meaning she didn’t know the precise date of her rescue. That means she was freed August 2020.
So what do we know after that? Not much. 
She wasn’t “in a fit state”.
Needed somewhere to “decompress”.
Serena “was the only person [she] could face”.
Charlotte was told. Marcus was told. Cameron was not. So, they were probably told after Cam was imprisoned. After March 2021. That’s 5 months after Bernie was rescued. So, realisitically, they were told early April 2021.
Henrik is the one that asks Bernie to come and see Cameron. From the way his words are phrased, she knew that Cam was sick prior to this, and it was only his involvement in the trial and placement on Holby that really pushed her to be able to go and see him. It’s likely that she was just toying with the idea before that, mentioning that she’d thought about how to reunite with Cam many times when she finally talks to him.
Personal headcanons Bernie’s recovery:
When Bernie and Serena reunite, Bernie flinches from Serena. Touch is a bad thing for Bernie, and despite knowing Serena is “it” for her, it’s an instinctive reaction that sends Serena’s thoguths going into overdrive. Over time, Bernie is okay with initiating touch, till finally, they are as tactile as ever. She’s still hesitant about other people in her personal space though.
Bernie sleeps a lot when she gets to Spain. It’s left over from travelling, surgery, treatment and a lack of security. Now she’s with Serena, she can feel safe and at “home”. She sleeps a full few days, so much that Serena kind of worries. It’s a tough first week.
She sleeps in a converted office. It’s on the ground floor, near a loo. Helpful for her residual physical injuries and lack of strength. She also sleeps with a lamp on.
She suffers night terrors. They manifest after she’s not so completely exhausted. So they take Serena COMPLETELY by surprise.
Disassocaiton is a major issue for Bernie. Internal and external. It’s the fact she can’t quite figure out who she is that makes her opposed to contact anyone but Serena. She also has anxiety issues and occasional flashbacks when her PTSD is triggered. Serena learns to look for signs.
She’s kind of regarded as a recluse for those first few months in Spain. Like, she’s the weird blonde, white lady who lives in a villa and never leaves. The brunette is nice enough though. Eventually, she gets better at being around people, around crowds.
Personal headcanons about the timeline:
Bernie and Serena don’t get together straight away. I know, I know! They’ve wasted enough time. But Serena still has her doubts and insecurities and Bernie is in no way able to make a rational relationship choice other than: I want Serena. They need to establish a new status quo first, and get Bernie to a healthy point. So, give them both six months. They still love each other though.
Henrik is actually the first person told back in England, that Bernie is alive. Third overall, though Ric was a sort-of accident. Henrik’s told in early April 2021, in order to explain and be a support to Jason, who needs to be told ASAP as Serena is increasingly uncomfortable about keeping it from Jason. Once the initial business of Bernie’s recovery has settled, she asks Bernie if it would be okay, knowing that as soon as Serena opens the can of worms, Jason will want to see Bernie and have proof. So, Serena calls Henrik, explains. Henrik, in turn, calls Jason up to his office (on Keller) a few days later, for a video call with Serena. Jason gets upset and overwhelmed, as this doesn’t fit into his previous experience of death (his Mum, Elinor, Xav) and closes the laptop. He goes to the Peace Garden. Henrik follows and answers all his questions, enough for him to calm down and feel okay with talking on the phone. That’s how he and Bernie talk again. He still calls her “Auntie”.
Henrik was used as a test run for Jason, Jason was used as a test run for Charlotte and Marcus. Marcus first, so he can support Charlotte, but also get his questions out of the way and any negative reaction.
I WANT A RIC VISIT. So, stuff it. Let’s say that Ric decides to ambush Serena for New Years 2021. He’s got a mate with a villa in Spain, and they’ve not seen each other for nearly a year. You betcha he’s going to drop by. He gets Sangria with a side of “Bernie’s not dead” and gets to see first hand that these two lovebirds being idiots because they are not together (at this point) despite being totally in love. Bernie copes... admirably, with an invasion into her space, but not great. She mainly avoids Ric. Serena is just glad for the support. Feels okay leaving Ric with Bernie. Ric and Bernie take a walk at one point. Much truth is spilled, much wine is drunk when Serena comes back from the town. Serena feels so much lighter having someone to talk to about this after a couple of months on her own.
So, to summarise (indented bullet points are personal headcanons):
July 2019: Bernie taken hostage.
January 2020: Serena leaves Holby City.
August 2020: Bernie rescued after 13 months imprisonment.
November 2020: Ric Griffin leaves Holby City.
Late 2020: Bernie reunited with Serena. They go to live in Spain.
January 2021: Surprise Ric Griffin! He sees both women. He knows they both still love each other. He parts, promising to keep it a secret that Bernie is alive until her family is told, and also gives each woman food for thought. He’ll ultimately give Serena a bit more of support, other than her therapist.
February 2021: Nicky McKendrick tells Cameron she is pregnant.
Early March 2021: #Berena??
Late March 2021: Cameron arrested for his crimes. 
Early April 2021: Henrik Hanssen and Jason informed that Bernie is alive. Marcus and Charlotte informed that Bernie is alive. Bernie finds out that Cam is in prison and decides not to go and see him.
July/August 2021: Nicky gives birth to Juliet. Bernie is made aware that she has a granddaughter before she sees Cam again.
August/September 2021: Bernie returns to Holby. Cam is killed in the fallout from an explosive device that he rigged in the hospital. This is when the rest of Holby City, specifically Sacha and Donna, also find out that Bernie is alive. Bernie departs swiftly afterwards, back home, to Serena.
December 2021: Nicky McKendrick returns to Holby City. 
At some point, Bernie and Serena get engaged under the pretext of it helping with paperwork. There is no grand gesture so get your heads away from a cute Christmas proposal. She asked it to help with a mortgage. 
February 2022: Bernie and Serena return to Holby City following Jason’s car crash, to help with his recovery, as well as his wife Greta, and look after Serena’s great-niece Guinevere. Bernie and Serena are looking at houses in the UK. Bernie makes attempted efforts to contact Nicky and organise meeting her granddaughter. Bernie and Serena are also engaged. They leave the hospital and get their happy ending.
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scuttling · 3 years
Stay at Home DILF
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 5,863 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Dad Bod Hotch, Insecure Hotch, Oral sex, Fingering, Unprotected sex, A little angsty by accident Summary: Aaron retires from the BAU when the new baby is born, but a year later the lack of structure, sleep, and time for himself means changes to his body he's not very proud of. When the thought of having another child is brought up, how will he and his wife work through his insecurities to make the perfectly imperfect, happy family? *Requested by anon Link to A03 or read below! “Honey, I have to get going—do you need me to drop Jack off at school, or are you good?” Professor Hotchner slides her foot into a flesh-toned pump, leaning against the kitchen table for support and stealing a grape from Jack’s fruit salad. He narrows his eyes, then sticks out his tongue, and she does the same. “Do you want me to starve, Jackrabbit?”
“You won’t starve. Get your own grapes.” So full of sass, that one. Seven is such a fun age. She decides to blame the mixture of Aaron’s genes and Haley’s, and she pulls out her phone to send Haley a quick text.
Your son is a menace in the morning.
Haley: Gets that from his dad.
Aaron enters the kitchen, holding their one year old daughter Mia, and he sticks her in her highchair, puts her breakfast in front of her, and leans toward his wife.
“I’m good, I’ll take him,” he says, and kisses her lips. “Mia and I will take big brother Jack to school, won’t we?” Mia is obsessed with Jack—her first word was Jack, or rather, Ack, which was super cute—so she giggles happily, and her mother can’t help but smile. Their little family is absolutely perfect.
She leans in for another kiss from Aaron, and then another, and then maybe one more...
“You’re getting distracted,” Jack says, and she looks over at him with a raised eyebrow, then back to Aaron. He shrugs.
“It was on one of his vocabulary sheets.” Figures.
“Well, maybe I find my boys distracting. Let me give you kisses and we’ll find out!” She launches herself at him, kissing his head and his cheeks, and he laughs, and she knows she’s going to be late for work, but she can’t pass up moments like these, she just can’t.
She gives him a hug and tells him to have a good day, then she kisses Mia, and then she puts her arms around Aaron’s neck and kisses him goodbye. Before she pulls away, something comes over her—the warmth of this perfect morning, the overwhelming love for both of their sassy, silly kids, or maybe the fact that they’ve been too busy for sex lately and she’s constantly horny for him—and she looks up at him and whispers, “we should have another baby.”
Aaron grins immediately.
“Yeah we should.” They kiss a few more times, quickly, smiling against each other's lips, and he pats her hip because he knows she has to go. “We’ll talk more later, but yes. I want to. I love you.” He takes her face in his hands and kisses her deeply, and she sighs, grabs her bags, and heads out the door. Work is work; as the youngest professor in the English department, her schedule is jam packed with classes, lectures, morning office hours, but despite all that, it seems that Aaron is having the more difficult day.
They both love that he was able to retire from the BAU early to be a stay at home dad when Mia was born—he does consult for them occasionally, but has no official title, doesn’t have to travel—and he’s amazing at it, but she knows her baby can be a handful even on a good day. The texts she’s been getting all morning only solidify that knowledge.
Aaron: FYI - Mia hates bananas this week.
Aaron: What do they put in this applesauce, crack? She’s tearing around here like a bat out of hell.
Aaron: Okay, she’s your child, I officially renounce her. I put on The White Album and she started crying.
Maybe she prefers Abbey Road?
Aaron: No. Unlike her mother, she has taste.
You wound me, Hotchner.
She works through lunch, grading papers on The Call of the Wild, but when Aaron’s name lights up the display on her phone, she puts her pen down and smiles, puts it on speaker.
She’s sorry she did, because Mia is wailing in the background, and it’s very clearly her, I’m exhausted, asshole, leave me alone, cry, which makes her wonder why she’s not taking a nap. She knows she resists Aaron sometimes, doesn’t want him to leave her alone in her room, which is so sweet and also so, so annoying.
“Hi, sweetheart. Are you having a little trouble over there?” He takes a deep breath and sighs.
“She won’t go down, baby, even if I sit in the rocking chair beside her. It’s been twenty minutes.” Wow. He put up with it longer than she would have.
“Put her in her crib with Stuffy Bear and just let her cry; I know you hate that, but she’ll give up eventually.” He groans softly.
“I can’t; I feel so bad.”
She smiles. Her warm-hearted man.
“She does this because she knows you’ll give in and do whatever she wants. I promise you, she’ll be happier for it; she sounds miserable.”
“I don’t know…” he says, and she can tell he’s not going to do it. She picks up her pen and skims the paper she abandoned.
“Are you tired?” She doesn't wait for an answer, because she knows he is: Jack had a bad dream last night and woke them both up, and Aaron went to lay with him until he fell asleep because he knew she had an early morning. It was almost time for her alarm when he made it back to bed. “If you want to try to nap, she’s going to have to nap. Do it for her, yourself, me, a combination of the three of us. She won’t be mad at you; she won’t even remember.”
“What if I give her abandonment issues?” he presses, and she closes her eyes for a moment.
“Aaron, I love you so much. You’re such a great dad, and our kids are lucky to have you. But you have to loosen the reins just a little, especially if… if we are going to have another baby.” The thought makes her smile, and she can tell he’s smiling down the line, too.
“Right. Loosen the reins. Just put her in her crib,” she can hear that he does that, “and give her Stuffy Bear, and let her cry.” He blows out a breath, and she can hear the door click shut behind him as he leaves her room. She’s proud of him, but she also knows he’s going to sit in front of the video monitor and watch to make sure she falls asleep, and that he’ll probably work on laundry after that and not actually take a nap of his own.
He insists he’s doing fine when she brings it up, but the way he sacks out like a corpse when they get into bed doesn’t exactly have her convinced.
“I love you, and miss you,” he says when it’s slightly quieter, though she can faintly hear the cries through the monitor. “It made me really happy this morning when you said we should have another baby. We make perfect babies, have you noticed?” She hides her grin behind her hand, because if anyone walked by her office they’d think she’s insane with how widely she’s smiling.
“I have noticed, but since we only have the one and I can’t take any credit for Jack, I figured we should probably make another. Maybe the same way we made Mia…” They’re both convinced it was a weekend when Jack was at Haley’s and the two of them went to town on each other, true marathon sex where they only stopped for food and water and she coaxed him to hardness so many times she felt like a damn sex goddess.
“Hmm. I remember that with fondness, and would love to do that again. You know Haley said she’d take Mia on one of Jack’s weekends if we ever needed her to.”
Her life is pretty damn perfect, with her gorgeous, caring husband, and her two awesome kiddos, and a job she loves, but the most unexpectedly sweet part is that Haley is so comfortable with her, and that she and Aaron were able to get past the ugliness of their divorce to eventually become friends again. It’s not something they take for granted.
“Maybe we should take her up on it this weekend,” she says, trying to sound a little sultry. “We’ve both been so busy; it’s been a while since you pet my kitty.” For some reason, this particular phrase makes Aaron blush and get insanely horny, and she’s hoping to tease him so much the rest of the week that their weekend is one neither of them ever forget, so she’s pulling out the big guns.
“It’s been far too long, and I’m sorry. I can’t wait, baby. I’ll call her here in a few; I know you have to get to your next lecture.” She looks down at her watch, and it is about time to clean up and head over. She sighs happily down the line.
“Okay, I love and miss you; try to take a power nap. I promise, she’ll be fine.”
“I will.” He won’t. “Talk to you soon.” When she gets home, Aaron has dinner ready; she told him to hold off, that she’d help when she got there, but he has always been an overachiever.
Mia is already in her high-chair, waiting patiently for once in her little life; she kisses her forehead, breathes in her sweet baby smell, and then makes her way to her husband.
“Looks good, honey,” she says as he sets the table, and she leans up for a kiss, but when she presses her hand to his stomach like she always does, he pulls back a little. “Is everything okay? Did you have a bad afternoon?”
“No, it wasn’t bad after the nap fiasco,” he responds, but he sounds distracted. Maybe he was asked to look at a case, or something, and that’s still on his mind? She leans against his shoulder, puts a hand on his back and attempts to push up his t-shirt, to skim her hand up along his spine, which always comforts him, but again, he shifts away from her touch. She sighs and steps back.
“You're going to give me a complex, Aaron. If I did something to upset you, please tell me so I can apologize and try to make it better.” He turns to look at her face, and his formerly tense jaw softens a little; he presses his lips to hers, just a peck.
“No, you didn’t do anything. I’m just a little tired, that’s all.” He smiles softly, and she’s sure he is tired, but this seems like something more.
“You’d tell me if something else was bothering you, right? You know I’m here for you.”
“Of course I would, and of course I do. I love you,” he breathes against her mouth, and then he goes in for a longer kiss and she gets, as Jack said earlier, a little distracted. When the kiss breaks, she sighs happily.
“I love you. Missed those lips,” she murmurs, and then she runs a hand over his hair. “If the kids wake up again tonight, I’ll get them. You need to rest.” He shakes his head.
“You have another full day tomorrow,” he counters, and it’s so sweet that he keeps up with the schedule she has posted on the fridge, but still. She puts her hand on her hip.
“And you don’t? It’s my turn. Let me help.” He looks like he wants to argue, but she gives him the glare he knows means she will talk about this all night if he doesn’t agree; she’s not the sponsor of the university’s debate team for nothing, and even his prosecutorial ways have nothing on her.
“Okay,” he sighs, and she smiles and kisses him and then goes to get Jack and make sure he’s cleaned up for dinner.
That night when the two of them are getting ready for bed, she’s surprised as hell when he stops her from pulling one of his t-shirts—her typical sleepwear—over her head. She sets it down, arches her brow, and he guides her back onto the bed with a grin and puts his hands on her hips.
“What’s happening right now?” she asks, because before Mia, sure, Aaron would treat her to all manner of orgasm-inducing behavior at random, and she would do the same, but since Mia—especially in the last six months or so—their sexual encounters have been few and far between. It’s no one’s fault, and they’re both very clearly still attracted to each other; it’s just one of those things that falls by the wayside when you have a new baby and a hectic life and you don’t get enough sleep.
Needless to say, she is a little confused by this turn of events.
“I’m attempting to worship my gorgeous fucking wife,” he murmurs, and he leans up and kisses her stomach, licks a long line up from her belly button. Her breath hitches. “Gonna put another little baby in here—but it’s always beautiful.” He slowly moves his lips higher, over her ribcage, and holds her there. “You’re perfect, you know?”
“Aaron.” Her fingers come up to sweep through his hair; her heart aches with love and tenderness. He moves up, presses open-mouthed kisses to each of her breasts, then covers them with his hands and squeezes. She’s a panting, dripping mess, and more than anything she wants to strip him naked, pull him closer, get him inside her.
“I love you just as you are; I want you just as you are. Always have, always will.” He smooths his hands up over her throat, and brings her mouth to his for a deep, soulful kiss. She hadn’t even realized she’s been feeling repressed, but his touch tonight makes her feel so beautiful and special… It's incredible how close she is from only that.
“Make love to me,” she whispers, and he kisses her again, but then he slides back down her body.
“Want to taste you,” he says instead, and he gets his hands on her hips again and his mouth on her pussy, looks up at her while he licks and sucks like he’s gone without for ages—which he has, she figures, but it’s blowing her mind, her fingers scratching at the sheets, her neck arched. He massages her hips as his tongue works, as he grinds against the bed, and she comes with a whimper, because her body is so overwhelmed by how good she feels that she can’t even properly vocalize it.
Aaron comes up, just a little, rests his head on her stomach, and she smooths her hands over his hair and his shoulders, since that’s all she can reach.
“Come up and let me touch you—or you can come inside me.” She will happily take either option, but he just kisses her belly and shakes his head.
“No, I’m good. Just really tired.” She frowns, can’t recall a time in her life when they didn’t both get off during sex; he catches her expression and runs his hands up her body. “Really, I’m okay. I just wanted to do that before I passed out.” He smiles, and she doesn’t like it, but he climbs off of her and goes to the bathroom, and she pulls on the t-shirt and crawls into bed. Two days later, she’s sitting in her office grading tests when she hears a knock at the door. She looks up, and it’s Aaron, of course, looking so gorgeous in a black polo and jeans.
“Hey, what are you doing here? Where’s Mia?” she asks with a smile. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed.
“She’s with her Aunt Penelope for a few hours.”
“Why? Is everything okay?” Penelope is at work, she knows, because she texted her earlier about something unrelated and she’d mentioned that she and Spencer were having coffee and that he said hello.
“Everything‘s fine,” he assures her, and he enters the room fully, closes the door behind him… and locks it. “Can’t your husband come visit you during your super secret not-really-office-hours?” She raises an eyebrow, both at his question and the fact that he locked the door. What exactly is he planning to do, she wonders?
“You can, but you don’t. I guess I’m just surprised.”
“Well today I decided to. I missed you so much.” He walks around her desk and leans over her for a couple of kisses. “Have you missed me?” She rolls her eyes, smiles.
“Of course I missed you. I miss you every second I’m away from you.” She reaches out, wants to hug him, pull him closer, but he takes a step back and crooks his finger, encouraging her to follow him.
He’s being really weird, but he’s also being really hot. She decides to play along.
She stands, walks over to him, and he carefully clears a spot on her desk, knows she has a system and doesn’t like a mess; when she’s within reach, he puts his hands on her waist and lifts her up onto it, her ass where a stack of tests had just been. Fuck.
“I want to get this dress off of you,” he says, voice low, and he takes her face in his hands and kisses her, rough and deep. “Can I take it off, baby? Can I make you come?”
Everything is happening so fast her head is spinning—it’s not like him to just show up at her office, to try to have sex with her there, especially when their dry spell has been, up until recently, like the damn Sahara.
He must sense her confusion, her apprehension, because he kisses slowly along the side of her throat, down the v-neck of her dress, making her eyelids flutter.
“The door’s locked, and no one even knows we’re in here. Can I take it off?” She pants, thinks about this for a second, but then he slides a hand over her thigh, pushing her skirt up, and she gets a little distracted. She nods, and he kisses her hard and unties the sash of her wrap dress, pushes it off her shoulders. She’s glad she wore a matching set of bra and panties, because this is like prime fantasy material and she wants to try to remember every detail.
He kisses her mouth, soft and sweet, then tugs the straps of her bra down her shoulders, pulls the cups down so her breasts fall out of them. She moans, a little startled, and he dips his head to mouth at her nipples, rests one hand on her lower back and one on her stomach—probably because she looks like she’s about to slide off the desk and onto the floor like a blob of jelly. She knows that’s how she feels.
When he’s gotten her thoroughly worked up, almost trembling with the need for more, he pushes her panties aside and presses a finger into her, and she whimpers, wraps her hand around his neck for support when he starts to pump it deeply inside.
“What has gotten into you?” she breathes, and her hips chase the pleasure he brings; the hand on her back moves to her ass, squeezes it.
“I love you and I want you. I want to make you happy, I want you to feel good.”
“Me—me too,” she gasps as he moves faster, staring right into his eyes. “I love you, want you. Want to make you happy, feel good.” She cards her fingers through his hair and stretches for a desperate, eager kiss. “I want you so badly, baby, please.”
“I’m right here. You have me,” he murmurs, but that’s not what she means and he has to know it. Just in case he doesn’t, though, she makes herself loud and clear; relationships are all about communication, after all.
“I want you to put your cock in my pussy, I want you to come in me. I want you to fucking ruin me, Aaron, I want you to shove your dick in me and keep shoving.” She sounds unhinged, but she can’t stop.
He adds a second finger—not what she wants—and roughly gropes her breast—it feels so good, but it’s not what she wants. Why won’t he give her what she wants?
“Shh, just come on my hand, it’s okay. I’ll fuck you later, in our bed, baby,” he promises. “Just come now, okay? Right here, right now for me.”
She does, because even if he’s being unnecessarily aggravating, it’s still Aaron. She’s desperate for him, always has been, always will be. She comes loud and high and she clutches him tightly and he kisses her and coos words of love and affection into her ear. She gets cleaned up, and they go for lunch, and they can’t take their eyes off each other.
Something’s very wrong, and she can’t quite put her finger on it.
That evening when she gets home, Aaron is feeling guilty. She’s not sure why, but he’s executing all of his patented guilty trademark behaviors: he offers her a glass of wine, runs her a bath, rubs her feet, even though he’s been the one home with the baby all day. She’s tempted to ask if he’s cheating on her, as a joke, but that’s never funny, especially when she knows he’s being shifty and weird about something.
When they’re laying in bed, he sets down his book and looks over at her.
“I meant to tell you, Haley isn’t able to take Mia tomorrow. Maybe the weekend after, we can have our special alone time.” She won’t say she’s not disappointed, but she doesn’t want to inconvenience Haley, when she’s already being so great. She smiles softly, covers his hand with hers.
“That’s okay. It was short notice, anyway. I’ll still enjoy my weekend, with you and Mia.” He smiles too, but it doesn’t quite touch his eyes.
The kids sleep through the night, but she doesn’t. On Friday, she picks Jack up from school and takes him to Haley’s, who sends him to wash up so she can make him a snack. When he’s gone, she smiles warmly and invites her into the kitchen for coffee; she takes a cup, and they make pleasant small talk like they always do.
“Are you sure you don’t want to bring Mia over?” Haley asks after a few minutes. It sounds like she’s double checking. “It’s really no trouble.” She frowns, sets her cup down.
“I thought you weren’t able to watch Mia this weekend. I thought… I thought that’s what Aaron said. I must have misunderstood him.” That’s the only logical conclusion, because Aaron wouldn’t lie to her. He wouldn’t.
“He was being a little weird on the phone the other day. He asked me if I would watch her, and I said yes. He told me about your plans,” she says with raised eyebrows, “and then I told him, you know. That he better treat you right, because you just had a baby not that long ago and you might be a little self-conscious about jumping back into the sack like that; not that you should be, because you look amazing.” She racks her brain for the first time he started acting strangely, pulling away from her, and it would have been after his conversation with Haley. She asks, just to confirm.
“Is that when he got weird?”
“Actually yeah. He changed his mind, said you might not need me to watch her after all, but I told him the offer stood. He was pretty quick to get off the phone after that.” She would sip her coffee, but she’s pretty sure her hands are shaking. Why would he lie about that?
“You know, I should go. I’m sure Aaron’s pulling his hair out with her, she’s been a devil today. Tell Jack I love him and I’ll talk to him tonight, will you?”
“Of course. If you change your mind about Mia, just let me know,” Haley says, and she gets into her car with tears stinging her eyes.
When she gets home, Aaron is playing with Mia on the living room floor. He looks up at her with a smile that abruptly falls when he takes in her facial expression.
“What’s wrong?” She composes herself, takes a deep breath. They vowed a long time ago not to argue in front of Jack or Mia. She tries to sound conversational.
“You lied to me. You said Haley couldn’t take Mia this weekend.” He swallows and looks properly guilty. She’s not sure how he was able to lie to her in the first place; he’s never been any good at it.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have. I just didn’t know how to say it.” She looks up, shakes her head, wills her eyes not to water while she’s trying to have this conversation.
“You didn’t know how to say what? What is it that’s made you distance yourself from me?” She recalls him physically pulling away, then doing a complete 180 and initiating sex, but never penetrative sex, never letting her touch him or return the favor in any way. “Haley told me about your conversation. So do you think I’m unhappy with my body, or are you unhappy with my body?” He has the nerve to look confused, gets Mia set up with some toys she can play with safely on her own and stands up, comes close to her. She’s not sure she even wants his touch right now, which is saying something; when she’s unhappy, that’s usually all she wants.
“Neither of those things. I swear to god. I love you and I love your body; you’re so beautiful. Too beautiful for me, you always have been.” He’s looking down at her so seriously, and she wants so badly to believe him, but how could she, when faced with the evidence?
“Okay. If it’s neither of those things…” Her voice is small when she says the one option that hurts her most. “Did you change your mind? Do you not want to have another baby with me?” He sighs, deflates, and she takes a deep, shuddering breath.
“No, listen to me. It’s not that I don’t want that; I want that more than anything, but it will… further complicate, things...” He trails off, and she tries to follow what he’s saying. “The problem isn’t you in any way. It’s me.” She huffs, squeezes her eyes briefly shut.
“You? How can it be you, when you’ve been the only man to catch my eye for years? From the moment you set foot on my campus looking for your bad guy, I’ve been attracted to you, aroused by you, wrapped around your finger. You’re so perfect for me: perfect husband, perfect dad, perfect lover. My best friend. Never a day has gone by where I haven’t wanted you.” He wets his lips, sighs.
“Surely you’ve noticed that since I quit my job and started staying home with Mia, I… I don’t look the same. I’ve… let myself go.” His brows are deeply furrowed, and he’s clearly struggling with this; she reaches for him, no longer angry—at least for the time being—puts a hand on his arm.
“I’ve noticed that you don’t quite look the same. Doesn’t mean you’ve ‘let yourself go,’ or that I’m not still attracted to you; you just have a dad bod now instead of an ‘FBI guy who punches people for a living’ bod.” Her other hand hovers, then comes to rest on his stomach, and she smiles. “I’m actually really into the way you look now. I’ve been fantasizing about it for ages. I wish I’d known you were feeling self-conscious.”
“I’m not used to feeling… self-conscious, vulnerable,” he breathes, but he presses into her touch, so she considers that a good thing. “I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“I get that baby, I do, but this is me. I would have done anything I could to make you feel better. You didn’t have to hide it from me. You didn’t have to lie. We could have talked about it.” She moves the hand on his arm to his face, guides him down for a loving kiss. “We’re equally to blame, because I know you haven’t been getting good sleep, and I know you barely have time for yourself, and I didn’t step in; but you never let me help. If roles were reversed, and it was me staying home with Mia, you would never expect me to do all the cooking and cleaning and homework and bath time without your help. So you need to let me help, Aaron, please.” She looks up at him, eyes warm and sincere, and he nods, bends to press a kiss to her lips.
“I’m sorry. I still don’t feel great about… myself, but maybe I could. If I let you help. If I took some time for me.” She nods and wraps her arms around him—finally—for a hug.
“I love you so much. Just like this. Big, cuddly papa bear, taking care of our babies, making our home a safe and happy place for them. How could I not love the body that brings me so much happiness? That makes me excited to get in my car and come home at the end of every day?”
They kiss some more, deep, healing kisses and soft, sweet kisses, but she doesn’t get distracted by them. She’s very focused, caresses him and brushes loving fingertips over his chest and arms and sides. But speaking of distractions…
“Were you doing all those sexy things to try to distract me from wanting you to get all up on me?” she asks, pulling back, and at least he has the decency to flush.
“Kind of? I figured if it was sex you wanted, you’d be happy to get off however it happened; it was great for me too, don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t really want to be touched, feeling the way I felt.” She frowns, rests her head against his chest and holds him tighter.
“That makes me sad. What I wanted was an intimate moment with my husband, and while yes, what you did for me was great, because you’re super hot and very capable,” she says, leaning back in his embrace with a soft smile, “it’s not what I’ve been wanting. I want you all naked and sweaty and heavy on top of me, going to pound town.” He presses his lips together and raises his eyebrows.
“Pound town? What are you, twelve?” She grins, shoves his chest, and he laughs.
“I’m surrounded by college kids all day, please forgive me. I think it got my message across though.” She touches his cheek, looks up into his eyes, and sighs. “Can we take Mia over to Haley’s and give it a shot? I’ll do anything to make you feel happy and comfortable, any position that makes you feel better—though what I’d really like most, if you’ll trust me, is to suck your dick, and then hop on your dick, and then later when we’re ready to go again, we do the pound town thing and make another goddamn baby.”
She’s so serious, and he looks so serious, and then he kisses her and says yes and they pack up their kid and take her to his ex-wife’s so they can get it on, which sounds so much crazier than it actually is. She gets him out of his clothes, doesn’t move slow or spend lots of time focusing on what he thinks are flaws; instead, she proves how desirable he is by practically tearing his pants off and pushing him against the bed and swallowing around his dick just so she can hear all those delicious moans she’s been missing.
After that, she rides him hard, kisses him harder, plants her hands on his chest and stomach and moans and groans against his mouth. “So fucking hot, seriously so fucking hot, Aaron—if I saw you across the room today I wouldn’t change a goddamn thing, I would still pursue you, I’d make you blush like I did back then. I’d be so forward because I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about how good this would feel.”
She’s rocking his world, no doubt about that; it’s written all over his face, in the hardness of his hands on her hips as she grinds down on his cock, in the way his chest is heaving despite not actually doing any of the work at all. He comes first, and then rubs her clit while she continues to fuck him until she finds her own orgasm; she scratches her nails down his stomach, and he leans up and grabs her face for a rough, perfect kiss.
They take a break, cuddling and kissing and enjoying the feel of bare skin, comfy bed, soft lips. Aaron touches her cheek, tells her how much he loves and appreciates her.
“I’m so sorry I’ve been keeping this inside, and not being truthful. It’s hard, when you’re as perfect as the day I met you, and I’m…” She presses a finger to his lips, shushes him, kisses him.
“You’re as perfect as the day I met you, too. More perfect, even, because every day since then you’ve chosen me, and our family. I could not ask for a better man. Simply could not, Aaron. And if you want me to come home early so you can go to the park to run, or to the gym, then that’s what I'll do, but if you look like you do right now, forever, I’ll be happy with that too. Whatever makes you happy.”
They snuggle and kiss and talk and laugh, and then laughing becomes sex in that way everything becomes sex when you’re genuinely obsessed with the person in your bed.
He gets her on her back, kisses all over, teases her—“mmm, rubbing your kitty, baby, how does it feel?”—and then puts her legs over his shoulders, plants his hands, and fucks, taking every ounce of his pent-up frustration out on her, and it’s incredible.
“Yes, Aaron, yes, baby, oh, god.” Her head is thrown back, and she’s torn between laughing, because she’s been wanting this for months and it’s exactly as awesome as she’d dreamed it would be, and crying, because she fucking loves him, so much it puts a lump in her throat.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, speeds up, sweaty and gorgeous and smiling. “You’re going to come with me—not just for me, but with me, so my come gets deep inside, so it works and we get another perfect baby who never lets us fucking sleep.” She nods frantically, presses her hips against his, and it’s not simultaneous, but it’s a near damn thing, when they both come groaning each other’s names. A little less than a year later, they have Mason. Aaron is at home in his dad bod, Mia doesn’t cry at naptime, Jack is still a menace in the mornings, and their perfect little family got a little more perfect. Taglist ❤️: @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal @g-l-pierce @my-rosegold-soul
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science-lings · 3 years
LU Twili Beast HCs but Only Stupid Opinions
mama mia here we go again
I’m actually gonna have mercy on you guys this time though
Serious answer: I know canonically he’s also a wolf, you know as the hero’s spirit, however if he wasn’t a wolf, I think he’d be a Lion. They’re the most stay-at-home-dad animals out there yet they are also the most feared. The duality of playing with the kids one second and committing a violent crime the next is perfect Time energy. Also, as someone with a lot of experience with cats, lions are just slightly larger cats. Meaning they are both the smartest and the stupidest motherfuckers out there. They like to act like they’re so sophisticated and intelligent then they walk into a glass door and yell at you for it. I like to think that Time’s maturity is a front and he’s really just as much of a dumbass as the rest of them.
Crack answer: Just a regular house cat, contrary to popular belief, cats care a lot about their people. They bring back dead birds and live snakes because they don’t see you hunting for your own food and don’t want you to starve. I can see Time as one of those outside farm cats that lives off of the mice that gather and becomes besties with all the farm animals. Epona would recognize him instantly and he would find a way to climb on her back without hurting her.
Serious answer: Horse. Not only are they very much associated with war, they’re also beautiful and majestic and are completely willing and able to fucking kill you. There aren’t many other animals associated with war the way they are and have the perfect balance of proud and pretty, and absolutely deadly. They’re also smart and have soulless eyes, just like every other bisexual I know. 
Crack answer: Swiftwind from She-Ra. if you know, you know. If any of them could pull of being a unicorn with rainbow wings and fabulous hair it’s definitely Wars. Anyway, drama queen with the capacity for great violence.  What is a unicorn if not a horse with a built in sword growing on it’s forehead. Also I think Warriors deserves a little magic, I mean one of his main weapons is a fire rod and he constantly talks to fairies. 
Serious answer: In canon he is a rabbit, but I think he’s much more of a ferret. they’re just ferocious little snake kittens. They fit in small places and can wiggle out of any predicament. Despite being adorable, they can look fuckin pissed. I’m kind of scared of them. 
Crack answer: Chihuahua, small fashionable asshole. Filled with rage and anxiety but ultimately pretty misunderstood and deserves better.
Serious answer: Fox. Idk what to tell you, they’re clever and cute and are associated with fae and trickster spirits. Also I feel like foxes have anxiety and are a little jumpy. He’s mischievous and doesn’t know how to follow orders and thoroughly enjoys fucking around and not being there for the fallout. 
Crack answer: The magic alien lion in She-Ra. Just a kibby made of magic adopted by gay people. Cautious and not super trusting at first but he’s a good judge of character and is surprisingly very nice. Also literally made of magic. And I think it he also deserves some lion imagery to show his courage and all that. He deserves to be cool and badass guys. 
Serious answer: An Eagle. I really wanted him to be a bird because of course, and eagles are like the most majestic badass birds out there. They’re associated with freedom and leadership and as he’s kind of the first reincarnation of Link, I think he deserves to have that kind of symbolism attached to him. 
Crack answer: Pikachu. Cute and adorable but has the power of god on his side and can smite you, but you really have to deserve it because he’s generally super chill. Like if remlits could choose when to go apeshit. He has some self control. Sometimes. 
Serious answer: Parrot. Like a one of those macaws that are blue and green. They’re smart and clever and the most piratey animal ever. They’re also loud and talkative. They’re also cute and I love them. I feel like if a parrot were to engage in combat it would be very agile and loud about it. Like Wind. Like it would do dramatic flips and shit like how Wind does that rolling dodge constantly.
Crack answer: this crab
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Serious answer: 4-5 mice, they’re all color coded. They’re smart and sneaky and small. I feel like they would climb on top of each other. I know rats are smarter and four deserves to be smart but mice are smaller and cuter. Maybe shadow is the rat in the group of mice...
Crack answer: a swarm of bees. These bitches know teamwork. Have you seen a beehive? that shit is modern art. They’re also chill unless you hurt one of them, then you’re really in for it. You underestimate bees yet you fear them, some of the greatest predators are bees. They deserve your fear. And so does Four. 
Serious answer: I like him being a wolf, I think it fits, however I do also like the idea that he’s not 100% wolf. He’s like half domesticated dog and he just looks like a wolf. No one really knows though. I just don’t think the wolf fully shows how much of a good boy he is. 
Crack answer: He wanted to be a fuckin ordonian goat let him be a fuckin goat. Their horns are stupidly impractical but he seems like the type that wants a simple life. He’s had enough chaos and trauma and he would be very happy just to chill out for like fifty more years until he dies. He deserves to nap in the sun and eat grass and not be forced to have thoughts. Also goats are stronger than they look and can probably break all your organs with a headbutt. Twilight would just be the most badass goat out there. 
Serious answer: As much as I like him being part of the wolf trio and thus making him a wolf, I think he’s much more like a Jaguar. (or a smaller wildcat like a Lynx or a bobcat) Cats are stealthy predators and good climbers and known for being great hunters. They’re also good at falling long distances and in botw I’m constantly jumping off of very tall places. But they are still cats and that means they’re naturally a little weird. Big cats are also affected by zoomies/ bouts of restlessness that cause them to run around and yell about it, and they play with their food and enjoy napping in the sun. He could also be a cheetah because they get so anxious that they need their own emotional support dogs and they’re very fast and Wild has the capacity to be incredibly fast. 
Crack answer: Raven, clever, death omen, collects things, witchy, being gay and doing crimes babey. As a concept he isn’t scary but he definitely has the capacity to be absolutely terrifying. He may look edgy but he’s really just a little guy who likes to hoard stuff and things. And is likely to stab you for those stuff and things. 
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