#Metamy week day 7
amyrosedaily · 5 days
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Daily Amy day 14 and Metamy Week day 7: Night!
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metamyweek · 1 month
Metamy Week 2024 Announcement!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone had or will have a great day!
We've been awaiting this day all year! Metamy (Metal Sonic x Amy Rose pairing) will have a ship week this year!
The dates for the week are: 9.09 - 15.09!
Decided to move the date a bit earlier so the ship week will be it's own thing for this year.
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The themes for the week are:
Day 1 - Dream Day 2 - Protection / Decay Day 3 - Change Day 4 - Olympics / Memory Day 5 - Movie Day 6 - Fashion / Nature Day 7 - Night
Again, the themes are vague on purpose but the days are still limited with their theme. This makes it so there could be many ideas all based on that theme.
You can combine themes for days with multiple themes, create separate drawings and such for both or only choose a single theme. It's a challenge combining them but it's possible and makes fun stuff!
The tag for the week is #metamyweek2024
The week will be happening on the metamy discord server and twitter as well! I will be reblogging and retweeting every single post made for the week!
On discord you will be able to post your works when the week starts on the #/metamy-week-2024 channel! You can join the server here!
On twitter I'll retweet with my account (@/Metalikk1)
And remember! Have fun! Let's have some fun for the week!
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vpill3d · 5 days
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decided to mix half of the themes together for metamy week since im already late for day 5 and day 6… day 7 is still a work in progress
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cidiper · 5 days
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Metamy week 2024
Day 7 --> Night <3
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seaweedraindraws · 5 days
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Metamy Week Day 7: Night
This was meant to be Knights at Night... Haha...
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spicychimera · 5 days
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Metamy week day 7: Night
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spam-head · 1 year
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Metamy Week Day 7: Celebration And with that I'm done!!! This has been an incredibly fun experience and I can't thank enough both everyone's positive feedback on my work, as well as all my other fellow artists and writers who made such amazing art and fanfics that I've been IN LOVE WITH!! Here's to more amazing years of our favourite reckoner of carnage, and Metal Sonic too!
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biweekly-metamy · 5 days
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72. metamy week 2024 day 7: night
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metalikkblog · 5 days
Metamy Week 2024 Day 7 - Night
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Sorry not sorry I did not give myself time to finish any other drawing for the week.
So, here are ideas, poses for what my drawings were supposed to be.
They are stargazing.
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realdrgold · 1 day
Day 7 - THE FINALE! And a mysterious note...?
Metamy Week has been fun! Thank you all for reading my what I consider trash! I'm sorry I haven't been on time but I hope my work made up for it! And... don't forget the note :D
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bimboamyrose · 4 years
Unfamiliar - A Metamy Fanfic (Ch. 8)
First two chapters
Previous (Ch.7)
Somewhere in a childhood bedroom in a little house on a coast, a young girl kneeled on her rug far past her bedtime. Intentions set on finding true love, she knocked and shuffled her tarot cards across the rug like dominos then fanned them out in front of her. The girl had received the deck some days earlier- an early birthday gift from her cousin, who was her only caregiver. Superstitious about having to receive her first deck as a gift, she had studied the cards for months before getting a set of her own. Now, on the eve of her eighth birthday, a young Amy Rose was divining her future. 
A recurring dream about falling in love with a mysterious figure had vexed her thoughts for weeks but was waved off as an overactive imagination by whoever she told. The dream’s setting was curious- a tropical landscape surrounded by construction and cold machinery. In the physical world, a small heavenly body orbited close to her world for a few weeks out of the year. This time, Little Planet appeared like a ghost out of its foggy valley. The usually lush globe was now a bleak gray sphere tethered by a massive chain to the ground below, unable to return to its home in the sky. Amy’s dreams were nothing short of a premonition.  Few were willing to investigate the looming satellite, but word had spread of a hero who’d caught sight of the planetoid in its deplorable state and ventured to liberate it. That was who she’d be destined to meet- she was sure of it.
Amy picked her hand and stacked the deck. A simple 5-card spread in a cross pattern offered to guide her in manifesting her cryptic love. She placed the first card in the center, then one each first on the right of it, then to the left. She repeated this above then below her first card and prepared to ask her questions. 
Fortune-telling guidebooks often recommended the querent first be introspective when it came to relationship matters. She thought for a moment. She was still new to fortune-telling and always found the first query to be the most challenging. Her vulnerability and uncertainty were apparent, and that was perhaps the first thing she would have to overcome. “Am I ready to find love?” she asked aloud. A nervous flip of the card revealed an upright Ace of Wands- her first time drawing it. A card to represent action and new beginnings. An encouraging start! She giggled a bit as her heart raced with excitement. 
“Okay, second card,” she breathed. “What will they be like?” The turn revealed a most unusual reversed Hierophant. Her brow curled as she tried to interpret what it meant. The religious figure depicted on the card stared back at her sternly. The Hierophant represented rigidity, conformity, tradition. She took the reverse of that to represent someone defiant in nature, who seeks freedom and independence. A little sigh came out of her when the thought of falling in love with a cute rebel flashed across her mind. That sounds exciting, she mused.
Clearing her throat, the girl placed a hand upon the third card in her spread. “How will our first meeting go?” The ever ominous Tower caused her to gasp. Change. Danger. Chaos. She paged through her favorite tarot book frantically, trying to find a more positive association for the sign, when her eyes landed on the word “unexpected.” That’s not so bad, she reasoned. She supposed it wasn’t unreasonable to expect some danger- there was obviously something threatening Little Planet. And she was most likely looking for someone heroic, after all. 
Shaking off the negative thoughts, she persisted. Her fingers rested delicately on card number four as she made her query and hoped for the best. “What will our relationship be like?” she asked, nervously flipping it over. The Moon. Everything is not as it seems, she recalled learning about it. More uncertainty. Rather than think of her would-be love as potentially deceptive or dishonest, she believed The Moon foreshadowed surprises in the relationship. Ever the romantic, the mystery lit a fire in her heart. She chose to expect these surprises would be pleasant, but perhaps that simply wishful thinking. 
Amy focused her energy on the last card, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply as she held her palm over the top of it. There was much precariousness to overcome, and she wanted it to be worth her while. What would chasing this premonition ultimately bring her? Would it bring her happiness in the end? She cleared her throat. “Will it be worth it?” she asked timidly. The card revealed an injured man clutching a staff with many more behind him. The Nine of Wands- a bittersweet symbol. It represented struggles and difficult times ahead, but also perseverance and reward. In terms of a yes or no answer, it was unclear; she would have to decide for herself.
Now came the time to put together the symbolic puzzle and tell a story. Her own story. Reading one’s own fortune is tricky in a way- you tend to tell yourself what you want to hear. She closed her eyes and envisioned what the future could hold for her; tried to imagine the challenges she could face and whether she could overcome them. Surely with a heroic figure by her side, they would persevere. She smiled silently at the romantic thought- two lovers against the world. A rebellious spirit. Pleasant surprises. 
A sense of encouragement overcame her when she next looked at her spread. The Wands stood out to her now. The Ace shouting that she was ready, the Nine offering great rewards if she persevered. Her heart lit with nervous excitement as she shot up from the floor and ran to her dresser mirror. “Perseverance leads to success. You’re ready!” she affirmed. The girl’s beaming smile reflected back at her. She couldn’t sleep a wink for the rest of the night.
The journey up to Little Planet was already proving to be arduous. No way Amy was going to be able to climb the massive chain tethering the worlds together. She had hiked up the mountainside hoping to find an alternate route. As she approached the side facing the valley, Amy noticed huge, metallic containers being swarmed by several strange robotic creatures down below. Then, one of the containers floated up, propelled by some kind of floating platform. She gasped as she took cover behind a boulder, watching the container fly straight into Little Planet’s atmosphere. It moved somewhat slowly and didn’t seem to be manned. That was her ticket up there.
Once it had hovered past, she looked back toward the operation in the valley. There were only two more of those containers. Amy swallowed hard as the danger became apparent. I can do this. Perseverance leads to success. The next box was being lifted off the ground by four mechanical bees. It was placed on another platform that then began its ascent. The last one seemed to take its time climbing up, but to Amy, this one totally zoomed past. Her body refused to cooperate. She couldn’t manage to force herself to jump off the cliffside. What if she missed it? What if she overshot it? Her opportunity to jump on flew past.
No! I have to do this. I can do this…
Amy peeked her head over the side of the mountain once again. One container left. If she didn’t hitch a ride now, she would never get up there. She watched as the cargo was loaded, counting the seconds until it floated past her. Perseverance leads to success. Perseverance leads to success. Perseverance-
It was probably less than a second, but the leap Amy took onto the precariously floating platform lasted an eternity. Her heart could have jumped out of her chest- and it probably would have if she hadn’t landed squarely in the middle of the storage container. It wasn't the smoothest landing, but Amy was surprised to find that she felt… perfectly fine. She wasn’t hurt. She wasn’t scared. Seconds earlier, the girl was sure that if a fall didn’t kill her, a heart attack surely would. But now, a sense of relief washed over her. I’m actually doing this!
The platform neared the globe as a densely humid fog filled the air. Clouds obscured her vision for a few seconds before it came into full view. Construction cranes clashed with the otherwise natural landscape. The platform stopped ascending and shifted to one side suddenly, Amy slipping slightly toward the edge, doing her best to cling to the smooth metal surface. She was being carried over a valley now. Catching sight of the drop below her caused her to shutter. Then suddenly, the ground grew nearer and nearer, until the platform was hovering mere inches off a canyon wall. She could see another gaping valley ahead as the platform approached the horizon. If there was ever a time to hop off, this was it.
She quickly covered her head and rolled onto the rocky ground, scraping her legs and arms. Suppressing a wimper, Amy slowly got up. It was just a few scratches. But it stings... Tears welled in her eyes for a moment until she shook her head defiantly. Perseverance leads to success. Get over it! she told herself. So she persisted.
Amy walked along the wide canyon wall until she reached a hilly region lavish with palm trees and small waterfalls. Two hikes and hardly a wink of sleep later, she was exhausted. She didn’t really have the slightest idea of where she should be looking for this mystery person. Becoming frustrated, Amy planted herself under a small grove of tropical fauna. The sun blazed overhead, just halfway across the sky. Just as she was beginning to ask herself what she was doing there, Amy heard a distinct whoosh at the base of the hill. 
Whatever made the noise was gone by the time she looked down over the hillside. Then, another loud whoosh in the opposite direction. If she’d blinked she would have surely missed it. Nothing but the afterimage of a blue blur remained- and Amy recognized it immediately. She gasped excitedly at the realization. That was Sonic the Hedgehog!
She’d heard the name trending around town for months. The hero that saved South Island from the evil Dr. Robotnik. The fastest thing alive. And my total dream man!, she added giddily. She couldn’t believe it. He was the hero she was destined to meet! Her fortune was beginning to improve, no doubt about it. Now, she only had to find a way to talk to him. 
He zoomed past again, making another whoosh behind her. Amy quickly turned to see the blur speeding left and right up the hill, then disappear- presumably into a cave or tunnel. There was a long, flat expanse of land ahead. The erratic movements gave her a chance to catch up with him ahead. A sudden bolt of energy rushed through her as she raced to the end of the hill bank. 
The land formed into a bridge ahead of her and Amy was sure that Sonic would pass through soon enough. What she didn’t expect was for a massive, bipedal mech to come down just in front of her, blocking her path. The immense machine towered over her as she stopped dead in her tracks, tripping her to the ground.
“Oh, what do we have here?” A sinister male voice came from the top of the machine. Amy looked up to find it was piloted by a bald, rotund man with a wooly mustache. She recognized him from the stories she’d heard- Dr. Robotnik. “Another one of Sonic’s little friends? Oh, but you don’t look so tough,” he cackled. A mammoth mechanical leg hovered over her. She covered her eyes and screeched in horror.
Her shocked screams must have traveled far, as Amy didn’t have to wait another second before Sonic came dashing to her rescue. In an instant, she’d been scooped off the ground and carried to safety just as the machine’s foot connected with the ground. She hesitantly peeked between her fingers. Sonic had lowered her to the ground gently before zooming back down the land bridge toward the terrible contraption. She watched in awe as her hero leaped and dashed, taking down the machine in a matter of seconds. Somehow, the man escaped as part of the mech broke off into a floating orb and flew away. Amy heard him cursing back at Sonic but couldn’t catch what he’d said. 
She sighed and swooned as she realized how her fortunes were coming true. This must have been that turbulent meeting she was expecting. It wouldn’t be long before the rest of the cards fell into place. “Hello!” she waved him over cheerfully. “I’m Amy Rose! Thank you for saving me!”
Sonic dusted himself off as he approached her. “Hey, no problem. I’m-”
“Sonic the Hedgehog!” she interrupted. “I’ve heard all about you!”
“Have you?” he grinned. “Guess I’m getting pretty famous.”
“Yeah,” she giggled nervously.
“So, why exactly were you challenging that thing?”
“Oh! I wasn’t- I mean- I’m a fortune-teller- well, kind of, I’m just starting out- but I’ve been having all these dreams about meeting a hero on another world, and then, you know, all of this happened to Little Planet, and I heard someone was rescuing it and- well, to be honest, I was kind of hoping it would be you since I’ve heard all these stories- so, I did a tarot reading last night and as it turns out, we were destined to meet today! Well, I think it was supposed to be today- it’s my birthday. Isn’t that wonderful?” Her frantic explanation left her breathless.
“That’s, um… a lot. Happy birthday?”
Amy’s eyes lit up. “Yes it is, thank you!”
“Well, we’ve met. Glad I could help ya fulfill that fortune, but I gotta get going-”
“I’ll come with you! We’re destined to go on an adventure together!” 
No way that’s happening. Sonic backed up from her casually. “Amy, was it? You said you were new at fortune-telling, right?”
“Oh! Um, yes, sort of.”
He turned and started toward the bridge of land connecting to the other side of the valley. “So how can you be sure?”
“Huh?” she sprinted ahead to follow close behind him.
“Those cards - you’re sure you read them right?”
Amy picked up her pace to keep up. “Oh! Well, there are lots of ways to interpret the cards. It’s more about feeling. I can show them to you if you’d like,” she smiled.
The landscape changed as they crossed to the other side. In contrast with the tropical forest, this place was more developed, sporting tall metallic structures. Neon lights flashed ahead and the climate grew comfortably cooler. It was just the planet’s curious atmosphere, but the clouds above blushed a romantic pink hue as if it were suddenly dusk- or if Amy were wearing rose-colored glasses.
Sonic stopped, holding up a hand “No thanks. Anyway, tagging along is too dangerous. Eggman isn’t messing around. I think you should go home.” 
“Oh! My cards predicted there would be disaster!” she giggled gleefully, not fully aware of the possibility that she could be seriously hurt or worse.
Sonic‘s expression was somewhere between worried and annoyed. “You chose to come even though you knew it would lead to disaster?” This girl’s wacky, he thought.
She nodded bashfully. “Mhm. But I know that if we persevere through the danger, we’ll have a happy ending.”
“Look, I can’t exactly babysit right now.” Sonic didn’t have time to fully process the girl’s sudden appearance and unlikely explanation. He leaped upward toward a colorful platform with the intent to continue forward without her. “Maybe we can figure this out later. You need to go-”
Without warning, something struck Sonic’s platform, tearing it apart. He managed to hop off just in time but was too late to save Amy from the attack. In a flash, she was hoisted off the ground, screaming for her life. She was held under arm by a robotic blue hedgehog carbon-copied from Sonic’s image. Its glowing red eyes stared through Sonic’s as it floated nearby for a few seconds, taunting him as she shrieked. Amy could hear Sonic calling out her name as she was hurdled into the sky by the terrifying machine. She didn’t dare try to escape with the threat of an endless fall beneath them. So she held on as best she could, eyes and skin stinging from the high altitude’s bitter atmosphere.
Cold floor. Cold walls. Cold eyes. Amy sat in a tiny steel cell somewhere in what could only be described as an evil lair. Machines buzzed and electricity crackled all around. The adrenaline from the flight was beginning to wear off and dreadful exhaustion was setting in. Her captor stood as a sentinel nearby, glaring at her menacingly. Amy forced herself to turn away from his eerie gaze, but she could feel his steely eyes on her like snow piling on her back. She did her best to keep from shivering.
“Oh, good! You’ve brought her back alive.” A harsh cackling could be heard as Eggman passed through the area. “Thank you for letting us use you as bait. Don't worry- you’ll be free to join my empire as soon as Metal here crushes Sonic,” he grinned.
Amy whipped her head around. “As if Sonic would lose to some copycat,” she scoffed. Being taken hostage was one thing, but she wasn't about to let anyone disparage her destined hero.
He laughed heartily in return. “Plucky, aren’t we? Perhaps I’ll keep you around. Metal Sonic could use a plaything.” Amy gasped at this, recoiling what that could mean. Robotnik smiled and sauntered casually over to the robot, who was still staring daggers at the girl. “Oh, forgive his rudeness. He was just activated today. Doesn’t know much in the way of manners yet,” he chuckled ironically. “Metal, there’s no need to stare. You’re making our guest uncomfortable.”
Metal Sonic shifted his focus to his master. Earlier, The Doctor had said, “don’t take your eyes off of her!” He was following orders. Perhaps this was too literal.
“Well, I have to complete some preparations before our little blue friend arrives. No roughhousing before we kill him, now! Wouldn’t want her dead before she’s fulfilled her purpose.” He continued laughing harshly as he disappeared down a hall. 
Amy felt somewhat relieved to have Metal Sonic’s robotic gaze off her, but there wasn’t much else she could be thankful for at that moment. She tried not to think about the situation she had gotten herself into. Perseverance leads to success. Just a little longer. But as she shivered pathetically in her frigid prison, she felt not only disparaged but humiliated. How could she have let herself be kidnapped? She didn’t even try to fight it- she knew she couldn’t win. What if I’m too weak? Tears forced their way out of her eyes. Maybe the cards were warning me not to come…
Metal Sonic continued watching over the girl, albeit less intensely. He had logged her image, noting the words weak and loud alongside. Now, he was more focused on calculating a route to victory against his opponent. But the change in her sparked his interest. He had never seen someone cry- he hadn’t seen much of anything yet, in fact. He only knew what he was programmed with- serve The Doctor, defeat Sonic, observe and learn. He decided to watch her a bit more closely and approached the small cell. 
Tears had escalated to a gentle sobbing by the time Metal Sonic was near. For however cold it was in that space, Amy still felt a chill before she realized how close the machine had come. She hugged herself tightly, once again forcing herself to look away. This thing didn’t need to see her looking so pitiful; she didn’t want to give it the satisfaction. Then she heard an inquisitive chime come from Metal Sonic. At least, she thought it was inquisitive. It sounded almost childlike in its curiosity- was it curiosity? Amy turned slowly, locking her wet eyes with his fiery ones. “Wh-what do you want?” she stammered.
What did he want? There was something peculiar about the way his hostage acted. Or, to put it more precisely, the way he reacted to her. It was strange; he succeeded in following his objective. What was this other feeling? Was it pity? No- It was interesting to him, that was all. He repeated his mechanical chirp, hoping to learn more.
There was something in the way he looked at her and how he sounded. It wasn’t malicious.  “Wait,” Amy sniffled, “Do you… feel bad?”
Metal Sonic was taken aback by her question. He was certainly not supposed to feel bad. He sort of shrugged and shook his head, sneering at the idea. 
“Of course not.” Amy looked defeated, kneeling on the hard floor with slumped shoulders and ruddy cheeks. The hushed weeping didn’t stop.
No, he didn’t feel bad. He couldn’t. As far as Metal Sonic was concerned, he accomplished a mission- that was indisputably correct. Positive even! Yet the consequence of his success was this miserable sight. He didn’t understand what he was supposed to feel; or why he cared. But he wanted to. So, he knelt just on the other side of the cell bars, mimicking the girl, and tapped on the flooring to get her attention.
The metallic clacking startled Amy out of her pity party. Her expression quickly turned from sorrowful to indignant. “What now?” SHe noticed his posture. “Are you making fun of me?” 
Mocking her wasn’t his intent, but the girl’s response was amusing to Metal Sonic. So temperamental. He shook his head again.
Amy’s eyes softened. Her captor couldn’t seem to do the same, a permanent scowl affixed to its face. Still, mean mug and all, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was… genuine? Robotnik mentioned that Metal Sonic was recently activated. He just seemed like other kids her age- curious, maybe a bit naive. It gave her an idea. 
She wiped her wet face on her hand and forearm, resolved to compose herself. Metal Sonic was staring again, but it wasn’t the uncomfortable leer from earlier. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, though. “Why do you stare so much?” she asked uncomfortably.
He turned his eyes away abruptly, still facing her. He wasn’t supposed to stare- but he was supposed to watch her. Contradictory, but those were his orders. It didn’t make that much sense to him so he shrugged in response. 
“Humph. I don’t see why an evil robot should care about manners…”
Metal Sonic’s eyes shot back at her, his shoulders clenching. He resented being called evil. He wasn’t anything- or wasn’t supposed to be, anyway. His only affiliation was with his creator. The humming of his motor intensified irately.
Amy could tell immediately that he was annoyed. “What, don’t like being called evil? Maybe don’t do evil stuff like kidnapping people, then! How would you have liked it?” 
Offended, Metal Sonic crossed his arms. The very idea that he would ever be kidnapped! That only happened to lesser beings. The girl had let herself be kidnapped, no attempt even made to fight back. Not that she had much of a choice in the matter, being so much weaker. His look shifted down as he thought, realizing that she had a point. She didn’t have a choice in the kidnapping. Was it evil to take advantage of that? His shoulders slumped. Not that he cared, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it if it was...
The change in Metal Sonic’s body language was clear to Amy. “Starting to understand?” She scooted closer to him sheepishly. “You don’t have to be evil, you know. You can choose.” She watched as Metal Sonic’s glowy eyes slowly shifted back to her, somehow looking less frightening now. He saw her smile for the first time as her face softened. Fishing her tarot deck out of her pocket, she continued. “Would you like to try making a choice?”
Though he found it to be unusual given her situation, the smile was not at all unwelcomed. The small insinuation that he would ever disobey an order, however, was. He callowly believed he would never do such a thing, however evil those orders may be. Still, the implication- and her strange little deck- intrigued him and he nodded with interest.
Amy’s face brightened even more. “You were just activated today, right? So, that basically makes today your birthday! It’s mine, too,” she giggled earnestly. “My name’s Amy Rose. I bet it’s destiny that we met on our birthdays. It must mean today is a really important day for both of us. I should know, ‘cause I’m a fortune-teller.” 
She seemed exceedingly confident considering that nothing she said made a lick of sense. It was his first day being fully operational, yes, but Metal Sonic hardly considered that to be a birthday. And now she was touting her fortune-telling and talking about destiny of all things? It was all too illogical- and his desire to understand made it all the more interesting to him. He logged her name in her file and nodded along.
“So, let’s do a birthday reading! Let’s try an easy spread with three cards. Here,” she tossed the cards all on the floor, mixing them up before spreading them out neatly before him. “Ask yourself what this year will be like for you. Then choose your cards and slide them back face down. One at a time, whichever ones stand out to you.”
Whichever ones stood out? They all looked the same. He couldn’t focus on any one card, shifting his sight all across the fanned out deck.
“Don’t overthink it!” Amy interjected. “Just choose whichever ones feel right, ‘kay?” She looked at him encouragingly. 
Whichever ones feel right. Metal Sonic pondered on it for a moment. Thinking about his feelings was new- but then again, a lot of things would be new for now. Not that he was taking it seriously. After all, what could a bunch of paper tell him about his future? But looking again, there were a few cards that stood out somehow. He pushed the thought from his head and slid each of his three selections back to her.
“Great!” Amy pulled back the rest of the cards, arranging them in a neat stack. “Okay, let’s ask this first card what gift you’ll get this year. Think about that question and let me know when you’re ready to turn it.”
The girl sat eagerly in front of him, hand poised to flip the card around. He probably wouldn’t have ever thought about receiving a gift- let alone what it would be- if he hadn’t been asked to think about it now. Metal Sonic nodded once, keeping the curious question in mind.
Amy turned it excitedly- she wouldn’t volunteer the information, but this was her first time doing a reading for someone else. She was determined to make it impactful. “And it looks like you got the Ace of Cups! Wow, this is a really emotional card.” She thought for a moment, recalling what she’d read about the suit and each of its pieces. “Okay, well, Aces are all about newness, you know? This one especially represents new feelings and relationships. Oh! Maybe you’ll make a new friend. I wonder who that could be,” she giggled. “The thing about cups, though- well, I guess you have to be willing to drink from it. You have to accept the good things, and you can’t let negativity stand in your way. Does that make sense?”
He was surprised to find that it did make some sense. But surely it was a coincidence- it was too on the nose. The world was new to him, sure, but it could logically apply to anyone. He shrugged, rolling his eyes sideways. It didn’t mean anything.
A coy grin spread across Amy’s face. She could tell that he believed it, however uncomfortable it made him. “I’ll let you think about that one. Let’s ask the next card for guidance. Ask what you can do to accomplish your goals.”
Guidance hardly seemed necessary when Metal Sonic had his programming. Attaining his goals was instinct. He indulged, nodding again plainly. The card showed a somewhat macabre scene.
“Judgement. Oh, but it’s reversed for you. Hmm, I think it means you have no self-awareness,” she nodded bluntly. “But I guess that makes sense. You’re going to have to learn a lot about yourself soon and reflect on it. You might also get an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass up.”
She seemed to be looking at him expectantly. She was trying to manipulate him. It wouldn’t work, but it was pretty entertaining; respectable even. He wanted to see how the girl could spin the last card in her favor. Wondering how she manipulated him into choosing the right cards for her narrative, he nodded to continue.
Amy placed a hand on the last card. “This one’s important. The card will give you an idea of how your actions will affect your life. It pretty much represents you, so make sure to concentrate when you ask ‘who will I be this year?’” 
Not what but who. Who would he be? Metal Sonic hadn’t thought of himself as much more than a machine up until then. But there were feelings beyond thought in him- could he call them emotions? No, this wasn’t the time for an existential crisis. He would have just gotten up and returned to his post if the curiosity about the last card wasn’t so vexing. He nodded, wanting to finish the ordeal. The card’s face revealed an armored man rushing forward on a white steed. Its head pointed toward Metal Sonic. 
“The Knight of Swords. He’s ambitious, and he takes action.” Amy picked it up and held the face out at eye level. “But it’s reversed. Something’s holding him back from giving it his all. Usually, it means you’re distracted or you don’t have any real direction. Maybe your goals aren’t aligning with what you want.” She picked up the reversed Judgement, holding the two cards together. A melancholy sigh made its way out of her lips. “It might be because you haven’t had a chance to reflect on much yet. I bet it’s hard to just, I don’t know, wake up like you did? It’s like you know things, but you never had a chance to learn the lessons.” 
He stared at the cards silently, astonished by her interpretation. He wanted it to be complete nonsense, but everything she said managed to resonate. There was no doubt she manipulated the reading, but he had chosen the cards himself. They stood out as if glowing from the fanned deck just minutes earlier. It was all true- he had barely been activated and one mission later was already doubting himself, even asking himself if he was evil. He couldn’t deny the jarring nature of his existence. But what was next? Heed the advice of some colorfully decorated cardstock?
A gentle voice broke his train of thought. “You’re thinking about the reading. It’s okay, I know it can be a lot to process.” Amy moved closer, sticking her arm out from behind the bars. She was offering him the cards. “Holding them helps to understand, I think.” He took the three of them in both hands, examining the artwork. “Your next choice is whether or not you’ll listen to their guidance.”
He looked from her to the cards as he held them. Again, guidance should be the last thing a programmed machine should need- he should have been built with all the direction he needed. Yet, she took the opportunity to speak to him even after he’d wronged her. Kind. He noted it in his file of Amy Rose. 
Then the realization that he’d been neglecting his duty took over him. This nonsense about destiny and kindness was getting in the way. Besides, it was all too confusing to think about this improbable future. Yes, he was focusing on the wrong thing- there was a mission to complete. Playtime was over. Metal Sonic dropped the cards absently, resolved to stand where he was stationed and await further orders. He didn’t get that far.
“Wait!” Amy reached out to him desperately, latching onto his wrist before he could leave. “I know it’s overwhelming, but just think about it. Please.” Her eyes pleaded with him for a moment before they were interrupted.
A shrill voice announced Robotnik’s return. “Metal! It’s showtime!” He paused to take in the scene that was unfolding before him. “What’s this? Our hostage giving you trouble?” Amy unhanded Metal Sonic in a hurry and scrambled to pick up her cards. He was still half-kneeling before her but quickly stood upright at his master’s appearance. Luckily, Robotnik was in too much of a hurry to fixate on the scene. “Forget it. Metal, grab her, and let’s get going.” The cell door swung open.
Amy shot up as Metal Sonic entered. Eyes locked, she begged him once more. “You don’t have to do this,” she whispered. “You can be more than this.” It was enough to give him pause. Could she be right? Could he choose not to obey orders? He must have hesitated for a moment too long because Robotnik quickly lost his patience.
“What are you waiting for? Bring her here this instant!”
Amy’s expression of terror was not one Metal Sonic would soon forget. Nothing about it made him want to deliver her to The Doctor; He didn’t want to obey. “You don’t have any real direction,” her words echoed in his mind. Metal Sonic’s fists clenched at his side as he stood conflicted before her, his back to his master. 
“Rebelling already?” Robotnik grumbled. “Perhaps a little motivation.” He brandished a small remote and turned a dial. 
Metal Sonic seized suddenly. As if struck by lightning, sparks visibly bounced off his body before it went limp. Shocked and confused, Amy backed herself away. “What- what did you do?” she gasped. Before Robotkin could answer, Metal Sonic was upright again.
“Good to see the inhibitors working. Now grab her and get a move on!”
“No, stop!” No amount of protesting would save Amy now. Whatever he’d done to Metal Sonic appeared to erase any progress she’d made. She kicked and squirmed but was soon restrained by Metal Sonic, dragged off to whatever assembly point Robotnik had in mind for his scheme. At least this time she put up a fight.
Amy could hardly tell if she was indoors or out. The drop below the scaffolding she’d been placed on was immense, though the metallic clanking below could still be heard faintly. It was dark as if night time- but there was no way the sun had time to set between her kidnapping and now. A claw-like contraption held her just a few feet off the scaffolding uncomfortably. She groaned, turning to face the heavy metal door to one side of her. She was apparently waiting for Sonic or his imposter to race through it any minute (Robotnik had assured her it would be the latter). So now she was alone, helplessly waiting to be rescued. Or not, she worried. 
She thought about the disappointment of her meeting with Metal Sonic and how quickly she’d been sabotaged. She really believed everything she’d told him- the significance of meeting on their birthdays, her predictions for his future- all of it. I guess there was never a point if Robotnik could just zap him back into a zombie. I wonder if he’ll remember anything…
There wasn’t any more time to think about it. Before Amy knew it, Sonic came racing down the pathway and through the door, skidding to a stop in front of her. The heavy door slammed shut and something crashed loudly on the other side of it. 
“Looks like I won,” Sonic grinned.
Amy’s face lit up immediately. “Sonic! You came for me!”
“Yep! All I had to do was beat that that Metal Sonic in a race. Piece of cake.” The metal claw swung open after he gave it a quick hit. 
Amy dusted herself off, turning her attention to the doorway that was now dented inward. “So, did he…”
“Crash? I guess so. Consider yourself lucky.”
I guess it was just a machine, after all, Amy reasoned. Sonic’s nonchalant response made it clear he wouldn’t be losing sleep over his victory. Besides, her fortunes were shifting. Manifestations nearing meant it wasn’t the time for distractions. She erased the thought from her mind and focused on what she’d come for. “Thank you for saving me! So, what now?”
Sonic’s self-assured grin grew wider. “We still have a planet to save. You coming?”
His words were a dream come true to the starry-eyed girl. She threw herself around him brazenly, tail wagging with glee. The affection made Sonic squirm but he remained polite, feeling guilty for allowing to be kidnapped earlier. “Of course!” she giggled. “I’ll follow you anywhere!”
“Sonic freed Little Planet after that and we didn’t see you for a while. We encountered each other a few times after that, but I think this story was long enough.” Amy lounged comfortably, chin resting in her hand. She breathed in the crisp night air and sighed nostalgically. “It was over nine years ago. Man, we were all so short back then. You and Sonic are so much taller than me now...” She looked down at her dazed guest. “You okay down there?”
Metal sat slouching on the ground in front of her. He was carefully recording every last detail she’d recounted when he matched the photograph he’d logged of Amy back then to her retelling. The tense circumstances of their meeting were uncomfortable to recall. She’d even insinuated he was evil- he remembered. The day came back to him. Metal sat up suddenly at the realization.
“What is it?” He stared at her directly, unsure of how to communicate his epiphany. She snickered awkwardly, bemused by the outburst. It wasn’t long ago she’d have found that glowy leer petrifying, but now it was just amusing.
Metal placed a finger over the scratch on his forehead, concentrating on her as if he could transmit his thoughts. Her eyes widened. “Oh! Did you remember something?” He answered by tapping on the ground just as he had back then. A kind smile appeared on Amy’s face as she leaned closer to him. “Yeah, that’s how we met! Do you remember anything else?” He didn’t, so leaned back until he was parallel with the ground at her feet. Amy giggled at his response. “Not yet, huh? But hey, if my stories ring a bell then I can tell you a few more!” She paused. It occurred to her that reliving the better part of a decade in a matter of days or hours could prove to be overwhelming. “I mean if you want. We should probably take it slow.”
It was strange enough that Amy had managed to jog his memory, but her apparent ability to understand what he wanted to communicate was becoming uncanny. Even during their first encounter, she told him exactly what he needed to hear- though he regrettably hadn’t done much to listen. Metal did want to hear more, but her thoughtfulness in pacing was a relief. It was all a lot to process. There was one more thing he needed to know, however. Metal folded his hands over his chest and rolled his head over to face her. 
“I guess you’re wondering why I saved you. Sorry- did that sound kinda narcissistic?” she chuckled. Amy stretched, sitting upright. “Oh, I might as well be honest.” She combed her hand through her quills sheepishly. “So, I thought, since you’re mechanical, we could just reprogram you or something- I don’t know. But the more we hang out…” she tried finding a tactful way to approach the next part. “Well, I guess I realized I should treat you with the same respect as anyone else. I think, without all the overbearing influence, you can decide for yourself what’s right. I mean, I hope I’m not too overbearing either! But, you know. Maybe I can be there for you, if that’s okay.” 
So, she was giving him a choice. He’d seen what Tails could do; they could have easily tried to brainwash him, erasing his past forever. But he placed his trust blindly in Amy and her friends and had been rewarded with nothing but care and kindness. Now, Metal had a chance at freedom. Appearing as if he hadn't had many opportunities to make decisions for himself, he silently worried his daunting past would get in the way.  The independence felt unnatural, unfamiliar. A bit uncomfortable. But he was made for difficult tasks; Why should he shy away from this? He reached up to her, placing a hand gingerly over hers in thanks. She returned with a gentle squeeze. The embrace was chilly from the night air, but the gesture undoubtedly came from a place of warmth.
“So, do you want to stay for a while?” Amy’s welcoming smile radiated with immense charm. How could he say no?
helloooooooo babes. this one took a bit; i did a lot of research on canon content and tarot. i even consulted my good friend who’s a fortune-teller. fun fact i’m too afraid to get a reading from her bc she’s always too accurate and frankly i don’t want to know what else will happen this hell year 🙃
a big thank you as always to everyone reading and sending me kind messages. it really keeps me motivated ❤️❤️❤️
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metalikkblog · 1 year
Metamy Ship Week 30th Anniversary Edition announcement!!!!
Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a lovely day. It is here!
Metamy (Metal Sonic x Amy Rose) ship week is happening again this year! This time for Sonic CD's 30th anniversary, or how I prefer to call it: their birthday!
The dates for the week are: 16.09 - 22.09
It's ending a day before the anniversary so the week doesn't interfere with it. One more day of Metal and Amy stuff!
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The credits for the drawings I've used in the background: @transgendershadowthehedgehog @quackkryak @bechnokid @mary-venom @9474s0ul
The themes for the days are:
Day 1 - Meeting
Day 2 - Surprise / Music
Day 3 - AU (Alternative Universe)
Day 4 - Conflict / Flower
Day 5 - Partner
Day 6 - Past / Future
Day 7 - Celebration
The themes are vague on purpose. I want to see interesting concepts, follow what I used in the backgrounds or create something new! It's all up to the person making it, the only constant will be the theme!
For the days with double themes you could make separate stuff for these, only choose one or maybe have two of them in a single drawing!
The tag for the event is #metamyweek30th
There's also going to be a @metamyweek blog where I'll reblog every post made for the week!
I use this blog to announce it all so it can get an instant start but follow the metamy blog!
This event will also happen on the metamy discord server, if you wanna join: here!
That's all! Let's have some metamy for this special occasion!
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realdrgold · 5 days
WARNING! STABILITY COMPROMISED! Life has taken a toll on me these past few days, on METAMY WEEK of all weeks! Well screw life I guess, BUT I'M NOT QUITTING! GOING INTO OVERTIME! ENJOY LATE DAY 5 AND AWAIT LATE DAY 6 AND HOPEFULLY ON TIME DAY 7!
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bimboamyrose · 4 years
Unfamiliar - A Metamy Fanfic (Ch. 7)
Ch. 7: Source Decay
First two chapters
Previous (Ch.6) (mild blood tw)
Amy repacked the first aid kit carefully and deliberately. Even now, she was trying to think of what to say to Sonic. They each usually had plenty to talk about, but a rare silence filled the tense air as both sat speechlessly. Sonic and Metal sat across from one another, resuming their staring contest. But Sonic was no match for the robot’s unblinking gaze and his frustration hit a boiling point.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” Sonic snapped, turning to Amy. 
The metal latches on the first aid box clicked shut. “Yeah,” she breathed. “I guess it’s about time.” She lifted her wide eyes to Sonic slowly. She breathed deeply, a pleading look painted across her face as she explained. “Tails and I found Metal about a week ago. He was pretty damaged and doesn’t remember a whole lot. I thought he could use a place to stay while Tails made some repairs.” Her eyes were begging him to remain discreet. Either he didn’t get the message, or he didn’t care.
“What do you mean ‘found him’? You mean after we beat him up last week?” Amy’s sudden scowl didn’t seem to deter him either. “Why are you trying to repair him after he tried to kill-”
“I told you what happened,” Amy interjected, getting up from her seat. “Metal’s staying with me until Tails can fix him. I don’t know what’s so confusing about that.” She shrugged as she marched her way back to the pantry, tossing the kit back inside the cabinet.
Metal’s suspicions seemed to be correct. He and Sonic’s team were fighting just before Amy and Tails found him that day. The damage, no doubt, was due to the battle. The esoteric puzzle was unfolding before him. Metal remembered the cast on Tails’ arm- also injured- and he knew he must have been the one to hurt him.  He turned his palms up on the table in front of him. The blood may as well have still been there.
Sonic wasn’t done. “You know exactly why it’s confusing! What aren’t you- Hey!”
The chair across from him scraped across the floor as Metal stood up abruptly. Sonic did the same, standing ready to strike. His robotic counterpart stared for a moment more before turning, taking steps toward the back door.
“Metal, wait!” Amy sprinted to get ahead of him and block his exit. “Don’t go, please!” A series of quick tones come from him as he waved his arm, motioning for her to get out of his way. She stood her ground, expertly reaching up to take his hand in both of hers. All at once, Metal saw her- the stains on her gloves, the mist in her eyes- and the bandage around her arm. When he felt her delicate fingers wrap tightly around his own it was as if he was no longer made of steel and wires but soft flesh and blood. His defenses fell. The extraordinarily gentle feeling that was nothing short of overwhelming enveloped him. He didn’t need his memory to know that nothing else could have made him feel that way. Could she really sway him so easily?
“Metal, I owe you an explanation. You can leave after that if you still really want to. Give me a chance,” she begged.
She misunderstood him. He did not feel angry or resentful toward her- not even toward Sonic. He wasn’t leaving out of spite. No, Metal’s impulse, however unusual, was to protect Amy. He didn’t understand why and truthfully did not see her as weak or inept, but he did understand the potential threat he posed by simply being around others. She wouldn’t be safe as long as he stayed there. The conflict came when he felt her inexplicable tenderness and realized he’d never get himself to leave as long as her influence tethered him there. Metal reached up slowly with his other hand, toward Amy’s face. Her rosy cheeks looked so warm.
He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. Sonic stood irate just behind him. “Don’t lay a finger on her or you’ll regret it.” Metal’s outstretched hand contorted into a fist as he turned back to meet Sonic’s eyes. The humming of his engine grew louder.
“Hey,” Amy reached to suppress Metal’s raised fist. “That’s enough of that.” She turned her attention to Sonic, brushing his grip from Metal’s shoulder. “Hands off. No one’s fighting today. I think it’s time for you to go.”
“I’m not leaving you here with this pile of scrap,” Sonic crossed his arms. His glare didn’t break from Metal’s.
“Leaving me where? In my house?” she scoffed. “I invited him to stay. You have no right to-”
“To what, Amy? Care about your safety?” Sonic finally turned to look directly at her. 
“Well you don’t have to worry about me ‘cause I’m not afraid of Metal.”
“You should be!” He pointed at her bandaged arm. “We both know that’s not the worst that could have happened.”
Amy’s blood was boiling now. After all those years, all the battles they’d endured together, how could he be so sure that she couldn’t look after herself? Did he think she was stupid or had no sense of self-preservation? “He didn’t mean it!”
“Well, what if he had? What could he have done to you? He’s not gonna hold back if he remembers!”
Metal lowered his gaze until his eyes landed to where Sonic had pointed. That was his fear, too. If he could hurt Amy without intention, what was he capable of if he wanted to do real damage? He couldn’t imagine hating her after the kindness she’d shown him, but it seemed his memories could prove him wrong.
“You don’t have any faith in me, Sonic!” Amy exploded.  “I’m not a kid anymore! I know what I’m doing.” Her eyes dampened as she tore into him. “ You always doubt me! But I  know we can help Metal if we give him a chance- He’s staying here and that’s final, so get used to it!” She was yelling again, her throat straining.
Sonic’s brows raised, taken aback by her response. He shifted to a gentler tone. “Amy, I just-”
“Well, don’t!” she cut him off. “I don’t want to hear it! You must think I’m stupid if you don’t think I can handle things for myself. If you won’t help me, then at least don’t make it any harder!” Tears were filling her eyes now, threatening to overflow onto her red-hot cheeks.
Sonic didn’t know how to respond. He shifted his weight uncomfortably and softened his expression at the sight of her mounting frustration- he could never stand to see her cry. He sighed. “I do trust you, Ames…” his eyes shifted to Metal begrudgingly. Sonic wanted to add something but left it at that. 
“Great.” Amy was choking back a whimper. She turned away from both of them, back into the kitchen, and began wiping down the counter aggressively. “You can go, then. I have to finish cleaning up now.” She didn’t look up.
Sonic rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. He wasn’t one to doubt his friends, least of all Amy; But it didn’t stop him from worrying. Her passions ran high and she was thoughtful and compassionate to a fault, her kindness often landing her in trouble. He resented that his care for her came off as distrustful. They weren’t the naive children they once were and his protective nature seemed to clash with that idea. But even if she could be incredibly stubborn, there was no shortage of care or intellect in her that could reasonably give Sonic pause in trusting her judgment. There was, however, Metal Sonic to contend with. That was the wild card he didn’t trust. Sonic shifted his attention to him. Metal Sonic had hardly moved except to turn to Amy. He watched her, no longer engaging in a battle of glares with Sonic. His expressionless eyes were impossible to read and Sonic wondered if the robot could feel anything, least of all guilt. Still, Sonic couldn’t deny that there was something different about his steely counterpart that day. 
Finally, he addressed Amy begrudgingly. “Call me if there’s trouble.” He saw Amy nod but she still didn’t look up. He took one last look at Metal, who shot back a glare before Sonic made his way out the front door. “I’ll see ya, Ames.” He hesitated before making his way out. “Be careful.”
The door closed behind Sonic. Amy couldn’t contain her emotions anymore. Tears made their way onto the counter that she wiped away immediately. It wasn’t quick enough to keep Metal from noticing. She rubbed at her eyes with the back of her hand, suppressing a sob. Then she felt something cold and firm around her wrist. Metal had taken hold of it lightly- he peered into her as she finally turned up to look at him. “I guess I owe you an explanation,” she sniffled. But he wasn’t thinking about that. He shifted his focus to her hand and Amy seemed to finally understand the sorry state she was in. The blood had soaked into her white gloves, drying into a muddy stain. The sleeveless dress she wore was dusty and damp. Her focus had been so divided as she was caring for her cut. She had done it mechanically, without thinking; finding the words to persuade Sonic had taken her full attention instead. Now, she thought of herself for the first time since the encounter, realizing how pitiful she must look.
Amy’s eyes opened like faucets. She tossed away the rag she’d been cleaning the kitchen with and brought her blood-stained hand up to her mouth to muffle her sobs in its palm. Metal was frozen. The sight of Amy weeping was deeply discomforting and it felt like there was a role he should be playing, but he didn’t fully understand what it was. Slowly, he raised an unassertive arm around the front of her, just meeting her right shoulder above the banged wound with his hand. The small nudge was invitation enough. Amy took hold of his shoulder and pulled herself onto him, nestling her face in his chest. If Metal had a heart she would have felt it hammering against her cheek.
Emotions can be quite overwhelming, he learned. He felt relieved that Amy didn’t recoil at his touch. Sympathy for her sadness. Most surprisingly, he felt exhilarated from their embrace. It all happened in a second. The feelings overcame Metal as he reached behind Amy, gently pressing a cold arm around her. His other hand was still gripping her wrist, so he let his fingers crawl up to meet hers. He cradled her delicate hand in his and pressed it against his other shoulder. From her tears to her back, Amy was warm and soft and trembling- a stark contrast to Metal’s still and steely body. A deep comfort built within him as he held her for a while. Sobs eventually turned to sniffles but Amy didn’t immediately let go after her shaky breaths slowed to their regular rhythm.
Wiping the last of the tears from her eyes, Amy took an unsteady breath. “I’m sorry. I guess I got pretty frustrated there.” Slowly, she pushed away from Metal and slipped out of his grasp, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. “I didn’t mean to be so forward.” Her voice cracked. “I should really change,” Amy blurted out, making her way to her bedroom at the quickest pace she could muster without literally running out of the room. She closed the door hard behind her. Her heartbeat mounted again and blood rushed to her face. It was bad enough to lose her cool like that in front of someone, but to hug Metal so presumptuously? I bet I made him so uncomfortable, she lamented silently, not knowing how wrong she was.
A bit confused by her sudden and unexpected exit, Metal simply stood wondering if Amy’s mercurial nature would ever cease to surprise him. Still, her ability to express herself earnestly remained as admirable as it was fascinating. After thinking about it for some time, Metal turned his attention to the disarray before him.
Meanwhile, Amy had forced herself into a cold shower to cool off. Rather than the hamper, her gloves went straight to the garbage, trashed beyond any reasonable repair. Having taken her time, she wondered if he’d still be there when she returned.
Amy emerged in a cozy red sweater that obscured her injury, figuring neither of them would want to be reminded of it. She found Metal sitting at the dining table, staring out the glass door and into the skyline as the sun prepared to set. She’d found him that way a couple of times in the past few days, seemingly getting some enjoyment out of watching the brilliant colors mingle overhead.
Then, suddenly remembering the mess in the kitchen, she shuffled past him around the counter only to find it spotless. “Did you clean up?” she called to Metal. She saw him nod from across the room but he didn’t take his eyes off the scenery.  “You shouldn’t have- thanks.” 
Amy made her way back around sheepishly. She took a seat just next Metal, joining him in watching the colorful sky. After a few minutes, Amy sighed. “Isn’t it pretty? You should see how it looks from up on the mountains. You can see the whole horizon and everything.” It took him a moment, but Metal looked back toward her this time before nodding. Amy felt her stomach knitting nervously. “But first, I think I should tell you about how we met.” 
As the pinkish-orange glow faded and the sky grew dim, Amy made her way to the sliding door, stopping to grab a blanket and flipping on the outdoor light as she went. “Let’s get comfortable,” she beckoned, wrapping the blanket around her. They both sat on lounge chairs under the eroding sunlight for another few minutes as Amy mustered the courage to speak. She was afraid he would leave abruptly to find his master once he found out the truth about his origins. “I haven’t been honest with you,” she finally admitted. “Can you promise you won’t leave before I tell you everything, though?”
Metal thought he wanted nothing more than to remember who he was. Now, he wasn't so sure he wished to find out- though he knew he had to. He gave her a nod. “Okay,” she breathed, drawing her knees up to her chest. “I’ll tell you what I know.” Metal copied her posture, crossing lanky arms over knees. He stared back expectantly. 
“I do know who Eggman is. He built you to fight us- well, Sonic specifically.” She met his gaze as confidently as she could. “But I think you’re capable of so much more than that, Metal.” Even as the stars emerged from hiding, they were no match for the way Amy’s smile illuminated the darkening night.
So I was reading up on the song “Source Decay” by The Mountain Goats as it  gave me some inspiration for this chapter. It has an interesting narrative. This is what the lyricist had to say about the lyrics:
“The backstory blurs and won’t cohere, the evidence mounts and is available but it just won’t gel into a satisfying narrative… you sometimes really deeply and desperately need to get a clean narrative line through some story in your life… the song is about how those outlines are like blurry shapes in fading light that you eventually have to just accept as they are.”
ANYWAY not to get corny with y’all but just wanted to share my thoughts. I scribble so much dumb bullshit down as I’m writing and thought this one was actually worth sharing lol. TY again to everyone who has been reading!!
A special thanks to @maggy-world for her very sweet fanart. Please check out her lovely art!
Next chapter will be up by next week. Its’s a long one. ✌️ 
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