#Mercury signs
cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
Negatives of Mercury in Each House
Mercury in 1st House: Overthinker, mental overload, takes things too literally, impatient, not a good listener, interrupts while talking, opinionated, critical, argumentative, fussy with details, nervous.
Mercury in 2nd House: Does not keep promises, mismanages money, financial trickster, bad salesman, lies about money matters, stammering.
Mercury in 3rd House: Too much into details, information gatherer, thinks but not acts, cluttered mind, breathing and lungs issues, smoker, loses the big picture, media addict, smartphone addicts.
Mercury in 4th House: Unsettled mind, emotional issues, analyses feelings than feeling them, not able to settle at one place /city, frequent mover, shy outside home, nervous, anxious mother, tension at home, sibling quarrels, property troubles, documentation troubles.
Mercury in 5th House: flirtatious, casual lover, critical of children's education, too mental in love and expressing affections, takes risk with speculation, poor gambler, worried over children, micromanages children's life.
Mercury in 6th House: Argumentative, picks intellectual fights, overzealous in health matters, troubles with co worker, gossips at office/ workplace, criticizes others work, perfectionist, makes mistakes at work, skin eruptions.
Mercury in 7th House: changes partners frequently, falls in love then discards, trouble with contracts, marries for documents purpose(like spouse sponsoring a visa), mental relationships, not serious in love, experiments new partners, falls in love with 2 people at same time.
Mercury in 8th House: Secretive, schemer, cold, sarcastic, suspicious, corporate frauds, abuses through words, foul language, trouble through inheritance, relatives, nervous disorders like paralysis, respiratory illnesses, obsessed about death.
Mercury in 9th House: Fundamentalist, thinks too optimistically than practically, can't see immediate consequences, focused only on the big vision but doesn't take practical steps, questions religion and faith systems, cannot believe without proof.
Mercury in 10th House: Changes career frequently for promotion or increments, too smart and then deceives oneself, lies at work, thinks only about gain, not emotional, works only for results, no imagination or creativity at work, works as per the letter of law than to the spirit.
Mercury in 11th House: Makes more acquaintances than true friends, social climbers, makes contacts for sake of it, deceitful friends or deceits friends, financial mismanagement, greedy for profits, attracted to quick rich schemes, cheats others financially, lies to others.
Mercury in 12th House: Poor concentration, poor focus, dreamy, impractical, poor memory, lack of action, forgets important things, does not solve problems, not good with details, does not speak properly, not responsive to others, over imagination.
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Magha Sidereal Astrology🌙 (@maghastrology) / X (twitter.com)
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mellowellez · 10 months
astrology observation🐀
🦦sag 11h people can be the one who’s constantly making friends wherever they go and tend to be the “loud” one of the group
✨leo with cancer placements can be very difficult to understand or even get too know sometimes
🎀taurus placements especially 6h could be the type to only have a makeup/skincare routine and call it the day
⭐️pisces moons are the REAL empaths out of the other two water signs they constantly visions or use their imagination as if they were in someone else’s shoes
🌫️any virgo/pisces placement even asteroid or nn/sn are always people who help or want to be needed by someone or something , they will give you unwanted information and tips out of love and support
🍋leo 11h people are the definition of loyalty especially towards friends they do anything and every for/with them and will love you with ALL their heart
🌊cancer suns are really shy , quiet while cancer moons are talkative and love knowing people on a personal level
🫧virgos excessively lie idk if it’s the anxiety or they can’t handle accountability or what
🧌Capricorn 4H could mean you had to be mentally and emotionally independent or keep yourself busy, company from a very young age
☕️moon-saturn can mean having a very strained relationship with your mom or she didn’t really allow you to do anything as a child and now you are hesitant of getting out there and having fun
🦪many 9h placements are into foreign languages and traveling more than sagittarius natives
💫cancer risings with their leo 2nd house spend their money on frivolous things like clothes/makeup/art supplies and anything that they can express themselves with and cute their boredom
❄️speaking of cancer placements I think some cancer people with 3rd house cancer could love yearbooks , academic trophies or anything that reminds them of their accomplishments in school
🌹you can spot scorpio/aries placements a mile away the prominent brows , sharp features and the hard facial expressions
🪴libra 10H people attract a lot of people infatuated or insanely attracted to them finding them sexy/sex appeal??
🐚pisces + gemini in big 3 makes someone very creative and fun but also emotionally in-tune with their emotions plus extremely talkative
🪰gemini venus can have like multiple standards/expectations for the people they wanna date
🐸aquarius suns are very adventurous and not afraid to take risks with gemini and libra think things through and can’t decide if they want to do it or not
🪩3rd house/9th house venus and moons listens too a variety of music genres they can go from hip-pop to country music
🌆Sagittarius risings or prominent jupiter influence in first house people have big cheeks ifykyk and very noticeable, contagious smiles
🎢air 3rd house people can go through or have many cars throughout their lives like they have a new car everytime you see them
🎠people with heavy mercury influence are very funny they are quick with it
🧌gemini mercury people are very good at mocking or mimicking how people sound or sing especially if has aspects or a Venusian degree (2°,14°,7°,19°)
👽Uranus 1H people can have very big/muscular calves even ankles
🧸something about aries moons and gemini suns just give off chaotic energy
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carmelcoco · 4 months
mercury notes
trauma through mercury signs 🥀
warning - content may be triggering, following are not absolute facts take them with a grain of salt. And please reach out to your loved ones and take care of yourself.
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〰 aries mercury
they probably had a childhood were they didn't feel heard enough so growing up they learned to communicate by being loud and as quickly as possible or either learned to kept it all in. Someone older or leader of the family may have controlled them in their childhood, could be a teacher as well. probably grew up in a family where yelling was normal.
〰 taurus mercury
they had to learn to adjust a lot, they were probably the 2nd choice growing up. they learned whom to trust and whom not to at a very young age. they could've went through an experience where someone close to them broke their trust and hence they learned not to share too much of them to others.
〰 gemini mercury
gemini mercury was the odd one of the family who had to learn how to deal with their parents (parents could have different style of communication or either were ignorant towards the child or busy). They learned to entertain themselves at a young age through gaining knowledge this may also happen due to them wanting to be interesting enough so that their parents would spend time with them. can be prone to oversharing or not sharing at all.
〰 cancer mercury
cancer mercury tend to hold on their feelings until it is impossible to do so anymore and if they ever try to communicate and the other person does not recognises it, it could be hard for them to do share their feeling with that person in the future. They may tend to get emotional or cry while talking about how they feel. they can hold grudges (if underdeveloped)
〰 virgo mercury
They were probably criticized as young kids for whatever they did resulting in them being so cautious as adults and sometimes manifested as anxiety or nervousness. Healing work can be really good for them.
〰 leo mercury
as kids they may have gotten to much attention or no attention at all resulting them to learn to take charge of the situation as adults. They learned to create boundaries to protect themselves and learned to be as straight forward as possible. some can be people pleasers is underdeveloped.
〰 libra mercury
they probably were criticized or made fun of as kids resulting in them having some kind of insecurity. they likely put a facade around people and act as if everything is fine. they tend to flourish into very reliable people later in their lives.
〰 scorpio mercury
went through a lot as a kid. learned to shut their feelings and isolate. didn't know how to stand up for themselves and all this comes with them even in adulthood. they tend to not trust people's words easily as they have had experiences where there trust was shattered. self love is key.
〰 sagittarius mercury
they felt better at school than at home. probably were pretty know in their school for their humour and smartness. they learned to push away their feelings and to avoid them and rather focus on other things. they probably were the kids making dark jokes about how messed up their life is.
〰 capricorn mercury
they had quite practical parents who taught them things like work and practical skills at a young age. they were told that they must be able to take care of themselves. they learned to communicate in an assertive manner and had good values as kids. their parents weren't that affectionate and could be strict, creating fear around the child of not wanting to disappoint them.
〰 aquarius mercury
they were the kids who either barely talked as kids or were nervous to talk or let their thoughts be heard maybe because when they tried to share their thoughts they were either laughed at or judged. they were called the alien or odd ones of the group. very eccentric people honestly.
〰 pisces mercury
they had difficulty understanding people so they learned to give half answers or vague answers as they didn't want to come off as dumb or wrong in front of others. They probably were the kids who weren't able to stand up for themselves during fights. They may have trouble conveying what they are feeling in the moment.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits
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astrodescent · 11 months
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your mars sign reveals your unique approach to achieving goals. it indicates how you harness your motivation, energy, and assertiveness to pursue your desires, shaping the way you initiate action and overcome obstacles in your life.
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aries / 1H: be an initiator, use your natural leader skills, be competitive, set ambitious goals, purse your goals head-on
taurus / 2H: be patient, attract don’t chase, don’t be too stubborn with the outcome, use practical methods, focus on financial or material success
gemini / 3H: be adaptable, use communication skills and networking skills, use intellectual skills, objective thinking, use negotiation
cancer / 4H: have a support system, use family as goals and motivation, use your emotional intelligence, take care of someone
leo / 5H: be creative and passionate, use your natural charisma skills, pursue creative goals such as acting or preforming, inspire and lead others
virgo / 6H: be of service, dedicate hard work to your goals, be organized in your plan, be detail oriented, use your strong work ethic, don’t get too critical
libra / 7H: use your relationships and partnerships to your advantage, work closely with others, share your art, create an aesthetic, use charm and negotiation skills
scorpio / 8H: be intense and determined, use your detective and psychology skills, dive into the mysteries of life, use your sexual energy
sagittarius / 9H: be adventurous and explore, use your personal philosophy, travel & seek higher education, make big inspiring goals that bring you out of your comfort zone
capricorn / 10H: be ambitious and focused, think of long term success, be poised and confident, use your natural leadership skills, strategic planning
aquarius / 11H: be innovative and creative, think outside the box, push your boundaries, study sociology, think of social impact, use technology
pisces / 12H: use spiritual knowledge, channel creative and mystical energy, use compassion, have a deep conversation, work beyond the psychical
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© spirit-of-phantom 2023
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 years
How your voice sounds like & how you talk according to your 2nd & 3rd house 🗣:
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Aries in the 2nd house & Taurus in the 3rd House:
Aries 2nd house people usually have a very husky/raspy voice and can talk pretty fast when they're excited or angry. Although, their Taurus in the 3rd house can make them more soft spoken in everyday life. If you get on their good side they will be sweet to you but if you piss them off they won't hestitate to drag you. They can be slick with their words. They are the type to be sneaky with their jokes and tease you without you even noticing till later what they said 💀 (Michael Jackson has this placement and everyone thinks he was so sweet but would literally sing 50 Cent in his car, cuss words and all lmao 😂)
Taurus in the 2nd house & Gemini in the 3rd house:
I know this sounds weird but Taurus 2nd house people talk more with their throat. Their voice sounds either very throaty or very nasally (I mean come on now - Shakira, Rihanna, G-Eazy, Cardi B, Heath Ledger, Stevie Nicks, AND Andrew Garfield. The proof is in the pudding). Their tone of voice is very unique but it's also attractive? They cound sound a little bit like they have a cold, its cute. If they are singers they use a lot of vibratto (don't worry I'll do a post on this too 🙄). Gemini in the 3rd house people could be very expressive with their faces when they talk and show a duality. They could also talk with different accents depending on who they are with.
Gemini in the 2nd house & Cancer in the 3rd house:
These people are very chatty around those they feel comfortable with. If they have a lot of air or fire in their birth chart they are friendly and love to socialize. If there is more earth and water they are shy but like to converse with whoever they are close to. Gemini 2nd house people tend to speak with a vocal fry. They could be emotional speakers as well with their Cancer in the 3rd house or they are good at making people feel heard during a conversation.
Cancer in the 2nd house & Leo in the 3rd house:
Their voices sound as if they're sleepy. Cancer 2nd house people's voices sound soft and airy. With a Leo in the 3rd house, they put some bass in their voice when they yell or get mad. Similar to a cat, they might be chill at first, and pur and meow, but if you piss them off they'll roar. They are very passionate and could choke up a bit or cry if they talk about a sensitive subject.
Leo in the 2nd house & Virgo in the 3rd house:
Leo 2nd house people growl as they talk, sing, or rap. Might even clear their throat before speaking. Could have some health problems with their throat or nose. They have the tendency to be congested. Virgo in the 3rd house could make them sound like a nerd when they talk about their interests 🤓
Virgo in the 2nd house & Libra in the 3rd house:
Virgo 2nd house people have very thin voices and typically sound high pitched, it's like their voices sound like it's struggling to come out (if their is voice is deeper it will sound gravely like Tyler, The Creator). They could require voice lessons or speech therapy at some point in their life. Possibly has social anxiety. Has or could develop a lisp. Talented when it comes to using their voice for entertainment like voice acting, reporting, speeches, singing, rapping, etc. (Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn or Eddie Murphy as Mushu and Donkey). With their Libra in the 3rd house they could have a way with words. They could be very charming when they speak and like to flirt. Might even turn on the charm to get what they want (I'm guilty of this).
Libra in the 2rd house & Scorpio in the 3rd house:
There is two spectrums with these people. On one hand their voices are very attractive and the way they speak can be sensual... or they can be vulgar and/or hilarious (1. Ice Spice, Michael B. Jordan, Usher, Lauren Jauregui, Keanu Reeves, Meagan Good, & Idris Elba 2. Dave Chapelle, Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks, Kevin Hart, & Ryan Reynolds 3. Dolly Parton & Childish Gambino are both great at singing and know how to do comedy). They are great at entertaining a crowd and could be the host at parties. They know how to make people laugh and blush, it's their way of seducing.
Scorpio in the 2nd house & Sagittarius in the 3rd house:
This combination can cause them to be poetic and philosophical. They are great when it comes it expressing their inner most personal thoughts. When angered, they will let you let you feel their wraith (I mean have you heard Beyoncé on her Lemonade album or Doja Cat on her lives? Lmao they do not fuck around). Their language is very blunt and they cuss a lot (Britney Spears: "Holy shitballs!" 😃 *starts spinning*). Scorpio 2nd house people voices are clear and deep (yes, like the ocean) but if they are around someone they talk in a baby voice. It's so funny too it's like they're usually this badass but then out of nowhere there's this silly high pitched voice 😭 (Kendrick Lamar: "put the pussy on a pedestal ~ put the pussy on a high stool ~ that pussy to die for, yeah that pussy to DIE for ~🎵") Honestly they're just crazy lmao
Sagittarius in the 2nd house & Capricorn in the 3rd house:
These people are SHADYYY. They love to throw shade (Prince) or air out people's dirty laundry if you do them wrong (Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, & Halsey have some of their biggest songs about their exes lol). These people are petty as hell! Sagittarius 2nd house can also give good advice and with their Capricorn in the 3rd house, they have a lot of wisdom to share. A teacher to those around. They will also tell you things about themselves but know not to overshare. They like to have the upperhand in a conversation and keep their next move a secret. They tend to speak "as a matter of factually" and come off as having a careless attitude if they smile. A lot of them speak with a similar tone as well (Anne Hathaway, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mila Kunis, Scarlett Johansson, Winona Ryder, and Kim Kardashian don't have the same voice but their Capricorn tone and Aquarius speech pattern is obvious to me). The men can seem very cool and relaxed, almost the bad boy type (Justin Bieber, Brad Pitt, Nicolas Cage, Eminem, & Elvis Presley).
Capricorn in the 2nd house and Aquarius in the 3rd:
These people are eccentric and are unique. They like to have a persona so they can keep their personal lives private. Their voices sound a bit quirky (I remember watching a interview with Adriana Lima and a lot of people were surprised to hear how she actually sounded).
Aquarius in the 2nd house and Pisces in the 3rd:
These people sound so cute imo??? Jimin from BTS, Ariana Grande, Zac Efron, Ashanti, & Jordin Sparks all have this placement and their voice is so soft like a cloud. Their sense of humor is weird and silly. They are quiet in comparison to others and are probably told often to speak louder. Or they could be slow talkers. Overall just really mellow people lol
Pisces in the 2nd house and Aries in the 3rd house:
These people are motivational speakers (Barack Obama) and are often being quoted for their iconic sayings (Nicki Minaj, Naomi Campbell, Zendaya, & Alicia Silverstone). They know how to connect to people and they are passionate when it comes to helping others. Most likely will be the person to stand up to a bully and defend the person being picked on. Pisces is caring while Aries is bold yet impulsive. These people need to practice "thinking before speaking" because it has a greater affect on not just themself but those around them.
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ezukll · 7 months
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An Aries Mercury indicates a very direct and outspoken energy when it comes to communication. Your thoughts and ideas are not filtered; you likely say things as they are and are very comfortable with being direct and blunt. You may be assertive and confident in your communication, with a tendency to take charge and to take leadership in conversations. You may be very comfortable being the center of attention, and you may enjoy debating and arguing your points.
A Taurus Mercury indicates a stable and steady approach to communication. You are likely more reserved in your communication, and you may take the time to consider and analyze your thoughts and ideas. You may have a tendency to overthink or overanalyze your words and ideas, and you may have a more concrete, logical approach to communication. You may have strong opinions and a tendency to stick to them. You may be a more grounded, reliable communicator, and others may see you as someone who is very thoughtful and trustworthy.
A Gemini Mercury indicates a very curious and talkative approach to communication. You may have a tendency to have many ideas and many things to say, and you may express this through a very active and dynamic communication style. You may have a very sharp and analytical mind, and you may enjoy diving deep into topics and taking a playful or inquisitive approach. You may have a very intellectual and quick-witted approach to communicating, and you may also have a tendency to express yourself sarcastically and in puns.
A Cancer Mercury indicates a very compassionate and intuitive approach to communication. Your thoughts and ideas are deeply connected to your deep feelings and emotions, and you may use your communication to nurture and support others. You may have a deep empathy for others' feelings and a tendency to want to help others. You may be drawn to expressing your thoughts and ideas through poetic, sentimental, and creative language. You may be very understanding of others' pain and frustrations, and you may feel comfortable offering support to others.
A Leo Mercury indicates an energetic and outspoken approach to communication. You likely have a strong need to express yourself and a tendency to do so in a confident and direct manner. You are likely a charismatic and engaging communicator, and you may love to be the center of attention. You may have a tendency to be very bold and aggressive in conversations, and you may not shy away from expressing your thoughts and ideas. You may be drawn to leadership roles in which your powerful communication skills can shine.
A Virgo Mercury indicates a very analytical and critical approach to communication. You likely have a strong desire for perfection and to be as precise as possible with your words. You may have a tendency to analyze everything before sharing your thoughts and ideas. You may take a methodical and logical approach to communication, which may lead to you taking a more detailed-oriented and technical approach. You may also have a tendency to overthink or overanalyze, which can create a lot of mental chatter and an overactive mind. It is important to exercise patience and self-discipline in communication.
A Libra Mercury indicates a very charming and balanced approach to communication. You likely have a strong ability to communicate in a friendly, diplomatic, and socially intelligent way. You enjoy engaging in conversation and may be very comfortable being the center of attention. You enjoy connecting with other people, and you likely have a tendency to keep things light and positive. You are likely to approach conversation in an intuitive, gentle, and diplomatic way that avoids confrontation or conflict. You may have a strong need for harmony and balance in your interactions and relationships.
A Scorpio Mercury indicates a very sensitive and perceptive approach to communication. You likely have a deep understanding of the power of words and a tendency to read into the subtext or the hidden meanings. You may have a very introspective approach to communicating and a tendency to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. You may have a very keen sense of intuition and insight, and it is important to find the right balance between expressing yourself and holding back. You may have a lot of mental energy and a tendency to overthink or get stuck in your thoughts.
A Sagittarius Mercury indicates a playful and positive approach to communication. You likely have a very quick and witty mind and you may have a natural talent for humor. You may have a strong intuition for the right thing to say and the right time. You likely enjoy engaging in conversations and expressing yourself in a lighthearted and playful way. You may bring a bright and uplifting vibe to conversations and may be able to make people laugh or crack a joke to brighten any situation. You likely have a lot of mental energy and a tendency to talk a lot.
A Capricorn Mercury indicates a pragmatic and logical approach to communication. You likely have a very clear and ordered way of thinking and communicating. You may have a structured approach to your ideas and thoughts, and you may take a cautious and structured approach to expressing them. You may have a strong sense of responsibility and you may prefer to speak with precision and clarity. You may have a tendency to overthink or overanalyze, which can lead to perfectionism and a tendency to overthink small decisions.
An Aquarius Mercury indicates a unique and inventive approach to communication. You likely have a very creative and original way of thinking and you may have some very unique ideas and perspectives. Your thoughts and ideas are likely very innovative and outside the box. You may have a tendency to communicate very uniquely and in a way that is not typical. You may also have a tendency to get stuck in your head or to get lost in your thoughts. It can be important to make an effort to be more grounded and practical, and to communicate in a way that is effective and clear.
A Pisces Mercury indicates a very intuitive and emotional approach to communication. Your thoughts and ideas are likely very imaginative and deep, and you may have a strong tendency to read between the lines and to perceive the deeper meaning or subconscious motivation. You may have trouble communicating in detail or in a logical manner and a tendency to overthink and overanalyze. You may have a strong intuition and empathy and feel strongly connected to your emotions and the emotions of others. You may have a strong need for freedom and independence and may value creativity and spontaneity.
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bessiejoan · 8 months
Astrology: How trauma affects communication via Mercury
Warning - Content may be triggering. Reach out to those who love you and medical professionals when you need.
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Aries Mercury - They grew up in a loud atmosphere, with lots of yelling. Possibly had one “leader” or “dictator” in their childhood home that they felt they had to obey. They grow up believing that they need to communicate quickly and loudly or else they risk never being heard. For people who felt they were not allowed to play loudly as children, play is healing later in life.
Taurus Mercury - Someone else always came before them. They had to learn to be patient and wait for their turn to speak. Their survival was determined by your ability to cooperate and choose the right alliances. They saw that trusting the wrong person could be detrimental to their wellbeing. Keeping their language neutral and friendly was most palatable for their parents. Music, singing, and healing the throat chakra is healing for these people.
Gemini Mercury - If they were smart enough, they would be praised. When things got too much, they learnt that they could throw themselves in books and mysterious. Their parents or the adults around them had different communication styles, so they had to learn to pick up different styles of communication in order to get their needs met. They also learnt that looking good and pleasing to the eye would help them relate better to others. At its worst, Gemini mercury learnt to use information in exchange for power or leverage, such as gossiping and rumour spreading. Humour is healing for these people.
Cancer Mercury - It’s hard for them to process and move on from what happened, so speaking about it can feel very real and present in their body. It’s often on the mind, and as a result, they limit their communication. When they do speak, they can overwhelm others with the amount that comes out. Learning to be ok with their own voice and narrative above what others say is healing. Also , drink water.
Leo Mercury - As a child, the communication around them was excessive and over the top. They learnt that to avoid punishments or drama, it is best to take control of the situation and shut it down quickly. Others couldn’t always be there to care for them, so they had to become hyper self-sufficient. You had to learn things by themselves, and as a result, they don’t do well in group settings such as class rooms, unless they’re in charge. They’re better at grasping attention from men than women or gender diverse people. They may have strived for their fathers attention from a very young age. Letting their fire out via creativity is healing.
Virgo Mercury - Every move they made was criticised and resulted in punishments. To survive, they needed to absorb this style of thinking for themselves and those they love. They think that if they’re hyper aware, they can prevent anything bad from ever happening again. There are a lot of thoughts and concerns directed at their body. Healing their mind and their body simultaneously is paramount. This is why the physical work required with animals can be so healing for them. Also - eat well.
Libra Pisces - Criticised for making mistakes or not appearing as others thought they should, they learnt to cover up their mistakes and insecurities by pretending everything is fine. They’ll do better than fine, they’ll speak a whole PR performance about how fine everything is... Allow them space to be imperfect. Finding the beauty in their mistakes is healing.
Scorpio Mercury - Defiant and secretive, the trauma is in the eyes. They can not take back all that they have seen, but they’ve also been taught to hide it. They may avoid eye contact in an attempt to avoid an argument. Their eye contact is intense when they want others to hear their pain. They didn’t have strong parental figures, so they learnt to be independent and in control of themselves. Growing up, people around them weren’t always truthful or honest. This has left them with a feeling of always seeking the truth. They were led to believe that their emotions were too much for others. However, these intense emotions never leave them, they just learn to hide or redirect intense thoughts in secretive ways. Self compassion is the key to healing.
Sagittarius Mercury - Naturally intelligent, they received more attention and praise at school than at home. They aim big and far away as a way to avoid addressing the present situation. As a result they don’t address the repressed hurt that pushed them to run away or towards that thing so far away. The more they heal from the past, the bigger the future truly becomes.
Capricorn Mercury - Their parents were practical and analytical. They were put to work at a young age, either around the house or in a family business. Their parents weren’t emotionally open or affectionate, as a result their tone of voice is blunt and controlled. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of fear, there was a sense of fear at a primary age when they were first learning to speak. Working in what they love is healing and where they find joy. Also - move them bones.
Aquarius Mercury - Their language can somethings sounds strange or unusual, such as a lisp, a stutter, mumbling, or jumbles words. They detached from their voice when they detached from their body as a way to survive. Now they swing between detachment via humour and avoidance, and to re-experiencing the emotions in a flash. The more they analyse everything outside of them the better, it avoids turning the analysing inwards on themselves. Escaping into nature is healing and helps to quieten the mind, in order for the bigger issues to be healed.
Pisces Mercury - The dissociation struggle is real. Difficulty listening and following along with others that are speaking. Due to fearing that they may say the wrong thing, they learnt that it’s better to give vague, indirect responses. They learnt that it was better to be able to back peddle than say something blunt that can’t be taken back. The freedom to experience self expression is healing. The more that comes out of them, the more internal space to absorb new information and communication clearly.
*Consider Pluto/Saturn in Air Houses or Pluto/Saturn aspecting Mercury and/or Air houses.
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daportalpractitioner · 10 months
mercury is our navigation. mercury is what influences our day-to-day decisions that create the journey we're on.
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if you have a fire mercury (aries, leo, sagittarius) — follow your instincts, your passion, and where creativity is leading you so you can lead others. don't make moves prematurely but innerstand that you were born to move faster than everyone else. don't let nobody slow you down or stop your show.
if you have an earth mercury (taurus, virgo, capricorn) — follow what's sustainable. don't be too rigid in your thought process + don't place limits upon yourself. you have a reliable head on your shoulders. trust where you're going + avoid stagnancy. when it's time to make a move + you're sure in it, you betta step!
if you have an air mercury (gemini, libra, aquarius) — learn to get out of your head + get into the world. put your ideas into practice. follow your inner genius. you are a visionary. let your curiosity + what interests you guide you.
if you have a water mercury (cancer, scorpio, pisces) — trust what you feel + allow yourself to be emotionally moved by tugs on your head strings. prioritize staying grounded on earth as your mercury placement naturally works underneath the surface which can get dark + melancholic at times. let your imagination navigate you in this hopeless world.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
How u think based on your mercury☕️
🤘🏽🔥Mercury in Aires-your thinking is quite impulsive and quick. You make quick decisions. Usually, all things are related to you, which means that your opinion is important to you, and you can be a person who has a strict opinion and also direct. They don't like to go into details, but they like to get to the point. They are not too loud, they usually speak their mind if someone asks them for it. They rarely interfere with others.
🍿☕️Mercury in Taurus- you have your own way of thinking, many times old school. Many times you are stubborn about your opinion and stick to what you think. It's hard for anyone to convince you otherwise. You like to take your time when you say something. You like conversation over food and drink. You like debates, as long as they lead you to some sense.
⚡️Mercury in Gemini -your thinking is quick and unexpected. You change your opinion quickly and many times you don't look at the opinion of others. You are interested in what they think. You like rumours. You are all over the place with your thoughts and like to open new topics. It's hard to figure out what you're thinking because you're not really thinking at all.
🏠🧃Mercury in Cancer-your thinking is very emotional, you perceive many things through emotions and you can be easily hurt by the opinion of someone close to you. Many times, the opinion of your family is important to you, especially your mother. Many times you can look at what she thinks. When you are angry, you can often hurt others with your words. They have a very whiny or more childish voice. But many times it can come across as being moody.
🎠🧁Mercury in Leo-your thinking can often be childish and playful. You don't take what others tell you too seriously. But it's still a part of you when you look at it. Many times it is important to you how people view your hobbies, passion and dating. I also noticed that these people don't like to talk about this topic or expose themselves through it. Many times you can assert your opinion even if you know you are wrong. They have a very loud voice.
📞🛁Mercury in Virgo-your thinking is quite analytical. You analyze and think about things a lot, even though it may not seem like it. You can also have an anxious investigation. You often like to talk about practical things and share them with others. Sometimes you talk about things that only interest you. And a lot of times you don't let people talk or impose their opinion on you. But sometimes you have a hard time accepting an opinion. But you also have a very critical mindset. Their thinking is either down to earth or not so much. Because this is a mutable sign.
⚖️Mercury in Libra-your thinking often depends on others (unless you have different views). You want to serve people somehow and you care about what they think of you. Sometimes these people don't even have their own opinion because because they are so reliant on others. You want to create some peace and balance. You have diplomatic and rational thinking. I think that these people never focus on the person or emotions in a problem, but above all on the surroundings and the entire situation.
🥃Mercury in Scorpio-your thinking is above all intense, deep (you always delve into things and evaluate them from all possible angles). A lot of times you think like the fbi - you investigate all possible things and you want to get to the bottom of the truth. Your thinking is never without meaning or control. You are always in control of what is happening. And everything you say is very well thought out, you usually choose with what words you say something and in what way. Many times your thinking is a secret, which means that people never find out what you are thinking and that they can often judge you as a person who is a secretive. You read other people very well. Also u have very sharp mind.
🍹🎡Mercury in Sagittarius-your thinking is optimistic, positive and fiery. Many times you are a person who has a very intelligent mind. You say things as they are with sincerity and directness. You have very strict opinions. Many times you can open people's minds or help them understand certain things that they don't. You have a very interesting way of speaking and people love to listen to you. Many times they will give you very smart and realistic advice. They always look at the bigger picture.
⏳Mercury in Capricorn-your thinking can often be pessimistic or too realistic. In some cases, even cruel. Many times I notice that people don't like you if you are too conceited or a dreamer. Their thinking is quite serious and strict. They like to stick to rules and a certain outlook. These natives think carefully before taking a step. Many times they talk about work, success or something related to reality. But many times they have a sleepy or calm voice.
🪼Mercury in Aquarius-your thinking may be quite different from others. Many times you have a completely different opinion about something than others have. Many times you are the smart guy and look at things from a logical perspective. In many cases, you can be rebellious. You may often feel that your thinking is too outside the box. These people usually don't even give their opinion that much unless someone asks them for it. They can come forward very quietly. They will rarely say anything unless necessary.
🧝🏽‍♀️Mercury in Pisces-your thinking is rather fanciful and illusory. You are almost never realistic because it seems too down to earth. You can also have a poetic way of speaking. Many times people don't understand what you want to tell them because your thinking is so subconscious and deeper. I also notice that sometimes these people don't know how to choose the right words when they say something and things can turn out differently than they were thinking.
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dreamofmetoday · 2 years
mercury in aries: direct, candid and uncomplicated way of thinking and communicating. very opinionated and doesn't mind or can even enjoy argumentative and aggressive ways of talking and expressing thoughts. thoughts progress quickly and they do best in fast paced conversations and thinking on their feet. they don't stay too focused on the same thing for long. they are tactless but rarely dull (enthusiastic).
mercury in taurus: slow-moving, stubborn and thorough way of thinking and communicating. very practical, sometimes even to the point of valuing practicality over morals and ethics. they are conservative and thick-headed, meaning their opinions can be hard to sway and they can frustrate others because it can be hard to make things "get through" to them. their way of communicating often makes others take them seriously and they can be depended on for consistency. they can prefer demonstrations and (sensual) activities over talking.
mercury in gemini: anxious, scattered and quick-witted way of thinking and communicating. thoughts jump quickly from one to the other making them hard to follow (they can be be confusing communicators and have a tendency to rush through stories). they are better at absorbing and focusing on trivial knowledge, facts and gossip rather than topics that require periods of long concentration, which also allows them to talk on a wider breadth on subjects. they are adaptable, fairly objective and good at fast-thinking in chaotic environments. they are curious, nosy and can have an odd habit of sharing other people's stories as their own.
mercury in cancer: subjective, emotional and understanding way of thinking and communicating. being biased and non-intellectual, they can absorb information without critical thinking and hold onto these ideas strongly - hence why this placement is most associated with being patriotic (they easily go along with their family or peers). they avoid arguments and prefer conversations that feel intuitive and where they feel connected to the other person. this can be associated with good memory (similar to moon in cancer) and they can enjoy journalling to keep memories. they can also be humorous.
mercury in leo: dramatic, self-centred and storytelling way of thinking and communicating. they are animated and often funny and engaging conversationalists but can have problems ignoring details or facts. in personal matters they refuse to be wrong and can have trouble understanding who they're talking to, often causing great frustration to the person who is trying to solve problems or confront the leo mercury. they are very stubborn and very "their way or the highway", yet if approached correctly or by someone they respect they can sometimes even seem almost naive with how fast their opinion can change. they exaggerate details in their storytelling.
mercury in virgo: critical, practical and detail-oriented way of thinking and communicating. these people are not often animated or naturally engaging and can be very dry - their wittiness helping them with being more entertaining when talking. they are good at solving problems and are often appreciated in workplace environments. they can also be prone to nagging and pettiness (unable to let issues go as they overthink and ruminate). they can have problems being prejudiced and feel the need to always see real proof of something.
mercury in libra: fair, pleasant and compromising way of thinking and communicating. they value a good mental connection and have good 눈치 (nunchi), overall being good at reading situations and people. they are strategic and intellectual but are hindered by their people-pleasing tendencies interfering with their judgement. they avoid conflict and are indecisive leading them to be perpetual fence-sitters, they are also not practical thinkers and can be too theoretical. they come across as unassuming and don't seem defensive but their backhanded compliments and passive aggressiveness can leave people feeling uneasy.
mercury in scorpio: extreme, deep and emotional way of thinking and communicating. they have good instincts and can possess great observational skills but are much less objective than they often realise which leads to skewed, biased and sometimes even irrational and paranoid conclusions. they enjoy finding out secrets but can be extra guarded about sharing their own, sometimes even leading to lying or having too much of a habit of putting up a front. they are passionate and their opinions are often extreme and black and white. having a high desire for the truth and what's correct, they can be less stubborn than their fixed sign counterparts when changing their opinions but won't always show it (they will tell you, "no, i always thought that. i didn't change my mind" unless the proof of them ever thinking otherwise is too blatant to ignore).
mercury in sagittarius: idealistic, optimistic and big picture oriented way of thinking and communicating. they are open-minded and concerned more with what everything means rather than what is, they focus on the grand scheme of things over details or facts. they can be dogmatic and have a tendency to turn a personal experience or one time occurrence into something factual that must be true for all. so while valuing morals and meaning they can have problems with prejudice and critical thinking. they are sarcastic and humorous. they are blunt and forward but can also have a superfluous way of speech.
mercury in capricorn: pragmatic, methodical and concentrated way of thinking and communicating. they are great at analysing and come to precise, cut and dry conclusions. they often feel the need to prove themselves with their observations or contributions to discussions. they are bland and unimaginative in their communication style and fail to be engaging, especially when trying to teach or lead (more so if capricorn is also the sun sign). they have trouble adding their own "flair" to things and their trying attempts to be eloquent can come across as being self-unaware, boring and conceited to others - it can be hard for them to be natural and humorous though this is a helpful focus for them to advance.
mercury in aquarius: progressive, unique and detached way of thinking and communicating. they are observant, objective and intellectual but can easily think their way of thinking is superior to others, making them uncompromising and arrogant. they are good at being lighthearted and amusing but they have trouble communicating on a deeper level and are awkward about emotional matters. their knack for observation can lead them to being nosy and intrusive which is often a turn off for the people around them. while this placement is known for sparks of genius, they can sometimes have trouble successfully building upon these ideas or epiphanies due to their chaotic nature. they have a natural inclination to go against the rules and even play devil's advocate.
mercury in pisces: dreamy, imaginative and emotional way of thinking and communicating. since the sign pisces itself operates primarily in the subconscious realm, their thoughts can come to them in images and feelings rather than coherent sentences to be expressed. they can be poetic, entertaining and funny communicators due to this, naturally expressing thoughts that create great imagery and elicit specific emotions. however, they are also often confusing and say something completely different to what they're thinking (they can think of the colour blue and say red), this combined with their tendency to daydream can make them seem spacey. they are compassionate and are easily swayed by emotions. they are also not rational and can jump to obscure or dramatic conclusions. they can be easily lied to or can have a tendency to easily lie to others.
reminder: mercury can only be in the sign of or one sign away from the sun. the way someone's mercury interacts with their sun sign is very important and should be considered, even aside from house placements and aspects (that's also why when you read these they may sound similar to some sun signs in your life too).
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justtra · 1 year
Random Theories Pt. 6🔎
IN MY OPINION!! don't take it to seriously!
Disclaimer: just for fun 🤣
Water risings look homeless & a sexy old person too 😂(imo) 
Earth risings look similar to cute shy animals or have animal limb structures (imo) ❤️‍🔥🐐
Air risings look androgynous & curious like this emoji sometimes 🤨 
Fire risings look like apes, monkeys or lions/lioness 🦁 (imo) 
I see why I don’t like someone’s face, body, body movements or facial expressions 
It’s the ascendants 🔝
their ascendants perfectly trines/sextiles with ur ascendants can be great or good (peaceful)
their ascendants Inconjunct with ur ascendants can be confusing or sexually intense (intense)
their ascendants squares with ur ascendants can be bad or hating each other (competition)
I think the best compatibility is their moon trine, conjunct or sextile ur moon sign
five star top tier 🔝
 Also I think the moon sign is better love language than the Venus
I think Venus is just ur aesthetics & ways 4 money
I don’t think the Venus sign matters in friendships
I going to study mercury signs more but most times I seen the strongest element works very well & easy to start conversation with 💋💘
Earth mercury with earth mercury 🌎 
Water mercury with water mercury 🌊 
Air mercury with air mercury ☁️ 
Fire mercury with fire mercury 🔥 
Doja cat has a complicated chart 
Her chart pretty f-up
she was suppose to born be a Scorpio rising but has a libra rising with Scorpio rising houses
That’s why ppl found her confusing
I will try my best study the Venus signs & compatibility more.
also, I think eveyone can have different reasons & theories about astrology & compatibility 🥰
I just love reading all y’all crazy theories 😂🩷
Have a great virgo & libra szn 🩷👋
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cosmicpuzzle · 4 months
Which Education🎓📚 is right for you?
Mercury rules your interest and consequently which type of course you would select.
Now you have to see how Mercury is placed. For example if Mercury is conjunct Moon it would have same effect as Mercury in Cancer or Moon opposite Mercury.
Mercury -Sun: It is called Budh Aditya yoga. These people can shine in political science, geology, sociology, medicine and they can be good leaders too. They may prepare for competitive exams.
Mercury-Moon: Some changes or confusion in choice of course. Can study more than one subject but both vastly different from each other. Chemical, hotel management, nutrition, chef, psychology, tarot and intuitive studies.
Mercury-Mars: Some obstacles in education, breaks and interruptions (dropping classes), engineering (especially related to machines, drawings, plans, civil, electronics), medicine (especially related to surgery), fire and safety engineering,
Mercury-Venus: Sales, marketing, HR, interior designing, makeup courses, all type of fine arts, vocational courses, acting courses.
Mercury-Saturn: Engineering (like construction , petroleum, mining core subjects), structural engineering, drafting, administrative studies.
Mercury-Jupiter: Finance, CPA, CMA, accounting, teaching, law field, journalism, VJ, pilots, aeronautical.
Mercury- Rahu: Chemical, nuclear subjects, cinematography, software courses, digital marketing, share markets, computer hardware, import export, AI, Machine Learning courses.
Mercury-Ketu: Computer coding, electrical engineering, bio technology, astrology, virology, research oriented fields.
For Readings DM
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mellowellez · 11 months
astro observations air signs🌬️
🦋gemini suns/mercury people are so funny and comedic it’s my favorite trait about them honestly
🦋gemini venus people can get easily bored in a relationship if it’s not fun or interesting
🦋aquarius rising have this outgoing and humane attitude about them that i really just appreciate they are all about equality
🦋aquarius suns I feel like do the most out of pocket and extraordinary things lmaoo but I respect it they aren’t afraid to be themselves
🦋every person with libra placements I’ve seen or met is ridiculously and utterly gorgeous Ik that’s pretty obvious since they’re ruled by venus but still
🦋libra risings have this approachable and caring nature that makes people love them
🦋libra moons are the real indecisive ones but yet the most creative
🦋gemini moons are so hard to keep up with but luckily as a mutable dominant I keep up with them and their ability to be really changeable
🦋aquarius moons can be really emotional and sensitive people they just are afraid of showing vulnerability because they don’t want people thinking they are “weak”??! But some have no problem showing it if developed
🦋aquarius venus are not the type to be held down or restricted of their freedom in a relationship they want both respect,trust, fun and freedom in a relationship
🦋libra venus can be very passive aggressive in love and indecisive while dating someone but they will love extremely hard
🦋gemini mars are so witty and quick with comebacks/compliments etc.
🦋3H placements tend to overthink and analyze everything they’re pretty much interested in ANYTHING that has to do with communication , gossip etc.
🦋aquarius mars can have a pretty eccentric and futuristic approach to their goals and ambitions they will do anything to achieve it
🦋aquarius mercury people can be so weird or interesting when they talk plus they have really cool and eccentric voices🩶
🦋libra mercury will ask for others advice/opinion on something before making a decision or even forming their own opinion on something but for the most part they are independent thinkers
🦋libra mars are all about being diplomatic and friendly when approaching or talking about a topic/goal they most likely optimistic about the results
🦋gemini risings have impeccable taste and style they always experiment with their clothes/makeup or outfits
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Astro observations - Mercury signs :)
Once again, based off of people I know :)
Scorpio mercury people sometimes don't realize when they're yelling lmaoooo (my grandmother has this placement and she raises her voice unintentionally so much lol).
Taurus mercury people have very calming voices.
On that same note, Taurus mercury people often have deeper voices.
Leo mercuries are those people you can hear from miles away, even when they're trying not to be loud, they still are.
Aries mercuries are very, very blunt. they do not sugarcoat ANYTHING.
Cancer mercuries are sweettalkers to the MAX.
Cancer mercuries are also the quieter type. they don't raise their voices often.
Taurus mercuries are often good singers, or at least enjoy singing.
It's easiest to make a fire mercury laugh :)
Leo mercuries have loud, distinct laughs. you can also always tell when they're fake laughing.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, most Taurus mercuries have quieter laughs, or tend to stifle them. this depends on other placements though.
Water mercuries would make good poets.
Sagittarius mercuries always have a way of turning everything into a joke.
Aquarius mercuries can ramble forever (and i love my aqua merc best friend for this).
As an earth mercury, all of my closest friends (save for my one aqua merc) have fire mercuries or are fellow Taurus merc's.
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astrodescent · 6 months
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why do i always see scorpio moons taking care of children and honestly valuing them so much !?!? and not even their own most of the time!! it’s their siblings they end up taking care of at such a young age themselves !!!
rx planets will always effect the personality in introverted ways… idk how many times i’ve seen aries mercuries rx being shy as hell or jupiter in leo rx being insecure
aquarius jupiter natals just seen for being individuals in the most natural ways
pisces mars need a creative outlet for life source energy !!! they can’t live without putting some of their energy into the metaphysical
cancer venus individuals end up giving so much of themselves they let so lost in the dreamy aspect of their past, they end up forgetting who they are and their true power
aries mars natals always had some phase where they ended up being too aggressive or physical with others
something about libra pluto generational that gives a chaotic neutral vibe… the diplomacy and chaos all in one… very cool to my capricorn / aquarius venus values
people who have neptune in scorpio are paranoid as hell for no reason LMAO
jupiter in gemini brings so much ease and growth in communication and learning. this transit is gonna be so liberating!!!
libra moons know all the gossip and drama… it’s needed for their wellbeing!
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aeth-eris · 4 months
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I decided to be abit creative and make error messages for the mercury signs! ^ ^
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