#Mercury Horoscope 2021
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subir-astrologer · 3 months ago
Lets analyze the horoscope of the native of the given birth details DOB 26-11-1986 at 10:00 PM in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti.
The erected horoscope shows karkat lagna / cancer ascendant with moon n ketu in 3rd house, venus n mercury in 4th house, Saturn n sun in 5th house, mars n Jupiter in 8th house and rahu in 9th house.
The moon is in uttarphalguni nakshatra in kanya rashi / moon is virgo sign and the current ruling mahadasha is rahu.
According to the question asked lets analyze the 4th, 6th and 10th cuspal sublord. From this analysis we can know if the native has luck in his birth place and can he continue with his present job. The current ruling mahadasha analtsis will tell us how the dasa lords are going to give its impact on the native’s career and many more events during its ruling period.
From the horoscope the 4th cuspal sublord is venus and its strongly signifying 4 and 11th house as its untenanted in the planet level, rahu signifying 1,3,6,8 and 9th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn signifying 5,7 and 8th house in the sublord level.
Saturn is in conjunction with sun signifying 2 and 5th house.
The 6th cuspal sublord is Jupiter and its signifying 6,8 and 9th house in the planet level, rahu signifying 1,3,6,8 and 9th house in the nakshatra level and mars signifying 5,8 and 10th house in the sublord level.
The 10th cuspal sublord is moon and its strongly signifying 1 and 3rd house as its untenanted in the planet level, sun signifying 2 and 5th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn signifying 5,7 and 8th house in the sublord level.
Sun is in conjunction with Saturn signifying 5,7 and 8th house.
Saturn is in conjunction with sun signifying 2 and 5th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is rahu and its signifying 1,3,6,8 and 9th house in the planet level, mercury signifying 3,4 and 12th house in the nakshatra level and Jupiter signifying 6,8 and 9th house in the sublord level.
From the analysis I conclude that the native will go thru such type of confusions as he is currently running rahu mahadasha as on 03-03-2021. Rahu is creating such illusion for quick and big income.
The current ruling mahadasha is not good supportive of the career event in the horoscope of the native and will always push the native to leave his birth place and take a chance to see the change.
The native is in correct field doing his job and can go to other cities for better prospect in his current kind of job. Since this is not good period for the native so rate of success is feeble.
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myastronastrologyhelps · 1 year ago
How to Predict the Future by Astrology
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Astrology has long fascinated and intrigued individuals seeking guidance about their lives. The ability to predict the future through astrology is a skill that many people desire to possess. In this article, we will explore the methods and principles behind astrology’s predictive power, shedding light on this mystical practice of marriage horoscope by date of birth.
The Role of Planets and Houses in Prediction
In astrology, each planet is associated with specific characteristics and influences different aspects of life. For instance, Mercury rules communication and intellectual pursuits, while Venus governs love and relationships. The position of these planets in the birth chart provides insights into potential events and experiences in various areas of life. when will i get married astrology by date of birth.
Transit and Progression: Keys to Future Prediction
Transit involves studying the current positions of planets with the birth chart. It helps identify the potential influences and events that may occur in a person’s life during a specific period. For example, if a person’s birth chart suggests strong career prospects, a favorable transit could indicate a promotion or career advancement future prediction by date of birth.
Progression, on the other hand, considers the gradual evolution of the birth chart over time. It reflects the internal growth and development of an individual, offering insights into long-term trends and personal transformation.
Astrology’s Limitations and Skepticism
While astrology has ardent followers, it also faces criticism and skepticism. Skeptics argue that astrology lacks scientific evidence and that the predictions can be vague and open to interpretation. Furthermore, they highlight the importance of free will and personal choices in shaping our lives, which astrology may not fully account for in future prediction.
Astrology provides a fascinating perspective on predicting the future. By analyzing the birth chart and considering the movements of celestial bodies, astrologers offer insights into potential events and experiences. However, it’s vital to approach astrology with an open mind, knowledge of its limitations, and acknowledgment of the significance of personal choices and free will in shaping our destinies to find accurate astrology predictions free.
Astrology has long been a subject of fascination and debate. Some see it as mere pseudoscience, while others find comfort and guidance in its teachings. Regardless of your personal beliefs, astrology can offer valuable insights into ourselves and the world around us. In this article, we will explore how astrology can help us navigate life’s challenges and make informed decisions as vashikaran specialist.
Astrology as self-reflection
Astrology provides a framework for understanding ourselves and our unique traits. By analyzing our birth charts, astrologers can identify personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of behavior. This self-reflection helps us gain insight into our motivations, desires, and potential areas for detailed life predictions free growth.
Aligning with cosmic energies
Astrology teaches us that we are connected to the universe and influenced by celestial bodies. As we learn to align ourselves with the cosmic energies reflected in our birth charts, we can make conscious choices that are in harmony with these energies.
Gaining clarity and direction
When faced with important decisions or periods of uncertainty, astrology can provide guidance. The positions of the planets and their aspects can reveal potential opportunities, challenges, and the most suitable timing for certain actions. Astrology can help us make better decisions by providing a broader perspective and highlighting potential outcomes horoscope 2021 by date of birth .
Understanding compatibility
Astrology offers insights into our compatibility with others, be it in friendships, romantic relationships, or even business partnerships. By comparing birth charts, astrologers can identify areas of harmony and potential areas of conflict. This knowledge allows us to navigate relationships with greater understanding and empathy.
Improving communication
Astrology can also help improve communication within relationships. By understanding the astrological makeup of others, we can adapt our communication style to better resonate with their needs and preferences. This can foster deeper connections and strengthen bonds for free marriage prediction.
Resolving conflicts
Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. Astrology can provide insight into the underlying dynamics that contribute to these conflicts. By understanding the astrological influences at play, we can approach conflicts with greater compassion and find constructive ways to resolve them.
Timing and Planning
Astrology can assist us in choosing the best timing for important life events. Whether it’s starting a new business, getting married, or embarking on a new venture, astrology can guide to the most favorable moments. By aligning our actions with auspicious cosmic energies, we increase the likelihood of success and fulfill kundali milan by name.
Forecasting trends and cycles
Astrology allows us to anticipate trends and cycles in our lives. By studying planetary movements and their interactions, astrologers can provide valuable insights into future opportunities and challenges. This knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions and adapt our plans accordingly.
While astrology may not provide all the answers or predict the future with certainty, it offers a valuable lens through which we can understand ourselves, navigate relationships, and make better decisions. By embracing astrology as a tool for self-reflection and guidance, we can gain clarity, improve relationships, and make choices that align with our true selves. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, exploring astrology’s teachings can open new doors of understanding and personal growth. Visit myastron.com for all astrology-related services.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years ago
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
Mercury starts its first backspin of the 2021 calendar year today in the detached and quirky sign of Aquarius, stargazers.
Though today is “technically” the first day of  Quicksilver’s 3-week sabbatical, we’ve been in the shadow period since January 15th. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mercury Rx and what this means for us universally/here on Planet Earth, it’s the quarterly backspin of the Planet of communication. When this occurs, everything he/Mercury rules slows down as well. Of course, he’s not actually going backward- it just appears that way. Can’t say the same for what he controls though. Technology, messages, travel, communication, even your method of speech could endure some delays or trouble.
This is especially significant due to Aquarius being the ruling sign of the season and the sign Mercury is currently in. Aquarius is the sign co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Uranus, being the sign’s modern ruler has electricity storming all around it. Hence why Aquarius is the sign that rules tech. You following so far?
Not only that but from February 1 to February 17, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and even February’s new moon will all be in Aquarius, and Mercury retrograde will conjunct all of them consecutively. So technology will be taking a hit.  The Usain Bolt of our Solar System’s retrograde is infamous for toying with our tech — so any gadget-related snafus will probably be especially irritating. We should be very mindful of this. In addition, Aquarius is one of the most unpredictable signs and also, since fixed in modality, one of the most stubborn and opinionated. So, what the hell do we do? Nothing, we’re completely fucked.
LOL, just kidding.
What Not to Do During Mercury Rx
Purchase new tech items.
Sign a contract.
Expect a speedy response.
Make significant travel plans.
Begin a new project or collaboration.
Get a haircut/ change your appearance
Send invitations.
Sign a lease or deed to a new house/apartment/condo
Multitask when driving [obviously but vehicular accidents occur more during Mercury Rx]
What You CAN Expect During Mercury Rx
Delays in communication.
Screw-ups on contracts.
Unpredictable traffic/weather.
Mental exhaustion [Mercury is an air sign dealing/ruling intellect and Aquarius is an air sign dealing with the very same- we’re still dealing with a global pandemic and this retrograde won’t help things, unfortunately.]
Your Roller Coaster relationship ex to contact you again [Uranus is about sudden break ups and make ups- be smart and wrap it up if you choose to engage]
Details being missed or omitted [especially at work].
Lethargy, physically.
Emotional detachment regarding communication with friends [11th House/Aquarius].
Again, we’re currently in the age of Aquarius, so the collective and community, as well as tech society, is at the forefront. This retrograde is set to highlight the issues we’re dealing with globally. There’s a Saturn-Uranus square happening around the 17th of February, so lots of structural changes in society as a whole are about to go down.  It’s not all doom and gloom though, on February 13th, Quick Silver Rx and Venus will align. Remember, Uranus is the Ruler of Aquarius and the unexpected and both planets will be in this sign. Venus in particular is the ruler of the 2nd house of Money, values, and material. What does this mean? Shmonayyyyy *Cardi B voice*. This is a time for big paybacks and rewards for past matters.  This can be literal or figurative. Did some good for someone? Someone may pay it forward for you at Starbucks. Wrote a kick-ass cover letter for a new job? Someone may finally be getting back to you. Stateside and waiting on that stimmy? You may finally see that $600 hit your bank account. Feel like someone you’ve been crushing on doesn’t even know you exist? They very well may slide into your DM’s just in time for St. Valentine's day. Fornicate responsibly, please. Or else we’ll be seeing a few more Scorpios come October/November. Good luck, team- these next three weeks are gonna be one hell of a ride but by February 20th,  we’ll be safely out of the twilight zone. Expect things [tech, mail, and travel-wise] to return to normal until May when we do it all over again.
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suniastrology · 3 years ago
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MERCURY RETROGRADE - 27 September 2021 – 17 October 2021
This Mercury Retrograde season takes place in the sign of Libra. Therefore, is calling us to revise and reassess matters connected with partnership, relationships and marriage, and the way we communicate and understand each other in our relationships.  It puts un emphasis of reflecting and reconsidering how truthful, fair and considerate we are in our connection with people from our personal, professional, social or business environment.
  Do we are able to take under consideration others people opinion or point of view; do we make right choices; how much you give and what you receive from others; do my relationships are based on fair play, harmony and balance or not?  These are some of the questions and situations which we may need to face and address, and perhaps fix and improve during this Mercury Retrograde. If we manage to do so, after Mercury turning direct, we could be fairly rewarded for a such an effort. Depending on which house in your horoscope Libra sign is presented it is much more obvious in what type relationships you tend to work on. It could be romantic, family relationship, work/colleagues, small community or large friendship groups or networks, old friends and connection, etc, … In a more general level, Mercury also rules documents, administrative activities, data base, etc., therefore, mistakes with such matters could be the case and unpleasant consequences could be experienced. Be aware with signing contracts, business deals and agreements, postpone if possible, or if you have to do so double/triple check before signing any type of documents. Misinformation, miscommunication and misunderstanding are very likely during this period.  Problems with technical devices may occur – phones, computers, machinery, cars. Don’t fix devices, cars or any technical equipment during this period (if is not necessary) because it’s likely that they may break up again. Wait until Mercury goes direct after 17 October. It’s also advisable short distance travels to be reduced because travel disruptions, accidents, problems with vehicles may occur during such trips. Losing phones, documents, data, keys, etc. is another possibility during this retrograde season. Be careful with pins, passwords, bank details, emails, with whom and how you share such information. Be cautious with fraud emails, SMSs, scam phone calls, etc.     Old, unresolved problems with friends, family, community, bosses or employees may be experienced and you have to fix, clear up or to address such issues during this time. It is also possible, an old friend or someone from you past (you haven’t heard from a long time) may surface in your life, or you may get news for a such person/people.         Mercury retrograde is a favourable astrological period for study, undertaking coursers, research, planning or preparing your future projects or ventures. Use this time for education and preparation rather than taking action. If you do your homework, then the result will be three times more rewarding, than you expect, after the retrograde period.     Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes suni astrology
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astroseri · 4 years ago
New Moon in Capricorn
January 13th, 2021. World & Personal themes
Structural Changes
Venus is rising at the time of this conjunction. 
The moon is opposing its natural sign, Cancer, signaling imbalance. Oppositions are ruled by Venus and Libra. Also, Uranus and Lilith are in Taurus, the other sign of Venus.
There is perhaps an overindulgence energy during this time. And a sexual undertone. There will be a higher chance of lustful and accidental conception. Venus is trine Taurus Mars. This also may manifest as overspending. Venus is in Capricorn, so you may enjoy the fruits of your work by spending impulsively as indicated by Taurus Mars. You will probably spend more than you’d like to during this time. Or perhaps indulge in pleasurable activities and consumables more than desired during the next month.
Venus goes Rogue 🦹🏼‍♀️
During this time, Venus (planet of love) is not such a positive planet. She takes on the negative quality. Where her actions and her words are not aligned.
Venus becomes the hypocrite or liar archetype during this time. Because Lilith is in Venus’ sign of Taurus. Uranus is also in taurus.... and The 11th house of Uranus is in Scorpio ♏️
Also Venus is opposing her Natural 7th house.
On the negative polarity, Venusians/Libras can be dishonest, since they are the sign of reason and justice.
The 10th house is in Libra, so we will particularly experience this trait from governments, or anyone with status and positions of authority in our personal lives. Also, you could experience this from a Capricorn, Taurus or Libra.
Expect hypocrisy, or lies or for things to be hidden during this time. Particularly if this is a low-quality individual.
This could take on the form of more false sciences and statistics, or manipulative technologies, since Uranus is conjunct to Lilith (manipulation).
Planting New Seeds
What we will be experiencing is the planting of new seeds regarding structural change. Saturn is in Aquarius indicating a focus in the direction of innovation, reform and futurism. These will be ambitious and direct. Changes may be actively implemented throughout the next month. Both in our personal lives (by us) and on the public stage.
The implications of these actions are mostly behind the scenes during this time. All of the planets transiting Capricorn and Aquarius are essentially invisible during this time. The sun is not beaming light on them from the perspective of Earth. (They are all with the sun). Essentially this is like a multi-planet new moon. It is in the sign of government, authority and economy.
New government reforms (Saturn in Aquarius) may face difficulty, delays or resistance during this time. Uranus, the ruler of government reform, is stationary-retrograde.
Idealism About the Future
Jupiter and Mercury are strong and together in Aquarius. Symbolizing unconventional routines, self-sufficiency, new ideas and expansion of tech. They are in the 2nd house of materials and values. We have been seeing the explosive rise of cryptocurrencies. This will likely continue, however they may face resistance since Saturn is holding Mercury & Jupiter back, trailing behind them. And also Uranus in Taurus is stationary. Financial & economic reform will face delays and difficulty.
The Collective Confusion.
Neptune is square to the North node. This aspect symbolizes being too idealistic about the future, our routines, our goals and about reality. A lot of confusion and idealism.
Everyone is somewhat living in a personal fantasy during this time because the world narrative is undefined and uncoordinated. Those who jump to conclusions about the future and the current state of affairs are probably being delusional. And those sticking to outdated ideals are being unconscious of the implications of what’s happening.
This transit indicates that the reality of the world is in a state of subjective limbo. We are in a state of vision and creativity. There is actually no truth because there is not yet an agreement. And essentially everyone has a different vision of what’s going on. 
There is a need to be more practical and steady in our actions and beliefs. And to be present, like the qualities of Mars in Taurus.
Effect of this particular New Moon:
The highest degree planet is Pluto in Capricorn. Structural, and statutory transformation is the collective soul’s desire (and the outcome) of this current transit. Both on a personal level and on the world stage.
Thanks for Reading,
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astrology-with-charu · 4 years ago
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27 May #Astrology #Horoscope
Mercury stands still
Hermes is about to travel to the underground, we already feel it as time seems to stand still in the moment, like we are waiting for something. Down in the attic is Pandora’s box of positive & negative psychic content, untapped potentials too burried & repressed. Nothing to be scared of, he is going there on his own free will. He is tired & its his job you see, to escort the dead to the Underworld attic our conciousness. And bring back from the dead what we right now need to see.
Its ok to feel disconnected, its ok right now to not know. Much is yet to be seen.
#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #ariesmoon #taurusmoon #geminimoon #cancermoon #leomoon #virgomoon #libramoon #scorpiomoon #sagittariusmoon #capricornmoon #aquariusmoon #piscesmoon #dailyhoroscope #weeklyhoroscope #horoscopeposts #astrologyposts
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symbolicliving · 3 years ago
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astrologiaxo · 4 years ago
Aries: Love Yourself First
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satsangat · 4 years ago
How to Read a Lunar Return - Joe Biden First Month in Office A Lunar Return Chart is your personal monthly horoscope. Here I give you an example with the first month of Pt. Joe Biden in office.
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blacksunscorpio · 3 years ago
PSA: Mercury is officially out of retrograde. It's time to start taking responsibility for your own actions again.
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suniastrology · 3 years ago
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Daily astrology:  Sunday, December 26,  2021
Main astrological events and what to expect…
On Thursday, Mercury in Capricorn is making a positive aspect with Neptune in Pisces which could bring opportunities for creative/artistic ventures or approaching materialistic side of life in a more creative manner. Business activities could go well and communications would go smoothly, in a kind and an understanding manner.
Intuition and imagination may increase which could lead to materialising creative ideas and project where tangible results can be seen. Inspiration could come from nature as well as from a well-established, a wise father figure/mentor, etc. Spiritual practices could help in clearing up the mind and making rational choices.  You may have the opportunity to be involved in volunteering and charitable activities and to be much more empathetic and king toward others. The aspect is active for 2 days.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level. Best wishes suni astrology
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astroseri · 4 years ago
North Node in Gemini
Demonstrating Convictions Practically.
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astro-seek.com definition -
Practical communication of subjective reality.
North Node in Gemini brings the conflict between seeking objectivity and lively communication on the one hand, and clinging to a highly subjective understanding, firmly anchored opinions and commands on the other.
These people need to learn how to express complex concepts and ideas in everyday language, how to convey spiritual thinking into practical life, transfer it in comprehensible form and show clearly the connection between the philosophical and noble knowledge and values of everyday life. Beware of prejudices and stubborn beliefs.
During this transit, Make sure to back up your truth (sagittarius) with gemini:
simple statistics, facts, receipts
gossip, day to day happenings
logic, reasoning
concise surface-level thinking
conversation level reasoning
offer perspectives rather than the “truth”
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symbolicliving · 3 years ago
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astrologiaxo · 4 years ago
Libra: You’re Breaking Free in 2021
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tezlivenews · 4 years ago
बुध का सिंह राशि में कर चुके गोचर, इन राशि वालों का 26 अगस्त तक होगा भाग्योदय और धन लाभ के बनेंगे प्रबल योग
बुध का सिंह राशि में कर चुके गोचर, इन राशि वालों का 26 अगस्त तक होगा भाग्योदय और धन लाभ के बनेंगे प्रबल योग
बुध ��्रह 9 अगस्त को सूर्य की राशि सिंह में गोचर कर चुके हैं। इस राशि में बुध 26 अगस्त की सुबह 11 बजकर 08 मिनट तक रहेंगे। बुध को ज्योतिष शास्त्र में बुद्धि और समृद्धि का कारक माना जाता है। वैदिक… Source link
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avitaknews · 4 years ago
ग्रहों के राजकुमार बुध 11 मार्च को करेंगे राशि परिवर्तन, क्या होगा Share Market का हाल
ग्रहों के राजकुमार बुध 11 मार्च को करेंगे राशि परिवर्तन, क्या होगा Share Market का हाल
Jaipur: भगवान भोले शंकर का त्योहार शिवरात्रि 11 मार्च को मनाया जाएगा. इसी दिन मिथुन व कन्या राशि के स्वामी बुध (Mercury) राशि परिवर्तन कर रहे हैं. 11 मार्च महाशिवरात्रि (Mahashivratri 2021) के दिन बुध शनि की राशि कुंभ में प्रवेश करेंगे. इससे पहले बुध मकर राशि में 4 फरवरी को वक्री हुए थे. बुध ग्रह को बुद्धि, संचार, भाषण, शिक्षा और स्वभाव आदि का कारक माना जाता है. इसलिए इनके राशि बदलने से विभिन्न…
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