#Mer!Kill Code
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capricornyc Ā· 7 months ago
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Apparently I have good timing lmao I just finished this up when I saw that the fic updated!! So of course I had to go read the new chapter! All the adorable little babies!!
Anyways, idk if this is entirely done but he's good for now, might get some little touch ups as I go along, but we'll see.
I actually ended up doing a decent amount of research for this design, mostly via youtube videos of people playing the mod. But hey, it helped with some of the design aspects that were hidden in my main reference pic lol.
So, here's my design for Kill Code 'The Silence' from The Abyss Stares Back (Warning: It's rated Explicit) by @sinclairmaxwellao3 and @cyborgfoxcripple (sorry for the tags, but hopefully y'all like the fanart <3 )
I'll probably be working on either Moon or Eclipse next (leaning towards Moon)
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witherby Ā· 2 months ago
Omg hi!!! I love your mer!reader series and I was wondering if you take request? If so could you do batfamily headcanons in squid game? (You don't have to of course.) I just finished season 2 and im really excited for season 3.
Love you and keep writingā¤ļø
Hi there! I can sure try!!! I only ever saw season 1 and that was like two years ago but I'll do my best!
( This is operating off the assumption that they are not all in the game together, otherwise they'd all make it out very easily. )
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He's killing it. Not literally ā€” moral code and all ā€” but he's crushing this competition. Bruce Wayne's picture is in the dictionary when you look up "Strategist." He got into the games voluntarily and he will get back out alive, no question. He's doing what he can to help other players survive, but he didn't go in as Batman so he doesn't have any of the gear to help as effectively as he could've. He's gotta play it creatively and in a way that doesn't get him or anybody else disqualified for cheating. It doesn't take long for him to find any loop holes in game rules that allow for multiple people to get out of it alive.
Bruce entered the games, not for money, but to find out who is behind them and bring them to justice, so that no other financially disparaged people have to consider putting their lives on the line in order to clear their debts and start fresh.
I feel like he didn't end up here on purpose. I really think he either signed up for something and thought it was a silly lil competition, or that the organizers of the game kidnapped the wrong guy and Dick just went with it because he had nothing better to do. Either way, he's here, he's intrigued, and he's gonna save everybody he can while keeping your spirits up.
The jokes never stop. He never stops. Motormouth is what the other contestants end up calling him. Dick makes one of the masked guards snicker once before they get whisked away, and that does make him feel quite a bit bad. Dick's not immediately looking to destroy the system from the inside out (he'll come back and do that after the games are over). Instead, I think his goal would be to convince all the surviving players that they should vote to end the games and go back home. He'd try to be their voice of reason, to convince them that there are better ways to pick themselves up and rebuild their lives than risking death just to get some fast cash. And I think it works.
Tim is the opposite of Dick. He was not invited to play but he did deliberately steal another contestant's spot to get put into the game. Like Bruce, he's already out-logic'd most of the competitions to create the most amount of survivors, but he also came prepared. The deadliest competitions are suddenly sabotaged not to be as deadly, or not to work at all. Hidden weapons being offered to other players to start a riot and dwindle the numbers have all suddenly been replaced with soft foam bats and nerf guns.
He already knows who's behind the whole thing, he just needed an in so he could tear it all down quickly and cleanly. When Tim is done, he'll be missing for 48 hours at the absolute max, and leaving that place with justice done and a huge, smug smirk on his face. What, like it was hard?
Damian is tough. I think he caught wind of the whole operation and went undercover as one of those masked game monitors/referees so he could also dismantle it from within, but with less computer hacking and sabotage, and more slashing. I think this method works best as early Damian, who has barely been introduced to his dad for like a week, before he just drops off the face of the planet for a couple days and comes back blood-soaked.
"Hello, father. That suspicious money scheme you had your eyes on? I solved the problem. What do you mean, what am I covered in? Would you believe me if I told you it was ketchup? By the way, your No Killing rule is stupid."
Post-resurrection, he's not doing anything with any subtlety. At least Damian took the time to work his way in with a disguise. Red Hood is finding out where the whole shindig is taking place, gathering a crew, kicking doors down, and setting it ablaze. He doesn't have time for games, and the longer he waits to act the more innocent people are dying. He shoots the giant money ball down and lets the players collect it freely, tells them how to leave, and peaces out without looking back. In and out, job done, on to the next one.
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catspawcreates Ā· 3 months ago
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I may have Epic AU brain rot this week.
Might be trying to make a Mer/Poseidon Kill Code for reasonsā€¦ because I canā€™t draw with joy human beings anymore! This fandom has adjusted my neurons and Iā€™m happier for it. Gimme monsters and robots any day of the week.
Get in the waterā€¦.
@witchysolfan respectfully blaming you and happy for it. šŸ«¶
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bloo-the-dragon Ā· 7 months ago
out ooffff curiosity
in quite a few fics with your mer au with eclipse its frequently referenced that he has "episodes"
what happens during those episodes? is there something specific that triggers them or is it something stress induced? does ruin have any ways to help or does he try to stay out of the way until its over?
*cracks knuckles* Prepare thineself for a text wall lmao
So first of all i'm gonna give some context here- Eclipse to put it shortly has the robot equivalent of brain damage. His code is pretty messed up which affects his behaviours and other side effects. This is a result of him having been decommissioned (basically killed) when he was still 'sun and moon' and then brought back again as a mish-mash of both codes.
He was not intended to have a long work life, his expiry being estimated for about 2-3 years and this is primarily due to the fact that his specific model/ai was always intended to function with two ai - so if we look at the eclipse (solar) and lunar from my runaways au, they are a paired ai and if one was to die the other would eventually follow.
Anyways so during his worklife Eclipse's already unstable code was messed up even more due to electrocution from tasers by his owners plus his natural slow deterioration from not having a counterpart (before meeting Ruin which while saved his life, did not fix all the issues). Only reason he survived as long as he did was because he is a mix of two previously paired ai which helped extent his initial lifespan (and the fact he's a stubborn ass)
Ok context concluded i'll now answer the details:
What happens during these episodes?
Moodswings, seizures and at worst crashes. Almost always these result in some form of memory loss. The moodswings tend to be the most common and they can make him act out/say things in an various ways, most often aggressive/angry ones and he doesn't always remember them when they occur due to the memory files being corrupted.
The seizures he has tend to be the absense type though sometimes he may experience a tonic/atonic one. Unlike the crashing in which he experiences a full shutdown and reboot (which he never remembers) the seizures at most can cause soft reboots and minor memory loss.
What are the Triggers?
Stress is the primary cause, but they can happen without warning even if he is feeling fine. The frequency of these episodes in this context is thankfully not too often but usually occur at least a couple times a month.
The immediate causes though? Electricity. The sight of it and the sound of it (this can include thunderstorms but they arn't as bad unless he directly sees the lighting flash in the sky) this is due to traumas of being electrocuted. Also unexpected physical contact like being roughly grabbed or otherwise touched without warning, especially if near his neck/head. This is also related to the traumas with electricity.
How does Ruin help, if he can? Or does he stay out of the way?
Ruin helps however he can when he can! If Eclipse is having an angry moodswing, he will keep out of his way and try not to make too much noise but keeps a close eye just in case it does turn into a seizure. If it's a more depressed/sad one then he'll stay by Eclipse side offering nuzzles, preens and lots of reassurances.
If Eclipse does have a seizure (absense) Ruin will try to guide Eclipse either to the sofa or bed (or floor if nothing else) - this may not always work but Ruin will stay with him regardless, talking with him until Eclipse comes out of it again.
If its a tonic/atonic one and Eclipse collapses, Ruin would attempt to catch him or cushion his fall and would remain with Eclipse until he woke up. Basically using the same methods of talking/cheeping til he does.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk Ā· 10 months ago
I was reading your tweel analyses posts and came across the little blurb of Floyd and Jade eating octopus in front of Azul and seemingly relishing in it because it might unsettle him and they're little shits. their fave foods having octopus in them makes sense since it's part of a diet of moray eels
here's a question I don't see many asking: does Azul eat octopus dishes? I think everyone is aware that octopus can (and do) cannibalize each other (even self-cannibalize) but he is still an octopus merman. do you think the animal based mers like the octatrio view the animals they share similarities with as a completely separate species from them and therefore not care when eating them? or is it sort of like a human and big ape thing, where it is highly uncomfortable and generally frowned upon?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think Azul refrains from eating octopus himself! The reasoning being thatā€¦ well, itā€™s really a gut feeling thatā€™s informed by my observations of the Octatrioā€™s interactions.
If he looked annoyed watching the twins eat octopus, then that indicates he feels a certain way in that scenarioā€”a discomfort or irritation which would then extend to his own dietary habits. If Azul did eat octopus, then why should he take issue with his peers doing the same? If both moray eels and octopus dine on octopus, why would he only be distressed in one scenario and not the other? Why would Jade and Floyd go out of their way to eat tons of octopus in front of Azul and bring up mentions of how delicious his merform is, if not to tease and unnerve him?
I do think that merpeople view non-sentient sea creatures they share traits with as separate beings in the food chain. This is why the twins can eat regular olā€™ octopus without an issue. However, I also think that eating a creature that is of the same ā€œtypeā€ as you (ie Azul and an octopus) is seen as morally wrong, as they too closely resemble the merpeople in question. This would be similar to how humans are fine with eating cow, pig, and chicken, but are far less willing to consume primates. Itā€™s the ā€œhumanā€ part of themā€”of usā€”our consciouses calling out to us and letting us know ā€œhey, this is wrongā€. The only thing I can really find to support this is how Jade says his least favorite food is a conger eel. (But his dialogue suggests he has tried it before and doesn't like the texture.) He and Floyd are morays, which is a different kind of eel... So does that imply that eating others is okay (ie other kinds of eels) so long as they aren't your exact species (morays for the twins)?
Merpeople may be part man and part fish, but I believe they are mainly human with additional fish traits and attributes; their thinking and behaviors are still very human, so I feel they share some similarities with humans in their moral and ethical codes.
The difficulty with half human/half animal fantasy races is that there will always be the debate of how much their animalistic side plays into their behaviors and how much of that can be overridden by their human side. For example, just because Leona is a lion beastman doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t eat vegetables, he just does not like them. This is in spite of lions being carnivores (ie exclusively dining on meat). We also see (or it is implied) many merfolk and beastmen eating food that would harm or kill their non-sentient counterparts (such as candy and chocolates during Halloween; youā€™d think they would otherwise express repulsion if offered what is basically poison to them). The ā€œbeastialā€ TWST characters in general donā€™t seem too strict on their food intake (specialized diets for athletes aside), so my guess is that their intakes lean more toward the omnivorous intakes of humans rather than the diet prescribed by the animals that are a part of them. After allā€¦ if Azul ate octopus, bro would be nomming on his own arm or something (since auto-cannibalism is a thing among octopus) šŸ˜­
Side note: Azul considers eating squid ink pasta in book 3. This is probably the closest we'll get to seeing him "eating octopus". Makes me think that it's acceptable to eat like... body parts and byproducts of other animals but not of the same species as you (ie chicken hearts vs human hearts).
Imagine walking in on that though????? Iā€™d say, ā€œSorry to disturb you, sir! Iā€™ll see myself out now,ā€ then slowly shut the door and back awayā€¦
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creatorbiaze Ā· 4 months ago
im p tired bc it's past midnight but i had an idea. Honestly just gonna type out my entire thought process so it makes somewhat more sense
So I remembered the 1960 something singing robot & that people have said it was creepy, tbh i think it's partially bc it's Just Off Enough from human speech & in Just The Right pitch to just seem inexplicably odd. Dare I say almost an uncanny effect.
The uncanny valley is my favorite phenomenon in which humans just get Inexplicably Creeped Out by things that're Almost human but Just Wrong Enough that it's obvious there's something wrong. Probably developed as a way to keep humans away from sick or dead things so We don't get sick too.
currently the most common uncanny valley phenomenon is robots & androids.
which reminded me of Ortho. The pretty-close-to-human android. Now I don't know which is scarier; Idia being so insanely good at making androids & robots that Ortho just. doesn't. uncanny valley. despite not having many visibly robotic parts. Or if in-universe everyone's just mildly creeped out by him due to Uncanny.
But , i wonder if Twst even HAS uncanny valley. I mean, there's several Almost Human specieses. Faes, Mers, Beastmen, etc etc. And cursed humans like Idia. So would twst have even developed the uncanny valley effect to the degree we do? I mean, if it was developed to keep us away from Sick Things it definitely still developed, but maybe less so. the oddities are Not Sickness.
Or what if it DID develop the same for various reasons, including an ancient reason TO fear the Almost Humans? Faes in most mythology are dangerous tricksters, Mers & Sirens kill, Beastmen are Visibly not human too, Cursed People could possibly get us targeted, etc.
Maybe being consistently surrounded by the Almost Humans makes it lessen a ton, so 2nd+ years at universities like NRC or just societies where the species interact a lot in general just. dont get creeped out anymore.
Or maybe only Yuu/the MC gets Uncanny Valley'd bc Not From Here. The fear of the Unknown, which the Almost Humans most certainly are, AND the uncanny valley effect is.. not fun to deal with.
Faes are Too Perfect, too elegant, too beautiful, too Flawless. there's something wrong.
Beastmen are just human enough that their animal features are wrong. There's something Not Human in their appearance and Instinctive actions and yet they look so close to humans and act so human. It's not right.
Potions aren't always perfect. The octa trio still act like mers yet they look perfectly human, or maybe they still have slight imperfections; the Tweels have way too sharp teeth, after all. Are they safe?
Idia's... wrong. He's off. He looks Visibly Wrong and he's been around death and Blot for so long that his behavior is subtly wrong too. You're not making it up, right?
and what the hell is Ortho? He's not human but he's none of the Almost Humans either. He acts too human but he still reverts back to code. he doesn't make sense.
And yet even with this instinctive distrust and fear of the others, Yuu still goes out of their way to save them, to help them, to Know them. Yet the feeling of wrongness never goes away.
And maybe it goes both ways. Yuu is not right, they're just off enough from even the normal humans of NRC that everyone can tell they aren't from here at all. An imposter, a false thing, wrong.
of course, twst wouldn't go into uncanny valley territory in canon bc Disney and Its Not Horror; sure plenty of characters have dark or sad back stories but its fun and humorous. But damn the uncanny valley is fun to think about
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basilbots Ā· 9 months ago
What would happen If mer kill code ever happened upon the celestials pod, like through his travels he just ran across them one day
It would take a moment for Eclipse to recognize KC, but his size very much gives him away. Eclipse is,,, upset with him, doesn't want to talk to him, but also holds a whatever attitude about it. Eclipse doesn't like it but he doesn't think what happened to him was that bad (it was). Sun and Moon would be more angry and defensive, not wanting KC on their territory. Solar would. Go straight to launching himself at KC immediately cvbnfcg. Very upset about Eclipse being abandoned by his pod as a pup KC should have been there Eclipse could have died- The pups would be curious, don't know who this big mer is or what's going on why are you telling them to go back in the cave, but they'll pick up enough from the others that they should be hissy with KC. KC on the other hand would recognize Eclipse immediately and be sorta interested. He'd be proud, kinda, seeing Eclipse getting along fine like he thought he would, and with pups now too. He'd brush off the others aggression and accept Eclipse's disinterest, even Solar launching zirself at him. Not that'd Solar would do much anyway, KC would easily restrain him and hold the weaker mer away. Yet despite all this KC doesn't actually care or acknowledge that abandoning Eclipse was wrong. It'd take a certain other character to get involved and push KC to recognize this and try to make up with his kid.
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littlelightbolt Ā· 6 months ago
Finding Prowl - Chapter Five: Nemo
[55 cycles into capture]
Mabye, Primus had answered his call. The baby's fever broke in the evening, just as the crowds started to dwindle and the skeleton crew remained. The overhead lights had dimmed, signalling night-time in the above world. The worst was over but they weren't out of the blue yet. Muscles atrophied from malnutrition and sickness, the little one was still too weak to move on their own. Being cybertronian, the dim was no bother on their vision but it was still a trek from their cove to the surface of their tank to breach. Prowl had to use his body as a buoy to float the little one as they took small gulping breathes.
In between the surfacing intervals, Prowl was all but left to his thoughts, gazing aimlessly at the other mers outside his glided cage. To recharge now would only invite nightmares, an act that could potentially rob the little one of their recharge. So Prowl opted to settle in for a long night. It wasn't like he hadn't done so before. He simmered in the surrealness of his situation. The little life now here with him. Tired, his mind ebbed and rose with the cries of the humpback mer. There would be no singing for him tonight as thoughts came from all new directions. They drowned him.
'Where were their mother now? What had happened to them? Captured? Killed? What of their pod? How long had the baby been alone for? What had they been witness to?
His ATS concluded that the sparkling would most likely be from one of the small nomadic neutral pods originating around the northern hemisphere. One of many remaining neutrals that hadn't left the planet in time before the collision. War-ravaged Cybertron had been a wasteland. If there was one good thing to come out of the planetary collision millions of years ago, it was the new fuel source it provided. Earth-Cybertron was an abundant resource of which all mecha took their fill. Sparklings while still not common were finally not a rarity to their dwindling race outside of the major factions.
As an autobot and as SIC, Prowl had always been preoccupied. The wars with the Decepticons, dealing with outside operations [the Wreckers], trying to contact what remains of their race beyond the stars and even that one occasion the Quintessons had crashed in wanting to enslave them. He had been at the forefront of those operations. Post war, it had narrowed down to evading humans and keeping the peace on Cybertron. Post war, childcare had never been one of his priorities, nor an option he thought to pursue. He did not have a romantic partner nor any time to invest in one. J....The terror twins and Hot Rod were child enough for him. To be honest, he had never seen a sparkling up until Chromedome and Rewind first introduced their sparkling to the colony and hadn't that done a number on his spark.
Caught in the memory, the words of Ultra Magnus washed over him. "- I think your the loneliest mech I've ever met."
In his tank, he looked over himself. Scars and healing flesh. A shattered mind. He could barely take care of himself most days, how can he take care of a sparkling? Could they even eat solid foods yet?
When he had fed the sparkling kelp, a quick look at the sparkling's intake showed they only had two sparkling teeth jutting out of their top gum. From their size, Prowl assumed the sparkling was more toddler than infant. If the little one hadn't been weaned, he would have to be soon. Milk was not a worry at least. All cybertronians were intersex, but for the majority of cybertronians carrier coding had to be activated by an actual kindling. Being initially a public service servant, Prowl was made with the standard carrier protocols buried in place for the event such as these. Prowl could already feel the changes within him. A good sort of soreness to accompany the many aches. At the most he estimated that it would take at least until the morning for his pouches to fill.
Prowl didn't know how to feel about that. He will experience his first feeding before his first kindling, alone. A funnily sad thought that this was the first milestone that Prowl would share with a little one.
A thought struck him then, a designation. He didn't know the little ones' designation. In the day's events, Prowl hadn't even thought to try and ask for one. 'Could the little one even speak?' Prowl mulled it over looking down sparkling tightly clutching his chest in sleep. Their skin was still slightly flushed, eyes furrowed in their sleep. Mabye, they weren't really of a mind to tell him a designation anyway.
The remainder of the night was spent in silence, his ATS circling around his bare-bones escape plans, his current physical changes situation, the baby, and a designation to call them by. J..... Somewhere in between Prowl dropped off into a light doze.
The early morning arrived without much fanfare, the lights above returned to their usual blistering white. The human staff handover began. Splashing overhead roused Prowl from his rest. Food had arrived. Leaving the sparkling to their slumber, Prowl waited for the humans to back away before approaching the low ledge that served as their interaction platform.
Having been here long enough that rejecting food from them was in the past, Prowl had been a little surprised when the human workers had given him his usual ration of stale fish and a little bottle of milk beside it. Opening the bottle for a quick sniff made him gag. This milk was definitely NOT going into that sparkling's intake. Surely humans knew that much. It irritated Prowl that even with all their research and advancements, of knowing about his kinds general way of life, that they couldn't even synthesis the correct sustenance.
Incompetent fools.
He chucked the bottle back at the pair of handlers standing by the door and managed to hit the one with the badge "Spike W" in the head with it. The human squawked and turned back to glare at him. The absolute hate in their eyes gave Prowl a little satisfaction as he dove back down. He stopped at the entrance to his cove. A quick check revealed his pouches were ready to go, while not as pronounced as a femme's his chest seemed to have more curves to it already. He felt the heaviness in them. It was time. Awkwardly he reached out a hand, gently shaking the little one's shoulder. A couple of shakes made the little one release a little whine that almost made Prowl withdraw. Prowl pushed through it. The little one opened their bleary eyes to glare at him. They gave off a moody huff, curling up further to hide their face in the sand. It was kind of cute. A small smile graced Prowl's faceplate. Sass was a sign that the little was on the up and up in recovery. As new as the situation was to him, sass was a familiar attitude that Prowl could always handle.
The new code within him had settled well enough. It whispered that to recover, the little one needed to eat. Prowl followed along with it's directives, settling next to the sparkling before lifting them up gently into the crook of his arms. The new foreign programming guided his movements. The little one was only surprised by the slight jostle before settling into the new position. With steady hands he didn't know he possessed, he brought the little's intake to his chest and waited. To his relief the little one did as he had hoped, quickly latching on to suckle.
The sensation of something rushing out of him was WEIRD to say the least. Prowl shivered a little as the first drops escaped him. It tilted between being ticklish and soothing, he made sure to hold on well to the little one as he rode the sensations. The little one ate well. With one problem down with minimal resistance, Prowl felt a little lighter in his chest. Silently, Prowl congratulated himself on his achievement.
As the little one suckled, a little hand curled around one of his digits. Seeing and feeling the size difference between them made Prowl's mind stall. Not for the first time, the gravity of the situation seemed to crash over him, yet it felt like distant ocean waves. This sparkling was doing things to him. Things he had felt before in another different light, many vorns ago. It unnerved him a little how quickly he had come to care for the little one, in this cage of stale smells and dead sounds. He had never felt such feelings come on so quickly. Not with Chro....., not with Mesothulas, never with Sentinel. He couldn't remember a time where these feelings were returned in kind either. *Memories of that night, blurred and dizzy with J....... -* Outside his turbulent helm, the little ones' eyes met his, a bright cerulean blue that reminded Prowl of the sunlit surface of the Bering sea. *A certain visor in the sunlight came to mind.* So full, so whole, it was like the sparkling was looking within Prowl, into his spark.
The moment was broken when the sparkling unlatched from his pouch. They wriggle in his hold, as Prowl eased them onto his lap. They looked up at Prowl for a moment before patting their belly. "Pat?" Prowl felt elated, the sparkling could speak! That increased the probability of him being able to care for the sparkling tenfold. "Pat!" They repeated at him, more urgency in their voice. A small smile graced Prowl's faceplate, if the sparkling wanted to be patted who was Prowl to deny that. He began to rub their belly in a circular clockwise fashion patting gently as he went. The little one content went back to their nursing, soothed for now. Prowl moved to settle by the wall of the cove, body faced at an angle to the glass to look out at the growing crowd wandering the site while shielding the little one from view.
What would the others do if they could see him now. The terror twins would probably laughing their asses off. Many people would be loosing some lumpsum currency to smokescreen's betting pool. Prowl hadn't managed to sus out the most recent one but he was highly suspicious that his sex life was a hot topic/ running joke in action.
What would J...... thin - k- .
Before he could spiral too deep into those thoughts, the sparkling unlatched a second time, pushing away from Prowl's chest. Looks like they had their fill for now. A few pats to the back made quick work of any trapped air in their system. Content and happy, the little one seemed energized enough to try and move out of his hold. With the little one now lucid, Prowl asked the burning question. "Little one, do you have a designation?"
The sparkling wordlessly looked up at him not quite getting his meaning. A questioning wirr came from their lips. Mentally Prowl sighed old speech habits died hard, perhaps he should refrain from using big words for now. "Do you have a name?" He gestured to himself. "My name is Prowl." "Prowl" he reiterated. "Pow" repeated the little one, smacking a little hand onto his chest.
Close enough Prowl figured. "
Yes, Prowl." He now gestured towards the little one, "Name?" The little one took a moment before quietly saying "Blue."
"Blue?" Prowl parroted, puzzled. Their carrier sure picked an odd choice of name for an orca mer. There really wasn't much blue to be had on this sparkling. "Blue!" the child repeated proudly, little hands now patting themself. Having answered the adult's question the little toddler saw fit to push off out of Prowl's hold. Weakly, they swam to the edge of the cove. Prowl watched on, vigilant as Blue fascinated himself with the starfish and shells littered around his cove. Little curious sounds came with every new discovery. It was a refreshing to hear, the vibration of it in the water a soothing reminder that he was no longer just his own. A quick look beyond a sand dune revealed the humans beyond. Blue recoiled like a shot, fear scented the water.
"Blue." Prowl called urgently, hoping to gain the little ones' attention to return. In response to his name, the little mer returned to his side. They snuggled into him, before revealing the item they had in hand. A little red starfish was presented. "Pow" "Pow, look!" exclaimed little Blue. "FisssH" he proclaimed proudly, chest puffed out and cheeks glowy.
Fear turned to joy. The sudden change in mood was like whiplash to Prowl.
Prowl couldn't help but laugh with mirth. "Starfish, Blue." "That is a starfish", he gently corrected. Taking the creature from their hands and placing it on the sand. "StaArfisH" Blue parroted, swimming around the little thing. With his unspent energy, Blue went out to the edge of the cove in search of more things to show "Pow", looking back occasionally to check that Prowl was still there watching him. It was comically affectionate. With each item shown to him, another starfish, a piece of kelp, an unfortunate small fish, affection slowly wrapped their tendrils around Prowl's spark.
It has been 55 cycles since he had any decent company, and despite the circumstance, he was glad to have Blue here with him.
Horray! This fic now has a name, and a new face.
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amphiptere-art Ā· 4 months ago
Crossover Canon Interactions.
Has met
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Mechanical medic
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Perrfect thief
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Rusted wheels
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Cryptid eater
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Saving Waves
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Stop you silly siren
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Under the stage
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Stardust arcade.
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Fall fest
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Other locations
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Red blue and black/Desolate hunger
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Sulky star cluster
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Cruel copy
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Lord Night
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Empty cup
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Story written in ash
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It's tough to be a god
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Toy swap
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Adopted by
Adopted characters
Sundown/Chased family and friends
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Nebula family
Has met
Adopted by
Infero *kinda*
Adopted characters
Neptune pack
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Demon alts
Has met
Adopted by
Lord's brother, Vim
Adopted characters
Tf void demon, demon wisp
Mer alts
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Fey alts
Has met
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, chaos
Lord's brother, puppy
Adopted characters
Tf Traveler fey *friend*
Arcade fey alts
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Old tsams versions
Red blue and black
Has met
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, Chaos
Lord's brother, infero
Kid eclipse, Moom
Adopted characters
TF traveler, refracted glow
TF trapped, crushed glow
TF servant sun, dying fire
TF Void, No light
TF ghosty, wisp
Recovering blood moon
CtOS solar
AE solar !attempted!
Old Tsams
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Shattered Blue Moon (storyline end)
Strained Black Star (storyline end)
Cruel copy
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
TF Void, virulent
Beast maker
Has met
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Empty cup
Has met
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Chapter -SSC
Story written in ash
Has met
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, gluttony?
Empty cup, Honey -SSC
Kid eclipse, teen solar flare
Adopted characters
Separated blood moon -LB
It's tough to be a god
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
TF traveler
Desolate hunger
Has met
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Kid eclipse, Moom
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, chaos
Adopted characters
Lost Lord
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Hostage Solar, little fox
Under the stage
Has met
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, wrath and sloth.
Adopted characters
Eclipse Brothers
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Sulky star cluster
Has met
Autumbra Eclipse *friend*
Adopted by
Autumbra au, kill code
Adopted characters
TF Traveler -Orion's belt
Toy swap
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Alternate solar
Has met
Autumbra *friend*
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Runaway eclipse
Has met
Adopted by
Lord's brother ?in works?
Remorseful Lord Eclipse ?In works?
Adopted characters
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Chased Eclipse -SSC
Actual dad eclipse
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Chased eclipse
Has met
Adopted by
Kid eclipse, Moom
Sundown Eclipse -SSC
Adopted characters
Orion's belt
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Tf Traveler
Supernova AU
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Arcane AU
Has met
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Ect-will add if more worlds get interacted with.
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knoxise Ā· 1 year ago
an arlefuri playlist for all the girlies that love tall foreboding women
features french & jpn & kr & eng alt rock/pop/indie
1. L'Emprise / MylĆØne Farmer
2. DĆ©mon / Alice et Moi
3. Ami ! Amant ! / OpƩra de Nuit
4. BLOOD ON BLOOD / Anna Tsuchiya
5. L'Orage / Ciao Venus
6. Bad Girl / LADIES' CODE
7. Le Bien Qui Fait Mal / Mozart Opera Rock
8. She Wolf / Shakira
9. Rayons Gamma / P.R2B
10. Le Sang De Mon Prochain / La Femme
11. Conscience / Marie-Mai
12. Paradis Bleu / Revers Gagnant & Matlid
13. Alibi / Johnny Hollow
14. Criminal / Taemin
15. Ɖcoute Cherie / Vendredi sur Mer
16. Toxic / Britney Spears
17. Karma / Alice et Moi
18. Villain / Stella Jang
19. Kill Of The Night / Gin Wigmore
20. MAD HEAD LOVE / Kenshi Yonezu
21. Dans Le Noir Je Vois Rouge / Le Rouge Et Le Noir
22. Red Flags / Tom Cardy & Montaigne
23. BlasphƩmie / Soko
24. La Cigale / Automelodi
forever a wip and will have more songs added whenever i feel like it!
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lu-dao-writes Ā· 2 years ago
šŒšØ š‘ššš§ š¢š¬ š‚šØš§šŸš®š¬šžš (š™²šš‘ššž šš†ššŠšš—šš—šš’šš—šš šš” š™²ššŠšš›ššŽššššŠšš”ššŽšš› ššššŽššŠššššŽšš› + š™¼šš˜ ššššŠšš—)
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šŸš š’®š“Šš“‚š“‚š’¶š“‡š“Ž ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ ĖŠĖŽ- Your precious Chu Wanning has it rough.
šŸ«§ š’²š’¶š“‡š“ƒš’¾š“ƒš‘”(š“ˆ) ąæ ĖŠĖŽ- Mention of violence and there being blood, overall crack energy, not much editing and probably grammatical errors, and reader is gender neutral and a bit blackcoded but anyone can read.
šŸŖø š’œ/š’© ąæ ĖŠĖŽ- This was going to be two parts but the first part would be far to short since I donā€™t know much about CW. So Iā€™m settling on this one instead! No spoilers here please, and in this setting MR and CW have never met.
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When you stepped into work you werenā€™t ready to be rushing in like a bat outta hell.
It was a code red and ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng was involved.
Upon arriving at the scene you're greeted with a wounded ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng that was inside a portable tank, his blood staining his skin and the translucent water.
He wasnā€™t wailing, just gripping where he was attacked, gritting his teeth. Though when he saw you, a brief look of relief overcame him.
You rush over to his side, fretting over him and offering your hand to him and he slowly takes it with his free hand.
As you know, ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng is stiff when it comes to affection, often getting really embarrassed about it or even asking, but you think itā€™s important to have him voice or show that he wants it.
ā€œWhat the hell happened??ā€ you ask your other coworkers, eyes still on your mer.
ā€œMĆ² RĆ”n happenedā€¦ā€
ā€œFor what? And why didnā€™t anyone ask me for my input!? ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng usually likes his own space, I havenā€™t prepared him for contact with other mers!ā€ you hiss, trying to remain calm, but itā€™s hard when your precious ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng got hurt from careless actions. ā€œHasnā€™t anyone told yā€™all that since MĆ² RĆ”n was brought heā€™s been nothing but aggressive??ā€
ā€œWeā€¦ Took a chance, okay? Heā€™s been doing decently okay soā€¦ B-Butā€”.ā€
Even though you were curious, you were impatient. ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng was more important right now.
ā€œTell me after we get him help!ā€
Before leaving the area you cast a glance back and spot the black and blue shark glaring at your mermaid. It boils your blood but you return your focus on moving your octopus to the medical wing.
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ā€œNow explain to me what you were tryna say.ā€
ā€œThis might sound out there butā€¦ I think MĆ² RĆ”n is confused.ā€
ā€œā€¦Confused how??ā€
ā€œLikeā€¦ I think heā€™s confused about whether he wants to kill ChĒ” WĒŽnnĆ­ng orā€¦ Fuck himā€¦ā€
What a damn joke this is. You stand there with a blank stare and smile, soon looking beyond confused as you scratch your head.
ā€œWait a damn minute- what the fuckā€¦? What makes you say thatā€¦?ā€
ā€œI really donā€™t want to get into that. Just trust meā€¦ Or look at the videos and notes.ā€
ā€œOh godā€¦ā€
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driedupeyeballs Ā· 1 year ago
šŸš—& šŸ’Æ for your fankids!
Due to the fact you didnā€™t specify which ones I will be rambling about all of them so. Have a seat ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LOJG TO ANSWER
šŸš— - ā€œdoes your OC have a drivers license? Can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?ā€
Ok I was not expecting anyone to pick this I have like. Never thought of this??? Like Iā€™ve never looked at my fankids and thought ā€œhmmm. Which one of you is forklift certified?ā€- (Rico definitely owns a shirt that says ā€œIā€™m forklift certifiedā€ but heā€™s not) After giving this a bit of thought Iā€™ve come to a somewhat conclusion- I think most of my fankids can drive, Ik Zelda canā€™t bcuz sheā€™s too scared to be outside in a light rain in case she somehow gets struck by lighting so there is no way in HELL sheā€™s getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. And obviously my malleus kid canā€™t bcuz heā€™s uh. Blind- but he isnā€™t relevant bcuz I havenā€™t even drawn him yet- Iā€™m sorry aihan šŸ˜” Ember tho. Ember would get his license revoked for modifying a car so much that itā€™s no longer street legal. And I do not trust Shenzi driving bcuz she gets distracted so easily- weā€™d have to put her on medication šŸ˜­ but everyone else I think is good to go
šŸ’Æ - ā€œshare three random facts about your OC that others may not knowā€
This one was interesting when itā€™s like. Any of them- I already answered this for Skye in my other post so Iā€™ll limit this to my other kids tho
On the topic of ashengrotto kids tho, we all know Skye couldnā€™t be trusted around baby mers as a kid cuz theyā€™d eat them. Akram sort of had the opposite issue?? He was terrified of anything that swam, especially eels. Which was pretty awkward for the first few years of his life, he was very anxious around the eel kids in their merforms and refused to go anywhere near the adult eel mers
Okay my basketball trio is something remarkable I swear- three completely different energies there. But Ember was actually briefly banned from playing real games cuz he kept using Moxie to cheat, he actually added a specific program in Moxieā€™s code to predict the other teams movements. He was thus banned from bringing any robots to basketball šŸ˜” (I realize I havenā€™t talked abt moxie publicly- or Ember much for that matter. Moxie is a robot beetle thatā€™s like a mini ortho, Ember built him and he just kinda hovers around him like Idiaā€™s skull thingie)
Okay I have plenty of facts I could put here but Iā€™m gonna opt for a mysterious little thing here; not one, but two of my fankids have indeed killed someone in their lifetime! Whether by accident or not! I will say one of them is my Malleus kid, (I rlly need to draw him heā€™s just the forgotten child), just cuz he has insanely powerful magic and as a kid he didnā€™t have great control of it. Unfortunately a random civilian found this out firsthand! The other one tho. That reveal Iā€™ll probably save for when I drop all of her lore. Which will be soon! Cuz I plan on doing a lot more loredrops for these dudes soon!!
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catspawcreates Ā· 10 months ago
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CW: Bloody version under the cut
The chummiest bloody mer twins. This was a design from last Mermay, and I love how unfairly beautiful they are. Kill Code is already jealous in my brain šŸ˜¹
Bloody version, unfiltered, and the original sketch.
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Their textures are dreamy
Iā€™m getting faster/more comfortable. Working time: 3.5 hours
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liliallowed Ā· 1 year ago
How are leviathans born?
they are mostly regular sea creatures that mutated with the toxic waste dumped at the ocean depths. but since they are creatures of magic and the world is filled with magical essense instead of dying from radiation they are simply twisted and their genetic code is altered.
on some rare occasions where magic makes up for what the two lack in biological compatibility (soul bonds and such) they can still reproduce and make more of their kind but due to their long live span they don't even look for mates or procreation much.
either way most leviathans are just mutated magical beasts that have been living for hundreds of years in the ocean.
in crimson's case, they were one of the rare cases of being born as leviathan instead of evolving to it. they were an abandoned offspring of an ancient sea monster (a cross between a starfish and and eel leviathan)
they took the appearance of the eel and retrained the regenerative ability of a starfish.
(crimson can technically regrow themselves from a severed limb as small as a finger to a wholnew body but since they have ONE soul, it only inhabits one regenerated part. they can't duplicate themselves.)
leviathans often take care of their offsprings with GREAT care because in most cases due to genetic mutations and incompatibility the offspring will die. the larger the offspring, the bigger their survival chance! so when crimson was born AS A TINY SUPER SMALL EGG... they were already a disappointment to their parents. there was just so little hope for them. they abandoned the egg.
crimson's unhatched egg was devoured by an unsuspecting fish, and they simply assumed it was just another loss. they had lost so many that it was practically the norm. they went on to focus on the bigger siblings.
after that? the creature that ate crimson swam to someplace VERRRRY far away. (crimson's siblings are probably still out there somewhere but crimson couldn't care less)
after a while the fish started to feel an intense stomach pain. crimson was slowly eating or out from the inside, literally covered in stomach acid, constantly dying, then coming back, dying and regenerating... hardening it's scales... growing bigger and bigger. dying again and again SINCE their conception.
it was HELL. the pain was so great that their nerves were damaged and never fully recovered.
but they broke out... only to find themselves in the stomach of a bigger fish..
repeating cycle of maddening pain until they overcame each and every single trial... climbing the food chain with tooth and nail. they were eaten, torn to shreds, bitten in half... gutted, hunted and killed so many times... but they never died.
it's not that they didn't want to. they COULDN'T die. their body simply would just rebuild itself. even if they did NOTHING they'd still feel the pain they'd still know they would come back.
they didn't exactly have a great childhood... they did eventually began to climb the food chain ranks and start HUNTING the things that had previously eaten them.
"revenge tastes SO SWEET. more. I wanna kill more! "
eventually they grew big enough to be as big as a regular sized mer... they started to kill every single thing in their path, high on power and vengeance. was it because of the pain they felt as they were little? or was it the addictive HIGH of conquering foes? they started at the bottom but they were on top now.
the world had hurt them and now they felt like hurting the world back 100 times. so much spite so much bloodlust.
if course they'd inevitably kill everyone in the sunken city ruins...
and slowly fall deeper and deeper into megalomania and a greed for more power.
something that slowly lost it's meaning to them when every living thing in the area had died...
empty. so empty. so lonely.
they wished they hadn't done that. one. just one survivor.
they promised themselves they wouldn't kill it. it didn't matter. they wanted someone ANYONE to talk to them. it didn't matter if it was a vengeful enemy.
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3xm-draconic Ā· 2 years ago
DOVAHJOJO: a bizarre adventure.
In the Army Now.
Jotunn Jostjarna is an orphan living on the streets of Bruma, one day he is adopted by a pare of mercenaries and raised to be a warrior. after 5 years he joins the Legion to help fight in the great war.
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Episode 1: Son of man and mer walk tall with pride.Ā 
Jotti lived on the streets of Bruma, he earned a living by doing odd jobs around the city and selling alchemical herbs he gathered in the forest. He had never forgotten that night, 4 months ago, the night the Thalmor took his family from him. Jotti did everything an 11 year old could do to help in the imperial war effort to stop them but it would be at least 5 years till he could actually join the fight.
Till then Jotti helped in any way he could.
One day a duo of mercenaries came into town, Percival Fine-Fur a Khajiit Monk and his companion Ralukar the Orc-blood spellsword, the two were soldiers of fortune looking to join the Legion.
One night in the local tavern, Jotti and the mercs crossed pathsā€¦
ā€œYou're not all mer are you boy?...you got nord blood in your veinsā€ Ralukar said to Jotti, Jotti stopped cleaning the floor and looked up at the Orc ā€œyā€¦you can tell that my father is a nord?ā€ Jotti said astonished, ā€œIā€™am a fellow hybrid, my ma was an orc but my da was a redguardā€ Ralukar chuckled.
Ralukar bought Jotti a warm meal and asked him to take a seat ā€œso whatā€™s your story kid?ā€, ā€œI am the son of a farmer and an alchemist, the Thalmor killed them months ago and now I live as an orphan here on the streetsā€.
Ralukar looked sympatheticly towards Jotti ā€œI too lost family to the Thalmorā€.
Fine-Fur entered the tavern ā€œRal? Ral where are you? We need to get going, the Legion said no to letting us in so weā€™ll half to find work elsewhereā€¦ā€ Fine-Fur looked oddly at Jotti ā€œwhatā€™s with the kid?ā€, ā€œheā€™s like me Percy, a hybrid who lost everything to the Dominionā€ Ralukar said as he got up from his bar stool.
Before they left the tavern Ralukar stopped in the doorway ā€œhey kid do you know how to fight? Like really fight not just tavern brawling?ā€, Jotti shook his head, ā€œthen come along with me and Percy, weā€™ll train youā€ Ralukar smiled.
Percyā€™s ears flattened and he growled ā€œyou are not serious right now? Adopting a kid when we donā€™t even have a house?!ā€, ā€œitā€™s not adoptionā€ Ralukar shrugged ā€œmore like an extended apprenticeshipā€.
And for the next 5 years thatā€™s what they did.
Ralukar trained him to become a spellsword like him. He trained him in destruction magic, restoration, light armor, smithing and even enchanting. He taught him how to be honorable and noble, he even taught him some of the code of Malacath.
Percy trained him in the ways of gout-fang. He trained him in unarmed combat in case he ever needed it, archery, poison alchemy, sneaking and lockpicking.
Percy taught him to be resourceful and that not every opponent of his will show or reciprocate honor, that he must not be blinded by honor but never lose it.
By the time Jotti was 16 he had grown into a giant of a teen, standing at a towering 6ā€™2, aptly fitting his name.
ā€œIā€™am going to join the Legion, I want to fight for Cyrodill and avenge my familyā€ Jotti said to Ralukar, his voice now deep in tone.
ā€œDo you think they will let you in? They did not let us inā€ Percy grumbled, ā€œthey will let me joinā€ Jotti assured his masters ā€œthey will have no choiceā€.
Episode 2: Sound the bugle now.
Indeed the Legionnaires had no choice but to let him in, they were stretched thin and losing the battle, a strong capable warrior may be just what they needed.
The recruiter took one look at him and nearly fell backwards from trying to look up at him ā€œn-name?ā€, ā€œJotunn Jostjarnaā€, the recruiterā€™s guard eyed Jotti ā€œhu thatā€™s an odd name for a HighElfā€, ā€œmy father is a Nord, I am only half elfā€, ā€œhalf elf?ā€ the guard looked confused, ā€œmy mother was Altmer thus I look like her but I inherited my fatherā€™s blue eyes and brown hairā€.
The guard shrugged ā€œI just never met a hybrid beforeā€.
Jotti was given armor and placed in a regiment ā€œtraining starts soon so head down to the mess hall and eat, you donā€™t wanna be marching on an empty stomachā€ a legit said to him.
Jotti headed to the cantina and took a tray. He was given a bowl of barley gruel with chunks of meat in it, a slice of bread and a hunk of cheese. Jotti took his meal and sat down at a table only to see the other occupants leave as soon as he sat down ā€œI canā€™t believe they let one of THEM into the Legionā€¦piss-skin bastardā€ one of the soldiers scoffed.
In his youth Jotti would have cried, he would have been saddened and upset by such harsh words but Jotti was older now and he had been through much worse, words did not hurt him anymore.
ā€œYour one to talk you scrawny limp-dick Impiralā€ a deep gruff voice called out, Jotti turned to see a tall Nord man in his 20ā€™s sit down next to him ā€œI say if you are willing to fight for your homeland it should not matter what you are, your land is your land and it is your devines given right to defend itā€ the man grumbled.
He turned to Jotti ā€œNameā€™s Ulfric, Ulfric Stormcloak, you?ā€, ā€œJostjarna, Jottun Jostjarna, my father is a Nord that's how I got my nameā€, ā€œyour half nord? Your father ever talked about skyrim?ā€, ā€œyes, he told me it is a beautiful land and one day, after this war perhaps, Iā€™ll visit itā€.
Ulfric grinned ā€œI hope you do too, she is indeed a sight to beholdā€.
As Jotti and Ulfric ate a commander approached them, ā€œUlfric you are to scrub the latreens for your words, you are in the same unit so you must treat each other with respectā€, Ulfric nodded ā€œyes commander Iā€™ll get right on it but you should know I was only defending my friend hereā€, the commander sighed ā€œI know, we heard what Tullius had said so he too is to scrub the latreens with youā€.
Jotti wished Ulfric the best as he left for trainingā€¦oh if he only knew how brutal the 30 year long war would be.
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whitegoldtower Ā· 2 years ago
My main Skyrim OCs, in short:
Corryn: Snow Elf Dragonborn - full name and titles: Corryn aep Llaw Ereint, First of His Name, Knight of Auri-El, Protector of Mer, the Giant of Summerset (heā€™s stupidly tall and strong; ā€œtall as a castle wall and twice as thickā€). Targaryen coded, the dragons are his children. He originally comes to Skyrim to prove himself worthy as Auri-Elā€™s champion, ends up discovering that heā€™s dragonborn along the way, liberates Solstheim and defeats Alduin. He has a momentary correspondence with Caerwyn, which results in an enormous, brutal battle because whilst he was raised around the Dominion, he believes that HE should have his fair share of Skyrim due to the fact that he literally saved everyone and quite likes the people. He wants Whiterun.
Caerwyn aep Caderyn: Elenwenā€™s father, old Battlemage and Dominion Veteran. Brilliant strategist and shrewdly cunning. Was supposed to have retired in Alinor, but after finding out the sorry state his ranks were in in Skyrim, goes there to sort everything out himself. He cosies up to Ulfric (specifically to get him on the throne so that the economy crashes and people start to hate him), makes friends with the stormcloaks whilst undercover, then usurps Ulfric, brings in the Thalmor and steamrolls everything, bringing Skyrim under Dominion rule. General Tullius clocks him at the last minute before his execution and he stands there like the cat who got the cream because Ulfric was just none the wiser. Has an argument that turns into a horrific battle with Corryn, and eventually hands over Whiterun because heā€™d rather have one less city under his rule than have Corrynā€™s dragons burn everything to the ground.
Eddard van Blagden: Volkihar Clan Leader, Champion of Mephala, Nord. Daedra Magnet: marked by Mephala at birth, former devotee of Meridia, and Namira persistently tries for a claim on his soul due to his ā€˜wretchedā€™ childhood. He starts off as a dawnguard, gets bitten by Vingalmo which results in his patron deity Meridia abandoning him and Mephalaā€™s mark on him ā€˜waking upā€™ (she marked him at birth and he literally has a spider in his head). He goes to Castle Volkihar with the intention of murdering everybody inside, but empathises too much with the vampires after he realises that they are all Harkonā€™s slaves. He uses subterfuge to get close to Harkon, accepting his ā€˜giftā€™, then gets extremely close to Vingalmo after realising that he wants exactly what Eddard wants. He becomes ā€˜darling of the courtā€™ because a few of the others clock on to what heā€™s doing and subtly begin helping him as he plots to take Harkon down from the inside. He teams up with Serana, Vingalmo, Garan Marethi, Feran Sadri, Ronthil and then meets Corryn, who helps him recover Aurielā€™s Bow in exchange for the Elder Scrolls. He takes down Harkon, and - owing Corryn a debt - agrees to help him battle Caerwyn. The battle ends in a stalemate and then further peace talks, and he leaves for Castle Volkihar again under the agreement that Caerwyn and Corryn donā€™t expose the vampires to the public. And further, that the leader of the Dawnguard, Isran, is beheaded.
Severin Nervayne: Dunmer Crack Wizard. Works as a professor in the College of Winterhold after fleeing Vvardenfell (the Red Mountain eruption killed his wife, Llunela, and he narrowly escaped with his daughter Llevana). He is a Telvanni Magister, a former necromancer, and also a former Tomb Raider/Treasure Hunter. He teaches the dangers of necromancy and its history, and studies the Daedra and the Undead. Heā€™s a former skooma addict (helped him cope with his PTSD). He met Corryn in Solstheim whilst researching ash-spawn, and was enlisted alongside Teldryn Sero (who heā€™s now good friends with) to help free Solstheim from Miraak. His daughter follows in his footsteps as a Tomb Raider and she regularly goes Dwemer Dungeon Crawling. Anyway, Llunela was the only woman he ever loved and this remains true as when he decides to move on, he moves on with Ancano. Ancano and Corryn get into a fight over the Eye of Magnus, and - realising the severity of whatā€™s going on and smelling war on the horizon between the Thalmor and the Dragonbornā€™s personal army - Severin gets Ancano out of Winterhold and squirrels him away to a secluded location, gives him a new identity, where he protects him and his daughter from everything thatā€™s about to happen. They all live with Teldryn Sero for a while, but Skyrim is no longer safe for either of them with Corryn and Caerwyn rampaging around, so they stay in Solstheim with Teldryn and occasionally Neloth until everything blows over.
Silvandrel: Thalmor Fist, Winter Soldier inspired. The thalmor used him as a guinea pig for magical experiments with the goal of turning him into a living weapon. Heā€™s been infected with everything, from Vampirism to Lycanthropy, and has little to no free will. Heā€™s kept in Solitude where the Thalmor can keep and eye on him, and Elisif gifts him a Housecarl - Jordis. He foolishly falls in love with her, and has a dream of going AWOL from the Thalmor so they can both live in peace, but it soon becomes apparent that Jordis is a Blade and works for Delphine. Delphine essentially ruins his entire setup, makes multiple attempts on his life, and the Thalmor just tighten their grip on him and restrict him even further. And itā€™s all Delphineā€™s fault. He hunts her down and kills her, which is when he meets Corryn, who also wanted to kill her (due to the fact that she was keeping Corryn essentially as a slave because the power trip of ā€˜owningā€™ a falmer dragonborn was too much for her little Nord brain to say no to). Their meeting is awkward, but Corryn laughs it off, and the two part on good terms. Corryn wants to help Silvandrel break free from the Thalmor and offers him a place in his ranks instead, but Silvandrel is tired of being weaponised and owned by other people so he declines. Corryn allows him to walk away.
Dagduach: forsworn ā€˜witcherā€™. Was put through absolute hell at the hands of the Hagravens as a child, because he was chosen as ā€˜one of the strongestā€™ to become a Briarheart. The Hagravens in question were his mother (big bad) and his sister (who was pressured into becoming a Hagraven by their mother). He kills them both - he kills his mother in a fit of rage, and kills his sister because itā€™s the kindest thing he can do for her. He essentially puts her out of her misery. The trauma of this renders him non-verbal, and he spends the next 20 years of his life living in caves with wolves and bears. The hagraven trials mutated him most of the way into becoming a briarheart, and so he uses what he has to his advantage, and begins hunting monsters after a Vigilant of Stendarr takes pity on him. However, hunting monsters for him also extends to hunting human monsters, and he gains quite the reputation. The main rumour about him in taverns is that he murdered his entire family. In Cidhna mine, he catches Ondolemarā€™s eye, mainly because heā€™s so ā€˜differentā€™ and he has a massive distain for the Nords and Talos (he feels that Markarth should have been his home, and that if it was, perhaps he wouldnt have been subjected to everything he was as a child). Ondolemar decides that he likes Dagduach, a lot, and forbids him from being put in Cidhna Mine again. However this doesnt last long because his soldiers go behind his back and obey the jarl, shoving him in there for a second time. Being surrounded by Forsworn again, Dagduach snaps into survival mode and sees red. He gets puppeted by Madanach, and helps him break out, and Ondolemar finds him again, sat on his own near the temple of Dibella, watching the carnage with a thousand yard stare. Ondolemar brings him home again. Their relationship is a pretty unshakeable one, and Dagduach aids Ondolemar (who is aiding Caerwyn) in the big battle. During which, they get separated and reunite when Ondolemar spots him being cornered by Eddard and Corryn after Dagduach attempts to behead Vingalmo. Once more, Ondolemar gets him out of there and requests that Caerwyn stops involving both of them in battles. Caerwyn gives him back Markarth, and together they give it back to the Bretons, putting the Nords in the warrens instead.
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