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cboeck-webdesign · 2 years ago
You can reprogram your subconscious mind with these techniques
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With the help of mental training it is possible to realign yourself, so you can program your subconscious and overwrite old beliefs. Whatever thoughts and beliefs you permanently imprint on your subconscious, they will all manifest themselves sooner or later on the outside. Life has two sides, the conscious and the unconscious. There is the visible world and the invisible world. Our subconscious mind controls all the main functions of the organs and works for our good, interrupted day and night. You can harness this power and influence your subconscious mind through affirmations and self-hypnosis. Whatever you permanently impress upon it will also be reflected on the outside.  
The 3 levels of consciousness
Your consciousness is the conscious mind that makes decisions in everyday life and determines which direction you personally want to go. It is, in practical terms, your willpower that directs you. But of course, our conscious mind cannot accomplish such complex tasks as the subconscious mind, which controls the heart and blood circulation and other vital organs. The power of the subconscious mind is a lot more powerful than the conscious mind and can be easily influenced by autosuggestion. Nevertheless, the conscious mind and subconscious mind must form a unity in order to achieve goals. With the conscious mind, we think and act according to, our own ideas. We choose, with it the place of residence, the life partner and the environment. The consciousness is the objective mind, which deals with visible things outside, while the subconscious as a subjective mind forms the inner world. The subconscious mind does everything to make you feel good and will realize every thought you permanently impress upon it. The power of the subconscious is enormous, it controls our bodily functions even during sleep, shows us solutions in dreams and helps us to make the right decisions from our gut. Provided you are convinced of it. The subconscious is most easily influenced by suggestion, affirmations and the figurative imagination. It doesn't matter to our subconscious whether we have predominantly good or predominantly bad thoughts, it manifests that which we keep thinking about. Our subconscious is like a garden, everything that we plant in our thoughts will bear fruit. What we think again and again, that shapes us. Already from childhood opinions and beliefs flow on us, until we are 18 years old we develop more than 100,000 negative beliefs that we internalize. You are not good enough, you are too small, too tall, too fat, too thin, we store everything that relatives and family have suggested to us over the years. And the remedy for this is: reprogram yourself with autosuggestion and affirmations. Our subconscious mind does not check whether a thought is good or bad, it starts to realize it when we are convinced of it. Recommended books by Joseph Murphy, on this subject are, The Power of Your Subconscious* and How You Can Achieve Anything in Life.*. What is the role of the superconscious, often called the higher self? It is practically like a protection for us. Simply put, the superconscious is the higher self and our inner voice. Also PSI abilities, such as mental connections to other people or remote viewing stand with it in connection.   The world within you is what creates your external environment. It is the only power and everything you encounter in your outer world has been created by yourself in the inner world of the mind - consciously or unconsciously  
Achieving goals with the help of the subconscious mind Programming your subconscious for success - the best tools and techniques:
  As mentioned above, a very powerful method, affirming even better, on the other hand, work subliminals. These affirmations are subliminal to the music and are hardly or not at all audible. With regular use of 4 -6 weeks the first results will show. If you are more on the spiritual path, you will prefer prayers to affirmations. That's okay too, because both are about developing a strong faith. In other words, convincing yourself that the desired state is realized. Personally, it also helped me to be grateful for good things, because everything we are grateful for, we realize. Gratitude brings us even more of what we desire. It also sends good feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Especially in the Secret, gratitude is a powerful tool. It is indeed the case that gratitude attracts the positive. My experience here is that it depends on the situation, but as a rule, gratitude causes us to receive more good in our lives. To this end, a small and personal story: the year 2014 was a year full of ups and downs, but at the beginning of the year I was not doing so well, I saw most things very negatively and believed that nothing would change so quickly. Then in April I started practicing gratitude regularly and reading books like today is your best day and what can I say, I met very good new friends, people who helped me to get out and do something and I published my first book in the same year and ended the year on a positive note. Since then I incorporate gratitude exercises in between every now and then. I have a little notebook where I write down what I was grateful for and what I am grateful for ahead of time. The vision board or vision book is also a brilliant thing to help you get closer to your goals, because you engage with it more consciously. You see your collages, the bulletin boards or slideshows every day. And you focus your mind on prosperity, well-being and everything good. You write your own script and, appropriately, it is also worth creating scripts that describe what you want to achieve. These should be written in past tense or dialogue form. And the most effective method comes now, namely visualization or imagination. Albert Einstein already said that imagination is everything.  
Using the imagination correctly
With the help of imagination we can picture a thought. I imagine it like a 3D hologram, creating what I want to achieve. You can see more and more details with time and add or change things, you could also describe it as a mold. Science has known for a long time that thoughts influence matter. Therefore it is worthwhile to deal more closely with one's own imagination and to train it. Reality is what we choose day by day, if we want to change something then we must first do it within ourselves. When we focus our attention and thoughts on things we love, things we want to achieve, then we take the first step in the right direction. It is your imagination that can shape reality, but imagination alone is not enough, you must also smell it, taste it and most importantly feel it. The feeling creates the attraction not just the image alone. The visual image is very powerful because our brain only thinks in images. Our imagination has the potential to create reality. But we are taught at an early age to distinguish between reality and imagination. Imagination is the source of of everything, but we attach more importance and feistiness to the physical world. We can easily believe in something that we can see and touch. It is like a protection that not every thought comes true immediately and we can focus better on the environment. So the more attention you give to a desire or goal, the faster it will come true. To do this, you must also develop a strong conviction and act as if it is. The last part is for most the most difficult to get into action, pretending and radiating the feeling associated with the goal.   The first three steps to learn & improve visualization are 1. sit down relaxed, without letting your mind wander back and forth. Relax physically and mentally 2. in the second step, try to let your thoughts go and allow as little of them as possible. 3. now you mentally go to a place that evokes pleasant sensations in you. This can be a beautiful lake, a forest or a vacation spot. Imagine with all your senses what it is like to be there. The first thing to do here is to create a good feeling while imagining. This step also teaches the Master Key System, which helps you train your imagination in 24 exercises. However, physical and mental relaxation is part of many esoteric and Far Eastern teachings.     This is how the practical application looks like You can reinforce the imagination by visually adding more details, auditorily hearing people talking, hearing water rushing. Tastefully: by imagining yourself enjoying a good meal, and emotionally: by creating the feeling you want to have. Even more powerful is to combine visualization and affirmation, to give the affirmation even more strength and at the same time to train the muscle of imagination. Here you can learn how to best use the power of self-hypnosis: how to use self-hypnosis successfully.   Conclusion - How to reprogram your subconscious mind The most effective technique to reprogram your subconscious mind is self-hypnosis. In a relaxed and trance-like state, your subconscious mind is especially receptive to messages that you impress upon it. The ideal state to use affirmations is therefore just before falling asleep. When the critical mind or consciousness is at rest, the messages go directly to the subconscious. If you want to do the same thing during the day, you can use Silent Subliminals. These are silent affirmations that are also received directly by the subconscious mind. Here you can learn about the effect of silent subliminals and how to use them optimally: How to use subliminals correctly so that they work.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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sbmentaltraining · 2 years ago
Balharmonication besteht aus Balance, Harmonie und Education (Ausbildung). Ich sehe mich als Trainerin und Begleiterin damit sie wieder mittels Mental Training und Cranio Sacraler Körperarbeit in Balance und Harmonie kommen und somit Ihre Ziele erreichen. Hier ein paar konkrete Themen, wobei ich Sie gerne begleite und unterstütze: ° Begleitung vor, während oder nach schulmedizinischen Therapien. 
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rouvensiegler · 1 month ago
Liebeskummer – Der Schmerz eines gebrochenen Herzens und Wege zur Heilung
Ein gebrochenes Herz – kaum ein Schmerz ist so intensiv und prägend wie der Verlust einer geliebten Person. Geprägt von starker Traurigkeit, großer Hoffnungslosigkeit, Einsamkeit und Hilflosigkeit. Liebeskummer ist nicht nur eine emotionale Herausforderung, sondern kann sich auch körperlich und psychisch bemerkbar machen. Experten sprechen oft von einer akuten Belastungsreaktion, die mit…
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basictools · 6 months ago
Du musst stark sein? Was du von RAF Camora über mentale Gesundheit lernen kannst
Handgranaten und Glocks, wie die IRA, Krankenwagen voll Opps – so kennt man die Texte von RAF Camora. Wie üblich im Rap geht es um Gewalt, Sex und Drogen. Die Songs erzählen vom brutalen Leben auf der Straße und am Rande des Gesetzes. Es geht darum ein harter Kerl zu sein. Aber das ist nur die halbe Geschichte. RAF Camora spricht in seinen Texten, Instagram-Stories und Interviews auch über…
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joachimnusch · 7 months ago
Ein integrativer, interkultureller Coachingansatz. Erleben Sie die harmonische Verbindung von Tradition und Moderne statt eines Culture Clashs.
Entfalten Sie Ihr volles Potenzial: Coaching und Vedische Weisheit vereint
Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass Sie mehr erreichen können, aber nicht wissen, wo Sie anfangen sollen? Suchen Sie nach einer tieferen, ganzheitlichen Methode, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und Ihr wahres Selbst zu entdecken? Willkommen bei unserer einzigartigen Coaching-Dienstleistung, die moderne Methoden mit der Weisheit des Vedanta und der vedischen Astrologie vereint!
Warum unser Coaching?
In einer Welt, die sich ständig verändert, bieten wir Ihnen eine zeitlose Methode zur Selbstentfaltung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Unser Coaching-Ansatz basiert auf jahrtausendealten vedischen Traditionen und modernem Coaching-Know-how. Durch die Kombination von Vedanta, vedischer Astrologie und bewährten Coaching-Techniken führen wir Sie zu einem tieferen Verständnis Ihrer selbst und Ihrer Möglichkeiten.
Ihre Vorteile:
1. Ganzheitliche Persönlichkeitsanalyse:
Nutzen Sie die präzisen Erkenntnisse der vedischen Astrologie, um Ihre Stärken, Herausforderungen und karmischen Muster zu identifizieren
2. Tiefgehende Selbstreflexion:
Erforschen Sie Ihre inneren Werte und Visionen durch die zeitlosen Prinzipien des Vedanta.
3. Individuelle Coaching-Strategien:
Erhalten Sie maßgeschneiderte Entwicklungspläne, die Ihre einzigartigen Qualitäten und Ziele berücksichtigen.
4. Nachhaltige Ergebnisse:
Erleben Sie echte, langanhaltende Veränderungen, die Ihr persönliches und berufliches Leben bereichern.
Für wen ist unser Coaching geeignet?
Egal, ob Sie ein CEO sind, der seine Führungsqualitäten verbessern möchte, oder jemand, der auf der Suche nach tieferem Selbstverständnis und Lebenssinn ist – unsere Dienstleistungen sind auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten.
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren:
„Der einzige Weg, um die Wahrheit zu entdecken, ist, dass du sie in dir selbst entdeckst.“ – Swami Vivekananda
Jetzt den nächsten Schritt gehen!
Buchen Sie noch heute Ihre kostenlose Erstberatung und entdecken Sie, wie Sie durch die Verbindung von Vedanta, vedischer Astrologie und professionellem Coaching Ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können. Erleben Sie den Unterschied, den eine ganzheitliche, auf Sie zugeschnittene Entwicklungsreise machen kann!
Besuchen Sie unsere Website oder rufen Sie uns an, um mehr über unsere Dienstleistungen zu erfahren und Ihren ersten Termin zu vereinbaren. Gemeinsam machen wir den ersten Schritt zu Ihrer Selbstverwirklichung und beruflichen Erfüllung.
Kontakt und Anfragen:
Transformieren Sie Ihr Leben mit einer Methode, die Tradition und Moderne vereint – für nachhaltigen Erfolg und tieferes Selbstverständnis
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briannajohnson1512 · 7 months ago
How can I improve my mental health during the holiday season?
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The holiday season is often a whirlwind of activities, emotions, and expectations. While it brings joy and togetherness, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. As a certified mental performance coach, I understand the importance of maintaining mental well-being during this bustling time. By leveraging mental skills coaching techniques, you can navigate the holiday season with a healthier mindset and greater resilience.
1. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a powerful tool in mental skills coaching. It involves staying present and fully engaging with the current moment. During the holiday rush, set aside a few minutes each day for mindfulness exercises. Simple practices such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindful walking can help reduce stress and improve focus. These moments of calm allow you to reset and approach holiday tasks with a clear mind.
2. Set Realistic Expectations
One of the key aspects of mental performance coaching is managing expectations. The holidays often come with high expectations, whether they are self-imposed or from others. Recognize your limits and set realistic goals. Prioritize activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and don’t hesitate to say no to events that may overwhelm you. This approach helps prevent burnout and maintains your mental equilibrium.
3. Stay Physically Active
Physical activity is closely linked to mental health. Regular exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. Incorporate physical activities into your holiday routine, such as a brisk walk, a yoga session, or even dancing to your favorite holiday tunes. Exercise not only boosts your mood but also helps combat holiday stress and anxiety.
4. Connect with Loved Ones
Social connections are vital for mental well-being. Make time to connect with family and friends, whether in person or virtually. Sharing your feelings and experiences can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation. Engaging in positive social interactions can also foster a sense of belonging and joy, which are crucial during the holiday season.
5. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is a cornerstone of mental skills coaching. Taking time to reflect on what you are grateful for can shift your focus from stress to positivity. Keep a gratitude journal and write down a few things you appreciate each day. This practice can enhance your overall mood and help you maintain a positive outlook, even amidst holiday chaos.
6. Seek Professional Support
If holiday stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek support from a certified mental performance coach or a mental health professional. Professional guidance can provide you with tailored strategies to manage stress, improve mental resilience, and maintain a balanced mindset throughout the season.
By incorporating these mental skills coaching techniques, you can enhance your mental health and truly enjoy the holiday season. Remember to practice mindfulness, set realistic expectations, stay active, connect with loved ones, and practice gratitude. If needed, seek professional support to navigate the challenges. Embrace the holiday season with a positive mindset and make it a time of joy and mental well-being.
To know more visit: https://bobtewksbury.com/
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ballata · 8 months ago
Psicologo: Rob cosa ti impedisce di essere te stesso?
Io : sobrietà & codice penale.
Che comunque è l'unica parola della liturgia cattolica che non dispiaccia troppo ai non cattolici — prima di tutto perché è la sola di cui sanno il significato, eppoi perché essendo spesso l'ultima, è quella che permette di alzarsi e andar via.
L’uomo contemporaneo non chiede che Dio gli perdoni i peccati, ma che Dio dica che non esistono peccati.
Non cambierei
una virgola...
ma metterei
qualche punto.
"Homo faber fortunae suae"....Estote Parati...
#2024 #liberopensiero #sportallaperto
#tirodinamico #tirooperativo #fit #mentalfit #mentality #beready #robertonicolettiballatibonaffini
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money-insider-1-blog · 11 months ago
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Zurzeit lese ich gerade das Buch die 7 Geheimnisse der Schildkröte. Es wurde mir in der Buchhandlung wärmstens empfohlen und handelt von Kurma einer weisen Schildkröte von der auch du jede Menge über Gelassenheit und mentale Stärke lernen kannst.
In einer Welt, die sich immer schneller zu drehen scheint, in der der Lärm des Alltags uns oft überwältigt und die ständige Erreichbarkeit uns kaum Raum zum Atmen lässt, erscheint die Gelassenheit als ein fernes Ideal. Doch wie können wir inmitten des Chaos einen kühlen Kopf bewahren und unsere mentale Stärke trainieren? Die Antwort könnte in den alten Weisheiten der Schildkröte liegen – einem Symbol für Langsamkeit, Beständigkeit und Frieden.
Die Fähigkeit, unsere mentale Stärke zu trainieren, ist von unschätzbarem Wert. Sie ermöglicht es uns, mit den Herausforderungen des Lebens umzugehen, ohne von ihnen überwältigt zu werden. Wie ein Muskel, der mit regelmäßigem Training stärker wird, kann auch unsere psychische Widerstandsfähigkeit durch bewusste Praxis und Geduld gestärkt werden.
“Die 7 Geheimnisse der Schildkröte” ist eine Metapher für die Prinzipien, die uns helfen können, Gelassenheit im Alltag zu finden und unsere innere Stärke zu kultivieren. Diese Geheimnisse, tief verwurzelt in der Natur dieses ruhigen Geschöpfes, bieten uns wertvolle Einsichten, wie wir Stress und Hektik hinter uns lassen und ein ausgeglichenes, erfülltes Leben führen können.
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h2myk · 1 year ago
A person's heart is like a flower, it opens only when the time is right. #flower #yellow #healing #concentration #relaxing #ambient music
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bettinaschott69 · 1 year ago
Life-Coaching - Für dein Abenteuer Leben!
Hallo Du Liebe*r! Life-Coaching – Mit Leichtigkeit in ein neues Abenteuer! Vom ersten Augenblick an wusste ich es: Johanna Tschirpke IST Abenteuer LEBEN! Mit ihrer eigenen persönlichen Geschichte und ihrem Coaching Angebot setzt sie neue Maßstäbe für echtes Life-Coaching. Mentaltraining, Feuerlauf und Life-Coaching Auf eine besondere Art verbindet Johanna Naturerlebnisse mit den ureigenen…
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biohackingmasters · 1 year ago
Vipassana 10 day silent meditation retreat
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sbmentaltraining · 2 years ago
Selbsterkenntnis ist der Schlüssel zu persönlichem Wachstum! Entdecken Sie Ihre Stärken und machen Sie sie stärker Entdecken Sie Ihre Schwächen und beseitigen Sie sie. Unser transformatives Mentaltrainingsprogramm bringt persönliches Wachstum Entdecken Sie sich selbst und werden Sie Ihr bestes Ich! Es geht um Selbsterkenntnis und Achtsamkeit.
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rouvensiegler · 3 months ago
Wie vermeintliche Verpflichtungen belasten und Hypnose helfen kann, die innere Balance wiederzufinden
In unserer heutigen Gesellschaft werden viele Menschen von der ständigen Flut an Anforderungen und Erwartungen überwältigt. Berufliche Verpflichtungen, familiäre Verantwortlichkeiten und soziale Verpflichtungen türmen sich zu einer erdrückenden Last auf. Diese äußeren und inneren Anforderungen sorgen dafür, dass der Alltag oft wie ein endloser Marathon wirkt, in dem die persönliche Erholung und…
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basictools · 9 months ago
Startschuss für das „GetFit4MentalHealth“-Pilotprojekt
„GetFit4MentalHealth“: Ein Leuchtturmprojekt für Tirol In Tirol weht ein frischer Wind durch die Bildungslandschaft: Das Pilotprojekt „GetFit4MentalHealth“ nimmt sich der wichtigen Aufgabe an, die psychischen Gesundheitskompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern zu stärken. In einer lebendigen Pressekonferenz haben Bildungsexperten wie Manuela Gander, Cornelia Hagele und Josef Pallhuber nicht nur…
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cboeck-webdesign · 2 years ago
You can reprogram your subconscious mind with these techniques
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With the help of mental training it is possible to realign yourself, so you can program your subconscious and overwrite old beliefs. Whatever thoughts and beliefs you permanently imprint on your subconscious, they will all manifest themselves sooner or later on the outside. Life has two sides, the conscious and the unconscious. There is the visible world and the invisible world. Our subconscious mind controls all the main functions of the organs and works for our good, interrupted day and night. You can harness this power and influence your subconscious mind through affirmations and self-hypnosis. Whatever you permanently impress upon it will also be reflected on the outside.  
The 3 levels of consciousness
Your consciousness is the conscious mind that makes decisions in everyday life and determines which direction you personally want to go. It is, in practical terms, your willpower that directs you. But of course, our conscious mind cannot accomplish such complex tasks as the subconscious mind, which controls the heart and blood circulation and other vital organs. The power of the subconscious mind is a lot more powerful than the conscious mind and can be easily influenced by autosuggestion. Nevertheless, the conscious mind and subconscious mind must form a unity in order to achieve goals. With the conscious mind, we think and act according to, our own ideas. We choose, with it the place of residence, the life partner and the environment. The consciousness is the objective mind, which deals with visible things outside, while the subconscious as a subjective mind forms the inner world. The subconscious mind does everything to make you feel good and will realize every thought you permanently impress upon it. The power of the subconscious is enormous, it controls our bodily functions even during sleep, shows us solutions in dreams and helps us to make the right decisions from our gut. Provided you are convinced of it. The subconscious is most easily influenced by suggestion, affirmations and the figurative imagination. It doesn't matter to our subconscious whether we have predominantly good or predominantly bad thoughts, it manifests that which we keep thinking about. Our subconscious is like a garden, everything that we plant in our thoughts will bear fruit. What we think again and again, that shapes us. Already from childhood opinions and beliefs flow on us, until we are 18 years old we develop more than 100,000 negative beliefs that we internalize. You are not good enough, you are too small, too tall, too fat, too thin, we store everything that relatives and family have suggested to us over the years. And the remedy for this is: reprogram yourself with autosuggestion and affirmations. Our subconscious mind does not check whether a thought is good or bad, it starts to realize it when we are convinced of it. Recommended books by Joseph Murphy, on this subject are, The Power of Your Subconscious* and How You Can Achieve Anything in Life.*. What is the role of the superconscious, often called the higher self? It is practically like a protection for us. Simply put, the superconscious is the higher self and our inner voice. Also PSI abilities, such as mental connections to other people or remote viewing stand with it in connection.   The world within you is what creates your external environment. It is the only power and everything you encounter in your outer world has been created by yourself in the inner world of the mind - consciously or unconsciously  
Achieving goals with the help of the subconscious mind Programming your subconscious for success - the best tools and techniques:
  As mentioned above, a very powerful method, affirming even better, on the other hand, work subliminals. These affirmations are subliminal to the music and are hardly or not at all audible. With regular use of 4 -6 weeks the first results will show. If you are more on the spiritual path, you will prefer prayers to affirmations. That's okay too, because both are about developing a strong faith. In other words, convincing yourself that the desired state is realized. Personally, it also helped me to be grateful for good things, because everything we are grateful for, we realize. Gratitude brings us even more of what we desire. It also sends good feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Especially in the Secret, gratitude is a powerful tool. It is indeed the case that gratitude attracts the positive. My experience here is that it depends on the situation, but as a rule, gratitude causes us to receive more good in our lives. To this end, a small and personal story: the year 2014 was a year full of ups and downs, but at the beginning of the year I was not doing so well, I saw most things very negatively and believed that nothing would change so quickly. Then in April I started practicing gratitude regularly and reading books like today is your best day and what can I say, I met very good new friends, people who helped me to get out and do something and I published my first book in the same year and ended the year on a positive note. Since then I incorporate gratitude exercises in between every now and then. I have a little notebook where I write down what I was grateful for and what I am grateful for ahead of time. The vision board or vision book is also a brilliant thing to help you get closer to your goals, because you engage with it more consciously. You see your collages, the bulletin boards or slideshows every day. And you focus your mind on prosperity, well-being and everything good. You write your own script and, appropriately, it is also worth creating scripts that describe what you want to achieve. These should be written in past tense or dialogue form. And the most effective method comes now, namely visualization or imagination. Albert Einstein already said that imagination is everything.  
Using the imagination correctly
With the help of imagination we can picture a thought. I imagine it like a 3D hologram, creating what I want to achieve. You can see more and more details with time and add or change things, you could also describe it as a mold. Science has known for a long time that thoughts influence matter. Therefore it is worthwhile to deal more closely with one's own imagination and to train it. Reality is what we choose day by day, if we want to change something then we must first do it within ourselves. When we focus our attention and thoughts on things we love, things we want to achieve, then we take the first step in the right direction. It is your imagination that can shape reality, but imagination alone is not enough, you must also smell it, taste it and most importantly feel it. The feeling creates the attraction not just the image alone. The visual image is very powerful because our brain only thinks in images. Our imagination has the potential to create reality. But we are taught at an early age to distinguish between reality and imagination. Imagination is the source of of everything, but we attach more importance and feistiness to the physical world. We can easily believe in something that we can see and touch. It is like a protection that not every thought comes true immediately and we can focus better on the environment. So the more attention you give to a desire or goal, the faster it will come true. To do this, you must also develop a strong conviction and act as if it is. The last part is for most the most difficult to get into action, pretending and radiating the feeling associated with the goal.   The first three steps to learn & improve visualization are 1. sit down relaxed, without letting your mind wander back and forth. Relax physically and mentally 2. in the second step, try to let your thoughts go and allow as little of them as possible. 3. now you mentally go to a place that evokes pleasant sensations in you. This can be a beautiful lake, a forest or a vacation spot. Imagine with all your senses what it is like to be there. The first thing to do here is to create a good feeling while imagining. This step also teaches the Master Key System, which helps you train your imagination in 24 exercises. However, physical and mental relaxation is part of many esoteric and Far Eastern teachings.     This is how the practical application looks like You can reinforce the imagination by visually adding more details, auditorily hearing people talking, hearing water rushing. Tastefully: by imagining yourself enjoying a good meal, and emotionally: by creating the feeling you want to have. Even more powerful is to combine visualization and affirmation, to give the affirmation even more strength and at the same time to train the muscle of imagination. Here you can learn how to best use the power of self-hypnosis: how to use self-hypnosis successfully.   Conclusion - How to reprogram your subconscious mind The most effective technique to reprogram your subconscious mind is self-hypnosis. In a relaxed and trance-like state, your subconscious mind is especially receptive to messages that you impress upon it. The ideal state to use affirmations is therefore just before falling asleep. When the critical mind or consciousness is at rest, the messages go directly to the subconscious. If you want to do the same thing during the day, you can use Silent Subliminals. These are silent affirmations that are also received directly by the subconscious mind. Here you can learn about the effect of silent subliminals and how to use them optimally: How to use subliminals correctly so that they work.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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briannajohnson1512 · 9 months ago
What are the best ways to reduce stress/improve mental health?
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Reducing stress and improving mental health are essential aspects of overall well-being, and they can be effectively addressed through various strategies, particularly with the guidance of a certified mental performance coach or consultant. Mental skills coaching, in particular, focuses on developing psychological tools and strategies to enhance performance, manage stress, and foster resilience. Here are some of the best ways to achieve these goals:
Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporating mindfulness practices and meditation into daily routines can significantly reduce stress and improve mental clarity. These techniques help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, allowing for better self-regulation and stress management.
Stress Management Techniques: Learning specific stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization can help individuals cope with stress more effectively. A certified mental performance coach can tailor these techniques to suit individual needs and goals.
Goal Setting and Planning: Setting realistic and achievable goals, both short-term and long-term, provides a sense of purpose and direction. A mental performance consultant can assist in creating actionable plans to reach these goals, breaking them down into manageable steps to reduce overwhelm and anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a highly effective therapeutic approach that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors. A certified mental performance consultant can integrate CBT techniques into their coaching sessions to address cognitive distortions and promote positive mental habits.
Physical Activity and Nutrition: Regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. A mental performance coach can provide guidance on incorporating physical activity into daily routines and offer nutrition advice for optimal mental and physical well-being.
Sleep Hygiene: Quality sleep is crucial for mental health and overall performance. A mental performance consultant can help individuals establish healthy sleep habits and address any underlying issues contributing to sleep disturbances.
Social Support and Connection: Building and maintaining strong social connections can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness. A mental performance coach can encourage individuals to prioritize social interactions and foster meaningful relationships.
By combining these strategies and working with a certified mental performance coach or consultant, individuals can effectively reduce stress, improve mental health, and enhance their overall quality of life.
To know more visit: https://bobtewksbury.com/
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