#Melon's meta
melancholykatt · 1 year
JJK 236 Meta
~Like many of you, I have seen the leaks and have a lot of feelings about Gojo. So many feelings in fact, it has inspired me to write for the first time in months. (See bottom for TDLR, pots that inspired this, chapter translation I used) 
Now I want to preface by saying that I don't mind Gojo dying in a narrative sense. I love his goofy ass but he is too op and plot needs to plot. I suppose I just feel a bit unsatisfied with his character arc. I feel like there were more places he could have gone as a character. After reading the whole chapter and some other posts here, I realized there is a way to satisfy plot and character. In short, I thought of 3 ways Gege could kill Gojo while also not killing him, to explore the potential I see in his character. Perhaps this is just me being delusional about a character I love but I think it's at least interesting. I hope you enjoy it.
Gojo Cope Options
1."Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One"
There is already a ton of meta about this quote but for my purposes, we just need the basics. This is supposedly a quote the Buddha used to describe himself. Similarly, Gojo uses this quote to describe himself. It is also used by Nanami to describe Sukuna. Skuna never refers to himself as the honored one. Now I have heard others say that Sukuna refers to Gojo as the honored one at the end of their fight. The translation I read does not and I was too impatient to wait for the official translation. Still this is very interesting. Perhaps being the honored one isn't the only thing Gojo will have in common with the Buddha. Maybe Gojo will reach perfect enlightenment and live on as a higher being(kind of like Tengen) or exist on a higher plain. This way Gojo gets to live in a sense and in a way where he can’t interfere with plot.
2. Going North
During his trip to purgatory, Gojo talks to his lost friends. During this conversation, Nanami mentions some advice Mei Mei gave him in regards to picking a retirement destination. “If you want to become a new version of yourself, go north. If you want to return to yourself, go south.” Nanami states he chose south without hesitation. You think he's just referring to the physical place he was going to retire to, but Nanami contiues. He says it was not a bad ending and that it was easier because of Haibara. During Nanami’s death scene, he remembered Haibara. Clearly this north or south choice is deeper than retirement destinations .So how does this relate to Gojo cope? There are 2 options in my opinion
1.a. We know that a sorcerer who dies with regrets can become a cursed spirit. If going north means being a new person, maybe that's a metaphor for being reborn as a cursed spirit. Nanami was content with his choice, implying he had no regrets, and memories of Haibara helped him accept his death with no regrets. He chose south and stays as himself in the afterlife. I highly doubt Gojo’s is coming back as a cursed spirit, so maybe he also chooses to go south and that's it.
Buddhism is referenced a lot in jjk and a part of buddhism is reincarnation. Maybe choosing north is literally becoming a new person and going south means staying yourself. Since Nanami chooses south, he is in the afterlife as himself. Perhaps Gojo will also get to choose, and if he chooses north he will get reincarnated as a new person. This could be a bittersweet ending to his character arc. He gets to be reborn, maybe as a regular person so he can experience life without the burden of being the strongest, but he loses the connections he's made as a Gojo Sataru. IThis is my least favorite option. I’m not a huge fan of reincarnation. Is there really a difference between dying and being reborn as a new person? The person you were and your connections are still gone. I don't like it.
 3-Are you the strongest because you're Gojou Satoru? Or are you Gojou Satoru because you're the strongest?
This seems like the least likely option, however it would be the most interesting to me. Somehow Gojo gets sewed back together but loses his CE. This would be the death of Gojo the strongest sorcerer and he would be reborn as a normal person. He would have to discover who Gojo Saturo is without his strength and he’d be able to answer Geto’s question. Yuta had said he would kill Kenjaku so that Gojo wouldn’t have to kill his best(boy) friend again. Gojo wants to lay Geto’s body to rest. This option allows both of these things to happen.~
TDLR (Gojo reaches enlightenment, Gojo is reincarnated, gojo lives with no CE)
point thats inspired this, show them some love:
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biboomerangboi · 11 months
Sometimes I think about Zuko being the Firelord and I just giggle like yeah it is an angsty situation, yes it’s got great fanfic material but guys your just going to give a 17 year old a whole country. Like not even a normal trained from birth Prince you’ve got a guy that was officially the Crown Prince for like 3 years and then he was out at sea causing problems. His special skills include hunting the avatar, B&E, being buddies with mythical beasts, prison breaks and customer service and you gave him the ultimate power to do whatever he wants. Not to mention he’s got friends who are just as insane and feral and he’s got all the money. Toph and Sokka are going to talk him into the most insane purchases in seconds. Guys c’mon.
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slouph · 2 years
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HELP!! I transmitigated into my own novel and developed Complex Feelings for the SCUM VILLIAN!!! 
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I just realize something about Ron having a secondhand wand. He got it from… Older brother, right? And that older brother presumably got a new wand? So if they could afford to buy the older brother a new wand, why did he give up a wand that was presumably semi-suited for him (and poorly suited for his younger brother), Instead of them using the money to buy Ron a wand suited for him instead? Is there some sort of licensing scheme where baby’s first wand costs more than buying a “replacement” ? I am so confused. Can you help?
Ron is not the favorite son.
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mimiruku · 3 days
Tumblr is so strange, i think I lost an ask but I don't know which one it was . . .
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whenthegoldrays · 15 days
Eun Gyeol and Yichan both going to their crushes’ houses to check on them and make sure they were okay after the festival only to be brushed off because “we live in different worlds” 😭😭😭😭
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#57 — 08/03/2022 12:03 AM
Space Jam movies are movies that toons can watch in this world.
Space Jam 1 follows the looney tunes who, in meta, are acting in the movie. Lola was added in as a one time character.
Space Jam 2 is another movie the looney tunes do. But the story’s weirdly inconsistent. Lola’s personality had a jump to what’s commercially sound at the time of early 2020s. But it’s possible it doesn’t speak to her character out of set.
Back in Action is slightly more true to the character portrayals of the looney tunes and their state out of set. But some level is fictitious due to it being technically Bugs’ movie…
Present day thoughts:
Properly addressing this, I stand by my interpretation that Space Jam is regarded as an acting gig to the tunes, mostly corroborated by an obscure "live commentary track" where Bugs and Daffy live react to the movie alongside their vas Billy West and Dee Bradley Baker, as well as the director, Joe Pytka.
Their commentary mainly operates like any regular commentary track where actors/director(s) react to the movie they made, with Bugs and Daffy watching it as actors. So I treat it as proof that the looney tunes regard Space Jam as an acting gig, rather than some "canonical" event where they competed against aliens in a basketball match.
For more accessible proof that Space Jam was an acting gig to them, check out the Looney Tunes' Elvis tribute album:
At 10:06, Bugs remarks on Pepe's melodramatic ballad of heartbreak, saying: "Oh brother, I never seen this many tears since he lost a lead in Space Jam"
And in 37:25, where Bugs goes: "One more for the king! And uhh Lola Bunny, if she's listening..."
As for Space Jam 2, there's enough promotional material treating the tunes as actors, to the point of not actually putting the vas' names in promotional art, aside from Lola Bunny's va, Zendaya -- which was pretty infamous back then. So I don't feel like I need to make a deep case for why SJ2 shouldn't be considered as non-performance, than any other film featuring the looney tunes.
And I stand by my stance on Back in Action.
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ahhscheisse · 1 year
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this months patreon perks 🫡
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therealvinelle · 2 years
There’s a good possibility u already answer this one, but… i know english is not ur native language, so: when it comes to the twilight saga, what language did you read it in the first time? Have you read it in both your language and English, if so, was there anything you found interesting regarding how a certain phrase or dialogue was translated? When Midnight Sun came out, did you read it in English or the translation?
Same question for Harry Potter books, I suppose Cursed Child being the “book” that came out after you were invested in the series.
I think I'll divide my answer a little bit, since Twilight and Harry Potter were translated a bit differently. Though, the TLDR of it is that yes, I read both in Norwegian.
Harry Potter
The Norwegian translation of Harry Potter is truly remarkable. The translator, Torstein Bugge Høverstad, did an incredible job with it, winning a well-deserved award along the way. Not only did he beautifully translate the prose, but he knocked it out of the park when it came to translating all the names and words. All those wonderful nonsense words JKR came up with? Høverstad has got an equivalent nonsense word in Norwegian, one that may be completely different from the original but that had the same feel and felt so Norwegian that you wouldn't think the books were originally British at all.
Quidditch, for instance, became Rumpeldunk. Hogwarts became Galtvort, Slytherin -> Smygard, and so on. The wizarding names, too, were impeccably translated, sometimes to reflect a pun from the original version (Gaunt, for instance, became Mørch (dark), Ludo Bagman (a bagman being a traveling salesman) became Ludo Humbag (humbug)), other times just to make them easier to pronounce (Ron and Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley become Ronny and Gunilla "Gulla" Wiltersen).
To say nothing of the fact that through dialect and sociolect choice he let age, class, educational background, and how characters wish to appear show in how various characters speak. Hermione's language is more refined than Harry's, who is in turn more refined than the Weasley kids (with the exception of Percy). Tom Riddle has a My Fair Lady-esque ascendancy from speaking very working class in the orphanage, to speaking like Hermione when we see him a few years laters at Hogwarts, to finally using fancier language than Dumbledore when he's become Voldemort. Fleur's French accent and Hagrid's barely comprehensible dialect is still there, just as in the British version, but Høverstad made very conscious decisions in deciding on speech patterns for all characters.
He also chose to have the wizarding world use the T-V distinction, which feels very appropriate for the wizarding world and adds another layer to character relationships. Examples being that Harry uses the formal "De" with most adults in his life, including Arthur and Molly Weasley, as a sign of respect, and that in addition to still calling him Tom, Dumbledore uses the informal "du" when speaking to Voldemort to further stress their former relationship as teacher and student. During the last stand against Harry in the Great Hall, Harry also resorts to Voldemort using "du".
The one downside to all of this, especially the name translation, being that when I started reading Harry Potter fanfiction I had no idea who anybody was. Some, like Lucius Malfoy, were obviously Lucifer Malfang. Others, like Hagrid (Gygrid), Merope and Marvolo Gaunt (Miseria and Dredolo Mørch), or Yaxley (Øxodd) were strangers to me. Or, oh, the spell Stupefy. He turned that into Lammostivosløvus, which was so different it took me some time to figure out what Stupefy was meant to be.
Being eleven when I started reading fanfiction I was rather upset with Høverstad, but I came to appreciate his genius later. As it is, while the English version has largely supplanted the Norwegian by now (years and years of fanfiction), I remain very fond of the Norwegian one and would recommend it.
The same man has translated The Lord of the Rings, which makes them one of the very few works I want to read in a language other than the original.
A perfectly decent translation, but next to Høverstad's work it looks very sad and unremarkable. It was well done, the translator did well with the prose, but the prose is all that was translated. Every name stays the same. Though, used to Høverstad as I was I assumed some changes had to be made, hence the whole Renesmee misunderstanding where I naturally assumed there had been an accent over the third "e" in her name (Renesmée) and the translator had merely removed it since accents are so rarely used in Norwegian. Which in turn led to me putting an accent in her name for the longest time, and having to stick to it for consistency in Bleach on the Brain. You can always tell when I'm on phone, because my phone autocorrects to Renesmée.
Back to the translation, it's honestly pretty forgettable, which in many ways is when you know the translator has done a good job. It's just that, well, I read Høverstad's translation of Harry Potter around the same time and you did ask me about both, which makes it natural to compare the two and... well, it's comparing the sun to a lamp.
Midnight Sun I read in English, making it the first and so far only Twilight or Harry Potter book I've read entirely in English. It was a fantastic experience, as I knew each word choice actually was what Meyer had intended, as opposed to the translator's choice (as I've been known to wonder otherwise, and sometimes ask the Muffin).
Cursed Child @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and I are making our way through slowly one Saturday at a time, and it is... a book. I'm glad Høverstad hasn't touched it, is what I think I'll say.
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earthsoulbarbie · 1 year
So what do we think the melon motif in Harrow the ninth means
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missmonkeymode · 2 years
Hm beastars has a weird and complex relationship with bioessentialism that i fully dont wanna umpack myself but i might have to
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melancholykatt · 1 year
~So I saw the jjk 237 leaks and had a lot of toughs. But my brain is not cooperating so im just gonna talk about one
-So Sukuna was an unwanted child. I see a lot of people saying they don't care about Sukuna's sob story but that's not the vibe I got from their conversation. I think Sukuna was just bluntly answering Kashimo's question, not looking for sympathy. Kashimo asks if Sukuna was born strong or became strong. And apparently, if we assume Sukuna is telling the full truth, Sukuna doesn't know. Humans don't remember being that young and, as an unwanted child, he would have no one to ask. It seemed like a simple answer with an undetailed explanation. I don't really think its out of character for Sukuna to answer. He isn't usually overly rude to opponents he respects(unless you count killing Gojo and Jogo as rude). And clearly he respects Kashmo, as he compares him to Gojo in a complementary way and invites him to fight. But hey maybe the official translation will change the tone of the convo so we'll see~
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queersatanic · 7 months
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[This post is a series of images from an infographic by the Slow Factory Foundation originally posted May 2021. The first image is a photo with text over it. The photo shows a massive fireball in the middle of a group of buildings, with a massive black cloud rising from the flames that is bigger than the buildings themselves. The building just behind the fireball is low, rectangular, and lit up bright orange. Behind that building, there is a city lit up at night. Hundreds of buildings stretching into the distance, a thousand glimmering lights.]
What is happening in Palestine is not complicated; it's settler colonialism & ethnic cleansing.
Debunking Misinformation around Palestine.
Myth ❌ Palestine and Israel are in "conflict."
Fact ✅ What is happening in Palestine is settler colonialism, military occupation, land theft and ethnic cleansing. A conflict means there is equal footing, which is not the case. There is an active oppressor (Israel) and an oppressed (Palestine). A colonizer (Israel) and a colonized (Palestine). This is not a conflict.
[Three images of headlines with the word 'conflict' crossed out in red ink.]
Note: According to the Congressional Research Service,
Israeli military occupation has been supported by US aid with $3.8bn a year paid for by U.S. tax dollars since 2016 for the next 10 years.
It's also supported by other colonial countries including Canada, Australia, France and Belgium.
Myth ❌ Before Israel came to Palestine, it was "just a desert" and Israel made the desert green.
Fact ✅ Before the occupation of Israel, Palestine had green, rich and lush land. In fact, Palestine respected the biodiversity of their Indigenous land: Palestinians were producing 92% of Palestine's grain, 99% of its olives and 95% of its melons to name a few.
Since Israel's occupation, biodiversity has decreased. Israel removed Indigenous plants from the land to plant European Invasive species. This phenomenon is called green colonialism, which has been discussed in depth by many, including Naomi Klein in "Let Them Drown."
Myth ❌ Sheikh Jarrah is the only neighborhood in Palestine that is in danger.
Fact ✅ Israel has been gradually stealing Palestinian land, destroying and ethnically cleansing entire Palestinian villages, violently displacing families and building illegal settlements on top them since the first Nakba ('catastrophe' in Arabic) in 1948, where almost 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, Palestinian history erased and half the Palestinian population were expelled from their homes.
Myth (cont'd.) ❌ Sheikh Jarrah is the only neighborhood in Palestine that is in danger.
Fact ✅ Over the past few decades, the state of Israel has continued the settler colonial project, and Sheikh Jarrah is the latest and not the last neighborhood being violently threatened with dispossession, which Israel has no legal right to do.
[Images of a map showing the drastic decrease in Palestinian landmass from 1946 to 2019. In 1946, Palestine was 99% Palestinian land. In 1947, it decreased to 40%. In 1967, to 30%. And in 2019, less than 20% of Palestine is Palestinian land. The remaining areas are being encroached on by occupied Palestinian land, meaning occupied by Israelis. The rest is Israeli land.]
The mainstream media has been supporting these myths by spreading misinformation that conceal Israel's ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by saying it's a two-sided conflict, framing Palestinian resistance as terrorism and normalizing the state of Israel.
To learn more about Palestine and the ongoing fight for liberation, follow Palestinian-led organizations, media and frontline activists. [@Instagram / Facebook]
@theimeu / Institute for Middle East Understanding ( IMEU )
@palestinianyouthmovement / Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني
@jewishvoiceforpeace / Jewish Voice for Peace
@visualizing_palestine / Visualizing Palestine
@wolpalestine [Censored by Meta]
@mohammedelkurd / Mohammed El-Kurd
@muna.elkurd15 / Muna Nabeel Elkurd
@nouraerakat / Noura Erakat
Sources & Suggested Reading
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis
Let Them Drown by Naomi Klein
Black Power and Palestine by Michael Fischbach
Orientalism by Edward Said
The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
Palestine by Joe Sacco
"Zionist Logic — Malcolm X on Zionism" in The Egyptian Gazette, Sept. 17, 1964
On Palestine by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé
[End of images]
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raccoon-crown · 1 month
DREAM LAND AU: The three Mage Siblings [FULL CHART]
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Yeah, here ya have the full chart to compare this little guys and also there is the Jambastion logo for this AU where Starline goes by Hypnoss.
Each one origin Post are here:
FROST (Kitsunami story and details)
SURGE story
ZERO (Infinite story)
And also some Head Canons of the siblings:
Around the time Hypnoss was "recruiting" them, Jambastion was hidden in some place of Pop Star (Kirby's) Planet.
In this story, Hypnoss didn't pay attention to JambaHearts cause he thought that it used to be just a local legend, instead he focused on stardust uses and the creation of beings merged with elemental crystals, ya can read his twisted plans here.
Frost (Kitsunami) was the first one to become a elemental one, but it's the one with the most affected memories since Hypnoss used him to practice his hypnotizing habilities, what made him more dependent of Surge and Hypnoss.
Frost in the beginning wasn't blue at all, he used to have grey furr.
Surge kept her name but has a lot of loopholes in her memory, not that she cares cause she hates to remember the past.
Surge has a lightning mark in her chest that got covered in melon furr thanks to the "accident" she had before becoming an elemental.
Zero does remember seeing Dark Meta Shadow destroying his hometown, but barely also recalls another silhouette going around. (Meta Sonic)
Zero got the scratch from hunting a bunny beast the night of the accident, not by getting into the flames in town, that's why becoming and elemental didn't change a thing.
Nor of them wear shoes due their elementary powers, having hands and feet mostly uncovered helps them channel their powers better.
They are almost as powerful as a star guardian, however, since they were reborn of the ashes of the stars (stardust) they powers rely upon the fake star shards inside them (that's what their Elemental Crystals actually are) so they are more stamina limited that even a corrupted guardian like Meta Sonic and obviously less durable than Kirby Amy.
Thanks to said crystals growing inside, their eyes glow in the dark.
I know it's obvious, but Zero controls fire, Surge thunder and Frost Ice.
They have the same weapons as their homologous in Kirby's OG games
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It also means that Frost got an Francisca Axe, Zero a Flamberge sword and Surge a Partizan spear.
In their relationship, since they're only related due the Stardust crystalization, they're not really siblings (neither the OG sisters were related by blood) but they got their own bonds thanks to their own support and a little mental manipulation from Hypnoss, but hey they used to have nothing and being almost dead, so that's the only semi good thing Hypnoss may have done (Maybe?)
Also, the stardust experiments are making Hypnoss mad little by little due their corrupted power on fully living beings.
It will get worse once he involves with the JambaHearts
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Since someones asking you about disney… have you ever seen Cinderella 3: a twist in time? Or the ariel prequel, or the ariel sequel?
Ah, the Disney home to video releases, what splendid times those always are.
I have, alas, not seen Cinderella 3, nor the Ariel prequel (I didn't even know there was a prequel), but I have seen the Ariel sequel.
Not sure I have much to say about it.
The thing about these sequels are that they are purposefully lower quality than the theatrical releases. They're not getting the same artists, composers, writers, directors, and sometimes not even the same actor. The sequels are decided after the movie was financially successful with films never intended to have a sequel.
So, you get the writing staff shoved into a room and told "make a sequel to The Little Mermaid" and they go "uhhhh" because all the loose ends were pretty well tied up and what the producers really want is "make me The Little Mermaid exactly again"
So, we get The Little Mermaid exactly again.
What I Remember of Little Mermaid II
Caveat, it's been a while. A long while.
But Ariel and Eric have a daughter who is the perfect combination of them both: in other words a parenting nightmare. Ariel's father gets revenge on her by making her raise herself.
Melody doesn't want to be a human, she wants to live in the ocean.
"Please don't," says Ariel, but Melody isn't listening because Melody is sixteen and knows everything (as Ariel did for that matter).
And so we get Melody making a bargain with The Wicked Sea Witch of the East (Sir Not Appearing in Film 1) and gets to be a mermaid. She has a grand time until she learns that making Faustian agreements with strangers is not a great idea.
Eventually, Ariel has to accept her daughter wants to become a fish and she learns the terrible truth of "we all become our parents"
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dococyara · 2 years
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As somebody whose first lenguaje is spanish, I had to doodle some stuff with Meta talking spanish
1. DMK: The only thing that is gonna be left of you is a stain of blueberry juice
MK: You wish, you burned melon
2. Just. Manzana means apple
3. MK: My dear king, I want you to know that I'll always be by your side for anything you need
DDD: ...farms? (Thanks in spanish is 'gracias', so that's why I used 'granjas' as the pun)
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