#Megatron x blue cop
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yume-writes · 3 days ago
Hiya! Me Again, Since we're talking about Angst and Trauma for our Characters here. Why not further add past Megop if you don't?
So After Rescuing and healing progresses Blue cop from Megatron's clutches yet fumbles yet again. Months Pass by and Megatron has Gotten low as in DEEP DEEP DEEP By Unicron's Standards that even a slight colour of Blue and Red together will make him insane. But he's not idiotically blindly to get His Paxes Back, see what I mean? He not only wants Blue Cop but also Optimus Aswell back after for the First, Second, and third (being Blue cop) from his clutches. Again...
The Vehicons and Decepticons are not only grown tired to this already, (This ain't the first time he's this fumbled badly) but also worried not for him, but themselves and their safety by his obsession, just wanting this war to be over and done. Starscream begins to rant sarcastically and mocking his actions to taunt him immediately before regretting it. "If you want to get prime and this fragging war over then why don't you planned an Arranged Conjux's like the old days in Cybertron to stop It!" (Star, I love you and your schemes but you're going to regret this...)
Megatron stopped to slowly stare at Starscream with all the other Decepticons following as well, one of the Vehicons praying and Knockout planning his funeral after what Starscream just said, thinking he was dead before Megatron immediately paused and before speaking: "If that's how I'll get MY Orion Back, then so be it... Everyone! Battle your stations, we're going to Plan this Ceremony before meeting with the Autobots. Decepticons, Rise Up!
All Decepticons including Starscream are Immediately shocked by his sudden revelation but immediately followed orders for Megatron while silently in their Mind Blaming Starscream for initiating this situation, If ONLY He kept his Mouth shut then no one would have to plan this Doomed wedding to begin with. THANKS A LOT STARSCREAM!
MCB x TFP crossover
Everyone begins planning Starscream's assassination at that moment
They all honestly thought Megatron couldn't get any worse, they fully honestly thought, and then this happens. They all thought that maybe, just maybe, this was a phase and he would go back to being his normal self. Now the cons have to plan a wedding. Do you know how many weddings there have been since the war started? Not a lot! And definitely not a lot for the cons. Not a single one knows how to plan this wedding
Throughout the Nemesis all the cons are rushing around trying to find out how to do this. The only one with any knowledge is Soundwave, and that's because they've been checking old resources. Soundwave is, frankly, over Megatron's obsession, they had to deal with this the first, second, and third time. When Megs became obsessed with Blue Cop, that was honestly the closest time they came to questioning their loyalty.The poor Vehicons are trying their best, but they get it wrong every time. They even sometimes put up human holiday decorations, no one knows where they got it from
And to make things worse, Megatron is a control freak. Everything about the ceremony has to be run by him, even the smallest most inconsequential things. And the consequences for failing his checks are harsh, by this time Starscream has made himself scarce. Megatron has elected Knockout to make him look good for the ceremony, he obviously does this but if Megatron insults his choices one more time he will quit and join the bots
When they finally finish it, they immediately head out to get Op and Blue Cop. The cons make a plan to get OP and Blue Cop alone, when they finally get both of them they bring them to Megatron. He makes his speech as Blue Cop is freaking out and OP is glaring at him. But the time Megs reveals why they're there, both of them are shocked and confused. And they reject him, of course, but Megs isn't accepting that
He makes them go through the ceremony, with them struggling all the while. During the whole time, Megs is just ranting to himself, it's clear to see how far he's fallen. Op feels pity towards him, Blue Cop is about to jump out the nearest window to get away. By this point in time the bots can get to the Nemesis quickly because of the number of times a cardbot has been held hostage
But the security is much stronger this time around, the bots almost retreat due to it, but they keep going. By the time they get to the ceremony, Megatron has taken both OP and Blue Cop hostage, holding a cannon to them. He is sick of losing them, he's sick of losing them to the bots. Either he gets them or no one will. Thanks to Shadow X, he distracts Megs and the bots get the two back
This time Megatron doesn't scream or yell when they're taken. He just stands there, clenching his fists so tightly you can hear metal creak, he's shaking violently. No one speaks, no one moves, and everyone looks at Starscream to do something. He's the one that started this, he should finish it. Starscream accepts his fate, goes up to Megatron and before he can even finish addressing Megatron, he gets shot at with a cannon
No one speaks as Starscream goes down, they're terrified. Megatron turns around and leaves the area with a look of pure hatred on his face
If the bots are the reason why he can't get what he wants, he just needs to get rid of them
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lavenlady · 15 days ago
Characters Chosen:
Hello! Could you do Cybertronian Reader with the Personality of Starscream with an alt mode as a Jet. Getting transported to Metal Cardbots, good at hiding and aerial attacks from the war but not seriously enough to hurt others. they couldn't be contained due to not being a Metal Cardbot like themselves so it's hard to contain reader. The reader is Gender neutral and platonic for the characters. Also Have a Good Friendship with Anna like with Alexis from Transformers Armada.
OMG I love the Idea! Here you go @hkgcsecondsblog ! Enjoy!
❇︎ Transported ✈ | Platonic Metal Cardbot x Starscream!Cybertronian!Gn!Reader
It was unexpected - you got sucked into one of the portals that got created by an explosion caused by the fight between Autobots and Decepticons. It was not ideal, but better than dying so you didn't complain.
Still - it was confusing at first where you got transported, but that is when Anna came into the picture. A really polite little girl, but it became a problem when she couldn't exactly lie. You happily taught her some tricks.
Of course the mayor found out about your existence, but decided that you were having a more positive impact than a negative one. He let you stay, because you could protect Anna from harm and be her company.
It was quite easy maintaining your disguise, you loved the sky and you often would give Anna rides to and from school. She was more on the rich side, which made ot easier to explain how she got a jet, if anybody saw that.
How much Anna loved you! She really enjoyed spending time with you, doing homework or simply having fun. You could finally rest from the war as it had not followed you here.
It was weird when you started picking up other signatures, they were different than yours. The mayor was sure you could stand your ground, but still asked to look after his daughter.
When you first saw Blue Cop, you couldn't believe he was so much younger than you. Their species were so much younger than Cybertronians. It made you think back to the war, to the slaughter of youngsters, that is mainly how your species slowly started dying out. You kind of wonder what is going on in your world.
The Cardbot, as you have learned, had been staying with a korean child named Jun Grant. He was one of the classmates of Anna. He tried ... Sealing you? What even does that mean. You noted that his wrist watch-thingy could store other Cardbots as cards. The kid was quite shocked that he couldn't take you with him, but ultimately decided to make you his friend later.
It drove you crazy. Every time he obtained another one to the collection he tried defeating you. He only stopped at Heavy Iron, which he still wasn't able to beat you. That is how Anna found out about the cause of you injuries. She was rightfully mad - someone was beating her friend behind her back? Nope, not gonna happen. Jun had to ultimately stop trying to seal you to get you to listen.
You really were towering nearly over all of the Cardbots, the only exception was Heavy Iron and Black Hook. You found the outlaw funny as he was similar in looks to Optimus and in his doings to Megatron. It was such a hilarious mix. Though you wouldn't really trust him with other Cardbots, seeing how easily he burned the floor of the Auto shop - what would happen with youngsters? You wouldn't trust Black Hook fully either, with his ... specific personality.
The Cardbots were quite embarrassed after being called young, but they had to suck it up after you really started to treat them as children. Some of them didn't mind, they loved your attention. They would do anything in their might to grab it whenever they could. Shadow X especially - he would often try to prank you, but it always ended up in a failure. Though, he got fussed over when he nearly damaged himself.
Buffalo Crush would often ask you to join him for fueling. He learned your favourite kind - just for you. He gives you so much of it, that it lasts you for weeks. It really brings him joy to eat with his parental figure and he doesn't deny his fondness of you.
The rest was just like them, though not everyone would admit it. Mostly Heavy Iron, Wild Guardy and Buster Gallon. You really liked the Cardbots, wishing to live a war-free life, but deep down knew you needed to get back to your world. Your new companions really hope to keep you here as long as they can, you were not valued back then at all so ... Let them shower you with everything you deserved.
" I am not a child again [Y/N], I was a Star Guardian for Deus Machina's sake! "
" You had your own songs?! Do you have anything that would be similar to Musica Latina? I could even show you some moves! "
" It doesn't matter why I do not have a doctor's license. Let me take care of your health, even if I do not posses as much experience as your medics from your home planet. "
" Don't worry [Y/N], it was just a nightmare. You know, the usual, flames everywhere and you - huh? Hah, thanks for the hug. It really made me feel better! "
" Why won't you fall for my pranks! Uhg! You better pay more attention to me or I will do something to gain it! "
" Would you like to explore the forest? I could teach you some things about animals! I have heard you liked cats! "
" How about a relaxing flight? As a flyer I know just how much you need it and with how much you care about us, I hope you will enjoy it. I could even play on my flute for you. "
" Stop treating me like a child! I am going to become the next best Star Guardian! Stop petting my helm! "
" Would you like to fuel together? I just have your favourite! And we can meet up with Yuri, she sew something for you too! "
" Stop trying to get me to sleep! I just need to finish this and - HEY! Put me back down! My invention! - "
" I have just a spot in my crew for you! Don't worry, they won't be jealous - they want you there too! "
" Who is this Optimus and Megatron? I look like their fusion? Get you optics checked ... I don't want you to become blind. Don't get any ideas. "
( Hope you liked it! )
(Master list)
( Request away! )
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quasarwake · 1 month ago
Also readable on Ao3!
Ratchet discovers that a human recently rescued from the Decepticons... may actually have a home with them.
1600+ words, implied Starscream x Human oc No set universe/heavy lean on Prime vibes for Ratchet
The most recent addition to the humans in the Autobot camp was... a complicated arrangement. When the Autobots had raided the Decepticon base, they had not expected to discover a human running about. And now, Ratchet had tried to explain that keeping him on compound was for his safety, but Jay was having none of it.
"Why should I stay, huh?" Looking Ratchet right into those glowing blue optics, Jay had to squint.
"You guys have been 'keeping me safe', but  I can't go anywhere- even the teenagers get to come and go as they please. None of you trust me enough to speak openly around me, and you guys barely talk to me in the first place. I may have been treated like a pet by the Decepticons, but at least I was treated like I was wanted."
He crossed his arms, and Ratchet couldn't keep the surprise from his face.
Scowling it away, he pinched his brow, fighting against the urge to yell.
"I've heard about this- Stockholm syndrome. You humans find an attachment to your captors due to a misappropriated empathy, right?"
He watched the human's jaw drop and felt a small pang of dread, watching the small being take a deep inhale.
"STOCKHOLM SYNDROME ISN'T FRAGGING REAL, it was invented by cops when the hostages they were trying to save realised they had a better fragging chance with their captors than with, you know, the police that had decided they were expendable. AND I'LL THANK YOU TO NOT ASSUME I'M SOME DELUDED HOSTAGE!" Ratchet had to wonder where in that tiny frame all that power came from. Clearly he had stepped onto a logistical landmine- he even felt a bit shell-shocked!
He held up a servo defensively, hoping to stave off the verbal onslaught.
"Okay, okay! This isn't the first time your internet has mislead me. At the very least, you must understand that we do not want you harmed, alright? We want you to be safe here."
"Well I don't feel safe," the human muttered, and Ratchet had to hold back a groan- as much as he was able to. How could he make this human understand if he didn't want to understand?
Or perhaps... they had misjudged the situation. But how? A week and change and this human hadn't relaxed, had only taken advantage of the food station and the washroom, outside of their designated quarters. And the altercation the other day...
Those Seekers. How particularly vicious they had seemed, pausing not to bark and shriek insults but to look, as if they really were seeking something out.
It sent a twinge of unease through the medic's spark. Skirmishes with the Decepticons were never pleasant, but patching up the others this time... if it weren't for a well-timed grenade nearly tearing off a wing of one of those damn fliers, he doubted that they would have made it out in one piece.
He counted his blessings that they didn't know where the Autobot base was.
And the human was right. If he had been a hostage, where was the demand from Megatron? Even humans outside of the government were effective bargaining chips to the Autobots (even when said government may see such hostages as... expendable).
"...are you expecting me to believe you felt safe on a Decepticon warship?"
Jay opened his mouth- but quickly closed it- and Ratchet wondered what he was about to say. Instead, he scowled, looking away from the Medic.
"And cared for, even. If anything, I feel more trapped here than I ever did with them."
"So what do you want me to do?" He stated, exasperation clear in his voice and his waving servos. "I can't very well just let you go, get recaptured by Decepticons."
"Why not!" Less a question and more of an enormous, frustrated scream. Ratchet wondered if he felt an unpleasant buzzing in his audials.
"Take me out of here! Bring me to the flattest field out there! Maybe they'll find me, maybe I'll just get to see some sunlight for the first fragging time in ten fragging days!"
And by the Pit, Ratchet felt proper sympathy for the human. It did not want to be here- it hadn't asked to be saved. The kids didn't seem to know how to navigate whatever emotions Jay was going through, and even Optimus hadn't been able to put him at ease.
"...please," he was saying. "I want to go back." Ratchet could tell- he was having a hard time looking at the bot. That he didn't feel safe around him- not because of his size, but who he was.
Ratchet made a face a human once described to him as "sour." He felt an ill buzzing in his processor. Thinking this human had been a willing captive... to Decepticons.
And an unwilling one to the Autobots.
No, that didn't sit right at all with him.
He rolled his shoulders, venting out briefly, a quick puff of exasperation-
And acceptance.
"...say that I do," he started, the human looking up with hope on its face. Sweet Allspark. He held up his servo again. "IF. I do. How do you know you'll be safe with them? Or that they're even looking for you? Megatron may tolerate his 'cons snatching the occasional human, but surely a human one would recapture would draw his attention. Whatever con is keeping you, you could be used as leverage against, or as a way to stress your... guardian. He won't hesitate to literally. Kill you. If the mood strikes him to."
Jay wouldn't look at him. The way he wrapped his arms around himself- who was he so willing to return there for?
"...is the paternalistic condescension an Autobot thing? These are things I already know. Gods know I've had more close encounters with him than you guys have lately."
...which was probably true.
"And honestly, as hard as it might be to believe? It's better than where I came from. At least he thinks I'm funny sometimes."
He scoffed. "...the Decepticons are insane, but I have... allies. And bots that answer my questions. And even one who genuinely seems to like me- at least, that's how I feel. Am I crazy for wanting to go back to that, when the alternative is staying cooped up in an Autobot base while you guys shoot people that might be my friends? Hell if I'm with them, at least we're facing the same fire."
...and he had heard that before. Had tried to sway others away- but it seemed this wasn't a feeling unique to Cybertronians. To be part of the faction that fit a bot’s needs best? Fit their ideology most closely? Ratchet had patched up and saved Cybertronians, Transformers as a whole, from all sides- from no side. He was a doctor first and foremost, and currently....
This patient knew already what they wanted, and he couldn't fill the needs of his patient.
He felt his shoulders sag as he vented again, more quietly this time.
"...perhaps... I should boot up the groundbridge for a drive," he found himself saying. He was already putting in coordinates for the last location they had detected Decepticon activity at- some patrols they had been monitoring.
Silence as he tapped into his datapad- and he looked to the skywalk, the human barely eye level even with its help.
He was being stared at, wide hopeful eyes causing him to grimace.
"I suggest you go retrieve anything you might think you'll need," he grumbled, looking away- and there was the sound of hurried footsteps down metal steps.
Frag it all. He was sending a human to the Decepticons.
It didn't take long for him to be found. Ratchet had let him out as he'd asked- in a forest clearing in the flattest, most Decepticon-adjacent spot on Earth he could find. Found a spot to observe from a safe distance in the trees- though it was dark enough he didn’t feel too much concern for his cover. The skies were clear and full of stars and if it weren’t such a risk already, Ratchet might have sat with Jay, appreciated one of the genuinely glorious things this planet had to offer.
And when he saw the flashes of red from the sky, he wondered if this human really knew what exactly he was in for. Knew what depths of the Pit he was diving headfirst into.
He watched as the Decepticon second-in-command transformed midair, blue, grey, red, landing mere feet away from where Jay had stretched out, the ground shaking with his landing. There was a whooping of laughter from the human, leaving Ratchet to really look at the two of them. 
He was too far to hear anything but the cadence of Starscream's tone, could just barely see the scowl on his face in the dark- and it was... strange. To see this. Like he was looking in on something he shouldn't be allowed to see. It sounded like admonishment- and he could hear laughter in response. Wondered, for a moment, if he could see a smile on the Decepticon’s face. Or at least something that warm.
Like the Decepticon was somebody that this human could laugh freely with. Like this human was somebody a Decepticon could not only tolerate, but… appreciate.
It sent another ill twisting through Ratchet’s spark, and he looked away. Didn’t see when Starscream had shifted into his alt form, didn’t see the human climb into the cockpit, didn’t see them take off and away together.
The war had never sat well with him, doctors were meant to heal, and wars would only cause wounds, great rifts to be drawn between those that may otherwise be…
He dialed in the groundbridge to return to base.
He’d seen enough.
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anonymousbeeblurr · 20 days ago
evaluating some ships for some opinion since I'm bored
Heatwave x quickshadow
If you ship... that's you and my friend now :)
Heavy Iron X Black hook
Blurr x salvage
I don't ship anymore until considerable
Whirl Jr x hotshot
Wheeljack x ratchet
Shockwave x soundwave
I won't say anything just
Megatron x Starscream
toxic yaoi cocaine
Jazz x prowl
Crest x wild guardy
negative infinity/10
Blue cop X mega trucker
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Little list
Blades x Bumblebee
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thanksjro · 5 years ago
Zero Point, a Last Stand of the Wreckers prose story- I Sure Hope You Like Eye Imagery
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Ooh, an artsy start to our prose this go around.
This story takes place after the events of Last Stand of the Wreckers, with our dear friend Springer well into his Overlord-induced coma.
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Roadbuster is a gentle soul, when he’s not busy ripping people’s spines out.
Roadbuster’s been put in charge of the Debris station since Springer’s out of commission. It’s boring. He’s bored. He has a routine he follows, but there’s only so much grave-visiting/security-checking/weapon-building/eyeball-cleaning a guy can do within a 120 hour day before it becomes less of a routine and more of a compulsive habit.
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Springer’s eyes are a specific shade of blue known as Matrix Blue- supposedly a marker for being Matrix Compatible. Considering that Senator Shockwave had to go and get multiple guys some nonconsensual plastic surgery to make sure they could actually fit the Matrix, I’m going to go ahead and say that that’s some bunk someone made up to hype up the mysticism of Primehood.
Springer’s obviously in a bad way, and it’s not looking like things are going to get any better. You can tell, because this is the point where his internal monologue kicks in, reflecting on just what it’s like to die, and his past. Sure hope they don’t have any vats filled with corrodia gravis on this space station.
Back before the war was The War, Springer was young and naive, but his boobs were just as awesome as they are now.
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Springer became slightly disenchanted as his time on the front lines went on, thinking that he needed to do more to help the Autobot Cause. He decided he wanted to join the Wreckers, though he knew next to nothing about them at the time, and everything that he’d heard probably should have sent him running in the opposite direction. Decepticons caught by Impactor and friends would kill themselves in the middle of the street if they managed to escape.
But we’re dealing with a mind that’s been shaped by a civil war, now aren’t we? Impressions are warped for Autobots, because Decepticons are evil, and therefore they deserve that sort of thing, now don’t they? Nobody is immune to propaganda.
Springer first met Impactor at Sherma Bridge, where he saw him punch through a ship’s windshield, spear the driver’s head with his drill-hand, and then land the thing in front of a memorial statue. Gee, what a guy.
Springer, even though he’d seen all this and was feeling a little wary about this whole situation- which is a very valid reaction to witnessing a murder, no matter who’s been killed- decides to get put on the list of reservists for the Wreckers.
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It’s amazing they even bother with Rung at all, isn’t it?
Springer’s interview is a violent one, because this is the Wreckers, and we don’t ever go half-mast on anything- Impactor falls out of the fucking sky in the middle of a huge battle and tells Springer that he’ll be coming with him. And that was that.
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Oh hey, it’s the IDW2 eating chairs. And hello, Kaput, it’s nice to see you again.
Kaput’s diagnosis is as bleak as it is cryptic- Springer’s probably for sure going to die. Kaput seems to only exist to tell people they’re dying or dead, unless they’re the once and future Optimus Prime.
Kup’s pretty bummed out about this whole thing, pacing like a 1950’s father in the birth and delivery waiting room. Kaput doesn’t seem to notice, or is too lost the the medical sauce to realize that him going on about how they fixed that weird humming noise Springer’s legs used to make is making folks anxious.
Roadbuster asks just what exactly’s wrong, if they fixed everything from his ripped-off face to his weird humming legs. Kaput doesn’t like confrontation, so he blathers on for a bit before admitting that they haven’t found the zero point.
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Roberts, how many times are you going to do this to Kup? First Rodimus, now Springer- did Kup bully you in primary school? I’m starting to get concerned.
That was six months ago, and while Roadbuster had been polite about it at the time, all the nothing that’s happened since has made him feel a little less kindly toward Kaput.
Okay, who’s ready to find out why doctors and mechanics aren’t the same thing on Cybertron? Because I sure am!
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So they have to account for the soul, is what you’re saying. Is this about having some sort of bedside manner, because the mental aspect of healing has to be taken into account? Or is it more to do with the bizarre implications of the soul being physical as opposed to metaphysical, and therefore capable of being destroyed? The ethical conundrum that the spark presents is fascinating.
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If a break happens between these two nerves, it can cause the energy of the spark to be redirected away from the points it’s meant to go, like a heart with a hole in it. Yes, the blood is still inside the body, but it’s not inside the veins and is therefore useless, and in fact is directly harming the body.
Roadbuster, after reflecting on the grim reality Springer is currently living, breaks out Wreckers: Declassified. This isn’t reading for personal enjoyment or ego-stroking however- Roadbuster actually greatly dislikes reading about himself in Fisitron’s datalogs. No, this is more of a last-ditch effort to save Springer’s life.
Roadbuster learned to read to act on a theory brought up by Rung- he and Kup are friends, on account of both of them being very old- that the spark is psychosomatic in nature. It can be influenced by intense emotional responses to potentially heal the physical self. They’re willing to try this, because nobody really knows how exactly a spark works, so Rung’s guess is as good as any.
Story time for the evening picks up on a chapter in a story called “The Wreckers’ Air Attack”, getting right into where Megatron’s about to shoot Impactor in the back of the head. But not without pontificating first.
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This is so over the top, so romantic- and I’m talking Romantic as in the literary style. I don’t even know what to say here. Luckily Impactor does.
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Fisitron may not know what this whole scene is about, but we as the reader do. The hardcover trade edition of Last Stand was published roughly a six months after “Chaos Theory”, where we got THIS exchange:
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If this is what Megatron’s poetry is like, it’s no wonder Impactor isn’t a fan. Purple prose out the wazoo, incredibly flowery imagery- I’m sure there’s an audience for all that, but I doubt Impactor’s a part of that crowd.
Megatron is distracted just long enough for Springer to descend upon him on the sky sled, like a murderous Santa Claus, jumping off so the sled can slam into Megatron and send him careening down the side of the mountain.
That’s taken care of. What next?
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It’s at this point that Roadbuster checks what chapter they’re on, because he’s really not the biggest fan of Fisitron’s writing style. Guess he isn’t one for fanfiction, or adverbs. Turns out, each of these datalogs are less blog posts and more fully-fledged books. Every single one of them.
Roadbuster’s feeling kind of hopeless at this point, and it’s not hard to understand why; there hasn’t been any sort of response from Springer at all in all the months he’s been reading to him.
He considers the contents of the only datalog he hasn’t cracked open yet, outright skipping over it every time- #113, the one about Pova. He doesn’t ever read it because it’s full of false information, as was made very clear in Last Stand #5.
Springer joined the 17th iteration of the Wreckers, after a hazing ritual so brutal, it required the addition of an amendment to the Misuse of Weapons Act. Horrifying. None of the original members of the Wreckers had survived the war by the point Springer had been brought on- except for Valve, who does not count because he left the Autobots to go be a Decepticon, a fact which will never be expanded upon, much like Eugenesis Skywarp having been an Autobot for some friggin’ reason.
Springer, once on the inside, realizes that maybe the Wreckers are a little too dark a shade of gray for him to be able to sit comfortably with- the battering of POWs just a little too enthusiastically, the bending of the rules a little too sharply, the blatant disregard for the Tyrest Accord being smoothed over with an “oopsie doodle!” It’s looking like the Wreckers aren’t completely on the straight and narrow; shocking, I know.
Still, he doesn’t really see the point in arguing with it, instead just trying to make sure that he’s not the one doing the maiming and such. Complicity is not the answer to this sort of behavior, Springer.
When Squadron X came onto the scene, Impactor was so upset at the perceived slight- because obviously if Squadron X was the Decepticons answer to the Wreckers, and they were a bunch of murderous assholes, what did that make the Wreckers?- that he made it everyone else’s problem. The Wreckers WOULD destroy Squadron X. It was his new goal in life.
This went exactly where you’d expect such a singleminded hate-boner to go.
After the execution of eight POWs who should have been let go due to being on sovereign territory, Springer decided that enough was enough and called the cops on Impactor. High Command had been itching to get this guy back under control, so things moved pretty quickly after that.
Springer resigned from the group afterwords, but then everyone started coming out of the woodwork, pestering him to come back and LEAD them, because they were worried about being shut down. The likes of Roadbuster and Whirl don’t exactly make for good executives. After thinking about it, and after the trial, of course, he agrees to come back on as the leader of the Wreckers. So began a new era.
Back in the real world, Roadbuster’s trying to read the falsified account of Pova, but just can’t go through with it. He decides to tell Springer the truth, if only so he won’t die with a bunch of bullshit bouncing around in his brain.
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Springer did so many drugs in Eugenesis, he BECAME drugs in Last Stand.
So Springer is apparently the greatest hype man to ever live, as he pumped everyone up so much about getting Squadron X, they just went completely feral the moment they saw their ship. Squadron X wasn’t even doing anything, and the Wreckers were frothing at the mouth.
When this lead to the inevitable, and Springer was trying to break down the door to prevent Impactor from racking up eight war crimes in under two minutes, Roadbuster and Whirl had a little moment. They knew what had happened, they knew that they couldn’t stop it, they knew that Springer couldn’t stop it, and they were pleased as punch about it.
Once Impactor had been arrested, the other Wreckers were worried that they’d be the next to get ratted out. To try and prevent this, they created a false narrative to lure Springer back into the group, placing him in a position of leadership to soothe his worries about the others having been complacent in the murder of Squadron X.
Roadbuster finishes off this horrifying admission with a non-apology, complimenting Springer on being a good leader. Then he notices that Springer’s got a tear in his eye.
That’s a [ tair ] , not a [ teer ]. It took me a second, too. English is a nightmare of a language.
He tries to buff the tear out, manually peeling back Springer’s eyelid to do it, only to find that maybe Rung wasn’t completely full of shit after all.
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notwhelmedyet · 7 years ago
An alphabetical guide to MTMTE season 1 characters
All the characters that are prominently featured/mentioned in MTMTE issues 1-22 who you might want a quick reference on, descriptions contain no spoilers past that point! Primary cast in italics
‘the Necrobot’ : A mysterious mythological figure that visits the bodies of every fallen soldier. Or does he?
‘the Senator’ : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, Orion Pax’s benefactor who altered him to be able to carry the matrix, alt mode is a small spacecraft
Ambulon : A medic stationed at Delphi under Pharma, a former Decepticon
Blaster : LL crew member and director of communications
Brainstorm : LL crew member, a scientist and weapons designer, alt mode is a blue jet
Bumblebee : Autobot commander on Cybertron, uses a cane to walk, a close friend of Ratchet’s, was left with the other half of the Matrix, alt mode is a small yellow car
Chromedome aka Tumbler : LL crew member, a former mnemosurgeon, very close to Rewind, alt mode is a weird red and orange car
Crankcase : One of the Scavengers. Missing a chunk of his head. Fairly surly.
Cyclonus : LL crew member, neither an Autobot nor a Decepticon, was stuck in a dead universe as a zombie for millions of years, deeply cynical, led the attack on Kimia before the end of the war (that’s where Chromedome, Rewind and Brainstorm worked!) and killed a lot of people. Also helped save Cybertron. Alt mode is a purple jet
Dai Atlas : Leader of the Circle of Light, the religious group that converted Drift when he left the Decepticons
Dominus Ambus : Former husband of Rewind’s, a scientist, philosopher and activist, missing since the start of the war
Drift, formerly Deadlock : LL crew member, 3rd in command, formerly the Decepticon Deadlock, defected and joined the Autobots after finding The Circle of Light and being mentored by Wing, stabbed himself in the spark and had a religious awakening at the end of the war
First Aid : A nurse stationed at Delphi under Pharma, obsessed with Autobot badges, a big fan of the Wreckers
Flywheels : One of the Scavengers, a deeply religious neoprimalist who can’t lie without transforming, has very large feet.
Fortress Maximus aka Fort Max : An Autobot, was stationed as warden of the prison Garrus 9 when it was attacked by Overlord, he was brutally tortured for three years before the Wreckers mounted a rescue. He’s been unconscious ever since.
Fulcrum : One of the Scavengers, a K-class Decepticon who miraculously survived battle and was subsequently adopted by the Scavengers.
Froid : A colleague/nemesis of Rung’s, a fellow psychologist. Missing, presumed dead
Galvatron : Ancient warrior and Cyclonus’s former lord. Nearly destroyed Cybertron fairly recently.
Getaway : An Autobot escapologist who’s been missing for some time
Glitch : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, an outlier and victim of empurata, Glitch has the ability to disable non-sentient mechanical objects by touching them
Grimlock : Autobot whos alt mode is a T. Rex. Last seen at the prison Garrus 9
Helex : Member of the DJD, a very large mech with two sets of arms, kills people by stuffing them into his chest compartment smelting pool
Hoist : LL crewmember, Trailbreaker’s roommate, he’s got a spotlight you could read. He turns into a green...hoist thingie. Useful for rescuing crewmembers who are underwater.
Impactor : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, a miner who was once friends with Megatron who later became the leader of the Wreckers.
Ironfist aka Fistiron : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, a total nerd who was obsessed with the Primal Vanguard. During the war he was a weapons designer who ran the Wreckers: Declassified datalogs. He was eventually assigned to accompany the Wreckers on a mission, where he died.
Kaon : Member of the DJD, has no eyes, has a pet turbofox that he claims is a Sparkeater, alt mode is an electric chair
Krok : Leader of the Scavengers, looking for his old squad.
Misfire : One of the Scavengers, a Decepticon who’s a notoriously bad shot.
Nightbeat : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, a detective who first finds the dead body with his partner Quark
Optimus Prime / Orion Pax : ...do I really have to? Leader of the Autobots, the most recognizable transformer, alt mode is a truck.
Ore : LL crewmember, one of the Duobots with Shock, dies early on
Overlord : A ‘Phase 6′ Decepticon who is known for being bloodthirsty, having creepy lips and being nigh unstoppable. Alt mode is a tank.
Perceptor: LL crewmember, most respected scientist on board, during the war he was a member of the Wreckers and nearly died but was saved by Drift. This led to him becoming a sniper/getting a radical sniper makeover, alt mode is a microscope
Pharma : Lead medic at Delphi, knows Ratchet from way back, alt mode is a jet
Pipes : LL crewmember, very small and optimistic and a bit awkward, alt mode is a small blue car
Proteus : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, the senator that offered Decepticons political recognition if enough would officially register as Decepticons
Prowl : Autobot left on Cybertron, Chromedome’s partner from his police detective days, a schemer and strategist, flips tables over when he’s angry as a running gag, alt mode is a police car
Quark : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, a detective who first finds the dead body with his partner Nightbeat
Ratchet : LL crewmember, chief medical officer of the ship and formerly of the Autobots, grumpy surly and a belligerent athiest, has ‘form fatigue’ in his hands which threatens to ruin his medical career, alt mode is an ambulance
Red Alert : LL crewmember, chief of security, struggles with paranoia and intrusive thoughts, has exceptional hearing, spies on everyone all the time (because he’s worried about them)
Rewind : LL crewmember, has a camera mounted on his head and uses it constantly, archivist, making a travelogue of the Lost Light’s adventures, very close to Chromedome, very small, alt mode is a memory stick
Rodimus, formerly Hot Rod : LL captain, has flames painted on his chest, very showy and impulsive, once carried the Matrix during the war, came up from nothing on the streets of Nyon, alt mode is a sports car
Roller : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, a cop who’s a buddy of Orion Pax
Rung : LL crewmember, the only therapist on board, mysterious past, wears glasses, alt mode is a mystery
Scourge : Dead. Cyclonus’s closest friend, was also trapped in the Dead Universe and was also a zombie. By throwing his body into some magical well Galvatron created an army of Scourge clones at the end of the war...they all died too.
Shock : LL crewmember, one of the Duobots (with Ore), dies early on
Skids : joins the LL crew, Autobot who’d gone missing, can’t remember his recent past, very affable and kind, alt mode is a blue car
Spinister : One of the Scavengers, a Decepticon who’s very good at surgery and struggles with paranoia
Star Saber : A rogue member of the circle of light, a religious zealot who led ‘holy wars’ against ‘heretics’
Swerve : LL crewmember, a very chatty metallurgist who has always dreamed of being a bartender, makes a lot of jokes, desperate for real friends
Tailgate : LL crewmember, a minibot who spent several million years asleep at the bottom of a hole and missed the entire war, Cyclonus’s roommate, alt mode is a tiny blue and white car
Tarn : Leader of the DJD (Decepticon Justice Devision), the ultimate Megatron fanboy, kills people by talking to them, alt mode is a purple tank
Tesarus : Member of the DJD, very large with an X over his face, large blender in his chest that he uses to blend/torture people
Thunderclash : The best Autobot, well known war hero off on his own space adventure, on life support due to a spark injury, huge and heroic and with clashing colors
Trailbreaker/Trailcutter : LL crewmember, an outlier who can summon forcefields, has a serious drinking problem,
Trepan : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, mnemosurgeon, missing in action and presumed dead, alt mode is a drill
Tyrest : Chief Justice Tyrest, a Neutral/Autobot (sometimes one, sometimes the other) who presided over peace talks, helped organize the Exodus of unafilliated Cybertronians etc. etc. Holds the Law to be the most important thing.
Ultra Magnus : LL crewmember, second in command, Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, very very tall and very very serious, obsessed with rules and order, alt mode is a truck
Vos : Member of the DJD, can only speak the Primal Vernacular, tortures people by forcing them to wear a mask of spikes, alt mode is a sniper rifle
Whirl : LL crewmember, first seen trying to light some mutilated corpses on fire, bombastic and aggressive, claws and a single optic, former member of the Wreckers, alt mode is a helicopter
Windcharger : Appears in the Shadowplay flashbacks, an outlier with the ability to levitate using magnetism
Wing : Former member of the Circle of Light, Drift’s friend and mentor, died during the Drift miniseries
(If you need to ID a very minor character, try TFWiki. The ‘Featured Characters’ listing for each issue will tell you who appeared in that issue. Be warned that all the character pages are full of spoilers.)
If I’ve made any mistakes please send corrections! I’d hate to mislead any new fans.
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yume-writes · 11 days ago
I wonder how the TFP bots would react to the MCBS magical technology. Fleta’s bow, Megatrucker’s shield, the cannons/beams, Blue’s gauntlet, Redblitz’s shoes!! They would’ve been flabbergasted from Blue’s combined form cause how on cybertron—. They’ve seen combiners before, but not with that much power once combined at least in TFP!! Megs getting his aft wrecked from Fleta’s bow alone cause that looks EXPLOSIVE.
I wonder how’d they react to the Speranza crew too. Especially with Cielo/Siero practically revealing herself the second time she visits Mowtown. She’d be scolding Redblitz all the time probably. Rock Crush and Bulkhead might get along. I feel like Glober and Wheeljack would meet from time to time on earth cause they both are sort of “rogue”. Redblitx would practically insult Starscream cause of his frame.
MCB x TFP crossover
The bots would be absolutely shock
Like, sure, they have weapons but nothing to the degree that the Cardbots have. Add on to the fact that the weapons appear out of thin air and yeah, they would be flabbergasted
The cardbots would probably wonder why they're so shocked and get shocked themselves once they learn the bots can't do that, lol
Ratchet has his head in his hands trying to figure out how they can do this, others like Arcee are confused but just accept it, and others like Bulkhead just cannot wrap their head around it
Megatron tries to give his usual speech and just gets blasted into the dirt by Fleta-Z's arrows, he tries to get up and gets thrown across the field by Heavy Iron's cannon, every time he gets up a new Cardbot jumps him, he will not have peace
The bots would be flabbergasted about Blue Cop's combined form, first off because he wasn't a combiner beforehand and he can just become one. Like, yeah, other bots can join combiners but that takes time, Blue Cop just instantly does it and he can go back into his normal form, it confuses them endlessly. On top of the power he has is insane, he could be as strong as Optimus, do you know how many bots are as strong as Optimus!? Very few that's how many.
Also on the topic of the Speranza crew I'm not quite sure how the bots would act with them (I'm waiting on all of s2 to get sub to watch it all at once) But with how easily Cielo and Red Blitz reveal themselves to the world they, probably, would feel a bit exasperated.
I really don't have anything to add to Rock Crush and Bulkhead's friendship other than the fact they would be good friends. Glober and Wheeljack would get along well, I feel like maybe they would also get along with Fleta-Z, they're all rouges who roam around
Red Blitz insulted Starscream so badly one time that it took damn near three hours to separate them, it was like two cats fighting
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yume-writes · 18 days ago
MCB x TFP crossover
Just some random stuff which I can't really make posts of their own
The tfp kids being the ones to be thrown into the MCB universe and just not be able to talk to the MCB human characters because they speak Korean. So a good chunk of the time it's the kids using google translator to talk to them or even having one of the cardbots translate for them. I feel like Crest would be able to speak English though, all the kids would probably know a few English phrases but not enough to hold a long conversation
If Arcee is the one who gets transported she's like that one meme, "I've only had these idiots for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself." (I imagine she's saying this about Blue Cop and Jun when they first meet)
Blue Cop low-key kind of looks up to Optimus. Like, ok, he's supposed to be the leader of the cardbots, he has taken up that position, but a lot of the times he doesn't feel like it's a position that he actually deserves. So seeing Optimus and how, seemingly, effortlessly he does as a leader makes he want to be a bit like him.
To no one's surprise, Mega Ambler and Ratchet do get along. I mean, they're both medics, it's no shock to anyone seeing them talk to each other. I feel like later on, if they do grow closer or just an event that hits too close to home happens, Ratchet would open up a bit about how being a war medic weighs down on him
Buster Gallon and Raf get along as well, surprisingly. Listen, the kid is so incredibly smart, managing to understand cybertronian things very easily. It's no wonder why Buster Gallon takes an interest in him. You can see them hanging out and just talking about technical things which just goes over everybody else's heads.
Megatron and Heavy Iron fought once and knocked each other out with their respective cannons
Every Cardbot finds Soundwave creepy, like they look like a cryptid and never talk, they just stare. It creeps the cardbots out.
Agent Fowler would not be able to last a day with the cardbots without his blood pressure getting dangerously high. They just don't know how to stay hidden well and new ones are always showing up in the middle of the street. The bots are the masters of hiding compared to the Cardbots in his opinion
Last one for now, Yuri (Jun's mom) and June Darby both get along really well and have lunch together once a week. This is to the dismay of Jack and Jun who now have to deal with the embarrassment of their mom's telling embarrassing stories about them to one another
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yume-writes · 6 days ago
Heyyyy It's 'OP & Blue Cop bond' anon again. Uhhh, it's like 11.33 as I'm typing this, and I have 3 more MCB x TFP stuff for you. (I am sorry for the yapping, but i need to yap abt this to someone as my own friends don't now either fandoms 😞)
1. Since Black Hook is a giant FLYING pirate ship right, and his weapon is his anchor axe thingy right. Now imagine the Cardbot crew and Team Prime fighting the Decepticons and Heavy Iron and Megatron fighting each other one to one. (Idk what OP will be doing, but like he could fight soundwave or dreadwing or even be injured/unconscious). And yk Heavy Iron and Black hook has petty beef with each other. Now, Black Hook sees heavy iron fighting Megsy and is pissed like 'Why this guy gotta fight him? He's supposed to be my opponent. I'm gonna be the one to defeat him'
So he does what any mech does, he transforms into his FLYING pirate ship alt mode and DROPS A GIANT ANCHOR ⚓️ on the poor unsuspecting Megatron while Heavy Iron is still fighting him and its like those cartoons where an anvil drops on them and they go down. That's Megatron. Adds metal pipe clanking noises, and it's the most hilarious thing anyone's seen in their entire life and the whole battle field paused for a second (you can hear starscream full on cackling in the background). After that, Megs stands up, lifting the anchor of him and making a hasty retreat, flying off into the distance in his alt mode. Megatron has a large and suspicious head dent on his helm.
Black Hook now has not stop bringing up this instance to Heavy Iron that he was the one who beat Megs (they had an argument over the technicalities of defeating Megs later)
2. Crackship. I honestly thought this up as I was writing my previous post on the Bluecop mind thingy and now I just think it's funny (crack treated seriously 👌) and the ship is..... Megatron x Blue Cop..... please don't judge.
Why? Well, looking back at my previous post, I wrote at the end that Megatron wanted to use Blue cop against his crew and Team Prime as he's quite powerful as a Star Guardian. Megs got an artefact/relic that is able to control Blue here to do his biding, and the metal breath can not save him. They need to get the object off him. Well, the objects would be matching crowns, one simple and has a small purple jewel in the middle (it kinda looks like a circlet) that Megs wear. While the other crown is more fancy and has a couple of red jewels on it that glows bright purple when Megs give orders to blue cop.
The artefacts/relics origin could be in the past, usually a couple/conjux endura would use it. It's uses actually to help a partner's mental state. The purple jewel would give soft mental commands to ther red jewel crown to help get rid of stress and other worries. It's like metallic reaching out to them and have them listen to you. It's very helpful for couples that have a sparkling on the way and helps relieve the carriers stress.
However,some people would take advantage and have nefarious reason. So they had to get rid of it. But they forgot to get rid of one pair and it's now used by Megatron.
Now, after Megatron uses it for the first time to know more about Blue cop, he finds that Blue Cop acts like Orion pax before the war. (i think he'd see the resemblance in the way Blue does things and in his curious and kind nature) He'd see the small goofy soft side of Orion Pax in Blue and that makes him sooo nostalgic of his and Orion's relationship back on cybertron, he'd want to keep Blue cop so he can always see that "Orion" side of him. And like it spirals (is it really spiralling hard when he is a crackhead?) to him asking Soundwave to try and footage of Blue and his time here in the TFP world so he can keep it. It's like an unhealthy coping mechanism for Megatron on his part. If he couldn't have the Prime/Pax, he'd just settle for a dream (blue cop). (He'd treat Blue as a trophy wife) the MCB crew and Team Prime need to get Blue out of the nemesis before it gets worse.
3. MCB crew and Dark energon. What's gonna happen? If Energon is a drug to them already, what's dark energy gonna do to them?
Yea..... I'm done.. for now. I'll be back when I have more stuff 👍
MCB x TFP crossover
Once again never apologize for yapping, I love getting your asks and hearing all of your ideas!!
Black Hook and Heavy Iron's relationship is so funny to me. Their love language is beating each other up <3
Megatron is a very strong opponent, being a former gladiator champion and the leader of the cons, of course they want to have the achievement of beating him. Whenever Megatron shows up the two fight to be the one to beat him. Poor Megatron gets annoyed by them soon enough, whenever he's fighting one the other will show up out of nowhere. He always has to be on his guard, watching the sky for Black Hook and around him for Heavy Iron
He has had an anchor hit him in the head and almost gave processor damage because of Black Hook. The other time when he was fighting Black Hook, Heavy Iron shot him with his cannon and damn near took out his spark. He stays away from those two whenever he can, he's not getting involved in whatever they have going on
Also I will not judge with the Megatron x Blue Cop ship, I can see the appeal of it, especially after your explanation. Honestly as long as the ship isn't pedophilla or incest, Im find with it
Blue Cop being compared to Orion is insane, Megatron is still clinging onto him even after all these years. Imagine if the whole thing happens after the Orion Pax incident, Megatron has already lost Orion twice, he will not let Blue Cop be taken from him. He at first treats Blue Cop just like he's similar to Orion, he knows that it's not him, but it gets worse. He treats Blue Cop like Orion, even slipping up and calling him Orion at times
By the time the bots get Blue Cop out of there, Megs has completely spiraled. He now calls him Orion and keeps yelling at the bots for taking him away for a third time. Optimus feels pity for Megatron, yes, he yearns for him to, but never to this degree. The knowledge that their relationship meant this much for him is something he can't even put in words. When they get the crown off and take Blue Cop away, Optimus just gives Megatron this sad look that stops Megatron in his tracks
Soundwave is just annoyed that he has to go through this Orion Pax phase with Megatron again
I'm not quite sure how dark energon would affect the cardbots, maybe they would act much more erratic compared to the normal terrorcons. They are quicker and much less predictable, they actively hurt themselves while trying to fight anyone. It's hard to control them as well. If it's used on a alive bot, they would die much quicker
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yume-writes · 4 days ago
Shockwave has many mcb haters for the experiment on mega trucker and Shadow X, one time Black hook shot right at his optic break ping with captain blast and Heavy iron kicked his ass basically the metal card bots ganging up the insane scientist while the autobots watch except OP because he is beating his ex
A chance that Arcee, bulkhead or even miko cheer the Metal Cardbot group while they are beating Shockwave
MCB x TFP crossover
They all know the experiments Shockwave has done before so they all already don't like him, but after these experiences? Yeah, they want that man dead and buried 12 feet under
Anytime they catch a glimpse of Shockwave they jump him. They could just see a flash of purple and the bots become violent. Everytime Black Hook sees him he always takes out his eye, every single time, Shockwave leaves the battle anytime he sees Black Hook now. He doesn't want to replace his eye again
Mega Ambler always takes out his arms and legs, Dexter drags him into the ground, Phoenix Fire either blasts him with water or smashes his head with his weapon. Fleta Z snipes him, Shockwave never knows where he is. Wild Guardy nearly cuts his cannon off several times (One of these days it'll come off). Buster Gallon uses a bunch of new gadgets on Shockwave, sometimes they're violent, other times it would annoy the hell out of someone. Buffalo Crush sees him and body slams him into the ground, while Heavy Iron gives him a beating he won't forget anytime soon
Blue Cop doesn't hold back and shows him why he's a Star Guardian
The Autobots watch in shock before starting to cheer them on! Arcee and Wheeljack are cheering the loudest, Shockwave deserves that beating after what he did to them. Miko is recording the whole thing on Wheeljack's shoulder, cheering as well. Optimus is fighting Megs but looks at the beating Shockwave is getting and just looks at Megatron like "You're really going to allow that to happen to your best scientist?" Megatron gets Shockwave and both of them retreat through a groundbridge
Mega Trucker and Shadow X are happy knowing how much their friends care about them, while Shockwave finds it logical to leave the Cardbots alone after that
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yume-writes · 11 days ago
TFP x MCB crossover where Megs manages to get ahold of the metal breath by kidnapping Jun and practically ripping the brace off of his wrist with the cardbots still inside; panicked and confused of what’s going outside. The only bot who’s outside of the brace is Wild Guardy who wanted to spent time with Crest. Blue Cop got forcefully sealed by the brace and Jun is left with trauma <3
I wonder if the metal breath would reject him or the cardbots would be in his torturous command. Cause Deus Machina is probably dead by now. Can they even disobey him in protest or because of the brace they have to obey.
MCB x TFP crossover
Listen I love Blue Cop and Jun (they're my favorite characters) which is exactly why I have to inflict trauma on them.
For the Metal Breath either rejecting or allowing Megatron to use the Metal Breath is a bit hard to know.
On one hand, all the Cardbots are able to pick up the Metal Breath and Flame Nova is even shown to use it, or at least try to use it. He most likely would have been able to use it if it wasn't for Peruru. So if we go with this angle, Megatron should be able to use it, he is similar to Cardbots.
But on the other hand, humans can't pick up the Metal Breath unless they are chosen one's, we see this in the first episode with Theo and Edo. So maybe for other species it would depend on if the Metal Breath chooses you. If that's the case, imagine Megatron ripping it off Jun's wrist and immediately slamming into the floor, yelling for someone to get it off but none of the cons can do so.
But let's go with the first one for trauma, Megatron would become much stronger, having Heavy Iron on his side is bad enough, but with all the others is much worse. It would take a lot to defeat him. They would have to find a way to take the Metal Breath back which would be insanely difficult, trying to take a small watch from a former gladiator, yeah not happening anytime soon
And what Jun is feeling!!! We already saw what happened when Red Blitz took the Metal Breath, but this would be sooo much worse. Instead of them being sent away, they are forced to hurt their friends and allies against their will. Blue Cop is made to attack Jun, Jun can't even move, just trying to talk Blue Cop out of it, begging him to try to break free, it doesn't work of course and it's only thanks to Wild Guardy that Jun doesn't get hurt.
The amount of guilt he must feel, it would be crushing. He would try to keep his spirits up, but it would be so hard, high chance he would just start sobbing once in a safer area. Blaming himself for not doing more to keep the metal breath from Megatron. The others would try to tell him it isn't true, that it isn't his fault, but it's hard to get him to change his mind.
And don't you think I forgot Wild Guardy, his friends, his family, is forced to do things against their wills. The worst nightmare they all thought of is becoming true, they're really lucky it was Jun who got the Metal Breath. He would have to go against them, even with the Autobots help it would be a difficult fight.
Him going up against Blue Cop, his idol, the person he once looked up too (and probably still does) is beating him into the dirt, attacking anyone Megatron commands, and he can't win against him. He knew Blue Cop was holding back, but he didn't understand how much until he felt himself being beaten near death.
Both Jun and Wild Guardy would feel like they failed their friends, and this feeling would stay with them even after they get the Metal Breath back. But the others being there with them does make it better, at least they aren't alone with the Autobots there to back them up.
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yume-writes · 2 months ago
For the TFP x MCB crossover, I have compiled a list of the "teams" on the MCB's side since without Bluecop, I think they would kind of drift apart.
Team #1
Mega Trucker and Shadow X
Team #2
Mega Ambler and Phoenix Fire
Team #3
Dexter and Fleta Z
Team #4
Wild Guardy and Buffalo Crush
Team #5
Black Hook and Buster Gallon
Heavy Iron would be on his own at first since I think he would be the only Cardbot found by the Decepticons but if he had to pick a team, he would choose either #1 or #5.
Thank you for the ask!! Sorry for taking a while to get to this(ᵕ—ᴗ—)
Anyway, yeah! It would make sense for them to drift apart without blue cop or even Jun to be there! They are the ones who keep the group together and keep the peace. Also I feel like the stress of being in a whole other universe would affect the group as well
The groups also do make sense, I can easily see why you chose these pairs.
Also Heavy Iron joining the Cons just made me imagine a scenario of where Starscream is the one who comes across him and just freaking out because of his resemblance to Megatron and Optimus, like just imagine that this takes place after the space bridge explosion when they thought Megatron was dead and now there is this new guy who is just a bit too much like him
I don't have any scenarios of how the groups would meet up with the bots yet but I'll be sure to get to it!!!
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yume-writes · 5 days ago
Heyyy ♡ I'm back from war!!! 'OP & Blue Cop bond' anon is back, hehehe. MORE TFP X MCB!!!!
1. Would MCB have Holoforms like the cybertronians? I think it'll be cool if they can.
2. (Spoilers for MCB season 2, I think?)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Blue Cop and Flame Nova have quite a history. Mentor mentee relationship or perhaps partners (work or romantic relationship partners ideas up to fandom interpretation)
Either way, it's gonna be an angst post 😔 .
(Season 2 MCB crew is here. The og crew is still lost for now)
Blue Cop seeks mentorship from OP. Blue sees OP as a great leader yada yada. But deep down. He sees OP similar to the old Flame Nova. The Flame Nova that trained him back at Machina. The Flame Nova that looked out for him. The Flame Nova who'd stay out with him during long night patrols and would stay with him throughout the night. He yearns to have that relationship again with Flame Nova again. However, Flame Nova is gone (perhaps). So he sticks by OP, the thoughts of his old mentor/partner(?) in his subconscious hidden away.
When OP first meets Flame Nova, the first thought is that Blue and Nova's relationship were similar to his and Megs relationship as orion pax and megatronous all the way up untill the present. They would parallel each other (Blue and OP are so similar, let's be real), but Flame Nova also resembles someone OP lost.
(This is taking from the transformers Idw comics, I haven't read them. I've only seen the wiki, and I feel that it could be possible. I also didn't read exodus or the other parts of the continuity that TFP is in...so bear with me.) (Also, I'm not that familiar with Flame Nova so yea...)
Nova here would resemble IDW Prowl. IDW Prowl is a dirty cop. A bot whose moral compass could rival shockwaves.
Flame Nova would be the combination of TFP megatronus (the rebellion and relationship similar to orion pax and megatronous), Shockwave (pos, really. Like if Metal cardbot was darker, i feel he would become similar to shockwave or, at least become similar to tfp megatron personality wise.), and IDW Prowl (personality and actions), in my opinion. (If you don't know what idw Prowl is like. He is like, what if shockwave was an autobot and he is doing such acts for the greater good and not power)
It's a real piece of work. Flame Nova wants power and would do anything in his power to reach his goal. Take things. POS, basically.
And in idw, Prowl (minus the greed for power) is like that. An autobot who has fallen to such unethical and dishonourable acts. Who else was once a 'hero' but fallen and does unfavourable acts??? Bingo, Flame Nova. And this make OP feels bad for the both of them.
Flame Nova, when he meets OP, perhaps inside he feels a bit remorseful that he left Blue Cop behind. Could he have convinced Blue to join his rebellion. Or he could have been a better leader, and he looks at OP and sees that maybe if he didn't choose to start the rebellion, he would be similar to OP, who is guiding and mentoring Blue. But the past is in the past, and he can only move forward...
Parallels parallels... It's not that close, but you can still see it. (or perhaps it's a sign that I am unwell...)
But we don't know much about Flame Nova and Blue cop history for now sooo let's wait for season 3 tgt 😔🙏
Mostly, my take on their relationship. What'd cha think? Can't wait to see your thoughts lmao.
Ohh yea and 3, how do you think the MCB season 1 crew and team prime react to Flame Nova?
MCB x TFP crossover
My beloved anon!!! Welcome back from war!!!
And to start off, I don't think the cardbots have holoforms, not at first anyway. We've never seen them use something similar to holoforms, the closest we got was Blasttrain and Glober, and you can't really call those holoforms. I think that after they end up with the bots they would gain holoforms, with their record they need all the help they can to blend in
Optimus reminding Blue Cop of Flame Nova eats at my brain. Blue Cop lost Flame Nova, he still feels shocked at what Flame Nova did, he still doesn't understand why he did it, and he can never get the chance to ask. Meeting OP was like getting a piece of Flame Nova back. He knows that it can never replace the relationship he once had, but he cherishes his new relationship with Optimus
Optimus would know about Flame Nova before meeting him thanks to Blue Cop talking about him. He hears how much Blue Cop looked up and relied on him, he hears how much it still pains him about what Flame Nova did. He hears Blue Cop ask questions about why he did it and if there was anything he could have done to change it, and he sees himself in him. He was once Blue Cop, he still is at times, questioning why Megatron did what he did and how he could have changed it. He still asks these questions himself, but at least Blue Cop can rely on someone who has the same pain as him
What Flame Nova feels towards Optimus is weird. Because at times he can see a reflection of himself in him, the Star Guardian who got medal after medal protecting Deus Machina and Machina. He sometimes reflects on his actions and compares it to Optimus's, could this have turned out differently? He does feel a bit bad for leaving Blue Cop behind, he was his mentor ever since he first joined the Star Guardians. But he had to do what he did, he couldn't have stood by, not after what he saw. The guilt he feels will not stop him from doing what needs to be done
As for how the different bots would react, I feel like all the s1 bots would be shocked that Flame Nova was Blue Cop's mentor. Like, you're telling them that, that insane guy who is currently trying to control cardbots and wipe out humans mentored Blue Cop? They find it insane that Blue Cop turned out the way he did, Blue Cop tries to say Flame Nova was different when he was his mentor, but the cardbots don't really listen to him
As for the bots, they would be disgusted by him trying to control Cardbots. Optimus "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Prime is especially distributed by this. I know that in previous posts we've talked about star guardians being similar to primes, so seeing Flame Nova act and behavior this way unnerves OP. It would unnerve all of them to be honest, a prime becoming corrupt is something they only heard in tales. Seeing it for firsthand is something else
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yume-writes · 5 days ago
Hi I’m new to the Metal Cardbots fandom and I want to thank you for feeding me content of both metal cardbots and transformers! Anyways a head cannon that I have about metal cardbots hierarchy is that it’s decided by fighting and that’s why everyone mellows out after being fought. While I don’t have the order of our group decided yet (season one gang because I’m watching season two as it gets dubbed in english) the order is Jun then Blue Cop as Jun’s second and this is why he’s normally the finishing move, he’s establishing his place. Heavy Iron and Black Hook are always in competition for third and fourth and that’s why they are always fighting. Wild Guardy is actually fifth and is also fighting for third but he’s normally polite about it and makes a date to duke it out with the other two. They actually don’t fight Blue cop out of respect as being chosen to be second (which is normal) and could only be challenged if first or second became tyrannical. Last place is normally held with Red Ambler or Dexter, not because they’re the weakest but because they just don’t care. They normally swap by playing a quick game of rock paper scissors or something else quick. Hierarchy’s can also quickly change by large city hosting tournaments. This is how Blue cop became a star guardian. He just kept winning until he could compete in the star guardian tryouts. The tournament Wild Guardy sees blue cop fighting in was the yearly star guardian tournament where they figure who’s better between them and he got very high. Wild Guardy was very close to trying out for star guardians when the planet blew up. This is also why Heavy Iron was such a big deal. Someone who canonically beat multiple star guardians but wasn’t one was almost unheard of.
How would you think the other transformers think of this? Hope this isn’t too long!
MCB x TFP crossover
No ask is too long!!!
Also this hierarchy and how it works does make a bunch of sense. It's extremely funny that Dexter and Mega Ambler just rock-paper-scissors for it, they walk past each other, do a quick game, and move on with their day. They honestly don't care, ( ≧ᗜ≦)
As for how the transformers would react, I think the cons would understand it very easily. Especially Megatron and Soundwave, they were both gladiators and they had to fight to rise through the hierarchy, this wouldn't be new to them. It wouldn't be any surprise for the cons either, the stronger you are the more likely you are to not be cannon fonder. They're just a bit surprised that the Cardbots do it because of how similar they are to the Autobots
The bots would be a bit iffy on it. Fighting to get a higher place in the hierarchy isn't something they do. They're a bit worried because of it, to them it seems like anyone can become the leader. Of course they're more understanding after hearing the rules of such a thing
This is such a good headcanon, I'm stealing it!!!
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yume-writes · 5 days ago
Hello! I'm new here and have been wondering about the previous ask about the Megatron and Blue cop ship scenario. After saving Blue cop from megs crazy Obsession towards his Orion phase, how would Blue cop would feel after that incident? In my opinion, not only is this incident traumatic but also VERY Uncomfortable for our dear Police Bot Blue cop from this, anxious and becoming paranoid towards Megatron that even isolates himself from everyone who are all is worried for him, by everyone I meant even HEAVY IRON if he wouldn't admit it. Optimus on the other hand reaches out to Blue cop and tries to comfort him whenever he can even if it's impossible to maintain without Blue cop being paranoid and uncomfortable by what happened to him in such topic. I don't know, I think this ship is for me in my opinion is perfect for angst and hurt with comfort but not really condoning after what Megatron did.
I won't be anonymous so I hope you consider this ask since this is my first time.
MCB x TFP crossover
Hello! Thank you for sending an ask! And don't worry I answer all asks, I feel so bad if I don't
Yeah, what Megatron did wasn't good at all. Making, no, forcing someone to become someone else to fulfill his desires isn't good. A lot of bots are shocked and disgusted that Megatron did this. Like they all know that Megatron killed Cybertron, but this is different, it shows that Megs is losing it. Once a great warlord and now a madman clinging to the past. Optimus cannot believe that Megatron can sink to new lows
Blue Cop would absolutely be traumatized from the experience. I know that during the Orion Pax arc OP was with the cons for about a month, what if Blue Cop was there longer. Megs already lost OP twice, he'll do anything to keep Blue Cop. By the time they do get Blue Cop out he's changed
Isolation is a clear example of this, having to be around Megatron for almost every moment of the day makes him want to be away from anyone. But at the same time he's scared of being alone, what if Megatron finds him again? What if he controls him again? Forcing him to go against his friends, forcing him to become someone who he is not. He can't deal with that, not again. He's always torn because of this
The others would of course try to reach out, even Heavy Iron tries, but it doesn't work out well. He'll talk for a bit before being overcome with paranoia. The Cardbot he's been spending the most time with is Mega Ambler, he's been trying to help Blue Cop. Progress is slow, and there are setbacks at times, but progress is still progress
Optimus and Blue Cop's relationship is a bit strained from this incident. Blue Cop can only sometimes see the person he was forced to be, sometimes he can't look or be around OP because of this. It hurts OP but he understands that Blue Cop needs time to heal. He'll keep his distance until Blue Cop decides to come to him
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