#Megaera x Thanatos
ifishouldvanish · 8 months
Keeping Up Morale
Happy @thehadeslounge gift exchange day, @aimee-maroux ! So happy to write this little something for a fellow MegThan enjoyer 🙏 I hope you enjoy!
SHIP: Megaera x Thanatos
RATING: Explicit
TAGS: Friends With Benefits, (but you know they're in love), Workplace Relationship, Pegging, Cunnilingus, a little body worship, a little femdom, a little roleplay, a little hair pulling, When the two standoffish characters are soft and tender with each other...
WORDS: 3,615
There's never any shortage of work to be done for the House of Hades. But Thanatos and Megaera are nothing if not good at managing their time wisely.
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modxto · 11 months
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I love this soft and sweet jock, this trio is so lucky.
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aether-bun · 8 months
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Happy Birthday!
To celebrate my birthday, here's a drabble of assorted Hades characters and how they'd be on your birthday! You are in a relationship with Zagreus in this one :)
Characters: Nyx, Orpheus, Eurydice, Zagreus, Thanatos, Hypnos, Dusa, Megaera, Achilles, Patroclus, Cerberus, Asterius, Sisyphus, Bouldy
Warnings: None! Good wholesome times all around ♡
You wake up to Zagreus kissing your face!!!!
I believe in Zagreus caring deeply for physical touch and quality time your honour. Once you warm him up to it, it's his heaven in Hell. He adores it.
He's very warm, but it's never really been a problem, given the consistently nice temperature of the House
"Good morning, [Y/N]. Happy birthday~" He cooes gently, his voice is smoother than the finest ambrosia and you revel in it, snuggling into his chest.
"What would you like to do today, my dear?"
"Mmh....Is sleep an option...?" Zagreus chuckles at your drowsy response, his chest rumbles pleasantly and you find a contagious smile growing on your face.
"Birthdays only happen once a year, darling...Come on. Eurydice made you some cake."
"She did?"
"Yes! When I told her it was your birthday this week, she jumped to the opportunity."
"Then I suppose I must get up?"
Zagreus kisses your head lightly, and you melt from the tender care
"I suppose you must, yes."
You wake up and get into some nicer robes, and walk out with Zagreus to see Nyx regard you.
"Happy birthday, child. As a token of this occasion, I managed to convince Hades to give everyone a moment off, to greet you." Nyx's voice almost sends you to sleep again, but you're much more awake now, and you feel too sheepishly happy to rest.
"Lady Nyx, you really didn't need to...!" Your voice is as incredulous as you feel. "But...Thank you."
"Of course. I believe Hypnos wanted a word, so perhaps you should see to him first."
You and Zagreus walk over to Hypnos, who is currently not sleeping, which shocks you both, though he looks about ready to knock out for the next week at the minimum.
"[Y/N]!! Happy birthday! Dusa and I made you a little something, here here!" He exclaims, all tiredness wiped from his aura entirely as he hands you a small box.
Gingerly, you take off the lid, and inside you are happy to find a new laurel, woven carefully with your favourite colours and plants. You find yourself beaming at the beautiful heartfelt gift, before giving Hypnos a tight squeeze.
"Thank you so much, Hypnos. The detail is incredible!" You say as you part, and Hypnos giggles with a mischevious grin. "It was mostly Dusa, to be perfectly honest, but I helped weave it, so getting the first hug of appreciation for it feels fair."
You laugh, before Sir Achilles approaches with a calm smile of his own, before placing a hand on your arm.
"Unfortunately, I don't have any gifts for you myself, but I do wish you a happy birthday nonetheless. Do spend today well, yes?"
"Thank you, sir. I'll do my best." You smile, remarking mentally that your cheeks are starting to hurt, but also that you don't find yourself minding.
Next stop is to Meg and Dusa, who are waiting in the lounge with Thanatos. When they see you approach, Dusa is the first to float to you. The snakes that make up her hair affectionately grasp onto your arm as you hold Dusa affectionately. "Happy birthday!" She skitters, almost purring in a strange, Dusa-like way.
Meg is next, though she holds her distance as per usual. She's smiling, and her whip is stowed. "I've gotta hand it to you, [Y/N], I don't usually tend to care for birthdays, never mind my own...but you got me a morning in the lounge. So...thanks for that."
It was a strange way to go about saying happy birthday, but for you, it was more than enough. You nodded. "I can't believe Nyx pulled it off. Surely there are some wretched shades out there being overworked now, no?"
Megaera simply shrugs, but the creeping grin on her face tells you she hopes it's the case.
Thanatos clears his throat, and you realise he's held something out to you. It was a bottle of nectar. You gasp, taking the weighted spherical bottle in awe.
Zagreus squints at it, still by your side, before suddenly looking at Thanatos. "I gave you this bottle of nectar yesterday!" He says, indignant. Thanatos smiles - a rarity on its' own - and simply dismisses the Prince.
"Regardless of where you got it from...Thank you, Than, this...this means a lot." You say, your voice still awestruck by the honey gold liquid you're holding.
Zagreus of course brings you plenty, but even so, its' beauty never ceased to amaze.
You visit Sisyphus, who gives you Pebble (one of Bouldy's brothers, who has a delicately punched smiley face on one side), then you visit Orpheus and Eurydice, who gives you a kiss on the cheek and some cake, then you meet with Patroclus, who takes your hand very hesitantly and prays for you, for your good luck this year. He says he'll see you at the house, and on your way back, you find Asterius.
Zagreus prepares for a fight, but Asterius is unarmed, and he quickly realises.
"Asterius? What are you doing here, without your axe?" He asks. Asterius chuffs.
"Your father gave us a small break this morning, small one. You said something about celebrating someone's birthday last we clashed blades, and so, naturally, I assumed it would be your lover's. Was I correct?"
Zagreus stows his blade and you nod a little. "That's right, Asterius sir." You clarify. "It's good to know he gave even you and Theseus a break, too."
Asterius snorts, though it's not one of amusement or malice, simply a noise. He rifles through a pouch he has, before handing you a weighty box. Inside is a handaxe, crafted by the minotaur.
"You have no weaponry when you wander out here, I've come to notice. This is for when we meet in the stadium. For if you need more than simply the blessings of the Olympians." The bass voice of the bull rumbles, and you hold the axe firmly with a grin. Zagreus chuckles next to you.
"I appreciate this, Asterius. Thank you. Send our regards to King Theseus?"
Asterius laughs.
"I don't think he'd take it well, but I wish you a good day despite."
Asterius leaves, and you and Zagreus are amusedly quick to do the same.
Eventually, after a day of exploration, you cuddle up to Cerberus and thank Nyx on your way through, before laying down with your Zagreus.
"Today was fantastic, dearest." You say. Zagreus holds you close, playing with your hair. "I'm glad. But there's still one present you've yet to receive, my dear~"
It's 1AM right now. Use your imagination.
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xanaroker · 2 years
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Tiny smooch <3
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blazemourn · 1 year
Thanatos : Huh?! What the-
Zagreus : Cause I'm lost in your eyes!
Thanatos : Wait-
Zagreus : *Kisses him*
Thanatos : *Instant blush*
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
I was making some drawings with the story of the Trojan War in the background, when I just got to the part of the sacrifice of Iphigenia (Agamemnon's daughter) so that the ships would march towards Troy.
and it gave me a little idea for this little drabble.
Imagine that the reader is a lover of one of the 3 main members of the house of Hades (Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) and one day their family tells them to go to a specific place for a matter of EXTREME importance.
Without knowing it, the reader goes to where they plan to sacrifice them to the gods (you decide the reason).
What the family does not take into account when this happens is that using the Aid of the gods, reader calls their lover to help them (could it be possible? I would be upset if it were).
Can you imagine the reactions of each person when they see that mortals want to sacrifice their partner?
Thanatos is definitely against this sacrifice being made with his partner obviously, and he protects them, but he is the most aware of the situation, that if there is a sacrifice, some god asked for it, and he knows that something that would be worse (especially for his partner) than dealing with mortals, would be dealing with a GOD/GODDESS.
Therefore, Thanatos would try to use diplomacy as much as possible, although he would use force if necessary to defend his partner (if they needs it) and would try to fix the situation without bothering any higher entity.
He is the clumsiest when it comes to comforting his partner, but he doesn't want them to feel bad in the long run, so even after the situation is under control, he takes them somewhere nice to make them feel better.
Zagreus is definitely LIVID with anger when he finds out what is happening, I think he would try at first to say that it makes no sense for them to ask for a sacrifice because the gods usually DON'T LIKE THEM (like what happened with Pelops) but as soon as he sees that that It doesn't work, he goes directly to violence.
Do they want a sacrifice to the gods? Well, let them be it themselves. Besides he gets to show off a little with His partner lol.
although he definitely tries to comfort them emotionally after that kind of betrayal while he can be on the surface (or even offer them some time in the house of Hades, if they want). Good and unusual Badass/angry Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...she jumps right into violence. They don't even have to tell her what's happening, she sees her partner in trouble and distressed and she sees RED. brings out her most violent side.
When it's all over she goes to check on her partner and asks what happened and it only makes her even angrier. Of course it was deadly stupid. But he's glad they're okay. she's not as emotionally good as Zagreus, but at least she comforts her partner because she knows what it's like to feel so disconnected from your "family."
She is definitely going to take the time in Tartarus to torment her partner's family or at least she leaves it to her sisters :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG is a weird mix of all of the above. probably having Thanatos trying to make things "right" Megaera and Zagreus try not to go straight to violence. THEY WOULD TRY.
although as soon as they see that there is not going to be a real negotiation, that they ignore them or, gods forbid, they try to kill their partner EVEN WITH THEM IN FRONT OF THEM Zagreus and Megaera will no longer hold back and will go for BLOOD.
Thanatos, seeing that diplomacy failed, would only dedicate himself to checking on his partner to see if they were hurt or if they are feeling well in general. The man wants ANSWERS of how this happened.
When it's all over, probably the three of them (especially Zagreus and Meg) would be much more vigilant with their partner, it was just a big scare. Besides, lots of hugs and cuddles. I don't make the rules.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This was fun to write:D
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menacewithawolfcut · 14 days
fandom: *argues over ships and their dynamics*
me: *makes them all bi, polyam and switches* go stupid, go crazy, have fun
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randoimago · 2 years
Hi there I just wanted to say I like your writing also can I please have headcanons for Zagreus,Thanatos,Megara and hypnos from hades with a gender neutral s/o who is the god of decay like their powers are able to suck the life force/energy out of any living being and slowly kill them and because of that a lot of people fear them and make rumors of them being this destructive/scary God when in reality their actually really nice and kind just kinda quiet and their also kinda lonely and depressed because of their powers and rumors that have been made about them and just wanna have companions/friends I hope this isn't too much to ask for I enjoy reading your writing ☺️💖🤗❤️
Very Sweet S/O Is the God of Decay
Fandom: Hades
Characters: Hypnos, Megaera, Thanatos, Zagreus
Type of Request: Headcanon
Notes: This is a very interesting request, I’ll do my best with it!!
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Calls you a sheep in wolf’s clothing. That’s really what you are when you’re not causing some plague somewhere in the mortal realm.
If he’s ever asked what it’s like dating you because you’re this “big, scary god” then he just gasps and mentions all these horrible, awful things you do. “One time, they accidentally tried washing some colored clothing with white clothes!”
He’s really head over heels for you even if he acts like a little shit at times. If you ask anything of him then he’ll do it (so long as he doesn’t lose his job).
You’re just so precious and always has time for him (unlike his actual family) and so he wants you to feel just as loved.
She understands having others view you as intimidating and unapproachable. She gets that, her sisters get that. You being pretty much the complete opposite is something that throws her for a bit of a loop.
In her mind, if you’re scary then you should work with it and use it to your advantage. You’re just a sweetheart and she’ll kill anyone that dares lay a hand on you.
Meg isn’t really the type to talk about you to a lot of people, but Zagreus and Thanatos know and they quickly befriend you (after they give you a bit of a graveyard talk, that is).
She is hesitant to introduce you to her sisters. Probably shows you Tisiphone first since you two are a lot alike in ways before going to Alecto, who she quickly threatens if she tries to harm you.
He heard the rumors and so he had it in his mind to be the utmost respectful to you as your job can’t be an easy one. And then he meets you and you’re apologizing and asking if he’s okay and if you can do anything to make him comfortable with his visit.
He doesn’t know if he’s ever fell in love that fast. You’re just so pure despite your title. He vows to protect and keep you safe when you two start being together.
Thanatos understands being lonely due to being feared, so he tries to introduce you to Zagreus and Meg as they have been his lights in darkness for so long and hope you can be friends with them. He also secretly hopes his best friends like his S/O.
Definitely talks about you to Nyx before actually introducing you to his mother. Doesn’t really want to introduce you to Hypnos as he knows there’s going to be lots of embarrassing stories, but he still does as he cares for his brother and wants his S/O to meet his family.
Of course he was a bit hesitant when he heard about your title the first time. But then he met you and felt guilt for judging you based on things he’s heard.
You get so many gifts from him. You’re just the sweetest and he wants you to feel treasured because you deserve it.
Is more than happy to tell others that you’re his S/O. He might get asked “aren’t you scared?” and the answer is always “hells no” because you’re amazing and he gladly tells you that all the time.
Zagreus knows so many people, he’ll happily introduce you to them all! He promises that some of them are even nice so you can have friends.
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sleeping-at-sea · 8 days
Do Thanatos and Meg know that your attempting to romance them both 😭
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ifishouldvanish · 2 months
Finally posted a smutty MegThan AU I shared on @thehadeslounge discord a while back.
SHIP: Megaera x Thanatos
RATING: Explicit
TAGS: AU - 1990s, Friends With Benefits, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Fingering, Oral Sex
WORDS: 3,179
SUMMARY: Record shop employee Thanatos is in love with his childhood best friend, Megaera–the bold, beautiful, and talented frontwoman of a local band that'll definitely be landing a record deal soon. He'd tell her, of course–but what would be the point? He knows he'd only hold her back.
I… have something I think you might like," Thanatos said, crouching down behind the counter and sliding out the crate of stuff he deemed too good to be out on the floor. Stuff he didn't want landing in undeserving hands, into ears that wouldn't adequately appreciate them. He poked through the collection of cassettes, 8-tracks, and 45s until he found what he was looking for, then rose up and slid the cassette tape across the counter.
Megaera peered down at the worn jewel case with keen interest. The off-white cassette inside had the words Wings of Nemesis - 40 Lashes Demo scrawled over it in black marker.
The mere existence of the thing had practically been an urban legend. Nemesis didn't make many copies of her work apart from the few she had sent to local radio stations and promoters, and while you could probably find a few bootleg copies of subpar quality at a secondhand shop in the area, the masters–where you could actually still hear the highs–were impossibly hard to find.
And when it came to Wings of Nemesis, you needed the highs.
Megaera's lips curved into a grin, and her eyes swept back up to meet his. "How'd you get a hold of this one?" She asked, plucking it off the counter with hot pink nails.
He shrugged, ignoring the sudden dryness in his throat. "I have my sources."
He'd spotted it in a box Charon and Hermes and brought back from their last flea market haul–tossed among the stuff they'd dismissed as junk. The real treasures, as far as they were concerned, were the collection of Beatles, Stones, and T. Rex records in pristine condition that they could sell at a high margin. The demo recordings of a local garage rock band that split up before they could get signed was, in their words, "not worth the space it would take up on the shelf."
He'd started his little collection with the intention of proving them wrong. That the right person would be happy to spend a hefty chunk of change on these little artifacts of the local scene. But the reality was that he was too reluctant to part with most of them, to the point that the only people he ever sold any of them to were Megaera, her sisters, or the people in bands he saw often enough to have some rapport with–the latter only because Alecto had run her mouth about him hooking her up with a Gaea's Revenge record a while back. Nonetheless, he never pushed his wares; only relented when someone asked for something by name.
Unless that someone was Megaera.
"How much you want for it?" She asked.
Thanatos looked down at the counter and drummed his fingers, trying to hide his blush. "It's… yours."
[Continue On AO3]
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irregularmanga · 7 months
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Assume Meg and Thanatos are off-screen
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Because it’s a Hades x PJO crossover
I should have posted this as soon as I finished reading it but as always, my mind doesn’t function the way I want it to.
Fuck it, then, because a new Hades crossover just dropped and it’s Megaera and Nico yall I’m rejoicing!
High Tolerance - anonymous author, featuring:
- The start of Megaera and Nico’s friendship. Overworked employee bonding, really. It’s so sweet I’m crying.
- the ✨young prince✨👏😭💕💕💕👍👍👍
- Protective older brother Zagreus!!! 🥺🥺🥺 They fight but eh he loves him dearly.
- And Mentor Achilles! 🙏
- Hades (of Hades, if you know what I mean) low-key has a soft spot for Nico lol it’s funny.
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😭😭😭 Everything about this fic fills me with joy. Really. And the fact that it’s written in Megaera’s POC is intriguing in a whole different level.
An immense gratitude to whoever wrote this. You light up my soul.
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Anyway I’ve loved this game for a while and got inspired by a random reddit comment on the Hades game wiki.
Words: 4700~
Tags: humor, fluff, interpersonal conflict, polyamory, ambrosia leads to problems basically
pairing: Megthanzag, whatever you call nyx x persephone, hades x persephone
He didn’t know many ways to show his thanks to her. He knew, really, that words were more valuable to her, so he gave her plenty of those whenever he came back from a run through the levels of hell. But there wasn’t much else to give a chthonic god older than his father’s father that she could possibly want or use…besides, perhaps, a vintage scarcely seen in realms such as theirs. --- In which Zagreus wants to give Nyx a bottle of ambrosia to show how much he appreciates everything she's done, and accidentally stumbles a upon a major headache. Or maybe a war. It depends.
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blazemourn · 2 years
Zagreus : This sword suits me very well
Zagreus : *Looks at Thanatos and blows a kiss* You too!
Thanatos :
Thanatos :
Thanatos : *Instant panick attack*
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
estaba haciendo unos dibujos con la historia de la guerra de Troya de fondo, cuando justamente llego a la parte del sacrificio de Ifigenia(la hija de Agamenón) para que los barcos marcharan hacia troya.
y me dio una pequeña idea para este pequeño drabble.
imagínate que lector es amante de alguno de los 3 miembros principales de la casa de Hades(Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) y un dia justamente su familia les dice que vayan a un lugar específico por un asunto de SUMA importancia.
sin saberlo lector va hacia donde planean sacrificarlos a los dioses(tu decides la razon).
lo que la familia no tiene en cuenta cuando esto ocurre es que utilizando el Aid de los dioses, lector llama a su amante para que los ayude(¿podria ser posible? estaria cheto si asi fuera).
¿se imaginan las reacciones de cada uno al ver que los mortales quieren sacrificar a su pareja?
Thanatos definitivamente esta en contra de que se haga dicho sacrificio con su pareja obviamente, y los proteje, pero es el mas conciente de la situación, de que si hay un sacrificio, algun dios lo pidio, y sabe que algo que seria peor(sobretodo para su pareja) que lidiar con mortales, seria lidiar con un DIOS/DIOSA.
por lo que Thanatos trataria de usar mas la diplomacia en lo posible, aunque usara fuerza si es necesario para defender a su pareja(si lo necesita) y tratara de arreglar la situación sin molestar a ninguna entidad superior.
es el mas torpe a la hora de consolar a su pareja, pero no quiere que se sientan mal a largo plazo, por lo que aunque sea después de que la situación esta bajo control, los lleva a algun lugar lindo.
Zagreus definitivamente esta LIVIDO de ira al enterarse de lo que esta pasando, creo que trataria al principio de decir que no tiene sentido que pidan un sacrificio porque los dioses usualmente NO LES GUSTAN (como lo que paso con Pelops) pero en cuanto vea que eso no funciona, pasaea directamente a la violencia.
¿ellos quieren un sacrificio a los dioses? bien, que lo sean ellos mismos. aparte de que tiene la oportunidad de presumir un poco con su pareja lol.
aunque definitivamente trata de consolarlos emocionalmente despues de ese tipo de traición mientras pueda estar en la superficie (o incluso ofrecerles un rato en la casa de Hades, si quieren).buen e inusual Badass/enojado Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...ella salta directamente a la violencia. nisiquiera tienen que decirle que esta pasando, ve a su pareja en apuros y angustiada y ella ve ROJO. saca su lado mas violento.
cuando todo termina va a checar a su pareja y pregunta que fue lo que paso y solo la pone aun mas furiosa. por supuesto que era una estupidez mortal. pero se alegra de que ellos esten bien. no es tan buena en lo emocional como Zagreus, pero al menos consuela a su pareja porque sabe lo que es sentirse tan desconectado de tu "familia".
definitivamente va a tomarse el tiempo en el tartaro para atormentar a la familia de su pareja o minimo se los deja a su hermanas :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG es una mezcla rara de todo lo anterior. probablemente teniendo a Thanatos tratando de hacer las cosas "bien" Megaera y Zagreus traten de no ir directamente a la violencia. TRATARIAN.
aunque en cuanto ven que no va a haber una negociación real, que los ignoran o, dioses no lo quieran, tratan de matar a su pareja AÚN CON ELLOS DELANTE Zagreus y Megaera ya no se contendrán e iran por SANGRE.
Thanatos viendo que la diplomacia fallo solo se dedicaria a checar en su pareja para ver si se lastimaron o si se encuentran bien en general. el hombre quiere RESPUESTAS de como esto paso.
cuando todo acabe, probablemente los tres(sobretodo Zagreus y Meg) estarian bastante mas vigilantes con su pareja, simplemente fue un gran susto. aparte, pilas de abrazos. yo no hago las reglas.
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polyamships · 2 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Hades (Video Game 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game) Characters: Megaera (Hades Video Game), Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Thanatos (Hades Video Game) Additional Tags: Polyamory, Established Relationship, Smut, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Dom/sub, Cunnilingus, Blow Jobs, Blow Jobs With Teeth, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, tease and denial, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Control, Dominant Megaera (Hades Video Game), Submissive Zagreus (Hades Video Game) Summary:
Meg comes up with a challenge for Zagreus - who is not entirely sure how he feels about it.
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