#Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
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Saint Matthew from the Book of Kells, MS 58, folio 28v., Ireland, c 800 CE. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 
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Matthew's face, with its vast, staring eyes and long, snaking yellow hair, has an ecstatic visionary aspect that transfixes. This Celtic evangelist is an enraptured, strange figure. His symmetrical features - the black arches of the eyebrows coiling into the outline of a pillar of a nose, the beard a perfectly balanced, mask-like shape - are not lacking individual features as a result of medieval clumsiness, but are emphatically cleansed of identity, transfigured into a divine, iconic generality. There is something unsettling and powerful about this face, as if transformed by knowledge into something inhuman. The hair, so wild, suggests intoxication rather than asceticism. The design of the page - the purple robe with its gold repeated device of three circles, the animal emblems of the other evangelists, the frame that literally squashes against him as it orgies in the compulsive repetition of organic yet balanced forms, the squares, circles, circles within squares and spiralling metallic forms - is suggestive of rhapsody, a sensuous delight in the scriptures, in copying, in visions experienced in silence in a remote community on a cold island. In his left hand, Matthew holds a book, an object of mystery and power. Its representation folds the act of reading back on itself; the Book of Kells is a monument to the idea of the book.
[Scott Horton]
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“The writing, in huge insular majuscule script, is flawless in its regularity and utter control. One can only marvel at the penmanship. It is calligraphic and as exact as printing, and yet it flows and shapes itself into the space available. It sometimes swells and seems to take breath at the ends of lines. The decoration is more extensive and more overwhelming than one could possibly imagine. Virtually every line is embellished with color or ornament.”
― Christopher de Hamel, Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
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meetingpoints · 4 months
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aoioozora · 6 months
Part 7
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13
Character: Simon Riley / Ghost
Content: Biker! Ghost x Fem! Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, civilian au
Note: Reader and Alejandro interactions that make Simon jealous and a wee bit insecure. Tags: @cmbghost @gluttonybiscuits @paintlavillered @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction
____ pulled into the underground parking lot of the apartment complex, sighing. She had just come back from an underwhelming meeting with her editor. 
She had proudly submitted the first few chapters of her manuscript, hoping they would be a hit, but was instead bombarded with the many suggestions of changes that should be made; while the plot itself was alright, the main complaint had to do with the male lead. 
“Frederick is not captivating or interesting enough. He needs more depth and personality… Definitely something different from Elystran,” the voice of the editor echoed in her thoughts as she killed the engine of her car and stepped out of the car. The thought of it once again made her shoulders slump with disappointment. 
Just as she did, out of the elevator across her parking spot came Alejandro. He spotted her and smiled. “Hey,” he greeted, twirling his car keys around his finger. 
“Hey, where you off to? I thought you were at work already.” 
He shrugged, “Took a day off for a doctor's appointment.”
“What happened?” 
“Nasty back pain,” he sighed. Then noticing her dull spirits, he asked if she was okay. 
“Yeah, I just came back from a meeting with the editor and apparently, I have a lot of stuff to change in my manuscript.” 
“Ah,” he nodded solemnly, “I'm sorry to hear that.” 
She shrugged. “It is what it is.” 
Alejandro was silent for a moment, unsure whether to ask whatever he had on his mind. He decided to just go for it. “Do you mind if I read the manuscript? I'd like to see what it's all about. Maybe get a sneak peek into your next book too.” He winked at her. 
“I was actually thinking of asking you just that.” She beamed, happy that he asked. 
Alejandro raised his eyebrows. “Really?” 
“Yeah. Actually, most of the problems in my manuscript are with the male lead, so I think your valuable input as a man would really help me out. And your general opinion as a reader too.” 
The man couldn't help but feel flattered. “Is that so? Then I'd be happy to help you out. Just send me the manuscript and I'll read it soon.” He threw his car keys in the air and caught it in his rugged, tan hand and smiled. 
“Perfect.” Just as she was about to say something else, she got a notification on her phone, which she immediately took out, hoping it was a message from the editor changing his mind about the manuscript. 
But it was Simon. Though a little disappointed, she still smiled, and he noticed.
“Boyfriend?” he asked, raising his eyebrows teasingly at her.
“Yeah,” she nodded, grinning. She kept the phone back in her pocket, deciding to answer him later. 
Alejandro found it a little odd that she wouldn’t reply to Simon immediately, but he figured, “Maybe it’s just me,” and decided to let it be. 
“I’m offended you didn’t tell me you started dating,” he smirked, playfully putting on a tone of feigned offense as he put his hand on his chest. “How’d you two meet?”
She laughed at his dramatics and then briefly related the incident to him. 
“So you two started dating only a month and a half after meeting each other? That's… quick.” Alejandro remarked, raising his eyebrow. He knew people could fall in love at first sight, but that wasn’t the case with everyone. 
“Yeah,” her voice squeaked and her gaze faltered; she cursed herself for it. “We found a lot in common and… hit it off.” 
“Hm…” he exhaled, noticing the vagueness and lack of conviction in her voice and body language, but decided not to comment on it, not wanting to jump into conclusions too soon. “Well, good for you. I’m glad you found someone,” he said with a smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He then looked at his watch. “I should get going. Don’t wanna be late for the appointment.” 
“Alright, see you later!” she said with some eagerness, wanting to end the conversation, for she didn't know how else she could cover up. 
“See ya, muñequita.” 
Simon had recently followed ____’s spam/personal account, and saw that the skeleton plushie made a very frequent appearance. It showed up even on her main account to her tons of followers. 
The story on her personal account posted late in the morning showed the skeleton perched against her laptop screen along with the caption, “Serious writer’s block rn. He’s cheering me on!”
The next image, posted three hours later was of Alejandro in front of a laptop that looked like hers, captioned, “@-alevargas is giving me some pointers. He's ruthless 💀”
Simon grunted, feeling a spurt of jealousy. He rolled over on his side on Gaz's sofa, nearly kicking Johnny– who was seated on the floor– on the back of his head. 
He didn't hear his friend's yelp as he was too busy feeling bummed that she didn't ask him, especially after the two shared meaningful conversations over her novel before. 
“It's not like I can control who she chooses to share her work with,” he told himself resignedly, “Besides, we're just friends. I'm not supposed to be feeling jealous like this.” 
Yet he couldn't help it. 
Simon decided to scope out his competition by paying a visit to Alejandro's Instagram page. Upon reaching there, he found that the man was an up-and-coming part time model with a fair amount of followers. Even though Simon saw him in real life and found him to be a handsome man, his modeling photographs rendered him dangerously handsome; he had perfectly tanned skin, thick glossy black waves styled gorgeously to suit his masculine features, straight pearly whites for teeth, a near perfect five o'clock shadow, an athletic and muscular body, and a dazzling smile characteristic of motivational speakers. He was Mexican, to top it off, which meant that he most definitely was an outgoing and energetic guy. 
Simon felt his confidence fade into insignificance. Here was a man perfect in every respect like an expertly cut diamond, and compared to him, Simon felt like an ugly, misshapen rock. His own features contrasted with Alejandro's in his brooding, glaring eyes, his pale skin, thin lips, crooked teeth, his somber and quiet outward personality, and most of all, his marred face and body. 
He immediately exited Instagram and dropped the phone on his chest, sighing. “Yeah, with a bloke like him as competition, there's no way I'm winning,” he thought to himself, now resting his arm over his forehead. 
“Oi, Ghosty,” Johnny nudged Simon's leg with his elbow. 
The familiar nickname irked him all of a sudden, as it felt like a reminder of his flaws. “What?” he asked, trying not to sound snappy. 
“Did ye ask ____ if she wants tae come for our one night camp?”
Simon grunted. “I'll ask later.” 
“No. Yer gonna forget. Also, tell her that Lindsey is coming too.” 
Lindsey. Simon remembered Johnny telling him about her soon after he confessed their stalking. A short, freckled, ginger girl; Johnny spoke about her a lot and with excitement too, even calling her ‘Jolene’ in reference to the Dolly Parton song. Simon wasn't particularly surprised that Johnny was gallivanting with yet another lady; that's what he had always been doing since high school. His wit, charm, smiles, energy, and particularly his Scottish accent recommended him greatly to the opposite sex. He only hoped that Lindsey wouldn't take him too seriously. 
Simon picked his phone back up and sent a quick text to ____  about the camping trip and its general details. No sooner was he about to throw his device aside on the coffee table to pay more attention to Gaz who was playing his electric guitar nearby, her reply came. 
Author Girl: of course I'd love to come! 
Simon Riley: great. I'll let you in on more details later
Simon Riley: Johnny has invited your friend too apparently
Author Girl: Really? She didn't even tell me.
Simon Riley: u better ask her about it then. 
There appeared to be a slight delay in her reply even though she was online, and he wondered what she was up to. Finally, a reply came after two minutes. 
Author Girl: I'll do that :) 
Simon Riley: Are you busy? 
Author Girl: yeah kind of. Alejandro is giving me some suggestions for my story
He felt a twinge of jealousy again. “He's still there? At this point, maybe they make a better pair than she and I,” he thought despairingly. 
Simon Riley: yeah, I saw ur Instagram story. How's it coming along? 
Author Girl: it's coming along great. We're almost done here
Simon Riley: he's at your place? 
Author Girl: yeah, he came over to give me some enchiladas he made and I invited him to come in. 
Another twinge of jealousy, and another skill to add to Alejandro's repertoire. 
Simon was so close to typing, “I wish you invited me instead,” but immediately deleted it. 
Simon Riley: cool. 
Simon Riley: I'll leave you two then, I got other things to do
Author Girl: sure. I'll text u back soon :) 
Simon Riley: alright. Cheers
She noticed how he went offline so quickly and stared at her phone for a moment. “Is it just me or did he seem a little off?” she wondered to herself, hoping she wasn't reading too much into it. She shrugged it off, thinking it had to do with whatever he was busy with. 
“Muñequita?” Alejandro's voice interrupted her reverie.
Her eyes snapped back to the man sitting across her. “Yes?” she smiled, not realising she had been engrossed with Simon. 
He looked at the clock on her wall. “I should get going now. It's gotten late,” he said, now placing her laptop on the coffee table and rising. 
“Oh right, I've kept you here long enough,” she chuckled as she rose too. “Wait here for a moment.” 
Alejandro, confused and curious, stood by the coffee table as he watched her disappear behind her kitchen door. She soon appeared with a can of soda, which she put in his hand. 
“That's for you, as thanks for the enchiladas and helping me out,” she said, grinning at him. 
He chuckled and playfully gave her forehead a gentle knock with the edge of the cold can. “Thanks, muñequita,” he smirked, opening the tab of the can with a single finger and taking a long sip of the soda. “Well,” he began as soon as the sip was drowned, “I'll be off now. Good night.” 
“Good night, Alejandro. Take care,” she said as she walked him to the door. 
“You too, nena,” he gave her a little smile. “Call me if you need any more help, alright? I'll be at your beck and call,” he said only half-jokingly, giving her a wink. 
She rolled her eyes and smiled. “You don't need to do that, but I'll let you know.”
As soon as he left, she breathed a heavy sigh. The conversation with Alejandro was fruitful, but she was exhausted. She decided to decompress and wind down for the night by taking a nice, long shower and a soak in the bathtub. She then had a simple dinner and just before bedtime, she was found on her bed in her satin pajamas and her phone, cuddled with the cushions and plushies; Little Simon, the most preferred and well loved, was tucked under her arm and pressed against her breast. 
Her cute animal video marathon was interrupted by a message from (Bigger) Simon. 
Simon Riley: wyd? Are you busy? 
Author Girl: watching videos. Hbu? 
Simon Riley: [photo] 
Simon Riley: watching a film with the lads. It's boring 
The photo showed a glowing television screen in a dark room, and a little cameo of Johnny's familiar mohawk at the bottom as he was seated on the floor in front of Simon. 
Simon Riley: I'd rather talk to you
She felt her heart skip a beat. 
Simon Riley: I hope I'm not disturbing you btw
Author Girl: no no you're not
Author Girl: tbh I'd rather be talking to you too 😂
It was now Simon's turn to feel his heart skip a beat. 
Simon Riley: good, because I'm in for a conversation 
Author Girl: what do u wanna talk about? 
Simon Riley: hmm
Simon Riley: how did it go with Alejandro? 
Unbeknownst her, Simon had to revise that text several times so as to not make himself sound unnecessarily overprotective, prying, and smothering. He hoped that he sounded casual and carefree enough. 
Author Girl: went well. He gave me a lot of pointers for my male characters. My editor wasn't so happy with my male lead so I had to consult an actual guy to help me out
Simon Riley: you could've asked me
Author Girl: yeah well Alejandro was the first guy I came across so I thought I'd ask him. I was going to ask a bunch of different guys too so I'll be asking you next 😁
Simon Riley: good. I'll be glad to help. 
Simon Riley: btw about the trip
Simon Riley: I need to fill u in w the finer details. Can I call you rn? 
Author Girl: sure
She sat up straight on the bed with bated breath. Though he had a few phone calls with him, she still felt a little bit nervous. She was about to get lost in her thoughts when the blaring of her ringtone made her jump with fright. She scrambled to pick up the call. 
“Hey!” she squeaked in a high pitch, and immediately cleared her throat. 
“Hi darling,” he said, his voice deep and affectionate; she could hear him smiling. “You alright? You seem a little… I don't know, surprised?”
“No,” she said breathlessly, “No, no, I'm fine.” She chuckled. When she heard the faint sound of traffic on his side, she asked, “Are you out already?” 
“Just the balcony,” he answered.” How could you tell?”
“I could hear some traffic.” 
“You're sharp,” he complimented. 
She smiled. “Thanks. Now, what did you want to discuss?” 
“Right, yes,” his voice immediately turned serious. He gave her all the finer details of the trip for a few minutes and at the end of it, he asked, “We're planning on using a car to get there since it's gonna be the five of us and it will save on petrol. Do you think we could use your car?” 
“Well if my car is in good enough condition for you, then I don't mind,” she said, a hint teasingly. 
He chuckled. “If I check it and find anything wrong, I'll give you a bollocking,” he teased back. 
“Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes, smiling, “You gave me enough of a bollocking the other day when my battery died. I'm not going to let you do it again.”
She heard him laugh, and like it always did, her heart melted. 
“You deserved it,” he scoffed. “But anyway, batteries and bollockings aside, you're okay with your car being used?”
“And you're comfortable driving long distances? Like I said, it will be a three hour drive, which is quite long by European standards.” 
“I'm okay with it. It's been a long time since I've driven that long though.” 
“Don't worry, if you're tired, I'll take your place.” 
“You? But didn't you say you were a bad driver?” she smirked. 
He could hear her smirking and thought he'd try to make her laugh. “If I try really hard, I can avoid hitting a tree.” 
She burst out laughing. “You're banned from the driver's seat!”
He smiled, gratified. “Whatever shall I do,” he said sarcastically, smiling and shaking his head. 
“If you can prove that you won't hit anything within the first five minutes of the drive, then maybe I'll consider letting you drive for longer,” she challenged, shifting in her seat on the bed and running her finger over the contours of Little Simon on her lap. 
“Challenge accepted,” he said with a self-assured snort. 
She smiled at his confidence and willingness. “So where are we all meeting again?” she asked. 
“At my place. I'll send you directions for it after this.”
“Okay,” she exhaled, now thinking of what his place looked like. What sort of decor and aesthetic he preferred, what sort of colors he liked, and if he kept house plants. 
The two continued to converse a little more until their eyes felt heavy and they started yawning. 
“Are your friends still watching the movie?” she asked, by this time half sitting up and half laying down on her bed. 
“I think it's almost over,” Simon, who was still seated in the balcony, looked over his shoulder at Gaz and Johnny who had their eyes still glued to the television set, despite them having melted into the sofa. “You sound sleepy, darling. You should go.” 
“Hmm…” she sighed. “But I don't want to go,” she whined in a soft, sleepy mumble. 
“Why not?” he questioned smilingly, not wanting her to hear how her sleepy whine was making him melt. 
“I like talking to you,” she replied in a tone that was trying to convince him to stay. She rolled over on her side, holding Little Simon close to her chest. 
The man's distant eyes softened as he heard this and he felt a little tickle in his stomach. His voice deepened, quietened, and mellowed as he replied, “Same here, my darling, but we'll talk again soon, alright? You sound like you're gonna fall asleep right now.” 
He heard another little whine, and he chuckled, unable to stop finding her cuteness so endearing and sweet. “Go on now,” he encouraged gently. 
She finally relented. “Good night, Simon,” she said in a half-whisper. 
“Good night, my love.” 
There ended the call, and Simon kept his phone on his thigh, feeling his face turn warm against the cool, damp air of the outdoors. He inhaled deeply and then exhaled. 
“Fuck me…” he murmured, running a hand through his hair. 
This phone call was a huge boost to his earlier insecurity. Their banter, her acting cute, her not wanting to stop talking to him was evidence enough that she preferred him over Alejandro. He could only hope that his hunch was right and that she wasn't doing the same thing with the other man. 
When the sound of her puppy-like whine echoed in his mind again, he groaned, wishing he could punch a wall so he could feel manly again. 
Any more, and she was going to be the death of him. 
The same woman, blissfully unaware of how her unintentional cuteness affected Simon, was now half-asleep on her bed, fingers curled loosely around her phone, and Little Simon nestled under her arm. 
“Elystran, from your first book, was bubbly and energetic. So I think that it would make sense for Frederick to be a little more reserved and aloof, but someone with power and authority, unyielding, and kind to nobody but Adelheid. Maybe if you knew someone with similar traits like these, you could use them as a model.” Alejandro's words from their earlier discussion echoed in her thoughts. 
Like lazily floating clouds on a clear summer's day, her thoughts drifted, trying to think of who would make the perfect model. 
Her thoughts settled on one man: 
End of Part 7.
Part 8
Thank you all for your love on this series! I enjoy writing this and all your wonderful likes, comments, and reblogs fuel my passion some more. It's sm fun to write fluff; too bad I don't see a lot of it on tumblr lol. But anyway, thank you all once again. Remember, if you enjoyed this and want to be notified for updates, leave a comment so that I can add you to my tag list. x
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zweetpea · 9 months
Interlude: Between wind and stone.
Cw: I don’t think anything, but if I’m missing something you can leave it in the comments
As you walk along the trail you couldn’t help but feel like someone’s watching you. You shake off the feeling and keep on your way.
“You won’t be welcomed in Liyue descender.” You hear a voice call from behind you. You turn around and see Dainsleif walk towards you.
“Every freaking time.” You pout. “I was promised hot dudes and mommy milkers, and yet twice now people have been hostile towards me.”
“You should go back to whatever forsaken land you came from and leave Teyvats people alone.”
“I can’t. I don’t know how. Honestly I’d love to listen to you, I have family, friends and a promising future back home. So far everyone has been very hostile towards me. There’s really no reason for me to want to stay. Yet I still can’t leave.”
“Follow me. There’s old manuscripts in the abyss that might help you get home.”
“Why should I trust you?”
Dainsleif sighs and pulls you closer by your hips. “If you be good and listen I’ll reward you.” You blush at his actions but quickly think of a comeback.
“Can I choose the reward?” You smile slyly,  not unlike a fox bearing its teeth and taunting its prey.
“No. You get a kiss.”
“Can you at least kiss me on the lips?”
“For a whole minute.” You stipulate.
“5 seconds.” He argues.
“45 seconds.”
“6 seconds.”
“Hey! Fine 44 seconds.”
“5 seconds.”
“You can’t-! Fine, how about 10 seconds?” You pout. 
“Deal.” He finally agrees. He takes your hand and takes you through the abyss. At one point he has to fend off a horde of enemies and he just picks you up and carries you bridal style.
‘Is this going to be a normal thing? People just carrying me away without my permission?’ You think as he runs through this labyrinth of halls.
Finally we get to the library he mentions and he puts me down. We walk through and search for the books and manuscripts and texts we might need. The way Dain studies the books is so mesmerizing. He gets lost in them, you disappearing from his thoughts. 
10 minutes in you hear a noise coming from down the hall so you sneak away only to find a hydro slime bouncing towards you bring you a sunsettia and some cooked fowl. The small slime stops at your feet and bounces in front of you. “Is this for me?” The spine nuzzles your leg in a sign of approval as you take the food and pet the little dear. “Thanks.”
 You walk back towards the blond and he doesn’t even look up as he remarks, “You should be more careful around them.”
“Aren’t they your people? Why are you so hostile towards them?”
“I’m not hostile, but I don’t think that you should just go around eating everything that strangers give you.”
“Newsflash: I don’t exactly have a vision, I don’t have any mora, and I don’t have a weapon. Taking handouts is the only way I’ll be able to survive.”
“You’re supposed to have powers untold.”
“Well, I don’t. I’m a college student who’s studying computer science and engineering. I got sucked in here because I found Kate Kaslana and she got pissed at me.”
“Once you get back home you can make up as much as you want. ‘Computer’ what a ridiculous word.” Dain rolls his eyes. He grabs the book he’s reading and grabs some chalk. Then he draws a circle and a slightly smaller circle inside of the original, and finally draws symbols in between the two.
“Is this a transfiguration circle?”
“Transportation circle, actually.”
“I’m really going home.” You smile. “Hey before you finish I get my kiss.” You demand.
“I suppose that’s fair.” He gets up and takes your face in his hands. He then leans down and meets his lips with yours. You close your eyes and enjoy yourself. You put your hands on his broad chest and run them over his torso. Then, as quickly as it began, it ended. 
“That was so nice.”
“Um… glad you thought so. Now time for you to go.”
“I don’t think so.” A deep gravely voice calls for the entrance. The two of you jump back in surprise and see an Abyss Herald. “You’ve foiled our plans for far too long Dainsleif. It’s our turn to get the drop on you!” He charges in, grabs you, holds you under his arm and makes a run for it through a portal. 
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comtessezouboff · 9 months
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Paintings from Buckingham Palace: part I
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
100 followers gift!
First of all, I would like to thank you all for this amazing year! It's been a pleasure meeting you all and I'm beyond thankful for your support.
Spread among 13 occupied and historic royal residences in the United Kingdom, the collection is owned by King Charles III and overseen by the Royal Collection Trust. The British monarch owns some of the collection in right of the Crown and some as a private individual. It is made up of over one million objects, including 7,000 paintings, over 150,000 works on paper, this including 30,000 watercolours and drawings, and about 450,000 photographs, as well as around 700,000 works of art, including tapestries, furniture, ceramics, textiles, carriages, weapons, armour, jewellery, clocks, musical instruments, tableware, plants, manuscripts, books, and sculptures.
Some of the buildings which house the collection, such as Hampton Court Palace, are open to the public and not lived in by the Royal Family, whilst others, such as Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace and the most remarkable of them, Buckingham Palace are both residences and open to the public.
About 3,000 objects are on loan to museums throughout the world, and many others are lent on a temporary basis to exhibitions.
This first part includes the paintings displayed in the White Drawing Room, the Green Drawing Room, the Silk Tapestry Room, the Guard Chamber, the Grand Staircase, the State Dining Room, the Queen's Audience Room and the Blue Drawing Room,
This set contains 37 paintings and tapestries with the original frame swatches, fully recolourable. They are:
White Drawing Room (WDR):
Portrait of François Salignan de la Mothe-Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai (Joseph Vivien)
Portrait of a Lady (Sir Peter Lely)
Portrait of a Man in Armour with a red scarf (Anthony van Dyck)
Portrait of Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom and Empress of India (François Flameng)
Green Drawing Room (GDR):
Portrait of Prince James Stuart, Duke of Cambridge (John Michael Wright)
Portrait of Frederick Henry, Charles Louis and Elizabeth: Children of Frederick V and Elizabeth of Bohemia (unknown)
Portrait of Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia of Autria and her Sister, Infanta Catalina Micaela of Austria (Alonso Sanchez Coello)
Portrait of Princess Louisa and Princess Caroline of the United Kingdom (Francis Cotes)
Portrait of Queen Charlotte with her Two Eldest Sons, Frederick, Later Duke of York and Prince George of Wales (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of Richard Colley Wellesley, Marquess of Wellesley (Martin Archer Shee)
Portrait of the Three Youngest Daughters of George III, Princesses Mary, Amelia and Sophia (John Singleton Copley)
Silk Tapestry Room (STR):
Portrait of Caroline of Brunswick, Princess of Wales, Playing the Harp with Princess Charlotte (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick With her Son, Charles George Augustus (Angelica Kauffmann)
Guard Chamber (GC):
Les Portières des Dieux: Bacchus (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Les Portières des Dieux: Venus (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Les Portières des Dieux (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Grand Staircarse (GS):
Portrait of Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, Queen Consort of Great Britain (Martin Archer Shee)
Portrait of Augustus, Duke of Sussex (Sir David Wilkie)
Portrait of Edward, Duke of Kent (George Dawe)
Portrait of King George III of Great Britain (Sir William Beechey)
Portrait of King William IV of Great Britain when Duke of Clarence (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Leopold I, King of the Belgians (William Corden the Younger)
Portrait of Prince George of Cumberland, Later King George V of Hanover When a Boy (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales (George Dawe)
Portrait of Queen Charlotte at Frogmore House (Sir William Beechey)
Portrait of Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafeld, Duchess of Kent (Sir George Hayter)
State Dining Room (SDR):
Portrait of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom in Coronation Robes (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of King George III of the United Kingdom in Coronation Robes (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo)
Portrait of Caroline of Ansbach when Princess of Wales (Sir Godfrey Kneller)
Portrait of Frederick, Princes of Wales (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo)
Portrait of King George II of Great Britain (John Shackleton)
Portrait of King George IV of the United Kingdom in Garther Robes (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Queen's Audience Room (QAR):
Portrait of Anne, Duchess of Cumberland and Strathearn (née Anne Luttrel) in Peeress Robes (Sir Thomas Gainsborough)
Portrait of Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn in Peer Robes (Sir Thomas Gainsborough)
London: The Thames from Somerset House Terrace towards the City (Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto")
View of Piazza San Marco Looking East Towards the Basilica and the Campanile (Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto")
Blue Drawing Room (BDR)
Portrait of King George V in Coronation Robes (Sir Samuel Luke Fildes)
Portrait of Queen Mary of Teck in Coronation Robes (Sir William Samuel Henry Llewellyn)
Found under decor > paintings for:
500§ (WDR: 1,2 & 3)
1850§ (GDR: 1)
1960§ (GDR: 2 & 3 |QAR 3 & 4)
3040§ (STR, 1 |GC: 1 & 2|SDR: 1 & 2)
3050§ (GC:1 |GS: all 10|WDR: 4 |SDR: 3,4,5 & 6)
3560§ (QAR: 1 & 2|STR: 2)
3900§ (SDR: 7| BDR: 1 & 2|GDR: 4,5,6 & 7)
Retextured from:
"Saint Mary Magdalene" (WDR: 1,2 & 3) found here .
"The virgin of the Rosary" (GDR: 1) found here .
"The Four Cardinal Virtues" (GDR: 2&3|QAR 3 & 4) found here.
"Mariana of Austria in Prayer" (STR, 1, GC: 1 & 2|SDR: 1 & 2) found here.
"Portrait of Philip IV with a lion at his feet" (GC:1 |GS: all 10|WDR: 4 |SDR: 3,4,5 & 6) found here
"Length Portrait of Mrs.D" (QAR: 1 & 2|STR: 2) found here
"Portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria and her Son, le Grand Dauphin" (SDR: 7| BDR: 1 & 2|GDR: 4,5,6 & 7) found here
(you can just search for "Buckingham Palace" using the catalog search mod to find the entire set much easier!)
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princesssarisa · 5 months
I decided to make this poll because I've been listening to the excellent Little Women videos from @littlewomenpodcast, whose opinions and arguments I nearly always find to be spot-on. (And who so generously quotes some of my analysis now and then.) But I'll admit I was taken aback by one remark she and others have occasionally made about Jo and Amy. Namely that as a teenager, Jo bullies Amy, and that Amy burning Jo's manuscript is just the moment when she finally snaps after having been picked on by her sister all her life.
After hearing this, I had to go back and reread all of Jo and Amy's interactions in Part I, because I had never thought of their conflict that way, and I'm still not sure if I do.
I always saw their sibling rivalry as mutual, with both at fault. They're both strong-willed, attention-seeking, quick-tempered girls, they arguably both have different forms of internalized misogyny (Jo by disdaining femininity, Amy by disdaining tomboyishness), and they get on each other's nerves. Jo mocks Amy's childish attempts to be ladylike (and even an only child like myself knows that between siblings, teasing is normal and doesn't equal bullying), while Amy annoys Jo by correcting her manners, and neither is generally better or worse than the other.
Now of course this is their relationship in general: I'm not talking about "Jo Meets Apollyon." In that specific case, Jo does provoke Amy by refusing to take her to the play just because she, Jo, doesn't want to babysit, leaving Amy in tears. And while Amy burning her manuscript is an inexcusable, out-of-proportion response, it's even more wrong of Jo to physically attack Amy when she learns what she did, and almost horrific that she doesn't warn her about the thin ice the next day. But even then, Alcott doesn't describe Jo as always insulting and excluding Amy, and she makes it clear that Amy has played other pranks on Jo before the manuscript-burning. She writes that they've always been prone to "lively skirmishes" because of their mutual tempers – she doesn't blame Jo alone.
Still, maybe it can't be mutual, because Jo is a teenager while Amy is a child. The fact that I have no siblings puts me at a disadvantage, because not only do I not personally know the difference between normal sibling rivalry and bullying, I don't know how much of a difference certain age gaps create. Maybe the fact that Jo is three years older than Amy makes her more of a bully than if they were only a year apart in age. (Still, three years isn't that big of a gap. I don't remember feeling much more mature at fifteen than I was at twelve, just more hormonal.) Also, Alcott does write that Jo had less self-control than Amy despite being older, and in their typical scenes of light bickering, when Jo laughs at Amy's malapropisms and Amy corrects Jo's manners, Jo does always laugh at Amy first, and then Amy scolds her in response. There's also the moment in "Experiments" when Jo hears Beth crying and thinks to herself that if Amy was the one who upset her (she wasn't – Beth's bird died), she'll shake her. We could argue that this just shows how protective Jo is of Beth, but at the same time, she's thinking about physically attacking her little sister again.
In the end, I'm tempted to think this issue is open to interpretation. We can either view the two sisters as having a mutual rivalry and mutually provoking each other (apart from isolated incidents when either one or the other is more to blame), or view Jo as more of a bully and Amy as more of the victim.
I'd like to see what other people think, though.
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
Too Far From Texas | Chapter One
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Word Count: 4600
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“So, I have an idea,” said Lorelei, dropping a file on my desk and leaning against it.
“Chicken salad or tuna?” I raised a brow, not bothering to stop typing on my keyboard, my eyes still focused on the screen in front of me.
“No, not lunch,” she scoffed in her Australian accent. “I mean about the book. I was thinking…”
She shoved the manila folder as well as a stack of papers to the corner of the desk so she could sit down.
“Lor,” I shook my head, my red hair bouncing off my shoulders, “If I remember correctly, the last time you told me you were thinking, we ended up with a three hundred page manuscript.”
“A book tour!” she cheered with glee, oblivious to my last comment.
My fingers stopped mid-sentence over the keys as I glared up at her.
“Are you serious?”
“Serious as a heart attack!” she exclaimed.
I shook my head. “I don’t think we’re ready for a book tour.”
“Why not? The book’s doing fairly well. I talked to Kris about it and she thinks it’s a fabulous idea.”
“You’ve already spoken to our agent? You came in here like the idea came to you just now.”
“Okay, so I talked to a few people about it already, I-”
I sat back in my chair, crossing my arms. “What the hell, Lorelei? I thought we were partners.”
“We are!”
“Then why didn’t you come to me first?” I asked, perturbed to say the least.
Lorelei hung her head, playing with the pens that sat in the little box on my desk. “Because I was afraid you’d say no. I figured if I ran it by someone else first, you might get on board.”
“Gee, thanks,” I remarked sarcastically. “Am I that horrible to work with?”
“Oh, God, no! Stacey, it’s not that at all!”
I sighed, uncrossing my arms. “Kris thinks it’s a good idea, huh?”
“Yep!” she nodded, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “She says it could triple our sales. Just last week I went to a Nora Roberts book signing at the Galleria. The store was packed.”
I rolled my eyes. “We are not Nora Roberts.”
“Why not? We could be! You don’t have enough faith, Stace!”
I pursed my lips.
“C’mon, Stacey,” Lorelei begged. “Think outside the box. Expand your horizons. And for God’s sake believe in yourself!”
“You sound like a self-help seminar.”
“Good!” she widened her eyes, rising from the desk. “I’m going to be your cheerleader until you start to believe it too. The book is wonderful, Stacey. Give it a chance.”
I sighed again, turning my chair to gaze out the window. Our novel, The Loving Kind had been two years in the making. The story of a young woman from Louisiana who travels to New York to meet her estranged brother, only to fall in love with the stranger who was subletting his apartment, Lorelei and I had put our hearts, souls and guts into it, spending every free moment we had writing it. When we were proud of our final product, we submitted it to the publishing company we both worked for. Despite the nerves that enfolded us, our story was well received, and it was published within a few months.
Much to our surprise, the book took off and made an impression, hitting the Best Seller’s list. Neither of us had yet to quit our jobs, but we were doing well. Still, Lorelei’s words made me think. A book tour might do some good. As it was, we were close to halfway through our second book, and if the first one did well enough, we wouldn’t have any problem getting the new one to fly off the shelves. And maybe, I could finally quit my job and focus on writing full time.
“Okay,” I nodded, biting my lip. “Let’s do it.”
Lorelei giggled like a teenager the way she did when she was excited, one of the things that endeared her to me.
“You won’t regret it, Stacey. This is gonna be great.”
“Yeah,” I smirked, rising from my chair. “So, about that chicken salad…”
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“Mommy?” asked Emery, my vivacious nine-year-old as she ran into the kitchen. “Can Reagan spend the night?”
“Not tonight, baby, I told you I have that book signing tomorrow. I’m taking you to your dad’s in the morning.”
“Why can’t we just take her home on the way to Daddy’s?” Emery whined.
“Because, I have to leave at 8am. I doubt Reagan is gonna want to get up that early after a sleepover. Especially with you.” I gave her a wink.
Emery pouted, dropping her arms before turning and heading back to her room. I shook my head, stirring the pasta on the stove.
After dinner I sat with Emery and her big sister Jasmine while we watched some goofy show on Cartoon Network, then I grabbed my phone to read a few texts and emails. Lorelei was meeting me at the Barnes & Noble in Northwest Houston at 9:30am so we could set up. Putting the kids to bed, I poured myself a glass of wine and relaxed on the sofa. Or at least tried to. My stomach was in knots. We’d had one book launch when the book was first released, but it was mostly just for the publishing company and a few friends and promoters. This would be the first time I would truly be dealing with the public - with my readers. And I was nervous as hell.
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“Daddy!” Emery squealed, running to her father as soon as she got out of the car.
“Mornin’ pumpkin,” said Tod, my ex-husband as he embraced our little girl. Yes, Tod with one D. Because that’s the kind of mother he has. Someone so pretentious that she couldn’t bear to spell her precious boy’s name with two. We made eye contact, but he didn’t acknowledge me by name. “Hi, Jasmine, sweet girl, how are you?”
I looked at our older daughter, a smile on her face though she didn’t say anything. Jasmine was fourteen, but because she had Autism, she was still very much like a little girl. She had a pleasant, easy-going personality, but she was still fairly non-vocal.
“Want me to take that?” Tod asked, gesturing to the bag I had over my shoulder.
“Oh, sure, thanks,” I said handing it to him. “I have to get going.”
“Book signing, huh?” he nodded. “I’m proud of you, Stacey.”
I shrugged with a frown. “Thanks. No big deal. I’ll come pick them up tomorrow before dinner.”
I gave the girls one last hug and kiss each before heading back to my car. As I backed out of the driveway, I waved at them, but secretly gave Tod the middle finger. In all the years we were together, not once had he told me he was proud of me. As far as I was concerned, he could take that remark and shove it.
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The store was freezing. I folded my arms over my chest, trying to keep warm, even in a blazer. I watched as store employees scattered around, setting up signs and displays for Lorelei’s and my arrival. With the exception of a couple questions directed at me, they all seemed to know what they were doing, like this was old hat, so I stood back and observed.
“I think my eyelashes have frost on them,” I heard Lorelei whisper as she walked up behind me.
“Right?” I turned around. “I mean, I know this is Texas and it’s hot as blazes outside, but this is ridiculous.”
“That poor gal is sweating,” Lorelei pointed to a heavy-set woman in a v-neck. Sure enough, when she lifted a box of books and placed them behind the table, I noticed her armpits were wet.
“Ms. Barnett, Ms. Burns?” I suddenly heard to my left.
“Oh, yes?” I turned to see a tall, thin gentleman in a blue shirt and sweater vest. He seemed to have been aware of the temperature early.
“Store’s about to open,” he said. “We’ll have the customers come in and line up here. They’re allowed to get up to five books each to get signed.”
“Five?” I grimaced. “Eesh.”
“Don’t worry,” the young man, whose name tag I just noticed said Jeremy, smiled. “Most people just get one or two. But we have to set a limit, or you could be here all day.”
“Okay,” I blew out a breath. “Thanks.”
Jeremy guided us to the table, telling us where to sit. He placed a stack of books on the end of the table, and then roped off the area, indicating where the customers would walk through.
At 10AM on the dot, the doors opened, and a stream of people walked in. I saw Jeremy and the sweaty woman direct them where to go. Giving my best smile, I greeted the first person, a woman who looked to be around my mother’s age, maybe a little older.
“I just love your book!” she exclaimed, her Texas accent heavy.
“Thank you,” I grinned, opening the book she handed me to the first page. “Who should I make this out to?”
“Mary Jo,” she said. “It’s for my sister. I already read it on my Kindle, but I’ve told her all about it and she doesn’t have a Kindle, so I’m giving her a copy for her birthday.”
“Oh, well that’s wonderful!”
Passing the woman over to Lorelei, I greeted the next customer. We had all walks of life; I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be mostly older women, but I had quite a few young females tell me either the book meant a lot to them, or they hadn’t read it yet but were excited to because their friends had raved about it. That made me feel good, rewarded. Writing for yourself is one thing. Sometimes it’s just for you and you don’t have to share it with others. But when you do, and you get that positive feedback...it’s the best feeling in the world.
An hour or so later, Jeremy roped off the area again, informing Lorelei and me that we should take a break and come back in thirty minutes. I was grateful to give my hand a rest from the pen, and eager to grab a latte. Even with the people coming and going, I hadn’t felt much of a change in temperature, and I was still cold.
“Did you hear?” asked Lorelei as she stood up from her chair.
“Hear what?”
“There was a raucous earlier. Apparently some pop star is here.”
“What?” I quirked a brow. “Who?”
“I couldn’t figure it out,” she shrugged. “Some guy from One Direction or One Republic or...something, I don’t know.”
I narrowed my eyes at her.
“What? I didn’t hear it. All I know is some girls were freaking out over there.” Lorelei pointed toward the Starbucks, where I was headed.
“I’m going to the ladies' room, hon,” she said. “I’ll meet you.”
Paying for my coffee, I held it for a few minutes, allowing the steam from the paper cup to warm my cold hands. I wasn’t paying attention to anything else when I turned around swiftly, bumping into a tall frame that stood behind me.
“Oh, shit!” he exclaimed at the same moment I screamed. “Jesus, I’m so sorry!”
I stood in my spot, my hands up, unable to move. My thin silk top was wet with hot coffee, and it clung to my chest and stomach uncomfortably. Not to mention my off-white blazer was most likely ruined.
“Oh no,” I muttered.
“Are you alright?” the voice asked. I didn’t dare look at him. But one thing was certain. That was no Texas accent.
“Shit,” he cursed again. I stared down at my wet clothes, disbelief crippling me. I saw a pair of boots walk away and then return to my line of vision.
“Miss, I’m so sorry,” he said again, dabbing my wet clothes with napkins.
“It’s...it’s okay,” I managed to get out. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and I-”
“Did it burn you?”
“No, no I’m fine,” I shook my head. Finally, I lifted my gaze to look at his face. What I saw, or rather who I saw, made my jaw hit the floor. I was face to face with Harry Styles.
“Ho-holy shit!” I breathed incredulously.
“You sure?” he inquired as though he hadn’t heard my exclamation. But the corner of his mouth said he had.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” I heard a voice to my right. Blinking, I turned to see a Starbucks employee, the guy who had made my latte.
“Yes, yes I’m okay,” I nodded. “Just wet.”
“I can make you another latte,” he offered. “No charge.”
I was about to say something incredibly harsh and sarcastic to the guy when Harry beat me to it.
“Honestly, mate,” he chuckled, “another coffee is probably the least of her worries.”
The young man gave Harry a look before sheepishly returning to his post behind the counter. Until that moment, I hadn’t noticed anyone else in our vicinity, but now I felt like a million eyes were on us.
“Here,” Harry suddenly said, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. I watched as he removed several bills from it, handing them to me.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Please,” he shrugged. “It’s the least I can do. Let me pay for your cleaning. If that jacket isn’t ruined already.”
I stared at the money in his hand before shaking my head.
“No, thanks. I’ll just...go buy something else to wear.”
“If you wash that in cold with vinegar it should come out, sugar.” I turned my head to see a grey-haired woman smiling at me.
“Oh, thank you,” I returned her smile. “But I’m not going home just yet. I’m here for my book signing and I don’t live nearby.”
I saw the woman mouth an “oh” when Harry spoke again.
“Please, love,” he insisted. “I feel bad. It was my fault.”
I shook my head. “First of all, it wasn’t your fault. It was mine. It was my coffee for gosh sakes. Second, I don’t want to take your money. There’s a Gap next door, I’ll just go over there and get something.”
“Then let me pay for it. Please.”
The sincerity in his eyes was blinding. Shit, his whole face was blinding. I couldn’t believe I was even able to look at him, let alone talk to him while I wore a coffee-drenched top.
“Oh my God, what happened?” I suddenly heard from a familiar voice.
Harry turned to look at Lorelei who’d just stepped up to the scene.
“I bumped into her and made her spill her coffee,” he explained.
It was only then that Lorelei realized who he was, or at least that he was the pop star that she had referred to earlier. Her mouth opened into a perfect O as she looked at him, then back at me.
“Are you okay?” she asked me.
“I’m fine,” I nodded. “Just gotta find something to wear.”
“Yeah, of course!”
I began to follow Lorelei out of Starbucks when Harry stopped me.
“You’re very kind,” I interrupted, placing my hand on his arm. “But really, it’s not necessary.”
With that, I turned on my heels and walked out with my stained clothes and red cheeks.
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An hour later, I was back at the table with Lorelei, signing books for more customers. The line seemed to be never ending. For every ten books I signed, there were twenty more people waiting for me to greet them with a smile on my face. I was starting to get a headache, mostly because I still hadn’t gotten to have my coffee.
Once we’d returned from the Gap with my new blouse and cardigan, I hadn’t seen any sign of Harry Styles. And due to the fact that there weren’t any young girls squealing and the Starbucks looked to be running like normal, I figured he had left.
I was chatting with Lorelei and a pleasant woman whose book I’d just signed when a shadow cast over the table in front of me and a latte cup was placed on it. I looked up to see the same face I’d bumped into earlier, only this time he wore a dimpled smile, his green eyes dancing.
“Hi,” I said, just above a whisper.
“I see you found some clothes,” he gestured to my chest. The tiny movement made me flinch, and I blushed all over again.
“What are you doing?” I asked, instantly regretting it.
“I reckoned I should buy your book,” he replied. “It’s the least I can do.”
I realized then that he was gripping a copy of The Loving Kind under his arm, against his chest. I glared at him incredulously.
“Also,” he added, pointing to the latte, “I got you another coffee. Replacing the one I made you spill.”
“Oh, um, thanks I…” I started to reach for the cup.
“Grande white mocha with soy milk,” he said.
I blinked, looking up at him again. “Yes, that’s right.”
Harry nodded with a grin, waiting to hand me his copy of the book until I’d taken a sip of the latte and set it back down on the table. I didn’t bother to ask him how he knew my Starbucks order.
“Now, will you sign this for me, please, Miss…” Harry looked at the book cover, reading the names at the bottom, “which one are you?”
“Barnett,” I replied shyly. “Stacey Barnett.”
“Miss Barnett,” he echoed. “Please.”
I shook my head. “You seriously want me to sign a book for you?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because...you...you’re…” I realized I was looking like a fool, waving my wrist in circles.
“I’m what?” he furrowed his brow.
“I think what she means is that’s very kind of you to buy our book and ask us to sign it,” Lorelei piped up, apparently finished with the previous customer.
She took the book from my hands, opening it to the title page and laying it in front of me. I gave her a look which she returned with one of her own, poking me in the side before I grabbed my pen. Harry hovered over me, watching me sign my name.
“So, I guess that makes you Lorelei Burns,” he addressed Lorelei next to me.
“You are correct,” she beamed, flipping her blonde curls off her shoulder.
After signing my autograph, I passed the book to Lorelei and looked back up at Harry. Finally getting a good gander at him, I realized how obviously attractive he was. Not that it was any surprise. Both of my girls, particularly Emery, were One Direction fans. And Harry was Emery’s favorite. She had posters of him plastered on her walls, though most of them were from a few years back when they’d first started out. I’d thought he was cute then, but now? He had most certainly grown up.
I cleared my throat. “So what brings you to Houston, Harry?”
“I’m uh, doing promo,” he explained with a deep drawl, “for my solo album.”
“Oh, right,” I nodded, twirling a strand of hair around my finger like I tend to do when I’m anxious. “I heard about that.”
“I had a radio interview this morning at a station down the street,” he added.
“Oh, okay,” I replied. “I wonder if my daughter knew about it. She would have been ecstatic.”
“You have a daughter?” Harry asked as Lorelei handed him back the book.
I smiled, folding my arms on the table. “Two, actually. In fact…” I reached underneath the table to pull my cell phone from my bag. “If I don’t at least ask for a picture with you, my youngest will have a fit.”
Harry chuckled. “Alright then.”
I felt my face get hot when I realized I hadn’t actually asked for permission. “Um, do you mind?”
“Certainly not,” he replied softly, laying the book on the table next to my coffee. Man, I really liked his speaking voice. This guy should do audio books.
Without my having to tell him to, Harry walked around the side of the table and I met him halfway. He put his arm around me, as I did the same. Holding up the phone, I did my best to get us both in the frame before snapping a couple of quick selfies.
“Thank you so much, Emery will be thrilled.”
I started to sit back down until Harry’s next words stopped me.
“Did you want to make a video?”
“Excuse me?” I asked, my eyes wide with shock.
“For your daughters,” he explained.
I blinked. “You’d do that?”
“Of course.”
“Um, okay,” I muttered, holding the phone up once more.
“Emery, right?” asked Harry. “And what’s your other daughter’s name?”
“Jasmine,” I replied quickly.
With fumbling hands, I managed to switch the mode to video and nodded to Harry. As calmly and easily as anyone could, Harry waved at the screen.
“Hi Jasmine, hi Emery. I’m Harry. Just wanted to say hello. Hope you’re doing well. See you soon.”
He gave an adorable grin and a thumbs up before I pressed the button again to stop the recording. I swallowed hard, placing my phone on the table.
“That was very kind of you,” I said. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” he nodded, his eyes blinking slowly.
“I’d say I owe you one,” I chuckled shyly, “but maybe instead we can call it even.”
Harry’s mouth twitched before one side curled up into a slow sexy smirk, his dimple showing. I almost regretted my pitiful attempt at teasing seeing as that one gesture could make any woman weak in the knees.
“I guess that’s fair,” he said.
I sucked in my lips, grateful for the chair next to me as I sat down on it. Harry walked around the table, picking up his signed book. The line behind him had seemed to freeze except for one woman that was chatting with Lorelei. It was funny how I’d momentarily forgotten what I was there for.
“It was nice meeting you, Stacey,” Harry held out his hand. I took it with a smile.
“You too, Harry.”
“Lorelei,” he nodded towards her, shaking her hand.
“Bye, Harry,” she grinned.
“Take care,” he acknowledged me again with a short wave goodbye.
I quickly greeted the next woman in line who looked at me like a deer in headlights as she gripped her copy of my book in her hands.
“Wow!” she mouthed.
I stifled a giggle. Then I nodded. “Yeah. Exactly.”
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“Emery,” I said as we sat at the table and dug into our pizza. “Guess who I met yesterday?”
“Who?” she asked, taking a sip of her soda.
“Somebody you like a lot. Who’s on your bedroom walls?”
I gave her a sly grin as her eyes got big as saucers. “Whaaaat?”
I laughed. “Guess!”
“Somebody from...One Direction?” her final words were barely a whisper as though she was embarrassed to say them.
“Yes. Your favorite.” I took another bite of pizza, chewing while my nine year old glared at me incredulously.
“Yep,” I said nonchalantly.
“Mommy!!” Emery leaped from her chair, grabbing my arm. “Did you get a picture? Did you take a selfie with him?”
I chuckled harder. “I might have.”
Emery squealed as she jumped up and down, grabbing my phone. “I can’t believe it! Lemme see!”
I heard a sound to my left and saw Jasmine bouncing in her chair, her hands flapping in excitement.
“Calm down, Emery, you silly girl,” I said. “Let me find it.”
I wanted to show her the photo first, then the video so she would be doubly surprised.
“Oh my God, Mommy!!” she yelled as she looked at the photo of Harry and me. “It’s Harry!”
“I know! And check this out,” I said, taking the phone from her little hand and swiping to the video. “Come over on this side so Jasmine can see too.”
Emery walked around the table to stand between Jasmine and me and I pressed the screen for the video to start. As soon as it began to play and the girls heard Harry say their names, Emery lost it.
I laughed so hard, my stomach hurt. I let Emery have the phone then. She played the video ten times. And I didn’t mind in the least. Although Jasmine didn’t vocalize like Emery did, I enjoyed seeing the smile on her face that Harry Styles had said her name and waved hello. Finally, I had to take the phone from Emery and remind her that her pizza was getting cold. She gave me a huge hug and a thank you before she sat back down in her chair.
After dinner and making sure everything was set for school the next morning, I put the girls to bed. My mother had called earlier before I’d gone to pick the girls up from Tod’s, but I’d let it go to voicemail. I hadn’t been in the mood to talk to her. Usually when she called, she acted like she wanted to ask how I was doing, but somehow the conversation always ended up on her and her problems. I’d decided to wait til I knew she was probably getting ready for bed herself, because then the conversation might be short. I was a horrible daughter.
“Hey,” I said when she answered. “Sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
“It’s okay,” said my mother. “So how was it yesterday?”
“It was good,” I replied. “Sold a lot of books. Signed a lot of autographs. It’s like I’m famous or something.”
My mom laughed. “Did you see Kendra posted pictures of Ben on Facebook today?”
Wow. That didn’t take long for her to change the subject. Must’ve been a record. Kendra was my brother’s wife; Ben was their son. They lived in South Carolina, which was also where my mother was from. After her divorce from my dad, she’d spent a lot of time whining that if it wasn’t for my kids and me, she’d have moved back there. Part of me (actually most of me) wished she would.
“No, I didn’t get on Facebook,” I sighed. She knew that.
“He’s getting so big.”
“You didn’t ask me how my doctor’s appointment went.”
Here we go again.
“Sorry, with this whole book tour on my mind, I forgot. How’d it go?”
My mother told me about how her doctor was now suggesting she see a chiropractor, then quickly delved into her guilt trip about how I don’t call her enough and how my brother doesn’t call her or invite her to come visit. I listened for about ten minutes until I finally told her I needed to get to bed.
Crawling under the covers and turning out the lamp, I stared at the ceiling. The same thing that had kept me awake late the night before returned to my mind.
I couldn’t get his face and his voice out of my head. What the heck was going on? I wasn’t some lovesick teenager. I was a grown woman; I was forty years old for crying out loud! Harry Styles was just some young heartthrob that didn’t know me from Adam. It’s not like I’d ever see him again. He’d probably already forgotten my name…
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The manuscript, called 'Galdrabok', containing a selection of magical formulas, began to be compiled in Iceland in the second half of the 16th century. Therefore, it is a product of the Reformation era. The manuscript is no different from the thoughtful composition: it is simply a collection of magical techniques that follow each other more or less randomly. The Galdrabok collection has been growing for a century; it had four compilers.
The magician, who worked in Iceland in the second half of the 16th century and started this meeting, wrote charms No. 1-10. Soon, the manuscript passed to another Icelander, who added charms No. 11-39. After a while, the third Icelandic compiler finished charms No. 40-44. This Galdrabok was painted in cursive font of the seventeenth century. What is particularly remarkable about his contribution is the abundance of references to old gods and myths - and yet it was in the middle of the seventeenth century, when the fateful Thing of 1000 has passed about 650 years! Soon after this third scribe added his conspiracies, the manuscript made its way to Denmark, where some local magician finished its last section. Apparently, this Dane used some other Icelandic books on magic (now lost), from which he borrowed charms No. 44-47.
In 1682, the manuscript was acquired by the Swedish philologist Johan Gabriel Sparvenfelt, from whom it was bought a little later (between 1689 and 1694) for an extensive collection of "Gothic" writing monuments. Eventually, she entered the Academy of Sciences (State Historical Museum) in Stockholm, where she remains to this day.
The religious worldview, reflected in the precepts and conspiracies of Galdrabok, is of utmost interest. The book contains twenty-one spells based on non-Christian or overtly pagan (or even devilish) views. This is not surprising because, since the adoption of Christianity, magic has been associated with the pagan past and with devilish powers. But nine of the forty-seven charms can be called "Christian" - in the sense that they mention characters in Christian doctrine or use Christian formulas. Eight recipes contain Gnostic roots (Nos. 5, 10, 11, 12, 31, 37, 39, and 42). They use Gnostic formulas of Jewish or Greek origin, probably borrowed from the continental tradition (along with "purely" Christian formulas). In addition, five recipes are particularly interesting because they mix openly pagan (Germanic) content with openly Christian content. It should be noted that four of them were added by the last two compilers. This may indicate that by the mid-17th century, Catholic Christian formulas had moved to the category of "forbidden" knowledge, following pagan formulas, and as a result, were more commonly used in magic formulas.
The objectives of the magical operations described in Galdrabok can be roughly divided into six categories. Most often, apotropean (protective) formulas are found: there are at least eighteen of them. In addition to such conspiracies designed to protect the magician from active malicious actions aimed at him (for example, from the "troll arrow" or from the "anger of those in power," a group of nine beneficial general conspiracies is found, designed to bring the magician good luck or make circumstances in his favour. The magicians who made 'Galdrabok' were clearly concerned about catching thieves, with six charms on the subject. They are interesting because they suggest a kind of clairvoyance or magical knowledge (in English, kunnátta; see No. 44), allowing the magician to 'see' the image of the person who robbed him. The last recipe (No.47) is intended to become invisible.
In addition to all these protective and other "passive" formulas, the collection includes a fairly extensive group of spells dedicated to more aggressive varieties of magic. There are ten of them, and four of them, in addition, are intended for such malicious pranks, the likes of which will not be found in any other magic book in the history of witchcraft. If Icelandic magicians did use them in practice, it is not surprising that they had to spend so much time and effort defending themselves against the 'anger of those in power'.
Quoted from Stephen Flowers
Original English prose was translated into Russian and back to English by my smartphone 🙂
Source: Яблоки Идунн [VK com]
13 notes · View notes
see-arcane · 2 years
Penclosa (TEASER)
Summary: It’s been almost a year since Jonathan Harker made that fateful first trip to Transylvania. The monster that imprisoned him, that threatened his love, that died in a box of earth by two blades, has been gone for months. Yet Jonathan’s nightmares have never left. In fact, as the bleak anniversary nears, they have worsened. Van Helsing’s mesmerism has made no progress in freeing him from the nightly horror. But he has come from Amsterdam for a potentially fruitful visit to another professor. 
Prof. Wilson is playing host to a mesmerist of singular and uncanny power, Miss Helen Penclosa. On meeting the troubled young man and his wife, she is only too happy to help...
For a version that isn’t in Tumblr format eye strain mode, check out the Google Doc version HERE.
Over the course of May through early November in the year of 18—, events of uncanny and unholy nature swallowed the lives of multiple innocents. Some survived. Some died. Some did worse. A monster was slain, victims were lost or rescued or both. The whole of these remarkable happenings and the horror therein were compiled into a single manuscript under the monster’s name. It was bound and stored behind the lock of a safe door. Not to be forgotten, but to have the nightmare imprisoned, if only in spirit. This manuscript and the monster inside it are finished.
The nightmares should have followed suit. For most of their valiant number, they did. Slowly. Stutteringly. Yet they had ended as life’s clockwork ticked on and turned the heartbroken and the harried forward into the future. Grief still exists, of course. Its melancholy tides ebb and flow and drown and trickle. But the fear is gone.
For most.
It has been nearly six months since Jonathan Harker brought the steel of the kukri blade down through Count Dracula’s neck, reducing the vampire to his dead elements. 
It has been nearly seven months since he woke to find Mina Harker screaming in terror and violation with the monster’s blood in her mouth, her neck still running red from where the monster had supped on her; all while the demon’s trance had frozen him in sleep. 
It has been nearly eight months since he lay bedridden in a hospital he thanked as much as dreaded for fear that the nuns would detain him as a madman as they nursed him through illness and ravings they took for ‘brain fever,’ the climax of which ended with Mina Murray exchanging the marriage vows with him there in his sickbed. 
It has been all but a year in full since the night Count Dracula locked him in the plush and bloody nightmare of his castle for two months of idle torment, teasing his cadre of inhuman women with the promise of the young solicitor’s throat, of his undeath, of eternity spent forever in those stone walls, a Thing feasting with them on the squealing fodder of humanity.
Jonathan Harker has killed the inventor of his nightmares. Yet those terrors churn on and on without their maker. Even with the anniversary of last year’s madness about to overtake the calendar, still his sleeping hours are so rarely his. It takes its toll on him. This he can allow.
But his wife has suffered his suffering too long, and this he cannot. Something must be done. Something will be done.
And in doing it, fate proves once more that monsters remain a reality.
Some of whom crave far more and far worse than the theft of blood.
  The 14th of April. The first day Jonathan took his journal with him to work.
There was something too mortifying in the act of writing about the particular topic that needed purging to scrawl it with Mina in the next room, still scouring exhaustion from her eyes. Not solely for the subject matter, but for how shamefully repetitious it had become. So much like a child bleating for help over the same imaginary devils in the room. It was bad enough to have turned her sleep into an endless lottery game in which she could count on fair sleep only half the time while the other half was devoted to breaking him out of the cell his traitor mind dragged him to with gleeful malice.
The castle, the Count, the Weird Sisters, the damned October night of Mina’s bloodied lips, and his own red hands in allowing the monster to inflict himself at all. All had their encores in his dreaming theater. Some nights were bad. Some nights were worse. His best nights, so abhorrently rare, were ones in which he did not dream at all. And now, now that they were creeping through the thick part of April, inching towards the full fruit and pleasant air of May, he’d realized…
 No, why say it? Why bother? He would spit it on the page and be done with it. Ink turned to bile. Jonathan held off until the majority of the paperwork was muscled through and noon threw its golden shine in the window. He took the volume out of his breast pocket with care, feeling a twinge that was as much grim recollection as unexpected nostalgia. How often had this slim little traveler’s journal with its packed pages and creased cover slipped the notice of his jailor by dint of its hiding place?
Now here he was, hiding it from his wife, from his employees, from the whole of his world. Jonathan swallowed new bitterness under a tide of fatigue and brought out a pen. He wrote:
 14 April— Another night, another visit from the ghost of the Count.
He was as he’d been when he first drove me into his mountains. Only I knew it was him, lucid and afraid and without the kukri at my hip. When I tried to run for the coach that had brought me, it was gone. There was only the night and the cold iron of his grip dragging me into the caleche. The mountains did not take us up, but yawned wide as a stone maw, the horses driving us down, down, down into a shadowed hollow where those Powers exist that allowed a Thing like Dracula to manifest himself in the first place. Hell itself could not match the chthonic press and terror of that descent.
So I was convinced in the dream, made worse for the fact that the descent seemed never to end. There was only more down, more plummet, more drag, as though Dracula were merely a grinning fishhook and I was being reeled ever deeper, down to a place older and further than any of Dante’s circles. Thus I went, thus I cried out, thus Mina discovered me, all cold sweat and shuddering. Again.
Again and again and again. I do not understand it. How have the others moved on so freely when I am left still struggling in a mire of my own invention? Even Mina has moved past the need for any of my own ministrations to bring her out of sour dreams. It’s only me now. Always me. Now, inexplicably, I find the visions have grown not only worse, but more frequent. I expect it is the turn of the seasons that has stirred them to their peak. The calendar declares I am not far off from the day I first left for that trap of a business trip and set the whole horrid mess in motion.
What an evil thing to have even the dull plodding of the months turned into a menace. And for what? The mere memory of late spring tied with the coming of the Count? It is a miserable joke to play on myself. Worse still to have it affect Mina well after she escaped that unthinkable fate and survived the brunt of the demon’s greed. I must fix myself. Or, despite her pleas against it, I must resign myself to the guest bedroom for the sake of her own sleep.
The nightmares will come regardless. Better that at least one of us can take some rest in a night. But this is only temporary. The nightmares themselves must be addressed. Jack has already made the suggestion of a prescription. It would be a decent stall, or at least enough to permit me some blessed hours of blankness. Yet I don’t wish to grow reliant on erasing dreams altogether when I merely wish to join everyone else in the freedom of natural fantasies. I want rest, not a chemical concussion. But what other options are left to me?
Jonathan finally closed the journal when an answer failed to come after a quarter of an hour. The volume went back to his breast and his attention went out the window. Pastoral beauty peeked out in its sequestered places along the street. Birdsong rang out even amid the murmur of human life flowing down avenues and around corners. Living blood in angled veins. He pressed a hand to his eyes and pinched at an oncoming headache.
A year. Practically a year, and still his brain ran these incessant ugly laps. What a thing of glass he was compared to how Mina and their friends stood today. Dr. John Seward and Lord Arthur Godalming had climbed over the mourning of both the girl and the man they had loved. Van Helsing, at once weathered and sturdy as an ancient tree, had returned to his myriad works in Amsterdam and, on his occasional visits, had proven solid as ever.
And Mina.
Mina, Mina.
He thanked whatever gods or angels there were who guarded dreams that she, at least, had slipped the vampire’s gifts of regurgitated fear. Even if Jonathan’s own childish languishing jolted her into action, she did not suffer any similar horrors at this late stage. Spectral visions of beloved Lucy, of old Mr. Swales with his broken neck, of Dracula’s leering death mask face, and of the beckoning coven that were nearly her Sisters under his thrall—all these wraiths had come and gone months ago for her. Now there was only her husband left to coddle.
“It has to stop,” he told the air. “It has to.”
His mind ticked back to Van Helsing. To Mina’s own peculiar drowses as the condition bitten into her continued its steady creep. Down by day, up by night. But there, at the cusp of dusk and dawn, when her mind was entirely hers…
Jonathan frowned and went to his hanging coat. He took a small pocket mirror from its interior. It was one of many trinkets and tokens their band had all come into the habit of carrying. Just in case. Even the kukri remained fixed to his hip, still whetted and blessed, just as Mina kept the revolver and its sacred bullets drowsing in her reticule. For now, he satisfied himself with finding his face in the little glass.
The former deep brown of his hair still grew in its new silver-white. Clean-shaven, the shelves of his cheeks and the shadows under the bloodshot eyes stood out. A strange contrast to what the cheekier of his fellows had once called his elfin looks. Between the fringe of his lashes and the fetching slant of his features, there had been more than one reference made from old classmates about him taking side work in the style of Boulton and Park.
But in the present, almost as he’d been during that hellish month of October, he had become an optical illusion. From one angle was the winsome youth, from another the sleepless apparition both haunted and haunting. This he did not care for one way or the other…but the eyes. The eyes were what mattered, for they might be as susceptible as Mina’s gaze had once been. Enough to open the door of her mind and welcome Van Helsing’s careful mesmeric passes to the senses she could steal from Dracula in his traveling box. Considering how dangerously pliant Jonathan had been under the trio’s influence at the castle and, worse, beneath the psychic thumb of Dracula’s pressing him under an unbreakable slumber while he preyed upon Mina, there was surely a chance the Professor could find a foothold in him too. Assuming such suggestions fell within the man’s ability.
Jonathan had not done any real reading into the subject of hypnosis as either a practical profession or an amusement. That it was effective in some form was undeniable, as Van Helsing had proved. It had been enough to help Mina along to exercising her own sensory abilities, enough to carry something of a dialogue. But that had been only conversation. There had been no attempt to instill a command or perform the equivalent of removing a tumor from her dreamscape.
He pried at an eyelid and scrubbed crust from his lashes.
Do you expect to see a welcome mat and a valet pointing to the room where all the nightmares are put together? Right this way, sir, the Count has been toiling away at the things all day so he can have them ready for you by the evening.
He could almost laugh. Instead, he made a small coughing noise, like that of an animal with a sprain. God, but he was tired. Tired of being afraid, tired of being tired, tired of leaving Mina still playing nursemaid to a husband who was man enough to slay the monster and now boy enough to cling to her for fear of the bogeyman in his head. Tired.
“At least try,” he told the glass. His reflection looked unsure. “Try.”
It was by luck that Van Helsing had been called down from the Netherlands for an invitation that was as much business as holiday in his itinerary, but it was by the sight of Mina’s fatigue-glassed eyes that Jonathan worked up the nerve to part the man from his warm patter with Jack and Art. Mina kept his arm and he hers. He was less than surprised to find the old man’s cobalt stare had a sort of prophetic shine to them.
 Just like old times. If one can call a year ‘old.’
 “I think perhaps, there is something you wish to talk of in private?”
 “There is.” Even as he said it, he would have had to be blind to miss Dr. Seward and Lord Godalming’s gazes trailing after them. There were only five people to the parlor, after all, and three of them now in their own whispering cluster. Discretion was moot. “But I suppose it matters little either way. Secrecy has never been an ally within our circle as much as out of it.”
 At that, the old man bristled.
 “Secrecy on what point?”
“Nothing terribly dire,” Jonathan began, and was not sure how to finish. Mina found his hand. Her hold was still so warm against the chill of his fingers. They gripped each other as she stepped forward.
“Important regardless,” she insisted. “It’s a matter that might have a solution in your talent with mesmerism, Professor.”
At the mention of mesmerism, there was a curious shift in the air around Van Helsing. Jonathan swore he could almost see it. A tilt from apprehension to bemusement.
“How is that, Madam Mina?”
“We wondered if it was possible for such a process to,” a snugger grip upon his cool hand, one he returned, “aid with sleep.”
“Nightmares,” Jonathan offered under his breath. In his peripheral, he caught Jack putting his tumbler down untouched while Art turned to the former, his face a question. Jack offered a tellingly concerned glance back. “The ones that have stayed with me since,” his throat worked sharply, “last year. They have not left or lessened. It seems the nearer I get to the anniversary of that first stint in Transylvania, the worse they’ve grown. I can nearly set a watch by them.”
“I am sorry to hear such, my friend. Sorrier still to say I have not great practice in matters of tailoring dreams. Still, I will make my best attempt for you, and if it should fall short, there may yet be another option. Yet this I will not lay upon the table before we exhaust what we have before us now. Come, we shall make use of the couch.”
Bidding privacy an unceremonious farewell, Jonathan let himself be led to a chaise. Art made some comment to the next member of staff to try the door, informing her the room was not to be disturbed for the rest of the hour. Jack drew the drapes shut against the sunshine while the lamps were set aglow. Mina took the spot beside him, their hands now a woven knot of fingers.
“The trouble is, of course, that there will be no knowing if we are successful here in the present. To do as you hope me to do, it would not be so simple as bringing forth talk or suggesting an action here in the present. What is desired is hypnosis that sets the mind as one sets a clock. A susceptible mind will tick-tick-tick along, hit a certain hour, a certain stimulus, and then the command, if it is instilled right, shall be committed. This alone is a most difficult task even for those with the highest talents in mesmerism, needing the hypnotist to be canny and the subject to be pliant. There are cases where such effects have only been carried halfway, following some smaller impulse or other rather than bowing totally to the order given in the trance.
“And this is only to speak of acts attempted while the subject is conscious. Even Madam Mina, drowsy as she was in her trances while seeking out the senses of the Vampire, was not asleep or merely in the somnambulist’s state. To set a mind to perform a task—to outthink or to cut short a nightmare—requires not only the hypnotist’s skill and the subject’s susceptibility, but the sleeping mind’s compliance. It is a feat I have not come across yet in news of such budding sciences. But as we make the attempt now, we must have a manner of defining whether success is had or not.”
Here he looked pointedly at both Harkers.
“I take it you still keep to that so wise habit of filling your journals?”
“We do,” Mina answered aloud as Jonathan traced the lines of the book at his chest. “Do you mean for us to record the next instance of a nightmare or of a peaceable sleep?”
 “Both,” Van Helsing said, now digging in a pocket for a notebook of his own. “And, should the attempt be successful, the third potential result. That is, the happening of a nightmare which is cut short.” All eyes turned to him as he scratched out the three possible points in his pages: Nightmare, Sleep, Nightmare Blunted. “This would only be for the sake of proof, of course. The most desired result is that Jonathan should drop into sleep, either dreamless or unvisited by grim visions. In such a case, a report of nothing is the best report to have. Failing that, but still of good portent, would be the recording of a nightmare begun, but then felled by the order I am to feed his mind by mesmeric suggestion. It will be a cue that his dreaming thoughts are to act upon, the better to subvert its unhappy impulses in sleep.”
  Jack puzzled over this with one of his more hawkish looks.
“Is that not a precarious attempt to make, Professor? It seems a rather broad spectrum to program a mind to. If you say something in the line of, ‘If your dream is a bad one, stop dreaming,’ how is the sleeping mind to differentiate between nightmares versus a dream that is simply odd? The lines between what is fearsome, what is strange, and what is fantasy are blurred enough awake. Could this not tamper with his subconscious mind on a too-wide scale as he dreams?”
“You speak right, friend John. Success in such a way would also carry risk.” Van Helsing turned to face Jonathan alone, the callused pad of his hand finding the young man’s shoulder. “It is the echo of old fears that still find you, is that right?”
“Yes. It is.” The hand not holding Mina drifted to the handle of his kukri. He thought miserably of a babe grasping his blanket. “Even now.”
“Then that is the culprit to set your mind against. The fear of those monsters long vanquished by us. I say again that there is no guarantee that my own prowess is up to the task, just as I say again there is another possibility to attempt should our own fall short. But for now, we make our try. Arthur,” he said, turning to the lord, “we should, perhaps, douse more of the lamps and bring near only one.”
All was prepared.
The mesmeric passes were made.
And made.
And made.
Almost half an hour passed before Jonathan sighed. Notably not from any lethargy brought on by a trance. Everyone with a pen made their notes of the anomaly before them. This being that for those thirty minutes, Jonathan would seem to droop and settle into the trance for a moment. Maybe two. Only to then shudder and jolt back into full awareness. So it went on and on, down and up again, until Jonathan put a hand to his eyes.
“I swear to you I’m not doing it on purpose. I can feel myself succumb in bursts, I recognize the change and lull of the process. Consciously I strive to throw myself into it. But reflex yanks me back.” He dragged his hand from his eyes, feeling as if he had been awake a hundred years. “I think it is because of how I recognize it. Even if so much of me knows the truth and trusts you, there is some rankled animal where the rest of my mind sits. A riled thing that can only recognize your attempted trance as being like his. Like theirs.”
There was no need to name the parties in question. They of the hypnotic mist and lips lacquered red in babes’ blood and slumber inflicted like a cudgel. Yet Mina’s small hand was joined by its sibling in clasping his fingers. Jonathan could not quite bring himself to meet eyes with Art and Jack. Van Helsing wore concern mingled with something like the human translation of whirring clockwork.
“If that is the case, then the alternate route is the only other I can think of within the realms of this practice.”
“What route is that?”
“One that will require permission and confidences of persons I am to visit within the month. It happens, my friends, that I was contacted by a Professor Wilson, a man who teaches psychology as his trade, but who pursues the more fantastical roads of hypnotherapy, clairvoyance, and yet more outré psychic happenings as his passion. I have received summons from him before—last year, when we were all so deep in our dire works—and had to rebuff him outright. Now he sends for me again most ardently, to witness the work of an adept he has found in the field of mesmerism. Should his adulation be based even in a fraction of truth, this party might be able to lend some aid. If only because she seems to have mastered a form of hypnosis wholly of her own making when compared to what professionals and skeptics alike call the ‘standard’ of the process.”
“She? Wait,” Jack turned fully to him, now balanced between wonder and disappointment, “you do not refer to Miss Penclosa?”
“I do. You have reason to doubt the lady’s credentials, my friend?”
“I would not know her one way or the other, but I know Professor Wilson has grown no small reputation amid those who work in such circles as ours, and even those who neighbor it. There is not a single sanitorium, clinic, or traveling physician who has not at some point received some letter from the man, always to the tune of having some fresh discovery to tout that reveals itself as no more than a trifle or the poor man’s falling for a charlatan.” He looked up as Art hummed.
“Is this the same Wilson you say spent a month trying to find documented cases with a semblance to that Poe story? The one with the hypnotized dead man?”
“The same. Though I will grant him credit enough to say even he admitted it was a mere curiosity. Even so, his history of so-called proof does not bode well for Miss Penclosa’s supposed talents. I received the same summons, Professor, likely only for nearness’ sake, and duly binned it.”
Jonathan caught the prophetic gleam in the old man’s eyes again. The specter of a smile carved new wrinkles around them.
“And when did you receive your letter, friend John?”
“Two months ago. Why?”
“Because mine was received only last month. And that with documented sessions of remarkable new feats that were performed on a fellow professor who once counted himself a skeptic. While that subject has since quit himself of the sessions, Miss Penclosa appears to be able to reproduce similar examples upon total strangers in most routine fashion. That Wilson’s latest message is saturated with all the high joy of a child receiving an entire toy shop on Christmas morning suggests that there is at least some observable truth in the results as opposed to past dull findings.”
Van Helsing turned again to the Harkers, his gaze soft as gauze.
“For honesty’s sake, I will say there is, obviously, a chance that even if this Miss Penclosa is so very talented, it is possible she may not penetrate this new reflex of the mind that has grown to lash out at such powers. It is a good reflex to have in ordinary circumstances, I should think! But if you do wish to make a last try with the opportunities of hypnotism before turning still elsewhere, it cannot do harm to try with this seeming prodigy. At worst, she will fail as I have. At best, she might make a dent in the echo of old horrors. If you wish to come with me to Professor’s Wilson’s demonstration to endure a session with her, I shall be making my arrangements to visit in a week’s time. We can travel together.”
Mina looked to Jonathan and Jonathan to her. As had been the case before, and even more the case after the hell of last year’s trials, he felt sure he sensed something of Mina’s presence falling through his eyes and over his soul. It did so like a balm. Even if there were no words shared in such gazes, they never lacked for the delivery of a message. No more than she ever failed to grasp whatever he wished to say in his own glances. It was a joke between them which was really not a joke: that they could carry whole conversations with their eyes alone. A handy pastime for lighter moments and a relief in instances where no word could meet the task, either in speech or shorthand.
And so they looked. They spoke. They turned to Van Helsing.
“Might we have a day or so to think on it, Professor?” Mina asked. “If we joined you there would be matters to attend to for work and home first.”
“So long as you are decided before the week is out, all will be well. This Wilson lives in a small town not far outside Exeter and there shall be time enough to write and ask if I might introduce friends of mine to the talented lady in question.” He held up a hand before there could be a protest. “I shall make no mention of your particular situation, of course. Though I trust this Wilson enough to believe he has some truer proof than any he peddled before—he would not have sent so far for me otherwise, or been twice over so giddy in this letter than his last, which lacked any mention of Miss Penclosa—I must trust good John and Arthur when they say he is prolific in hunting attention. Even in his few messages to me, I can read he is too eager for his name in print.
“All this is to say, Miss Penclosa is the point of any visit from you, not her host’s studies. To her you bring your troubles, if she is seeming of good character, and she I will visit with you for the week I have set aside for the visit. It is to you both that the choice falls to, if you seek to ask her aid. Should she not be as we hope, or should this Wilson be too much the gnat at your side, wishing to make Jonathan a subject more than a patient, then I will make my whole apologies and seek for better avenues with you.”
 All this the Harkers took home to mull.
It was mulled over dinner, over books, over bath, over bed.
Even now, with Peter Hawkins’ dear Mrs. Mary Bentley still on staff, the habits of sparse living still locked them into the thin-pocketed efficiency of childhood and adolescence. They turned down their own covers and drew their own baths and had to be shooed out of the kitchen whenever mealtime demanded they make and wash the dishes themselves as they’d always done.
“I cannot tell which of you is worse,” Mary would chide them both. “You, Mrs. Harker, for trying to put a lady out of her situation, trying to balance a whole house on top of your work with that hammering typewriter. Or you, Mr. Harker! You, who’ve been dear Mr. Hawkins’ shadow and mine since you were scarcely out of the playground, studying up on law books and housework as if you meant to be your own husband and wife. I shall go positively spare with you two.”
As it stood, Mary had duly banished the Harkers from tidying anything but the master bedroom, its adjoining toilet, and their shared study, if only for courtesy’s sake. The kitchen remained an uneven battleground in which Jonathan and Mina might get away with preparing a small bite or a picnic, but they would ultimately be sent scattering away like cats otherwise. Tonight they’d made off like thieves with a tea service they had arranged themselves whilst Mary was distracted by a load of linen. Having lost the coin toss, Jonathan was the one to risk leaving the lady her own cup and a plate of biscuits waiting at the door while her back was turned.
“It’s only fair,” Mina insisted over her cup as Mary made her expected noises of disgruntled noises of discovery downstairs, muffled only briefly by the likewise inevitable sip and chew. “You are the one with the cat’s feet, darling.”
“Good enough for castle walls, cliff faces, and properties in Piccadilly.” He smiled as he said it and it almost made the words into a joke. That his hand drifted to his hip as he said them, and that he felt a brief flutter of anxiety until he remembered taking it off to don his nightclothes, dented the mirth.
Mina set her cup aside and went to him by the window. Here she joined him in another nightly ritual; judging the sill. To Mary’s bafflement and surprised delight, the Harkers had insisted on setting up box gardens to try their hand at aiding the kitchen and the flora. The chief crops being carefully tended garlic blossoms and certain wild roses. The latter were due to be handsome bouquets once in season, while half the blossoms of the former were harvested too soon—their petals graced the bedroom windows alongside dashes of the rose. A strange potpourri, and stranger still to use as a ward against potential invaders.
For anyone else, at least.
Jonathan set his cup gingerly down on the sill without disturbing the floral border and used both hands to overlap Mina’s own. She had folded her arms about his middle and the embrace left her chin just at the level of his shoulder if she propped herself on tiptoe. They simply stood there a while, holding and being held. After some minutes of this, Mina finally breathed against his back:
“It’s just a matter of your mind catching up, I think.”
“Most of you knows the objective facts. Dracula happened. Dracula was put down. You and Quincey made dust of him.”
“But Dracula did not strike any of us in the way he did with you. Not even Lucy. Not even me.”
His hands tightened over hers just short of clamping. They might have trembled.
“He did worse—,”
“No. He only did to me in person what he intended his Brides to do to you on his behalf. You were meant for the same fate, Jonathan. You were meant to be taken first. Before Lucy, before me, before anyone else who crossed his path by chance rather than machination. If such a fiend as him had one virtue, it was that he could be an admirable planner. And if he had but one truly human flaw, it was that he did a terrible and craven job of improvisation. It took only the smallest pinholes in his plot to dismantle the whole thing. The very smallest was that he preyed on me with his swap of blood, seeking some trite trophy and a spy who wound up spying on him in turn. But the largest, the very worst thing he could have done, was make Jonathan Harker his prisoner.”
Jonathan made a hoarse noise that wanted to be a sigh or a laugh but could manage neither. He turned in her arms so that she had to look him in the eye as she spoke. The bloodshot glass of them seemed to dare her to paint him as a hero rather than the fool whose job was to open the door for the monster in the first place.
Said self-loathing found no ally in her gaze now any more than it had in the year before. This was old ground and Mina knew the terrain better than any of his demons did. Gratitude and guilt swam in his throat.
“I know what haunts you,” she pressed on, “because it is the same thing that haunts me. ‘What else could I have done? Why was I not canny or quick or strong enough to do it?’ The answer to both, the answer that helped dislodge so much of my own poison dreams, was Dracula. A centuries-old monster holding all the cards, all the secrets, all the little tells and aids that might have unmade him sooner. He was superstition itself, hiding behind the guise of declaring his reality impossible. Even when you had the spade in your hand, ready to end him on instinct well before you knew what damage it could truly do, he had a trick to play in his freezing basilisk gaze. God knows poor Renfield suffered under its power. Between this and the swarm of his men coming to take the boxes—and even the elements which conspired to slam shut all sane exits from the fortress—you should have been doomed.
“You should have been left trapped in that stone box with his thirsty housemates, waiting on death at dusk and undeath forever after. That was his plan. That was what should have sealed his victory. Yet you made it out, darling. You and your journal and all the blessed knowledge that helped us draw the noose about him before he could swallow England itself and who knows how much more of the world from there. Don’t you see it?” Her hands had moved up to the cool sides of his face, trapping it in the small heat of her palms. “Any other man sent in your place, he would have been dead or worse and Dracula would have carried on unimpeded. He was always going to inflict himself on the people beyond his mountains. But you ruined it for him. That first vital flaw. And his last, with your steel in his throat.”
Her hands pulled him down until his lips were level with hers.
“You did not cause his evil. You and Quincey put it to an end. He cannot do anything more to you, to me, to anyone else. And I will tell you so a thousand times more until the spiteful traitor of your imagination gives up on spinning nightmares that insist otherwise. Alright?”
In answer, he pressed his mouth into the place it always fit upon hers.
In bed, he fought sleep until he couldn’t.
In the latest hours of night, he woke to his screams being stifled against Mina’s breast, her hands holding and stroking in their accustomed routes on his head and back, hushing and murmuring the memorized coos that always fished him shaking and sweating from the pit of his mind.
In the earliest hours of morning, when she had drifted thinly back into sleep, he took himself to the study to fall into his own narrow wisp of slumber. Frail but bottomless hours too deep to produce a dream. These were all he could rely on for rest.
In daylight, he and she called upon Van Helsing who sent his letter to Prof. Wilson the same day.
 18 April— All’s been arranged.
Hawkins and Harker will do without me from the 27th of April to the 10th of May. Even if Miss Penclosa cannot make the progress we hope for, Mina and I shall at least have leave to take in some quieter respite. Tuppeton sounds like one of those blessed towns on the edge between the congested bustle of true a city and the idyllic softness of a village. It is stately enough to produce a potent university, and that usually comes with an array of good distractions for students and faculty alike. I hope there are at least fine views to collect. Mina talks of seeking out a photographer’s shop and taking home a camera of our own for a souvenir. It's a nice thought and a genuine one, though my mind is addled enough that I think I can scent an underlying motive.
She wishes to steer me back into the cheer that was my wont before the whole mess. I’m certain she misses the Jonathan Harker who could fall in love with a vista for hours as surely as he’d be enthralled by the stories on a stage. He still exists, I think, but he is so much diminished under the weight of this shock-haired usurper that he’s smothered whenever Mina or a friend is not there to look for him. I want so badly for him to take back the throne from me even when I am alone.
God, let him have his life again. His days and his nights of peace. Let me fall asleep and never wake again, so that he can give joy and be joyous without so much creaking effort. I am still the frightened and frightening Thing that crawled out of the castle and hunted a man-shaped monster like a rabid hound. But even with my task fulfilled, Jonathan Harker has not come home, has not awoken, and so I am left to pantomime him in such a shabby manner.    
Ten days, ten days. That is all that’s left until we see if Mina has longer to wait for the husband she deserves. It feels so long.
Now she calls and it is time to leave you. Art is taking us all upon a theatre spree for all the good shows we can find before the week is out. There will even be an illusionist or two in the mix.
Perhaps if they impress enough, I will dream them into the next nightmare and all the fiends within can disappear into their hat.
 19 April— Nightmares again. As I only pretended to predict, they were given a new tint by the aftermath of last night’s visit to the stage. It featured one of the illusionists; pardon, a magician. He had some fairly stunning acts to do with vanishing assistants and volunteers, making impossible items appear in impossible places and the like. For the larger part of the show, we found ourselves most grateful to have a box, courtesy of Art. Mina and I have suffered a performance too many that was cramped by hecklers and snorers in adjoining seats.
And yet I might have been grateful for a snide skeptic nattering about how it was all a hoax when it came time for the hypnotism act. I should not have been as surprised, and certainly not as anxious, when I saw the performance. The poster outside was one of those garish sorts with pinwheel eyes and floundering hands that parody the far more mundane mesmeric passes employed in less theatric backdrops. Still, even knowing what I myself am planning to request in a week’s time, even believing that it was likely to all be staged, I felt a sickly tightness in my chest and ice turned over in my stomach.
Though I flatter myself that I gave nothing away to the others, Mina kept trying to catch my eye throughout, as though she could hear my thoughts pacing their frantic circles. I only met her gaze when the act took its turn from the humorous to the frightful.
The first subject, a stout man near the front, was the comic setup. Chosen because, as the magician insisted, he had read the man enough to know he was a skeptic. Perhaps even impenetrable to hypnotic suggestion! Would he like the chance to throw a sour note in the performance by being proof positive of the man being a shameless fraud? Yes? Then do come up, sir, and if he fails, the man shall have his refund for the trouble.
The stout man was put under a trance. We saw his face go from set in its aggression and smugness to a laxness deeper than mere boredom. The magician set him up with the command:
“What will you do if I ask something of you now?”
“Anything,” said the stout man.
“Do you know any songs? We are lacking for music here.”
The stout man’s first response was a nursery rhyme. He was ordered to sing it with gusto, and he did. Laughter from the audience. The magician silenced him.
“But that is too simple. Any man can sing, however poorly. Is there something you would not admit to the world for love or money, my friend?”
“There is.”
“Whisper it to me.”
The stout man whispered. The magician nodded, smiling.
“Very well. In a moment, I shall wake you from the trance. You will come to your senses assuming all you did was nod off out of boredom at my antics and rightly demand your refund once the show is up. You will return to your seat to wait out the show, baffled, again rightly, that all these fools in the audience would swallow this drivel when you just proved me a fraud. But then!” A look from him to the audience, conspirators all of us. “When you hear me say the word, ‘arachnid,’ you shall jolt up from your seat and shout out the secret at full volume. Hopefully with a better pitch than you butchered the poor Muffin Man with. Now, all of you,” addressing the audience again, “you are my assistants in this! Not a word or wink to give it away! I am trusting you!”
And so the stout man was roused from the trance and no one gave it away.
Then came the next half. One in which he paraded out his assistant, a girl who might have been young enough to be his daughter, shimmering and flouncing in her costume.
“Now,” said the magician, “my dear Angela here has been my accomplice in nigh every act you have seen on this stage. After this one, I fear there is a very fair chance she will quit me on the spot and leave me to slave over the finale solo.” Here he threw a simpering look down at Angela, “Oh, do say you won’t leave me, dear. You know that gawking lot out there in the rows frighten me terribly when I’m up here alone.”
“I shall have to think about it,” said Angela. “It all depends on what trick you mean to pull.”
“A dastardly one, I’m afraid. Quite insidious. But for a good cause!” After another minute or so of such patter, Angela inevitably consented to the hypnosis. Once under the trance, the magician turned again to conspire with we onlookers. “Now comes a secret about the fair maiden for you, ladies and gentlemen, one that I am certain a good deal of you poor girls can claim ownership of yourselves. Not a small amount of the fellows either. Miss Angela has quite a monstrous fear…” Here the magician lifted his hat off his head. There were a number of squeals, shrieks, and choked curses in the audience as something huge and spindly clambered down over his forehead. “…of spiders.”
The magician scooped the crawling thing off his face, frowned, then shook his hat over his open hand until another spider fell out. A third. A fourth. His whole sleeve was moving with the creatures.
“Ah, I see a few of you turning colors out there. There’s one poor gent getting fanned by his wife in the back row, I believe. But fear not! These little friends of mine are quite tame. There are precious few spiders whose bite can do the human body real damage. And yet, like so many of you, poor Angela cannot bear the sight of them!”
This he said as he dropped the first of the spiders upon her half-bare shoulder.
“If she sees so much as a bundle of thread on the ground, she takes off running, lest it get up and crawl after her.”
Every spider was delivered from him to her. All the while Angela stood in place, staring vacantly as they crept along her arms, her neck, her face, her hair.
“Which is a shame. Spiders are vital to keeping the world around us free of worse pests. Frogs can hardly handle them all. We owe our very air to the creatures for trimming the numbers of flies and gnats and bloodsuckers. I do wish Angela would see the value in them and, more importantly, see firsthand how harmless they are to her person. Let us see if she will. In three, two, one…awake!”
Angela woke. Angela saw. Angela screamed.
This she did with such convincing terror that her pitch struck a vein of memory in me just as sharply as it did in Mina. It was of a very particular key, that shrieking. The sound of horrid realization piercing the ear and the heart with its unwanted knowledge. Here I finally met Mina’s gaze as our hands locked hard within the other. Again, conversation was had without a word.
Did she want to go? Did I want to go? Was she alright? Was I?
Yes and yes, no and no.
But we were both of us nailed down for our friends’ sake. Art would have paled to know our reaction to the show while Jack and Van Helsing would have many a padded word to spare as we were herded out like skittish toddlers. No, we sat and we smiled and both quite missed whatever it was the stout man wound up bellowing once the magician said his magic word buried in a sentence along the lines of, “You see how she squawks and flails? All this over an innocent introduction to the arachnid family.”
Whatever the stout man stood up and shouted was half-lost in Angela’s diminishing screams as she ran off stage and the hysteric laughter of the audience, goosed as they were into the respite of humor to wash away the eight-legged shock. Angela did come out to bow with him. There was no telling whether she was merely a fine actress or simply boxed in by circumstance, but she smiled and bowed easily enough. I hope it was an act.
But whether it was true or not, the whole scene followed me to bed.
I will not pour every detail here. Some cannot be remembered. Many I simply would rather not. But the whole of it occurred back in Castle Dracula. The castle was on a stage and the Count had me march out to sit across from him at his carved table. Magician and assistant.
“When I say write, you will write your letters with my lies. Write.” I did.
“When I say work, you will clear my way to England. Work.” I did.
“When I say bleed, you will provide my draught. Bleed.” I did.
And, even with his teeth sunk in my throat, I heard him speak again:
“When I say sleep, you will let me and mine play as we like. Sleep.”
The dream ended with my sleeping myself awake, the sound of a laughing audience in my ears. They sounded like the tinkling of glass. Hands far colder than my own swarmed and crawled on me like spiders. Somewhere, Mina screamed.
And then I was in bed.
Rather, on the armchair I had tried for my bed in the study. By pure luck it was not a wretched enough dream to end with my crying aloud. Otherwise, Mina or Mary would have been through the door and at my side, playing witness to my latest miserable display. Though misery is still very much present without witnesses. I hate to slink away from Mina’s side, but I cannot win even a scrap of rest without fatiguing myself half-dead, and even then I damage her sleep each night with my own failure. But I repeat myself.
I write this here only to rid myself of a feeling of another sort of repetition. A repeat sensation or seeming portent; the same which haunted me in the prelude to my arriving in Transylvania. My dreams were bruised with fear well before Dracula had me in hand. Flickers of demons and spirits that whirled and dragged me on. Similar phantasms shadowed me as I made my escape from the castle. None were vampires, strange enough, but those elder others who Dracula must have taken scraps from in the unhallowed hollow of the Scholomance.
There was something of that alien quality to this latest dream too. Something about the change in Dracula’s eyes, about the odd alteration of castle to stage to…I don’t know. If not a stage, then some manner of diorama? A dollhouse? Something one step removed from living theatre. Even as those cold familiar hands scrabbled on me at the end, I knew they were nothing compared to the phantom grip that held me by the bones and brain. The one that nodded and walked me along, jumping the vampire’s hoops. If he was that vampire. If any of them were. Their eyes were not red, I know. Such an odd thing to strike me in the midst of all that surrounded it. Why should it matter what tint their eyes were? Ruby or emerald, wine or absinthe. Yet this gnaws at me too and I can’t tell why.
The whole mess comes from the stain of the show and the kneejerk worry of the visit to come. All I have on my mind is ‘What if it does not work? What if it goes awry? What if, what if?’ My thoughts gnaw themselves to shreds. Enough.
It will work or it won’t.
That is all there is.
 The Tuppeton Journal, 29 April
 As spring rolls on and students hunker into their studies, all should be at its most sedate in our snug corner of Devon. But as of the night prior, it seems Tuppeton has reason to rise off its laurels and be on alert. This morning, the 29th of April, it was discovered that our own Bank of England had an unexpected visitor or visitors in the night. The bank’s groundskeeper, a Mr. Franklin Worth, spotted the signs first, though he tells our reporter that he first mistook it for mere animal vandalism.
“Tell the truth,” declared Worth, “I had a minute where I was madder than anything, seeing the windows like that. The sills had all just gotten a fresh coat of evergreen paint only the other day. Still damp and setting, not to be touched. My first thought was that I was looking at the work of some blasted cat or nightbird perching on the sill and ruining the job. Only when I got up close, I recognized the chips and grooves of someone working at the wood with a chisel.”
It was then that Worth contacted the bank manager who called upon the authorities. An inspection has since been made of the scene and an investigation is underway to trace the route of the suspected person or persons involved with the attempted break-in. Citizens are advised to be on watch for any suspicious activity in their area, to keep all lower windows and doors locked, and to please pass on to the police whatever applicable information they may have in the way of narrowing the search.  
  Prof. Wilson’s home was a charming brownstone box set back in a frame of trees all frothing with blossoms. These boughs were only slightly more crowded than the interior of the building. From the parlor on, there were many a scholarly shoulder and erudite elbow to dodge as, much to the host’s delight, his discovery’s legitimate successes had apparently drawn enough of a crowd to merit his second party within a month’s time.
“Though I do regret to say my initial partner in the examination of Miss Penclosa’s skill has, ah, found himself busy with other affairs,” Wilson could be heard lamenting at odd corners around the throng. “Even so, quite excellent progress has been made in our sessions. Ah, if only we had started sooner! My wife has been hiding a positive wonder under my nose all these years.”
From her own corners, Mrs. Wilson could be heard sighing in turn, “You know, when I hear other wives lament about how their husbands are only interested in other women, it’s usually something predictable. ‘Oh, he’s got a mistress! Oh, he’s sniffing after some well-to-do daughter! Oh, he’s eyeing my best friend!’ While I can at least somewhat identify with the latter, how am I to take this particular turn? ‘Well, he has not started an affair with her, but if he could run away and elope with the very concept of her mesmeric ability, he would be on the first train out of Devon.’ What am I to do with that?”
There was lilting laughter in answer to this and a general jostling murmur packing the space overall. Whoever Miss Penclosa was, wherever she was in the chattering sea, there was no guessing for Van Helsing or the Harkers. Her apparent throne-to-be, an overstuffed armchair standing apart from the couches, was currently vacant and aimed at by a harried photographer’s daguerreotype camera. The fellow was trying his best to focus the lens under the focusing cloth while also trying to protect his box of plates from tromping guests. It was such a packed scene that one stocky visitor gnawing a cigar nearly bowled the tripod over with a wave of his hand; a lecturer’s gesture that had the photographer turn white and green by turns as he rescued his device.
In the face of all this, Van Helsing turned an apologetic look to the couple.
“I had not realized Wilson meant to pack a country of academics under his roof. A few guests, he said in his letter, not a circus. If you should like to make good your escape, I can perhaps have him open the door to you another day, and say to him you are not yet—,”
“Professor Van Helsing!” Prof. Wilson seemed to manifest all at once from the herd, both hands trapping Van Helsing’s in his own to shake. “I recognize you from…well, there are very few published works of note I do not recognize you from. Oh, it is an absolute honor to have you here, my friend. And are these the guests you spoke of?”
He had asked the question before he looked fully at the Harkers, both of whom had taken a slight retreating step away. Mina, Jonathan saw, was perused only with an instant’s interest before being dismissed. But the man’s gaze froze and somehow stuttered upon looking at him. It was a reaction Jonathan had grown accustomed to upon that final return to England. Perhaps one time out of three, he would find himself being gawped at rather than simply seen or, in certain blushing cases, ogled. This one-in-three phenomenon was almost always a result of his own mistake in failing to school his demeanor.
A failing that always came when he seemed to recognize something of a deriding edge in any glance in his wife’s direction, as was the habit he saw mirrored anyplace where the fairer sex dared to loiter where men with titles of education milled.
A failing that likewise always guided his hand to rest on the kukri’s handle.
Yet Mina gripped his other hand and anchored him back. Jonathan duly reset his face into a more cordial mask and turned his pinching of the blade’s handle into a lax gesture. It did a little to return some pallor to the gawking professor’s face.
“They are my friends, yes,” Van Helsing interposed, stepping forward and seeming to half-herd Wilson back into the clutter of people. “They have some passing interest in these so-intriguing fields of the natural and the more-than-natural sciences. Their holiday overlapped handily with my visit and so here we are. But I am a greater glutton for introduction. Please, do show me to what others there are in our learned fields. I am thinking I recognize Professor Gregg, the great ethnologist, orating in the next room…”
Within a heartbeat, the Harkers were left to their devices as their friend tossed a look of mingled apology and desperation back over his shoulder.
En sotto voce, Mina murmured, “‘Run while you can, go on without me!’”
“He is truly a man of sacrifice. Let us make our escape toward the table.”
For the host had indeed opted for a table rather than subjecting servants to the obstacles of winnowing through the rooms with over-heaped platters. Jonathan’s reach was longer and so he filched a suitable sustenance of canapés and two full flutes for them both while Mina led the way to an unburdened divan. They tucked themselves in at the far end to nibble and sip and try not to catch the other checking the time. Both failed and this jabbed a little laugh from them.
“It is bit much, isn’t it?” Mina smiled over an expensive and dainty offering that lasted only a bite and a half.
“I foresee us having quite a wait before the party thins. If even a quarter of these people are here for Miss Penclosa to put on a show, we may as well be back in the theater for them all to gape in comfort. I can’t even guess which of these ladies might be her. You would think she would have the run of the room rather than Wilson.” Jonathan frowned at his flute. “He speaks so much of his discovery when the discovery is someone else’s talent. You’d think he personally excavated her out of some mystic vault on expedition.”
“For courtesy’s sake, we’ll say he’s just excited at having living evidence for his pursuits.” Mina regarded him from under her lashes, her hand finding his once again. “We are neither of us strangers to the joy of having ourselves proven right on outlandish realities, after all.”
“True. I don’t mean to throw stones. Only we also have our fair history with dodging the risks of spectacle. Whether done in earnest or not, I’d rather not approach this Penclosa with the toll of being made into an exhibition.”
“Of course not. We can wait until all’s clear. Though, truth be told, I’d rather we had a less congested space to do the waiting.” Jonathan leaned in as she dropped her voice to a whisper of illicit intent. “I smuggled in two books.”
Jonathan feigned a gasp.
“Anthology for me, one of the new world guide books for you. Found it at the station when your back was turned.”
“Mrs. Harker, the hedonism of it all. I am aghast.”
“We could be especially daring and read it in full view of the assembly, Mr. Harker. But I would just as soon be a coward and take our rudeness outdoors. It really is too fine a day to burn cramped inside.”
This change in mind, the Harkers signed to Van Helsing from across the room and made their exit to the rear yard. It was a handsome view and mercifully lacking for fellow escapees, not counting the woman reclining in a floral alcove set in the garden. Jonathan might have mistaken her for a true sculpture for how well and still she was placed against the arch of trained vines. A lady tipping near the midpoint of life, she sat with the subtle but knowing posture of wise women of myth. An oracle or a sage who had swapped her robes for a swaddling high-buttoned ensemble of faded green. There was a washed-out fragility in her look that likewise brought old dressmaker models and abandoned toys to mind, as though she were a cracked figure left too long in the whitening sun.
It was all a canvas to serve the shock of her eyes.
Though they remained half-closed, the great size, the sharp slant, and the surprise of their misty jade stood out with all the power of a single stained glass window set in an empty house.
That she did not look up, and that her chestnut brows were knitted in some far-off concentration, suggested she had either not noticed their intrusion on her solitude or else she had no attention to spare for the couple if she did. The Harkers took a stone bench for themselves on the other end of the yard and fell to their pages. Engrossed as both were, it was still a short matter of time before their tongues fell loose as was their constant custom at home or abroad.
Mina spoke of the ghosts and mysteries scrawled into being, Jonathan gushed over foreign panoramas made vivid with their painted reproductions. They spoke of where they wished to go in Tuppeton once the attempt with Penclosa was made, what sights there were to see, what activities to try. Again, the novelty of their own camera was brought up. The topic turned on its ear to what a boon a photographer would be to Hawkins and Harker, having pictures present with whatever file might be laid before a client on this or that estate. This slipped into talk of the latest models that Remington had put out, trying to lure her in through the shop windows in Exeter.
Talk of which turned another corner into news she had been sitting on a while, waiting until a more buoyant moment to talk about it.
What news was that? He was as buoyant as he was likely to be for the day.
She had had her work accepted! Twice! True, it was only a little cozy interview with a train engineer for a local paper here, and a smaller ghost story for one of the penny dreadfuls there, but still!
He mirrored her thrill and the thrill was reverberated back by her, and so the better part of an hour was spent in alternately hearing the details pour from her in a jubilant flood or, for his part, dropping a goading comment or query to make the deluge to continue. The sight and sound of her delight was worth a ticket price in his opinion and he felt no need to hinder himself from taking advantage of her glee to help himself to her arm to make them lean against each other and the sturdy fence at their back. Had there been space enough on the bench, he might even have tried his luck at wheedling her to mimic a pose from home with his head in her lap and her voice overhead. Lacking the opportunity, he settled for bending himself enough to rest his chin against her thick crown of hair.
In this way he did not quite slip into the trap of sleep, but permitted his eyes and mind to rest against her and the balmy day.
“See that, Daniels? Picture proof of my point. This modern age has got girls so backwards they can’t bring themselves to realize when their prattle isn’t wanted. Have to jaw a man’s ear off and the rest of him into the grave before they can catch on. You can hardly think for all the squawking that goes on in streets and parlors these days. This New Woman twaddle has gone and broken the sensible lock that keeps a woman’s gossip shut in with her tea parties and sewing circles. Soon they’ll come marching into campuses, Diogenes in a girdle, trying to talk over the greybeards mid-lesson. Wretched state we’re coming to, I tell you.”
Jonathan Harker’s eyes opened like slow shutters.
Though he felt both of Mina’s hands fly to his, neither their grip nor their warmth were enough to keep him from standing.
“Jonathan. It’s alright.”
“It isn’t.”
His words went to her, but his line of sight remained unblinking and unmoved from the two men who had come out with their cigars. The one who had spoken gave him an appraising look from under a bushy duo of iron brows while Daniels pretended to adjust his spectacles. Jonathan recognized him as the one who had nearly swatted the camera over indoors. He had moved to a new cigar since then. He raised a slate brow at him.
“Is there some issue, young man?”
“There is, I’m afraid. The severity depends on whether your affront was meant toward women as a whole, or if you intended to be overheard by, and explicitly insult, my wife.”
“Hardly an insult, young man.” His cigar pointed idly at the flax of Jonathan’s hair. “Assuming you are a young man. You’ve got a face like the greenest upstart in a class, but a mop whiter than my own teachers. I must assume youth for your ignorance or addled hearing on your part. No, there was no insult. Merely a statement of fact for our times. A woman’s voice is meant for women’s ears or a music hall if she’s got a good tune in her throat. That’s how it was in a better time. I know, for I was there to enjoy it. I cannot speak for you or whatever nonsense your girl’s been putting you to sleep with, but that is the simple truth.”
Jonathan shared a look with Mina—
We may have to leave early after all. I apologize in advance if this trip was for nothing.
—and gave her hands a squeeze.
Then he was closing the distance between himself and his fellow conversationalist. He did not sprint or stalk. It was an almost leisurely pace. Yet it was leaden in a way that, this time, was not a matter of accident. In the corner of his eye, he saw Daniels abruptly retreat back indoors. The speaker stood his ground. If half a pace nearer to the door. Perhaps two. This close, he could now see the long accessory at Jonathan’s hip.
“Do forgive me, sir,” Jonathan hummed. “It is most rude to carry on our chat at such a distance.”
“Ah, you are a young buck after all. You truly think a discussion can be won with a puffed chest and a weapon you cannot even brandish without consequence.”
“What weapon, sir? This is but my letter opener and we are only having a conversation. A debate, even. I have evidence for my own side, you know. I have lived it. The greatest bliss of my life came from the Mother Superior who saw over my wedding and from every day and night that I’ve been lucky enough to hear my wife’s voice. I see you wear a wedding band, sir, and must wonder whether you have a wife or a mute housekeeper you’ve chained to your side with an empty act of matrimony. I must also wonder if she is privy to your insights regarding her and her like. Or worse, does she talk, sir? Does she read words and say them in proximity to your poor tender ears? My deepest condolences if so.”
Jonathan would have closed the distance already had the other man not retreated up to the door and made a pretense of merely leaning near its knob.
“She has her business as I have mine. It’s the drift of husbands and wives as they get on. You cannot know it yet, for you’ve not a speck of tarnish on your own rings, but the hour of Romeo and Juliet rots fast to Macbeth and his Lady before you know it. The moment you face a real trial and see each other in all your ugly colors—oh, yes, there’s ugliness aplenty under even the bonniest faces, do count on it—the truth starts rusting all the shine off. You…”
But the last of the man’s words dried at the sight of Jonathan’s smile. Though Jonathan could not see it, he felt the familiar shape of it. He knew it as keenly as the fear in Daniels’ face as he scuttled back inside. That fear had been with him up in the snow of Transylvania as he closed in upon the wagon and its cargo in the earth-box. The smile had been with him far earlier, when they had first gotten word that the Count’s ship changed course to flee. He’d read Dr. Seward’s own words on that instant and puzzled at them once before.
The dark bitter smile of one who is without hope.
He hadn’t known he was smiling then. No more than he had properly registered the retreating terror of the men Dracula had ordered to convey him back to the castle. All he had known in the moment was that there was an evil in existence and that he wanted it gone. So it was now, albeit with more cognizance in play. He knew the awful smile was on him again just as the grotesque radiation that had chased a flock of men away was hanging about him.
“You would not know a trial if it slapped you in the face with a court summons,” he heard himself say. “I suspect you know even less of the point to a marriage. Whatever self-gratifying lies you choke on, a marriage is meant for partnership. For love. Not a business deal or a trap to have some warm body filling out the bed and keeping the house tidy while you turn around and complain about the very person you chose to bind yourself to. Even so, I know the perfect woman does exist for you and your wise taste. To meet her, go to any dress shop on the street, pick out a mannequin, and you shall have the ideal mistress ever after.”
Mina’s hand was on his arm. Jonathan turned to her. In the same instant, the man with the cigar tapped the neglected ash off its end and sidled hastily inside where he nearly collided with Daniels and two other onlookers crowded at the door’s ornate window. Through the gap there was some muttering in a worried tone and more muttering in a lilt that was curiosity pretending to be worry, then the door was shut. Jonathan swallowed a sigh and felt a belated rush of heat come to his face.
“Well. I do believe I’ve soured things quite thoroughly.”
“You don’t know that.” Her free palm floated up to his cheek. “Though you did worry me. You weren’t really about to come to blows over so petty a thing, I know. But why..?” She indicated the whole of the last few minutes with her eyes alone. In answer, Jonathan let something of fire and ice turn over in his own look. He boxed both her hands in his own, siphoning out their warmth as she gripped their cold.
“We did not risk Hell itself and battle its horrors just for mundane villains to get their unctuous way because it would be impolite to counter their rudeness with barbs rather than a turned cheek. I do not doubt that I survived as much as I did by dancing on eggshells at the start, nor do I regret the opportunity it gave me. But that was merely my risk then. More, by doing the ‘proper thing’ and leaving you wholly sealed off from our affairs and vice versa, you were left alone in the dark when—those nights when…”
“I know. We have gone over that.”
“Yes. But what all has been learned from it? Circumstances made it prudent for us to condense ourselves to be the least obtrusive, most benign caricatures of ourselves all our lives. Childhoods of charity and scraps and always bowing to what we were told was proper. Rules we did not dare break for fear of being burdensome. Rules that nearly destroyed us when powers that reigned outside those civilized borders used them as a noose. We would not have succeeded in the end if we had sat and waited and nodded our heads to what was proper start to finish. So it is even within these softer aggravations. Even if it wasn’t? I am not about to let any wretch, however great or small, take their venomous shots at you while I sit by.”
At this, Mina could not withhold her own small sigh. No more than she could resist resting her brow against his front.
“Ever my knight.”
He spoke down into her hair.
“You were mine first. And I admit you remain the cannier of us two cavaliers. I don’t foresee a warm welcome once the man goes flying to Wilson’s ear.”
“We aren’t here for Wilson. We might still approach Penclosa, whoever she is. And Van Helsing will surely take your side if it comes to pointing fingers. In any case, Miss Penclosa is the star of the show. It would be quite something if he suffered a supposed friend like that to insult her sex while coming to see her work.”
Jonathan almost replied, but a voice cut across the garden in a mellow tone.
“Supposing he was not already a skeptic of her, dear. The only members of an audience who are more adamant onlookers than admirers are hecklers.”
Both Harkers jumped as if pricked and whirled to spot the woman still sitting in her flowering alcove. Whatever musing concentration she had been steeped in was thoroughly broken, with all the light and life of her now consolidated in the great gems of her eyes. Jonathan found he could not avoid comparing them to that of some hungry housecat spotting a plump mouse. Nor could he avoid how wholly that gaze seemed to be latched onto him. He worried for a moment that he might have tripped himself and Mina into the verbal pit of a sermon. Sedate though much of her mien was, there was enough of time and gravity about her that suggested the potential of a tongue lashing similar to Mina’s more caustic fellow-teachers of etiquette.
Yet the woman allowed herself her own contrite smile and fluttered her hand as if to swat away Jonathan’s suspicions.
“Forgive my playing eavesdropper, both of you. Only, your show has been the most engaging part of my day since this latest pageantry began. I am only here for duty’s sake and could not suffer the crush in there any longer than you. Yet it seems the rabble have tried to leak out after us.” Her smile increased the smallest increment. “It is a most heartening thing to see it properly chased back from whence it came…did I mishear ‘Jonathan?’”
“You heard right, madam.”
“Alas, no madams on this side of the yard,” she lifted her left hand, barren of a band. “You may call me Helen, Jonathan. And you, dear?”
“Engaged or wedded already?”
“Wedded,” she allowed her own plain band to flaunt its small shine against a sunbeam. “Fortunately.”
Helen smiled at this too and nodded, “Most fortunately. Whether that carbuncle of a lecturer wants to admit it or not, yours is the treasured status over any tawdry sham he’s trapped his poor wife into. I would wager even his mistresses must suffer, should he have them. Although, and I do apologize for prying, may I inquire if there was some manner of unhappy shadow in your lives of late that might want for hypnotic aid? If such is your case, I am certain you shall have your way regardless of any stamping of feet from your new friend.”
The Harkers regarded each other cautiously for a moment. Mina flung her message up into him as he passed his gingerly back. This had become something of a routine for them. While Jonathan had taken the lion’s share of shock on his head, even Mina had some threads of early silver cutting through the dark cloud of her hair, and there were times when one or both of them let slip a trace of the haunted months in their eyes.
Something had happened to the Harkers.
Something had left its mark on them.
In answer to inquiries, the Harkers always scraped only the top crust of truth off the larger story and repackaged it as the tale in full.
Thus they came to sit on Helen’s stone bench, for it was wide and she had beckoned them, and husband and wife held to each other as they recited the meticulously vague trials of the year before.
First, Jonathan had been struck with a terrible accident while on a business trip in Europe. The sort of accident that comes shaped like powerful persons with dark designs. He had scarcely escaped it, and had to do so while stripped of his property and papers.
Second, when he finally made it to civilization, half-dead and boiling with fever in a hospital, Mina had fetched him home and nursed him back from the brink. This should have been the whole of it.
But then, third, Fate had gone and afflicted Mina herself with a far more dire illness that had put her at the very knife’s edge of life and death. Jonathan had championed her then, and had his turn to pull her back to health. This, coupled with a long chain of morbid tragedies that saw too many friends going into their graves around the same time, had stained them over the course of only a few months.
“It was more than enough to weigh upon our minds for some time after,” Mina allowed. “Neither of us slept well even after the worst hours had passed. Yet Providence has taken a kinder turn with me, it seems. I have gotten past my nightmares and can allow myself simple dreams or wholly blank nights. But Jonathan…” Her lips pursed around the truth.
“I do not fall asleep anymore,” Jonathan said to the ground between his shoes more than either of his listeners. “I fall into nightmares, wake in terror, and then, when exhaustion grows too heavy to fight, my mind allows me to black out. It is a poor enough state on its own, but worse for forcing my bedmate to return to the drudgery of playing caretaker over some imagined—,”
“Stop,” Mina cut in. “You know that isn’t fair.”
“Nor is it a lie.”
“And your aim,” Helen hummed, “is to undo these nightmares? Have them banished by mesmerism?” Her eyes seemed nigh illuminated at the prospect. “It would be a trying attempt, even for a practiced hypnotist. One who practices in the ordinary manner, at any rate.”
“Does Miss Penclosa not operate in the ordinary manner?” Mina asked.
“No.” Helen’s smile at last showed teeth and a stray sunbeam fell in such a way on her eyes that they seemed to burn away half her face with their vibrance. “Not at all. I have seen many hypnotists make their attempts.” She fussed with the high collar of her dress, kneading at it as though it chafed. “Some are quite impressive. But none so far have shown the method or the ability that Professor Wilson has been so dedicated to making a display of. If it were otherwise, he would only have yet another lookalike act to be shrugged aside by his peers. I know firsthand that the ‘Performances of Penclosa,’ as I have seen him titling his observations, are undertaken with a method quite alien to anything else he or his peers have witnessed before. The how of it seems lost even upon the performer. All that’s known is that it is strange, but undeniably effective.”
“You sound as if you’ve witnessed her before.”
“I have. I can attest to her ability and character enough to say that, regardless of any opinion of Wilson’s or his poor choice of compatriots, she will undoubtedly be of a mind to assist how she can. Now, might I ask another question of you both?” Despite the last word, her gaze slipped pointedly to Jonathan and the watchchain glinting at his side. “How near are we to noon? I can tell the pitch of their clamor inside has changed and so it must be nearly time for the spectacle.”
Jonathan checked his watch and saw it was ten past twelve. As they all moved to rise, Helen sighed. Jonathan saw her craning around on her spot, frowning at a cluster of roses.
“What is it?”
“Oh, my crutch. I set it by me here and it fell back in the rosebushes.”
She had scarcely got past the third syllable before Jonathan had circled around to fish the thing out of the thorns. It was a striking piece fashioned from a well-worn length of oak. Though Helen took it in hand easily enough, he let her have his arm as a brace when she got to her feet. It took her a moment to actually release his sleeve, and then only because Mina gathered his other arm. Helen made a small noise close to a laugh.
“Goodness, but you are a sturdy one. Between your bearing and your choice of accessory,” she nodded to the kukri, “a charlatan clairvoyant would feign that they ‘read’ you as an ex-soldier. As I am neither, I must instead determine that you are a solicitor by trade and that you operate out of Exeter.”
That brought Jonathan and Mina both up short.
“You determined that from my arm?”
“From your seat. Rather, what you left there.” Helen pointed them back to the bench where Jonathan’s card case sat open on the stone. As Mina gathered it up and Jonathan set it more securely within a front pocket, Helen went on, “Before we head into the noise, a last question: Do you also live within the Exeter area? If so, I should like to know your judgment on the city and available living quarters in the area. I believe I am overdue to seek out new housing.”
“We can both vouch for it being something of a busy city, but it has its comfortable corners. In the event Mina and I get herded out the front door as soon as we enter the back,” he handed Helen one of the cards from his rescued case, “I should be happy to have you call on Hawkins and Harker to see about quarters in the area.”  
“If I may ask, for I cannot guess it by your arm or your card, are you in the firm’s employ, or are you the Hawkins or the Harker in the title?”
“Harker,” Jonathan admitted.
“A pleasure then, Mr. and Mrs. Harker.” She favored them with a last flash of her half-lidded stare before she turned them all toward the door. “I do hope we all enjoy the show.”
 Inside, a number of guesses were quickly proven right.
Jonathan’s new friend and some comrades gave him furrowed sideways glances. Daniels, seeing Jonathan see them, appeared to stutter some excuse before vanishing into another room. Others, clearly ticking off the minutes until Penclosa would appear to astound or confound, followed first this retreat, then the line of sight that had sent him running. Jonathan wished he had his hat to duck behind. Doubly so when his new friend—he decided to refer to him as Professor Carbuncle, lacking a better title—and his friends murmured their own asides to the gawkers. He pondered keeping his watch out to see how many minutes there would be between himself, Mina, and the hailing of a cab.
Before he could do so, Van Helsing filled the couple’s view, looking very much like a man trying his best not to look like a castaway frantic for an island to clamber on. His smile very nearly groaned with the effort to stay in place.
“My friends, I would risk many things for you. Life and death and worse. Yet if I must battle with Wilson’s voice another hour by my own self, I fear I shall try to do as good Jonathan did in time of action and make my exit by the nearest window. Have either of you seen this Miss Penclosa? Wilson only departed from me and my ears because Mrs. Wilson could not herself find the lady in the crowd.”
���Not yet—,” Mina began, but cut herself short when Helen laid a light hand against her shoulder.
“I’m afraid I lost track of time,” Helen said through a slight smile.
“Ah, then you are that Miss Penclosa? A pleasure to meet you,” he clasped her hand gently with a half-bow of the head.
“Professor Van Helsing.”
“If you are a friend of the Harkers, then I will trust at once that you are of a fine character, sir. I do apologize for keeping them away. Please, might you tell me where I can find my poor Wilsons?” Van Helsing pointed the way, offering to take her arm to better break through the throng. Helen, Miss Penclosa, declined. She followed her crutch into the fray with ease. The Harkers could only stare after her.
Once her back vanished in the crowd, they divulged all that had happened in the garden to Van Helsing, starting from Prof. Carbuncle to meeting Miss Helen Penclosa on her bench. As they spoke, Jonathan spotted Prof. Carbuncle striding towards Prof. Wilson’s bobbing head as the latter entered to the room, now thoroughly incandescent with enthusiasm. This visage redoubled its glow when Prof. Carbuncle came upon him, though the cigar-gnawing man’s expression seemed to aim for stormy while landing only on puckered. Carbuncle seemed no match for Wilson’s patter either, for whatever words he had for the other man seemed drowned in a flood of exhilaration.
The hand Carbuncle had lifted to point Jonathan and Mina out was trapped in an instant as the gesture was mistaken—perhaps forcibly—for an agreeing handshake. Then Prof. Wilson must have gotten something out that caught Prof. Carbuncle’s interest more than revenge. His expression altered in a way that suggested not only doubt, but an eagerness to have that doubt proven right. Something near to a smile appeared on him as he gave Wilson a curt shake of the hand. The cool countenance was fractured a bit when Wilson abruptly turned to the parlor to announce:
“Attention my friends! I thank you for your patience. We have delayed some while in the hopes of not shorting any of the invited guests by beginning the display too soon. As it stands, it appears all are present and my guest and friend, the inimitable Miss Helen Penclosa, can now rescue you from my stalling.”
Miss Helen Penclosa made her official debut to general applause and a smattering of surprise as the room opened up to see her clearly. She had taken a spot on the overstuffed armchair with her crutch standing to one side. A soft smile turned to the guests.
“Hello. I must say I recognize very few of you this time around. The last get-together Professor Wilson was kind enough to throw had only a third the number. I must then assume that the two new thirds are comprised of one third those with some belief in what I mean to display and one third looking to pull down whatever mental chicanery is surely at work. The better to spare the latter’s time and get on to those here with genuine questions or desire to volunteer in earnest, I have submitted to Wilson that I should like to make my first demonstration upon one of the sincerest disbelievers present.”
The foggy green eyes slid unblinkingly to Prof. Carbuncle. There was a new cigar in his teeth and a sharkish bend to his lips.
“Professor Richard Atherton has obliged to fill the role. My thanks, sir.”
“You’ve mine back, madam,” Carbuncle, who was Atherton, spoke through his smoke. “How is it done, then? Do you need a pocket watch to swing before my eyes? Shall we have a staring contest until I’m dulled to sleep?”
“Not at all. Merely take your seat and we will begin.”
Penclosa nodded to the chair Wilson himself had dragged up to stand across from her own. Atherton took it with a laborious settling that suggested the showing of immense patience to amuse unruly children. As he sat, Penclosa stood. She did not make use of her crutch. Whatever injured wobble she might have in her faulty leg seemed to undo itself as she rose. Later, both Harkers and Van Helsing would agree that it looked almost as if her eyes were their own empowering force; as though they were what drew her up like a string raising a marionette. Her gaze certainly seemed to pump some notable new life into her tired countenance.
All watched as her look set into that uniquely feline expression of an animal centering its attention on an oblivious bird. Her arms raised and gestured in a series of swings and shapes that appeared almost like those of directing signals. It had none of the gentle sway of hands from an experimenting doctor or the theatric waggling from a stage performer. More than one witness would point out how very near it came to something ritualistic; the sort of motions seen in rites of religions or archaic dance.
Whatever their purpose, the motions and Penclosa’s stare had an effect on Prof. Atherton. A remarkably brisk one. His apparent confederates in the crowd seemed to take this for some act at first. Likely playing dim from the outset only to spring up and call the woman a fraud. And perhaps this had been Atherton’s goal as he took his seat. Yet as one minute ticked into another and into another, the man’s face seemed to become unstitched from within. Expression slackened, eyes glazed. The still-smoking cigar drooped in his teeth until it finally dropped and fell in his lap, flinging ash as it went. Thankfully it was no longer smoldering; he had stopped puffing on it some while ago and the thing did not have heat enough left to burn through his trousers.
Still, he did not startle at the drop. Nor did his hand move to clear his lap. Penclosa stopped her arms but still did not blink. She regarded the half-murmuring room, then silenced it by holding her finger to her lips. Once all was quiet, she turned her full attention back to Atherton’s drooping head. It was not the look of a woman or a cat now. Here was a high empress idling over the means of an execution.
She folded her hands before her and smiled.
“Professor Atherton, I have wonderful news. The hypnotism failed. Attempts were tried for hours and all the guests have left. You are free to speak honestly without fear of eavesdroppers.”
Atherton’s head raised an inch and something of his former expression drifted back into his face. He grated out a chuckle.
“Knew it,” he said in a dreaming voice. “Knew that crippled crone was all talk. All Wilson’s talk, anyhow. By next year the fool will be clamoring about some tart with a crystal ball and a deck of cards claiming she’s the next Oracle. Where’s my cigar?”
“A new box is being fetched. While we wait, let us talk. First, the crippled crone. How old would she say she is, at a guess?”
“Damned if I know. Has to be half-past forty.”
“And yourself?”
“Fifty-six as of last month.”
“And your wife?”
“Forty-one, alas.”
“And your mistress?”
“An even twenty-two. A springy dear, she is.”
“I imagine she must be. Is she at the party?”
“Lord, no. Nor the missus. One of her few virtues, not having any care for twaddle like mesmerists or spiritualism. Pity about the rest.”
“What is the rest?”
“The face, the gray, the days out with those harpy friends she meets with to talk about that American woman, that Bascom with her degree in bloody rocks and—,”
“I see. And this mistress, what is she like?”
“Blessedly quiet. A fine change of pace and a finer help in a man’s odds and ends. Good enough girl, though I fear it may be near time to break things off.”
“Why is that?”
“She’s been acting squirrely in that way women do when they’re working up to simper for something big. Money, a wedding ring, your solemn oath you’ll stay for the baby. Some headache or other. I do hate stepping away while things are sour. Better to cut things while they’re still sweet and she won’t think to get up to anything foolish.”
“Like telling your wife?”
“The wife scarcely matters. It’s telling the university that’d pull the rug out. Just look at that mess with Professor Gilroy. Ha, ex-professor, I should say. That debacle shows well enough how quick a position can be cut out from under your feet. I’d bet money he got hit by some brain bug or other, some undiagnosed fever, but just a few days of him playing eccentric killed his station. If little Ellie Daniels goes tattling it’ll be my position on the fire just for starters.”
Somewhere in the back of the room, a man’s voice drew sharp breath. Other voices muttered and shushed. There was a scuffle and rustle as someone was held back. Penclosa showed no sign of whether she noticed or cared about what colors the man named Daniels was turning and pressed on:
“That does sound serious.”
“Between her brother and the state of affairs with the soft-hearted and softer-minded infecting the realm of logic, it is infinitely serious. I tell you, it would not be half so precarious if it were not for all this New Woman claptrap infecting the mentality of our times. The next generation of men will live their lives bowing to every little infantile fancy of women and go hollering around on their behalf to intellectual betters, wailing the same tunes of false equality.”
“Most distressing. But that all sounds quite vague, if you don’t mind my saying. Mere hypotheticals all. Can you think of any recent example of such a thing?”
“Oh, yes. Not half an hour ago, as a matter of fact.”
“Goodness. What happened?”
“Some pup wrapped around his wife’s finger felt the need to come puff his chest at me over a little idle comment or other—,”
“Stop.” Atherton stopped like a cylinder plucked from its phonograph. “To this point, you have spoken as if there are no witnesses. You may continue to do so, Professor Atherton, but now you will do so without bluff or obfuscation. You will speak only the truth aloud until I tell you to wake. Tell me if you understand.”
“I understand.”
“Good. Now, to the best of your ability, repeat exactly what you said when you stepped out the back door into the garden.”
Professor Atherton repeated what he had brayed to Daniels, nigh verbatim.
“Why did you say so?”
“Because it’s true.”
 “Why did you say so right then?”
“Because of the girl nattering to her young man. I wanted her to hear. It heartens me to see them caught out of line. Especially the young ones. You have to nip them while they’re young and sponge-headed and susceptible to all the rubbish that wants to mold them out of what they ought to be.”
“And what ought they be?”
“In their place. Otherwise you get things like her husband.”
“And what thing was her husband?”
“Some—some tetchy little Prince Charming, huffing about insulting women and his wife and whatnot when I was just—just—,”
Atherton was turning somewhat purplish.
“You are struggling, Professor Atherton. That’s you trying to shake off the command for honesty. Tell the truth about her husband and you’ll be fine.”
The man seemed to chew his words another moment. Then, finally:
“The truth is he scared me. Truly, properly scared me, getting as close as he did. It wasn’t just the blade on his hip either. There was something wrong about him. Meeting his eye made my bowels turn to jelly. I felt certain he could hurl me against the brick like a porcelain doll hard enough to break me like one. Like he could take my head off like you’d pop a daisy from its stem and that he was considering doing just that, with or without that massive bloody Gurkha knife. That moment was the closest I’ve come to soiling myself since I was six years old. If his wife hadn’t made him look away, I don’t know that I wouldn’t have still been standing there, soaking my trousers because I couldn’t unhook myself from those awful eyes and all the black promises they were making.
“But he did look away and I got inside, thank God. He’d not lay a hand on me before witnesses. Certainly not in front of ones of actual importance versus the girl holding his tether, anyway. I have to talk to Wilson about him when I have the chance. If I can get a name out of him, I can see about seeking some proper recompense later. At the very least I can see the snow-headed bastard and his keeper are tossed out. I took him for some sort of young officer. Perhaps I can nettle things higher up his ranks.”
Penclosa nodded coolly at this. It was the first time she bothered to spare a glance for anyone other than Atherton, glancing first in the direction of Professor and Mrs. Wilson who had been turning alternate shades of cherry and chalk throughout, then at the Harkers. At Jonathan. For the moment he was bookended by both Mina’s grasp and Van Helsing’s heavy hand at his arm. Whether this was to support or halt him, he couldn’t guess, but he was grateful that they provided some small insulation between himself and the increasing number of inquisitive eyes steering his way. He now ached for a hat to hide under and an overcoat to mask the scabbard.
He felt fires burning inside his face as murmuring rose on their side, on the Wilsons’, and on the irate Daniels’. It was the sound of an intrigued audience before a stage play rather than a scientific demonstration. Jonathan could see there had even been a refilling of glasses and a fetching of concessions from the table as the show went on. Penclosa seemed to note this as well, finally retreating from her looming stance and retreating to her armchair.
“This has all been very enlightening, Professor Atherton. I give my thanks for your being so candid. Your last instruction is this: If or when news of these revelations leak out of this room and reach ears ‘of importance’ in your campus’ alumni—those few which are not already present—and you are called to elaborate on the features of it all?” Her eyes flashed like dim jade and her next words carried the intonation of a tolling bell. “You will tell the whole truth without any withholding, any muddying, any twisting of narrative for your benefit. Do you understand?”
“I understand.”
“Good.” She snaked out one hand to grasp the crutch. This she lifted just high enough so that it would make a resounding crack as she struck the floor. “Awake!”
Prof. Richard Atherton blinked blearily for a moment, like a man swimming out of a thick sleep. In the next moment, consciousness snapped fully into him as his teeth clicked shut. This confused him for a moment. Then:
“Damn! My trousers.” He snatched up the cigar and wiped at the ashes. “I will give you some credit, madam, for at least getting me halfway to the so-called mesmeric sleep. Or sleep alone, anyway. Though I’m afraid you’ve got your first poor mark for the hypnotist act. You may yet find a niche as an in-person sedative, however. There’s a number of colicky babes in the world who could use a nanny with that trick. You could…” Atherton was on his feet now and finally aware of the sharp looks thrown his way by the group at large, as well as the downright acidic glare coming from Daniels. Even Prof. Wilson, who had kept his notebook out and open, was scratching at the pages with a significantly strained shade of enthusiasm. “For God’s sake, what is it? Don’t tell me she actually got anything out of me. What, did she have me butcher a tune? Insult someone’s mother?”
“Ellie.” All heads turned to Daniels. Narrow man that he was, he seemed to quiver like a livid tuning fork. “My baby sister, Eleanor, has spent the last year and a half dancing around the name of a scholar she claims to be smitten with. One she has admitted to playing both secretary and editor to for numerous manuscripts; such that she has practically been penning the things herself. Our family has assumed it was just some unscrupulous student or other taking advantage and have tried numerous times to have her divulge the young man’s name or to break it off, to no avail. But it occurs to me that it has been roughly as long since you started crowing about what a loss it is to the modern man that he cannot flaunt a mistress with impunity, what with the advent of divorce gaining its little toeholds in the world of marriage. Adultery is no longer a sport, but a vice, you’ve said. You wouldn’t happen to be sharing that vice with little Ellie, would you, Dick?”
Prof. Richard Atherton suddenly lost all pallor under his beard. Something near to epiphany seemed to bring a hint of color back to him as he registered the mass of disapproving stares before turning wholly to Miss Penclosa in her chair. A glass of claret stood on the same end table she’d rested her crutch on. She met his gaze placidly as she lifted the wine for a small sip.
What came next was as paradoxically abrupt as endless.
Revelation had come to Atherton in the way of colliding dominoes. Daniels and little Ellie, the horde of glowering fellow faculty and distant strangers, witnesses all to some bleak secrets he could not appear to recall. Was it just the mistress he had spoken of? More? Whatever was said, it had even the men who’d been his allies a quarter of an hour ago either turning away from him or glaring at him with such disgust he might have rolled himself in sewage. Things had been said. Damning things. Worst of all, it would be speculated, was that he had said things he did not recall. He had been mesmerized and the whole of it had been erased from his memory as neatly as chalk lessons rubbed off the board.
He had been made a fool and he had done it to himself.
Because of her.
The docilely gloating little figure sat by her crutch.
Later it would come out from his former friends that he had, in fact, gotten a drink too many in him beforehand. He was many things by nature, but violent was rarely one of them. Not without a pond’s worth of inebriation in him. If not an excuse, it was a reason for what he attempted to do there in plain view of the parlor. He was the nearest body to Penclosa, after all, in that snug gap between the armchairs. It was quick work for him to dart forward, snatch up the sturdy length of oak, and raise it above his head with the heavy end aimed squarely at Miss Penclosa’s head.
It happened too fast for gasps, for shouts, for reaching hands, for jolts, for steps. Too fast even for Penclosa to do more than widen her bottomless eyes in shock.
The crutch came down—
—and lost half of itself on the thick nap of the rug. Atherton made a high strangled sound like that of a boy a third his age yelping over a twisted ankle. Something was twisting, but it was a higher limb. One that dropped the remaining half a crutch as his forearm shrieked in Jonathan’s left hand. Jonathan’s right still held the bared kukri while his eyes held Atherton’s attention. Some would remark, in varying states of hyperbole, how suddenly cold they had felt in the white-haired fellow’s presence. A man of ice freezing the churlish other in place.
A whiff of ammonia hit the air. What Atherton had avoided since the age of six now went trickling down his leg.
“I think, Professor Atherton,” Van Helsing’s voice broke gently in, “it is wise for you to apologize to Miss Helen Penclosa, and then to sit in the foyer until police come to have their words with you.”
“To hell with the police,” Daniels grated out. “I’ll pay you a pound to give him a new elbow, Officer.”
Jonathan released a small breath and eased his grip enough to keep from fracturing the other man’s wrist.
“I’m not—,”  
All parties within the odd tableau were alerted by a tell-tale sound to the westward side of the room. The soft capping of a lens and the scrape-slide of a plate being taken out of a daguerreotype camera.
“Oh, don’t mind me,” sang the photographer as he stowed the old plate and prepped the new. The sun seemed to be shining through an otherwise nebbish grin. “Just need to reload, is all. Glad I packed double.”
Atherton seemed to choke on either an abundance or an utter deficit of words at this. He looked for all the world like a body waiting for the final beat of a bad dream to finally dump him awake and free in his bed. Instead, a small entourage of guests, Van Helsing included, guided him away. First to the toilet, then the suggested foyer. Prof. Wilson had already passed along to the first servant he could get hold of to send for a smattering of authorities. If not for an arrest, then for the inevitable explosion of circulated word that would ensue after. Mrs. Wilson had flown to Miss Penclosa’s side in the meantime, gushing apology and worry at such a rate that she appeared nearly to skip her breath.
 “I’m fine, Gloria, truly. It was all far too quick for a proper scare. Rather, our friend was.” Penclosa had to look down to find Jonathan now, as he had sheathed the kukri to pick up the two halves of oak. “I could barely follow you, young man. You must have practice with this sort of thing.”
Jonathan tried to smile around a noncommittal sound. His line of sight flicked between her and Mina who had caught a woman who’d toppled in a faint over the whole scene. She flicked her gaze back, mirroring his reflexive thought. Speak no evil.
“Not in this particularly, no. Solicitation is not quite so competitive a field. At least not yet.” He rose with the crutch’s pieces in hand. “I’m so sorry about this. I’ll pay for another.” Penclosa wrinkled her nose at this and seemed to swat the notion away.
“Better it be in half than in my head. I have spares, Mr. Harker.”
“Harker, is it?” A jaunty hand clapped him on the back. “What regiment, son? Look as though you’ve seen the far end of Hell and its backyard.”
This voice came from the first of many strangers who would approach Jonathan and Mina at intervals during Penclosa’s less dramatic demonstrations. Between softer displays—everything from comical impressions to impromptu dance performances to heartening instilled commands to inspire confidence or to regale with an old warm memory the subject had thought forgotten—the Harkers had to lose flake after chip after crumb of secrecy in dancing around the barrage of queries that found them, even with Van Helsing trying to play buffer. In order, the Harkers divulged the following:
No, he was not of any country’s military. Yes, he was just a solicitor. Yes, his hair was real. Yes, he had suffered a sizable shock in life. No, he would rather not speak of details, though illness was the least of it. Yes, she was the reason he made it through with mind and health intact. Yes, they were married. Yes, he was and remains quite adamant that she never be shown anything less than respect. Yes, she was adamant on his behalf in turn. …Yes, really, just a solicitor. Hawkins and Harker.  
Jonathan found himself with half his cards gone before the afternoon was out.
“Perhaps you should have new ones printed,” Van Helsing ribbed. “You could perhaps stamp a small kukri on each one. It appears to do good for your business.”
“It was just for politeness’ sake. Honestly, I’m just baffled at how,” Jonathan fluttered his hand uncomfortably as if to encompass the whole of the scene, “all that bluster translates to such friendly interest. I am more than a little stunned that I’ve collected more cards today than I manage in a week by way of day-to-day courtesy within the firm.” Mina found his hand again and drew circles over its knuckles. When he looked to her, he could not help reflecting her smile.
“Everyone loves when a hero gives a show. It’s such an assumed thing that evil acts can be gotten away with, the damage done without any hindrance. So it is a rare and happy thing when people get to see the stalwart knight appear with sword in hand to cut it down.”
“Yes, well. I still posit that I married the knight. I’m far better suited to being her faithful squire. Polishing her pauldrons and all.”
“My friends,” Van Helsing turned both their heads with his tone. “I believe the room is nearly thinned enough for our purposes. At least, so thin that we have become the most conspicuous of guests remaining. We, and the man with his iron grip upon the camera.” The Harkers looked up and found he spoke true. The herd had shallowed out to a few parties circling the Wilsons and the photographer going over something with Penclosa.
The latter man, a Mr. Greg Westman, had been almost as busy as Miss Penclosa and Prof. Wilson combined. There had been the images captured of Penclosa and her posed subjects, talks with the police who had arrived, both as a witness and a man who might have an impressive shot to share once all was developed, and with the inevitable circling fly or two of journalists who’d come sniffing at the sight of the authorities’ wagon. Westman was one of many rising amateur photographers inching their way into the professional field and, supposing his shots developed well enough, his daguerreotypes would find their way into print to better illustrate what might be pitched as, ‘The Misadventure of the Madam Mesmerist.’
“Mr. Harker, sir?” Westman approached them now, the two halves of the crutch under one arm. “Might I bother you for just one last shot? I’m down to my final plates and it would make a lovely closing piece for the paper if you could just come this way?”
While he spoke, he herded Jonathan toward Penclosa’s chair. Mrs. Wilson had brought down one of her spares from her room, a thing of ash wood, and it rested against the table where its predecessor had stood. Jonathan sheepishly held up the kukri as Penclosa smilingly presented her two pieces of oak.
“Perfect, thank you! Now if I could have just one more of—,”
“Pardon, Mr. Westman,” Mina said as she drifted to his side. “Might I ask what model this is and where we might find one? We have been going back and forth on picking up a camera for our own use and you seem to be quite natural with this.”
Jonathan sent her a silent thanks from the corner of his eye into the corner of hers. Of the sundry traits the Harkers could find reflected in the other, the ability to dislodge monologues from even the most reticent speaker was a most useful one. As a result, Greg Westman had duly pivoted into a history lesson on M. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. Jonathan might have gone to join Mina but for something brushing his side. It was Penclosa, tapping him lightly with the tip of the halved crutch.
“Do sit. You’ll make me tired looking at you.” She nodded at the armchair still across from her, the subject seat. Her voice lowered an increment to keep from traveling too far. Say, to the Wilsons’ side of the space. “It is my turn to apologize, I think. I see I must have made an error in dropping even your surname to the crowd. I’d not realized your visit was so clandestine as to remain hushed on names as much as purpose.”
Jonathan did not sit, but hovered at its side. He kept his furthest edge of attention on the rambling patter of Mr. Westman for the duration that Mina had to withstand it and on Van Helsing who had moved with calculating nonchalance into the shrinking circle of visitors still caught in the Wilsons’ orbit. The rest he reserved for trying to parse the nature of Miss Penclosa’s stare. For she did stare, intentionally or otherwise. Her blinks were rare and slow and seemed almost unnatural in the backdrop of her mild face. As the day had worn on toward the late afternoon, he’d lost count of how many times he’d felt a sensation of being observed roaming on his brow or back, only to look up and see the mesmerist was in the middle of some pause between performance or discussion to look at him. Nor did she ever drop her gaze when caught.
With everything that’s happened between the garden, the guard duty, and the hypnotic gamble to come, you can forgive her wanting to keep an eye on you.
“It’s no trouble,” he said aloud. “We simply don’t wish to be obtrusive, and that much is our own foible. And again, I owe the greater apology for costing you your property. In hindsight, I’m sure I might have caught it if—,”
“It’s a glorified twig, Jonathan, not a family heirloom. It’s a better thing to have you end its career as a weapon with one hand and seize that lout with your other. The fact is you saved me from a most abrupt and ugly injury, if not an ending outright.” Here the windows of her eyes performed their slow shutter of a blink. “The least I owe you is my best attempt to assist in the internal injury that troubles you. That in mind, I believe we have come to the point where we must cajole our host into setting aside his notebook before he—,”
“Ah, Mr. Harker! Were you interested in a session yourself?” All heads swiveled as Prof. Wilson nearly bounded to the sitting area. Mr. Westman had mercifully taken his leave at that point, Mina having lured him towards the door by insisting she help carry his things along to wait for his hansom, him insisting back that he could carry it all, and so forth. Van Helsing had held Prof. Wilson back as long as possible, but the man’s gaze had landed on Jonathan leaning on the chair and the man had all but flown. He was already thumbing to a clean page in his book. “Where is Gregory? Gregory, wait just a moment if you have a spare plate!”
“Bradford.” Wilson glanced down to see Miss Penclosa frowning up at him. “You have already gotten more than your fill of successful examples, on top of the nigh guaranteed publicity of the police report once it turns to newsprint. Doubly so should my implanted command that Atherton speak the truth before his colleagues have reason to be set off. Mr. Harker has done more than any service a host could dare ask of a guest. More, a guest of a guest. The least we owe him is the dignity not to set him up as a prop twice in the same day.”
Wilson fidgeted with his notebook for another moment. His gaze bounced between the one sitting and the one standing.
“…So he is interested in a session? Is that so, Mr. Harker? I only ask for the purposes of tallying! These sorts of things live and die by records. How many successes, who the successes were, references on references. You would be astounded how stringent any credible journal is when it comes to such fascinating realms of science as this. They demand the most fantastic list of feats and yet will tear a work to pieces over the slightest fault. It is why I most earnestly insist on recording as much in the way of detail, you see, so if I could perhaps—,”
A tawny and callused hand landed chummily on Prof. Wilson’s shoulder. Van Helsing’s smile was at once buoyant and stiffly chiseled in place.
“Professor, I am most familiar with the trials of expressing the reality of the strange to stubborn audiences. Such is the case both within and without the precarious wilds of academia. Yet this is not the case of the present. For your purposes, you hunt for evidence, evidence, evidence, using volunteers and compatriots for the so vital need of the impartial proofs. But my friends, they are not volunteers. They are not for the consuming by even the wisest audiences. If it were so, there would be no need to wait for privacy. Good Jonathan, who has done a good service today and so much more before, he comes to Miss Penclosa seeking assistance, not to your peers for his name pulled across a heap of articles. Which is all to say, in plainer words, this is a matter of help. Of health!”
The cobalt gaze twinkled in its nest of crow’s feet. His hand tightened an extra chummy increment on Wilson’s shoulder.
“To spy upon or share the details in such a case would be to court the dangerous place where the confidences of doctors and patients lay. But I ramble so much. You are a man of ethics, Professor Wilson, and I would swear upon every title to my name that you would not err in such a way over one single session out of dozens.”
Prof. Wilson opened his mouth.
“Of course not, Professor Van Helsing,” Penclosa hummed over her glass. It was nearly empty now. “I know my dear Gloria would not marry a cad any more than I would stay under the roof of one. I certainly wouldn’t agree to be at the center of a study that would seek to abuse the trust of the sort of people which proof positive of my skill intends to aid. Which is the point under it all, isn’t it? Not just proving the full reality of mesmerism, but proving its usages beyond making people do tricks. If that were all these displays have been for,” a small smile flared up and vanished, “likewise our early work with Gilroy, then I would be most shocked. I believe I would have to take myself out of the study entirely if it were so.” She sipped the glass dry.
Prof. Wilson shut his mouth. Cleared something out of his throat. Fumbled with his notebook before ultimately, painfully, closing it.
“Yes. Well. I suppose if this is a matter of a, ah, therapeutic nature, I suppose…” He seemed to almost visibly wilt. Jonathan thought inexplicably that he might be looking at some distant uncle of Dr. Seward’s. Though Wilson’s manner was notably more excitable in his pursuit of examples, there was no missing the similar duo of hunger for fresh results and disappointment at slipped opportunity.
Jack had resigned from his role as asylum head not long after Quincey Morris’ funeral in America. He’d not given himself more than a week before he turned to the neglected matter of R. M. Renfield, paying for a plot in a proper cemetery and a new stone. A day after this ceremony, he had begun the work of disentangling himself from the sanitorium—a process that had been met with equal parts entreaties to stay on and older detractors urging him out the door—which ultimately ended with him founding his own psychiatric practice. The shift in work and its purpose, hearing and working toward solutions of a patient’s ills versus merely detaining and observing violent extremes of mental havoc, had gone some way toward tipping the man out of a stranglehold of depression. In fact, it seemed to fire him into a new tier of thrill over possibilities for treatment. Not merely in the matter of pharmaceuticals or enforced methods, but skills a patient may hone for themselves.
Though Jack never dared drop patient names in earshot, he had bounced ideas, successes, and frustrations off his friends on several occasions. The despondency seen when he was stuck upon a case that had been snagged in its progress was shown in flints upon Prof. Wilson’s face.
He wished to prove not only that he was right about the power of mesmerism, but that there was a point to him being so, and that it was not merely an amusing parlor trick. A hard thing to manage when the only real evidence he had was a stack of Penclosa’s demonstrations which did indeed take place in his parlor. Jonathan withheld a sigh.
“Professor. It’s true I would like some privacy for Miss Penclosa, myself, Mina, and Van Helsing. I do not wish my name to flung about any more than it’s already set to be with the issue of Professor Atherton. But supposing my own trouble finds a solution with Miss Penclosa’s help, I will at least consent to go on record as an anonymous example of successful hypnotherapy.”
Emphasis on anonymous.
But even this was enough to rekindle some of the light in Prof. Wilson’s face. The notebook speedily snapped open again and the pen resumed its giddy scratching.
“Oh, that is more than amenable, Mr. Harker! And quite right for such delicate work as this, of course.” Scratch, scratch, scratch. “Have you a pseudonym in mind? It will be a clunky thing to just place you as Mr. Anonymous or Mr. Patient.”
Mr. De Ville, Jonathan thought in a lilt so bitter it burned.
Mina returned to the room with Mrs. Wilson in tow, her line of sight floating to him. Jonathan stopped himself just short of beaming.
“Mr. Murray.”
 Prof. Wilson gave them his library to use and passed on his solemn oath that no staff would blunder through the door to interrupt. Mina and Jonathan took the wider of the couches while Penclosa claimed a chaise and Van Helsing settled himself in a chair. Van Helsing had his own notepad on hand and had given likewise solemn oaths in both the Harkers’ and Wilson’s direction that he would record only the most pertinent bullets of observation. This pointedly did not include Jonathan’s description of the following:
“There is not much more that can be told beyond what we explained in the garden. Last year, I suffered an experience of singularly horrific proportions. The sort which are on a scale of literal nightmare; utterly unbelievable to anyone of sound mind. Yet it happened. And though the physical shock of its aftermath is over, though the second and far more despicable illness of my poor Mina has come and gone, though all has been dealt with in the waking world that can be dealt with and healed…” His throat worked against a jagged stone as his hand trembled inside Mina’s. “It was two months that this event lasted for me last summer. All of May, all of June. This, combined with the illness that boiled my brain and body upon escape, on top of the very real, very dire threat to Mina that followed it—a threat I-I should have never—never let—,”
“Don’t.” A shadow of a whisper. But Mina’s voice gave it power, made it a salve. Her cheek pressed his shoulder while her other hand overlaid its twin in holding him. “The nightmares may lie to you, but don’t you dare do it to yourself awake. We are well past that.” Mina turned to Penclosa who sat once more in statue stillness, her own gaze intent. When she spoke it was still soft, but with an edge that bordered on brittle with its enforced calm. “Last year was one of suffering for us and for loved ones. There were many losses, great and small. Yet taken as the most unvarnished sum of time and effects, Jonathan found himself the winner of a most cruel lottery. Miscellaneous torments were all passed his way, and for far longer than myself or our friends had to endure. They have damaged his sleep ever since, but now, as the anniversary makes its return—,”
“How frequently?” Penclosa asked. As she did, she performed a blink. “Forgive my curtness. I ask because I already find no way to doubt the sincerity of Jonathan’s trouble. For a history to haunt him so deeply even as he throws himself between villain and victim like a wall suggests that whatever monstrosity inflicted itself on him before must be of a great scale. The only issue for us now is the timing. Before I can attempt to plant a countermeasure to his nightmares, if and when they next arise, we must define how often they occur at present. For example, Jonathan, do you expect you will have one as soon as tonight?”
Jonathan dipped his head in half a nod.
“I do. What used to be every other night is now almost routine. Last week I did not have a single night free of bad dreams.”
Penclosa grinned.
“Pardon. I fear some of Wilson’s scientific thinking has rubbed off. I say ‘good’ in that we have good odds of defining whether it will be my mesmerism that helps parry your nightmares or your mind merely deciding to quit the assault of its own volition. Of course, it would be most welcome if the latter were the case. If these grim dreams are truly tied to memories of what befell you a year ago near the same period, it could be they might reach a crescendo around the anniversary, then peter out to nothing as it passes. Only for them to make a return next year and around again. In truth, it seems as if your mind has conditioned itself in much the same way I might set a particular stimulus to make a subject react later.”
Penclosa raised her hand as if to illustrate a scenario:
“‘When the clock strikes ten o’ clock tomorrow, you will hop on one foot. The next time you smell fish, you will decide you must write a letter to someone.’ It all comes down to ‘When you notice X, then you will do Y.’ For you, the recall of the turning seasons to that soured period is having the same effect, albeit slowly. Subconsciously, you are reading into the calendar’s creep the same portents that led up to last year’s horrid experiences, and your dreams prey on you for it as if the events themselves are coming for a repeat performance. Now, I will not make promises as to how far my reach can extend in terms of permanently blunting the nightmares for good. Really, I can’t even say if this initial trial will bear fruit. But the trial is what matters before we attempt anything more extensive. To that end, I would like to ask how long you all intend to stay in Tuppeton.”
“We have two weeks planned out,” from Mina.
“And I shall be gone by this Sunday,” Van Helsing put in.
At this, Penclosa smiled anew and nodded, explaining, “That shall be enough to confirm things one way or the other. What I propose is this: I shall mesmerize you,” a look to Jonathan, “to see if I can prevent the nightmare you expect is inevitable tonight. Rather, and I apologize for this, to let the nightmare come upon you for just a moment, and then be banished by the command I place today.”
“I don’t believe I follow,” said Mina as she gripped Jonathan’s hand a little tighter. “Why not just halt the nightmare entirely?”
“Because,” Penclosa soothed back, though she frowned now too, “if the nightmare is not registered and then observed being thwarted by my countermeasure, we shall not know if I was effective or not. A wholly peaceful sleep might be written off as a fluke. Nothing to record, nothing to show one way or the other if the session had any positive effect that couldn’t be written off as a kind accident. Though I do swear to make sure it only exists long enough to be noticed, then quashed.” Her gaze returned to Jonathan. “It is imperative that you record all you can remember of tonight’s sleep. Every detail you can spare. And it is just as important that neither Mina or Professor Van Helsing let slip the description I will give you during the trance state. I trust you to be an honest fellow, but we cannot risk anything skewing your description after the fact.”
“That seems sound enough,” Jonathan agreed even as an unhappy crimp came to his mouth as he added, “though there is a last obstacle that we have not gone over.”
“What is that?”
“Me,” Van Helsing put in. “I am practiced in mesmerism myself, Miss Penclosa, and have succeeded in many cases. Jonathan, however, has proven a subject most hard to maneuver. I have gotten him near to trance, but his mind snaps out at me at the last moment and shoos the influence like a dog chasing out an intruder. And that with him all willing and trying with full consciousness to accept the hypnosis.”
Miss Penclosa’s brow did furrow for a moment at that. Her hand drifted up again to her high collar, scrubbing thoughtfully, or perhaps only itching. But her expression smoothed again as she turned back to Jonathan.
“I have had my hard cases in the past. Let’s see what happens. Mina, could you please give Jonathan the whole seat? When I begin, there can be no one to distract either of our lines of sight. Stand by with the Professor, if you would. Thank you.”
Once Jonathan was alone on the couch, Miss Penclosa stood herself up. Her strain in balance seemed somehow even less than the sudden strained vigor that had taken her in her demonstrations at the party. She stood erect and staring as her arms began their strange arches and swoops. Jonathan found each sweep sent a feeling of warmth gusting into him. A drowsy pulse that seemed at once to dull, to waken, and to pull him from himself. Yet all this was secondary to the new shock of her eyes.
As instructed, he had begun the session by focusing his gaze on her face. But in moments her face had burned off like steam to leave only the growing pools of her gray-green eyes behind. They were pools, were ponds, were a single merged mountain lake over which he found himself flying—
No no no the Sisters the Brides they are here in the room—
—this drowse is not by choice, not playing dead, they want you still on the couch, want you wanting—
—fight it fight their sound their mist their maws because after them—
—after this—
—sinking below the surface like a flailing stone desperate for the surface—
—comes him. You feel it you know it he is here in the room he is there in your eyes in your neck in your head you let him do it let him into your life to eat and own and swallow whole he is coming to take it all and have you worse than dead get him out get away please please please not again please—
—and shuddering all the while.
Down, down, down he went into so dense a gloom that all light was thinned to a faint dancing glimmer on the water’s surface. Still he kicked, bucked, clawed at the water that sank him without drowning, crushing him down as if Poseidon’s own hand were dragging him below. He shuddered again, and seemed to gain a lap upwards; then was shoved down again. Back and forth, kick and foam, until he was sunk just deep enough that he could scarcely make out the surface’s light as a twinkling pinprick.
Which was the same instant that the water reversed its verdict. The moment the darkness turned complete was the moment he was rushed suddenly back up towards the light. He lunged to the surface as swiftly as a fish caught on a powerful line. As he breached the surface, he heard Penclosa’s voice call out:
Jonathan came to with a jolt. Awareness returned to him with several announcements. One, that a faint glaze of perspiration had formed on his brow and that his hands had bent into claws within the cushion he sat on, almost tearing it. Two, that Mina was flying to his side with a look that could not decide between relief and anxiety, while behind her Van Helsing made a last hasty scratch upon his notes and followed her example from his other side. Three, that Miss Penclosa still stood, albeit by using the chaise as her support rather than the crutch. She too had a dew of exertion on her temples and her wan cheeks were flushed, but she smiled proudly just the same. The victor of some unknown duel.
“You were not overestimated, Jonathan Harker. If I had not had some little way in by the aid of your conscious mind, I don’t know that I could have gotten past the violent usher of your subconscious. But it has been managed and the foothold has been made. Should we have need to try again for greater measures—as I hope and expect we shall attempt tomorrow afternoon—the way in shall have its metaphoric door still chocked open.”
Jonathan blinked at her and at Mina and Van Helsing now bookending him.
“Was I really so resistant when I went under? I’d thought I was fairly calm as it began.”
“Only at the beginning, darling,” Mina took his hand and seemed to scour his face as if for signs of injury. “You quite worried us once the trance started setting in.”
“How so?”
“You seemed to be locked in a fight, my friend. An imagined battle in a dream. And you spoke.” This came from Van Helsing. While the weathered face was steady enough, Jonathan was less than heartened at the wild worry flaring in the man’s gaze. Fruitlessly, but instinctively, he lowered his voice to add, “You said, ‘Don’t let him in.’”
A nauseous chill flooded through Jonathan, blooming out from his core until he wondered if he might actually be sick right where he sat. But Mina squeezed his fingers in hers and he steadied.
“You were distressed for some time,” she admitted as one hand drifted up to his shoulder. Holding. Holding. He leaned into her and hooked his eyes to hers. “But it fell off as she went to work. The session was completed. She’s set something up in you. Something to trip up a nightmare should it come around.” Then, lower, “Tonight’s all arranged.”
They’d discussed said arrangement before ever arriving in Tuppeton. A small repeat of the lopsided nights of the year prior, in which days and nights were broken into shifts of uneven sleep to keep watch. Van Helsing had volunteered to be a conscious observer of the couple following Penclosa’s first attempt and to note whatever there was to note by way of triumph or failure in the battle between hypnotic command and dreamt assault.
“Remember,” Penclosa broke in, settling herself down again on the chaise, “record all you can recall on waking. Honest specifics.”
“I will. Are you alright?” He asked for the mesmerist seemed far more winded than she had appeared when working on the guests. She had ticked through those sessions with supreme ease. Now she sat wan and exhausted against the cushions. Even so, her smile redoubled at his question while she daubed herself with a handkerchief.
“This? Just the payoff of a most exerting day. Wine is fine but for these little spells,” she fluttered her hand at herself, “brandy is better. There is a decanter in the window…” Jonathan was already up and fetching it, likewise a tumbler. “Thank you,” she hummed, taking the cut glass as gratefully as if she were handed the Grail. A sip later she sighed and sank into the pillows. “I do sincerely hope to see you all tomorrow with good news. If we succeed in this small step, then the way towards greater leaps is possible. But whether it does so or not—,”
“Three o’ clock tomorrow afternoon,” Van Helsing assured. “We shall arrive with our news, whatever it may be. Deep thanks again for your aid regardless, Miss Penclosa.”
And there was little more to it than that, barring the necessary parting talk with the Wilsons. Yes, Van Helsing and ‘the Murrays’ would record all diligently. Yes, tomorrow. Yes, three o’ clock. Yes, yes, yes. Professor and Harkers parted ways in separate hansoms. Van Helsing headed back to the hotel to ensure he had a good heavy sleep to see him through the night watch while Mina pointed out how it would be a shame to waste the last of the day on heading back to their room when there was plenty of light left to enjoy the town’s little High Street, wouldn’t it?
It would. So they found a petite restaurant and took a late lunch that satisfied far better than what they’d nibbled at the party. They found a table that looked out on the windows and high old trees lining the tranquil avenues that were such a refreshing sight compared to Exeter’s clamor. Between bites, Mina nudged his foot under the table. Jonathan looked up from his cup to see her grinning in a way that spoke to her owning a secret that was only unknown to him because he had looked it full in the face and not seen it.
“You’re lying.”
“I am.”
“So what is it?”
“Just thinking to myself that we shall have to add another address to the long-distance holiday pile when it comes time to send cards. It seems the good Sisters of St. Joseph and Ste. Mary shall have to share ink with Miss Penclosa.”
“I don’t follow.”
“You never do when you’ve gone and charmed another heart around your finger.”
“Said the pot to the kettle. And what charm? She was no more than sympathetic and professional—,”
“As sympathetic and professional as a mother learning that her child has scuffed a knee or caught cold for the first time. I got the impression she was only hindered from inviting you to lay down for a nap and broth because Van Helsing and I were there. If nothing else, her freedom with names shows an informality that I’d not have expected in someone with so moderate a demeanor, not counting her fire against Atherton. ‘Jonathan, Mina, Helen.’ There is a slight accent to her tone, same as Mrs. Wilson’s. Wherever they hail from, perhaps forenames come more freely.”
“Perhaps. And perhaps you’re reading too much into someone who takes courtesy and defense of the wronged as seriously as you do.” Jonathan batted his lashes and laid a hand to his chest. “Unless you mean to say you would not dote on a cause of mine even if I saved you from being struck with a heavy stick?”
“I suppose I would consider it. Idly.” She hid in another bite, another sip. Jonathan watched her and waited. “It’s just odd to me.”
“What is?”
“I don’t know. Even calling it ‘odd’ seems too tame for what I felt. Seeing it.”
“Seeing what, Mina?”
“You going into the trance. It was like watching the reverse of how you’ve been in your throes with the nightmares. On those occasions, I see you in distress and I can wake you out of it. You’re afraid, but then it breaks. I can always break it. But having to sit and watch you sink into that fear, or something so near to it—it made me want to jump up and shake you out of it. Or,” her words thinned out to a noise too small and ashamed to even count as a whisper, “or even knock Miss Penclosa off her feet to stop her work. It was an awful way to feel, but a worse thing to watch. I felt so strangely like a traitor sitting with Van Helsing as you sank into that horrible state before she finally won out and you went slack.” Jonathan’s hand went across to hers. It was her grip’s turn to tremble. She pressed on, “And somehow that was worse.”
“Worse how?”
“Because you looked just the same. Even before you said, ‘Don’t let him in,’ you looked just as you did that night. When he—when he had pushed your mind under and he—,” Jonathan stopped just short of crushing her hand in his. Her hold returned the favor. “You were limp, but you were struggling in your head just as she was struggling without, as though you two were fighting. Like you knew something was wrong and were clawing against it on the inside.”
“That is not too far from the truth,” he admitted. He told her of the lake that grew from Penclosa’s eyes, the fight he had made against the pressure of her hypnosis with animal reflex. “But it was not what he did to me. Likewise the Weird Sisters. Whatever irate creature lurks in the cellar of my mind, it read Penclosa as a threat even greater than Van Helsing’s softer attempt, and it fed fear up into me. Not that I can blame it any more than I can deride you for your concern. It was frightening for how unmoored I felt. She really does have a method all her own. Certainly one wholly alien to the mild haze that Van Helsing tried to push on me. But you saw yourself that she did no more than help. Or try, anyway. We shall see tonight.”
The tight grip had softened both ways to a mere cradling. Then Jonathan brought her knuckles up to press the gold band to his lips.
“I thank you either way for your concern. And for not tackling her.”
“Yes, well. No guarantees if tonight is unsuccessful. I should have to thrash her with my train guide in revenge.” Her attempt at a dour look cracked on the fourth word in and she batted his ankle with her shoe when he laughed. With food and drink now gone, they resumed their walk. While they’d not yet come by a shopfront with cameras in the window, they did find something smaller and sweeter in a jeweler’s display. Two somethings. Mina feigned a moment that it was a silly trifle, a saccharine one, really, and anyway it was more proper for a soldier and his wife, and…
“Oh, but haven’t you heard? I must be an officer of some kind. Witnesses all agree.” He slipped in the building before she could stop him. The unspoken warning sent by his look said that he would pick both if she did not choose her own. Chasing him inside, she saw him edging perilously near a pair of gold—
“I like the silver better,” she got out in a rush.
—then stood with her as the seller behind the glass cases came puttering up to point out every example in silver there was in his collection. To the man’s mild disappointment, the Harkers settled on a matching set with simple designs devoid of even a single scanty gem.
“We most definitely require a camera after this. We haven’t any photographs small enough for these.”
“We have this.” Jonathan tugged on a white lock of hair. Mina muttered again about soldiers and sailors.
But then, as Jonathan bowed so she might latch his chain on, she confessed, “Though I suppose we have risked as much as them. More than.”
“So we have,” Jonathan agreed, fastening her necklace at the nape. Back at the hotel they made their small snips before the toilet mirror, tying the cut locks with thread before tucking each in its locket. Jonathan sighed at hers. “This was a mistake after all. Yours looks as though you’re courting someone’s grandfather.”
“First, no one shall see inside but us.” Mina snapped the lid shut to punctuate as much. “Second, even if someone did see, it would not matter. They are not the one lucky enough to be your wife. If it’s someone especially young who saw, I could get away with telling them it came from some prince of fairy gentry.” She looped her arms about his neck. He hugged the small of her back in turn. “He courted me since we were small, better and sweeter than any ordinary man of England, wed me in a faraway land, and saved my life from a monster. With all these Grimm essentials out of the way, we are set to live our requisite happily ever after.”
“That is certainly a way to tell it. But my face is all wrong for it.” He tapped his cheek. “Too much of umber, not enough pearl.”
“Likewise for myself. But we can always say you were dreamt up by Scheherazade. The point is you are very much one of a kind and worth far more than the color of your hair. In any case, I wager you have more of jealous onlookers than anything. There are girls who would dunk their head in lime for a shade of blonde half as fair.”
“If I grow it out, perhaps I could make a new career by shearing it all off and peddling it to the wigmakers.”
“No.” The word was anguish.
“Oh, or I could go in for those rococo ringlets without having to bother with powder.”
“No!” The word was dismay.  
“Or I could just start making off with your pins and ribbons every morning.”
There was an affronted gasp as he tossed his head and she played as if she meant to hide away her pin box. Laughter bubbled. Then there came a knock at the hotel room’s door with Van Helsing’s voice on the other side.
“I am rested and I see you both are restless,” the Professor announced as he made ready his post in the far corner facing their bed. He decorated it with books enough to bludgeon a man and a flask full enough to revive him. “If you need aid in dropping off, I can always practice my next lecture upon you. Dear John can attest there is no better soporific aid apart from chloral.”
It was an odd scene that unrolled through the evening. Though both Harkers were appropriately swaddled in robes to bar the sight of nightclothes, there was an unavoidable air of being overseen by an uncle with a heap of tiresome family stories to impart in lieu of nursery tales. Van Helsing himself grew bored enough of his own topics that he gave it up and plied husband and wife for talk of their day following the visit with Penclosa. That rambled on pleasantly before snagging on the topic of the mesmerist’s winded stance following Jonathan’s session.
“Ah, you made note of it too? Yes, she did greatly, truly struggle as I have not seen any mesmerist do before. Perhaps she is right, that it was just something of a long day’s fatigue and great focus on her task that so tired her. Yet I wonder. Professor Wilson, he shared with me his notes taken in interviews with himself and herself and the former partner, Professor Austin Gilroy.”
By now he had abandoned his chair and moved up into his habitual stance and pace of the scholar before his staring rows of pupils. He seemed to ache for a chalkboard at his back, for his hands kept stopping just short as if to gesture at something written. The Harkers sat with drowsy raptness as best they could.
“To them,” Van Helsing went on, “ she claims that her method is much, much different than the hypnotist who has only his eyes and voice and hand as his tools. Miss Penclosa, she claims that it is her own mind she uses as the sole instrument; that her will is a thing she may use detached of herself to enforce a command. This takes some toll upon her physical self, coming as lethargy in good moments and true exhaustion in bad. Wilson, he said to me that this must only be an offshoot of the hazy land of clairvoyance. But that there is some truth in her description seems to have credence, I think we cannot doubt. She did wrestle with your subconscious, my friend, and it was a hard battle won.”
Mina paled as she listened. Jonathan more so.
“So she claims it is a psychic act rather than a standard trance?” Mina ventured with only a slight treble. “She sent her mind into him?”
“That is the claim. And yes, I too would worry, but for our playing witness. We saw and heard ourselves how difficult the matter was for her, and how careful her implanted instruction. More, an instruction meant only for his unconscious mind to undertake against the nightmares it manufactures. It is not an easy thing to trust those of extraordinary skill, I will grant, but in this case it seems we are all of us reacting with the suspicion owed to another party. One who had his reasons to do harm. Miss Penclosa has known all of us less than a day. That she would exert herself to such an extreme, risking her own well-being to breach the barrier Jonathan’s mind bricked over to stop any influence at all, shows a character more prone to aid than mischief.”
“Not counting the show with Professor Atherton,” Mina parried. She was now sitting straighter on the bed’s edge. “While I cannot say the fellow didn’t deserve a little shaming for being so shameless, she quite thoroughly gutted him of all his secrets on a whim. Considering Jonathan’s and my own experience with such powerful wills overriding our own, I cannot say I approve of only discovering the whole of the method now, after she’s already been and gone from his head.”
“Wilson did not see fit to tell me so until after the session as we escaped to our hansoms. But your point is fair, Madam Mina. We should have known beforehand.”
“She should have said—,”
“We should have asked,” Jonathan said, trying not to let it grow to a yawn. His eyes were beginning to burn even as new nervousness twisted in him. “We were so occupied with my trouble that we skipped over any inquiry or interest in her. Regardless of whether tonight works out or not, we should still give her better due for,” he stifled another yawn, “her efforts.”
Though perhaps adhering strictly to that track would only be another heap of tedium, he thought but did not have the energy to share. He imagined she had spent most of her time in a guest or gawker’s company alternately doing tricks or regurgitating interviews that only scraped the professional interest of her ability. Jonathan’s mind floated into a hypothetical world of people only ever asking him about the handling of properties, every day, every week. Intolerable.
He would try to make a better effort tomorrow. He would. He would…
Think on it later. Let him lay back and rest his eyes a moment.
Ten minutes of rested eyes later, Mina signed to Van Helsing to lower his voice. Carefully, they took some spare blankets off a chair in lieu of jostling him to get him below the covers. Mina departed from the bed with a last gentle squeeze of his hand before getting up to keep watch with her own books and journal at hand. When Van Helsing whispered that there was no need and that she deserved her rest, she whispered back that she could not rest if she were rolling in Morpheus’ own poppies. Besides, better to have two on watch than one, wasn’t it?
Memory flickered in the man as he opened his mouth and shut it again. Perhaps he smelled garlic blossoms again, perhaps he saw another resting body upon a different bed, waiting on awful dreams. If he did, he did not say. Only agreed that Madam Mina raised another good point. They settled in to wait.
Only two other rooms in Tuppeton were more pregnant with anxious anticipation than theirs.
In one, a man sat with his journal, scratching miserably at it to force some small half-page of a record into existence. He paused with every other sentence to look despondently on his toils of the last few hours: a coat and a screwdriver assailed mercilessly with turpentine. These had been crusted with a rich green paint earlier in the day. Earlier than that, even. No doubt as early as midnight.
He had cried upon seeing the stains that afternoon. Just sat on his bed and wept as he had thought only assailed women and babes capable of. Even now, pen in hand, his eyes carried a traitorous wet burn. Still, he wrote. Still, he waited. Still, he doubted now more than ever that his tormentor would be quit of these turns of the screw. First his professional status was laughed to pieces. Now his freedom as a law-abiding citizen was left balanced on a knife’s edge. Ah, no! Upon a window’s ledge.
Even as he wrote to the page that he had taken only five grains of antipyrine for his storming headache and that his fiancée was all that kept him from taking fifty, his thoughts strayed again and again to the bleak mercy of the bottle. His life would not be his until one or the other of this damned link was dead. He knew it. He took his knowing to bed where he dreamt of bottomless feline eyes and a future full of miserable waiting and worse revelations.
“Be done with me,” he whispered to the dark. It might have been plea or prayer. “Be done with me, you parasite. There is nothing for you here.”
The dark did not answer, but he bit his tongue all the same. No, it was not done for his enemy was not done. The screw would turn and turn and turn until…
He fell asleep on the mental picture of a screw turned so far it had drilled through the virgin wood until it splintered and the screw vanished into some inner void on the other side. Even there, he knew it was turning still.
In another room, a woman stood at her window. The moon fell in and pooled on her eyes. Even as a girl she had been wont to stare without realizing. Since her adventure up at the Suttons’ she found she could forget the chore of blinking for hours at a time. Many small things had changed since that trip. Oh, what a difference an evening could make. What a greater one could be made in a single afternoon.
Other eyes watched on behind her. Some glass, some porcelain, some wood, some cloth. They belonged to an accumulated crowd she had not been able to part with in childhood or adolescence. There were newer ones still in storage with the rest of the goods delivered over from Trinidad. She did not play with them, of course. But these old friends still went where she did. Her heart was soft in that way, as she would demurely admit. One of the very few but very deep sentimental touches she permitted herself in life. She supposed, quite rightly, that if her fancy was for shrunken heads or naked skulls, her friend’s husband would be no less accommodating to their presence.
He saw nothing about her beyond the potential anatomy of his future gloating before the disbelievers of his academic world. This was just as well.
The stargazer turned briefly from the moon to regard the dolls along their shelf and the puppets hung mid-pose on their coat hooks. All stared, all smiled.
She stood with one hand upon her crutch while the other gripped a card. The label of Hawkins and Harker was stamped on its front with the litter of address and business information below. On the other side were new additions.
Letter address.
Locale tour with Gloria (?).
Old furnishings from storage.
New furnishings with J.
The last was underlined twice. Circled. Underlined again. She turned the card gently in her hand and brought it up again to look over. After a moment, she held the slip of heavy paper to her lips.
“Not to worry,” she murmured to the print. “I’ll take care of everything.”
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~Of Letters & Dragons~
Aemond Targaryen x Male Reader
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(Chapter 3)
Manuscript Excerpt found in the Chambers of Lord Baemond Velaryon in the Dragonstone Keep - Gathered by Maester Telmon.
As I said before, I shall tell no lies in this tale; and for such reason, I won’t deny that from that day on I found myself wandering around the keep towards the Dragon Vault, as I had baptised it, way more often that any normal interest would allow, hoping that one day I might encounter Aemond himself there.
Sitting on the floor, leaning the left side of his body against the altar and profiting from the light the candles cast, he was absorbed in the book that his hands gently held, slowly passing the pages as he kept on reading. There was no time for me to elaborate a plan from returning his previous fright, for as his remaining eye’s peripheral view was pointed to me, as soon as I moved, he stopped reading and lifted his gaze to look at me.
‘Trying to sneak up on me, nephew?’ he said carefully closing the book and lying his hands on top of it, looking at me with his usual intensity.
‘I would never dare, I have too much respect for you to do that.’
As I tried, and succeeded, to salvage my way out of that situation, I saw that my frank remark had hit right in the bullseye, and he didn’t know what to say. Coming closer to where he was sitting, I left my own book in an empty space on the altar, looking down on him for once. How the tables had turned.
‘What are you reading?’ I asked him looking down on the book under his hands.
‘Maester Othros’ Dealing Strategies for Family Members.’ he answered looking up at me, the candle light reflecting on his iris.
‘Fitting reading.’ I said, a smile dangerously looming on my mouth.
‘Do you want it?’ he asked, handing over the book to me, mimicking my smile.
‘Why don’t you tell me what it says.’ I answered with a half-smile now as I lowered myself to sit on the floor, not next to him, but close enough so that we wouldn’t have to raise our voices to hear each other.
I seemed to have scored another round for me, for I saw that my display of familiarity took him aback, and it took him a couple of seconds to pull himself together, seconds which I silently enjoyed, never looking away from his eye, as he would so often do with me.
‘I am not your nanny to tell you stories, if you want it, you can have it.’ he blurted out as he ran out of time to come up with an appropriate answer. As he said this, he put the book to the side, leaving it on the floor next to the altar, and stood up, looming over me once again.
‘Do I intimidate you?’ I asked with honesty as I slowly stood up, never looking away from his eye, confronting him.
‘What? Do you think yourself man enough to intimidate me?’ he fought back, taking a step towards me.
‘If you are not intimidated, what is it that you feel when you see me?’ I struck, meeting him halfway his step, always looking at his eye.
Once again, he remained silent, his eye travelling furiously across my face, thinking of, what I rightly presumed to be, a pain-inflicting answer.
‘Loathing.’ he said raggedly, getting close enough to me so the words wouldn’t be louder than a whisper. ‘Contempt, and pure disgust.’ he sentenced, standing inches away from my face.
‘I, for a change, find you most interesting and compelling.’ I clapped back after a few seconds of quiet tension, looking up at his beautiful face.
He wouldn’t say anything, and neither would I, but yet his eye travelled all across my face, studying it, just like mine did with his.
‘Will you leave, or will I have to humour you again?’ he asked in a whisper, never breaking the close distance between us.
I could feel how tense he was; it was easily visible in the way his jawline tightened, and how his body almost didn’t move. So I decided to call it a day, but not without reaffirming my victory over him this time. ‘I will leave. I don’t believe you could humour me though.’
I took a step away from him, feeling the tension of his body reach a dangerously high point. And with a smile spreading across my face all but due to such an achievement, I turned around and I left.
I knew, nevertheless, that my victory would only be temporary, as had been his, and that he would come and strike back when I least expected it. However, the choice of a day for his comeback could not have been any worse.
Feeling blue after a couple of weeks of heavy rain which made it impossible to go outside, and bored with the never-ending side looks my brothers and I received as we went through the halls of the Red Keep, I found myself one day in the Dragon Vault, crouched against the altar, my book of choice cast aside, and holding my knees to my chest in an attempt to keep my emotions under control.
Most silently, but not quite, I heard his footsteps come towards me, and upon looking up, I found him staring down at me, as usual.
‘I confess I did not expect to see you break so soon, you seemed to have your emotions under a tighter grip than your so very strong brothers.’ he said with a cocky smile on his lips a couple of seconds later, after I had withdrawn my gaze, staring at the mud on his boots.
‘Well, here I am.’ I answered looking back up at him, the knot on my throat perilously close to choking my voice.
My sadness could not stop me from admiring his gallant pose, with one of his arms behind his back and the other one holding a book against his side. His hair, as always, shone like the moonlight against the dark leather of his doublet, and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to run my fingers through it.
He did not say anything, but I truly believed he sensed how I was feeling, for without any other remark coming from his lips, he sat down there next to me, not very close though, leaned his back against the altar, opened his book, and started reading in silence.
I felt his presence soothe my nerves, and as the seconds slipped away, I also found myself opening my book, leaning my side against the altar as well, and pretending I was reading as I looked up at him to study his focused face. He, however, would not lift his gaze from the pages, and that gave me a sense of warmth that made my sadness vanish, for I realised that he was letting himself be the object of my study, closely and without regard, as I had done for him during our previous encounters. That gave me peace.
Taglist: @ephemeralninon @joan2914 @demiromanticpansexualgorgon @lazypinkpig @thatcucumberwhore
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arda-marred · 1 year
According to letters and previously unpublished manuscripts, J.R.R. Tolkien began writing stories about Middle-earth as far back as 1917 when he was deployed in the First World War. During this time of time of senseless destruction and tragedy, Tolkien created a hero that embodied these fears; Turin Turambar, the self-proclaimed “Master of Doom.”  There is no shortage of heroes in Middle-earth; the diverse cast of characters is a primary reason readers are attracted to Tolkien’s books. From the highest order of Elves and Gods to the smallest Hobbit in the Shire, anyone can be a hero. Manwe, Gandalf, Beren and Luthien, Eowyn, Frodo, Sam, and so on. These heroes of Middle-earth are generally positive figures, they show compassion for others, take council in wisdom, and put the needs of the helpless ahead of themselves; standard qualities for an archetypal fantasy protagonist by today’s standards.  Turin is different. He is disturbed, melancholic, and vainglorious, though he is capable of compassion and accomplishes much in the name of good; of Turin’s many exploits, the most remarkable is single-handedly slaying Glaurung the dragon, a scene reminiscent of Sigurd and Fafnir from the “Volsunga Saga.” Despite all of Turin’s achievements though, despair follows. His sister Lalaith dies from plague as a child and Turin never recovers emotionally; Turin’s father Hurin is captured in battle, believed to be dead, tortured for decades, and cursed to watch his family suffer from afar through dark magic; Turin’s homeland is overtaken by bandits and subjected to thralldom; Turin is forced to abandon his pregnant mother at the age of nine and the two never meet again; he is exiled from his foster home after murdering an advisor to the king, refusing to return on the one condition that he ask for forgiveness; he kills his best friend Beleg after mistaking him for an orc in the dark; most disturbing of all, he discovers that his pregnant wife, is actually his long lost sister Nienor. Upon realizing their act of incest, Nienor casts herself into the ocean and Turin falls upon his sword, thus ending his miserable life.  Turin, a complicated anti-hero that isn’t quite sympathetic, but pitiable, is a jarring departure from the other heroes of Middle-earth. There is never a triumph for Turin; the weight of the world just keeps packing on. While Tolkien was certainly in the headspace to create such a character during the turmoil of World War One, the genesis of Turin and his family is derived from “The Kalevala,” a collection of ancient songs, poems, and folk stories from Finland. Turin’s life was inspired by the rune songs of Kullervo, a deeply troubled youth who experiences many hardships and goes through life inflicting disaster upon himself and his people; sometimes by accident, other times in a fit of rage. Kullervo is a national icon in Finland, not just for his appearance in “The Kalevala,” but as the subject for Finnish composer Jean Sibelius’ first major symphony, “Kullervo. Op. 7.” Through this creation, Sibelius raised the international awareness of this tragic character, as well as the literary and cultural merit of “The Kalevala.”   Read more
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venusofvolterra · 2 years
Demetri’s room is a mess.
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Half finished projects, trinkets, books, papers, clothing; it all litters the floor. There are candles in precarious places. There is broken jewelry bursting out of old chests that he can’t bring himself to throw away.
You find a broken, filigree locket in the corner on the hardwood floor, hardly the most remarkable thing in the room, yet it seemed to call to you.
“Well surely you can tell me the story behind this one?” You say quizzically, picking it up and smirking, thinking you’ve finally bested the Hellenic vampire’s near-perfect memory.
Without looking up from the manuscript he was so arduously studying, he tells you of how he haggled it off a man in an Ottoman bazaar in the 16th century.
“I didn’t need him to lower the price,” he said, “but it was fun seeing how low I could get him to go.”
He smiled to himself. Then furrowed his brow again, concentrating once more on the manuscript he’d been focused on marking up.
You looked up at him, he was so elegant, laying across the large, deep purple chase lounge on the other end of the labyrinth of a room.
You made your way over to him, crawling up on the lounge yourself, wrapping your leg and arm around him and nestling your head by his neck, between his chin and shoulder, he quietly shifted to accommodate you.
After a few moments, he says playfully, “so what brings you to this end of the room, my love?”
“This chase is fit for two,” you smile up at him, repeating the words he always used to persuade you to come lay next to him before it became rote.
“That’s my line,” he smirks down at you playfully, reaching across you to set his reading and pencil on the a table next to you.
He relaxes with the hand, the one that had set down the book, at the back of your head, stroking your hair. He was so close that his nose was practically touching yours.
“My line now,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, still clutch the locket to your chest with both hands. You received a short chuckle from the millennia old vampire hovering over you. His hand left your hair, caressing down your shoulder, up the curve of your forearm, like he was tracing the lines of the most fine work of art he’s ever seen, admiring you closely as he did so. His long fingers finally stopping over your hand, “this is yours now too,” he said, referencing the locket, “I’ll have the clasp fixed and you can keep it, my dear,” he looked up into your eyes now, “since you seem so enamored with it.”
You smiled up at him, knowing him all too well, you squinted and playfully accused, “I know your tricks mister,” he raised an eyebrow, “you’re just trying to get rid of it without actually having to part with it.”
This is what you would call a ‘classic Demetri move.’
“I suppose I have trouble parting with such beautiful little things,” he says, finally leaning down to kiss you. His hand moving down to find purchase at the curve of your back. You arched to meet him, bring yourself as close to him as you could. Even pressing yourself against him, it was never quite close enough.
Though he tended to prefer rock, the modern music playing from the vintage record player on his dresser seemed to set the mood nicely.
I am free, I am free.
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hamliet · 1 year
Emerald and Mercury, Chemical Wedding
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So Hamliet wrote a meta about Renora, Bumbleby, White Knight, and Rosegarden getting chemical weddings (several posts for White Knight now since they just had their second one). But at the time I remarked that I didn't see any specific symbolism for Emercury.
I was dumb, and I'm sorry. There is a wedding, and it's very clearly coded as one, and I missed it. Lulz?
It's from the same manuscript as Yang/Blake's first wedding, and Renora's. It's less directly referencing the specific imagery in that neither Em nor Merc are using lances or riding animals, but it's still packed full of obvious symbolism.
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The point of this image is actually that fights are often symbolic of chemical weddings. Think Jaime and Brienne having a fight with swords in front of a river in A Storm of Swords. There's a specific risk of penetration involved here (yes that's subtext), and the first chemical wedding is often violent. I'm not going to get super into the Freudian penetration symbolism because that's not really what happens, but I am going to point out that Mercury and Emerald do penetrate each other's armor symbolically here.
If you look at the framing when the fight starts, it's comparable to Weiss and Jaune's before their second one begins.
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Emerald is in front of sunlight and fire. Mercury, associated with the moon, is in the shadows. Emerald is associated with red as well.
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But the fight starts off with Emerald essentially asking Mercury what am I to you? But she includes Cinder in this, which is a sign of immaturity, because Cinder is explicitly paralleled with a parental figure here (Marcus). Don't bring your parents up in romantic situations, kids.
And Mercury responds kind of cruelly:
Emerald: I mean, there has to be something you want from this, right?
Mercury: Salem's promised us everything. We win this thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. What more do you want?
Emerald: I just... (sighs) Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--
Mercury: Wake up, already...
Emerald looks at him in shock upon hearing this.
Mercury: Cinder doesn't care about you! She doesn't care about either of us!
Emerald: You don't know what you're talking about!
Mercury: You're in denial. And if you're gonna start having a crisis of identity or some crap... keep me out of it.
Still, Emerald does directly tell Mercury that he and Cinder are family to her. That's pretty clearly implied.
Emerald then starts to meet Mercury where he's at. She responds to him with fights and kicks, and only when she does that--using a language Mercury understands, because for him family=pain and physical violence--does Mercury open up to her.
In fact, this is the specific framing of the exact moment he tells Emerald about Marcus stealing his semblance. He's stepped into the fire, absorbing qualities from Emerald.
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Whenever Mercury makes important statements, he says it in front of the fire. For example, he tells Emerald "I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be" in front of fire (scene below).
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The fight also takes place in a vault that is very much modeled on a church. I mean, don't tell me this isn't a church. It's a church, a classic wedding allusion.
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The ending pose is both of them unified in light and shadows, staring at Tyrian in horror.
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Because Tyrian is another key factor in this. He interrupts the wedding. He does a very creepy pose over Mercury and using his tail to make the subtext extra creepy. This makes it pretty clear that Tyrian is Emercury's Adam or Cinder/Curious Cat--an antagonistic Mercurius who represents a threat to not just Emerald and Mercury's relationship, but their very live.
I would also bet this scene foreshadows exactly what will happen later, since elevated, second chemical weddings in RWBY tend to be inverses of the preceding ones.
My prediction is Emerald and Mercury physically fight it out at some point. Tyrian will intervene and go for Emerald, but Mercury will get in the way and not allow Tyrian to kill Emerald, and they'll defeat him together.
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nothwell · 6 months
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Scene 32 of Solar Fantasy – Aubrey & Lindsey Retold is up on Patre♡n! Wherein a mysterious fate befalls Aubrey.
Carlisle’s smile faded. “Is something the matter?”
“Yes. Aubrey’s missing.”
“Missing?” The word didn’t galvanize Carlisle quite the way Lindsey had assumed it would. Indeed, he appeared almost indifferent. “How do you know?”
“He never arrived Saturday night.”
“Were you expecting him?”
“I expect him every Saturday night.” The gossip columns knew as much as that; Lindsey marveled at how Carlisle could not.
“Well, then.” Carlisle shrugged. “Doubtless he will explain himself soon enough. It’s only Monday, after all.”
This Monday, of all Mondays, could not be cast aside as “only” Monday. Lindsey endeavoured to maintain his patience. “Halloway has not seen him at his lodging house, either.”
“Graves’s friend, you remember. He’s Aubrey’s downstairs neighbour.”
“Is he, now?” This detail, at last, had piqued Carlisle’s interest. “At last we have an explanation for your coincidental meeting at Graves’s party.”
Lindsey ignored that remark in favour of steering the conversation back into relevant territory. “Halloway lives on the ground floor; Aubrey lives in the garrett. Aubrey cannot depart or enter the lodging house without passing by Halloway’s rooms. And Halloway has seen him neither come nor go since Friday.”
“Then he should ask the landlady to knock him up,” said Carlisle. “But really, even if he hasn’t returned home, what of it? He’s a grown man. He may come or go—or not—as he pleases.”
“He may,” Lindsey admitted—Carlisle might absorb his point more easily if he made at least a minor concession to his argument, however irrelevant. “But it is very much unlike him to miss an appointment. He’s…” Reliable. Dependable. Trustworthy. A sculpture carved of granite or cast in bronze, true to his core, his unbreakable soul. “…extremely punctual.”
Did you want more Aubrey and Lindsey – but in a whole new world?
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mannlibrary · 2 years
Mend and  Make New
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Featured in the photographs above is some remarkable hand and sewing-machine stitching done in 1893 by Dorothea Beach, a 6th grader at a public school in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The sample is from the archives of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences housed at Cornell University Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections.
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Above: Title page, Lake Placid Conference of Home Economics Proceedings;  photo of Flora Rose (l) and Martha van Rensselaer (r) at a League of Women Voters meeting, Hyde Park, NY, 1920 (from Human Ecology Historical Photographs
The AAFCS was founded as the American Home Economics Association at the Lake Placid Conference of 1909. Participants at the annual conference, who had been meeting annually for 10 years,  were passionate about turning the formerly invisible work of women into vibrant arenas for building creative expertise. For the early pioneers of the field, Cornell’s Martha Van Rensselaer and Flora Rose among them, home economics (also known as domestic science and, later, family and consumer sciences) would be a force for liberation. As a newly emerging field of study in land-grant colleges and other educational institutions, it would help women transform practical skills into creative capacity for finding innovative solutions problems that affect both individuals and society as a whole. A key area for this work was the challenge women faced keeping themselves and their families well clothed, despite the hardships of poverty and crises in the national economy.
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Above from top:  Display of garments made from men's shirts arranged by Cornell home economics faculty for Farmers Week, 1919; Display of conserved hats prepared for an exhibit at the New York State Fair, 1918.(Both photos from the Human Ecology Historical Photographs collection). 
Through community workshops, live demonstrations at county fairs, and free publications, home economists have sought over the years to help their communities take on the issue of making, maintaining, and repurposing clothing. Teaching children good stitch work was an important start, but the ultimate goal was to grow this basic skill into a nimble ability to refashion unlikely resources, lean household budgets and thread bare clothes included, into fresh elements of a pleasing wardrobe.
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“Keeping Clothes Wearable”, by Gladys L. Butt. Cornell Extension Bulletin 536, October 1942, in the archives of the Cornell Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University; also viewable online.  
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“Mending Clothes and Household Fabrics,” by Gladys L. Butt. Cornell Extension Bulletin 871, 1954; in the archives of the Cornell Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University; also viewable online. 
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“First Lessons in Sewing: A Manual for Junior Extension Workers in Clothing,” Cornell Junior Extension Bulletin No. 1, 1918, in the archives of the Cornell Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University; also viewable online. 
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Page from the handout “Restitch and Renew to Keep Clothes in Use,” by Bernetta Kahabka, Extension Specialist, Cornell University, 1974, in the home economics archives of the Rare and Manuscript Division of Cornell University Library. 
Most of the guides to sewing and stitching shown here are available as part of Mann Library’s online Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition, History (HEARTH) ,  the Cornell Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA), and the Hathi Trust Digital Library. These online repositories offer valuable (yet free!) resources for anyone interested in re-learning the art of making new from old.  “Upcycling,” a term first coined in the early 1990s, has become a common word as awareness of more sustainable “slow fashion” principles has grown. What does it mean exactly? According to merriam-webster.com, to upcycle is “to recycle (something) in such a way that the resulting product is of a higher value than the original item : to create an object of greater value from (a discarded object of lesser value).” For (happily) growing numbers of us, upcycling has become a fine craft that combines old traditions and techniques with contemporary style to create uniquely personalized wearable art that also signals a conscious effort to avoid harmful waste and use resources sustainably. With a little bit of mindfulness and maybe some handy “how-to’s found in digitized, freely available historical materials, the old can indeed become some bright new for one and all.
Excerpted from Mann Library’s spring 2023 exhibit, Sustaining Style: Towards Responsible Fashion
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Display in Mann Library exhibit, Sustaining Style:Towards Responsible Fashion (March 23 - September 15, 2023)
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manuscripts-dontburn · 9 months
Books I need to read in 2024
(let´s see if I can FINALLY take these off of my TBR!)
12 fiction:
The Historian
Life And Fate
The Goldfinch
Gunnar's Daughter
The Sealwoman's Gift
The Sisters of the Winter Wood
Frenchman's Creek
The Eighth Life
Gods of Jade and Shadow
The Color Purple
The Testaments
12 nonfiction:
Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady
The Last Kaiser: The Life of Wilhelm II
The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King
Cleopatra: A Life
The Brontë Cabinet: Three Lives in Nine Objects
Inconvenient People: Lunacy, Liberty and the Mad-Doctors in England
Meetings with remarkable manuscripts
Death in the Air: The True Story of a Serial Killer, the Great London Smog, and the Strangling of a City
A Smolny Album: Glimpses into Life at the Imperial Educational Society of Noble Maidens
Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets
All the Young Men
The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn
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