#Media Entertainment Art Culture
manojhosur · 2 years
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banglavisiononline · 2 years
ঢাকাই সিনেমার জনপ্রিয় অভিনেত্রী শবনম বুবলী। ক্যারিয়ারের শুরুতেই সিনেমায় সঙ্গী হিসেবে পেয়েছেন ঢালিউড সুপারস্টার শাকিব
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womeneye · 2 years
ঢাকাই সিনেমার সুপারস্টার শাকিব খানকে নিয়ে চলছে আলোচনা। ঠিক তখনই সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যমে আবারও এক পোস্ট দিয়েছেন চিত্রনায়িকা বুবলী।
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cvoice24 · 2 years
প্রেগনেন্সি ও সেলিব্রেটি বিবেচনায় ডিজিটাল নিরাপত্তা আইনের মামলায় চিত্রনায়িকা মাহিয়া মাহির জামিন মঞ্জুর করেছেন আদালত।
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channel24bd · 2 years
বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম সেরা সঙ্গীত শিল্পী নাজমুন মুনিরা ন্যান্সি। হাবিব ওয়াহিদের হাত ধরে ২০০৬ সালে হৃদয়ের কথা সিনেমায় প্লেব্যাক শুরু করেন
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In some corners of the internet there is a readiness to call anything pretentious whenever it is complex, abstract or deliberately alienating. Some people are also eager to claim that artists are too self-serious, snooty and elitist whenever they create something that is not straightforwardly understood.
They pretend art has always existed to appeal to the greatest number of people and appeal in a way that is simple and explicable. If you look at the history of art that could not be further from the truth. Even art that was performed to an ‘illiterate’ public often maintained layers of meaning and ambiguity throughout long periods of history (just look at the global historical traditions of oral storytelling)
The simplification of art and the expectation that everything should appeal to a wide audience is the result of commodification not democratisation. Art has arguably never been less revered than now and still there are people who think it has further to fall in esteem. Just look at the AI movement’s desire to undermine artists while stealing their work.
I believe that the ‘it’s not that deep’ crowd who is eager to wield the accusation of pretentiousness whenever something doesn’t connect to them is part of an anti-artist, anti-intellectual movement to do away with mainstream non-consumerist (non-recuperable) art.
There has been a concerted effort by corporations and those purely interested in consumerism to erase the notion that art is primarily a human expression that is not necessarily made to pander to a wide audience. Every day we see more efforts in the social media & technological culture wars to devalue art and demonise artists who wish to create artistically fulfilling works rather than crowd-pleasing content.
I think we need to push back harder against this. The anti-complexity consumerist mindset is not only incurious and subservient to corporations, it’s also anti-intellectual, anti-cultural and insidiously reactionary.
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k-wame · 10 months
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oh they're taking it
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blogishdaj · 2 years
Can't get over the fact that the Otherverse version of the MCU is the Parahumansverse, the Parahuman Earths have the MaggieHoltverse as a Harry Potter equivalent (with Pact as a series of supernatural TV shows/games), biopunk is as famous as the cyberpunk genre in both worlds...
... and the only reference we have in Twig of the other serials are dime store novel titles :((
Truly the neglected youngest child of the three serial universes.
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t-jfh · 1 year
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Anchuli Felicia King is a Thai-Australian playwright and multidisciplinary artist. (ABC Arts: Teresa Tan)
Playwright Anchuli Felicia King had to leave Australian theatre in order to conquer it.
By Dee Jefferson
ABC Arts - 31 October 2019
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David Koutsouridis is an award-winning Australian comedy writer based in Los Angeles. (Supplied)
Aussie writer on Hollywood picket lines says strike is pivotal for global entertainment industry.
By Mawunyo Gbogbo
ABC News - 7 June 2023
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Our local industry is being shaped and shaken up by the international streamers, including Netflix who produced the reboot of Heartbreak High. (Netflix)
As the US actors' and writers' strike continues, how does the Australian screen industry measure up?
By Hannah Reich for Stop Everything!
ABC Arts - 19 September 2023
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manojhosur · 2 years
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banglavisiononline · 2 years
ভারতীয় বাঙালি অভিনেত্রী পায়েল ঘোষ পরিচালক অনুরাগ কাশ্যপের বিরুদ্ধে যৌন হেনস্থার অভিযোগ আগেই এনেছিলেন। তবে এ বার
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womeneye · 2 years
গতবছর জুনের পর এবার ফের হুমকি পেলেন বলিউড ‘ভাইজান’ সালমান খান। শনিবার একটি ইমেল এসেছে অভিনেতার ম্যানেজারের কাছে। মুম্বাই পুলি
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cvoice24 · 2 years
মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের লস অ্যাঞ্জেলসে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ৯৫তম অস্কারের জমকালো অনুষ্ঠান। সেখানে জড়ো হয়েছিলেন হলিউডসহ বিনো
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channel24bd · 2 years
প্রতারণার অভিযোগে ‘দৈনিক ভোরের পাতা’ এর সম্পাদক ড. কাজী এরতেজা হাসানকে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে পুলিশ ব্যুরো অব ইনভেস্টিগেশন (পিবিআই)
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culturefit · 1 year
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♡ Rya; they/them; aspiring writer and journalist. I am a minor. Free Palestine 🇯🇴
♡ essays, images, and facts about a variety of subjects mainly focusing on art, fashion, music, culture, poetry, and generally entertainment and media. Requests for topics for me to look into are open.
♡ any posts on this blog with the tag " #culturefit" is my own and not a reblog.
NOTICE: This is a PUNK blog, I align myself with a majority of the ideology. Most of what I say will be from my perspective unless it is a purely educational and research thing. If you don't like it, please be respectful and just don't interact.
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divinemedias · 1 year
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