#Meandering life
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jordangarciafoto · 2 years ago
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Meandering life, Yosemite National Park by gshubham
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mystical-one · 2 months ago
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fuck it BobNeil Yaoi redraw
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mizzyislost · 1 year ago
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so i heard it was a certain silly slug game's birthday
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naehilisms · 3 months ago
Hi! I love your blog. And I'm posting this ask because I thought of something and now the question is haunting me.
In your opinion:
For a decepticon, what would get them in the biggest trouble, finding Optimum hot, or finding Megatron hot. (Supposing that it gets found out.)
I find this ask so topical bc I’m currently writing a crack megop fic that happens to have megs finding out someone joined the decepticons bc they thought he was hot
I’m not exactly the primo guy for character analysis but in my humble opinion , finding megatron hot.
mostly for the haha factor but I feel like if meg found out some decepticon thought optimus was hot he’d be pissed off but he’d be like “yeah. Ok fine you’re an idiot” and throw them around a bit to put the fear of primus in them bc, begrudgingly, optimus IS hot. he’s also the enemy, so you know what happens if you pull any shit, buddy
but if he found out someone thought HE’S hot he’d be angry AND slightly disturbed. this kinda sullies the sanctity of the decepticon movement. and then he gets all in his head and worked up and now he’s REALLY mad and, well, the fusion cannon’s right there!
take all this with a grain of salt bc I’m kind of questioning it even as i write it but it’s funny to me and I do most things bc it’s funny
also thank you for enjoying my blog :)
here’s a little snippet of the fic btw, to whet the appetite:
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context: someone is writing fanfiction of megatron (and optimus) and it’s driving him insane
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rooolt · 5 months ago
I can acquiesce that I do think s2 is technically the worst season of dndads, and I mean that in a pacing and story structure and general coherency way, HOWEVER, it has had such a profound impact on me as a person that even the thought of any single one of those characters makes me sick with the amount of emotions they inspire within my being to this very day, and I think that’s more important
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saintmachina · 1 year ago
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buttonloops · 10 days ago
i spent all of last year carefully saving up an emergency fund
now i have decided that "dude you live like this???" is an emergency
i have ordered all the things I was carefully guilting myself into putting off for later
closing all the open loops in my head so that I can move on to the next things
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isdalinarhot · 3 months ago
i love that i can tell exactly where the dalinar flashbacks wouldve gone if kowt wouldve stayed dalinars book. like all the Awful Parts of dalinar's life he's forced to relive. but because dalinar's NOT the flashback character we instead get rehashes of dalinar's most violent moments (but not necessarily his lowest ones -- we barely get ANY washed up dilf era for example) and the New Dalinar Life Info is like FUN DALINAR FACT! he couldnt get it up on his wedding night
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warpedwings · 2 months ago
Misha Collins - Chairs at Cons
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Part One
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bonefall · 1 year ago
maybe with the ending.. make it be like the link between Breezepelt's leaving to join Kin and his POV in AVOS? of course from Nightcloud's perspective but
like. she would be injured and recovering away from the clan. but they would be unaware that she is alive and like in canon assume she died and hold her a vigil. Breezepelt, who is already at low point, taking it very badly - yes he was pushing her away bc he was hurt and angry and started taking it out on her, but.. it's still his mom. his Mi. and she is dead? or is this stupid clan just going to believe this to make it easier? are they really giving up on looking for her, or her body??
i can see Nightcloud being the one of very few, if not THE Only one, things that kept Breezepelt in WindClan at this point. and without her, what's the point? it's not like anyone else likes him. the link is gone and they buried it in a bodyless vigil. so it's what pushes him to actuall take the step and leave.
not sure how well it would align with the timeline and events. and how soon Darktail was assembling cats from other clans like Breeze. but i think it would be interesting and heartbreaking if at the end of her SE, Nightcloud just arrived back to WindClan and asks where Breezepelt is and someone tells her.. he either was missing since this morning or just left the clan earlier the same day. like, just have them miss each other by a hair.
I'm thinking that the second-to-last chapter is her with Pickle, having a bit of a sabbatical to unpack everything that happens through the story. Mostly because I want to throw her into some kind of pretty garden as a nice setting for this lmaoo
A LOT of BB stuff is being added to Nightcloud's Pannage that wasn't in the main series; Hillrunner's abuse, her mentor Addersong, several expanded little background characters now complete with their own side conflicts. I think what I can bind all these things with is Nightcloud considering what a Clan means.
Because of her new reputation, I'm noticing I'm writing scenes where she's intentionally doing and saying things to try and sway them. While also grappling with her resentment towards them, and things she can't change.
There's a bit of a melancholy air so far, so I'm starting to feel like the best ending is just having a bit of space to herself to think. Ultimately, she decides that it's more than Breezepelt or Crowfeather that binds her to WindClan. It's the life and connections she COULD have.
WindClan cats are also quite religious next to other Clans, so I really do mean "sabbatical." I'm going to have Addersong die of old age shortly after they reconnect, so she's in Pickle's Garden talking to her new friend, choosing cats she's lost to pray to as patron spirits to give her the traits she feels she needs, and just recovering both physically from injury and spiritually from turmoil.
So all that to say; it works well that by the time she gets back, Breezepelt has joined The Kin. He was one of the first to join when he started calling for members anyway, so having Night be gone for about two or three weeks sounds appropriate.
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parallaxaview · 7 months ago
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Block 21 - the Meander, Snake Building, or Chinese Wall in Belgrade, Serbia.
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mystical-one · 1 year ago
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mizzyislost · 2 years ago
Ur rivulet design is so skrunkly can we see more of the fish
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ok but only because you asked nicely
original image for the first one :)
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white-weasel · 3 months ago
Writing something about Zirk. Meant for it to just be a quick “Fia and Henry find out about Zirk’s deal with the fairy.” I have instead written 2k and we’re just getting to the part where Fia comes in and is going to start the conversation
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cattewife · 6 months ago
lmao i am DYING my best friend who i told about the fet the other month completely missed that it was a fetish for ME and thought i was doing niche work for a found community or smthing x,,,,D
so anyway we had to go into confession part TWO today where we gently (wayyyy more prepared and less panicky this time) had to be like "ok no this is my fetish, i'm not doing research into a kink to draw for it, i'm writing/drawing for ME because /I/ like it" >///o///<
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ouranbutworse · 5 months ago
kyoya is okay being around pets but hasn't had much interaction with them ever and dogs like antoinette obviously prefer the loud and jumpy people like the twins and honey so she rarely just sits down with him, but if he sat down at a shelter in a cat room the whole room would run to sit with/on him
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