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Notu „Kraljica Mira“ o duhovnom iskustvu vezanom za Međugorje Dikasterija za nauk vjere, predstavljenu u četvrtak 19. rujna 2024. na konferenciji za novinare u prostorima Tiskovnog ureda Svete Stolice u Vatikanu, prenosimo u cijelosti. Nota o duhovnom iskustvu vezanom za Međugorje Prethodne napomene 1. Stigao je trenutak da se zaključi duga i složena povijest oko duhovnih fenomena Međugorja. Radi…
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Un fantastico mondo gentrificato
Per ogni pensionato residente in centro città che muore, nasce un nuovo appartamento turistico Da anni i leader populisti piangono il morto con la faccenda demografica. A loro dire, verremo soppiantati da popolazioni meno colte, dagli usi barbari ma straordinariamente prolifiche. E disegnano una società in cui “i nostri (pochi) figli”, mandati a scuola e masterizzati subiranno ogni sorta di…

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Mi è appena uscito un tiktok di un vecchiettino che fa una torta per la moglie che sta tornando da un viaggio a Međugorje e quando lei arriva le dice “bentornata amore”.
Sinceramente sto piangendo tutta l’acqua benedetta che c’era a Međugorje
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Non so se per la luna funziona come per la madonna, che quella di Lourdes è diversa da quella di Međugorje, comunque questa è quella di Arzachena.
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I know your not a tour guide but my family says they want to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina this fall and since you're from there I just want to ask if you've got places you'd suggest going to? Thank you 🫶
Fun fact, I actually went to a trading school that was all about tourism. If I wanted to, I COULD become a tour guide LMAO
Here are some locations I think you'd like:
The City of Mostar has a lovely Old Bridge that was built back in 1566 when the country was still a part of the Ottoman Empire. Just the entire Old City is really fun to go through and the food there is great. The Old Town in Sarajevo is also really neat.
If you're interested in religion, I'd say give Međugorje a shot. According to local legend, the Virgin Mary made an appearance there and ever since that day it has become a hot spot for tourists. Be a little careful here though as it has a lot of tourist traps.
The Sarajevo War Tunnel and Museum of Crimes Against Humanity in Mostar are all very grim but important places for the nation. The war ended in the 90's but you can still see and feel the effects of it.
I haven't been there too much but I remember really liking Una National Park and Hutovo Blato. They are very nice places to go to if you like nature. Lots of cool birds in Hutovo Blato!
Also, a little side note, if you're a vegetarian or vegan you're gonna have a hard time finding food here. You have options but they're limited, I'd say 95% of our diet is meat.
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Medjugorje reconciled my soul with God
My visit to the Marian shrine of Medjugorje (1) reconciled my soul with the Lord. In the modern world, God seems to be gradually disappearing from our hearts and losing all value. So I went there initially to rediscover my faith, which I'd been neglecting for some time, while at the same time taking a trip with fifty young people.
Basically, the Holy Spirit guided me along this path of truth and sincerity, and I answered the call! There, I first discovered people with generous hearts, sincere friendships, not laden with preconceptions, and eager to advance on the journey.
And once there, I understood: “Medj” is a light in the night, a place of openness to God. There, I encountered a time of grace, reflection on myself, and answers on the importance of life. We are all called to work for a better, fairer world. Prayer is so simple, and it opens our hearts!
I surprised myself, and kept asking for more! But our mission has only just begun!
(1) Međugorje, a town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, has been a site of Catholic pilgrimages since the first apparition of the Virgin Mary on the “hill of apparitions” in 1981
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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Mističarka upozorila na jednu opasnost vezanu za Međugorje...! https://x.com/samolucija9/status/1849112143255556331
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Pope Francis to Medjugorje Youth Festival: ‘God Has a Plan’
The youth festival, in its 34th edition, is being held July 26–30 at the site of alleged Marian apparitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Medjugorje Youth Festival, in its 34th edition, is being held July 26–30, 2023, at the site of alleged Marian apparitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Medjugorje Youth Festival, in its 34th edition, is being held July 26–30, 2023, at the site of alleged Marian apparitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (photo: Radio MIR Međjugorje)
Hannah Brockhaus/CNA
July 27, 2023
Shun laziness and selfishness and do not be afraid to follow God’s plan for your life, Pope Francis told the thousands of young participants of the 2023 Medjugorje Youth Festival in a message on Thursday.
“God has a plan of love for each of you. Do not be afraid of his will, but place all your trust in his grace. To him you are precious and important, because you are the work of his hands,” Pope Francis said in a message published by the Vatican on July 27.
The youth festival, in its 34th edition, is being held July 26–30 at the site of alleged Marian apparitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Also known as “Mladifest,” the five-day event is focused on prayer and includes daily Mass and eucharistic adoration, testimonials, and a candlelight procession.
Thousands of young people gather at the 2023 Medjugorje Youth Festival July 26–30. Radio MIR Međugorje
Thousands of young people gather at the 2023 Medjugorje Youth Festival July 26–30. Radio MIR Međugorje
“Only [God] knows your heart and your deepest desires. Only he who loves you with absolute love is able to fulfill your aspirations. No one but God can give you true happiness,” the Pope continued.
He encouraged the festival’s attendees to follow the example of Mary in giving their unconditional “yes” to the Lord.
“Let there be no place in your life for selfishness nor for laziness,” he added. “Take advantage of your youth to lay, together with the Lord, the foundation of your existence, for your personal, professional, and social future will depend on the choices you make during these years.”
In his message, Pope Francis reflected on the theme of the 2023 festival — “Behold my mother, behold my brothers” — which comes from the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:49.
With these words, Jesus “wanted to indicate to us that it is adherence to the Father’s will that establishes us in union with him, a bond superior to the closest close ties of blood,” Francis explained.
“God’s will,” he continued, “is a priceless treasure!”
The Pope acknowledged, however, that people often struggle to understand and accept God’s will.
“We would like a different life, without challenges, without suffering,” he said. “We would like ourselves to be different, perhaps smarter, richer in talents or natural dispositions.”
Yet there is no better will, more lovingly planned for our full happiness, than the will of the Father, he emphasized.
“We often fear this will because we are afraid that God might impose something on us out of sheer will and not for our good; we are afraid that accepting his will means giving up our freedom,” he said. “We must, instead, seek intensely, ask God the Father to make his will known to us and ask that it be done in us.”
“And the deepest reason for desiring it is pointed out to us by Jesus himself: Doing the Father’s will makes us his children, brothers, sisters, mothers, and makes us grow in love toward him and toward others.”
Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, apostolic visitor to Medjugorje, addresses the youth festival. Radio MIR Međjugorje
Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, apostolic visitor to Medjugorje, addresses the youth festival. Radio MIR Međjugorje
The alleged Marian apparitions in Medjugorje occurred to six children beginning on June 24, 1981.
According to the alleged visionaries, the apparitions conveyed a message of peace for the world, a call to conversion, prayer, and fasting, as well as certain secrets surrounding events to be fulfilled in the future.
These apparitions are said to have continued almost daily since their first occurrence, with three of the original six children — now adults — continuing to receive apparitions every afternoon because not all of the “secrets” intended for them have been revealed.
Since their beginning, the alleged apparitions have been a source of controversy and conversion, with many flocking to the city for pilgrimage and prayer, while many others claim the visions are not credible.
In January 2014, a Vatican commission ended a nearly four-year-long investigation into the doctrinal and disciplinary aspects of the Medjugorje apparitions.
Pope Francis granted Catholics permission to organize pilgrimages to Medjugorje in 2019, though the Church has not yet given a verdict on the authenticity of the apparitions. The Pope has sent annual messages to the Medjugorje Youth Festival since 2020.

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Where are you from?
Im from Međugorje,Bosnia and Herzegovina🇧🇦
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Virgem Maria
Ao longo dos séculos, diversas formas de devoção mariana floresceram na tradição católica, cada uma oferecendo uma abordagem única para se aproximar da Mãe de Deus. O Santo Rosário, por exemplo, é uma das expressões mais conhecidas, guiando os fiéis por meditações sobre os mistérios da vida de Cristo.
As Ladainhas Lauretanas, as Novenas a Nossa Senhora e a Consagração a Maria são outras práticas que permeiam a devoção mariana, proporcionando momentos de reflexão, oração e entrega espiritual, cura, libertação, bençãos. Essas devoções não apenas fortalecem a conexão com Maria, Mãe de Jesus e nossa Mãe, mas também amplificam a compreensão da importância do seu papel na fé cristã.
Maria é venerada como a intercessora junto a seu Filho, Jesus, e como exemplo supremo de virtudes cristãs. Sua compaixão, humildade e aceitação do plano divino tornam-na uma guia espiritual inspiradora para os fiéis que buscam uma relação mais profunda com Deus.
A devoção mariana não é apenas uma tradição, mas uma jornada espiritual que enriquece a fé, proporcionando consolo nas horas de necessidade e inspiração para uma vida cristã mais plena. Ao se voltarem para Maria, os devotos encontram uma mãe espiritual amorosa, pronta para conduzi-los em sua jornada de fé.
Lista de datas comemorativas de Nossa Senhora
1 - Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus
6 - Nossa Senhora de Caná
18 - Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis (Padroeira de Pombos- PE)
2 - Nossa Senhora da Guia [1] 2 - Nossa Senhora de Copacabana 2 - Nossa Senhora da Luz 2 - Nossa Senhora da Purificação 2 - Nossa Senhora das Candeias 2 - Nossa Senhora Rainha do Sertão 2 - Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes 2 - Nossa Senhora da Saúde 11 - Nossa Senhora de Lourdes (Padroeira de Vespasiano MG) 21 - Nossa Senhora Mãe da Eucaristia 23 - Nossa Senhora do Divino Pranto 24 - Nossa Senhora da Confiança
8 - Nossa Senhora das Lágrimas 25 - Nossa Senhora da Anunciação
2 - Nossa Senhora do Desterro 8 - Nossa Senhora da Penha de França 12 - Nossa Senhora da Divina Revelação 21 - Nossa Senhora Dolorosa do Colégio 22 - Nossa Senhora da Saúde 26 - Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho 28 - Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres 30 - Nossa Senhora da África
4 - Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens 8 - Nossa Senhora da Estrela 8 - Nossa Senhora de Luján 13 - Nossa Senhora de Fátima 13 - Nossa Senhora do Santíssimo Sacramento 24 - Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora 24 - Nossa Senhora da Consolação 26 - Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio 31 - Nossa Senhora da Visitação 31 - Nossa Senhora do Escalada 31 - Nossa Senhora Medianeira de todas as Graças
22 - Nossa Senhora Rainha da Obediência (Congonhal, Minas Gerais, Brasil) 25 - Nossa Senhora de Međugorje 27 - Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro [2]
13 - Nossa Senhora da Rosa Mística 16 - Nossa Senhora do Carmo 26 - Nossa Senhora da Fé 28 - Nossa Senhora do Belo Ramo
1 - Nossa Senhora da Cabeça 2 - Nossa Senhora dos Anjos 5 - Nossa Senhora das Neves 15 - Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio (Padroeira de Araras-SP) 15 - Nossa Senhora da Abadia 15 - Nossa Senhora Achiropita 15 - Nossa Senhora da Assunção 15 -Nossa Senhora do Sorriso 15 - Nossa Senhora da Babilônia (São Carlos-SP) 15 - Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem (Padroeira de Belo Horizonte-MG] 15 - Nossa Senhora do Calvário 15 - Nossa Senhora do Castelo (Coruche) 15 - Nossa Senhora Desatadora dos Nós 15 - Nossa Senhora da Glória 15 - Nossa Senhora da Guia 15 - Nossa Senhora dos Humildes (Padroeira de Paulistana-PI) 15 - Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis 15 - Nossa Senhora da Ponte 15 - Nossa Senhora do Porto da Eterna Salvação (Padroeira de Andrelândia-MG) 15 - Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres 15 - Nossa Senhora de Oliveira (Padroeira de Oliveira-MG) 15 - Nossa Senhora dos Remédios 15 - Nossa Senhora da Saúde 15 - Nossa Senhora da Vitória 15 - Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte 15 - Nossa Senhora da Alegria 16 - Nossa Senhora do Amparo 17 - Nossa Senhora de Assiute 22 - Nossa Senhora Rainha 26 - Nossa Senhora de Czestochowa 27 - Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres (Maceió-AL)
1 - Virgem das Lágrimas 8 - Nossa Senhora Exterminadora de Todas as Heresias
8 - Nossa Senhora das Grotas 8 - Nossa Senhora de Campanhã 8 - Nossa Senhora do Monte Serrat 8 - Nossa Senhora da Natividade 8 - Nossa Senhora de Nazareth 8 - Nossa Senhora das Necessidades (Piracema) 8 - Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio (Padroeira de Patrocínio-MG) 8 - Nossa Senhora da Pena (Porto Seguro-BA) 8 - Nossa Senhora da Penha (São Paulo-SP) 8 - Nossa Senhora dos Remédios 12 - Nossa Senhora da Boa Esperança 15 - Nossa Senhora das Dores 15 - Nossa Senhora da Piedade 18 - Mãe Peregrina 19 - Nossa Senhora da Salete (Santuário na França - aparição em 1846) 24 - Nossa Senhora de Walsingham (Aparição em 1061, numa aldeia no norte de Norfolk, Inglaterra)
7 - Nossa Senhora do Rosário 9 - Nossa Senhora de Champion Wisconsin, EUA 12 - Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida 12 - Nossa Senhora do Pilar 18 - Nossa Senhora de Schoenstatt (Mãe, Rainha e Vencedora, Três Vezes Admirável de Schoenstatt)[3]
1 - Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso 4 - Nossa Senhora de Kazan 8 - Nossa Senhora Mediadora 15 - Nossa Senhora do Rocio 19 - Nossa Senhora Mãe da Divina Providência 21 - Nossa Senhora da Apresentação 21 - Nossa Senhora da Apresentação de Natal 21 - Nossa Senhora da Escada 21 - Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis 27 - Nossa Senhora das Graças e da Medalha Milagrosa 28 - Nossa Senhora de Quibeo
8 - Imaculada Conceição Rainha e Padroeira de Portugal, de todos os povos de língua portuguesa. 10 - Nossa Senhora de Loreto 12 - Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe do México[4] 18 - Nossa Senhora do Ó 18 - Nossa Senhora do Paraíso (Vale do Paraíso, Azambuja) 18 - Nossa Senhora do Parto 27 - Nossa Senhora das Brotas (Piraí do Sul-PR)
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Svetište u Međugorju, koje je na daleko poznato kao mjesto molitve i pomirenja, ovih dana otvorena srca i raširenih ruku prihvata i zbrinjava veliki broj izbjeglica iz Ukrajine. „Ako u srcu nemate dobročinstva, imate najgoru vrstu srčanih problema“ Koraci tvoji, kad se rode iz moje šutnje, sveti, sneni, i postelji moga bdijenja hode zanemjeli i zaleđeni. Kako su blagi, uzdržani,o čisto biće,…

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UZ VELIKU OBLJETNICU: Međugorje je u 40 godina postalo katoličko čudo molitve i okupljanja
UZ VELIKU OBLJETNICU: Međugorje je u 40 godina postalo katoličko čudo molitve i okupljanja
Malo hercegovačko mjesto smješteno podno više brda (među gorjem) već četiri desetljeća upravo privlači milijune ljudi šaljući poruke mira, ljubavi, poziva na molitvu, obraćenje, donosi brojna ozdravljenja… Međugorje je čudo molitve i čudo plodova”, jednu od najjednostavnijih definicija ovoga svjetski poznatog mjesta molitve i duhovnosti dao je nekadašnji američki veleposlanik pri Svetoj Stolici…

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Nel 2012 in occasione di un Tour Fotografico in Est Europa nella zona dei Balcani, sono passato da Međugorje, il caratteristico paesino situato nella Bosnia ed Erzegovina, conosciuto in tutto il mondo in merito alle apparizioni della Santa Madonna. Questa mia foto scattata da lontano, rende in parte l'idea della penitenza che si deve affrontare per raggiungere il luogo mistico. In 2012 on the occasion of a photographic tour in Eastern Europe in the Balkan area, I passed by Međugorje, the quaint village located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, known all over the world for the apparitions of the Holy Madonna. This photo of mine, taken from afar, partly conveys the idea of penance that one must face to reach the mystical place. https://youpic.com/user/lucabortolazziyupo #madonna #međugorje #holy #bosnia #santa #pellegrinaggio (presso Modena, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJWYIJwFqnT/?igshid=1sr9jog2n7oii
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Eva's Glass Engraving Berwick Victoria. Hand glass engraving wood DECO BOARDS wood burning also 🙂 postage aval at buyers cost WORLD WIDE Each engraving is one of a kind so pop on over to my page and say hi Pick up Berwick Victoria https://www.facebook.com/evasglassengravingberwickvic/…#croaussie #croatiandesign #pyrography #byhand #woodenart #woodburningart #medugorje #međugorje (at Evasglassengraving)
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When you return from Medjugorje, “you have a glow of inner joy even at work”
When you come back from Medjugorje (1), you are drunk with joy, you sing hymns to the Virgin Mary loudly in the office, and you share your experience with everyone.
The feeling of embarrassment about the taboo subject of religion is gone.
And, to my astonishment, some people tell you that they've heard about Medjugorje, from other lunatics, and are interested in this madness! For a week, you radiate your inner joy into the workplace.
And afterwards?
Then, an intimacy, a complicity, an innate trust in God seems to cling to you.
How long will it last? A long time I think. If it goes away, it won’t be intentionally because of me. And certainly not because of Him.
Thank you Mary, for leading me to Medj. I went there by chance, and I don't regret it.
(1) Međugorje is a town in Bosnia-Herzegovina that has become a Marian shrine and Catholic pilgrimage site since the Virgin Mary first appeared on the “hill of apparitions” in 1981, to four young visionaries. Apparitions are less frequent today, but some visionaries still receive messages from the Virgin Mary for the world. Mary presented herself there under the title of “Our Lady of Peace”.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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