#Me: Um but shouldn’t I be working or contributing or something?
afaroffsong · 7 months
I think my entire life for the past two or three years can be summed up like this:
Me: I don’t understand.
Me: Explain please?
Me: Okay but can You please say something - anything - to me?
God: Yeah sure. Just kick back and relax. I got this.
Me: …Excuse?!
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erisweekofficial · 21 days
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Tonight we're highlighting @chairofchaos!
🔥 Choas is a masterful Azris writer that has our hearts in her hands. If you're looking for something delightfully angsty or heartfelt (or both), look no further than her writing.
Although all of her work is amazing, we're currently crying over Letters of Love, which details Eris and Azriel falling in love and their relationship over time. Definitely get some tissues for this one. 😭😭And if you can't take our word for it take one of her fans:
The Letters of Love series has me spellbound in a way I can not describe. The love, the angst, the writing! I will forever cherish it. Chaos is truly a wonderful writer even if she is chaotic and I will devour this series until the end of time.
Be sure to check out their masterlist, including this Azris drabble!
Read on to learn some of Chaos's favorite Eris headcanons and which national/regional park Eris would get lost and die (or not die) in.
yes. we asked this.
Give us a name for one of Eris’ Brothers
James (so that he can use the “Um. James…” TikTok sound. A modern Eris would secretly have a TikTok. Super secret, but he would have one). Also, a relatively modern name simply because I’m tired of trying to get my word processor to recognize the validity of “Eris” and “Feyre” and even “Elain.” (No, do not add an “e”. I said, DO NOT ADD AN “E”!)
Give us a name for one of Eris’ hounds
Butter. Eris named him as a child because the hound liked to steal things off the kitchen counter, and the first thing he ever stole was a stick of butter. Eris got in a little trouble for it, so the official story is that his fur was lighter than is typical for a smokehound, and smooth like butter. The truth is that he fell in love with the little thief, and wanted to commemorate that first occurrence of thievery. It was a subtle act of rebellion on Eris’ part, and the chef was not pleased when he heard.
Give us some of your favorite Eris headcanons!
Eris is the family secret keeper. His mother tells him things. Lucien tells him things. His other brothers don’t mean to tell him things, but they drop hints and he’s smart enough to put things together. He goes unnoticed by adults as a young person, and is able to gather more information than anyone thought was possible. In doing so, he accidentally positions himself as knowledgeable on many family and court matters he probably shouldn’t even have known about in the first place. People also have a habit of just sharing things with him at random times, so he knows a considerable amount about each of the family guards, the Autumn Council, and their families. He’s a favorite with the court gossips because he will listen. He will rarely contribute, but he will always listen. As a result, everyone in court believes he is on their side. How this will play out when he is High Lord, Eris has no idea. For now, he’s happy hearing their tales of woe. Lord Cherry’s son eloped with the royal groundskeeper who taught Eris how to garden? Eris is absolutely shocked! Of course, he was the one who gave them a carriage to go to Spring, but Lord Cherry doesn’t need to know that.
Who scares Eris the most?
Eris is most scared of himself. I saw a post just the other day where a person told their therapist they were worried they would destroy everything, and their therapist told them they didn’t have that kind of power. They found it helpful because knowing you don’t have the power to change huge things in rage helped them. The difference here is that Eris has that kind of power by his proximity to societal power and his literal powers. He can destroy everything that matters to him if he is careless enough, and that terrifies him. He fears he would be powerful enough to change the world, and wishes he did not have that amount of power, because he has seen first hand how power corrupts. Outside of himself, he is most scared of Lucien. Lucien has more power than he could even imagine, and Eris isn’t sure his brother knows. At the same time, he fears the day Lucien discovers Eris knew, and that Lucien will never forgive him for keeping the knowledge to himself.
What kind of father does Eris imagine he would be, and does that differ from his actual father?
Eris imagines himself to be a brutal, unyielding, possibly even abusive father, as Beron was. He has never known a loving father, and while he believes it is theoretically possible, he looks in the mirror and sees Beron staring back at him. In every way possible, Beron has shaped Eris to be unforgiving, unyielding, brutal, and cruel. Eris worries that he will become Beron if he has children. It takes someone telling him that his worries and fear of becoming his father are what can keep him from becoming Beron. He needs a lot of support to feel confident enough that it is possible in order to become a father at all. Once he has that support, I think he does everything he can to be a better father than the one he had.
What national/regional park would Eris get lost and die (or not die) in?
Eris is dying in Petrified Forest National Park as we speak. He’s dying of heat related injuries and sun exposure. That male was not made for the desert. Fire powers cannot save you from the Arizona sun.
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halstudandruz · 2 years
Best of Me ~ Part 5
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Time for celebrations
Part 1 here // Part 2 here // Part 3 here // Part 4 here
Warnings: Swearing, drinking/alcohol, cheating
Sydney and Emily both stared at you, smiles wide on their faces. Jay quickly exited the room after the two found you in a compromising position.
“So, um sorry you break it to you, but I actually already have dibs on the red dress.” You steered clear of the obvious question in the room.
You and your friends had spent almost 24/7 together throughout the next week. Sydney mentioned a couple days after Vanessa’s funeral that Jay and Kevin were stuck working on a case so it wasn’t often that you had to avoid the tension in the room. You were relieved to learn that your kiss wasn’t the reason he had made himself scarce. You had talked to Kyle a few times throughout the week, still pissed, and the constant questioning of when you would be home only increased your annoyance.
It was always the elephant in the room everyone had avoided. None of you wanted to address the inevitable. Soon you would all return home and life would have to go back to normal. No more living in the past. No more pretending like there wasn’t a life you had to go back to. A fiancé, a wedding to plan, an already planned future and you weren’t mentally ready to address the fact that every time you thought about it you had a feeling of dread.
“We should do something tonight.” Emily said through a mouthful of chips.
“We’re doing something now.” You gestured to the Cubs game on the television.
“No, I mean actually like go out.” Emily insisted.
“Why can’t you ever just be content?” You sighed.
“Because if I was content we wouldn’t ever have any fun together.” She stared pointedly at all of you who were perfectly fine watching a baseball game on a Friday night.
“She’s right.” Carson contributed from the side after a few minutes of silence. You all turned to face him, “We should go out tonight.”
“Really?” It was clear Emily was taken back by his agreement.
“As much as we don’t want to believe it, it seems like the world is going to keep turning. Which is a little hard to fathom since she was the focal point of my universe, but regardless of whether we steer clear of the topic or not you guys have to go back to your lives at some point. A week from now Jay and I will be the only ones left here again and who knows the next time we see each other. We haven’t all been together like this since the summer we,” he gestured to himself and Cody, “graduated, and even if it is the worst circumstance possible I don’t think we should take this time for granted. I fucking missed you guys, and there’s no reason we shouldn’t be making memories while we’re able to. She would kick our asses if we weren’t. Plus as long as there’s alcohol I’m good.” The room became silent as you all mulled over his words. Sydney clearing her throat a minute later,
“That’s actually not true.”
“What’s not true?” Carson’s brow furrowed.
“I didn’t want to say anything until the paperwork was finalized, but my company is opening a new branch in Chicago and they offered to transfer me to head it.” She was attempting to hold back a smile but broke whenever everyone erupted in congratulations, “Thanks, I wish it would’ve came sooner but I’m just happy to be coming home.”
“Not to steal your thunder Syd, but Em and I have been talking too. My company is going to be fully remote by the end of the year and,” he turned to Emily encouraging her to finish the thought.
“And I ran into Jay’s brother at the store yesterday. He said Chicago Med is looking for new pediatric nurses and said he’d put in a good word.” She smiled warmly. The excitement in the room was clear.
“Well we’re definitely going out now! How about Coyote’s? Omg [Y/N], this can be like part one of your bachelorette party!” Sydney basically hopped in excitement and you immediately wanted to protest. You had been to Coyote’s exactly one time before and it was full of drunks and loud music.
“Wait, does that mean we’re not invited?” Cody asked in a slight pout.
“We can’t get into trouble without our lead troublemaker.” Emily pulled him in for a kiss.
“We both know that’s you, babe.”
A few hours later you were huddled in Sydney’s bathroom getting ready against your will.
“Oh yay!” She smiled, putting the straightener down to open her phone, “They just wrapped up the case so Kevin is gonna meet us there.”
“What about Jay?” Emily asked putting her mascara back in the tube after inspecting her eyelashes.
“Let me ask.” She typed a response. You knew you were going to be disappointed if it was a no. Was it weird to have your ex at your bachelorette party? Yes, probably but you also wanted everyone there. If these were potentially the last memories you all made together you needed him to be there.
“He’s going to try, but his Sergeant asked him to finish the paperwork for the case so he’s not sure yet.” Your friend read Kevin’s response out loud before another chime came from her phone,
“Oh my fuck.” You watched her eyes widen, redness spreading down her neck.
“What? What’s wrong?” You searched her face anxiously before she turned her screen towards you and Emily. A selfie, Kevin must’ve sent her, displayed. He wore jeans, and a maroon shirt that was covered by a black bulletproof vest, Atwater/Intelligence stitched into one side and a Chicago Police badge on the other. He sported a cocky smirk.
Your mind involuntarily began to wonder if Jay owned a similar one. Suddenly you couldn’t get the image out of your mind, a twinge appearing between your legs at the mental thought.
“I’m so getting railed tonight.” Sydney began to reply, with what you were sure was a dirty text.
“Same!” Emily smiled high-fiving her, but Syd cringed.
“Yeah we can’t do that anymore.” She shivered, after realizing it was her brother that would be doing the railing.
“It’s my bachelorette party and you two are the ones getting it? That seems unfair.” You joked, curling a final piece of your hair.
“You could get it too.”
“My fiancé is not even close to the same state as me.”
“Yeah, yeah we’re not talking about Kyle. Listen, you can deny it and avoid the subject all you want, but we know what was happening in that room before we got there.” They didn’t ask about the bedroom situation a week prior and you didn’t offer it up either.
“Guys-“ You sighed, but Emily held her hands up in defense.
“You don’t have to answer or explain. We’re just saying you could get it.” She shrugged.
Just as you had left it years prior Coyote’s was still filled with intoxicated people dancing to loud, banging music. You had all quickly moved to an open booth. After about an hour Emily and Sydney succeeded in convincing their significant others to accompany them on the dance floor. You however stayed seated talking to Carson. Eyes flicking to the door every so often.
“Hey, let’s talk.” Carson said in almost a whisper.
“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing for the last two hours?” You teased.
“Jay, told me about what happened.” He ignored your quip.
“Car, I’m sorry.” You immediately felt guilty.
“Why?” He looked at you confused.
“We had just gotten back from the funeral and everyone is grieving and it probably just looks like Jay and I didn’t even care and-“ His laugh cut you off.
“Stop being ridiculous. First of all, there is no correct way to grieve. I’ve learned this last week we’re,” he gestured to and your friends on the dance floor, “going to be judged no matter what. If people knew we were here tonight we’d be judged for trying to continue to life our lives. If we stayed at home we’d be judged for moping and taking too long to heal. It’s inevitable. Secondly,” he sighed, “I know I’ve never met Kyle, but what I do know is you and Ness knew each other inside out and if she didn’t think-“ You cut him off already knowing where this was heading.
“I know they don’t love Kyle, but I feel like they’re not giving him a fair shake. Everyone has this idea in their head that I shouldn’t be with anybody else except-“ and as if on cue Jay’s voice beside you interrupts.
“Those cups are looking a little empty.” He gestured to the glasses on the table. You didn’t miss the moment he realized what you were wearing, eyes hungrily trailing down your body where Vanessa’s red dress clung, and neither did Carson. Clearing his throat he tried to hold the smirk back,
“I need to piss. Be right back.” He slipped out of the booth leaving you alone with Jay for the first time since the kiss.
“Thanks for making it.” You smiled at him, genuinely attempting to water down the tension.
“Wouldn’t have missed it. You good?” Jay bumped his shoulder against yours, noticing your forlorn expression. He could always read you like a book.
“Yeah, sorry. Just a lot went down today.” You shook your head.
“Care to fill me in?”
“They’re doing it.” You were happy you truly were, but your heart still tinged with sadness.
“Who’s doing what?” His eyebrow raised in confusion.
“They’re all coming back. They’re making it happen.” You explained, but it was clear by his expression he was still confused.
“You know what? Let me get us drinks first.” He offered sliding out of the booth, taking long strides towards the bar.
You had had a mix of emotions running through you since your conversation at Carson’s earlier in the day. You were thrilled for your friends. All of your once awaited hopes and dreams of coming back home, having weekly barbecues and pizza nights, and raising your kids together were happening, but you weren’t in the equation. You couldn’t be in the equation. Because you did have a life to go back to. One that you couldn’t just up and move. Your ring suddenly felt even heavier on your hand than it did the week prior. The night Jay implied it inhibited you of all opinions and you wanted it off, but a warm body sliding next to you brought you out of your thoughts.
“Bride to be, huh?” A young blonde kid who looked like he still lived in a frat spoke, gesturing to the sash Emily and Sydney insisted you wear.
“Looks like it.” You nodded nervously playing with the sash that hung around your torso.
“You know the best thing about bachelorette parties?” He slid closer to you, and your eyes went to Jay’s back hoping he could somehow feel your desperation to forego the drink and save you from the increasingly uncomfortable interaction.
“Enlighten me.” You answered unamusingly, attempting to put more space between you and the kid. As if you were connected telepathically Jay turned to meet your eyes. Squinting at the body beside you before a smile spread over his face moving slowly back towards you empty handed.
“The theme is always last night of freedom.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Tommy man, good to see you.” Jay clapped the blond’s shoulder causing him to jump.
“Dude come on you have the worst timing ever.” He huffed after looking up to see Jay standing above him.
“Awe, you know that’s not true. You love seeing me.” There was an obvious teasing tone in Jay’s voice.
“As much as a mouse loves to see a cat.” Tommy rolled his eyes.
“You don’t mean that.” Jay acted hurt.
“What do you want?” You could see the nervous expression in Tommy’s features.
“My fiancée deserves a dance.” Jay held his hand out to you, but you looked at it skeptically.
“Fiancée? Dude, nice!” Tommy held up a hand after letting his eyes roam down the length of you, Jay let out a loud laugh high-fiving him. Wanting nothing more than to be out of the kid’s presence you grabbed ahold of Jay’s still outstretched hand letting him lead you out onto the dance floor after he warned the young kid to stay out of trouble.
“You know we don’t actually have to dance. He’s bothering some other girl now.” You watched frat boy, Tommy, try to flirt with a younger brunette girl who seemed to be falling for it. Jay pulled you closer towards him, hands falling to your hips in an attempt to loosen you up.
“You think I’m going to let you go through your entire bachelorette party without dancing?”
“They put you up to this didn’t they?” You nodded to where your friends were dancing with Kevin and Cody, clearly much drunker than you.
“No, I have my own selfish reasons for bringing you out here.” With every minute your body temperature steadily increased. Your hands were resting against his biceps, unable to believe how solid he felt pressed against you now. Your mind couldn’t help but wander, thinking about how easy it would be for him to manhandle you. How easy it would be for him to throw you against a wall and do whatever he wanted to you. Thinking back to Kevin’s picture earlier and how you would gladly break the law if it meant Jay would arrest you wearing one of those vests. In an attempt to shut your mind up you changed the subject, “So, how do you know Tommy?”
“Met him while working on a case last year. He’s a good kid, he just got mixed in with some bad people.” Jay shrugged.
“You run into a lot of those?” You asked, but regretted it when Jay’s face fell.
“Unfortunately, it’s easy for kids to be manipulated, and there’s a lot of people in this world, a lot of people in Chicago, who are only concerned about their best interest. They don’t care who’s lives they mess up in the process.” He sighed.
“Good kid or not I appreciate you saving me from his roaming eyes.” You laughed, but Jay had an intensity in his gaze.
“Believe me when I say I liked his roaming eyes less than you did.” His jaw set with a look you had seen a million times in your years together, obvious jealously.
“You sayin I don’t deserve to be looked at?” A shiver ran down your spine when his own eyes traveled down the length of your body.
“Only by the right people.” His voice was gruff, breath tickling your ear. You were pressed up against him now, the other people dancing around you leaving you little room. Loud music urging you to lean closer in order to hear his words.
“How’d you get so good at this? You used to have zero rhythm.” Remembering how stiff and off rhythm he moved at prom. However, tonight his hips were quickly moving to the beat of the song, gripping your waist to ensure you kept in time with him.
“I’ve been in a lot of clubs while undercover. You learn to adapt.” Your body was on fire, swallowing a moan when he discreetly pressed his thigh harder between your legs, a clear hardness in his jeans now pressing against your hip. “I knew you’d look good in this.” He smirked, appreciating the red dress, recognizing it from earlier in the week, hands moving down your torso to the outside of your thighs, fingers digging in.
“Jay.” You warned, but it came out as a whimper instead, hips involuntarily pressing down hard against his thigh, you had zero doubt that if he had slipped a hand between your legs right now he would find a puddle. You were a stubborn person, calm and laidback, strong in many ways, but if there was anything you had discovered in your younger days it was that you had one weakness, and as you stood in the middle of the dance floor, unashamedly grinding against him, the glitter from your Bride to be sash covering the front of his shirt you learned that you would never be able to overcome the weakness that is Jay Halstead. He was your Achilles heel, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“[Y/N].” A needy groan escaped his lips. If you weren’t already positive he was enjoying this before you had no qualms now, bulge evident against the denim. A knot was embarrassingly beginning to form in the pit of your stomach when a tap against your shoulder startled you into reality. Taking a step back from Jay, Carson looked between you two intently. You couldn’t decipher the look between accusing or approving. Maybe a little bit of both.
“The bartender cut off Thing 1 and Thing 2,” he gestured to where Emily and Sydney stood loudly laughing, “and everyone is hungry. Wanna wrap this night up the old fashion way?”
You and your friends had a lot of traditions over the years. Labor Day barbques at Emily’s camp, birthday celebrations, secret Santa at Christmas, but none were more prominent than your drunken pizza parties. Every single drunken escapade ended with everyone in Vanessa’s basement eating pizza and watching Forrest Gump. Why Forrrest Gump? You had no idea. Nobody could remember why that became the go to move, but it didn’t matter. It wasn’t very often that the movie played the whole way through. More times than not people ended up passed out throughout various places in the basement, having just puked up the pizza they ate, but you were together and that’s the only thing that mattered to each of you.
“Yeah, sure we can go back to my place. Everyone good with rides?” As they discussed DDs you slipped your way over to Kevin and Sydney.
“Hey, let’s roll. We’re going back to Jay’s.” You urged, refusing to get stuck in a vehicle with Jay at the moment, knowing Kevin hadn’t had more than one drink.
“Do you live in a fucking igloo?” You complained to Jay who was seated between you and Carson on the couch an hour later. Further pulling the blanket you had stolen from the back up to your chest. Sydney had changed into an outfit Kevin provided from the trunk of his car and Emily had stopped at her house to change after picking up the pizza. So, you were the only one still dressed in a skimpy dress, sufficiently freezing to death as Jay apparently kept his home at below zero temperatures. You hadn’t realized how tightly you were pressed up against him, seeking out any heat his body had to offer, until you felt his chuckle against your cheek. Pushing up off the couch to go down a hallway.
Seconds later Jay returned with a sweatshirt in his grip, handing it to you.
“Thank you.” You smiled, moving to the bathroom to rid your body of the tight dress pulling the warm hoodie on, basking in the overwhelming scent of Jay. The hem of the sweatshirt ended mid thigh, courtesy of your height difference.
“I think Stephanie still has a grudge.” You heard Carson chuckle as you made your way back to the corner of the couch beside Jay, throwing the blanket back over you and picking your plate up from the coffee table. Wordlessly Jay took a piece of crust off his own plate laying it on yours. Unable to contain the smile and warmth of the familiarity happening around you, you sunk further into the couch picking the scrap up to eat it, enjoying the chaos and jokes quietly. The lights were off and the movie was playing in the background, but conversations and memories were being exchanged. It was without a doubt the only way you would’ve ever wanted your bachelorette party to end. Which was probably a sign in itself.
All Taglist:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3 @wanniiieeee @que-serasara @dedlund82
Jay Taglist:
@jayxhalsteadx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @queen-of-arda @sofferderynnp @mrspeacem1nusone @chicago-pd-13 @maddi-bug @nevaehstreater18 @enchantedblackrose @slytherinambitious
Best of Me Taglist:
@iamasimpingh0e @keabbs @scenesofobx
@jlynmulti @notanordinaryprincess95 @mars469
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delectablechaos · 2 months
Amusement Park Interlude (2p! Italy Fic) - Part Twelve
The next day, Ava was called to a meeting at Feliciano’s house. Considering what happened between Casey and Brian, she expected to be chewed out over the fact she had been dating someone. However, when she arrived, all of the first players were present, along with Brian. If they were going to lecture her, she didn’t understand why everyone had to be there.
Either this is a real meeting or they are trying to make this as awkward for me as possible….
Since Feliciano’s living room was only so big, they decided to take the meeting outside since the weather was nice. 
“Now that we all have gathered…” Ludwig began once they were all settled. “It is time for us to discuss the final plan for the event before it is presented to the second players for their thoughts.”
She and Brian exchanged confused looks. They both had no idea what Ludwig was talking about. 
“Oh! We haven’t told Ava and Brian about this yet!” Feliciano exclaimed when he noticed. 
“Oh, that’s right…” Ludwig realized. 
“We’re putting together an amusement park!” Feliciano grinned. 
“...a what?” Ava voiced the fact that she and Brian were baffled by the sudden turn of events.
“It’s going to be a festival,” Ludwig sighed. “It will be held on a Sunday, and everyone can contribute a stand or attraction as long as their plans are preapproved.”
“Why do something like that?” Brian asked. 
“Yeah. I don’t remember anything like that happening in the past,” Ava added.
“Exactly!” Feliciano nodded. “There’s always fighting going on, and our people have suffered because of it. I wanted to do something fun for the people of the city, and a bunch of the others agreed it could be a good idea!”
“I’ll bet it will be a lot of fun,” she smiled. “Nice job for coming up with it.”
“Grazie, bella,” he squeezed her in a hug. “I’m going to do a food stand! You and Brian should do something with your human friends!”
“I guess we could…” she glanced over at Brian. “I’ll bring it up to Casey.”
Brian tensed up when Casey was mentioned, but didn’t say anything. 
“So everyone is putting something together for this?” She glanced around at the group.
“Yeah, dude!” Alfred exclaimed. “It’s gonna be awesome! I’m gonna make this epic rollercoaster with Arthur and Matthew!”
“I have unfortunately been roped into the project…” Arthur sighed. 
“Kiku and I will be doing a petting zoo!” Yao grinned. 
“As you can see, there are different groups doing different things,” Ludwig explained. “But it isn’t just us. As I mentioned earlier, we need to finalize our part of the plans so that we can present it to our counterparts. They will be participating as well.”
“You’re seriously going to let them…?” Brian muttered, clearly suspicious of them already. “Couldn’t that ruin the whole thing?”
“It is a Sunday, so there shouldn’t be any issues,” Ludwig answered. “We agreed to allow anyone to participate as long as what they want to do meets certain requirements. This is their city as well. It is important that people see them putting forth effort, just like we do. It would be unfair to exclude them if they want to participate. When we pitched the idea to them, Allen brought up wanting to do a haunted house. We will know more about their plans once we meet with them again.”
“That…doesn’t actually surprise me,” Ava muttered. 
She had run into Allen multiple times during her many trips to see Luciano. And it wasn’t just him. She had met many of the second players by chance at this point. A haunted house did seem like something Allen would enjoy. She had to admit she was a bit interested to see how it would turn out…
“At least we know it should be eventful,” she said. “Let me look over the requirements and I can start trying to work on something with Brian and Casey.”
“Danke for helping out,” Ludwig handed her a folder of papers. 
“This is going to be so much fun, bella!” Feliciano beamed. “I can’t wait!”
She forced herself to smile. “Yeah, neither can I.”
“Um…I should probably help Alfred out with that rollercoaster,” Brian said to her. “It sounds like a big project, ya know? You and Casey can handle gathering your human friends, right?”
She understood why he wouldn’t want to work with Casey. Honestly, it would be awkward forcing the two to do this together. Letting him help someone else would be easier in the long run. 
“That’s fine. We can handle it ourselves.”
“Yo, for real?” Alfred grinned. “You’re gonna help me, Brian? Thanks, dude!”
“No problem, man,” Brian smiled. 
Ava had to force herself not to show her disappointment throughout the rest of the meeting. Everyone continued to talk about the plans for the festival, but she was lost in thought for most of it. A festival would be a lot of fun…but what was the point? It was a festival where everyone could interact normally…and all she could think about was spending the day there with Luciano. 
There was no way she could go. She would just be depressed, knowing she would never be able to experience it with him. And it would be unfair to force Casey to deal with her in that state when she could go with her other friends and actually have fun. She’d already put her through enough these past months…
As the meeting finished up, almost everyone filtered out of Feliciano’s home. Brian, Kiku, Gilbert, and obviously Feliciano and Lovino were still present when Ludwig called for her to stay behind. From the look on his face, she figured it was time for the lecture she thought she was in for when she was first called for the meeting. 
“What’s up?” She asked when they moved to the living room. 
“Brian has informed me that your friend told him that you’ve had a boyfriend for the past few months,” Ludwig stated. 
She sighed. This was not going to be pleasant. 
“Yeah, I’ve been seeing someone.”
“We have discussed this before. A relationship conflicts with your duties to Feliciano.”
“And yet nobody has noticed?” She countered. 
Ludwig opened his mouth but then realized he didn’t have a comeback for that. 
“I’ve made sure to prioritize my duties. There should be no problems,” she continued. 
“E-Even so…Brian said your friend made some disturbing comments about him.”
“Like the fact he wants you to give up being an Attendant,” Brian suddenly spoke up, an accusing tone in his voice. 
Everyone but Ludwig was shocked by his words. 
“W-What?!” Feliciano cried. 
“Brian!” Ava snapped. “That’s none of your business. Obviously, I’m still an Attendant and I’ve still prioritized my duties over my boyfriend no matter what he’s said about it.”
“That doesn’t matter! The fact you’re with someone like that is dangerous!” Brian snapped back. “Not to mention Casey! I had no idea she’s thought the same thing this entire time. Apart from us, the two people you’re close to want you to have a normal life, and you don’t get to have that. You aren’t human. They’re driving you away from us!”
“The ones driving me away are you!” She exclaimed without thinking. 
It became dead silent. After a moment, Kiku was the one who tentatively broke it. 
“Ava…what do you mean?”
Dammit…Now that I’ve said it, I can’t take it back…I have to explain myself.
“They aren’t the ones telling me I can’t date, or that I can’t get a normal job. They don’t make comments about me rarely misbehaving when I answer a phone call during a break in a meeting. They don’t tell me my friends are bad because they just want me to be able to live in a way that makes me happy. And they don’t shoot their guns when they might risk hitting me.”
“Wait…you were shot at?” Brian was baffled.
She nodded. “And you want to know the best part? Luciano was the one who pushed me out of the way!”
She turned to glare at Ludwig. “Do you know how ironic it is when the person who is trying to kidnap you saves you from being shot?!”
“We…We were trying to save you,” Ludwig stumbled back, surprised by her sudden hostility. “We were willing to do anything to stop him.”
“Shooting me along with him shouldn’t have been on the table!” She yelled. “Not after everything I’ve done for all of you!”
“B-Bella…” Feliciano muttered, but apart from that, nobody knew what to say. 
“If anything were to make me stop being an Attendant, it would be your actions, not anyone else’s,” she stated before storming out of the room. 
“Bella, wait!” Feliciano exclaimed, but she didn’t stop. 
He chased her all the way out to her car. 
“I’m sorry, bella!” He flung his arms around her. “We didn’t mean to treat you that way!”
“Feli…You aren’t the one who needs to apologize…” she muttered. “You didn’t do any of those things. Yeah, certain things you went along with, but most of the time when I’m ordered to do or not to do things, it’s Ludwig. And I’m not even his Attendant…”
“But still…I had no idea those things were upsetting you, bella. Why didn’t you say anything before now?”
“I don’t know…I’ve been fighting the viewpoint I grew up with, that this is just how things are, and the realization that it doesn’t have to be this way. It all just…finally boiled over, I guess…”
“We can change, bella!” He clung on to her. “So please don’t leave me!”
“I’m just going home, Feli…Don’t worry,” she sighed. 
He stood up straight, but there was still a sad look on his face.
“You’ve changed, bella…Around when Luci started targeting you…it seemed like you were enjoying your life more. But then he almost took you and you stopped coming to the fights…and you got really sad. You weren’t leaving your apartment…I was really worried, but everyone brushed it off and said they were sure you were fine. But you weren’t fine, were you…? What happened, bella? You can tell me anything, I promise.”
“...No, I can’t.”
“Does it have to do with Luci…?”
“No, Feli…It doesn’t.”
She hated lying to him…There was no way she could tell him the truth, though. It didn’t look like he fully believed her, but he let it go. 
She decided to tell Casey about the festival as they were making dinner together that night. 
“That sounds like it’s going to be awesome!” Casey gushed. “I’ll bet they’re going to go all out! I mean, Alfred is making a rollercoaster?”
“Ambitious, huh?” She chuckled. “They asked if we would put something together with some of our friends.”
“Yeah. They want community involvement. They saw me as an easy way to get some of my human friends into it.”
“Guess that makes sense…Do you have anything in mind yet?”
“I was thinking something simple that we can get a lot of people involved in. Like a community bake sale?”
“That’s not a bad idea. You’re a great baker and a lot of my friends enjoy baking too. I’ll bet we can get a good amount of people involved.”
“Want to help me recruit then?” Ava smiled. 
“Hell yeah! We’ll make it the best bake sale ever!” She grinned. “And we’ll have to find someone to run it so that we can enjoy the festival together!”
Ava didn’t have the heart to tell her that she didn’t want to go to the festival at all. 
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aifastic · 2 years
Party Havoc
Hello, everyone! Sorry for the sudden income of fics but I’ve been delayed by life ;-; I'm proud to announce that I've been part of the wonderful At Ease, Soldier Zine! Everyone did an amazing job, the mods were delightful to work with and I'm really glad that I've been able to contribute. This was my piece!
I hope you enjoy it ♥ Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Rating: T Characters: Soldier, Demoman, Engineer, Scout, Pyro, Sniper, Heavy, Medic, Spy, (RED team basically), Merasmus
Summary: The team organizes Soldier’s surprise birthday party. However, as it’s usually the case with the RED team, nothing goes according to plan.
Party Havoc
"So, is everyone here? No more, no less?" Demo asked, counting heads for the nth time.
"We're all here, pardner," Engineer reassured him, stopping him before anyone could protest—or set something on fire.
"And Soldier's busy outside! I took care of that," Scout said with a smirk. I don't want to know, Engineer thought, for his own sake.
"Perfect!" Demoman clapped his hands, grinning. "Let's get into business, lads: it's Soldier's birthday next week."
"Next week?" Scout counted with his fingers. "Isn't that near to the Fourth of July?"
"Exactly! Janey and I always celebrate his birthday on the fourth. Tradition, y'know."
Everyone nodded; after all, everything Soldier-related is even more of a mystery than Spy. No more than Pyro, though.
"So, what do we have to do?" asked Heavy, frowning.
"Aye! I have a list." Demoman retrieved a torn piece of one of Engineer's blue schematics paper, all scribbled in white chalk.
"Hey!" Engineer protested.
"It was the longest sheet of paper I could find." Demoman shrugged. "So: We have to choose from this list! Who wants to do what?"
Everyone leaned in to check the list.
"I'll get the food," Sniper said.
"If you think you will make us eat roasted lizard or whatever—ugh—roadkill you find—"
"Christ, I was just gonna drive to Teufort to get meat from the butcher!" Sniper cut Spy off, offended.
"Whatever," Scout said. "I'm gonna be in charge of the decorations!"
"Hmmmphmmph!" Pyro elbowed him.
"What? No way! I'm an artist—" Pyro stared at him. "On second thought, we both could do it."
"Hmmmph!" Pyro celebrated, hands up.
"Heavy will take care of gift. I have many Mann Co. coupons to use."
"Alright, that leaves us with… Hm… En gineer will be cooking," Medic declared, and everyone nodded in unison. "And um… I can get the drinks!"
"Uh, I was going to do that," Demoman said nervously.
"Nuh-huh!" Medic tut-tutted. "You," he pointed at him, then to the hastily scribbled last item on the list, "are going to do this."
"Nah," Demo said. Everyone stared at him. "Come on! The man hates me. I hate him. Can't we just not—"
"To be honest? I agree." Scout looked at him. "Why did you add it to the list?"
"I guess…" Demo sighed. "He seems important to Soldier. Somehow.” He threw his arms up in exasperation. “Oh, alright." He gave in. "I’ll do it.”
"Well, I guess that's it. Uh." Engineer hesitated, but they really needed to know sooner or later. "Where's Soldier, anyway?"
"Uh," Scout looked to the ceiling in avoidance. "Did you know that raccoons like sour cream? Like, a lot?"
"What the hell," Sniper said.
Scout cleaned up the last remains of the mess that Soldier left when he was bathed in sour cream and the raccoons chased him all around the base. "I shouldn't have to do this," he complained. "They asked me to distract him!"
"Mmph mmphmmmphmmph."
"Well, yeah, not exactly but… Done!" He cleaned his hands on his clothes. "Man, we can finally start with the decorations. We should do a big poster! With 'Happy Birthday' on it." He looked at Pyro, a bit subdued. "Uh, by any chance, do you know how to spell it?"
Pyro shook his head.
"Damn it!"
"What do you mean, 'there's no meat'?"
"Sorry!" squeaked the Teufort butcher. "There was a flu that killed all our provider's animals; we can't sell the meat in those conditions!"
"Bloody hell." Sniper put his hat back on and exited the shop. "What am I gonna tell everyone—? Hey!" A little kid eating a sandwich had just bumped into him. "Watch it!" The kid blew a raspberry at him.
Wait a minute. What if…?
"What d'ya mean there's no meat?" Engineer asked Sniper, scratching his head. "What are we gonna do?"
"Well, I went to several places and bought these." He pointed at the back of his camper, filled with boxes of bread, tomatoes, cheese and lettuce, among other ingredients. "Think the big guy can make do with all these?"
To the relief of Engineer and Sniper, Heavy nodded. "Some ingredients missing, but Heavy can do this."
"Thank you, big fella," Engineer said. "We all know who's the best here at sandwich making."
"Thank you." Heavy said. Then he asked, somewhat sheepishly: "Can you help me with gift? I think I made mistake. Ordered too many?"
"Too many?"
"I thought you added coupons together for big discount. It seems it is one coupon, one item."
"Oh. Oh." Engineer said.
"Too many of what?" Sniper asked again.
Spy was busy figuring out a way to distract Soldier, as per his task. Soldier was already antsy with all the unexplained movement. "He's paranoid," Spy reasoned. "I could give him another reason to be." He grinned, donning his BLU Spy disguise.
"Ach, I forgot I have been banned out of town!!" Medic yelled, driving Engineer's truck out of Teufort like a maniac, bottles of beer clinking against one another on the back as a mob chased him away.
"For the last time, you bloody bastard!" Demoman yelled. "You are important to Soldier, so you will come!"
"MERASMUS SHALL NOT!" The wizard levitated, making things fly all around them. "SOLDIER IS NOTHING BUT A NUISANCE TO ME! HE SHALL NOT HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! EVER!" He abruptly stopped, catching himself. "Look what you made Merasmus do! My room is ruined. NOW BEGONE!"
Demoman appeared at the base, falling over the cake Engineer was decorating.
"Bloody hell!" Demo cursed, smashing one fist on the icing-covered floor.
"I hope you have good news because I swear to God, I'm counting down to ten right now," Engineer said.
"I…" Demoman started cautiously.
"It was the third cake."
"... What happened to the others?"
Engineer deflated. "Pyro burned the first one while chasing Scout due to 'artistic differences,' and the second one was 'borrowed' by Medic in order to use it for self-defense against a Teufort man who was chasing him with a fork."
"Woah, that's… Do I want to know?"
Engineer sighed. "Hell no."
"Alright, so Merasmus isn't coming."
"Well, I guess it's better for us, anyway," Engineer said honestly. "It means less trouble."
"I guess so."
They sat on the kitchen floor, taking a breather.
"At least we still have five days left."
Engineer looked oddly at him. "Demo, it's July 4."
"Wait, what? How?!" He thought back of Merasmus. "That bloody wizard made me time travel, bloody hell!"
"Well, the thing is, you're gonna have to help me make another cake in record time."
Demo wiped a hand down his face.
"What does it say there?"
"Don't mess with me! It clearly says 'Happy Birthday'!"
"I wish," Sniper said, squinting at the letters. "This is a 'b' instead of a 'd,' the 'p's look like 'f's…"
"Oh, shut up," Scout muttered, turning beet red. "I bet he doesn't even notice."
"Hmmph hmmph," Pyro told him in consolation.
"Sandviches ready," Heavy announced.
"Awesome. How's the cake going?"
"We're running out of icing!"
"Try to economize it—apply it only on key areas, not on the whole surface."
"Thanks a lot, Doc. What'd ya think we've been doing?!"
"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't crushed the fourth cake—"
"It was an accident, I swear!"
"Guns are arriving."
Engineer sighed. "Heavy wanted to gift Soldier something practical. He bought one too many killstreak guns."
"Black Box. Practical. Effective."
"Loaded. Those weapons come loaded."
"Bah. We have ammunition all around the base. Nothing's gonna happen," Scout reasoned
"I hope so," Demo said. He went back to applying icing to the cake but he abruptly stopped. "Wait, where’s Spy?"
The wall of the main hall suddenly exploded, debris flying everywhere. When the smoke cleared they all saw a bunch of Black Boxes scattered on the floor, next to Soldier who was choking… was that BLU Spy?
"I finally got you, maggot! Your days of playing hide-and-seek are over!" Spy's disguise disappeared and revealed his true features. "Wait, what?"
A chunk of the ceiling fell onto the (fifth) cake.
"Surprise!" Scout yelled, waving at the poster that proudly announced… 'naffy dirdbay.'
"Yaayy," said everyone with different degrees of enthusiasm. Engineer was too broken to say anything, staring in despair at the place where the cake used to be.
Soldier threw Spy to the side. "You remembered my birthday!"
"How could we forget, Janey," Demo said, putting him in a headlock.
Spy coughed loudly a few meters away from the floor.
"You put a lot of effort in this and I couldn't be prouder of you! Every single one of you is an honor to America!"
"We're glad you liked it, mate."
"Hmmph hmmmph!"
"Uh, we had cake but—"
"Please don't say anything else about it," Engineer muttered.
They were all going to grab their sandwiches when a puff of green smoke filled the room.
"Oh god, now what?"
"Merasmus!" Soldier grinned. "You came to celebrate!"
"Not at all! I came to RIGHT YOUR WRONGS!" Merasmus's voice echoed in everyone's ears. He took from between his robes a birth certificate. "This impostor's birthday is in MAY!"
"... Alright, fellas, what about we kick this son of a gun's behind?"
"Hell yeah." Everyone nodded and ran to get their supplies.
"BEST! BIRTHDAY! EVER!" yelled Soldier as he spun around in a hurricane that Merasmus commanded, shooting rockets at him with one of his many new killstreak Black Boxes.
"Happy birthday, Soldier," everyone yelled back, grinning despite themselves.
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seijorhi · 3 years
Inexorable ♕
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My birthday present for my beloved wife @iwaasfairy​ and my contribution to her birthday bash collab you can find here. I love you, you’re incredible and I hope you like this i even wrote smut for you smh
Iwaizumi Hajime x female reader
tw: dub-con, stalking, unhealthy relationships, very questionable decision making, smut, nsfw, um... implied murder?
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He’s sitting on the steps outside your apartment when you get home from work, a lit cigarette dangling between long fingers. He brings it to his lips, the bright cherry red tip glowing as he takes a nice, slow drag and you scurry on past.
Not a word passes between the two of you, but olive eyes follow you up the stairs regardless, just like always. His name is Iwaizumi – Iwa – but you only know that because you’ve heard his friends yelling it down the hallway. In the three months since you’ve moved in, you haven’t so much as introduced yourself to the guy, but like most strangers crammed into the same shitty place there’s some kind of a routine between the two of you.
Why he religiously chooses this time of night to take his smoke break is beyond you, but like clockwork you’ll arrive home, having walked back from the bus stop and Iwaizumi’ll be there waiting for you, cigarette in hand.
Well, not waiting, just… there. Black leather jacket with a hoodie underneath, there’s a cut above his eyebrow tonight that he hasn’t bothered to clean, a purpling bruise colouring his jaw. Whatever dealings Iwaizumi’s tangled up in, you don’t like to think about too much, but you know it can’t be anything good. His friends dress like him, all have the same ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe. You’ve seen their scrapes and bruises too – the weapons that stick out from the waistband of their pants – though you’re always quick to avert your eyes when they catch you staring.
You’ve heard them snickering about it when you hastily dart past, all but slamming your front door shut. 
And it’s not that you’re scared of him. There are people who play at being dangerous, and ones who are. Iwaizumi doesn’t strike you as somebody who enjoys playing, and while you don’t doubt for a second that he is dangerous, he isn’t to you. He wouldn’t go out of his way to hurt or scare you – you’re not even a blip on his radar – but what Iwaizumi is, at least as far as you’re concerned, the reason your step quickens and you can’t bear to meet his eyes, is intimidating.
Tall and broad shouldered, with those piercing green eyes. You’ve only seen him smile once, though it was more a quirking of his lips than anything else – usually he just stares, his expression halfway between impassive boredom and a scowl. 
No, Iwaizumi doesn’t scare you nearly as much as the bouquet of flowers you find sitting on your doorstep, a handwritten note tucked in between the roses.
The calls come next. You block one number and he rings from another, followed by endless texts. Cute little messages you suppose are meant to brighten up your day. 
Hi baby, love the skirt you’re wearing today. You know blue’s my favourite on you, always look so damn pretty. It’s like you’re trying to drive me crazy haha
Morning babe, I was thinking about you last night. You remember that trip we always said we were gonna take in the summer down to the lake? I can’t wait to bring you there.
Why won’t you answer my calls? I just wanna talk to you, hear your voice again. Let me make things right. I love you.
Don’t you miss me? I miss you. So, so much… You look beautiful today, by the way.
Baby, I love you, but you really shouldn’t be staying out so late with your coworkers for drinks. I just want you to be safe.
They’re not all soft and sweet though. Sometimes he just sends you pictures, and those creep you out most of all.
You change your number, and it doesn’t make a difference.
It’s hard for you to try and convince yourself that you’re imagining the prickling sensation on the back of your neck as you go about your day. You know he’s watching you – the messages and the voicemails just drive that home, but what else are you supposed to do?
You can’t just pack up and run again, and what good is a restraining order when you have no proof he’s violating it – and by the time you do, it probably won’t help you.
Kazuma’s always had patience, but only up to a point.
The final nail comes the day you arrive home to find one of Iwa’s friends heading out from his apartment – the tallest, with the curly dark hair. Barely spares you a glance until he seems to think better of it.
“Didn’t realise you had a boyfriend, sweetheart.”
He says it so casually, but the words make you falter, a sinking feeling in your stomach. “What do you mean?”
And for a moment, he looks half surprised that you’ve bothered to reply – so far you’ve done nothing but pretend to ignore him and Iwa and every last one of their friends. But the mirth slips from his expression quickly enough once he gets a good look at yours, “Blonde guy with a shitty dye job, tall-ish. Saw him leaving your apartment an hour ago.” 
But to walk out of your apartment, he had to have first gotten into it.
“Guessing he wasn’t your boyfriend then,” he says, eyeing you with an odd look. But you don’t respond and after a short pause, he simply shrugs and continues on his way. 
You couldn’t care less.
Kazuma was in your apartment.
Leaving flowers at your doorstep is one thing, but now he has a key. 
And it feels like there’s somebody else moving your body as you stumble towards your apartment, your hand shaking so badly that you fumble and drop your own keys twice before you finally manage to slide them home and push your way inside.
It’s waiting for you inside your bedroom, sitting atop your pillow; a pretty blue box wrapped with white ribbon.
Your phone flashes to life a minute later; an incoming message from an unknown number. 
Did you like your present, baby?? I hope you don’t mind, I kinda borrowed a little something too… 
With your heart in your throat you watch those three bouncing dots as the image comes through. 
A pair of red lace panties – yours – scrunched up in his fist, wrapped around his–
Your stomach heaves, and you barely make it to the bathroom in time before you’re hurling your guts up.
You’ve always had an impulsive side, and more often than not it’s landed you into trouble.
So you force yourself to calm down and think before you do anything rash. You head to the police station the very next morning to file a report, fresh off a sleepless night. The officer seems sympathetic, but you know before she even opens her mouth that there’s nothing they can do.
There’s no proof of a crime committed; nothing was taken (nothing you can prove, at any rate) and because your door wasn’t tampered with and the windows weren’t smashed, there’s no evidence of a break in. She suggests changing your locks and going to stay with some friends or family for a few days and you don’t know whether you want to laugh or burst into tears.
And instead of going back to work, you call in sick.
Iwaizumi isn’t sitting on the front steps when you get back home, and why would he be? You’re not supposed to be home for another few hours – so instead you head to his apartment door and mustering every last ounce of courage you possess, you raise your fist and knock.
Silence greets you. 
You wait for a moment, a heartbeat, not daring to breathe, but there’s no answer. Which, really, shouldn’t be that surprising considering it’s mid-morning on a Tuesday, but you can’t help the crushing sense of disappointment that washes over you. The thought of trudging back to your apartment to sit and stew alone for the next few hours while you wait for him to come back makes your skin crawl. You can’t just sit still and twiddle your thumbs, not when–
Abruptly, the door in front of you swings open, and you find yourself face to face with a glaring Iwaizumi. His expression falters, momentary surprise flickering across his eyes at the sight of you standing in his doorway.
This time you don’t avert your eyes. Your heart’s pounding, your hands clammy and trembling by your side, but this is the only choice you have left. And so as a single eyebrow cocks and Iwa falls into a lean against the doorframe – the only invitation you’re gonna get – you steel your nerves, take a deep breath, and speak.
“I-I need a gun.”
To his credit, Iwaizumi doesn’t snort. “You planning on shooting somebody, princess?”
They’re the first words he’s ever spoken to you, and they make your cheeks burn, your stomach twisting into a knot. It’s not a dismissal, but there’s a tinge of amusement colouring his tone and you can’t help but wilt a little under the weight of his gaze. 
Better sense would tell you to turn around, walk back to your apartment and curse your own idiocy for entertaining this stupid idea to begin with But Iwaizumi’s staring at you like he’s expecting an answer and all you can think about is the fear that gripped your heart last night, how you couldn’t bear to turn the light off, half terrified that at any moment Kazuma would come back – and this time he wouldn’t be satisfied with just some panties.
You can’t live like this, and you can’t just pack up your life and wait for the same thing to happen in the next place, and the one after that. Kazuma won’t stop, you know that. 
“I…” you chew on your bottom lip, dropping your gaze so that you’re staring at his chest instead of those piercing green eyes. “I don’t, I-I’m not–”
“A killer?” he interjects, and you almost flinch at his bluntness“Yeah, no shit.”
Taking another breath in through your nose, you force yourself to meet his gaze, even as your nails bite into the palm of your hand and your heart skips a beat. “I just want…” but you can’t even bear to say the words aloud, not without your voice shaking like a leaf. “It’s for protection. I don’t know who else to go to. Please,” you beg.
Iwa exhales heavily, a crinkle appearing between his brows as he frowns, “This got anything to do with the blonde asshole that’s been sniffing ‘round your place?”
Your bewilderment must show, because he snorts, finally stepping back to let you inside. “Mattsun told me,” he says, answering your unspoken question. 
The unmistakably hard edge to his words takes you a little by surprise, but you nod anyway, gingerly taking a seat on the couch when he jerks his chin at it. “Oh, uh, yeah. He’s my ex, kinda. We… didn’t end well.”
It’s the understatement of the century, but you somehow doubt a man like Iwaizumi gives two shits about your past relationship with a stalker. Your fingers play with the hem of your skirt as the imposing man settles down beside you. “So does this mean you’ll get me a gun?” you ask. “I can pay you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I have some money–”
Iwa scoffs, cutting you off. “If you think I’m letting you anywhere near a loaded gun, pretty girl, you’re dumber than I gave you credit for.”
You reel back as if he’s slapped you. But Iwaizumi’s staring at you with that steely expression and blood rushes to your cheeks. Why are you surprised? Did you actually think he was going to help you – a veritable stranger – just because you have some sob story? Why even bother letting you in if he was just gonna make you feel like an idiot? And for a moment you forget the gnawing terror that’s kept you up all night, letting yourself become awash with indignation. You have no control over the hurt noise that leaves your throat, but the ‘Fuck you’ that follows; that one’s intentional.
You don’t have time to regret the insult as you jump to your feet; his hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist, jerking you to a halt the moment you try it. 
“I didn’t say you could go,” he tells you, and you can’t fight the shiver that rolls down your spine at the unmistakably commanding tone. “Sit.”
Wordlessly, you comply.
“Look at me.”
Again, there’s that harsh undercurrent in his voice that tells you he’s not asking, and you lift your gaze with a tense swallow. Iwa still hasn’t released your wrist, the warmth of his calloused palm searing against your skin. 
He doesn’t speak for a moment, olive eyes studying your face intently as you force yourself to sit still under the appraisal. “I said that I wasn’t going to give you a gun, not that I wasn’t going to help.”
Your eyebrows draw together in confusion, “What–”
“I’ll take care of it,” he snaps, cutting you off once again. And as you inhale sharply, you realise that it’s not anger you see burning in those pretty eyes, but sheer, unrelenting fury, an icy rage that you don’t understand, that terrifies you as much as it enthrals.
Because you feel like it’s on purpose. Like he’s finally letting you get a glimpse of what silently seethes beneath that impassive mask of his. Are you scared now, sweetheart?
“H-how much?” you ask breathlessly, eyes wide and heart pounding. 
“I don’t want your money,” he says quietly, his voice low and husky. And just in case there was any confusion as to what he does want, his other hand comes up to your face, a broad thumb tracing along your bottom lip as he cups your cheek.
Iwaizumi leans in slowly, as if he’s giving you time to shove him away and tell him that you’re not that kind of girl. Part of you – the part that’s terrified, frozen stiff and regretting the very moment you decided to step into his apartment and cross that line – wants to. Even now, as those hooded olive eyes drink you in, his warm breath ghosting across your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake, you’re afraid that it’s too late for that. You’ve opened a door that should never have been opened and there’s been a fundamental shift between you and him. There’s no going back for either one of you.
And the other part of you revels in it.
“Don’t kill him,” you murmur the second before his lips meet yours. “Not unless you have to.” You don’t even know if he heard you, and as Iwa deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours you find that you don’t care. You lose yourself to Iwaizumi as he leans closer, gently pushing you to lie back on the couch.
He isn’t satisfied with just your lips for long, planting hot, open mouthed kisses along your jaw and down the column of your throat, sucking on the sensitive flesh. His teeth nip at your collarbone as he busies himself unbuttoning your shirt, but your gasp sounds more like a needy whine than a plea for him to stop. 
He laughs a little at that, his chest rumbling against your stomach, but he makes no moves to slow down. Instead he turns his attention to your bra, his hands far less gentle with the delicate lace than he was with your shirt, and then his mouth is on your tits, licking, sucking, biting. Tomorrow, your skin will be littered with pretty red and purple marks, and judging from the single minded focus glinting in his eyes as he stares up at you, that’s exactly his intention. Iwa drags the flat of his tongue along the swell of your breast, circling it around your nipple before he sucks it into the wet warmth of his mouth, and the whimpering moan you give him in response is a thing of beauty. 
“Good girl,” he croons. “Such pretty, perfect tits.”
Your back arches when he cups the other in his hand, and you cry out when he roughly tugs the sensitive bud. He waits until the sting fades and you relax, sagging back against the cushions with relief before he does it again, harder this time. The sharp, searing pain ripples through you, your breath seizing in your chest as you try in vain to writhe away from his touch, but it’s followed by a flood of pleasure so strong it almost makes you dizzy. The fleeting kiss Iwa bestows on the supple flesh a moment later could almost be taken as an apology – if not from the satisfied smirk curling at his lips. He has no desire to be gentle with you, not today or any other day. That’s not who he is. 
Large hands ease down your side, reaching for the hem of your skirt. Iwa doesn’t bother trying to pull it off of you, merely flips it up, exposing your soft thighs and the delicate panties lying underneath. 
In an attempt to be helpful, you lift your hips to allow him to drag the lacy scrap of fabric down your legs and discard it, but Iwaizumi seems perfectly content with leaving them where they are. Even so, it takes you by surprise when his mouth descends on your cunt, the wet, pink muscle laving along the seat of your panties. You shiver in response, one hand instinctively reaching out to tangle in those spiky brunette locks, but if you’re about to tell him to stop teasing, the words are robbed from you when Iwa pushes the fabric aside and buries his face in the heat of your pussy.
His nose nudges at your clit and you jerk at the first lap at your folds, already shamefully wet for him. There’s no rhythm or rhyme to the way he eats you out, letting a long, thick finger slide into your cunt while he suckles and licks at your clit, but you can’t deny that it’s working. Your thighs tremble and quake beneath his hands, every second of his attention dragging you closer to unravelling entirely. And you’re awash with pleas, little whimpers and moans as he chuckles, the low vibrations making your fingers tighten in his hair as another burst of pleasure flutters through you. Your hips rise and fall against his face, desperate for more when he finally slides his tongue inside of your heat, eager to taste your cunt properly. You want more, you’re desperate and aching for it; but Iwaizumi’s grip tighten bruisingly against your thigh in warning. 
You’re at his mercy, and he’s in absolutely no hurry.
The first time you cum, it takes you by surprise. It feels like an endless build-up, Iwa’s tongue lapping at your pussy like it’s heaven sent, his mouth working diligently to drive you insane. Every touch feels unbearably good, from the long, slow strokes to the way he drags the tip of his tongue along your clit. Your toes are curling, your tits heaving with the desperate breaths you choke down, and all of a sudden his mouth latches onto your clitoris and he sucks hard at the swollen nub. You almost black out right there and then, stars bursting behind closed lids as pleasure wreaks havoc over your body. But as good as that feels, it’s not until you open your eyes and catch sight of the hunger blazing in Iwaizumi’s eyes that you tip over the edge, cumming into his waiting mouth with an earth shattering moan. 
At some point he must have let you go to rid himself of his own clothes, and your panties, but you’re boneless, basking in the afterglow as he shifts you once more, lifting one of your thighs up to hook your leg over his shoulder as he settles back onto the couch.
You just watch through hazy eyes as Iwaizumi gives his thick cock, already hard and flushed an angry red, a few cursory pumps. And his eyes are fixed on yours as he leans down, guiding the tip to your sopping cunt. 
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve been dreaming of this, princess,” he grunts out. 
Warning bells sound in your head once more, your gut clenching uneasily, but any protests you might have voiced fall by the wayside as he slowly presses into you. It’s the girth, more than anything else, that takes you by surprise. It hurts, stretching out your poor, oversensitive cunt as his cock fills you up, inch by agonising inch. 
Iwa hisses from between clenched teeth and your eyes squeeze shut, trying to breathe through the pain. It won’t last long, you know that, and until it does you just have to grin and bear it.
You can feel it twitching inside of you, every ridge and vein, the way your slick walls hug his cock. His thumb strokes along your hip, soothing you as your face screws up and another whimper slips out. You think you hear him say something, praise maybe, or encouragement, but all you can focus on is the way his cock throbs inside your pussy when he finally bottoms out and stills.
And for a moment, he doesn’t move. A small kindness, letting you become adjusted to his size before he fucks you the way he’s dying to. 
“Look at me,” he says, and while his tone isn’t as sharp this time, it’s no less of an order.
Your eyes flutter open as Iwaizumi turns his head just a fraction without breaking eye contact, pressing a soft kiss against your calf. His eyes are glazed with feverish lust, pupils blown wide, almost swallowing up that thin ring of olive green entirely, and you wonder whether you should feel afraid right now.
You don’t have the words to describe it, the distant unease that seeps through you as you stare into the eyes of a man who’s clearly not in control anymore. If you screamed right now, tried to fight back or stop him, would it make a difference? 
Do you actually want to?
“You’re mine,” he growls out, drawing his hips back and slamming them forward ruthlessly as you choke on a scream. 
He’s relentless, hissing out curses as he fucks you like a rag doll, filling your wet, tight little cunt again and again and again. It’s all you can do to fist at the edge of the cushion, one hand wrapping around his back, your nails raking down his skin, drawing blood in their wake.
And Iwa doesn’t care, tossing his head back as he pounds his cock into your needy cunt, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust. “Iwa,” you plead between gasping breaths, clinging to his broad frame. You don’t even know what you’re begging for, not as he grabs you by the hips and lifts you up, hauling you closer so he can fuck you deeper. And you can feel his cockhead rutting against your cervix with every vicious thrust, the painful stretch of your cunt as you’re forced to take his fat cock. It hurts, it does, but holy fuck you can’t focus on that when his fingers slip between your legs and he starts to rub at your puffy, oversensitive clit.
You’re whining, mewling, hips shifting as you rock against him, desperate for more friction. “Please, Iwa,” you moan.
The sound of it, the lewd slaps of skin against skin, the wet squelching as he drives his cock home again with an unforgiving pace would be enough to make you burn with embarrassment, but you don’t care because you’re quickly losing yourself to mindless pleasure. Every stroke fills you completely, it’s hot and thick and the drag of his cock against your plush walls, the way it kisses that sweet perfect spot with every thrust is driving you to insanity.
“Fuck!” you cry, clenching tightly around his length as you hurtle over the edge for a second time. You’re gushing, convulsing, back arched up off the couch, lips parted and–
Iwaizumi stops with a growl and you barely have time to process it before he’s flipping you onto your front, yanking your ass up into the air and hammering his cock back into your swollen, abused little pussy. It’s a bruising pace he sets as he chases after his own end, your name falling from his lips in harsh, breathless grunts. 
It doesn’t take long for his thrusts to become sloppy, your cunt sucking him in and pulsing around his cock. And you don’t have the mental capacity to beg him to pull out, not as his muscular chest collapses against your back, his arms wrapping around your waist and he pumps you full of his seed.
Neither one of you move straight away, both fighting to catch your breath and calm down in the afterglow of your orgasms. Your eyes flutter shut as he presses soft, sweet kisses to the back of your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he can reach. It’s an intimacy that doesn’t belong here, but you find yourself arching into it, a small, tired smile curling at your lips as Iwaizumi lavishes you with affection. 
And you can only whine softly when he finally pulls his cock out and stands, lifting your boneless form up into his arms, chuckling quietly when you bury your head into his chest. Your head’s empty, your thoughts a jumbled mess as he carries you into his bedroom, depositing you carefully onto the bed. 
Iwaizumi leaves you there like that, and when he returns a few minutes later he’s dressed again. He doesn’t smile, but there’s something oddly content about his expression as he stops by the doorway and takes in the sight of you; naked and thoroughly fucked out, curled up amongst his covers. 
“Iwa?” you ask sleepily, stretching your aching body to make yourself more comfortable as you nestle further into the soft mattress.
He doesn’t answer you as he strides in, but you watch through half lidded eyes as his expression hardens. Stopping by the bedside, Iwaizumi reaches for you. You think he’s going to cup your cheek again, maybe run his fingers through your hair, but instead his hand slides between your thighs, gathering up some of the cum that’s seeped from your pussy with his fingers and slowly pushing it back inside of you, humming when you whine and shift under him.
“I’m leaving for a bit,” he tells you, your gut clenching as you remember why you’re in this position in the first place. “You don’t leave this apartment until I get back. You don’t answer the door, you don’t tell anyone you’re here, you don’t leave this bed unless you have a goddamn good reason. Understand?”
Weakly, you nod.
“Such a good girl for me,” he breathes, and this time when he leans over he does kiss you, sweeping your hair back from your face before his warm lips meet your cheek. He lingers there for a beat longer than necessary before pulling away with a sigh.
And as the door swings shut, the sound of the lock clicking into place behind him, you begin to question whether you’ve made a mistake. You don’t doubt for a second that Iwa will follow through with his promise. Whether it’s tonight or tomorrow or a week from now, he’ll find Kazuma; him and his friends, and they’ll make sure he stays away. And until they do, you won’t leave this apartment.
There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach that despite your pleas, Iwaizumi’ll kill him. 
Not because that’s the only way for this to end, though you realise that that’s always been a possibility, but because of what you glimpsed in his eyes today. Stupidly, you’d thought you had Iwa pegged. But there’s something that lurks beneath that facade, something more dangerous than you could’ve possibly imagined and the moment you opened the door to Iwaizumi it sunk its teeth into you and now you’re not sure if it’ll ever let you go.
And as you lie back in Iwaizumi’s bed, covered in the marks he left behind you wonder whether you’ve merely traded one monster for another. Perhaps it was inevitable. Inexorable.
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The Birds & The Bees (S.R. | Pt. 3)
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Summary: Reader earns her nickname, and Spencer sinks to a new level of sin. A/N: Here, take your first dose of smut 💊 ✨ Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Slow Burn (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Drinking, alcohol, masturbation (male) Word Count: 5.3k
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If I had to pick my favorite thing about working for Spencer Reid, it would probably be something that most people wouldn’t expect. Sure, it was nice to be able to work with a human encyclopedia, and he was definitely very nice to look at, but neither of those things contributed to my love for my job.
It was the sense of belonging. An overwhelming feeling of serenity that existed, flowing freely beneath the surface like a network of roots twined together. I never felt out of place when I was with Spencer — which couldn’t be said for basically any other time. Especially not now.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because it’s just absurd. You harass your neighbors while dressed in a costume and they reward you with something sweet (or, in some cases, change). As I’ve grown older, not much has changed aside from the creativity and length of the costumes.
... and the sweet treats being replaced by the bitter sting of alcohol.
“You do realize that guy was hitting on you in there, right?” my friend shouted from less than a foot to my right.
“He was just being nice.”
“Yeah... in a bar,” another girl chimed in, “On Halloween.”
I tried to remember the face of the man they were talking about, but my memory of his eyes blended into the flashing lights of the club. Even if I wasn’t drunk, I knew it would have been hard to remember him. Because the truth was that he wasn’t the person I wanted to see when I closed my eyes.  
“Leave her alone. She’s trying to stay pure for her professor,” my friend snickered.
Despite the treachery, I still caught her before she almost pushed us both straight off the curb in her drunken state. But it wasn’t her opinion I was worried about, because at that point, I was certain she would remember none of it by the time class rolled around come Monday. It was our other acquaintance that I responded to, with a very squeaky and unreliable, “I am not doing that!”
“Yeah, what she wants isn’t pure at all,” the mess on my shoulder droned. That was enough of a reason for me to drop her, although it really resulted in both of us barely staying on our feet on the somewhat crowded sidewalk.
“Stop! It’s not like that!”
“Sure it’s not.”
Then, something else caught her attention. Knowing her, I figured that it was either a man in a scandalous costume, or it was a two for one drink deal plastered in front of a bar. I assumed it was the latter, because as soon as she finished talking, she grabbed hold of our hands and yanked us against the brick wall of the next bar.
“So you wouldn’t mind if, theoretically, Professor Reid saw you in your costume?” she asked.
I like to think that I am a relatively smart girl. After all, I had made my way to graduate school, and Spencer seemed to think that I wasn’t a complete hopeless idiot. But in that moment, I couldn’t understand why on earth she would ever think to ask me that.
Running my hands over the fuzzy pink bodysuit I was wearing, I tried to picture his reaction. As soon as I tried to look down, however, the two floppy bunny ears affixed to the hood dropped over my eyes.
“I-I mean, I guess not…?” I mumbled, my face growing hot from something other than the alcohol, “I’m wearing it in public, so...”
But then she said it — the most terrifying two words I’d ever heard in my life.
“Okay ­– good.”
My eyes shot up immediately, trying to follow her eyes through the crowd of drunk, costumed people. By the time that I spotted him, somewhat thankfully dressed in normal clothes, I was powerless to stop it.
“Dr. Reid!” My friend’s voice rang out into the night, “Dr. Reid, come over here!”
The moment our eyes met, I knew I was fucked. Totally, completely, and utterly fucked. A clever little grin filled his cheeks as he quickly spotted me trying to hide under my hood.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” I shrieked, but he was already on his way over.
“You said you didn’t mind!”
In a panicked whisper, I bit back, “I didn’t say call him over here!”
When he grew closer, though, I corrected myself. Because it was not just Spencer who was walking over. There was someone else with him. Another man, just as tall and just as beautiful as Spencer, but with a dark complexion and an even more wicked smile.
As for my company, they had already scattered into the bar behind me, leaving me with a wordless, dumbstruck look on my face that was very poorly hidden behind bunny ears.
“H-hey Prof— Dr. Reid,” I managed to get out.  
“Hey,” he answered in a tone I’d never heard before. A slightly guarded, very entertained but mostly awkward stretch of the vowel.
The man beside him, however, was quick to question.
“Who’s this?”
As I said before, I like to consider myself a relatively bright person. But the alcohol that night had been both free and strong. So, when I was asked by a handsome man who I was on the Devil’s night, I answered honestly.
“I’m a bunny!” I cried, bringing my hands together over my chest and turning to present the small pink pompom affixed to my lower back.
“I can see that,” the stranger replied through a genuine chuckle. But while the action was amusing to at least two of us in the conversation, Spencer looked mortified. It wasn’t necessarily negative, though.
I couldn’t be sure, of course, considering that I had already consumed more liquor that night than I had in the past month, but something told me that Spencer was less humiliated by me, and more worried about how blatant his response to my answer was. Because when he spoke, he did so through a smile.
“She’s uh... my teaching assistant.”
“Teaching assistant, huh?” his friend repeated, clearly amused.
There was almost a challenge to the title. Something about the way he said it setting my heart into overdrive. Unable to control my own treacherous tongue, I continued to dig myself a wonderfully sized hole to jump in to.
“I’m also very good at hopping,” I said.  
Once again, the better company of the two laughed. Spencer, however, covered his smile with a hand that brought attention to just how red his face had grown over the course of a few seconds. I was so distracted by it, lost in the way I could still see upturned lips just from his eye shape alone, that I failed to acknowledge the other man for a suspicious length of time.
“Well hey, don’t let me get in the way of you two catching up. Reid, I’ll go tell the hostess we’re here, so the others know where to go.”
With a firm pat on the shoulder, the man almost turned to walk away. But before he could, I drew him back again.
“Ooh, is there a party?”
Spencer, finally able to speak again, rushed his reply.
“No, it’s nothing.”
It was obviously not nothing, though. Judging by the toothy grin that his friend flashed, it was a very big not-nothing.
“Did he not tell you?” he asked with an incredulous, mischievous tone, “It’s his birthday.”
And it was, by far, the most insulting, scandalous news I’d heard that night. Enough to elicit a sharp gasp and hand reaching out to grab his wrist in a way I knew I shouldn’t have.
“You didn’t tell me it’s your birthday!”
My mind was racing, kicking myself for having not figured it out sooner. I was trying to recall the monthly staff newsletter, but then quickly remembered that I usually relied on Spencer to summarize them for me.
“It’s not my birthday,” he explained with a sigh, “It was a few days ago.”
His friend seemed pleased by my response, although he clearly saw it dwindling. My heels had already dropped back down with my hands that fell away, signaling a very different emotion than the excitement from seconds prior.
“We’re meeting up with some people for drinks and dinner. You want to come?” he asked, trying to convince me before it was too late.
But the moment had passed, replaced by loud, insecure ranting that insisted that Spencer wouldn’t have avoided telling me his birthday unless he didn’t want me to know. That meant he either didn’t enjoy making a fuss out of his birthday, or he didn’t want me to, specifically.
“Don’t answer that,” Spencer cut in, swiftly raising a hand to dismiss the other man whose name I finally learned. “Thanks Derek, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Suit yourself,” he mumbled back. But Derek, in all of his disappointment, didn’t fail to draw out one more flustered laugh from the two of us who remained as he gave a tiny half-wave and sang, “Goodbye, Bunny.”
Spencer’s neck craned back, never once leaving his friend until he had safely entered the restaurant. Once he was sure that he was safe from ridicule, or at least observation, his entire demeanor changed.
“I’m sorry about that,” he offered, but I couldn’t accept. If anyone had been a bother here, it was me (and my friends).
“No, I’m sorry I bothered you!” I rushed.
The silence stretched between us, an unsettling reminder that we rarely interacted outside of work. That he’d never known me to party, and I’d never thought of him doing something as routine and normal as celebrating a birthday. It shouldn’t have been strange, but it was.
Perhaps that feeling was what drove me to continue, proudly stating, “I promise that I will have all your work ready first thing in the morning.”
It wasn’t until Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed and his mouth opened in a strange, lopsided grin that I’d realized I made a mistake.
“Um...” he spoke through laughter, “Tomorrow is Saturday.”
“I’m very motivated?”
Thankfully, he saw the humiliation and was happy to offer me a graceful escape from my humiliation. “How about I give you until Tuesday, instead?”
“Yeah, that’s probably for the best, huh?”
I gladly took it, staring down at my heels as I tried to find anything else to focus on. Anything that wasn’t his eyes that seemed even more powerful after dark. But true to the magnetism I always experienced in his vicinity, I was drawn back into golden irises full of an emotion that made my heart beat twice as hard.
“Where did your friends go?” he asked. I didn’t trust myself to answer, so I just threw my thumb over my shoulder and towards the bar behind me. I didn’t turn away from him then, too scared to acknowledge that I would be leaving him soon. That we would go our separate ways again and I would have to wait until Tuesday to drown in the honey of his eyes again.  
Sure enough, Spencer gave a solemn nod and cleared his throat before mumbling, “Right. You should probably go find them, so they don’t get worried.”
But I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay with him, the rest of the world be damned. I wanted to feel his eyes on me longer, especially when they started to wander my figure that I’d secretly hoped he would see.
I could pretend to hate my friend for calling him over all I wanted, but when I slipped into the costume hours earlier, I’d wondered what he would do if he saw me like this. And now that the answer was in front of me, torn between the exposed skin of my thighs and chest, I wanted to experience it for as long as possible.
With my fingers on the zipper to try and calm my heart, the inebriation manifested in soft giggles as I replied, “I think I’m pretty safe with you, Professor.”  
Spencer didn’t need to vocalize his disagreement. I saw his contention in the form of wayward eyes falling to my hands that fiddled with the tiny piece of plastic keeping me covered. When they trailed back up the zipper teeth to meet my eyes again, they were filled with a hunger that took my breath away.
Unfortunately for us, though, our smitten haze wasn’t shared by anyone else in the vicinity. Especially not the drunk pack of men who passed, completely unaware of the amount of space they took up on the sidewalk. I don’t even remember one of them running into me, but I definitely remembered what followed in extreme, vivid detail.
Spencer caught me, quickly and more gracefully than I thought him capable of moving. His arms were locked around me, not only preventing me from face planting on the concrete but causing me to press my face directly against him.
Before he had a chance to say or do much of anything else, I placed my hands on his chest and tore myself away from the warmth of his embrace. Because I was already drunk enough on the alcohol — I didn’t need to be any more inebriated from him.
“S-See? You caught me!” I squeaked.
I didn’t miss the fact his hands stayed on my waist even with the added distance, his fingers subtly digging into and stroking the plush fabric. I didn’t try to stop them, either.
“Are you going to be okay? Should I take you home?”
I knew it wasn’t how he’d meant it, but my inner voice still pleaded, Yes, God, please, yes! My outer voice, however, clung to reason and respectability.
“No! Don’t miss your birthday dinner!” I insisted, but he didn’t look convinced. “I’m fine, seriously. I just suck at walking in heels.”
Any part of me that would have normally been offended by his insistence that I couldn’t handle myself while drinking was quelled by my desire to keep his hands on me as long as possible. Although there was enough space for my arms between our chests, I swore I felt his fluttering heartbeat against my fingers. I thought of hummingbirds.
Resigned to my stubbornness, Spencer took a moment longer to stroke patterns through the pink fabric wrapped around my waist before he sighed, “If you say so.”
“I do!” I giggled, leaning closer like I might convince him not to leave at all, “So you better listen up, mister Professor man.”
The look he gave me was sweet, honeyed bliss. But even that seemed minuscule in comparison to the way his hands slid over my sides, making their way over my shoulders and gently brushing the errant bunny ears back out of my face. He left them there, too, with a barely-there caress of my face.
“You look cute,” he said, like it wouldn’t break my heart.  
Shier than he’d ever seen me before, I somehow managed to still look him in the eye as I answered, “So do you.”
It was a good thing I’d been paying attention, too. If I hadn’t been staring into his eyes, I would have missed the flash of chaotic playfulness that appeared just as he glanced down at the space between our chests.
I wouldn’t have been prepared at all when he dropped one of his hands from my face to the zipper of my costume. Not to say that anything could have prepared me for the way it felt to have his knuckle brush against the skin just below the lace bralette that had been meant to protect my modesty.
Before I could even comprehend the delicious friction of our skin, it was gone. Spencer pulled the zipper up to my chin, releasing the plastic in favor of grabbing hold of my chin once more.
“Be careful with that zipper,” he instructed, “I don’t need you getting hypothermia this early in the semester.”
Unsure of how else to respond, my body responded on instinct as it stammered, “I-I promise.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again, and my autopilot continued.
“Double promise. Promise squared.”
“Okay. You have my number so... call me if you need anything.”
I absently nodded, but Spencer accurately concluded that I hadn’t actually processed what he’d said. When he let go of me, he took the time to smooth out the bunched up fabric over my shoulders. I tried to convince myself that he was just interested in the soft fluff, but it was hard to ignore the hunger that’d only grown stronger. The darkness that rivaled the moonless hallow’s eve.
“I don’t mind giving you a ride home if it means you get back safe,” he said with a deathly seriousness strongly contrasted by the flippancy that followed. “Otherwise I’ll have more work for Tuesday.”
I was grateful for the shift, because it made the loss of his hands hurt less. My chest filled with laughter that quickly burst from me with frantic, messy words.
“Of course! The work. For Tuesday. Okay! Thank you!”
“For what?” he also said through laughter.
“I— don’t know.”
Spencer turned away from me, looking behind him at the obligations that would tear us apart. I wondered if he, too, was busy contemplating how well it suited just how different we were. How two establishments side by side could house such different things. How we were frequenting opposite ends of the spectrum.
Whatever he was thinking about, however, it didn’t break his spirits too badly. Because before he sent me on my merry way, he flashed me the goofiest little bouncing peace sign before he sang, “Hop along, little bunny.”
So I did, turning back to my life and letting him return to his. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of his eyes following me until the darkness of the bar swallowed the space between us.
Still, I didn’t need him to be there to remember how it felt for his hands to roam my body like familiar territory. I saw that look in his eyes every time that I closed my own and remembered how it made my legs shake like weak stems bending to the wind.
I decided then that it wasn’t the worst thing in the world that he’d seen me in my costume. In fact, I think he quite liked it.
 There are few things more relentless than Derek Morgan. Death and taxes, perhaps. When it came to mocking me, there wasn’t a single missed opportunity. Even at the darkest hour, I trusted him to be consistent and predictable.
That was precisely why it made no sense that I had made it through an entire dinner and drinks outing with the team without him mentioning what had happened. Not even once. I almost let myself be relieved. Perhaps time spent with a child that can talk back did him some good, I thought. But when the time finally came for us to take our leave, I realized my mistake. He wasn’t holding back out of the kindness of his heart.
No, Derek wanted to wait until there was no escape route. He wanted to have me trapped in a car hurtling down a highway before he spoke the words that he’d been waiting to say all night.
“So... Bunny.”
“Her name is (y/n),” I quickly corrected. Unfortunately, Derek wasn’t in a merciful mood. Although there was a notable smirk on his face, his next words were uttered with a hefty dose of skepticism. A warning that it was a subject that ought to be approached with a critical sincerity.
“Her name is Trouble. That’s what her name is,” he said, shaking his head.  
“She’s just my teaching assistant,” I said like I might actually convince myself, though we both knew that I wasn’t going to convince him. “It’s fine.”
“Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?”
But that time, it was me who issued the warning.
“Stop,” I ordered, meeting his eyes to find him hiding his genuine concern under jokes that weren’t really jokes at all. “I respect her. She’s very bright and she earned her position.”
“I never said she didn’t. I know she’s probably smart, but I also saw the way you looked at her.”
The words felt like a blow to the stomach — yet another reminder that my affections for her were so thinly veiled they might as well be scrawled across my skin. He didn’t need to be a profiler to notice that I was fond of the girl, but it certainly made it worse.
Because he knew that I was lying when I muttered, “You don’t need to worry about it.”
He knew that I was lying, but he still asked, “Why’s that?”
“She’s...” I started, pausing while the word tried to form on my tongue. The word that had haunted me ever since those damned girls mentioned it. That short, simple little noun that had taken a cursory affection and turned it into full blown lust.
“She’s a virgin.”
Derek’s brows jumped up his face, his jaw dropping the same way mine had when I first heard the news. Then, just as I had, he put the pieces together and realized that it should have been a foregone conclusion.
“Trouble with a capital everything,” he half laughed.
But this wasn’t a joking matter, and I really wished that I could make him believe that. That definitely wouldn’t happen, though. Not when he looked up to see me hiding behind my hands, sinking into my seat like it would get me out of the conversation.
“Don’t be ridiculous. She’s obviously waiting.”
It was the wrong thing to say. I should have seen his response coming from a mile away. But I didn’t, and so I was forced to listen to his childish giggles that were followed with an even more lighthearted crooning.
“Yeah, waiting for the right professor to come teach her the lesson on the birds and the bees.”
“Cut it out.”
Without even looking, he astutely observed, “Kid, you’re blushing.”  
“Yeah, because you’re talking about me fuc–”
The word never made it out, getting caught between my teeth as I bit down on my tongue damn near hard enough to make it bleed. I wished it would. I wanted the iron to drown me and rid me of the sinful things it sought to do, instead. Opting for a more… distinguished explanation, I eventually stammered the rest of the thought.
“You’re talking about me... deflowering my significantly younger employee!”
“You can say fuck, Reid,” he deadpanned, “I think you’re old enough now.”
“I don’t want to. It sounds too... crude.”
I didn’t expect him to understand. How could he? He’d only seen her when she was at her most provocative… by far. Part of me envied him, to be able to sequester her innocence and view her as just another girl.
But she wasn’t like anyone else. She was an untouched bloom, a magnolia of unearthly shades. A beautiful blossom that had broken through the concrete walls I’d maintained for so many years. A tantalizing taste of the life outside that I refused to let in.
A fucking tease.
“Too crude for little miss innocent bunny?” Derek cooed, and it was so uncomfortably close to my thoughts that I couldn’t help the way I snapped back.
“Are you done?”
As we pulled into my parking lot, Derek just waved off my hostility, recognizing it as nothing but misfired shame and anguish at the thing I wanted being out of my reach.
“Yeah, I’m done. I hope you had fun, even with the teasing.”
I chose not to dignify the second half of the statement, climbing out of the car like I couldn’t step away from the conversation fast enough. But of course, I knew that only made my guilt more apparent. My culpability was clear and conclusive. There was no argument to be made.
“You know I’m right!” he shouted just before the door shut. A final reminder, one last cautionary call for the beast inside of me to keep itself hidden lest I allow myself to sink my teeth into something pure.
Few things changed when I reached the confines of my apartment walls. Fantasies had only devolved into a vividness that was borderline frightening. How easily I could get lost in visions of her, only promising my return in exchange for my imagination agreeing to become a reality that I would get a chance to experience.
But that wasn’t fair to her. She was just a girl doing her job with an astounding amount of patience and understanding for her hopeless romantic of a boss. For a moment, the guilt became so overwhelming that I let it win. I managed to swallow my newly acquired memories well enough to navigate my nightly routine without wishing she was there every step of the way.
Wishing that she would call me. That she would grant me the excuse to return to her, to touch her as freely as I had earlier. I imagined a world where, upon arriving to her destination, she invited me in.
As I collapsed on my bed, I wondered if she would have preferred the privacy of my home. A place far enough away from other students and academics to finally see me as something more than a superior. Something attainable in a way she never seemed to be.
Just as I closed my eyes to give in to the dreams, my phone buzzed. The sound set off every nerve in my body, all of them very poorly coordinating to allow me to grab the device and turn it on to reveal her name.
“Hey Professor! I just wanted to let you know that I got home…”
I’d never opened a notification so quickly, but I should have waited. I should have paused and taken the time to notice that what I was opening wasn’t just a collection of letters and symbols.
It was a set of pictures.
Pictures of her.
“Safe and sound and zippered up. No hypothermia for this bunny tonight,” she tagged onto the end, “Sweet dreams!”
How could I ever dream of anything but her? How was I meant to turn off my phone now, knowing that she was there; her drunken, lustful stare on display? I only tore my eyes away from her face long enough to notice her surroundings. I took extensive, painstaking notes on the color of the sheets on her bed and the way the zipper I’d tugged at to control myself from taking her had fallen away again.
I could feel the softness of her skin against my knuckle again. I heard the way her breath nearly broke at the force with which she sucked in air at the feeling of me touching her. How hard she pressed herself against me, how her back arched when I held her and how she never even tried to stop my hands from finding new places to rest.
They worked diligently now, too, trying to keep her awake and with me for as long as I could, but also wanting to free myself of obligations so that she wouldn’t notice how long I’d stared at the pictures she’d sent.
“Goodnight, little bunny,” I sent before adding, “I’ll be counting rabbits instead of sheep tonight.”
As if to reward my efforts, another picture flooded my screen. Her face was scrunched up in an adorable innocence, half covered with her hand but still effortlessly beautiful.
I stopped myself from responding again. I forced myself to stop, to prevent treacherous hands from calling her and begging her to let me come to her. It wasn’t fair — it was manipulative, downright evil, even — to take advantage of her inebriated state to hoard any insight she might provide.
But she’d already sent these… So, would it be so wrong to indulge in her? By touching my own body to the thought of her, would I taint her? Did I care even if it did? Maybe it was for the best to plant the seed of impurity now, to strip her of her power over me.
But deep down, I knew that I would still want her. I would still wish that the hand that sneaked beneath the sheets belonged to her. I could almost feel it as my hand traversed familiar territory. It would be new for her, and it would be new for me to feel the delicate, unmarred skin of her palm slowly sliding down my stomach. Her fingers bashfully brushing through soft curls at the base of me, still too nervous to hold me the way I needed her to.
Her face would be buried in my shoulder, with dew from her breath wetting my neck and raising the hairs on my arms. I would take her hand in mine and guide her to wrap her trembling hand around my cock.
Just like I was doing to myself now, with my other hand still holding the phone displaying the image of innocence. My hand wasn’t as soft or inexperienced as hers would be, but as long as my eyes stayed on her half-lidded gaze staring back at me, I could pretend.
I could hear her panting my name— my real name, Spencer— in my ear, praising the feel of silky skin beneath her fingertips. She would whisper about how she wanted to feel it elsewhere, too. She would beg for me to replace a hand for her most precious place.
That damned angelic girl showing her hand on the zipper would beg me to steal away her innocence. She would unveil herself slowly, knowing that I needed the time to memorize every inch of her skin as it was seen by another for the first time. Seen by me, and only me. The vision would be for my consumption and indulgence.
I wanted it. I wanted her.
My stomach tensed as I pictured the girl staring back at me straddling my hips. I stroked myself harder, faster, letting my thumb trace down her body on my screen.
If I stole it from her, would it be mine?
Would she be trapped as I was, only able to feel anything when I was with her? Would she dream of me? Would she cherish each and every memory of my touch and play it back in her mind? When she felt the urge to break and burn, would she picture my hands lighting the match?
If I ruined her, would she be mine?
I pictured the girl on the screen with tears in her eyes, her mouth stuck open in a silent scream and her hands clutching desperately to mine. I imagined how tightly her body would grip me as I fucked her. How hard it would fight the intrusion of my sinful touch. How I would hold her down despite the resistance until she gave in to me. Until I broke her, thoroughly and irreparably.
She would be mine.
That was the thought that took me over the edge, all energy that was not delegated to my hand feverishly stroking my cock remained with my other hand to hold her picture in front of me. It never even wavered, never once shaking and risking losing any clarity. Even my eyes refused to close all the way.
She would be mine.
The warm, sticky mess of my desire coated my hand and stomach, but all I could think was how it would feel to mark her as mine. To feel the excess drip back down my cock as she collapsed against my body. To know that she would never be the same, never be wholly herself again. That she’d let me inside of her soul and that when I left, I hadn’t left empty handed.
She was already mine.
| Part Four |
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five-rivers · 3 years
Good people grew wings.
How wings grew, why they grew, and the exact criteria for being a good person, were unclear. Science had discovered many things over the years, but human wings remained a mystery and the closest thing to real magic the average person would ever know about. Even so, this one point, that you had to be good to grow wings, was agreed upon by virtually everyone.
You had to be good.
Saintlike, even. Literally. If a person had wings, even teeny tiny ones, and was even vaguely Catholic, they were almost certain to be sainted shortly after their death.
This was why Danny was sure there had to be some kind of mistake. That this had to be a prank. Or a trick. Or even the result of some weird ghost power Danny didn’t know about.
Not that he thought he was a bad person. He tried his best! But he was well aware of his many, many flaws. Some might say that was the first step to working on them, except… He did not do that.
Which was yet another sign that the small, downy lumps growing very painfully out his back couldn’t be real.
He didn’t deserve this.
(A sentiment he meant in many ways. Primarily the obvious one, but he also didn’t want to have to deal with two new limbs on top of everything else in his life.)
(Like, he’d just gotten used to having a tail, and the tail wasn’t a permanent addition. Or even an addition, really. It was more of an exchange. Two legs for one tail.)
He inhaled shakily and turned away from the mirror. His face was pale and drawn. Dark circles were painted under his eyes. Slightly pink scars from the fight with Skulker last night stood out on his skin. They’d fade in a few days.
Hopefully, so would the little bumps on his back. If not…
His knuckles went white on the counter. At some points in history, it had been dangerous to have wings grow in out of nowhere. People would wonder why. And if that why wasn’t compatible with what the local government wanted, if what they were doing was good but illegal, well… But the point was, some people had taken rather extreme measures to avoid being caught.
Like cutting off their wings.
Nausea rose in Danny’s throat at the notion of cutting off any part of his body. He could do it. He had access to enough sharp things and had a high enough pain tolerance. Plus, he could turn certain body parts intangible, to get a better angle on—
He turned to the toilet and threw up.
The article he’d read on the internet had said that, sometimes, wings growing in disrupted the other functions of the body. Hormonal imbalance.
Wings might be magic. This experience? Not so much.
Then, when did radical changes to his person ever happen painlessly for him? The Accident, the Accident Remix, his ice powers, puberty in general…
He shuddered and reached for the lever.
Maybe they’d be small. Size depended on how good you were. At least, that was the prevailing theory. Since he shouldn’t have his at all, they should be small. Tiny. Hopefully. Hidable. Something he could keep under his shirt. Something no one would notice. Something that wouldn’t be investigated, wouldn’t be questioned.
Oh, god, what if they showed up on Phantom as well? That would be a nightmare. Most ghost hunters and occultists didn’t even think ghosts had feelings. One showing up with wings would make them furious. They’d be convinced that he was faking. That he was trying to capitalize on how people thought of wings to make himself look better.
Oh, geez, and that wasn’t even getting into how they’d interact with his suit, which repaired any damage done to it every time he transformed.
He shifted, rings sparking over him, and reached around his ribs to touch his back. Which still had two very sensitive lumps.
“Danny,” said Jazz, sitting on the edge of her bed and steepling her hands, “how many times have you saved Amity Park?”
Danny frowned. “What does that have to do with anything?”
She pressed her fingers to her lips. “Okay. How about how many times you’ve saved the planet?”
Danny shrugged.
“Don’t you think that might, I don’t know, contribute to the present situation?”
“That’s—I don’t—Jazz, I live here. Of course, I’m going to protect the place I live.” He started pacing back and forth.
Jazz stared up at him. “Are you sure that’s what going on? Really?”
Jazz stood up and put both her hands on Danny’s shoulders. “Danny. You’re a good person.”
“I’m not, though.”
“Okay. Tell me why you think you aren’t a good person.”
“Bad future ring a bell?” replied Danny acerbically.
“You mean the future that never happened.”
“I wasgoing to cheat on that test.”
Jazz inhaled deeply, then sighed. “Cheating on a test does not make you a bad person.”
“I destroyed the world.”
“No, you didn’t,” said Jazz. “last time I checked, the world was just fine. And wasn’t Dan half Vlad anyway?”
“It was still my fault,” mumbled Danny.
“Maybe,” allowed Jazz, “but that doesn’t mean you aren’t a good person, doing good things. Also, you wouldn’t be the first person to grow wings even though you did something bad earlier. Everyone does bad things.”
“Like who?” mumbled Danny.
“Uh,” said Jazz, “I haven’t exactly prepared a list. Um. Oscar Schindler. Like, by all accounts he was kind of terrible right up until, you know.”
Danny sighed and extracted himself from Jazz’s grip. “How am I supposed to hide them, anyway?”
“Well, if they stay small, you should be able to just cover them up. I wouldn’t recommend binding them, that’ll deform the bones. But if they get bigger… Can’t you just keep them invisible and intangible?”
“No,” said Danny, after a beat of time staring at Jazz to make sure she wasn’t joking. “I can’t hold onto either of those for that long. Especially not in human form.”
“Well,” said Jazz. She ran a hand through her hair. “In that case… You might not be able to hide them.”
Danny closed his eyes. “I hope they stay small.”
But he had a feeling they wouldn’t.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
The issue I have with Azriel telling the others Elain shouldn’t scry isn’t only the fact that he put an end to something Elain wanted. He did it when Elain wasn’t around, behind her back, preventing her from defending herself. It almost looks like, Azriel knew that he has no right to step in and decided to talk to them about this matter when Elain was away, so she wouldn’t be able to argue. He chose the easy way and to me this is very cowardly of Azriel. If he was so worried about Elain’s well-being, he easily could have told her his fears and tried to explain why he doesn’t want her to scry. He didn’t need to do it in a sneaky way. I saw some comments saying that maybe Azriel knows something about Elain and therefore didn’t want her to help finding the dread troves. Personally, I think it is pretty unlikely, because if this was the case, he definitely would have told the others. This is why I will never be able to see this scene as romantic. Sarah’s couples are protective of one another, but they also support their partner’s decision.
Let's examine, shall we? Chapter 22.
Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, "Using me."
Azriel was in the room at that time. A complete list of people in the scene includes: Azriel, Amren, Cassian, Rhys, Feyre, and Nesta. Azriel saw Elain volunteer. He was witness to this entire conversation, to Elain fighting for her ability to contribute.
Amren said, "You tracked the Cauldron-"
"It nearly killed me. Trapped me like a bird in a cage."
Elain said, "Then I will find it. I might require some time to... reacquaint myself with my powers, but I could start today."
"Absolutely not," Nesta spat, fingers curling at her sides. "Absolutely not."
"Why?" Elain demanded. "Shall I tend to my little garden forever?" When Nesta flinched, Elain said, "You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while refusing to let me do anything greater."
I put that in bold because YASSSS ELAIN.
After Nesta and Elain have their fight, Elain says this:
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Note that in this scene, Azriel doesn't say a word. He doesn't defend Elain. Azriel hears all of that, and is not moved. He doesn't learn anything. He doesn't try to moderate, to make peace, or even to caution Elain against trying. He's just a fly on the wall. I understand his silence - this is clearly a conflict between sisters that he has no right to get involved in. But the bare fucking minimum he could have done was listen to what Elain wanted, and to recognize the way in which she feels stifled.
But you know what? No one comes to get her. And in addition, Azriel and Nesta fight against her involvement, again. He contributes to everything she said she hated in chapter 22.
In chapter 29:
Amren said, "We do not have the time to wait for Nesta to decide. I say we approach Elain tomorrow. Better to have both of them working on it."
Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, "There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to."
Azriel watched Elain volunteer, he watched her argue with Nesta, he knows that it isn't as simple as "well maybe this is above her pay grade". Azriel knows that Elain has deep-seated and justified feelings against people treating her like a child.
Yet he does this anyway, behind her back. That isn't being protective, it's witnessing Elain at one of her strongest yet most vulnerable moments, and then disregarding everything he knows that she wants and needs.
I've seen people argue that he isn't preventing her from helping, but um??? What was that, then? If not arguing against her involvement? It's not like he said "hey y'all we should be careful about this but clearly she wants to help, and she can, just be careful." No, he got his Pissy Pants on, again, and disregarded literally everything he witnessed her say.
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luimagines · 3 years
Hi! can I request wind scenario (in group) having a crush on gn reader (same age as him) whos kinda like a ghost like fading through walls, going invisible, making the room go cold ect. but they're still hyrulian (did I spell it right-)? (plush anon)
I mean, most people call them Hylian. But I suppose your rendition isn't wrong, since they're from Hyrule. Like a nationality versus a race.
Ok, I think I have an idea with what you mean. Ghostly abilities with a crushing Wind!
I hope I did it justice!
Scenario under the cut!
It was time. You had fought against it for so long.
It was time to track down Wind and figuring out what was eating at him.
You took a deep breath and fazed through the walls of the Wild's house.
He was getting worse and it was starting to worry you. It was unnoticeable at first but he would wander off and come back just fine. So no one did anything. Later though, he would walk off earlier and stay away for longer.
You were beginning to miss him.
But now, your group was no longer in an open space and there were less places for him to hide inside.
You hoped at least he didn't go outside. That would make things harder for you.
You also hoped that Wild wasn't going to get mad at you for just walking through the place. It's not something the others... appreciated... especially when you never gave out a warning.
But that was a them problem.
Wind never seemed to mind.
On the other hand though, you didn't want to risk getting a lecture and ruining your plan by fazing, and by extension, trespassing through the house. So you went invisible for good measure.
The only thing you couldn't fix was how the room always dropped in temperature but if you fast enough it wouldn't make a difference.
Peak in. Look for Wind. Dip if he's not there.
Simple plan of action. Simple solution.
It... didn't occur to you that Wild's house had a few more rooms than he let on, or let the others into. It also didn't occur to you that some places could only be reached by the outside and could then be an excellent place to hide.
Not from you though.
So the search didn't really last all that long.
Wind was hiding under the desk of the outer work house.
He looked like he was crying and was quietly shaking from weight of them.
Concern flooded through your system and you dropped next to him immediately. You went to place your hand on his wrist but he jerked up and made eye contact.
He screamed and jumped in place, slamming his head against the top of the desk and came back down with his hands on his head.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You reached out and began to rub the poor spot on his head, knocking his hands out of the way. "I probably should have said something first. Are you ok? I mean, obviously not if you're crying but that looked like it hurt-"
"I'm fine." Wind knocked your hands away and wiped his face with his sleeve. There was an edge to his words, and it shocked you a bit.
Wind was never hostile with you and the change made you instinctually move back with your hands up.
"Um... What happened?" You try instead. Maybe it was just the residue pain talking.
"Nothing." Wind sniffles and you swear you could almost see him putting up walls around himself. High and imposing and you nearly sink to the ground at the thought of him cutting you off.
“It’s not nothing if you’re crying over it.” You say gently. “It’s ok to cry Wind. My dad says that it’s just being alive and it’s nothing you have to hide. But why? Did someone hurt you?”
The thought makes you angry and the closet’s temperature plummets with your train of thought. “Who did it? Just say the word and I’ll deal with them.”
Wind hugs himself tighter and shakes his head. “No. No one hurt me.
“Then why...” You reach out again and hesitate to place your hand on Wind’s wrist again. After a second of deliberation you touch him and try reaching out again. “Wind, I’m your friend. What can I do help?”
“Nothing.” He spits and looks away from you. “It’s fine. You shouldn’t... You were the last person that I wanted to find me like this.”
He pushes past you and opens the door to the outside.
“Did I do something wrong?” You ask instead and chase him. “Wind, what’s wrong? Why are you avoiding me? Are you mad at me?”
“No.” He spins around and takes a deep breath. “It’s... nothing you have to be worried about. The problem is with me. I’ll get over it.”
“But I want to help...” You admit. It sounds weak even to your ears and you can only imagine how Wind must think it’s a little pathetic how little you actually contribute to the group.
It’s something that’s been bugging recently but everyone has been welcoming despite your abilities and they let you know when to take a step back from running head first.
It’s not a thought you focus on frequently but if Wind thinks of you that way...
Well... It hurts more than you’re willing to admit.
Wind chuckles slightly, ruefully, cutting off your thoughts. He begins to run a hand through his hair and he looks at the ground instead. “I know you do. You help everyone. You’re incredible like that, you know. I admire that about you. It’s one of your many talents that I can’t even begin to list them all off or I’ll be here all day. But this... Isn’t something that you can fix or help with. You wouldn’t want to help me anyway, if you knew what I did...or rather how I did it.”
He doesn’t anything more.
“But you’re Link.” You say and chance a step toward him. The use of his name, something you only use when alone with only one of them, catches his attention but he’s quick to look away from you again. “And you’re my friend. Why can’t I help you? Maybe just telling me would help, if there’s nothing I can do physically.”
“I...” Wind wipes his face again. “I can’t. It would change the way you see me. I know it. It’s not... I don’t know if I can handle that. I think it’ll hurt to much to see your face look at me in horror. It wouldn’t be a good look for you anyway. You’re too pretty and sweet and nice and I’m-.”
“Wind.” You begin to walk toward him more, counting on the fact that he’s still talking to you that he won’t run away. “I can’t say I know what you’re talking about. But do what to know how I see you?”
He blinks, a little wide eyed and fearful but nods.
“I see an incredibly brave hero. Someone’s friend. Someone’s brother. Someone’s right hand man. Someone who saw a problem and wanted to fix it. Someone who was willing to travel the world and risk his own life to protect the people he cares about. Someone who loves adventure and the ocean and always sure wonder in his eyes... I admire the way you see life and I think you’re a genius. There’s a way your brain works that I find absolutely fascinating.” You put your hands on his shoulders. “I trust you. I care about you. And... I want to help you with your problems. I want to know your dreams and your goals and I want to see more of your world and know more about the people you care about...”
You stop and gulp. It’s getting a little too real for you to handle. Time to stop talking about that less you say something you can’t take back.
“If you’d let me anyway.” You finished lamely. “My... My point is that, you’re a good person. You have a good heart and a good head on your shoulders. You... You’ve done so much and can do so much more if you put mind to it. Not only did you save the world but I bet that you’ll change it for the better. I want to be able to see it. You are many things Link, but you’re not cruel. If you did a bad thing, I’m sure it was for a good reason.”
Wind steps closer to you to close the distance and hugs you. 
“You’re too good to me, you know that?” He says into your hair.
You hug him back with just as much force and grin into his neck, content with the contact. “I’d give you the world if I could Link.”
“Not if I give it to you first.” He fires back and lets go slightly. He chances a look at your face and studies it for a moment. 
You look back at him and do the same. He’s beginning to look more like himself and a lot less like he’s been crying. He’s got a large smile on his face before it morphs into a more determined one.
It catches you off guard but right as you try to question him, he leans in and places a hesitant and delicate kiss to your cheek. 
It’s more like a butterfly touch with how nervous he is to do it and you barely feel it.
But it feels a little more magical that way and your heart flutters into a frenzy.
Your hand reaches your mouth and you have trouble looking him in the eye after that. You’re happy. Confused. But happy. 
The blush on your face, you know, is very bright and Wind smiles at your reaction.
“What was that for?” You whisper.
“A thank you.” Wind offers his arm despite the massive blush me has on his face as well. He looks pleased. “You said you wanted to know me more... And well, I’d like to know you more to. Want to go to the tower with me?”
He points to the top of the town, beyond the houses and where you know Purah the scientist resides to do her research.
There’s hardly any visitors there, so it would just be you and him...
You grin and take his arm.  “I’d like that a lot actually.” 
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Can you do Luke Patterson fanfic where the reader is Alex sister and is in the band who’s been in love with Luke all this time but he never noticed her. And ever since they met Julie she has seen them together has gotten jealous.So she hatches up one finally plan to make him jealous to get him to see her . And Luke realized he had been in love with her and confess to her . Sorry if it’s too much this is my first time asking for a request 🥺
TITLE: Unrequited (Luke Patterson x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Requested: Yes!
Prompt/summary:  Reader does one final attempt at getting Luke to notice her.
Word Count: 1,615
Authors note: appear I just write a lot of angst. Again Where’s my Love by SYML is the vibe lol
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The day we woke up on the floor of the garage in the year 2020 was the worst day of my life.
Or that’s what I decided at least.
Apparently we had spent the past 25 years in a dark room, with Alex crying for most of that time. The girl who found us, Julie, quickly became our only tie to the real world. We could only be seen playing if she was playing with us. We soon found out that we had unfinished business that we needed to attend to before we could properly cross over to the other side. We figured it was simple. Play the Orpheum and we were done. But getting to the Orpheum was going to be a lot harder than we thought.
Slowly we had started to build up a following on a thing called ‘YouTube’ where people share videos, I never thought such a wide library of videos could exist for free every single day. Practices became a daily thing, though I didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 
I really shouldn’t be jealous. Luke has chemistry with everyone he sings with. Alex would kill me if he found out that after all these years I was still crushing on his best friend. I couldn’t help the feeling in my throat when I saw Julie and Luke singing together though... the feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Like all the air was being sucked out of me while I tried to keep the feeling of anger from bubbling over.
Why can’t he look at me like that?
I never meant to get him jealous, because I always thought making crushes jealous was unhealthy and only ever worked in the movies. But as soon as I started only talking with Reggie and Alex at practice Luke started to notice how I didn’t go out of my way to talk to him like I used to.
As time went on I started only singing with Reggie on stage for the harmonies. Every time I would look over afterwards I would see Luke staring at me with an almost blank expression.
The next few days were miserable for me.
My only desire then was to go up to him and tell him why I had been avoiding him. That I had seen every glance, smirk, smile, and laugh he and Julie had shared and say it was breaking my heart in two. I just had to watch in silence. The fear of causing drama within the band had taken precedent over my unrequited love. 
I never meant for it to be taken this far. After Caleb branded us I truly began to wonder if my place in the band really meant anything to anyone. My feelings poured out over a page as I explained everything to them in a letter. A stupid letter that I didn’t know if I actually was going to deliver or not. 
My worst fears soon became a reality after I saw their interaction outside of Luke’s house on his birthday.
Tears fell out of my eyes as I slipped the letter into his songwriting notebook and poofed out of the garage. I knew they would find it. I knew my brother would know the first place to look for me, so I avoided it.
I stood in the alleyway behind the Orpheum, tears falling down my face as I held onto my brother’s sweatshirt he had given me a few days prior. Hopefully I could still keep it.
“Are you ready?”
I turned around and saw Caleb standing in all his elaborate glory, “I guess so.”
He smirked, “Why so hesitant little dove?”
“Um,” I mumbled, a shiver went down my spine at his awkward nickname, “I’m just going to miss them.”
“Miss them? You’re going to miss them? Oh (Y/n), they haven’t even noticed you were gone. You’ve got nothing to lose.”
Tears began to form in my eyes. Breathing became hard as I realized I had been sitting here for hours, and no one came yet.
“Poor (Y/n), in love with a boy who doesn’t even notice her. A brother who was rejected by even his parents, and a best friend who doesn’t even notice her feelings. You can leave all that behind, just shake my hand.”
I stood there, debating on if I really wanted to give it all up. Did I really get a choice in this? I slowly lifted my hand, still hesitating.
“(Y/n), look around. They haven’t even come for you yet, and I’m sure that rat Willie already told them what you were doing. They just don’t care-”
“That’s not true!”
I turned around and saw my band running towards me.
“(Y/n) don’t listen to him? He’s manipulating you,” Alex said.
Tears fell down my face as Caleb grabbed my shoulder, “You’re too late. (Y/n) just look at them. They didn’t even notice as you drifted further and further away.”
My eyes flickered up, Luke locked eyes with me. Tears were forming in his eyes, “(Y/n) please don’t do this.”
I looked back down at the ground.
Julie spoke up, “(Y/n), you really don’t realize how much you contribute to this band. We all care about you so much.”
“I doubt she wants to hear from you,” Caleb scoffed, “Seeing as you stole the one thing she most wanted away.”
The boys looked at each other confused but the look on Julie’s face told me that she knew exactly what Caleb meant.
“(Y/n) I promise you, Luke and I are just best friends. I’m so sorry you felt like you weren’t important to us anymore,” Julie said.
Luke looked up at me but I tried not to meet his gaze.
“(Y/n),” Alex said, “You’re my sister. I can’t lose you too. Please.”
Tears ran freely down my face as I pulled myself away from Caleb. Luke ran forward and caught me as I began to fall.
Caleb let out a frustrated yell and disappeared. I didn’t even bother to look up as I sobbed into my hands.
“I’m so sorry,” Luke whispered to me. Alex pulled everyone into a group hug.
“Guys I’m so sorry,” I sobbed.
“This isn’t your fault,” Reggie said.
I brought my hands down to wrap around Luke’s shoulders, “I just didn’t feel good enough. I wanted to know if you guys really cared. I’m so sorry I should have said something.”
“We’re just happy we got here in time,” Alex said, he ran a hand through my hair, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
My tears came to a slow stop, and eventually we began to walk home.
“Guys, I’m taking (Y/n) somewhere. We’ll catch up.”
The guys waved as Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me in a different direction. It soon became clear where he was taking me. 
“Do you remember this place?” he asked.
“Barely,” I said. I looked around the park I had always gone to, it had changed so much since 1995, “They tore the gazebo down.”
He looked over to where the rickety white structure used to be, a bathroom area was there now.
“I remember, you used to always go there after there was a fight at your house.”
I nodded, “Quiet, secluded, free to go to. Can’t tell you how many songs I wrote here.”
He pulled me over to sit on the benches near the playground. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he said. 
I looked up at the clouds, trying to get the answer straight in my head, “I just… I had seen how you looked at her. I wanted you to look at me like that. Once I started to pull away, no one seemed to notice. Caleb offered me his help, he said I’d be famous…”
“What made you hesitate?”
“I realized… I didn’t want a million admirerors, I just wanted one. Nothing could compare to that.”
I jumped as he reached over to grab my hand, bringing it over to sit in his lap as he covered it in both of his, “I want to be that person.”
“You always were.”
He smiled. He brought my hand up and placed a kiss gently on my knuckles. In a quick moment of bravery I leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.
He placed both his hands on my cheeks before pulling me into a real kiss. The boy I thought I had lost was kissing me. The kiss I had always dreamed of but thought I could never have. 
We both pulled away breathing heavily. I looked up and giggled at his swollen lips and tousled hair knowing I probably looked the same. 
“I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to say this. I love you (Y/n). I’ve loved you since the day I met you, I loved you after we died, and I loved you every moment till now. I guess the only reason why I didn’t do anything is I was so scared of you not liking me back, or how your brother would react.”
I sighed as he rubbed his thumb across my cheek, “How do you think he’ll react?”
“He told me while we were looking for you I should’ve asked you out weeks ago. He knows,” He laughed.
The sun had started to set, the light illuminated him making him look ethereal. I pulled him into another quick kiss, “I wish I had done this sooner.”
“What? The kiss or trying to sell your soul to a dead magician?”
I laughed, “Either.”
He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, “Don’t do the second one again anytime soon.”
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @peachyxdream @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp @wcnderwoo @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis @solophantomsmultis @marinettepotterandplagg @idkanymoremansstuff @carleywhittaker @spooky-season-bitch @sunsetcurve-h @peresphoncs @lolychu  @joshy-obx @mochamiilk @starenemy @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @cherrybombboom @etherealexsistence @itskindyl @heidimortensen123 @starkeysgirl @nicolewithasoul @chenellearose @voguesir 
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
‘A Flowery Back-And-Forth’- Juke Florist!AU
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Juke AU where Julie’s mom had owned the Petal Pushers Floral Company, now run by her Tía Victoria and she helps by delivering orders on her bike. 
Another riff from the Triad Chat Vault. Happy JATP Appreciation Month!
"Alright, I'm on it, Willie!" Julie calls out, slipping the arrangement in her basket, foot primed to pedal-
"Wait!" Willie sidles up to her with a conspiratorial smirk, "Can you do me a teensy weensy favor?"
Her eyes shut, already groaning, "No, no. Willie, no-"
The skater sticks out his bottom lip, pouting, "Please? I'm willing to pay for the 'Julie Molina Special'"
Julie points to the sign hanging in the Petal Pushers shop, "Do you see a 'Julie Molina Special’ or arrangement up there?"
Willie presents her a wad of cash.
She eyes it warily, "You're shelling out so much for this, aren't you?"
"It's Alex," he says, eyes twinkling, "He deserves the best," he elbows her playfully, "Right?"
Shit. Romance isn't dead after all.
And Julie does need the money.
"Okay, fine," she pockets the cash and mounts her bike "One 'Julie Molina' delivery special coming up."
"Yes!" he hugs her from behind, careful not to squash the flowers, "Thank you. He'll appreciate it for sure."
"I'm doing this for you," she rings the bell and starts rolling down the street, "And you better properly introduce me to your boyfriend next time!"
"Here you go, courtesy of your boyfriend,"
"Will do!"
Julie bikes over to the address, not too far from her house. 
“He’s in band practice right now, so take the flowers there,” Willie had told her. 
She could already hear the music flowing from the garage as she pulls up and parks her bike. Carefully scooping up the bouquet, she knocks on the double doors. 
It takes a moment for anyone inside to notice the knocking due to the loud music (which is pretty good from what Julie has heard so far. And she doesn’t really listen to much music anymore). 
The guitars and drums are put to a halt. Then a voice calls out. 
“Who is it?” 
“It’s Petal Pushers Floral Company. I have a delivery for an ‘Alex Mercer’?” 
“Cool. Come on in.” 
Heeding instruction, she pushes the doors open and walks inside. She spots Alex immediately, by the drums. The blonde raises his hand and Julie comes forward with the large bouquet Willie ordered for him.
"Um..." Julie e starts, rubbing her hands together nervously, "There's more."
"Thanks!" Alex blushes, admiring the rainbow of flowers collected.
“And the card,” 
Alex quickly swipes the card, eyeing his bandmates in case either of them would dare to steal it and read it outloud. He reads the note to himself and he blushes even more. 
“Happy One Month, Hot Dog,” he recites an excerpt for everyone, to which they all go ‘aww’. Then Alex nods at her, “And you’re Julie, right? Willie tells me all about you. Thanks for coming by.” 
“Really no problem. Just doing my job. As a delivery girl and his friend.” 
Speaking of friend duties...
Then she looks around the room and shrinks in on herself seeing that she does have an audience, one that she recognizes. 
There’s Reggie from her Home Ec class and the other boy, Luke, she thinks, the one she always spots with a guitar case in his hands.
"Um..." she starts, rubbing her hands together nervously, "There's more."
"Oh," Alex says, surprised, "Really?"
"I don't know what it is that makes me love you so...I only know I never want to let you go...'" she sings, snapping to the beat, trying hard not to look at anyone else but Alex.
I'm so gonna kill Willie for this...
She clears her throat. And goes for it. 
"'Cause you started something, can't you see...That ever since we met you've had a hold on me...”" she starts moving around the space, spinning and dancing like an old-timey singing-gram.
Coming back around, she catches eyes with Luke, and she immediately averts her eyes, turning red.
No, Julie... just keep singing. This would all be over soon. So you won't have to keep embarrassing yourself in front of cute boys...
“It happens to be true.... I only want to be with you!" she finishes on own knee, with jazz hands.
She's met with a round of applause as she stands up, feeling awkward.
"Wow!" Reggie claps, "Your boyfriend got you flowers and a pretty girl to sing you a song."
"That was great," Alex beams at her, "You're really good!"
She blushes, waving off the compliments, "Not really a thing we do at the shop, but Willie insisted."
"What a shame," Luke finally pipes up, his eyes never having left her ever since she walked in, "I bet a lot of people will buy flowers... if they're being delivered like that."
Julie swears she's glowing red like Rudolph at this point, with the way he stares. 
Julie walks her bike up to the garage, finding only Luke there playing away on his guitar.
"Thanks..." she mutters shyly, rushing out the door and towards her bike, “Have a good one guys. And you sounded great by the way.” 
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Luke shouts after her. 
“Tell your friends!” Reggie follows up. 
Julie politely waves at them and bikes away, all too keen to continue on with her route and try to put this whole embarrassing moment behind her. 
If only Luke Patterson was planning to do the same. 
Ever since she made the delivery, the guy would try to flag her attention at school. With a ‘Hey Flower Girl’ and striking up conversation, which throws her off balance. 
She tries not to associate with people in the music program as often, not since she left due to... personal reasons. (Flynn is a notable exception)
Julie would be friendly, to Alex and Reggie to an extent as well, (to Alex especially since he is Willie’s boyfriend), but she’s just trying to get by with her busy schedule of school and her job at the flower shop. 
She goes to work after school two weeks later and makes her rounds with the deliveries Tía sends her on. Tía only gives her the remaining orders that the trucks couldn’t take, last minute ones that are within riding distance.
(Julie can’t wait until she’s able to get her license and really make a contribution to her family’s business). 
She’s just about to call it a night when Tía surprises her with one last minute arrangement. A call made while she was out. 
It’s about 6 at this point, getting darker and so she packages the bundle of peonies quickly, puts it in her basket and looks at the address. She rolls her eyes when she reads where it’s going and who it’s for. 
She knocks against the door, bearing the small bouquet of peonies, "Ahem?"
It startles the boy and he fumbles with his instrument. He looks up to find her standing there and grins. Soon, the guitar is off his person and he's meeting her at the door.
"Hey," he greets.
"Hi," she smiles, although confused, "Delivery for 'Luke Patterson'?"
The boy glances around the empty space before feigning realization, "Oh! That must be me!"
"Looks like," Julie couldn't help but giggle. She gives him the flowers, their hands making brief contact during the exchange. 
"You like peonies?" Luke sniffs the flowers, playing with the paper wrap.
She pulls back, clearing her throat. She wants to ask that question at the forefront of her mind, but she really shouldn’t assume anything about their customers. But she couldn’t help but wonder who the flowers are for. 
So she just settles for: "Nice arrangement.”
"They're pretty, yeah,"
He tilts his head, "But are they your favorite?"
Julie purses her lips, "Nope. Not really."
"I swear you give me a peonies kinda vibes,"
"That's a thing?"
Setting down the flowers onto the table, Luke nods, "Oh yeah. Don't you try and guess what kind of flowers people would buy when they come in?"
"But still," he pinches a peony from the bunch and offers it to her and Julie's breath hitches.
"For you,"
She crosses her arms, despite the butterflies. Instead of accepting it, she raises an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not one to take a customer's flowers,"
He shrugs, "Consider it a tip?"
"Why? ‘Cuz you don't have any money?" she jests, making her way down the driveway.
"C'mon, Julie," he calls from the open garage, "Here." he holds out the flower again.
Rolling her eyes, she mounts her bike, "I'm not a peony-kind of girl, remember!"
"I'll figure out what kind of girl you are," he says, almost like a promise.
"Good luck with that!" she shouts back, racing down the driveway and onto the street.
The last thing she sees is him grinning like an idiot in the doorway, tossing aside the peony, and watching her ride off into the evening.
Little does she know that this is only the start of their little flowery back-and-forth...
Tagging: @blush-and-books​​ @lydias--stiles​​  @thedeathdeelers​​ @ruzek-halstead​​, @pink-flame​​, @ourstarscollided​​, @nottheleastbrave​​, @echocharm17618​​ @smolfangirl​​ 
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
@aspecarchivesweek Day Five: Something New
Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Season One
In which Jon and Martin are more alike than they thought.
Jon, in spite of himself, was starting to get used to Martin living in the Archives.
Offering him shelter had been almost instinctual- after listening to his story, who wouldn’t? Terrorized for almost two weeks and no one, no one noticed. There was also the matter of Jon’s guilt; Martin thought he needed to put himself in danger to be thorough, to please Jon, and now he was homeless. Jon owed him this at the very least. No matter how much Elias disapproved of the situation.
And despite the occasional trouser-less wanderings, his presence was...appreciated. Late nights in the Archives were wearing him down: the statements were getting to him, and the unshakeable feeling of being watched when he knew he was alone was putting him on edge. Now he can blame that feeling on Martin, who he’d caught staring on more than one occasion. Jon was not surprised; he hadn’t been looking or feeling his best, highly unprofessional with his three-day stubble and rumpled clothes. Not a good look.
He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t enjoy the cup of tea when Martin joined him in his worst bouts of insomnia. He would sit on the tiny couch in his office, nursing his own mug and chattering away in a low tone that Jon was starting to find soothing instead of irritating. At first Jon clammed up, uncomfortable with the sudden intrusion on his late night routine, but he soon found Martin didn’t expect him to respond or contribute, save the occasional grunt of acknowledgement. Sometimes Jon even craved the company, the familiar rhythms of Martin’s voice had become an unconscious comfort. 
Tonight he was looking particularly exhausted, slumped in his seat with deep purple bags under his eyes. It sent an unwelcome pang through Jon’s chest; Martin should be sleeping, not entertaining him because he chose to stay late. He said as much.
“You don’t have to stay up on my part.”
“Hm?” Martin looked up from his lap, eyes finding Jon’s. “Oh, no. It’s fine. I like the company, to be honest. Unless…?”
“I don’t mind,” Jon assured him. Shockingly, he found he meant it. Still, it didn’t ease his guilt. Martin was always here, never leaving the Archives for more than an hour to get food or other necessities. He considered his next words. “That being said, I hope you know you’re allowed to have a life outside of the institute. I won’t judge if you want to have a...late night, or go out. It’s not my business what you do in your free time.”
Martin squinted his eyes as if he didn’t understand the words Jon spoke. Christ, do I really seem that out of touch? He knew he could be severe and well, a bit of an ass at times. The stress of the job got to him more than he cared to admit. But he didn’t want his assistants to think they should follow his example. He was Head Archivist, it fell on his shoulders to get this place in some semblance of order. 
“I’m not really one for nights out, Jon,” Martin gave that familiar, self-deprecating laugh as he leaned back in his chair, an almost defeated-like set to his shoulders. “Well, besides the occasional drink with Tim and Sasha. And even those are sort of...I don’t know. They have their own thing going, and I feel like-”
“A bit of an outsider,” Jon provided before he could activate his ‘word to mouth’ filter. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply-”
“No,” Martin cut him off. “You’re right. Feels like I’m intruding.”
“Their banter can be overwhelming for the, ah, uninitiated.” On the few times he’d gone out with them in research, he’d felt more lonely than included. His awkward attempts at interjecting could make a conversation fall flat and he felt the need to accept every drink they handed in him the hopes of ‘loosening up.’ It never worked. They were never mean about it, no- or at least had the decency not to do it in his presence. 
“Tell me about it.” Martin gave Jon a tiny little smirk that sent his heart stuttering in his chest for no particular reason. “I’m used to it, is all. This isn’t much of a change in routine, worms notwithstanding.”
“You, er, don’t have friends you can meet up with? Or maybe a partner?” Christ, why am I prying? What’s gotten into me? Jon felt curious, the man practically lived with him and yet he barely knew him.
The bark of laughter he got in reply was sudden and more than self-deprecating. “A partner? Are you kidding me?” Martin’s tone threw him off-balance; it was jaded, bitter, not like him at all.
“I didn’t mean to pry-”
“No, it’s- to be frank, I don’t think I’m cut out for all that.” Martin toyed with the mug in his hands, gazing into it like it held the answers he needed. “I’ve uh, tried to go on a few dates, meet people, that sort of thing. But they all expect something at the end and it just never feels right, I can’t explain it. Like there’s something missing. ”
Jon paused; the words and their sentiment were not unfamiliar to him. In fact, they resonated quite deeply, if Martin meant what Jon thought he did.
“It’s always been that way- I get a crush, I get to know them, they want to, y’know, and I-I don’t know what's wrong with me, but I can’t-” He cut himself off, sitting up straighter as if suddenly remembering where he was and who he was talking to. “God, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you this-”
“It’s fine.” And it was. Martin looked at his hands and Jon recognized the sadness in the set of his shoulders, the lines etched in his face. He never thought the two of them would have much in common but that- that was a feeling Jon knew all too well. “I think I understand what you’re getting at.”
Martin somehow managed to deflate even further, curling up as if trying to disappear. “Yeah, well- I think it’s time to admit that I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life.”
The words hit Jon harder than expected. His fists tightened in his lap; he was sixteen again, wondering why the kiss he stole in a backroom felt more invasive than intimate. He was reading romance novels, understanding the words but not the feelings they were supposed to invoke. He was in college, being called a ‘tease’ or a ‘prude’ when he pulled away at the end of the night. And it was all accompanied by that deep, crushing fear that he’d never be enough. 
No, you’re not that kid anymore. 
And Martin shouldn’t have to be either.
“What’s that look for?”
He was drawn from his thoughts at Martin’s words, looking up from the scratched wood of his desk. “Sorry?”
“You’ve- you’ve got that look on your face, like you’re const- like you’re thinking really hard.”
Jon tried to think of a way to word his query delicately, but ‘delicacy’ had never been his strong suit, according to Georgie. Come to think of it, it was never hers either. “Have you ever considered that maybe- that you’re- you’re of the persuasion, that is-”
Martin shot him a deadpan look, unimpressed. “Yeah, I know I’m gay, Jon.”
“That’s not-” He sighed in frustration, fuming at his inability to communicate. “It’s okay to not feel that way. I never have. It’s normal.”
Martin blinked. “Sorry?”
“Asexuality, that is,” he said, finally managing to get out the words. “I was...in a similar position, I guess you could say. I didn’t feel the way you were ‘supposed’ to feel, like how all the books and TV shows describe it. Zero interest in anything sexual, and I thought...well, I thought something was wrong with me.” Jon felt a lump building in his throat, much to his horror. “But being able to put a name to it, an identity, it just felt right.” Martin’s face was unreadable- had he spoken out of turn? Did he have this all wrong? 
He tried to clarify. “What I’m trying to say is that I know what it’s like, that...feeling you described. But it doesn’t mean you’re not cut out for love. You...you shouldn’t have to feel that way about yourself. You’ll find people who accept you. You’re not doomed to be lonely.” Now you’re just getting sentimental. Jon wasn’t one to dole out advice. He attempted to reign it in, get himself back on solid, familiar ground. “Maybe don’t take me for an example, though. I assure you, my isolation is very much self-imposed.”
Martin didn’t laugh. For a brief, panicky moment Jon thought he might have offended him, assumed the wrong thing, taken him out of context. But Martin met his eyes and Jon saw it- a look of dawning understanding, of comprehension and knowing and as much as Jon wanted to look away he couldn’t, because for the first time in a while he thought he might have said the right thing. 
He watched as Martin puttered about in the break room and took a deep breath, straightening his shoulders. Martin hadn’t said much after their conversation, just thanked him in a choked voice and mumbled some excuse about going off to bed. Jon felt a bit conflicted- he now had time to ruminate on the conversation, pick it apart and wonder if he said anything wrong. He didn’t think he had, but his instincts had been proven wrong before.
Still, the thought of helping one person, sparing them from that crippling self-doubt and inadequacy, made any embarrassment or awkwardness well worth it. So here he was, shuffling his feet and holding a stack of paper, stapled and neat and in some cases, annotated. He cleared his throat and Martin turned away from the sink to face him.
“Oh, g-good morning, Jon.” He wiped his hands on a dish towel, throwing it lightly on the counter. “Did you sleep well?”
He’d gotten two hours tops on the lumpy couch in his office. I need to invest in another cot. But he nodded anyway, walking forward and thrusting the pile out for Martin to take. Martin looked down at it quizzically but took it all the same, his face softening as he flipped through the pages.
“I, um- I printed out some articles that I thought might be of interest,” Jon rambled, feeling more awkward by the second. Was this too forward of me? “I’ve always found it easier to read on paper instead of the screen. For ah, concentration purposes. This- this isn’t required reading, or anything. Just might be helpful for, uh, figuring things out.”
Martin didn’t look up from the pages in his hand, instead zeroing in on them with a more intense stare. When he finally spoke, his voice was tight with sincerity. “Thanks. It uh, it means a lot.”
“Yes,” Jon replied nonsensically, having no response to the emotion in Martin’s words. “You- you don’t need to talk to me about this, if you’d rather not. But I’m available if you’d like to.” He paused. Best to keep this somewhat professional- it was almost nine. “Outside of normal working hours, of course.”
“Of course,” Martin echoed, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he finally met Jon’s eyes. He fought down the urge to smile back, instead muttering an excuse and turning to flee the room. I think I’ve filled my emotional quota for the week. 
They don’t talk about it again, but a few days later a sticky note appears on his desk. Thanks- MB. Underneath the clear script he’d doodled a small flag- black, grey, white, and purple. 
Jon puts it in his right-hand drawer next to an old polaroid of the Admiral, where it stays.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28782318
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shivada-jade · 3 years
hello! if your requests are open, how about Ganyu asking reader for a kiss? she’s been busy with work and she hasn’t seen them in a few days and she misses their kisses but she’s too shy to ask directly! thank you in advance ❤️
nah nah nah, thank yous
ur my very first req. and you'll now forever have a place in my heart wow! omw to try and make the best ganyu fic ever
i hope this good!!
pairing: ganyu x reader mentions: CLOUD. RE. TAIN. ER!! warning(s): the tiniest bit of sad ganyu
Ganyu had always been a busy kind of person. It's amazing to know how hard working, or how dedicated she is to her job, but sometimes it was tiring for herself as well. After all, in the end she still is half mortal. She needs her time off; she needs her time off with you.
When was the last time she saw you?
It's too long in her opinion.
Upon reaching the top of a flowery peek on a mountain, her gaze swept across Liyue Harbor. On this mountain, none of her fears, foes, or past can catch up with her. It's just herself and the calm music of the winds. There is no running around to complete tasks, only serenity.
"Ganyu? You wanted to see me?"
The half qilin sucks in a breath and turns to face you. Worry etches her face but she quickly wipes it off when you hand a Qingxin flower and tuck it in her bluebell hair. No matter how many times she has seen you, she's always wowed by your presence.
Ganyu clears her throat and twiddles with her thumbs. "I, ah... I want to apologize."
She watches your brows knit and she grasps your hands. "Please let me explain," she continues. "I haven't taken in consideration of what you thought of when I work. I should take my time off for you and-"
You watch her quizzically. "Wait, time off for me? Ganyu, you need time off for you. You overwork yourself. I know you do a lot and want to finish it, but how will you even finish something if you're sick coughing in bed?"
"No wait! I um," Ganyu makes an 'x' pose with her arms. She breathes in deeply once more. "Well, yes thank you, but that's not what I meant. I just... Let my flowers do the speaking."
Ganyu pulls out two flowers of her own, seemingly out of no where. She hopes you understand the message with her flowers. Her hands are trembling, this isn't something she does. You're usually the one doing thing.
A single red carnation and a flower called Nigella damascena- or otherwise called Love-in-a-Mist.
You reach out to take the unfamiliar blue flower, mesmerized until Ganyu pulls it back. "Ah, this certain flower is toxic to humans. I'm only able to hold it because I'm only half. I didn't know what other flower meant what I want to mean." She rambles, "But I did save this red carnation, shipped from Fontaine, and I hope..."
She flushes pink and turns her head away, holding the red carnations up. She holds the stems of the flowers tighter, "The red carnations mean, I miss you, and the Love-in-a-Mist means, um..."
Kiss me.
Ganyu doesn't finish her sentence, still a bit embarrassed. She hopes your floral knowledge will let you understand what she's trying to say.
If Cloud Retainer were here, she would have evaporated from the bird's musings and baby stories that would spill from it's beak.
Perhaps it's the fact she struggles with communicating with people the way she wants to is why she's still shy around you. Or maybe it's the fact that she's half adepti and half mortal is why she can't bring herself to ask for simple things.
"You're half adeptus? Shouldn't you be able to do this easily?"
"You're half mortal, you can't possibly do this."
"You're just this and that. This is complicated stuff, go home."
"This should be a breeze for you. Why is it taking you a day to do this?"
Each side she goes to is a place where she feels she can't belong, and maybe so, but with you she isn't any of those.
You beam a smile and wrap Ganyu in your arms. She freezes, quickly throwing the Love-in-a-Mist flower away before it makes contact with you. A teasing grin creeps your face while you inch yourself closer to Ganyu.
"The flower means 'Kiss me,' right?"
Ganyu nods and silently asks if she can with a shaky breath.
You agree, smiling and laughing in the kiss.
Ganyu didn't need words to communicate with you. She isn't mortal or immortal. She isn't half anything.
She's just Ganyu to you, and she couldn't be any more happier.
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imxeracus · 3 years
From Now On
Ok y’all, this is super long hahahahha I’m so sorry. Happy Gruvia Week 2021!! Here’s my contribution and I’m sorry but I don’t think I have the time to do more but I hope you guys like it anyway. I hope its not too OOC and if FT had more romance elements I believe this would be possible. Enjoy!
--------------------------- Gray tousled his hair and fidgeted around the entrance, feeling nervous about the day when it was only about 10 o’clock in the morning. Today, he told himself that he had to make sure things went well and most of all, to not take off any of his clothes subconsciously. For an ice mage, ironically he could not seem to get himself to calm down and stay cool about this. Regarding his first official date with Juvia, that is.
The 100 Years Quest was over and as promised, he spoke to Juvia about their relationship and how he was finally good enough for her. Despite the water mage’s disagreement to his initial beliefs and reasoning, she was elated that Gray formally addressed their feelings for each other. Furthermore, he initiated that they ought to have a proper first date that weekend itself.
He clicked his tongue briefly and frowned upon himself as he began to manifest in some thoughts to keep himself together. Why are you getting all nervous for! He ponders, his hands getting a little clammy in his pockets. Aren’t you the Gray Fullbuster, who bravely puts himself out for others and save the world countless times?
Before he could go on any further, a cute slivery voice interrupted his train of thought. Miserably trying to keep his cool, he spun around eagerly and was met with sapphire eyes that gave off a different vibe from her usual self. The said bluenette had her locks half tied and wore an off-shoulder dress that was not too revealing, similar to her nature. Accompanied with her outfit was a pair of kitten heels, some accessories and a subtle blush adorning her cheeks.
”Juvia is sorry for making you wait.”
For the majority, her outfit is considered simple and chic but for today, Gray thought she looked really, really good. Dammit, he gulped loudly as he felt his cheeks started to blush already at the sight of her. He knew that the water user was attractive, but it was beginning to sink in that he is now calling this beautiful person his. “Ah—um—” Gray fumbled and looked away, trying his best to hide the redness. “Shall we get going?” She simply smiled, gave a small chuckle and placed her left hand gently on his right arm (as if he could take more), indicating him to proceed to their destination. On their first date, Fullbuster had planned to go and visit the aquarium—because the water reminds him of Juvia, but he is never going to admit it—which was not too far off from where they were. It was a good walking distance, and they had a nice peaceful time on the way there. Despite saying that, he was worried as it did not seem natural for the bluenette to stay silent. Especially today, he expected her to be more excited and be all over him. As they arrive at the aquarium, Gray went over to the counter and bought a pair of tickets and made his way back to the front, where Juvia was waiting for him. As he carefully observed the water mage from a distance, he could see that she was looking down with an expression he could not seem to grasp. ”Juvia.” Surprised, she looked up hastily to see Gray back by her side. ”Is everything alright?” ”Juvia’s fine!” She exclaimed, quick to lighten up the mood. “She’s just... a little excited—as in, we’ve never done this before—but Juvia’s really happy!” She glanced at him timidly. “Also, Gray-sama looks dashing today.” For once with the determination of not stripping everything off, the ice mage did make the effort to dress well in a brown coat paired with a t-shirt and jeans. Albeit reddening slightly at her remark, he was more concerned on the fact she seemed to not be telling the truth. Here he was, blessed to have her despite all those years of constantly avoiding her advances—and now, when she is distressed, she was still keeping herself together to not worry him. His gaze soften as the guilt was slowly crept up inside him. Despite that, the said man tried to push the matter aside for the time being and wanted to make sure the day goes well. As of now, he knew that he needed to push himself more and step up his game. Once again, her eyes met with his onyx ones as he spoke quickly. “You.. you look good, too.” Juvia’s pupils dilated while Gray blushed furiously, frowning at how embarrassed he was over such a simple statement. It was a start, at least. He also noted on how she seemed to be elated from it. Before she could ask anything else, he took her hand in his and brought them into the aquarium. He could tell people were staring as the both of them were rather known after all they have done in Fiore, but screw it. Gray decided that it was not going to get in the way of his pride today if it could. Thankfully, the ice mage started to loosen up as Juvia gleefully looked at all the sea creatures that were present. When her beloved mentioned about this place, she gladly agreed because this place was known for breeding imported fishes outside of Fiore. The water woman, being part of the sea and occasionally swimming in it, found joy learning the names and characteristics of the animals she meets in the ocean.  “So these are angelfishes!” she exclaimed to Gray, as she lightly tapped on his shoulder while pointing at the said creature. “Juvia always sees them if she takes a dive into the ocean.” “Hmm,” Gray mused, acting disinterested. “What else do you normally see?” "Juvia’s seen all of these underwater because in this tank, all of them are common sea fishes.” “Isn’t that a bore?” The ice mage rolled his eyes. “We should go see something you don’t normally see—that’s what this place is for.” He smoothly took her hand in his and brought her along. Meanwhile, Juvia lightly blushes as she realised that this incident—Gray initiating the hand holding—has been happening a few times already. Every time she releases his grasp to point or walk towards a destination, the brunet would eventually put them back together again. She glanced at Gray who seemed to pay no mind to the matter as they visited the different tanks and places of the aquarium. Indeed, the bluenette was not complaining but a little taken aback. Is this suppose to be normal? She thought, as her imagination continued to spiral on. The smooth and sly Gray-sama was taking a little too much for her to handle—even from before! Eventually, her legs gave way and she started to lose her balance. Quickly, she placed her hand on the wall for balance which caused her footsteps to come to a halt and the ice mage to notice her situation. “Juvia!” He held her arms by the sides and shook her slightly in worry. “I’m right earlier, aren’t I? You really weren’t feeling good?” “Gray-sama...” He raised a brow in question. “Yes?” Juvia took a quick glance back at him before she burst into tears. “Gray-sama is too gentlemanly and sly today!” She wailed, half in distress and in joy. “First, he chooses to dress up and pick Juvia up at her place. Secondly, he complimented her outfit she took hours to decide and still felt it wasn’t good enough!” “Lastly, Juvia didn’t want to bother him and occasionally walks on her own, but Gray-sama keeps coming back, holding her hands gently and she’s too happy that she can’t walk straight anymore!” Full of emotions, she tried to control her tears as she quickly wiped some of it away. “Juvia’s not used to it Gray-sama. You’re being too nice and cool!” At this he flushed hard, did he really hold her hand so often? “Oi!” He panicked, his cheeks continue to redden in embarrassment at her bold statements of him. “D-don’t make sure a big deal out of it. I mean—like—just calm down!” With her loud voice, the people nearby saw and heard the context of the incident and lightly chuckled in amusement which caused Gray to be conscious with their surroundings and it made him uncomfortable. He quickly took her to an area with minimal crowd and dimmed lights to spare them from all the attention. He sat Juvia down on the nearby bench in hopes to calm her down as she sniffed softly. The ice mage took a moment to stare at the bluenette who was being all worked up earlier on. Gray’s eyebrows furrowed as he run his hand through his hair in exasperation before he sat down next to her. “Here,” A cold can drink grazed upon Juvia’s cheek gently. “Drink this.” She took it with gratitude and managed a few sips, a troubled look appearing on her features as she noticed her beloved looking away—clearly upset. The water mage frowned and looked down, tightening her hold on the can drink as she quickly apologises. “Juvia is sorry, Gray-sama. She should’ve known better than to embarrass Gray-sama in public,” Surprised at herself, she started to fumble. “Gray-sama doesn’t like attention and Juvia failed to see it. Juvia shouldn’t have been so swamped at her own giddiness, Juvia was too–” “Stop it,” Gray clicked his tongue in annoyance, his bangs covering his eyes. “You make me sound like a terrible boyfriend.” “Juvia didn’t mean—eh?” It took a moment before she realised what Gray has declared and took a small peak at him. “Did Gray-sama just say ‘boyfriend’?” “Aren’t I?” “Juvia didn’t expect you to say that out...” He scratched his neck nervously, his eyes looking away. “I mean.. I promised you didn’t I? I’m going to become a man good enough for you. If I can’t even say that out, I’m worse than flamebrain.” As much as she was feeling touched, she couldn’t help but worry. “Juvia doesn’t want to force you to change, Gray-sama.” “I’m not forcing myself.” “But Gray-sama kept forcing himself to make sure that we held hands—” “Because I wanted to!” Pupils dilated once again as she was struck with confusion. Fullbuster, flushed and embarrassed at what he just blurted out, grew annoyed at her denseness and tousled his hair once more before speaking up. “Dammit woman, why are you making me say all these sappy shit...” “Look,” He sighed before looking back at her once again, determined. “Every time we hold hands, I always try to play it cool but damn—it’s stupid to say this as a grown man but I get so nervous and happy about it. I kept wanting you close to me....” Gray felt annoyed at his frenzied heart as he continued to speak his feelings aloud. “I really want to be better for you, Juvia. I don’t want you to always make it easy for me. I want to return the favour back as much as I can.”  Before he went on, the ice mage narrowed his eyes in dismay and looked away as he gripped his knuckles tightly. “But this whole time, I kept making you cry and get upset. Even now, I don’t even know how to make you feel better when you’re always here for me previously. Instead, I chose to take us somewhere else and frown about it because I was a coward.... I’m sorry.” The ice mage mumbled at the end of his sentence, but Juvia could make out his words anytime. It was funny, really. All her life, the water mage was contented on loving him without expecting anything much back. Now, when it was becoming a reality, Juvia’s heart swelled. For once, her mind went blank on how to express these thoughts aloud. Loving Gray has been wonderful, but being loved back by him now was even better than she could ever imagined. She placed a hand on his cheek in efforts to cheer him up and as he turned back—in his opinion, Gray was greeted with the most alluring smile he has ever seen. “Thank you for trying so hard, Gray-sama.” She spoke in the most loving voice she could muster. “Juvia loves you very much.” In that moment, his gaze softened as he swiftly took away her hand that was on his face into his own, lacing them together. Tightening his hold on her said hand, Gray took her cheek in with his other free palm. The ice mage took a good look at her before he slowly leaned in. He heard Juvia uttered something out of confusion, but he paid no mind to it. Because in that moment, all he could think of was how much he adored her kindness, love and patience.  In the dim lighting and quiet section of the aquarium, his lips met hers in a chaste kiss as response to her statement earlier on. Frankly, the ice mage did not know what to say either as he nervously pulled away to check on her reaction. When his eyes slowly opened and met with hers, Gray could not help but smile back at his girl whose cheeks were now flushed in surprise. He let out a slight chuckle and squeezed her hand lovingly as he could tell that the water mage was clearly still processing the kiss. It was embarrassing, he admitted, but he did not regret doing so. He had nothing to hide anyways. “Shall we continue on with our date?”
After all, Juvia was his to keep from now on.
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shoutoismybaby · 4 years
A Pink Promise (BakuXReader)
Summary: You had a tradition with bakugou. A tradition where every time you had to leave each other you would wrap your pinky’s together in a promise that you would see the other again. But one night after an argument you storm out of the apartment without your typical goodbye, and bakugou gets a call that makes him question if he will ever see you alive again
WARNING: Angst, but it ends in fluff. Cursing, injury, car accident, fighting, and crying
Hi. I’m just gonna leave this here😘
“I should probably head home,” You shifted from one foot to another, “my dad will get worried if I’m late…”
“Alright, bye loser.” You giggled at Bakugous response and held out your hand, pinky extended.
“So, you’ll pick me up at two?” You asked, pausing at the confused look on his face. “What?”
“What are you doing?” Bakugou asked, he was staring at your hand. You laughed once more and ignored his glare,
“Oh, it's for a pinky promise.” You explained,
“You need me to pinky promise that I’ll take you on a date tomorrow?” His brows only became more furrowed, Katsuki knew you were a little weird. The simplest things seemed to make you smile, but that's what he loved about you. He wondered if you seriously wanted him to pinky promise you that he would take you out, right after he just asked you to be his girlfriend. Yeah, he was an asshole. But not to that extent.
“No, um. It’s a promise that you’ll see me again.” You blushed, it was a habit you had picked up from your parents. They always used a pinky promise in place of a goodbye kiss. You were about to let your hand drop when looped his pinky with yours.
“Okay, I’ll be at your house at two. You better be ready.” He gave your finger a tight squeeze before letting it go. He then turned around and began walking away from you.
“I won't!” You promised, watching him walk away for a couple of seconds before you turned to head home.
From that day on, each time you went to say goodbye, a pinky promise accompanied it. Even Bakugou caught onto the habit quickly, despite the fact that his friends would often tease him for it. Yeah, he was whipped for you. He knew it. Your peers knew it. Even your uncle's dog knew it. But all that mattered to him was that you were happy. And you were for a while.
It was when you had graduated for UA and moved into an apartment together that problems started to arise. Katsuki got overly jealous of every person you got close to, and you were always exhausted after work. Hero's work was stressful on both of you, only contributing to the short temper your boyfriend seemed to have. Fights would happen over the smallest of things, such as chores not being done, or something being left out where it didn't belong.
Of course, you couldn't say that you were innocent, you did start a fair amount of fights. Eventually, though, it hit a point that you could barely handle it anymore. Even when you tried to calm him down, to just talk through things, it would always end in screams and slammed doors.
And soon enough, you hit your limit.
“God, don’t you ever shut up!?” You screamed, just having gotten home from work. Why were you already fighting with him? You hadn't even gotten the chance to take off your shoes. His face only seemed to get more contorted, matching the amount of anger he felt. Why was he always directing it at you? “I just got home from work, cant you give me a fucking break!”
“Maybe you’d get home earlier if you were any good at what you do!” He argued, of course, he would go on the offense.
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” You prayed that he would back down.
“I'm just saying that if you weren't such a shitty hero, maybe you would get home at a decent time and actually-” That was your breaking point.
“Just because you’ll never be good enough to be the number 1 hero, doesn't mean you can take it out on me!” You shut him up pretty fast. His face paled and eyes widened, but you could barely notice past the high you were on. “I’m sick and tired of coming home to someone who only wants to fight with me! Have you ever thought that maybe I take extra shifts to avoid seeing you?”
You were crying now, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You were so mad. How could he tell you that he loved you and then tell you something like that?
Katsuki seemed frozen, you couldn't see the guilt flood his body. You couldn't hear the thoughts whirring in his head. You couldn't feel his regret. You could only feel anger.
You could only feel your heart ripping in two, the tears scratching their way to your eyes. Everything hurt. You felt like a gust of wind could cause your body to fall apart. Yet, at the same time, you felt numb. Maybe that was the anger. The desperation. The hurt. Maybe that was what was protecting your fragile self.
You had never felt so broken and vulnerable before.
“I hate you Bakugou!” He was supposed to be the one to protect you, love you, care for you. So why was he the one tearing you apart?
If it hadn't already, his heart stopped. You hadn't called him by his last name since you got together.
“(Y/n)-” His hand reached out to you. All he wanted to do right then was apologize to you, and hold you close until you forgave him. But you couldn't do that. Not again. Not then,
“Don't touch me!” Your voice sounded so broken as you held one of your wrists in your other hand. “Don't-” A shuddering breath made its way through your throat. You reached for your coat and began to pull it on.
“(Y/n), please don't. I'm sorry-”
“I don't want to see you again,” You closed your eyes tight and sighed, turning to the door. He didn't say anything else, so you left.
It was a couple of seconds before his arm returned to his side, and a couple of minutes more before he stopped standing there. Choosing to sit instead. He wasn’t sure why. Why he didn’t just move to the couch. Why some part of him was convinced that you would just walk back in, and let him apologize. Let him fix everything.
But he knew you wouldn't. Even more, he knew he didn’t deserve it.
It was an hour before he finally moved, and it was only to get to his ringing phone. All he could do at that moment was wish it was you.
Wish it was about you.
Oh, how he came to wish he could take back that wish.
“(y/n), I'm sorry-”
“Hello?” It wasn't your voice on the phone, Bakugou considered hanging up, but had a feeling that he shouldn't.
“Who is this?” He asked gruffly, he just wanted you back in his arms. He didn't care about anything else.
“My name is Haru, I work for the Musutafu hospital. Your number is on the emergency contact list of (Y/n) (L/n). Could you come down to the hospital? It's urgent.”
Bakugou didn't think that his heart would break anymore that night. But here he was, tearing up on the phone. Begging and screaming at the poor nurse to tell him what was going on, knowing full well she couldn't. Stupid patient confidentiality.
He had never pulled on his shoes and coat faster, not taking the time to realise his shoes did not match. He knew it was illegal to use his quirk at the moment, but he didn’t care. He launched himself into the air and towards the hospital, only slowing down in order to land painfully in front of the doors. But he didn't care about how he felt. Nor did he care about the immediate attention that was placed on him from everyone around.
“Is that Ground Zero?”
“I’ve never seen him without his hero suit on before”
“Look at him. He looks like a mess.”
“Is he okay?”
The hospital was busy when he walked inside, covered in sweat from both the bodily exertion and anxiety. His heart was racing and the only thing keeping him from fainting was the fact that he needed to see you. How had you already ended up in the hospital? You had only just left his house-
But the clock on the wall corrected him, it had been a few hours. His stomach churned as he walked up to the receptionist's desk,
“Where’s (Y/n)?” He growled out, beginning to get restless. Now that some people knew who he was, the paparazzi was sure to show up. And that was the last thing either of you needed.
“Name, ID, Relationship to the patient?” The woman's calm demeanor was in direct contrast to the storm brewing in Bakugou.
“Bakugou Katsuki, I’m (Y/n) (L/n)’s boyfriend.” He said as he dug out his wallet, suddenly remembering something you had told him once when you had to visit him in the hospital after a villain encounter went sideways. “But we’ve lived together for over three years, we have a common law marriage.”
He knew that this was the only way he was going to be able to see you, but it wasn’t like he was lying. The receptionist squinted at him before taking his ID and looking it over.
“Alright, if you can state the name of the patient you are visiting for me again I can get you the guest pass and their room number.”
Your door slammed open, and you strained your eyes trying to see. The brace around your neck stops you from properly looking over. It didn’t take long to realise who it was when you heard the strangled whine. You recognized it as Katsuki right away. How could you not?
You had been with him for years, through the ups, the downs, and the very far downs that were the past year. You had held him tightly when those noises had escaped him in the past and you shielded him from the world when he was no longer able to keep up his facade.
You could only imagine how broken he looked now, you just wanted to hold him again and protect him from everything.
Until you remembered your last conversation, but then you just felt conflicted. You were mad at him. You were so angry.
But you were scared, so scared.
After all your years as a pro hero, and it was a truck that fucked you up the most. Each breath was painful, and maybe if your mind wasn’t so cloudy on pain meds, you would be able to remember how many ribs the doctor told you were broken, or which leg. Or if you were going to live. God, were you scared.
Footsteps brought you out of your thoughts, focusing your eyes to the man who stood in front of you. He looked like a boy now, so broken and collapsed in on himself.
“(Y/n),” sounded broken.
His brows were furrowed, mouth deep set in a scowl. But you knew better. You saw the tears stains on his cheeks. The redness of his eyes. His coat was inside out. You knew his face was one of worry. Fear.
You remembered the first time you saw him look like that. The first time he opened himself up to be so vulnerable to you. It was sometime after All Might had fallen, and the guilt had been eating him up. Not many other people noticed the way his thoughts were eating him up inside. But you did.
You saw the light in his eyes dim. The dark bags began to form and the way his posture fell. His confidence was falling no matter how much he screamed to keep up his image.
“K-kat-suk-i” You struggled to speak, your voice raspy. Like you hadn’t drank anything in years. Tears bubbled in his eyes, and, somehow that was more painful than when you first woke up. In the middle of the street, there had been a young woman kneeling over you, screaming into her phone. You couldn't hear her though, only the ringing in your ear.
You couldn't remember right before you got hit, it was fuzzy. Though the doctor told you it was normal. You wondered if maybe you were just running without looking. Or if tears clouded your vision. Or maybe, if it hadn't been your fault at all.
“Shit,” The love of your life began to scrub his face with his fists, much like he did the night you found him in the dorms kitchen. Crying over a late night snack as his fists clenched the edge of the counter, struggling to hold himself together.
No matter how much he tried to cover his face after you made your presence known, you could see the tears as they fell to the floor. You could hear his strangled whimpers. And even though you knew the possible consequences, you held his shaking body in your arms. You let him be vulnerable and didn’t say a word.
It was that day that you began to see Bakugou as he truly was. An Asshole? Yes, of course. But also a boy who cared way too much, who held himself to impossible standards, and who never really had a proper support system. You decided to be his support that day, and soon after you became his girlfriend too.
“They, they told me what happened to you,” you watched as little pops of frustration came out of his fists. “And I couldn't help but think that it’s my fault.”
“No,” you wanted to protest, but you instead had your breath hitched in your throat. The desire of water coming to be the very forefront of your thoughts as you reached out your hands, desperate for the hydration that would let you continue. Bakugou, of course noticed and his crimson eyes quickly spotte the glass of water on your nightstand. Once the cool glass brushed against your fingers, you brought it to your lips and drank as if you hadn’t seen a liquid in days.
“Just, listen okay? I… Ive been taking out my work stress on you, I’ve been rude and condesending and just fucking nit picky. You didn’t deserve any of that, especially what I said earlier. It was fucking uncalled for and so far from the truth.” The determination in his gaze was evident, it was the same gleam in his eyes he got whenever he set his mind to something. You adored that look from him.
“I know Katsuki, I know you don’t really think that.” You muttered, unsure of what to say. Were you just supposed to forgive his, what seemed to be, apology? You had no idea how you felt. Your head hurt along with the rest of your body and your throat was still parched despite downing your water seconds ago.
“It doesnt matter, you need to know what I do think. I think youre an incredibly strong woman. And a fucking resilient, relentless one at that. Can’t get you off my shit for two seconds. But I love that about you, you know? I know I’ve been a dick recently but I really do love you. I asmire you too, your work ethic. You never give up and thats what makes you one of the best heroes out there, fuck what the polls say.” He sniffled and quickly ran a closed fist under his nose. “You dont deserve what I’ve been putting you through lately… and I’m fucking sorry. You’re the most important person in my life and you deserve better than the asshole you’ve been getting.”
“You’ve always been an asshole.” You used your glass to hide the smirk on your face that only grew bigger as bakugou couldn't help himself from blowing up.
“I- are you kidding!? I’m trying to fucking apologize here and THATS what you choose to say!?” The pops of his quirk created a melody with the raspy laughs that left your mouth.
“Yeah,” your chuckling continued as bakugou's face softened. Eyes like cooling embers as they dusted across your figure. You tried to ignore that look, it always made your chest swell uncomfortably. Nothing could make you tear up more than the love bakugou had for you.
“Shitty woman,” he sat himself down in the chair besides your bed and took the now empty glass from your hands, “I just want you to know that when- if, you come home… that things are going to be better. I don't ever want to make you feel like you have to avoid me ever again. I want you to feel safe around me. And I swear that I’m going to put you above my hero work from now on-“
“No, Katsuki, I’m sorry I said that. I shouldn’t have said that you can't become the number one hero, it's not true.” You shook your head, the shame being too painful to look anywhere but your hands. Balled in fists on your lap before they were gently tugged into his own. You reluctantly met his eyes, admiring the fire that burned in them.
“This has nothing to fucking do with that, okay? I’m not giving up on being the number one, I’m just going to start working harder to be better for you at the same time. And anyone who thinks I can’t do it is a dumb bitch.”
“God can your ego get Any bigger?” A smile stretched across your face as you began laughing again when he simply shrugged. It hurt like a bitch, the sharp pain making your eyes water, but you just loved everything about the angry man in front of you. Even when he began yelling at you to stop laughing before you hurt yourself even more. It took awhile for you to calm down, and even longer to get bakugou to stop glaring at you for hurting yourself.
“I love you,” he said after a moment of silence, his rough thumbs rubbing circles into the meat of your hand.
“I know.” You sighed, basking in the silence that lasted only a few seconds before bakugou ripped his hands from yours.
I hope you enjoyed!
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