#Mcintyre vineyard
wine-porn · 7 months
I have so many thoughts about this wine. First of all, what’s your favorite California Merlot? Oh sure, Three Palms and Oakville and Suscol Ranch and various Carneros spots will take the hit, plus a few others will make mention, but Monterey? Secondly, I think Arroyo Seco is wasted on Chardonnay-plaudits–just like Carneros. But is Arroyo Seco clay? Don’t care: it makes amazing wines of almost ANY…
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bakedbakermom · 1 year
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Some shameless office smut with praise kink thrown in for fun.
tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
It’s hotter than hell in Washington, D.C., and Fox Mulder is wrestling with temptation.
Resisting was easier before , back when they could still toe the line of that tremulous boundary they kept drawing and erasing and drawing again—leaning too close, staring too long at each other’s mouths, brushing bodies as they navigated narrow hallways and cramped elevators.  Those little moments that before would have just made their hearts thrum a little faster, their breath come a little more ragged; but because it was before , they would back away from each other, crack a joke, find some way to relieve the tension and burst that little bubble of wet heat that bloomed around them in those beautiful, dangerous moments, like the rumbling of a storm just beyond the horizon.
But that was before . Before he had mapped the supple flesh of her breasts with his tongue, before he had felt the whimper in her throat as he kissed his way down her taut little body, before he knew the sweet, slick heat of her—clenching around his fingers, pooling like honey on his tongue, shuddering around him as she came with a gasp that would haunt him to his deathbed.
He’d thought the desperation for her would fade with familiarity, but they’ve been sleeping together for two months now and if anything, it’s getting worse. They’re ravenous for each other, for the lush, wet slide of skin on skin; they keep pulling each other into alcoves and closets and places they know they shouldn’t be to do things they absolutely shouldn’t do. And of course that only makes it better—the secrecy, the need to keep quiet when you want so badly to be loud, the scramble to make themselves decent afterward instead of tearing their clothes off and going again.
Though sometimes, they do that anyway.
How the hell can a man be expected to make it through the workday in a cramped and humid office when the sun is shining outside and the air conditioner is, perhaps inevitably, on the fritz, now that it’s after and he is so hard he wonders how his cock isn’t knocking against the underside of the desk with every thump of his heart.
It’s a conspiracy, he’s sure of it.
Scully has not one but two buttons undone on that sheer little blouse of hers, the one that shows the ghost of her lacy black bra beneath. The one he can’t even look at without experiencing a vivid sense memory of the sweet pinch of her nipples between his fingertips. He thinks she’s doing it on purpose; her jacket had been the first thing to go, hung on the rack beside the door almost as soon as she’d come in that morning, already sweating. 
No, he corrected himself, glowing. One of the more proper girls on the vineyard had always corrected him about that whenever he would comment on the sweltering heat that sometimes rolled through in late August. “I’m sweating,” he’d say, “aren’t you?” and Jessica McIntyre would cluck her tongue and say, “No, Fox , ladies do not sweat. Horses sweat, and men perspire, but ladies glow .”
Scully has been glowing for nearly seven hours now. In fact, there is a delicious trickle of “glow” creeping its way down her right breast, of which he can see quite a generous amount given that, again, she is at least two buttons past propriety. She may have slipped a third loose while he was imagining following that trickle with his tongue and, perhaps, had blacked out for a second.
She’d removed her nylons a few hours ago, as well; shed them like snake skins and stuffed them into the bottom of her purse, and he is thanking whatever god of textiles crafted the skirt that is clinging to damp lines of her legs, her ass, so tightly he’s beginning to wonder if she has any underwear on beneath it. He hears the wet peal of her thighs parting each time she crosses and re-crosses her legs.
So when she walks behind the desk to grab a file that had somehow found its way into the stack growing beside his keyboard, when she stretches her torso directly into his line of sight as she reaches across the desk and—he would swear to this in court—when her soft breast brushes oh so innocently against his shoulder—
Well, the poor man was already out of his mind.
He has his tongue in her mouth and his hand down her shirt before he is even aware of moving. Her skin is cool and damp under his fingers and he finds her nipple with a muscle memory born of fanaticism. His other arm loops around her waist to press her body against his; she gasps as his erection pushes against her stomach. He lifts her so her pert little ass is perched on the edge of the desk, spreads her legs with his knee, and snakes his hand up the sweat-slick velvet of her inner thigh.
She’s already moaning into his mouth, nails scratching through his hair and hips bucking against his hand, every bit as desperate for this as he is. He’s not even disappointed when he brushes up against the barrier of her panties. After all, a man’s reach should always exceed his grasp. He thumbs the fabric aside and sinks two fingers into her wet heat as she whimpers and shakes.
“Mulder,” she gasps, “what if—ohh—what if someone comes in?”
He grins into the skin of her neck and suckles the spot just below her ear, the one that makes her clench around his fingers. “Don’t be coy, Scully,” he growls. “I saw you lock the door ten minutes ago.” The blush that floods her cheeks may be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and he knows he’ll never be able to sit at this desk again without seeing her this way: lips kiss-stung and swollen, shirt unbuttoned and breasts spilling over the lacy top of her bra, skirt hiked up to her hips, panties askew and her wet, glistening pussy on shameless display as she opens her thighs wide for him, leaving a dark spot on the blotter.
His fingers pump in and out of her, his thumb finding the hard nub of her clit and stroking in firm circles. He bends his head to her breasts, sucking at her skin and biting hard enough that he leaves a trail of red marks up one creamy slope and down the other. Her back arches, thrusting her breasts into his face, and he leans her backwards until her shoulders touch the desk. He pulls one rosie nipple into his mouth, tugging at it with his teeth, and pinches the other tightly between his fingers.
Scully moans loudly, rolling her hips as his hand between her legs begins to work harder, faster. He loves seeing her this way, pupils blown out and lips parted as she gasps his name. He loves to see her undone. He curls his fingers inside her, pressing on that slippery, spongy spot until her thighs tremble and her breath hitches; a few more strokes of his thumb across her clit and she explodes with a breathy, wordless cry, pulsing around his fingers and dripping hot into his palm.
His movements slow as she comes down, eyes glassy and the muscles in her thighs twitching and quivering as her breathing evens out. Finally she reaches down and takes hold of his wrist; he can’t resist the self-satisfied smirk that blooms on his face as she makes a visible effort to focus on him, as if her eyes want nothing more than to roll back into her head.
Something hungry flickers in those eyes; she sits up suddenly and pushes him back hard enough that he stumbles backwards into his chair. She practically purrs as she palms the bulge of his cock through his pants. He thinks she’s about to straddle him, but instead she drops wordlessly, bonelessly, to the floor between his parted legs, beneath the desk. It’s a position he’s imagined her in so many times, but as he’s beginning to learn when it comes to all things Scully, the reality is even better than the fantasy. She looks up at him with performative innocence—her blue eyes huge beneath her dark lashes, cheeks flushed and hair wild—and runs her wicked tongue around the wet circle of her mouth.
He slides his fingers into her hair, not sure if he’s trying to encourage her or pull her away; he’s still trying to make up his mind as she undoes his fly, as she pulls out the stiff and swollen length of him to swirl her tongue around the purple tip of his cock. His head falls back and he moans as she takes him into her mouth, and it’s all he can do not to come at the first wet rush of heat. She sucks him slowly, languidly, and when he gets enough control of himself to look down at her, he sees she’s staring straight at him, a satisfied smile in her eyes.
“You look so good with my cock in your mouth.”
She pauses, shudders, and his racing heart skids like someone slammed on the breaks when he realizes he said it out loud. He’s about to apologize, possibly offer gifts and baked goods and swear himself to eternal celibacy, when she moans around his cock and he sees her hand slip beneath her skirt. The shadow between her pale thighs is dark enough to hide what she’s doing from his sight, but he can hear the slick, wet sounds of her touching herself.
“Oh God, Scully,” he groans, inching toward the brink again. He gulps for breath and squeezes the armrests of his chair so hard they creak. Her head bobs up and down in his lap, taking him deep on each downstroke and swiping her tongue across the weeping tip each time she comes up for air.
“Do you like it when I talk to you, Scully?” he asks when he can breathe again. “You like when I tell you how good it feels?”
She doesn’t speak, doesn’t release him from the sultry heat of her mouth; she only flattens that smart, sharp, sassy tongue of hers against the underside of his cock and hums her agreement. The sound reverberates through his pubic bone and he thrusts without meaning to, bumping against the back of her throat. It surprises them both, but before he can apologize, he feels her throat relaxing, taking him deeper. It’s not the first time she’s swallowed him like this, but it has always been brief, a quick plunge or two before she resumes the shallower—but equally pleasurable—sucks and licks and slurps she knows drive him wild. Now she takes him so deep and for so long that she has to take breaks to gasp for air before gulping him greedily down again.
“That’s amazing, Scully,” he moans, threading his hands back into her hair—not to guide or control, but to deepen the intimacy, to show his appreciation. She holds him deeply as long as she can, longer than he would have thought she could, moving up and down to fuck him with her throat; she looks up at him, cheeks pink and eyes watering, and he hears the hand between her legs pick up the pace. The other hand, he realizes, is resting on the chair next to his thigh. She has her fist clenched around her thumb, a trick he recognizes, a trick she taught him as he struggled through one of their early autopsies; it helps suppress the gag reflex.
The next time she comes up for air, a thick rope of saliva stringing between her mouth and the leaking head of his cock, she releases a whimper that he knows means she’s close. He wishes he could see her touch herself, wishes she would hike up her skirt a little more so he could watch as her fingers glide through the wet folds of her beautiful pussy until she comes on her own hand, but he wouldn’t move her out from under the desk for anything. 
He tightens his fist in her hair, stopping her just before she closes her mouth around him again. “Wait,” he pants, fumbling for words through the thick haze of lust clouding his mind. It’s a long moment before she can focus enough to look up at him, pupils huge, eyebrows drawn together in question. He strokes his thumb across her hot, red cheek. “God, Scully, I want you to come, I want you to come with my cock in your mouth, and I want you to look at me while you do.”
She swallows hard, breath coming in ragged gasps in time with the obscene sounds coming from between her legs, and nods briefly. She meets his eyes and opens her mouth wide, one auburn brow raised in invitation. Mulder takes his cock in his own hand and guides it onto her waiting tongue, and slowly begins to thrust.
Her eyelids flutter, eyes rolling occasionally to white as she fights to do what he’s asked—what he’s told her to do. He takes control of own movements now, gently cupping the back of her head as his cock moves in and out of her mouth, letting her focus on her own pleasure. He bumps against her throat again, and her moan as she swallows him vibrates through his entire body; his gut clenches and heat pools at the base of his spine.
“Fuck, Scully, I’m gonna come,” he pants, watching his cock vanish into her mouth and then reappear like a magic trick. “Can I... Oh, I want to come in your mouth.” 
She nods around him, her body trembling. Her eyes roll, drift closed as she loses herself in pleasure, then snap open as she fights to obey him. “So good,” he murmurs over and over, “so good for me. Just like that.” His hand fists in her hair, tugging at the base of her skull where he knows she likes it; he thrusts faster, deeper, as she moans and whimpers around him, both of them racing toward release.
She comes first, her wail of pleasure muffled by his cock, buried to the hilt so that her lips are flush with his pubic bone, and he tumbles over the edge right after, spurting hot down her throat.
He slumps to the floor beside her, into the cool dark beneath the desk, and for a while they simply rest together, fizzing with post-orgasmic bliss. Eventually he reaches up, fumbling blindly overhead until his hand finds a bottle of water and a bag of sunflower seeds. He passes her the bottle, which she takes with a grateful hum, and cracks a seed between his teeth.
“That was amazing, Scully. You been sitting on that trick for long?” 
She blushes and kicks his leg with her little bare foot. “I had a theory,” she says, her voice raspy, and takes a sip of water. 
He cups her cheek and leans in to place a tender kiss on her mouth. “If you’ve got any more theories like that you’d like to test, I will be your guinea pig any day.”
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gacmediadaily · 1 year
Actress Susie Abromeit (A Hot Cocoa Christmas, Love in Bloom, Snow Bride) shared some lovely pictures from the set of her new Great American Family Christmas movie, and I couldn't resist sharing them with you!
In the photos, you'll also see/meet Susie's co-star, Liam McIntyre, who you may recognize from the Great American Family rom-com movie, This Little Love of Mine.
It appears the two are dressed up for an elegant Christmas party, in the images Susie shared with us...
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images credit: Susie Abromeit
Susie shared some fun details about this Christmas movie project in an interview with Bill Abbott (CEO of Great American Media) back in May, giving us a little synopsis of what the movie is about...
Designing Christmas (working title) is an upcoming Christmas movie project for Great American Family starring Susie Abromeit, who will be working with the same creative team behind her movie Romance in the Vineyard (A.K.A. Love by the Glass). In this new Christmas film, Susie will portray a woman who will take on the task of designing a home left to her by her late grandmother.
Speaking of Susie's other movie, Romance at the Vineyard, we're anticipating that film to premiere sometime this Summer or early Fall on Great American Family. You can see the trailer below. (By the way, if you don't want any spoilers, I suggest skipping the trailer or fast-forwarding through it!) Susie has another handsome co-star in this movie, Tim Ross from Hearts Down Under.
Looks like lots of fun things are happening behind-the-scenes for Great American Family! 
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whewtaewoon · 2 years
2022 book recs
note: these are books which i read this year, not books which were published this year. i mainly read mysteries (be them conventional, cozy or ya) and i will try to remember any relevant trigger warnings but i may forget something. also, not all triggers i mention are going to be explicit in the book, i just want you to stay safe
the psychic cat mystery series by sm reine
quick & easy to read books adorable changling polyamory tws: none i can think of
the sloan krause mystery series by ellie alexander
sloan restarts her life and career after finding her husband cheating solves murders and the mystery of her own past tws: this story is about a brewer & beer/alcohol is pretty central just a heads up
this poison heart & this wicked fate by kalynn bayron
adoptee  queer black women  mythology & magic  supportive & loving family   tws: parental death
blue ridge library mystery series by victoria gilbert
cozy mystery about a murder solving librarian  no body shaming or fatphobia  fun story with fun & interesting characters  queer characters who aren't caricatures of queerness  tws: none i can remember
dana mcintyre must die series by sm reine
queer women (of various species!)  absolutely unhinged characters /pos  fairly short stories  tws: alcohol use & maybe gore? i think there was one scene that kinda described a gross murder
blood vines by erica spindler
why is alexandra having weird visions?  how is her mother connected to a body found buried on a vineyard?  tws: sexual assault, child death, suicide
the silence of bones by jun hur
historical fiction set in joseon era  a young woman has been tasked with helping the police solve the murder of a noblewoman  emotional  smart, capable, multidimensional main character  tws: death, murder
the forest of stolen girls by june hur
why does june want me to cry so bad?  historical ya novel set in the joseon era  a touch of romance  dads suck sometimes  tws: murder
dragon pearl by yoon ha lee
ya scifi set in the future  gumiho & other non human / occasionally human characters  the main character sets off to find her brother who joined the military and then vanished  tws: death
wicked fox & vicious spirits by kat cho
gumiho, dokkaebi, and gwishin, oh my!  set in modern day kr & features several different creatures from korean folklore  tws: murder, death, child abandonment, child endangerment
a good girl's guide to murder trilogy by holly jackson
a girl starts a podcast about a murder that happened in her hometown which in turn leads to unexpected revelations  character development is phenomenal tws: death, murder, sexual assault, drug use, abduction
the graceling series by kristin cashore
great characters  queer characters  the story of several kingdoms and countries, their leaders and their people  tws: death, murder, child abuse, sexual assault, suicide, alcohol abuse, animal cruelty
one of us is lying by karen mcmanus
savvy students solving murders  latina main characters  tws: death, suicide, drug & alcohol use, blackmail
a magic steeped in poison by judy i lin
a competition may provide ning with the chance to save her younger sister, shu, from the poison which already killed their mother  MAGIC! TEA MAGIC!  tws: death, parental death, violence
the death of innocents by helen prejean
an eyewitness account of the execution of 3 innocent men extremely eye opening and also incredibly heartbreaking  tws: descriptions of execution by lethal injections
don't kill in our names by rachel king
the families of murder victims sharing their stories and their work against the death penalty  tws: descriptions of murder and sexual assault
dead man walking by helen prejean
eyewitness account of executions  ppl in this book are guilty but prejean is an example of radical love and friendship to people who desperately need both  tws: descriptions of murder, execution, and sexual assault
cinderella is dead by kalynn bayron
cinderella was real & now her story dictated the future of all girls in her kingdom mc is a queer black teen  an amazing retelling.  sits at the same table as cinderella (1997)  tws: misogyny, murder, forced marriages
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k1reynolds · 3 years
Our Wine of the Week: McIntyre Pinot Noir 2018
Our Wine of the Week: McIntyre Pinot Noir 2018
As the world slowly reopens, our commitment to support local is stronger than ever. Many of our local restaurants remained open for take-out and delivery, and helped sustain us throughout lockdown. One of our favorite locally-owned, independent restaurants is RANGE Kitchen & Tap. We wrote about RANGE back in 2018, not long after they opened, and the quality, service, and hospitality has only…
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myvinespot · 4 years
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McIntyre Vineyards 2016 Kimberly Merlot: McIntyre Vineyards is a small-production producer known for sustainable winegrowing in the Santa Lucia Highlands appellation. Their SLH Pinot Noir and Chardonnay are top-notch-I’ve enjoyed these wines on numerous past occasions. The Merlot fruit comes from Kimberly vineyard in Arroyo Seco appellation just to the south. It pours a deep, gorgeous purple color with a core of layered and ripe dark-skinned berry fruit flecked by cherry pit, cedar, and fennel. In the mouth, it's medium-bodied with balanced acidity and mid-palate tannic grip that melts into a medium-long textured finish. A lovely addition to any table that’s sure to please the most discerning palate. This bottling may even put old Miles on team Merlot (#lol). 🍷👍🏽 ➡️Learn more at mcintyrevineyards.com. #PinkSociety #Merlot #MerLove #wine #winelover #ArroyoSeco #MontereyWine #myvinespot https://www.instagram.com/p/CIjmvNVnru7/?igshid=1iz4om3gr2ir4
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thedesotos · 3 years
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Sunday, April 10th (Wahine Day), Paul & Stuart from the band is playing with @theagmNZ @ Coopers Creek Vineyard from 1pm. The band includes Paul Gurney on guitar & vocals (The DeSotos), Stuart McIntyre on bass (The DeSotos), Richard Adams from Nairobi Trio on violin/fiddle and Paul Crowther ex Split Enz on drums. It's a ticketed event and no limit on audience size (outdoors!), no V Pass so no excuses. Ticket details and other info below. ✨ (at Coopers Creek Vineyard) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb1q7MwsDeY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wine-porn · 2 years
Dry Creek Merlot
A favorite–though rather obscure–Merlot producer of mine, drawing from the incredible Arroyo Seco AVA: something far more known for Chardonnay… but think about it… take all the time you need… Great chard regions = great Merlot regions. Carneros ring a bell? And I just learned this winery is in Santa Rosa… I always just assumed they were in MontCo somewhere, or maybe Carmel Valley or something.…
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
A Conflicted Land Produces Consistently High-Quality Wine
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/a-conflicted-land-produces-consistently-high-quality-wine-2/
A Conflicted Land Produces Consistently High-Quality Wine
Santa Lucia Highlands is “America’s Salad Bowl”
Nestled between Northern California’s Santa Lucia Mountain Range and coastal Big Sur sits a conflicted land. The warm Pacific sun and maritime climate ushers abundance into the quiet farming community. Yet, each afternoon merciless winds driven by the powerful ocean, disrupt the landscape’s serenity. This is the Santa Lucia Highlands.
Native son John Steinbeck pinned in a 1933 letter to George Albee, “I think I would like to write the story of this whole valley, of all the little towns and all the farms and the ranches in the wilder hills. I can see how I would like to do it so that it would be the valley of the world.”
Although the region has yet to achieve “valley of the world” status, it’s abundant agricultural production dating back to the 1800’s earned it the name: “America’s Salad Bowl.”
In Santa Lucia Highlands, vineyards dot the undulating benchlands and mesas, rising above the … [] surrounding arroyos like fingers.
Today, vineyards join small family agricultural farms in this untamed coastal region, with many families engaged in both enterprises. Adam Lee, owner and winemaker of Clarice Wine Company, sees topographical similarities between the highlands and Burgundy. And yet, it is the highland’s topography that prevents its commercial growth. Vineyards dot the undulating bench lands and mesas, rising above the surrounding arroyos like fingers.
Earning American Viticulture Appellation status in 1991, this small region of 50 individually owned vineyards, comprising 5.900 acres, is heralded for Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Syrah. “Santa Lucia Highlands is underrated. It is not as much a wine community as it is a farming community, and I like this aspect of it,” shares Lee.
Talbott Vineyards opened a tasting room earlier this year in Carmel-By-The-Sea. Make a reservation … [] to enjoy a flight of their Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, or a mix of both.
Adding to the region’s conflict is the fact there are limited wine tasting venues and accommodations. “What I love about the region is almost it’s Achilles heel,” explains Kerith Overstreet, owner and winemaker of Bruliam Wines. “It’s lack of hospitality makes it an authentic ag/grape-growing region.”
In an effort to reach visiting consumers, some wineries have opened tasting rooms in neighboring Monterey and Carmel-By-The-Sea. While this solution offers access to tasting the wines, the beauty of Santa Lucia Highlands remains inaccessible for many consumers in a first-hand experience.
Overstreet was attracted to the region many years ago through a bottle of Miner Family Wines Gary’s Vineyard Pinot Noir. Upon tasting she exclaimed, “This is delicious. I love this!” Four year’s later, when deciding to make her first barrel of wine, based on the bottle of Miner, she made Pinot Noir from the Santa Lucia Highlands. “The Pinot stole my heart and I’ve been with it ever since.”
Sunset over the Pacific Ocean seen from the Nacimiento-Fergusson road through the Santa Lucia Range … [] in California
The conflict between nurturing sun and wrathful wind add distinction to the highland’s wines. In this coastal region, the winds, driven by the icy cold Monterey Bay, start ramping up between 1:30 – 2:00 pm each afternoon.
Steve McIntyre, owner and winemaker of McIntyre Vineyards believes the wind is key because it pulls in cool maritime air, drying out the area and modulating high temperatures. “Wind, fog and temperature are our terroir,” he explains.  “I have never been to a wine region where the warmest time of the day is at one o’clock in the afternoon,” laughs Lee.
Furthermore, afternoon winds regulate the grape’s sugar accumulation while also maximizing hang time, allowing the natural acidity to reach its full potential. “Santa Lucia Highlands creates intellectual wines. The Pinot Noir is savory, plush, and layered, with broad shoulders,” explains Overstreet.
As the former owner and winemaker of Siduri Vineyards, Adam Lee has crafted Pinot Noir from vineyards up and down the west coast. After selling Siduri, Lee could have chosen any region to launch his next chapter. He chose Santa Lucia Highlands.
Consistency and value are two reasons Lee believes the highlands should be on consumer’s radar. It is not as well known as Sonoma’s Russian River Valley or Santa Barbara’s Santa Rita Hills, both cool climate region—Santa Lucia Highlands is a hidden gem.
The true secret weapon of the highlands, and why Lee chose it for his next project, is the people. Lee’s multi-decade relationship with Gary Pisoni, and his son Mark, who manages the vineyards, and Gary Franscioni, and their Gary’s Vineyard and Rosella’s Vineyard, respectively, is a “friendship built on trust. I have great faith in what they area doing.”
Santa Lucia Highlands is best known for its high-quality Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Syrah.
2017 Bruliam Soberanes Vineyard Pinot Noir ($55) demonstrates thoughtful complexity. Opening with dark berries, Rooibos chia tea, Luxardo syrup, and dried savory herbs. The palate is lean and focused – smooth with depth, elegance, and lively acidity.
2017 Cattleya Wines ‘The Initiation’ Syrah is a brooding wine with a nod to Northern Rhone. Notes of dark fruit, cassis, cured bacon, smoke, olive tapenade and crushed violets make the mouth water, while each sip fulfills the expectation of a bold, rich wine with a crushed velvet mouth-feel and a long, voluptuous finish.
2018 Clarice Wine Company Rosella’s Vineyard Pinot Noir ($85) opens with ample dark fruit, warm baking spice, and crushed roses, with elements of forest floor and a hint of venison jerky. Balance is the key here – structure, tannins, complexity, and acidity. Smooth yet bold, lively yet restrained, depth yet lifted. Pleasing all around.
2016 Hahn SLH ‘Orchestral’ Pinot Noir ($90) delivers tart red fruit, holiday potpourri, pomegranate tea, and damp underbrush dazzle the senses. The palate is vibrant, layered, complex, and structured with a long finish.
2018 Lucia Vineyards Soberanes Chardonnay opens with a bounty of fruit leaping from the glass, quickly joined by preserved oranges, toasted graham cracker, and warm spices. Tension exists on the palate between its richness and crushed stone minerality. A complex and elegant wine that delivers across the board.
2017 McIntyre Estate Vineyard Pinot Noir ($48) is sustainably farmed and made in a low-intervention style. It opens with fresh blue and red fruit, baking spice, white tea, and violets. Taffeta mouth-feel with balanced acidity and a long, elegant finish.
2017 Miner Family Wines Gary’s Vineyard Pinot Noir represents the bolder side of the region. Dark berries, holiday spice box, dried black tea take the lead. The palate offers a crushed velvet mouth-feel with a rich, long finish.
2019 Morgan Double L Vineyard Riesling ($24) is crafted in a German Kabinett style. Citrus, melon, stone fruit and honey suckle leap from the glass. The palate offers a kiss of sweetness with a balanced, dry finish.
2018 Roar Rosella’s Vineyard Pinot Noir ($62) quintessential highland’s Pinot Noir in that it walks a line between light and fruity juxtaposed with deep and earthy. Layers of complexity create a thought-provoking wine.
2017 Scheid Vineyards Reserve Escolle Road Vineyard Chardonnay ($45) offers tension between freshness and creamy elegance. Orchard fruit and floral notes lift off the palate while restrained oak treatment and lees stirring adds depth and texture.  
2017 Talbott Vineyard Sleepy Hollow Chardonnay ($42) offers layers of orchard and stone fruit, white flowers, and butterscotch in a creamy, texture with a mid-palate mineral-driven lift and long finish.
2017 Wrath KW Ranch Syrah ($39) is bold, rich, powerful. Dark fruit, smoked charcuterie, worn leather and black pepper envelope the senses. Texturally smooth and elegant with a long finish.
From Food & Drink in Perfectirishgifts
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babygoatcollector · 4 years
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sharethelove-ly · 5 years
The Best Eco Friendly Wedding Planners Across America
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Every year, weddings seem to grow "bigger and more elaborate". It seems almost to the point of excess with couples spending more money with every year. Today, the typical cost of a wedding is approximately $30,000. The wedding market loves this, but our planet does not. It is also hurting the future of young couples that already drowning in student loans. The new generation of couples are seeing more clearly about the excess and overconsumption that is hurting our future.
  With the typical wedding producing 400lbs of trash and 14.5 tons of CO2 yet the average person puts out 12 tons per year, making this the event-winner for environmental concerns.
  The good news, there is a growing number of wedding event planners, shoppers and stylist who are actively trying to lower the wedding industry negative impact, and assist their customers in a more sustainable direction, while showing the world how gorgeous, more touching, and even more impactful a wedding could be for the couple, the guests, the community and the world!
  Today we're putting a spotlight on some of the very best eco-friendly wedding planners, wedding shoppers and wedding stylists across the U.S.
  EK Events
North Carolina and Virginia
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  North Carolina Wedding and Event Planner. Planning custom weddings across NC and VA. Specializing in Geek Chic and Low-Waste. Sometimes, having a wedding can seem unnecessarily eccentric and wasteful. The average American wedding produces 400-600 pounds of trash- that’s about a billion tons of waste each year. .
  Ashville Wedding Collective
North Carolina
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  Take the stress out of saying “yes!” with our free wedding planner. Featuring local, loving and sustainable vendors. Asheville Wedding Collective provides a curated platform to unique parties in a collaborative & sustainable environment with a thoughtful voice, helping them feel inspired and supported.
  Sustainable Brides
Savannah & East Coast
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  Based in Savannah not planners, but stylist and curators. Stylist consortium along the east coast, focused on helping couples find the perfect sustainable dress, décor and venue. From sustainable-style boarding to fittings and samples, they plan for the intersection of style, sustainability, and self-esteem. Sustainable resellers like Sharethelovely pay for the service when you buy a dress or wedding décor through their marketplace or just a small fee makes this a great idea for a couples who wants to save a lot and help the environment without sacrificing style or experience.
  ​Zero Waste Co.
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  Zero Waste Co provides Resources Recovery and Recycling Services to minimize the environmental impact of any celebration, conference, festival, trade show, or special event. During the planning phase of the project Zero Waste Co. minimizes waste by customizing a comprehensive plan that will help you meet your sustainability goals. On average, they help our clients divert about 80% of their waste from the landfill.
    Keen Events
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  The average wedding produces 400- 600 lbs of garbage. Is that alarming to you? It was to me. I coordinated a wedding where guests left their trash and plastic water bottles all over the place. Green Certified Green Wedding Planner
  Pearl Wedding Events
New York, Connecticut, Boston, Rhode Island
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  Wedding Planning & Design boutique manifested through Passion, Intention & a Love for Life. 
We access our wisdom & expertise to plan & design beautifully exquisite weddings & events that represent you.
  KG Events & Style
  KG Occasions & Design is a Martha's Vineyard based store planning and style firm specializing in private, corporate and location occasions throughout the Northeast & offered around the world. The group provides a fresh and ingenious point of view that allows them to produce unforgettable occasions each showing its own special sense of style and charm. Certified Green wedding professional.
  The Lost Forty
  Owner Kayla of The Lost Forty has actually taken a special technique to planning, focusing specifically on smaller sized, intimate events for her clients, in order to leave the tiniest eco-footprint possible when it concerns weddings.
    Greater Good Occasions
New Jersey
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  Greater Good Events is a store women-run occasions company with a focus on sustainability. They work from their hearts and develop enduring relationships with customers and suppliers alike. Greater Good focuses on wedding events, business gatherings, and non-profit events.
  Charleston Wedding Planner
South Carolina
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  Charleston Wedding Planner is a full service wedding planning and design company that thinks every celebration must tell an excellent love story, while showing a couple's personality. Owner Mike Winship shares his 15 years experience preparation weddings and occasions in Charleston.
  Paige Occasions
Happy individuals, happy world.
  This is the main focus at Paige Occasions. After witnessing very first hand the huge quantities of waste produced at many large scale occasions, owner Paige McQuillan chose to create a business that respects the earth the method she also respects each of her clients.
  JoAnn Moore Weddings
  With over thirty years of experience as a wedding event, occasions and honeymoon organizer, JoAnn Moore Weddings has cultivated genuine relationships with a few of the industry's top experts and suppliers, which is terrific news for couples! With access to some of the country's most desirable locations, they dedicate to providing clients with an unparalleled experience. Qualified Green Wedding Coordinator (CGWP)
  Green Certified Wedding Professionals from https://Greenweddingprofessionals.com:
  Ashley Vancil-Savage
All Things Imagined Events
Corona, CA
  Gina Lett Shrewsberry
Inspirations by Gina
Sacramento, CA
Jackie Murphy
Weddings With Insight by Jackie Murphy
Los Angeles, CA
Megan Marshall
Fresno Chaffee Zoo Private Events
Fresno, CA 559-498-5924
Paige McQuillan
Paige Events 
Santa Cruz, CA
Sabrina Cadini
La Dolce Idea
San Diego, CA
  Sandra Di Domizio
Green Fox Events & Guest Services, LLC
Mammoth Lakes, CA
JoAnn Moore
Mountains and Meadows, Weddings and Events
Vail, CO
Tracy Southcott & Christina Donovan
Land Escapes
Arlington, MA
617-308-7063 or 781-646-4233
Kristen Gosselin, CMP
KG Events & Design LLC 
10 S. Summer Street
Edgartown, MA 02539
(774) 549-9946
Abby Turner
Icing on the Cake Events
Bozeman, MT
Cassie Viola
Take the Cake Events
Reno, NV
Amy Vecchione
Aventina Events
Glen Ridge, NJ
  Kelly Heyn
SociaLife Event Planning
Wall, NJ
Lisa Marie Blinn
L. Marie Events
Sea Cliff, NY
  Lynn Mehl
Good Old Days Eco Florist
Windsor, NY
  Mekina Saylor
Hornblower Cruises + Events
New York, NY
  Qwandra Hercules
Signature Weddings By Suki
Yonkers, NY
Tessa Masi
Green Dream Weddings LLC
Ithaca, NY
Tracey Baxter
Aisle Do
Huntersville, NC
  Kimberly Williams
Weddings by the Vine
Apex, NC
Elise Handler
Keen Events PDX
Portland, OR
Sadie McIntyre
Vareus Events
17733 NW Chemeketa Ct.
Portland, OR 
Steve DeAngelo
DeAngelo's catering & Events, Inc
Tigard, OR
Kelly L. Moore
Ambiance Event Planning & Floral Designs
Scranton, PA
  Lisa Yeager
Blue Mountain Resort
Palmerton, PA
610-826-7700 ext 1209
Veronica Cole
by Veronica Cole
Katie Pitchford
All Tied Up Wedding and Event Design
Seattle, WA
Shelly Stone
Signature Events Planning
Neenah, WI
Britney Blomquist
Eco Bride Project Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta [email protected]
Nicky Gendron
Radisson Hotel Edmonton South
Edmonton, Alberta
Josie Coccia
Enchanted Ever After Weddings & Events Toronto, Ontario 416-948-1513
  Amanda Bradshaw
Green Apple Events
Whitby, Ontario
  Jodi Gagne
Simply Perfect
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Nelly Grange
Moorea, French Polynesia
689 87 74 64 75
Donatella D'Anniballe
Viridi Wedding Via Terracini 10 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy
0039 331 456 111 4
Laverne Chee
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ilse Diamant
Diamant Events
Playa del Secreto
Riviera Maya, Mexico
Helena Rincon
Los Suenos
Av. Acanceh y Meseta #102, MH 15, M 8
Col. Centro, C.P. 77505
Cacun Q Roo, Mexico
(998) 886-3364
Eva Ibáñez Macaya
Singular Day
Bizkaia- Basque, Spain
  Concha Casas
Eleven Events Weddings & Lifestyle
Madrid, Spain
34 635 41 55 56
Tan Hsin Yi
Kaori Otake
Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
Re:grid Wedding
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tachtutor · 4 years
» A Movie Review by David Vineyard: THE HIPPOPOTAMUS (2017).
» A Movie Review by David Vineyard: THE HIPPOPOTAMUS (2017).
    THE HIPPOPOTAMUS. Lightyear Entertainment, 2017. Steve Allam, Mathew Modine, Fiona Shaw, Tim McInnerny, Emily Berrington, Geraldine Sommerville, John Standing, Tommy Knight, Dean Ridge. Screenplay by Blanche McIntyre, Tom Hodgson, John Finnemore, & Robin Hill, based on the novel by Stephen Fry. Directed by John Jencks. Available on DVD, as well as…
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myvinespot · 5 years
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New on myvinespot.com—McIntyre 2015 Kimberly Vineyards Merlot: If anyone orders Merlot, I'm staying! #linkinprofile #ArroyoSeco #MontereyCounty #McIntyreVineyards #Merlot #wine #winelover #winewriter #blogger #myvinespot @tastemcintyre https://www.instagram.com/p/B74qEEXHt-L/?igshid=1g6k04qrc4nqc
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sabrinawhill · 4 years
Exciting Research to Combat Pierce’s Disease in Vineyards
Exciting Research to Combat Pierce’s Disease in Vineyards
Steve McIntyre, Monterey Pacific, Inc., Soledad
The Pierce’s Disease/Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (PD/GWSS) Board is involved in various different types of research projects on behalf of the industry.  The PD/GWSS Board provides recommendations to the California Department of Food and AgricultureSecretary on the use of funds collected under the PD/GWSS winegrape assessment. PD/GWSS Board Member…
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Sonoma Meets The Hamptons in Australia’s Mornington Peninsula
http://tinyurl.com/y2huuvbg Drive about an hour south of Melbourne, and the Australian metropolis’s power quickly offers solution to mellow, seaside vibes. The Mornington Peninsula—with its oceanfront houses, upscale motels, and effective eating eating places—conjures up the Hamptons, the Côte d’Azur, or another rich trip enclave. However come June, when winter approaches within the Southern Hemisphere, the inflow of vacationers doesn’t dissipate. Over the previous few many years, the area has turn out to be a preeminent wine vacation spot down below, luring vacationers year-round with elegant tasting rooms, plush lodging, and distinct Pinot Noir and Chardonnay varieties. A Cool Begin The Mornington Peninsula’s wine nation is comparatively new; vines have been first planted in 1972, and a wave of aspiring winemakers created the pretty sturdy beginnings of a wine business within the 1980s. Cabernet was the grape of selection at the moment as winemakers thought their climactic state of affairs was much like Bordeaux. “Cool local weather viticulture was a extremely new factor in Australia, and there wasn’t a variety of experience close to it,” says Kate McIntyre of Moorooduc Estate and a Grasp of Wine, a qualification issued by The Institute of Masters of Wine in the UK. “So we acquired actually unhealthy early info. Dad actually wished to develop Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, and so, towards the recommendation that he’d been given by the consultants, he planted a little bit of each. Thank goodness,” she laughs. Winemakers quickly realized that the cooler local weather, largely affected by the our bodies of water surrounding the peninsula, was higher suited to fashionable Burgundy varieties. “The temperamental maritime local weather signifies that our wines are all the time a product of every classic,” says Mike Aylward, who began his personal label, Ocean Eight, after his dad and mom offered the household vineyard in 2004. “We don’t make generic wines. Annually has its personal challenges which implies we’re all the time studying.” Uncommon Hare Wine & Meals, Mornington Peninsula. Dan Hocking   Convincing a area of winemakers—who already put quite a lot of religion in full-bodied Cabernet and Shiraz—that Pinot Noir and Chardonnay have been the fitting course for the Peninsula took a bit of labor. “A lot of the consuming public didn’t actually get an opportunity to entry the nice Burgundies again then, and the individuals who did have been very a lot of the opinion that we’d by no means have the ability to make wine like that in Australia,” McIntyre explains. “I believe they have been proper to a sure extent; we don’t need to make facsimile Burgundy in Australia. However what they acquired fallacious was that they thought that was the one approach you possibly can make good Pinot.” McIntyre factors to different main wine areas, resembling Oregon and New Zealand, which have embraced Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes, understanding them by way of a Burgundy lens, however crafting a mode uniquely their very own. A Second Begin The area’s idyllic setting has lured wine lovers in search of second careers, or a slower tempo of life, and lots of turned to winemaking. Though this new group of vintners was criticized for being “pastime winemakers,” the collective introduced different abilities to the burgeoning wine area; many have been scientists or medical doctors throughout their first profession go-rounds, and utilized their collective data to viticulture. Immediately, the Mornington Peninsula Vignerons Affiliation, a coterie of winemakers within the area, are working concurrent research on quite a few viticultural points. A key focus has been a deep dive into Pinot Noir grape clones and the way they reply to totally different soils, expositions, and climatic variances. “There’s been a concerted effort to do analysis inside particular person vineyards throughout the area, to raised perceive the microclimates of various vineyards and to elucidate why we’re area significantly for Pinot Noir,” McIntyre says. For over ten years, the MPVA has additionally been conducting an evaluation of water high quality throughout the peninsula in several water catchments, dams, and streams that feed into, and are utilized by vineyards. Lastly, as situations of phylloxera—a winery illness that has been chargeable for wiping out whole wine areas all through historical past—have been found in different elements of Australia, finding out rootstock and phylloxera-resistant vines is of excessive significance. The overwhelming majority of wineries are nonetheless family-owned and family-run. bigger companies haven’t invested within the Mornington Peninsula for a myriad of causes. Current plots are small: the typical measurement of a winery on this space is 3.9 hectares (9.6 acres)—in comparison with Australia’s Barossa Valley, the place the typical winery measurement is 17.6 hectares (43.5 acres). Moreover, a shortage of land means there isn’t a lot room to develop. Grape costs additionally deter corporations in search of to create a scalable enterprise. One metric tonne (1.1 U.S. ton) of Pinot Noir grapes within the Mornington Peninsula is value AUD $3,266 (U.S. $2,278) on common, in comparison with AUD $2,078 (US $1,450) within the Yarra Valley, one other Australian area identified for Pinot Noir. In flip, the wines themselves are dear: $50 to $80 per bottle on common. And most corporations, in accordance with McIntyre, are searching for the “sub-$20 stuff that they will pump out and that preserve the vast majority of the consuming public blissful.” A Recent Begin However don’t mistake family-owned for down-home. The area has lengthy been a vacation spot for rich urban-dwellers and the rising inflow of holiday makers to the wineries has spurred a brand new luxurious wine tourism infrastructure. “Wine tourism has been big and very important for the success of the enterprise and the area as an entire,” says Sam Coverdale of Polperro Wines. “Within the final 5 years, it has grown exponentially.” Coverdale is aware of firsthand; his property operates not solely a cellar door (the Australian time period for tasting room), however a restaurant, bar, and bistro. The property additionally homes 4 villas and can quickly open a three-bedroom farmhouse for visitors, renovated by famend design agency Hecker Guthrie. Down the road, Polperro operates HotHut Yoga studio, including additional to the wine nation trip expertise.   Doot Doot Doot, the upscale eating room on the Jackalope Lodge within the Mornington Peninsula, Australia. On the Jackalope Hotel, a design-forward aesthetic means commissioned sculptures and art work from a few of Australia’s preeminent artists dot the winery panorama and lodge. An excellent day might embody a morning run by way of Willow Creek Winery, adopted by a tasting of the wines themselves at Uncommon Hare, the on-site cafe and cellar door. Comply with a day spa session with the high-end tasting menu for dinner on the on-site restaurant, Doot Doot Doot, served below a ceiling of undulating bulbs that should evoke wine’s fermentation course of. Vineyard and restaurant Ten Minutes by Tractor’s extremely adorned wine record options not solely the property’s proprietary wines, however an in depth menu of worldwide choices—particularly Mornington Peninsula’s kindred spirit, Burgundy. Though their principal restaurant is at the moment in restore after a fireplace, diners can nonetheless take pleasure in French bistro-inspired fare within the solarium on the restaurant’s offshoot, Petit Tracteur Bistro. Yuzu curd, matcha, sesame—served at Doot Doot Doot. Jackalope Lodge Whereas the seaside and surf proceed to lure vacationers throughout the summer time months, the Mornington Peninsula’s wine business now calls to guests in its personal proper. The fixed developments in viticulture practices proceed to specific themselves within the wines and convey larger prominence and accolades to this cool-climate area. Extra must-read tales from Fortune: —These sea creatures are one other massive purpose to go to the Maldives — Puglia is Italy’s new hotspot for luxurious and wellness retreats —The wine country tasting room is dead. However lengthy stay wine nation —Summer time Journey Information: must-have gadgets and accessories for jetsetters —Hearken to our new audio briefing, Fortune 500 Daily Follow Fortune on Flipboard to remain up-to-date on the newest information and evaluation. Source link
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Style Guide: The World’s Best Places for Growing Chardonnay
“Chardonnay is one of my favorite wines to drink from any part of the world. The varietal just has so much to offer,” says Dan O’Brien, owner and winemaker at Gail Wines in Sonoma, Calif., and a former sommelier and wine director.
O’Brien is in luck, because Chardonnay also happens to be the fifth-most-planted wine grape worldwide. Winemakers produce diverse iterations of the noble grape everywhere from chilly Champagne to sunny northern New Zealand.
Chardonnays from cool-climate areas tend to be dry, with citrus, green fruit, and vegetal notes. Bottles from warmer regions are richer and can taste like everything from white peach and melon to tropical fruits and fig.
Viticultural practices are similarly varied. Aging in oak is common, and can impart toasty, vanilla flavors. Arguably the most controversial treatment of Chardonnay is malolactic fermentation, a process that softens wines’ acid and imparts rich, creamy flavors. In some Chardonnays, the results are reminiscent of movie-theater popcorn.
These big, buttery Chardonnays were enormously popular in America in the 1990s and early 2000s. For many casual wine drinkers, the very distinctive style became synonymous with the grape itself. “Because of that, it’s probably the varietal that I hear people swear off 100 percent more than any other wine,” O’Brien says. It’s a shame, he adds, because “there’s tremendous Chardonnay out there.”
The wide world of Chardonnay spans crisp blanc de blancs, racy Burgundies, and balanced Californians. Whether you’re a lifelong devotee or self-professed ABC (Anything But Chardonnay) drinker, the varietal is too versatile to ignore. Here’s VinePair’s guide to the global flavors of Chardonnay.
The world’s most revered Chardonnays come from Burgundy, the noncontiguous region in eastern France that also produces pricey, prestigious Pinot Noirs known simply as “Burgundy.” Here, Chardonnays go by many names because they’re labeled by geography, not by grape.
Chablis, for example, gets its moniker from its home base in the cool northwest of the region. Complex, dry Chablis wines have lots of acid, citrus, green fruit, smoke, and what industry pros call “flinty minerality” (imagine the taste of a clean slab of wet slate or stone).
Central Burgundy’s Côte d’Or has a more moderate climate, and Chardonnays are grown across its southern half, called the Côte de Beaune. These fuller-bodied wines are usually labeled by village (Meursault, Puligny-Montrachet) and often aged in small oak barrels on lees, giving them nuanced flavors of tropical fruits, oak, spice, and citrus.
The southernmost area in Burgundy for Chardonnay is the sunny Mâconnais. Its wines are light and fruity, and tend not to be aged in oak. The most famous sites are Mâcon and Pouilly-Fuissé.
Chardonnay also grows in Champagne, in the northeast of the country. Here, winemakers blend it with Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier to make the area’s titular bubbles. Most Champagnes are dry and medium-bodied with low alcohol. Sweetness levels vary by dosage, or the amount of sugar winemakers add during vinification. The typical flavors of Champagne are yeasty citrus — buttered brioche, say, or croissants with lemon compote.
In 1984, Alto Adige became Italy’s first DOC Chardonnay region. Here, Chardonnays are medium-bodied and balanced, with notes of melon, stone fruit, and bread alongside citrusy tang. Italian Chardonnay finds its way into spumante wines in Lombardia, Friuli, and Trentino; and oakier Italian Chardonnays typically hail from Puglia. Tuscany and cooler parts of Piemonte also produce crisp, even-keeled Chardonnays.
Most Chardonnays in the United States hail from Northern California, specifically Sonoma, Napa, Russian River, and Carneros. Styles vary, from full-bodied butterballs with ripe tropical fruit flavors, to more recent releases of lean, Côte d’Or-style Chardonnays with savory, herbal notes.
The latter have become critical darlings. “There are some incredible Chardonnays coming out of this area,” O’Brien says of Sonoma, naming Ceritas and Lioco among his favorites.
Eric Asimov, The New York Times’s wine critic, described a recent batch of Sonoma Coast Chardonnays as having “great promise,” and noted that “the region remains difficult for consumers to grasp, partly because it is geographically unwieldy, encompassing a stretch not just along the Pacific coastline but also extending far inland, bringing together wildly different vineyard areas.
“The jumble of regions means that racy wines from the coast and richer, fruitier wines from inland may wear the same appellation,” Asimov added.
Chardonnays from Chile include remarkably affordable premium wines as well as everyday sippers for $13 and less. Chilean Chardonnays often have melon and banana notes similar to many Californian versions, plus acidity from the wine regions’ cool Pacific breezes. Many Chilean Chardonnays are aged in oak, giving them toasty flavors and creamy finishes.
Winemakers produce quality iterations in the Central, Leyda, and Casablanca Valleys. “Limari Valley Chardonnay features great acidity and mineral quality, combining an Old World earthiness with New World fruit — literally the best of both worlds,” Dave McIntyre wrote in a Washington Post story titled, “Chilean valleys filled with worthy Chardonnay.”
Many Americans associate Mendoza with Malbec, but Argentina’s high-elevation wine region also produces rich Chardonnays with tropical fruit and citrus flavors. The cooler climate provides balanced acidity, and many winemakers age their Chardonnays in oak, giving them spicy notes.
Historically, Australian Chardonnays were known for big, fruity, and creamy flavors, thanks to ample oak aging and sunny vineyard sites.
In recent years, however, many Australian winemakers started producing quality Chardonnays in cooler-climate regions like Yarra Valley, Adelaide Hills, and Mornington Peninsula, as well as the moderate Margaret River. These regions are now “beacons of consistency” for crisp, balanced, Chablis-style Chardonnays, according to Decanter’s Sarah Ahmed. Tasmanian Chardonnays are also widely available and feature fruitier flavors balanced with citrus.
New Zealand
Sauvignon Blanc reportedly comprises 72 percent of New Zealand’s wine industry, but winemakers from Nelson and Hawke’s Bay in the north, to Marlborough and Central Otaga in the south, are also making diverse styles of Chardonnay. In the northern regions, lots of sunlight and warmer temperatures mean fruity, fuller-bodied wines. Cooler temperatures in Marlborough produce leaner, more acidic wines.
The article Style Guide: The World’s Best Places for Growing Chardonnay appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/best-chardonnay-types-guide/
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