#Maybe I’ll bake a cake to celebrate
novorehere · 2 months
I just realized something…
My first vore day on this blog was in 2016. That was eight years ago. It’s my eighth anniversary of 8/8. This year is my golden vore day...
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holdinbacksecrets · 10 months
ok so
1) i wanna go back to chicago so badly, i recently went on a trip nd oml, the architecture 😍😍. it’s such a pretty city and it’s not overwhelming, just nice and busy. i really wanna move there once i have the money and finish up classes, have to look into a nursing school close by 😭
2) when hoseok left i broke (he’s my bias). then i moved on also thinking that it would be okay, but now the rest are leaving and it hurts a lot. im just now realizingthat i wasn’t giving them enough credit on how much they lift my days :(( but 2025 will come in a snap, just gotta wait it out 🫶🏿
anon 🥺 thank you so much for stopping by and sharing! i’ve been appreciating reading about how other fans are feeling today. it’s making me feel less alone and comforted 🖤
it’s so beautiful! i can’t remember the name of the originally urban planner off the top of my head, but i do know he drew inspiration from europe. chicago is/has all of my favorite things a city could offer: walkable, near water, and with endless things to do + you can always know that it’ll be a stop on everyone’s tour >.< i hope you’re able to make the move as soon as possible. sending you good energy as you finish up school! and nursing school in the future too! i’m sure you’ll be able to find a great choice in the windy city 🩵 keep me updated if you want to 🫶
exactly 🥺 not only have they lifted my spirits more times than i could count, but they’ve given me a sense of belonging and a community. i remember being so moved by live performances when i first became a fan, but i had no idea what else was in store for me. eternally grateful 💌
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oneforthemunny · 5 months
surprise, surprise |eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: eddie forgets your birthday. or maybe he doesn't.
my birthday is in a few days and i wanted to write a little birthday ficlet blurb :) no aus, just eddie.
contains: angst/fluff. birthday doom. kinda asshole eddie?? kinda asshole friends?? really fluffy sweet ending. language.
“So,” Heather leaned over, chin propped in her hands dramatically slumped over the counter. “What’re you doing this weekend?” 
“Nothing,” You hummed, fingers flicking through the crinkled bills. “Why? You know something fun going on?” 
“It’s your birthday.” Heather gawked playfully. “You’re not doing anything for your birthday?” 
You rolled your eyes lightly, pushing the cash drawer closed. “No.” You shook your head, voice tight. 
“Eddie isn’t taking you out?” Heather’s brows furrowed. “Or you’re not going home? Going out? Are you getting a cake?” 
Your heart sank, a familiar burn rising in your chest. You didn’t speak about your birthday much, not much of an occasion for celebration to you, more of one that was dreadful. Another year closer to death, you’d grumble cynically. Still, when Eddie hadn’t even acknowledged it, when your friends had all blown you off for other plans, a new kind of ache formed in your chest. The sting of being forgotten, of being unimportant and discarded- on your birthday. 
It left a bitter taste on your tongue, sardonic and painful when you spoke about your impending birthdate. “No,” You shook your head, chin ducked to your chest. You had never wanted a customer to come in so badly, save you from this painful conversation with your co-worker. “They’re all busy.” 
“Oh.” Heather quipped, face falling at your tone. 
“I mean, it’s my fault.” You added quickly- defensively. Why you were so defensive over the people who had discarded you so easily, you weren’t sure. “I should have planned something earlier, but… I dunno, I got busy and life got super hectic and it just slipped past me-” 
“-No,” Heather shook her head, curls unmoving with the abundance of Aquanet she used, still. “That’s really shitty of them, all of them. It’s your birthday.” 
You stayed silent, wiping the counter half heartedly, swallowing back the familiar burn in your throat that choked you. “I mean, if it was my girlfriend or my friend, I would be buggin’ about their birthday.” Heather shrugged. 
“Yeah, me too.” You muttered. Bouts of memories pouring back into your mind. How you’d planned a party for Eddie, baked him some stupid cake from scratch that was in the Lord of the Rings. You’d gone to countless second hand stores trying to find the ancient recipe, and it took you a day to perfect. Now, he couldn’t even be bothered to take you out? Get you a cheap store bought cake? 
“I’m sorry.” Heather muttered, a solemn, nearly guilty pout on her lips. “Well, you’re off tomorrow, right?” 
“I get off at three. What if we go out? We can go to the bar- oh, there’s this new band playing in Franklin. Tommy could drive us.” Heather, ever the bubbly optimist, grinned, eyes shining with pride. It was endearing, made your heart squeeze with an ache you weren’t quite sure how to describe. 
“I’ll even get you a cupcake. A good one, from Nadia’s.” Heather added. 
“You don’t have to do that.” You shook your head lightly. You and Heather were work friends, hung out on the rare occasion after work to bitch about work, about the other coworkers, the pain-in-the-ass customers of the day over glasses of Pinot. Selfishly, it felt nice to have someone excited for your birthday. 
You hated that you wished it was Eddie, your own friends. 
“What’s your flavor, hm? Chocolate?” Heather pressed, brushing you off cheerily. 
“Don’t get me a cupcake. I’ll throw it up if we’re drinking. All the icing and liquor.” You snarled your nose playfully. 
“Fine. I’m buying you a drink then.” Heather nodded. She paused, nails drumming on the counter too. “And, I mean, if you want Eddie to come too, of course he’s invited.” Her eyes cut to yours carefully. “I didn’t know if you wanted him to come.” 
“I mean, I don’t know if he’d even be able to.” Your lips pursed, a cutting edge of annoyance in your tone. “He’s so busy.” 
Heather cringed, shooting you an apologetic look. “Yeah, that… I’m sorry, that sucks.” She mumbled. 
A stiff silence fell between the two of you over the whirr of the air conditioning blowing through the vents. “Since it’s so dead, why don’t you go early?” Heather suggested. “I can cover closing.” 
“Heather, Mel will be pissed-” 
“-Mel will be pissed if she has to pay both of us for standing around.” Heather gave you a pointed look. “And you came in before me. I got it.” 
“Are you sure?” You hesitated. “I don’t care to stay in case there’s a rush-” 
“-At seven?” Heather scoffed slightly. “Go. I’ve got it.” 
“Thank you.” You smiled softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Yeah. I’ll call you when I’m on my way, ‘kay?” Heather chirped. 
“See you then.” You waved, cringing at the sing-songy Happy birthday! Heather shouted at you. 
You pulled open your cubby, gathering your purse, your umbrella. You wrote your time on the clipboard, the phone taunting you on the hook next to it. Any other day, you’d call Eddie- call home or the shop, wherever he was, just to let him know you’d be home early. He’d always reply with a silly comment that had your cheeks rushing with heat, warmth swelling in your chest. 
Tonight, you decided against it. He was too busy, anyway. Too busy at the shop, with his friends, at band practice. You tried not to dwell on it, let your mind spiral and spin down a damning dark hole of what ifs. It consumed you anyways, on your drive home, the radio playing on a static filled station that you didn’t bother to change. Background noise drowned out by your own hammering heart. 
Eddie’s van was parked in the gravel of his driveway, leaving just enough space for you to slide in under the covering attached to the trailer. He always let you have that spot, closer to the door, protected from the elements- so considerate. 
It was hard to fathom that it was the same boy who had forgotten your birthday, brushed it off like it was just another day. 
Your throat tightened around the ever growing lump, hands tight from the white knuckled grip you had on the wheel when you turned the keys out of the ignition. The stairs squeaked under your weight, the screen door hissing with the familiar soft screech when you pulled it open. 
“No- Henderson, what the fuck is the matter with you?” Eddie huffed, his voice trailing in from the living room. 
You paused, hand catching the door as it fell, quieting it as it latched. The air was thick, warm with a sticky, sweet smell. Music playing in a low hum from Eddie’s beloved boom box he kept in the living room. 
“You said to hang it!” Dustin’s shrill tone cut through the air. 
“Yeah, hang it high- Jesus Christ, I shoulda just waited until Robin got off.” Eddie was hidden by the wall, but you could practically see him pinching his nose, hand running over his curly bangs. “Can you- Can you go see if we can ice the cake yet?” 
“Yeah, what do I do?” Dustin questioned, a silence falling between the two of them. Your lips curled, swallowing a giggle. “What? I’m not a master chef or something. You act like I should know this. There wasn’t a cake making class-” 
“-There was, you moron. Home Ec, which clearly, you failed.” Eddie huffed in annoyance. You froze at his heavy footsteps, voice carrying closer and closer.“Whatever, can you- just make it look nice in here? Put the rest of the streamers up and- shit!” Eddie flinched, jumping at the sight of you in the doorway. Wide eyed and still, like you’d been caught. 
“Baby,” Eddie’s breath startled. “Hey, uh, what are you- you said you didn’t get- you’re home already?” His voice lifted, carried high in a squeak of surprise. 
“Yeah, I got off early. I thought you were working late.” Your brows furrowed at the tear of plastic, leaning to look around the corner. “What are you doing-” 
“-Don’t look in there.” Eddie snapped, his hand falling on the doorframe, arm blocking your vision. You jumped, glaring at him with annoyance. “I thought you closed tonight?” 
“I thought you closed tonight.” You huffed, arms crossing over your chest. “Clearly that’s not true. What is this? Another campaign night?” You rolled your eyes, body burning with irritation, jaw wound tight with it. 
“What? N-No, I-I thought you wouldn’t be home until later, and I’d have more time-” Eddie rambled, side stepping to block your view behind him. 
“-Ed, I don’t care if that’s what it is.” Your shoulders deflated, a wave of painful exhaustion, disappointment falling over you. “I just wish you would’ve let me know before you invite all these people over to play your game, so I could-” A shimmering glimmer of multicolored sequins caught your eyes, shining in the yellowed light of the kitchen, iridescent hued droplets cast over the cabinets. There, draped over the chair in bright, glittering letters, a small sash that read Happy Birthday! in obnoxiously big letters. 
You paused, eyes scanning towards the cake, cooling on the rack next to the mixing bowl of icing, the icing spatula still in it. Paper mache streamers taped to the ceiling, hung in swooping bouts mixed with the shiny streamers and balloons all the way to the living room. Eddie had brought out the folding table from the crawl space, even put a plastic tablecloth from the store over it to hide the yellowing stains that would never fade. 
Dustin’s eyes met yours, wide and darting between you and Eddie, still holding the roll of streamers he’d yet to hang. “Uh, Happy Birthday?” Dustin shrugged. 
Eddie huffed, shaking his head at him. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry, it was supposed to be a surprise.” Eddie’s foot bounced with anxious adrenaline. “I thought you didn’t get off until eight, and-and I had it all planned, sweetheart, I really did. Steve’s getting the pizza, and everyone’s coming over at seven thirty-ish, and I- I was even going to have them park at Wayne’s in the back so you wouldn’t see.” 
Your chest felt deflated, void of any air, words, anything. Eddie chewed on his lip, hands twitching next to his jeans. “It was going to be this whole thing, fuck!” He huffed. “It was going to be a whole big thing, and…” 
Eddie’s heart leapt when your eyes finally met his. His fingers still drummed against the rough material of his jeans, veins filled with icy excitement, fear, anticipation? He wasn’t sure. 
“I’m sorry.” Eddie whispered, stepping to hover over you, voice dropping to a soft coo, hands sliding over your cheeks. “I’m- I wanted it to be a surprise.” 
You swallowed thickly. Eddie’s touch was soft, but it left you with a tingling burn when his thumb delicately traced your cheek bone. “You- This is for me?” You squeaked. 
Eddie’s lips curled in a half smile, brows creasing. “Well, yeah.” He said playfully. “Who else would it be for?” 
Your brain was deafeningly silent, stunned at every new detail you’d discover. “You said you were busy.” Was all you could muster out, blinking up at Eddie. “You said you had to work late.” 
“I might have fibbed a little.” Eddie tilted his head sillily. “Told a little lie so I could get this set up.” He nodded towards the living room, a balloon floating near the doorway. 
“I just really wanted to surprise you.” Eddie’s shoulders fell. “I was trying to outdo you. Tryna out do what you did for mine. I called all your friends- even Alexandra,” You rolled your eyes at the mention, she was Eddie’s least favorite friend of yours. 
“And I… I just wanted to surprise you.” Eddie blinked down at you. “Just wanted your day to be special.” 
Your day, the phrase wrapped around you, swirled through your veins like a warm hug, squeezing your heart. 
“I’m sorry, it… I didn’t think about work.” Eddie shook his head, running a hand over his forehead. “I didn’t even think about it, and I-” 
“-Eddie,” Your voice caught in your throat. 
Eddie tensed, cringing with expectant dread. He’d ruined it, blew it, the tears were coming and they were deserved. You’d done so well on his, surprised the hell out of him with the cake, decorated for his birthday campaign with lanterns and candles you’d thrifted. Gone all out for him, and he couldn’t even pull off a simple surprise party. 
“I’m sorry.” Eddie whispered, head pressing to yours. His eyes cut around the room, making sure a certain Henderson pest was lurking. 
“Sorry?” You repeated. “Eddie, I-I am surprised.” You choked out, looking around the room with gleaming eyes. 
Eddie paused. “You are?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, I thought you’d forgotten.” You admitted. “I thought everyone had forgotten.”  
Eddie’s brows pinched in a confused scowl. “You thought I’d forget?” He muttered. 
A watery laugh fell from your lips before you could stop it. “Yeah.” You admitted. “You were really convincing.” 
Eddie’s chest boasted playfully. “Oscar worthy?” 
“You’d sweep the competition.” You jested back, arms sliding over his forearms. His hands found home on the small of your waist, pulling you into him. 
“I didn’t forget your birthday.” Eddie said softly. “Just… for the record.” 
“I can see that.” You giggled. “Thank you. It’s-It’s really sweet.” 
“Yeah? I’m glad you like it.” Eddie’s hands rubbed down your spine. “It would look better but… Robin and Nancy didn’t get off until later, and it’s just me and Henderson.” 
“It looks great. Perfect.” Your cheek pressed to the soft cotton of his t-shirt. His nice shirt, Eddie always called it. Broke it out for special occasions. 
“Not perfect. Fucked up the main part.” Eddie grumbled. “I can call everyone, let them know that they can park out front since there’s no surprise anymore.” 
“No, don’t do that.” You shook your head lightly, chin propping against his chest to look up at him. “I’ll leave and come back, and you can still do it. I can pretend to be surprised.” 
Eddie’s lips curled, pulling back to look down at you. “You’re gonna pretend?” He tilted his head. 
“My turn to act.” You teased, brow lifting gently. “Give you some competition.” You poked his tummy playfully. 
Eddie grinned, pulling you back into him, lips sliding over yours in a soft kiss you savored. Melting into each other, fusing into a gooey puddle- it was corny, a cliche. One you’d roll your eyes at if it was anyone else. 
“Happy birthday.” Eddie muttered, lips brushing and tickling your own. 
“Thank you.” You whispered back, hands finding the base of his neck, pushing him back into you. Eddie’s hand fell against the wooden door frame, steadying himself in a rapidly heating makeout. 
“Uh,” Dustin’s voice interrupted the two of you, just as Eddie’s hands were sliding under your work blouse. “Yeah, I-I finished with the streamers.” 
Eddie glared at him, jaw ticking in annoyance when you pulled away. “I’m just going to grab my makeup bag, and I’ll go.” You whispered, cheeks flooding with heat. 
Eddie huffed, rolling his eyes at Dustin when you left. “What? What did I do?” Dustin threw his hands out. 
“Such a fuckin’ cock block, Henderson.” Eddie muttered, stomping into the kitchen. “Put the plates and shit out, will ya?” 
Your performance was Oscar worthy, Eddie decided later, when you stepped through the door of the now darkened trailer, gasping when the lights flickered on and everyone jumped out. You looked positively radiant, glowing with excitement at the small crowd of friends crammed into the doorway. Eddie kissed you, sloppier than he should have, especially in front of everyone, but he didn’t care. Overwhelmed with affection for you. 
He couldn’t tell if you were still pretending when he brought out the cake, the room singing in a harmonious tone to you, candles lit and glowing in the dim light. Eddie didn’t miss the way your eyes sparkled, fingers pressed to your lips at the now iced cake. When your fingers curled under his chin, sharing a fork-full of cake with him, kissing him after so quickly it left his head spinning. 
His birthday girl, it was your day. Eddie never thought he’d love a random day as much as he did. He had no idea how important that day would become when he’d first met you, how it would engrave itself in his mind forever. 
He was glad it did. Looking at you, giggling with your friends on the couch, then again, the next night, singing with Heather at the crowded bar- Eddie’s chest heart swelled. Proud that he’d surprised you, hopeful that he’d get to for the rest of his life. 
Next year, he’d do it right. Really pull off the party you deserved. He’d start saving now, planning too. He decided it that night, tucked between the sheets, your head still on his sweat soaked chest. He could still taste you on his tongue, lips numb from the time he’d spent between your legs. Lashes fluttering in sleep, curled into him, Eddie pulled you closer. He’d get it right next year, you deserved it. 
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kujousgf · 1 year
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WEST COAST. mdni. 18+.
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pairings: older!natasha romanoff + f!maximoff!reader
summary: in which natasha agrees to help with a bake sale and you both stumble into admitting your feelings
warnings: legal age gap (natasha is 43 and reader is 22), pining lesbians, top!natasha, bottom!reader, finger sucking, light dom/sub dynamics, fingering, brief daddy kink
wc: 5.7k
a/n: thank you very much for this request, it gave me brain worms, also this is not proof read so :]
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“Come on, Tash, please? Mom said you’d go with me because she’ll be busy with B and T’s school fair.” You practically beg the older woman, holding your cell phone carefully between your cheek and shoulder as you finish mixing up the ingredients for the cupcakes you were baking; it wouldn’t be the first time you dropped it in some cake batter if you weren’t careful. Half of them were for Billy and Tommy’s school fair and the other half were for the bake sale you were helping out with at your university. You had taken it upon yourself to do the baking this year because you knew your mother, Wanda, would be busy with work and getting your younger brothers ready for the fair. They were always very hyper and excitable, it took a lot to round them up. You didn’t really mind though, you did have some extra free time and you always got restless when you truly had nothing to do.
Natasha chuckles on the other end of the phone, “Your mom can say anything she wants, sweetheart. That doesn’t make it true, that just makes her Wanda.” She can practically hear you rolling your eyes as you groan at her response. She’s typing lazily with one hand as the other holds her cellphone, not paying nearly as much attention to her work as she should, especially with the deadlines coming up for this quarter. She can’t help it, though, you rarely call her like this, and when you do she wants to give you as much attention as she possibly can. “Besides, I thought this was something you could handle on your own. You’re a big girl, aren’t you? A little bake sale shouldn’t scare you.”
“Ugh, I’m not scared, you jerk. I just think it would be a little easier if I had someone to help me! And, I want to check out everything else too. I heard the haunted house this year is gonna be amazing! Peter’s working on it with MJ, I just have to go,” you put the phone down on the counter and put it on speaker, not wanting to risk dropping it while you pour the batter into the cupcake tray; that wouldn’t be the first time either. “It won’t be as much fun if I’m by myself, and Kate will be busy trying to make people want to join the archery club. Please? It’ll be so fun, I’ll even give you a cupcake for free.” You try to bargain with her, knowing that she’s always been a fan of your baking since she’s so terrible at it herself.
The bake sale was a part of your university’s fall celebration. Every October, they held a bake sale, a club fair, a haunted house, games and some other things in the week leading up to Halloween. This was your fourth one, and usually, you’d force your friend Kate to help you, but this year she’d agreed to help out with the archery club before you could ask. Not that you minded, because when you brought it up, your mother had absentmindedly suggested that maybe Natasha could help you since she couldn’t, and you would never say no to spending time with the redhead. You don’t know when exactly your schoolgirl crush on your mother’s friend turned into the very real thing it was now. You wouldn’t even say it was a crush because at this point you were certain you were damn near in love with the older woman, but you knew it was something you could never have. So, even as you and Natasha grew closer as you grew older, becoming something akin to friends now that you’ve reached your early twenties, all you could do was cherish the time you got together. 
You can hear Natasha sigh before she responds, “Fine, but you better make it two or I’m leaving before you get to that haunted house.” You’re about to thank her profusely before she speaks again, effectively cutting you off before you even started, “Now, listen, I’d love to stay on the phone with you, but if I’m gonna take the day off tomorrow, I’ve got some work to finish. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” 
You both bid each other goodbye and once you hang up the phone, you smile giddily. Natasha was going to take the day off tomorrow for you. Natasha, who was always busy with work, was going to take the day off so she could help you with your silly fall bake sale. “Oh my God… Oh my God!” You feel like a teenage girl with a crush again, getting so excited over something so simple, but you just can’t help it because you know if anyone else had asked, Natasha would have said no. You check the time to make sure none of your family members would be home soon before you call Kate. You just have to tell her about this. You have to get out all your nervous excitement and giddiness before you see Natasha tomorrow, you’ve always been afraid she could see right through you and your feelings. You didn’t need to be more obvious than usual tomorrow. 
And, yeah, you do make two cupcakes specially for Natasha with red icing because you know it’s her favorite color even though the rest of the icing is orange and black. 
Tomorrow comes quicker than both you and Natasha would like. You, because you still don’t know what to wear, and honestly, you’re a little worried Kate might come by and say something stupid. She’s always telling you to just put it out there and let Natasha know how you feel, but you can name at least a thousand reasons why that is the worst idea she’s ever had. Not including when she broke the church’s bell tower by accident when she was a freshman. First and foremost being that Natasha is your mother’s best friend, Natasha is twice your age, and ruining the little platonic relationship that you have with Natasha would hurt you more than when Karolina Dean moved away in the seventh grade when the two of you had what you would now call some sort of situationship. 
And Natasha, because she doesn’t really know why she agreed to do this at all. She really does have work she needs to get done and there’s truly no reason she couldn’t have told you to ask one of your university friends to help you, she knows Kate isn’t your only friend, far from it. Well, the first part of that is a lie– she does know why. She knows exactly why she agreed to help you, she agreed because you asked. What she doesn’t know is what she’s going to do around you today with no one as buffer. No Wanda, no Billy, no Tommy, not even her sister Yelena, it’s just you and her. Sure, there would be other students on campus and coming up to the bake sale table, but in her mind, it’s still just you and her. She doesn’t like when it’s just you and her, because when it is everything feels too real. Suddenly, when it’s just the two of you, there’s no reason for her to hold back. And she knows she needs to hold back, she has to because there’s no world in which you would ever be allowed to be hers. 
You’re holding up different sweaters in the mirror, trying to figure out which looks better with the particular shade of denim you’re wearing, when you hear a knock on your door and your mother walks in. “What’s up?” You turn your head to look at her before turning back to the mirror, still trying to decide. “The one with the brown in it,” she hums, walking over to sit on your bed. She’d always been able to tell just what you were thinking even if you didn’t ask. “You’re overthinking this sweater a lot. Are you sure it’s just Natasha that’s going to be with you today?” You weren’t prepared for her question and your eyes widen just the slightest and you hope she doesn’t notice. “Yeah, just Natasha. Kate’s doing her archery thing, and I think America is helping MJ and Peter with the haunted house.”
“Okay… Well, if there was someone, you know it’s okay for you to tell me, right?”
“Mom!” You groan, she seriously cannot be doing this right now. You’re a grown woman, for god’s sake… but you do appreciate how much she cares for you, you just can’t tell her. Ever.
“Alright, alright! I just wanted you to know. The boys and I are going to be leaving in a few minutes. You should come say goodbye to them, I think they’re going to stay at your father’s tonight...”
You make a noise of agreement, nodding. You know there was a ‘but’ that she wanted to say, but you both knew what it was without her saying it out loud. They were supposed to stay with Vision last weekend too, but that never happened. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.” 
Wanda squeezes your shoulder as she walks past you, and you wait until she’s shut the door before you let your head fall back slightly, staring up at the ceiling. You can’t help but think she’s known for a while, and you feel slightly nauseous at the fact. If she knows, maybe Natasha does too, and that just can’t happen. 
Natasha arrives a few minutes after Wanda and the boys leave, opting to pull into the driveway when she sees the lack of her friend’s minivan in it. She told you she’d pick you up because it made no sense to take two cars and she had to pass your house to get to the university anyway. She takes two seconds before she turns the car off and gets out. She’s too old to be acting like an insecure teenager, she can do this. She’s dressed for the occasion, wanting to fit into the fall theme, wearing a nice knit sweater and a casual pair of pants. 
Her heart squeezes when you open the door and you’re wearing your own knit sweater, she forgot how cute you looked during the fall. “Tasha! I’ll just be a few minutes, I have to get everything packed up and put my shoes on, but then we can go. Come in!” You’re out of her sight as quick as you stepped into it, wanting to get everything done as quickly as possible. You didn’t want to make her wait. 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t make me stand out here the whole time.” Natasha steps inside, wiping any dirt off of the bottom of her boots on the doormat. She’d take them off, but there’s no point if you’ll just be leaving in a few minutes, anyway. Sue her. “Where are those cupcakes I was promised?”
“They’re on the counter, the red ones.” You call out from the kitchen, you weren’t expecting her so early or maybe you’d lost track of time after you said your goodbyes to everyone earlier. It’s a comfortable silence as you move around the room, packing everything up while Natasha eats her cupcakes, offering to help you every few minutes, but you just wave her off. She wouldn’t usually let you do that, but she was enjoying the food, so she’d settle for not letting you bring anything out to the car, she’d do that herself. 
“Okay, done!” You say, proud of how quickly you’d gotten everything done, and turn to look at Natasha only to find her already looking at you. You feel heat rush to your cheeks and you avert your gaze quickly. “I can see that. You put your shoes on and I’ll bring everything out to the car.” She doesn’t phrase it as a question, but you open your mouth to object anyway, only to be interrupted before you can speak, “It’ll be faster this way, won’t it? Go put your shoes on, cupcake.”
The name leaves you grumbling as you huff and walk out of the kitchen, knowing she’s right. Natasha only chuckles before she starts bringing everything out to her car, making sure that nothing is going to accidentally get squished or have their containers tipped over. Once everything is settled, she grabs the latte from the cupholder in the front seat and meets you at your front door as you’re locking it, “This is for you because I know you spent way too long in the kitchen last night.” 
“Of course.”
“Then thank you.” You take the cup from her, your breath hitching when your fingers brush and bring it up to your lips to take a drink. “Oh my God, this is good.”
“I figured you’d like it. Now, come on, weren’t you the one who said we needed to get there early?”
The car ride passes comfortably, with the occasional small talk, but mostly the radio playing quietly in the background while you sip on your latte and Natasha taps against the steering wheel in time with the song. You find that you don’t need to talk to enjoy your time with her, just being with her is enough. Feeling her presence around you is enough for you to feel relaxed and get that warm feeling that only Natasha can give you. When you arrive and Natasha finds somewhere to park, you take a quick scan of the quad. Thankfully, she was able to find close parking, which is a miracle, really. Your eyes light up when you spot Professor Potts standing near an empty table which you can now only assume is for the bake sale. 
“I’ll be right back, I just have to go talk to Professor Potts for a second.” You point behind you with your thumb and then turn to leave. You only take two steps before you’re turning your head to look at Natasha again, “But, actually, since I know you won’t let me help, you can start bringing everything over to the table. I’ll be right next to it.”
Natasha laughs a little under her breath at how quickly you went from ‘you’re not carrying everything yourself, Tasha’ in the car to ‘actually, you do everything’ now that you were actually here. “Yes, Ma’am.” She teases, and you roll your eyes at her before starting to walk over. 
It doesn’t actually take long for Natasha to bring everything over to the table, and by the time she’s done, you’re wrapping up your conversation with Professor Potts– Pepper, as you usually call her. You were just double checking the details of the bake sale and what the prices were supposed to be before you properly set everything up, but you didn’t think Natasha would be particularly interested in that conversation, so you figured she’d be happy enough to bring everything over while you talked. “Oh! Pepper, this is Natasha. Natasha, this is Pepper. She’s one of the professors who helps run the student societies!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Natasha. I didn’t realize Y/N was bringing her partner today.” Pepper smiles and holds her hand out for Natasha to shake. 
“Oh, she’s n–”
“It’s nice to meet you as well. It was a bit of a last minute thing, something about Kate and archery, but I’m sure it’ll be fun.” Natasha shakes Pepper’s hand, mirroring the other woman’s smile. 
“Speaking of Kate and archery, I’m sure you two can manage this just fine on your own, because I have to go find her and make sure that her ‘advertising’ of the archery club doesn’t include any actual arrows this time.” Pepper sighs, and Natasha just laughs like she knows exactly what it’s like to deal with Kate’s antics, before Pepper walks off.
You stare at Natasha wordlessly for a couple of seconds, thinking maybe she’s going to say something about the fact that she just implied the two of you are together, but instead she just raises an eyebrow at you. “Are you going to tell me how you want this table set up or am I just supposed to guess?”
“Oh– no, yeah, I’ll help.” Your cheeks heat up as you start telling her where you want everything placed and start to write the prices on the little chalkboard easel Pepper had put on the table. You quickly forget all about the incident as you start setting things up and your friends stop by the table to talk before going to tend to their own responsibilities. You don’t really pick up on the way they all point out Natasha’s presence, meaning to tease you, but you just tell them happily that she’d agreed to help because Kate couldn’t. 
The rest of the bake sale goes on like this until you run out of things to sell, some people making comments about how good of a pair you and Natasha made or saying something about how they didn’t realize you’d have someone with you here today. You seemed to ignore it, not saying anything about it or giving any indication that it made you uncomfortable, but Natasha was quick to pick up on what the implications were. It didn’t help, she realized, that the color palettes the two of you chose to wear complimented each other so well that it looked a little like your outfits were matching. 
The way in which you acted as if these comments were normal and that you might have expected them or even welcomed them makes Natasha’s brain go haywire. She can’t help but think of all the things this could possibly mean, but the final thought her brain lands on is that she can’t help but wonder if it would be wrong of her to bask in this for just a little bit. She had already not corrected Pepper when she implied you were together– though, that was more so because she didn’t want to embarrass either of you. So would it be so wrong for her to lean into that? To let everyone think you were a couple? To treat you like you were her’s for just a little bit? She doesn’t think so. 
You’re in almost a daze as the rest of the day goes by. Natasha takes you to the haunted house like you wanted and holds your hand the whole time so you don’t get too scared. If you had known Yelena was helping inside the house, you might not have wanted to go so bad. She’s still holding your hand when you exit the haunted house, and she continues to hold it when you talk to Peter and MJ when you spot them outside. She lets go when she gets a phone call and gives you an apologetic smile and excuses herself, but not before giving your hand a little squeeze, and you feel your heart leap in your chest. All of this feels too natural, being with Natasha like this. Holding her hand, laughing with her, walking with her. It’s now when you realize just how close you and Natasha have been all day and you stumble in the middle of your sentence while talking to MJ. 
“You okay there?”
“Yeah!” It comes out too loud and too quickly, “yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired, you know. Long day and late night last night baking.” 
“Mm… Nothing to do with your woman over there?” MJ points not so subtly over at where Natasha is currently talking on the phone.
Your eyes go wide, “She’s not– she’s not my woman, MJ!”
“You’ve been holding hands this whole time and she’s… here instead of at work,” she gives you a look like she doesn’t believe you at all, “seems like your woman to me.”
“Yeah! Mr. Stark only ever takes time away from work if Ms. Potts asks him to and you know how they are, Y/N.” Peter chimes in.
You feel your face go red hot and you groan, “can we please stop talking about this right now?”
“Stop talking about what?” You jump when Natasha suddenly appears beside you and wraps her arm around your waist. 
“Oh, we were just talking about how scared Y/N got in the haunted house.” MJ lies smoothly before giving you a look. 
“Yes, but now we’re done talking about that and we should get back to our table to clean up properly.” You change the subject, trying not to focus on Natasha’s arm wrapped around you, but it’s lighting your body on fire and it’s very hard to focus on anything else. She squeezes your side softly and nods, “sure. It was nice talking to you, MJ, Peter. Good job on the haunted house.”
You barely let Peter get out a “Thanks, Ms. Romanoff!” before you’re slipping out of Natasha’s hold to grab her hand and practically dragging her away from them. She heard the conversation starting from you stuttering over the implication that you’re together, but for you, she can pretend she didn’t hear a thing. So, instead of bringing it up, she gives your hand a soft squeeze. “It’s okay that you were scared, you know? You don’t need to be embarrassed, Yelena can be pretty terrifying when you actually get a look at her.”
“Tasha!” You scold, swatting at her shoulder, “don’t be mean to your sister,” but you can’t help but giggle just a little bit. She only chuckles, and despite the way you’re both struggling to decide whether to bring your feelings up or not, you settle into the comfortable existence you share with each other. 
Before you know it, you’re in Natasha’s car again and on your way to her house. She said she just had a couple of things to do in her home office before she would take you home again, but she would try to be as quick as possible. Technically speaking, your mother should be done with Billy and Tommy’s school fair and you could just ask her to come pick you up, but you don’t tell Natasha that. You would much rather get to spend some extra time with the older woman (and you love the way her house smells) than go home and inevitably spiral as you think about the day and everything that’s happened with her before calling Kate and spilling everything. 
When you get there, she tells you to make yourself comfortable and help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you want to before she disappears into her office at the end of the hall. You settle down on her couch and scroll through your phone for a few minutes before you start to get bored. You consider the fact that Natasha is working on her day off and think that maybe she’d appreciate a coffee, especially if she didn’t have to make it herself, so you stand up and wander into the kitchen. It’s nice and modern, but it has a few personal touches that make it distinctly Natasha. You notice that the coffee maker is right on top of the counter and you look in the cupboard for a mug before you get started on making her coffee. 
You’re pretty sure that the only thing Natasha likes in her coffee is a little bit of sugar, so you take a little look around the pantry until you find some, and when the coffee is ready, you pour it into the mug before adding a little sugar. You hum to yourself and make sure you haven’t spilled anything on the counter, picking up the mug and then starting the path to Natasha’s office. This all feels so natural, that the usual nervousness of doing something like this for the older woman doesn’t even creep in until you actually see her. 
You knock on the door, waiting a second before opening it with your free hand. “Tasha?” You push the door open and Natasha looks up from the paperwork on her desk to greet you with a smile. “You get bored out there, sweetheart?” She puts her glasses up on the top of her head and turns to look at you properly. 
“I. um, made you coffee. I figured you might want some since you weren’t expecting to have to work today.” You walk towards her desk and when you’re close enough, she takes the mug from you and leans up to press a soft kiss to your lips as a sign of her gratitude, “thank you, sweetheart.”
Your brain short circuits.
She almost drops the mug onto the floor. 
You just look at her, frozen, for a few seconds as you watch the wheels turning in her head. She puts the mug down on the desk carefully as she tries to figure out what exactly she’s going to say now. She hadn’t even really thought about it before it happened, it just felt so natural and like something she’s supposed to and allowed to do. But in reality, kissing you has never been any of those things. She’s never done that before even that one time you got so drunk, you practically begged her to. She’s been very careful with her actions and with restraining herself, but now? What does she do now?
“Natasha...” Your voice comes out almost like a whisper and for some reason, you’re a little afraid that she’ll tell you to leave. That she had just been caught in the moment and she would never knowingly kiss you under any other circumstance. 
Natasha opens her mouth to speak, but then she gets a proper look at you standing nervously in front of her and she mutters a ‘fuck it’ under her breath. “Come here, baby.” She pushes her desk chair out slightly and guides you into her lap without any kind of resistance from you. You fidget in her lap, not used to this kind of proximity with the older woman. “I’m gonna kiss you again, alright?”
With those words, it’s like a switch flips and you surge forward to crash your lips against hers. She lets out a little surprised noise before she kisses you back properly, moving her lips against yours and resting her hands on your hips. She lets you lead for a bit until you get a bit too bold for her liking and she grips your hips harder as a warning. She was in charge, not you, and she was going to make that very clear. 
Almost immediately she’s dominating the kiss, and you tangle your fingers in her hair. Her glasses fall off somewhere behind her, but neither of you really care enough to check where. You only pull away because you need to breathe, and when you do, your chest is heaving and you’re a little dazed. Natasha coos and reaches up to cup your cheek, rubbing her thumb against your soft skin. “Do you need a little break, sweetheart, hm? You look a bit flustered.” She teases before swiping her thumb across your bottom lip, and you grumble slightly, “I’m not–” 
Natasha pushes her thumb into your mouth and presses down on your tongue before you can finish, “ah, ah, don’t talk back to me, Y/N,” she scolds, and you whine quietly. You want to bite down on her thumb in retaliation for the use of your actual name, but you know that will only make things worse for you. Not that things are particularly bad right now, you’d probably take anything Natasha gave you, but you’d prefer her cooing over you and doting on you at the moment. 
Instead, you suck softly on her thumb and you know it’s the right decision when she hums in approval. It was almost too easy for the two of you to fall into this rhythm, like you were meant for each other. You both knew exactly what the other wanted and you’d do anything to please her while she’d do anything to keep you happy. Her other hand squeezes softly at your hip before it begins playing with the waistband of your jeans. “We’ve had a long day, huh? You did so well at the bake sale, you deserve a reward, don’t you?”
You nod, looking at her pleadingly and whining softly. Your clothes feel too warm and you want her to touch you, and she’s wearing too many clothes, and you want to touch her, but her thumb is in your mouth and you can’t just push her away. So, you opt for looking like a kicked puppy until she understands what you want. 
“What is it, hm?” Natasha pulls her thumb out of your mouth and you chase after it slightly until you realize that maybe she wants you to actually tell her and you open your mouth to speak. Your breath catches in your throat, though, when her other hand trails down and cups your clothed cunt. “Do you want me to touch you, is that it?”
“Tasha, please.” You whimper. You can barely feel anything through your jeans and it’s already driving you crazy. You just hope she’s not the type to tease. 
“Alright, alright, arms up.” Natasha chuckles and waits for you to follow her instruction before slipping your sweater off over your head. Her eyes darken as she takes in your bra clad chest and she greedily gropes at your breasts for a moment. “So pretty,” she mumbles, leaning in to kiss softly at your neck.
You moan softly and you clutch at her sweater. Natasha’s hands on you feel better than you ever could have imagined, and you’ve spent more time than you care to admit imagining this. She’s not too rough, but she’s not too soft either. She touches you with the perfect amount of force and it makes your head spin. 
Her hands trail down your chest and then your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake, before her fingertips dance across the waistband of your jeans. “You looked so cute today in your little fall outfit. Do you know how hard it was for me to keep my hands to myself?” Natasha pulls back, her skilled fingers now moving to unbutton your jeans. “You make things so hard for me, sweetheart. It’s like you’re trying to torture me.”
“I just like to look nice for you, Tasha. Is that wrong?”
“Up.” She taps your thigh, and you stand so that she can tug your jeans down for you to step out of. Normally, you’d be a lot more shy about undressing like this for the first time, but right now you just can’t seem to care. 
Natasha pulls you back down into her lap and then pulls you in for a kiss. Her hands find purchase on your hips and her tongue finds its way into your mouth, easily gaining dominance over you. You moan into her mouth as your fingers tangle in her hair again, trying to pull her impossibly closer. 
And then finally, after what seems like forever, she slips one hand inside your panties. The gasp you let out when her middle finger ghosts over your slit is like music to her ears, and she pulls away from the kiss so she can see your reactions properly. 
“No teasing, Tasha, please.” You whine, your hands dropping to her shoulders. “Shh, I’ll give you what you want, sweetheart.” She slowly begins rubbing circles against your clit and you’re all whimpers and whines as she does. 
She takes her time, using her other hand to tug the cups of your bra under your breasts so she can play with your nipples, pinching them and rolling them between her fingers all while keeping the same steady pace in slow circles around your clit. She basks in the noises she’s able to pull from you even with the lightest of touches. She considers taking you to her bedroom so she can fuck you properly, but she think she wants ot save that for another day. This will have to do for now. 
“Inside, please, Tasha.” You whimper pathetically, hands bunched up in her sweater as you try to be good like she wants you to. She takes pity on you when she pushes two fingers into your drooling hole. She curses under her breath, “God, you’re so wet, sweetheart. Is this all for me, huh?”
You nod, desperately wanting her to move her fingers. “All for you, Tasha.” You attempt to bounce up and down on her fingers, but her free hand moves down and holds you still. “Please, I can’t– mph!” You interrupt your own begging when Natasha begins thrusting her fingers in and out, the angle forcing the heel of her palm to press against your clit. You bite down on your bottom lip to stifle your moans, embarrassed about how loud you’re being already. 
“That’s it, baby.” Natasha breathes, taking in the sight in front of her with eager eyes, “You take my fingers so well, sweetheart.” She praises, curling her fingers inside of you. You reward her with a particularly high pitched moan and you just barely notice the pink tint of her cheeks. It seems she's enjoying this just as much as you are. Something about having you like this drives Natasha wild. Being able to hear your moans and see the expression on your face makes her almost lightheaded with desire. 
“Oh God, Natasha.” You moan loudly when she grinds the heel of her palm against your clit and presses against the sensitive spot inside you at the same time. Natasha coos, and it doesn’t take long with her fucking you like that for you to get close to the edge. “Tash– I’m gonna– Please–” You beg, pleading for something you’re not even sure of. 
“Shh, I’ve got you, sweetheart. Be a good girl for Daddy.”
Natasha’s words tip you over the edge with the help of her skilled fingers and she guides you through your orgasm, letting you ride it out before pulling out her fingers and bringing them up to her mouth. 
“Fuck, I don’t know if I’m done with you just yet. I might have to take you to bed instead of taking you to dinner.”
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mawlaeina · 2 months
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🍊 content: SAGAU! Childe x Reader extended?
✦ content w: none, it’s too plain to be fluff or anything else
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Ah, it’s that day again.
You never really celebrated your birthday that much—it’s just like any other day when you’ve thought about it.
Instead, you spend your time on other things. You clean the house, you do your chores, read a few pages of a book on your TBR pile, and similar stuff.
You do all those just so you can make yourself feel a little bit better when you log in on Genshin Impact, that way the guilt of not being productive doesn’t hit you as much as it does on most days—you think of it as saving yourself from getting a bad mood when you play the game on your birthday.
Now, when you log into the game, you immediately go through the mail since the devs were kind enough to reward players on their birthdays.
However, this time your mail does not only contain the gifts from the devs, but also a gift from… Childe?
You had to read the name and content twice, then thrice. You seemingly couldn’t believe it.
Five hundred thousand mora and his specialty dish—A Prize Catch.
That’s… Odd…
Usually, you’d only get these kind of mails during his birthday. Though you later shook your head and began to think that it probably came with one of the updates of the game. Maybe the devs added a new feature during the last update.
You claimed the rewards first before reading his letter.
Happy Birthday
Sender: Childe
Time/Date: [Your Birthday]
I have to admit, I’m not really talented when it comes to baking—which is something that I’ll work on and improve in the future with Tonia’s guidance.
Teucer and I made a mess in the kitchen earlier and my mother wasn’t quite happy about it—I apologized of course! She told me that cakes aren’t necessarily needed to be given during birthdays, so I decided to make my special dish instead—oh, and the reason I call it “A Prize Catch” is because Octopuses are hard to catch at the cold docks here in Snezhnaya. Luckily though, I managed to catch one for you!
Just giving you a single dish doesn’t seem to sit right with me for some reason, so I decided to put in some money so you could buy what you want on your birthday instead—in case you didn’t like my special dish. It’s not much but hopefully it’s enough, it’s my first time doing something like this for you but I’ll make sure you’ll receive a cake by your next birthday.
Also, I’m thankful for the letters that you write to me on my birthday. Cheers comrade!
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✦ because yes, I love him
✦ I’m a bit drunk as I wrote this
✦ 500k mora is just change to Pantalone, don’t worry
✦ a minor continuation to BIRTHDAYS | SAGAU! Childe, it was supposed to be longer but I ran out of plot to think
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123 notes · View notes
psychickiss · 1 year
i’m not too late
— saiki kusuo x reader (gn, 2nd pov)
— summary: You come over to Saiki’s house to give him a (kind of last minute) birthday gift, which ends with you two hanging out in his room.
— notes: nottt beta read also!! maybe ooc kusuo 😵 also also! dt @kusuokisser
— things: confessions... blah blah... romantic!! quite awkward
— masterlist | request form | retrospring
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Saiki’s mom calls out to her son, “Ku! Check who’s at the door for me, please?”
Saiki nods. He’s already heard the inner voice of whoever rung the doorbell to his home– he knows it’s you, and he knows why you’re there.
“Belated happy birthday, Saiki! Sorry I’m late, I didn’t know your birthday at first.”
Now, he needs a way out.
First, he accepts your gift. Maybe you’ll leave after he takes it. Of course, Saiki can’t just rudely shut the door on you– he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings get scolded by his mom. So, he engages in small talk. “It’s alright. You got the month right, at least. The only ones who greeted me correctly are Mera, Aiura and– to my surprise– Toritsuka.”
Confused, you ask, “And who... got the month wrong?”
“Everyone else. We partied in May. Is that all?”
Saiki tunes in to your thoughts, and he’s hopeful he’ll spend the rest of the day alone. Yes? No? I wanted to hang out, but maybe not? He clings onto that “maybe not” of yours.
Like any other person, you get curious. You ask him again, “No...? May? You guys partied in May?”
“It’s a long story,” he says. He’s hearing your (still) inquisitive thoughts. Saiki internally sighs. I need to get this over with, quick. There’s a show I want to watch that airs at 4:30 PM. It’s only 1 PM, but time is fast. He steps to the side, allowing you to walk past the gate. He doesn’t know why he’s letting you in. Saiki takes off his footwear before entering his house, and you do the same.
Saiki announces his presence to his mom, as well as yours. “Oh, dear! Are you here to celebrate Ku’s birthday? Have you eaten lunch already?”
You nod in response to both questions from Saiki’s mom. “Well, I’m not too sure about the celebration part... I figured I’d just give Saiki his gift, then leave–”
Saiki’s mom shakes her head. “No, stay! You obviously made the effort to come all the way here. Stay as long as you’d like.”
Good grief. Saiki forgot to take his mother’s friendly nature into account...
“Okay, I’ll stay.”
... As well as your politeness. Not to mention, the fact you’ve been looking for opportunities to be alone with him.
So, you and Saiki head up to his room.
You two aren’t the closest of friends. Sure, you’d go straight for him when you needed a partner for school and you two would sometimes walk home together, but you aren’t as close to him as Nendou and the others.
That doesn’t stop you from having feelings for Saiki, though. What started as a silly crush to help you pass the time in class developed into full-on fantasies of going on dates with him.
Usually, Saiki wouldn’t mind such things when it came to people like you– people who don’t act on their feelings– because that means he wouldn’t need to actively avoid you, but you confused him.
Saiki sometimes wanted nothing more than to ask you about your feelings for him, but that just felt uncharacteristic for him to do.
He wants you to act on your feelings– tell him how you feel. For what reason? He cannot put a pin on it. Not yet.
Saiki opens the door to his room, letting you enter first.
You sit on the foot of his bed and ask, “Did you have fun?”
Saiki sits on the chair in his room, which isn’t too far from you, before answering. “I don’t really celebrate my birthday in the way others would, but I splurged and bought lots of coffee jelly. My mother baked cake too.”
You give him a small smile. “So, is that a yes?”
Saiki nods.
Saiki didn’t really have much of a plan or intention to kick you out of his house. You didn’t talk his ear off as often as his other friends, so he figures you two can sit in his room alone in silence. He doesn’t hear you mentally complain, anyway. Most of your thoughts at that moment were in regards to the way his room looked.
Most of your thoughts.
I should ask about the show that’s going to air later this noon. Oh. My god. I can’t believe I’m alone with the guy I like, it’s the perfect time to confess!
Saiki hears your thoughts, yet he does not do anything about the confession part. He and you both know you’ve thought of confessing your feelings multiple times but chickened out everytime.
Hm. Saiki wonders if this time, you get the courage and finally tell him. He knows what he’ll say.
Your eyes dart nervously to Saiki, then at the TV right next to his bed, where you’re seated.
“Have you... Do you know about the show that’s airing later? 4:30?”
Saiki nods.
“Would you want to watch it together?” You take a deep breath after asking. Fortunately, he nods.
“Would you like something to drink? Or eat?” Saiki asks. If you’re staying, he might as well be a good host.
“Ah, just water. Maybe, uhm, coffee jelly– if you’re going to get some of your own.”
Saiki nods and he exits his room, leaving you alone.
You eye the gift you handed to Saiki. You had only gotten him a cardigan, unsure of any specific tastes of his, although the design was quite... un-Saiki; it wasn’t plain, but it wasn’t too much design. It just didn’t look like something he’d wear often, though you figured he could probably try out new things.
You just hope he likes it. To be safe, you had bought him a gift card to the store you got his gift from.
Saiki opens the door with a tray in his hands. Two cups of coffee jelly and one glass of water.
You make yourself comfortable on the floor of his room, Saiki sitting across from you and setting the tray down.
You take a sip of water before muttering, “Thank you.” Saiki gives a small nod before silently eating his coffee jelly.
He doesn’t really like being talked to while he’s eating, you think. You’re left to just look at Saiki with that expression he’s always wearing when he’s eating anything sweet. It’s cute.
You’re opting to confess, Saiki feels it. As unromantic as the scene seemed to be– two friends sitting on the floor without talking– he figures if he should be confessed to, it’d have to be nothing grand.
Plus, he knows what he’ll reply, anyway. He’s prepared his response since the first time you backed out of confessing to him.
You grab a plastic spoon and open your cup of coffee jelly. Before you take a bite of the sweet treat, you finally say the words.
“I like you.”
I know. I’m still chewing, hang on.
You quickly eat a spoonful of coffee jelly before Saiki could even respond. Say something, please?
You anxiously eat your coffee jelly, waiting for Saiki to finish eating his.
Finally, finally, Saiki replies.
“I don’t really know yet, but I might like you too.”
You feel as though a wave of relief washes over you. At least it’s not a rejection. Oh my god. “Really?”
Saiki nods. He doesn’t say anything else, and in shock, neither do you.
“Don’t ask me how I know this–”
Mentally, you interject, I probably won’t, but continue.
“–but I know you’ve liked me for a while now.”
You sigh in frustration. “I thought I was hiding it well...”
I can’t help that I have telepathy. Saiki discards that thought, instead saying, “No, you were pretty obvious.”
You laugh quietly. “God, I’m sorry! Glad that you might like me back. At least that being obvious wasn’t in vain.” You smile at Saiki. “Belated happy birthday, again. Next year, I’ll be sure to greet you on time.”
Saiki lets out an amused hum. “We’ll see.”
823 notes · View notes
tragedy-of-commons · 6 months
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childe x gn!reader | wc: ~1.6k
You catch your boyfriend setting up the cake.
tags/warnings: bday fun, modern & college au, based off of the American College Experience™ sorry, tooth-rotting fluff, teucer is a national treasure, comedy, possibly ooc, reader has hair
notes: for @staarri's 100 followers & bday event <3 trying to write childe was a nightmare but the wheel of doom has spoken. chosen prompt "cruel summer" :)
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It has been one hell of a day.
Pop quizzes in two of your classes (that you are now tanking), getting heckled by that same group of protesters, slamming head-first into a glass panel like a pigeon, and then getting splashed by a puddle via a speeding car. 
To give credit where credit is due, you’ve suffered through every incident with class and poise. Despite how you drip with murky street water, the saving grace that is the promise of your warm bed keeps you from inventing new profanities and falling to your knees in the student parking lot.
It’s almost over with, it’s almost over with—
The splintered door of your dorm unit has never looked more welcoming. When your keycard is approved with a click, you heave the barrier between you and uninterrupted sleep wide open. However, what you don’t expect is the little spectacle unfolding in your kitchenette.
Who you belatedly realize is your lovely boyfriend is sticking candles into something - it being quickly shielded from your view as he reacts to your arrival.
“You just had to be early,” he grins, revealing those pearly whites, “Maybe I’ll start calling you ‘Killjoy’.”
“Ajax?” He’s here? Today? But he said— He must notice your sorry state, but he’s wise enough not to mention it. “You really think I’d miss celebrating your birthday in person? Seriously, what kind of partner would I be, just sending you a text? Babe, you gotta start setting some higher standards.”
“Rotten liar,” you mumble, growing smile threatening to split your face in two. 
A small flash of copper peeks around the bedroom-adjoining hallway, hyper. Teucer rushes up in front of his brother, the latter ruffling his hair. “Hey, you’re not supposed to be here yet!”
You snort, wondering if anyone else is planning to jump out of the shadows. “My sincerest apologies. I could always leave—”
“No need,” Ajax dismisses the notion with a cavalier wave. “I think we’re all ready, huh Teuce?”
He huffs in agreement, beaming up at you like you hung the moon. “One second!”
Teucer scampers off faster than you can blink, making you bellow a laugh. His energy knows no bounds, necessitating many hours of entertaining his whims. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Happy birthday,” Ajax says softly; wistfully.
You stalk over to him, embracing your boyfriend like he might disappear into thin air without a moment’s notice. “If you broke in, I will be calling campus security.” “You’d never turn me in! Also, we just so happen to still be on the guest card from last week.” You part from his warmth so you can kiss him. He tastes of sugar, the bastard.
“Buttercream?” you place, peering over his shoulder. The sight of a round cake on the counter confirms your suspicions, and your heart swells. He would’ve had to bake and decorate it somewhere else, given that ovens are a luxury you do not possess in college hell. You picture him in his too-nice apartment, piping frosting in the familiar loops of your name. “Yes!” Teucer rushes back in (you note that he’s hiding his hands behind his back), while Ajax pokes your nose. “Big brother spent soooo long on it!”
You snicker deviously. “Really?”
“No reason to lie,” your boyfriend pouts, “Though I’m a bit hurt that you’re both trying to embarrass me, after I went to all this trouble..”
Teucer sticks his tongue out in disgust whenever you console Ajax with another kiss, likely wanting you both to hurry up your gross couple stuff so he can show you his gift. It’s presented to you ceremoniously, and you honor the splendor by pretending not to know that it’s definitely one of his toys. 
Your acting is award-winning, perfectly ignoring the obvious ridges and appendages of a Transformer. After tearing open the paper, you’re told that his name is Mr. Cyclops and you have to take good care of him - your sworn oath.
(Of course, Mr. Cyclops will mysteriously end up back in Teucer’s bedroom if you can count on your partner in crime to help you out. You and Ajax share a Look that hints at conspiracy.)
Speaking of your boyfriend, you don’t think he is governed by even one modicum of shame. During the Happy Birthday song, he performs with his whole chest, much to your chagrin. You think that Ajax lives the most for other people; even if it shines brightest whenever he teases and flusters. His camaraderie is most genuine when he’s this comfortable - when he knows that the present moment is all he needs to focus on. 
When did he start letting his guard down? You find yourself unable to recall among past memories of trudging to the local diner at ungodly hours, cramming for finals at the library, and responsibly talking him down from any antics that would surely get him in trouble.
(Maybe it was when you first held an ice pack over his eye, swollen shut from a punch he shouldn’t have taken just for the thrill of it. Your admonishment must have been jarring, because without any teasing remarks whatsoever, he promised that he’d dial it down. You remember lacing your fingers with his - and promptly threatening to “embalm him with jet fuel” if he ever got hurt again.)
Now your relationship has progressed to the point where spending your first birthday together feels natural. It feels so natural that shitty paper plates stacked high with slices of cake is enough to make you forget that you look like that one damp owl picture. Ajax, as per his boyfriend duties, has to remind you, of course.
“Bad day, huh?” 
You rest your chin on your fist, elbow supported by the armrest of your (comically small) couch. In retrospect, the fleeting illusion of a living room probably wasn’t worth it. Squished into a corner by a dozing Teucer and an awake Ajax, you yawn. “The worst, actually.”
“Well, we can’t be having that,” he tips your chin up to meet azure hues, “Maybe my gift will make you feel better.”
You blink. “Gift? You don’t have to, you know. The little guy’s was plenty enough for me.” 
Ajax spares a fond glance at his little brother, whose head is resting in his lap, legs thrown over the opposite armrest. “Nonsense! If you’re worried about me having bought out a whole store—”
“Don’t tell me you—”
“—Then you have nothing to fret over, Killjoy,” he laughs. “It’s pretty small.”
You don’t suppress the smile that breaks out on your face. “Okay, I’ll bite.”
“Hopefully not too hard.” He’s so annoying. You want to kiss him stupid.
From what you assume is from his back pocket, he removes a black silk pouch before dropping it into your awaiting hand. He was right about it being small, that’s for sure. Toying with the material of it for a moment, you pull open the bag delicately. Ajax tenses. “So.. whaddya think?”
Inside is a brass key that fits into your palm nicely. Of course you’ll love anything he gives you, but you’re unsure of what this could mean. Is it symbolic? Literal? You thumb over the grooves, unsure of what they could possibly unlock. Your head swims with a fuzzy feeling that you don’t entirely hate.
“What’s it to?”
“Our place.”
It’s perfect. You turn the object this way and that way, swallowing. “Giving me my own copy? You realize that you’re gonna be stuck with me crashing at yours way more often, right?”
Your boyfriend wraps a sturdy arm around your shoulder. “It’s not there for you to crash, it’s there for you to stay. I want you to move in with me.”
The following awed silence from you is clearly taken as something else, because Ajax backpedals in that flippant way that belies the panic he’s actually feeling. You need to tell him that it’s okay; that it’s more than okay.
“Of course you can say no, but the rest of your birthday plans kinda hinge on the possibility that you’ll make me the happiest man in the world and say yes,” he amends.
You pay no heed to his theatrics, because all you really need is him. Gross. “Duh, idiot. As much as it kills me to say this, I’d want nothing more.” Ajax glows. “Because you’re head over heels in love with me?”
“No, because I won’t have to drag my ass to the laundromat anymore.”
The offended sound he lets out is muffled with your mouth against his once more, and the tears that roll down your cheeks are obviously not because you’re ecstatic to be so involved in his life. What a preposterous idea.
His hands cradle your face, a little awkward because of the position, but he’s so warm. 
“Killjoy, I have something to confess,” he breathes, pulling back enough so you can see the faint constellation of freckles dotting his features. “You need to start packing immediately, or else the flowers will wilt before you’re able to see them.”
You sigh, happy-sniffling. “Flowers? Is a bouquet perhaps part of these ‘birthday plans’?”
Ajax dries one of his hands stained with your tears off onto his shirt before raking it through Teucer’s curls affectionately. He stirs but does not wake. “Try thirty!”
“Ajax..” The horror in your tone barely disguises the admiration.
“I love you too, Killjoy.”
That night, when you’re both alone in his apartment, tangled in each other’s arms, your overnight bag on the floor - you tell him the same. The few tears he sheds into your hair are also definitely not because you’re finally comfortable enough to say it back. Ridiculous.
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taglist: @hanyi-writes, @karagatan02, @bfajax, @aphrodict, @nomazee
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ioniansunsets · 9 months
heartsteel christmas dinner 👉👈 who brings what? i can picture Sett staying in the kitchen to prepare ham/turkey 🥰🥰
✖ Heartsteel Celebrating Christmas with You ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.1k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: You host a Xmas party with your partner uwu (posting this early so maybe if you guys like this I’ll write another quick one for the afterparty and gift opening?)
Sett was the best person to celebrate with. Mama taught him well, he was there early in the morning, hells, he stayed over the night before. Up before the sun even rose, the two of you spent time lovingly together in the kitchen. Waking up early with Sett kissing the tip of your nose and carrying you to the toilet to freshen up. Trying to keep you awake as he holds your hand and leads you to the kitchen right after. Cooking up a mad delicious Christmas dinner, baking cookies and frosting them together, laughing as he held you close, face nuzzling into the crook of your neck, giggling together as frosting gets on his nose and his ears twitch in frustration. It was cold out, but with the oven heated up, his arms around your body and the two of you in sweaters Sett’s mom knitted. Maybe winter was even warmer than summer sometimes.
Kayn was a surprisingly thoughtful guy. He knows he can’t cook, he knows he can’t do any cute little handicrafts, he knows his limits. So he does what he does best, help out however he can. Sneaking into stores and buy whatever things you need last minute. Almost a challenge to him finding somewhere selling Christmas Cake and Turkey the day of and somehow still making it to the party early. Staying by your side and trying his best to do exactly as he’s told, you need dishes washed? Its your Christmas gift today, he’s on it. You need someone to decorate the tree? Easy, Rhaast is a surprisingly good at hanging ornaments on trees. You need motivation? Kayn has it covered. A cheeky smile, a soft kiss, loving words of support. He is there. (Hide the presents though, the one thing he doesn’t have is too much self control, Rhaast wants to know, Rhaast has to know, Rhaast found his gift hidden in the locked closet-)
K'Sante straight up tells you to take it easy today. He has friends and connections. You two have a private reservation to the best dinner spot at the roof of an expensive hotel. Sure having a Christmas party at home is sweet and humble but you’re his precious lover! And there was other opportunities to enjoy a warm homely holiday dinner together after you two get married. He was making sure you enjoyed all the glitz and glamor now, friends and family around the two of you, soft music playing in the background as the hotel staff handle all the food and drinks. He holds you close as the two of you overlook the city, lights sparkling both in the stars of the sky and across the ground as the lights in buildings, it was a sight to behold only emphasized by the soft kisses on the back of your neck and the warm hand wrapped around you.
Ezreal was known for holding the wildest of parties, everyone he knows was invited. So nothing was new when he said he would plan things, you just needed to show up and love him. It was a trademark Ezreal party alright. The largest and brightest tree you’ve ever seen set up by the fireplace, a potluck filled with all sorts of dishes from all his friends, decorations strewn across the room and gifts piled up so high in a corner it was almost its own tree, music so loud you heard it before you even stepped in. And when you did step in, eyes meeting his, he immediately blinks to your side, throwing himself at you in the tightest hug he’s given you in a while. A bright smile and a sparkle in his eyes before his lips meet yours, still almost embarrassing to be loved so brightly in front of everyone but at the same time so endearing to know how much he loves you to show you off like this. As everyone else talks loudly all around you, Ezreal sits by your side, one hand firmly clasped in yours under the table as he eats with the other.
Yone was more of a, “ I just want to spend time alone with you this weekend.” kind of guy. Something sweet and different about going out with him on a Christmas date, laughing together as you two go to ice skate (he tries and is graceful most of the time but when he trips and stumbles it is so cute), hands in yours as you two walk around in the evening, enjoying the lights as other sickly sweet couples walk past you. As the night comes and the air gets colder, he would hold you close, wrapping a scarf around you, hands wrapped around yours as he drives you to a dinner reservation in the heart of the city. Nothing too expensive but nothing to cheap either, it was a nice restaurant that he has brought you many times before, just that tonight there was a Christmas special menu, cute decor seen throughout the establishment as you two walk in. There was really just something nice about spending the whole day alone with each other for company. Maybe he was just old or sentimental, but he wouldn’t trade all this for anything.
Aphelios wants to be alone with you but at the same time, he loves his sister and band. So as a compromise, you two celebrate with Heartsteel at night but spend the morning in each others arms as he stays over the night before. Cold weather meant that snuggling up together as you wake up late, soft smiles and softer kisses in the warmth of the bed. Lazy mornings as Aphelios slowly gets up to get the two of you breakfast. With hot chocolate in one hand and some cute pastries in the other, soft music playing in the background, and your partner laying lovingly on your shoulder, this was truly the epitome of winter romance. Getting dressed together, adjusting each other’s hair and outfits, excitedly walking out of your place back to Heartsteel dorms to spend time with his family (both blood and non-blood related). Sure it was noisy with the other boys around, but when you two quietly sit on the couch, Aphelios could secretly admire you as your eyes light up, talking and interacting with everyone important to him. There was a soft of comforting silence enveloping his daydreams around you.
270 notes · View notes
wongyuseokie · 1 year
Bake a Wish | c.s.c
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Summary: Seungcheol knows it’s silly. Getting this mad that you forget his birthday, but it only happens once a year. He’s too prideful to let it go so quickly, and you’re too determined to continue letting your boyfriend sulk. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕ smut |  ♥ completed works
Word Count:  3651 words
Pairings: Choi Seungcheol x Female Reader 
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, Smut & Angst, Idol! AU, but like it’s not that important. It just sets the tone, I guess? Like why he stays in a dorm etc. 
Content Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst 
Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex (don’t do this irl), daddy kink, only for a few seconds tho, oral sex (f receiving), pussy fingering, overstimulation, cum licking (off fingers), ear biting (nibbling, it’s sexy), squirting. Nicknames, kitten because, at this point, it’s my favourite nickname to use. 
Authors Note: Thank you so much @here4kpopfics, @lovelyhan, @seokgyuu @sluttywoozi and @seungkwansphd, for hearing me go on and about this fic and helping me out 💕also tagging my lovely @duhnova because I know you yell about Cheol a lot 😗😗
Authors Note 2: Happy Birthday Cheol!! 🥳 here's a smutty little sorta plot-filled smut fic 💕💕 I posted it at 12 (Korea time) woo hoo.
© wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
No response. 
“Baby, I know I forgot. Work was just crazy and everything. I won’t make excuses. Please don’t be mad,” you pleaded, and your boyfriend sighed. 
“I’m not mad. You were the one who wanted to do something, so for you to forget,” Seungcheol trailed off, sighing as he ran his hand through his hair. 
“Forget it. I’m a grown man. I shouldn’t sulk over a birthday,” Seunghcheol said, defeated, as he started to get up from the couch. 
“Cheol, I just lost track of the days and forgot. I’m so sorry,” you apologised, getting up and going after him. 
“See, that’s what bothers me. You forgot. I’ve had friends forget, family forget, but you? I guess that puts things into perspective for me. I don’t know, maybe it’s my fault for putting you, my girlfriend, on a higher pedestal, but I thought you would remember,” Seungcheol spoke, each word breaking your heart even more. 
“I can make it up to you. Why don’t we do something this weekend?” You offered hurriedly, and Seungcheol shook his head. 
“I have plans with the guys and can’t back out. They initially wanted to celebrate on my actual birthday, but I told them that tonight, well, it would have just been for us,” Seungcheol explained with a sad smile. 
“But,” Seungcheol said, breaking the tension slightly. “You said there’d be an amazing chocolate cake waiting for me at home?” Seungcheol asked hopefully, only for it to shatter the second he saw your face fall. 
“Ah, right, you forgot,” Seungcheol deduced and shook his head. 
“Look, we can order something and get a bottle of wine, and I can spend all night showing you how sorry I am?” You offered, placing a hand on Seungcheol’s shoulder, making him look at you. 
“Sex isn’t going to fix this,” Seungcheol mumbled. 
“There’s nothing to fix. I just need to stop making birthdays such a big deal,” Seungcheol added, and you shook your head at his words. 
“No, Cheol,” you started to say, and he held up a hand to stop you.
“Look, you’ll say something, and then I’ll say something, and it’ll snowball. I don’t want to risk an argument, not on my birthday or with you,” Seungcheol said. He was tired, and he wanted to sleep. 
“Okay, yeah, you’re right. What if I draw you up a nice bubble bath, and we can just sleep? You can even hog all the blankets,” you added with a hopeful smile. 
“Actually. I was planning to sleep at the dorms tonight,” Seungcheol admitted. 
“Oh, but Cheol, since we’ve been together, we always spend birthdays together,” you protested, and Seungcheol shrugged. 
“Well, I guess tonight’s just full of firsts?” Seungcheol muttered. 
“I don’t want to lose you over this,” you admitted, and Seungcheol smiled softly at you. 
“You won’t, not over this. It’s not a fight. I’m just upset and want some space, but I don’t want to get into anything tonight because I know it’ll end in a fight, and I don’t want that,” Seungcheol clarified. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, and he shrugged. 
“We’ll be okay. I just need some space,” Seungcheol added, and you nodded. 
You had messed up so badly, and usually, when either of you messed up this bad, you’d argue and be fine in a few hours, but tonight was different. You hurt your boyfriend so badly that he was beyond the point of being angry, he was disappointed, and he felt defeated. 
“When can I see you?” You asked impatiently, and Seungcheol shrugged. 
“Let me be the one to reach out?” Seungcheol suggested, and you nodded slowly as you watched your heartbroken boyfriend put on his dress shoes and coat, things you told him to wear because you made a reservation at the best restaurant in town. Seungcheol got dressed up and excited for tonight, only for you to stand him up at the restaurant and forget his birthday together. 
As you watched your boyfriend dejectedly leave your apartment tonight, you had a plan, and you were determined. You’d do everything possible to ensure he never felt this shitty again and to redo tonight. No matter what, he’d still have a fantastic birthday this year. 
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“Oof, she forgot?” Jeonghan asked Seungcheol when he saw his friend sulking about the dorm that evening. 
“Yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t care,” Seungcheol started to say, earning a scoff from Jeonghan. 
“You are the sulkiest in general, but more so about your birthday, but continue,” Jeonghan interrupted. 
“Anyways,” Seungcheol said with a glare. 
“She planned everything, told me to get ready and clear my schedule, and she doesn’t show up? Then she told me a cake was at home, which she had forgotten. I don’t know, and it felt like she forgot everything,” Seungcheol mumbled, pouting. 
“Here,” Jeonghan said as he handed Seungcheol a black box with a bow. 
“Jeonghan, I’m taken,” Seungcheol joked, making Jeonghan roll his eyes. 
“Shut up. It's a little something for your birthday, it won’t compare to what Y/N got you, but I hope you like it,” Jeonghan added, and Seungcheol’s face fell. 
“She forgot to get me a present,” Seungcheol muttered. 
“Maybe something else is going on in her life? Something that requires her full attention, and she just got overwhelmed?” Jeonghan offered. 
“But she didn’t tell me?” Seungcheol questioned. 
“You’re a busy man, and I’m sure it’s nothing she can’t handle and didn’t want to bother you,” Jeonghan suggested. 
“She’s my girlfriend. She couldn’t ever bother me,” Seungcheol said softly, and Jeonghan patted Seungcheol’s shoulder to comfort the sulking man. 
“We’re still on for tomorrow. We’re planning to go out and get shit-faced. You can invite Y/N if you want,” Jeonghan suggested. 
“No, I think space would do us good,” Seungcheol responded, and Jeonghan hesitated and decided not to respond. He knew that Seungcheol needed his time to be petty, and he just had to let him be angry. 
“Alright, well, do you want any of us to keep you company tonight?” Jeonghan asked, and Seungcheol shook his head. 
“Nah, I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”
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You were tossing and turning in bed that night. Even when Seungcheol was on tour, you would always text each other good night. You hadn’t tonight; you wanted to give him his space, but you were worried that more space would result in more distance between you two, and that couldn’t happen. 
Worried, you grabbed your phone from your bedside table and called instead of texting. You couldn’t help it. You knew you weren’t being fair, he asked for space, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
Seungcheol picked up after four rings, and his sleepy voice immediately made you feel terrible for waking him up.
“Baby?” Seungcheol spoke sleepily, and you felt your heart swell and ache because of one word. You hurt him so badly, yet he was calling you baby here. 
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” you mumbled. 
“It’s okay. Did you need something?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I just wanted to say goodnight,” you admitted sheepishly, and Seungcheol sighed. 
“You couldn’t text it?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I’m sorry, I messed up. I shouldn’t have woken you up,” you apologised. 
“Well, you did wake me up, so why don’t you tell me what’s up?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I miss you,” you hated how pathetic you sounded. It was his birthday that you missed, and here you were being miserable, and he shouldn’t have to deal with it. You heard Seungcheol sigh softly. 
“I miss you too. Do you need me to come over, or will you be okay tonight?” Seungcheol asked and smiled sadly, even though you knew he couldn't see you. 
“No, I shouldn’t. You said you wanted space. I should give it to you,” you mumbled, and Seungcheol groaned softly. 
“So you just woke me up for no reason?” Seungcheol quipped. 
“Cheol,” you started to say, only to be interrupted. 
“I need sleep. The guys planned something for my birthday, so I want to be rested and fresh tomorrow,” Seungcheol remarked sassily, and you frowned even though he couldn’t see. 
Seungcheol felt terrible for being so snippy, but he was just tired and wanted space and sleep. 
“Goodnight, Cheol. I love you,” you mumbled into the call. You heard Seungcheol take a breath and then hum into the call before hanging up. 
Seungcheol knew it was a dick move on his part not to say I love you, he knew that it would mess with you and make you overthink, but he couldn’t take it back. He could only hope that you understood that it occurred due to a moment of frustration. 
You tried your hardest not to cry your eyes out after the phone call, Seungcheol sounded so defeated and tired, but you were determined not to wallow and make it about you. You would make up for all this, and it’d be okay. 
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“Cheol, you ready?” Jeonghan asked later that morning as Seungcheol was checking his phone. You hadn’t texted or called, he understood that he asked for space, but he selfishly hoped for none. 
“Dude, no, no phones today. No wallowing,” Jeonghan scolded lightly as he took Seungcheol’s phone out of his hand. 
“What if she calls?” Seungcheol whined. 
“Then I’ll tell her that you’re happily celebrating and you don’t wish to be disturbed,” Jeonghan teased, earning a scowl from Seungcheol. 
“You will say no such thing to her. You will not upset her further,” Seungcheol warned, and Jeonghan sighed. 
“I wouldn’t. Just for 24 hours, can you forget this argument and have fun? We don’t like seeing you upset,” Jeonghan pleaded, his voice softer, and Seungcheol nodded. 
“Yeah. I can. Let's get drunk?” Seungcheol suggested with a weak smile, and Jeonghan nodded excitedly. 
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You weren’t sure what exactly you were doing here. You weren’t even meant to know where Seungcheol’s birthday plans were, but Soonyoung couldn’t keep anything to himself and posted videos and pictures of Seungcheol’s celebration. Your heart thought quicker than your brain, and you were now in the restaurant's car park where Seungcheol was celebrating his birthday. 
You knew it was clingy and overbearing, and everything you were doing right now went against Seungcheol asking for space, but you couldn’t help it. The guilt was eating you alive, and you hated being the reason that Seungcheol was upset. 
You figured that if you showed up with a big cake and showed that you went through the trouble of getting the cake and finding out where he was, then he’d forgive you. Or at least stop sulking at you, and hear you out. 
You checked your phone one more time before getting out of the car, and you wished you hadn’t opened up Soonyoung’s Instagram story on his private account, and what you saw made your heart hurt and eyes water. Seungcheol was hanging around other girls, posing and hugging one of them. 
You knew Seungcheol was loyal, he’d never cheat, but it still hurt, watching him spend his birthday with other girls, and while you know you were at fault for this since you forgot his birthday. It almost felt like he was just rubbing it in your face. 
You heard a muffled voice and saw Seungcheol tapping on your car window. You turned to face him, smiling at him, your vision blurring vision as you smiled at him through your tears. You unlocked the door and motioned for him to get in. 
“Why are you here?” Seungcheol asked, and you frowned at his question, hoping he’d be happy to see you. Seungcheol noticed how your face fell, and he noticed your teary eyes, but he didn’t want to comment on it, at least not yet. 
“I just, uh,” you fumbled, looking away from him and at the backseat. 
“I wanted to give you that,” you mumbled, pointing to the cake in the backseat. 
“Is this the cake you promised?” Seungcheol asked hopefully with a smile. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” you apologised, as you kept your stare on the cake box in the backseat. 
“I think you’ve apologised enough,” Seungcheol said softly as he took your hand, making you look at him. 
“I’m sorry if I sounded rude earlier, but I’m genuinely wondering why you’re here, but I’m not upset to see you,” Seungcheol explained. 
“I wanted to bring the cake as a surprise. I know you said to give you space and that you’d reach out, but I guess I can’t, not when I know I upset you,” you rambled. 
“So why didn’t you come? You just started crying in the car?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I cried because of Soonyoung’s Instagram story,” you mumbled, feeling ashamed that all it got was a temporary wave of insecurity to make you cry, despite knowing how loyal Seungcheol was. 
“What was on it?” Seungcheol asked, and you meekly pulled out your phone and showed Seungcheol the story. 
“Wait, so you thought I was cheating?” Seungcheol accused, and you shook your head. 
“No, of course not. Seeing my boyfriend hugging another woman and celebrating his birthday with other girls does suck,” you spat. 
“Do you want this to be something we fight about?” Seungcheol asked, and you shook your head. 
“No, I don’t. I know you wouldn’t. I just was being silly,” you mumbled. 
“Your feelings are valid, don’t dismiss it, but I know that’s not what upset you,” Seungcheol said, holding your hand tighter, interlacing his fingers with yours. 
“I just wanted to be the one you celebrated your birthday with, Cheol, and I guess seeing you celebrate with other girls made an ugly green monster awaken in me,” you admitted. 
“That’s fair, but I promised the guys I would celebrate my birthday with them,” Seungcheol said. 
“What about tomorrow?” Seungcheol offered. 
“I’ll be done at the studio around 8. We can meet for dinner. It’ll have to be quick because I have a meeting at 10:30.” 
“You’re only free for like 2 hours?” You asked. 
“I was free for longer on my actual birthday,” Seungcheol retorted, making you frown. 
“Okay, 2 hours. I’ll make it the best 2 hours possible, okay?” You said, leaning over to place on Seungcheol’s cheek. 
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Choi “Husband” Seungcheol [9:00 am]: Morning love, I’m heading to the studio now. I’ll give you a ring once I leave. Looking forward to seeing you tonight. 🥰🥰
You grinned as you saw Seungcheol’s message the following morning and smiled as you typed out a response. 
You [9:01 am]: See you later, handsome 🥰
You put your phone away. You had a lot to prepare tonight, you were a couple of days late, but you were determined to make this the best birthday ever. 
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“Ow!” Seungcheol yelped when he felt another balled-up piece of paper hit his head. He wasn’t entirely sure why Jeonghan kept throwing scraps of paper at his head. 
“What is your problem?” Seungcheol asked. 
“We’ve been trying to get your attention for. I don’t know, ten minutes?” Jeonghan responded. 
“I’ve just been distracted.”
“Yeah, no shit, can you just go and make it up with Y/N? You look like a sad husky,” Jeonghan muttered. 
“Husky because I’m so handsome?” Seungcheol asked with a grin. 
“No, husky, because you sulk and whine as much,” Jeonghan sassed, making Seungcheol glare at him. 
“Look, she forgot, yes, but shit happens. Do you want to whine and let this cause a problem in your relationship? No, you don’t. What about when you forgot she was allergic to lilies and got her a bouquet?” Jeonghan asked. 
“Oh god, my baby was sneezing all night long,” Seungcheol groaned, recalling the night he accidentally gave you flowers you were allergic to. 
“Exactly, look, she didn’t mean it, and I bet she’s overthinking and overplanning just to make things right, and more importantly, just because she forgot your birthday does not mean she doesn’t love you,” Jeonghan added. 
“I overreacted, didn’t I?” Seungcheol asked. 
“No, not that night, but dragging it out? That might be unnecessary,” Jeonghan clarified. 
“I’ll apologise tonight. I’ll see her tonight,” Seungcheol said, determined. 
“No, go now. We can pick this up tomorrow,” Jeonghan insisted. 
“Yes, and Cheol?” 
“Use protection!” 
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“Baby?” Seungcheol called out as he entered your apartment. As soon as he entered your apartment, he was greeted with the aroma of baked goods and saw the apartment decorated with balloons, candles and confetti. 
“Cheol?“ You exclaimed as you wandered out of the kitchen. 
“Baby!” Suengcheol greeted you as he ran to embrace you, and you giggled as he pulled you into a tight embrace. 
“You’re home so early. I’m not done preparing,” you whined. 
“I don’t care. I’ve been a big baby. What matters is that you love me, and I love you, not some birthday,” Seungcheol declared, making you giggle. 
“I love you, but Cheol, but the dinner won’t be ready for another couple of hours,” you whined. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry for being such a baby,” Seungcheol apologised. 
“I’m sorry for forgetting,” you added. 
“We’re a pretty sorry couple, aren’t we?” Seungcheol joked, making you smile. 
“Come,” you said, pulling away from Seungcheol’s embrace slightly to take his hand in yours. 
“Bedroom, since dinner won’t be ready for some time, I figured I’ll give you one of your presents a little earlier,” you said with a teasing grin. 
“Lead the way, kitten.“ 
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“Cheol!” You giggled as Seungcheol hoisted you up, causing you to wrap around his waist. Seungcheol wasted no time the second the bedroom door closed and pulled you into a passionate kiss, deepening the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth, making you moan as he started sucking on your bottom lip; his plush lips always worked wonders no matter what part of your body they were on.
“Can you strip for me, baby?” Seungcheol asked as he placed you down on the bed, and you nodded as you quickly peeled off your clothes and laid back on the bed, hissing softly as the cool sheets touched your naked form. 
“Baby, it’s meant to be about you,” you whined, making Seungcheol grin. 
“I’m meant to give you the present,” you mumbled. 
“You naked and dripping for me is enough of a present,” Seungcheol said, making you let out a soft moan.  “Then I’m all yours, Daddy,” you added.  
“No, Daddy, tonight, baby. Just Cheol, okay?” Seungcheol said as he climbed onto the bed and pulled you into his lap. 
“I’m sorry for being a big sulky baby, and while sex isn't the answer, it can’t hurt, but I promise I will, and I-” Seungcheol tried to apologise, and you shut him up with a kiss. 
“Cheol, please. Just fuck me,” you begged, rubbing your exposed cunt on his jeans, the friction making you moan. 
“Gladly,” Seungcheol complied, standing up to quickly rid himself of his clothing and positioning himself at your wet cunt.
He started by placing kisses along your calves and up to your thighs, never fully touching you. It felt different like he was going to take his time. He gently parted your legs, giving him access to your glistening cunt, placing your legs onto his toned back and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
Seungcheol placed soft kisses along your folds, his lips gently enveloping your clit. You let out a sigh of approval, tangling your fingers in his hair. He knew your body well, and his lips were a god's gift to your cunt.
He started sucking on your clit, while his tongue jutted out and started flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves. The grip you had in his hair tightened while he removed one arm from your waist and slipped two fingers inside you. Never once did he remove his lips from your clit as he kept fingering you at such a delicious speed. He was thorough yet delicate with his movements, he wanted you to feel complete and utter bliss. 
“Cheol, I’m close,” you moaned out, your words failing you as Seungcheol’s ministrations had you close to your first orgasm of the night. He said nothing. Instead just continued as you fell apart on his tongue, letting you ride your orgasm out against his face and fingers.
“Always so sweet for me, baby,” Seungcheol praised as he licked his fingers clean of your release. You moaned at the sight. You tried to get up in an attempt to take him into your mouth, but Seungcheol gently pushed you down. 
“Not tonight; I need to feel you,” he said softly.
Seungcheol laid down next to you, tilting you so that you were curled up into his chest. He pulled your leg to the side and pushed it back so that it wrapped around his muscular thighs, allowing him access to push inside you. He had one hand rubbing on your clit, and one on your nipple. He kept thrusting inside you, neither of his hands ceasing their actions. You moaned at the feeling. 
You suddenly stilled and fell apart around his cock. Seungcheol moaned and gently bit into your shoulder at the feeling of you clenching around him. He didn't stop; he continued pounding himself into you, picking up his pace as he was desperate to reach his release. He fell apart not long after he furiously rubbed at your clit, making you cum so hard that you shook violently against him. He gently pulled out of you, making you whimper at the empty feeling.
“It's been a while since I made you squirt,” Seungcheol said with a proud grin while you were still basking in the afterglow of your orgasm. 
“Hmm?” You moaned into his chest. 
“You squirted, baby, all over my cock,” he whispered, gently nibbling your ear, making you giggle as you into his toned chest. 
“Happy Birthday, my love.” 
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skrrts · 2 months
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heart art & rain (drabble)
✧ gn!reader x hongjoong ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, fluff, dating ✧ word count: 774
You surprise Hongjoong with a cake & chalk hearts to celebrate your first anniversary together.
a/n: another part of me practicing to write under 1k words. today's suggestion was "hj & anniversary fluff." hope you like it 💕
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As a child, your teachers would scold you for covering your school papers with little hearts and stars, but now as an adult, you looked proudly at the perfectly shaped twelve chalk hearts you had spent the last thirty minutes drawing. Each one symbolized a month you shared with Hongjoong since the two of you started dating — a big deal for you.
He didn’t know you were about to pick him up from his private lessons. Officially, the two of you planned to meet at the park to look the local cherry blossoms together and buy some snacks on the way. You checked the time again and pulled out the box with the little cake you baked with the help of your mom. It was decorated with hearts, a ‘happy first anniversary,’ and a squirrel made of marzipan.
When you sent Mingi a photo, he teased you that it looked more like a dog, but you were confident your boyfriend would know.
You inhaled deeply, trying to calm your racing heart because this was a little sappy, and you couldn’t change but feel embarrassed. It didn’t help that a woman came out first, giving you a frown before she walked off to her car.
A few minutes passed, and you stood there somewhat lost with your cake before finally, the guy who stole your heart stepped out.
“Surprise,” you called, holding the cake more forward.
Hongjoong stood there, confused for a moment, but as always, it quickly changed to excitement and surprise as he walked over to you.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at the park?” he chuckled, his eyes looking fondly at you before paying attention to the hearts on the street and your cake.
It wasn’t a secret that cooking wasn’t something you enjoyed; spending time baking was likely proof of your love.
“You are so cute, you know! I’d love to take a photo, but you will pout at me, won’t you?” Hongjoong teased, pressing a kiss on your cheek.
“Yes, because you will post it in your friend group chats, and that’s so embarrassing,” you mumbled a little.
“I just like to make them jealous; nothing wrong with bragging about how cute and amazing my significant other is.”
It was hard to resist him with that excited smile that never failed to get to you, and you carefully handed the cake to him.
“Mom helped me a little, no reason to brag there, but we went with your favorite flavors and all of that! I brought forks too; we can eat it under the cherry trees.”
Hongjoong, a born artist, carefully moved the cake in his hands, and you could feel how you got a little nervous, but after a moment he nodded.
“Let’s hope there won’t be any angry squirrels; they might be confused why I eat one of theirs. This looks quite like the one I met the other day there."
You chuckled and shook your head as you placed the cake back into the box and looked at him. “I am sure they would understand.”
Hongjoong rested his hand against your cheek. “I am sure they will. Maybe they are more jealous than scared. How many people get hearts and a cake for their first anniversary? Even more so since you are all mine, best gift ever..”
Now there was his teasing grin, and he pulled you closer.
“I loved this surprise, thank you, Y/N. In six months, it’s my turn. I promise I’ll make it something special.”
As you were about to kiss, drops of rain suddenly fell from the sky. They didn’t announce that change in the weather at all. So mean! Couldn’t it have waited just a few more hours?
You looked with disappointment as your hearts were washed away, but suddenly, an umbrella opened over your head, and Hongjoong smiled at you.
“Sounds like you finally get an excuse today to cling tightly to my arm while we go for a romantic walk — just the two of us, a little bit of rain, and cherry blossoms. We will definitely look better than all those people on the TV.”
“I love the sound of that,” you smiled and curled your arms around him, making sure your bag was tucked underneath the umbrella. Hongjoong kissed your lips for a moment before the two of you walked down the road leading to the park.
And while everyone was rushing, trying to escape the rain, the two of you took all the time in the world, in your little bubble where a little bit of rain was more enjoyable than annoying.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Make Me Feel Alive Episode 3
Gilbert von Obsidian's Birthday Story
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
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On Gilbert's birthday, there was an unusual tension hanging around the castle.
(Is his birthday really taboo?)
(No one talks about it, and no one's preparing a celebration.)
As I whisked the cream into the bowl, I couldn't help but think about it.
(I always thought it was normal to celebrate birthdays.)
(But I guess not for him.)
Gilbert: "Will you also celebrate my birthday at the risk of your life?"
Emma: "........"
Gilbert: "Even if it's you, I might still find it unpleasant."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(He really meant those words.)
(If my expectations are wrong, things could get really messy.)
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My heart raced so rapidly that it seemed like it might burst out at any moment. Even my hand holding the bowl was trembling.
(No, I need to be more confident.)
(I'm his fiancée, so I gotta keep it together.)
Taking a deep breath to dispel the anxiety and tension, I unconsciously resumed what I was doing.
Emma: "I wonder if he'll be happy."
???: "Mhm, it's really delicious."
Emma: "!?"
I turned around and saw Gilbert already devouring the sponge cake.
(What the hell? When did he get here!?)
Gilbert: "Come on, don't stop. If you don't keep your hands moving, I'm gonna eat everything."
Emma: “Wait, please don’t eat it!”
(The cake will be gone before it’s finished!)
Hastily taking the sponge cake from him, his refined face twisted into an unhappy expression.
Gilbert: “Do you really have to do that?”
Emma: “If I run out of sponge, I won’t be able to make the cake.”
Gilbert: “It was delicious as it is.”
Emma: “Even if it’s delicious, it won’t be enough!”
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Gilbert: “Ehh? I prefer quantity over quality.”
Emma: “I’ll bake a lot of cookies later, so can you please let this slide?”
Emma: “I really want to prioritize the quality of the cake. I want to make this birthday cake special.”
Gilbert: “Hmm. You’re really brave.”
He brought a chair over and sat down, looking up at me intensely.
Emma: “This is just my speculation, but I don’t think you don’t want your birthday to be celebrated.”
(Since he’s the one who told me about his birthday.)
Emma: “It’s just that you hated lies.”
Emma: “On a special and important day, you couldn’t tolerate it being tainted with corruption and deception.”
Emma: “I thought maybe that’s the case.”
(His mother and older brother were kind to him in the past.)
(Those two surely celebrated his birthday when he was young.)
(But that day will never come again.)
(The only people left around him were the corrupted aristocrats.)
Gilbert: "Fufu. As expected, you really love me."
Gilbert rested his hand on his chin and laughed briskly.
Well, he was right.
Gilbert: "Will you really celebrate my birthday wholeheartedly?"
Emma: "Of course."
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Gilbert: "I've killed many people before, and I might kill many more in the future."
Gilbert: "Would you still celebrate it and support me if I continue executing those who wish me a happy birthday?"
Emma: "........."
I felt like he was testing my determination.
(Birthday celebrations are a way to say thank you for being born.)
(It's also a day to hope that you will continue to live.)
Celebrating the birthday of a notorious villain who shook the entire continent is not something one can do half-heartedly, and those who celebrate might, in a way, bear a certain burden of guilt.
Emma: "Yes."
(Even though he might be an irredeemable villain, I want him to find redemption.)
(Despite his numbness to human feelings, I believe he has the most beautiful heart in the world.)
Emma: "Even if you've turned the whole world against you, I'll still celebrate."
Emma: "I'm already a pretty bad woman just by being here, so it's too late now."
Emma: "Please don't underestimate my feelings for you."
(It's his birthday, yet it's hard to even genuinely celebrate.)
(This is the price he has to pay for his position and for seizing control of the evil empire.)
(Celebrating a birthday with such determination to the point of risking one's life is a first for me.)
Gilbert: "Fufu, sorry. I might have teased you too much."
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He stood up from his chair and reached out to touch my eyes.
His cold fingertips scooped up a single drop of tears that even I hadn't noticed.
(I hate this. I didn't mean for it to be like this.)
(However, I can't help but wonder how many years he has suppressed his birthday to protect his memories from being tainted.)
I forcefully wiped my tears and peered into his red eyes.
He was smiling as usual, but I was surprised to see a noticeable wavering that made my heart ache.
(No, these tears aren't mine.)
(He's the one who really wants to cry.)
(I wonder what he has been thinking about every time his birthday comes around.)
(I'm sure he was lonely at first, but then he probably forgot how lonely he was and didn't feel anything anymore.)
(But now he remembered the loneliness. Is that why he told me about his birthday?)
With an overwhelming impulse, I reached for his cold cheek and lightly kissed it.
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Gilbert: "What is it?"
Emma: "I can't give you the cake right away, so here's an alternative gift."
Gilbert: "It's rather shabby for a present."
Emma: "Then, how about this?"
I placed the bowl on the table and wrapped my arms around his neck.
Then I kissed him deeper than before, and he bit me hard on the lip.
Thankfully, there was no blood, but the bitten spot throbbed as he licked it with his tongue.
With this, he took control, overpowering the initiative I had held.
His cold fingers pried open my lips and gently devoured my tongue.
Feeling weak, I leaned against the worktable, and he lifted the hem of the black dress he gave me, forcibly inserting his fingers into my inner thigh.
Emma: "Gil, it hurts."
Gilbert: "Yeah, I'm doing it on purpose."
Emma: "Why?"
Gilbert: "Because you don't like pain."
(You're really saying that?)
The pain quickly turned into another sensation as his fingers worked inside me.
It was like a mark of affection that Gilbert used to engrave on my body every night.
(That's why I can't hate it.)
Gilbert: "See, you're already enjoying it."
Gilbert: "By the way, this is the kitchen. Aren't you going to stop me?"
With a squelching sound, his cold fingers increased to two.
Just before my mind was about to go completely blank, he stopped, and I unconsciously let out a sigh.
Emma: "Just for today."
Emma: "No matter what you do, I'll endure it if that's what you want."
Gilbert: "Because it's my birthday?"
I nodded and wrapped my arms around his head, pulling him close to my chest.
Emma: "I won't lie to you."
Emma: "So until you feel at ease, feel free to continue as much as you want."
Emma: "I want you to know that I genuinely want to celebrate your birthday."
Emma: "I'll keep telling you until you believe it, no matter how much it hurts."
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Gilbert: ".........."
Gilbert: "What? So you already figured it out?"
(As expected, there's always a reason behind his threats.)
Emma: "You're probably much easier to understand than you think."
Gilbert: "I think those are words only someone who faces me head-on can say."
Gilbert: "It's really a pity to be liked by a troublesome man like me."
He suddenly laughed and bit my neck.
(Erasing all the suspicions built up over the years might be difficult, but if I can convey that he won't be lonely on his birthday, that alone would be enough.)
While enduring all the pain and pleasure he gave me, I somehow managed to finish the cake.
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After celebrating together, we naturally embraced each other's bodies.
After being thoroughly teased during the day, my body immediately welcomed Gilbert, and all that remained after we reached the climax was the sound of our heartbeats.
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Gilbert: "Fufu. Your heart is still pounding."
Emma: "I can hear the sound of your heartbeat too."
Wrapped in each other's arms with nothing between us, the sound of our heartbeats resonated.
(His heartbeat is proof that he's alive.)
(I want to feel this every time I celebrate his birthday.)
When I put my arms around his back, he slightly furrowed his eyebrows.
(There are scratches on his skin.)
Emma: "Sorry. It's probably because of me."
Gilbert: "It's fine. I like it when you hurt me."
Gilbert: "It would've been nice if you left not only scratches but bite marks as well."
His fingers traced along my arm, where the bite marks were.
(Not just the arms. I feel like I was bitten all over today.)
Emma: "It's difficult because I don't know how to control my strength like you do."
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Gilbert: "Then let's learn together. Shall we master it by my next birthday?"
Emma: "You'll celebrate with me again next year?"
Gilbert: "Who knows? Whether it will be the last or the first is up to you."
Gilbert: "If you love me a lot, I might change my mind."
Emma: "........"
Gilbert: "But your celebration this year wasn't unpleasant."
Gilbert: "Thank you."
Emma: “.........”
(I’m gonna tear up.)
(I might start crying again if I let my guard down.)
He smiled and gently stroked my hair. His expression was more readable than usual, possibly because the eye patch was off.
Emma: “Then, how about inviting Roderich and Walter to the party next time?”
Emma: “I’m sure both of them really want to celebrate your birthday.”
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Gilbert: “That’s not happening.”
(Not happening, huh?)
Gilbert: “I don’t need other people’s celebrations. As long as I have yours, that would be enough for me.”
Gilbert: “Because I only love you.”
Emma: “I’ll shower you with lots of love, so please let me celebrate next year, too.”
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Gilbert: “Fufu, got it. As long as you’re you, I’ll let you celebrate.”
Gilbert: “Continue loving this beast with your pure heart, okay?”
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Episode 1 ╎ Episode 2 ╎ His POV
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myeagleexpert · 6 months
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You know those important parts where you use the highlighter to highlight something important? So, my dear player, that's what we have here. Some interactions between the characters x yuu and the interactions between them that make me think a lot about the character they are!
Pt1: Heartslabul - Savanaclaw - Octavielle ( You're here!)
Pt2: Scarabia - Igynia - Pomefiore - Diasonia ( Loading...)
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Wₕₐₜ ₐᵣₑ yₒᵤ dₒᵢₙg ₕₑᵣₑ? ₜₕₑ Qᵤₑₑₙ wᵢₗₗ cᵤₜ ₒff yₒᵤᵣ ₕₑₐd!
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"Trey enthusiastically said he’s going to bake a strawberry tart for my birthday party. Make sure you come to eat some too. …Well, it not like it’s a Rule of the Queen of Hearts or anything"- Birtday Union
"Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday. …Eh? You’ve hidden my present somewhere in the Heartslabyul dormitory? I see now. The answer to the riddle on this card must reveal the location of the present. Heh, you’ve sure come up with something rather interesting. Well, since you’ve gone through the trouble of planning this for me, I suppose I’ll just have to play along."- Birtday Union
"You are as energetic as ever today, I see. No, this isn’t any sort of rebuke. I truly do hope to see you enjoying my birthday party to the fullest."- Birthday Union
((he deserves to have more light and fun moments, and eat lots of strawberry pies))
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"Don't worry, if you get lost, I'll come searching for you. I'm pretty used to looking after my siblings, so I'm sure I'll find you quickly."- Playfull Dress
"Thanks for celebrating my birthday. But I have to say, I wasn't expecting you to have my gift delivered to my dorm like that. You should have just handed it to me directly, since we were meeting up, anyway. Was I shocked? Well, yes... Ah, so it was supposed to be a surprise present! Haha, oh man. You're always finding ways to startle me."- Platinum Jacket
"Riddle’s got a pretty tight handle on everything, there’s not much for me to do as his Vice Dorm Leader. I’m basically just here as decoration." - Cerimonial Robes
"You want to take a picture of me? You’re the record keeper, so just do as you like. …It’s more nerve-wracking if you know you’re being watched, you know?"- Outdoor wear
"Oh, good timing. Help me carry these dishes. Of course, there’s some for you and grim too."- Outdoor Wear
"Hm, you want a scarf? Well... Oh, maybe if I ask Sam, he can lend you a spare one. Just wait a sec."- New Year Attire
"Do you have any plans for the winter this year? If not, what if you got a temp job at a cake shop...? Haha, I'm just kidding."- New Year Attire
((he's so big brother material, I love these little moments of him being so attentive))
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"Amusement parks are so rad~! Why don't we take a selfie together right here at the gate? Think of it as the first of many to remember today!"- Playfull Dress
"Oh hey, think you'd want any popcorn? If so, tell me your favorite flavor. Your boy Cay-kun'll get it for you."- Playfull Dress
"Thanks for coming to celebrate my birthday! I’m super stoked! You’re gonna give me whatever I want for my birthday? Well, if you say that… it might make me want to ask for something huge. I’m kidding, don’t worry! How about we go skateboarding together? We can do some sweet tricks and post some pictures online!"- Birthday Union
" “#Birthday #NRCUnionJacket #SpecialMadeForCay-kun” …You know I totally gotta brag about today’s special outfit!"- Birthday Union
" Why are you looking at me like that while petting the tsum? You’re making Cay-kun feel so conflicted~"- Tsum Event
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"Pfft, your hair is all over the place from all the wind. Sooo laaame… Eh, mine, too!?"- Playfull Dress
"The whole point of birthdays is definitely the presents. So what did you get your dearest friend Ace-kun, then?"- Birthday Bloom
"I’m good with not dating anyone yet. 'Sides, I’m already busy looking after you lot."-Suitor Suit
"A word of warning. Until I say it’s safe to, deeefinately don’t look up at the ceiling… Juuuust kidding! Haha, did that scare you?"- Halloween
"The basketball club's most promising rookie has arrived! You better not take your eyes off my fresh plays, 'kay?"- Club Wear ((He's a little shit, but I'd root for him in the front row))
"Practicing passes with Floyd is basically a matter of life and death. But that's 'cause he's always throwing them at breakneck speeds!"-Club Wear
"Hey, we should all play basketball together sometime soon. If we invite Deuce or whoever, we can probably get a 3-on-3 game goin'.-" Club Wear
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"Are you going to come cheer for me at my next track meet? Then, I definitely can't do anything uncool. Just you wait and see how I do!"- Club wear
"You want me to show you the awards I've gotten from my track meets? You bet! I was hoping I'd get to show you."- Club Wear
"I bet if you, me, and Grim just go ham talking about all that happened today when we get back to school… Ace’ll get crazy jealous."- Rabbit wear
"I think I was able to help my mom feel a bit of relief. And that’s because you all came with me, so, thanks."- Rabbit wear
"I can’t believe you’re here to wish me a happy birthday… Today’s such an amazing day. …Oh, shoot. I definitely have some kind of weird look on my face right now, don’t I? Sorry, I just got so happy I couldn’t help this wide grin. Anyway, thanks so much, Prefect! I’ll make sure to keep doing my best to be someone deserving of your celebrations!"-Birthday Union
((he is my good little boy, I love him, Deuce you live in my heart))
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​🇹​​🇴​​🇳​​🇮​​🇬​​🇭​​🇹​, ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇬​​🇷​​🇪​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇯​​🇺​​🇳​​🇬​​🇱​​🇪​, ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇱​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇸​​🇱​​🇪​​🇪​​🇵​​🇸
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"They got bone-in meat to eat right there, and you still order the salad. And that's why you're a herbivore."- Playfull Dress
"You don't have to call my name over and over again, I hear you. I'm just staying silent so I don't ruin all your amusement park excitement."- Playfull Dress ((Are we going to delude ourselves and dream that he was admiring us the whole time? Yes))
"A horror attraction? Sure, I'll tag along with you for that, 'cause I bet I'll get to hear some good screams from you herbivores."- Playfull Dress
"You have my utmost gratitude for such a splendid celebration. …There, I thanked you. I’m not saying it again."- Birtday Boy
"You want to make me happy? Hahah! What fine intentions coming from a herbivore. I’m looking forward to it."- Birthday Boy
"Sneaking up behind me like that, were you attempting to surprise me? Aah, my bad. I’ll pretend I didn’t notice, so go on, continue."- Birthday Boy
"You’re just going to carry drinks around and not even toast with me? Hey, bring a glass for yourself too."- Birtday Boy
"Did this sword catch your eye? The motif of the hilt seems to be a jellyfish. I can let you borrow it, but don’t swing it around."- Halloween ((Would you also have a jar of dirt too? Asking a friend))
"You can’t trust someone who smiles all the time, like Jade. Usually guys like me end up being the more trustworthy ones, you know?"- Halloween
"Doesn’t matter who the opponent is. The only one deserving a win is me"- Beastly Garb
"Magic is strictly forbidden in Catch the Tail. Maybe I’ll train you up for the next one… I kid, this ain’t ever happening again."- Beastly Garb
"Back home, there were a ton of people who took issue with my sense of fashion. You wouldn’t do that to me, hmm?"- Gala Couture
"The rich folks from the Scalding Sands are much richer than royal families in other countries. If you want to butter someone up, you’d have better luck with Kalim"- Gala Couture
"Well, aren’t you super meticulous on something as simple as a cake cutting. I don’t really care how you do it, but just get it done before tomorrow comes."- Blooming Birthday
" I had Cater delete all the pictures he took. Obviously, I asked him nicely. Yeah, that’s right, I’m such a shy boy."- Blooming Birthday
"If you’re going to act all high and mighty, I’m going to expect something grand from you, y'know? So hurry up and bring out my present, already."- Blooming Birthday
"Wouldn’t ya believe it, Vil gave me a sewing kit. Something this special deserves to be shoved in the far back of a drawer for posterity."- Blooming Birthday
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"If it’s survival, leave it to me! My experience is different from all the other guys."- Outdoor Wear
" You wanna know the trick to fishing? Hmmー …How ‘bout I trade you for those nuts you’ve got in your hand?"- Outdoor Wear ((What nuts? THESENUT--))
"Grim-kun stole your food? Guess it can’t be helped, here, I’ll share my grilled fish with you. Now you owe me one! Shishishi〜"- Outdoor Wear
"Shishishi, you totally remembered my birthday, right?"- Union Birthday ((It's marked on my calendar, my hyena))
"Thanks for celebratin’ my birthday with me! Since it’s my big day, we should go grab some grub and… Ah! Oh noooooo, this is sooooo terrible, I forgot my wallet… I guess I can’t buy… Eh, you’ll treat me? Really? Maan, it’s really great having such a generous junior like you! C'mon, let’s go, let’s go. Shishishi~" - Union Birthday
"Can’t believe a talkin’ portrait wished me a happy birthday… ’S not something I woulda ever been able to imagine happenin’ to me while I lived in the slums."- Union Birthday
"The guys in the magical shift club gave me some powdered sports drinks. I love gettin’ practical gifts like that!"- Union Birthday
" If you’re gonna come check out our practice, make sure you bring us refreshments! Like sports drinks, nutritional jelly drinks, or even doughnuts!"- Club Wear
"My nickname “Disc Thief” is pretty well-known, so maybe I might get scouted by some pro team with their eye on me… Nah, that’d be too good to be true."- - Club Wear
"We can hear Leona’s voice pretty good even when we got noisy spectators durin’ a game. Guess lions just got a healthier roar to ‘em." - Club Wear
"Even if you can’t use magic, you can still join our club. We got a ton of stuff for a manager to get done!" - Club Wear
(Leona simps… do you think his snores are loud too? And during… NO I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT)
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"Hey, are you here to celebrate my birthday? Thanks for coming all this... Wait, you just wanted me to show you my homework? Do you own homework! Geez, don't mislead me like that... ...What is this box? Is it a present? O-Oh. Then, I'll gladly take it... Hey, you didn't do all this just to get a kick out of how I'd react, right?" -Platinum Jacket
"Ah, you wasted no time in coming. …You’re not scheming to horseplay around on my birthday, are you?" - Union Bithday
"You want me to take a picture of in this outfit and send it to my family? …Well, I guess that’s fine. Th-Then… please take one for me." - Union Bithday
"Thanks for the birthday wishes. …Something I hope for in the coming year? I want to grow some more. Eh? I’m already big enough? …I’m not talking about my height! I mean I want to mature more. Whenever you’re around I end up feeling so dazed. It must mean I’m relaxed around you. Thanks." - Union Bithday
((i mean… he's already our big boy… I hope the wolf form grows bigger and bigger too, my cute puppy))
((I feel like Yuu feels lighter and more playful around Jack, to the point of making pranks and having fun together <3))
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ɐɐǝs ǝɥʇ ɹǝpu∩ ɐɐǝs ǝɥʇ ɹǝpu∩
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"Oh my, I see how your eye shines so... If you've taken a liking to that painting, I shall order a reproduction for you. At a discounted price, of course." - Platinum Jacket
"Young love is wonderful. There is no end to the troubles that come from it, so it's quite a favorable emotion for those of us who impart counsel." - Platinum Jacket
"Laying out on the beach to watch the sunset is actually rather lovely, isn't it?"- Beach Wear
" The water around this island is unbelievably delightful. The water is warm and there are no predators. It is a far cry from my hometow."-Beach Wear
"If I were to describe the Coral Sea in one word, it would be "vast." If you ever decide to visit for a vacation, you may come to regret it. "- Beach Wear
"What could you possibly... ...Oh, it's you. I thought it may have been Stitch-san coming to pester me once again."- Beach Wear
"You may leave it to me to lead us in this dance. Allow me to show you just how much effort I've put forth."-Masquerade Dress
"You wish me to take your picture? Of course, I don't mind whatsoever. Now, what should I ask for in return?"- Masquerade Dress
"Oh, my, are you sharing your pastries with me? I would be elated to take some off your hands. It is rather nice that I can try so many in smaller portions."-Masquerade Dress
" What is it? Eh, oh, I look good in this outfit? ...Fufufu, whatever are you scheming? Please, do tell."-Masquerade Dress
"Jade poured this tea as his gift to me. Only... He had this strangely good-natured smile on his face as he did so. ...Would you care to drink it?"- Bloom Birthday ( you littl-)
"I don't understand why candles are inserted into the cake... Sure, it's lovely to see the flames dance in the dark, but it ruins the cake's presentation when it comes time to eat it." -Bloom Birthday
"Something I would like? ...Then, please sing a birthday song for me. Come, you'll sing for me, won't you?"-Bloom Birthday
"Azul can grant any wish," they say. ...Would you like to see if the rumors are true?- Ceremonial Wear
and this duo dialogue? BOYYY
Azul: I am so honored to be paired with you, Jamil-san.
Jamil: Get moving instead of just flapping your lips, Azul.
(suck this up octoponk)
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"Down in the ocean depths, the Sea Witch's favorite lipstick is very popular. The container is even shaped like a seashell... I recall gifting it to my mother once, as well."- New Year ((I have a wish for my birthday present, and I think you do too))
 "Do go on, Tsum-san, do whatever you please. It's alright, I shall be watching over you."- Tsumsitter ((Go ahead little creature, spread chaos, I'll be admiring your work))
"Allow me to show you how wonderous the mountains truly are. I do so hope that you will want to join the Mountain Lovers Club afterwards."- Outdoor Wear
"I brought along a very large backpack, but it is mostly empty. That is so that I will be able to bring home some of the nature's bounty as souvenirs."- Outdoor Wear
"It is more crucial to use your intellect when it comes to potionology, rather than magic. Since you have no magical abilities, don't you think this would be the perfect subject for you?"- Lab Wear
"Could you tell me your favorite dish? It may be a good addition for the Mostro Lounge menu."- Lab Wear
"Have you ever heard the phrase "haste makes waste"? ...Never mind, how foolish of me to ask."- Lab Wear
"In the Mountain Lovers Club I founded, we study the flora that we've collected. ...Oh, does this pique your interest?""- Lab Wear
"May I help you? ...I'm afraid it is somewhat difficult to continue exercising when you're staring at me so intensely."- Pe Education
"You are quite... No, nevermind. You do realize that courage and recklessness are two different things entirely, yes?"- Pe Education
"You wish to climb Moln Mountain? I understand how you must feel, but... Snowy mountains are quite dangerous. It may be better for you to build up your climbing experience little by little first."- Apple Boa
((I don't know about you, but Jade's sentences wander from a nice person to someone suspicious)) ((Do you want to know something? Everything that comes out of his mouth is a trap, suspicious as hell))
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"Here, Shrimpy-chan, you can have my fries. Nah, you don't gotta thank me. I just couldn't finish 'em 'cause I just slathered something spicy all over it." - Playfull Dress
" Y'know, I really like big and hefty shoes like these~ I love the way they make big, strong stompy sounds when I walk~" - Playfull Dress
"My shoes and jacket sparkles just like scales! Humans have it so good~ They can just swap up their scales whenever they want just by changing clothes." - Platinum Jacket
Beach Wear Vignette - Dialogue
Floyd: 'Cause, I mean, if someone tells you not to do something, doesn't it just make you want to do it more?
Stitch: Yahahahaha!
Floyd: My pops and mama always told us that it was dangerous for us kids to go by ourselves, so we shouldn't go near it.
Stitch: Grrr, rargh!
Floyd: Hmm? Oh, it's nothing like that. That whole thing where the humans and merfolk were afraid of each other is stuff from a long, long time ago.
Floyd: Folks've been comin' and goin' between the land and sea for a while now, ever since the mermaid princess married that human prince.
"Aha. I'm all ready to go, but is the party ready for me?"- Bloom Birthday ((Chaotic child detected))
"Ah, hey, it's Koebi-chan. So you're gonna give me whatever I want as a present? Then, tell me a fun story you know from up here on the surface. ...What, you weren't expecting me to ask for somethin' intangible? I mean, this is waaay better than getting somethin' I don't need. But I ain't gonna let it slide if you tell me a boring story. Mmkay, you can go ahead and start now~"-Bloom Birthday
"Maaan, passing practice is so boring 'cause it's too easy. Koebi-chan, wanna play 1 on 1 with me? I'll go a little bit easy on you"- Club Wear
"Hm, I don't see your mouth watering. You saying my food tastes bad?"- Apprentice Chef
"I make a ton of grilled sandwiches. I ain't got a recipe or anything. Just toss in some leftovers and grill 'em and you're done."- Apprentice Chef
"Jade'll put shiitake mushrooms in pretty much anything, so I got to the point that just lookin' at 'em pisses me off."- Apprentice Chef
" You make real great-lookin' faces when you're eating, Shrimpy. Didja like my cooking? 'Kay, then next time, I'll make you something even better."- Apprentice Chef (( PLEASE DO ))
" Next time, you should go up on stage, Koebi-chan. I'll be expectin' a fun show."- Port Wear
" Ehhh, my ribbon's crooked? I don't have a mirror, so I can't see it... Shrimpy-chan, why don'tcha fix it nicely for me?"- Platinum Jacket
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Every like, repost and comment is very welcome and appreciated. ♥
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reallypleasanttree · 10 days
Birthday fanfic for Obanai Iguro where Mitsuri bakes him a cake. Canon universe. Enjoy!
I can’t believe you fought a tiger demon! They’re so majestic and regal. I’d love to hear you tell me how you fought it in person. If you’re not busy I’d love for you to visit my estate when you get back! I’ll be at my estate until the 16th! 
Best Wishes,
Kanroji Mitsuri 
The rest of the letters were small caricatures of him, Kaburamaru, and a tiger fighting. Beneath the bandages, Obanai smiled. It did not take much of her words or drawings to cheer him up. He folded the letter and put it in his haori’s pocket. His hand raised to stroke Kaburamaru’s head. Given the timing he’d have to visit her on September 15th. 
Leaves rustled as they threatened to fall from the tree. A shiver ran over his body remembering the date. It was the same day he met the snake demon nine years ago. His hand paused over the snake’s scales. 
It’s just another day. Obanai reminded himself. It was the same day his mother, cousins, and aunts pinned him down and cut open his face. 
“It’s just another day,” he whispered. 
I’ll see you on the 15th at noon. 
Iguro Obanai
His letters were concise and confirmed their plans. Mitsuri set the letter on her table. He’d be here any minute. She prepared a strawberry cake for the occasion. White cream coated the outside with whole strawberries in the middle of carefully piped cream. 
Rengoku-San mentioned it was the Snake Hashira’s birthday on September 15. It also just so happened to be the only day they would both be available to meet before her next mission. The Flame Hashira said Iguro didn’t like his birthday and didn’t celebrate it. Her family held a small birthday party for every family member with cakes, candles, and sugary treats. She adored it even if she didn’t necessarily like being the center of attraction. That’s probably why Iguro didn’t celebrate. He preferred to stay in the background. Maybe that’s why they got along.
Mitsuri rose when she saw the clock hit 11:55 A.M. she skipped down the hall and opened the front door to wait for him. As she stepped through the door, the Snake Hashira was walking down the gravel walk way and her heart threatened to burst. She waved a hand over her head and Iguro smiled with his eyes. 
“I’m so glad to see you!” She said, her voice rising. “It’s been forever!”
“It’s been a month,” Obanai said matter of factly. Kaburamaru flicked his tongue out. 
“Then it feels like it’s been forever,” Mitsuri laughed and grasped his hand. She ushered him through the front door to her parlor room. “Please sit, I made us a strawberry cake!” She led him to one of the chairs. Obanai glanced at the cake before taking a seat. 
“Do you want a slice? This is a recipe I got from one of my western cookbooks. The author swears by it. I’m so excited to share it with you,” Mitsuri said and took the cutting knife and pulled the confection towards her and two plates. 
He stared at the cake, unsure of what to do. He didn’t care for sweets or fatty foods. Did she know it was his birthday? The only people who knew were Rengoku, Shinazuagawa, and the Master. Rengoku was the most likely candidate if she did. Though she didn’t wish him a birthday.
His stomach churned looking at the white cream coating the cake. However, Mitsuri genuinely wanted to share it with him. Her brows raised expectantly as she waited for his reply. Obanai nodded despite the nausea. He couldn’t disappoint her. 
Mitsuri beamed, dazzling him with her radiance. He wondered when he would stop being amazed by her mannerisms and kindness. Honestly, he hoped he never grew tired or disenchanted with the Love Hashira. Mitsuri lifted the knife and hummed as she cut two slices and set them on plates. She pushed ome towards him, her excitement almost tangible. 
Obanai picked up the fork and pierced the spongy cake. “Could you turn around? I don’t,” he paused, “like eating in front of people.” It was the best excuse he had. His scars scared people. The first time Senjuro saw them he cried. Fear clearly visible on the little boy’s face. He never forgot it and he never wanted to repeat it. 
“Oh, right,” Mitsuri said. She grabbed her plate and turned around. Her shoulders straightened and her body stiffened, but she kept her cheerful tone. “I used to cook and bake with my mom and siblings. My mom was actually the one to introduce me to western style food,” Mitsuri went on to talk about her love of something called pancakes and other foods. 
Whenever he watched her eat, he felt compelled to eat something with her. It was normal to eat meals with people you cared for. Obanai pulled down his bandages and took a small bite. The cake was vanilla with a smooth texture. Inside there were layers laced with whipped cream and thinly sliced strawberries. The berries were tart which balanced out the sweetness of the cream and spongy cake. He took another bite without hesitation. 
“Do you like it?” Mitsuri asked, still facing away. He looked down at the plate. Half of the slice was gone and his stomach was not protesting. 
“Yes. Normally, I don’t eat sweets, but this is different,” Obamai commented. 
“I was worried you wouldn’t like it because of the cream and cake being too sugary, but I remembered you liked strawberries,” she explained. Of course, she’d take the time to remember his preference towards them. She noted everyone’s likes and dislikes. She even made the kakushi sakura mochi during her downtime. Kindness poured from her soul and he admired her for it.
“Though, I thought maybe you’d like to try something new on your birthday,” Mitsuri explained. She paused and dropped her fork with a gasp. So she knew. He swallowed and started pulling his bandages over his face in a hurry.
“Sorry, Rengoku-San said it was your birthday, but you don’t like to make a big deal about it. I wasn’t going to bring it up, but I wanted to-“ She shook her head. His hands stopped moving. “I thought it’d be nice to bake you a cake even if you don’t celebrate. Even if it wasn't, I'd still want to share a meal and talk. I like spending time with you and we don’t see each other often. We might as well make the most of it with the time we have together,” she continued. 
He pulled his hands away from the wrappings. Inside he was melting like the whipped cream off the side of the cake. Mitsuri said nothing profound, but her words instilled a sense of belonging. She liked to spend time with him in person. The corners of his mouth turned up. Again, Mitsuri proved why she was called the Love Hashira. Loving her was as easy as breathing. 
“It’s true. I don’t like celebrating my birthday, but it’s nice to share a meal,” he said before she rambled further. He ate another piece until his plate was clean. Obanai retied his wraps. “I’m done. You can turn around now.”
Mitsuri bobbed her head and turned to face him. Her cheeks tinted pink. “Even if you don’t like celebrating. I hope we can spend more days like this. Trying new food and talking about missions or anything really,” she admitted. 
“Me too,” Obanai replied, which earned him a smile. Her face lit up as she wished him one happy birthday. He accepted her well wishes and they shifted topics to the tiger demon he fought. Two hours later he said his goodbyes and started his long walk home. If this was his 21st birthday, he hoped his 22nd would be spent eating another slice of cake with Mitsuri. If the universe offered him one small favor that would be it. 
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beneathsakurashade · 4 months
why did my favorite game turn into a dating sim? twst x gen reader (crack fic) CH: 2 me. u. church. in wedding outfits. rn
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CH: 1
The two of you sit across from each other on opposite sofas.  Enjoying a pleasant late afternoon meal of tea and various cakes, it felt like a scene from a fluffy fanfic.  “Man, I remember one time I had a birthday party at a cafe or something and we got served lemonade and cookies” you smile, serving yourself another small cake.  “Lemonade and cookies? I haven’t heard about that before, processed sweets and drinks are forbidden in my household” Riddle remarks taking a small sip of tea.  “Damn, that’s crazy, is that why your fave food is strawberry tarts?” You reply.  “Yes, the tarts that Trey makes are my exception to that rule.  In fact, Trey bakes all of the desserts for our dorm.” he explains.   
    “Wait Trey makes these? Like ALL of them? Dang, bro’s a great baker, I’m banned from the kitchen in my household for some reason” you say “Banned from the kitchen? H-how did that happen?” He sighs nervously and you shrug in response “I think it was because of that one time I microwaved a mozzarella stick for like a minute and almost burned down the house.  Or that time I gave my family food poisoning the first time I cooked dinner.  Wait maybe it was that time I cooked a pizza and it fell down to the bottom of the oven from the rack and we had to buy a new oven… Dunno, tbh they're prob just being haters”.  Riddle chokes on his tea and coughs “Uh-I-I see…I suppose then I’ll have to be the one cooking in the relationship”.
“Speaking of this relationship, am I gonna take your last name for a month?  Or are you gonna take mine?” You ask “I thought about this, and while I would like to keep my name.  I don’t mind taking yours, it is only a month after all”. “Hmmm, Y/N Rosehearts or Riddle L/N…” you sigh “Quite the conundrum” “Indeed…”     The door is flung open by two students who you recognize as Ace and Deuce.  You jump in surprise and drop the cookie that you were holding.  “Housewarden Riddle! Is it true that you’re gonna get married?” Ace exclaims and Riddle stiffens “Y-yes that’s correct, but only temporarily! A month at most”.  You pout and pick up the fallen cookie “Rip soldier” you mutter and turn to the two “What have you to say for killing my cookie?” Deuce bows “Our deepest apologies!” Ace groans “No need to be all proper Deuce, its not like they’re a celebrity or something” he smiles “The names Ace Trappola, and this here -he points to Deuce- is Deuce Spade”.  You sigh “Erm actually, I have three hundred and sixty seven followers on hoyolab, so yes, I am a celebrity. Also I know, Riddle complained about how you’re among the worst students that he’s seen in all his twenty years.  Btw I’m Y/N L/N, professional failure and yapper, with rizz”.     “I feel bad for ya’ to be honest.  With all the rules here n’ stuff” Ace sighs and sits down beside Riddle on the couch, much to the other’s chagrin.  You shrug in response “I know, but that’s the price you pay for love I suppose.  I don’t mind it if I can be married to my husband here for a month”.  Riddle turns red and Ace laughs “We better get used to seeing a strawberry red housewarden Deuce!” Deuce responds confused “Okay!” You smile “You two are silly, I like it, but stop harassing my pookie”.  Riddle turns an even darker shade of red if that was possible and collars Ace.  Deuce watches on in confusion, unsure of whether to defend his friend or his Housewarden.  You liked Ace, he reminded you of a childhood friend that you had back home, though said friend always pretended not to know you at school for whatever reason.  That’s probably what drew you to his character in Twisted Wonderland.  Deuce reminded you of yourself, though not the whole middle school gangster thing, your mom would kill you if she ever found out that you used to ditch school and joined a gang.  But the whole working hard and it never being enough, nothing ever sticking in your head no matter how many times it was drilled into you, staying up till ungodly hours in the night to get a good grade to impress her. 
    The two of you, yourself and Riddle, head back to his room.  “Did we miss a few chapters?” You tease and Riddle turns to you confused.  “Pardon?” You sigh “Of course you wouldn’t get it…” he still looks confused while opening the door “Guests first” he smiles and you walk in.  “Woooah, aw man, there’s only two beds” you mutter “Is there something wrong?” Riddle inquires. “Nah, just a fanfic reference, iykyk” you shrug and sit down on the twin bed near the wall. “Fanfic?” “Yea, y’know, fanfiction?” You lie down on your back and turn your head to face him. “Fanfiction? Oh, Cater mentioned something about that…” he nods and sits down on his bed “Is your bed comfortable, Mx. Y/N?”. “Its nice, but it would be better if you were here with me” you sigh dramatically.  To which he blushes and sighs in mock annoyance “Y-you’re certainly quick to act like a married couple Mx. Y/N”.  You turn and set your chin on your palm “Call me Y/N, we’re more than a married couple less than lovers correct?” He sighs softly “I suppose that’s a rather accurate description, forgive me for acting incorrectly at all during our time together.  This is the biggest thing that I’ve done without Mother’s permission…besides that one time I got fast food with Cater”.  The teasing look vanishes from your face “Your mom doesn’t let you get fast food??” You gape.  “She considers it extremely unhealthy, saying that fast food is the beginning to a short and poor life.”    You blink and finally say “So…she’s an almond mom?” He looks down “Cater said something like that once…I researched the topic and it isn’t an incorrect description of my mother.  But she’s a good woman! She is a doctor so she knows all about what she is talking about! Mother wouldn’t lie to me…she wouldn’t…”.  You sense the saddening gloom that's starting to settle in the room.  Riddle's mom was a sore subject for him, most of the fandom, (his stans especially) absofuckinglutely hated her guts, you couldn't blame them though, she was a real daughter of a nice lady... “Welp, usually I’d say listen to your parents.  But I have an idea, how about we go to a fast food place for our first date as a couple?  You guys probably have a McDonald’s or something like it here right?”.  He brightens up at your enthusiasm “Are you sure about that? Aren’t first dates usually more classy?”.  You respond smugly “That’s what the tv shows say, but my broke ass says otherwise! Don’t worry pookie, I’ll make our first date the best that you’ve ever seen!”
AN: hiii everyone its me, also random thing but I remember the time I was reading a twst fic on wattpad and there was a comment that I found so goofy and what made it extra memorable for me was that the user of the commenter was theevilfoodeaterbanica or something like that and it made my Evillious Chronicles fangirl heart happy. Anyways hope you all are doing great! (つ≧▽≦)つ⊂(。・ω・。⊂)
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hotchgirlsummer · 2 years
sweeter than fiction ⤷ aaron hotchner x reader
summary ⤷ the bau decide to throw a small birthday party for hotch. the reader is tasked with baking a cake, could this be their chance to express feelings?
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x female bodied!reader ; mentions of jack, jess and the whole team.
warnings ⤷ food mentions. slight angst. fluff
word count ⤷ 5.5k words
a/n ⤷ hello! this is my submission for @hotch-central's Aaron Hotchner's birthday celebration 🎉 the prompt is from @creativepromptsforwriting i may have a couple more entries in line, depending if inspiration strikes, of course. as usual, feedback is appreciated. have a great day, everyone!
It’s tradition in the office that when it’s someone’s birthday someone else brings a cake. Person A’s birthday is coming up and B finally sees their chance to make a move. 
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“I apologize for cutting this meeting short but I do need to go to this meeting with Strauss,” Hotch apologized as he locked the screen of his tablet and gave one last look through at the files he had prepared for his monthly meeting with the higher ups; he was having somewhat of  momentum where instead of being turned down on their requests, they asked to compromise — which may seem insignificant but, yes, that was considered as a win. “Is there anything else we need to discuss?”
“If there is, rest assured I’ll handle it from here on out,” Rossi was quick to wave off the unit chief’s responsibility from their current meeting, “Go on over to the meeting and fight for higher wage and if possible maybe aim for a fancier jet?” The rest of the team laughed at Rossi’s absurd and far-fetched request. With one final smirk, Hotch gathered all his belongings and nodded to them, “Best I can probably do is a bigger mini fridge.”
Chuckling at the rare times their unit chief cracked a joke, they all shook their heads as they watched their leader scurry off to go meet with the higher ups. Just as everyone was about to follow suit and leave the round table when Penelope held out her hands in a dramatic fashion, preventing the rest of the team from leaving their spots, “No one is lifting their cute butt until we discuss one important agenda – Hotch’s birthday is coming up soon.”
“And what exactly about it do we need to discuss, Garcia?” Emily wondered, for as far as she knew the man, he never was the type to make a huge fuss out of his birthday. Seemingly thinking the same, JJ nodded as she spoke up, “We all know how the last party that we threw out for him went, right? Like it was not some fever dream that I had?”
It was a few years back when the team decided to plan a mini-celebration for their leader; but much to everyone’s horror, it didn’t go well. A balloon popped out of nowhere which startled both Spencer who was carrying the cake and Y/N who was decorating the walls of their conference room, resulting into the decorated doctor mishandling the cake, leaving half of it devoured by the floor while the agent accidentally knocked on over two pitchers of juice right over the wrapped presents that the other members of the unit brought. The icing on the cake? Hotch walked right in the conference room a few seconds after the disaster commenced and sighed out as he quickly pieced together that this debacle was a result of his birthday. Even though he won’t admit it to himself , and most importantly to the team, his disappointed/annoyed look was just really a cover up to hide how adorable he thought Y/N looked when she smiled brightly — as if she was willing for the mishaps to go away — and extended her hands and said, “Surprise! Happy birthday, boss.”
“Maybe it’s not as bad? I mean, it’s not like he punished us that badly,” Spencer offered, Y/N nodded as she chuckled, “In my defence too, there is no reason for us to separate the gift table from the food and drink one.”
The team collectively laughed at how optimistic the two were, but the hesitation could still be felt around the team as voiced out by Derek, “But ultimately, I don’t think throwing a whole party, in general not just for Hotch, maybe too ambitious,” He threw in a sympathetic pout at Penelope’s way, “Even for the party-planning goddess like yourself, baby girl.”
“One, I do take offense in that,” Penelope said sternly as she swatted his extended hand, “And two, we still need to show him that we care about him and treasure him as our mighty leader!”
“What if we just book a restaurant somewhere? That way they can do the decorations for us and all we need to do is show up? There is absolutely no way we have an incident like the last time,” Reid proposed to which everybody nodded in agreement, finding no hole in his plan. 
“Oh I know which restaurant Hotch loves to go to,” Her mindless comment was met with smirks and teasing smiles which Y/N did not appreciate, “What? What are you guys looking at me for?”
“And how exactly do you know that?” Emily teased which was immediately backed up with Rossi’s jab, “Don’t tell us you guys went on a date without us knowing hm?”
Scoffing, she shook her head and clarified, “Or maybe I’ve babysat Jack enough times that sometimes they buy me dinner.” It was no secret among the team that ever since Y/N joined the team, she stepped up to lend Hotch a hand when it came to looking after Jack. It started when Jess had to go on a work trip and the unit chief brought his son to the office with him, the little ball of sunshine clicking instantly with the newest agent. Whether it was the way she was patient in teaching him new things that he was curious about, or the way she treated him with the utmost care and respect. And somewhere along taking care of Jack also mixed in with looking out for Hotch — by helping them prepare their meals for the day, helping Jack with his everyday routine, or even by spending time with the both of them on her day off. 
“Mhm, it’s just from babysitting Jack,” JJ also joined in on the teasing as she nudged her softly. Penelope was writing down what the whole team had agreed upon when her head shot up in shock, “We forgot about the tradition! Who’s gonna bring the cake for Hotch?”
Almost instantly, the rest of the team looked at Y/N with a grin which left the young agent confused, “What? Why are you all looking at me?”
“You know, typically the one who brings the cake for the celebrant is the one closest to or the most important to the celebrant,” Rossi winked at her. Not wanting to get her hopes despite the numerous hints that multiple members of the team has dropped, hinting that her affections weren’t one-sided as she suspected, she just rolled her eyes playfully, “Don’t you guys think that Jack is a tad bit too small to carry that big of a cake.”
“Not Jack, you dummy!” Morgan lightly flicked the back of her neck as she groaned when that spot was hit and was gonna appeal that maybe someone else could do it but as soon as Garcia put her pen down, everyone’s roles for this little gathering had been finalized, “Alright, so JJ is booking the venue, Rossi will keep Hotch occupied until we need to bring him to the restaurant, my lovely chocolate thunder and I will be taking care of the decorations so that there won’t be a repeat of last time,” A jesting glare was thrown at Reid’s way before she clarified, “While your brilliant brain will take care of sending out invitations to everyone.”
Everyone was nodding their heads, satisfied with their assignments when Y/N raised her hand up in curiosity, “Uh, hello? You kind of glossed over what I’d be doing for the party.” She was all the more confused when half the team smirked at her while the other half looked at her in disbelief. Garcia, bless her kind soul, did not have the time to fool around and instead took patience with the newest member of the BAU and clarified, “You, my lovely yet clueless little dove, will be baking and bringing the cake to Hotch.”
Just as she was about to speak up and contest it, Morgan jokingly teased as he wagged a finger at her, “Not buts there, missy. Have fun in the kitchen.” A slight pout was on her face when she realized that there was no way she could have weaseled her way out of this little arrangement. 
Deep in her thoughts, she failed to realize when Rossi slid near her, “You know, kid, this could be your grand gesture for Aaron. Let him know what you feel.”
With a sigh and a brave face on, she nodded to herself and stood up, “Alright! But if he doesn’t reciprocate them you will sign my transfer papers right?” Hiding her possible insecurity with light-hearted humor but it still didn’t settle any nerves within her. Rossi shook his head once more and patted her on the back, as if to let her know that she was worrying her head for nothing.
Upon returning back to her desk, she tried to distract herself by flipping through the pages of the reports that were assigned to her. After about an hour of mindless writing, she clicked her tongue and decided to look up some cake recipes. Just as she was about to be knee-deep in her search for a cake when she heard a little voice call out, “Y/N! Y/N!”
Swiveling her chair at the right time, she was able to open her arms wide and was able to engulf little Jack Hotchner into a hug as she greeted him, “Hey there, bud! Did your Aunt Jess drop you off?”
The boy nodded widely as he pointed at the approaching aunt who gave her a half hug, “Sure did! Buddy insisted that you were never too busy for him.”
“Because you’re my favorite and I’m your favorite Hotchner!” Jack squealed and her heart warmed and nodded as she ruffled his hair before grabbing her Jack kit which consisted of coloring books, paper, crayons and some markers and handed them to the little Hotchner, “Well that is certainly true! Why don’t you grab one of the chairs over there so you can go draw a picture, hm?”
The boy nodded and made his way through the other agents, saying his hello’s before asking them to borrow one of their chairs. Turning at Jess, she smiled at her, “I’m sorry to have to drop him off. It was a work emergency and I know for a fact that Aaron will be thrilled to see him.”
“Oh it’s all good, you know I don’t mind spending time with him,” She smiles as she watches the boy pitter excitedly beside her, “Oh which reminds me,we’re planning a small gathering for Hotch’s birthday coming up soon.”
Jess smiled at that but suddenly remembered something as she looked down at her watch, “I love that idea, we’ll talk about it more once I have the time but we’ll talk again okay? Bye Jack, be good.” With one last kiss to the top of his head, she waved goodbye and made her exit.
Smiling at the little man who was happily scribbling, just as she was about to continue on her scroll an idea popped into her head. She tapped Jack’s shoulder before showing her the different cake recipes that were on her screen, “Hey bud, you know how your dad’s birthday is coming up?”
The little boy nodded his head excitedly as he lifted the paper he was drawing on, “Mhm! I’m drawing him a picture for this picture book I’m making for him!” His excited chirp melted her heart once more as he leaned closer to share a possible secret surprise they could do for him, “Well I’ll tell you a secret, okay? Can you promise not to tell anyone — especially your dad?”
The boy put down his crayon with a serious look on his face, he held his pinky up to which she smiled as she tangled his pinky with his, “I pinky promise, miss Y/N!” At that, she pointed to the cakes on her screen, “You see, your Auntie Pen is planning a little birthday party for your dad; and she wants me to bake a cake for him. I’m gonna need your help choosing which cake to bake, okay?”
“Can I bake the cake with you?” He asked sweetly, wanting to make his dad’s birthday special while also enticed at the idea of having some sweets.Nodding her head after booping his nose, “We sure can do that, little buddy. How about I pick you up after school next week? That way we can bake the cake?”
Jack nods as he claps excitedly, “I can’t wait! We’re gonna have so much fun!” Just as she was about to get into further detail she could hear footsteps approaching — though unsure of to whom they belong to — she quickly closed the browser. “What are you so excited about, Jack?”
At the sound of Hotch’s voice, the duo turned around, trying to pass off a non-scheming team. Jack got off of the chair and jumped on his dad, the unit chief carrying him and pressing a loving kiss to his forehead, “Hi dad! Aunt Jess dropped so Miss Y/N is hanging out with me right now!”
The usually stern-looking boss was biting back a smile but ultimately made way into his soft lips, “And have you been behaving for both of them?” The boy nodded as he pointed to the art materials that were prepared for him, “Yes! I promised I’m being good,” Both Y/N and Jack knew that the little boy was so close to slipping up about how what he was currently drawing was something designed for his father. 
“Which reminds me, I was thinking maybe I can spend a day with Jack next week? I have a fun day lined up for him,” She tried to give an explanation that while vague could still provide sufficient enough details as to what their day would look like. Hotch thought about it, placing a hand on his hip, “I do have a short meeting that day, and it would be nice to give Jessica a break for a little.”
“See? Win-win! Plus, me and Jack need some little bonding time, Hotch,” She gently nudged his side which came as a surprise to the two of them, “I promise to give him back to you in one piece!”
Meanwhile the unit chief struggled to keep his composure; despite the fact that her hand briefly touched his sides, he could feel the warmth spreading all over him, causing him to be slightly flustered. With a warm smile, he nods, “I trust you completely, Y/L/N.”
Ruffling his son’s hair, he nodded his head to the direction of his office, “Buddy, once you’re done hanging out with Ms. Y/N you can come up to my office, okay?”
The boy then nodded with a toothy grin, “Okay daddy! I’ll knock on your door like we said.” Once Hotch walked away, the pair grinned excitedly amongst themselves, looking forward to making a cake for a special someone in their lives.
* “Now can I please add the chocolate chips and sprinkles?”
In all fairness, Jack has learned to space out when to ask. But once again, she shook her head as she was just at the final touches of piping the flavored whipped cream on the already scraped cake, she squeezed out the topping one more time before looking at Jack with a huge grin, “You can do it now, buddy! But remember, don’t add too much okay? We don’t want it to be super sweet!”
“But super sweet is the best!” Jack giggled as he began decorating the cake — he’d argue that this was way more fun than cracking eggs or mixing the ingredients together, perhaps because he got to snack on some of the toppings. 
Swiping some of the chocolate chips had Jack giggling too as he copied her, “I guess you’re right,” She got some of the leftover icing as she placed a dollop of it on his nose, “You are a super sweet boy, and you’re the best!”
That made the boy grin wide as he tried to reach for the whipped cream on his nose by extending his tongue, the scene being too hilarious for her not to giggle; she was in the middle of snapping a picture of Jack when he did the same to her and revelled at her shocked face.
“I had so much fun today, miss Y/N,” Jack sighs happily after he was all done with decorating the cake. Taking this as her cue to let the cake chill properly, she carried it into the fridge and poured him a glass of milk, “I’m glad to hear that, Jack. I like spending time with you too.”
“I wish you can live with us, so we can always do something fun everyday,” He added. And she could not prevent the wishful thinking about how she would love to live with him and the man she fell hopelessly in love with, she understood that he just loved her companion.
As she was starting to wash up the different utensils they had used — she was pleasantly surprised upon seeing how Jack tried to help on his on way by placing them on the sink that was half filled with water and dish soap, another reflection of how Hotch raised him well — when she joked, “I don’t think your dad will like knowing that we have way too much fun every time we hung out.”
Shaking his head allowed his blonde locks to stray away from the earlier perfectly combed bunch of hair, “He won’t think that! Daddy told me how much he likes it when you take care of me, and he likes whenever you come over and cook for us and eat with us!”
The boy’s revelation caused hope to, annoyingly, stir up within her once more. Hotch really thought that? She had to bite down her tongue to prevent the smile that was making its way to her lips as she put on an exaggerated thinking face which once more caused the boy to giggle, “Then I guess I’m stuck with a couple of Hotchner boys, hm?”
“Your Hotchner boys, Y/N!” Jack cheered as he threw his hands up in the air in delight. She could only shake her head as she wiped Jack’s milk mustache with a napkin as she willed her imagination to not wander too far into what she wishes her relationship could be like with the said Hotchner boys; instead remaining grateful for what they already shared.
“Okay everybody, Rossi just texted me and said that they were a good 10 minute away so is everything ready?” Penelope was frantically walking around the reserved function room they had rented and was looking expectantly at each member to provide updates on their assigned tasks.
Derek sent everyone an “I got this glance” — which the rest of the team very much appreciated — before heading his way to Penelope, gently massaging her shoulders and whispering cooly in her ear, “Mama, calm down. Everyone’s here, no decorations popped or fell down, food’s hot and ready, everything is perfect; just like you are, of course.”
“Oh my love,” Penelope smiled as she gently stroked his cheek, “Thank you for all your help.” The sight caused Y/N to shake her head as she spoke, “As cute as they are with their banter, it’s way too cheesy for me.”
Jess chuckled as she took a sip of her wine, “Agreed, you’d think they were a married couple or something.” When they were planning this little party for their unit chief, there was no doubt that they would be inviting his sister-in-law. Not only is she the other primary caretaker of Jack, but she also provided the family and warmth he was looking for. “I heard you and Jack baked a cake for Aaron?”
“We did,” She nodded towards the cake that was sitting in the middle of the table, “Little man helped in a lot of ways, even helped me wash the dishes, you know.” Jess smiled at that, remembering when she was told she wouldn’t have to look after Jack since he would be taken care of by one of his agents.
“He really likes you, you know,” Jess mentioned and her mind went to Jack who was playing with Henry and a smile made its way to her lips as she mused, “Jack’s a sweet kid. Always so kind and warm to others. I know I may not have met Haley but I can see how much care and love she gave him, the both of them.”
No matter how many times Jess has heard people talk about Haley, it will never fail to make her feel a pang of hurt; but what comes quickly after that hurt is joy — joy in knowing how she touched and shaped the lives of others, Jack’s and Aaron’s the most. “That was a sweet sentiment, but I wasn’t talking about Jack.”
It was now Y/N’s turn to be confused as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Jess who was chuckling softly at her expression, “I was talking about Aaron.”
“Hotch?” She squeaked a little louder than expected because everyone frantically looked at the door and was surprised to not find the man there to which she clarified, “Sorry! We were just talking, didn’t mean for it to be a bit loud.”
Once the laughter in the room died down, Jess then nodded to answer her question, “Like I said, I was referring to Aaron. He really likes you.” That however did not clarify things for her, instead making her all the more baffled. “Well I suppose it makes sense; I haven’t really been doing anything reckless or indifferent to following his orders. That, and I have been helping him out with Jack.”
When Jess shook her head, her blonde curls moved with her which made her see how Jack resembled the Brooks side before she spoke again, “Maybe that too. But I spoke to him recently and he mentioned how grateful he was to have you in Jack’s life, as well as his. And I agreed, saying how lighter and happier he seems because of you.”
She was rendered speechless as Y/N did not have a clue how to respond to that. She did not want to seem like she was overstepping her bounds or making room for herself in their lives so she replied, “I’m touched that he thinks so, but I don’t know. I don’t wanna assume anything or make them feel uncomfortable or even you. ‘Cause it might feel weird to see me caring for Jack or something.”
Before she could fully delve deep into her insecurities and worries, Jess gently stroked her forearm and smiled, “I know Haley, and she would take comfort in the fact that you love and care for her boys the same way she does, she did. You may not see it, but you’re family to them, to me.”
Her words warmed her heart and she had to blink back her tears from falling as she lovingly squeezed back Jess’ hand and returned the smile but just as she was about to speak Penelope excitedly shrieked, “Okay they’re on their way! Y/N have the cake ready! Someone please dim the lights.”
“We’ll talk more later,” Y.N hurried out as Spencer was scrambling to dim the lights in the hall they were in. Jack ran to the agent when he saw that she was lighting the candles in the cake, “Y/N can I hold the cake too?”
“If you want to hold the cake you need to stand still on this chair,” As soon as she slid the chair, Jack stood up tall and proud as he held out his hands, “I’m gonna need you to have steady hands, okay bud? We don’t want the cake we worked hard on to fall, right?”
“Right!” Came his reply. It did not take more than a two minutes when Rossi and Hotch walked in, “Dave if this is one of your other blind dates I am telling you right now it won’t work.”
Just as Hotch finished his sentence he was greeted with wide smiles and cheers as Spencer turned the lights back on and everyone yelled, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”
The team were graced with a wide smile on their unit chief’s face as he was clearly pleased that this party did not end up like the last one. As he walked more towards the guests, his smile widened even more upon seeing the cake being held by Jack and Y/N. “Happy birthday, daddy! Make a wish!”
Standing right in front them, he took in their excited grins and smiled at Jack, “Okay bud,” He looked at Jack, thinking about how all he wished was for his son to remain safe so he could grow up to whatever he wants to be; his eyes then drifted over to Y/N — whose eyes were surprised seeing him focus intensely on her — and thought about how he wished to have her presence, comfort, and love all the time. Closing his eyes, he blew on the candle which prompted more cheers by everyone.
From there on, everything seemed like a blur since the rest of the team busied themselves by sharing laughter and stories in between bites of their meal. Throughout the night, both Hotch and Y/N kept stealing glances from each other as they were delighted upon seeing the other relax. When everyone was all done with their dinner, it came time to eat the cake. As Jack was helping Hotch cut the cake and distribute it to everyone Aaron inquired, “Is this what you and Y/N did the other day? You bake a cake?”
The boy grinned excitedly as he handed a slice to Henry and JJ, “We did bake it, dad! Did you like it? What does it taste like?” Once they cut a piece for themselves after they had given all of their guests one, Aaron fished for a piece on his mouth before feeding Jack a piece, “It tastes really good, Jack! You did great!”
Beaming at his father’s praise, he hugged him tight saying, “I’m glad you liked it dad,” He looked up at him with his puppy dog eyes and sweetly asked, “Can I have some more cake, please?” Hotch chuckled as he handed the plate to his son, “Don’t eat too fast or too much, okay? We don’t want a tummy ache now do we?” The boy nodded as he made his way over to Henry, presumably to talk more about dinosaurs.
With a shake of his head, Hotch then spotted Y/N who seemed to be having a talk with Jess, sighing shakily, he then decided to make his way over to her. Jess spotted him first and excused herself from the conversation. Shock replaced her momentary confusion when Hotch took the side beside her, “Hey, birthday boy. How’s it going?”
“It’s going good, and I think I have you to thank for that,” Came his smooth reply which flustered her as she was quick to clarify, “Oh Penelope was the main mastermind for this. So you have her to thank — or reprimand, but hopefully you won’t do that. Jack and I just baked the cake, you know.”
“And it’s very good,” He said after taking one more bite before placing the plate of cake on the table in front of them, “I wonder what’s your special ingredient?”
Amused with how her usually-seen stern boss was leading a light conversation, which was further emphasized with how a smile ghosted over his lips and not a frown, she decided to ride along with it by replying, “Well Jack’s enthusiasm did help, but really it’s nothing a little vanilla extract can’t make better.”
Another hearty chuckle rumbled from his chest as he said, “You need to stop selling yourself short, you know? You’re great.” The heat was unpreventable from spreading throughout her face. As she simply crossed her legs and shrugged, unsure of what to say, “Well so are you. Everyone in this room can attest to how great you are — whether as a father, unit chief, or you know, a friend.”
It was now his turn to blush slightly as he looked at her sincerely and thought about how he wants to lead their conversation, “And is that all that you think of me? Nothing more than that?”
“Would you fire me if I were ever too honest with you? Like on a personal level?”
Though she knew that her remark was meant to be taken playfully but could sense her hesitation and to help appease her he helped out for her hand and led them over to a secluded part of the restaurant. Pleased with the way his hand enveloped and radiated warmth over hers, she looked at him with an intensity she had never seen before, “One of the things I admire most about you is how you speak your mind; sure this is useful during cases and briefs but it’s different on a personal level. So, please, whatever you wish to say, just say it.”
She thought about it for a second, thought about the possible outcome her action or words may arise; and came to the conclusion that it was better to risk rather than regret so with a trembling breath she breathed out, “I like you, Aaron. For the longest time I tried to think that maybe it was just admiration? But it was more than that,” In a surprising surge of confidence she held his hands in hers and kissed his knuckles, “I liked that you were this tough person who still sees the good in others. Being in your presence radiates warmth and joy,” Perhaps they were both thinking the same thing, that it’s funny how he radiated joy when he rarely smiled, “I, I could go on and on about how much you mean to me, but I’m hoping that maybe this could be the start of me expressing what I feel for you? Only if you would let me, of course.”
The unit chief took in her nervous expression which to him was utterly adorable before smiling at her, “Have I ever mentioned how adorable you are?”
“No, not really, it hasn’t exactly come up in between cases,” She humored him as she still nervously wondered what was going on in his mind. “I’ll cut you a deal then — how about we remind each other how much we mean to one another?”
Taking a step closer so their fronts were touching and they could take it in everything about each other smiled, “I like the sound of that. Does that mean we’re seeing each other now?”
Wanting to make it clear for her, he untangled their hands delicately on her cheeks to pull her in, letting their lips collide softly; her hands rested on his arms to anchor herself with the intensity in which he kissed her. She could feel the relief and  delight spread to her and wishing to share it with him by fervently pressing her lips into his as she smiled into the kiss and let out a whimper when he gently bit her bottom lip. 
Snapping them back to reality was the sound of some yelling — that thankfully, did not sound urgent — they both parted ways yet still remained pressed against each other as they focused on steadying their breathing, “Can I take you out tomorrow on a date?”
Smiling at his polite question, she nodded and smiled, “I would love that, Aaron.” He pressed one last kiss to her lips before taking a step back to just look at her beautiful features before speaking, “That sounds perfect then. I’ll ask Jess if she can watch Jack.”
“How about for one of our other dates, we can take Jack too? So he doesn’t feel like he’s left out or so he can, you know, gradually get used to us.”
At that Aaron could feel his heart warm up at the thought of why he admired her, because she always looks after his son. He nods and places his hand behind her back, guiding her back in the function hall, “God, as if you couldn't be any perfect.”
Just as she was about to ask him what he meant she was interrupted by the teasing and cheers of the team who were delighted to see that the two agents now had some sort of deeper relationship. Hotch decided to give them a pass for the teasing, deciding that celebrating another year of life with Jack and his family; and even better he finally landed the person of his dream 
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winterrrnight · 9 months
omg could i also get meet me in the hallway with zach and prompt 14?? (i think that was the icing on the ceiling one LOL)
(if you can’t tell i want to feed your zach maclaren fever)
I absolutely love every single prompt you've requested like they've all turned out so good so thank you sm bestie 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
baking fail
PAIRING: zach maclaren x gn!reader
SUMMARY: all you wanted to do was bake a cake for your boyfriend.
WARNINGS: reader absolutely sucks at baking and cooking, a lot of usage of nicknames like babe & love, reader is sensitive and kinda a crybaby, fluff towards the end :)
EDITH SPEAKS: I wrote this in one sitting and absolutely loved the outcome so I hope you all enjoy reading it too!! 💖💖
PROMPT REQUESTED: "how did you manage to get the frosting on the ceiling?"
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You’ve never really thought of yourself as a baker, always allowing your boyfriend to take up on all the cooking tasks in your home. But when he played regionals with his soccer team and came out a winner, you knew you wanted to do something extremely special for him.
You decide to bake a little cake for him, and generously coat it with frosting. You go on the internet to find a quick and easy recipe for a beginner like you, because there is no room for you to make a mistake.
Zach is on his way back to your home after the long tournament, and you have around 2 hours to finish making the cake. It’s a tight margin, but you’re absolutely determined to finish it in time.
As you read the instructions on your phone, you smile to yourself. “This seems easy enough, just follow the steps exactly as it says and I’ll have a beautiful cake by the end!” you wonder.
But boy, oh boy, no one warned you that it’s not easy as it seems.
You’ve seen Zach bake around the house often, and it always looks effortless, as if it’s the easiest thing on this planet.
But when you get your hands on his baking equipment, trying to whip one up as if you’re Willy Wonka, you realize you just aren’t made to bake.
With one and a half hours passed, you don’t have your cake baking in the oven, which is way behind your schedule. You wanted to have it in the oven at the one hour mark, so you can take your time to make the frosting perfectly, and even maybe clean a bit around the house in the time you’ll have left.
There is a mess of cake batter all over your kitchen counters, along with random boxes of ingredients opened, their contents spilling due to the unethical way they’re placed in. Your apron, which was once white, is now covered with flour and cocoa powder, some wet mixture you aren’t very sure what it actually is, and you are feeling absolutely gross in this condition.
Before you can even think what to do next (which could’ve just been surprising him with a store bought cake), you hear the door of your apartment opening.
“Babe I’m home!” You hear Zach, and your heart almost melts on hearing his voice, which was only a mere static noise through your phone all these past days. But your condition right now is the worst surprise to give him after he’s coming home with a big achievement.
“Babe, where are you?” He calls out, walking around the house to try and find you. You don’t have the strength to call out his name or run up to him, feeling tired from your failed attempt at baking.
Zach wasn’t expecting you to be in the kitchen (when are you even in there?), but when he can’t find you anywhere else, he walks to the kitchen. Just as he enters, he looks at the counters, opened cabinets, a drawer which is almost on the peak of falling out, a completely full sink, and in the corner, you, covered in all sorts of junk.
“Hey bub,” you mumble from your place, wanting to hug him but you don’t want to get his clothes dirty.
“What happened?” He asks, walking to you.
“I just… I just wanted to bake something for you,” you whisper, starting to feel your eyes blur with tears, your mind screaming at you and calling you a hopeless partner.
“Aww love, that is so sweet of you,” he smiles, kissing your forehead.
“I couldn’t even make you a simple cake Zach,” you cry. You just wanted to show a little gesture of love, just the way he does with you. He always makes something special for you when you come home after a long day at work, or when you’ve had a bad day, or if you’re coming home with a promotion. You only wanted to do the same.
“That’s nothing to cry about love, I love that you tried. And it’s the thought that counts,” he gives you another kiss on your forehead.
“I’m so sorry,” you try to start cleaning up the kitchen, feeling confused on where to start but you decide to just pick up the utensils first.
Zach stands there watching you, not sure on how to make you feel better. He sighs, tilting his head back to think. But something on the ceiling distracts his thoughts.
“Babe,” he calls you out, and you hum in response, “how did you manage to get the frosting on the ceiling?”
Confused, you look up to see a pink blotch of your “frosting” on the ceiling.
“How did that get there?” You wonder, your tears vanishing immediately as you look up at the ceiling. Instead of feeling even more stressed, you let out a giggle, realizing it’s all just hilarious.
“You’re the one who should know that love,” Zach chuckles. He walks closer to you and takes the dirty whisk in your hand, placing it somewhere on the counter.
He moves his hands to hold your face gently, caressing your cheeks as he kisses you on your lips.
“Come on, let’s get you all cleaned up yeah? We can deal with this mess later.”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
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