#May Allah give everyone cure
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notetaeker · 2 years ago
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March 29, 2023 - Wednesday | Ramadan Challenge 🌙 7/30
Best iftar item: speaking from my heart I would say shingaras and deep-fried eggplant slices called ‘beguni’ speaking from my brain tho we have a family vegetable soup that re-energizes you so well just in time for prayers and you can add your fave toppings it’s great alhamdulillah
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bluesungology · 8 months ago
Hello everyone, I am Merrine Sussy Rahah from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, kindly donate and share to reach many people.
wallahi i would if i could but i’m 17 and my parents did not give me a bank account to donate 😭😭
inshallah when i get a bank account i will pay to every palestinian charity that exists
may allah give you the insulin you need and cure you of your illness 🫶🏽
may allah save you and all the innocent people who are suffering in gaza right now and to all the people who have relatives or loved ones there right now 🤲🏾❤️ ameen
i hope you are okay one day Merrine 🩷
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quranwithsehar · 2 years ago
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us a very beautiful dua, by reciting which our prayers are accepted. The prayer concludes with words that always made me wonder how they could be true.
The dua is:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي عَبْدُكَ ، وَابْنُ عَبْدِكَ ، وَابْنُ أَمَتِكَ ، نَاصِيَتِي بِيَدِكَ ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ ، أَوْ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ ، أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي ، وَ��ُورَ صَدْرِي ، وَجِلَاءَ حُزْنِي ، وَذَهَابَ هَمِّي
The dua ends with: "Make the Noble Quran my delight and happiness, the light of my chest, the remedy for my sorrows and grief, and the dispeller of my anxieties."
I used to wonder how the Quran could bring joy to the heart, how it could be a light for the chest, how it could heal sorrows and grief, and how it could dispel anxieties?
We all believe that this book is not an ordinary book, it is a miracle for every reader. And whoever reads it is well aware of its miracles. No, I am not talking about the miracles that were revealed to the prophets. I am talking about the miracles that happened to me, and that happen to everyone who connects with this Quran.
Those miracles are what make the heart happy, bring light to the chest, and dispel grief. And what are those miracles?
Before I talk about those miracles, let me clarify that no one can possess anything until Allah wills it. You are reading this post, meaning Allah has taught you, brought you here, and if He had not willed it, you would have just scrolled past it. So whatever passes your sight, it is not an ordinary thing.
The miracles of the Quran are what connect the reader to Allah, bring them closer to Him, and help them find peace and happiness in their heart.
When you connect with the Quran, miracles start to happen that you cannot explain to anyone. You may be feeling down, and suddenly a verse appears in your news feed that teaches patience. It is not a coincidence, Allah has brought it to you, and He is telling you to be patient.
It gives happiness to the heart that Allah is listening, He has heard it, and now you just have to be patient, and He will take care of it.
This is a comfort that no one in the world has heard, but our Lord has heard it, who is the owner of the earth and the sky, and He bestows such comfort that has no equal.
Then, when you open the Quran daily, the same things are being said, which were needed, and Allah is telling you a story whose lesson is the solution to your problem. This is not ordinary; this is Allah's way of talking to you.
The solution to the problem cannot be found in any other way than directly from Allah, and the light that is created in the heart cannot be found in any other way. It feels like you were standing in darkness, and He held your hand and stood you up in the light.
When you recite the morning and evening supplications, all the dua's that you want to make are included in them, but it feels like there is a lock on your tongue. However, by virtue of these supplications, you ask for everything you need.
When you recite the night-time supplications, the lesson in them is that "Allah will not test us more than we can bear." Today, the problem that seems difficult, with His help, will become easy tomorrow.
In this way, the Quran becomes the tranquility of hearts, the light of the chest, and the cure for worries and sorrows. But not everyone is fortunate enough to experience this. It is only for those who take the first step towards it, who hold onto it, and for whom holding onto this book becomes a part of their life. Then, in the Quran, they see their past, present, and future, not stories of paradise and hell.
These are miracles, undoubtedly. We are all seekers of miracles. Therefore, before the end of this Ramadan, make a commitment that it will mark the beginning of your fantasy world. A world where miracles happen and every moment is miraculous.
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aminakerai · 3 years ago
Ya Allah Al Wali - The Protecting Friend, protect us from hearts that are not humble, tongues that are not wise, and eyes that have forgotten how to cry.
Ya Allah make me and my family from amongst the sabiqoon you mention in Surah Al Waqi'ah. Let the light of our eeman emanate from our chest and from our right hand side.
Ya Allah, Grant me and my loved ones a blessed death. Let me proclaim shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet SAW. Ya Raheem make my last moments the best moments of my life. Let me die with my head in sujood, my eyes tearful of the love I have for you.
Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet SAW, his family and the Sahabas in Jannathul Firdous al 'aala.
Ya Allah save my non Muslim friends from the Fire. Guide them to Islam and righteousness in the most beautiful of ways.
Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone. Please make me a means of protecting and transferring my friends from hellfire into jannah.
Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship. Save me from Faahisha and let me complete half of my Deen with someone whose heart is attached to you.
Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds, bidah and Shirk. Keep us away from confusion of different sects and keep us on siratul mustaqeem.
Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for Tahajjud and Fajr daily.
Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success -safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous al alaa.
Ya Ghafoor make me from amongst the True slaves of Ar Rahman you mention in Surat Al Furan who are protected from Hell fire.
Ya Allah help single parents and sisters who have lost their husbands and guardians. Be their Wali and ease their hardships. Provide them with finance and help them take care of those under them.
Ya Allah Al Shafi cure everyone who is suffering from chronic diseases, illnesses and those suffering from Cancer.
Ya Allah keep us away from people who want to cause us harm. Ya Allah make my enemies my friends and make my friends my best friends. Surround me with people who remind me of you and about the akhirah.
Ya Allah help me become a hafidh/a and let me marry a hafidh/a of Qur'an and give tawfeeq for my entire progeny to be huffadh of Qur'an. Those who have Qur'an in their hearts and on their tongues. Those from my progeny who will be walking Qur'ans like our beloved Prophet SAW.
Ya Allah make me from amongst the best. Those who learn Qur'an and teach Qur'an.
Ya Allah bless my sisters in Islam with healthy pregnancies. Do not test my sisters with infertility. Grant them pious, beautiful and healthy children.
Ya Allah uplift the men of our Ummah. Make them men of true honour and deen. Make them our protectors and those who help us and guide us. Keep us away from men and hypocrites who might destroy us, our peace of mind and our eeman.
Ya Allah allow us intercession of Qur'an. Ya Allah let Surah Baraqah and Al Imran come as clouds over us on the day of judgment.
Ya Allah always keep us financially secure and content with what we have. Keep us away from arrogance and worldly competition.
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rest-in-being · 3 years ago
Our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم says that to believe in destiny is to believe in the oneness of Allah جل جلاله. The destiny of people is written in the sight of Allah جل جلاله, and it is a secret of Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla, says our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. Our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم says that whoever knows that it is a secret and believes in it will be in comfort. When something happens, many people get upset and desperate trying to understand how and why that happened. But people who believe in destiny know that it came from Allah جل جلاله and there is no need to be sad and to change it. It happened, so we cannot change it. There is a saying – there is no cure for the dead nor for the past. The dead is dead and the past is gone. You cannot die for it.
Therefore, this matter is important. People are in sorrow and sadness all the time. Those who believe in destiny let go of sorrow and sadness. It had to happen, so it did. There is no other solution. Whether you get upset or happy, this has to happen. While Adam Efendi was walking a couple of days ago, he broke his leg. People wonder why it happened and say if only he hadn’t been there. But that had to happen, so it happened. Whatever comes after will be a reward and Thawab for him. What can you do? There is nothing else to do. May Allah جل جلاله protect us from bad destiny.
When you have ‘iman, it is fine. That is also in the destiny of people. And if Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla gave ‘iman or not, that is also a secret of Allah جل جلاله. A person who has this secret, a person with ‘iman should always make Dua to Allah جل جلاله and ask for steadfastness, to have a good destiny and to have a good end. This is the most important thing. Everyone should think about this. They should not be sad about other things. MayAllah جل جلاله give us all steadfastness. May our ends be good.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
-Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil Ar Rabbani (may Allah sanctify his secret.)
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suhyla · 4 years ago
This is addressed to the sister who mentioned having intrusive thoughts about her sexuality, that this is known as Hocd and there are other catergories of this type of ocd. I would advise if she has not already to check out some other symptoms of ocd rumination and if she fits them to speak with an ocd specialist or her Gp/doctor to get in contact with one. That the sister should not think the content of the intrusive thoughts have meaning as they do not and are always the opposite of what the person is. For example a caring person by nature may have violent intrusive thoughts and panic because they think it means something when really everyone has intrusive thoughts where they go as quickly as they come however for this person the reason they keep having them or it is a stuck thought is because they are so horrified by it and worry that it has meaning which it does not. I myself have suffered with many types of unwanted intrusive thoughts and was diagnosed with severe OCD and go to therapy for this. I also recommend the book overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts by Martin N. Seif and Sally M Winston as it has honestly helped me so much I think it is essential reading for anyone dealing with intrusive thoughts, ocd or not, as it will help a lot. knowledge is power when it comes to mental health issues and really eases a lot of suffering. May Allah give you, myself and everyone suffering with any intrusive thoughts or mental illness complete cure, Ameen.
Ameen, jazakillah khair for sharing I hope she sees this! You guys are so helpful mashaAllah
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ennayerlie · 4 years ago
Presentation of the Forgotten Night (sequel to the text in the introduction)
Where do I start? When I talked about the Goddess I did not imply that God, as you know him, doesn’t exist. He is real, and a real jerk if I’m honest. Okay let’s start with the Goddess.
The Mother Goddess is the oldest god in the universe. She did not create the world nor has she created human life. In fact no one knows who came first, humans or gods. Gods are magical beings with immense power who can interact white the human world, even though most of them prefer to keep contact to a minimum to be honest. Gods are not always immortal. The only way for a god to be immortal is to be believed in, that’s why some of us interact with your world. The strength of a god grows with the strength of the faith believers have in him.
So, back at the Mother Goddess, she is the very first god and therefore she is the mother of all gods. Of course she did not give birth to all of the gods, but to a fair amount of them are her children. If she’s not a god’s mother she surely is somewhere in that person’s lineage. Also, even though she did not create human life as it is she cares deeply for this race and all of the races that were created afterwards. She sees herself as the mother of all life and the greatest gift she gives to all of her children is the gift of free will. She will never step in directly in the human world to change the way things are going. She was also very clear that should any of us do such a thing we will pay dearly. Things were not always like that, there was a time where we used to live amongst men.
Here comes an interesting part of the story, you know those books you read about magical creatures and stuff? Lots of them exist, thanks to the gods. When humans were going through hard times they would come to us, seeking help and power. That’s actually how most gods found their believers. Let’s say your village is ravaged by a terrible plague that kills everyone you love. You could go to a god and ask him or her (or whatever to be honest sometimes you just can’t know, there are also those of us who enjoy changing their body so it’s even harder to tell) to help you and your village by granting you guys eternal life, and he might do just that. But the universe has his way, so whatever wish may be granted has to come with the same amount of benefits and inconvenience. So, in that case, the village was saved and his people could no longer die of illness or old age, but to stay alive they now needed to drink another's essence of life: blood. In the process they also lost their ability to bear children and the illness they had never really got cured so they can barely support the sunlight. No need to ask, I am indeed talking about my very own children, the vampires. You see, even gods don’t know exactly what will happen when we grant a wish and that’s how many breeds of what you may call supernaturals were created: vampires, faes, witches, shapeshifters… There are also half breeds, like demi-gods, demi-faes and half witches. When it comes to shapeshifter there are no half breeds, you either are one or you are not. If you're of a mixed heritage it's a gamble and the gene can be passed for 3 or 4 generations without manifesting before going extinct. Let’s just say it led to some very interesting stories, but they are not my stories to tell so I shall say no more. Oh and by the way not all the wishes led to new species and stuff, some just made a man change everything he touched to gold or cut the ocean in two (the last one was a one time deal).
So, yes we used to live with humans and supernaturals and it was great. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and so what had to happen happened… Someone fucked up pretty badly and that someone is your so-called God. Everything was fine until the Mother Goddess had a fight with him, by the way he is one of her first sons. No one really knows what the fight was about, She won’t talk about it and no one really wants to ask Him.
Whatever happened it pissed him off really bad and he decided to make her pay by taking away what she loved most, her children. Since he could not hurt the other gods, the only way to kill a god is for him to be totally forgotten and to become a mortal god so you kill him (which is still very hard to do), he decided to harm her other childrens, the mortal one. He could have gone on a rampage and killed a couple thousands of them but he felt it would not be enough so he planned something else, something that would change history forever. He presented himself to different people using different names, Yahweh (who became Elohim), Allah and God. He interacted with humans and he created different religions in an attempt to eradicate every other belief to harm gods as well. When he realised that it was not enough and that he could not tarnish his mother's name that way he pushed his followers to hate each other and to go to war against each other.
He knew that, since her mother would never take away the free will she gave to her children, she could only watch her children get slaughtered and cry. What he did not expect is the fact that she could punish him, and that she did. Of course she could not strip him from his title and she would not force humans to forget him but she did something worse. She took his ability to have children and she forbade him from ever walking in the human world again. When she pronounced his sentence she reached the spirit of every living god, sharing her words and her pain to all who could hear:
« Proditor, my beloved son, it is with great pain that I cast this punishment upon you today. For the lives you’ve taken and that were not yours to take you shall amend by no longer being able to bring life into this world yourself. For the pain you caused in the living world you shall never know the joy of walking these soils again. For the pain you caused me you shall now be yours to feel. This is my will so mote it be»
Since that day most of us stopped going in the mortal world and became very careful of the wish we granted. Without us being there, humans slowly stopped believing and only those who were touched by the gods remembered us and our stories. These people call themselves supernaturals, even though humans usually call them demons, and they live hidden in the shadow of the world you just joined: the forgotten night.
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basicsofislam · 6 years ago
ISLAM 101: Belief in Prophets: Part 4
He was one of the greatest of Allah’s messengers and one of those held in high esteem. Indeed, he is one of the messengers Allah describes in the Qur’an as having ‘firm resolve’, namely, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon all of them. About these prophets, the Qur’an states, “We made a covenant with all the Prophets – with you and with Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus son of Mary – We made a binding covenant with them.” (Al-Ahzaab, 7)
He was a mere human being with no divine attributes whatsoever, whom Almighty Allah sent to guide the Children of Israel and supported with a number of miracles, as the Qur’an states, “He is only a slave on whom We bestowed Our blessing and whom We made an example for the tribe of Israel.” (Az-Zukhruf, 59) He never ordered his people to take him and his mother, Mary, as gods besides Allah; he only told them to do as Allah commanded him to tell them: “Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” (Al-Maa’idah, 117)
Muslims believe that Jesus ﷺ was one of the greatest of Allah’s messengers, that he had no divine attributes whatsoever and that he was neither killed, nor crucified.
He was the son of Mary, a chaste, pious and truthful virgin who entirely devoted herself to the worship of Allah. She gave birth to Jesus after miraculously conceiving him without a human father, his likeness in this being as that of Adam, as the Qur’an states, “The likeness of Jesus in Allah’s sight is the same as Adam. He created him from earth and then He said to him, ‘Be!’ and he was.” (Aal-‛Imraan, 59)
There was no prophet between him and Muhammad r. In fact, Jesus u gave the good news of the advent of Prophet Muhammad r, as the Qur’an states, “And when Jesus son of Mary said, ‘O Children of Israel, I am the Messenger of Allah to you, confirming the Torah which came before me and giving you the good news of a Messenger to come after me whose name is Ahmad.’ When he brought them the Clear Signs, they said, ‘This is downright magic.’” (As-Saff, 6)
We believe in the miracles he performed by Allah’s permission, such as his ability to heal the lepers, bringing dead people back to life and informing his people of what they ate and stored in their houses, all by Allah’s permission. Allah gave him the ability to perform such miracles to prove he was a true prophet who came with a divine message from his Lord.
A person will not be considered a true believer unless he believes that Jesus u was Allah’s servant and messenger and strongly rejects the false statements Jews make about him and which Allah dismiss as untrue. He must al strongly reject the Christian beliefs about Jesus, who have gone far astray for taking him and his mother as gods besides Allah, claiming that he was the son of God or adopting the doctrine of the Trinity, referring to Allah as “the third of three”. Glorified is He and High Exalted above what they say!
He was neither killed, nor crucified; instead, he was raised up by Allah to heaven. In fact, Allah gave someone else Jesus’ appearance, causing everyone to believe that Jesus was crucified. The Qur’an says about this, “And their saying, ‘We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.’ They did not kill him and they did not crucify him but it was made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it. They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. They did not really kill him. Allah raised him up to Himself. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. There is not one of the People of the Book who will not believe in him before he dies; and on the Day of Rising he will be a witness against them.” (An-Nisaa’, 157-59) In this way, Allah ﷻ protected him and raised Him to heaven. He will eventually return to earth towards the end of the world, rule by Muhammad’s law; then he will die and be buried, and will eventually be resurrected, like all human beings, as the Qur’an states, “From it We created you, to it We will return you, and from it We will bring you forth a second time.” (Taa Haa, 55)
SOME MIRACLES INDICATING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In the event that Hazrat Musa struck a stone with his stick and twelve springs of water gushed from the stone (al-Baqara, 60.), which is a miracle of Hazrat Musa, there is a sign that people can extract water through an instrument from hidden underground water resources. Today’s science found the drill. That verse indicates the drill and further. The Miracles of Hazrat Eesa reviving the dead, curing the people born blind and the people with speckled skins (Aal-e-Imran, 49.) show that remedies can be found even for the most chronic diseases. That verse shows and encourages more than the level mankind reached in medicine today. In the verse O Fire! Be thou cool, and (a means of)) safety for Abraham! (al-Anbiya. 69.), there is a sign for science and technology. Accordingly, it is understood that out of materials like fire resistant amianthus (rock wool) Allah hid under the earth, clothes and other fire resistant thins can be made. The verses informing us the miracles of the prophets indicate science and art, apart from their literal meaning. It is possible to understand different things from a verse. Absolute obedience to prophets is ordered in the Quran. So the Quran encourages men to learn science by these verses. Since the purpose of men’s creation is to fully worship their Creator, men can only perform full worshipping by the sciences and information he learns.
Although people can understand the existence and oneness of Allah by reasoning, they cannot fully understand the attributes peculiar to Him. They cannot know how to worship Him. They cannot understand the affairs and responsibility of the hereafter. They need to be informed about them by Allah.
Allah sent people prophets to meet their needs about those issues. He taught people all of the issues that they need to know through His prophets.
If no prophets had been sent, people would not have been responsible for any religious judgments except knowing the existence and oneness of Allah. According to some Kalam scholars, they would not have been responsible for even understanding the existence and oneness of Allah. As a matter of fact, the following is stated in a verse:
“Nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent a messenger (to give warning).” (al-Isra, 15)
Human beings knew nothing; they learned everything, every art and skill from prophets. Prophets taught the mankind the ways of being happy and living peacefully in the world and in the hereafter, the principles of getting on well with one another, ethics and good manners.
Belief in Allah’s messengers has a number of benefits, including the following:
Awareness of Allah’s care for His slaves for sending messengers to them to guide them to the right path and show them how to worship Allah. Indeed, the human mind cannot possibly do this. Addressing Prophet Muhammad r, Allah ﷻ says, “We have only sent you as a mercy to all the worlds.” (Al-Anbiyaa’, 107)
Showing gratefulness to Allah for this great blessing.
Showing love for Allah’s messengers, holding them in high esteem and adequately praising them for delivering Allah’s message to their people and giving them good counsel.
Following the guidance contained in the message which the messengers have brought from Allah, namely, to worship Allah alone without associating any partners with Him in worship and adhering to the dictates of this message. This will bring about happiness for the believers in both this life and in the life to come. The Qur’an says, “Those who follow My guidance will not go astray and will not be wretched. But whoever turns away from My reminder, he will lead a miserable life.” (Taa Haa, 123-24)
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wisdomrays · 6 years ago
THE GUIDE FOR THE YOUTH: The Sixth Topic From The Fruits of Belief
In Kastamonu a group of high-school students came to me, saying: "Tell us about our Creator, our teachers do not speak of Allah." And I said to them: "All the sciences you study continuously speak of Allah and make known the Creator, each with its own particular tongue. Do not listen to your teachers; listen to them."
For example, a well-equipped pharmacy with life-giving potions and cures in every jar weighed out in precise and wondrous measures doubtlessly shows an extremely skilful, practised, and wise pharmacist. In the same way, to the extent that it is bigger and more perfect and better equipped than the pharmacy in the market-place, the pharmacy of the globe of the earth with its living potions and medicaments in the jars which are the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals shows and makes known to eyes that are blind even - by means of the measure or scale of the science of medicine that you study - the All-Wise One of Glory, Who is the Pharmacist of the mighty pharmacy of the earth.
To take another example, a wondrous factory which weaves thousands of sorts of cloth from a simple material doubtless makes known a manufacturer and skilful mechanical engineer. In the same way, to whatever extent it is larger and more perfect than the human factory, this travelling Dominical machine known as the globe of the earth with its hundreds of thousands of heads in each of which are hundreds of thousands of factories shows and makes known - by means of the measure or scale of the science of engineering which you study - its Manufacturer and Owner.
And, for example, a depot, store, or shop in which has been brought together and stored up in regular and orderly fashion a thousand and one varieties of provisions undoubtedly makes known a wondrous owner, proprietor, and overseer of provisions and foodstuffs.
In just the same way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this Dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty-four thousand years, and carrying groups of beings requiring different foods and passing through the seasons on its journey and filling the spring with thousands of different provisions like a huge waggon, brings them to the wretched animate creatures whose sustenance has been exhausted in winter, - by means of the measure or scale of the science of economics which you study - this depot of the earth makes known and makes loved its Manager, Organizer, and Owner.
And, for example, let us imagine an army which consists of four hundred thousand nations and each nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those different nations with all their different provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetting or confusing any of them, then surely the army and camp show the commander and make him loved appreciatively. In just the same way, the spring camp of the face of the earth in which every spring a newly recruited.
Divine army of the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals are given their varying uniforms, rations, weapons, training, and demobilizations in utterly perfect and regular fashion by a single Commander-in-Chief Who forgets or confuses not one of them - to whatever extent the spring camp of the face of the earth is vaster and more perfect than that human army, - by means of the measure or scale of the military science that you study - it makes known to the attentive and sensible, its Ruler, Lord, Administrator, and Most Holy Commander, causing wonderment and acclaim, and makes Him loved and praised and glorified.
Another example: Millions of electric lights that move and travel through a wondrous city, their fuel and power source never being exhausted, self-evidently make known a wonder-working craftsman and extraordinarily talented electrician who manages the electricity, makes the moving lamps, sets up the power source, and brings the fuel; they cause others to congratulate and applaud him, and to love him. In just the same way, although some of the lamps of the stars in the roof of the palace of the world in the city of the universe - if they are considered in the way that astronomy says - are a thousand times larger than the earth and move seventy times faster than a cannon ball, they do not spoil their order, nor collide with one another, nor become extinguished, nor is their fuel exhausted.
According to astronomy, which you study, for our sun to continue burning, which is a million times larger than the earth and a million times older and is a lamp and stove in a guest-house of the Most Merciful One, as much oil as the seas of the earth and as much coal as its mountains or as much logs and wood as ten earths are necessary for it not to be extinguished. And however much greater and more perfect than this example are the electric lamps of the palace of the world in the majestic city of the universe, which point with their fingers of light to an infinite power and sovereignty which illuminates the sun and other lofty stars like it without oil, wood, or coal, not allowing them to be extinguished or to collide with one another, though travelling together at speed, to that degree - by means of the measure of the science of electricity which you either study or will study - they testify to and make known the Monarch, Illuminator, Director, and Maker of the mighty exhibition of the universe; they make Him loved, glorified, and worshipped.
And, for example, a book in every line of which a whole book is finely written, and in every word of which a Sura of the Qur’an is inscribed with a fine pen, which is most meaningful and all of whose matters corroborate one another, a wondrous collection showing its writer and author to be extraordinarily skilful and capable, undoubtedly shows its writer and author together with all his perfections and arts are clearly as daylight, and makes him known. It makes him appreciated with phrases like, What wonders Allah has willed! and, Blessed be Allah! And just the same is the mighty Book of the Universe; we see with our eyes a pen at work which writes on the face of the earth, which is a single of its pages, and on the spring, which is a single folio, the three hundred thousand plant and animal species, which are like three hundred thousand different books, all together, one within the other, without fault or error, without mixing them up or confusing them, perfectly and with complete order, and sometimes writes an ode in a word like a tree, and the complete index of a book in a point like a seed. However much vaster and more perfect and meaningful than the book in the example mentioned above is this compendium of the universe and mighty embodied Qur’an of the world, which is infinitely full of meaning and in every word of which are numerous instances of wisdom, to that degree - in accordance with the extensive measure and far-seeing vision of the natural science that you study and the sciences of reading and writing that you have practised at school - it makes known the Inscriber and Author of the Book of the Universe together with His infinite perfections.
Proclaiming Allah is Most Great!, it makes Him known. Uttering words like Glory be to Allah!, it describes Him. Uttering praises like All praise be to Allah!, it makes Him loved.
Thus, hundreds of other sciences like these make known the Glorious Creator of the universe together with His Names, each through its broad measure or scale, its particular mirror, its far-seeing eyes, and searching gaze; they make known His attributes and perfections.
"It is in order to give instruction in this matter, which is a brilliant and magnificent proof of Divine Unity, that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition teaches us about our Creator most often with the verses,
Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, and, Creator of the Heavens and Earth." I said this to the schoolboys, and they accepted it completely, affirming it by saying: "Endless thanks be to Al-lah, for we have received an absolutely true and sacred lesson. May Allah be pleased with you!" And I said:
Man is a living machine who is grieved with thousands of different sorrows and receives pleasure in thousands of different ways, and despite his utter impotence has innumerable enemies, physical and spiritual, and despite his infinite poverty, has countless needs, external and  inner, and is a wretched creature continuously receiving the blows of death and separation. And yet, through belief and worship, he suddenly becomes connected to a Monarch so Glorious that he finds a point of support against all his enemies and a source of help for all his needs, and like everyone takes pride at the honour and rank of the lord to whom he is attached, you can compare for yourselves how pleased and grateful and thankful and full of pride man becomes at being connected through belief to an infinitely Powerful and Compassionate Monarch, at entering His service through worship, and transforming for himself the announcement of the execution of the appointed hour into papers releasing him from duty.And I repeat to the calamity-stricken prisoners what I said to the schoolboys:"One who recognizes Him and obeys Him is fortunate even if he is in prison. While one who forgets Him is wretched and a prisoner even if he lives in a palace."Even, one wronged but fortunate man said to the wretched tyrants who were executing him: "I am not being executed but being demobilized and going to happiness. But I see that you are being condemned to eternal execution and so am taking complete revengse on you." And saying: "There is no god but Allah!", he happily yielded up his spirit.
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easeafterdifficulty-blog · 6 years ago
Delusions, psychotic disorders, and other mental illnesses in the light of Islam
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatuLlah, bismiLlah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem. All praise is to Allah, everything good comes from Him and every error of mine comes from me alone. So may Allah forgive me for such mistakes.
Disclaimer - I am not a professional nor a scholar: I limit myself to sharing from those who are, and putting information together. None of this content should be taken as a replacement for spiritual counselling or actual mental health support. I am simply your sister fiLlah.
According to WebMD, “Psychotic disorders are a group of serious illnesses that affect the mind. They make it hard for someone to think clearly, make good judgments, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately.”
There are many different psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and delusional disorder. Other disorders, such as some personality disorders (like borderline personality disorder) or mood disorders (like bipolar disorders), may also feature psychotic symptoms. Moreover, psychotic disorders may be co-morbid with other mental illnesses, such as post-traumatic disorders, personality disorders, and more.
Symptoms may include:
difficulty concentrating
depressive episodes and anxiety
problems sleeping a healthy amount of time
hallucinations with one or more of the five senses
disorganized speech
suicidal tendencies and/or self-harm
Is it my fault if I have a psychotic disorder? Do I deserve to suffer because I am a “bad muslim” even though I strive to be better?
Being mentally ill, having a psychotic disorder, or suffering from delusions does not have to do with how religious or righteous one is. Dr. Abu’l Mundhir Khaleel ibn Ibraaheem Ameen, in his book “The Jinn & Human Sickness”, states: “Even those who are righteous and upright in their religious commitment are not free from the problems of delusions.” In fact, it is clear that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala sends tests to all of His believers, including prophets, messengers, and other people who were extremely close to Allah ta’ala.
Allah says:
   Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.
   Qur’an, 21:35
And He also says:
   And fear the trial which will not strike in particular (only) those who have wronged among you...
   Qur’an, 8:25
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.”
Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (2396) and Ibn Majah (4031). Classed as saheeh by al-Albani.
Depending on the situation, a calamity that befalls an individual may be a test for those around them, and a blessing for them.
Shaykh Al-Munajjid said on this topic:
   Not every sickness or handicap is necessarily a punishment; rather it may be a test for the child’s parents, by which Allaah will expiate for their bad deeds, or raise their status in Paradise if they bear this trial with patience.  Then if the child grows up, the test will also include him, and if he bears it with patience and faith, then Allaah has prepared for the patient a reward that cannot be enumerated.
That said, it is also plausible that one’s suffering is a means for them to get closer to Allah, or to be purified from their sins.
It was narrated that Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
«The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:“If Allah wills good for His slave, He hastens his punishment in this world, and if He wills bad for His slave, He withholds from him (the punishment for) his sin, until He requites him for it on the Day of Resurrection.”»
Narrated and classed as hasan by at-Tirmidhi (2396); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Tirmidhi.
This shows that when Allah loves his believers, He tests them so that their sins may be expiated quickly and more easily.
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported:
«The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no Muslim who is afflicted with pain as much as the prick of a thorn or more but that Allah will expiate his sins just as leaves fall from a tree.”»
Narrated in Saheeh Bukhari (5324), Saheeh Muslim (2571).
Alhamdulillah, every little pain we suffer in this Dunya will earn us expiations from sins. So what about serious illnesses and long-lasting emotional pain?
Every person’s situation will be different, some will be tested to have their status elevated, some will be tested for expiation, some will be tested because of Allah’s mercy, some will be test for all of the aforementioned reasons, and so forth. Many times, individuals’ lives may be full of obstacles and tests because of reasons that are unclear to us, and only known to Allah.
Moreover, everyone sins, and everyone needs more and more guidance, for man is imperfect, and only prophets were most perfect in matters that regard religion! Do not despair of Allah’s mercy and forgiveness, and rest assured His plan is the best plan of all.
Will I be punished if I sin in times where I am unable to reason clearly or understand what I am doing?
Whenever a Muslim who suffers from hallucinations hears or sees something terrible, such as something that undermines Islam or which places doubts in his mind about Allah, or similar things, they will not be held accountable for it.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
«The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah has forgiven my ummah for whatever whispers [waswasah] cross their minds so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it.”»
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2391) and Muslim (127).
Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Fath al-Baari (5/161):
   What we may understand is that there is no blame for what crosses a person’s mind, unless it is translated into actions or words as a result of that thought. What is meant by whispers [waswasah] is when a thought resides in a person’s mind without him feeling happy with it, or it takes root in his mind.
Moreover, Shaykh al-Munajjid states,
   If we assume that this sick person uttered what was on his mind under the pressure of his illness or of the whispers in his heart in the sense that he was overcome and could not help it, and these words came out of him without him intending that, then he will not be brought to account for that, because he did not intend to say it out loud. (..) If he says something when he is compelled, without intending or wanting to, then he will not be brought to account for it.
What is the cause and cure of such disorders?
Verily every sickness has a cure that Allah has sent. Any physical and psychological disease may be caused by a problem which resides in one’s body or brain, or alternatively, by jinn, devilish whispers, going astray from the right path of Islam, and so forth; or even both.
The cure may be found in the deen (religion) as well as meds or other therapies.
For more information, please read the book “The Jinn & Human Sickness” by Dr. Abu’l Mundhir Khaleel ibn Ibraaheem Ameen.
Shaykh al-Munajjid says on this matter:
   The depression that people feel may be a sickness that needs to be treated and needs referral to specialists; or it may be feelings of distress that may be relieved by doing a lot of acts of worship, remembering Allah, keeping company with good and righteous friends, and keeping busy with beneficial actions. (...) Whatever the case, Allah has not sent down any disease but He has sent down a cure for it, and there is a remedy for this depression no matter what type it is. The believer should adorn himself with patience and certainty of faith, and he should turn to Allah a great deal and ask of Him, because the keys to goodness are in His hand.
In any case, it will certainly not cause harm if one who suffers from a psychotic disorder starts reading more Qur’an, reciting adhkar, and surrounding yourself with righteous people who are understanding and supportive and will remind you of Allah, and to be patient in a beautiful way. Even if such a person’s disorder is not caused by jinn, being closer to Allah will undoubtedly give them a powerful weapon against impatience, despair, or their condition becoming worse due to devilish whispers.
Am I allowed to see a psychologist or psychiatrist, and take anti-psychotic medication or other types of medication?
Yes, upon scholarly consensus, finding a cure to your diseases is permitted or encouraged. It is not reprehensible, and one should take care of one’s body, mind and soul as best as possible, as long as the means of doing that are halal.
It was narrated that Abu’l-Dardaa’ (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
«The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah created the disease and the cure, so treat disease but do not treat it with anything that is haraam.”»
Narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 24/254. Classed as saheeh by al-Albani.
Ibn al-Qayyim said on the matter:
   In the saheeh ahaadeeth there is the command to use medicine, and these ahaadeeth state that this does not contradict the idea of putting one’s trust in Allaah, just as warding off hunger, thirst, heat and cold by means of their opposites does not contradict it. Rather the reality of Tawheed cannot be perfected without following the means which Allaah has created in order to reach ends, both by His universal will and in His laws that He has prescribed. Ignoring this matter undermines the very essence of putting one’s trust in Allaah, just as it undermines the concept of Allaah’s command and wisdom, and weakens it so that the one who does not use the means to an end thinks that not using them is a stronger form of putting one’s trust in Allah. But not using the means to an end is a sign of weakness which contradict the idea of putting one’s trust in Allaah, the essence of which is the reliance of the heart on Allaah to provide that which will benefit a person in this world and in the Hereafter, and to ward off that which will harm him in this world and in the Hereafter. But it is essential to depend on use of the means, otherwise one is denying the wisdom of Allaah and the laws which He has prescribed. So the slave of Allaah should not call his helplessness dependence on Allaah, or call his dependence on Allaah helplessness.
(Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/15)
It is true that sometimes, medication may contain dubious ingredients, or may have enormous side effects which makes one wonder whether it is worth taking such medication. In such cases, one should ask (or look for) a specific fatwa on the matter. Keep in mind there is some disagreement among scholars on some matters, such as the use of gelatin in some pills.
I pray that Allah aids every person suffering from mental illness in the best way possible, and hope everyone who reads this can find some comfort and guidance, in sha’ Allah. May Allah reward you greatly. And if you find I have committed an error, remind me gently, and correct me without hesitation. And finally, verily Allah knows best.
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shufah · 2 years ago
How to ease heart and cure from illness.I am feeling very pain and why it is so difficult to forget someone who reject you and hurt you.Why thoughts of dunya gives ache to the heart.Why I don't feel sukoon with people of dunya .Why I am not able to accept if something is not written for me.Why I accept from allah that allah will give may be ..I am in so much pain . I am crying infront of allah😭 ya allah please heal my heart and give it to the person who can protect my heart.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات،
may Allāh swt grant you سكينة والشفافية <٤
i would like to start by apologising for how long it has taken for me to respond to your ask. life has become somewhat of a mess lately; so i wasn’t in the right headspace to be giving advice. but i would like to try as i can feel the hurt in your messages سبحان الله.
forgetting those who hurt you is something that even i haven’t gotten my head around. all i can say it gets easier with time as time passes they’ll begin to cross your mind less & less. make a lot of استغفر وتصبيحه remember that if they rejected you it was what Allāh swt willed; He knew that this wasn’t what He wanted for you because He has even better for you. Allāh swt has your best intentions at heart always.
كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍۢ
everyone who is on it (the earth) has to perish.
when you spoke of your troubles with facing heartache bc of this dunya this ayah came to mind. Allāh swt tells us that we will all leave this imperfect existence one day and proceed to the everlasting, peaceful existence we were created for. it is an incredible نعمة because this world is not worthy for us to live in forever and it is only suited for us to exist in for a short limited time before we return to Him. so, the fact that thoughts of this dunya brings you heartache is a blessing because you are not attached to something that isn’t yours.
maybe, you haven’t found your people yet but remember Allāh swt is the Best of Planners. sooner or later you might meet the people who are your platonic soulmates who increase you in spirit, imaan & happiness. use your tears and emotions to turn to Allāh swt & beg Him for what your heart desires. we are creation with no power so turn to the One who holds all power & surely you will not be disappointed.
it is difficult to accept that something you wanted wasn’t written for you but this is all a test. Allāh swt does everything for a reason; someday you might find out or you won’t that is قدر. however, you must stay hopeful & try to sincerely believe there is better waiting for you!
اللهم امين
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poetrynwords4thesoul · 4 years ago
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HUMANITY, I Behold the beauty of this stubborn child, A creature borne of Love and Light Each individual unique and gorgeously different Like a magnificent painting of different hues A mirror to Love's clues I pray that they see that diversity breeds tolerance That beyond Earth there is vast Life Each striving to be less ignorant Growing to understand uniqueness and Oneness A grand beautiful paradox that is the music of Life We each bring something special within us that is full of Light And therein lies the Truth within delusions Be in this world but not of this world, break the illusion There is only Love and equality with perfect fellowship No such thing as the “son of God” but only earnest friendship We are all Loves children in the Flower's Eyes No parent has a chosen one, that is pure Lies No special people nor rules except Love The kingdom of God is within your Heart Five times give acts of Compassion a day Instead of prostrating yourselves all day Instead of judging with exterior superiority Look deep inside your soul and reflect on Loves generosity Respect not the power that oppresses and dims the Light of God Instead be the guardians of Truth like days of old You face a rock from Space and Pray Yet your wealth comes from Earth but appreciation you don’t pay You must know that violence and hatred is the farthest thing from paradise Discrimination and superiority, It is Allah you chastise The only Law of the Land Is LOVE above ALL, you Must For the Creator in the End will be swift and Just Do not defile places of worship with money and greed Do not be obsessed with what is temporary and Free Why do you worship your banks, Todays golden calf? And arrogantly wait for your Messiah to come from above Why do you only respect your own kind While your religious texts render you blind Do you not see that You are NOT a special member of the Family Instead of Material Wealth, focus your heart on quiet works of charity Instead of using tools of guilt from the past Learn from those who you Judge, for this will last The trumpet has been sounded Rethink on the values your beliefs have been founded For the foundation of the House of David Is Peace, Love and Unity, and this is sacred. And those that seek the Truth high in the Mountains and Caves Your soul is pure and brave For it is internal Bliss you Chase But Wisdom should not be at LOVE’s expense And Blessings you will receive to Your Heart’s content Pray for the Cosmos, Earth and Humanity at your level best For we are custodians never given dominion To possess creation's divinity is the ultimate sin in my opinion Give whole heartedly without expecting back Let your heart's honesty lead the path Akin to the Humble Atheist who spreads good with earnest intention And your Light will age like fine wine And this may not be easy of comprehension Be free, Love and get out of Your own jail You don’t have to be holy to be a saint Thus the ones before have laid down the Law Everyone has their own path to God and this is the flaw Laws that have been abused for power and fear The hope is to enter Paradise instead of Creating one here Division and hatred has been the result and this is Clear Dear Beloved child a message from Mother to hold dear: The key and the secret is the sacred seven: Walk and talk with Unconditional Love Show Forgiveness Now, for the Past and Future Be the expression of Compassion, for this is Life’s cure Always be and show Humility, for it will keep Your soul pure Be the bearer of Truth, as painful as it may be Yearn for Wisdom as part of your creed Be the bringer of Light, to give hope when it is unpredictable and dark THANK YOU. Mo`a 'Anbessa Ze'imnegede Yihuda
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tawheed · 4 years ago
Via Youtube: Tawheed on 23rd Feb, 2021 V1:161- Falsity of the myth of "Umm Al-Subyan" [Noor ala alDarb, Shaikh ibn Baz, Vol1] Language: English Q: The questioner says that she read a lot about the myth of "Umm Al-Subyan (Mother of little boys)", which is reported from Prophet Sulayman (Solomon, peace be upon him). She is asking the Shaykh to direct her, can such things affect humans? [Vol. 1, Page No. 388-391] A: These things which people say about "Umm Al-Subyan" have no origin and should not be listened to. It is of the common myths; they claim that she is a Jinni (creature created from fire) that afflicts little boys, which has no basis of truth. Also, what they say about Prophet Sulayman, has no origin and should not be considered or trusted. Every person is accompanied by an angel and a devil, as the Prophet (ﷺ) has informed us. Every human has a Qarin (personal Jinn companion), not just Zayd or Umar, but everyone does. Anyone who obeys Allah and adheres to the straight path, Allah will protect them of the evil of their devil: 'There is not one of you who does not have a Jinn appointed to be his constant companion.' They said, 'Even you, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'Even me, but Allah has helped me against him and he has submitted.' As for "Umm Al-Subyan", it has no origin or basis of authenticity. It is not permitted to use amulets for protection against her. No one should tie any item on which is written: So and so is seeking refuge in Allah from Umm Al-Subyan etc. around the neck of their son or daughter, or talismans or names of devils or shaykhs or anything else. It is forbidden to do so or to hang such things on children for all this is Munkar (unacceptable or disapproved of by Shariah and Muslims of sound intellect). The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade the use of amulets, also known as Hujub (preservative, protection). He (ﷺ) said: Anyone who ties an amulet, may Allah not fulfill his aim; and anyone who ties a seashell, may Allah not give him peace. And: The Ruqyahs (recitations for healing or protection), amulets and love-charms are Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship).) Amulets are any object hung on children, boys or girls, and on the sick to cure them, or to protect them from the Jinn. It is called an amulet or Hijab (preservative); it can be made up of meaningless words, names of devils, disjointed letters, or Ayahs (Qur`anic verses) mixed with other writings. This is all prohibited for the children and the sick and anyone else. What should be done is reciting lawful Ruqyah (reciting Qur`an and saying supplications over the sick seeking healing) over the person. The forbidden Ruqyah (i.e. recitation for healing or protection) is any words recited that are unknown or which involve Munkar. As for Ruqyah using the Qur`an and lawful Dua`a (supplication), this is permitted. The Prophet (ﷺ) used to perform Ruqyah for his people, and Jibril (Gabriel, peace be upon him) performed Ruqyah for the Prophet (ﷺ). The Prophet (ﷺ) said: There is nothing wrong with Ruqyah as long as it does not involve any Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship). A boy or a girl afflicted with a disease should be read on by their father or mother or others seeking healing. They can recite Surah Al-Fatihah (Opening Chapter of the Qur`an), Ayat-ul-Kursy (the Qur`an ic Verse of Allah's Chair, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255), Surah Al-Ikhlas and Al-Mu`awwidhatayn (Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nas), and supplication should be made, asking Allah to make them well. This can also be done for the sick or someone who has been bitten or stung, as the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) recited Qur`an on the man who was stung by a scorpion, this is permitted. Reciting satanic incantations, meaningless words, names of devils or unknown supplications, all this is not permitted. Also, amulets, known as "Huruz" or "Jawami'" or called by any other names, are all forbidden to hang or wear. The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade the hanging of amulets, saying: Anyone who ties an amulet, may Allah not fulfill his aim; and anyone who ties a seashell, may Allah not give him peace. It was reported from Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) that he saw a man who had tied a string around his hand as protection from fever, so he cut it and recited the Saying of Allah (Glorified be He): And most of them believe not in Allah except that they attribute partners unto Him [i.e. they are Mushrikun i.e. polytheists. See Verse 6: 121]. Also, `Imran ibn Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that: The Prophet (ﷺ) saw a man wearing a brass ring on his upper arm, so... https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/12936/%D9%85%D8%A7-%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%AF-%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%89-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%86 #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Sunnah #Fatwa
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sm2k20 · 4 years ago
Reflection #1 (20/21)
Third Year, first Semester  (20/21)
Let’s just say, I got this idea of writing a reflection after a series of video calls with my good friend Syera. That’s because we’re in our penultimate year of study and that it’d be nice if we could start recording some events and look back at it in a few years and ask ourselves, how much have we changed? 
Aside from that, the subjects that I am taking this semester really opened up my eyes to understand the world better. I may not fully comprehend still, but I did gained life lessons aside from what I should be learning about. Most of the subjects had implicitly motivated me into wanting to become a better person for myself in the upcoming future.
It starts here I guess:
In one of our video calls in the last few days, I asked Syera to summarize her whole experience about this semester in a few words. However, ‘a few words’ became a whole thesis lol regardless, I enjoyed listening to her experience. When it was my turn to summarize my experience to her, I felt like I could not put it into only a few words. So, I’ve decided to write and share everything here.
It was official that we had to commence the semester through online/virtual learning and teaching which Alhamdulillah went well for me. By far, my internet connection had not let me down this semester. I count it as a blessing from Allah and I am very thankful for the subjects this semester. I would like to give a big thanks to my lecturers, groupmates and classmates.
I’ve met new people regardless of the medium we were using. For the juniors, that I interacted with, they always give me a sense of nostalgia as I always see myself in them. Interacting with them takes me back to when I was in my first year where a senior in her final year was helping me out and was very  accepting of who I am. Until today, we kept contacting each other. So, when I saw these younger students through my laptop’s screen, I can’t help but wish I could provide them any type of help they needed. I felt obligated to help them regardless if we were strangers or not. It’s almost like I see my lost self or younger self in them which kind of made me just wanted to protect all of them if possible. I acknowledge their potentials and hope to see them become successful in the future. Must be nice being young lol. You are all great!
Of course, there’s also the seniors especially those who were in my level 4 classes, I enjoyed the company of these people. If you were to ask me, I would prefer to be in a class filled with seniors than students of my own batch which is kind of odd but yes. In a way, I feel more motivated and competitive being in a class with level 4 students. Also, most of them treated me like their own friends and I really appreciate that type of friendship especially when I particularly look up to those who are older or wiser lol. My hope for all of you is to be happy wherever life takes you. Do what you like, like what you do. All the best.
And of course, to the friends who I had been contacting. I hope the best for you and that we will get through certain obstacles together. In Sha Allah.
I enjoyed all classes and  indirectly, I have learned that: (these are merely opinions btw you don’t have to agree with me)
1) Perfection doesn’t exist (not in communication)
In communication, there’s this principle: communication is not a panacea which I believe is very true. Even if we attempt to fix certain problems (relationships/friendships) in life with words through discussions/talks sometimes it may not work out. Especially in situations where only one person is keen on working the problem out through communication to fix their relationship/friendship for instance, and that the other person refuses to cooperate. That’s THE END of the relationship/friendship. In other words, apologizing or engaging in talks sometimes do not cure the pain of others or fix anything if the one of them who are involved refuses to accept it. So in a way, communication is not always the cure or solution to certain problems which is the equivalent of not a perfect tactic to approach problems. Communication is the key? hm I have to think about that then lol.
2) Appreciation for literature
I came to appreciate literature a lot more regardless of their genres after learning Stylistics and Islamic Literature in English. For Stylistics, it was difficult to comprehend at first but after a few lessons, classes became more interesting and that I enjoyed all the assignments. I get to see certain patterns in poems and lyrics now and it makes me feel great! (lol idk how to put it lah) plus I had a good time learning Stylistics. On top of that, I had really awesome groupmates which I am very thankful for.
For Islamic Literature in English, it’s amazing seeing the works of Islamic writers of the past. It’s especially mind blowing how some of the pieces they wrote was in another language but somehow got translated in English and was the piece that we studied in class. I am beyond amazed with the texts given by my lecturer and imagine how much better would it be if it was in the writer’s orginal language Arabic/Urdu/Persian. In Sha Allah, this makes me want to become a better Muslim in the future and also try my best to write more even though I might not be the best at writing.
Here’s a section dedicated to that one classmate of mine:
To that one junior who sent me an appreciation email with attached documents. I must say I was really touched by it. Thank you for sending that <3. If you’re reading this, I hope only the best for you and that if you need help, I’m always here for you, be it if I’m already in my 4th year or even had graduated lol.
Last words:
2020 may not be the best year for some of us and that I am aware of my shortcomings for this semester. I may not provide help to some of you when you needed it. Just so you know, I am human as well and it breaks my heart knowing that I am. For me, I would definitely want everyone to be happy with my presence and I want to be able to be useful to all the people I know. But sometimes, I cannot even if I wanted to, so very badly. In Sha Allah, I will strive to become a better Syarmine for all of you in 2021 and the years to come. With that, I would like to end it here. Assalamualaikum.
Here’s a song for you, who had been part of my 3rd year, semester 1:  Sexy Zone - ぎゅっと 
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quranreadalong · 7 years ago
#77, Surah 12
Joseph is happily enslaved in Egypt, living with the captain of the palace guard and the guard’s wife. Sadly, things are about to take a turn for the worse... because the guard’s wife is a hoe!!!
And she, in whose house he was, asked of him an evil act. She bolted the doors and said: Come! He said: I seek refuge in Allah!
Joseph ain’t about that adultery life because he is a good godfearing young gentleman. So he runs past her and goes to the door, with her chasing him and grabbing at his clothes, as a hoe does. Then at the worst possible moment her man appears.
they met her lord and master at the door. She said: What shall be his reward, who wisheth evil to thy [wife], save prison or a painful doom? 
Hey, a painful doom mention not from Allah or about the kuffar, that’s unusual!
The wife accuses Joseph of trying to rape her. Fortunately, Joseph has a defense!
(Joseph) said: She it was who asked of me an evil act. And a witness of her own folk testified: If his shirt is torn from before, then she speaketh truth and he is of the liars. And if his shirt is torn from behind, then she hath lied and he is of the truthful. So when he saw his shirt torn from behind, he said: Lo! this is of the guile of you women. Lo! the guile of you is very great.
One of the other household members tells the captain: “Look, if his shirt is torn open in front, they were probably making out and shit. But if it’s torn from behind, he was probably trying to get away from her and she grabbed him”. Her husband agrees with this and starts feeling sorry for himself, whining about how these hoes ain’t loyal. (That’s bad and meant as an insult to women, but since it’s just a minor character saying it, I’m cutting Mohammed some slack and keeping it all neutral). He tells his wife to apologize to Joseph for this incident.
(In the Genesis version, the whole shirt thing doesn’t happen--she grabs his cloak instead and uses it as evidence that he’d been in her room--and the captain believes his wife, sending Joseph to prison.)
Word of this incident gets out and the wife’s reputation is ruined. So she invites everyone to her house and gives them all knives, then brings out Joseph. He is so hot that they all stab themselves when they see him (?!?!?) in 12:31:
And when they saw him they exalted him and cut their hands, exclaiming: Allah Blameless! This is no a human being. This is not other than some gracious angel.
This strangle little deviation from the Biblical tale may be from a Jewish tradition. The link is interesting and explains why this story may have developed if you wanna check it out.
Anyway, the captain’s wife says “Look, he’s hot, see??? Can y’all rly blame me? I’m gonna get in his pants one day, and if he resists me, I’m sending him to jail.”
Joseph is alarmed by this development and asks Allah for help. Allah “fended off” the “wiles” of the lustful Egyptian ladies. But the Egyptians imprison him anyway for some reason, even though they know he’s innocent. So into jail he goes, and now we’ve rejoined the Genesis story.
While in jail, he meets two fellow inmates and interprets their dreams. One dreams of making wine; the other dreams of birds eating some bread. Joseph... starts a rant about how polytheism is bad despite it having nothing to do with the conversation, damn it Mohammed!!
“Lo! I have forsaken the religion of folk who believe not in Allah and are disbelievers in the Hereafter”, he explains to the prisoners, who did not say a damn thing about religion. “It never was for us to attribute aught as partner to Allah”, he continues, and the two guys are presumably very confused by now. “It’s better to have one god than multiple ones,” he confides in them. “In other words your gods are fake tbh,” he concludes as the baker and cupbearer stare at him. (I guess we’re still neutral?? He didn’t threaten them with hell at least!)
“Uh... dude can you just do the dream interpretation thing like in the Genesis version please?”, the baker asks. “Oh... right,” Joseph says, regaining his composure. “One of you will be fine, the other will be crucified, lol sorry man.”
“Crucifixion doesn’t exist yet,” replies the exasperated baker. “It was a Roman invention. We already went over this in surah seven.”
“That attitude is precisely why Allah will allow the evildoers to kill you,” Joseph replies, solemnly. Turning next to the cupbearer, he says: “Put in a good word for me when you see the pharaoh, would you?” But Shaytan causes him to never do this, so Joe remains imprisoned.
...until one day when the pharaoh has an odd dream and asks for it to be interpreted. His staff searches for a dream interpreter. “Hey I knew a guy like that once!!”, thinks the cupbearer, evidently cured of his Shaytan-induced amnesia, and he goes off to prison to find Joseph, who interprets the dream with ease. The kingdom will have seven fruitful years and then seven years of crop failure, followed by more fruitfulness.
NEXT TIME: Will the pharaoh accept Joseph’s interpretation?? Find out in the thrilling continuation!!!
The Quran Read-Along: Day 77
Ayat: 27
Good: 0
Neutral: 27 (12:23-49)
Bad: 0
Kuffar hell counter: 0
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soul-submission · 7 years ago
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And when I am ill, it is He who cures me (26:80) May Allah give shifa to all those who are sick and have health problems. May Allah make it easy for everyone different types of sicknisses. May Allah cure those who have cancer. May make its easy for my brothers and sisters. Ameen
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