#Maximum Power XL
Atlas Gewitter AS7-K3-Tb2
Gewitter was the custom command 'Mech of Lieutenant General Theodora Marten-Steiner, notable for her role in the early formation of the Third Star League SLDF, Operation TOUCHDOWN, Operation WINDFALL, and the later Lyran War of Reclamation. Famous in her eventual role as commander of the hyper-elite Royal Guards RCT, the Lieutenant General also served as the second commanding officer of the Royal Black Watch regiment, after its second re-founding in 3151.
Gewitter is built on the Atlas chassis, though a great deal of modification has made it truly one-of-a-kind. The original platform upon which the venerable ‘Mech was built was the Atlas AS7-K3, notable for its inclusion of jump jets. They remained a hallmark of Gewitter, carrying through to the final model, introduced on the battlefields of Helios in October 3153, much to the horror of the Word of Blake forces at the Battle of Fort Bayeux.
Gewitter is, at first glance, a fairly standard Atlas mech, originally of Defiance Industries manufacture. However, after two major refits, very little remains of the original K3 as it entered service in 3134.
The first refit was conducted by the MechTechs of Skobel Mechworks at their Yakima Proving Grounds on Terra. There, for a time, Gewitter sat opposite Test Unit Sierra Five - the original Mackie and the first ever BattleMech - while the Atlas was fully rebuilt. The refit focused on integrating mixed Inner Sphere and Clan technology along with additional command gear, armor, and sensors; steps were also taken to shave weight from the original design. This further enhanced its pilot’s dynamic, fluid style with greater maneuverability. An extra additional step added late in the refit process, as ordered by Commanding General Melissa Hazen herself, saw Gewitter's right hand fitted with a half-ton, 24-karat engagement ring, complete with the largest natural diamonds ever cut in human history - the inside band of which was etched in micro-font with the entire Jade Falcon Remembrance. This ring remained upon Gewitter's right arm, even after the wedding of Hazen and Marten-Steiner in the aftermath of Operation TOUCHDOWN.
The second refit, performed on the battlefields of Helios by Star Captain (later Khan) Xerxes Truscott of Clan Star Adder, focused primarily on the integration of two newly designed, powerful, and devastating weapons: the Clan-spec Light Gauss Rifle and the Pile Bunker.
After this second and final refit, Gewitter was equipped as follows:
Atlas 'Gewitter' AS7-K3-Tb2
Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Skobel 100-Lite Variable Composite Biped
Power Plant: Defiance Clan-Grade 400 XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: Standard
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Duralex Ferro-Fibrous w/ CASE II
1 Light Gauss Rifle (C)
1 Streak SRM 4 (C)
2 ER Large Laser (C)
1 Pile Bunker (C)
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries (original)/Skobel MechWorks (refit #1)/Fursona's Fusiliers (refit #2)
Primary Factory: Defiance Manufacturing Annex - Kwangjong-Ni (original)/Yakima Proving Grounds, Terra (refit #1)/Argo Mechbay (refit #2)
Communication System: Clan-enhanced Irian E.A.R. w/ Nova CEWS & Studebaker-T19 Battle Computer
Targeting & Tracking System: Clan-enhanced Army Corporation Type 29K w/ Advanced Targeting Computer (w/ VRT)
Introduction Year: 3153
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-X
Cost: 34,853,333 C-bills
Type: Atlas 'Gewitter'
Technology Base: Mixed (Unofficial)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 2,729
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Composite 5
Engine 400 XL 26.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 3
Double Heat Sink 10 [20] 0
Gyro 4
Small Cockpit (Armored) 3
Armor Factor (Ferro) 297 15.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 31 47
Center Torso (rear) 5
R/L Torso 21 32
R/L Torso (rear) 10
R/L Arm 17 34
R/L Leg 21 42
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Triple Strength Myomer RT/LT/RA/LA/RL/LL 1/per - 0.0
Jump Jet CT 1 - 2.0
Jump Jet RT 1 - 2.0
CASE II (Clan) RT 1 - 0.5
Light Gauss Rifle Ammo (32) RT 2 - 2.0
Streak SRM 4 Ammo (25) RT 1 - 1.0
Pile Bunker Ammo (5) RT 1 - 1.0
Pile Bunker Ammo (2) RT 1 - 0.5
Targeting Computer LA 4 - 4.0
ER Large Laser (Clan) LA 1 12 4.0
Jump Jet LT 1 - 2.0
CASE II LT 1 - 0.5
Streak SRM 4 (Clan) LT 1 3 2.0
Light Gauss Rifle (Clan)* LT 4 1 11.0
Armored Cowl (Armored) HD 1 - 1.5
Nova Combined Electronic Warfare System HD 1 - 1.5
ER Large Laser (Clan) RA 1 12 4.0
Pile Bunker (Clan)** RA 6 - 6.0
Engagement Ring*** RA - - 0.5
* = Heat 1, Dmg 12, Min.Rng 2, Short.Rng 1-7, Med.Rng: 8-16, Long.Rng: 17-24, Tons: 11, Crit.Slots: 4, Ammo/Ton: 16
** = A Pile Bunker inflicts one point of damage for every five tons the 'Mech weighs. When punching with a Pile Bunker, the user can choose to fire the pile, expending one shot of ammunition (5 ammo per ton) and generating 5 heat, scoring a critical on the location hit with a -2 modifier. In addition, if armor remains after an attack where the Pile Bunker has been fired, roll for a second critical hit with a -2 modifier. For each critical dealt, also deal one point of internal damage to that location.
*** = gives a -1/-1 morale bonus to pilot and gunnery skills - if (and only if) Theodora Marten-Steiner is piloting.
Features the following design quirks: Battle Computer, Battle Fists (LA), Battle Fists (RA), Combat Computer, Cowl, Distracting, Easy to Pilot, Extended Torso Twist, Fine Manipulators, Illegal Design (Custom Weapons+Custom Equipment), Improved Communications, Improved Sensors, Multi-Trac, Nimble Jumper, Reinforced Legs, Variable Range Targeting
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karriethemechtech · 5 months
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Cheetah CHT-1A
Mass: 30 tons Chassis: Earthwerks PXH IV Endo Steel Power Plant: Ceres Motors 240 XL Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed: 172.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 meters Armor: Hellespont Lite Armament: 1 Large Pulse Laser Manufacturer: Majesty Metals and Manufacturing Primary Factory: Unknown Communication System: Tek BattleCom Targeting & Tracking System: Tek Tru-Trak Introduction Year: 3146 Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D Cost: 7,777,250 C-bills
Overview Proposed as part of Project: BIG CAT for the Magistracy of Canopus, the Cheetah was designed by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing in 3146 as a fast, durable, and modernized scout 'Mech.
Capabilities Though not in form, in function the Cheetah most closely resembles the Star League's venerable Hussar design. Featuring a similar armament of only a single large pulse laser, the Cheetah is lightly armed, though it makes up for it with a pair of 'Mech-scale claws. Powered by a Supercharged Ceres Motors 240 XL engine, the 'Mech is blisteringly fast, capable of running almost 173 kph in a sprint; combined with its 4.5 tons of Hellespont Lite Ferro Fibrous armor, the Cheetah is makes for a very survivable scout and forward operative.
Type: Cheetah Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard) Tonnage: 30 Battle Value: 735
Equipment Mass Internal Structure Endo Steel 1.5 Engine 240 XL 6 Walking MP: 8 Running MP: 12(16) Jumping MP: 0 Double Heat Sink 10 [20] 0 Gyro 3 Cockpit 3 Armor Factor (Light Ferro) 76 4.5 Internal Armor Structure Value Head 3 9 Center Torso 10 10 Center Torso (rear) 3 R/L Torso 7 10 R/L Torso (rear) 2 R/L Arm 5 6 R/L Leg 7 9
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage Large Pulse Laser CT 2 10 7.0 Double Heat Sink RT 3 - 1.0 Claw LA 2 - 2.0 Supercharger LT 1 - 1.0 Claw RA 2 - 2.0
Features the following design quirks: Animalistic Appearance, Narrow/Low Profile
Behold! Canopus marches--this is one of the 'Mechs the MAF recently introduced. I've been told they sent a few over to join the operation; lights aren't really my thing but I'm still excited. It's a pretty solid machine!
I'll get you information on the rest of Project: BIG CAT as I can.
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AS7-K3b2 "Gewitter"
Gewitter was the custom command 'Mech of Lieutenant General Theodora Marten-Steiner, notable for her role in the early formation of the Third Star League SLDF, Operation TOUCHDOWN, Operation WINDFALL, and the later Lyran War of Reclamation. Famous in her eventual role as commander of the hyper-elite Royal Guards RCT, the Lieutenant General also served as the second commanding officer of the Royal Black Watch regiment, after its second re-founding in 3151.
Gewitter is built on the Atlas chassis, though a great deal of modification has made it truly one-of-a-kind. The original platform upon which the venerable ‘Mech was built was the Atlas AS7-K3, notable for its inclusion of jump jets. They remained a hallmark of Gewitter, carrying through to the final model, introduced on the battlefields of Helios in October 3153, much to the horror of the Word of Blake forces at the Battle of Fort Bayeux.
Gewitter is, at first glance, a fairly standard Atlas mech, originally of Defiance Industries manufacture. However, after two major refits, very little remains of the original K3 as it entered service in 3134.
The first refit was conducted by the MechTechs of Skobel Mechworks at their Yakima Proving Grounds on Terra. There, for a time, Gewitter sat opposite Test Unit Sierra Five - the original Mackie and the first ever BattleMech - while the Atlas was fully rebuilt. The refit focused on integrating mixed Inner Sphere and Clan technology along with additional command gear, armor, and sensors; steps were also taken to shave weight from the original design. This further enhanced its pilot’s dynamic, fluid style with greater maneuverability. An extra additional step added late in the refit process, as ordered by Commanding General Melissa Hazen herself, saw Gewitter's right hand fitted with a half-ton, 24-karat engagement ring, complete with the largest natural diamonds ever cut in human history - the inside band of which was etched in micro-font with the entire Jade Falcon Remembrance. This ring remained upon Gewitter's right arm, even after the wedding of Hazen and Marten-Steiner in the aftermath of Operation TOUCHDOWN.
The second refit, performed on the battlefields of Helios by Star Captain (later Khan) Xerxes Truscott of Clan Star Adder, focused primarily on the integration of two newly designed, powerful, and devastating weapons: the Clan-spec Light Gauss Rifle and the Pile Bunker.
After this second and final refit, Gewitter was equipped as follows:
Atlas 'Gewitter' AS7-K3-Tb2
Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Skobel 100-Lite Variable Composite Biped
Power Plant: Defiance Clan-Grade 400 XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: Standard
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Duralex Ferro-Fibrous w/ CASE II
1 Light Gauss Rifle (C)
1 Streak SRM 4 (C)
2 ER Large Laser (C)
1 Pile Bunker (C)
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries (original)/Skobel MechWorks (refit #1)/Fursona's Fusiliers (refit #2)
Primary Factory: Defiance Manufacturing Annex - Kwangjong-Ni (original)/Yakima Proving Grounds, Terra (refit #1)/Argo Mechbay (refit #2)
Communication System: Clan-enhanced Irian E.A.R. w/ Nova CEWS & Studebaker-T19 Battle Computer
Targeting & Tracking System: Clan-enhanced Army Corporation Type 29K w/ Advanced Targeting Computer (w/ VRT)
Introduction Year: 3153
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-X
Cost: 34,853,333 C-bills
Type: Atlas 'Gewitter'
Technology Base: Mixed (Unofficial)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 2,729
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Composite 5
Engine 400 XL 26.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 3
Double Heat Sink 10 [20] 0
Gyro 4
Small Cockpit (Armored) 3
Armor Factor (Ferro) 297 15.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 31 47
Center Torso (rear) 5
R/L Torso 21 32
R/L Torso (rear) 10
R/L Arm 17 34
R/L Leg 21 42
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Triple Strength Myomer RT/LT/RA/LA/RL/LL 1/per - 0.0
Jump Jet CT 1 - 2.0
Jump Jet RT 1 - 2.0
CASE II (Clan) RT 1 - 0.5
Light Gauss Rifle Ammo (32) RT 2 - 2.0
Streak SRM 4 Ammo (25) RT 1 - 1.0
Pile Bunker Ammo (5) RT 1 - 1.0
Pile Bunker Ammo (2) RT 1 - 0.5
Targeting Computer LA 4 - 4.0
ER Large Laser (Clan) LA 1 12 4.0
Jump Jet LT 1 - 2.0
CASE II LT 1 - 0.5
Streak SRM 4 (Clan) LT 1 3 2.0
Light Gauss Rifle (Clan)* LT 4 1 11.0
Armored Cowl (Armored) HD 1 - 1.5
Nova Combined Electronic Warfare System HD 1 - 1.5
ER Large Laser (Clan) RA 1 12 4.0
Pile Bunker (Clan)** RA 6 - 6.0
Engagement Ring*** RA - - 0.5
* = Heat 1, Dmg 12, Min.Rng 2, Short.Rng 1-7, Med.Rng: 8-16, Long.Rng: 17-24, Tons: 11, Crit.Slots: 4, Ammo/Ton: 16
** = A Pile Bunker inflicts one point of damage for every five tons the 'Mech weighs. When punching with a Pile Bunker, the user can choose to fire the pile, expending one shot of ammunition (5 ammo per ton) and generating 5 heat, scoring a critical on the location hit with a -2 modifier. In addition, if armor remains after an attack where the Pile Bunker has been fired, roll for a second critical hit with a -2 modifier. For each critical dealt, also deal one point of internal damage to that location.
*** = gives a -1/-1 morale bonus to pilot and gunnery skills - if (and only if) Theodora Marten-Steiner is piloting.
Features the following design quirks: Battle Computer, Battle Fists (LA), Battle Fists (RA), Combat Computer, Cowl, Distracting, Easy to Pilot, Extended Torso Twist, Fine Manipulators, Illegal Design (Custom Weapons+Custom Equipment), Improved Communications, Improved Sensors, Multi-Trac, Nimble Jumper, Reinforced Legs, Variable Range Targeting
(Our second Fanon Friday 'Mech! Again designed by yours truly for @baldy-wan-kenobi's character Theodora, part of the Operation Touchdown AU RP project. No art on this one, but hopefully there may be some soon!)
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killer-orca-cosplay · 5 months
To: STCOM Sealth Puget From: COMGEN Melissa Hazen Sealth, trothkin, the Skobel engineers have finally finished the fitting out of your machine. The upgrades are... substantial. Look them over. And then, if you would, join me and some others for a night out, quiaff? I wish to get to know you better. We will be fighting alongside each other, after all.
BattleMech Technical Readout Name/Model: Orca 'Sealth' OC-1Xb Designer: Frogblast Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units Technology: Inner Sphere (Mixed) Technology Rating: F Tonnage: 200 Role: Sniper Configuration: Superheavy Biped BattleMech Era/Year: Dark Age / 3150 Rules (Current): Experimental (Extinct) Rules (Era): Experimental Rules (Year): Experimental (Extinct) Total Cost: 107,450,500 C-Bills Battle Value: 4,435 Chassis: Skobel Endo-Composite Endo-Composite Power Plant: Skobel SH-4K 400 XL Walking Speed: 21.6 kph Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Skobel SH-FF Plate Ferro-Fibrous with CASE II Armament: 2 ExoStar Balefire (Clantech) ER PPCs (C) 1 Rheinmetall PzH 3050 Long Tom Artillery Cannon (C) 1 Baal Defense Hellstorm 40CX LRM 20 w/ Artemis V FCS (C) 1 ExoStar Pinnacle (Clantech) ER Large Laser (C) 1 Krupp Sturmfeuer Light Gauss Rifle 1 Baal Defense Quad-Aught 6400 SRM 6 w/ Artemis V FCS (C) 1 Baal Defense Inferno Shield 2000CX Laser Anti-Missile System (C) 1 Baal Defense Silverfang 120X Small X-Pulse Laser Manufacturer: Skobel MechWorks Primary Factory: Yakima Proving Grounds, Terra Communications: GarbleTalker X with Nova CEWS Targeting & Tracking: Nokia 33100 with Advanced Targeting Computer ================================================================================================ Equipment Mass Internal Structure: Endo-Composite (C) 30.00 Engine: 400 XL (C) 26.50 Walking MP: 2 Running MP: 3 Jumping MP: 0 Heat Sinks (Double): 20 40 10.00 Gyro: Superheavy 8.00 Cockpit: Superheavy 4.00 Armor Factor: 600 31.50 Type: Ferro-Fibrous (C) Internal Armor Structure Value Head: 4 12 Center Torso: 60 96 Center Torso (rear): 24 R/L Torso: 42 68 R/L Torso (rear): 16 R/L Arm: 33 66 R/L Leg: 42 84 ================================================================================================ Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Nova CEWS (C) H 1 1.50 SRM 6 w/ Artemis V FCS (C) CT 1 1.50 Small X-Pulse Laser CT 1 1.00 Targeting Computer (C) CT 6 6.00 CASE II (C) RT 1 0.50 Communications Equipment (4 tons) (C) RT 2 4.00 ER PPC w/ Capacitor (C) RT 2 7.00 Laser Anti-Missile System (C) RT 1 1.00 Long Tom Artillery Cannon (Ammo 30) (C) RT 3 6.00 CASE II (C) LT 1 0.50 ER PPC w/ Capacitor (C) LT 2 7.00 LRM 20 w/ Artemis V FCS (C) LT 2 5.00 LRM 20 (Ammo 18) (C) LT 2 3.00 Light Gauss Rifle (Ammo 32) LT 1 2.00 SRM 6 (Ammo 30) Artemis V LT 1 2.00 Long Tom Artillery Cannon (C) RA 8 20.00 CASE II (C) LA 1 0.50 ER Large Laser w/ Insulator (C) LA 2 4.50 Light Gauss Rifle LA 3 12.00 Note: Equipped with RISC Heat Sink Override Kit ================================================================================================ Alpha Strike Statistics Point Value (PV): 94 TP: BM, SZ: 4, TMM: 0, MV: 4" Damage: (S) 4 / (M) 4 / (L) 3, OV: 4 Armor (A): 20, Structure (S): 10 Specials: AMS, ARTLTC-1, CASEII, ECM, IF1, LG, MHQ5, NOVA, OVL, PRB, RCN The OC-1Xb Orca 'Sealth' is subject to the following Design Quirks: Accurate Weapon (Long Tom Cannon) Combat Computer Distracting Fast Reload (Long Tom Cannon) Improved Cooling Jacket (ER Large Laser) Improved Communications Improved Sensors Improved Targeting (Long) Multi-Trac
A Long Tom attached to a Battlemech? Most intriguing...I do believe Tolkitai will get much use out of that.
It also pleases me to see the all important small laser for close-in support. If there is one thing I have learned, it is never to underestimate what one single laser in the right place can do. This steed will serve us well. My thanks. ...in truth I would not say no to a meal. I have been having the oddest craving for salmon sushi recently.
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I really be out here making a Mayverse with how many different versions there are, whoops, enjoy!
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So Canon May the baby girl little daft lil dumb not many powers but full of love
Anti May I'm sad I missed this original trend but here be the girl, she is self confident and only cares about herself spending most of her time in the sky rather than the ground, doesn't forgive humans for what they did to her and has no interest in befriending other twos, cautious paranoid trusts no one. Very incredibly powerful but only for herself struggles to use powers to help others or in a desperate pinch. Just kinda mean
Perfect May, this referring to her not being physically stunted and full access to powers ect she is perfect in the eyes of scientists no mega stone more saturated and vibrant beloved (and full of trauma)
Shadow May! Sneak peak into her end look when I kick my ass into finishing the story, because she accepts the corruption willingly she fucking glows for it literally normally she's dull grey dull freckles dull tail but this willing corrupt state causes her to burn so bright tummy and freckles aglow with sparkles of synergy under her skin
Perfect Shadow, what happens when you take a traumatised xl May and slam her up into a cave ceiling and she gets synergy lodged in her lower back/beginning of tail? This. This happens. Cruel and self serving, her trauma has become somewhat twisted she still wants to be around other twos to have and protect but it's warped causing her to not be the healthiest about it ready to give them her corruption to join her join her so they can't fade and leave her. Her instincts and primal wants are running high, desiring companionship and ready to devour other pokemon for their flesh and life force
Poached, this one was mentioned briefly in a multiverse fic, this May was like canon May once but was captured in a darkball that broke apart her body while warping her stats to max level, the process of forcing her body to it's maximum potential and strength saw altered concentrated Mewtwo cells be placed into the gaps where her body was broken, essentially she had that bone breaking height surgery but it added chunks of new mewtwo segments to her body making her taller and like a normal mewtwo but warping her physically so she looks incredibly strange but is very powerful and it is best to not approach her while she's still in control of the darkball as she can't hear you.
Battle ring is a kind of joke au between me and @xhunterbeatsx where May gets captured and put in a battle ring hence the name but is given synergy iv supplements much like their Syn does to make her more powerful/improve her performance/actually activate her power. Because of the synergy exposure shes started to get a bit of Jekyll and Hyde syndrome with her hand that's starting to be affected by the synergy twitching and moving on its own, she has also gain a more deranged unhinged disposition due to constant beatings in fights and the fact her autonomy is essentially violated over and over as she's forcefully needled to be given the drugs even tho she had tried begging pleading crying for them not to, at this point she's given up trying to stop them and is a bit unhinged with newcomers and dirty lmao she's dusty as I imagine the battle area is like sand/dirt floor
Corrupt Battle is obviously what will eventually become of her, the synergy crystals accumulating under the scar tissue where she's been repeatedly jabbed her hand is still quite Hyde to her Jekyll and probably acts following the synergys command, she's probably a bit more broken now and would let the corruption take over her
And finally Amputee May an au of an alternative au ending that's not canon XD because I got attached. If you've not read the fic or seen the art May gets a huge crystal lodged in her leg and falls to corruption but is saved later by Syn and Darkness but in the meantime her leg below the crystal had become rotten from the wound and lack of blood ect and could've be saved so in the process of deshadowing her she lost her leg, her hues don't fully recover from her corruption either leaving her dull and her freckles ashy and she's understandably quite depressed here for it all, her scelara are slightly grey too to indicate that although she's cursed the corruption still claimed part of her soul
God that was depressing, have an Ourple! Because I wanted to see what she'd look like as a purple mewtwo instead of her usual color, ngl don't lie it as I did only color shift it looks strange but she cute
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deals2dayforme · 1 year
Sunbeam Heating Pad for Pain Relief (13% Off)
Sunbeam heating pad for Back, Neck, and Shoulder pain relief with Auto Shut Off and 6 Heat Settings, Extra Large 12 x 24″, Burgundy
Some features you should consider include:
Size and shape: Ensure that the heating pad is the appropriate size for the area you want to target. Also, check its shape to make sure it will comfortably fit your body.
Heat settings: Look for a heating pad with adjustable heat settings, allowing you to customize the temperature to your liking.
Auto shut-off: Check if the heating pad has an automatic shut-off feature to prevent overheating and ensure safety.
Cover material: Consider the cover material of the heating pad, as it can affect comfort and durability.
Cord length: Check the cord length to make sure it will reach a power outlet and allow you to use the heating pad comfortably.
Moist heat option: Some Sunbeam heating pads offer a moist heat option, which can provide deeper penetration and may be more effective for certain types of pain relief.
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Price at the time of Publication: $ 34.99 ($34.99/count)
To Know more about Sunbeam Heating Pad for Pain Relief read full review here:
About this item
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Soothe aches with fast heat therapy XpressHeat heats up the pad in 30 seconds (3 times faster than standard heating pads) so you get relief fast.
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Soft and easy-care Easy care, machine-washable fabric pad in luxurious microplush offers maximum comfort for daily use. Plug into any 120 volt AC electrical outlet
Plenty of coverage king size/XL pad measures 12″ x 24″ to cover larger areas that need relief, including spine, legs, and across the shoulders; Also features an extra-long 9 foot power cord
Durable for years of use 5 year limited warranty; Watts: 180W
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To Know more about Sunbeam Heating Pad for Pain Relief read full review here:
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eileenwdj · 1 year
Hi hi, i LOVED you spiderman mu qing idea it's just so neat and the aesthetic fits him perfectly somehow (his armor design is just *chef's kiss*)
while we're thinking about tgcf x spiderverse, have u considered jun wu as miguel o'hara? something something both of them wanting others to conform w/ their world views, both of them being grown men beefing w/ literal teenagers idk idk, just for your consideration.
stay hydrated ✨
hiii tysm!!
this is probably not what you were getting at but your prompt got me thinking.... what if.... what if the whole spiderman thing was actually jun wu's idea and he originally intended for xie lian to be bitten and go thru aaaallllll the depressing canon events for Maximum Pain™️ but in an unexpected turn of events, the spider bit mu qing instead !1!1!1! so now jw is beefing with mq for ruining his plans and how mq is an "anomaly" !!!!
feel like this particular storyline would work well if the spider bite happened some time after the first banishment when jw was actively HOUNDING xl so it just. drives him insane that mq was the one that ended bitten somehow. maybe it can also be another reason mq ascended? like, not just bc of his cultivation but also bc jw NEEDS him closer so he can keep an eye on him and try to figure out how to still transfer the spider powers (and trauma) to xl
would be funny if jw now beefs with TWO teenagers but on opposite ends of the spectrum bc like. he's actively trying to ruin xl's life and cause him pain and make xl more like himself yadda yadda but with mq he's like. "pls stop fucking suffering. this suffering isn't meant for YOU DAMMIT!!!"
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tenacioususedcars · 1 year
The New Ford Ranger’s Ranking In SA’s Bakkie Market
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The new Ford Ranger is now in South African showrooms, with prices starting at R486,000 for the entry-level trim whereas the top-end model comes in at R953,500.
The Ford Ranger for sale is one of the most popular options for local bakkie buyers and is the manufacturer’s best-selling vehicle in this market.
Initially only available in double cab, TopAuto compared four specifications of the fresh-faced Ford to their biggest competitors at various price ranges to find out how the new generation stacks up against its old rivals.
Ranger specifications
The new Ford Ranger is offered in Base, XL, XLT, and Wildtrak trim levels in the domestic market, with three engines between these models.
The Base and XL are driven exclusively by a 2.0-litre, single-turbo diesel motor paired with a six-speed manual or automatic shifter.
The pricier XLT, on the other hand, is only offered in automatic and can be had with the same single-turbo plant paired with a six-speed gearbox, or a 2.0-litre bi-turbo option with a 10-speed box.
Similarly, the range-topping Wildtrak is also available with two power units comprising either the aforementioned bi-turbo or a new 3.0-litre, V6, both connected to a 10-speed auto transmission.
Each of these drivetrains is available in rear-wheel or all-wheel drive, with the 4×4 models being equipped with one of two systems – a part-time “shift-on-the-fly” or advanced “permanent” configuration.
While the 2.0-litre motors were available in the previous generation, the new ones have been given a bump in power. Alongside this, the bakkie gained a brutish V6 engine for the flagship Wildtrak to replace the bi-turbo unit of old.
As before, however, the Ranger still supports a maximum payload in excess of one tonne and a braked towing capacity of 3,500kg – but it now also boasts a wider footprint and far more aggressive approach and departure angles thanks to shorter body overhangs.
Looking for a quality used Ranger for sale instead? See what’s available…
Article shared from https://topauto.co.za/
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usedcarmania · 1 year
2021 Ford Ranger Comprehensive Review
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Ford is well aware that its flagship Ranger offerings are priced out of the reach of many bakkie fans. The XL Sport version was built to offer most of the workhorse- and lifestyle bakkie experience, but at a more affordable price. We examine "how much bakkie" you get for your money if you go the close-to-bottom-spec route.
Engine: 2.2-litre turbodiesel 4-cylinder
Power/Torque: 118 kW/385 Nm 
Transmission: 6-speed automatic
Fuel consumption: 8.2 L/100 km (claimed) 
While many bakkie enthusiasts dream of owning a Ranger Wildtrak or -Raptor, the reality is that the asking prices of those flagship bakkies have reached astronomical heights. This is not a purely Ford problem as top-spec offerings from Volkswagen and Toyota have both skyrocketed, with the former being oh-so-close to the R1-million mark. Double-cab bakkies aren't only luxurious indulgences for South African consumers, however. Granted there's been a shift towards lifestyle use, but the core roles of business and utility remain. The price band for the Ford Ranger for sale is enormous, so the lower end of the scale is dominated by industrial-spec workhorses, but what if we told you that mixing business with pleasure was not just a cliche?
Ford recently introduced a Sport pack for its XL-grade Ranger derivative. This is not a vehicle we'd usually get for testing as it is primarily a workhorse, but the addition of the Sport pack brings a lifestyle edge that notably broadens the bakkie's appeal. The XL Sport treatment incorporates a gloss-black grille, with a matching sports bar, rear bumper and 17-inch alloy wheels, plus the test unit was fitted with the excellent Ford SYNC3 infotainment system with Apple CarPlay/Android Auto connectivity. This modern unit replaces the rather basic system that comes out of the factory.
The package is a proper back-to-basics offering, but it doesn't feel bareboned. There's no modern Ford biturbo 2.0-litre diesel engine here, with the Blue Oval sticking with the tried-and-tested older-gen 2.2-litre 4-pot turbodiesel unit. Is this mutton dressed as lamb, or has Ford managed to make a compelling value-for-money product? Let's take a look.
Performance and ride/handling
Ford's new-generation powertrains are fantastic; the 2.0-litre engines offer a great blend of power and economy, and the 10-speed transmission intuitively selects the appropriate ratios at the right time. The Ranger XL Sport is different – it uses an older-spec motor and a 6-speed automatic 'box. The 2.2-litre 4-cylinder diesel offers up to 118 kW and 385 Nm, which are sufficient outputs for day-to-day use. It's not the most eager of powertrains when you need maximum acceleration, but you never feel there's a shortage of grunts when overtaking on a national highway. The transmission may not be the fastest-shifting 'box in the business, but you have to remind yourself this is a blue-collared working-class hero. A manual gearbox is also available, but most of our readers are unlikely to go the 3-pedal route. 
When it came to fuel economy, we were hoping to see returns of under 10 L/100 km, but excessive inner-city urban driving with traffic saw the consumption figure climb up. By the time the vehicle went back to Ford, the trip computer read 10.8 L/100 km, which was not ideal, but not unexpected. Add a few open-road trips into the mix and we reckon the Ranger XL Sport would dip under 10 L/100 km.
Despite its dapper cosmetic accoutrements, is the Ranger still a capable off-roader? We put this to the test on the vehicle's launch (late in 2020) when the Ford traversed with the kind of obstacles most Ranger owners are unlikely to encounter. The bakkie performed admirably; we even waded through a river to test out the claimed 800-mm water clearance. The 4×4 operation is simple: you toggle between 2 High, 4 High and 4 Low with a rotary dial (4L, of course, still requires you to come to a complete stop and engage neutral. The tyres (265/65 R17 Goodyear Wranglers) helped extensively on the launch, but interestingly, our test unit came with 17-inch alloys wrapped in chunky 265/65 Continental Cross Contact off-road rubber. While we didn't test those, they certainly looked the part.
With such extensive off-road experience under our belt, we conducted more of a "real-world test" of the Ranger in and around Cape Town. Usually, specialised off-road tyres produce unpleasant levels of road noise on asphalt surfaces, but we're happy to report the Ford Ranger XL Sport didn't seem to generate any more tyre rumble than a double-cab bakkie shod with standard tyres. On longer trips, when travelling at higher-than-average speeds, the rubber did make its presence known, but the hum was drowned out by some of our favourite road-trip tunes played through Spotify and Android Auto. 
As far as ride quality is concerned, the Ranger is a body-on-frame double-cab bakkie, remember, so when unladen, the rear end can jiggle about, but that's to be expected. In case you don't know, when there's no weight on their leaf-sprung rear axles, bakkies can bounce, jiggle and shimmy at higher speeds. While it'd be impossible to eliminate this characteristic entirely, the latest Rangers in XLT and Wildtrak guise have received some tweaks to the suspension to dial this out with mixed success. The Ranger XL Sport has none of this and it feels old-school, but at this price point, we can't complain.
Exterior and Design
The Ranger XL is, arguably, as basic as it gets when it comes to exterior execution, but the Sport pack adds some notable visual updates that ramp up Ford's road presence/kerb appeal. We've already mentioned the off-road-specific tyres, which are really great from a visual point of view, but their chunky sidewalls are also likely to withstand some serious pothole impacts. 
The 17-inch Panther black alloy rims also give the vehicle a lifestyle edge compared with the standard bakkie's stock wheels. There's a big black gloss grille too and we'll bet that'd be an imposing sight in other motorists' rear-view mirrors! A black rear bumper has been fitted, as well as a tubular sports bar. Customers can also opt for black side steps for R5 000. There's a nice sport badge on the rear too.
Interior and features
Given its workhorse origins, it would be rather unfair to expect the XL Sport to have a luxury level of interior spec, but just about everything you'd need in terms of mod cons is present and correct. There is a simple unfussiness to the cabin layout, but some may be put off by the extensive use of cheap-looking and cheap-feeling plastics. This is the bottom-spec Ranger, however, so you can't be too demanding. 
We understand this is a basic offering, but the lack of rear parking sensors in something as large as a double-cab bakkie may cause many stressful parking situations. Thankfully, this is available as an extra-cost option. In terms of the requisite features, there's air conditioning, fabric seats, front/rear electric windows, remote central locking, aux/USB connectivity, as well as daytime running lights. The arguably class-leading 8-inch infotainment system was fitted to this vehicle and for R6k, we'd heartily recommend going this route as it adds hands-free telephony, music streaming and navigation into the mix.
You cannot even begin to compare the standard infotainment unit to the SYNC3-equipped system, they're light-years apart. Given its hands-free operation, which is safer to operate, we're in full support of it. Voice command is supported and works well. Saying, 'Hey Google, navigate home' will activate Google Maps and navigation. Other instructions, like asking for music from your favourite band on streaming services, work well and the system will even read out WhatsApp messages and allow you to reply, all without your hands leaving the 'wheel. 
Service and Warranty
The Ford Ranger is sold with a 4-year/120 000 km warranty, 6-year/90 000 km service plan, 5-year/unlimited km corrosion warranty, and 3-year/unlimited km roadside assistance. 
Given the difficult financial climate, we applaud Ford for offering prospective buyers a cost-effective way to upgrade the versatile Ranger XL. Despite its basic underpinnings, there's something refreshing about an honest and uncomplicated vehicle that is fit for purpose. The Sport pack gives the bakkie a welcome image boost, but our favourite part of this kit has to be the wheels. Not only do they look the part, but those thick-walled off-road tyres should soak up the horrendous swathe of potholes littered on our roads. Price-wise, the XL Sport significantly undercuts its flashier XLT and Wildtrak siblings and while more expensive Rangers offer newer powertrains, more refinement and extra creature comforts, the XL Sport offers 75% of that experience at a pocket-friendlier price. That's a win in our books.
You could always look to the demo and pre-owned market too, where significant savings are to be had. The recently revised Toyota Hilux Raider and all-new GWM P-Series are the Ranger XL Sport's key rivals. The former offers legendary reliability and the after-sales backing of a 3-time #CarsAwards Brand of the Year winner, while the GWM is keenly priced and well specified, but still an unknown quantity on the local market. Suffice it to say, it's a huge credit to the Blue Oval that the Ranger remains a frontrunner given that the current generation of the bakkie has been on our market for almost a decade. 
Review compiled by https://www.cars.co.za/
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Atlantique 2 in standard 6 is declared operational in the French Navy
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/20/22 - 15:43 in Military
On November 10, 2022, Admiral Pierre Vandier, Head of the French Navy, signed the operational entry into service of the Atlantique 2 renewed to standard 6, the latest version of the maritime patrol aircraft.
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A French Atlantique 2 maritime patrol aircraft in its traditional operating element. (photo: Dassault Aviation)
Two years after the enactment of the first operational capacity, this capacity milestone attests to the aircraft's ability to conduct the full spectrum of missions assigned to it.
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The upgrade of the Atlantique 2 to standard 6 offers new capabilities, in particular thanks to the new digital acoustic processing system, the Searchmaster radar, the new electro-optical sensor and the new tactical computer to accommodate the updated version of the Operational Information Processing Software (LOTI).
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The MX-20 sensor tower under the rear fuselage of an Atlantique 2. (Photo: Dassault Aviation)
With nine modified aircraft, the Atlantique 2 standard 6 has already demonstrated its full effectiveness during operations carried out in the Baltic Sea, the central and eastern Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean or the Gulf of Guinea, but also outside the French approaches as part of its participation in the maritime defense of the territory.
This profound renovation of the Atlantique 2 makes it a competitive tool in the face of modern threats. Thus, by the end of its useful life, in 2035, the 18 aircraft brought to standard 6 will allow France to remain at the level of its most efficient allies.
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A tactical operator works aboard a French Navy Atlantique 2. (Photo: FRED TANNEAU/AFP via Getty Images)
ATL 2 was originally developed with the anti-submarine warfare (ASW) as its main mission, with the first prototype flying on May 8, 1981. However, the project was a redesign of the original Breguet 1150 Atlantic, originally flown 20 years earlier and is intended to provide a common ASW platform for European NATO operators.
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The first-generation Atlantique initially served with the French, German, Italian and Dutch military, with examples also eventually exported to Pakistan. The Dassault-Breguet Atlantique 2 entered service in 1992 at Marine Nationale.
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Atlantique 2 during a flight over France. (Photo: Anthony Pecchi)
Powered by two Rolls-Royce Tyne engines, the aircraft has a maximum speed of 600 kilometers per hour and a range of more than 7,300 kilometers.
It is capable of carrying up to 3.5 tons of weapons, including deep-depth loads, mines and torpedoes, and can also fire Aérospatiale AM-39 Exocet anti-ship missiles.
Tags: Military AviationBreguet AtlanticMarine Nationale / French Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Airbus Beluga XL ends up jamming at an airport in France
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/20/2022 - 15:18 in Commercial, Incidents
On November 18, an Airbus Beluga XL underwent a tour on the runway after landing at Albert Picardie Airport in France.
The Airbus A330-743L "Beluga XL" with F-GXLN registration was operating a cargo flight from Saint Nazaire to Albert Picardie, France. However, soon after landing at Albert's airport, the aircraft could not make a return at the end of the runway and ended up on the grass.
The front landing gear and the right main train ended up jammed in the soft ground next to the runway.
"At very low speed and without injuries. Everything will be done to ensure that the impact on Airbus' production activities is mitigated," said an Airbus spokesman.
The aircraft transported parts from Saint Nazaire to the aeronautical factory in Méaulte. After the incident, the runway was closed and an operation to tow the aircraft was started.
Tags: airbusCommercial AviationBelugaXLAir Incidents
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Status of Project HAGELSCHAUER
@karriethemechtech Yakima Proving Grounds reports that Project HAGELSCHAUER is complete. Gewitter's Clantech refit and general upgrade is complete. Skobel MechWorks sent over the new TRO for you to review, as you are the Black Watch's Chief MechTech now. See here:
BattleMech Technical Readout Name/Model: Atlas "Gewitter" AS7-K3-Tb Technology: Inner Sphere (Mixed) Technology Rating: F Tonnage: 100 Role: Sniper Configuration: Biped BattleMech Era/Year: Dark Age / 3150 Rules (Current): Experimental (Extinct) Rules (Era): Experimental Rules (Year): Experimental (Extinct) Total Cost: 35,416,333 C-Bills Battle Value: 2,509 Chassis: Foundation Type 10X-E Endo Steel Power Plant: Vlar ClanTech 400 XL Walking Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Northrup 12000 Jump Capacity: 90 meters Armor: Durallex Ferro-Fibrous with CASE II Ferro-Fibrous with CASE II Armament: 2 ExoStar Pinnacle (Clantech) ER Large Lasers (C) 1 Krupp Sturmfeuer Light Gauss Rifle 1 Holly SRM 4 w/ Artemis IV FCS (C) Manufacturer: Defiance Industries, Skobel MechWorks Primary Factory: Hesperus II (DI), Yakima Proving Grounds, Terra (SMW) Communications: Clan-enhanced Angst Discom with Nova CEWS Targeting & Tracking: Clan-enhanced Angst Accuracy with Advanced Targeting Computer ================================================================================================ Equipment Mass Internal Structure: Endo Steel (C) 5.00 Engine: 400 XL (C) 26.50 Walking MP: 4 Running MP: 6 Jumping MP: 3 Heat Sinks (Double): 10 20 0.00 Gyro: Compact 6.00 Cockpit: Standard 3.00 Armor Factor: 307 16.00 Type: Ferro-Fibrous (C) Internal Armor Structure Value Head: 3 9 Center Torso: 31 50 Center Torso (rear): 12 R/L Torso: 21 34 R/L Torso (rear): 8 R/L Arm: 17 34 R/L Leg: 21 42 ================================================================================================ Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage Nova CEWS (C) H 1 1.50 Jump Jet CT 1 2.00 CASE II (C) RT 1 0.50 Jump Jet RT 1 2.00 Light Gauss Rifle (Ammo 32) RT 2 2.00 SRM 4 (Ammo 25) Artemis IV RT 1 1.00 CASE II (C) LT 1 0.50 Jump Jet LT 1 2.00 Light Gauss Rifle LT 5 12.00 SRM 4 w/ Artemis IV FCS (C) LT 1 1.00 Communications Equipment (3 tons) (C) RA 3 3.00 ER Large Laser (C) RA 1 4.00 ER Large Laser (C) LA 1 4.00 Targeting Computer (C) LA 4 4.00 Note: Equipped with RISC Heat Sink Override Kit & RISC Super-Cooled Myomer ================================================================================================ Alpha Strike Statistics Point Value (PV): 55 TP: BM, SZ: 4, TMM: 1, MV: 8"/6"j Damage: (S) 3 / (M) 3 / (L) 3, OV: 1 Armor (A): 10, Structure (S): 5 Specials: CASEII, ECM, MHQ4, NOVA, OVL, PRB, RCN The Atlas AS7-K3-Tb "Gewitter" is subject to the following Design Quirks: Accurate Weapon (Light Gauss Rifle) Battlefists Combat Computer Command 'Mech Difficult to Maintain Distracting Improved Communications Improved Sensors Multi-Trac Stablized Weapon (Light Gauss Rifle) Variable Range Targeting
What do you think, Karrie?
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karriethemechtech · 5 months
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Yaguara YGR-2D
Mass: 75 tons Chassis: Earthwerks TDR IV Power Plant: Vlar 300 XL Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings Model 60 Jump Capacity: 120 meters Armor: Hellespont Lite Armament: 1 Rotary AC/2 2 SRM 6 2 ER Large Laser 2 Medium Pulse Laser Manufacturer: Majesty Metals and Manufacturing Primary Factory: Unknown Communication System: Tek BattleCom Targeting & Tracking System: Tek Tru-Trak Introduction Year: 3146 Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-D Cost: 21,250,250 C-bills
Overview Proposed as part of Project: BIG CAT for the Magistracy of Canopus, the Yaguara was designed by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing in 3146 as a fast moving, hard-hitting heavy 'Mech.
Capabilities The Yaguara was built from the ground up with speed and long-ranged engagement in mind. Built around a supercharged Vlar 300 XL engine, the 'Mech can sprint over 86 kph, allowing it to keep up with lances comprised of much lighter 'Mechs than itself. It complements this ground speed with four Rawlings Model 60 jump jets, granting it a jumping distance of 120 meters for an extra mobility boost. Its armement is built around a pair of Clan-spec ER large lasers, uncommon in the region, and a class-2 Rotary Autocannon, with a pair of SRM-6's and medium pulse lasers as close-engagement backups. All of this, unfortunately, comes at the cost of heat: the Yaguara was designed with bracket fire in mind, and MechWarriors are advised not to alpha strike without due cause.
Type: Yaguara Technology Base: Mixed (Standard) Tonnage: 75 Battle Value: 2,201
Equipment Mass Internal Structure 7.5 Engine 300 XL 9.5 Walking MP: 4 Running MP: 6(8) Jumping MP: 4 Double Heat Sink 16 [32] 6 Gyro 3 Cockpit 3 Armor Factor (Light Ferro) 203 12 Internal Armor Structure Value Head 3 9 Center Torso 23 30 Center Torso (rear) 10 R/L Torso 16 24 R/L Torso (rear) 6 R/L Arm 12 20 R/L Leg 16 27
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage 2 Jump Jet LL 2 - 2.0 Supercharger CT 1 - 1.0 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 4 2.0 SRM 6 RT 2 4 3.0 Double Heat Sink RT 3 - 1.0 Rotary AC/2 RT 3 1 8.0 ER Large Laser LA 1 12 4.0 Double Heat Sink LA 3 - 1.0 Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 4 2.0 SRM 6 LT 2 4 3.0 Double Heat Sink LT 3 - 1.0 CASE II LT 1 - 1.0 Rotary AC/2 Ammo (45) LT 1 - 1.0 SRM 6 Ammo (15) LT 1 - 1.0 2 Jump Jet RL 2 - 2.0 ER Large Laser RA 1 12 4.0 Double Heat Sink RA 3 - 1.0
Features the following design quirks: Rugged (1 point)
I managed to get info on more of Project: BIG CAT! This one's a neat machine, too--though I do wonder where they got the cERLLs...
(OOC: I'm really enjoying designing a series/project of 'Mechs like this! The most fun part is probably deciding on what carries over within the 'Mech family--both on part manufacturers and general design trends. See if you can guess what they are!)
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boinkingbattlemechs · 1 month
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Ice Ferret
A powerful medium scout and recon 'Mech, the Ice Ferret was regarded as something of a foreign concept when it was first encountered by Inner Sphere forces. Known by the code name Fenris by Inner Sphere forces, the Ice Ferret is a very capable medium scout OmniMech, which is well armored and fast, and can be configured as a striker, headhunter, or as a fire-support 'Mech.
Deployed extensively by Clan Wolf, the Ice Ferret was actually designed to combat the pride of Clan Wolf, the Timber Wolf OmniMech. Originally named the Wolf Hunter, the Ice Ferret was first produced in the mid-2900s by Clan Ice Hellion, but performed poorly due to lack-luster weapon configurations. Annoyed by the constant Hellion harassment, but appreciating the potential of the new OmniMech, Clan Wolf warriors eventually began challenging for the OmniMech, and eventually won the production facility for the design. The Wolves renamed the design after the only natural predator of the ice hellion, the ice ferret, and altered the configurations to improve performance. The Ice Hellions maintained a large number of the "Wolf Hunters" in their touman throughout their existence. However, in the early years of the Jihad era, the Ice Ferret's few production facilities would end up being destroyed during the chaotic fighting in Clan Homeworlds. The design would end up being phased out of use and replaced by the Viper.
The Ice Ferret is built on a lightweight endo steel chassis and is powered by a massive 360-rated XL engine that gives the Ice Ferret a top speed of 129.6 km/h and also accounts for one third of the 'Mech's total weight. The Ice Ferret has 12 double heat sinks mounted on the chassis and is protected by seven and a half tons of ferro-fibrous armor, giving the 'Mech almost the maximum amount of armor protection for its weight.
In its Primary configuration, the Ice Ferret is capable of acting in a variety of roles. For close combat, the Prime has a Streak SRM-2 launcher and an ER small laser, and for long range engagements the 'Mech is armed with a single ER PPC, giving it excellent long range hitting power for its size. The Ice Ferret also carries an Active Probe allowing the 'Mech to detect hidden enemy units.
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econhelpdesk · 6 days
Data Storytelling with Bivariate Analysis in R: Assignment Help Insights
Introduction to Bivariate Analysis in R
Bivariate analysis is a basic statistical technique to examine the correlation, figure out the cause-effect patterns, forecast future outcomes between two variables. Hence, it provides a solid foundation and strengthen the skills to handle sophisticated data analysis involving multiple variables.
R software is a frequently used by academicians and students in conducting basic descriptive and bivariate analysis and is capable of handling diverse datasets with ease. It is known for its flexibility, robust functionalities and community support. Using R to conduct bivariate analysis allows students to sharpen their basic data analysis skills and enable them to handle advanced techniques like regression, data modelling and machine learning.
R or R studio comes with a steep learning curve. Many students struggle with learning the bivariate analysis process in R, writing codes, generating visualizations and interpreting the outputs. To help overcome such issues, online R assignment expert service provides the must-needed support to assist students in solving their data analysis tasks and assignments involving R coding. In this post, we will discuss how students can avail R assignment help to learn new perspectives of interpreting data and expanding their analytical skills.
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Why Bivariate Analysis is Key for Data Storytelling
Data storytelling has been a key practical skill in the sphere of data science and analytics. Bivariate analysis comes handy in analyzing raw data and turning them into insightful stories explaining the relationship between two variables. These correlations can be displayed in the form of plots and graphical visualizations in R or any other statistical software to demonstrate the story behind the data to the stakeholders. With bivariate analysis, you can tell a story about:
Trends and patterns between variables (e.g., age and income, height and weight)
Predictive insights (how one variable predicts the outcome of another)
Correlations (whether variables move in tandem or inversely)
While using this analysis in R, you not only get computation power to generate results but also learn visualization through several plotting functions. Regardless of whether one is just using a basic scatter plot or something more advanced like a heat map, R is a must have tool for students working on data analysis.
How to Conduct Bivariate Analysis Using a mtcars Dataset in R
In this example, we'll use the mtcars dataset in R, which includes the information on 32 car models, such as miles per gallon (mpg), weight (wt), and horsepower (hp). We will conduct a bivariate analysis to examine the relationship between mpg and wt, demonstrating how to explore these variables using R.
Step 1: Load the Dataset
First, load the dataset and take a look at its structure.
# Load the dataset
# View the structure of the dataset
These commands load the data and displays the structure and its variables.
Step 2: Conduct Basic Summary Statistics
A basic overview of the descriptive statistics of the variables is crucial before going further into visualization techniques. You can calculate summary statistics for mpg and wt:
# Summary statistics for mpg and wt
The results of descriptive statistics showcase basic statistics such as minimum, maximum, median and mean of these two variables. This provides a context to the data that will be visualized in the next step.
Step 3: Visualize the Relationship
Visualizing the relationship between the variables is the crucial aspect of bivariate analysis. Here we will plot a scatter plot that will help in determining the relationship between the weight and the number of miles per gallon.
# Create a scatterplot to explore the relationship between mpg and wt
plot(mtcars$wt, mtcars$mpg,
     main = "Scatterplot of Weight vs. Miles per Gallon",
     xlab = "Car Weight (1000 lbs)",
     ylab = "Miles per Gallon",
     pch = 19, col = "blue")
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On this scatterplot, one axis measures weight (probability term wt) and the other measures the number of Milles per Gallon (Mpg). From the plot, we can notice an inverse relationship that means if the weight of the car is increased then the number of miles per gallon will be decreased. This insight provides us a base for a deeper analysis.
Step 4: Calculate Correlation
After that, we compute the correlation coefficient, which measures the strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables. To do this in R, the cor() function is used.
# Calculate the correlation between mpg and wt
cor(mtcars$wt, mtcars$mpg)
The correlation coefficient will be a value between -1 and 1.
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In this case we get -0. 87 (negative correlation coefficient) which means there is strong negative relationship between weight and fuel efficiency.
Step 5: Add a Regression Line
To analyze the relationship further, we can plot a linear regression line to the chart. It enables visualizing the overall trend and estimate mpg based on car weight.
# Add a regression line to the scatterplot
model <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
abline(model, col = "red")
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This command fits a linear regression model and displays a red regression line over the scatter plot. This line helps in predicting the miles per gallon based on the car weight, demonstrating the inverse relationship between the variables.
Step 6: Interpret the Results
The analysis reveals the fact that car weight has a negative effect on fuel efficiency. Those vehicles weighing more tend to be less fuel efficient. This kind of reasoning is used in real-life dataset and students can also use it other problems in their academics.
Also Read: Unleash Power of Doing Predictive Analytics with    SPSS Modeler
Why Students Should Use R for Bivariate Analysis
R is the preferred tool for conducting bivariate analysis for several reasons:
Comprehensive Data Manipulation and Visualization Tools: R has numerous functions and libraries like ggplot2 through which the students can manipulate the data, make insightful plots and conduct deeper analysis.
Ease of Learning: Although R may seem confusing for beginners, but its capabilities in applying various statistical functions becomes easy with little bit of practice. With a large community base, a learner can find instant examples to resolve syntax errors.
Real-world Applications: The skills you develop with R provides a strong base in handling more complex data analysis using other software, making R a valuable statistical software.
Reproducibility: Every step you perform or every code you write in R can be easily reproduced to replicate results.
Extensive Libraries: R is in-built with extensive libraries such as the ggplot2, dplyr, and car offers the students with a smart toolkit to help students perform basic as well as advanced analysis.
The Value of R Assignment Help Services
Although R is very user friendly once students get familiar with it, many of them may find it challenging to learn how to execute bivariate analysis concepts using R or perhaps they may need troubleshooting errors in their R Studio assignments. To cope up with the coding and troubleshooting challenges students can opt for our R assignment help services. Our services provide expert guidance to ensure students:
Receive High-Quality Solutions: Our experts assist with code optimization and comprehensive interpretation to meet the necessary academic standards of writing and presenting data analysis reports.
Understand the Process: In addition to providing answers, our expert tutors also explain the justification behind each line of code, thereby enhancing students’ knowledge and improving their overall competency in R programming.
Gain Confidence: By using our R homework support services, students gain exposure to new perspectives and insights of looking and analyzing data.
Bivariate analysis is an essential skill for any student intending to join the field of data science and statistical analysis. Knowing how to perform bivariate analysis using R builds a solid foundation of learning the basic relationship among variables and paves way to go deeper into the analysis. The integration of bivariate analysis together with storytelling create effective ways of presenting the findings. Students are able to enhance their analysis in an efficient and effective manner.
For students struggling with the tasks in R Studio, using R assignment help is the smartest strategy to adopt. Our services do not only offer quality solutions but also enable students to discover new perspectives and approaches towards data analysis.
Helpful Resources and Textbooks
R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham – A comprehensive guide to learning R.
An Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James – Great for understanding statistical models in R.
Advanced R by Hadley Wickham – For students looking to deepen their R programming skills.
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2025 GMC Yukon: A Look at the Refreshed Full-Size SUV
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The 2025 GMC Yukon features updated front and rear fasciae with new grille patterns and headlights giving it a more modern appearance. The available diesel engine sees a power boost, now delivering 305 horsepower and 495 pound-feet of torque. The lineup introduces the AT4 Ultimate trim, which combines off-road capability with luxury features. A new 16.8-inch infotainment screen with a portrait orientation and updated digital gauge cluster enhance the cabin’s tech appeal. https://twitter.com/CARandDRIVER/status/1825654133023523317
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Also Read: Acura Performance EV Concept Unveiled at Monterey Car Week The 2025 GMC Yukon features a bolder front end that draws inspiration from the GMC Sierra EV. The most noticeable change is the new set of stacked LED headlights, which are now taller and extend deeper into the redesigned bumper. These headlights are complemented by larger c-shaped running lights. The grille has been updated across the trim levels with each variant sporting a unique design. A new trim piece links the slightly elongated taillights and the quad tailpipes now feature a squared-off design. The overall side profile of the Yukon remains unchanged from the fourth-generation model introduced in 2020. However there are new alloy wheel options with sizes ranging up to 24 inches on the Denali Ultimate trim. The interior of the 2025 GMC Yukon has undergone a huge transformation centered around a new 16.8-inch portrait-oriented touchscreen. This screen is one of the largest in its class and offers user customization options for functions such as navigation, audio and more. The screen's vertical orientation is a departure from the previous model's design and required a complete reworking of the dashboard. The dashboard has been entirely redesigned to accommodate the large touchscreen. The new layout includes vertically oriented air vents on either side of the screen. The digital driver display is housed in a Y-shaped enclosure. An optional 8.0-inch landscape screen is available for second-row passengers. This screen allows them to control climate settings and other functions. Despite the move towards a more digital interface 2025 GMC Yukon has retained a row of physical buttons at the base of the large touchscreen for commonly used features. The turbocharged 3.0-liter Duramax inline-six diesel engine now produces 305 horsepower and 495 pound-feet of torque, an increase from the previous model's 277 hp and 420 lb-ft. The standard 5.3-liter V8 gasoline engine remains available, delivering 355 horsepower. For those seeking even more power, an optional 6.2-liter V8 engine produces 420 horsepower. Both V8 engines are paired with a ten-speed automatic transmission. The Yukon's maximum towing capacity remains unchanged at 8,400 pounds. This capacity continues to position the Yukon as a strong contender for those who need a full-size SUV with towing capabilities. The 2025 GMC Yukon can seat up to eight passengers or seven with the optional second-row captain’s chairs. The Denali trims provides a more luxurious interior with wood trim and leather upholstery. https://twitter.com/cacaca_car_/status/1824317161709478089 Also Read: Lamborghini Temerario: A 907bhp Hybrid Beast that Replaces the Huracan V10 The 2025 GMC Yukon provides generous cargo space with enough room for six carry-on cases behind the third row. With both the second and third rows stowed, the Yukon can accommodate 35 carry-on cases and the Yukon XL offers a massive 145 cubic feet of cargo space. The new centerpiece of the Yukon’s dashboard, this large, portrait-oriented display is easy to use providing access to GMC’s latest infotainment interface. Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and a Wi-Fi hotspot are standard across the lineup. Available as an option, this premium sound system enhances the in-car audio experience. Standard Safety Features Include automated emergency braking with forward-collision warning, providing an extra layer of protection in everyday driving. These include lane-departure warning, lane-keeping assist, adaptive cruise control and GMC’s Super Cruise hands-free driving mode, which are available on higher trims. A new addition for 2025, this system enhances visibility during nighttime driving, making it easier to detect obstacles and pedestrians in low-light conditions. The 2025 GMC Yukon lineup introduces the new AT4 Ultimate trim, which builds on the rugged characteristics of the standard AT4 model while adding luxury features typically reserved for higher trims. The AT4 Ultimate is designed for those who want to enjoy off-road adventures without sacrificing comfort and refinement. The AT4 Ultimate features exclusive Obsidian Rush trim, full-grain leather seats and Ash Burl wood accents. These premium materials create a luxurious cabin environment. The AT4 Ultimate is equipped with a front skid plate, 20-inch wheels wrapped in all-terrain tires and an air-ride suspension that can raise the vehicle by up to two inches. While the AT4 Ultimate adds a new level of luxury to the off-road-focused AT4, the Denali Ultimate trim retains its position as the flagship model in the Yukon lineup. The Denali Ultimate offers even more luxury features including 24-inch wheels, a 22-speaker Bose Performance Series sound system and 16-way massaging front seats. The 2025 GMC Yukon comes with an array of advanced driver-assist systems many of which are now standard across the lineup. These include rear cross-traffic braking, side bicyclist alert, front pedestrian and bicyclist braking and intersection auto emergency braking. GMC offers Super Cruise hands-free driving as an option on the 2025 GMC Yukon. This system allows for hands-free driving on compatible highways. Additionally Night Vision with thermal detection is available, providing visibility in low-light conditions and helping to detect pedestrians, animals and other obstacles on the road. While official pricing for the 2025 GMC Yukon has not yet been announced, it is expected that the starting MSRP will be in the low $60,000 range. The most expensive model, the Denali Ultimate will likely exceed the $105,000 starting price of the 2024 version. The 2025 GMC Yukon will be available at US dealerships by the end of 2024. Production will take place at the Arlington Assembly plant in Texas and the vehicle will be ready for distribution across North America and other markets. https://twitter.com/Jalopnik/status/1825624917477569023 Also Read: Ford and Mazda Alerts Over 475,000 Vehicles Due to Dangerous Takata Airbags
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