#Maximoff children
braveclementine · 1 month
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
This is Penny, generated by AI. I wasn't thinking this much green in her Agent outfit- I was picturing more like Viper from Valorant. And also, Penny doesn't have a mask, but this was the more decent of the others that were generated. 
🍛🤫 𝕤ᵗ𝔬𝐫𝓎 🧬🤚
Elizabeth walked into the community room or the living room, whatever you wanted to call it, of the Avengers tower. She found that many of the Avengers were standing in a semi-circle, various weapons pointed at a man wearing a strange outfit in a faded red colour, along with a strange helmet so all you could mostly see were his eyes, nose, and mouth.
His eyes lifted to see hers and said, "Ah. I see you managed to survive. Let's change that." And her trident flew across the room, going through her stomach, pinning her to the wall. Bucky and Steve hollered, running to her as Elijah exploded into flames.
Elizabeth jerked upright, breathing hard. Feeling alongside the bed told her it was empty, which was strange because she had been sure Sam had been there when she'd fallen asleep.
Her heart was pounding in her chest, thinking about the vividness of the dream. She died.
The bathroom door opened and Sam looked surprised to see her sitting up. "Sorry sugar, did I wake you up?" He asked softly, considering it was about two in the morning. He climbed back into bed, pulling her into his arms. "Sugar? You're shaking. What's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare." Elizabeth whispered, turning her face into his bare chest. "I died."
"Oh sugar." Sam murmured.
Elizabeth explained the dream and Sam listened before saying, "It's just your subconscious from when you died the first time. I'm sorry you're having these nightmares sugar."
"It was the first one." Elizabeth said hesitantly, a little afraid to go back to sleep. "Do I have to sleep?"
"Yeah." Sam smiled a sad smile. "Don't worry sugar, I'm right here by your side if you need me. If you have another nightmare, you can wake me up. And if you don't, well then you get your refreshing sleep. I mean, you don't have to sleep. Tony is probably down in the lab, Stephen is probably awake in the library. Bucky might even be up if you want."
Elizabeth hesitated and then tiredness over took her and she shook her head, "I'll sleep here with you."
"Sweet dreams Sugar." Sam said softly.
She hoped so.
🍣🚳 Ƥ𝕠𝕍 ¢𝓱𝓐ᑎ𝑔E 🩰🚱
Penny stretched as she joined the others in the living room of the Avengers tower. It was around mid-day and everyone was kind've just chatting in the room, sitting together.
Just about everyone was there except maybe Elizabeth. Fury had also sent Violetta and Natasha on a mission, so they weren't there either. Katya was also laying down upstairs as she hadn't been feeling to great.
Bruce had explained that with Katya, the baby seemed to have developed Lans' powers, so it was actually already shape-shifting inside of her. Bruce, Stephen, Loki, and Thor were all keeping a very close eye on her with some help from Wanda just in case things went terribly south. They were also talking about taking her up to Asgard as she neared the birth date so perhaps Frigga could help as well with the birthing process.
"Hey Penny." Clint greeted her first and she went and sat down with him, starting to feel the affects of being pregnant and on her feet to long. She was due to give birth in exactly three weeks and she was also rather fatigued all the time, which she hadn't known was a side effect.
"Tired?" Clint chuckled as she closed her eyes, wanting to fall asleep on him.
"Mhmm. Push me off if I get to heavy." Penny mumbled in a tease.
Clint just laughed at that, kissing her shoulder. "I can take it."
Penny giggled and then settled down.
"I'm just saying, an elevator isn't worthy." Steve argued.
"But an elevator isn't a person." Tony argued. "Besides, Thor stands in elevators all the time and the hammer is with him all the time."
"Because Thor is holding it." Rhodey pointed out. "But what if it was just there by itself?"
"Nah it's physics." Sam argued. "I mean, think about it right? Technically to an elevator, it's just another object."
"Whose side are you on?" Steve grumbled and Sam quickly backpedaled.
"I mean, yeah, elevators are not worthy, at all, therefore it could not go up." Sam said quickly.
"No." Tony pointed at him, "Don't be scared of him, I'll protect you."
"No you won't." Bucky and Stephen chuckled together.
Suddenly, there was a crash and you all looked over to see one of the windows had been shattered by seemingly nothing. The chatter in the room stopped and everyone slowly got to their feet.
Penny reached under the couch, grabbing one of the pistols that was tucked under there, while Clint pushed her behind him, guarding her with his body. Steve raised his hand, shield flying to his arm. Thor's hammer came to his hand and Loki created a weapon out of green mist.
A man floated through the window, wearing a strange outfit of red, complete with a cape and also a helmet.
Trang jerked backwards from him, gripping the table behind her hard with her hands.
"Who are you?" Thor demanded, pointing his hammer at the man.
"My name is Magneto." The man said and Penny watched as Pietro frowned at the man.
"You're the one who killed Lan and the others." Elijah said furiously, his entire body surrounded by flames.
"Yes. And I have come to finish the job."
"Not likely." Rhodey snapped.
"I am only here for two people."
"Who?" Bruce demanded.
"My children."
"Pardon?" Tony asked and the man glared at him.
"Wanda, Pietro, you need to come home." The man said, before lifting off his helmet, revealing his entire face. Both Pietro and Wanda took a step back and both Stephen and Loki straightened up in recognition.
"Erik?" Stephen asked in surprise.
Erik- apparently- nodded to the wizard. "Like I said, you seem to be one of the good ones. You and Loki can survive if you step aside."
"Step aside and what?" Loki asked.
"I'm only here for one life." Magneto said, narrowing his eyes at Tony. "Stark needs to pay for killing my wife."
Stephen and Loki both stood defensively in front of Tony.
"He didn't." Wanda argued. "It wasn't him."
"Where do you even get the nerve?" Pietro asked angrily. "Hiding from us, making us believe you were dead for years! And then coming here saying you're going to kill our new family and we need to go with you!"
The door of the room suddenly opened and everyone including Magneto looked over to see that Elizabeth had just entered. She froze upon seeing the room.
"Ah." Magneto murmured, "I see you managed to survive. Let's change that."
Faster than Penny could have expected, her trident came out of nowhere and would've shoved straight through her stomach again, except the weapon was thrusted away with a sweep of water, imbedding itself in the wall to the side of her.
Pietro was standing in front of Elizabeth in a millisecond, glaring at the man who said he was their father. "You will not hurt her."
"Pietro move." Magneto said, lazily.
"How dare you." Bucky growled. Magneto turned his gaze on him and suddenly Bucky's hand came up, grabbing his own throat. Bucky fell to his knees, trying to fight his own hand which was choking him out.
"Bucky." Steve and Sam tried to pull his hand away from his own throat, both of them working frantically.
"I'm getting bored and I'm disappointed. These people are not your friends, but our enemies." Magneto said.
"The only enemy here is you." Wanda growled, red wisps trailing from her fingers. Bucky stopped choking himself, gasping for breath. "Get lost."
"Like I said, disappointed." Magneto said, before thousands of tiny needles lifted into the air behind him. They zoomed forwards, ready to pierce everyone, but a wall of water was placed in front of all of them as Elizabeth controlled it, eyes blue.
"How do we stop him?" Sam asked, looking at Wanda and Pietro.
Suddenly, Elizabeth ran forwards, leaping onto the coffee table, launching herself off the back of the couch. Her water moved with her and she managed to knock the man off course where he had been floating. She wrapped her water tendrils around his throat, going through his nose, before she slammed his head against the wall and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.
"Elizabeth?" Elijah asked cautiously as her eyes faded back to their normal brown.
She looked up at him and then looked at Sam, "I just saw it in my dream." And then she turned and walked away like nothing had happened.
"What does that mean?" Tony asked. He looked shaken. "What is she talking about?"
"Last week. . ." Sam murmured, "She had a nightmare about this exact same thing. The same words, same place, same everything. And the way she fought back, it was like she had predicted his moves."
"Elizabeth has never been able to see the future." Elijah said and then threw a glance at Ghaida who looked lost in thought. "G?"
Ghaida looked at him and shook her head, "Viden won't let me know. It's another Heimdall thing. But I'd go out on a limb and say yes, somehow she predicted this. But how, I don't know."
"I'm going to have a talk with that golden-eyed bastard." Loki seethed, stalking out of the room. Penny wondered if Heimdall would actually bring Loki up to Asgard. Maybe that was the reason Heimdall hadn't come down yet to see Elizabeth. Because he knew he would be questioned.
"He's your father." Stephen said slowly. "It makes sense. When I was training him he said his childrens' names were Scarlet and Strieborná. Strieborná means Silver. Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver. I should have realized."
"How could you?" Tony sighed. "It's my fault."
"No," Wanda said softly, putting a hand on his arm. "It's not. We've already been over this. Besides. . . even so he shouldn't have come after you like this. Especially the others."
Penny quickly turned and with a bit of difficulty, knelt beside Bucky who was breathing in and out deeply while Steve and Sam continued to look at him with worry. "Bucky?" Penny asked quietly and he opened his blue eyes.
"Hey doll." He coughed, wincing. "Damn now I know how it feels."
"What do you want us to do with him?" Clint asked, looking at Wanda and Pietro.
"I have a solution." A new voice said form the door and Penny turned to see her father standing there.
🖐🦠 tƗⓜᵉ รкι𝐩 👨‍🏫🧫
"There is a separate group of superheroes that no one knows about called the X-men." Fury explained as he talked to the rest of them in the living room. "I will not disclose their location or school-"
"School?" Wanda interrupted with clear interest and Fury nodded.
"Yes. A school for kids and even adults who can't really understand their powers. They go there to learn and control them."
"I went there." Elijah said, blushing just a little. "For about two years. It's a good school."
"I'm surprised I didn't know that." Fury eyed him.
Elijah shrugged. "I was seven."
"Either way," Fury continued and Penny listened back in. "Magneto was once a friend of the head Professor, Professor X, but their differences in philosophies caused them to become more like enemies, though they still respect and admire each other."
"I don't understand. How long ago was this?" Pietro asked.
"Before you were born." Fury answered. "Professor X and Cap grew up in the same time period."
Steve looked up at that.
"What about our mother?" Wanda demanded. "Did she know?"
"Yes." Ghaida interjected. "Let's just say after you thought both of them were dead, it wasn't an accident that you were picked first out of the volunteer groups."
"It was all planned from the start." Pietro said flatly.
"Did our mother have powers?" Wanda asked.
"No." Ghaida answered.
"My solution, if it's alright with both of you Maximoff's, is to give your father back over to the X-men. They can hold him with no dangers to themselves or other people." Fury said.
Wanda and Pietro looked at each other and Penny pitied them. It couldn't be easy, thinking that your parents were dead. Then finding out that their father was alive and a monster.
"Yes." Wanda answered softly, "They can have him. I don't know if I ever want to see him again."
Fury nodded and then strode to the door and opened it. Two men came into the room, one walking, the other in a wheel chair.
The man who was standing looked a little like Bucky from what Penny could tell. He had clean brown hair that was floppy on both sides, although cut much shorter than Bucky's hair. He was also wearing all leather, along with black gloves. Penny couldn't see his eyes because he was wearing a sort of. . . almost like glasses but they were in one line and she couldn't see past the tint.
The other man was a much older man with a bald head and kind brown eyes. He was wearing a brown suit and he was able to get around in his wheelchair with the buttons on it.
When the man in the wheelchair spoke, he had a low, pleasant, gravely sort of voice. "We will take care of him from here. Thank you, Nicholas. Good to see you Elijah."
Elijah nodded and smiled a little. 
Penny's father nodded and said, "We just don't want anyone else getting hurt."
"Nor we." The man with the glasses added. He didn't look at any of them, but Penny couldn't help but feel as though he was scanning them since they couldn't see his eyes.
"Wanda my dear," The man in the wheelchair addressed her and she gave a small start, "Walk out with me, please?"
Wanda got up and said, "Of course."
The three of them left with Wanda's father, still unconscious.
"Well that was anti-climatic." Rhodey.
"Speak for yourself." Tony said, getting up and striding out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Rhodey winced.
Trang, Bruce, and Stephen quickly went after him.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y." Elijah sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Where's Elizabeth?"
"She's in Miss Kashuals room with her children." F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied and Elijah went off out of the room as well.
The rest of everyone else sort've just sat there for a long time. Eventually Pietro stood up and was gone without another word.
Fury stood too, "Penny, walk with me."
Glad to be rid of the room, Penny got up and walked with her father out of the living room.
"How are you feeling?" Her father asked as they headed towards the elevator.
"Shaken. Confused." Penny answered. "The attack was so sudden, but it was over so quickly and no one was even. . . well I guess Bucky would constitute as hurt but. . . Elizabeth took over the situation so quickly, defeated him so quickly. . . how could she have possibly been killed the first time?"
"Wilson says she dreamed about it for a week." Fury said. "I think maybe she was reacting to it instinctively."
"But how can she have dreams or nightmares about something that hadn't even happened yet?" Penny asked as the two of them stepped into the elevator. "That shouldn't be possible."
"Penelope." Fury said and she looked over at her father. "I'm immortal, went to space and lost an eye because of a Flerken which looked like a cat, while fighting off aliens. None of this should be possible. Water powers, fire powers, nature powers, Gods, super soldiers, the Hulk. Elizabeth was raised from the dead. Who knows what new powers she has."
Penny was silent for a moment, because everything he had said was true.
"Are you ready for having your baby?" Fury changed the subject.
"You and Rogers come up with names yet?"
"No. We don't even know the gender of the child." Penny said and then looked over at Fury. "Have you um. . . has Sharon. . ."
Fury sighed. "I talked to Scott and he's more lax about the situation than Rogers was. He told Sharon as much as he wished she would keep his child, and said he wanted the child, and he would raise him or her, ultimately he respected her decision. Although, I can't see them interacting in the future."
"Who. . . who do you think is more right?" Penny asked hesitantly.
Fury sighed. "As a man, I really hate touching the subject of abortion Penny."
"I know but. . ." Penny glanced at him, "If mom. . ."
"Maria wouldn't." Fury shrugged. "I never have to deal with it." He glanced over at her and sighed, "Maybe. . . maybe before I had you, I wouldn't have cared. But after watching your mother carry you and love you in her womb, watching her cry as she birthed you, and the ecstatic feeling that I had when I got to hold you when you were only three minutes old. . . it's a feeling I will never forget and I want to experience over and over. So. . . if it were to happen to me, I would react like Rogers. I wouldn't be able to forgive Maria if she did do that to me."
"Scott has a daughter though." Penny frowned.
"Yeah, and he's hurting." Fury nodded, "But he doesn't feel like receiving the backlash that Steve did over the subject."
"It's stupid." Penny muttered.
"It's life and politics. You want to play the political game, you got to be ready with responses and backlash and criticism." Fury responded and the elevator doors opened up, the two of them walking out. "Some people are going to believe that abortion is healthcare. That's their opinion, that's their choice. And others think it's murder. I say, we need to stop arguing. And I also say that if someone has a different opinion from you, doesn't make the other person wrong or right. Just respect it and stop bashing them for being different."
Penny smiled as her father got heated. "Going to run for the Presidency with that speech?"
Fury chuckled, pulling Penny into a side hug as Coulson drove up in his black Sudan. "Nah. I'd rather just be your father. Besides, I like ordering the Avengers around to much."
"Hey Phil." Penny said, while laughing at her fathers' words.
"Hey Pen." Coulson greeted her. "Ready Fury?"
"Yep." Fury said. "Stay safe Penny, keep me updated on your pregnancy."
"Tell mom I said I love her." Penny called out and the car drove away. Penny looked around and noticed she didn't see Wanda anywhere. Maybe she had gone with the X-men to their school. She had seemed interested enough and the man in the wheelchair had seemed open enough to her.
Well, at least this nightmare was over. 
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Marvel: Magneto is not actually biologically related to the Maximoffs anymore
Marvel drawing them:
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0livdocx · 3 months
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Why is he sitting like that is a baby going to come out from that magnussy are the twins going to help him give birth
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rewritingcanon · 1 month
my sister and i just yapped for almost three hours and we were just talking about how genuinely weird people in fandom are surrounding characters who have explicit mental illness. like they can never ever be normal. there are characters who are romanticised and glamourised for their mental illness (eren. wanda. joker. kaneki. nico. almost any danganronpa/ddlc character). characters who are consistently ridiculed for their mental illness either because it simply isn’t getting taken seriously (reiner) or because no one takes the character seriously (armin). and there are the characters that get blatantly outright DESPISED for it (basil, harry potter, korra, gale, also eren etc etc). like yes im seeing a correlation but its still so astounding how selective people are about where they draw the line with mental illness and what traits they can accept.
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magnetothemagnificent · 6 months
Not a huge fan of recent Marvel comics forgetting Magda and her importance in Magneto's life and history in favour of focusing only on Charles.......
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stew-magnetos-version · 6 months
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Wanda using her powers. I need more in my life of them just being siblings.
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 6 months
Peter Maximoff Headcanons ⚡️
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sfw headcanons !!
would take you on an arcade date
would accidentally shoot you in laser tag and then beg a little kid to shoot him so he could join you
whines about not beating his high score on Pac-man
will cuddle you to sleep
he’s literally a spooning God (would switch between big and little spoon depending on his mood)
brings you back food or a little token of some sort whenever he goes out with his friends
would totally play with your hair while you read, journal, color, anything
gives you a super cute nickname in his phone !! “sugarcakes 💞” “Future Mrs. Maximoff ❤️” etc
would take you on motorcycle rides and possibly give you whiplash, then feel super bad about it
would introduce you to Pink Floyd and then call it “our music”
would learn a singular song on guitar to play for you only once
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altoace · 1 year
I love X-Men Evo, and I have hundreds of incorrect quotes saved. I love all of these dumb teens (as well as Logan and Ororo) very much.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Scott: No, I’ll tell you what the problem is! The problem is—
Lance: {holds his breath and covers his ears}
Scott: Great, that’s just what your brain needs. Less oxygen.
— — — — —
Pietro: Isn’t it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they’re annoying?
Pietro: Imagine if people did that to other people? I would’ve been dead years ago!
— — — — —
Rogue: Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
— — — — —
Kurt, during training: Hey, who wants to see an impression of my mother?
Scott: Kurt, no.
*Kurt teleports out of the room*
Scott: KURT, NO!
— — — — —
Scott: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Kurt: Plane tickets?
Evan: Concert tickets?
Kitty: Prostitution?
Scott, eyes closed, holding his shades: Glasses.
— — — — —
Lance: {walks in}
Todd and Fred: {making horse noises at each other}
Lance: {walks out}
— — — — —
Tabitha: Every now and then, I like to do as I’m told just to confuse people.
— — — — —
Kitty: {running away from mutants working for Magneto while on the phone}
Scott: Where are you?!
Kitty: I don’t know! You tell me!
Scott: Any sort of notable sign or something?!
Kitty: Umm…staircase!
Scott: Anything else? Like a room name?! Any item that’s unique?!
Kitty: Fire extinguisher!
Rogue, muttering under her breath: She’s gonna die…
— — — — —
Kurt: When life gives you lemons—
Rogue: Squeeze them in people’s eyes.
— — — — —
Evan: Someday, in the distant future, people will once again be capable of hearing the phrase “what is love” without also feeling the primal urge to respond with “baby don’t hurt me”.
Kitty: So at that point, people will say “baby don’t hurt me”…no more?
— — — — —
Wanda: Can you pass the pepper?
Todd: What’s the ~magic word~?
*Wanda begins chanting*
Pietro, panicking: JUST TAKE IT OH MY GOD
— — — — —
Xavier: I admit, I was wrong to give up on you all so quickly.
The Brotherhood: Good.
Xavier: However—
The Brotherhood: No, no however. Just be wrong. Just live in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it.
— — — — —
Lance: Where’s the yogurt? I thought you went to the store?
Pietro: {incoherent mumbling}
Lance: Huh?
— — — — —
*at the zoo*
Lance: So, what are they in for?
Kitty: This isn’t prison.
Lance: So they can leave?
Kitty: Well, no but—
Lance, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one killed somebody.
— — — — —
Xavier: Do you know why I chose you as my first student?
Scott: I assumed you lost a bet.
— — — — —
Scott: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Evan: “Best smile”.
Kurt: “Nicest personality”.
Kitty: “Most likely to start a bar fight”.
Rogue: “Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one”.
— — — — —
Jean: Evan, if we get out of this alive, I will kill you.
Evan: So what’s my incentive to live?
— — — — —
Kurt: Are you a morning person or an evening person?
Scott: If I’m lucky, I get a good few minutes in during the middle of the day.
— — — — —
Scott: Sorry I’m late. I broke down on my way here.
Rogue: Is your car okay?
Scott: Car?
The X-Men:
— — — — —
Lance: Mystique is gonna try and have you killed.
Scott: I can’t say that surprises me.
— — — — —
Kurt, about Tabitha: I don’t know what she’s planning, but I can tell you two things. We won’t like it, and it won’t be legal.
— — — — —
Pietro: Of all the things I am low enough to do, how could you even doubt if that was one of them?
— — — — —
Todd: Why are only roosters allowed to start the day screaming?
Lance: Because we live in the same house and I will murder you.
— — — — —
Scott: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club.
Wanda: What club?
Rogue: The hating Magneto club.
Wanda: The fuck? I should be the leader of that club.
— — — — —
Kitty: Guys! Logan just fell down the stairs!
Ororo: And what did he say?
Kitty: Should I skip the swearing?
Ororo: Yes.
Kitty: Then he fell in silence.
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olsenism · 1 year
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Happy Mother's Day to Wanda Maximoff
“But they do. In every other universe. I know they do. Because I dream of them, every night, of my boys, of our life together. Every night, the same dream. And every morning, the same nightmare.”
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thisiseditsandstuff · 4 months
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"The Avengers don't want to find [Wanda], William. If they find her, they'll have to kill her. And the minute you step out of line, they'll kill you too."
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batcavescolony · 9 months
I saw a comment awhile back about Tommy Shepherd and how they didn't understand why Tommy didn't stay with the Kaplan's. they're such nice, kind people, and they felt it was wrong that Tommy didn't stay. but I can't help thinking that that was the problem. They were kind, they were nice, and they were everything Tommy didn't get.
Imagine finding out you're the reincarnated child of the Scarlet Witch, and your brother got reincarnated too! But you got shitty parents who don't care about you and didn't fight for you when you were being turned into a human weapon. Then you meet your soul twins parents, and they are kind and loving to everyone, even you, and you just can't help but wonder. Why did my twin get kind, accepting parents, and I got ones that couldn't care less? What did I do to deserve what I got? So I think the Kaplan's were nice and kind and loving, and everything that Tommy didn't get was just too much.
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comicsgallery-marvel · 5 months
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Avengers: The Children's Crusade (2010) #2
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evanpetersbr · 1 year
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Mini Evan Peters in celebration of Children's Day! 🧑🏼💙
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outlawssweetheart · 5 months
Going a bit feral rn over "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?" because my mind is applying it to so many characters.
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siderains · 4 months
lorna, pietro and wanda in the boat????? hellooooooooo??????
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itsagentromanoff · 4 months
Wanda: I need shoes.
Tony: Blacksmith's right around the corner.
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